A NEW Prognostication For the Year of our Lord, 1691. Being the third Year after Bissextile or Leap-year, and from the Creation of the World, 5640. Exactly Calculated according to Art, for the Meridian of the most famous City of EDINBURGH, whose Latitude is 55 d. 54 m. ½. and Longitude is 11 d. 37 m. blazon or coat of arms of the city of Edinburgh, featuring a triple-towered castle supported by a female figure or maiden and a doe NISI. DOMINUS. FRUSTRA By G. S. Philomath. EDINBURGH, Printed by the Heir of Andrew Anderson, Printer to the City and College, for the Year 1691. A succinct Computation of memorable things to this present Year, 1691. Since the Creation of the World 5640 Since the Flood of Noah 3984 Since the Destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah 3595 Since the Building of Rome 2443 Since the Building of Edinburgh Castle 2021 Since the First King of Scotland FERGUS 2020 Since the Passion and Death of CHRIST 1658 Since the Conversion of St. Paul 1657 Since the Burning of Rome by NERO 1630 Since the Christian Faith was first received in Scotland 1481 Since the First use of Guns 311 Since the Invention of Printing 251 Since the College of Glasgow was builded 236 Since the Battle of Pinkie, Septemb. 10. 144 Since the Battle of Corrychie, Septemb. 10. 129 Since the Battle of Brichen 119 Since the College of Edinburgh was builded 109 Since the Pest in Edinburgh, wherein died 11000 107 Since the Bridge of Dee was fought 102 Since the College of Aberdene was founded by the Earl Marshal 98 Since the Battle of Glenlivet 97 Since the Gun-Powder-Treason, Novemb. 5. 86 Since the Bridge of Dee was fought again, June 52 Since the Rebellion in Ireland 49 Since the Battle of Tippermoor, Septemb. 1. and Aberdene Sept. 14. 47 Since the Battle of Inverlochie, Feb. 2. Oldearn, May 9 Alford, July 2. Kilsyth, Aug. 15. and Philiphaugh 46 Since the Battle of Preston, commonly called the Duke's Engagement 43 Since the Englishes entered Scotland, july 22. Battle of Dumbar Septemb. 3. Edinb. Castle rendered, Decemb. 24. 41 Since the Town of Dundee was taken Sept. 1. Battle of Worcester Sep. 3. 40 Since the Birth of King William, Novemb. 4. 1650. 41 Since the Birth of Queen Mary, April 30. 1662. 29 Since the Arrival of King William to England, Novemb. 5. 1688. 3 Since the Proclamation of K. William and Q Mary at Edinburgh Whom God preserve long to Reign over us. 2 Since the Surrendering the Castle of Edinburgh, june 13. 1689 2 Common or Vulgar Notes this Year, 1691. The Golden Number is 1 The Epact is 11 The Dominical Letter is D Fastens-even, or Shrove-tuesday Feb. 24 Pasch, or Easter day April 12 Whitsunday May 31 Of the Eclipses of the Luminaries, which will happen in this year, 1691. IN this Year of God 1691, there will happen two Eclipses of the Sun, but none of the Moon will fall in any part of this our Earthly Glob, in all this Solar Revolution. The first Eclipse of the Sun will happen on February the eighteenth, about our five a-clock in the morning, but in respect it will be invisible to us, therefore I forbear to mention any further of it. The second Eclipse of the Sun will be on Thursday the thirteenth day of August, near six of the clock at night: it is celebrated in one degree of Virgo, and Will be a great Eclipse, if the Air be serene, three fourth's of the Sun's Body will be obscured. The envious Planet Saturn rules the Horoscope, and will be in the ninth Angle, in platick Opposition of Jupiter: Mercury governs the Eclipse, and Mars from Gemini, (in Conjunction of the Bull's Eye) casts an angry Quadrate both at the Eclipsed Sun and him. Verbum sat. ☞ On the 25th day of July this Year, is Celebrated a