TRUTH VINDICATED FROM The unjust accusations of the Independent Society, in the City of NORWICH. Wherein is proved, 1. That the Church of England is a true Church of Christ. 2. That it is a sin to separate from the true Church. 3. That the Independent Society in the City of Norwich is no true Church of Christ. 4. Divers reasons and arguments used to persuade men not to separate from the Church of England and join to their Society, showing the sinfulness of so doing. By S.T. Why gaddest thou about so much to change thy way? Jer. 2.36. These be they who separate themselves, Judas ver. 19 Where there have not been care in laying a good foundation at the beginning, and where there is much liberty, what else can be expected but division? Mr. Burroughs Moses Choice, pag. 295, 296. Imprimatur, ja. Cranford. Aug. 10. 1646. LONDON, Printed by Tho: Harper, for Gifford Galton, and are to be sold at his shop at the sign of the King's Arms in the Poultry. 1646. To the Christian READER. IN these our days under the notion of new light, many are led into darkness, following those who rank things as they conceit, tyrannising over the minds of others, obtruding their errors on them as truths, so putting their humour in the place of God's Law: which is (as I conceive) the ground and cause of all the Errors, Schisms, Factions, and divisions that are now amongst us; But to prevent misleading, by following these night lights (or lantern men, as they are vulgarly called) which will (if followed undoubtedly lead thee out of the right way: I have written this following Treatise, and undertaken therein, to deal with those of the City of Norwich, that would not be brought under the power of any man, but would have liberty of conscience (as they call it) that is to say, liberty to live and walk as their fancies move them, not prescribing to themselves or others, any settled way or rule to walk by, but every one to do what seemeth good in their own eyes, judg. 17.6. and therefore they are truly called Independents. I know it will be objected, I once pleaded for them, and desired to be joined with them, why therefore do I now write against them? I answer, before I examined their way, I did judge them to be the true Church of Christ, but now I see it was my error so to account of them, and I count it no shame to confess and revoke it as an error, for the reasons mentioned in the following Treatise. And it is true, I once desired of them to understand and know their way, with an intent (as I told them) to join with them in it, if my judgement could close with them, when I understood what was their way, (which they promised to acquaint me with) at which time I did intimate to them, that it was my judgement, to hold communion with other Christians, that were not of their judgement and in their way, although I should be a member of their society, which they seemed much to dislike. I told them also (I intended) if I were admitted to declare in writing my judgement, what I held concerning their way, which they took as great pride in me to attempt, and were much displeased at me for it. So I waited for the accomplishment of their promise, to acquaint me with their way, but it was never performed, at which I was much troubled, that I might not declare mine own judgement, and that they would not tell me theirs: I thought light should not be put under a bushel, but on a Candlestick, that the way of God should not be concealed, but revealed, that it might be practised. Upon these thoughts, I have examined their way, and I find them (as corrupted, so likewise) exceedingly divided in their judgements: they do not speak all the same thing, nor walk all in thesame way; All (if I mistake not) deny the Church of England to be a true Church, but all do not deny to hear the Ministers thereof; some will hear some of them as gifted men, few or none will hear any of them as the Ministers of Christ; all (or most) of them think it a sin to hear any Ministers that speak against their way; some of them think it a sin to hear any but those that are in their way. They are divided in their judgements, in these and many other things, (which I forbear to name) and while they are thus divided, how can their way be cleared? but I suppose when their judgements be all reconciled, then will the Model of their way be published; In the mean time, what comfort can be had to join with such a society? To walk in a way unknown, into how many errors may they run? For a man to enter into a way he is ignorant of, and cannot be informed in, argues him to be, either weak in the head, or unsound at the heart. Upon these considerations, I did at a meeting of divers of the Independent society, protest against their way as unlawful, and ungodly: since which time they have raised and spread abroad many false and scandalous reports of me: but my intent (at this time) is not to vindicate myself, but God's truth which I prefer ten thousand times before my own credit: But if I shall perceive they take occasion from my present writing, to vent and spread abroad their clamourous reproaches of me, so