A Necessary and Seasonable TESTIMONY AGAINST TOLERATION And the present proceedings of Sectaries and their Abettors in England in reference to Religion and Government, with an Admonition and Exhortation unto their Brethren there, from the Commissioners of the Kirk of SCOTLAND. AS ALSO The return of the Estates of the Parliament of Scotland thereupon, concurring with the said Testimony, and manifesting, that all the Members of Parliament have upon their solemn oath disclaimed the knowledge of, or accession to the proceedings of the English Army, against his MAJESTY or the Members of Parliament in England, Jan. 18. 1648 / 9. Together also with a letter from the said Commissioners to the Ministers in the Province of London, of the same date. Allowed of and entred according to Order. LONDON, Printed by A. M. for Tho Underhill at the Bible in Woodstreet. 1649. Edinb. 17. january 1649. A Necessary and Seasonable TESTIMONY Against Toleration and the present Proceedings of Sectaries and their Abettors in England, in reference to Religion and Government, with an Admonition and Exhortation unto their Brethren there, From the Commissioners of the Kirk of Scotland. ALbeit the work of Reformation in these Kingdoms hath engraven upon it so many and so lively characters of the truth and power and wisdom of Jesus Christ, as gives unto us sufficient grounds of hope that he will bring forth the head-stone of his house with shouting unto the shane of his adversaries and refreshings of his people: Yet the sense which we have of our duty in regard of our station and trust, the dangers that threaten Religion and Government, together with the desire which we have to restore those that are fallen, to strengthen the weak, and to comfort the afflicted in England, calls upon us to give public Testimony against the present proceedings of Sectaries and their Abettors in that land, and to speak a word of admonition and exhortation to our Brethren there. It hath been unto us, and we make no doubt unto the Protestant Churches abroad, matter of much sorrow and grief of heart, that after so many sufferings from, and wrestlings with the Popish, prelatical and Malignant party; and after that they are brought down by the mighty hand and outstretched arm of the Lord, there should arise in their stead any other to oppose his work in these Kingdoms; and it adds unto our affliction that they be such as profess for Jesus Christ, and pretend unto holinesse, and seemed once to build with ourselves, whilst now their way is become grievous and goes down unto the gates of death, as tending to overturn Religion, destroy the League and Covenant, and to raze the foundations of Government. It shall not now be needful to fall upon an enumeration of all these errors which have sprung up in England of late, a few years past have brought forth more and more dangerous opinions in that one Kingdom, then many preceding generations in all the Churches of Christ, so evil and bitter a thing it is to leave every man to his own fancy, and the vineyard of the Lord without an hedge. The late general Assemblies of the Church of Scotland, and their Commissioners have born Testimony against Independency, Erastianism, Antinomianism, Anabaptism, Arminianism, Socinianism, Familism, Sceptism, &c. And the Ministers of the Province of London, and many others have more particularly reckoned and condemned the errors which men of corrupt mindes there have run unto. We bless the Lord for every faithful witness, and desires to put to our seal, that his Testimony is true, but of all things it most afflicts our spirits, and we cannot but look upon it with horror and amazement, that in a land Covenanted with God, after satan hath been so cunning as to sow the seed of so many heresies and errors, he should now prevail so far upon the spirits of men, as to make them instrumental to pled for a Toleration unto all errors, and to endeavour that this monstrous iniquity may be established by a Law, and that of so large extent as carries no exception, but of express Popery and compulsive ways. The first whereof leaves latitude enough to tolerate any Papist whatsoever, if he can but a little dissemble the grossness of his way, and the later doth not obscurely point at those who pled for the Government of Jesus Christ by Presbytries, and hold that all men are to walk according to the rule of the word of God: Is this all the favour and approbation that such may expect, to be ranked with the worst of Papists? There are many devices in the heart of man, but the council of the Lord shall stand, and he shall give unto his people a nail in his holy place. We have preached after the mind of Christ, and have traced the footsteps of the Prophets and Apostles in the old and new Testament, and no where can we find in the Scriptures of truth, either precept or president allowed of God for Toleration of any error: Much less did it ever come in his mind, or did he speak to any of his servants concerning a Toleration of all error. As that infinite glorious divine essence is one in himself, most holy, most righteous, most true, so hath he given unto the children of men one eternal unchangeable