famous Opposition of Saturn and Mars; one of them is with the Pleyades and the other in Opposition unto that turbulent Constellation. The effects whereof will not only be seen in the Air, but in the Actions and Passions of humane kind: I mean that part of them that are subject to those two Signs wherein the Opposition is made, viz. Taurus and Scorpio. The four Quarters of this year, 1691. Spring. THe Spring gins on Tuesday, March 10th the Sun entering into the Aequinoctial Sign Sign Aries, making our days and nights equal. Summer. THe Summer Season gins on Thursday, June 11th, the Sun then entering into the Sign Cancer, making our days longest; and our night's shortest. Harvest. THe Harvest Season gins on Sunday, September 13th, the Sun entering into the 2d. Aequinoctial Sign Libra, making again our days and nights equal. Winter. THe Winter Season gins on Saturnday, December 12. the Sun then entering into Capricorn, making the shortest day and longest night. The exact Day, Hour and Minute of the New Moon, her Full and Quarters, with the daily disposition of the Wether, the whole remarkable Fairs in Scotland; with some remarkable days for the year 1691. Also the Suns rising and setting at Edinburgh, the first day of each Month. January gins upon Thursday, XXXI. days. Sun riseth 25 minutes past 8. sets 35 minutes past 3. Full Moon Sunday 4 day, 31 min. past 11 forenoon. Last qu. Sunday 11 day, 45 min. past 8 morning. Change Monday 19 day, 11 hours in the forenoon Second qu. Tuesday 27 day, at 6 in the morning. The first two days windy and stormy, to the 11th more fair but windy, to the 18th inclining to Snow and Stormy, to the 30. frost, with some Winds, Snow or Rain, the last day is an odd day. The first Fair in the year is at Kilsyth the 1 day. St. naughlan's Fair at the Town of old Meldrum, the 2 Tuesday. Tantan fair at Lawrance Kirk, and at the Kirk of Bethelny in Gerry upon the 7 day St. Mungo in Glasgow, and at the Town of Polwart the 13 day, at Dunkel and Kilwinning the 21 day. S. Paul's Fair at Turriff in Buchan the last Tuesday. February gins on Sunday, XXVIII. days. Sun riseth 25 minutes past 7. sets 35 minutes past 4, Full Moon Monday 2 day, 41 min. past 9 at night. Last qu. Monday 9 day, at 12 a clock at night. Change Wednesday 18 day, 18 min. past 4 morning. Second qu. Wednesday 25 day, 29 min. past 5 at night. This month gins with a Sea-storm for some days, with Wind, Hail, or Sleet to the 17 day: to the 26 looking more fair, but windy, the rest indifferent cold winter weather, etc. St. Brides fair at Abernethie, Forres in Murray land, and at the Town of Invernes the 1 day, Candlemas fair in Bamff, Dunkel, Dingwal and Dowglas the 2 day, Candlemas fair at the Town of Ratray in Buchan the first tuesday after Candlemas, at Couper of Fife the 1. Wednesday of the month, at Methlick the second tuesday, Valentine's day being still on the 14 day, at Linlithgow; at Forfar the 15 day, holding 8 days, at Valleyfield the 24 day. Whiles in February, whiles in March. Fastens even fair at Fyvie, and Lanerk on Fastens even-day. March begins on Sunday, XXXI. days. Sun riseth 20 minutes past 6. sets 40 minutes past 5. Full Moon Wednesday 4 day, 15 min. past 8 at morn. Last qu. Wednesday 11 day, 20 min. past 6 at night. Change Thursday 19 day, 42 min. past 7 at night. Second qu. Friday 27 day, 26 min. before 1 morning. Moisty and cloudy weather to the 4 day, fair weather yet windy, with some showers, to the 11 day, to the 19 variable, to the 28 more fair, the rest windy with some rain. S. Monnence in Aberdeen, Dumfermling, Abercherder, St Marnoch-Kirk, and Strathven the 1 day, at Kennoquhy in Fife, consisting of