as I shall perceive my silence will incur the suspicion of the guilt of sin or senselessness and stupidity under the sensurers; I shall then (God permitting) clear myself, and if in so doing, I shall make a further discovery of them, and make their private miscarriages public, I am not to be blamed, if they necessitate me thereto: In the mean time, I trust (through the grace of God) my life and conversation shall be a real refutation of my traducers, and proclaim them liars. What I have now written in this Treatise, doth clearly prove, that the Church of England is a true Church of Christ; that it is a sin to separate from it: that the Independent society is no Church, and that it is a sin to join to it. In all which my eye was upon God to please him, not upon men to please them; nay, I am persuaded some godly men will be offended with me, who many times, through their mistakes, looking upon grace and acts of grace as gross sins, they censure men for exercising of their grace. Truth is, I had rather a millstone were put about my neck, Mat. 18.6. and I cast into the bottom of the sea, then that I should give them just cause of being offended; but if I become their enemy for telling them the truth, Gal. 4.16. I pass it not. God's glory in the convincing of some that are in a way of error, and deterring of others from entering into such a way, is the main thing aimed at, which if obtained, let God have the glory, and your prayers be for him who remains Your friend in and for the truth, S.T. TRUTH VINDICATED From the false Accusations of those of the Independent Society, etc. 1. THat the Church of England is a true Church of Christ, for the clearing of this I will show: First, the divers acceptations of the word Church. 2. In what sense the Church of England is said to be a true Church of Christ. 3. I will lay down arguments grounded upon the word of God, whereby it doth appear, that the Church of England is a true Church of Christ. For the first, the word Church is put, first, for all those that shall be saved, Heb. 12.23. To the general assembly and Church of the first born that are written in heaven, Colos. 1.18 And he is the head of the body the Church. Secondly, it is put for the faithful of a family: we read of the Church in Priscilla's and Aquilaes' house, Rom. 16.5. 1 Cor. 16.19. of the Church in Nymphas house, Colos 4.15. And of the Church in philemon's house, Philemon verse 2. Thirdly, it is put for the houses or places where the faithful do meet together to preach the word of God, and to administer the Sacraments, as appears if you compare, 1 Cor. 11.18 verse with the 20 verse. In the 18 verse he saith, when ye come together in the Church: and in the 20. verse when ye come together in one place. Fourthly, it is put for the professors of Christ, scattered, throughout several Regions. Acts 8.13. Acts. 12.1. The Apostle Peter writing to the strangers scattered throughout Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bythinia, in the 1 Peter 1.1. he calleth them in the second Chapter of that Epistle, and the 5 verse, lively stones, built up to a spiritual house; (that is a Church of God.) Fiftly, it is put for every congregation gathered together to worship God. 1 Cor. 14.23. If therefore the whole Church be come together into some place. 1 Cor. 4.17. As I teach every where in every Church. Sixtly, it is put for the representative Church, that is those who have the government of the Church in their hands, and are to provide for the order, peace, and discipline of it: Mat. 18.17. And if he shall neglect to hear them, tell it to the Church; (that is to the Ministers or Governors of the Church, who have power to cast him out as a heathen man, and a publican:) not every particular member of the Church: as appears by the Apostle 2 Cor. 2.6. sufficient to such a man, is this punishment (or censure) which was inflicted by many, he would not have restrained it to many if it had been done by all. Seventhly and lastly, by Church in Scripture is understood a Kingdom or Nation, Province, County or City, enjoying the word, and ordinances of God, and professing faith in God. Such a Church was the Church of the Jews, to whom were committed the Oracles of God, Rom. 3.2. And from whom should proceed the word by which God worketh salvation, Isay 2.3. By which word they were distinguished from all other Nations in the World, Psal. 147.19.20. and became the peculiar people of God, Deut. 7.6. And thus the Kingdom of Israel, became the Kingdom of God, or Church of God. Our Saviour Christ speaking of the rejection of the jews from being his people, and Church, over whom he reigned by his Word and Spirit, saith, Mat. 21.43. the Kingdom of God shall be taken from you, and given to a Nation bringing forth the fruits thereof; intimating, that whatsoever Nation received, and believed the word of God, did become the Church, and people of God, as the Nation of the Jews was, before they were rejected. The Prophet Isay prophesying of the conversion of the Gentiles, saith, Isay 55.5. behold thou shall call a Nation thou knewest not, and Nations that knew not thee, shall run unto thee: by which it appeareth that whole Nations shall become the Church and people of God; according to that promise, Isay 52.15. he shall sprinkle many Nations. And thus ye have the divers acceptations of the word Church. 