law; according to the rule whereof they are to square their profession and order their conversation. Therefore as his justice requires in the Covenant of works that we should walk according thereunto, without declining to the right hand or the left, so he in his mercy promiseth in the Covenant of grace to give unto his people, one heart and one way to fear him for ever, and in both Covenants they are obliged to walk after the rule of this law. It is acknowledged by many of those with whom we have now to do, that no liberty is to be allowed unto men in the breaches of the duties of the second Table which we owe unto our neighbours, but that if a man sin against his neighbour and disturb the peace of the Common-wealth, he is to be restrained and punished. Can there any solid reason be given why it should not also be thus in regard of the duties of the first Table which we owe unto God? Is not one Lord author of both? Hath not conscience influence on both? Is not the Lords glory interressed in the one as well as in the other? Doth not his Image shine as brightly, and may it not as much be defaced in the one as in the other? Are the things of God less precious then the things of men? And that which concerns the soul, less to be cared for, then that which concerns the body? or are we more to value our own damage then the Lords dishonour? We know that no man hath dominion over the conscience, but the Lord that made it exercises his sovereignty therein, and he hath set a law unto the spirits of men, after the rule whereof they are to order both their judgements and affections, and hath given power to those whom he clothes with Authority, which they are to exercise in these things so far as they are manifested in expressions and actions unto the dishonour of his name, and hurt and prejudice of others. All those who have their senses in any measure exercised in the Word of God, will aclowledge that it is repugnant thereto, that any who are clothed with power Aeconomick, ecclesiastic, or politic, should connive at any error in any of those that are subject to their jurisdiction, or allow it liberty by a law. Abraham did command his children and his household to keep the way of the Lord, to do justice and judgement, Gen. 18.19. jacob took order for purging of his household and all that were with him, from all the Idols and strange gods that were amongst them, Gen. 35.2. David will have none of those who tell lies, but such as walk in a perfect way to be in his house, Psal. 101. And the Apostle Paul will have all Pastors and Deacons to rule their houses well, and to keep them in subjection, 1 Tim. 3. Neither is there less required of those that bear charge in the house of God. It was a special part of the office of Aaron and his sons to separate betwixt the precious and the vile: jehojada set Porters at the gates of the house of the Lord, that none who was unclean in any thing should enter therein, 2 Chron. 23.19. The Apostle Paul would not give place unto those, by subjection, who came in privily to spy out their Churches liberty, for the space of an hour, Gal. 2.5. And he will have an heretic after the first and second admonition to be rejected, Tit. 3.10. And are not some of the Churches of Asia commended for their diligence, and others of them reproved for their negligence herein? Revel. 2.2, 6, 14, 15. & 20. And though the power of the Magistrate be herein most questioned by the Patrons of Toleration, yet is the Scripture very clear and plentiful, both in precepts and presidents, in promises and rewards, in threathings and judgements, in encouragements and reproofs, that it is the office and duty of the Magistrate, not only to suppress and punish iniquity and unrighteousness, but also ungodliness and error, and that he beareth the sword in relation to both, as the Lord by his servant Moses in Deut. 17. requires of him that shall reign over his people, that he have a copy of the Law of the Lord by him, and that he read therein all the daies of his life, that he may learn to fear the Lord his God, and to keep all the words of that Law: So in the 13. of that book he gives a command to put to death the false Prophet, and the brother that speaketh to his people to turn them away from the Lord their God: and the reasons taken from the nature of the duty, whereby he persuades unto the obedience thereof, are perpetual and no less binding unto us now then to them of old: how strongly doth the Lord pled in Deut. 12. against Toleration and false worship, and all the occasions thereof, and provocations and irritaments thereto, and how severe is he about the removing and destroying of all these, and in tying all his people in one way, according to the rule of his word, and what peremptory commands are there given unto them concerning both? Was not the blasphemer stoned to death Lev. 24.10. It was the great care and singular commendation of Joshua, Samuel, David, Asa, Iebosaphat, Hezekiah, josiah, Ezra, Nehemiah, Zerubbabel, and of such as judged or reigned well in Israel or judah, that they preserved Religion and Reformation in integrity, restored it when it was fallen and corrupted, by destroying Idolatry, and establishing the pure Ordinances of God. Asa made a covenant and commanded judah to seek the Lord God of their Fathers 2 Chro. 14. jehosaphat went out throughout the people from Beersheba to mount Ephraim, and brought them back unto the Lord God of their Fathers 2 Chro. 19. josiah made a covenant, and made the people to stand to it 2 Chron. 