Horse, Neat, etc. with a weekly Mercat every Wednesday of all flesh, fishes, etc. belonging to the Laird of Balfour, and at Pettenweem the 3 day, St. Marnoch fair at the Kirk of Leuchel the 1 Tuesday, at Dumblain the first Wednesday, at Markinch the 6 day. St. Anne's fair at the Kirk town of tarves the 2 Tuesday, St. Duthos in Ta'en of Ross the 9 day, at Inverness and Auchtertuil the 10 day, St. Causnan at Dunichtin Kirk in Angus shire the 11 day, St Patrick's Fair in Dumbartoun, Kirkaldie, and at the church of Black-ford the 15 day, at S. Johnstoun the 19 day, S. Cuthberes Fair in Langtoun of the Mers the 20 day, Lady day in West-Weems, Bamff, and Auchtermuchtie the 25 day, at Kinross the 3 Wednesday. While in March, and whiles in April. Midlentron Fair at Trantie banchrie on Thursday before Midlentron Sunday, Palm-Sunday Fair at the town of Kirkwal in Orknay, which stands the whole week after Palm-sunday, at the Kirk of Forrig, and at the town of Inverness and St. Johnstoun all upon the Monday thereafter, a Fair at New Leslie upon the Twesd after Palm-Sunday, Skierthursday Fair at Glasgow, Dumbartoun, Cowper of Angus, Elgin of Murray: Frendraught, and in old Aberdeen the thursd, after Palm-sunday. Pasch-munday a Fair at Couper of Fife, and Irwing. A Fair at the town of Forres in Murray Shire, Borrowstounness, and Corstorphine the first tuesd, after Pasch, Pasch Fair at Lanerk upon the wednesd. after Pasch, a Fair at S. Andrews, holding all the week after Low-sunday. April gins on Wednesday, XXX. days. Sun riseth 8 minutes past 5. sets 52 minutes past 6. Full Moon Thursday 2 day, 12 min. past 7 at night: Last qu. Friday 10 day, about 1 afternoon. Change Saturnday 18 day, 30 min. past 8 morning: Second qu. Saturnday 25 day, 54 min. past 6 morning. Cloudy and windy with rain or some hail to the 10 day, then to the 17 more fair and temperate, to the 24 variable, sometimes wind, rain and perhaps thunder, the rest indifferent good weather. St. Oles Fair at Crudden in Buchan, The first Tuesday, St. donald's Fair at the Kirk of Auchterless in Buchan the 17 day, St. Marks Fair in Dysert and Forres the 23 day, St. Marks day being the 35 day. Beltan day the first being the 26 day, a Fair at Rugland the 28 day, lasting 4 days, Rude Fair at Ratray in Buchan, and St. George Fair at the Kirk of Methlick the last Tuesday, a Fair at Leven the 29 day, in Kilreny the 30 day. May gins on Friday, XXXI. days. Sun riseth 4 Minute's past 4. sets 56 minutes past 7. Full Moon Saturnday 2 day, 2 min. past 7 morning: Last qu. Sunday 10 day, 27 min. past 7 morning. Change Sunday 17 day, 19 min. past 6 at night. Second qu. Monday 25 day, 40 min. past 8 morning. Full Moon Sunday 31 day, 44 min. past 7 at night. The Air is often disturbed with wind, rain, thunder or lightning and unwholesome blasts to the 13 day, then to the 25 windy and hot, most part fair, yet sometimes variable, the month ends pretty fair. A Fair in the New Burgh of Girven the first Tuesday, with a weekly mercat every Monday, and another every Friday, belonging to the Laird of Pinkell, St. Philip's Fair in the Grange of Linlithgow Shire, May Fair at Falkirk, and at the New Kirk of Kilpatrick the 1 day, St. Minnans Fair at old Chapel in Freswick within the shire of Caithness the 2 day, Rude Fair at Ellion in Buchan, Belton Fair at Monross in the Shire of Angus, at Kinrocher and Pebbles, S. Congals Fair at the Kirk of Doors in Mernes Shire, Fumuck Fair at Fumuck Kirk in Bamff Shire, Chapel of Dine in the Parish of Watten, and Dinet within the Shire of Caithness, all on the 3 day, a Fair at Midlethird of Gartmore the 5 day, at Renfrew 9 d. at Carlouk, Drymen and Pitlefie the 10 day, Brando