I being moved of the Lord, doth call unto you that are gathered together in Parliament. O Sons of men, eat your meat with trembling, & drink your wine with trouble, and carefulness, and cease from the evil of your do, lest it should be said to you, as it was by Ezekiel, the Lord ordered him to declare this, I will set my face against that man, I will make him an example and a Proverb. O, if there be any here that are haughty, I beseech you in the fear of the Lord, come down to that low little principle placed in every one of you, which doth check and reprove you in secret, this is the way by which you must enter into the Rock, I say hid yourselves there for fear of the Lord, and for the glory of his Majesty, for the day of the Lord of Hosts shall be upon every one that is proud and lofty, and upon every one that is lifted up, for he shall be brought low, and upon all the Cedars of Lebanon, that are high and lifted up (Mark) what are you lifted up from; or what is it you are a joining too? are any of you as oaks? are any of you as high as Mountains in your own thoughts? are any of you as Towers in strength? come to know that pow●… that can shake you, are any of you as fenced walls? turn in, and feel who is your fencer and try, can you dwell with everlasting burn? if not, your fence will be consumed and your walls thrown down, for the Lord alone will be exalted in this the day of his Power; Therefore let not the wise man glory in his wisdom, neither let the mighty man glory in his might, let not the rich man glory in his riches, but let him that glorieth, glory in this, that he understandeth and knoweth me, that I am the Lord which exercises loving kindness, judgement and righteousness in the earth; for in these things I delight saith the Lord; if there be any of you now here that is truly noble, come to the trial, hast thou received the word with all readiness of mind? if so, than thou knowest how to search the Scriptures; O be not satisfied with the piece of nobility which Felix had, nor with that measure which Festus enjoyed, behold not many wise men after the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble, but God hath chosen the foolish things of the World to confound the wise; Therefore he that will be wise, must first become a fool, that he may be made wise, and he that will be truly honourable, must know the fear of the Lord by that pure principle which is placed in you, which will lead you to humility; This is that which reproves for a vain life, namely covetousness which leads to idolatry, pride, uncleanness, swearing, lying, evil speaking, foolish jesting, idle communication, let it not be once heard amongst you, for, for these things cometh the wrath of God, he that refuseth instruction, despiseth his own soul, the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. Friends, one thing more I have to lay before you, which I have been long burdened with, (it is namely this) that which you call your Church Government; who ordained those houses to be called Churches? who ordained those Priests which receives hire? from what fountain ariseth their words? consider, is it not from the letter? These are such whom I deny their voice, for these are strangers, the sheep of Christ knows his voice, and they follow him; the Lord in his infinite love hath opened my understanding, that now I know a Minister of the spirit from a Minister of the Letter, their fruits makes them manifest, the one is College bred, taking his degrees there, thus he is made a Minister of men, the other is fitted and furnished with the Spirit of the Lord, sometimes called out of their shops, some from their handi-craft Trades, and some from the Blow, those being made able Ministers of the Spirit; think this not strange, for it was the way of Christ when he was upon earth, to call men from their nets these are as they were, having the same spirit as they had, they have had power given them to turn men from darkness to light, from the power of Satan, to know the living God, and to love him, and to fear him, & in keeping his commandments they are not grievous but joyous; these Friends which have been sent forth to declare this truth, which hath been a word of Life unto me and many others, they need no Steeplehouse, neither a hundred nor hundreds a year, neither want they Curate, Clerk or Sexton, nor Bells, wherein many thousands of pounds are laid out wastefully; Consider how many Widows and Fatherless Children there be which wants bread, lying up and down the Streets; Down with your Bells and make money of them, and the naked, and feed the hungry, and come to know what the Bell of Aaron is, come to know what the fast is which the Lord God accepts of, so shall you come to know the everlasting Sabbath. Friends, I would