THE SAINT'S TESTIMONY Finishing through SUFFERINGS: OR, The Proceed of the Court against the Servants of Jesus, who were called before them to be tried at the late Assizes (or Sessions) held in Banbury in the County of Oxon, the 26 day of the seventh Month, 1655. Also a Relation of Margaret Vivers, going to the Steeplehouse in Banbury, after the Assize (or Sessions) as aforesaid: And a Testimony against False Prophets, and false Doctrine; with an Answer to the Objection about the woman forbidden to speak in the Church: And some passages about the Lords former sending of his Servants and Messengers. And who are no Jesuits, Fugitives, nor Vagabonds. And the manner of Richard Farnsworth imprisonment at Banbury, with a short Examination and Answer. And the cause of his detainment. Also, A Warning from the Spirit of the Lord (in his handmaid Anne Audland) to the persecuting Priest and people, etc. And a Letter of Robert Rich to the Magistrates of Banbury, and to john Griffith, Deputy Recorder, who sat judge in their Court, at the Assize (or Session) as aforesaid. Likewise a Letter of Tho. Curtis to the professed Minister called Samuel Wells in Banbury. And a Certificate wherein is manifested the diligence that was used to know the causes of the prisoners commitments that were called to a trial at Banbury, (Anne Audland, jane Waugh, Sarah Tims, and Nathaniel Weston) as well as Robert Rich, who was that day committed out of the Court to prison in Banbury. With a Paper relating the sufferings of the Innocent. Rev. 12.13. & 17. And when the Dragon saw that he was cast unto the Earth, he persecuted the woman which brought forth the Manchild: and the Dragon was wrath with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the Commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ. London, Printed for Giles Calvert, at the Black-Spread-Eagle, near the West end of Paul's. 1655. THE Saint's Testimony Finishing through SUFFERINGS. THere being a General Sessions (and pretended Goaldelivery) holden at the Town and Burrough of Banbury, the fourth day of the week, being the six and twentieth day of the seventh month, 1655. and to many known, that several of the Servants of the Living God were there imprisoned, whom the world in scorn calls quakers; so many friends to them and the truth of God, were moved out of Bristol, Glocestershire, Berkshire, and other parts of the Nation, to come and visit them, and to use their endeavours that justice and equity might be done them; at the beginning of the Sessions we were there, and heard the Charge given, and was present the whole time all our friends were tried, and observed as followeth. After awhile, one Thomas Colle was called into the Court, (who bore some office in the Town,) when he appeared, it was observed great rage against him role, yet little was said to him, but that he was unmannerly in that he kept on his hat; and they asked him, if he knew where he was, or before whom, and said that he affronted the Court, and words to that purpose, although the man uttered not one uncivil word; whereupon the Deputy Recorder called john Griffith, who sat Judge in the Court, fined him to pay five pounds, & condemned him to prison till he should pay the same, & he was fined forty shillings more for neglect of his office, as they said, and because be refused to pay the money, was sent to prison accordingly, as they had commanded. This hard sentence being thus passed, was a great burden to them who loved Righteousness, and expected equity; And clearly seeing that the said Thomas Cole for conscience sake could not respect any one's person, he being enlightened with the light of Christ Jesus, which respecteth no man's person, and in obedience to him and the Apostle who was guided by the same spirit of Light, who saith; My brethren, have not the faith of our jesus Christ, the Lord of glory, with respect of persons, for if ye respect person ye commit sin, james 1.9. and are convinced of the Law as Transgressor's. After that the said Thomas Cole was sent to the prison as aforesaid, one Robert Rich (standing not far from the place where the Judge sat) who is a friend to all that love righteousness, was made a witness for the just GOD against all injustice and deceit, he seeing and hearing the said Judge, and some others that sat near him on the Bench, earnestly inviting two men (that was in the Court with their hats off) whole names (as was afterwards informed, were two Priests, viz. Priest Smart, and Priest jones,) to the transgression of the same thing, for which a little before they had fined and sent to prison Thomas Cole, namely to the putting and keeping on their hats; the aforesaid Robert Rich taking notice of their partiality, and unjust proceed herein, and to see the Law of God not regarded by them, but threw behind their backs, which saith, Thou shalt not respect the person of the poor, nor honour the person of the mighty, but in righteousness shalt thou judge thy Neighbour; was moved of the Lord to speak after this manner: Christ Jesus who respecteth not the person of any man, and judgeth righteously, will give unto every one of you according to your deeds, and they that judge aught to judge righteous Judgement, without respect of persons; some small enmity arose against him, and one sitting on the Bench asked what business he had in the Town, who answered, he came to visit some friends; they asked his name, and where he lived, to both which he gave a meek & a just answer; presently after this the court a journed till the afternoon. In the afternoon friends came again to the Court, where the Magistrates was set, & within a short time she (who is called Anne Audland) was called to the Bar, & there in the Court an indictment was read against her, charging her with blasphemy, & on they did proceed to trial, called a Jury & brought in their witnesses, which differed one from another, and was in confusion, though they pretended to bear witness to one and the same thing, but falsely was the accused, & there did declare against, & deny in the presence of the living God, those things charged upon her: so he that sat as Judge in the court, spoke to the Jury, that all which was proved could not be found, or would not prove blasphemy, & words to them to that purpose; so they went aside to consider of it, & being together, where by the Law they ought to have been kept alone, till they were agreed upon their verdict, and being together could not find the bill, for some of the Jury said, why should we find this bill, seeing we have not evidence to prove it? or words to that purpose, & so threw it by; but one of them that sat on the Bench that same day, & is called a Magistrate, came in to the Jury, when they were together, to corrupt and instigate them, as some of the Jury hath confessed, which was contrary to the known Law of the Nation in such cases provided, & contrary to truth and equity, which is a greater crime and breach of the Law, than those things which many of the servants of Jesus are imprisoned for. And after awhile the Jury came into the court, & was asked if they were agreed, to which they said they were; & gave in their verdict for the Protector, but they said they found not blasphemy, it was then demanded what was found? to which they said misdemeanour; then she desired to know what she was accused of, for they read then bill, & called their witnesses for blasphemy, but blasphemy was not found; then they said they found misdemeanour against her, the asked in what? they said in calling the Minister a false Prophet, but she denied that she did, as they said, although it's no transgression to call them false prophets who are false prophets, which doth not abide in the doctrine of Christ, and their minister being then on the bench in the Court, was asked what he had to accuse her of; he answered, he deserferred his cause to God, and said he desired she might have what favour the Law would afford; yet for all this, though the Bill was not found, and though their as they call him, there present, did not accuse her of any thing, they committed her to Prison again, who had been there prisoner nine months before, and falsely accused at her first commitment, for no other thing did she speak but the truth, according to plain Scripture, a true Relation of which is published and declared in a printed paper, being entitled, A true Declation of the suffering of the Innocent, who is hated and persecuted without a cause, which is made manifest daily, for which the righteous judge of all the world will deal righteously, and call you to an account, and weigh you in an equal balance, and measure you in a just measure, and from the hand of the Lord must you receive a reward according to your deeds. After that, than there was one jane Waugh called to the Bar, who had been imprisoned about sixteen Weeks before, in the Town of Banbury, who at first coming thither, was in obedience to the Lord, to declare his truth, and witness against deceit, for which she were beaten, and abused, persecuted and imprisoned, and evilly entreated in the said Banbury, as the servants of the Lord in former ages (as well as this) were, by such an evil generation, and seed of evil doers, as they are, whose fruits makes them manifest, to be guided by the same spirit (though under a refined subtlety) that other persecutors of the innocent, spoken of in Scripture were. The said jane Waugh, as foresaid, who had been a witness to the truth of God, and against the deceit of the world; and after she had been sore abused in the said Banbury, persecuted, imprisoned, and put forth of the Town, for witnessing the truth against deceit; and after a certain time, being moved by the Spirit of the Lord to come into Banbury again, and being with a friend getting him to write a Letter for her; the Magistrates hearing of her being there, sent for her to come before them; john Austin who was then Mayor, caused the Oath of Abjuration to be tendered unto her, and because in obedience to the commands of Christ Jesus, who saith, Swear not at all, she refused to swear, being faithful to him, abiding in his Doctrine; and although she so did in obedience to his Command, out of love to him and his truth; and there in their court, when the said Oath was tendered, she utterly denied all things contained in that Oath, and Witnessed against all Popery, and Popish, Jesuitical Opinions whatsoever; yet the was then (notwithstanding all that) committed to Prison, where the remained (though the breach of any Law were not laid to her charge) till the General Sessions, Assize, or pretended Goaldelivery, when and where she was called to the Bar, as abovesaid, and appearing there that day, where no Accusation and witness came in against her, nor any breach of the Law or misdemeanour laid to her charge; but notwithstanding, she was asked to put in sureties for her good behaviour; then she asked them on the bench, what Law she had broken, and would have had them to have convinced her of a transgression, by making known to her the breach of some Law, the which they refused; but she could get no other answer, but that if she would not give in sureties, she must to prison again, which was done accordingly; now let all the wise in heart, that truly fear God, consider whether these proceed against the innocent be either legal or just; and if they do not exceed the proceed of heathen Magistrates, who sat Judges in trials against the Christians and servants of Jesus in former ages, as in the Scriptures are left upon Record. Consider, and see the actings of the persecuting Jews, who had the form, but wanted the power, and so out of a blind zeal persecuted the Servants of jesus, who were in the power and life of truth, and they were sore moved and offended at the Servants of jesus, and exceeding mad against Paul, who was pressed in Spirit (being in Macedonia) to testify to the jews that jesus was Christ; and when they aposted themselves and blasphemed, he shaken his Raiment, and said unto them, your blood be upon your own heads, and having cleared his conscience to them, he departed, and went to the Gentiles, and so entered into a certain man's house that worshipped God, and being moved of the Lord, he spoke and was not afraid, the Lord being with him, and having much people in that place, where he continued a year and six months, teaching the word of God among them; and the jews which made insurrection against Paul, when they brought him before the Deputy of Achaia for teaching the word of the Lord, which their dark minds (who lived in Envy and Malice against the truth) could not receive: And now observe the actings of the Deputy of Achaia (who though he might be accounted a heathen or an Antichristian) whose proceed in that case might preach or teach wisdom to some who profess themselves to be Christian Magistrates; for when Gallio was the Deputy of Achaia (as john Griffith Deputy-Recorder was judge in the Court, at the assize or sessions in Banbury; before whose judgement seat the servants of jesus was brought, by such as had made insurrection against them in their Market, Steeplehouse, and Steeplehouse-yard, in nature, like the envious persecutors of the Servants of Jesus: For, the jews made insurrection against Paul, and brought him before Gallio to the judgement Seat, and laid down their accusations against him, (according to Law, there and then accusing him to the Deputy, who sat as Judge, saying, in their accusation, this fellow (to wit, Paul) persuadeth men to worship God contrary to the Law; and when Paul (the accused) was about to open his mouth to answer (against that accusation and) for himself (the Deputy of Achaia which Paul was brought before, to wit) Gallio, answered and said unto the jews (very wisely in the Prisoner's behalf, who it is likely in his conscience was convinced of their envy and malice against him, he said to the accusers) if it were a matter of wrong or wicked lewdness, O ye jews (being troubled to see their unjust accusations, and unreasonable actings) reason would (saith he) that I should bear with you, but if it be a question of words or names; and of your Law, look ye to it, for I will be no judge in such matter, and he drove them from the judgement seat, Act. 18.12, 13, 14, 15, 16, So where wicked lewdness or a matter of wrong is committed, reason doth require to hear it; and reasonable men to determine or judge according to equity; that are to judge in that case, and to hear the accused as well as the accusers, that Justice may be Ministered according to the offences, but if it be a question of words, or names; or telling hireling Priests or false Prophets of their deceits and false worships, who profess themselves to be Ministers of Christ and are not, let them either plead their cause from the Scriptures, if they can, to procure their practice to be according thereunto, or else let them cover their faces for shame. After Paul, who was brought before Gallioes' Judgement seat, had taken leave of the brethren, (being at liberty) he went thence into Syria, and from thence to Ephesus, and there entered into the Synagogue, and reasoned with the jews, and went from Ephesus unto Cesaria, and when he had saluted the Church, he went down to Antioch, Act. 18.18. to the 24. and spent some time before he departed (and having his freedom) departing from Antioch, he went over all the Country of Galathia, and Phrygia, strengthening the Disciples (and although he thus wandered or went through the Countries, yet were he neither jesuit, Fugitive, nor Vagabond) and passing through the upper Costs, came to Ephesus, and there finding Disciples, he laid his hands on them, and were strengthened by him, and he went into the Synagogue, and there boldly declared the things which concerned the Kingdom of God, where some believed, as others who believed not were hardened, and spoke evil of the truth, (as they do now.) And there were seven Sons of one of the jews, with certain Vagabonds jews, and chief of the Priests, who were hypocrites, that imitated or counterfeited the way of God, and had a just recompense for their reward, so that they fled out of the house naked and wounded, so there arose no small stir about that way, for they that were in the false worship made a great uproar, but the Town Clerk appeared the people, and did not impute it to Paul, but said to the rude multitude and false worshippers, that they ought to be quiet, and to do nothing rashly, and told them that they were in danger to be called in question for that day's uproar; and did not lay it to Paul's charge, that he was the cause of this their Tumult and