A VINDICATION OF Sir William Lewis from one part of his particular CHARGE BY AN undeniable EVIDENCE OF Ancient Date. London. Printed in the Year: 16●● A vindication of Sir William Lewis from one part of his particular Charge, by an undeniable Evidence, of ancient date. WHereas in the printed particular Charge of Sir Thomas Fairfax and the Army under his command against the XI. Members pag 23. among other things, it is charged against Sir William Lewis that he being heretofore (during these troubles) governor of Portsmouth a Garrison for the Parliament, in which time he received much of the public Treasure, for which HE HATH NOT YET GIVEN AN account. To manifest to all the world the falseness and injustice of this part of his Charge, (by which ye may guess at the truth of the residue) we have thought meet to publish to the world this ensuing Certificate of the Committee for taking the accounts of the whole Kingdom, of the said Sir William's account touching the moneys pretended to be received by him, as governor of Portsmouth, long since presented to the House by the said Committee, with this special Encomium, that they found it to be a very fair and just account: which Certificate was thereupon allowed and confirmed by the special Order of the House, which Certificate followeth in these words. WE of the Committee appointed by Ordinance of Parliament of the 22. FEBR. 1643. for taking the accounts of the whole Kingdom, do hereby certify and declare that on the 19 day of June 1644. Sir WILLIAM Lewis Knight delivered upon Oath, according to the said Ordinance, his account for all moneys by him received since the first of August, 1642. to the the 8. of June 1643. together with his disbursements for the taking in of PORTSMOUTH, pay of 〈◊〉 Garrison, and other occasions there, 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉: which account with the Vouchers and Discharges touching the same, by him produced and left, we have examined, and find the receipts upon the said account to be 13469 l. 19 s. 8. d. besides the sum of 1000 l. taken up at Interest of ALEXANDER HOLT the 17. of April 1643. upon the Bond of Sir WILLIAM LEWIS, Master WALLOP & Mr WHITEHEAD which in all amounts unto the sum of 14469 l. 19 s. 8 d. And we find that his disbursements amounts unto the sum of 14885. 16. 4. So that there remaineth due unto him, which he hath paid out more than he hath received, the sum of 415 l. 16 s. 8 d. besides the sum of 513 l. 15 s. 2 d. for the pay of 7 Companies in April 1643. which is secured unto him per an Ordinance of Parliament dated the 4 of May 1643. And the said Sir William Lewis, Mr Wallop and Mr Whitehead are to be secured by the State from payment of the aforesaid sum of 1000 l. borrowed of Mr HOLT the 17. of April 1643. and from such Interest as is (or shall grow) due for the same. And having received the Vouchers of the said Sir WILLIAM LEWIS, do according to the power given us by Ordinance of Parliament acquit and discharge the said Sir WILLIAM LEWIS his heirs, executors and administrators of and from the several sums of Money so by him accounted for, as aforesaid. In witness whereof we have hereunto subscribed our names. John Glover Henry Hunter Lawrence Brinley John Stephens Daniel Hodson Edward Meade Thomas Hodges John Gregory Oliver Clobery. London 15. March, 1644. Copia vera. FINIS.