THE TRUE LIGHT Hath made manifest DARKNESS: OR, Zion builded up, and Babylon cast down. WITH A true Answer of what the Baptist Teachers objected against the Servant of the Lord who in scorn is called a Quaker, and known to the world by the name of john Moon, in several places in Wales, both in Radnorshire, and Brecknockshire, whose names are these. Hugh Evans, John Price, Daniel Penry, Reese Davies, John Prosser, Evans Oliver, and Vavasor Powel, who are called Ministers of the Gospel, but are found to be enemies to it. Joel 2, 10. The Lord is uttering his voice out of holy Zion, and saith the earth shall quake before them, and the heavens shall tremble. Psal. 2. 11. Serve the Lord with fear, and rejoice with trembling. Some of Vavasor Powel's doctrine tried, and made manifest by the Light. And also some Queries given forth, and are to be answered by them that lives in observations. This is given forth by me who is a lover of the Truth, and known to the world by this name, John Moon. London, Printed for G. Calvert, at the black Spread-Eagle near the West end of Paul's, 1657. The true Light hath made manifest Darkness, etc. NOW is the day wherein the Lord God is making manifest his love in the hearts of his people, to the discovering the deceit of the heart, and makes manifest unto man the false way of Worship, and to the discovering of all rotten profession which many do boast in; and this love is that which thinks none ill, which is that light which shines in darkness; and if man will but hearken unto it, and obey it, it will lead man out of the ways of darkness, into the way of light and life: And herein man will come to know and possess that which the world professes; now he that would know the way unto life, must first know that light which shines in darkness to be the Judge and Condemner of his evil deeds; for all them that will not come to the light to be tried, their deeds are evil; and these are them that profess that with their tongues which their souls never did possess; and these are them by whom the way of God is evil spoken of: Therefore hold not thy peace O God, but arise and plead the cause of thy children, and make all the ungodly to know that thou art a righteous Judge, and that by thy eternal Word, the mouth of the Wicked may be stopped, and all them who are gainsayers of the Truth may be confounded, and that thou by thy own Work, O Lord, may be praised and glorified for evermore. This is in love to all you who would know the Truth as it is in Jesus, and who has a desire to know true possession from the rotten profession, which stands in observations, who are by the children of God known to be the uncircumcised Philistines. And as the servant of the Lord was declaring the Word of the Lord to the people, and said Christ lighteth every man that cometh into the World, and it is by that light which man is to be lead out of darkness. And one of the Baptists, called Hugh Evans, said, That the true Light shineth but in some, and not in all. He was demanded to prove it, but could not. This I say, That the true Light is that which lighteth every one, as saith the Scripture, That was the true Light, John 1. 9 which lighteth every man that cometh into the world. Now see how contrary to the Scripture he doth speak, that would make John a false Witness, and the Scripture to be a lie, which saith, Light shines in darkness, and darkness comprehends it not. Now every one consider that readeth, and see John 1. 5. if ye can find in all the Scripture, if it doth declare of any other but the Righteous and the Wicked; Light and Darkness; the straight Way, and the broad Way; the one is the Way to life, and the other unto death: Now every one that knows that Way which leads unto death, it is the light that shows it him; and if he will hearken to the Light, it will show him what wilhe should deny, and what cross to bear; and through the denial of his own will, the cross he will come to know, which daily should be born, and then he will come to know it to be the power of God unto salvation: And if man doth not deny that will which leads into iniquity, it is that will which stumbles at the cross, & counts it foolishness; but these are them which perish, and talks of the Cross, but knows it not, nor the power of God, but are found Enemies to it; and these are them who saith Christ hath given light unto some, and not to all; and herein they would make Christ to be a respector of persons; If ye have James 2. 9 respect to persons ye commit sin, and are convinced of the Law as a Transgressor: Now this I say, That Christ hath respect Acts 10. 34. to no man's person, as saith the Apostle, Of a truth I perceive that God is no respector of persons; now here every one that reads may see their confused Language, and may see that those are them who speaks contrary to the Scripture; and all these who would know life, must believe in the Son of God who is the light which shines in darkness, which is the condemnation of the wicked, as the Scripture doth declare, This is the condemnation, That Light is come into the world, and John 3. 