A DISCOVERY OF THE PRIESTS; That say they are sent off by the Lord, but upon trial are found out of the commands of Christ, the Prophets, and Apostles, and to be those that are not the sent of the Lord, but to be such that the sent ones of the Lord did cry woe against, and to be such that are false Apostles, deceitful, wicked, transforming themselves into the Apostles of Christ: and no marvel, for Satan himself is transformed into an Angel of light; therefore it is no great thing, if his ministers be transformed as the Ministers of righteousness, whose End shall be according to their works, for by their works you may know them, 2 Cor. verses 13, 14, 15. With a few words to such professors and profane, that together join to persecute the Righteous: and to the Ranters that do commit all manner of sins with greediness. Darkness denied by the children of Light, and the Babe of Christ growing up to a perfect man. Written from one who is known to the world by the name of John Pain, who accounts it great riches to suffer reproaches, and afflictions with the people of the Lord, who scornfully by the world are called Quakers, Heb. 12.21. Whom the Devil hath cast some of them into prison, that they may be tried, Rev. 2.10. But draw near hither ye sons of the sorceress, the seed of the adulterer and the whore, against whom do ye sport yourselves, against whom do ye make a wry mouth, and draw the tongue? are ye not children of transgression, a seed of falsehood, Isa. 58.3, 4. Ye shall leave your name for a curse to my chosen, the Lord shall slay thee, and call his people by another name, Isa. 55.15. Reader I would desire thee to read the proofs that are quoted in this book: Prove all things hold fast that which is good, 1 Thess. 5.21. Written from Starford in Hartford-shire the 7. day of the 4. Month. 1655. London, Printed by Jo. Streater for Giles Calvert at the Black-spread-Eagle at the end of Paul's, 165●. A Discovery of the Priests. THE Word of the Lord to you that call yourselves Ministers of the Lord, and sent by the Lord, but you are not in the obedience of the Lord, if you were the sent one's of the Lord: and came in the name of the Lord, then would you obey the commands of the Lord; Christ saith, be not ye called masters of man, nor call ye man master; for one is your master even Christ, Mat. 23.10 and he that is greatest amongst you, let him be your servant. This pride was forbid by him that was lowly, and did wash the feet of his Disciples, leaving them an example for to follow, and no man was to follow them no further than they did follow Christ. Now consider, you that do think this a small matter, and do make a slight thing of the command of Christ: was not that Christ the true Prophet that all men were to hear and obey; and those that do not obey this Prophet, is to be cut off from amongst his people? is not this one command that you are to obey, and whether not obeying this command, being not called of men Masters, be not the same command as it was when it was gave forth? Surely it is, why not then obeyed, the Lord in giving that command, did know what he spoke, and to what he spoke, though by proud ones it is slighted. But know proud flesh, against thee was this command gave forth, though by thee it is slighted, but whosoever doth break one of the least of the commands of Christ, is guilty of them all. Did ever the commands of Christ, and the Ministers of Christ differ before man came to be exalted, but now that which doth stand directly against the pride of man is not regarded. But woe be to you that breaks one of the least of Christ's commands, and teach men so to do, you shall be called the least in the kingdom of Heaven; but that mastership which the Lord hath commanded, do I own, Servants be obedient to your masters in the Lord, but for servants to be called masters, this is disowned by Christ, and those that do obey Christ. Now consider if the Ministers of Christ be not called the Lords servants and servants of men 〈◊〉 what is a steward but a servant? what is an Ambassador but a servant? what is a messenger but a servant? Now consider, are not the Ministers of Christ so called in the Scripture are they called masters: but this is no great matter, will you say, this is but a civil thing, & you say, you do not regard it, but that men will call you so. Nay, it is no civil thing, but a thing that is uncivil, to break the commands of Christ. But, the mastership that men do put upon us, is for our Learning, and the Degrees which we did take at the Universities, when we did commence Masters of Arts. This I have heard pleaded both by Priests and peo-people; see now what fountains these streams of pride flow from, but the Lord God of power will dry up those Fountains, that do issue forth streams against his commands, under what pretence soever, he will famish all the gods of the heathen. Consider this both Priest and people. Will this stand you in stead when the Lord shall come to plead with all flesh by his sword and by his fire; no, it will not stand you in stead, than obedience will be better than sacrifices, and rebellion the sin of witchcraft. Are you not here out of Christ's doctrine? have you not here obeyed man and not God? doth not the Apostle John say in his 2 Epistle, vers. 9 that whosoever transgresseth, and abideth not in the Doctrine of Christ hath not God. When did you ever declare against the breach of this Command? no, no, your pride will not suffer you to cry down your worldly honour. When did you ever reprove any of your hearers of whom you have a living, & forbidden them, calling of you masters? now if you are masters, why do you not provide for your servants, and not the servants for the Masters? if you be fathers, why do you not provide for your children, and not the chil-for their fathers? Mat. 23.9. This is that which Christ forbids when he saith, call no man father upon the earth. They are not only called masters by those that do provide for them, and called fathers by those that were never begotten into the truth by them, but these honours they take to themselves calling one another learned Fathers and Masters, and receive honour one of another, & not the honour that doth come from the Lord: those that are his scent ones, are stewards and messengers and ambassadors, which is Honour of the Lords own giving: but for Doctors and Masters and such like, is honour of the world's giving, and therefore owned by them, because they are of the world, but those that Ministry for Christ, these things do deny, and against it testify, 2 Thess. 2.4 knowing it is better to obey God then man, but this is their many Crowns that the man of sin who sitteth in the temple of God, and is exalted above the commands of God, hath put upon their heads to make them seem glorious in the eyes of the world, and the world wonders after them; and the world fights for them, when the Lord doth send any to cry against their deceits by their hearers; and they are persecuted, torn and rend by the heathen: be ashamed for ever that such things should be done by you or your hearers; but now is the Lord God of power bringing forth his Ministry, and hath brought many forth, praised be his name for ever that do obey his commands, which are taught only by him, and led into the truth which are not made by man, nor by the will of man, but by Jesus Christ, which did ascend on high for to beget them for the work of the Ministry, for the edifying of the body, while they come to a perfect man in Christ Jesus, whose sufficiency is of God that hath made them able Ministers, not of the Letter but of the spirit, 2 Cor. 3.6. standing out of the will of man, leading people up to the Lord out of the world or fellowship with the world; and therefore hated by them, persecuted and scoffed by them; and made the offscouring of the world, of whom the world is not worthy, which doth not receive friendship of the world: but scorn, stockings, and stonings, and all manner of reviling, both by profane and by professors, that say they are not of the world, but those that say they are not of the world, and yet walk in these fruits of darkness, they lie and do not say the truth. If any man seem to be Religious, and cannot bridle his tongue from railing and evil speaking; that man's Religion is vain, let him profess what he will. Now consider this, professors and profane, who join together to persecute the righteous; is this the spirit of the Lord, or the spirit of the devil, which would if he could, murder all that do profess Jesus. When the man child is brought forth, doth not the devil stand ready to devour it, sending his floods after it. I charge you in the name of the Lord, join not with the profane people, but come from amongst them, for the Lord will be a Sanctuary to his people, for a rock of offence to both houses of Israel, for a gin, for a snare to the inhabitants of Jerusalem, and many amongst them shall stumble and fall, and be broken, and be snared, and be taken. Consider this you that are professors, it is not for you to prescribe the Lord a way for him to manifest his own glory by, lest you stumble, fall, and be broken, be snared and taken. Who art thou proud flesh that wouldst limit the holy one of Israel, to make himself manifest by: the Lord will choose his own laborers to work in his own vineyard: therefore silence flesh and deceit. Stop thy mouth for ever, lest thou be found a fighter against the Lord, it will be hard for thee to kick against the pricks: behold saith the Lord, I and my children are for signs and wonders in Israel, from the Lord of hosts that dwelleth in mount Zion: hath it not been the portion of the true messengers of the Lord in all ages to suffer persecution from the world, yea not only from the world but by those that in profession were taken out of the world. Were there not honourable and devour women that did stir up persecution against the Apostles? Now consider it is not a profession of the truth that will keep men and women from joining with the world, and being one with the world, nay it will not; there is a worldly Religion, they can mock and scoff and scorn, Act. 13.50 jeer and jest, be wanton and proud and heady and high minded, having got the form but persecute the power, where it is made manifest, but the pure Religion they do not know which is unspotted of the world which doth keep the heart pure out of the defilement up to the Lord, Jam. 3.13, 15, 16. in loliness, in love, which as pure, and brings forth fruits of purity, as love, meekness, gentleness, not easily provoked, but beareth all things: but where there is bitter enveying and strife in your hearts; Rom. 9.4, 5. glory not and lie not against the truth; this wisdom descendeth not from above, but is earthly sensual and devilish, for where envy and strife is there is confusion, and every evil work, but the wisdom that is from above is first pure then peaceable, gentle, and easy to be entreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, without hypocrisy: had not the Jews a very high profession? did not they say they were Abraham's seed, and that God was their father and that they were in bondage to no man, and for privileges and ordinances none like them who were Israelites, to whom did pertain the adoption and glory, and the covenants, and the giving of the law, and the service of God and the promises whose are the fathers, and of whom as concerning the flesh Christ came who is over all, God blessed for ever. These are very high privileges, as any of you Churches doth enjoy, but did this keep them from crucifying the Lord of glory? no it did not, therefore take heed how you stand lest you fall, all works that are not wrought in God though it be in the highest profession cannot free men from the spirit of persecution, the same spirit that doth act in the highest wickedness, it is one with, and of that spirit that doth act in the highest form of godliness, where the light and power is wanting, yea it is the same and far more dangerous, for the poor hath been all along persecuted by it: this is the transformings of the devil into an angel of light, let Priests and people say what they can; what a spirit of persecution is sound, it is not of God, it is the fruits of the devil, let it be under what pretence soever as I know he hath many to hid his persecution with, the root is bitter and so are the fruits; therefore as you do tender the good of your own souls which are precious, do not go on in these practices, but say you had warning; for the righteous God will judge and reprove with equity: for the meek of the earth he shall inherit the earth; with the word of his mouth and with the breath of his lips shall he slay the wicked: the Lord will punish the world for their evil and the wicked for