TO HIS EXCELLENCY THE L. General Cromwell, AND The rest of the Council of the Army OF THE Commonwealth of ENGLAND; The humble and faithful advice of divers affectionate Friends to the Parliament, Army and Commonwealth of England. HEaring of your especial meetings in Council in order to the settling of the Nation in Peace and Freedom, as persons always engaged with you in affection and endeavours to the same just ends, and a like concerned in the issue and success thereof; and knowing by sad experience how prone the wisest have been to mistake in affairs of this nature, we have deemed ourselves bound in conscience to contribute what we conceive requisite, or may be of use for the steering of your course aright, and for the avoiding of those rocks upon which many have fallen for want of due and timely consideration: which cannot be avoided but by a clear knowledge of the Fundamental Laws and Liberties of England, and by a firm resolution to restore every of them without partiality unto their primitive power and efficacy throughout the Land; notwithstanding any corrupt interest, built upon their ruins or abuses. So that waving all things of innovation (let pretences be never so specious) the first thing necessary to the work you have undertaken, is to satisfy your understandings, what are those Fundamental Laws and Liberties, and in the next place by all lawful means to endeavour their restauration. For, as you once well argued, you are not a mercenary Army, hired to serve any arbitrary power of State (such was the late King's Army, fight against the Fundamental Laws, to erect his will or corrupt Laws by former Kings procured subservient to will and power) but called forth and conjured by the several Declarations of Parliament to the defence of your own and the People's just Rights and Liberties, which our Ancestors of famous memory have endeavoured to preserve with the price of their blood, and you by that, and the late blood of your dear friends and fellow-soldiers (with the hazard of your own) do now lay claim to; these are your own reasonings when first you disputed the Authority of Parliament, they having first declined the Fundamental Laws, which was the only just ground of declining them. And as you rightly understood, that being no mercenary Army, but called forth to the defence of your own and the People's just Rights and Liberties, you were not bound to obey commands, though of a Parliament, contrary to the Fundamental Laws, so much more now are you to understand, That of any men in the world it would worst become you, to be either advisers or procurers of other things than those very true ancient fundamental Rights and Liberties. And you see likewise, that not withstanding the many professions and Protestations of this Army, to maintain the Fundamental Laws and Liberties of this Nation, it yet remains under a greater degree of bondage, and fuller of just complaints then ever, because you have slackened your zeal, and there hath not been that diligent perseverance in all lawful endeavours until their plenary restauration and firm establishment: Your study ought not to be like Conquerors, to make things new, or innovate upon the Fundamental Laws (that neverfailing means of trouble and confusion) but to clear them from those many encroachments, violations and abuses both upon the Laws themselves, and the execution of them, which have almost rendered them of no benefit, and full of vexation to the people of this Nation. You may please to observe, it is not the being of a Parliament that makes the Nation happy, but their maintaining of the fundamental Rights and Liberties, nor that in words only and Declarations, but in the real and effectual establishment of them; and when they either neglect those, or set up other things contrary, or oppose the establishing of them, they prove themselves enemies, and reduce this Nation into a condition of bondage. Be pleased to review your Remonstrances and Declarations which in all parts of them have held forth the clearing, settling and securing of the Rights, Liberties, and peace of the Nation, the only justifiable end of all your public motions and endeavours, appealing to the whole Nation, to the world, and to Almighty God, for the justness, reasonableness, and common concernment of your desires and intentions therein, yea so wisely careful were ye over the common Rights and Liberties of the people, and of their safety, that you proposed that in things clearly destructive to those Rights, there might be for the future a liberty for dissenting Members in the Parliament to enter their dissent, and thereby to acquit themselves from the guilt or blame of what evils might ensue, that so the people might regularly come to know who they are that perform their trust faithfully, and who not, an argument amongst others then urged by the Army, importing the greatest zeal and sincerity, to the restoring of the Fundamental Laws, that could possibly be expressed. Nor is there (as we verily believe) any just objection, that should stagger you in perseverance accordingly, although we cannot deny, but that all the old and new Sophisms and delusive arguments devised by corrupt interests, in defence of themselves against the Fundamental Laws and Liberties of the people, have been so diligently blown abroad, that we find they have captivated many good men's understandings, and are ready and uppermost almost in all discourses, urging that if you now endeavour the restauration of the ancient Fundamental Laws and Liberties of england, you seek to reedisie the things you have thrown down, as Kingly government, which the Parliament, not without sufficient grounds, voted to be useless, burden some, and dangerous; for what, say they, hath been more ancient in England, unto which