19 men loved darkness rather than Light, because their deeds were evil; for every one that doth evil hateth the light, but he that doth truth cometh to the Light, that his deeds may be made manifest that they are wrought in God; and here it shows but of two, the one his deeds were evil, and he hateth the Light; and the other he loveth the Light, and brought his deeds to the Light: Now herein he that reads may see that the Professors do say that the Light shines unto them, but not to others; and herein it doth appear by their own words, that their Profession is darkness: Now this I say, That the light shines to the profane, and to them that sits in darkness, as the Scripture beareth witness; God gave his only Son a light Luke 8. 79. to them that sit in darkness, and in the shadow of death. And also the same man said, That Christ and his spirit were distinct. I say, That they are one, and not distinct; Christ is the life, and the Spirit is life because of Righteousness: Now see Rom. 8. 20. where is the distinction, for the Scripture declares that the John 17 21. Father and the Son are one, as you may read, That they all may be one, as thou Father art in me, and I in thee; that they also Ver. 22. may be one in us, that the world may believe that thou hast sent me, and the glory which thou gavest me, I have given them, that they may be one, even as we are one. Them who have an eye to see withal, let them see the confusion which the Baptist declares, who would make Christ and his Spirit distinct one from the other, which is contrary to the Scripture; so with the Scripture they are judged, and with the life which gave forth the Scripture, they are condemned; as Christ said; the hour cometh, and now is when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth; John 4. 23. for the Father seeketh such to worship him; for God is a Spirit and they that worship him must worship him in Spirit and in truth; and now herein you may see that Christ and Ver. 24. that Spirit wherein he is worshipped is one, and it is them that he is well pleased with; but them that knows not his true worship speaks evil of it; and these are them that would make a distinction between Christ and his Spirit. As the servant of the Lord, who is by the world called quaker, went to a meeting, and there to wait upon the Lord; and as he was moved by the Lord, to declare his word to the people, how they must come to know the way unto God, which is light, and said that which made manifest sin is light, and it is that light which shows man the broad way which is sin, and if man would hearken to that light and obey it, it would lead him to know the straight way where life is to be found, and said as long as man is going on in his sin he is in the way of darkness; and there the true light shines and shows him the evil deeds of darkness; and now he that loves the Lord, and would know the redemption of his soul, must learn of the light to deny that will, whereby he is lead to do evil; for it is that will which is not subject to the Lord, and as long as man harbours that will, he harbours the cursed thing which is the enemy of man's soul; and man that harbours that cursed thing, with it is to perish; but man denying the cursed thing, & owning that light and obeying it, it would lead him to know a day of redemption; and if man deny that light which shows him sin, to be his teacher, redemption he will not know. Then one of the chiefest of the professors called john Price hearing me declare to the people how they should know truth from error; and light from darkness; then he said there is an other way besides light and darkness, and that they are distinct one from the other; I bade him prove three ways: and this is his proof, there is God, man, and the devil: I bade him prove them distinct one from the other and clear it to the satisfying of the people that way which was neither light nor darkness; and I demanded of him to show and make manifest to the people the word which said they are distinct one from the other, but he could not. An. Now this I say; that there is no other way but light and darkness, and man is in the one way, and obeying the one, as the Scripture maketh manifest; know ye not that to Rom. 6. 26. whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants ye are; now if man obey the light, he obeys God; and if man obey sin, he obeys the work of the devil; now every one consider and mind the light, which will show man which way he is going, and when he doth evil it reproves him, and shows him whose work he is doing; for there is none that can serve two Masters; so people consider, whom ye serve I Cor. 6. 