their iniquity, and will cause the arrogancy of the proud to cease, and will lay low the haughtiness of the terrible. Consider this all sorts of people high and low, rich and poor, it doth concern you all, the hand of the Lord is lifted up against all drunkards and whoremasters, idolaters, covetous, oppressors, and persecuters, liars, proud ones, scoffers and scorners, sons of Ishmael, sons of the bondwoman, yea the sinners in Zion shall mourn fear shall surprise the hypocrite, therefore think not the word of the Lord strange in these our days, it is that I have prayed for, it is that I did believe would come, and now my eyes hath seen and my heart hath felt the power of the Lord; ye the enemies that are now against it have prayed for it, which of you but have prayed for it: which of you but have prayed, Thy Kingdom come, but now it is coming, you speak all manner of evil of it. Mat. 24.29, 30, 31, 32, 33. Know the day of your visitation, for it is such a work of power that doth break down the earth, that nothing shall stand but that which cannot be shaken, that his will may be done on earth as it is in heaven perfectly. The Lord is now coming to shut the seeing eye, and to open the blind eye. Is not now the time that the spirit of a deep sleep hath closed the eyes of the prophets; although the signs of Christ's coming the second time without sin into the world be made manifest, yet they see it not: Is not the vision of all become as a sealed book? is not the Lord turning Leabnon into a fruitful field, Luk. 12.49, 51, 52.53.56. and the fruitful field into a Forest, and they know it not. Consider where you are, are you not like those that dream that you are satisfied, and behold you are empty? is not night upon you, that you cannot see the wonders of the Lord which he doth now make manifest? but, what is manifest amongst you; fruits of persecution, fruits of pride, fruits of covetuousness, these fruits of the flesh are made manifest. O repent, return to your first husband, for these are the fruits of the adulterer, and the whoregoing from the light into darkness. Return, return, to the light in your consciences that doth convince of sin, that doth discover the thoughts & intents of the heart; this light is pure and leads into purity and holiness. Isa. 29.13, 14. Hath not the Lord been a long time drawn nigh to with the lip, when the heart is far from him. Hath not the fear towards him been taught by the precepts of man? therefore behold, saith the Lord, I will do a marvellous work and a wonder, the wiseman shall perish, and the understanding of the prudent shall be hid, but the deaf shall hear, and the eye of the blind shall see out of obscurity: now is this promise fulfilled, and fulfilling; and now hath the Lord chose Pastors according to his own heart, that shall feed his people with knowledge according to his promise. Now is the day of the Lord that he hath sent forth his messengers as Lambs amongst the Wolves, counting not their lives too dear to fulfil the work, the Lord hath sent them forth to do, but leaving all for Christ's house, that durst not be disobedient o the call of the Lord, nor consult with flesh, Gal. 1.16. which would save itself, but many leaving father and mother, lands and live, wife and children for love of the precious seed of God that is kept in bondage, groaning for deliverance, and many a one through the Ministry of the Lord in them can witness a living soul redeemed out of death, to praise the living Lord; are not these the signs of the true Ministry of Christ when the Apostles were counted deceivers by the false Apostles and the rest, some that were professors. How did he clear himself when they did seek a proof of his Ministry? He saith in you ward I was not weak, but is mighty in you: this mighty power many hundreds can witness, bringing down their high thoughts and words to the obedience, of Jesus Christ: many drunkards and swearers, many formal professors, many high flown notionists, are brought to the obedience of the cross which hath crucified them to the world and the world to them: this is the proof of the despised Ministry which is despised of the world, but owned by those more dear than their lives that doth embrace it; for those that are joined to the Lord by their Ministry received from the Lord, are Epistles write in one another's heart, this leads into unity, this leads into honour in that which is pure; every member in the body serving one another in love, watching one over the other, the strong bearing with the weak; and here is no rent & schism, but every one in their measures growing up to the father of lights who doth make his all of one heart and one mind they have fellowship one with the other in that which is not of the world, but leads out of the world up to God, leads into the light of God; therefore silence you enemies, stand still in the light of Christ which will crucify you to the world, and the world to you, and you shall see the salvation of the Lord as many a one hath done: praises, praises be to the Lord for ever. Friends consider the wonderful works of the Lord, be not despisers and wonderers, and perish, but know the Lord will do his own work by his own Instruments though never so despised: for the preaching of the cross to them that perish is foolishness, but unto us which are saved, it is the power of God. The Jews do require a sign, & the Greeks seek after wisdom, but we preach Christ crucified, unto the Jews a stumbling block, and unto the Greeks foolishness; the Jews had thoughts that the Lord would have chosen the great and mighty, and the honourable of the world, the learned Scribes and Pharisees, and that he would advance an earthly Kingdom, but did the Lord choose such? no, but poor Fishermen, Herdsmen, and Tradesmen, and men unlearned, as Peter and John were. The same. Christ is now as ever, and did ascend on high to give gists unto men, for the work of the Ministry, and this is to last to the end of the world. And who art thou proud flesh, that would limit the Holy one of Israel? doth not the wind blow where it listeth? doth the spirit of truth that leads into all truth, and knows things to come, confine itself to one particular sort of men? no, know it doth not, the Lord hath made himself manifest, and hath discovered that false spirit: there hath been much contending about the call of the Ministry, and writing and preaching one against the other, all like Diotrephes, loving to have pre-eminence; but now hath the Lord fully ended that controversy. But the world will not see it, but they shall at last own it, and they shall know, Joh. 3.9, 10. The wind bloweth where it listeth; but you Priests, how little hath this wind blown upon your Garden for this many years, that the spices thereof flow out. Can you beloved, as you say, come into his Garden, and eat his pleasant fruits? Are not the Grapes of his Vineyard, devoured by the Foxes? What fruits are brought forth to God? is not fruits of pride, and fruits of covetousness, reviling, scoffing, and scorning. Now the Lord comes to his Vineyard, doth not these fruits appear both in teacher and hearers: was it not high time to let his Vineyard to more faithful laborers, that it may bring forth fruit to himself, for now it is over grown with brambles, and briers fit for the fire: howl ye vinedressers, now the Lord is come to his Vineyard, their fruits are made manifest, it is just with the Lord, to rain no more rain upon it: what could the Lord have done more than he hath done? but in stead of bringing forth good grapes, it hath brought forth wild Grapes, fruits to yourselves, not to the Lord, every one seeking your own things, and not the things of Christ: therefore thus saith the Lord, An evil, an only evil, Exek. 7.5, to 11. be hold is come, an end is come, the end is come, it watcheth for you, behold it is come, the morning is come upon thee. O thou that dwellest in the land, the time is come, the day of trouble is near; now will I shortly pour out my fury upon thee, and accomplish my anger upon thee, and will judge thee according to thy ways, and will recompense thee for all thy abominations and my eye shall not spare, neither will I have pity, I will recompense thee according to thy ways, and the abominations that are in the of midst thee, and ye shall know that I am the Lord that smiteth. Behold the day it is come, the morning is gone forth, the rod hath blossomed, pride hath budded, violence is risen up into a rod of wickedness, none of them shall remain nor of their multitudes, neither shall their be wailing for them: is not the rod blossomed? is not pride budded, is not violence rise up into a rod of wickedness. Yea pride is not only buded but it blossomed, and that amongst you that are teachers. Do not you and your wife and children exceed in it that the eyes of all are upon you, some wondering at it, most following you for it, learning it of you. Thus profaneness is gone forth from you, these are the fruits they gather from you, fruits of covetuousness and oppression, that is become a proverb in England: Who more proud than the priests, who more covetous than they? Oh for shame, 1 Tim. 3.5. and 8. for shame give over. Are you fit to rule the Church of Christ, that cannot rule yourselves and your Family; no, no, such as ruled the Church of Christ, they were not greedy of filthy lucre, they were no proud ones, they were no covetous ones, no, but against it did testify and said, Let not covetousness be so much as once named amongst you. But tribulation and anguish upon every soul of man that doth evil, to the Jew first, and also to the Gentile; But are not these fruits amongst you? are not you them that profess Christ in words, but in works do deny him? what have you to do to take the name of the Lord into your mouths, and will not be reform? should not every one that doth name the name of Christ, depart from iniquity? thou therefore that teacheth another, teacheth thou not thyself; thou that teacheth another he should not steal, Rom. 2.22. why dost thou steal? Art not thou a thief, whosoever thou art, that speaks forth the saints words, and do not live their life? When they spoke forth those words, they spoke forth their life. Now see all of you, who are the Thiefs and Robbers that do not come in by the door, which is Christ, but climb up another way; those that speak from the Scriptures, Jer. 2.8. and not from the life that gave forth the Scriptures, they are the thiefs that steal the word from their Neighbours; these are they that say, Jer. 23.30. Thus saith the Lord, when he never spoke to them; these are they that handle the Law, and know not the Lord, therefore they shall not profit the people. Now consider, be not deceived; though they speak the true words of the Prophets, Christ, and the Apostles, that doth not make them Ministers of Christ; no, for the Devil spoke truth when he said, Christ was the Son of God: Mark 3.11 yea, though he spoke the truth, the Lord did rebuke him and bid him hold his peace, for he knew he spoke by his own spirit: So consider, both Priest and People, what Spirit you speak from, and meddle not with the Saints words without their spirit, lest the Lord rebuke you for it, but come to the life that gave forth the Scriptures, and then every one will witness your profession in them, and the Spirit will lead you into the truth of them, and then will you speak from the word of the Lord made manifest in you, and then will you come to live their life that gave forth the Scriptures, which most that profess the Scriptures are strangers to, having got the form of them, but the 〈◊〉 is denied by them; therefore they to every good work are reprobate, knowing not the Lord, but living in all manner of filthiness, and yet profess Scripture to be their rule, and that doth condemn them. For shame, give over such a profession, for those that profess Scripture, and not live the life of it, those do deny it, let them pretend what they will; those that live in pride, in covetousness, in railing, in scorning, in foolish jesting, in wantonness, in the lusts of the flesh, these deny the Scripture, for against these things doth it witness. Now consider, you that make a trade with the Saints words, and not live the life; what is the cause of your unfaithfulness, and the unfaithfulness of your hearers? you do not stand in the Counsel of the Lord, and therefore not profit the people, nor turn the wicked from the evil of their ways and wickedness of their do, but the hand of the Lord is against you. Repent, return to your first Husband that you may be fruitful: you do pretend that you are the Ministers of Christ, but where is the proof of your Ministry? are not proud ones proud still, yea more than ever, are not covetous ones so