misdemeanour, although he had declared against their deceit and false worship; and after the uproar was ceased, Paul called the Disciples unto him, and embraced them, and was not at that time committed to Prison, but departed from thence and went into Macedonia, and when he had gone over those parts, and had given them exhortation, he came into Greece, and passing through several places and countries, strengthening the Disciples, and preaching the Kingdom of God, freely declaring the counsel of God, coveting not man's silver nor Gold, and as he finished his course, the jews (and false worshippers) which were of Asia, when they saw him in the Temple (who had not the command there, but the chief Priests and persecuting jews, their party, who) crying out and said, Men of Israel help, this is the man that teacheth all men every where, against the people and the law and this place; (meaning the Temple,) and all the City was moved, and the people ran together, and they took Paul and drew him out of the Temple, (as they now do out of their pretended Churches, or Idol-Temples, such as are witnesses against deceit) and forth with their doors was shut, Acts 21.27, 28, 30, 31, etc. and as they went about to kill him (their envy being great, and their rage high) Lissius the chief Captain hearing that the whole City were in an uproar, and finding the jews going about to kill Paul, they seeing the Captain and soldiery coming, left beating of him, so the chief Captain took Paul out of their hands, demanding who he was, and what he had done, and the multitude being confused, some crying one thing, and some another; and not knowing the certainty, he commanded him to be carried into the Castle, and on the Stairs he was preserved, and born of the Soldiery from the violence of the people, who tumultuously followed after him, crying, away with him; and when he was on the Stairs, the Captain gave Paul Licence & liberty to clear his conscience to them, which, when he had done the Zealous falseworshippers, and antichristians, lifted uptheir voices and cried, away with such a fellow from the earth, it is not fit that he should live, Act. 21.40. & the 22.1. to the 23. ver. And their malice and envy being great, after they had judged him not fit to live, and had not the Magistrate preserved him, they had taken away his life, when they cried out against him, cast off their , and threw dust in the air. Then the Captain commanded him to be brought into the Castle, to be examined, that he might know wherefore they cried so against him; and the Captain (through misinformation) caused him to be scourged and bound with thongs, contrary to the Law of the Romans, being un-condemned, who after he knew that Paul was a Roman, he was afraid, because he had acted contrary to the Law: and after he knew the certainty wherefore Paul was accused of the Jews, he dealt justly, and loosed him from his bonds, and commanded the chief Priest and all their counsel (his accusers) to appear, and brought Paul down, and set him before them, giving him liberty to speak for himself; and after he had spoken for himself, and the truth being cleared, there was a Division amongst the people, and many received it, though it were by others rejected, who continued in their persecution; and the Captain fearing lest they should have pulled him in pieces, preserved him out of their hands, and after that the chief Captain heard that the chief priests and jews had conspired against Paul to take away his life, and forty of them had bound themselves under a great curse, that they would neither eat nor drink until they had killed him; but the Governor preserved him out of their cruel hands, and sent Paul away by night unto Cesaria, (providing with him necessaries meet for that journey, and so sent him safely to Faelex the Governor, with an Epistle showing the cause wherefore he was committed, or taken into his custody, with the jews accusations laid to his charge, or spoke of the Jews that accused him, who sought to take away his life, which he understood to be worthy neither of death, nor of bonds; and therefore he gave commandment to his accusers to appear Foelex, to say what they had against him. And when the Soldiers came to Cesaria, they delivered the Epistle to Foelex the Govenor, and presented Paul also before him, who when he had read the Epistle, and asked of what Province he was, understanding he was of Celiscia, dealt nobly with him, saying, He would hear him when his accusers was come: And after they came with a certain Oritor, who informed the Governor against Paul the Prisoner, and begun to accuse him, laying many false accusations against him as at this time they do against the servants of jesus, who abide in his Doctrine as Paul did, whom they in their accusation said he was sound a pestilent fellow, and a mover of sedition amongst all the jews throughout the world, and a Ringleader of the Sect of the nazarenes; and when Tertulus the Oritor, which the High priests and Elders brought, to carry on their deceit in a plawsable manner, had laid down their false accusations, the (high Priests, Elders and) jews assented to the same, saying they were so. Then Paul, after Poelex the judge had beckoned to him to speak, he answered the more cheerfully for himself, and to clear his innocency, and make their accusations appear to be false; he let the judge understand, that there were but twelv days since he went down to jerusalem to worship, & letting him understand the whole matter, that there was no such thing done by him, as they had laid down in their accusations against him, neither could they prove the things whereof they accused him: And Foelex who sat judge, hearing these things, Act. 23.23. to the end. that he might act according to Law, deferred till Lissius the chief Captain should come that he might know the uttermost of their matter, and commanded that Paul should be kept till he came; Act. 34.1. to the 24. verse. he also commanded the Centurion that kept him, to let him have liberty, and that he should not forbid or hinder any of his acquaintance to minister or come unto him. By all this you may learn how to act and do in such cases, whose unrighteous acting against (Anne Audland, jane Waugh, Sarah Times, Nathaniel Weston, etc.) the Servants of the Lord, that gives not the liberty to them, that the Heathens did to Christians in former ages. One Sarah Tims, who had been imprisoned in Banbury eleven weeks, who met the Priest in the Grave-yard, and said, M●n, fear the Lord (in obedience to his command) not uttering abuse to any, and when she had so spoken, the rude multitude hurried her, and struck her with their hands, others kicked her, and stoned her with stones; and john Austin being Mayor, and other Magistrates there present, rebuked not the rude company, as is certified in a Letter, and sent in writing to the Priest & Magistrates in Banbury; & after she was beaten & abused, she was sent to the Prison, though no Law was by her broken, as did appear at her examination at the Assizes or Sessions at Banbury, the day as aforesaid; and being called to the Bar, appearing, it was asked to give in Sureties for her good behaviour, so she desired to know first what Law she had transgressed, and what they had against her, to which they answered, if she would not give in sureties, she should to prison again; then she desired to know by what law they committed her, and one john Austin, called Mayor, answered, that sweeping the house, and washing the dishes was the first point of law to her (or words to that effect) so sent her back again to the Prison, she not being charged with the breach of any Law, nor witness brought in against her: but it will be hard for any to believe these things, who were not eye witnesses of the in, that such in justice should be acted in this Nation, where there hath been so much freedom and liberty of conscience talked of. Then one Nathaniel Weston, an inhabitant in the said Town, was called to the Bar, who had been commanded by the Lord to go to the Steeplehouse in Banbury, where the people were assembled together, whilst the Priest of the Town (called Samuel Wells) was speaking to them, who suddenly gave over preaching (as they call it) and spoke twice so the people, saying, there was one, he feared, come into the congregation, which would breed a disturbance, and he called to some to take him forth, for he said, he could not proceed to prayer whilst he was there; then one William Wheatly, a Magistrate; with others, haled him forth of the synagogue, or steeplehouse, and afterward Nathaniel Weston being sent for before the Mayor, was tendered the Oath of Abjuration, when in their consciences they might know he was never addicted to popery, but always an enemy to their Opinions, and from his childhood observed, (and to them well known, being born and bred in the said Town, and was accounted) to be a strict professor of that which was accounted the reformed religion, and continued a diligent hearer of those Ministers who were counted godliest and strictest in their conversation, till of late, in the light of Christ Jesus, he saw them to be out of the Doctrine of Christ, and the power thereof; and although they preached to others, yet themselves were as castawaies, not living the life of them who are declared of in the Scriptures to be the Servants of God and Ministers of Christ, but live in the pride and covetousness, in the strife and envying, and in the love and lust, customs and vanities of the world, (and preaching by their conversation the same things) things) being thereunto guided by a Spirit of deceit, which is the reason their hearers live so wickedly, and so they are loved and upheld by the wicked world, and the love of the Father they know not who live in such practices; therefore all people behold and see (if you can) the subtle enmity of this Generation, to be the same that ever was against the true worshippers of God in Spirit, who use all unjust ways and means as the serpent's seed ever did, falsely to accuse and persecute the innocent. And although it cannot be unknown to the Magistrates of the town of Banbury, that papists live in it, yet when was it ever known that they tendered the Oath of Abjuration unto them, as if it were for no other end, but a snare to entrap the innocent; but the Lord God in his power is risen, and into the pit must they go, which for others they have digged, and a just reward shall they receive from the hands of the Lord, whom we know liveth, and will plead the cause of the innocent: and although the said Nathaniel Weston, when the Oath of Abjuration was tendered to him, did utterly renounce and deny there openly, all things contained in the said Oath, and witnessed against all popery, popish, and jesuitical opinions, or tenants whatsoever; and told them, that in obedience to the command of Christ Jesus, who saith, swear not at all, he could not swear, lest he should go out of the Doctrine of Christ, in which he did abide; yet notwithstanding was he sent to the Prison, where he had lain 14. weeks at their Assize or Session, holden in Banbury, who was there called, and appearing before them it was demanded of him, to put in sureties for his goodbehaviour, whereupon he desired to know what Law he had transgressed, which they would not, neither was there any appeared that laid any misdemeanour or breach of law to his charge, nevertheless was he sent to the prison, where he doth yet remain: So all people that hear and read these things, you may see with what justice the Magistrates of Banbury proceeded against the innocent, and servants of the living God. So there was one Robert Rich (as many others) standing by, who with them was an eye witness to many of these things thus acted, as before is related, in their proceed that day, and saw that there was great Rage in them against the Innocent, and how they plotted and took Counsel together against the servants of God, (laying traps and snares to catch them,) and after they had consulted together, one of the Magistrates there sitting on the Bench (called Thomas Hathead) said to the Judge, and to some of the rest of the Magistrates, I suspect them to be Jesuits, whenas that in his conscience would tell him the contrary, and that out of his Envy he accused them, and desired to have them tried by the Oath of Abjuration (who in obedience to Christ jesus durst not swear, to transgress his Doctrine, and break his command,) so at length they agreed together, and gave order to have them brought into the Court, and then the Lord God moved the aforesaid Robert Rich to declare unto them their unjust proceed, so according to the command of the Lord, he spoke and said, that he was a Witness for the righteous Lord God, against their unjust proceed in the Court that day, who desired to speak, and to clear his Conscience unto them, whereupon the judge and others on the Bench, bade him come up and speak, and when he was come up and began to speak, they cried away with him, away with him; pull him down, pull him down; so their Officers, as was commanded them, pulled him down, and haled the said Robert Rich to prison, not permitting him to speak, as they had promised. These things are written and published to the world, that people may not be ignorant how unjustly the innocent Lambs and servants of Christ jesus suffer, and are persecuted in this Nation, which exceeds the persecutions that were in former ages, either by the jews, or from those in Queen Mary's days, for they had a Law gave them power, according to which they acted, (so the more to be excused;) but this Nation hath no such persecuting Law in force, and Liberty of conscience hath been proclaimed, and pretended, yet men and women are beaten, buffeted, haled, stoned and stocked, and after that thrown into prison, holes and dungeons (the breach of no known Law proved against them) and not so much freedom afforded them in prison, as to thiefs and murderers, whose friends are not kept from visiting them, as hath been known in Banbury, etc. People, lay these things to heart and repent, that the righteous judgement of God fall not upon you. A Warning from the Spirit of the Lord (in his Handmaid) Anne Audland, to the Priest and persecuting people in Banbury, and all such as may be found in their nature, and falsely accusing and imprisoning the Servants of the Lord jesus. ALthongh I was unjustly imprisoned at the first in the town of Banbury, for no other thing but speaking the truth, as in a true Declaration of the suffering of the innocent, who are hated without a cause may be seen, as it is declared in a printed paper, which was a Letter sent to William Allen, called justice of peace; With an answer to the false accusations charged upon the innocent, wherein their proceed are laid open, and proved to be contrary to the Scriptures; as also their proceed at the last Assize or Sessions holden at Banbury, the 26. day of the 7. month, 1655. Where I was called to a trial after long imprisonment or bonds, and there in the Court an Indictment was read against me, charging me with blasphemy, and on they did proceed, called a jury, and brought in their witnesses, which differed one from the other, and was in confusion, though they pretended to bear witness to one and the same thing, and falsely was I accused, as it did appear, when the jury gave in their verdict, they found no blasphemy, though for it I was accused, as the unchristian proceed may further be seen both in the printed paper, (called, The sufferings of the innocent;) & in what before is said in this Book, about my Examination and Trial, which is plainly made manifest daily, yet more in these things before mentioned, and in many other things which are committed, for which the righteous judge of all the world will deal righteously, and call you all to an account, and weigh you in an equal balance, and measure you in a just measure, Act. 17.31. Rom 2.5, & 6. and from the hand of the Lord shall you receive a reward according to your deeds, good weight, pressed down, and running over, such measure as you meeted; and in the day of your calamity an outside profession in words, when you live not in obedience to the Lord, will not hid you and cover you, and although I may be accounted as your Enemy for speaking the truth, yet once again I do warn you, as from the Lord to repent, Rom. 1.18, 19, & 27, 28, etc. Eph. 5.6. 2 Thess. 