34.32. And the children of judah after their return from Babylon, made a covenant, and entred into a curse and into an oath to walk in Gods law, and to observe and do all the commandements of the Lord their God Neh. It is left as a note of perpetual infamy upon jeroboam, that he caused Israel to sin, by erecting the Calves at Dan and Bethel, and suffering the people to go a whoring after the same. And as it was the cause of the destruction of his house, so at last of the exterminion of Israel. And it is several times observed by the holy Ghost as a fault in several of the Kings of Judah, that the high places were not taken away, and Judah itself was also many times sore plagued of God, and at last carried into captivity, because of their tolerating of error and idolatry. And whoso well pondereth the story of Iosephus the Jewish writer, will find that both in divine and politic considerations, the Toleration of divers sects amongst them was a main cause of their ruin. Some say that the coercive power of the Magistrate, had place in the old Testament, because of an infallible judgement of direction that was always present with them in the Urim and Thummim for applying of the Law to those who were guilty; But besides that this overthroweth all ecclesiastic as well as civill censures under the new Testament, as supposing the necessity of an infallible direction to the right proceeding unto a Sentence against a Blasphemer or a heretic. What needed then any judicial process or the Testimony of witnesses against such? This argues that the procedure was to be in an ordinary way according to a known standing Law: as in cases of the second Table. And it hath as little strength, that the Magistrate then did these things, not as a Magistrate but as a type of Jesus Christ, seeing the Kings of the heathen such as Artaxerxes, nabuchadnezzar and Darius made decrees hereabouts, whose practise is commended by the spirit of God. And some knowing no other shift, would have the old Testament laid aside in all the question, and have proofs only from the new; But did not the Prophets of old foretell that there should be such a thing under the new Testament. Zachary in his 13. chapped. telleth that in the day when the Fountain shall be opened to the house of David for sin and for uncleanness: The Prophet that speaketh lies in the name of the Lord shall not live but be thrust thorough. And as Jesus Christ commands us to beware of false Prophets; Mat. 7.15. And the Apostle Paul to mark them who cause divisions, Rom. 16.17. And wisheth that those who trouble the Churches of Galatia were cut off, Gal. 5.12. So the same Apostle, Rom. 12. tells us, that the Magistrate is the Minister of God, a Revenger to execute wrath upon those that do evil. Neither is this wrath confined to the deeds of unrighteousness, and these things only that are prejudicial unto men, and trouble the peace of the common-wealth; but is also to be extended to these things that are dishonourable to God and the peace of the Church; For it cannot be shown that any part of that power which Magistrates had under the old Testament is repealed under the new; Neither can any convincing reason be brought why it should be of narrower extent now nor then; Are not blasphemies, heresies and errors dishonourable unto God and destructive unto souls, as well now as of old? And are not men as prove to run unto those things, and have they not need of as many remedies and restraints now as of old? Nay, be not these evil works as well as the works of injustice and unrighteousness? they are high transgressions against the first and great commandement of the Law. And Moses speaking of the punishing of them, calls them the evil which we are to put away from amongst us, Deut. 13.5. And the Apostle Paul desires us to beware of men that are polluted there with as evil workers Phil. 3.2. And the same Apostle calls them evil men and seducers, &c. 2 Tim. 3.13. And the Apostle John calls their works evil deeds, 2 Joh. 10. Therefore if liberty be granted in these, we know no cause why men that can in a handsome way pretend Conscience for it, should be denied liberty to run into excess and riot: and to commit all sort of uncleanness, and practise all wickedness with greediness, which makes us the less to wonder that it is propounded that nothing may be punished with death but murder. Thus far do the principles of Libertines lead them, that the most monstrous and unnatural abominations that can be, are not to be punished with death: Neither belike should murder be excepted, If the carnal desire of the preservation of natural life did not lead them to it. We know not with what words of wonder and astonishment to express ourselves upon these things. pass over to the Isles of Chittim, and see and sand unto Kedar, and consider diligently, and see if