still, are not railers, railers still? are not profain ones so still, are not drunkards so still, are not swearers so still, are not formilists so still? what amendment amongst you this year more than many years before, yet never more speaking then now: the word is the same as ever, the power the same as ever, Mich. 3.6, 7, 11. the Lord hath as many to bring home to himself as ever, and the power doth as much appear as ever, but not amongst you: the Lord hath hid his face from you, as is confessed by many of you; the wise will lay these things to heart, but scorners will go on in scorning: Fear the Lord God of power, and return from your wickedness, and he will receive you, and have mercy upon you; but if you go on in these ways of wickedness, the Lord will forsake you and cast dung upon you: you have a long while pretended that what you did was by the example of Christ, the Prophets and the Apostles, these you say have been your rule, but are you not sound to be those that are out of the example of Christ, of the Prophets and the Apostles? Ye call Christ Lord and Master, and so he is, If I then your Lord and Master have washed your feet, ye also aught to wash one another's feet, for I have given you an example, that ye should do as I have done to you: Christ was meek and loving, and did in all things obey the will of his Father that sent him: do you follow this example? Christ spoke nothing of himself, but from his Father that sent him; for, saith Christ, I have not spoken of myself, but the Father that sent me he gave me a commandment what I should say and what I should speak: Do you follow this example? do not you speak your own words, and not from the Father? do you not speak the true words of Christ, the Prophets and Apostles, but not by the spirit of the Father? Is this to follow Christ's example, the Prophets and Apostles example? they spoke as they were moved by the holy Ghost, do you follow their example? but you speak even when you will, and pray when you will, begin when you will, and end when you will; was this their example? you shall find the Prophets, they did not so read the prophecy of Ezekiel, and you shall there find that he did not speak many words; but the word of the Lord came to him again, and so he spoke as he was moved, when the Lord did not speak to him, than he was silent: Is this your example? but you can pray by the hour, and speak by the hour, what you have patched up together from their true words; but the Lord doth not speak those words to you; if he had, you would follow their example, and live the life of them. Those the Lord doth speak to, they are not thus limited, neither do they thus limit, but as the Lord doth give them utterance they speak, sometimes many hours, sometimes not many words; is this your practices? no, you would think this a shame to you. Silence flesh, that it may not speak before the Lord, but the spirit that doth lead into the truth may have the pre-eminence, that the Lord alone may speak in his own temple; if you did thus speak the true Declaration of Christ, and Prophets and Apostles, which is the Scriptures, which nothing is to be added to them, Rev. 22.18, 19 than you would witness the word to be a fire, and a hammer; wheat, and not chaff, purifying and cleansing, the word engrafting, the immortal seed of it, and so witness light: so now consider, it is not they that know the will of the Father, but those that do it, that shall inherit the blessing; no, many shall come in that day, and say, Lord, we have prophesied in thy name, and done many miraculous works, yet the Lord shall say, I know ye not, ye are workers of iniquity, depart from me; they had the Scriptures, but not the light of them, therefore friends, be not deceived with fair shows, but try all things, try yourselves, and try your teachers, whether they or you follow Christ's example; but are not they found out of Christ's example, the Prophets and Apostles example, which were the true messengers of Christ, Acts 3.7. and 4.5. that did receive their power from him, and yet were questioned by Priests, the Professors, by what authority they did these things, and who gave them that authority; so it was, though Peter and John did do a miracle amongst them, upon one that was lame from the womb of his mother, yet they did question his power; and it came to pass, that on the morrow that their Rulers, and Elders, and Scribes, and Annas the high Priest, and Caiphas, and John, and Alexander, and as many as were of the kindred of the Priests, were gathered together at Jerusalem, and when they had set them in the midst, they asked them by what Power, or by what Name have ye done this: So it is now this day by the chief Priests and their kindred, they say by what authority, and who gave them their power, though their power be made manifest in bringing home, many a soul to the Lord, yet none so much as by them opposed: the same spirit that was in them, though they are dead many years agone, yet that spirit doth still live, and bring forth the same fruits of persecution; Acts 5.34.38. Mic. 3.11. Mat. 10.8. therefore take warning how you do oppose the work of the Lord, remember gamaliel's counsel, lest you be found fighters against him, for we cannot but speak the things that we have heard and seen whether it be right in the sight of God, to hearken unto you more than unto God, judge ye: when Christ sent forth his Prophets and Apostles to preach or to publish the Gospel, did he send them forth to preach for hire; no, against all hirelings they did witness, freely they had received it, and freely they did administer it; they had not a living provided for them of the world, or else they would not preach to them; if they had not a settled maintenance in one place, they did remove to another, they did not covenant with the world, and say, What will you give me; no, this was not their example, but this was their practice: woe were they, if they did not preach the Gospel, through necessity, persecution, and afflictions were laid upon them; did the Apostles of Christ receive any thing of the world for to maintain them, was it not the command of Christ that they should not stay in any house to eat or drink, if the people were not worthy; but if they were worthy, there they were to stay, and to eat such things as were set before them: Is this your example? Did the Apostle Paul, when he was planting the Church of Corinth, receive any thing from them to be a supply to him; no, he was chargeable to no man; for that which was lacking, the Brethren which did come from Macedony, supplied, and in all things, I kept myself from being burdensome to you, and so will I keep myself, 2 Cor. 11.9. is this your example, did not he plant a Vineyard before he did eat the fruit, did not he minister spiritual things, bringing them to the faith of Christ, before he did receive their carnal: is this your example, no yours is contrary: do not you receive temporal of them that never received spiritual from you? was this their example? do you plant a Vineyard before you do eat the fruit of it? no, they are not your example, as is manifest by your practices: are you not them that walk out of the life of the Apostles, and by their life is to be condemned with those, that in the Apostles days did walk as you do, loving gifts, and preaching for h●re: let your pretence be what it will, if you are found in these practices receiving maintenance from the world, or forcing it from them, than you are such which the Prophets and Apostles were sent to cry woe against, did ever the Apostles take the tenth of men's labours? did ever the Apostles take Tithe-Calves, Tithe-Pigs, or Tithe-Eggs, Tithe for Gardens, Tithe-Hay, Tithe-Wood, and such like things; be it known to those that do receive them, and to those that do give them than to me. Was this their example, or were ever Tithes paid after Christ's Ascension, by any, either by the world, or by the Saints for preaching Christ: did Abraham ever pay Tithes, but once to Melchisedeck and those not of men's labours, but of the spoil when he did return home from the Battle. The light hath made you manifest, that you do not follow their example, and yet you cry yourselves up to be the Ministers of Christ. Deal honestly with your own souls, how dare you say, you follow their example, when they did practise no such things, but against such did testify? how dare you say that you are their successors, and yet walk in the steps of the false Apostles: for shame stop your mouths; own yourselves where you are, and deny this dishonest gain of yours. Did ever the Apostles sue any at Law for a maintenance from them? was this their example? doth not Christ and the Apostles forbidden to go to Law, but rather to suffer? hath this been your example? nay, hath not there been many imprisoned by you, paying double damages, to the undoing of them, and their Families: lying in prison, some at this day for this very thing: where had you this example, Mat. 5.40. 1 Cor. 6.7. if this were either Christ's, the Prophets, or the Apostles example, prove it if you can by Scripture: if it were not, how say you, you are their successors, do you not rather resemble the Pope's Clergy, Read and compare these together. who hath Tithes for their maintenance, and a forced living. But you will say, the Civil power doth give you them, therefore you may receive them; but I would know of you, whether it be better for to obey God or Man. Do not you know, that you should not receive them, if you will follow the example of Christ, and the Apostles? hath not many left them, as knowing them not to be according to the Gospel-Order, but for the Priestly Order; Numb. 18.21. but it is your gain that will not let you follow their example: those that were the Ministers of Christ, and the Messengers of Christ, they did cry out against all oppression; but you strengthen the hand of the wicked, and prevent Judgement and Justice, and makes it serve for your own lusts; or you do know that the tenths that are given you by the civil Law, are not the Ministers of Christ's portion, neither ever had they any such example; but this is that that doth uphold the National Ministry, Heb., 13, 14. which hath made all Nations drunk with the wine of their fornication. Is not this the reason why so many are put by man into the work of the Ministry, because of their settled maintenance? would there be so many sent to the Schools of Learning, by their Parents? if it were not for hopes of preferment? Were there nothing of self-ends, neither in Parents or Children, Heb. 1.2. the Schools would be many times empty: but when they have spent their young time in idleness, without a lawful Calling, Read and compare one with the other. and served a prenticeship in the University, then are they fitted, as they say, to come and preach to the people, although they have never learned their own Ministry: here is the bold presumption of man; for they choose men, and fit them, and send them forth into the work of the Ministry, they send forth labourers into the Lord's Harvest, when it is the work of the Lord so for to do; for this was one end of Christ's leading captivity captive, to give gifts unto men, and he did ascend on high far above all Heavens, that he might fill all things, and he gave some Apostles, and some Prophets, and some Evangelists, and some Pastors and Teachers, for the perfecting the Saints, Eph. 4.8.13. for the work of the Ministry. Do you think Christ is not sufficient to furnish his Messengers as formerly he hath done; but you proud flesh must teach him a way, and so be his Counsellor? will not you let him choose his own labourers, to work in his own Vineyard, and fit them as himself pleaseth, is not he with his Church to the end of the World? hath he not said, he will never leave them, nor forsake them: Gal. 1.1. is not he their King, Priest and Prophet, and hath he not said, he will send them Pastors according to his own heart, that shall feed his people with knowledge: and now Christ promises is fulfilling; Gal. 1.11, 12. but he is not believed by you, but you will choose, and you will send forth, and you give them their Commission and Approbation, and none is accounted fit, but such as are approved by you. Is this Christ's example, is not this to take that power to yourselves, that the Lord did never give you: 2 Cor. 3.5.6. is not this to set yourselves above Christ, and so are indeed the Antichrists: come down proud flesh, the Lord will establish his Mountain upon the top of all your Mountains, and it shall be exalted above the hills, and the people shall flow unto it, and many Nations shall come and say, Come let us go up to the Mountain of the Lord, and to the house of the God of Jacob, and he will teach us of his ways, and