Fair at Bamff & kaldie the 15 d. s. john's Fair at old Meldrum the last Tuesd. a Fair at Glenquhithel the last Wednesday. Whiles in May, whiles in june, Ascension day at the Burgh of Annan, and at Stirling ten days before whitsunday; Whitsunday Fair at Stonehive in Merns' Shire, and at Alith in the Shire of Angus on Tuesday before Whitsunday, at New Lesly the Thursday before Whitsunday, Whitsun-munday at Glasgow, Dumbarton and jedburgh, Whitsun-tuesday called Pardonday, at Chanry in Ross, Borrowstounnes, Peter-head, Kirk of Ninians, Ormistoun, Linlithgow, Dumblain, Whitsunday Fair at Lanerk the Wednesday after Whitsunday, Trinity-Sunday, being still the Sunday after Whitsunday, Trinity Monday at Edinburgh, holding 8 days, at Brechin, S. Andrews and Bruntiland the same day, Trinity Tuesday in Ruglan, Trinity Wednesday at the moor of Dun, Trinity Thursday at Falkland June gins on Monday, XXX. days. Sun riseth 23 minutes past 3. sets 37 minutes past 8. Last qu. Monday 8 day, 36 min. past 11 at night, Change Tuesday 16 day, 28 min. past 2 morning. Second qu. Monday 22 day, 14 min. past 5 afternoon. Full Moon Tuesday 30 day, 15 min. past 10 forenoon, To the 15 day indifferent good weather with some rain, variable with South west-winds to the 22 day, the rest of the month good Summer weather. At Carington the 1 d. A fair at Kinross & Dunglass the 1 Tuesd. in Colinsburgh the 1 friday, belonging to the Noble Earl of Belcarras. in Lang-newtoun the 5 day, a Fair at Stramiglo, Aberdour, and Ennerkeithing the 6 day, S. Colms Fair at Drumhead in Belhelvie Kirk town of David in the Gerry, Muirskeith near the Kirk of Carachy in Angus Shire, Bernard's Fair at Monifeeths, and at New-deer in Buchan, all upon the second Tuesday, a Fair at Drymen the 9 day, in Forgondenny the 10 d. S. Barnaby in Lawder, Dysert, Dowglass, St. Laurence Fair in Grinnock, Preston-pans, and Dirletoun, all on the 11 d. St. David's Fair in Baligerno in Perth Shire the 12 d. St. Margaret's Fair upon he Mains of Keith-hall (some times called Casky been,) at Turreff, at the Burgh of Annan and town of old hamstocks, all upon the 3 Tuesday, at Abernethy, & Ceres in Fife the 13 d. in Auchtertuil, Belhelvie, Clackmanan, St. Anthony's Fair at the good Town of Inverliethen, and at Scoon the 15 d, at Straven the 16 d. St. Margaret in Dumfermling, and at Moffat the 18 d. at Earlestoun the 19 d. Monto's Fair holden at Colrain in Ross shire the 20 d. at Methil near Levens mouth the 22 d. St. john the Baptists day, and Midsummer-day being still the 24 d. in Forres, Carnwath, Hawick, and at Townyettam on the Border, and at Frazerburgh, Air holding 4ds. Wigtoun, Bamf, Athelstoun, Meiklour & S. john Fair at S. johnstoun, all on the 24d. in Alathy in Angus, called S. Emagola, and at the Town of Nicolson, both on the 25 d. St. Peter's day at Forfar, Faulkland; Bruntiland, Bamff, and Kelso, all on the 26 d. at Gallasheels the 27 d, St. Peter and Paul's day, being always the 29 d. at Peebles, Falkirk, and Thurso in Caithnes, S. Seriffs Fair at the Kirk of Culshalmen in Gerry the last Twesd. of this month. Also S. Peter's Fair at Migel in Perth-shire and Haddingtoun, both upon the last day. July gins on Wednesday, XXXI. days. Sun riseth 32 minutes past 3. sets 28 minutes past 8. Last qu. Wednesday 8 day, 52 min. past 1 afternoon. Change Wednesday 15 day, 39 min. past 9 morning. Second qu. Wednesday 22 day, 34 min. past 1 morning. Full Moon Thursday 30 day, 19 min. past 1 morning: Cloudy overcasts with some rain and wind, to the viij day, then to the xiv hot weather looking like thunder with some rain, to the xxii variable, the rest windy weather and cloudy. A Fair at Culross, Stow, and