16, 17. and what ye are joined unto, for he that is joined to an harlot is one body, for two (saith he) shall be one flesh; but he that is joined to the Lord is one spirit; and now every one own that light which will show you what you are joined unto; and every one that is joined to his own will, which is the lust of the flesh, except he deny that will with it he must perish; So every one that would know the way to the kingdom of God; must learn of the light to deny his own will; and take up the Cross and follow Christ Jesus daily, and then he will come to know the power of God; which overcomes the wicked one; this I say, that there is God, man, and the devil; and man is joined to the one, either to God or to an harlot; now let the wise in heart judge where the third way is. And the same man saith, that faith is not the gift of God. An. Now this I say, that faith whereby man is saved from sin is the gift of God; as the Scripture beareth testimony, for by Eph. 2. 8. grace ye are saved through faith, & that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; now here, in your way; see how contrary to the Scripture he speaks, & though many may have the letter and know the Chapter, and verse, and yet be ignorant of the way unto life; so all people consider, what way you are in, and what faith you do know, for that faith which is without works is dead; now see if you know that faith which saves from sin; if not, your faith & you must perish; and this is that faith which the world lives in, and though the world may have the letter to talk on; yet this I say, there was not any by it saved; for the drunkard, the swearer, liar, and the covetous one, these have the letter to talk on; but are not saved from their sins, and these are them who follow the blind teachers of the world; and if the blind lead the blind both shall fall into the ditch; now people consider in what condition you are in, and see if you can witness to be saved from your sins, for if you live in them, ye are them who are deceived, and are in the broad way; for sin is the broadest way that any can walk in; now let him that readeth, read with an understanding; and see if in all the Scripture ye can find of any other saving faith, but what is given of God. Daniel Penry, another of the Baptists said as he was declaring to the people, That the Devil spoke in the people of God. Answ. Now this I say, That the people of God is the Temple of God, as the Scripture declares; Know ye not that 1 Cor. 6. 19 your bodies is the Temple of the Holy Ghost, which is in you? Now people consider how confusedly he hath spoken, for that which he said is more likely to be the Synagogue of Satan then the Temple of God, for where the Devil speaks is the Idols Temple; and God said, What agreement hath the 1 Cor. 6. 19 Temple of God with Idols? For ye are the Temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will he their God, and they shall be my people. Now he that hath an eye to see withal, may see their confused Language, who doth call the Temple of God the Idols Temple, and herein they are found to be them that call Truth Error, but Truth hath made manifest their Errors; and all them who knows the Truth, and the true Worship and Temple of God, they know how and by what the Prince of this World is cast out, as the Scripture declares, they know it so to be; Now is the judgement of this World, now shall the Prince of this world be cast out; and all ye that knows him to be cast out, John. 10. 31. praise ye, and glorify the Name of the Lord God for evermore. Rees Davies, and another said, who were two Baptists, these words, That in the devil there is as much of God as makes him tremble. And the other said, That there is as much of God in the Devil as in man. Answ. I said he had spoken contrary to the Scripture; and I said, The hope of Glory is in man, and it is not in the devil; as the Scripture meakes manifest; to whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this Gal. 1. 27. mystery amongst the Gentiles, which is Christ in you the hope of glory; now all people consider, and see how confusedly they speak, and contrary to the Scripture; so every one mind that light which convinces of sin; and leads to the mystery of faith; and leads out of all blind profession to the true possession, where man will come to know a rest to the weary soul; and now concerning the devil, I say he is out of the truth, and the truth is not in him, as the Scripture doth affirm, Ye are of your Father the devil, and the lust of your John 8 44. Father ye will do, he was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth because there is no truth in him: so all people consider and mind that light, which lighteth every man that comes into the world; that by it you may come to be lead out of darkness to know the light of life, but if you deny the light which convinces of sin, out of darkness you cannot come and you will remain ignorant of the truth, and though man declare the truth unto you ye cannot believe. As the servant of the Lord, was moved of the Lord to go unto on of the Baptist meetings, to declare as he was moved of the Lord unto the people, and said that all