2. I come now in the second place, to show in what sense the Church of England is said to be a true Church of God: And that is according to the last acceptation of the word Church; which is when a Nation join themselves to the Lord, by receiving professing, believing, and practising the word of God to salvation, by which God becomes their God, dwelling in the midst of them, and they become his people, Psal. 33.12. according to that in Zach. 2.11. and many Nations shall be joined to the Lord in that day, and shall be my people, and I will dwell in the midst of them: which was practised, Jerem. 50.5 Come let us join ourselves to the Lord in a perpetual. Covenant, that shall not be forgotten. And it was most exactly performed in this Nation, Deut. 26.17.18. by our late Nationall Covenant made with God. We read of a Covenant between God and his people, consisting of mutual conditions; on the people's part, the conditions are faith, whereby they embrace him, and rely upon him as their God; and obedience to his commands as their Lawmaker and Governor, verse 17. and on God's part, the conditions are to take them for his people, which employeth both his protection of them, and provision for them, both for this life, and the next: in this 18 verse the Lord hath avouched thee this day to be his people: and in the 9 verse of the next Chapter; this day thou art become the people of the Lord. Not, that they were not God's Church and people before, for we find it expressed they were so: Deut, 7.6.7. Deut. 14.2. But hereby it is yet further confirmed to them, they were God's Church and people. And thus, and in this sense, the Church of England is a true Church of God: And this leads me to The third thing propounded, to lay down arguments grounded upon the word of God, by which it clearly appears that the Church of England is a true Church of God. Our Saviour Christ, when he would prove to the woman of Samaria, that the Church of the Jews, was the true Church of God, he doth it thus, john 4.22. Ye worship ye know not what, we know what we worship, for salvation is of the Jews. Whence I infer this first argument. 1. That Church in which salvation is obtained, and God is worshipped according to the knowledge of his will revealed in his word, is the true Church of God; but in the Church of England, salvation is obtained, and God is worshipped, according to his will revealed in his word: Therefore the Church of England is the true Church of God. A second argument may be made which is necessarily implied in the text; thus 2. Salvation is not ordinarily obtained out of the true Church of God; but salvation is ordinarily obtained (by the preaching of the word) in the Church of England: therefore the Church of England is the true Church of God. An other argument may be grounded upon that by which the Apostle proves the Ephesians to be the true Church or household of God, Ephe. now therefore ye are no more strangers and foreigners, but fellow Citizens with the Saints, and of the household of God, and are built upon the foundation of the Apostles, and Prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the corner stone etc. whence I frame this argument. 3. They that build upon the Apostles and Prophets making Christ the corner stone, are no strangers but fellow Citizens with the Saints, and of the (Church or) household of God; but the Church of England is sound in Doctrine, building upon the Apostles and Prophets, making Christ Jesus the corner stone: Therefore it is the true Church of God. A fourth argument may be gathered, from that text: 1 Tim. 3.15. But if I tarry long, that thou mayst know how thou oughtest to behave thyself in the house of God, which is the Church of the living God, the pillar and ground of truth, by which text it appears, that truth is the sign whereby the Church of God is known: and from whence I thus reason. 4. Every Church that (as on a pillar) hold forth the truth of God, is the house of God, the Church of the living God: But the Church of England, do hold forth, the word of truth, john 17.17. which is the Gospel of Christ that bringeth salvation. Rom. 1.16. Therefore the Church of England is the true Church of God. I take these arguments for granted, and therefore I do not prove all these things to be found in the Church of England; because they are so clearly manifest, that I think none will deny them; but if any should, I desire to know it, and I doubt not, but to satisfy them therein. There is one objection made by them that deny the Church of England to be a true Church; which I desire to answer: It is this; the true Church of Christ, consist of none but visible Saints; but the Church of England is a mixed company of ignorant, wicked, and profane persons; Therefore they are not the true Church of God. To which I answer, That the true Church of