we will walk in his paths; for the Law shall go forth of Zion, 1 Tim. 1.12. and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem, take warning, the Lord will not long take at your hands, for you to choose his labourers, to work in his Vineyard; for the day of the Lord of Hosts shall be upon every one that is proud and lofty, and upon every one that is lifted up, and he shall be brought low: this day of the Lord is now made manifest, though you see it not, wherein the lofty looks of man shall be humbled, and the haughtiness of men shall be boar down, and the Lord Alone shall be exalted in that day, Luke 10.2.3. who art thou proud man that thou shouldst strive with the Lord. Look back to the catalogue of Priests formerly, that were approved by man, and sent forth by man, by the same power that you were sent forth by, and approved by, that is the Bishops, and read what they were. 1 Tim. 2.7. Were not they a shame and reproach to the Gospel, living in all manner of filthiness, and in the abominations of the Heathen? But you say, you were not chosen by them as Bishops, but as Presbyters. And were not those the like? might not those that were chosen by them have said the same as you do? but is your Presbytery now, or was it then as it was in the Apostles days? 1 Tim. 4.14 you have got the form of the thing; but where is the life and power, either of your choice of Ministers, or other Officers? Do you give the gift with the laying on of the hands of the Presbytery, as those did: if you had, there would not have been so many cast out for their filthiness, as there was; but then Ministers, and other Officers were chose by the Holy Ghost, Act. 13.2, 3, 4. and then offenders were cast out by the spirit of the Lord, and then Ministers were separated to that work by the Spirit not by man, nor by the will of man but by God, 1 Tim. 1.12. I thank Christ Jesus our Lord who hath enabled me for that he counted me faithful, 1 Cor. 5.4. putting me into the Ministry. See from whence you are fallen and repent, and turn to the Lord, and yet you are exalted, and you are those that the world wonders after, crying you up for the only Ministers of Christ, chose by man, and approved by man, but out of the example of Christ, as hath been proved before. Do you not make the Universities the two fountains and springs, for to send forth godly and able Ministers and Magistrates, that out of them may proceed plants to plant the Church and State withal. Is not this your prayer many times? do you not here limit the holy one of Israel, and confine him to your wills? but such as the fountain is, such are the streams; and if ever any come to be called by Christ to the work of the Ministry which hath been at those fountains, they do deny the streams of human inventions, as many in this land do and hath done, knowing they were never made for no such use nor end, but stand directly: against Christ and the commands of Christ. Beware, saith the Apostle, lest any man spoil you through Philosophy and vain deceit, Col. 2.8. after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ, for in him dwelleth all the Godhead bodily, and ye are complete in him, which is the head of all principality and power. Here is the Saints fullness in Christ, and their compleatness in Christ, Christ being made to them of God wisdom, righteousness, sanctification, and redemption, and so need no other wisdom to be taught by, 1 Cor. 1.30. nor doth it teach by any other, but all his people are taught by him, and so they are established in sure peace, not carried about with the cunning shifts of men, whereby they may lie in wait to deceive, but speaking the truth in the love it, they grow up into him in all things, which is the head even Christ, and so the Church comes to know the manifold wisdom of God, which is hid from the Learned of the world, but revealed to babes. Come lay all your Crowns down at the feet of Jesus, and let him that thinks himself wise, become a fool that he may be made wise: for worldly wisdom is ●●nity against God, for the world by wisdom doth not know God, from that eye it is hid, never to be revealed, and exalt not thyself above thy fellow members; but know the same light that doth enlighten the eye, the same light doth enlighten the whole body, fitly joined together, 1 Cor. 12.12, 20, 25. and compacted by that which every joint supplieth, according to the effectual working in the measure of every part, maketh increase of the body unto the edifying of itself in love, and so here is no schism in the body. Here is not one member seeks pre-eminence above another, but he that would be greatest, let him be servant to the body: Is this your practice? no it is to the contrary, do not you Lord it over God's heritage, as if you and only you did know the mind of the Lord, Eph 4.15, 16. and if any man doth not take that for truth which you do deliver or shall object against it, such a one is a dangerous fellow, he is running into sects and Ichisme, and hypocrisy: but you make a trade of your preaching; and should it be questioned how you came into the Ministry, your gain would be loss which you do receive of the world for your preaching; but know the Lord is come to pluck the skin of the lamb off the back of the wolf, that he may appear to be so, Col. 2.19: that men may be no longer deceived by you that profess you sollow the example of Christ, but upon trial are found to be one with the world, entered into the world, and the world into you, and so are at peace one with the other; but the Lord God of power is breaking your peace, that Christ alone may reign in his Temple. Therefore beware you Priests of the world, how you uphold that which the Lord will destroy, lest you be found fighters against God: but the Priests ever laboured to have the power of the world on their sides. O the running, and riding, the plotting, and contriving by the Priests to choose a person that will side with them and their interest; what meetings and prayings, what stirring up of the people to join with them all along, with petitioning, and fight, witness many both in Scotland and England, to drive on their interest; these things are manifest, and yet would be counted the Ministers of Christ: was this their example? are not all the ways of the Lord hid from you? are your desires fulfilled? you have asked and received not, because you ask amiss; ye kill and desire to have and cannot obtain, that you might consume it upon your lusts. I have heard many of you say, the Lord was in the cloud that you could not see him; his ways were very dark to you, yea they were and so they are still: in the land of Egypt there is darkness, but in the land of Goshen there is light. Did ever Christ or the Apostles petition for aid for the Gospel; Jam. 4.2, 3, 4. but this is your trade, and by this comes in your gain that makes you so bestir you, you do not remember that Christ will be with his to the end of the world, and will never leave his sheep without a shepherd, Amos. 3.7, 8. but the Lord will have his Gospel preached to the end of the world, though nothing but persecution, prisoning, kill, or what ever! Did ever the Gospel flourish more than by persecution; Amos 8.11, 12. and were not always the faithful witnesses of the Lord persecuted by the world and worldly professors? Thus it is now, and hath been in all ages? were not the true prophets counted the troublers of Israel? Act. 24.5. Were not the Apostles counted the pestilent fellows, and ringleaders of Sects, and not fit for to live? Were not the mouths of the world open against them with all manner of revile, scoffings, and scorn? Were not professors gainsaying and blaspheming? Were not some hewn asunder, and some sawn asunder, whom the world was not worthy; Act. 13.45 in prisons oft, in perils oft, in travels oft, had no certain dwelling place, but sent about from place to place, from City to City (yet were no vagabonds) in hunger and nackedness, hid in caves and dens of the earth, they were halled out of their Synagogues, they were had before Rulers for the witnessing of Jesus. Now know, those that the Lord hath sent forth now to declare the same everlasting Gospel, their lives are not dear to them. Nay, woe are they if they preach it not, what affliction or persecution so ever from the world they do endure, counting it their joy to suffer for Christ, who hath called them forth to the work of the Ministry. And now is this Scripture fulfilled and fulfilling, that God hath revealed his counsel to babes and sucklings, and hath hid these things from the wife and prudent; 1 Cor. 1.27, 28▪ for so it hath pleased him, and God hath chosen the foolish things of the world, to confound the wise, and God hath chosen the weak things of the world, to confound the things that are mighty, and base things of the world, and things that are despised hath God chosen; yea the things that are not, to bring to nought things that are, that no flesh should glory in his sight; but as it is written, Let him that glories glory in the Lord. Praised be the Lord for ever; that after this long night of darkness, he hath sent forth his messengers to direct us to the true light, that doth lead into purity and holiness, bringing down all things that would exalt itself: Heb. 11.26. this is witnessed in those that do obey it to their everlasting joy and comfort, unto whom the reproaches of the world is great riches, this I do witness that they do approve themselves to the conscience in the sight of God, and approve themselves as the Ministers of God in much patience, in afflictions, in necessities, in distresses, in stripes and imprisonments, in tumults, in labours, in watch and fastings by pureness, 1 Cor. 4.2. by knowledge, by long suffering, by kindness, by the Holy Ghost, by love unfeigned, by the word of truth, by the peace of God, by the Armour of righteousness, on the right hand, and on the left, by honour and dishonour, by good report and evil report, as deceivers and yet true, as unknown, and yet well known, as dying and behold we live, as chastised and not killed as sorrowful, yet always rejoicing, as poor yet making many rich, as having nothing and yet possessing all things. All that are joined by one spirit to them, in their measure this doth witness against all ravenous beasts, and the Vultur's eye. Now consider, all sorts of men, professors and profane, that do join together, for to scoff and scorn, revile, and persecute these innocent Lambs of Christ, which he hath sent forth among the Wolves of the world, who are rend and torn by you, say you had warning; for know whatsoever you do to one his little ones that believes in him, ye do it to himself; and so it will be taken, and you judged accordingly; and it were better that you had never been born, for the Lord will execute judgement upon all, and to convince all that are ungodly among you of all your ungodly deeds, Jud. 14. which they have ungodly committed; and of all your hard speeches which ungodly sinners have spoken against them. What you speak against the servants of Christ, you speak against Christ, all your hard speeches, all your evil surmisings against them, is all known to the Lord, who is just and righteous, and will not suffer the wicked to go unpunished. Repent, repent, and turn to the Lord, the great day of the Lord is near, it is near, it hasteth greatly, even the great day of the Lord; the mighty man shall cry out bitterly, that day is a day of wrath, a day of trouble and distress, a day of wastness and desolation, a day of darkness and gloominess, a day of clouds and thick darkness; and I will bring distress upon men, and they shall walk like blind men, because they have sinned against the Lord, this shall they have for their pride, because they reproached and magnified themselves against the people of the Lord of hosts, the Lord will be terrible unto you, than you will wish the mountains to fall upon you and hid you from the presence of the Lord; so terrible will the Lord be to all the enemies of Zion, for he will set his Son upon that holy hill, and he will roar out of Zion, and utter his voice out of Jerusalem and terribly shake the earth, and he will famish the gods of the earth, and men shall worship him every one from his place even all the Isses of the heathen; for than will I turn to the people a pure language, that they may call upon the name of the Lord, and serve him with one consent; Amos 3.16 and will shake all Nations, and the desire of all Nations shall come. No wart these promises fulfilled and fulfilling, praises be to the Lord for ever, he hath turned to his people a pure language, and they do serve him with one consent; Heb. 12. 