Edzerstoun in Teviotdale, all on the first d. at Abernethie and Auchtermutchie the second day; St. Martone or Bulzeon 4 d. Peter Fair at Peter head the 5 d: A new Market in Dundee the 1 Tuesday, S. Thomas in Langtoun the 5 d. Lady Mercat at the Kirk of Forden in the Merns 6 d St. Andrews, in Glasgow and Inverness the 7 d. at Borrowstounness, Burgh of Annan, and Aikie Fair at the Town of Old Deer, all on the second Tuesday, St. Laurence at Grinnock the 11 d. at Kilwinning the 12 d. S. Margaret in Killimur, at the Kirk of Forrig, and Errol the 13 d. at Langholm the 15 d. in Moffat and at Kirkaldy the 18 d. at Stirling and Dumfermling the 20 d. Marry Magdalen in Lawder, Linlithgow, Petten weem, and Path head 22 d. St. Margaret's Fair at Frendraught, and in Tarves the 3 Tuesday, at Kinross the 3 Wednesday, S. Andrews Fair at the Kirk of Glass in strabogy, on Tuesday after the 15 d. in Airth and St. Christina in Corsterphin both on the 24 d. S. James at Forfar, Kinghorn, Couper of Fife, Roxburgh, Alloway, Musselburgh, and at Elgin in Murray, all on the 25 d. at Kinloch Kannoch in Athol in Perth-shire, and Turreff in Buchan last Tuesd. S. James Fair at Lanerk on the last Wednesday, at New Lesly, and Whitehorn the last Thursday. August gins on Saturnday, XXXI. days. Sun riseth 25 minutes past 4. sets 35 minutes past 7. Last qu. Friday 7 day at 1 a clock in the morning. Change Thursday 13 day, 40 min. past 5 afternoon. Second cue, Thursday 20 day, 12 min. past 2 morning. Full Moon Friday 28 day, 6 min. past 5 morning. To the xiii day variable weather, sometimes fair, and sometimes rain and winds, then to the xi more temperate, to the end of the month good for filling the Corns being variable, especially about Barthol-day. Lambasday in Atturff, Melross, Ennerkeithing, St. Andrews and Dumbartoun, all on the 1 d. Lambass Fair at the Town of Kirkwall in Orkney the 3 day, lasting 7 days, S. Laurence Fair in Rane the first Tuesday, and Thursday after in Faulkland, S. Laurence in Merns' shire upon Laurence Mu●●, a little above the place of Hawkertoun, holding four days at Jedourgh, Marymas Fair at the town of Monymusk, all upon the 2 Tuesday, at Kilsyth the 5 d, in Meiklour the 7 d. S. Laurence day in Selkirk, Auchtermuchtie Forres, Carnwath, and Dumblain, all on the 10 d. Lady day the first in Dundee, Falkirk, Dinet in Caithness, Bamst Mernes, Valley-field, all on the 15 d. at Rugland the 20 d. in Scoon the 22 d. Marymas Fair in the town of Ellion in Buchan, Inverness, and at the Town of Ratray in Buchan, both upon the 3 Tuesday, S. Bartholomew Apostle in Linlithgow, Clackmannan, & in Peebles, all on the 24 d. St. Zepherinus in Corsterphine the 26 d. Samarevis day in Forres 27 d. and S. John's day in S. johnst. and Lawder 29 d. at Kinkairn of Niel the last Tuesday, at Stranaver in the reinds of Galloway, and Hook Fair at Lanerk upon the last Frid. September gins on Tuesday, XXX. days. Sun riseth 33 minutes past 5. sets 27 minutes past 6. Last qu. Saturnday 5 day, 50 min. past 10 forenoon. Change Saturnday 12 day, 3 min. past 1 afternoon. Second qu. Saturnday 19 day, 3 min. past 6 morning. Full Moon Sunday 27 day, 58 min. past 10 forenoon. In this month be busy in cutting down your Corns and getting them into the Yards, for fear of great winds, yet I trust all shall go well with the honest Ground-labourer because the weather will not prove very bad. St. Giles Fair in Elgin the 1 d. in Moffat the 2d. Samervis in Keith the first Tuesday, in Skirlin the 4 d. latter Lady day in Dundee, Stirling, Bamff, and at the Town of Inverury all on the 8 d at Monimusk Tarves, Muirskeith, and at the Kirk of Auchindoor, all on the second