Christ ought to consist of none but visible Saints for the well being thereof, is a truth; But that a Church ceases to be a true Church, because they are not all visible Saints, but some are ignorant wicked and profane persons, this is false. The Church of Corinth was a true Church, yet some of them were ignorant, and had not the knowledge of God, 1 Cor. 15.34. some denied the Resurrection, 1 Cor. 15.12. some were wicked and profane, for they were drunk when they came to the Sacrament, 1 Cor. 11.21. Therefore not all visible Saints, yet a true Church. In the Church of Galatia some erred in the great point of justification, against which error Saint Paul opposed his Epistle written to them, and yet they were a true Church. In the Church in Pergamos, some held the doctrine of Balam and of the Nicholaitans, teaching to eat things sacrificed to Idols, and to commit fornication, Rev. 2.14. surely therefore not all visible Saints, and yet a true Church of God. In the Church there are vessels of wood and earth, as well as of gold and silver, 2 Tim. 2.20. And thus it appears, that notwithstanding there are ignorant, wicked and profane persons in the Church of England, yet it is the true Church of God. And so I come to the second proposition. 2. That it is a sin to separate from the true Church. We ought not to departed from a Church in which God dwells and abides, lest we be found departers from God: But God walketh in the midst of his Church, Revel. 2.1. yea, he desireth to dwell there, Psal. 132.13, 14. and he promiseth to walk amongst them, Levit. 26.12. therefore it cannot but be a sin to separate and walk from them. Our Saviour Christ did not separate from the Church of the Jews, (although it was exceedingly corrupted, in worship, doctrine and discipline, they saying well but doing, ill yet) he was circumcised, Luke 2.21. and baptised in it, Luke 3.21. holding communion with it. In the Apologetical Narration, pag. 6. they profess before God and all the world, that multitudes of the Assemblies and parochial Congregations of the Church of England are the true Church and body of Christ, and the Ministry thereof a true Ministry: And when the Churches of England were the most either actually overspread with desilements, or in the greatest danger thereof, they then both did, and would hold a communion with them, as the Churches of Christ. If this was their judgement then, certainly, now that we are cleansed from those defilements, and a further Reformation is daily intended and endeavoured; they cannot but acknowledge it to be a great sin to separate from our parochial Churches, renouncing them as false Churches, and utterly denying to hold communion with them. I shall not need further to clear this: All acknowledge it to be a sin to separate from the true Church; They in the Apologetical Narration do acknowledge our parochial Churches, to be the true Churches, and body of Christ. Therefore I proceed to the third thing propounded. 3. That the Independent Society (in the City of Norwich) is no true Church of Christ. I shall do it by these following arguments: the first is this, They that separate from the true Church of Christ, are Schismatics; And a company of Schismatics, being joined in society together, make a society of Schismatics, but not a true Church of Christ: But the Independent Society, do separate from the Church of England, which (as hath been proved) is the true Church of Christ: Therefore the Independent Society is no true Church of Christ. The Major proposition is cleared to me by that text in 1 john 2.19. where it appears, that they that separate from the Church, cannot be members of the Church. Doctor Ames in his fourth book of Conscience, pag. 141. In his answer to this question, Whether or no Schismatics are members of the true Church? saith, If an obstinate separation be made from all true Churches, or from any one for, a case common to all, than such Schismatics (although it may be retaining the faith, they continue members of the Church Catholic) they cannot be esteemed as visible members of the Church. And for the Minor proposition, themselves cannot deny but they were converted in the Church of England: And it is a strange Paradox to me, that they should be converted in a false Church, and so made fit members for a true Church. Certainly, that Church in which they had their spiritual fathers to beget them to God, that Church is their spiritual Mother. The Apostle saith, the Church of Corinth, had ten thousand instructors in Christ, yet not many fathers, 1 Cor. 4.15. but (blessed be God) in the Church of England, there are, and have been many spiritual fathers, who through the preaching of the Gospel of Christ, have and do daily beget many to Christ; and they are the Ministers of God by whom we believe, 1 Cor. 3.5. And yet these Ministers are slighted (if not despised) and counted no Ministers of God: And the Church in which they were converted and brought home to God, is rejected and counted no Church of God: and can such a Society be the true Church of Christ? surely no. A second and third argument