such a thing hath been heard of, of old, or of late amongst the most brutish and barbrrous nations, such a cursed Toleration as this will not only make every thing in Religion appear to be uncertain, rend the Churches, and disturb the State, and trample all Ordinances Order and Government under foot, and bring forth many blasphemies and abominations: but is like to banish Religion and righteousness quiter out of the land, and at last to make a hell upon earth. And the thing in itself is not more strange unto us then that those who have lifted up their hands unto heaven, and sworn before God, Angels and men, to extirpate Popery, heresy, error, schism, superstition, idolatry and profaneness, and whatsoever is contrary to sound doctrine, and the power of godliness, and who do so much pretend unto holinesse, and have been made partakers of so many mercies and deliverances, should have so far forgotten the oath and covenant of God as to pled for and proclaim a liberty unto all these things. The solemn League and Covenant was in the beginning amongst all the means that could be thought of, looked upon and entertained as the strongest bulwark of Religion, and surest foundation of a lasting union and peace betwixt the kingdoms, and the best way for bringing down the enemies of both, and being confirmed by the oath of God cannot be repealed nor altered by any power or authority on earth, but obligeth both kingdoms unto all the duties contained therein, which makes us to wonder that men should be so unhappily bold, as to sport with the oath of God, and mock the Almighty, who is a severe avenger of all such things. And albeit we have no cause to repent of covenanting with England, as having done a necessary duty, and laid the foundation of a glorious work, which we trust shall be perfected mangre all the opposition of men, and that we resolve to adhere unto that solemn League and Covenant as long as we live; yet we have reason to complain of the exceeding great levity and inconstancy of some of those with whom we had to do, because of the sad reproach that is thereby brought upon the cause of God, and the great prejudice that doth thereby redound to the kingdom of his son Jesus Christ. Neither is it the least part of our grief that as a Throne is set up for Satan, and the house of God laid wast, so the civill government is exceedingly shaken, if not quiter subverted and overthrown. We pled not for Tyranny or arbitrary power either in Kings or Parliaments, neither are we to own or instifie any man in his sin: but we may remember what adversaries have many times cast upon both kingdoms, and what both have oftener then once printed and publishrd to the world for their vindication in this: And if after so many public professions and solemn attestations to the contrary, the foundation shall be razed, Monarchy be destroyed, and Parliaments subverted by an imaginary and pretended Agreement of the people; as it would destroy the league and covenant, and cause the adversary to blaspheme and insult, so it cannot but be the cause of many miseries and calamities to these kingdoms. If power be originally in the people, and all of them do equally share in the privilege of liberty and freedom; how comes it to pass that a few take upon them to impose this Agreement upon others, and that it is desired that the opposers may be punished with death? Let it be yielded that some at first may condescend upon the model without the knowledge of the whole body: yet when it is offered unto them, what if the one half or the greater part shall refuse to consent or submit thereto? shall they be compelled by others to do it, and destroyed if they will not obey? Is not this to take power over those that have equill power with themselves, and to encroach upon the freedom of those who are as free as themselves? If it be said that they do but impose in things necessary that concern common equity and freedom; we demand who are Judges of these things? Have not these who refuse, as much power and freedom to judge as these who would impose it upon them? And if they judge it to be contrary to their freedom, who can control them herein, without encroaching thereupon, and offering violence to their consciences, who may conceive such a way neither to svit with Religion nor righteousness? And to speak nothing of the troubles that are like to arise otherwise; may not this open again the issues of blood, and imbroyl the land in a new war, betwixt these who shall refuse, and these who shall impose such a model, wherein men may happily lose both themselves and their liberty, whilst they seek to be too much free? Were it not better to preserve Monarchy and the privileges of Parliament, walking in the middle, betwixt Tyranny and anarchy, betwixt arbitrary Government and confusion? We know that such a way is looked upon by some as the best foundation of safety, but we know nothing more like to bring ruin and destruction; And therefore pitying those who are gone out of the way, we do from the compassion which we have to their souls, earnestly and in the name of the Lord, beseech all these in England who pled for Toleration, the laying aside of the