Tuesday, Rude Fair at Inverness, Dumfermling and jedburgh the 14 d at Forfar & Chappel of Dine in Caithness the 15 d. a fair at Pitlefie, the 16 day with a weekly Market, every Wednesday at Kirkaldie the 20 d. Monens fair at the Kirk of Doors the 3 Tuesday, at Bigger the 3 Wednesday, at old Lesly & Mathews Fair at Linlithgow the 21 day, at Stow the 23 d. a new Fair at Kennoquhy in Fife, belonging to the Laird of Balfour, as also at Karil, Dumfreis and Athelston the 24 d. St. George Fair at Colrain in Ross shire the 25 day at Leven, Nicolson, Tranent, Langtown and Dury, all on the 27 day, St. Michales-day being always upon the 29 d. at new Lesly, Haddingtoun; Air. St. Andrews. Crief, Kirkcudbright, gallashiel's and at the Kirk of Forrig, St. Elizabeth's Fair at Baligerno in Persh shire, Ranfrew and Burgh of Annan, all on the 29 d. St. serom in Bamff the last day, at the Kirk of Kinkel, Gifer near the house of Yester. and Frazerbugh last Tuesd. October gins on Thursday, XXXI. days. Sun riseth 43 minutes past 6. sets 17 minutes past 5. Last qu. Sunday 4 day, 32 min. past 6 at night. Change Sunday 11 day, 56 min. past 11 forenoon. Second qu. Monday 19 day, past 1 in the morning. Full Moon Monday 26 day, 19 min. past 12 forenoon. Cloudy with winds to the 4 day, more fair with some sudden storm of wind and rain to the 14 day, then to the 24 variable winter like weather with clouds and winds, the rest of the month more fair. The 1, 2, 3, a Fair in Salt Preston; at Dundee, Alith, Kinloch Rannoch in Athol; Turreff in Buchan, Mid-Calder, and Danglass, all on the 1 Tuesday. St. Francis in Inverliechen the 3 day, in Abernethie Colinsburgh and Valley-field the 4 d. in Meiksour and Edzerston in Tividale the 5 day, in Cowper of Fife the 9 d. at the Town Lonhead of Lissvaid, and at Markinch the 8 day. St. Dinnet in St. Johnstoun, St. Dionise in Peebles, Earleston, Kirkintilloch, Aiton, Auchtermuchtie, Ceres in Fife, Killimuir, Moffat, all on the 9 d. Truel Fair at the Kirk of Renith Month, and at Kirktoun of Moniseeth, the 2 Tuesday, at Drumhead in Belhelvie the 2 Wednesday at Dalkeith, and Tillibol the 10 d. a fair at Eglesim the 11 day, at Ennerkeithing and Strathven the 12 d. Fenduct at Dinning the 13 day, St. Luke's Fair at old Aberdeen, town of old Hamstock and Tarves the 3 Tuesday, in Errol the 15 day, in Borrowstounness and Musselburgh 16 d. St. Luke's day, being still on the 18 d. at Kester in Cathness, and Caringtoun. The same day, a Fair at Lawder, Kinross and Rugland. St. Irena in Corstorphine, at the Kirk of Carlouk, Ormistoun and Townyettam on the Border, all on the 20 d. at the new Kirk of Kilpatrick, 21 d. Marry Salamine in Stirling, Dumfermling, and Kelso 22 d. at Forfar and Linlithgow 24 d. S. Judes' Fair at Glenquhithil the Penult Wednesday, at Stenton the last Tuesday, Hollow Fair in Ratray in Buchan the last Tuesday, in Kilreny and Stramiglo the 25 d. Fowls Fair in Pafley and Falkirk the 26 d. St. Simon and Judes day, in Dysert, Cockeny, Kirklistoun, Hawick, Migel in Perth shire, and Rosline, all on the 28 d. in Alloway and Nicolson the 29 d. a flourishing Fair in Metthien the third Thursday, at Whitehorn the last Thursday. November gins on Sunday, XXX. days. Sun riseth 53 minutes past 7. sets 7 min. past 4. Last qu. Tuesday 3 day, 2 min. past 2 morning. Change Tuesday 10 day, 5 min. past 1 morning. Second qu. Tuesday 17 day, 34 min. past 9 morning. Full Moon Wednesday 25 day, 26 min. past 2 afternoon. Variable weather to the 10 day which is Martinmass-Even, then to the 17 more fair, to the 25 some whistling winds and rain, the rest indifferent good. A Fair at Edinburgh the 1 day, holding 8 days, Fordice and