THE SCOTTISH Commissioners Demand concerning their sixth ARTICLE. COncerning our sixth demand, Although it hath often come to pass, that these who have been joined by the bonds of Religion, and Nature, have suffered themselves to be divided about the things of this World; And although our Adversaries, who no less labour the division of the two Kingdoms, than we do all seek Peace, and follow after it, as our common Happiness, do presume that this will be the Partition wall, to divide us, and to make us lose all our labours taken about the former Demands, Wherein by the help of God; by his Majesty's Princely goodness, and justice, and your Lordship's noble, and equal dealing, We have so fully accorded, and to keep us from providing for a firm and we'll grounded Peace, by the wisdom, and justice of the Parliament of England, which is our greatest desire expressed in our last Demand. We are still Confident, that as we shall concerning this Article represent nothing but what is true, Just, and Honourable to both Kingdoms; So will your Lordships hearken to us, and will not suffer yourselves, by any slanders, or suggestions, to be drawn out of that strait and safe way, wherein ye have walked since the beginning. IT is now We suppose known to all England, especially to both the Honourable Houses of Parliament, And by the occasion of this Treaty, more particularly to your Lordships, That our distresses in our Religion, and Liberties were of late more pressing than We were able to bear, That our Complaints and Supplications for redress, were answered at last with the terrors of an Army; That after a Pacification greater Preparations were made for war, whereby many Acts of Hostility were done against us, both by Sea and Land; The Kingdom wanted administration of justice, and We constrained to take arms for our defence; That we were brought to this extreme, and intolerable necessity, either to maintain divers Armies upon our borders against Invasion from England, or Ireland, still to be deprived of the benefit of all the Courts of justice, and not only to maintain so many thousands as were spoiled of their ships, and goods, but to want all Commerce by Sea, to the undoing of Merchants, of Sailors, and many others who lived by Fishing, and whose callings are upholden from hand to mouth by Sea trade: Any one of which evils is able in a short time to bring the most potent Kingdom to Confusion, Ruin and Desolation, how much more all the three at one time combined to bring the Kingdom of Scotland to be no more a Kingdom: Yet all these behoved we either to endure, and under no other hope, then of the perfect slavery of ourselves, and our posterity in our Souls, lives, and Means; Or to resolve to come into England, not to make Invasion, nor with any purpose to fight, except we were forced, God is our judge, our actions are our witnesses, and England doth now acknowledge the truth, against all suspicions to the contrary, and against the impudent lies of our Enemies, But for our relief, defence, and preservation which we could find by no other means, when we had essayed all means, and had at large expressed our pungent, and pressing necessities, to the Kingdom, and Parliament of England. Since therefore the War on our part (which is no other but our coming into England with a guard) is defensive, and all men do acknowledge, that in common equity, the defendant should not be suffered to perish in his just and necessary defence, but that the pursuer, whether by way of Legal Process in the time of Peace, or by way of violence, and unjust invasion in the time of war, aught to bear the charges of the defendant. We trust that your Lordships will think that it is not against reason for us, to demand some reparation of this kind. And that the Parliament of England by whose Wisdom and justice we have expected the redress of our wrongs, will take such course, as both may in reason give us satisfaction and may in the notable demonstration of their justice serve most for their own honour. Our earnestness in following this our Demand, doth not so fare wrong our sight, and make us so undiscerning, as not to make a difference between the Kingdom, and Parliament of England, which did neither decern nor set forward a War against us, And that Prevalent faction of Prelates and Papists who have moved every stone against us, and used all sorts of means not only their counsels, Subsidies and forces, but their Kirk Canons, and prayers for our utter Ruin, which maketh them obnoxious to our just accusations, and guilty of all the losses, and wrongs, which this time passed we have sustained: Yet this we desire your Lordships to consider, That the Estates of the Kingdom of Scotland being assembled, did endeavour by their Declarations, Informations, & Remonstrances, and by the proceed of their Commissioners, to make known unto the Counsel, Kingdom, and Parliament of England, and to forewarn them of the mischief intended against both Kingdoms, in their Religion, and Liberties, by the Prelates, and Papists, to the end, that our Invasion from England might have been prevented, if by the prevalency of the faction it had been possible. And therefore we may now with the greater reason, & confidence press our Demand, That your Lordps, the Parliament, the Kingdom, and the King himself may see us repared in our losses at the cost of that faction by whose means we have sustained so much damage, And which, except they repent, will find sorrow recompensed for our grief, Torments for our toil, and an infinite greater loss for the Temporal losses, they have brought upon a whole Kingdom, which was dwelling by them in Peace. All the devices and do of our common enemies were to bear down the Truth of Religion, and the just liberties of the Subjects in both Kingdoms. They were confident to bring this about one of two ways: Either by blocking us up by Sea & Land to constrain us to admit their will for a Law both in Kirck, and policy, and thus to make us a Precedent for the like misery in England, or by their Invasion of our Kingdom to compel us furiously, and without order, to break