to prove them to be no Church, I gather from their own tenants: In describing of a true Church, they did affirm (at a meeting for dispute) that it was absolutely necessary for the being of a Church, that there should be form as well as matter, and they said form was a Church Covenant, without which a Church did cease to be a true Church: But I myself have seen members received into their Society without a Covenant: (which one of the chief of them told me, was to show they did not absolutely require it) Therefore according to their own rule, they did then cease to be a true Church. Again, some of them have affirmed that the form of a Church is government or Church discipline (which I take to be the form of a true Church rather than the other) but if so, than their Society cannot be a true Church, For they have never a Church Officer, therefore cannot execute Church discipline: It is the Elders of the Church, that are to rule the Church, 1 Tim. 5.17. Heb. 13.17. But that Society have never an Elder, nor other Church Officers; therefore they want form or government; and therefore according to their own argument they are no Church. Fourthly, how can that be a true Church, that take in members when in their esteem they are good, when they have no power to cast them out, though they should prove never so bad? certainly, in such a Church as this, all things cannot be done decently and in order, 1 Cor. 14.40. but for want of power to punish the disordered, nothing but confusion will (in time) be found in such a Church: And certainly, God is not the Author of such a Church, in which there is nothing but confusion, and no means to prevent it. God's Church is his building, 1 Cor. 3.9. his house, 2 Tim. 2.20. 1 Tim. 3.15. 1 Pet. 4.17. Fiftly framed, Ephes. 2.21. and form by himself for himself, Esay 43.21. he having appointed in it Stewards, 1 Cor. 4.1. Luke 12.42. and all other Officers for the well ordering of it. But a Society gathered together, without Rulers over them, to see peace and order continued amongst them, will in a short time be a Babel for confusion, Gen. 11.9. but cannot be the true Church of Christ: For, God is not the Author of confusion, but of peace, as in all the Churches of the Saints, 1. Cor. 14.33. And thus you see that the Independent Society in the City of Norwich, is no Church. I come now to the fourth and last thing propounded. 4. To lay down divers reasons and arguments to persuade men not useperate from the Church of England, and join to the Independent society showing the unlawfulness of so doing. First, because it is a direct violation of our oath made with our hands lift up to the most high God, in our solemn League and Covenant. In the first Article thereof, we covenanted to endeavour, to bring the Churches of God in the three Kingdoms to the nearest conjunction, and uniformity in Religion, confession of faith, form of Church government, directory for worship and catechising: And in the second Article, we covenanted to endeavour the extirpation of Schism etc. lest we be partakers in other men's sins; but how do those take this Covenant, with a true intent to perform it, (as is expressed in the latter part of the Covenant,) who deny the Churches of the three Kingdoms to be true Churches, and set up a new Church (as they call it) against, and contrary to the government established, (or about to be established) in the Churches of the three Kingdoms? Is this to endeavour the uniformity of Church government, and the extirpation of Schism, that the Lord may be one, and his name one in the three Kingdoms? Or is it not a retarding of the work of Reformation, and the settling of Church government? And the spreading of heresies, schisms, factions, and divisions amongst us. We are commanded to keep our vows. (Deut. 23.21. Ecle. 5.4. And Covenant breakers are reckoned amongst those that are given up to a reprobate mind. (Rom. 1.13.) And God hath threatened the sword, to avenge the quarrel of his Covenant, Levit. 26.25. therefore it is a grievous sin to break Covenant: And whether or no the Independents, keep, or break their Covenant, let the world judge. 2. Secondly, to join in fellowship with the Independent society doth hinder men from walking with God in such a way wherein they may most honour him, in the use of all his Ordinances, & in performing of all those mutual duties, that God requires of his children one towards another. For first they deprive themselves of the chief ministerial Ordinances of God, as the preaching of the word of God, and the administration of the Sacraments: For as they look upon the Church of England, as no Church, so also upon our Ministers, as no Ministers: And therefore they prefer their own private meetings, before our public preaching: And amongst themselves they have no Church Officer to perform any of these ministerial acts: And therefore they cannot honour God in the use of those Ordinances, as they might have done, if they had continued in that Church of God, in which they did enjoy them. Secondly, they cannot honour God in the performing of all those mutual