1.5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and turn from the evil of your ways; if there be any Remembrance of your latter end, when you must come to be judged according to the Light in your Consciences, which secretly in you bears witness against deceit and unrighteousness, envy, wrath, and persecution, for which things the wrath of God comes upon the children of Disobedience; and because judgement is not speedily executed upon you, do not think you shall escape, for (your deeds are written in a Book of Remembrance, and) the Book of Conscience will be opened and the wicked must not go unpunished. Oh ye foolish people and without understanding How long will ye walk after your own inventions? jer. 5.21. and to the end. Act. 7.51, 52. How long will ye harden your hearts against the Lord? How long will ye resist his Holy Spirit? Ye stiffnecked and Uncircumcised in heart and ears, how long will it be ere you return to him who hath often smitten you? shall the innocent always be your mark to shoot at? and will you make a prey upon the harmless Lambs of Jesus Christ? truly you will be found as stubble before the fire, and as dust before the wind, the whirlwind from the Lord God is gone forth, which will scatter the wicked, and the fire is kindled which will consume you; Jer. 23.19, 20. Mal: 4.1. Matth. 23.29, 30, 31, 32, 33, etc. Isa. 29.13, 14, 15.16. Mat. 23.34. Mat. 7.1, 2, 3, 4 thus saith the Lord God unto you, ye hypocrites and dissemblers, who make a profession of my name but not in truth; and calls upon me, but not in righteousnessl and dcaws near me with your mouth, and inquires after me, like a people that did delight in uprightness, whenas your hearts are far from me; Your ears are heavy, and your eyes are dim, and them whom I sent to warn you in my name to repent, and cease from persecution, ye will not receive, but ye imprison some, and shamefully entreat others, and same ye send empty away; and so ye hasten to fill up the measure of your iniquity, the least of you is a briar, and the most upright sharper than a thorn hedge, and ye refuse to return, therefore shall trouble come upon you, as pain upon a woman in travel, and misery shall come upon you as an armed man: Do you think the Trumpet is sounded, and the Alarm given for nothing, or will you gather together yourselves against me, and set the briers and thorns in battle? the fire is kindled which will go through you, and consume you together, for your transgression is multiplied before me, saith the Lord, judgement is turned away backward, truth is fallen in your streets, Isa. 59.14, 15. Isa. 66.15, 16. Zeph. 1.4, 5, 6, 7 Isa. 9.13, 14, 15. Isa. 1.25, 26. Dan. 4. and equity cannot enter, therefore saith the Lord God, I will plead with you, and I will judge amongst the Judges, and sand the Nations, and cleanse the land of evil doers, and the wicked will I overturn, and cut off head and tail; the ancient and honourable he is the head, and the Prophet that prophesies lies, he is the tail; and Root and Branch shall be consumed, the Lord hath spoken it, and will raise up Judges as at the first, and Counsels as at the beginning, and the ancient of days shall rule, and the Saints of the most high God shall take the Kingdom, and the Dominion shall be the Lords: The Lord of Hosts will accomplish his word by his mighty power and outstretched aim: Therefore now Magistrates, people and Priest, take warning while you have time and return; consider of it, what account can you give in the day of your calamity? How will you stand before the righteous Judge, and to him answer it, your persecuting the innocent, and your shamefully entreating the harmless? Ye devouring wolves, Isa. 1.21, 22, 23, 24. Mat. 25.41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46. who would tear the poor Lambs of Jesus, how will you stand before the Lion of the Tribe of judah, it they shall departed into utter darkness that visits not Christ's little ones in prison? How shall those escape that casts them into prison? And in as much as you do it to one of the least of his, ye do it unto him, and better had it been for you that a Millstone had been hanged about your necks, and you drowned in the depth of the Sea, than to have offended the little ones of Jesus Christ. My Conscience I do clear unto you, in the presence of the Lord God, in vain do you dig deep to hid your counsel from him; in vain do you gather together against the Lord, the burdensome stone which you have taken upon you, will grind you to pieces; to the light in all your consciences do I speak, which will witness for God, and against all unrighteousness, in the day of the Lord, when his righteous judgements shall be revealed from heaven against all unrighteousness of men, and every tongue shall confess the Lord is just, and his ways equal; and the witness in all consciences shall answer his judgements; so in love to your souls, faithfully is the word of the Lord spoken unto you, and a lamentation there is over you, because you reject the day of your visitation: Remember you are once more warned in your life time, by the innocent, who waits in the will of God, patiently to come through the trial, & following the Lamb in the tribulation, 1 Pet. 4.1, 2, & 13, 14. ver. Heb. 12.23. Mat. 26.65, 66. having fellowship with Jesus Christ in his sufferings, who endured the Cross and despised the shame, and by the envious Generation was called a Blasphemer, and in the days of his flesh, when he had offered up prayers and supplications, with strong cry, and tears unto him, that was able to save him from death, and was heard in that he feared, Heb. 5.7, 8, 9 A. A. A TESTIMONY Against False Prophets, and false Teacher: And also the Objection answered, concerning the woman forbidden to speak in the Church With a Relation of Margaret Vivers, was moved of the Lord to go speak to the Priest in the Steeplehouse in Banbury: And also concerning the imprisonment of Richard Farnsworth, etc. UPon the first day of the week, being the 30 day of the 7. month, one Margaret Vivers, a servant of the Lord, (inhabiting in the Town of Banbury) was moved of the Lord to go in to the Synagogue, or Steeplehouse in the said Banbury, and waited upon the Lord, whose power moved her to go to be ordered by him, who worketh after the counsel of his own will; and when the Priest of Banbury (Samuel Wells by name, their professed Minister) had ended and done, she was moved of the Lord to speak something unto him who had in his Doctrine, or preachment, been speaking against self-denial, and exhorting his people that they that had not the spirit might pray for it; saying most of them remained in unbelief, etc. But the Prayers of the wicked is abomination unto the Lord, and such as are without the Spirit of Christ (and have it not) are none of his, and they are the wicked that are in unbelief, and the enviors, mockers, scoffers, Rom. 8. Rom. 1.28, 29. Psal. 66 18. jud. 18. Mat. 16.24. Mat. 10.38. Luk. 14.26, 27. Heb. 2.10, 11. 1 Pet. 1.22.23. and such as walk after their own ungodly lusts, who are persecutors of the servants or Jesus, like those (malicious wicked ones, and unbelievers) here at Banbury, and whilst you regard iniquity in your hearts, God will not regard your prayers; and to speak against self-denial, is to speak against the Doctrine of Christ, so no self-denial in obedience to the Doctrine of Christ, no Disciple or follower of Christ, and no Disciple, no Saint; for saith Christ, he that will be my Disciple, let him deny himself and take up his Cross and follow me, here the necessity is laid down by Christ himself, therefore he that denyeth not self, in obedience to Christ to follow his light, but continues in sin and unbelief, abiding in darkness, is (no Saint but a Servant of sin, and so) out of the Doctrine of Christ, and he that abides in darkness, speaking against self-denial, saying it makes no Saint, (though in obedience to the Spirit and word of God) he is a contradictor of the truth, and a denier of the Doctrine of Christ, and neither knoweth a Saint nor him that sanctifieth, but is ignorant of the turn and the Apostles Doctrine, who saith, seeing you have purified your souls in obeying the truth through the Spirit, love one another with a pure heart fervently, being born again (contrary to self, and the corruptible seed) for witnessing him that sanctifieth, john 8.12. and that which discovereth sin and self in the ground of it, with its fruits and effects, which is the true light of Christ who calls to repentance, and a denial both of sin and self, and in obedience to his call, such as follow his light are thereby led out both of darkness and self, out of self-love, selfseeking, self-conceitedness, and all unbelief and sinfulness, as well as out of self-righteousness, error, delusion, and deceit; and into the love and joy of the Lord, righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost, and so into the marvellous light, even the light of life, according to the word of the Lord, in obedience thereunto, through the working of the Spirit and power of God; but such as are servants of sin, and do not envy self, but disobeyeth the light of him that sanctifieth, they are in the unrighteousness, denying the Doctrine of Christ, and turns persecutors of them that deny self in obedience to him, as their fruits maketh manifest (who continue in felse undenyed) as well as the Priests (antichristian or) false Doctrine, for after the Priest of Banbury had been spoken unto for the same, instead of vindicating by Scripture what he had delivered contrary to truth, when he was spoken to for it, he suffered the servants of the Lord Jesus (as antichristians aforetime did) to be haled out of the Synagogue, and haled down to the Gaolers' house, attended with a great company of people which, shown much rudeness and wildness, & what little effect their Ministry had wrought, and so it were a clear manifestation that they were unbelievers, and those that regarded iniquity in their hearts, and lived in sin, and self undenyed, and were not guided by the spirit of Christ, but of Antichrist, as persecutors and such in their nature aforetime were, Act. 17.5, 6, etc. Afterwards, one was moved to go down to the Gaolers' house, to the friend that was in custody at that time, and some they pushed and abused him, and some others began to reason with him, and would have had the Steeplehouse to be the Church, but could not prove it so to be; and there they shown again that their Priest's Ministry had neither taught them civility nor goodbehaviour, that were so wild and disboist, neither had his Ministry taught them (as was said) to know what the Church of Christ was, for the Church is the body, of which Christ is head, and he is the head of the body his Church, Eph. 1.22, 23. Coll. 1.18, 19 as the Scripture witnesseth, but Steeplehouses are not the body of which Christ is head, neither is Christ the head of the body of Steeplehouses (as he is of his Church (therefore the Steeplehouses are not Christ's church, and yet poor deluded creatures, have been taught by the Priests to believe that steeplehouses are churches, and so they call them, and rests in the perishing and visibles, that are so ignorant of the true church, the pillar and ground of truth, 1 Tim. 3.15. Heb. 3.6. 1 Pet. 2.5. Eph. 2.20.21, 22. Eph. 5.25, 26, 32. ver. And after that when they had confessed that they had Margaret Vivers, (who had spoken to the Priest in the Steeplehouse, after that he had ended that day) there, neither for whoredom, felony, nor theft, and words to that purpose, yet it was the Mayor's mind that she should be there; but whether she had committed any offence or no, they could not tell, (as they said, and words to that effect;) and the man that kept her there upon such uncertainty, when they was about to put her in Prison, and had her at the door, but did not put her in; for no Law by her was transgressed at that time, as it was said, that could be proved for witnessing the truth in obedience to the command of the Lord; (yet though they did not commit herto Prison, other two they did, one that stood by, and another that was quietly passing up the street at that same time) and the man that had kept her in custody, did object against a woman speaking in the Church; it was asked whether the Spirit of God might not be permitted to speak in the Temple of God, yea or nay; the which by some was answered and granted that it might. Answer. To the Question about the woman forbidden to speak in the Church, and proved that the spirit of God may speak in his Temple, either in the Body of male or female, let the woman keep silence in the Church, as it is said, and let God speak by his spirit in his Temple, 2 Cor. 6.16. Either of male or female, whose bodies are the Temples of God through the spirit, 1 Cor. 3.16, 17. For in Christ jesus the spirit of God in male and female is both one, Eph. 2.19.19, 20. Gal. 3.27, 28. And Paul he commended Pheba in his Epistle to the Romans, which Phebe was a servant of the Church which was at Cenchrea, Rom. 16.1. and in the same Epistle he saluted Priscilla, and also gave thanks with the Churches for her labour, who had been a helper of him in Christ Jesus, and she was a woman labourer in the Gospel by the Spirit of truth; so was there woman labourers with Paul in the Gospel, which he writes of in his Epistle to the Philippians, as well as them he speaks of, whose names are written in the book of life, Rom. 16.3, 4. Phi. 4.3. So was there women guided by the Spirit of the Lord, that were the Lords Prophetesses, as well as there were men that were his Prophets; and the Lord spoke his word by his own Spirit, in and through the one as well as the other: Miriam, Aaron's Sister, was a Prophetess, and spoke forth the praise of God, in that dispensation and administration, by the spirit of God that teacheth to prophensie, as well as the manifestation of it is given to profit withal, Exod. 15.20, 21. Isa. 8.16, 17, 1 Cor. 12.7. And Deborah a Prophetess by the Spirit of the Lord which taught her to prophesy, she therewith judged Israel, and were a Minister of Justice amongst the Lord's people in her days, and in that dispensation, insomuch, that the Children of Israel came up to her for judgement, and did not despise the counsel of the Lords spirit in a woman preacher, or a judge in Israel, and a Prophetess of the Lord, judg. the 4, 5, 6, 7, etc. And in the days of josiah King in Israel, there was one Huldah a Prophetess, that lived in jerusalem, a woman Preacher, or one, who by the Spirit of the Lord, declared and spoke to the people the word of the Lord, and to her the Priest and people went to inquire and hear the word of the Lord, according also to the King's command, 2 King. 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, etc. Besides, several other Prophetesses as well as Prophets, there was in the time of old among the Lord's people, Issa. 8.3. Nebe. 6.14. Luke 2.29, 30, 31, 32. as the prophetess in Isajahs time, and in Nehemiahs' time, so there was in the Apostles time a man in Cesaria had four daughters that were virgins did prophesy, Act. 21.8, 9 And at the coming of Christ when Simeon that just man spoke of him, the light of the Gentiles and the glory of the people Israel, there was one woman a widow, of above fourscore years of age, that had no outward huusband at home to ask, who was a preacher, or one that spoke of the Lord jesus to all that looked for Redemption in jerusalem, Luke 2.36, 37, 38. And Tryphena, and Tryphosa, and Persis (three virtuous godly women) did labour much in the Lord, which Paul (in his Epistle to the Romans) did salute; and as the wife is in subjection to her husband, so is the Church subject unto Christ, who is the head thereof, as the husband is the head of the wife; and Chsist being the Head of his Spouse, or husband of his Church, the Spouse of Christ united unto him, and betrothed in Righteousness, both asketh of him, and staying at home taketh counsel with him, though the Harlot from home, and the stranger unto him, knoweth it not; and saith the Lord, ●el 2.28, 6. I will pour out of my spirit, that sons, and daughters, and handmaids also shall prophesy; and who are they that are offended hereat now? that the Lord doth see, but proud, covetous, selfseeking priests, (who never knew God,) and their hearers that are deceived by them, and such in their nature who know not the sure word and spirit of prophecy, but are ignorant both of the mystery of godliness, 2 Pet. 1.19. Col. 1.27. Rev. 19.13. Heb. 17.8. and so of him whose name is called the word of God, and knoweth neither the teachings of God, not the life of the Scriptures, and the work of the Spirit of God, who would not have him to be the same now that he was, and Christ to be the same yesterday, to day, and for ever; who are such opposers of the work of the Spirit of God, and persecutors of the servants of Jesus, in whom it is bringing and brought forth, as their Generation and seed of evil doers ever was; Mat, 23.33, 34, etc. Holy men of God spoke forth the Scriptures. The Scriptures or Writings that proceeded from the Spirit of truth, were not spoken forth by the seed of evil doers, that were haters of God, and persecuters of his, neither were they spoken forth by such as preached for Hire, barerule by their means, 2 Pel, 1.21. jer. 26.9, 10. Ier 20.2 jer. 37.16. 