2● and now is the shaking all Nations shaking earth, and shaking heaven, that those things that cannot be shaken may remain: therefore take heed you powers of the earth, how you set your power against this great power of the Lord, lest he shake you out with the workers of iniquity, when he shall come to cleanse the Land of evil doers, for at last he will make his Jerusalem a praise upon the earth, and he will arise and have mercy upon his Zion. Behold at that time I will undo all that afflict thee, and will get them praise and fame in every land where they have been put to shame. Consider this, ye persecuters, ye scoffers and scorners, ye sons of Ishmael who scoffs the righteous, and makes a scorn of the upright, but the Lord that sits in heaven shall laugh & have you in derision, and will mock when your fear cometh, Prov. 1.26, 27. your destruction shall come like a whirl wind; affliction and anguish shall come upon you, then shall you call, but he will not answer you, but shall cast you forth with the workers of iniquity. Repent behold the day cometh that shall burn as an even, and all the proud, yea all that do wickedly shall be stubble, and the day that cometh shall burn them up, it shall leave you neither root nor branch, and ye shall be trodden under the soles of their feet in the day that I shall do this, saith the Lord of Hosts. Repent all scoffers and scorners, repent all proud ones which know not what to eat nor what to drink, nor what for to put on, but feeding yourselves without the fear of the Lord, living like fed beasts that are fatted against the day of slaughter, setting yourselves forth with every new and strange fashion to make you seem glorious in the eyes of the world, but the Lord will visit you for it; ye the day is near at hand, when you shall be called to an account for spending the Lords goods upon your lusts, every steward must give an account how he hath disposed of his Master's goods whether for the use and service of the Lord, or to save yourselves. Repent all lustful ones above your fellow creatures, as if you had not all one father from whence you did proceed; did not the Lord, of one blood make all Nations that live upon the face of the earth? Act. 17.26 remember from whence you came, and whether you are going: as dies the rich so dies the poor, as dies the wise, so dies the fool; there is an end to all flesh, as flesh. What advantage is it for you to act in all manner of filthiness, for a time to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season, and after death to be tormented for ever? You act your parts upon the stage of this world, and make your folly manifest, and then lie down in sorrow. O the filthy pride that is among the rich and great of the world, the high mindedness and disdainful carriages of most of the great ones, brow-beating their inferiors, as they call them; be not high minded, nor trust not in uncertain riches, but in the living Lord, who is an enemy against all those that do commit such things, but turn to the light that doth discover these things to be fruits of darkness, whose end is destruction and shame for ever; this was and is the main end of the Ministers of Christ and Ministry of Christ, to tum people from darkness to the light, for that which doth discover darkness is light, the light maketh all things manifest; Christ is the light of the world, and the life of Christ is the light of the world, and this is the true light that doth enlighten every one that cometh into the world; this light shineth in darkness, but the darkness cannot comprehend it; and therefore will not own it; the world was made by him, and the world knows him not; and this is the condemnation that light is come into the world, and men love darkness rather than light, because their deeds are evil, for every one that doth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved, but he that doth truth, cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest that they are wrought in God, and he that walketh in this light; there is no occasion of stumbling in him. This light is pure as Christ is pure, it is not of man nor nothing of man, but it is in man, it is the gift of God, it is not of man's will but crosses the will of man, for the will of man is to run away from the Lord, but this would lead the will of man up to the Lord; so it is neither him that willeth nor him that runneth, but the Lord that showeth mercy; but the will of man running from the light into darkness, runneth away from his own mercy, and so his destruction is of himself; that which doth convince the world of sin, is that which is not of the world, but would lead men out of the world up to God, from whence it came. This light is the gift and talon of God which he hath invested every man withal, it is not man's own, but every man must be countable how he doth employ it, this is the grace of God that hath appeared to all men, and it teacheth the Saints to deny all ungodliness and worldly lusts, and to live righteously, soberly, and godly in this present evil world: but this by the world's turned into wantonness, and done despite unto: such by the light may come to know the way of righteousness, which natural light cannot discover, for if they after they have escaped from the filthiness of the world, through the knowledge of the Lord and of the Saviour Jesus Christ are yet again tangled therein and over run, the latter end is worse than their beginning, for it had been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, then after they have known it to turn from the holy commandment given unto them, but it is come unto them according to the true Proverb, The dog is returned to his vomit, and the sow that was washed, to the wallowing in the mire. And here is the world's condemnation: did not this light reprove the world of sin, the world would have no condemnation, but now the world hath no cloak for their sin. Man will not be condemned because he hath not a talon to improve, but because they, have a talon, and doth not improve it, but hid it in the earth, and are slothful servants, so at the last day every mouth will be stopped, and all the world be found guilty before the Lord, and it will be just with the Lord to take away his talon, and cast him into outer darkness; therefore while you have the light, walk in the light, that you may be the children of the light. How oft hath Christ by his light discovered to you your deeds of darkness, and if ever they were discovered to you, which I know they have, it was by this light. How oft hath it checked you, in secret when no eye did see you, telling you that you should not swear nor lie, nor be drunk, nor take God's name in vain, nor do any evil, but to do to all men as you would they should do to you. This is the love of God to every one that would lead men up to the Lord out of sin, out of pollution: and minding it, it would lead to the father of light, that ye should return no more to folly, but if you slight it, it will not always strive with you: for it is impossible for those that were once enlightened, and have tasted of the heavenly gift, and were made partakers of the Holy Ghost, and have tasted of the good word of God and the powers of the world to come, if they shall fall away to renew them again by repentance, seeing they crucify to themselves the Son of God afresh, and put him to an open shame. If those that did despise Moses Law died without mercy under two or three witnesses, of how much soarer punishment suppose ye, shall he be thought worthy, who hath trodden under feet the Son of God, and hath done despite to the spirit of grace? Consider these things, you ranting spirits that hath turned the grace of God that should lead you to repentance, into wantonness, and make it your cloak for your wicked practices, running into sin with greediness, but you shall not proceed, for your folly is made manifest to all men, you are a stink to the Lord, and a reproach to man; woe be to you that draw iniquity with cords of vanity, and sin with cart ropes. Woe be to you that speak good of evil, and evil of good, which our darkness for light, and light for darkness, that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for sour; therefore as the fire devoureth the stubble, and as the chaff is consumed of the flame, so your root shall be rottenness, and your bud shall rise up like dust, because ye have cast away the law of the Lord of hosts, and contemned the word of the holy one of Israel: this is the will of God your sanctification, that every one of you should know how to possess his vessel in holiness and honour, and not in the lusts of concupiscence, even as the Gentiles which know not God; for God hath not called any unto uncleaness, but out of uncleanness unto holiness, for those that are Christ's have crucified the world with the affections & lusts, every one in their measures growing into conformity to the head Christ Jesus: the wrath of the Lord will feaze upon you, except you return from your evil to the Lord, from whence you are fallen; the world shall see it, and fear before the Lord, the Lord will not hid it, it shall be made manifest to man. If your consciences be not seared as with a hot iron, or if you are not given up to a reprobate mind past feeling, if you have not sold yourselves to work wickedness; there is that in your conscience that doth convince you, that living in filthiness in the fruits of the flesh is not to be in conformity to Christ. Hear what is said, O God thy Throne is for ever, the Sceptre of thy Kingdom is a Sceptre of righteousness; thou hast loved righteousness and hated iniquity, wherefore God, even thy God hath anointed thee with the oil of gladness above thy fellows; and know, though your good works and holy life will not save you, yet God hath ordained good works that men should walk in them, and without holiness no man shall see the Lord, but you will find the Lamb to be a Lion that will render vengeance upon all that obey him not in flames of fire: truly I can say with the Apostle, having known the terrors of the Lord against sin, I do persuade you for our God is a consuming fire; the wicked shall not stand in his presence. I charge you in the name of the Lord to take warning, and to mind that pure light which leads out of these works of impurity, lest you be like those corrupt trees: without fruit twice dead and plucked up by the roots, & so be cut asunder from all good, for the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men which withhold the truth in unrighteousness; be not high minded but fear; for assuredly the Lord will not quit the guilty that will run on in sin without repentance, and count it part of his perfection, but snares fire and brimstone will he rain upon the head of the ungodly: know you not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived for these things cometh the wrath of God upon the children of disobedience; the Lord will not be mocked, but if you do sow to the flesh, of the flesh you shall reap corruption: those that did commit these things, had the light; and following the light were led out of darkness, and did see those fruits of darkness, and were ashamed. Now consider this, both Priest and people, that say it is a natural light: nature doth not, nor cannot discover the sin that is in nature, for this light doth convince and condemn the sin in nature many years past: now that which doth reprove of sin is not natural but spiritual, for it doth convince of spiritual wickedness and leads into holiness; it is the light of life to those that do obey it, and condemnation to them that sin against it, yea I witness it is so, this is the true guide, this is the door to come to Christ and the Father those that do own the light are made the children of the light and of the day, but those that live in sin are dead while they live; they are enemies to the Lord, and so hate the light, and will not bring their deeds to the light, lest they should be reproved. Now for those that do get the Saints words, steal the true words that were given forth from the light, and not walk in the life; those are the thiefs and robbers that do not come in by the door, but climb up some other way; Joh. 10.1.10, 12, 13, these are they that do make merchandise of the letter, and so deceive the hearts of the simple: those that spoke forth those words they spoke forth their life, they did live them they spoke what they had heard and seen, and not from other men, but did believe therefore they spoke: and when you come to the faith, than you may speak what is made manifest to you, going not before nor beyond your measure you have received, but standing in silence in the counsel of the Lord, 2 Pet. 1.20, 21. and then you will his power 〈◊〉 that gave forth the Scriptures, and then you will know they are of no private interpretation, but holymen spoke them forth