Covenant, and change of the civill government. To consider these things impartially, 1. What fair professions and promises were made unto this kingdom to persuade them to join in covenant with England, and how often before and since that time, these things have been renewed by Letters, Declarations and Remonstrances unto these in this land, Petitions to the King, Ordinances of the Houses, and letters to the Churches abroad, all this is still upon record, and will bear witness before the Lord and unto the following generations against the levity, perversenes and perjury of those who have sworn the League and Covenant, and gad so much about to change their way. 2. That the League and Covenant was the first Foundation of their victories and success, and of the ruin of the Malignant party in England; We need not put them in mind at what low ebb the Parliaments Forces were at the contriving thereof, and how soon the Lord gave Testimony from heaven by a victory over the enemy of his approbation of the same, and how from that day forward they prospered, and the enemy fell before them still. 3. That the Lord hath all ways been a severe avenger of the breaches of oaths and covenants personal, and which concerns the things of men, much more national, and which concerns the things of God. 4. That never any perverted the truth and corrupted the worship of God and prospered. 5. What shall be the advantage, nay, how great shall be the loss of all the expense of blood and of pains that these kingdoms have been at, if for all this we shall reap nothing but Toleration and confusion; Have we laboured in the fire to remove one corrupt Religion, and to bring in many in its stead? to put down tyranny, and set up Anarchy. 6. Whether this be such a Testimony of gratitude as the Lord calls for at their hands in lain of all his mercies, and giving unto them victory over all their enemies? 7. Whether such things beseem those who would be called Saints, and pretend to be for the Lord, and use his name in all their professions and undertakings? 8. Whether such proceedings do not bring a sad reproach and heavy imputation upon the work of God in these Kingdoms? In nothing doth the Popish, prelatical and Malignant party more insult; And, is it a light matter to cause the enemy to blaspheam? 9. How sore the weak are stumbled, and the hearts of the godly throughout all the Protestant Churches wounded? We have suffered many things, but nothing so heavy to our spirits as this. 10. If such a way be not contrary to the whole strain of Gods Word, and to the practise of all the Saints since the beginning of the world unto this day, 11. What shall be the end of these things, and the many sad and doleful consequences that shall follow thereupon? If from these and the like considerations any be moved to take warning to desist from the evil of their way, we shall therein rejoice, and glorify God in their behalf; but if they shall refuse to harken, we have discharged our consciences, and in the name of the Church of Scotland, whose servants we are, we do dissent from, and protest against such proceedings, as destructive to Religion, the Solemn League and Covenant, the work of uniformity, and the civil Government, and shall wait for the salvation of the Lord. In the next place albeit we do not desire to add sorrow unto any mans affliction, but rather if any suffer for righteousness sake to comfort him, yet we were not, faithful, if we did not put our Brethren in England in mind of their slothfulness and negligence in the Lords work, that in this day of their trouble they may be humbled because of their want of zeal for God and his Cause. The Lord hath put into the hands of the Parliament of England many precious opportunites and fair occasions to have extirpate popery, error, heresy, schism and profaneness, and to have established Reformation, and the Government of the House of God. Many Petitions and Supplications from many in England, and Declarations, Remonstrances and letters from the Parliament and general Assembly, and their Commissioners in this Land, were tendered unto them concerning this thing: Yet notwithstanding of all these, did they still suffer the House of God to lye waste, and the evil to grow, which had been easily resisted in the beginning, but now is gone over the face of the Land like a flood, and hath trodden under foot their own power and authority. It hath been the Lords way in carrying on of his work, to slain the pride of all glory, and to break and put down all these powers that have not exalted himself, and promoved the kingdom of his Son. And though we do not justify these insolent attempts upon the Houses, yet we cannot but desire the Members to behold the hand of the most high, and to red their sin engraven upon their judgement. It is a righteous thing with the Lord to abase all these that will not honour him: The Lord certainly hath a great controversy against them, for encroaching upon the royal sceptre of Jesus Christ, and denying unto him any external Government over his House, but such as is dependant upon them, by assuming unto themselves the ultimate decision of all ecclesiastic causes and censures. And