into England, that the two Nations once entered in a bloody War, they might fish in our trouble Waters, and catch their desired Prey. But as we declared before our coming: We trusted that God would turn their Wisdom into foolishness, and bring their devices upon their own Pates, by our Intentions, and Resolutions to come into England as among our Brethren, in the most peaceable way that could stand with our safety, in respect of our common Enemies, to present our Petitions for settling our peace, by a Parliament in England, wherein the Intentions and Actions, both of our Adversaries, and ours might be brought to light, The King's Majesty, and the Kingdom rightly informed, The Authors, and Instruments of our divisions, and troubles punished, All the mischiefs of a Nationall, and doubtful War prevented, and Religion, and Liberty with greater Peace, and Amity then ever before established, against all the Craft and violence of our enemies. This was our Declaration before we set our foot into England, from which our deportments since have not varied. And it hath been the Lords wonderful doing, by the wise Counsels, and just proceed of the Parliament, to bring it in a great part to pass, and to give us lively hopes of a happy Conclusion: And therefore we will never doubt, but that the Parliament in their Wisdom and justice, will provide that a proportionable part of the Cost, and charges of a work so great and so comfortable to both Nations be borne by the Delinquents there, that with the better Conscience the good People of England may sit under their own Vines, and Figtrees, Refreshing themselves, although upon our greater Pains and Hazard, yet not altogether upon our cost and charges, which we are not able to bear. The Kingdom of England doth know and confess, that the Innovation of Religion and Liberties in Scotland, were not the principal design of our common Enemies, but that both in the Intention of the Workers, whole zeal was hottest for settling their devices at home: And in the Condition of the Work, making us whom they conceived to be the weaker for opposition, to be nothing else but a leading case for England. And that although by the power of GOD, which is made perfect in weakness, they have found amongst us greater resistance, than they did fear, or either they or ourselves could have apprehended; Yet, as it hath been the will of God that we should endure the heat of the day; So in the Evening the precious wages of the vindication of Religion, Liberties, and Laws, are to be received by both Kingdoms, and will enrich we hope to our unspeakable joy, the present Age, and the Posterity with Blessings that can not be valued, and which the good People of England esteem more than Treasures of Gold, and willingly would have purchased with many thousands. We do not plead that Conscience, & Piety have moved some men to serve GOD upon their own cost, and that Justice, and Equity have directed others, where the Harvest hath been common to consider the pains of labouring, and the charges of the Sowing, yet this much may we say, that had a foreign Enemy, intending to reduce the whole Island into Popery, made the first assault upon our weakness, We nothing doubt, but the Kingdom of England, from their desire to preserve their Religion, and Liberties, would have found the way to bear with us the expense of our resistance, and lawful defence, how much more being Invaded, although not by England, yet from England, by common Enemies, seeking the same ends, we expect to be helped and relieved. We will never conceive that it is either the will, or the well and honour of England, that we should go from so blessed a work after so many grievous sufferings, bearing on our backs the insupportable burdens of worldly necessities, and distresses, return to our country empty, and exhausted, in which the people of all Ranks, Sexes, and conditions have spent themselves, The possessions of every man, who devoted himself hearty to this cause, are burdened, not only with his own Personal, and particular expense, but with the public, and common charges; Of which if there be no relief, neither can our Kingdom have Peace at home, nor any more credit for Commerce abroad: Nor will it be possible for us, either to aid, and assist our friends, or to resist, and oppose the restless, and working wickedness of our Enemies: The best sort will lose much of the sweetness of the enjoying of their Religion, and Liberties, and others will run such ways, and undirect courses, as their desperate necessities will drive them into. We shall be but a burden to ourselves, a vexation unto others, of whose strength we desire to be a considerable part, and a fit subject for our enemies to work upon for obtaining, their now disappointed, but never dying desires. We will not allege the example of other Kingdoms, where the losses of necessary and just defence had been repaired by the other party, Nor will we remember what help we have made according to our abilities, to other reformed Kirks, And what the Kingdom of England of old, and of late hath done to Germany, France, and Holland, Nor do we use so many words, that England may be burdened, and we eased, or that this should be a matter of our Covetousness, and not of their justice, and kindness; justice, in respect of our adversaries) who are the causes of the great misery and necessity, to which we have been brought: kindness, in the supply of our wants, who have been tender of the welfare of England as of our own, that by this equality and mutual respect, both Nations may be supported in such strength, and sufficiency, that we may be the more serviceable to his Majesty, and abound in every good work, both towards one another, and for the comfort and relief of the reformed Kirks, beyond the Seas, that we may all bless God, and that the blessing of God may be upon us all. The English Peers demand concerning the Preceding Article. Whether this be a positive demand, or only an Intimation of the charge, thereby to induce the Kingdom of England, to take your distressed estate into consideration, and to afford you some friendly