worship that stood in the will of man was abomination unto the Lord, and said where two or three were gathered togeteer in the name of the Lord, he would be in the midst of them; and I declared and said that Christ is the light of the world, and lighteth every man that comes into the world, and it is that which shows man sin, and shows the drunkards, he should not be drunk, and the liar he should not lie; and the proud he reproves; then one of the Baptists hearing me, cried out and said, prove, prove thy doctrine, for I deny it; then I said unto him, if thou canst disprove me do, and if thou canst not believe me; and I said dost thou cry out against me, because I declare against pride, and thou being an upholder of it? then he said, wherein am I an upholder of it? then I said thou art on who goeth about to sell ribaning and lace, and how canst thou have a face to speak to the people and say thou art one who declares the Gospel; then he answered and said, that ribaning, and lace, is to adorn the Gospel; then I said the same the drunkard and the swearer is adorned withal; now people consider what the Baptist Gospel is adorned withal, for the same the whore of Babylon is adorned with; but this I say that the Gospel of Christ is the power of God unto salvation, unto every one that believes; & it is adorned with righteousness; and now herein you may see the defference between the Baptists Gospel, and the Gospel of Christ; and the same Baptist said that there is nothing that is pure of God, in every man's conscience, and he bade me prove that there is some thing which is pure of God in every man's conscience, and he bade me prove that there is something which is pure of GOD in every Man's conscience, and this Scripture I bring to prove it, for the grace of God that brings salvation, hath appeared to all men, and this is that which is pure, for there is nothing that Tit. ●. 11. brings salvation but that which is of God; as the Scripture declares, that was the true light which lighteth every man 1 John 2. 9 that cometh into the world, and this is that which convinces the world of sin; the true light which shines in darkness, Vers. 5. and darkness comprehends it not, and now peopel this I say there is but that conscience which is purged, and that conscience which is defiled as the Scripture declares Christ Heb. 9 14. through the eternal spirit offered himself without spot to God; purge your consciences from dead works to serve the living God; and that conscience which is defiled, is the conscience of the wicked; and Christ came to call them to repentance, which defiled the conscience; and that which is defiled is darkness, and there the true light shineth; and now all people that reads this, read it with an understanding and see if the profession be not one with the profane, for many more words was betwixt them and me, which is not worth the mentioning, in so much that they said that the heart of man is always deceitful; and herein by their own words, it doth appear that neither their profession, nor their possession doth cleanse their hearts from sin, so all them that would know the remission of sin, own that which convinces of sin which is the son of God, who sets free that freedom, you may all come to know. Evan Oliver, a Baptist said these words, that God and his grace is not both on. An. I say that God and his grace is both one, & it is the grace of God which brings salvation, and which is the teacher of the children of God, as saith the Scripture; for the grace of God that brings salvation hath appeared to all men; teaching Tit. 2. 11, 12. us to deny ungodlyness and worldly lusts; and now people consider and see where you can find in all the Scripture, that God is not one with that which brings salvation; for it is the grace of God that tells, and teaches man the way to God, and separates man from his iniquities? Some of the conference which pased betwixt John Moon and Vavaser Powel, who goeth under a pretence of being a Minister of the Gospel, but is found to be an enemy to the Gospel of Christ, and to his servants, who is and was sent to declare the Gospel of Christ as it is made manifest, to all them that knows the truth. The first error. Vavaser Powel said these words, that Christ called his disciples, ye unbelieving and faithless Generation. Then John Moon said that the disciples were believers, and had faith, for if the disciples were not believers and had not faith they were not saved, but were already condemned, and if they were condemned, who are they that are saved? And now herein Powel thou art found judging the servants of God to be without faith; but this I declare that Christ loved them, and choosed them out of the world, to declare his eternal word of truth; and from that word they declared, These things have I written unto you that believe on the I John 5. 13. name of the Son of God, that ye may know that ye have eternal life; now here the Scripture doth make manifest that they did believe and had eternal life; and james said, Yea a man may say thou hast faith and I have works, show me thy James 2. 