as they were moved by the Holy Ghost. This will bring you to the life that was before Scripture was; to the beginning, to know the truth which the Scriptures are a true declaration of, and so you will grow up to the life of the Scripture, which the world are departed from, though they have the Scriptures, and can talk from the Scriptures, and can preach from the Scriptures, and can mightily plead for the Scriptures, and say, what will you deny the Scriptures, and must ye not be ruled by the Scriptures, and mighty zealous to the sight of the world, for the Scriptures; but to the life are enemies not having the life of the Scriptures, and so are condemned by the Scriptures; therefore it is a book sealed to the wisdom. The first wisdom cannot comprehend them; they were never given forth by it, that rends them that wrists them, and stretches them to find out their meanings, but from that eye it is hid, never to be revealed: here, comes in the private interpretation, here comes meanings to the Scripture, one saith this is the meaning of this place, another he conceives it means thus, and so conceivings & meanings is put upon them; from hence comes all Sects and opinions from dark minds, not from the Scripture, for that was gave forth from the spirit of unity and peace: but from the dark minds arises debates and strife, vain janglings and contentions, this is from the first wisdon, that would aspire to know the things of God, but cannot, for it is earthly, sensual, and devilish, and none come to know the Scriptures but those that have the life that gave forth the Scriptures, and that brings to the life of the Scriptures, and so there is no jurring nor wresting of Scriptures to their own destruction which those that are unlearned in that which gave forth the Scriptures do. Here is the subtlety of the Priests to keep the people in ignorance, they tell them the ignorant and unlearned they do wrest the Scripture to their own destruction, but never tell the people, It is such as are not learned by Christ by the spirit that gave forth the Scriptures; but makes you believe those are the learned that know the Latin, Greek, and Hebrew, which they call the Original. Now consider all people, whether the wresting of the Scriptures be by the learned or the unlearned: what preaching, what writings and printings, what wrest and wring are amongst the learned, so called? the one he writes for and Universal redemption, another he writes and prints against it; one writes for infants baptising, comes another, and he writes against him; one writes for a Sabbath, the other writes, preaches, and prints against them; nay further, if learning, as they say, keep men from wresting the Scriptures: Why do they find fault with the Jesuits for so doing, they are as learned as any of you, and do as well know that you call the original: but not many learned, but not many wise, but the Lord hath chosen the poor of the world to be rich in faith, and heirs of the kingdom, and God doth reveal his secrets to Babes and sucklings; therefore silence deceivers, for Peter that gave forth that Epistle to the Saints, did not say, those that were not Scholars, and so unlearned, 1 Cor. 2.10 to the 3, 5. for so he was not learned himself as the Scriptures doth witness. Now who wrists this Scriptures you or the unlearned? When Peter and John were brought before the chief Priests, and they did perceive that they were unlearned men and ignorant, they took knowledge that they had been with Jesus, Act. 4.13. But this will not you do; acknowledge that Jesus Christ doth now so teach the unlearned and ignorant, but makes the people believe you are the only learned, when the ways of the Lord are hid from you. The way of the Lord is a way of holiness; the unclean cannot pass over it, but the waifaring man, though a fool shall not err therein, but the Scriptures are hid from all the outward learning of the world never to be revealed: they are a book that is sealed with seven seals, and none can open them, but the Lion of the Tribe of Juda: never did humane learning open one of the seals nor never shall do, but those that are taught by Christ, are led by the spirit of Christ into the power of them, into the truth of them, into the life of them, and so the seals come to be opened; for the spirit searcheth all things, yea the deep things of God, and no man knows▪ the things of God, but the spirit of God, & he to whom the spirit doth reveal them: for the natural man in his highest wisdom is enmity against the Lord, for man by wisdom knows not God. Come down proud flesh that would aspire to know the things of God by the serpent's wisdom, from whom it is hid; the first wisdom hath a portion in them, but it is the plagues and wees that are to rest upon it, it shall never enter the kingdom, the lake is prepared for it, it can speak of Scripture, but persecute the power where ever it is manifest; the woe of the Lord is upon it, it hath been a murderer from the beginning, it would murder the righteous seed wherever it is made manifest; it is an enemy to man, it is an enemy to the Lord, it never was subject to him: and from this wisdom do they speak, that do not live the life of the Scriptures, and such are to be shut out from the Scriptures, and to own their portion, which are the curses: they were not made for men that love vain janglings and contentions, they were given forth from a spirit of unity; therefore silence vain janglers, meddle not with them that are not your portion the Scriptures; they are profitable for doctrine, for reproof and correction, and he that adds his own meanings to them or takes from them, is cursed of the Lord, as they are. They are profitable for those Ends the Lord gave them forth, 2 Tim. 3.15, 16. without adding to them, those that spoke them forth were guided by the spirit of truth, and they spoke forth their own meanings. Now consider what a contradiction and confusion do both prophet, and people run into: they do confess they were immediately inspired by the Holy Ghost when they spoke forth the Scriptures, and yet they will put meanings and addings to their words; as if there were something wanting in them, that the Apostles and Prophets did not see when they did write them. Here is the subtlety of the first wisdom that would give the Prophets and Apostles good words, but would give forth his meanings upon their words, this is the Antichrist and the deceiver, for to make a trade of them, giving meanings to them. Is not this exalting yourselves above the wisdom of God, and running into the invention, and so through feigned words makes merchandise of the people, selling the letter for money, which was spoke forth freely, and by this ungodly gain, live you and your wives and children in pride which is manifest: but come to the first principal that gave forth the Scriptures, and you will see the life of them, and witness the truth of them, every one in your measures, and then there will be no wrest to find out their meanings: by the light you may read them, and yourselves, and know your portion in them, but not knowing the life of them though you know all the parts of them, and can speak and preach from them, yet you are persecuters of the life of them. For the Jews did know as much of the letter as any, but when the Life came him they did persecute: they did know the Latin, Greek, and Hebrew, but persecuted the Original which is Christ, Luk. 23.28 and were enemies against him, and yet did know the Scriptures in the form of them, and did search the Scriptures. Be not deceived with vain shows, but come to the life and substance of truth, as it is in Jesus, and the truth will make you free to serve the Lord with fear which is the beginning of wisdom, it keeps 〈…〉 it will show the deceits that doth lodge in the heart, & the light will lead you out of them: it will show you deceit under what pretence soever, it will show you that those that are Ministers of Christ, and Ambassadors of Christ have not their message to seek, and so run to be helped by another, & preach from that which is made ready to their hands, 2 Cor. 10. Read the sixteenth, but they have salt in themselves to savour withal at all seasons; they shall not need to run to old Authors to patch & piece up Sermons, and to write them down and tell the people this is the word of the Lord, when he never spoke that unto them; this is their artificial preaching, that their study and Art have furnished them with all; this is their boldness before the Lord, to speak their own inventions, and not the word of the Lord. The word of the Lord is life and power, the word of the Lord doth sanctify, the word of the Lord doth engraft, the word of the Lord's a sword to cut down, the word of the Lord is fire, the word of the Lord doth purify, the word of the Lord is a hammer, Joh. 17.17 but where are these things witnessed amongst you, where is the power of the word? Whom hath it sanctified, whom hath it engrafted? Heb. 4.12. whom hath it cut down? what hath it burned up? is your Lead and Tin consumed, are you purified by it, what hath it broke down amongst you, doth not your high thoughts stand still? doth not your own wills stand still? doth not pride and covetousness stand still? doth not wrath stand still? doth not envy stand still? do not these fruits of the flesh and such like stand? Flatter not yourselves, Jam. 1.21. for such things cometh the wrath of God upon the children of disobedience; those that spoke the word of the Lord, witnessed these things to pass upon them, and so they did; first learned their own Ministry thorough the death of the first wisdom, Isa. 23.29. and so came to witness the Ministry of death to be glorious, and so came to witness Moses; and never none come to witness the glorious Ministry of life, but come to witness the glorious ministration of death: death doth pass upon all men, for all men have sinned, and so come to witness deaths reign from Adam to Moses; who is the figure of him that was to come, and so come to witness, that as sin hath reigned unto death, even so grace reigns thorough righteousness unto eternal life thorough Jesus Christ our Lord: and so came to witness both states of death and life, and so came to witness the Prophets, John, and the Apostles, and witness the covenant of peace and life, this was their way they went in, these were the sootsteps of the flock of Christ, and then went forth to preach to the world, and did gather a people out of the world by their Ministry, and there were daily added to the Church, such as should be saved, and those that were thus gathered by the eternal word living in them, were of one heart and one mind, and they were the 〈◊〉 of the Lord, and those did edify one another in their most holy faith: they were not of the world, but chosen out of the world, and the Church was in God and in Christ, and it is the pillar and ground of truth, the fullness of him that doth fill all things, Heb. 2.11, to the 15. all members of his body, for both he that sanctifieth, and they who are sanctified, are all of one, for which cause he is not ashamed to call them brethren, saying, I will declare thy name among my brethren; they are begotten by the immortal seed of God, partakers of the Divine nature, the Sons of God, living stones builded upon the rock Christ Jesus, in whom the whole building fitly framed together, groweth up to a holy Temple in the Lord, and from his Holy Temple doth he make known his will, to the intent that now unto the principalities and powers in heavenly places might be known by the Church the manifold wisdom of God. Eph. 2.10. Therefore silence proud flesh, that would be exalting itself above your fellow members. Now professors see and try if it be thus with you and your teachers, can they witness this way into the Ministry? or can you witness that you are of this Church of the first born, whose names are written in heaven, and come to the spirits of just men made perfect. If not in your measures; flatter not yourselves with a Ministry, and a Church, and Ordinances for it will not avail you. Remember the Jews I spoke of, before their Ordinances and their Priveleges were very great, they had the true form, but wanted the power, they did offer sacrifices; they did observe Sabbaths and new Moons, Isa. 1.13, 14, 15, 16, 17. and had solemn days; they had obligations and incense; yet these were counted by the Lord iniquity; the soul of the Lord hated them, they were a burden to him, he was weary to bear them, and though they made many prayers, yet he would not hear them yet these were ordinances of the Lords appointing, there was not a ceasing to do evil, and a learning to do well, they did not seek judgement nor relieve the oppressed, nor judge the fatherless, nor defend the