assistance. The Scottish Commissioners answer to this Demand. We would be no less willing to bear our josses if we had ability, than we have been ready to undergo the hazard; But because the burden of the whole doth fare exceed our strength, We have (as is more fully conceived in our Papers) represented to your Lordships, our charges, and losses, not intending to demand a total Reparation, but of such a proportionable part, as that we may in some measure bear the remanent, which we conceive, your Lordships (having considered our reasons) will judge to be a matter, not of our Covetousness, but of the said justice, and kindness of the Kingdom of England. Proposition of the Peers to proceed to the other Demands during the debate of the Scottish losses. That in the Interim whilst the houses of Parliament take into consideration, your demand of losses, and damages, you proceed to settle the other Articles of the Peace, and Intercourse betwixt the two Kingdoms. Answer to the Peers Demand. We have represented our losses, and thereby distressed Condition ingenuously, and in the singleness of our hearts, with very great moderation, passing over many things, which to us are great Burdens, That there might be no difficulty, nor cause of delay on our part, hoping that the Honourable houses of Parliament, would thereby be moved at their first Conveniency to take the matter to their consideration. We do not demand a total Reparation, Nor do we speak of the payment, till we consult about the settling of a solid peace, at which time the ways of lifting, and paying the money, may be considered; We do only desire to know what proportion may be expected. That this being once determined, and all impediments, arising from our bypast troubles, removed, We may with the greater confidence, and more hearty consent on both sides proceed to the establishing of a firm and durable peace for time to come. It is not unknown to your Lordships, what desperate desires, and miserable hopes our Adversaries have conceived of a breach upon this Article; And we do foresee, what snares to us, & difficulties to your Lordships may arise upon the postponing and laying aside of this Article to the last place. And therefore that our Adversaries may be out of hope, and we out of fear, and that the settling of Peace may be the more easy: We are the more earnest, that, as the former Articles have been, so this may be upon greater reasons considered in its own place, and order. Your Lordships upon the occasion of some motions made heretofore of the transposing of our Demands, do know, that not only the substance, but the order of the propounding of them, is contained in our Instructions. And as we can alter nothing without warrant, the craving whereof will take more time than the Houses of Parliament will bestow upon the consideration of this Article, So are we acquainted with the reasons yet standing in force, which moved the ordering of this Demand. And therefore let us still be earnest with your Lordships, that there be no halting here, where the Adversaries did most, and we did least of all, by reason of the justice, and kindness of the houses of Parliament expect it. Answer of the Parliament to the preceding Demand. Resolved upon the Question. That this House think fit, that a friendly assistance and relief shall be given towards supply of the losses, and necessities of the Scots, And that in due time this House will take into consideration the measure and manner of it. The Scottish Commissioners Answer. As we do with all thankfulness receive the friendly, and kind reosolution of the Parliament concerning our sixth demand, And do therein acknowledge your Lordship's noble dealing, for which we may assure that the whole Kingdom of Scotland will at all occasions express themselves in all respect, and kindness, So do we entreat your Lo ps. to represent to the Parliament our earnest desire, that they may be pleased, how soon their conveniency may serve, to consider of the proportion, wishing still, that as we expect from our friends the Testimonies of their kindness and friendly assistance, So the justice of the Parliament may be declared, in making the burden more sensible to the Prelates, and Papists (our enemies, and Authors of all our evils) then to others, who never have wronged us; Which will not only give unto us, and the whole Kingdom of Scotland, the greater satisfaction, But will also (as we do conceive) conduce much to the honour of the King's Majesty and Parliament. We do also expect that your Lordships will be pleased to report unto us the Answer of the Parliament, that we may in this, as in our former Articles, give account to those who sent us. The Peers Demand upon the above written Answer. We desire to understand, since, (as we conceive) the particulars are like to require much time, whether we may not from you let the Parliament know, That (whilst they are debating of the Proportion, and the ways how their kind assistance may be raised) you will proceed to the agreeing of the Articles of a firm and durable Peace, that thereby both Time may be saved, and both sides proceed mutually with the greater cheerfulness and alacrity. The Scottish Commissioners Answer to the preceding Demand. As we desire a firm Peace, so it is our desire that this peace may be with all mutual alacrity speedily concluded. Therefore let us entreat your Lordships, to show the Parliament from us, that how soon they shall be pleased to make the proportion known to us, that we may satisfy the expectation of those, who have entrusted us, (which we conceive may be done in a short time, since they are already acquainted with all the particulars of our Demand,) we shall stay no longer upon the manner and ways of raising the assistance, which may require a longer time: And yet we trust will be with such conveniency determined, as may serve for ourtimous relief, But remitting the manner and ways to the opportunities of the Parliament, shall most willingly proceed to the Consideration of the following Articles, Especially to that which we most of all desire, a firm and blessed peace.