2 Cor. 6.4, 5, 6, 7, 8. nor such as laid heavy burdens upon the people, & sought for their gain from their quarter, (like the Priests of England, the false prophets, and pharisees) but Holy men of God, who witnessed against such, spoke forth the Scriptures, as they were moved by the Holy Ghost, who were persecuted, mocked, stoned, haled out of the Synagogues, set in the Stocks, most shamefully abused, evilly entreated, and sore punished, smitten, put in the Dungeon, and often imprisoned, and such a portion from the world and seed of evil doers doth the servants and messengers of God meet withal now, that witness against them, who make a trade upon their words, also denying them, and owning the teachings of God, and the life of the Scriptures again now, as they that spoke them forth, who suffered for witnessing the truth in the life and power of them aforetime did. A short Relation betwixt the true Prophets and the false, and how they may be known a ssunder. First, THe true Prophets of God, had the word of God revealed to, and inspired in them, and the moving cause of their speaking, was from the light, life and power of the Holy Ghost within them, who dwelled in the light which discovered deceit, whereby they know the false Prophets, and declared against them, and against such as spoke the words of others, 2 Pet. 1.19, 20, 21. 1 Pet. 1.10, 11, 12 Isa. 48.16, 17. jer. 23. saying thus saith the Lord, when the Lord spoke not unto them, or by them, and so they speak a Divination of their own brain, (as do the Hireling Priests and Deceivers) and not from the mouth of the Lord, as to those that dwell in the light, as the true Prophets did, they now are very well, known, and against testified, though it be not received by the besotted, turned from the light; and the deceived, who persecutes those that are sent to witness against them (contrary to the will of man) as the true Prophets were, who were not sent by the will of man, but by the Lord God and his spirit, Isa. 48.16, 17. which the world could not receive, nor the will of man, no more than it doth now, john 4.17 and therefore do they persecute, and put out of their Synagogues, for to fill up the measure of their iniquity, and to fulfil the prophecy of Christ, ye a these things they do, because they are in enmity against the living truth, and know neither the father nor the Son, john 16.2.3. and so manifest what an evil and a wicked Generation they are on. 2. The true Prophets of God, who were endued with his spirit, and dwelled in the light, and spoke as they were moved by the Holy Ghost, and were not sent of man (contrary to the will of God,) but of God, (contrary to the will of man;) and such as are sent by the Lord God and his spirit now, have their commander near them, and by his holy Spirit are moved to speak as he pleaseth, and as they was, who were not sent by the will of man, neither did man's will receive them that went contrary to it (and stood in the counsel of God) no more than it doth now, but rather persecuted and imprisoned, as they do now; and the true Prophets that were sent of the Lord, and stoood in his counsel, neither preached for hire, nor sought for their gain from their quarter, nor sought for the fleece, but preached or declared freely the word of the Lord, and said, come freely without money or price Isa. 55. And also declared against the deceit of the false Prophets, and hireling Priests, and such as sought for their gain from their quarter, jer. 5.30, 31. Isa. 56.10, 11. And the true prophets declared against such as cried peace, peace, to the people whilst they put into their mouths, but when they could not for conscience sake uphold them in their deceits, nor put into their mouths, than the false prophets, and such as preached for hire, either shut up in prison or prepared war against them, Mic. 3.5.11. Hos. 6.9. 2 Pet. 2. And the false prophets and Hireling priests do the same now, jude 11. and therefore they walk in their forefather's steps, and are known by their fruits, which is marks; and the way to know them by according as Christ hath said, Mat. 7.15, 16. etc. 3. And the true prophet that stood in the counsel of God & preached or prophesied, and declared the word of the Lord freely, they neither persecuted, imprisoned, nor caused any to be persecuted and imprisoned, as the (false prophets and) priests that stood not in the counsel of God aforetime did, as well as their offspring hireling Priests, false prophets, and seed of evil doers do now: jer. 5.30, 31. jeremiah was a true prophet, and were sent of the Lord to declare against the false, and against such as bore rule by their means, and held up the filthy and horrible thing, which he then saw committed in the Land, as the false prophets and hireling priests do now; and jeremiah the true prophet neither put others in the Stocks, nor persecuted and imprisoned any, but he himself were persecuted and imprisoned, put in the Dungeon, and set in the Stocks in the high gate of Benjamen, jer. 20. And when jeremiah went to the Cities of Judah, who were in the disobedient nature, and come up then (to worship) the Lord commanded jeremiah to go stand in the Court, and speak to them the words which he commanded him to say, without diminishing of them, and he did so in obedience to the command of the Lord, than the Priests asked him why he had spoken such words, and they were sore offended at him for it, that they judged him worthy of death, and said he should surely die, and so sought to take away his life for it, and jeremiah answered the Priests and their party that were so in rage against him for speaking the truth, and said unto them, As for me, behold, I am in your hands, as for me, do with me as seemeth good and meet unto you, but (be sure, or) know ye for certain, that if ye put me to death, ye shall surely bring innocent blood both upon yourselves and upon your City, and the inhabitants thereof, and of a truth the Lord hath sent me to speak all these words in your ears: Jer. 26. Ye persecutors and bloodthirsty ones, who cannot receive the truth that bears testimony against your deceit, but seeks the blood of the innocent, the persecuting priests and their party aforetime did, from whence you are sprung; stop your mouths, cover your faces and blush, observe your root, and see both the fruits of the persecuting priests and their party. And likewise behold your Spirit, and repent of your cruelty & madness (at Banbury) for there is like priest like people, as saith the Prophet: Hos. 4.9. And as a troop of Robbers wait for a man, so the company of Priest's murder in the way by consent, as it is written and witnessed, Hos. 6.9. The Priest's cruelty manifested, etc. When Christ Jesus (the Dear Son of God) came to testify against the world, that the deeds thereof was evil, john 7.7. Mat. 2. Mark 5. Mat. 26. & 27 chap. the Priests and their party held counsels against him, and sought false witness to take away his life, and they accused him for blasphemy, and said, what further need had they of witness against him? Herod also, and his men of war, they set him at nought; and both Pilate and Herod became friends to join persecution against him, and that evil seed had their hands in shedding his innocent blood; and after they had done so by him, john 18 & 19 chapped. Act. 4.1, 2, 3. & the 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21 verses. his Servants were evilly entreated from the persecuting Priests, and seed of evil doers; Peter and john were put in the Prison, and afterwards beaten, and commanded to speak no more in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, but for all that they could not but speak the thing which they had heard and seen: And Stephen were judged by the priests and their counsel, to be a Blasphemer, though he was a man full of the Holy Ghost; and so ignorant were they of the Spirit of truth, that they persecuted them that were guided by it; and out of envy and malice & shed innocent blood, and took away Stephen's life, by stoning him to death as a Malefactor, under the pretence of a Blasphemer, when no such thing could be proved against him, though the Greeks, Libertines, Stoics, Act. 6.11, 12, 13, 14, 1●. Mat. 43, to the 10. Mark 6.20. Act 21.28, 29, 30, Act. 24. Act. 17.17, 18. & 24, 25. verse. Act. 18.12, 13, 14, etc. Act. 24.5. Act. 26.16, 17, 18. and Epicarians sought to encounter him. And john Baptist he were behaedded by Herod's command, though he were convinced, and knew [by that in his conscience] that he were an upright Man. And Paul he were counted a Pestilent Fellow, a mover of Sedition and a Ringleader of the Sect of the nazarenes, & they cried out, Men of Israel, holy, this is the man that turneth the world up-side-down; and they drew him out of the Temple, and forthwith, the doors were shut, he were beaten and abused for going into their Markets and Synagogues to reason and dispute with the jews, and for testifying against the outward Temple, and that Temple-worship, and bearing witness against their deceits, who also was called of Christ, and both chosen and sent, to turn people from darkness to the Light, and from the power of Satan unto God, Act. 26. Yet so blind and ignorant of the life of truth were the Priests and their counsel, that they persecuted Paul as they did the rest, and said he was a mover of sedition, and accused him as a heretic, and sought by all means to take away his life, though he told them of his choosing and Call, Commission and sending, they could not believe him, that knew not the Spirit by which he were guided and sent, who also told them, that in the way which they called heresy, did he worship the God of his Fathers; yet for all that were he imprisoned, beaten, and set in the Stocks: Act. 24.14, 15. Act. 26.22, 23 24. And the same portion from the Priests and their party doth the Servants of Jesus meet with in the world: Woe to the wicked seed of evil doers and persecutors; Priest and people, you are seen with the Light, and you Spirits are tried, 2 Pet. 2. Mat. 6.5. Mat. 23.4, 5, etc. and your ways comprehended, and all your false worships and you are found out of the Doctrine of Christ, & in the steps of the false prophets, and amongst the Scribes and pharisees, called of men Masters, and hath the chief place in the Assembly, stands praying in the Synagogues, and bind heavy burdens upon the people, and grievous to be born; and as Christ cried woe to your Fathers, the same Woes are to you their offspring, who are found with their Marks, and following their steps, you are clearly seen with the light, and comprehended, and with the Light judged and condemned, though to some you appear like Graves which men pass over and are not ware; woe unto you whited walls, and painted Sepulchers, ye serpents, ye generation of Vipers, how shall you escape the damnation of hell, as Christ hath said, Mat. 23.33, Luk. ●●. 44. ver. etc. Mark 12.38, 39, 40. A few Observations of the Lords sending his Servants informer days, etc. First. THE Lord God of Power, in former Ages, sent forth his Prophets and Apostles, Messengers and Servants, his Spirit, in the power and life, Isa. 58.1. Amos 5.10. Isa. 3. Isa. 8.18. Isa. 30.3.3. to deliver his massages and do his service, to witness also against the world, and the wickedness thereof; some to tell the people of their sins, and cry aloud, & spare not, and to reprove in the Gate, and cry out against pride and oppression, and were signs and wonders in Israel, and none could believe their report and witness with them, where the Arm of the Lord was unrevealed, yet they might do it in obedience to the word of the Lord, though they became signs and wonders also to the world, as Isajah was, that went naked and barefoot three years, in obedience to the Word of the Lord, as a sign and wonder unto Egypt and Ethiopia, as it is said, Isa. the 20. Chap. 2. Some went in obedience to the command of the Lord to cry out against preaching for hire, and against injustice, and judging for rewards, and not suffering the cause of the poor and needy to come before them, Zeph. 3.1, ●, 3, 4 Isa. 27.1.23, 24 etc. and so told their Princes were rebellious, and companions of, or with thiefs, as well as their Judges were ravening wolves, and some amongst them roaring Lions; as Micah, and Zepheniah, and the Lords prophets did, Isa. 5.21, 22, 23. Mic. 3.8, 9, 10, 11. 3. And some were sent from one place to another, in obedience to the word and spirit of the Lord, and sometimes knew to whom to go, and what to say; and other sometimes they knew to whom (and whither, or where) to go, and not at that present time what to say, yet they did well for to obey, though they sat where those they were sent to sat; and remained where they remained (if in silence) as Ezekiel the Lord's Prophet did, Ezek. 3.15, 16, 17, 18, 19 seven days before the word of the Lord came unto him what to say, when he was sent to them of the Captivity of Telabib, that dwelled by the River Chebar; and as Ezekiel, the true Prophet of the Lord, went amongst them, in obedience to the word and spirit of the Lord, and sat (silent) amongst them seven days, before the word of the Lord came unto him what to say; it were no delusion nor deceit: And if any of the Lords Servants, in obedience to the word and spirit of the Lord, should be thereby guided so to do, they would neither be deluded nor deceived in (and by) so doing, no more than he was, though the world know it not (who were ever strangers to the Lord;) therefore let flesh be silent at the work of the Spirit of God, and all such as knows not the eternal word and message of God. Who are no Vagabonds nor jesuits, and who are the Vagabonds, as herein will appear. First, THe Ministers of Christ that went up and down, preaching the word of eternal life, and were sent to turn people from the darkness to the Light, and from the power of Satan unto God, and though some of them might have no certain dwelling place, Act. 8.4. Act. 20.25, 26, 27. Act. 26.17. to the 22. Mat. 8.20. yet were they neither Jesuits, Fugitives, nor Vagabond fellows, no more are such as in obedience to the power of the Spirit of God that do so now: The Son of man, though he had not whereon to lay his head, yet he were no Fugitive, Jesuit, nor Vagabond, nor such as in obedience to the Lord, that wandered sometimes to and fro, and were in Sheepskins, and Goatskins, as well as in dens and caves of the earth, of whom the world was not worthy, Heb. 11.36.37, 38. they were neither Jesuits, Fugitives, nor Vagabonds, no more are such now, to do the work of the Lord, and work in his Vineyard, whose being is in God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, though they may go to and fro to preach the word of life, in obedience to the commands of the Lord, and doing his will as he of them requireth, though contrary to the will of man, who lives in Disobedience to the power and spirit of the Lord, as Cain the Fugitive and Vagabond did, and as such in the envy who are in that nature contrary to God, and walking in cain's way now do, Gen. 4.11, 12, 13. 1 john 3.13. & 19, ver. Rom. 1.27, 28. Act. 17.5. and to them is the curse and the woe, jude 11. 