Dumblain, at the New Burgh of Girven and at jedburgh upon the first Tuesday, S. leonard's Fair at Lanerk the first Wednesday, at Alathy the 2 day, at Kilwinning the 3 day, at Forres and Largo the 6 day, Martinmass day being still on the 11 d. at Dumbar, Melrois, Cowper of Fife, Hamiltoun, Culross, Martin's Kirk, Kilmhaug and Strabogie, all upon the 11 day. Martinmas Fair at the Town of Kirkwal in Orkny the whole Martimas' week. S. Denick at Methil the 2 Tuesday, at Kilsyth the 12 d. S. Helen at Dundee the 13 d. at Grinnock and Down in Monteith the 15 d. Margratmas Fair at Borrowstounness, Dumfermling and Lawder the 16 d. at Ta'en, Auchtertuil and Bryack Fair at the Kirk of Kowl, all on the 22 d. at Bruntisland the 23 d. Andersmas fair at Stradon & Frazerburgh the 29 d. at old Meldrum last Tuesday, S. Andrews day, in S. Johnstoun, Peebles and Chirnside the 30 day. December gins on Tuesday, XXXI. days. Sun riseth 37 minutes past 8. sets 23 minutes past 3. Last qu. Wednesday 2 day, 44 min. past 9 morning. Change Wednesday 9 day, 41 min. past 2 afternoon. Second qu. Thursday 17 day, 23 min. past 6 at night. Full Moon Friday 25 day, past 3 morning. Last qu. Thursday 31 day, 10 min. past 4 afternoon. Now, wots ye what says December? He will make us remember, how we have spent the Summer; for many lazy Lubbers shall find both cold and hunger. In this month generally according to the season you need not to expect much fair weather, but Cold, Snow, Frost, Hail, Rain and Wind. And about Christmas remember your Charity to the Poor, and let them not stand long knocking at your Gates and Doors. At Tarves the first Tuesday, S. Nicolas fair at Renfrew the 6 d. in Aberdeen the 7 d. at West-Weems the 8 d. Kellamas fair at the Kirk of Rey in Caithness, Bamff, Rothemay, and the Town of Dear the 14 d. Manmas fail at the Kirk of Watten in Caithness the 15 day, S. Cuthbert in Grange of Linlithgow the 17 d. S. Thomas in Glasgow, Inverness, and at the Down in Monteith the 18 d. St. Thomas day, being the 21 d. Christmas the 25 day, St. Stevens day, the 26 day, St. john's the 27 day at Forres and Methil, all upon St. john's day, St. David's Fair at Gerry the first Tuesday after Christmas. ADVERTISEMENT. THese are to give Notice, That the Manufactory for Making of Playing-Cards, etc. which formerly belonged to Mr. Peter Bruce, Germane Engineer, with his Right to the same, are now Disponed by him, and Ratified and Renewed by Act of Their Majesty's Privy Council, in favours of James Hamilton Merchant in Edinburgh: Who is to be found at Mrs. Anderson her Dwellinghouse or Shop, on the North-side of the Street, over-against the Mercat-Cross; or at his own Dwellinghouse at the joch-end of Restalrig. An Ancient Dutch Prediction, for the Year 1691. FOur Figurs upside down, read as ye will, Makes Year the same, & equal number still. In that same Year, great Turn shall be made, lily's that Year August first shall fade. The fragrant Rule, shall blossom sweetly fair, Thistle shall prick each hand that touch it dare: Yet these three joined, shall pleasant Nosegay be, The Harp right tuned make better Melody. A Crew of Brethren, come of Flesh and Blood, Yet wanting both, brought up on Land and Flood; This Year shall in all Courts and Councils creep, Disclose their Secrets, yet their Secrets keep: Condemn, Absolve, raise strife, and compose jars, In peace teach meekness, but in time of Wars, Shall rush as swift as shaft from Turkish-bow, Shall wound the Horse, and lay the Rider low: Though fierce in Fight, to make the stoutest quake, They shall be ready still good Truce to make: To just great Differences, end Debates, Secure all Ranks in Properties, Estates. ADVERTISEMENT. FOr several New Fairs belonging to the Laird of McPHARLANE within the Shire of Dumbartoun, and Paroch of Tarbat, with a Weekly Mercat every Wednesday, to be kept at the Town of Inver-loch. The first is at the Town of Tarbat, on the 12 and 13 days of March. The 2. 