widow; there was no fruits of righteousness brought forth in their high profession, a fruitless profession, reaching at the shadows, but did neglect the substance: friends deal honestly with yourselves, do you think the profession of truth will serve your turns, and stand you in any stead before the Lord. When the secrets of all hearts shall be laid open; they that have the form of the truth and not the power, 2 Tim. 5. to the 7. we are commanded from such to turn away; and will not the Lord turn away from such which he hath commanded us to turn away from; yea he will: of such sort are those that lead women captive, ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. Is it not thus in your Assemblies which are so great, some learning ten years, some twenty years, some forty years, some threescore years, and yet ignorant of the very first principle of that which turns the mind to God, and so no good do know, but ever Learning: when for the time ye ought to be teaching; ye had need that one teach you again, the first principles of the oracles of God, these are the house creepers, for had Paul, spoke against preaching in a private house, Act. 28.29, 20, 31. he had spoke against his own practice, for it was his manner so for to do he did preach in his own hired house, and did dispute in markets and reason in the Jews Synagogues with the devout persons daily, and how oft was Paul haled out, beaten and stoned, while some supposed he had been dead; some said, what will this babbler say: they counted it new doctrine and strange things; and thus it is at this day, calling it a disturbance so for to do, and by the same spirits are persecuted. Now as those were then haled, Act. 5.25. rend and torn read the Scriptures and see if these things be not so, and there you may find your own actions done by the same spirits; therefore boast not yourselves, but this is your Church orders; for shame disown such filthy practices, and see what spirits you do join with: those that are of the world, those are beloved of the world, for the world doth love her own, but those that are not of the world, Act. 17.17, 18. the world doth hate them; there is enmity put between the seed of the woman, and the seed of the Serpent; never can those be reconciled, the evil spirit knows the evil spirit in another, though one hath got the form and words of truth, if the life be wanting, the spirit of the profane world, and their spirits will join together to persecute the power; but as then he that was born after the flesh, persecuted him that was born after the spirit, Heb. 13.2. even so it is now. It is no new thing when the Church was scattered about and went up and down preaching the Gospel, and had no certain dwelling places, but their habitation was in God: how were they hated by the world, and made the very off-scowring of it, of whom the world was not worthy; they were strangers to them; and therefore hated by them, but to entertain strangers forget not; 1 Tim. 5.10 oppress not a stranger because he is a stranger, when the widows were taken into the Church, they were well reported of for good works; if she hath brought up her children, if she hath lodged strangers; if she hath washed the Saints feet. What Church is yours that will not do this to strangers, but persecute them, and imprison them, speak all manner of evil of them, when they offer violence to no man. Consider this both Priest and people, is it not thus with you? are not these fruits made manifest, and yet you are not ashamed to call yourselves a Church, you are indeed the Synagogues of Satan, behold I will make them of the Synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not but do lie, Behold I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee: he is not a Jew that is one owardly, but he is a Jew that is one inwardly, and Circumcision is that of the heart in the spirit and not in the letter, Rom. 2.32. whose praise is of God not of men. Now where the heart is purified, fruits of persecution doth not appear, nor neither can they; but there love, gentleness to all men doth appear, doing by others as they would be done to. But if these fruits do still remain among you, lie not against the truth, your Religion is in vain, it will not endure the fire; but this is the National Church that are baptised, Gal. 2.27. but not into Christ, and here is the world made the Church, of whom Christ is not the head, nor they his members; Rom. 6.3, 4 and here the world rests, as if they were the people of the Lord, and if any doth come to speak to the contrary, than they are all of an uproar like bruit beasts. Do not your teachers join with the world in feast, in idle speeches, and in foolish jestings that do administer no grace to the hearers, telling tales and stories which are pleasing to the flesh, which they do soon receive, Act. 16.5. for it is one with them, and so profaneness is gone forth from the Priests: the Ministers of Christ, their life was an example and pattern of holiness, but you strengthen the hands of the wicked, and dishonour the Lord of purity and holiness. Is this to keep yourselves unspoted of the world; are not these spots in your feasts to feed yourselves without fear, and join with the world; if you did reprove them sharply when you did hear of unsavoury words, not seasoned with grace, they would not endure your company: it would be as fire amongst them, But like Priest like people; the Ministers of Christ, they say, have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them that they may be ashamed: is this your practice? no, it is not: you go from place to place a feasting into all companies, Eph. 5.4, and 11. and so get the love of all, but woe be to you: you join with the world, and the great ones of the world, and have their persons in admiration because of advantage, bowing and cringing and worshipping the seed of Haman, which Mordcai would not do you: are respecters of persons, and so are transgressors of the Law of God; this you to do get a living from them though they are not for Christ but for their lusts and pride, most of them: these are beloved by you, and you do not speak against them because of your gain, Jud. 16. and the honour you have from them; you speak of sin in the general, and live the life of it, and so it is put off from the one to the other; Jam. 4.9. but which of you do as the prophet did to David, say, thou art the man: come home to them, and speak in particular, and then you will try them, dealing faithfully, not fearing the face of man which must perish, but approve your hearts to the Lord: is this practised among you? is not the contrary? do you not daub the great ones with untempered mo●ter, Hest. 3.2. speaking peace to the wicked? Did you forsake and shun their companies, and not join with them in pride and filthiness and works of the flesh, they would soon hate you, or their filthy practices practices: there would be no living thus, but a separation you would see. But are not fruits of pride and covetuousness which is idolatry, fruits of envy and malice, made manifest among your Church and hearers; these fruits maketh it manifest, that you are one with the world, say what you will. Are not they the false prophets that are entered into the world, in fellowship with the world, beloved of the world. Who is it that doth side with you, for to defend you, when any doth come from the Lord to speak to you, to leave your deceits? Do not the rude multitude side with you, swearers, drunkards, scoffers and railers, and your professors all together tearing and rending like ravenous beasts: see now where you are, what spirit joins for you; be ashamed that ever such beasts should take your parts: did ever such bruits & heathens take part with the Apostles when they were halled out of their Synagogues, no they did not, as it was then, so it is now. See now where is your Religion, the pure Religion reacheth to do by another as ye would be done by, not to tear and rend like beasts of prey your fellow creatures, Act. 19.32, 36, 37, 39, 40. beating and smiting of them; are these the fruits of the spirit? no, they are not, but fruits of the flesh. Is this your Church order, be ashamed for ever, that such should join with you: but by your fruits you are known, and the fruits of your Ministry received from man is now made manifest, the day hath made you manifest that these are works of darkness proceeding from darkness, and will end in darkness. O the deceit of some of the chief professors in the Town of Starfford! when there come one into their place of meeting to declare against the Priest's deceit: before they did know what was spoken, she was haled out by these professors, which were then officers, and was led by them to the Cage, and there she did sit seven hours, where she was pissed on, and spit on by those bruits of Starfford, 2 Thess. 1.4, 5, 6, 7, 8. these professors knowing of it, which they did tell me, did grieve their hearts for to see; and about two or three of the clock, did come to my house to me to know whether I would receive her, and I did tell them I would, but they went away and did not bring her tell six of the clock at night, here was the deceit of you made manifest, had it grieved your hearts, as you said it did, Why did not you sooner release her, but the double hearted man God will judge. Know, that mercy to your fellow creature had been better than sacrifice, but thus is the heart made manifest, that it may be known by the fruits of it. The next day she was carried to a Justice, thinking to alas her in prison, but when they came there, they had none to accuse her: thus was their folly made manifest. She came a second time to their meeting where she was haled out like a dog, and the officers did turn her out of the grave-yard, to the mercies of the heathen, who rend her, and did tear her, pulling her head tyre oft, pulling her by the hair of the head, and throwing her down in the street as she passed along to come to a friends house, which is nigh half the quarter of a mile from the steeple house, howling and shouting at their fellow creature? was it not your office to see the peace kept, that these bruits might not make a prey of her? had not a stranger which was at our meeting took her part, and rescued her from the violence of those heathen what he could, he did see no other but they would have killed her. Be ashamed that ever such wickedness should be suffered in a town professing Christ; you Magistrates had warning to deal justly to love mercy, to walk humbly with the Lord, not to respect the persons of men in judgement, but to deal righteously according to that righteous Law of God in the conscience: was this a righteous act of yours to leave your fellow creature to the mercy of the heathen. Take counsel together, and it shall come to nought, speak the word and it shall not stand, for God is with us. Oh, all people will walk in the name of his God, and we will walk in the name of the Lord our God for ever and ever, Micha 4.6. DARKNESS Denied by the childs OF LIGHT. IN the fourth month, upon the sixth day of the month, I went to John Pains house of Starford, to know of him, if he did not receive a letter of mine that was sent me from Cambridge from James Blackly Justice of the peace, and he said he had none of it; but James Blackly asked the Coachman that did bring it, and he said it was delivered to Mr. Pain Minister of Starford, his name being the same with mine, both of us being named John Pain: but if he had or hath it, and doth deny it, it is his deceit: this was the cause of my going to his house. And then when I was there with him, he did begin with me about some words that I did say to him about the public Ministry, as it doth now stand (the National Ministry) that I did say the spirit of the Lord in their Ministry was departed from them, that they should not convert one soul more to the Lord by their Ministry, which thing was true, I did so say to him and so I shall do still; and the fruits of it shall appear more and more as they stand contrary to the commands of Christ, they shall not, as is proved they do they that neither follow the example of Christ, Prophet, nor Apostles, they shall not profit the people; their preaching is like the blood of a dead man, as is manifest: they have the form of truth, but the power is denied by them, and so the power is not made manifest among them for this many years; but this power was by thee denied, for thou did tell me thou hadst not the infallible spirit of Paul, if not that spirit, I than another; the spirit in the Saints is but one in all, and is the spirit of truth that leads into all truth, and shows things to come, even the spirit of truth, Joh. 14.17. whom the world cannot receive, because it seethe him not neither knoweth him, but we know him, for had welleth with us, and shall be in us; and this spirit is the same as ever; this spirit was in Paul, in the Prophets, in the Saints, that ever were or ever shall be. From this spirit was the Scripture gave forth, and none but the spirit can reveal the Mysteries of God in them, for no man doth know the things of God but the Spirit of God, and he to whom the Spirit of God doth reveal them, and he that hath not the Spirit of Christ is note of his; and this spirit is the spirit of Revelation now in the Saints, and no man knows any thing as he ought to know it but what is revealed by the spirit. 