2 The Ministers of Christ aforesaids did witness against deceit, in streets, markets, and Synagogues (yet were they neither Fugitives nor Vagabonds) though for it they were haled out, and stoned, persecuted, by the chief Priests consent, and abused by their party, and Vagabond fellows, who in persecuting the truth deny the Lord, as such Vagabond fellows that parakes with the chief Priests to persecute the Saints and servants of Jesus do now, Act. 18.4, 5, 6. jude 11. as well as the persecuting Priests and Vagabond fellows that lived in cain's nature, as their forefathers formerly did, who persecuted the Servants of Jesus for witnessing the truth, and testifying against deceit, in Streets, Markets, and Synagogues, or Idolls-Temples, as their of spring do now, persecute those that do as the servants of Jesus therein did, and against them they act and vent forth their envy and cruelty, by the chief Priests consent, and their pratakers act, and thereby they manifest themselves to be of cain's stock, and their sacrifices to be rejected, as his was, who make it appear what a seed of evil doers, and a cursed Generation they are. An Account of Richard Farnsworth's Commitment to Prison in Banbury, the 30th. of the 7th. Month; and his Examination and Answer, in brief, at the Court before the Mayor and justices the day following, being the first of the vl Month, 1655. AS he with another friend was walking peacably up the street to a friends house in Banbury, meeting in the street Aholiab West, called mayor, & William Allen called a Justice, with many other people of the town, etc. The said Mayor and Justice, as aforesaid, so called, came to him very much enraged, as he was walking on the Street, & William Allen a Justice, so called, belonging to the Borough, he did strike, or pluck off his hat, & grinned at him, and heaved his fist in his wrath, and could scarce hold his hands; and then to fulfil his envy, he cried have him away to the Stocks, the which they were doing in obedience to his will, and after they were gone from the place, and ha●likg him towards the Stocks, the said William Allen to show his confusion in his actings, as well as his self-contradictions, he came to the men and said, bring him back and have him to Prison, and they did not delay, his words to disobey, but with all expedition haled him down to the prison out of the Street, and then (R. F.) he asked what fact he had committed, that deserved either Stocks or imprisonment, and desired of the Justice, so called, to know the Fact and the Law, by virtue whereof the Fact became a crime, which were denied to be made known unto him; but with violence were he haled, and thrust into close prison, and there remaineth. The next day they held a Court, and called him before them, being the first day of the 8. month, 1655. And the Mayor and Justices (so called) being set, and R.F. brought before them, according to their command; Aholiab West, called Mayor, he asked (R. F.) his name, and where he lived; to the which he answered very mlidly, and said, said, That as he stood in Relation to God, in whom his soul lived; and as were a witness of the immortal seed, in the Regeneration born of the Spirit, and begotten by the eternal word, which endureth for ever, 1 Pet. 1.22, 23: he said in that relation as he there stood, he had a new name given him of God, which no man knows, but he that hath it, Rev. 2.17. And as he was in Relation to man, he had a name given him by man, to be known by to man, according to the account of the world, called in the outward by the name, Richard Farnsworth. Then the Mayor asked him again where he lived; to the which he answered and said, in the first place in God, (and as the Apostle, as well as the Poet hath said) in whom we live, move, and have our being, etc. (Act. ●7. 28.) Then said the Mayor, But have you not a being in the world? I answer, said he, That residence is being, my being is with the Lord; but an outward residence, or being I have, said he, at a place called Tickhill in Yorkshire: Then said the Mayor, But how long have you been here in this Town? To the which (R. F.) he answered and said, Four or five days, if not a week. The Mayor asked him what he did there, to the which he answered, he came to visit his friends, etc. Then the Mayor asked him where he had been since he came into the town; he answered, The most at Edward Vivers: then john Austin (who is called a justice, he asked him if he were the Messenger of God, to the which he answered, There was but the Messengers of Christ and of Antichrist (in them two relations) and the message of Antichrist he did deny. After that, the Mayor said, how might they know that, for they might not expect Revelations now? to the which he answered and said, Though he (to wit, the Mayor) and they did not expect Revelations, etc. that did not hinder the work of the Spirit of God for being to them who did expect and wait for them, that wait for the grace which is brought unto such at the revelation of jesus Christ, according to the Apostles Doctrine, (1 Pet. 1.12, 13.) For the deep things of God are revealed by the Spirit of God unto his servants and children, as it is written. And saith Christ (Mat. 11.21.) i Cor. 2. i0. Mat. 11.27. Luke 10.22. No man knoweth the Son but the Father, neither knoweth any man the Father, save the Son, and he to whomsoever the Son will reveal him: Then such as deny Revelations by the Son, they deny the appointed way and means of attaining to the true knowledge of God the Father, and the Son. And Christ hath said the same concerning the knowledge of God by Revelation, as a second confirmation, in Luke (the 10.22. ver. witnessing and agreeing with that in Matthew (the 2.27.) And Paul an Apostle, not of man neither by man, but by Jesus Christ and God the Father, who raised him from the dead, did certify unto the brethren that the Gospel which he preachnd was not of man, for he neither received of man, neither was he taught it of man, but by the Revelation of Jesus Christ, Gal. 1.1. and the 11, & 12. ver. Then William Allen (called a Justice) said it was not the Revelation of Jesus Christ in him, but by Christ unto him; then (R.F.) he answered, that the same Paul said, when it pleased God to reveal his Son in him, that he might preach him among the heathen, he immediately preached him, not conferring with flesh and blood, after he were so revealed in him, Gal. 1.15.16. So there was a Revelation of Christ within, and after he was so revealed (within) in Paul, he went to preach him forth among the heathen, and gentiles, and said to the Collossians, great is the mystery of godliness, Christ in you the hope of glory, whom we preach and teach, warning every man every where, that we may present them perfect in Christ jesus, Col. 1.25, 26, 27, 28. ver. And after that there was a few words spoken concerning the Objection of the woman's non-permission, which before is answered; and when it was asked them on the Bench, if the Spirit of God might not speak in the Temple, they were then put to a stand, or partly silent about the same; and R.F. then and there said, if any of them would deny it, he would by plain Scripture prove that the Spirit of God might speak in his Temple (meaning either in the body of male or female) as aforetime it did; 1 Cor. 3.17, i7. Gal. 3.27, 28. 2 Cor. 3.17. and little was said thereunto at that present, then when R.F. was there speaking about the Saints bodies being the Temples for God to dwell in, as God hath said, I will dwell in them and walk in them, 2 Cor. 6.16. Then said john Austin, who is called a Justice, if God did dwell in them, he said where was his legs, etc. for the which William Allen, called a Justice, gave a secret check, seeming to be troubled thereat: And (R.F.) he told john Austin Justice (so called) that God was a spirit, and is as the Scripture witnesseth, john 4.23, 24. And Christ is a mystery, Col. i, 26, 27. & therefore it may be said, that great is the mystery of godliness, God manifest inflesh, for the would by their wisdom cannot find it out. Read and consider, Isa. 29.10, 11. And now that I have left that place of Scripture upon you, that was spoken to such in your natures; I shall come on to what was said by you, in some things at the bench, with answers and enlargments thereunto by proof from the Scripture, or as followeth. Aholiab West the aforesaid Mayor of Banbury, who sat in the Court with the two Justices, he asked the Town-Clerk for the Oath of Abjuration, and the Town-Clerk said he had it not there, but he would go for it, the which he did, and tendered it unto (R. F.) the servant of the Lord, and as he read it, the said Richard Farnsworth did in the Court there, in the presence of God by whose power he were kept and upheld, utterly deny and detest all Popish ways, and Jesuitical Opinions, whatsoever, and those things contained in that Act, or oath of Abjuration, and stands a witness against all Popish ways and false worships, but to Swear, as they would have had, he said he could not for Conscience sake do it, for it was (and is) contrary to the command and Doctrine of Christ; then they alleged that an Oath was for the end of all strife and controversy amongst men, which is answered as followeth; yea, in the time of old it was so, when Oaths were ordained for that end; but Christ (the Oath of God) ended all Oaths to his, Mat. 5.33, 34, 35, 36. jam. 2.12. and where strife and controversy is, there Christ is not yet learned, who brings good will and peace to such as in his Doctrine abide, who hath said, That in the time of old it was said; thou shalt perform thine Oaths unto the Lord▪ But saith he now, I say unto you swear not at all, Mal. 5. Then it was said to R.F. by one, that if he read on, he might see that Christ Jesus said, in all communications let your yea be yea, and nay, nay; to the which he answered the party before the bench, that he might observe that Yea, and Nay in their places, was as binding in the Doctrine of Christ, and the New-Covenant, as Oaths was in the Old-Covenant, and therefore Christ forbade all Oaths; and now they that own Christ and his Doctrine, who abide therein, are to let their yea, be yea, and nay, nay: and deny all Oaths, for so hath Christ commanded; And the Apostle saith, Above all things my Brethren, swear not at all, lest ye fall into condemnation. jam. 5.12. But let your yea, be yea, and your nay, nay: So they that swear, (and they that cause men to do it) are in the evil, under the condemnation, and out of the Doctrine of Christ and his Apostles, and the Scripture saith, That he that transgresseth, and abideth not in the Doctrine of Christ, hath not God; considder of this, 2 john 9 But be that abideth in the Doctrine of Christ, hath both the Father and the Son. They alleged that the Prophet said they should swear (the Lord lived, and swear) in righteousness. Answer, Yea it was so, and there was in the Prophet's days that swore the Lord lived, and swore (in unrighteousness, for they swore) falsely, as the true Prophet hath said, jer. 5.2. and though the Prophet did say they should swear the Lord lived and swear in righteousness, Christ jesus the (end of Oaths to his, and) substance of what the Prophets prophesied of, he is come, and forbids all Oaths, and saith, Swear not at all; and if it be alleged that Joseph in Egypt swore, it is answered, for thus saith the Lord, Out of Egypt have I called my Son, hear him, and he saith, swear not at all: and if it be alleged that Jacob swore, Christ he reigns over the house of Jacob, who saith, swear not at all; and if it be alleged that Solomon swore, I answer, Christ is greater than Solomon, who forbids swearing, and all Oaths, saying, swear not at all. And if it be alleged that the angel swore, true he did so, but thus saith the Lord, I bring forth my first born, & only begotten Son, let all the Angels worship him, hear what he saith, and he forbids oaths, who saith, swear not at all, and they are Christ's friends (as he hath said) that keeps his commands; and saith he, if ye love me keep my commandments; and they that loved him, as his do now; said, By this we know we love him, because we keep his commandments; then blessed are they who abide in Christ's doctrine, and swear not, in obedience to Christ, and keeps his commands, that they may have right to the Tree of Life, and may enter in through the gates into the city; Rev. 22.13, 14. For the unrighteous, and such as disobey the truth, who keepeth not Christ's commands, but lives in the transgression, serving the evil, and so fall under the condemnation of the Devil, they and such like are shut out of God's Kingdom, and enters not into the holy city, as they may read; and the scriptures stands a witness against them, and all such as are of the evil seed, persecuting the godly in Christ Jesus, 2 Thess. 2.10, 11. 2 Thess. 1.6, 7, 8, 9 1 Cor 6.9, 10. Gal. 5.19, 20, 21. Rom. 1.27, 28, 29. etc. Rev. 20.10, etc. Rev. 21.8. & 27. Rev. 22.15, etc. And when the servant of Jesus could not break the command of Christ, nor transgress his Doctrine to swear, they said they would return up his name to the Exchequer; who told them, they might do as they were ordered; then the Mayor said, if he would pay his Fees and go out of the Town that night, he might go free; and Richard Farnsworth answered, who could not be a friend to deceit, that he could not pay fees for a nights false imprisonment, and withal, asked what Law he had broken or transgressed, and withal said, if they knew any evil by him acted or done, they might there declare it, but they said he justified himself, and they feared he was deceived, who bade them lay open the ground of self, with the fruits and effects of it, if they could, and convince him of it, but they said they would not meddle with that, and words to that effect; and one john Austin, called a justice, asked him whether the Spirit were created or in-created? to the which (Rich. Farnsworth) he answered, That the spirit of God, which is the Saints guide, is eternal, and they that are guided by the spirit of God, john 1.12.23. 1. Pet. 1.23. are the sons of God, as it is written, Rom. 8.14. And God hath sent the spirit of his Son into our hearts, whereby we cry abba Father, Gal. 4.6. Then the Mayor said, he had need to take heed he spoke not blasphemy, would he say that he was a son of God? whose answer is, That such as were, and are born of the spirit of God, and guided thereby, are, and were, the sons of God, that were and are so born. 1 Pet. 1.22, 13. and guided by the spirit of God into the truth, and the Holy Unction its self. john 16.13. 1 john 2.20.27. And they said, (as such with them and the same spirit, being guided thereby, so may say) Behold! what manner of love is this that the father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God? And now we are the Sons of God, therefore the world knoweth us not, because it knew him not, as saith the Scripture, 1 john 3.1. and to witness with the Scriptures by the Spirit of Truth, according to the work of the power and spirit of God, according to measure and manifestation (is no blasphemy, though the Jews said it was) and that may be witnessed unto, though persecutors and the world know it nor, nor receive it, yet he that sanctifieth, and they that are sanctified are of him, and are of one, for which cause he is not ashamed to call them Brethren, as it is written and witnessed, Heb. 2.10, 11. and when he would have disputed the case with them, if they would have stood to Dispute according to the Scripture and the work of the spirit of God, than justice Austin (so called) said, Had he the same spirit that the apostles or Christ had? Who answered and said, that if any man that had not the spirit of Christ, he was none of his, as they might read in Romans the 8th. and the spirit that the apostles had, or received of God, was the spirit of the Son, Gal. 4.8. and of the Father, 1 john 3.23.24. and Christ said it was not them that spoke, but the spirit of their Father that spoke in them: then the said justice Austin, so called, said to R.F. hold thou thy tongue, and see if the spirit will speak, to the which answer was given, the spirit made use of the tongue to speak forth the praise of the Lord; and let john Austin here observe his ignorance of the teachings and work of the spirit of God, for the Lord opening the mouth the tongue and lips shows forth his praise, and God having sent the spiri, of his Son into our hearts, we cry abba, father, and to him return all praiset But to conclude and be short, observe this all you that read it, and take notice of the actings of the Magistrates here at Banbury, who caused Richard Farnsworth to be taken out of the streets, as he were passing quietly in them, and put him that night in prison, and called him the next day before them, where they held their Court, and after some dispute, but the breach of no Law laid to his charge, nor any accuser were against him (but such as sat to Judge) and not Law mentioned, though desired, that were transgressed, and after they had tendered the Oath of Abjuration unto him, who denied what was in it contained, and all Popish ways, and Jesuitical Opinions whatsoever; then the mayor & others said, if that Richard Farnsworth would pay the Sergeant his Fees, and go out of the town that night, he might go free, but if not, he should be recommitted, or sent to Prison again; but Richard Farnsworth could not be a friend to deceit, nor pay sees for a nights false imprisonment, taken as he were quietly, with another friend, walking up the street, and so they made a Mittimus and gave to the Gaoler, and both before and after he had it given to him, they made a speech, and said, if he would pay his sees in the Court, he might go free; and when he could not for conscience sake towards God then do it; after that one of their party said, Who was self willed now? to which he (to wit, R. F.) answered and said, Not he that denyeth to pay sees for a nights false imprisonment, but such as did so in their wills, wilfully persecute and imprison the servants of Jesus, contrary to Law and Gospel both, and here it is to be observed, that Richard Farnsworth's detaining in Prison, is because he could not be a friend to deceit, and acknowledge a false imprisonment, and pay fees for the same, being taken out of the high way or street, as he were passing quietly on, and sent to Prison; and to colour over their deceit withal, they have added several lies in a Mittimus, and here is kept in prison for standing faithful to the Lord, and cannot have any fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them, Eph. 5.11. And their partiality is to be observed here in this case as well as the rest, for two were committed to Prison in Banbury, and kept three days and three nights, and no fees, as it is said, were demanded of them, but put out of prison, and one out at one end of the town, and another at the other end, and yet though they did so, being then, they may be ashamed of what they had done, but hardening their selves against the truth, to act wilfully in their wills, they detain one for not paying sees for one night's imprisonment, for the breach of no Law, then either proved against him or laid to his charge. Written in Banbury the beginning of the 8th. Month, in the Year, according to the world's account, October the 7th. 1655. A TRUE DECLARATION OF The Suffering of the Innocent, who is hated and persecuted without a cause. Wherein is discovered the zeal of the Magistrates and people of Banbury, persecuting and imprisoning them that are sent of the Lord in love to their souls, to warm them of the evil of their ways. Declared in a Letter sent to William Allen, called Justice of Peace, with an Answer to the false accusations charged upon the INNOCENT. Also, their Proceeeings laid open, and proved to be contrary to the Scriptures. By Anne Audland, whom the world scornfully calls QUAKER. 