18. faith without thy works; and I will show thee my faith by my works; Now all people that read may come to see that the disciples believed and had faith as said John: for whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world, and this is the I Joh. 5. 4. victory that overcometh the world even our faith; and all them who knows the faith which is given of God, they know by that faith to overcome sin; and so they come to witness the Scriptures; and to know the everlasting Gospel. But thou Vavaser Powel, who goeth about to tell the people of a Gospel and of a Faith, but they know not the power of God nor that faith which purifies; and thou art he who art found declaring a Gospel without power which is not the Gospel of Christ; but to that Gospel which is the power of God thou art found to be him who is an enemy to the Gospel of Christ; and that faith which was delivered to the saints. for if thou hadst known that faith which purifies, thou wouldst not have said by them who Jesus Christ choosed to declare the Gospel, ye unbeliveing and faithless generation; but Powel herein thou hast made thyself manifest to all them that will not be will fully blind; and in stead of being a friend to the Gospel, thou art found and enemy unto it, and a revening wolf, who is seeking to devour the Lamb, and them who are messengers from the Lamb of God, to declare the eternal word of truth to the people, but I found thee Powel declaring to the people, that the servants of God who are his disciples, that they were an unbeliveing and faithless generation; and herein Powel thou art found declaring thy errors to the people, and contrary to the Scripture crying up sin, and another Gospel which is without the power of God, and them that believe in it, shall never know to be redeemed from their sins; but always live and die in them; and this is the end of thy ministry. Now I am come to the second error? Thou Vavaser Powel, who sayest that them who are sanctified, purified, and cleansed did commit sin, and fall into sin. Then John Moon answered and said, he that sanctifieth and he that is sanctified are one, and this Scripture I bring to prove it; for both he that sanctifieth and they who are sanctified are all of one, for which cause he is not ashamed to call them brethren; and now this I say that it is Christ Heb 2. 1● that sanctifieth; and he doth not commit sin, and he that is sanctified is one with him, and he that is cleansed and purified is one with the Father, and the Son; but they who doth commit sin is not one neither with the Father nor the Son; for God is of purer eyes than can behold iniquity; and this is he who is light, and them who are sanctified walks in the light as I h said; but if we walk in the light as he is in the light we have fellowship one with another, and the blood I John 2. 7. of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin; now here all that readeth may see that he who is sanctified is one with God; But Powe who would make the people believe that he that is sanctified commit's sin, this is but to cover his Gospel which is without power. Then I hearing him preaching to uphold sin; and saying that the godlyest man that ever was upon earth would sin, than I asked him if any ware clear or holy that passed before us; he answered and said no not one; then I brought this Scripture, Now ye are clean through the word which I have spoken unto you; then he said he would disprove it, and John 15. 3. sought in a Bible to make these words to be a lie, and brought two or three scriptures; then I spoke and said, owel art thou going to prove Christ's words to be aly, for Christ spoke these words, that I have read, and thou art going to prove them a lie; and herein thou hast made thyself manifest to all them that will not be wilfully blind; and instead of being a Preacher of the Gospel, thou art found to be him that would destroy it, and is declaring contrary to the Scriptures as thou sayest, There was no man holy upon earth; and Christ and his disciples said, there was, for the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man, but holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the holy Ghost; 2 Pet. 1. 21. but thou Powel hast made thyself manifest, that thou dost not know this prophecy; if thou hadst known that prophecy which is of God, thou wouldst not have cried up to the people sin and wickedness, and against the holy men of God; but herein thou art found in another prophecy, which stands in thy own will, and that makes the world to receive thy testimony, and thou goest under a pretence to be a Preacher of the Gospel, but I find thee declaring to the people thy errors, crying up sin and wickedness, and said it was to comfort the people; Now people to let you know Powel errors which he preaches, is these, He is crying up sin and corruption and wickeduess, and these are them that are guided by the spirit of error, and he saith, The righteous man committeth sin, and I say, That is an error; and he said, He that is clean committeth sin, and that is an other error; for who soever committeth sin is guided by the spirit of error; and these are them whom thou Powel art declaring to the people, and to cover thy errors, thou criest up an ordinanance to make thy errors to seem glorious to the world, but thy ordinance is no more but what the drunkard, swearer, and liar, doth know, and feed upon, and die; for they are eating bread, and drinking wine, but they do not discern the Lords body, and Eccles. 