THE PARLIAMENTS KNELL. FArewell old Parliament of, seven years standing Now make your testament: there's no disbanding That very rebel-route your first upholders, Are come to pull you out by head and shoulders. Come let us sing ding dung, till we shake the steeple, This is a fine new song, Come a long good people, Come help to ring their knell, they ne'er refuse you, You needs must use 'em well, that so did use you. Now all our virtual Kings must be deposed, Their tricks, and juggling things are all disclosed, Their vows, and their results, now cannot save 'em, And for their close consults, the devil will have them. King CHARLES is loose at last, the Scots have sold him, And when you had him fast, you could not hold him, He is now on his way, he'll no more sue t' ye Fairfax hath played fair play, and done his duty. Your proud Presbytery Cannot protect you Your wise directory Cannot direct you, We shall have Bishops store, with Copes and mitres Buff coats shall preach no more, nor Priests be fighters. Your Wednesdays and your ways of humiliation. Your strange thanksgiving days, of profanation Now must be laid aside, Christmas is lost else Old Easter Whitsuntide, and the Apostles, Your propositions and Qualifications Your Protestations and your abjurations. Your Covenant and your Oath, of Nonadherence, Will make the Houses both to fly for fear hence Now down with goldsmith's Hall that Golden Idol That dreadful tribunal that did decide all. Let's have our wives again, now you have fleeced 'em They'll serve delinquent men, though you have squeezd 'em. Rise up you philistins leave of your humming Report you of your sins King Charles is Coming. Fairfax and Crom well too are at Saint Albone They'll knock down more of you, than Samson's jawbone. Mr. FINIS.