doubtless the Lord is also highly displeased with their proceedings in the Treaty at Newport, in reference to Religion and Covenant, concerning which they accepted of such concessions from his Majesty, as being acquiesced in, were dangerous and destructive to both. We wish they may now at last see their oversight and failing in these things, and be men of wisdom to hear the voice of the rod, and who hath appointed it: If their soul be humbled for their sin, and if they shall take upon them the vows of God, for giving unto Jesus Christ his due, and doing whatsoever is commanded by the God of heaven for the house of the God of heaven, who knows but the Lord may take away the reproach, and restore them to their dignity and power? And though we doubt not, but many in England have these years past mourned for the desolation of the House of God, and for the rise and growth of so many errors in that Land, and have poured forth their supplications before the Lord for a remedy of these things. And that we are not ignorant what a considerable number of Ministers have done in their Sermons and printed Books and Testimonies; yet we shall desire all that love truth and holinesse in that Land, to consider whether they have so timeously, and with that courage and zeal that was convenient, appeared for the Lord, and acquit themselves in their duty, in reference to Religion, and the Solemn League and Covenant. And if any find themselves faulty, to mourn for it and to pray for mercy, and more of the spirit of Christ, that they may hereafter be more faithful, and do their duty boldly and without fear. As many in England mourned with us in the day of our distress before the Lord in our behalf, so we, and all the godly in this Land, pour forth to God our supplications in private and in public for them: And albeit we will not take upon us to prescribe, yet as the servants of the living God, who have obtained mercy in some measure to be faithful, and have found such a way to be profitable among ourselves. We exhort all our Brethren in England to aclowledge their iniquities before the Lord, especially the breaches of that Solemn League and Covenant, which was so publicly sworn before God, Angels and men, and to renew their oath and vows in his sight, which we doubt not, if gone about in sincerity, shall be attended with a blessing & success from heaven. It hath been the Lords dispensation in these Kingdoms for the most part, to leave a branch of hope in the one Kingdom, when the other was like to perish, and to suffer enemies to grow to a great height of insolency and power, and then to bring them down. And therefore albeit the floods lift up their voice and make a noise, yet we know no cause why the Lords people should wax faint, or cast away their confidence. The Lord on high is mightier then the noise of many waters, yea, then the mighty waves of the sea: his word is established in heaven, and his Testimonies are very sure: and beside the many great and precious promises which he hath given unto us, and his goodness to his Saints of old, he hath furnished his people in these Lands, with so many experiences of his mighty hand and stretched out arm working salvation and delivery for them, that it were a shane for any amongst them to wax faint, and not to believe. For, Yet a little while he that shall come will come and will not tarry. Now the just shall live by faith, but if any man draw back, his soul shall have no pleasure in him. A. Ker. At Edinburgh, Jan. 18. 1649. The return of the Estates of Parliament upon the Testimony communicated unto them, by the Commissioners of the General Assembly, and their Concurrence with the same. THe Estates of Parliament presently convened, taking into their most serious consideration, the seasonable Testimony against Toleration, and the present Proceedings of the Sectaries and their Abettors in England, in reference to Religion and Government, with an Admonition and Exhortation to their brethren there, from the Commissioners of the general Assembly of the Kirk of Scotland, communicated to them by you; And pondering the present sad and strange condition of affairs in their Neighbour kingdom of England, represented therein, and in several other Papers come to their knowledge: They do return unto you their hearty thankes, both for your good correspondence,( which this Parliament doth with all cheerfulness entertain,) and for your great care and faithfulness, in giving such necessary and seasonable warnings and testimonies against the dangers of the times, on all hands, at all occasions: And do hearty concur in the grounds thereof, against Toleration, and the persent Proceedings of Sectaries in England, in reference to Religion and Government, and in the admonitions and encouragements so fully expressed in the Paper: And do most willingly add this our Testimony thereunto, that our brethren of England may be the more moved, by the mouth of two witnesses, and especially such, as together with them stand and fall; and are covenanted with them for mutnall good, that they may lay these things to heart, and abstain from all such sinful and dangerous courses, and that the faithful may not faint under these afflictions, nor omit any necessary testimony or duty against the corruptions of the time. And because there hath been several aspersions published in printed Pamphlets, for the strengthening of the hands of those who go on in these sinful ways, and for discouraging of the hearts of those who are suffering under them: Therefore the Estates of Parliament after diligent enquiry of all the Members of this Parliament, upon their public and solemn Oath, concerning themselves and others, do declare and assure their Brethren in England, That they cannot find that either this kingdom or any Person therein, had any knowledge of, or accession to the late Proceedings of the English Army, or relation to the Kings Person, or the Houses, or restrained Members thereof: But are very confident that there is no ground for such aspersions. On the other hand, so soon as this Parliament was convened and constituted, and heard of the present posture of affairs, they being no ways satisfied with their proceedings, and the reasons thereof, published to the world; and being convinced of the dangerous consequences, and calamities likely to follow thereupon; They gave present instructions to their Commissioners, founded upon the Obligations and Declarations made between, and by both kingdoms( of which the matter of fact is fully expressed in the Paper given in by our Commissioners, Jan. the 6. instant, to the Speaker of the House of Commons, in our name, and according to our mind, which is herewith communicated unto you,) to press a delay of all these proceedings against the Kings Person, the the Princes right of Succession, or the fundamental Government of the kingdom, until this kingdom should present their interest and desires; and in case of their proceeding therein, that they should declare in the name of this kingdom their dissent; and protest, that as this nation is free from all knowledge of, or accesson to these designs and practices, so they may be free of all the calamities, miseries and confusions which may follow thereupon to these distracted kingdoms. And as our constant resolution and earnest desire to preserve inviolably the peace and union betwixt the kingdoms, will evidently appear to any, who will red( besides all our former actions and sufferings for it,) our act of approving the indiction of this present Parliament, and our act repealing all past in the last Parliament or Committee of Estates for the late unlawful engagement against England; And as ye are witnesses of our keeping a solemn day of humiliation, not only for our own sins and miseries, but also for the sins and distresses lying on our dear brethren, and for seeking the Lords direction to us, that we may know and perform all the duties which the Lord requires of us, at such a time, after such judgements and deliverances on his part, and such an acknowledgement and renewed Covenant on our part, not only in relation to our own affairs at home, but also to what may concern Religion, King and kingdoms, according to the solemn League and Covenant in these united Nations: So we declare that it is our constant resolution,( with Gods assistance,) to give all seasonable Testimonies, and do all necessary duties within our power and calling, for the prersevation, of the begun Reformation against Toleration of all Religions, and of the fundamental Government, against Anarchy and confusion, and for continuing and preserving the peace and union between the kingdoms, and all the bonds thereof, so often acknowledged and expressed in their Treaties; especially for one King, one Covenant, one Religion; and for the observance of the manifold Declarations, emitted between and by both kingdoms to the world, in the positive and necessary duties, for the pursuance of all the ends of the solemn League and Covenant. And to this effect we are and shall be most ready, to deal and interpose with all earnestness and sincerity of heart, and by all lawful and necessary means, with all whom it may concern for settling truth and peace in these kingdoms, upon the grounds and Propositions, so often agreed unto, and so long insisted upon by these two Nations, and upon what further shall be found safe and necessary for the removing of these distempers, and preventing new issues of blood, calamities and confusions in these kingdoms: Which the searcher of hearts knoweth to be the earnest desire, and firm resolution of this Parliament and kingdom. Extractum de libris actorum Parliamenti per me Dominum Willielmum Scot de Clarkingtone militem, Clericum Parliamenti. W. Scot. clear. Parl. To the Right Reverend, their well-beloved Brethren, the Ministers of the Gospel, in the Province of London. Right Reverend and welbeloved in our Lord Jesus, IF our souls were not grieved at the calamitous condition, and sad pressures, wherewith the Lord, who hath his fire in Zion, and his furnace in Jerusalem, hath afflicted you; We could not, but be under the woe pronounced by the mouth of the Lord, against those that are at ease in Zion, and remember not the affliction of Joseph. Yea, we conceive it our duty, to testify our brotherly condolency and compassion toward you, as being in bonds with you and desirous through our fellow-feeling to share with you in those remnants of the afflictions of Christ; and in our approaches to the Throne of Grace, to remember your sufferings, with Fasting and tears. And as we are confident, that the Lord choiseth his own in the furnace; so doth he make way through all these confusions, that this iceland of britain may be at length, a Crown of glory in the hand of the Lord, and a royal Diadem in the hand of our God; And, as we conceive, this is the time, in which, the Lord calleth you to give a second public testimony to his truth, against all the errors and corruptions of the time, since now he pleadeth with that Nation for breach of Covenant, as of old he did with his people: turn O backsliding children, saith the Lord, for I am married unto you; and I will take you, one of a City, and two of a family, and I will bring you to Zion. And as one part of the island hath renewed the Covenant with God; So he calleth the other part, and you in particular of that City, to go before the rest of the Land, in the same duty, and to be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might, in pleading for the establishing of the Government of his son Christ by Assemblies and Presbyteries, that so you may build the old waste places, and repair the desolations of many Generations. We need not put you in mind, that the incursions of the wild boars of the forest, upon the Vineyard of the Lord, cannot but flow from the not setting up of the Hedge of Discipline; And that when in the Kirk of Christ, there is not one Lord, one Faith, one baptism, there must arise many false Christs, and false Prophets, in so much that( if it were possible) they should deceive the very Elect. As therefore( dearly beloved in the Lord) your Testimony formerly given was to us, and to the Reformed Kirks, no less refreshing, then the rain upon the new mown grass; So give us leave to beseech you in the Lord Jesus, since the eyes of the Lord are upon you, and Angels and men, and all the Reformed Kirks in the World, are witnesses of your actions and sufferings, to acquit yourselves, the ambassadors of Jesus Christ; and without fear of men, or fainting in this day of Jacobs trouble, to give seasonable warning to all the kingdom, of the sad and dang rous consequences of irreligious and licentious Toleration of all Religions, the idol of Indignation in that land, that provoketh the eyes of his glory; of the horrible blasphemies, heresies and errors now abounding in the land; of altering the ancient and wel-established Government of the kingdom; of Anarchy, abolishing of Magistracy, the sacred Ordinance of God; which we cannot but look on as the beginning of woes, a seminary of all violence, injustice and oppressions, the continuing and increasing of the troubles of britain, the utter dissolving of all human societies, the ruin of that famous Nation and Kirk; and, which is most fearful, the displaying of a Banner against the Lord, and the kindling of his wrath against the Land, which shall burn to the bottom of hell; as our Testimony( which we have sent unto you,) doth we trust in some part discover, and is well known to yourselves. We are confident( dear Brethren,) that you mind the precious promises of the Lord, made to those who keep the word of his patience, that they shall be kept from the hour of tentation, which shall come on all the world to try them that dwell upon the earth. And we cannot but out of our own experience show you, how the Lord hath been graciously pleased to carry us through, against the powers of the disaffected Party of this kingdom, who endeavoured no less then the casting down of all we builded these years past; and that it is now our joy & consolation that the Lord did disappoint them, uphold us, & make good the word of his weak servants, who desire to be faithful in his Cause & Covenant. There should be cause, we aclowledge, to fear their fear, and to be couraged, if we were not persuaded that the Patrons, Favourers and Abettors of these Blasphemies and impure Heresies, had indicted war against the Lord and his Christ. But since the Lord of Hosts is with you, we hope as his high Name is engaged in this Covenant and cause, neither Babylon nor Edom shall prevail; but as the Lord hath shaken the Throne of Anti-christ, so will he lay waste the mountain of Edom. Therefore being confident that the Lord shall make you steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, and shall encourage you to renew the Covenant with the Lord: We humbly beseech the God of peace that brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great shepherd of the sheep, through the blood of the everlasting Covenant, to make you perfect in every good work, to do his Will, working in you that which is well-pleasing in his sight, through Jesus Christ. We are Your loving Brethren and Servants in the Lord, the Commissioners of the general Assembly. Edinburgh, 18. Jan. 1649. Subscribed in our name and at our command, by Mr. Robert Dowglas, moderator. Delivered to the Ministers at Sion-Colledge, Jan. 26. by the Honourable Commissioners of the Parliament of Scotland. FINIS.