7. 20. if thou Powel hadst discerned the Lord's body, thou wouldst not have brought this Scripture; for there is not a just man upon earth that doth good, and sinneth not; But herein thou hast made thyself more manifest that sayest, There is not a just man; thou hast long been learning of the unjust; if thou hadst but known, or confessed that Christ is come into the world thou wouldst have hid thy error, and thy profession would have seemed more glorious; but thou saying, There is not one that doth good, and sinneth not, thou hast denied that Christ is come into the world; and herein thou art made manifest, to be a Minister of Antichrist, which upholds sin, and thou pleading for thy master's kingdom; for if thou hadst known the Gospel of Christ thou wouldst not have said, There is none that doth good; for it is the Gospel of Christ which doth good, and as many as believe in it shall be saved; But thou art far from knowing this Gospel, or learning of it now see where thou and thy professors have been learning all this while, who saith, There is none doth good, and sinneth not, thou and thy professors are far from witnessing this Scripture, and Heb. 8. 11. they shall not need to teach every man his neighbour, and every man his brother, saying, know the Lord, for all shall know me Ver. 12 from the least, to the greatest; for I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins, and their iniquities will I Heb. 20. 14. remember no more saith the Lord; For by one offering he hath pefected for ever them that are sanctified; Now all people that read may see how contrary to the Scripture Powel hath spoken, that saith, He that is sanctified doth commit sin, and the Scripture saith, he that is sanctified is perfected for ever and this is to let you see his blindness, who is the blind guide. Now I am Come to his Third Error. Thou Vavaser Powel who sayest that the children of God, went into sin, and committed sin, and the Lord passed by them and did not reprove them. Answ. Then john Moon answered and said, that God did convince and reprove them that committed sin, and the Lord is no respecter of persons, and he will not let the transgressors go unpunnished; for you only have I known of all the families of the earth; therefore I will punish you Amos 3. 2. for all your iniquities saith the Lord; but thou who wouldst have the Lord to reprove some, and not others; herein thou wouldst make him to be a respector of persons; but this I say, that the Lord came to execute judgement upon all, and to convince all that are ungodly amongst them of all their ungodly deeds which they have ungodly committed, and of all their hard speeches which they have spoken Judas 1. 15. against him. Now here I have made it appear by Scripture, that the Lord convinces all, and that he executes judgement upon all, and they that commit sin are wicked, but them who are the children of the Lord they know to be born of the immortal seed which the blessing is to; and herein we know, that whosoever is born of God sinneth not, but he that is begotten of God keepeth himself, and that wicked one 2 Joh. 5. 18. toucheth him not: but if thou hadst known that birth which is of God, thou wouldst not have said that they committed sin; but thou being ignorant of the new birth, therefore thou art speaking evil of it, and it serves thee to talk on, and make a trade of it. Now Powel if thou wert not blind, thou mightst see thy confused language, and see that thy Ministry is contrary to the Apostles doctrine; for their doctrine was for the perfecting Eph. 4. 12, 13. of the Saints, for the work of the Ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ, till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God unto a perfect man, whom we preach, warning every man, and teaching every Gal. 1. 