An ABSTRACT OF THE CASE OF THE City of Londonderry. THE Services and Sufferings of the said City on the late Happy Revolution are sufficiently known, and have been acknowledged by the Repeated Votes and Addresses of the Honourable Houses of Commons both in England and Ireland: And in particular, by the Votes in England, of April 9 1698, their Disbursements and Losses for the Public Service, were, (on a moderate Computation) allowed to amount to about 30000 l. But the want of a proper Fund has hitherto been the Reason that no Compensation has been made for the same: So that to this Day, great part of its Suburbs, and many Houses, even within the Walls, lie in Rubbish; the Inhabitants thereof, by what they have Undergone for securing and defending that important Place, being reduced to great Poverty, and rendered unable to rebuild them. AND in regard that the preserving that Place (at so critical a Juncture) prevented the Irish Army from being transported to England or Scotland, and consequently kept England Quiet at Home, and made the Reduction of Ireland much more easy, both in respect of Blood and Treasure. AND the said City being the only Place in that Part of Ireland, to which Protestants in time of Eminent Danger can resort, the Relief it gave them on the late Revolution not being the first Instance thereof: For in the Bloody Massacre of 1641, the said City was likewise a Refuge to Thousands of Poor Protestants. Wherefore the Inhabitants of the said City do humbly hope, That now the Forfeitures of Ireland are designed to be appropriated for the Public Service, that their Extraordinary Case will be by this Honourable House compassionately considered. An Abstract of the CASE of the City of Londerry.