1 Sam. 2.20. The Adversaries of the Lord shall be broken to pieces: out of heaven shall he thunder upon them. The Lord shall judge the ends of the earth: and he shall give strength unto his King, and exalt the horn of his Anointed. Acts 2.18. And on my servants and on my handmaidens, I will pour out in those days of my Spirit, and they shall prophesy. WIlliam Allen, Justice of Peace so called, but little peace I find in thee; We came to the Town of Banbury on the thirteenth day of the eleventh month, and being strangers, we took in at the Lion: The next day being the first day of the week, we went to a meeting which we heard of in the Town; and when the meeting ended, we were moved to go to the Steeplehouse, to speak the word of the Lord to Priest and People; and in obedience to the Lord, we went, and stayed till the Priest had done, and then my friend spoke to the Priest, and the rude multitude came and hurried her forth, as the customs of the Heathens is; Then I spoke to the Priest, Man, here see the fruits of thy Ministry, and presently the rude people hurried me forth: Then came one and took me by the hand, and questioned me, what untruths their Minister had spoken; and I answered, That they that are out of the Doctrine of Christ, all they spoke was untruth, And though they say, The Lord liveth, surely they swear falsely, jer. 5.2. Then another asked me, If the Lord did not live; I answered, Yea, I know he liveth. Now there are two Boys that hath sworn against me, that which I did not speak, their blood will be required of them that caused them to err: And know this, O man, that the Lord God will be avenged of all unjust Justices, and he will make his power known in the destruction of his Enemies; Therefore fear him, and beware of persecuting his servants, for justly shalt thou be judged, according to thy deeds done in the body shalt thou receive thy reward; To the light in thy conscience do I direct thee, it will let thee see all thy actions, and from whence they arise, whether from the Spirit of Meekness, or from thy perverse will, which the Lord will judge righteously; To that in thy conscience I speak, which will witness for God against all deceit. This was I moved to write to clear my conscience of thee, and leave thee without excuse, that when the Book of Conscience is opened, thou mayest remember that thou wast warned in thy life-time. A friend of the Truth, and a lover of thy Soul, who is a prisoner of the Lord for the truth's sake at Banbury, whose name (in the flesh) is, Anne Audland. WHeereas I am accused in a Mittimus for certain blasphemous words, saying, That the Lord liveth not; I answer, these words are false, and never spoken by me: The Lord is my Redeemer, and I know that my Redeemer liveth, and my Soul magnifieth him, and my spirit rejoiceth in him; and here I deny your false accusations and blasphemy, it is your own words, and not what I said; and you that accuse falsely know not the living God, the Heathens knows not God, and the Heathens rage, but the Lord will be avenged of all his Enemies, and plead the cause of the innocent: And they are blasphemers, which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the Synagogue of Satan. And whereas I am accused for causing a tumult in the Church, when the Minister was going to execute part of his Function, and likewise to assault the Minister; I answer, This is likewise false; Liars must be cast into the lake; The Church is built of living stones, elect, and precious, and there is order kept in the Church; And I did not cause a tumult neither did I assault the Minister, (as you call him) and that which is called part of his function, is an invention; and there is neither command nor example in all the Scripture, that ever any of the Ministers of Christ did sprinkle Infants and call it a Function; and here you have no Scripture to prove your Function, as you call it; And he that practices such things, for the which there is no Scripture, leads people into the inventions, and so they are not profited at all, as it appears by your own words, that they were in a tumult. O blush, and be ashamed of that which you call your Church, who are so suddenly in a tumult! Was there ever such a thing heard of amongst the Saints, that they would be in a tumult, when one came in peaceably among them, not offering wrong to any? Here you drew yourselves to be children of your fathers, who lived in envy, haling out of Synagogues, carrying them before Rulers, and casting into prisons them who was called of the Lord to bear witness against their deceit; and here (him called the Minister) is made manifest to be one that runs before he was sent, and so never profited the people; and so like Priest, like People. Therefore give over, and never call it a Church, who are fighters and strikers, scoffers and scorners, tumulters and false accusers, as your fruits makes it daily appear; And some of you confess, that they are in danger of their lives that comes among you, the people are so rude. Now you that are Magistrates, aught to punish evil Dor, Fighters, and Liars, and false Accusers; but such have liberty, and dare do it in your Church (as you call it) and you present, as he that caused the Mittimus to be made doth confess, That there was a tumult when he was present, and they that tumulted are not punished, but the fault is laid upon the innocent, who was beat and abused, but offered violence to none: And so they said Paul was a pestilent fellow, and they tumulted Paul, but Paul did not cause the tumult: So you are made manifest of what generation you are, and you shall be reworded according to your deeds: And from the Lord I declare, That he will visit for these things, and plead with you for all your hard speeches, and all your ungodly deeds, and give you your portion with hypocrites, except you speedily repent: and when you come into the pit, remember you are warned in your life-time: And so your false accusation and blasphemy I do deny, and the living God will judge between me and you. The Burrow of Banbury in the county of Oxon. Anne Audland. THe righteous Judge of all the world is now arising, to judge the world in righteousness, and the people with equity: And every tongue shall confess that the Lord is righteous, when be comes to judgement, and he will reward every one according to that deeds; And every tongue shall confess the Lord is just, For according to that in the conscience, which is just and equal, will the Lord judge, whose judgements are just and equal; and every Tongue shall confess him just, when he takes Vengeance upon the unjust: And behold the Lord cometh with ten thousands of his Saints to execute Judgement upon all, and to convince all that are ungodly of all their ungodly deeds, which they have ungodly committed, and of all their hard speeches, which ungodly sinners have spoken: And such are they that walk after their own Lusts, and their mouth speaks great swelling words, having men's persons in admiration, because of advantage, such will the Lord execute Judgement upon in righteousness: All you that are ungodly, the Lord will reward you according to your deeds: And all you that utter hard speeches against the Holy One, and blaspheme God in his Temple, The Lord is coming with his Saints to execute Judgement upon you; and you shall confess his judgements is just, that which convinceth you of your ungodly deeds, and hard speeches, by it you shall confess the Lord is just, when you are judged for your ungodly deeds, and hard speeches: And all you that have men's persons in admiration because of advantage, you shall be judged righteously, and you shall confess that God is just, and his ways equal, and God respects no man's person; nor the Saints who comes with him to Judgement, respects no man's person; for he that respects persons commits sin, and is convinced to be a Transgressor of the righteous law of God; but they who are guided by that which convinceth the transgressor, they are kept out of the transgression, and they do not admire men's persons, nor respect men's persons. But you that do, are convinced to be transgressors, and according to that which convinceth, will you be judged by the righteous Judge, who cometh with ten thousands of his Saints, and he will judge all you that respects persons, for the Lord regards the rich no more than the poor, but this is he that the Lord regardeth, who is of an humble and contrite spirit, and trembleth at his word: Such you do not regard, who are poor, and trembleth at the word of the Lord: but you that respects persons, scoffs at such as they go along the streets: But the Lord will plead the cause of the poor, who is now despised amongst you that respects persons: You admire some men's Persons because of advantage, and ye despise others, and Persecutes the Poor, and goes about to make one an offender for a word, which is none indeed; and you set a snare for them that reprove in the Gate, that so you might catch the innocent, and they that are offenders indeed, who can lie, and swear and accuse falsely, such have liberty, and such are set to ensnare the innocent, and to be as judges against the innocent, and yet you profess yourselves Christians. Oh that you were wise▪ Oh that you would consider your latter end! How will you stand before the Judgement seat of God, in the day when the secrets of every heart shall be judged by Jesus Christ, who hath all judgement committed to him: And behold he cometh, and all the Saints with him, and he rules and reigns in his Saints, and sits upon his Throne: But how will you stand at that day, who now sits as judges upon the Saints, and calls them deceivers, and persecutes them, who are made free by the Son of God, and in obedience to him suffers the loss of all things, and are killed all the day long, and are accounted as sheep for the slaughter; and are become a reproach, and a byword, and a scorn, even among you that profess yourselves Christians, and so the Scripture is fulfilled, They that work wickedness are set up, and they that departs from iniquity becomes a prey to the wicked, and the Sufferings of the Saints is become a sport amongst you; and you can stretch yourselves upon your beds of ease; and you do not remember the affliction of joseph, nor you have not known, that all who live godly in Christ Jesus must suffer persecution; and saith Christ, As they have done unto me, so will they do unto you: And the Servant is not greater than his Lord. Now if you were Christians, as you profess yourselves to be, then would persecution cease and not be found amongst you; for Christians doth not persecute, but you that live in such things, are made manifest, (to all the children of Light) whose servants you are; and you that are Magistrates who should punish evil Doers, such have liberty in the Streets to scoff and scorn, to swear and lie, and be drunk, and you pass by these things; but if any come amongst you to declare the word of the Lord against such things than the innocent are accused by them who live in such things, and the innocent are persecuted and sent to prison, and may not know from you who prisons them, what they are accused of, nor see their accuser's face to face; Is this according to the Law of God? or is this as you would be done unto? Consider of it, and lay it to heart, for the Lord will visit for these things, I speak what I know, and find amongst you; for I was accused and committed to Prison, but I did not know what the accusers swore against me, neither could I see my accusers; but you took an oath in secret, and so I was accused and committed for that which I never spoke, and had not liberty to answer for myself, nor others had not liberty nor could be heard on my behalf, who was by when (they say) I spoke these words, for which I am accused, which would bear testimony, that they heard no such things spoken by me, as I am accused of, and so the innocent suffers innocently; and in the mean time wickedness is at liberty, and not only in a corner, but in your streets; men lie, and swear, and are drunk, and the innocent is a prey unto them; and yet you do not lay it to heart; woe is me for you, that you should so slight the day of your visiitation, and so wickedly requite the Lord for all his goodness, as to persecute his servants, who are sent to warn you; and despise his Witnesses, and shamefully entreat his Messengers, and them that comes to you in their own names such you receive; but them that come to you in the name of the Lord, such are a reproach amongst you; and the Lord is highly displeased with you for these things; and he will make enquiry for blood; you know that the blood of the innocent hath been shed in your Streets; one that came amongst you, and offered violence to none, was beat and abused, and lost much blood amongst you, and yet you are not ashamed to profess yourselves Christians, when as these actions proceeds from you; and your care is how to wound the innocent secretly, that so your deeds might not be brought to the light; but it is in vain for you to dig deep to hid your counsel from the Lord; Woe unto you that deviseth to work mischief in the dark, and say, who seethe us? and consults together to shoot your arrows secretly against the poor. The Lord sees you, & knows your hearts, & your very thoughts which you think against the King in your bedchamber; there is a bird of the air that carries the voice; And the Lord will bring every work to judgement, with every secret thing, whether it be good or evil; and the oath in secret shall be tried; and the Lord will sit as Judge amongst the Judges; and you shall all be weighed and those of you that are found wanting, the Lord will cast you by, though you be as high and mighty as Belshazzar was; and if you be angry with me for telling you so, and forewarning you in your life-time; the Lord will judge you for it; for he is tender over his little ones; and in as much as you persecute one of them, ye do it unto him; and you that imprison the innocent, and they may not see their accusers; is this according to the Law of God? or, is this to judge for God, and not for man, nor self-ends without respect of persons? They that were set over the people to judge them according to the Law of God, were just men fearing God, and hating covetousness: just men were to judge the unjust; for the unjust cannot judge true judgement: See what charge Ichoshaphat gave unto them he set over the people, 2 Chron. 