3, 4 and 5, at Inver-loch, the second is on the 17 and 18 days of June, the third is on the 26 and 27 of July, the fourth on the 2 and 3 of September, the fifth and last on the 14 and 15 of October, in all time coming, with the Custom free for the first year. Advertisement. THese are to give Notice to all Persons, that the Manufactory which belonged to the two Frenchmen, for Freizing of all sorts of and Sarges whatsoever; and also for Freizing of Turned , which will appear als well as they were fully New: They do now belong to James Hamilton and John Pringle, who are to be found, either at the said John Pringle's Dwellinghouse, at the Head of the Cow-gate, or at William Hutton's Shop Merchant, over against the Head of Libertouns-Wynd. A Tide Table for Leith. The Use. Seek the Moon's Age in the first and second Column of the Table, and in the two last Columns you have the true time of full Sea at Leith. Example to find the full Sea the 5 of April 1691. I find the Moon's age by the following Table, to be 16. which I find in the second Column of this Table, and over against in the last Column, I find 3 h. 3 min. the true time of full Sea required. A Table showing the hour and min. of high water at Leith, for every day of the Moon's age, increasing or decreasing. Moon's age. Full Sea at Leith increase. decreas. hours. min. 1 16 3 3 2 17 3 46 3 18 4 29 4 19 5 7 5 20 5 45 6 21 6 19 7 22 6 51 8 23 7 39 9 24 8 42 10 25 9 45 11 26 10 43 12 27 11 41 13 28 0 34 14 29 1 27 15 30 2 15 Advertisement, There is two new Fairs at Dunglass, within the sheristdome of East-Lethian belonging to the Right Honourable, Sir JOHN HALL. of Dunglass; the first upon the 1 Tuesd. of june: the other on the 1 Tuesd. of October yearly, each lasting 3 days, with a weekly Mercat every Saturnday. A ready Table showing the Age of the Moon every day throughout this Year, 1691. Days, January February March April May june july August Septem. October Novem. Decemb. 1 12 14 12 13 14 15 16 18 19 19 22 22 2 13 15 13 14 15 16 17 19 20 20 23 23 3 14 16 14 15 16 17 18 20 21 21 24 24 4 15 17 15 16 17 18 19 21 22 22 25 25 5 16 18 16 17 18 19 20 22 23 23 26 26 6 17 19 17 18 19 20 21 23 24 24 27 27 7 18 20 18 19 20 21 22 24 25 25 28 28 8 19 21 19 20 21 22 23 25 26 26 29 29 9 20 22 20 21 22 23 24 26 27 27 30 30 10 21 23 21 22 23 24 25 27 28 28 1 1 11 22 24 22 23 24 25 26 28 29 1 2 2 12 23 25 23 24 25 26 27 29 30 2 3 3 13 24 26 24 25 26 27 28 30 1 3 4 4 14 25 27 25 26 27 28 29 1 2 4 5 5 15 26 28 26 27 28 29 1 2 3 5 6 6 16 27 29 27 28 29 1 2 3 4 6 7 7 17 28 30 28 29 30 2 3 4 5 7 8 8 18 29 1 29 1 1 3 4 5 6 8 9 9 19 1 2 30 2 2 4 5 6 7 9 10 10 20 2 3 1 3 3 5 6 7 8 10 11 11 21 3 4 2 4 4 6 7 8 9 11 12 12 22 4 5 3 5 5 7 8 9 10 12 13 13 23 5 6 4 6 6 8 9 10 11 11 14 14 24 6 7 5 7 7 9 10 11 12 14 15 15 25 7 8 6 8 8 10 11 12 13 15 16 16 26 8 9 7 9 9 11 12 13 14 16 17 17 27 9 10 8 10 10 12 13 14 15 17 18 18 28 10 11 9 11 11 13 14 15 16 18 19 19 29 11 10 12 12 14 15 16 17 19 20 20 30 12 11 13 13 15 16 17 18 20 21 21 31 13 12 14 17 18 21 22 God hath ordained a time for all, The Tide to swell, the Tide to fall; Which is governed by the Moon, Take notice of it, so I've done. FINIS. ADVERTISEMENT. TO all Noblemen, Gentlemen, and others; That the Acts of the CONVENTION OF ESTATES, and the ACTS OF PARLIAMENT of King WILLIAM and Queen MARY, are now in the Press; and will be shortly Published, at a very Reasonable Rate.