duties, that God requires of his children one towards another; for separating from the Church of England as a false Church, they look upon all the members of it, as without the pale of the Church, (and they cannot otherwise do while they are of that judgement.) And because they are so, they thus reason, as for those with whom we have entered into Covenant and are members of our Church, we are bound to, but for others they are without, and what have we to do with those that are without, say they? Whereas we know it is Christ's command that all the faithful should love one another, john 13.34. and they ought also to have fellowship one with another, 1 john 13. and by love to serve one another, Gal. 5.13. and to let brotherly love continue, Heb. 13.1. constantly provoking one another to love and to good works, Heb 10.24. exhorting and instructing the ignorant, Heb. 3.13. Dan. 11.33. encouraging and strengthening the weak, 1 Thes. 5.14. job 4.3.4. but all these duties are neglected, by them that separate, and walk at a distance from other Christians, whereby they rob them of that spiritual good, that charity requires (and formerly they have done to others;) and deprive themselves also, of that edification, they might receive (and have formerly received) by their communion with them: therefore it is a sin to join with such a society, as thus hinder men from performing of their duty. 3. Thirdly, by separating from the Church of England and joining to the Independent society: Divine precepts are violated: For we are commanded that all thingsses should be done in charity, 1 Cor. 16.14. & it is a sin not to walk charitably, Rom. 14.15. but what charity is it to renounce a whole Church without a ground? It is true God's people are commanded to separate from Heathens and Idolaters, 2 Cor. 6.17. Isa. 52.11. to departed out of Babylon, Revel. 18.4. but not out of Zion: Not forsaking the assemblings of God's Church and people. Heb. 10.25. Therefore they that separate must account the Church of England as Babylon, they must reckon them amongst the Heathens and Idolaters, or else they cannot justify their separation from them. And if they so Judge, where is their charity? Again saith the Apostle, Rom. 16.17. now I beseech you brethren mark them which cause divisions and offences, contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned and avoid them: And we are commanded not to meddle (or mix ourselves) with those that are given to change, Prov. 24.21. And well may such receive that check, that the Prophet Jeremy giveth, Jer. 2.36. why gaddest thou about so much to change thy way: But how do those perform these precepts that cause divisions and separations, and gad about so much to change their way? Fourthly, it is denounced as a judgement of God to be separated from the Congregation of God's Church and people. Ezra 10.8. But the Independent society make themselves the executioners of this judgement upon themselves; for God casts them not out, neither doth the Church cast them out, but themselves separate themselves from the Church and people of God: & what greater evil, then under pretence of joining to the Church of God, to departed from the Church, in the midst whereof God abides, Ps. 46.5. Is it not to departed from God? Fifthly, by separating from the true Church of God, the unity of Christ's mystical body is (in a manner) destroyed: for all the faithful are of one household, Gal 6.10. children of one and the same father, Rom. 8.14. Ephes. 4.6. and mother, Gal. 4.26. having all one elder brother, Heb. 2.11. and are all begotten by the same spiritual seed, 1 Peter. 1.23. and are all nourished by the same milk, 1 Peter 2.2. and are all heirs of the same kingdom, james 2.5. Mat. 25.34. all soldiers under the same Captain, 2 Tim. 2.3. all having the same enemies, Ephes. 6.12. Therefore it cannot but be a great sin for them to separate and divide. Sixtly, they that separate cause divisions, and discover themselves to be carnal in so doing, saith the Apostle, 1 Cor. 3.3. for ye are yet carnal, for whereas there is amongst you envying and strife, and divisions, (or factions) are ye not carnal, and walk as men? (as carnal and wicked men) jude ver. 19 These be they that separate themselves, sensual, having not the Spirit, (or as some read the words, These are makers of Sects) etc.) and in the verse before, they are called mockers. We find that haters of God's people separated God's people from their company, Luke 6.22. but we find not God's people rejecting of, and separating themselves from the company of the Church and people of God: yet so do the Independents. Seventhly and lastly, they that separate from the Church of England, to join to the Independent Society; they are merely deceived of their ends in their joining; for first, they think they join themselves to a true Church, but they do not. Secondly, they think they shall be bettered by their joining with them, but they are not. First, in their joining with them, they are so fare from joining to a true Church, as thereby they cast themselves out of a true Church, and are