19.6, 7, 9, Saying to the judges, take heed what you do, for you judge not for man, but for the Lord, who is with you in the judgement: wherefore now let the fear of the Lord be upon you, and take heed and do it, for there is no iniquity with the Lord our God, nor respect of persons, nor taking of gifts: And he charged them saying, thus shall ye do in the fear of the Lord faithfully, and with a perfect heart: Now all you that denies a perfect heart, and are respecters of persons, you cannot judge with a perfect heart; and such are not Judges for God, who judges not with a perfect heart; but are respecters of persons; but they who fear God, and do faithfully with a perfect heart, such Judges and Magistrates I own who are just men; such rules for God, and is a terror to the wicked, and for the praise of them that do well; and such I am subject to for conscience-sake; but they who were the servants of Christ & ministers of Christ, when they were commanded by the rulers that which was contrary to the command of Christ, they said, whether is it better to obey God, or Man, judge ye; and I say the same, and they which command any thing contrary to the command of Christ, which rules and reigns in his people, & is one in the male and in the female; such are not just men fearing God and judging faithfully with a perfect heart; and such who do not fear God and have not a perfect heart, such knows not the voice of God; but Christ's sheep who follow Christ, and are sent of God knows his voice: Now Magistrates and People will say, how may we know that you are sent of God? as Pharaoh said to Moses, Who sent thee? and he answered, The Lord sent me, to bid thee let Israel go free; and Pharaoh said, I know not the Lord, neither will I obey him, and let Israel go free; Such are they who fear not God nor know not his voice; and such cannot discern the things of God, Magistrates nor People, who fear not God, and have not a perfect heart: Now consider if you judge me according to the Law of God, when you heard all that was against me, and did accuse me, but would not hear the accused, and the accuser's face to face, nor those that was by, who would have witnessed against those untruths charged upon me, but put them forth and said, What have you to do here? notwithstanding, they said they came to bear witness to the truth: See how Moses charged the Judges, Deut. 1.16.17. saying, Hear the cause between your brethren, and judge righteously between every man and his brother, and the stranger that is with him; ye shall not respect persons in judgement, but you shall hear the small as well as the great; ye shall not be afraid if the face of man; for the judgement is Gods: and Deut. 19.16,18, 20. The judges and Officers was to judge the people with just judgement; thou shalt not wrest judgement; thou stall not respect persons; neither take a gift, for a gift doth blind the eye of the wise, and perverts the words of the righteous; that which is altogether just shall thou follow, that thou mayest live and inherit the Land which the Lord thy God giveth thee: Now this is true judgement, and takes hold upon the unjust; but here you do not act according to the Law of God, who doth respect persons, and doth not hear the small as well as the great, which you have not done who have committed me to prison, and I had not liberty to speak face to face with my accusers, and so I am falsely accused and imprisoned upon a false accusation, he that knows all secrets is my witness; and he will plead my cause, and he will judge righteous judgement upon all the Heathen; and the Lord comes with his Saints; and this honour have all the Saints, to execute upon the Heathen all the judgements written; but the Heathen ought not to judge the Saints; but the Heathen rages, & the heathen persecutes and imprisons, & falsely accuseth the Saints, & the viols of wrath is now to be poured out upon the wicked; and the Saints shall take the kingdom & rejoice in God for ever & ever, which giveth them victory over the world, and gives them strength to rejoice in tribulation; Praises to the living God for evermore. And so I warn you all People, Magistrates, and Teachers, to fear the Lord God, lest his wrath and indignation break forth against you, and the decree be sealed, and he take you away with his grievous stroke, and there be no remedy; for God is my witness, that my desire is for you, that you may know the things that belongs to your peace; so to you all I have cleared my conscience, and I am free from your blood, glory to the Lord for evermore, who hath given me to believe and suffer for the testimony of Jesus; so I remain a witness for the truth, & a prisoner in bonds at Banbury, for the truth's sake, who am innocent, but falsely accused & slandered & reproached; but the reproaches for Christ is my riches, whose name in the flesh is, Anne Audland. The 5 day of the 12 month. 1654. To you Magistrates of the Town of Banbury, and to thee John Griffith, who was called Deputy-Recorder, & sat judge in the Sessions (or pretended Goaldelivery) holden the 26 day of the 7 month, 1655. IT is likely, the heat of pour passions being over, you may since (in the cool of the day) better have considered your actions done that day in your court, which if with the light of Christ Jesus you have, Gen. 3.8. it will show you that those who respect the person of any man, commits sin, & are found transgressors of the pure & righteous law of God, jam. 2.1, 9 which saith, thou shalt not respect the person of the poor, nor honour the person of the mighty; but in righteousness shalt thou judge thy neighbour, Leu. 19.15. which if you harken to, and regard the Law written in the heart, jer. 31.33. it will reprove you for your partial actings that day, and tell you, that you did not do well to fine Thomas Cole five pounds, and for to imprison him till he should pay the same, (and to be angry with him) for keeping on his hat in your Court, and afterwards invite two other men for to put on their hats in your Court, (namely Priest Jones and Priest Smart;) consider, if this were not partiality, and to respect persons, and for to act contrary to equity and truth, as that in your conscience will let you see, and with me bear a true testimony; And whether your sending of Jane Waugh, Sarah Times and Nathaniel Weston to prison again, (they neither convinced of, nor being charged with the breach of any known Law, nor so much as one witness proving them guilty of the least misdemeanour,) were not injustice yea, or no; And whether if you had set them free (seeing there was nothing laid to their charge) you had not done justly, and according to Law, Equity, and good conscience, (what the Law of the Land requireth) and what you are sworn to do, yea or no; If so, consider then, and let me know what Law I have transgressed, and wherefore you have committed me to prison; which thing if then you had done, I should not now need to have required of you; so if with the true Light of Christ Jesus, wherewithal you are enlightened, (which light opens the blind eye) you weigh and duly consider your actions that day, you will see they were not wrought in God, john 1.9. john 3.20, 21. Heb. 6.8. john 3.19, & ●. but proceeded from that ground and tree which God hath cursed, and brings forth the same evil fruit which the chief Priests and Elders did that crucified CHRIST JESUS, and hath persecuted the Saints in all ages, as may be seen in the writings of the Apostles, (and in the Histories of the Books of Martyrs) which light of Christ Jesus if you love, (and bring your deeds to it) it will cause you to repent, and to forsake your evil deeds, Eph. 5.11. Isa. 35.8. Gal. 5.24 Eph. 2.10. Act. 10.35. Mat. 25.23. john. 8 12. Eph. 5.13. john 16.8. Mal. 25.15. Rom. 1.19. Mat. 25.29, 30. Rom 1.28. and for to testify against the like evil ways in others, it will lead you in a new way, which is called Holy, and will crucify and change your nature (that was accustomed to sin,) 'twill bring you to the New Birth, and the New Man, you will know which is treated in Christ jesus to walk in good works, which New Man will love God, and do his will, and work righteousness, such as he therein accepteth; and all this by his spirit will he work in all them that believe and follow him, who is the Light of the world, and this is the measure of light that comes from him, which reproves you of sin, and is your Talon which God hath given you, which Talon (or measure of Light) if you improve not, but hid it under your earthly minds, (cover it under the love of the World, as pleasures, profits, and respects and honours from man, and love these things more than it) you hate Christ, who rejects his light, and are the unprofitable servant, whose Talon will be taken away, and you cast into darkness, and there you are in the transgression, in the fall, in the old man, in Cain and Esau's nature, which is the first breach which God hates, Eph. 2.3. Rom. 8, 7, 8. and his curse is to, and his wrath abides upon, which nature can never please God, but is the envious nature that slew Abel, released Barrabas, and crucified Christ jesus; and as it was then, so it is now, they that are after the flesh, and abide in that nature, which is turned from the Light, persecute them that are (guided by the Light into the new life, and walk) after the spirit, Gal. 4.29. And they in the first nature (turned from the Light) although they have eyes, yet see not; have ears; john 12.40. but hear not, and have a heart, but cannot contain aright of the things of God, therefore they in it, call evil good, and good evil; And although those that be in this first nature talk of the things of God, Isa. 5. ●0. 1 Cor. 2.14. and saih the Lord lives, yet surely do they swear falsely, jer. 5.2. (although he lives for ever) for the life of God was ever hid from that nature; and although they who live in that first nature (that obey not the Light) pray or perform any other duty, which God had commanded, yet it is an abomination to him; whose ear is turned from the Law, by the light written in the heart, Pro. 28.9. And as in the Scriptures may be read, jer. 31. ●3. Rom. 10.8. Isa. 66.3. They who choose their own way, that delighteth in abomination, if they kill an Ox, it is as if they slew a Man; if they sacrifice a lamb, as if they cut off a dog's neck; if they offer an oblation, as if thy offered Swine's blood: So you and your Priests, who are still in the old nature, in the works of darkness which hate the Light, and know not the new birth, as your fruits makes manifest, may see what your preach and prayers, fasting, and Ordinances will avail you, Isa. 1.10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16. while you live in envy and persecution, in pride and love of the world, they (are cain's sacrifice, not accepted, and) will stand you but in little stead, no more than they did your forefathers, the Scribes and Pharisees, who talked of the Scriptures, and knew many things outwardly from them, and spoke of a Saviour that was to come, and made their brags of Abraham, Moses, john 8.39. Isa. 29.13. Ezek. 33.31. of the Law and the Prophets, and could cry Lord, Lord, and drew near him with their lips, when their hearts were whoring after their covetousness, pride, love of the world, and praise of men; and while they were crying up the Temple, and outward Ordinances of God, Rom. 10.4. Mat. 5.17. they crucified Christ Jesus who was the end, or substance, of the Law and the Prophets, and of all those outward Types and Figures, as you do now, who talk of the Scriptures, and of faith and love in Christ Jesus, whenas you hate his light, and persecute them that follow it, and with it are led out of the world's ways, fashions and traditions, into the life and practice of those which writ the Scriptures, 1 john 2.15, 16. 1 Pet. 1.14.15. john 15.16. john 7.7. Rev. 2.9, 10. who were not of this world, but were chosen out of it, to testify against it that the works thereof are evil; so whilst your bodies are the Synagogue of Satan, and by him you are acted into envy and persecution, and do not those things which Christ Jesus calls for, by his pure light in your consciences, all your talk and profession (being in the nature hating and turned from the light) is in vain, and you still remain in your sine: therefore to the Light of Christ Jesus (which makes the tree good, that makes the fruit good) I direct you, which Light, if you love, believe in, and follow, it will reach you to deny all ungodliness, worldly lusts, and to live soberly, Mat. 12.33, 34, 35. Tit. 2.14, 1●. Mat. 11.29. Prov. 20.27. jer. 17.10. and righteously in this present world, to be meek, and to be humble, and to do unto all as you would be done unto; so in love to your souls have I writ this, that with the Light of Christ Jesus in your consciences (which searcheth the heart and tryeth the Reins) you may see yourselves, and what it is that guides you, and whose servants you are, and from what root and ground (the offspring) your words, actions, and thoughts do proceed, there being only two roots, from whence all words, actions and thoughts do come, good and evil, & his servants you are to whom you yield obedience, whether of sin unto death, or of obedience unto righteousness, Rom. 6.16. Therefore friends and people, be not deceived with a vain talk, Mat. 12.35. Rom. 11.16. and an outside procession, your lives being contrary, and (ye cannot serve two Masters) God will be no longer mocked by you, for such as you so sow, such shall you reap, and what measure you meet, shall be measured to you again, well heapped, pressed down, Mat. 6.34. Gal. 6.7, 8, and running over; wherefore while you have time prise it, and reject not the day of God's visitation, neither harden your hearts against him, as he calleth you to repentance, and so you continue in your evil practices, Heb. 3.7, 8. and you be destroyed by his just hand. And now seeing the Lord God is risen in his Servants to testify against your evil ways: beware you are not found fighters against him, he will be too hard for you to kick against. So I have cleared my conscience unto you, jude 14.17. and remember that in your life time you have been warned; By a Servant of the Lord, known by the name of Robert Rich. A Copy of a Letter sent from Thomas Curtis, who had been a Captain in the Parliaments Army, to Samuel Wells, professed Minister of the Town of Banbury, and sent to him into the Court or Sessions, then holden in Banbury, the 27. day of the 7 th'. Month, 1655. Friend, I Am not a stranger to thy former conversation, and now am witness of thy unjust actions, thy deeds make manifest of what Generation thou art, and on what foundation thou standest. Call to mind thy former Prayers, when we were in the Army, driven from our Homes, persecuted by Cavaliers, put to fight for our Freedoms and our Religion, as than thou told'st us of; is it all come to this? Hast thou forgotten thy Vows, Protestations and Promises then made in thy Prayers, How that if God would deliver us, how we would walk in newness of life, and now the Lord hath delivered, How art thou turned persecutor if the righteous seed of God? Call to mind how thou wouldst cry out against Parents that did not breed up their Children in wisdom and soberness: Now thou hast gotten a great living, and no place that ever I came in (as I can remember) so vile as this Town (of Banbury) under thy teaching; Oh see the fruits of thy ministry! children scoffing, haling, stoning, and evil speaking, and their Parents looking on, and countenancing them, laughing at them so doing: it is a sad sight to see such a reformation, and will not the Lord visit for these things? Hos. 4.9. what may we look at, but that it is like people like priest? Call to mind thy persecuting of the innocent, and causing the Peace to be broken by thy own self, and casting it on the innocent, making them to suffer for it; Canst thou behold these things and not blush? How dared thou call thyself a minister of Christ and persecute? Was ever any of the true Prophets, Apostles, or jesus Christ a persecutor? Did ever they, when one came into their meeting, and stand silent there, call to the magistrate to take him away, and out him in prison, and say they could not go on in their prayer, and then after a long imprisonment, see him arraigned at the Bar for breaking the peace, whenas thou was the cause? Was it not thyself that caused the people to be breakers of the peace, and then make the innocent suffer for it? Is this according to Scripture? Did the Lord send his Prophets to cry against them that made men offenders for a word, & set snares for them that reproved in the Gate? And canst thou escape, who makest a man an offender before he spoke a word? The just God will surely find thee out & all Deceivers; for woe to them saith the Lord God, that hath caused my people to err, & daub with untempred Mortar, and cry peace to them to whom God hath not spoken peace, Isa. 9.16. Ezek 13.10. and so strengthen the hands of the wicked; just as it was with the false Prophets so is it now, The Prophets prophesy false things, the Priests bear rule by their means, and the people love to have it so. But read thy portion; what wilt thou do in the end thereof? See again thy subtle dealing with Anne Audland, jer. 5.27, 28, 29, 30, 31. that when all the persecution that wit could invent to take away her life for blasphemy, would not reach, but she was acquitted by the Jury: There must be brought her calling the false Prophet, and this must be called scandal, when by the Scripture it is soon proved, and to thy shame, remember I know thee Scandalous: How often hast thou sat night after night at Cards, and sometimes whole nights playing (and sometimes compelling me to play with thee) for money, than wast thou called of the world a Minister, and now art thou turned persecutor? in the close, see thy unjust dealing, when thou hast gotten what the uttermost will of man can do, than thou in thy deceit puttest off thy hat, and desirest that she may have as much favour as the Law will afford her (thou art content to commit thy cause to God:) Oh cruel deceit to cover withal! But thy covering is too narrow, it will not hid thee. Friend, to the pure Light of God in thy conscience do I speak, and that witness in thee knows these things to be true, and that an account thou must give to the great God of all these things; in love to thee do I write, that thou mayst be warned and repentance witness, lest the indignation of the Lord be poured out upon thee: I have not much more to say at present, but desire the Lord that he will open thine eyes, that thou mayst see the evil of thy heart and live; which is the desire of him, how ever thou esteemest, is a lover of thy eternal peace, and one that suffers with the righteous seed, called of the World, The 27th. day of the 7th. Month 1655. Tho. Curtis. A Certificate of the endeavours or certain Friends which went to the Magistrates of Banbury, to have had Copies of the Causes of the Prisoners Commitment at their late Sessions, and pretended Goal-delivery, etc. WE, whose names are hereunto subscribed, do hereby declare to all unto whom this Presents shall come, that there being a Sessions (& pretended Goaldelivery) appointed to be holden for the Burrow of Banbury in the County of Oxon, upon the 26▪ day of the 7th. month 1655. Within which Burrough, several servants of the most High God, whom the world in scorn call Quakers, were imprisoned, and at the same Sessions to be brought to trial; We repaired to the said Town of Banbury, and went unto Tymothy Harris, the Town Clerk thereof, and in a civil manner desired Copies of the causes of their Commitments, who absolutely denied to give any; whereupon we went to john Griffith Deputy-Recorder, the Mayor, and others celled Justices of the said Burrough, who were all met together at the Mayor's house, and desired of them that we might have Copies of their said commitments, whereupon they advised us to repair to the Town-Clerk for the same; and they being informed that he had denied it, said we might demand it in Court; whereupon we repaired to their Court, and when their Court was about to be adjourned one of us desired, that if any Bills of Indictment were there preferred against the aforesaid friends, and particularly against Anne Audland, he might have Copies thereof; and the said Deputy-Recorder said he should have it, but going to the Town-Clerk for the same, he refused it, and the Deputy-Recorder being informed thereof, took no course that we might have it; in the afternoon Robert Rich, Nathaniel Weston, Anne Audland, jane Waugh, and Sarah Tims, were by the said Court (for aught appearing to us, then present in the Court) committed to prison, no breach of the Law being charged upon them, whereupon the next day we went to the Deputy-Recorder again, after the Sessions was ended, and desired of him that we might have copies of the causes of the commitments of the persons aforesaid, who said he was but a Deputy-Recorder, and had no power to do further therein, the Sessions being ended, but advised us to repair to the Mayor and Town-Clerk for the same; whereupon we went to the Town-Clerk, and one of us informed him that the persons aforesaid being committed in Court, he conceived the causes of their commitments were entered upon record, and therefore desired copies thereof: who absolutely denied the same, saying, we lacked something to be prating, and said that they were committed till they did find sureties for their goodbehaviour, and there they should stay until they had so done, or words to the same effects. In testimony whereof we have hereunto set our Hands, Thomas Gouldney, Thomas Curtis, Edward Pyat, Walter Clement. Some CONSIDERATIONS upon the Proceed against the PRISONERS, or the Innocent sufferers for the Testimony of JESUS in Banbury, at the late Assize, Sessions, or pretended Goaldelivery. NOw all you that desire to fear God, and such as do fear God, these things are left to your considerations (as well as the actors against the innocent,) consider of these things and lay them to heart, for by this may appear the cruel persecution of the innocent at Banbury; first, one Anne Audland that were imprisoned upon a pretence of Blasphemy, (though not found) and after long imprisonment or bonds, appeared at the Assizes or Sessions, and a Jury called (of life and death) and the sufferer called to the Bar, and could not by any means (though endeavours were used) have a Copy of what was preferred against her (though in danger of life;) was not this as much as in them lay to bind her from answering for herself, and for making her defence against her adversaries? And was not this to make them guilty of the blood of the innocent, if the Lord had not preserved from the wrath and violence of unreasonable men? Oh the subtlety and cruelty of the enemies of the children of God Was it ever known that the like (amongst those that bear the name of Christians, or reasonable men) were ever so acted before? And was it not a great crime, or high misdemeanour, and contrary to Law, for (one called) a Magistrate, who had sat on the bench, to go amongst the Jury of life and death, and to endeavour to corrupt and instigate them? After their ends about blasphemy were frustrated, who could not find the Bill for blasphemy against the Prisoner, but threw it by, not having Evidence to prove it: Did not he labour against the truth, lest the innocence of the Prisoner should have been cleared? And was it not to hinder the Prisoner from being by due course of law freed? Was their actings therein either according to equity, reason, or justice? Consider well of it: And are you offended to be told of your unreasonable or unjust proceed against the innocent? And although the Bill against the prisoner was laid for blasphemy, yet blasphemy was not found (by the Jury;) but to colour over deceit withal: Was not a lie added in saying she was scandalous, for calling the Minister a false Prophet (when she did not) and so recommitted her to prison again for that? Was not that contrary to Law, Equity, and Reason? Let all reasonable men and such as know the Law of God, and obey the same, herein be Judge; Is there any Law of God that saith it is scandalous to call a false Prophet by the name of a false Prophet, and for so doing commit them to prison? If so, Might not all the true Prophets have been Prisoners by it? and if there be no Law of God that doth so, is there any Law of the Nation contrary to the Law of God in that respect that doth it? and if not, whether have not these men that committed one for saying, as they say, she called the man a false Prophet, when the did not, although he may easily be proved one, and made that a cover to hid themselves under, when their ends about blasphemy were frustrated. Have not they committed a double offence, and acted contrary to the Law of God and the Law of the Land in so doing? Tit. 1.16. Rev. 2.9. Rev. 3: 9 Was this at all either to honour true justice, or set up a Court of true Equity, and do as you would be done by? Or is it not to manifest your malice and cruelty to all that behold your proceed, and to lay open the fruits of your Ministry and spirits to appear one with them that say they are Christians and are not, as they that said they were jews and were not, for Christians are ashamed of such Fruits, and they never so acted, that the Scripture relateth; nay, Doth not your actions herein exceed the heathens? Would not they act according to Law? and do not you act clear contrary? For one had been imprisoned for standing quietly in the Steeplehouse till the Priest called to take him away, for whilst he stood there he could not proceed to pray, though he spoke not a word till he were taken away, and when he were after long imprisonment arraigned at the Bar, never a witness nor prosecutor came against him, not any breach of the Law laid to his charge; yet notwithstanding he might be recommitted to ward or Prison again, except he would find sureties for goodbehaviour, (and if it be evill-behaviour to go stand in a steeplehouse to hear a Priest, and say nothing till the Priest spoke first unto them, they would make many in England to be in the mis-behaviour: From hence observe and see if that which they call mis-behaviour be not to go hear the Priest and say nothing, till the Priest speak first, according to that account;) but no mis-behaviour was proved against him, nor the Law transgressed in any one point, neither did any appear to prosecute any thing against him, nor to lay any thing to his charge, yet he might be recommitted to Ward or Prison again, and if that be not contrary, both to the Law of God, and to the Law of the Land, what is? Consider of it: And was it not unreasonable and contrary to Law, to commit to Prison, and after long imprisonment, being called to the Bar, and then to demand sureties for goodbehaviour, and no misdemeanour proved, nor any one came against the prisoner, either to accuse or prosecute; Ought not that to have been according to Law, before the other was or ought to be demanded. And was it not an unjust thing to commit to prison again for the same, when no breach of law was proved against the prisoner, neither at his first commitment, nor after long imprisonment, when he were arraigned or called to the Bar: Is these actings either according to Scripture, Law, Equity, or Reason? Are you not beside Scripture, Law, Equity and reason (as well as true Justice) herein; or do not such as so act, bear the Sword in vain? the Lord help you to consider of it, that you may learn wisdom (that the heathen may not laugh you to scorn:) Ought not the Prisoner by law have been acquitted in the Court after long imprisonment, when none came either to accuse or prosecute against him there? and likewise jane Waugh, and Sarah Tims, who had been long imprisoned, and called to the Bar, neither accuser came against them there, nor one prosecutor, and yet they must be recommitted to prison again, except they would find sureties to be of goodbehaviour, when none appeared against them to accuse them, or prove against them any mis-behaviour, and neither any breach of Law either proved against them or laid to their charge: is these actings either according to Scripture, Justice, Law, Equity, or Reason; are they not beside all these in their actings herein? and can they be said to be reasonable men that so act against the innocent sufferers and servants of Jesus, as they at Banbuoy have done; consider well of it, (and keep passion and malice down) and the Lord deliver me, saith Paul, from unreasonable men; Act. 25.27. 2 Thess. 3.2. Isa. 57.1, 2, 3, 4. and it is a true saying of the Prophet, the righteous suffer, and no man (in his unrighteous nature) layeth it to heart, yet blessed are they, as Christ hath said, that suffers for righteousness sake, for the Lord Jesus doth take their parts, and so the spirit of grace and glory resteth upon them, as is written and witnessed, Mat. 5.10, 11, 12. 1 Pet. 4 13, 14. Now consider if all these prisoners and innocent sufferers would not have been freed by due course of Law, if it had been executed aright, and if any had transgressed the Law, ought not they then to have been proceeded against according to Law, and so have had the punishment inflicted according to the transgression, and have been acquitted; or if no Law could be proved against them that they had transgressed, ought not by Law their accusers, instead of them, to have had the punishment which they should have had upon them inflicted, and they by the Law released or remedied: Do you know what use the Law is of, or how to act according to it; have you done what you did out of malice or ignorance; consider of it, and lay these things to heart, for be sure the Lord will call you to an account for your proceed against the innocent, as well as for all your evil deeds, and then what account will you give, and how will you answer before his Judgement seat: And withal consider of this; Was (or is) there any Law, either of God or the Nation, that commandeth a man to put off his Hat, and if he do not, to fine him five pounds, and commit him to prison till he pay the same (as one Thomas Cole an inhabitant in Banbuoy was;) and was it not partial and contrary to Law, if it had been so, for to fine and imprison one for the same, and persuade other two to the like even in the Court to put on their hats; was not here both partiality and malice made manifest, and is not that contrary to the Law of God, and a contempt to the higher power and Authority, Leu. 19.15. jam. 2.1. & 9 Isa. 1.24, 25, 2● etc. which forbids such things, but be sure you will nor go unpunished of him, who bears not the sword in vain, for thus saith the Lord (by his servant the Prophet) Oh! I will ease me of my adversaries, and avenge me of my enemies, and restore Judges as at the first, and counsels as at the beginning, when no such things were by them neither acted nor done, which can be anywhere proved by Scriptures, which stands a witness against them that profess God in words, but in works deny him, as it is written and witnessed, Tit. 1.16. Likewise when one Robert Rich was moved of the Lord to speak something unto you about the proceed in your Court, did not you that sat as judges bid him come up and speak, and presently changed your minds, or else your words, crying out; Pull him down and have him to Prison, before eyer he had said to you what he had to speak; was that according either to christianity, truth, equity; or reason; could heathens have done any more? Or would not reasonable men have regarden their word? The Lord set these things home to your hearts, that you may a little better consider and lament (as well as repent) lest the evil day come upon you al● unawares: Did not you at Banbury pretend a Goaldelivery that day (the Prisoners were called,) but did you intent any such thing; do not your proceed declare the contrary, and doth not the witness of God in your consciences witness against you for it, as well as your actions: Was not the servants of Jesus that were called before you at the Bar, the greatest cause at your size or Sessions held in Banbury that day; and was there any Law proved against them which they had in any one point transgressed or broke; or had they proceed according to Law; and was there one of than freed by you, nay, but more added to them, and afterward one taken out or the highway, or street, and haled to prison, and no breach of Law laid to his charge, though it were desired, and also the Fact as well as the Law, by virtue whereof it became a crime, yet it were denied, and they kept close under the Earth, shut up in a hole or dungeon in Banbury, as if they were some great Malefactors, and no Law yet laid to their charge that hath been either broken or transgressed by them; but such as are friends to Christianity and Equity, Truth and justice, and all such as truly fears God, will consider of the sufferings of the Innocent, and lay these things to heart, though the wicked, and such as are without the fear of God, regard it not.