even by the very Laws were annexed large revenues, and extraordinary trusts, as the Militia, and the like? what more ancient authority than the House of Lords, which by the very Laws of england had Jurisdiction in appeals after Judgement, and both Kings and Peers ever esteemed an essential part of Parliaments; the Bishops likewise of long continuance, and very many Laws extant in favour of them. But as truth is more ancient than error, and righteousness was before sin, though error and sin have much to say for their antiquarty, so is it answered in these and the like cases; though Kings, and Lords, and Bishops have been of long continuance, and have procured many Laws to be made in several times, by Parliaments in favour of them, yet upon due examination it will appear, that they are not of Fundamental Institution, no more than many other corrupt interests, yet extant which time after time have one made way for another, until at length they got the sway of all things, sat themselves upmost in all places, oft times filled the seats in Parliament, and then made Laws in favour of themselves, and each others interest, and in subversion of the Fundamental Laws, endeavouring all they could utterly to root them up, and to blot the knowledge of them out of all remembrance. And therefore to find out what are truly Fundamental Institutions, you may please to look beyond Kings, and as you pass them, you will perceive that their original was either by force from without, or from confederacy within the Land, that of their confederates they made Lords and Masters over the people, created offices, and made their creatures officers for life, whereas the true mark of a Fundamental Institution is only one years' continuance in an office, by which mark it is evident, that neither Kings nor House of Lords are of Fundamental Institution, all true Fundamental Institutions ordaining election to every office, which is another mark, and that by the Inhabitants of the place where the office is to be exercised; and another special mark is, that the main scope and intent of the office and business thereof, is of equal concernment to the general good of all the people, and not pointed to make men great, wealthy and powerful, all which undoubted marks exclude not only Kings, and Lords, and Bishops, but many other interests of men in this long enslaved and deluded Nation. So that in removing these useless burdensome and dangerous interests of Kings, Lords, and Bishops, no violence at all hath been done to the Fundamental Laws and Liberties of England, but they are so fare cleared and secured from innovation, and many oppressions which attended them. Nor is there ground for any to suppose, that in restoring the true ancient fundamental Rights of England, there will be a necessity of maintaining any the Courts in Westminster, or their tedious, burdensome or destructive way of proceeding in trial of Causes, both Chancery, and the rest being in all things (except the use of Juries) all of them of Regal institution except the Common Pleas, which is so also, as to its being seated in Westminster: These have sometimes been strengthened by Laws made in Parliaments, which were ever to give place to Fundamentals, being indeed null and void, wherein any particular they innovate upon, or are contrary unto them: All causes by the fundamental Laws being to be decided and finally ended, past all appeal, in the Hundreds, or County Courts, where parties reside, or where the complaint is made by Juries, without more charge or time than is necessary, so that until the Norman Conquest, the Nation never knew or felt the charge, trouble, or entanglements of Judges, Lawyers, Attorneys, Solicitors, Filors, and the rest of that sort of men, which get great estates by the too frequent ruins of industrious people, which is another mark to know that all such are not of fundamental institution, but Regal, and erected for the increase and defence of that interest. As for those defects which are many times observed in Juries, and some inconveniences which ensuc in some cases under other fundamental Constitutions; it is to be noted, that there is not perfection to be expected in any Government in this world, it being impossible for the wisest men that ever were to compose such Constitutions, as should in every case warrant a just event. Yet so careful have our Forefathers been, that the Laws of England are as preventive of evil, and as effective for good, as any Laws in the world. And for Juries, whatever just complaint lies against them, it doth not relate to the Constitution itself, (which Kings have often attempted to destroy, as the main fortress of the people's liberty) but against such abuses, in the packing and framing of Juries, in their byassing or over-awing, by the servile and partial Officers about the Courts, by the King's Sheriff, or under-Sheriff, and other, by ways, that others have found out; all which abuses are matters of just complaint, and require rectification, and ought not to be made use of as a ground of Innovation, or an argument against your fundamental Constitution. Others there are, who finding the great importance of Juries to preserve the people's Liberties, and that through the sense that the people have thereof, it will be but a vain thing to attempt the total taking them away, have invented a strategem that will render them instead of being a fountain of equal Justice to the people, the means only of advancing the rich, and an awe upon the middle and meaner fort of men, which they would do upon the common pretence of Prerogative, that only men of estate and quality ought to be entrusted with the determination and decision of causes, and therefore have contrived that such only as are worth one hundred mark per annum, should be capable of being chosen Jury men, which if obtained, we cannot from thence but make these conclusions. 1. That the Fundamental Constitution is thereby violated, which gives equal respect to all men, paying Scot and Lot in the places they inhabit. 2. By the same liberty they altar the Constitution in this particular at this time, they may at another time totally take it away. 3. That it is a policy agreeable to that of Kings, in reducing the power of Judgement into the hands of a few, and the rich, who may with much more case be corrupted, than the generality: It being also a bringing of this Nation to the condition of the French, and making it consist only of Gentleman and Peasants. You may be pleased in the next place to consider the particular of Pressing, or forcing men to serve in the wars against their consents, than which nothing is more contrary to fundamental liberty; the King did always make use of it, and such abroad, whose government has not that goodness and freedom in it, as to invite men voluntarily to its defence; a good government cannot need it, since in that it would be the interest of every man to hazard his life and fortunes for its conservation, and therefore we desire that this ancient liberty may be tenderly preserved. For Tithes, they may (we conceive) be taken away, without violence to any fundamental Law; the institution there; of being Popish at first, and partly Regal, afterwards thanged solely into the Regal Interest, to maintain a numerous sort of ble Sophisters, under pretence of being Ministers of Christ (which they were not) having no qualifications agreeable unto those which were so indeed, to preach up the Regal Interest with their own: Fundamental institution imposeth no charge upon the people, but for maintenance of the impotent and poor, or for such as are restrained until time of trial for want of Sureties: All which the Neigabourhood is to levy, or for public defence against enemies, which is referred by Fundamental Constitution unto annual chosen trusties in the Grand Council of the people, called from the Norman Parliament, upon whom the continued labours and policies of the Conqueror's successors have had great influence, by whose endeavours this burden of Tithes came to have the colour of Law set upon it, though in this, as in all things else, Parliament Law was ever to give way to Fundamental, being null and void in itself, where it innovates upon the ancient Rights of the people, and hath been so acknowledged, enacted, and declared by most Parliaments; of so Supreme Authority in this Nation have fundamentals ever been, whereof Annual new elected Parliaments is one and a chief, being instituted for preservation, and not for destruction of fundamentals, for than it might null Parliaments themselves, which could never be within the trust of Parliaments. But yet so unhappy have Parliaments been in most times since the Conquest, that waving their care of the fundamental Liberties of the Nation, they have so multiplied Laws upon Laws to their prejudice, that the whole voluminous bulk of the book of Statutes serves but as a witness of their defection, and of the prevalence of the Regal interest and his adherents; of which deviation from their rule (the Fundamental Law) not any one thing is more remarkably pernicious to industrious people, than this of tithes, or enforced maintenance for Ministers, or any other sort of men, except such as are ; so that tithes being utterly abolished, the people are delivered from a most heavy and grinding oppression, and therein restored to Fundamental Liberty. And as for those Laws which have been, touching men's Judgements, opinions and practice in matters of Religion, with the proceed thereupon, and punishments annexed, there is no ground at all for them, the Fundamental Law of England being as free and clear from any such persecuting spirit, as the Word of God is; questioning none, nor permitting that they should be questioned, or otherwise molested, much less punished, but for such things only, as whereby some other person is injured, in person, goods, or good name, or in wife, children, or servant; and therein also it provides, that none be tortured upon any occasion whatsoever, and that no less than two lawful Witnesses are sufficient to prove every fact: Also, that where any accused person can procure Sureties, there be no restraint of the body in prison; what is in common practice contrary hereunto, hath been innovated contrary to Fundamental Right, and may lawfully be reform and reduced to its original state again, and thereby also the people restored to ancient right therein, and freed from abudance of mischief and inconvenience. And so extremely doth the Fundamental Constitutions of England regard true frtedome, that it allows of Bail in any case, without exception, where it can be obtained, and admits no imprisonment of the persons of any for debt, choosing rather that one man should suffer in his estate, then that the bodies of men and women should be, as it were, buried alive in goals and prisons, as thousands have been, and still are, to the heart's grief of all tender hearted people. But then the fundamental Law provides, that where there is any estate, there satisfaction is to be made, as far as it will reach, leaving still some necessaries for life, otherwise it were more grievous for poor debtors, then for many sorts of wilful malefactors; for however the present practice is, and long hath been, by the fundamental Law, the estate even of a capital offender that suffers death for his offence, is not forfeited, but descends to his family, as other men's, after satisfaction made to the parties damnified: These forfeitures no doubt have been the principal cause that many an innocent man's life hath been unjustly taken away, and many a worthy honestman come to be burned in the hand; and however Parliaments have been drawn in to countenance such practices, it was the inventice of Kings to turn families upside down at pleasure, for to them their forfeitures went, and they gave them to their creatures and Sickovants, so that here you see is work enough for a well minded Parliament to remove these evils, and to restore our rights in these and many other grand particulars, without interchanging or innovating upon the true Law of England. The most unreasonable deicent of inheritances to the eldest son only, is also no part of the Fundamental Law, but quite contrary thereunto, that honestly and conscionably provided, that all inheritances should descend to all the children alike, choosing rather that some ill-deserving children should have where they deserve not, then that it should be at the will of parents, or in the power of the Law, to expose many to such inconveniences, and destructive courses, which younger brothers for the most part hath been cast upon: Divers other branches there are of the Fundamental Law, as is that concerning Juries, the Liberty of Exception against thirty five, without showing cause, and of as many more as cause can be justly alleged against, until the party doth evidently see an indifferency in his Tryers, As also to admit no examination of any against themselves, nor punishment for refusing to answer to questions, Nor conviction without two lawful Witnesses at the least; and that it is the duty of the Officer of the Court to declare to every person these his Rights, and to bring them to remembrance, if neglected to be demanded; all this shows that the Fundamental Law of England is a Law of Wisdom, Justice and much mercy, such as God will bless, choosing in all cases rather that some guilty persons should sometimes escape, than that one innocent person should causelessly be condemned. And whereas it hath been supposed, that the punishment of theft by death is fundamental, it is a mere mistake, it, as most other like things, being an innovation, and no way tending to the lessening of offenders, but rather to their increase, and indeed necessinating, or strongly tempting every one that robs, to murder also: For as the practice long time hath been, one witness even of the party himself that is rob sufficeth for proof, and casts the thief for his life, what way then is more safe for the thief, then to murder whom he robs, to prevent his testimony against his life, seeing he dies, if proved a thief, and can do no more if, proved a murderer? Besides, when the Fundamental Constitution was in force, it punished offenders according to the nature of their theft, some by pecuniary mulcts, others by corporal punishments, with laborious workings and open shame, at which time it is testified, that a man with much money, or moneys worth, might have traveled in safety all over England with but a white wand in his hand; besides, the Law of death for theft is many times the means why robbers escape, for that many good and tenderhearted people, either upon the consideration , decline prosecution, because if they should prosecute, they must either swear falsely, and undervalue what they lost, or take away life, where in conscience they judge they ought not; all which would not be, were the punishment proportioned to the offence, as in the Fundamental Law it is. As much likewise may be said concerning the servile tenors of Copyholds, how long soever they have been, they are the slavish remains of conquest, inconsistent with true freedom, or the Fundamental Law of England, and may, and as the rest forenamed, aught to be reduced to the true state of ancient right, and the people thereby freed from abundance of torment, and veration of Spirit. All Monopolies at home, and all restraint of trade abroad to distinct companies of men, are all opposite to the ancient rights of the people, and may justly be reduced to a universal freedom to every Englishman, which will make trade in time to flourish, and wealth and plenty of all necessaries to abound, especially if the way of raising money by custom and Excize were laid aside, being utterly destructive to trade, and rendering the lives of tradesmen tedious and irksome to them, and hath no consistence with Fundamental right; for according to that rule, no imposition ought to be laid upon trade, but what moneys are at any time found needful by Parliament ought to be levied by way of Subsidy, or an equal proportion upon all men's estates, real and personal, in which course the whole, within two pence or three pence in the pound, is brought into the public treasury, whereas in the other way, vast sums go to the maintenance of Officers, so as you perceive in this and all other particulars hitherto recited, the most ancient right is not only due, but most for the case and good of the people, you may perceive by what hath been expressed what are our ancient rights, and what, how many, and how great have been our almost as ancient wrongs and oppressions. Some of our ancient rights remain alive to this day, as Parliaments and Juries; the first of which ought annually to be chosen, which annnall choice hath for many years been intermitted, and that inherent right withheld, which should have some special thing for its excuse, and happy were the people, and doubtless happy would it be for this present Parliament also, that it may truly be said they held the Parliamentary power so long, that they might restore the people to their ancient native rights, the Fundamental Laws, to their full force and power, for which end it was, as you declared, that you reserved these, when you excluded the rest: and therefore surely in this and many more respects you are obliged to persevere in putting them in mind thereof, and if you find that they are not able to agree in the performance of this, the proper work of Parliaments then to move them in some short time, to order a new Parliament to be chosen, that they may take place of them, it being in no wife safe for the Parliament to dissolve, until the new immediately ready to sit when they rise; nor would we for any thing in the world, that Parliaments should be accustomed to be forced, nothing being of more dangerous consequence to Government itself. Which endeavours and desires we shall be ready to second you in, and we trust you will not omit to do it by way of Petition with all possible speed, that the desires of good men may be satisfied, in seeing this Parliament yet honour themselves, and bless the Nation with the proper fruit of their so many years' labour, hardship and misery, the re-injoyment of their birthright, Or if that cannot be obtained, you and your friends desiring it, they will not defer to give up their trust into the hands of another Parliament, which when you understand, we shall then desire you to acquaint the people what their ancient rights are, and how and by what interests of men they have been withheld from them, that so they may at length beware, and not choose such men to make them free, whose interest, advantage, and way of living, binds to keep them in perpetual bondage: And to inform them likewise, that it is not Statute Law, nor the opinion of Judges, and book-cases, nor the Prerogative of Princes, Lords, and great ones, nor any thing but their Fundamental Rights that can render them free or happy, and to persuade them no longer to give ear to such charming as hath been to their bondage and misery: And that you will be as strongly provided against all motions of Innovation, as against the worst of enemies, though they should assail you with seeming arguments from Scripture, the Scripture giving no particular rules for the Government of Nations, the Government of the Israelites being only intended for them, and either binds not, or else it binds in all and every part; so as those who require tithes by that Law, or punish some offences according to that Law, are bound also to circumcise, and to offer Sacrifice, and indeed to fulfil the whole Law, none having power to make choice of one part, and refuse another. If they urge from the Gospel, that indeed gives most blessed rules for faith and conversation, but as to Government, it is apparent from those words of our Saviour, (who made me a divider of inheritances) that the Gospel intends not so much earthly, as heavenly things; but both old and new Covenants agree in this, that all just agreements and contracts amongst men, (such are our Fundamental Laws) ought inviolably to be kept and observed. The sense of the Law of God is cieare in this, that it is a cursed thing to remove the landmarks of forefathers; nor are any more highly approved of by God himself then the Rechabites, for walking steadfastly in the laws and constitutions of their forefathers. Nor can any thing be more destructive to Government or human Society, then for men to admit that they are not obliged to observe the Fundamental just Institutions of the country wherein they were born, there being nothing that tendeth so readily to the shaking of a well-bounded society of men into anarchy and confusion: For, what is it that gives any man propriety in what he hath but Fundamental Law? What is it else that defends propriety, but Fundamental Legal Power? Why have you, and we, and thousands more so cried out upon such as pretended a Prerogative above Fundamental Law, and above Parliaments, but that it was in subversion thereof? Why did our Forefathers and all their posterity, down to ourselves, so heavily complain against the withholding of Parliaments, and against trial of Causes by any other way but by Juries, but that they are both Fundamental? Why was it always noted as a mark of regal prevalency in Parliaments when any thing passed there contrary to those ancient Rules? Why upon all complaints of oppression are the amendments always made by that Rule, as that when Parliaments had been deferred, and complaint made, the remedy runs thus: For remedy of grievances and mischiefs which daily happen, a Parliament shall be chosen once every years according to Law: where it is evident, the Law was more an cient than the Act of Parliament or amendment. Also after abuse and innovation in trial of Causes the amendment comes and says, That no man shall be attached, fixed, imprisoned, exiled or deprived of life, limb, liberty or estate, but by juries, according to the Law of the Land: Which shows the Fundamental Law to have been time out of mind before Magna Charta or any Statute Law. Why when after judgement in the legal Courts, the Chancery and Parliament had taken cognizance of the same Causes by way of appeal, doth the amendment come and say, hence forth after judgement in the legal Courts the parties shall be in quiet and free from being called either into Chancery or into Parliament, according to the Law of the Land, but in respect to the supremacy of Fundamentals? Why were Petitioners in former times so careful not to insert the least syllable contrary to the Fundamental Law, but that they knew Parliaments were chief ordained for their preservation? And it will not be throughly well in England, till Parliaments make answer to Petitioners according to the Rule of the Fundamental Law. The late Worcestershire Petitioners for Tithes may then know what they may justly expect from them, viz. that they are at liberty either to give or pay tithes, or any other proportion of their incombs, to such whom they will contract with for their labours in teaching divine things, or any other kind of learning, but those that ap prove not of paying, are not to be enforced; and thus in all things are the English free, wherein their neighbour is not violated Had this rule been observed of late years, it had e'er this stopped the mouths of many Petitioners, and be got a better understanding amongst the people, who have been shattered into shwers for want of this principle to unite them, every man stirring and contending as for life for his own opinion; one will have the Parliament do this, another that; others gathering themselves together in knots, and boasting how many hands they had to their petition; a second sort of men to theirs, and so of the rest, how many friends they had in the House for this thing, how many for that; and thus like the bvilders of Babel, they have been divided for want of knowledge, and fixtnesse in and upon the Fundamentals, which only can give rest to the spirits of the English, the goodness whereof having been once tasted, would soon beget a reconcilement; and doubtless this way or none must come the true and lasting peace amongst ourselves, and by this means only can we ever be made considerable, either against obstinate corrupt interest at home, or against foreign pretenders and enemies ahroad, who otherwise observing us to be a floating unbalanced people, and consequently divided and subdivided within ourselves, will never cease to disturb this Nation; whereas were we once again bound and knit together with this just and pleasant ligament of fundamenthll Law, divide and reign would not be so frequent in their vanquished mouths, which indeed is the main ground of the hopes. Consider we beseech you, how uncertain the rule of prudence and discretion is amongst the wisest and best of men, how unstable that people were that should be every year to make their Laws, or to establish them, have we not found the Proverb verified, so many men so many minds; this thing voted by one sort of men as most just and necessary, yea mens estates, and lives, and consciences cast upon it, and those the best of men, when in short time after the same voted down as most unjust and pernicious; infinite instances of this kind we doubt not will come to your remembrance, and therefore not without good cause have our Predecessors given such dear respect to their Fundamental Rights, that unless men's understandings were even bewitched with the salaries of corrupt interest, they would choose rather to lose their lives, then to part with one of them, esteeming every man, though born in England, no more a true Englishman, then as he maintained the Fundamental Liberties of his Country. To conclude, none ever yet denied that we had Fundamental standing Laws, and such as against which no Statute Law ought to be obeyed; but endeavours you will find have been in all ages for powers to establish themselves, and govern by discretion, upon a pretence of more easy and speedy dispatch of justice, as the late King did, when he by power broke up the short Parliament; before this, he publicly declared, that he and his Lords would with more speed and better justice redress the grievances of the people, than the Parliament could do. And though this hath been a disease incident to the strongest to give Laws and enforce them upon the people, yet as it is manifestly against the Fundamental Rights of the people of England, which you have professedly fought to restore, and not to destroy, having conquered their enemies, not their friends, so have you by Declarations laid grounds against such temptations; and as abhorring all such wicked and unjust intentions, would not have any entertain any such suspicion of you; we have very great hopes, that as you will carefully preserve your hands, your strength, and power from being defiled, by imposing Innovations, or continuing such as have been brought upon us, or yet by being instrumental to such as would, so we trust, and earnestly entreat that you would lay the premises to heart, and by wisdom and perseverance, procure the ancient good Laws of England to be reestablished amongst us, they being so just, so merciful, so preservative to all peaceable minded people, so unburthensome to the industrious, so opposite to all self-interest, so corrective of any manner of wrong, so quick in dispatching, so equal in the means, so righteous in their judgements, proportioning punishments to offenders, so tender of the innocent, so consonant to right reason, and having no disproportion to all true Christian doctrine, that the goodness of them, as well as because they are the ties, the Bonds and Ligaments of the people, and both your and our Rights and chief inheritance, we trust will cause you, like the true sons of your worthy and valiant Ancestor, to be enamoured of them, and to be now much more of the same mind, then when you professed that you esteemed neither life nor livelihood, nor your necrest relations, a price but sufficient to the purchase of so rich a blessing, that you, and all the freeborn people of England might sit down in quiet, under the glorious administration of justice and righteousness, and in full possession of those Fundamental Rights and Liberties, without which we cannot be secure of any comfort of life, or so much as life itself, but at the pleasure of some men, ruling merely according to will and power. And may the integrity of your hearts so appear in all your actions, as may render you well pleasing in the sight of God. who hath registered all your Vows (of freeing this Nation from all kinds of bondages) in the days of your distress: Keep therefore your hearts faithful; As Moses, who when he was to lead the Israelites out of Egypt, would not leave a hoof in bondage: and in so doing only, will you be the rejoicing of this Nation to all generations.