A LIST OF THE NAMES OF the several colonels, and their Colours, with the lieutenant colonels, sergeant mayors, and Capt. and lieutenants appointed by the Committee, for the ordering of the Militia of this Honourable City of London. (1) ALderman Atkins, Col. Colour Red. Capt. Royden lieutenant colonel. Captain Mannering, sergeant Major. Captain Bunch. