A DISCOVERY OF SEDUCERS', THAT CREEP INTO HOUSES. Written by THO. MOOR. Matth. 7.15. Beware of false Prophets, that come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly, they are Ravening Wolves. Printed in the Year. 1646. THE EPISTLE. Dear Christian, and much esteemed Friend, IT being the Will and Commandment of God concerning all Believers, in respect of one another, even all Believers, where God affords them fellowship in the Gospel. Phil. 1.5. To edify themselves (or one another) in their must holy * Doth not the very Text of Scripture affirm all this? Faith, etc. Judas 20,21. 1 Thess. 5.11. And this by Teaching. Col. 3.16. Exhorting. Heb. 3.13. Warning, Comforting. 1. Thess. 5.11.14. Provoking, etc. Hebr. 10.24. And concerning unbelievers, That they hold forth the Word of life to them. Phil. 2.15,16. And Jesus Christ, having Ascended to his Father's Right hand, to give gifts * Saith not the Scripture all this? Psal. 68.18,20. to perfect his Saints for the work of the Ministry. Eph. 4.12. And so given to every one of them, some portion of his Spirit, to Minister with, Ephe. 4.7. 1 Cor. 12.5.11. And avouched such whom He hath united to himself, and endued with his Spirit, To be spiritual * Is not this more plain and full in the Scripture? Priests; The Priests of the Lord; And that they shall build and repair; and men shall call them the Ministers of our God. 1. Pet. 2.3,4,5. Isa. 61.3,4,5,6. And the Holy Spirit Affirmed to be given to every Believer. To profit withal. 1 Cor. 12.4,7. And that to this end, That the Church of Believers, (or Body of Christ,) may be knit together, and * Is not all this evident in the Scripture? grow by that which every joint supplieth. Eph. 4.15,16. And the Grace to Charity put in them moving that way. 1 Cor. 5.11,14. Act. 26.29. And the word of Grace put in them, having that in it that appertains to all, and makes them indebted to all. 2. Cor. 5.19,20. Rom. 1.14,16. And the mercy shown them, a Pattern to be held forth for others encouragement. 1 Tim. 1.15,16. For which causes, They are also called Stewards, in whom faithfulness is required. 1 Pet. 4.10. 1 Cor. 4.2. And the bounds of their ministration set forth: Every man, as he hath received the gift, so Minister the some one to another; If any man speak; let him speak as the * Is not this also the language and Testimony of the Scripture? Eccles. 12.10. Oracles of God; If any man minister, let him do it, as of the Ability which God giveth. 1 Pet. 4.10,11. According as God hath dealt to every man the measure of Faith. Rom. 12.3. And this, though they suffer for it. 1 Pet. 4.12,13. with Act. 4.19,20. And the Doctrine also appointed them; Even that which is written: The Words and say of Christ in the Gospel. Pro. 32,20,21. 2 Joh. 9.10. Col. 3.16. 1 Thes. 4.18. In all which respects, The whole Church on Earth, is the light of the World. Mat. 5.14 to hold forth the word of Life. Phil. 3.16. Their Authority is from * Sure the Scripture shows all this. Heaven, from God, and Christ his Son; and the holy Ghost, by whom Christ hath put the word of Grace in their hearts. 2 Cor. 5.18,19,20. & 6.1. 1 Cor. 12. Jesus Christ having sent these into the World, to minister the Gospel: and prayed for them, and sanctified them to that end. Joh. 17.9.18,21. And borne witness of them, by making knewne the Saviour of his knowledge, And for all he there to said, many have writ as much. Mr. Calvin. lib. 4. of his Inst. cap. 1▪ 5.3. V●…sin. on Commun. of Saints, etc. through them. 2 Cor. 14. By which the Lord hath stamped his Authority for them, in declare the Gospel, as he gives occasion, and ●ppartunity to them, and by grace leads them. Isa. 61.3,6. Mr. Perkins on the Creed, about our union with Christ, and each other. Mr. Bolton, in his general Directions for comfortable walking with God pag. 87, 89. 25. 8. Joseph Bertham, on Society of Saints, p. 3. 4. 18. to 23. Doctor Sc●ater. 1 Thess. 5.11. Bishop Jewel on the same. Rich. Rogers 7. Treaties. Tract. 4. fol. 394 397. 398. Byfield on Coll. 1.4. & 3.16. & 4.2. Cooper. Daily Sacrifice. pag. 431. 432. Nicholaus Bound. Psal. 119.13. Tindal. Mat. 5.16. Erasmus. Luk. 8.16. Wilson Dictionary. pag 57 on 1 Pec. 2.17. and pag. 151. on 1 Thess. 5.11. & pages 280. 591. 858. 860. 612. Others might be named; such as will, may search and see this is no Novelty. And this is that which gives, and confirms Authority to preach the Gospel. Rom. 12.3. 1 Cor. 12. Eph. 4.12,16. ●…t for an Office outward, for oversight of * See in all this Doctor Fulk, in Ans. to the Rhemists, on Rom. 10.15. To say nothing of Mr. Robison, and Mr. Ainsworth, because they were Separatists. The Scripture showeth all this to be no Novelty, but Ancient Truth. Brethren, and leading them in order, and Attention to Ministration in such an Office; The Lord hath set some for helps in Government. 1 Cor. 12.28. for which bee hath appointed the Election of the Church; And approbation of such in the Church, as are fitted thereto, without which Call, to assume, such an office, is not according to God; But with it, To enter such an Office, for any so fitted, as formerly. Is Landable. But this outward Gall, gives them neither the ability, nor the authority to Preach the Gospel, for that they had before; else they erred that choose, and called them. 1 Tim. 3.2. Much less doth it Authorise them to stop the mouths of them that teach right things; but it outhoriceth them to a more peculiar watch, and to attendance to Preaching to such. And to lead to Minister, in such and such an approved Order, with such authority as may be seen. 1 Tim. 3.4,5. 2 Tim. ●…. Tit. 1. And this full for the furtherance, even of there brethren's usefulness in gifts. 1 Tim. 4.12. 2 Tim. 2.3. And this being so plain in the Scripture, and so suitable too, and set forth in the Gospel of Christ; 〈…〉, How any such as profess themselves before others, in the knowledge of the Gospel, and saith in Christ, should be so ignorant hereof; As that with pretence of Conscience of an outward Call (though such, as on the turning the wind, they can renounce also,) To quench the Spirit in Believers, and prohibit their obedience to the Commandments of God, and the grace and Spirit of Christ: And as many as do not obey them, rather than, yea against God, To call them Seducers, and Creepers into Houses: But Satan, that taught that Man of sin to put the Name of Bishops upon Tyrannical worldly Lords, and Governors, and to put the name of Church upon such an order, and Assemblies of Court, and Convocations, as were worldly, and yet neither Church, nor Common Wealth; and to put the name of Godliness, and Religious Devotion upon Idolatry and Superstition, and the Name of CHRIST upon Antichrist. 2 Thess. 2.4,12. Colouring all this with confession of some part of Truth, The more reddily to deceive, and cast the aspersions of Heretics and Seducers on true Believers; even this deceitful Serpent, when he can no longer prevail in this way, can then more secretly wind in himself into some, under pretence of zealous Renouncing all these usurped Titles, and Courts, and gross Superstitions, Pressing on in the same pride, To the same power and lordliness, in a more godly way. Joh. 3.9,10. And so still cast the same aspersions on all that stoop not to acknowledge such Excellency and Authority in them, as not to pass their limits: * The name Bishops, or Elders, with their Office; The Assemblies of Christians; The Counsels of Elders and Brethren, and every godly Person of, or among them, are good, and to be reverenced, and no whit touched here; Nor are Independants, here countenanced; God only is Independent; and in respect of Christ, and submission among men, I know none, unless it be the Pope, and such as he, and the Counsel of Trent, and such as they. As for true Churches, whether wanting a Presbytry, as those of Corinth, or having a congregational Presbytry, as those of Philippi, or both, that an Overseer over divers of them, as in Ephesus and Crect; I reverence them all; but Satan, to put any these names on wrong Persons, is usual. Rev. 2.9. & 3.9. 1 Cor. 11.3. etc. So that we still need to pray that prayer, Tell me where thou feedest, etc. Cant. 1.7. And to observe that direction. Matt. 7.15,16. Ye shall know them by their fruits, etc. Their Doctrine, and the favour, and end of their Doctrine. 1 Cor. 12.1,12. And to keep that charge, Believe not every Spirit, but Try the Spirits, etc. 1 Joh. 4.1,2,6. And for that end, To the Law, To the Testimony, etc. Isa. 8.19,20. Knowing that none can prove an Heresy by, nor vent it in a plain saying of Scripture, but they must add or diminish, werest and Gloss, to make a seeming Proof, And we having that help herein. Joh. 10.4. 1 Joh. 2.20,27,28. Let not men's easting an ill name on the Truth, or any part thereof, or on the Servants of it. * This hath been an ancient trick of the Devil, and his servants, Joh. 8.48. Act. 28.22. Nor their putting the name of Truth upon error, sway us: But search the Scripture; And this Scripture, which hath been so often abused in your hearing; some consideration whereof I have presented to you; Try all things, and keep that which is good; And the Lord seasonably doscover who are Seducers, and lead us into all Truth; And He ever fill you with blessing according to the Prayer of his poor unworthy one; and Yours in all Service of Love in CHRIST.; THO. MOOR. A DISCOVERY OF SEDUCERS', THAT CREEP INTO HOUSES. A brief View of 2 Tim. 3.5,9. THe Apostle having forewarned, that perilous Times would come, and shown a reason why they would be so perilous; Doth here discover one of the chiefest Perils that would ensue; and that is of the Seducement of some from the faith, and Love of Christ, and Union and Fellowship with Believers: And herein he discovereth, and setteth forth the Seducers; By Showing: 1. Of what sort they are, and to whom they belong. Of this sort are they, Which 2. Their way of Attempting their Business; They Creep into Houses, 3. Their work which they do they embodage. And lead Captive 4. In, & with whom their work prevails, Silly women, laden with sins, lead away with divers Lusts, ever larning, and never able to come to the Knowledge of the Truth. 5. The manner of their working to Accomplish their business. Now as James and Jambres withstood Moses, So do these also resist the Truth. 6. The true Character of the Seducers Uncloaked, Men of corrupt minds, Reprobate, or of no judgement concerning the Faith. 7. The extent of their work, both in what, and in whom, They do but trouble, embodage and captive, they bring none to liberty and sound Peace, and rest in Christ. They lead captive none but such unstable ones. They shall proceed not Further. 8. The Issue of their business, when they come to Attempt delivery from bondage, and Tender freedom in Christ; And when they deal with established believers. Their folly shall be made manifest to all men, as theirs also was. 1. Of this sort are they;] Compare Mat. 23.14,25. with 2 Pet. 2.1. & Joh. 5.7,8,9. and it confirms the same. That is, Such as are branded with divers of the former evils; Covered over with a form of Godliness, a show of Love, and Zeal, and Devetion, accompanied with much Praying, Fasting, Preaching; Strict in outward Observation of Sabbath's, and severe prosecution of circumstantial things. Rom. 10.2. Matt. 23.14.27. Luk. 18.11. But have not the Word of Reconciliation in their heart, and the Spirit of grace therein, writing the Epistle of Christ in their heart, and so leading them in a Christ-like mind, To move others to be reconciled to Christ, as the Servants of Christ have. Joh. 15.4,7. Rom. 8.2,14. 2 Cor. 3.3,18. and 8.14,19. Of these they seem to be; with these they sometime are, from among these they come; but of them they are not. 1 Joh. 2.19. But of the former sort, to whom they belong, and with whom they are, (and aught to be) numbered; Which. 2. Creep into Houses,] This is their way, they subtly, and secretly, and by degrees, creep, or wind themselves into houses; Two things are here to be rightly Understood; First, What is here meant by houses; and Secondly, what is meant, or intimated in this Word; Creep into. First by houses, is here meant Churches, or Societyes of such as do believe, and make Profession of the Gospel: (For the Apostle was before directing Timothy about the Doctrine, suitable to be in, and to build up the House of God. Chap. 2.1,20,26.) Warning him of some that had departed from the Faith, and overthrown the Faith of some, Chap 3.18. and of some to be recovered, Vers. 25, 26. And here forewarning of suchlike Perils; He to admonish Timothy, minds him of his own example. Chap. 3.10,11. in Doctrine, and life; Now then, of what houses are here meant, is easy to discern; So Wisdom hath built her house. Prov. 9.1. And whose house we are. Heb. 3.3.6. A spiritual house. 1 Pet. 2.5. Now as this great house is one, and called the Church of Christ. 1 Cor. 12.28. So, the particular Congregations, societyes, or Famillies are called Churches, and here houses. Gal. 1.2. Secondly, By this word Creep, is meant, and intimated three things, about their incomming to be Teachers in such Societies or Houses. 1. Their want of Authority, and coming in at the door; They have not the word of Grace put into their hearts by the Spirit of Christ, and so have not been in the Heavenly Call chosen out of the Condition, and fellowship of the world, into union and fellowship with Christ, and his Chosen ones, and so have not the Spirit of Christ to move, and lead them forth in that Christ-like mind, and Charity, as all his servants, whom he sendeth, have. 2 Cor. 3.2,3,18 & 4.6. & 5.14.18,19,20. 1 Joh. 1.1,2,3. As the will & Appointment of the Father. (Heb. 10.1,10.) is that Door, by which JESUS CHRIST himself entered; for Jesus Christ himself is the DOOR of the Father's Will, and Appointment, by which all Acceptable entrance in to God, or the house of God is. Joh. & 14.6. And this spiritual making known of the Father, and Christ; so as thereby to draw out of the World, and bring into Christ; and then giving in the word into the heart, enabling with the heart to believe unto Righteousness, and with the mouth to make confession unto salvation, in CHRIST his opening of, or putting in any by the Door. Joh. 17.38,8. Rom. 3.10. To such, he hath given Commission to declare the Gospel, and for such He hath prayed, for their Sanctification, Preservation, and prosperous blessing in their Ministration of the Gospel, and he hath given his Commission, and prayed for such blessing in Ministration, for none but such as these, none that yet remain in the Condition of, and fellowship with the world. Joh. 17.9,14,18,20,21,23. And therefore such as are not thus fitted, warranted, and led by Christ, that they may say as Paul. 2 Cor. 5.14,18,18,19,20. They have no commission from Christ, nor do they come into the house by the Door; But run without his sending, and climb up, or creep in some other way; Though they be called Prophets. Jerem. 23.14,21. Joh. 10.1. 2. By creeping, is also meant their subtlety in hiding their Doctrine, and minds, with cloaks of guile, till they be received; And that is two ways. I. In hiding their grand opinion of slighting the Foundation and Cornerstone; The Vision of all, and preferring some other Doctrine before it. Isai. 28.12.14,16. & 29,10,11,12. Psal. 118.22. Act. 4.11,12. 2 Cor. 2.17. and 4.2. II. In hiding their Intention, and Issue that will follow on the receipt or their Teachings, which is to unsettle, and pervert them from the simplicity that is in Christ. 2 Cor. 11.3,4. To bring them in some Bondage under the Law of works. Gal. 1.6. & 4.21. To take off their Affections from spiritual Teachings, and sincere Preachers of the Gospel, and to gain their Choice Affections to themselves; and so to subdue them to their own Judgements, that they might be Lords of their faith. Gal. 4.17. All which till they be received; they colour over, and hid with good words, and fair speeches. Rom. 16.17,18. Pretences of Zeal, Love, and Devotion. Col. 2.18. 2 Cor. 11.15. Promises of great Attainments, and liberty. 2 Pet. 2.19. 2 Cor. 11.3. Pretences of Spirit, and wresting words of Scripture, and counterfeiting, as if the sincere Preachers of the Gospel, said as they do, and had so written. 2 Thes. 2.2. And through this subtlety, they wind and creep into houses, or Societies of Believers. III. By creeping is here meant, and intimated also, some neglect, and oversight in the Believers, especially the Multitude of them, who if they had diligently heeded the foundation, & the savour, and Teachings of that Unction they received from Christ, and kept full estimate thereof; They might have seen the Darknnesse and unlikeness of: the Teachings of these creepers thereto, and so how there was no need thereof to them. 1. Joh. 2.19,20,27. Gal. 3.1,2. Cor. 11.4. Gal. 2.4. Judas 4. And so had they consulted with Christ, and resorted to their overseers, while the Church of Believers had the Power of Choice, and the Choice was of men, taught of God. The Church then, as the woman clothed with the Sun, etc. Rev. 12.1. Such might have been kept out, though in such time, when the outward Court is left to the Gentiles, and the man of fin gets his seat therein, and gives forth his Laws; Then are the houses so weakened, That these Seducers come in openly enough, and the Witnesses Prophesy in Sackcloth; And so the peril greater. Rev. 11.2,3. And the Apostle doth not Prophecy: That in a full and outward sense, in those times they shall Creep, but saith, That of that sort, there were in his own time, that did then creep; For surely, else they had not been then admitted in the outward Assemblies of Believers to be Teachers, as in the evil times foretold they may; Though into the more special fellowships of Believers; They are feigned still to use their Creeping. 3. And lead Captive,] This is their business, and the work they do, and the effect of their Teachings; After they are received, and begin to be entertained, and esteemed, which they laboured for; and then they begin to discover something plainly their opinion, and intention, They then Led Captive, they withdraw from simple and unfeigned Faith, and Confidence in Christ, and rejoicing in him only. 2 Cor. 11.3. Phil. 3.2,3. They pervert, and Trouble the minds of those that were inclined to the right way. Gal. 3.3,5. & 4.21. & 5.1,4,8. & 6.12. Prov. 9.15,16. And so entangle them with bondage under the law of Works; then they under them, to their own judgements, exalting themselves, as knowing high things, and persuading their Disciples, that in submission to them, they shall attain perfection in holiness, and great Liberty. Gal. 4.17. 2 Cor. 11.15. Gal. 3.1,5. 2 Pet. 2.19. And so they lead them Captive; This is their: work, and their business, and the effect of their Teaching. 4. Silly Women, laden with sins, lead away with divers Lusts▪ over learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the Truth,] Hear the Apostle sets forth, with whom these Seducers prevail, and who, and what they are that are seduced by them, and he sets them forth by divers Characters meeting together on them. Viz. If they are women, so called; not so much in respect of the sex, (as if all, or only females,) as in respect of their weakness, in not standing against the force of Assaults, and suffering themselves to be overcome by such seem, and shadows, to part with that wherein they had seen and tasted substance, whether Male or Female; All is one; in reproof of their weakness, they are called women; For however in Nature, and in Humane, and Moral respects, there is male, and female, and which grace destroyeth not, but ordereth. Ephe. 5. & 6. Yet in receipt, and enjoyment of the grace of God by union in Christ. There is no difference between Male and Female. Col. 3.10,11. So the like may be said in respect of folly, weakness, and loss by departing from Christ to another Doctrine. Gal. 5.4. And so these seduced ones, both Male, and Female, are called women, because of their fillynesse, (Women not so able ordinarily to see and know the worth of a rare and rich Pearl, and Jewel, as men,) Why is there a price in the hand of a fool, to get wisdom, and he hath no heart. Prov. 17.16. Besides the over-readinesse to believe every word without trial. Prov. 14.15. and herein their weakness, as Ezek. 16. When God had done so much for them, And yet they were drawn away by vanity. vers. 13. How weak is thine heart, saith the Lord, seeing thou dost all these things, The work of an Imperious and Whorish woman; (yet were they both Male and Female.) And so when the mighty are taken away, and babes and children rule the people. Isai. 19.16 Jer. 30,37 & 51.30. Isa. 3.3,4. It is called Women ruling over you. Verse. 12. And so on the other side. 1 Cor. 16.13. Watch ye, stand fast in the Faith, quit you like men, be strong, was spoken to all the Believing Corinthians, Male and Female; as here for silliness, and weakness, in being turned from substance, by others holding forth shadows, both Male and Female, are called Women. 2. They are laden with sins, which cannot be understood of going on in divers open and known froms: for that would not have stood with the form of godliness in these Seducers, who would scarce vouchsafe an open corverse with such, especially in their Religious Discourse; Nay, they will fault others for such conversing with them. Mat. 9.10,14. Joh. 7.48.49. But they are laden, and oppressed, and burdened with the rise, and motions, and Accusations of sins, that by the strength they have from the Law, Domineer in the Conscience: That they are fearful, not able to look up beleevingly, and take quiet in Christ. 1 Cor. 15.56. Rom. 6.14. Though they have been lovingly envited thereto. Matt. 11.28. And they have heard of the great love of God in the gift of his Son; The salvation and Peace that he hath made, and the life that is in him; And that in believing, they shall Receive Remission of sins, and Eternal Life; and been helped to believe, and like this report; yet to believe in him, and quiet their hearts in him: They dare not; They cannot; oh the secret thoughts of Worldliness, uncleanness, wrath, discontent; yea Pride and Atheism, with some motions and Temptations thereunto! Oh the hardness and Impenitence of heart! The deadness too, and wander in Prayer, hearing the Word, etc. And till they be more humbled, and purged, and better quallifyed, and enlarged, They Dare not; They cannot, They will not believe in Christ: And though in the Gospel it be testified to them; That if they did so honour him in the word of grace, or report of the Gospel: They have heard, and in some measure believed, as to believe, and quiet their hearts in him, and accept Christ for Remission of sins; Righteousness, Holiness, and life; They should not only receive Remission of sins by the Spirits application of his blood, but also purging, and operations of Spirit, that would humble, renew, sanctify and confirm them to Christ. Isa 28.12,16. & 30.15,16,18. Joh. 7.37,38,39. 2 Cor. 3.3.18. Tit. 3.4,5. And that till they first believe in Him, These things will never be rightly wrought in them. Joh. 15.4,5. Yet they say, They must have them first, before they can believe; And though in attention to the word of grace; They have met with some sweet tastes, and hints of ease, and Refreshing, encouraging to believe, and divers examples of others, as much laden as themselves, in believing helped: yet may they be complained of. How long will it be ere they believe? Numb. 14.11. This their unbelief, their great sin, that holds them under all their other sins, is yet least complained of; but the former is their burden, whence they are ever, and anon in heavy Doubts, and fears: And these are apt for the Seducers, with their form of godliness, and Precepts, and law of works to work upon; promising them great Freedom that way, and in mean season, That their troubled condition is better than theirs, that are so confident, and that the Doubting faith is the best faith; And so these so laden with sin, are most easily captived by them. 3. Led away with divers Lusts,] This is that which made them so weak, and gives such an Advantage to the Seducers, to captive them, and that through which they are led away; They have divers lusts; They have a lust or desire, that God would approve and speak Peace. They would have Eternal Life, though they do not wholly submit to the way. Mat. 19.16,27. Joh. 5.40. They also desire to be approved of such as have taught the Gospel to them: And they desire to be approved of these Seducers, because of their form of godliness, and zeal, and pretence of strictness in duties, whereby they fault all that are not as they. Thus loving the praise of men, and seeking Approbation from them, and not singly that which comes from God alone: This diversity of their Lusts stops them from believing in Christ: And turns them aside from those that speak only in his Name. And apts them for Seducers that speak of themselves, and so they are led away. Joh. 5.4,44. & 7.46,53. & 12.42,43. 4. They are ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the Truth:] They are ever Learning, oft hearing, and questioning about the truth of the Gospel, that sets forth Christ; But they receive not the love of the Truth, They accept it not, that Christ in the Gospel offereth them; That in letting go other delights, ways, and confidences, casting themselves on him in believing, they shall find in him, and receive through him pardon, justification, renewing, sanctification, etc. which not Accepting, they are in stead of believing, still questioning, and ask both of one, and another of the Children of the Freewoman, and of the Children of the Bondwoman; And so abiding under the Accusation of sin by the Law; or if some ease, yet lusting after Approbation on both sides; They so entangle themselves; That they are at no time able to come to the knowledge of the Truth; and so fits themselves for delusions. 2 Thess. 2.10. 1 Joh. 2.19,20,27,28. That in Jesus Christ, there is a Redemption wrought, and Life obtained, and that only through the freeness of his grace; in believing in Him, Remission of sins, and Justification is received, and he righteousness to the Believer: some of them in some measure understand, and rejoice for Gal. 3.1.5 & 4.15. But that he is Sanctification to the Believers, and hath taken on himself, by Spirit, to work Salvation in them; To purge, renew, sanctify, and perfect all that concerneth them. 1 Thess. 5.24. Isai. 26.12. Psal. 138.8. And that in believing on him, so as through the belief of his grace in the former; They are united to him in Dependence on him, for the latter; They shall receive it, and he will effect it in due season. Rom. 4.24,25. and 5.1,11. This full form of CHRIST is not in them; They are no whit experimented in this Knowledge; nor so persuaded of the truth, whence they are ready to receive the Doctrine of the Seducers, to attain this Sanctification by Works, and observances of the law of Works. Gal. 4.19. & 5.1,5,8. & 1.9. 2 Cor. 11.15. And these weak unsettled ones are they, with whom the Seducers prevail. 5. Now as Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses; so do these also resist the Truth;] This is the manner of their working, for accomplishing their business, in which, two things are observable. Viz. 1. That they resist the Truth; That is the Gospel, and the Truth of CHRIST in the Gospel: yet rightly to understand this business, we must distinguish, as the Apostle doth, between the time in which the Apostle wrote, and while they and their Labourers watched over the Churches, while Antichrist could get no seat, nor Authority, so much as in the outward Court thereof, In which time were yet some perils by these Seducers more secretly creeping in. v. 6. 2 Thes. 2.7,8. 1 Joh. 2.18,19. And the times of which the Apostle prophesyeth. v. 1. chap. 4.3. In which through the Gentiles coming into the outward Court, Antichrist should get a seat, and Authority therein. Rev. 11.1.2. 2 Thes. 2.4. And so the Seducers come more openly, and boldly. 2 Thess. 2.10,11. being also more evil, growing worse, and worse. 1 Tim. 3.13. and so the times more perilous. Vers. 1. Chap. 4.3. In the Apostles times; they did not deny the extent of the Ransom, nor Justification freely by the grace of God in Christ, by faith only, to be received, (as the Pharisaical Did,) but only the so freely preaching the Gospel to All men before; or having fellowship with them, and they not yet undered to the observances of the Mosaical Law. And also, denying Sanctification of Body and soul, preservation in Grace, Conformity to Christ, Justification of uprightness to God, and so growth to perfection, to be had by Faith, in Dependence on God in Christ, for effecting it, without being undered to the works of the Law, for that business. 1 Thess. 2.1 6. Gal. 2.9.20. and 3.1,2,3,4,5. 2 Cor. 11.3,4,15. And in denying both these, they denied the Truth; even the Gospel, and Christ in the Gospel, and so the power of godliness. But in the more perilous times prophesied of; They will proceed further; many denying both these parts of truth, which they confessed: some denying Justification before God, to be only by grace received by Faith; Affirming it to be by man's own works, together with Faith. 1 Tim. 6.6,7. 2 Tim. 4.3,4. Others denying the intent of the Ransom; According to the plain Affirmations of the Gospel; And thereby shutting the door of Repentance against most men, and so teaching them to deny the Lord that bought them. 2 Pet. 2.1,2. And both sort denying that Portion of the Spirit, given with supernatural light, motion, and power to teach, and witness the things of Christ; and work his mind in the Believers, which he giveth since his coming in the Flesh. 2 Pet. 1.19. & 3.17,18. 1 Joh. 3.24. & 4.1,6. Judas 19 2. That they resist the truth; as Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses. First; In their pride, and high-mindedness (as the Magicians thought by Enchantment to do as much as Moses by the Power of GOD; so) they presume, by their fleshly Wisdom & Knowledge, to set forth the meaning of the Gospel, and the ways of God, as much, and as well, as those that are through the word of Grace enlightened, and taught of God, and have the word of Grace, and experiments of his goodness in their heart. Joh. 11.12. Col. 2.18. Revel. 9.1,2. Being ready to reply against the Teachers of the Truth, as Zedekiah, the son of Chenaanah. 1 King. 22.24. Which way went the Spirit of the Lord from me to speak unto thee? Secondly; By their subtlety, and craft, in use of their fleshly wit, and skill; As the Magicians, when Moses used only the Word of the Lord, and held forth his Rod: They used sorceries and enchantments; So when the Servants of God use nothing but Scripture, and Scripture Interpretations, and hold forth the Word of Life in, and according to the plain say of the Gospel; These Seducers make use of humane, and fleshly Wisdom, and use the enticing words of man's Wisdom. 1 Cor. 2.1,4. And not allowing the Gospel to be delivered, understood and believed, as it is in the still and plain say thereof; And ashamed with plain and open face; (few so brazenfaced,) to deny, and contradict the same; To help all, and colour their opposition, and deceive their hearers; They frame out of it, here a Precept, and there a Precept, one unto another, To teach and enjoin, and then add here a line, and there a line, one upon another, to comfort. Isai. 28.12,13. And having in their heart no Gospel that is full, true and certain, to Preach plainly, and positively, as true, before men believe; That for the goodness and truth of it, men might believe. 1 Cor. 9.26. Nor liking it, that others should have such a Gospel, and so preach it; They are full of subtle Questions, and surmizes of absurdities; if the plain say of the Cospel be understood in their own expressions; and therefore devise them another meaning, with their fair glosses. Mat. 22,23.28. 1 Tim. 1.6. 2 Tim. 2.14.16. And thirdly; with this their pride, and cunning, they sergeant by their Teachings, the doing of the same things, that the servants of the Truth in their Ministration do, as convincing men of sin, making them to loathe earthy pleasures, bringing them to much fasting, Prayer, Zeal, and many duties. Rom. 10.3. 1 Tim. 1.7. And so beguile, and deceive many: And lastly, they get into, and have Authority in great Mens, and Princes Courts, and by all, seek to hinder People from acknowledging the power of God in the Gospel. Act. 13.8. even as the Magicians did with Pharach, and the Egyptians, whence also these Seducers are compared too, and called in the Scriptures, Enchanters and Witches. Isa. 8.18,19,20. and those that are seduced by them are said to be bewitched. Gal. 3.1. 6. Men of corrupt minds, reprobate (or of no Judgement) concerning the Faith.] Here is the true, and plain Character of these Seducers, however they cloak themselves, in which two things are observable. 1. They are of corrupt minds, and that both in the conception, and inclination thereof. First, In the conception of their minds; They are corrupt, in that. I. They think that their Humane, and Artificial Knowledge, Wisdom, and Prudence, in the livingnesse thereof, is an help, and handmaid meet to be Sanctified, to help to find out the Spiritual Knowledge of the Deep things of GOD, that are in CHRIST, to bestow on his Chosen, contrary to the Testimony of the Holy Ghost, That saith; They are only discerned by the enlightening, and Revelation of the Spirit, and that that other Wisdom, and Knowledge shall be confounded and brought to naught, before they can be rightly used for ex●…ssion. Matt. 11.25. & 16,17. & 21.16. 1 Cor. 1.19,20,27. and 2. ●. 9,14. II. They think, the only necessary way for them to Prosper in their Ministration, is to be Alive, and have great esteem in the hearts of such as hear them, for great Learning, Knowledge, and Skill, contrary to the Judgement, and experiment of those taught of GOD, who have Abased themselves in that respect, and affirmed that when Death wrought in them, life wrought in others. Prov. 30.2,3. 2 Cor. 4,5,12. III. They are not of one mind; some more gross, as the Saducees, and some more refined as the Pharisees in their conception of the way. Secondly, In the inclination of their minds, not to exilt Christ only, but themselves, as Lords and Rabbyes, liking it best that the People should rest on their Judgements for points of Faith, and interpretation of Scripture, and not to presume to know beyond; contrary to the Upright, that were not content, till they knew as themselves knew, and had their evidence from God, that they might not depend on them, and would have them still be trying by Scripture, and wait for that Knowledge; and rejoiced when they had it. 2 Cor. 4.5. Joh. 3.29,30. 2 Pet. 1.18,19,20. besides the glary, honour, wealth, and great places, they Desire, and seek for themselves. Gal. 4.17. From which corrupt Minds, proceed their corrupt reasoning, and Practice; First, Their corrupt reasoning, and Arguments: can it be, that so many great Learned and Godly Divines, Ministers, and Professors, Annas and Cayaphas; The high Priests; The Priests and Elders; The Scribes and Pharisees, that sit in Moses Chair; and all their Disciples, whom the great Church so long Reverenced, should be ignorant of the Truth, and err; and that a Carpenter, the Son of a Carpenter; and a few Fishers, a Publican, a Tentmaker; men that are galileans, whom scarce any follow, but the common Illiterate People, that know not the Law, should k●…w the mind of God, and be in the Truth? Joh. 7.47,52. As the Antichristian Brood reason. Is it likely so many Godly Fathers, Divines, Bishops, Counsels, The great Church for so many Hundreth years; should err, and a few despised upstarts should be in the Truth? Secondly; Their corrupt practice of worshipping Angels, (Messengers,) Adoring these great learned Officers, as if they could not err; and so to be Depended on for all knowledge, and certainty of the word of Truth, not presuming to know; but what they have declared, nor looking for further light then in their say; And so calling them the Church; Thereby (as their Fathers the Pharisees of old, shadowed Christ, with two heads, by having two High Priests,) making Christ two Bodies, or Churches, one Spiritual; another Secular, one of the Clergy; another of the Laity; one of Public Officers, and Members, Another of private members, without Office, that the one may depend on the other, and neither hold the head, and both neglect the True Body. Col. 2.18,20. Contrary to 1 Cor. 12. Chap. like that 1 Cor. 1.12. 2. They are Reprobate, and of no judgement concerning the Faith concerning Letters, Tongues, Etymology of words, Philosophy, Logic, diversity of Books, Histories, Genealogies, Morallities, To move subtle Questions; To answer knotty Questions; To Dipute about Law, etc. They may be of great skill. 1 Cor. 1.19,20. 1 Tim. 1,2. But concerning the Faith, in that they are of no judgement; whether we respect the Doctrine; and object of Faith, or the Spirit, Grace, and operation of Faith: For; How all men should be reconciled to God in Christ, and yet most men in themselves, and their own hearts, enemies to Christ, and so to God still? 2 Cor. 5.19,20. How Christ should have paid the price for, and bought all men into his dispose, and yet justly Judge many of them to eternal Death? Rom. 14.8,12. How enough should be done for All men, by Christ, that they might be saved, and yet many not infallible, atternarly saved? Joh. 3.17,19. How man being dead in sins, etc. And having no Power or freedom of will, to choose life, and yet so much done by Christ, to make his Will free, That the fault of his not being ●…lly saved, should be found in his own will, and not in the Will of God, and Christ? Joh. 3.17,19. & 1.9. Prov. 1.23,26. Ezek. 18.23.32. & 33.11. How there should be such a Will in God, To have all men saved, and then brought to acknowledge the truth; And that Christ should Accomplish this his will, and condemn any to Eternal Death? 1 Tim. 2.4,5,6. 2 Pet. 2.1. How God should Order all things in his Counsels, and work all things according to the Counsel of his own Will; and yet not so necessitate any to destruction; But that their destruction is of themselves; They lose their own souls, and bring upon themselves Destruction? Ephes. 1.11. Hos. 13.9. Mat. 16.26. 2 Pet. 2.1,2. They cannot rightly conceive, or declare: Again, in the distinction, the Spirit in the Scripture maketh between the Salvation, jesus Christ wrought in his own body with God for men. 1 Pet. 2.24. And the salvation which in Application of the former; he by his Spirit worketh in men to God. Revel. 5.9. 2 Cor. 5.18. The Salvation he came down from heaven, & was abased to work, that he might bring us to God. Joh. 16.28. Heb. 10.1,10. 1 Pet. 3.18. And the Salvation, he ascended to heaven, was glorified to Work, in making sons, and bringing them to God. Psal. 68.18.20. Act. ●5. 31.32. Between the divers ends of Christ, in laying down his Life. 1. To be a Ransom, and Propitiation for sins. Heb. 9.22. Rom. 3.24,25. 2. To seal, and confirm the New Testament of Precious Promises. Heb. 9.15,16,17. 3. To be an example to us of Sufferings. 1 Pet. 2.23. And the different extent of these ends. 1 Joh. 2.1,2,3. And between the mission of Christ, To be the Saviour of the World, in Dying, and giving himself a Ransom for All. 1 Joh. 4.14. Joh. 1.29. and 3.17. and his Mission to Preach the Gospel, and confirm it with Miracles, which was to the jews, and for the Circumcision. Matt. 15.24. Rom. 18.8,9. Between his giving Himself to die, and offer Sacrifice, and his giving himself to Advocate, and apply the virtue of his Sacrifice. 1 Tim. 2.6. 1 Joh. 2.1,2. Ephe. 5.25,26,27. Between his Purchasing of his Father, by bloodshedding. Rom. 14.9. 2 Pet. ●. 1. And the Purchasing from among men, by his spiritual Application of his blood that was shed. Rev. 5.9. Act. 20.28. Between that which is full, complete and true, in Christ for All men, That they may believe, and in believing, receive it. Rom. 3.23,25. and 5.18. 1 Joh. 5.10,11,12. And these high and peculiar Privileges in Christ, further to dispense to such as through grace, are enabled to Believe, Joh. 1.12,13. and 7.36.39. Yea, between the extent and scope of the general Affirmations of the Gospel, as Propositions for Faith in the Third Person. Joh. ●. 19. ●. Tim. 2.6. and Applicative Affirmations, in First or Second Person. Rom. 8. 3●. Gal. 2.20. In all, or most of these Distinctions, they are ignorant, and confound them in one, as of like large extent; whence issues their setting the Scriptures at vaviance, to be reconciled by their prooflesse Glosses; And their corrupt opinion, that all Christ died for, must of necessity be eternally saved, and their false conjectures and Reports of those that believe CHRIST gave himself a Ransom for All Men, as that they hold men by nature to have ; or that Men may live as they list, etc. And as they are thus void of Judgement about the Doctrine, and object of Faith; so also about the Spirit, grace, and operation of Faith. How by the very evidence of the Spirit, in the appearance of Grace, manifested in the Blood and Sacrifice of Christ; and fullness in him; A man should be overcome to believe, and therein receive remission of sins, Peace with God, and hope, without encouragement from any works, frames, or qualifications of his own, or use of humane reasonings, or thoughts to help to faith. Tit. 3.4,5,7. Ephes. 2.8. Rom. 4.25. & 5.1. 2 Joh. 3.5. How through the Spirit, in this very believing, a man should be brought to depend on Christ, for subduing lusts, and Satan, for Sanctification, preservation, in grace; The precious Promises, and eternal life, without his own humane reasonings, workings, and self application of Promises. Rom. 5.11. 1 Joh. 2.24,25. Zach. 4.6,7. Gal. 5.5. 1 Thess. 5.24. How in this confident Believing, the Spirit writes the Law of grace in the heart, and by Discovery of glorious Grace in Christ, Takes off from earthy Excellencies, Melts, Humbles, Renews, and Conforms to the likeness of Christ, and fills with spiritual motions, and fruits, leading into all Truth, and unto all Services of Charity, without a man's own helpfulness of him by workings after the Law of works, and yet with no contrariety to it. Phil. 3.3,9. 2 Cor. 3.3.18. Gal. 5.16.18,22,23. and 6.8. Joh. 16.13,14. Rom. 8.2.14. How by abiding in this Faith, love shall work out all righteousness, that law requireth in a free bringing it forth, and the Believer grow in Sanctification, and fruitfulness, without being undered to the Law of Works, to bring it forth; Yet having Commandments as Servants, to Order the exercise of Charity. Rom. 13.10. 2 Cor. 5.14. Gal. 5.13,18. Joh. 15.1.10. Of these things they are ignorant, and of no Judgement, whence they make use of Arguments and Reasons, from frames, and qualifications to make up Faith. 2 Cor. And turn aside to be Teachers and imposers of the Law, for Sanctification. 1 Tim. 1.5.6,7. That nothing be said of those higher, and more mysterious Communications of Spirit, through Faith, in which the Believer is brought to see within the Veil, To receive the heavenly Oracles, To see unexpressible beauty, and receive unutterable intercourses of Love, etc. 1 Cor. 2.9. Phil. 3.20. Cant. 1,2, etc. The very uttering of the experiments whereof; These Seducers are such Strangers to them, that they count them follies, call them Sattannicall Delusions, and Enthusiasms, and Distempered Frenzies. Joh. 7.20. Act. 26.24. 1 Cor. 2.14. And thus are they marked out, To be of corrupt minds, and of no Judgement concerning the Faith. 7. But they shall proceed no further;] Here is their period, or full stop: The extent of their Work; Both in what they shall do, and with whom they shall prevail, to seduce and lead them captive. 1. The utmost of their Work, is but to trouble, and convince of sin, To press to Duties, and help to such hopes as are still under question, and in the Issue, gender to bondage, and Captive to the Judgement of the Seducers: This is the utmost of their work; That they may be still admiring, and relying on them also. Gal. 4.17.22,31. &. 5.8,12. Rom. 7.9. Phil. 3.1,2,7. But receipt of Spirit, and freedom in Christ, and experiment of fellowship with Christ, is not received in their Ministration. Gal. 3.1,5. & 5.1,3. 2. The utmost of their prevailing, is only with those that are yet unstable in the Faith, and lusting after approbation of men; whence, as those that are stable, and steadfast, are likened to men, and called men. 1 Cor. 16.13. So these unstable Ones, that are turned aside, are compared to Women, and called Women; And so the Apostle Intimates the Gallatians turning aside, to be for want of the form of CHRIST, in them. Gal. 4.19. And prefer faith; they are such as are unlearned, (not taught of God: as Isai. 34.13,17.) And Unstable (in the Faith,) That pervert the Scriptures, to their Destruction; And such they are, that fall from the Doctrine; In which their steadfastness is, and might be attained; and are so carried away with the error of the wicked. 2 Pet. 3.16,17,18. With none but such shall they prevail; They shall proceed no further. 8. But their folly shall be manifest to all men, as theirs also was;] Here is the last Issue of their business; And that is, when they still attempt, as the Magicians Did to proceed to do the same things that God by his servants doth: Their folly appears. 1. In their Attempting so to preach Gospel, as to bring their seduced, and embondaged from their bondage, and into the Kingdom, and Liberty of CHRIST; There they fall short, and turn aside to vain Janglings, Fables, Genealogyes, and strive about Words, saying, and affirming, that they understand not; and are in many things, ever and anon unsaying again. 1 Tim. 1.6. & 4,7. & 6.4,5,20. 2 Tim. 2.14,15. Wherein their folly becomes manifest. 2. In their deasings with those, who experimentally know, and are established in the Faith; they both fail of their purpose; and their folly appears to them, and may by them be made manifest to others; and in due season shall be manifest to All Men. 1. Joh. 2.18,28. Isai. 60.14. And thus, as this place may be found opened by, and agreeing with other places of Scripture, are these Seducers discovered; that they may be known. Yet I know, There is one exposition of the Word Houses here, by which, some would turn all aside: Namely. That by HOUSES, are meant PRIVATE-HOUSES, or men's Divelling Houses, built of Timber and Clay, Lime, and stone, etc. Though I suppose, they conceive these to have their Denomination from the house, household, or Family Inhabiting in them, else what meaneth that, 1 Cor. 1.11. Them of the House of Cloe. And again, Though such Houses, as they speak of, have been, are, and may be Preached in; yet consider. I. What Divinity is in this Interpretation; when the Apostle is treating of the House of GOD, and the Doctrine and behaviour therein, and of the evils of Seducers in the same, to understand houses so grossly? 1 Tim. 3.15. 2 Tim. 2.3. II. What Christianity is in this Interpretation, To lay down a sense so to condemn some, as they therein condemn Christ Jesus, and his Apostles, and Disciples, who as they Preached the Gospel in the Temple, and Synagogue, so they did Preach in men's houses also; and from house to house. Mat 9.10.17 & 12.46.48. Act. 5.42. & 20.20. Yea, in their own houses. joh. 1.39.43. Yea, even hired houses. III. Let this Interpretation be granted; yet there is neither Wisdom; nor Truth in their Application of it. For first, Reason would tell a man; That these Seducers so careful of their honour, and safety; would not commit Buglary in breaking into men's houses; nor as Thiefs, creep in at the windows, nor as silly ones, come in secretly, by the inletting of false servants, nor yet without the Invitation and Admittance of the Governors of those Houses: And then they are false witness bearers; which in such a sense say, They creep in: And Secondly; The truth is, The Apostle saith, Houses; Addeth neither men's Houses, nor private Houses, and what are they that add, or take away from the words of Scripture, as the Devil did in his Allegation thereof. Deut. 4. Matt. 4.6. And is not the public place, where People meet to Worship God, called a house also. Joh. 2.16. And are not such as have not not the Word of Grace in their hearts, and so want Authority from heaven, and secretly get outward Authority, and come into these Houses, (without the foreknowledge, and desire of those that maintain the same, and meet therein,) to be their Teachers; Creepers into Houses? And can they that have the Word of Grace in their hearts occasionally Declaring it; not presuming to be Teachers in these Houses without a lawful outward Gall? Act. 13.15. Nor in private Houses, without the Admittance of the Governors of those houses. Act. 10.33. Be said to creep into Houses, let either right Reason, or Religion judge this, and how contrary it is to. 1 Pet. 2.2,3,4,5,9. And as for this Gross Interpretation, for a mis-application, to condemn the use of Spiritual gifts in Believers fellowship in the Gospel, in Declaration of the same, and praying together in men's houses; Is it not contrary to the Spirit of Christ. 1 Cor. 12.7. The Practice of Christ and his Apostles; The end of Christ, his Ascension, and giving of Spirit. Ephes. 4.7,12. and the growth of the body. vers. 16. Doth it not sad the hearts of Believers, and strengthen the hands of unbelievers? Ezek. 33.3,22. Who receiveth it, doth not the World? 1 Joh. 4.5. Doth it not occasion some that sit in the gate, to speak and do that they should not against Believers, and the Drunkards to make songs, and the Hypocrites to make Jests of them, and the Abjects to rave against them? Psal. 69.7,12. and 35.15,16. And while they would by this means engross all to themselves, and exalt themselves, as the only Teachers; Is not that verified in their teaching, that is Prophesied. Ezek. 34.1,6. And are not their common Approvers, those Prophesied of. 2 Tim. 4.3,4. And let but this corrupt Interpretation, and mis-application be rejected: And then this sense of the Word Houses, may be added in the second place to that at first mentioned; and stands well for receiving all that is said about this business: Let the Scripture be viewed, and so the place considered: And then let any, that will not wilfully blind themselves, consider, and give Answer, as in their own Conscience and Judgement, they conceive; And say. 1. Who, or of what Number are these Seducers to be reckoned? and of what sort will you count the Seducers? whether of those That 1. Love their own selves, such as are their Friends, of their own sect and opinion. Matt. 5.43,44. Or, that 1. Love all men, till they become of the Serpentine seed, though enemies to them, yet pitying them, and seeking their good. 2 Cor. 5.13,15. 2. Mind, and count earthy Riches, Honours, and Preferments. 1 Tim. 6,5. Phil. 3.19,20. Rom. 8.5,6. 2. Mind, and seek the things that are above, spiritual and heavenly. Col. 3.1,2. 3. Are Boasters of their Sect, and of their Knowledge, parts, places, holiness, and Authority. 1 Cor. 11.18. Jer. 9.23. Isai. 65.15. 3. Are Abasers of themselves, in respect of all such humane things. Prov. 30.2,3. Act. 3.12. 1 Tim. 1.13,15. 4. Are proud, conceiting themselves better, wiser, and holier than others, standing upon their parts, and places. joh. 7.48,49. Luk. 18.11. 4. Are humble, conceiving themselves no better than others; standing on no strength, but the freegrace, Spirit, and Power of God. Rom. 3.9, 2. and 1.3,5. 5. Are Blasphemers of the Freegrace, and Doctrine, and plain say of Christ in the Gospel, and those that believe, and hold forth the same. Joh. 14.24. Mat. 27.63. Act. 26.24. and 28.22. 5. Are magnifyers of the grace and Gospel of Christ, and the truth of his say, and blessers even of them that Persecute them. 1 Cor. 15.14. 2 Cor. 13.8. Rom. 12.14. 6. Neglect natural duty to Parents, under pretence of Religious Acts. Mat. 15.4,5,6. 6. Are careful by all well-doing, to gain in, even their unbelieving Parents. Rom. 9.1. 1 Cor. 9.22. 1 Tim. 6.1. 1 Pet. 3.1. 7. Are unthankful to GOD for his Love to mankind, and those that bring the tidings thereof among men, and for those that receive the same. Joh. 10.32. & 7.48,49. Psal. 2.2,3. 7. Are thankful for the Gospel, declaring this love to mankind, and for those that so preach it; And for those that do receive it. Rom. 1.16. & 6.17. Col. 1.4,5. 8. Are unholy, or profane, Despising their birthright in the Gospel, and living to themselves. Heb. 12.16. 8. Are holy, in high estimate of the Gospel, and their birthright therein, and living to Christ, and to God in Christ, in the service of his grace, and Gospel. 2 Cor. 5.15. Phil. 1.20,21. 9 Are without natural Affection, not tendering men of their own flesh and blood, forbidding the Preaching of the Gospel to them, that they might be saved. Act. 17.24,27. 1 Thes. 2.15,16. 9 Are compassionate towards all men of the same flesh and blood, declaring the Gospel to them, that they might be saved. Heb. 2.14. 2 Cor. 5.13,14. Tit. 3.2,3,4,5. 10. Are Truce-breakers, Departing from their Promises, and practices of Peace, and withdrawing others from their Concord in the Gospel. Rom. 16.17,18. 10. Are Makers of Peace, in seeking that men might have Peace with God, and with those that call on him, with a pure heart, and Peaceable towards all men. Mat. 5.9. 2 Tim. 2.22. Heb. 12.14. 11. Are false accusers of the Doctrines, Say, and lives of such as Preach the Gospel plainly. Rom. 3.5,8. Act. 6.13,14. 11. Are no Accusers, nor forgers, or receivers of false Accusation, only sober discerners, juagers of that which on proof appears, and by the Gospel is judged. Mat. 7.16. 1 Tim. 5.12. That are. 12. Incontinent, in inordinate desires after satisfying some lusts of the flesh. Mat. 23.6,7. Or, that are. 12. Subdued in having such Affections and lusts of the flesh crucified, and to accept Denials. Gal. 5.24. 2 Cor. 6.8. 13. Fierce, and full of bitterness, and wrath in their oppositions of the truth, and the publishers thereof. Act. 7. & 9.1. 13. Patient, and suffering Reproaches and afflictions, entreating when defamed. 2 Cor. 6.4.8. 14. Despisers of those that are good, if not of their faction, and jump with him in every opinion, and practise. joh. 7.49. & 9,16. 14. Lovers, and esteemers of the good, or goodness in any; Though different in some things, both in opinion, and Practise. Rom. 14.1,9. 15. Traitors, that under pretence of submission and love, seek to ensnare, and betray, those they pretend to love and honour. Matt. 22.15,18. 15. Plainly Declare their mind, though they suffer, and seek the good, and not the overthrow, and ruin of every, or any one. 2 Cor. 4.2. and 13.6. 2 Thess. 5.15. 16. Heady proceeding, according to will, without cause, or respect to right reasoning, or duty. 2 Thes. 2.3. Matt. 27.23. 16. Advised, not proceeding, but with good ground and warrant, and with respect to right reason, and duty. 1 Sam. 17.29. Gal. 2.11. Tit. 1.13. 17. High minded: seeking great things, and great respect for themselves, in truding into the things they have not seen. Mat. 23.6. Col. 2.18. 17. Not seeking, or advancing themselves, but Christ jesus the Lord, nor presuming above the proportion of Faith given them. 2 Cor. 4.5. Rom. 12.3. 18. Lovers of Pleasures, their own Peace; fullness, ease, and freedom from the sufferings of Christ, more than they love God, and his truth. Phil. 3.18,19. Gal. 6.12. 18. Indurers of hardship, and patiented Sufferers for Christ his Truth, and People. Gal. 6.14. 2 Cor. 6.4,8. 19 Contenters of themselves with a form of godliness without, yea, denying the Power of it. 2 Cor. 11.15. Gal. 6.13. 19 Regarders of no form of Godliness; but what issues, through faith in Christ, from the Word and Spirit of grace in the heart. 2 Cor. 3.1,3. 18. Rom. 8.2 9,11.14. Now whether the Seducers in respect of outward, and Ecclesiastical Authority, get in more secretly; as they were feign to do in in the Apostles days, or more openly, as they do in the days the Apostle Prophesied of. 2 Tim. 3.6.1. and 4.3. To teach in private or Public Houses, if any be doubtful, of which of these two sorts they are, let him read. 2 Tim. 3.2,6. 2. Again, who are they that creep into houses Public or Private. Those▪ That are. 1. Believe not the plain say of Gospel; and are not spiritually enlightened, and taught of God, and so have no mission from heaven. Col. 2.18. joh. 17.9,18,20. Or, 1. That have the word of grace in their heart; Spiritually taught and so having Faith and Charity, speak according to the proportion of Faith, and so with mission from heaven. Rom. 12.3. 1 Pet. 4.10,11. 1 Cor. 2.13. 2 Cor. 5.19. 2. Hid the Gospel, and deliver their minds in subtle Questions, and enticing words of man's wisdom. 2. That Deliver the Gospel in plain words, and according to the plain say of Christ, with evidence of Spirit. 1 Cor. 2.1,6. 2 Cor. 4.1,2. 3. Or who doth the work of these Seducers? Those that entangle with bondage, or those that endeavour to bring to liberty in Christ. And so it may be Demanded, according to what is in this wrighting, by which all that know & Believe the Scripture, may give Answer, & so both truly discern, and say: who these Seducers. be; which may also. 1. Warn all that believe, and profess the Gospel, to beware of these Seducers, and of being spotted with their spots; and of Inward, and intimate fellowship with them; or receiving their Peaching, but the more abundantly to Preach the Gospel, and contend for the faith. 1 Tim. 6.3,5. 2 Tim. 3.5. & 4.2,3,4. Judas 1,2,3,4. 2. Stir up all, not to rest, till they be established in the Faith; That so they may be out of the Danger of being overcome by these Seducers. Gal. 4.17. 2 Pet. 1.10,19. 3. Comfort us all that are establish in CHRIST: These Seducers shall not carry away the least established babe. 1 Pet. 1.3,5. and 2.2,9. with Matth. 16.16.18. Now the LORD establish us in CHRIST, and Unite; and make us fruitful in Him; To whom be Glory for ever. AMEN. FINIS.