have you really believe this, That God is no accepter or respector of persons, but in every Nation he that feareth him and worketh righteousness is accepted with him, wherein the Righteous doth rejoice and are exceeding glad; for all the upright in heart have cause to rejoice, for their crown none shall take from them. O all ye Inhabitants of the earth WHo are in the profession and not in the possession of a Sabbath, be awakened out of the sleep of your security, for the Lord our God hath a controversy with you for your hypocrisy; Behold, he is weary of your lip-service, ye have drawn near him with your mouths, but your hearts have been far from him; Oh consider if this be not your state. This that you call your Sabbath, Hast thou not put it to this use? there hath been more preparation for the flesh, then for the Lord, in the cost of thy apparel, and the fullness of diet, instead of spending this day holily, thou hast spent it idly, wantonly and vainly, (Mark) If it be not your studies against that day what to eat, and what to drink, and what to put on, and when you are richly clad, & full fed, I speak to you as have enough as to the outward; Consider, was your talents given you for this end? is this the way to be accepted of the Lord, either in the day or in thy action, you that are of a lower degree, do ye not also strive to follow the steps of these that are mentioned before in working wickedness with greediness; Turn into the measure of God, I say turn in both old & young, rich & poor, for I have a witness in every one of you which doth, or shall set these things in order before you; therefore whilst it is yet time, whilst it is called to day, Consider in the pure fear of the Lord, if it be not high time to cease from vanity, O thou that art rolling thyself in vanity, thou knowest not how soon thy breath may be stopped, this know assuredly, that thou must give an account for thy actions done in the flesh, your words and your thoughts also, which hath been evil, and that continually, I say continually, feel my words, thy prayers, thy fastings, thy Sabbath keeping, and all is abomination to the Lord so long as thou abides in the fallen state; consider, are you not as those people were who did eat and drink, and risen up to play (I say to play) the generality of you on that day which you call your Sahbath, when you are full feed; do you not go to the Steeplehouse, and there behave yourselves as in a Playhouse, gazing and viewing each other, for your new fashions; The Lord our God is wearied with these your wicked and profane practices, And for this cause hath he a controversy with you; I hate and abhor your Fast days, 〈◊〉 the Lord, and I will not smell in your solemn Aslemblies, But ye being ignorant of God, you observe days, months, and times. Behold the Kingdom of God comes not by observations. See what the Lord saith, nay rather feel, I will cause all your mirth to cease, your fast-days, and your Sabbaths, it is your iniquities which hideth good things from you; O repent, repent, forsake the evil of your do, before the Vials of his indignation be poured out upon you; for the day is come, and coming, wherein the Lord will take vengeance on them that knows not our God, and that obeys not the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ: The Lord is raising up witnesses to declare unto you the folly of your vain observations; (mark) One man esteemeth one day above another, another man esteemeth every day alike. Let every man be fully persuaded in his own mind, he that regardeth the day, regardeth it unto the Lord, (is this your state) and he that regardeth not the day unto the Lord, he doth not regard it: Rom. 14.6. Let no man therefore judge us in meat, or in drink, or in respect of a holy day, or of the Sabbath days, which are a shadow of things to come; But the body is of Christ, 2 Colos. 16, 17. O my Friends, let us walk worthy of the Lord; unto all wellpleasing, being fruitful in every good work, and witnessing the increase of the knowledge of God, Quit yourselves like children of light; Let no man beguile you of your reward, in a voluntary humility, if ye be dead with Christ from the Rudiments of the world, why as though living in the world are you subject to Ordinances; touch not, taste not, handle not; for all these things are to perish: and we are to trample upon them in this present life; who art thou that canst limit the holy one of Israel, how he shall work, or by what means, I find the spirit without limitation, this query is in love, these lines are from a friend to the whole Creation, and a lover of Righteousness; I am known by the name of Mary Web, whom the world scornfully calls Quaker. The End. London, Printed by Thomas Simmons, at the Bull and Mouth, near Aldersgate, 1659.