MODERATION. NAME AND THING. One blow whilst the Iron is hot. LONDON, Printed for Robert Bostock. 1647. Arguments FOR MODERATION. Argum. GOD threatens to spew the lukewarm out of his mouth. Ergo. Rev. 3.15, 16. There is need of Moderation. That wee may always bee distasteful unto GOD, never have a good look from CHRIST more. The Prophets of old complained with grief Iere. 9.14 of heart. That they were not valiant for the Truth. Ergo. Moderation is now if ever necessary. That our modern Prophets may have something to complain of, and the whole foreign world bear witness of our super-eminent cowardice. Rev. 3.19. The Church of God is expressly commanded to be zealous and repent of lukewarm Moderation, as a piece of the Antichristian confusion. Ergo. All should be Moderate. That we may publish an infallible evidence of our impenitence, and speak out unto all the world, that we make as little of Gods old Commandement as of our new Covenant, breaking both at pleasure. Iude 1.3. It is one duty and character of a true Saint, to contend earnestly for the faith, Ergo. strive to be moderate in Religion. That so the world may be no longer mistaken in us, seeing how few Saints indeed are among us. All ought to bee moderate in the use of the world. Ergo. we ought to study and practise a moderation in matters of Religion. For why should we under value earthly and over-value heavenly Treasure? We are for moderation, that is but a Schoole-distinction. They that are most moderate for saving Truths, are in most danger of destroying Errors. Ergo. Be as moderate as you can, that ye may see how far you may possibly go in Error, if by your moderation you let go Truth, so shal you improve every opportunity to discover your hypocrisy by apostasy. Moderation( in the sense of the most) is an enemy to resolution for Christ against Antichrist Ergo. Be sure to be moderate, that al may know. ye never resolved to stand and keep steady. The most now a dayes are for Moderation. Ergo. Be moderate, that you may go with the crowd, and follow the multitude for fashion: and tell the world you have forgot a remnant shall be saved. Moderation in Religion is an enemy to settled Peace and Truth. Ergo. Be moderate, that you may begin a new war, then shal the world know them to be authors or abetors who are now accusers, and not let such march away with flying colours. Moderation in Religion is the high-way to Kingdome-destruction. Ergo. We are for moderation to put. 3. kingdoms out of pain, that so we may not be guilty of tormenting any one of them with a lingering death. I warrant you this sends them going? The enemies of saving Truths are very hot for Error. Ergo. We ought to be moderate for the Truth. For we scorn to learn of our adversaries, though all their zealous diligence will one day rise up in judgement against our immoderate neglect of God and his Truth, Christ and his gospel. zeal for GOD was never yet blamed for too much heat, but too little light.— not being according to Knowledge. Ergo. Turn all your zeal into Moderation for the true Religion. So shall the world be more able to bear you witness, that you are at once Mole-eyed, and Key-cold in matters of Religion. Is this for your commendation? Judge ye. Modus in fide est modus nescire. In plain English, he that will bee truly Moderate in Religion, must know no Moderation. Ergo. Study Moderation, for what should you do with so much human learning, as to English the old Latin? Know ye not that he is in an error who dotes upon human Literature? 2 Tim. 2.14, 23, 24. The servant of the Lord must not strive. Ergo. There is all reason you should use Moderation in Religion. To show you care as lirtle for the most necessary things of God, as for the vain words of men. There is a third party that is like to carry all. Ergo. Moderation is necessary. That so they may have few or none to hinder them. For why should not they enjoy Liberty? Such as are ashamed or afraid to appear for Christ and his Truth, when they are strongly opposed, are in danger of Hell fire. Ergo. Be not too forward in Religion, but study Moderation, that you and your sins may go before to judgement, and the hottest place in Hell may not be taken up before you come. The devil and the jesuits complete their strong delusions, by this taking notion, serving their own turn by the closest students of Moderation. Ergo. Moderation is necessary. For why should not they be still gratified who have been hitherto so well served by us, that so they may not be found to have laboured in vain, or fail of accomplishing their design of universal toleration, the sure in let unto ruin of all, without exception. No Moderation, no Toleration. No Toleration, no Desolation. Ergo. Be valiant for the Truth. Iude 3. Contend earnestly for the Faith. 2 Rev. 10. Be faithiull unro the death. 1 cor. 9.24 So run that you may obtain. 2 Tim. 2.3.5. Strive lawfully for the Mastery. Resist the devil by your steadfastness in the Faith. 1 Pet. 5.8, 9. 1 Phil. 27. Countermine the jesuits by your constancy for the Truth. Strive together for the Faith of the gospel, standing fast in one spirit, with one mind. And if you die by this your striving your Epitaph is already written. Rev. 14.12 HERE IS THE PATIENCE OF THE SAINTS: HERE ARE THEY THAT keep THE COMMANDEMENTS OF GOD, AND THE FAITH OF JESUS. Farewell. FINIS.