28. man in all wisdom, that we may present every man perfect in Christ Jesus. But Powel thy Ministry is to declare to the people to uphold sin and wickedness, and tell them they must never be clean, nor never to have power to keep them out of Sin, but that they must commit sin, and the Lord will pass by it: And herein thou art striving with all thy might and power to keep the people in their sins, and that they shall never be free whilst they are upon earth: but all people consider what life you live the same you must die; and own that light which shows you what life you do live, and what your works is, and every one is to receive a reward according to his deeds, and as long as you follow them, that cries up sin, you follow the ministers of AntiChrist; and these are them that ran, and the Lord sent them not; and therefore they shall not Prophet my people at all saith the Lord; and these are them who saith there is none that doth good and sinneth not; but them who are sent of the Lord, they know the just and him that doth good; O how I love thy Law, it is my meditation all the day, and and thy Testimonies are wonderful, therefore doth my soul keep them, the entrance of thy word giveth light, it giveth Psal. 1 19 96. v. understanding to the simple; I have seen an end of all perfection, blessed are they that keep his testimonies, and that seek him with the whole heart, they also do no iniquity, they Ver. 2, 3. walk in his ways, and trust in his name, and these are the remnant of Jsrael they shall not do iniquity, nor speak lies, Zeph. 3. 13. ver. neither shall a deceitful tongue be found in their mouths, for they shall feed and lie down in perfect peace, and none shall make them afrind. Some Queries given forth by the Servant of the Lord, and are to be answered by them that lives in observations: Quaery 1. WHat the fall of man is? and, Where that is which man fell from? and, How man must know it again? and, Whether the resurrection be to that which man fell from, yea or nay? Quaery 2. What is that which letteth, and will let until it be taken out of the way? And where it is? And what is that which the Letter killeth? And where it is killed? Quaery 3. What the soul of man is? and where it is? and how must man know when it is in death, and when it is raised to life? Quaery 4. Whether Jesus Christ be not the Light of the world? And how doth he enlighten every man that cometh into the world? and how is that Light the condemnation of them that do evil? Quaery 5. Who are they which Christ spoke to, and said, Now are ye clean through the word which I spoke unto you? And what that resurrection is which Paul said, If by any means he might attain unto it, seeing that all menshall arise? Quaery 6. Whether they which are eating bread, and drinking wine, be not them which are showing forth the Lords death, and deny his coming? and what Ordinances are those which the Apostle said, Touch not, taste not, handle not that which is to perish; show what Ordinances they are? Quaery 7. Whether any man may be perfect whilst he is upon the earth? And whether the new birth be witnessed by any but them who were perfect, yea or nay? Quaery 8. What Zion is? and where it is? and where the flesh of the Son of man is, that except a man eat thereof, he hath no life in him. Quaery 9 What that is which is dead in the grave, which shall hear and rise up to life? and what that is which must rise to condemnation? and where that grave is? and what that voice is? and where it is to be heard? Quaery 10. What is the cross of Christ? and how doth the creature know it, and bear it? and how is it preached? and what is the offences of it? and how is it the power of God to salvation? and how doth it become a stumbling block? and how doth the offences of it cease? Quaery 11. What the false Prophet is? and where he is? and what his worship is? from the true Prophets show the difference. Quaery 12. What God and King is that which the people shall look upwards and curse? and where they are? and what their worship is, that the people might no longer worship them? Quaery 13. What the people was turned unto, seeing they had the Letter and were in darkness? And what eye that was which was blind? And where that eye is? And how that eye was opened by which they come to see salvation. Quaery 14. What the Ministration of condemnation is? and what is the glory of it? and how do the Ministration of Righteousness exceed in glory? Quaery 15. What the Garden of Eden is? and where it is? and what the tree of knowledge of good and evil is? and where it is? and how it may be known? Quaery 16. What the Cherubins and the flaming Sword is? and where they are? and what the tree of Life is? and where it is? Quaery 17. What the two witnesses are which John spoke of, which lies slain in the Cities called Sodom and Egypt, which the people of the earth make merry over? Quaery 18. What that sure Foundation is which is already laid? and where it is laid? Quaery 19 What Ordinance is that which Christ said, He that resists it, resists the power of God? Quaery 20. Whether there be any true Church but that which is in God? and whether any be in that Church and commit sin, yea or nay? Quaery 21. What, and where is that Principle which is pure, and leads man into that true church which is in God? Quaery 22. How doth Christ become Mediator between God and man? These are given forth by a Servant of the Lord, who is a lover of the Truth, and known to the world by this Name, JOHN MOON. THE END.