1 Cor. 2.11 It is recorded in Scripture that the Spirit beareth witness with our spirits, Rom. 8.9. that we are the sons of God. How doth it witness, but by revealing to our spirits 〈◊〉 it is so. This is the earnest of our inheritance; this is the intrance into the everlasting kingdom, for there none of our names after the flesh are set down, but this maketh known the white stone and the new name which no man doth know but those that do receive it, and this spirit of revelation and the Apostle pray for, for the Church of the Ephesians, that the God and father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the father of 〈◊〉 may 〈◊〉 unto ●ou the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him: Eph. 1.17, 18. Eph. 4.4, 5, 6. and 〈◊〉 man 〈◊〉 the ●●ther but 〈◊〉 Son, and he to whom the Son doth reveal him; so revelations are not ceased, as might be proved by many places of the Scripture: yea I witness against all gainsayers that Scripture fulfilled in me, Joh. 16.13. That he will show you things to come. This I witness is truth, and many with me will witness the same; these things are hid from wise men, and revealed to babes, the weak things of the world confound the strong and might; glory be to thy name for ever and ever. 1 Cor. 12.13. This spirit is in all his Saints, and this spirit is infallible, it cannot lie, it is the spirit of truth, and leads into all truth and it abideth with his for ever, and is the same as ever was, and is infallible. Now, as ever, this thou didst deny, and didst say, thou hadst not the infallible spirit of Paul, the spirit I told thee was but one in all the Saints, and if thou hadst not that infallible spirit, thy spirit I did deny: thou didst stand for to maintain it by Argument, and I gave the Bible to prove it there, but thou didst not, but thou didst say thou couldst do it, but it must then be by some new Scripture of thy own making by that fallible spirit of thine: the old Scripture that was given forth by the infallible spirit will not do it, but that witnesseth and I witness with it against thee, that, this denying thou hast not the spirit that gave forth the Scriptures, and art no Minister of Christ. And here I charge thee to have a false spirit, 1 Joh. 4.1. for thou not having the same spirit that gave forth the Scripture, than another, and so a false spirit, and a spirit of evil, and here thy spirit is tried as the Scripture saith, Try the spirits and it is found to be a seducing eye, leading from the anointing in the Saints which is infallible, and knows no difference between the infallible spirit of God in man and man's own spirit which is fallible, but the anointing which ye hath received of him abideth in you, and ye need not that any man teach you, but as the same anointing teacheth you all things, and is truth and is no lie, and even as it hath taught you, ye shall abide in him: that spirit that doth draw away any from this anointing is the spirit of eror, and the fallible spirit that the false Prophets ever had to oppose the infallible spirit where it was manifest: thou didst then tell me thou hadst admonished me twice, and told me the danger that was like to follow; Joh. 2.2 to 28. for thou didst say I was now grown obstinate; and then didst tell me an Heretic after the first and second admonition thou wast to reject, but thou not having the infallible spirit that gave forth the Scripture. Thy casting me out I do not regard, they are nothing to me they will not enter, they were not words spoke forth from the life, as may be known by them. One of the times, thou didst call me Coxcomb, and the other time thou didst say, we were a company of fools: such admonitions were not given by the Apostles, but these words came from thy fallible spirit, for the spirit of truth saith, He that calleth his brother fool, Mat. 5.2 is in danger of hell fire. And the infallible spirit saith, Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouths, Eph. 4.2 30. but such as may Minister grace to the hearers; but thy spirit will say any thing, thy tongue is thy own. Judge now you that are his hearers, are you like to profit by such a one that cannot refrain his tongue from speaking evil, and such are in the heresy. Thou didst say, he that was an heretic thou wouldst reject, and thou didst bid me go away from thee, thou wouldst have nothing to do with me, nor speak no more with me, when after that thou didst speak many words more to me, which I told thee of, and did ask thee, wherefore thou didst do so, when thou saidst thou would speak no more to me: here was the lie found in thy mouth. And thou didst bid me have a care of the Church's power, for what they bond in earth was bound in heaven; thou art under that Church power; but for the power of your Church, your curse and your blessing, all is one, as was made manifest in Scotland, when our Army went into the Land, there was curse upon curse, excommunication one after another. See your Church's power, or rather your blindness, to curse those the Lord will bless, and did bless: your curses, and theirs, Num. is like to Balaams' curses (all off one power) they are the instruments, as they are in your hands, of foolish shepherds, though Church-power I do own, and woe be to that that is under their censure, that must be given to Satan, that the spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord, but this is done by the infallible spirit in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. When you are rathered together, 1 Cor. 5.4, 5 and my spirit with the power of the Lord Jesus Christ to deliver such a one unto Satan, for the destruction of the flesh that the spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord. But Paul's infallible spirit is denied by you, and your Churches censures denied by me. The Babe in Christ growing up to a perfect man. Heb. 5.13. Eph. 4.13. He that hath the Son hath this witness in him. THe heresies that thou did cast me our for, were these. 1. That I did hold perfection in this life. A state of perfection I would have proved there was, and I did take the Bible so for to do, but thou didst take it out of my hand, and did knock it many times together, as if thou hadst not been thyself, and would not suffer me for to speak, Joh. 3.6. but thou said thou would stand for the truth against all the Heretics in the world, and maintain it that there was no perfection in this life. 1 Cor. 15.47, 48, 49. That which was given forth from the infallible spirit will prove it, that which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the spirit, is spirit: the first man of the earth earthly, the second man is the Lord from heaven: as is the earthly, Joh. 1.13. such are those that are earthly, and as is the heavenly such are they also that are heavenly, which were born not of blood, John 3.3. nor of the will of man but of God; the first birth is of the earth and is earthly and shall never enter into the kingdom: except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God, but being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible seed by the word of God which liveth and abideth for ever; this is the new birth that maketh the new man; and this new man is created in righteousness and holiness after the similitude of him that did create him, 1 Pet. 1.23. and this new man is perfect; yea know that whosoever is born of God, sinneth not, but he that is begotten of God, keepeth himself, and the wicked one reacheth him not. This is the new man's state of perfection, which is the state of life, and nothing that is not perfect shall never enter the kingdom, no unclean thing shall enter, that which is not perfect is not clean: 1 Joh. 5.18 and here thou hast showed thyself to be ignorant of the perfect state of the Saints, and yet thou will say thyself, there is a state of death, and a state of life: the state of death is imperfection, there it lieth; the state of life is perfect, and, in perfection that lieth. And this was Paul's Ministry, and that which he did preach, warning every man, and teaching every man in all wisdom, that he may present every man perfect in Christ Jesus, Col. 1.28. and this was the end of the sending forth of the Ministry for the perfecting of the Saints. There are Babes in Christ; in their growth, and measure attained are the children of God, for they are begotten by the immortal seed of God, partakers of the Divine nature, which liveth and abideth for ever; there are young men in Christ, and there are fathers; and according to the measure that every one hath attained, so let him walk: but the state of all those is a perfect state, Eph. 4.12, 13. it is a state of life, but the old man that is begotten by the will of man; is not perfect but he that is in Christ Jesus is a new creature; old things are passed away, and all things are become new. Here is cleansing ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of the Lord; this state, this new birth is witnessed by those that know the Lord, though by you denied and called heresy; this is the seed of God that cannot sin; this is the perfect state, 2 Cor. 7.1. this seed of God dwelleth in the Saints, this is their new birth from carnal to spiritual, & the translation from death to life: by this life they know the Lord, and by this life are joined to the Lord, and he that is joined to the Lord is one spirit with the Lord, and so the Church is called Christ, 1 Cor. 12.12. and is the temple of the Lord which is holy, and the Lord will dwell in them, and walk in them, and will be their God and they shall be his people: and for this cause we faint not, 2 Cor. 6.16 but though our outward man perish, yet the inward man is renewed day by day, which is the perfect man, These are they that are not defiled with women, for they are Virgins, these are they that follow the Lamb wheresoever he goeth, Rev. 12.4, 5. these were redeemed from among men, being the first fruits unto God and to the Lamb, and in their mouth was found no guile, for they are without fault before the throne, Can. 4.7. there is no spot in them, they are all fair beloved of the Lord. Thou didst tell me Paul did complain of a body of sin all his life long. I told thee there was a time he did, & there was a time he did witness the putting off the body of sin, and thou didst say to me he did not, and didst tell me it was heresy. See what the declaration of truth saith against thy heresy, Col. 2.11. in whom ye are Circumcised with the Circumcision made without hands in putting off the body of the sins of the flesh by the circumcision of Christ, Rom. 6. chapter, vers. 6. Knowing that the old man is crucified with him, that the body of sin might be destroyed: for this end was the Son of God made manifest to destroy the works of Satan, Joh. 3.8. 3. I did tell thee the Saints habitation was in God, thou didst it deny, and didst say it was a new word (to thee it is so) but the infallible spirit saith, Col. 3.3, 4. 1 Joh. 4.15, 16. whosoever shall confess that Jesus is the Son of God, God dwelleth in him, and he in God, and he that dwelleth in God, Job. 17.21 and God in him, where the Saints doth dwell, there is his habitation. For ye see your calling brethren how that not many wise men after the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble are called but God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise, and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things that are mighty, 1 Cor. 1.26, 27. I would desire thee if thou wilt answer any thing that is here against thee said, to answer it in plainness of speech by writing or some other way, that I may know of it, and not to speak in thy Pulpit against heresy, but prove none; and if thou knowest any heresy by me, that I now do hold, make it manifest, name what it is, and that day thou hast a mind so for to do, send for me, do it not when I am absent, and I shall give thee the hearing, and answer to such things as thou shalt object against me. He that hath an ear to hear, let him hear what the spirit saith, he that overcometh shall not be hurt of the second death, Rev. 2.11. John pain Shoemaker, living in Bishopstarford. FINIS.