made members of no Church: And (if I mistake not) they that excommunicate a whole Church of God, and themselves out of it, by renouncing it, are in a worse condition than those that are excommunicated and cast out by the Church; for casting out by the Church is for the destruction of the flesh, that the spirit may be saved, 1 Cor. 5.5. And although the Church account of such a one as a Heathen and a Publican, Mat. 18.17. yet he that is so rejected, doth not reject the Church, and count them as Heathens and Publicans: But they that thus reject the Church of England, do account of them as Heathens and Publicans, that is to say, such a company as it is not fit to hold communion with as the Church of God. Now let who will judge, who is in the worst condition, either he that is rejected by the Church as a remedy against sin, or he that is not rejected by the Church, yet make it his sin to despise and reject the whole Church? And how a company of such despisers and rejecters of the Church of God, should make a Church of God, I know not. Secondly, they that join themselves to that most strange Independent Society, are exceedingly deceived, in thinking they shall be bettered by so doing. I know the benefit, by meeting, for prayer and conference, is that which is much aimed at by some that are joined with them, and others that have desired to be joined with them (for that end) but are not. I confess the meetings of christians, for prayer and conference, are duties I much prize and approve of, and have found much benefit by them, but it was when there was more sincerity, humility, and familiarity amongst christians, then is generally now to be found: Of late it is come to pass (through the policy of Satan, and the pride and deceitfulness of men's hearts) that under pretence of meeting for the performing of these duties, men's fancies are vented, and all the errors amongst us, are daily spread and increased; and how can it otherwise be, when these duties are performed by those whose judgements are corrupted? When christian society was maintained in humility and the fear of God, with all that feared God, than God did approve of their meeting, Mal. 3.16. and they found the fruit of it: But since pride and singularity have made a separation, (so as not all that fear God are admitted into their Society, but only such as are of their judgement, and will walk with them in their way) God hath not approved of their Society; for God is not (such) respecter of persons, Rom. 3.11. Acts 10.34.35. neither would he have christian conference hindered for any such ends. Gal. 2.6. And while it is so hindered, how can God be glorified, or themselves bettered thereby? Doth not experience prove, they are the worse, since they have entered into the Independent society? Do they not neglect public ordinances? Are not (many of them) remiss in family duties? Are not Gods Ministers neglected (if not despised?) Are not former Friends slighted and rejected? At least, is not their love to them abated? Do they not misconstrue every man's words and actions, that are not in their affections? who have been more ready than they to receive and spread abroad (if not to raise) false reports of others, that have not complied with them? Have any credited and divulged, the scandalous reports that have been raised of our Brethren the Scots, more than they? Do not their very speech bewray, that they would be glad, if there were sufficient matter of charge against them, to occasion falling with violence upon them? Have they not high thoughts of themselves? Do each of them in lowliness of mind esteem others better than themselves? Phil. 2.3. Do they abate in sin, and increase in grace? But can sin abate where love decays, Mat. 24.12. or grace grow, where pride increases? James. 4.6. Surely no. Can a man sin against God and prosper? Job 9.4. It is true they that love the Church shall prosper, Psal. 122, 6. but can any cast off the Church and prosper? While a man is in a way of sinning against God, I cannot but question his thriving in grace. I confess I have heard much boasting of their thriving in the Independent society, but I have not seen it. I find not growing Thyatira boasting of their growth, Rev. 2.18.19. but I find decaying Laodicea, vain gloriously boasting of their riches and increase, but it was their ignorance made them think so, for they were wretched, miserable, poor, blind and naked, notwithstanding their boasting, Rev. 3.14.17. To conclude, if to join with the Independent society, be a violation of the Covenant: a hindering men from performing their duties to others: a violating of divine precepts: a bringing a judgement of God upon themselves: a breaking the unity of Christ's mystical body: a discovering themselves to be carnal, a separating themselves from the true Church, and making themselves to be no members of any Church of God: and a mere deluding themselves: All which hath been proved it is: Therefore it cannot but be a sin, and folly to join to that society. Consider what hath been said, and the Lord give you understanding in all things. FINIS.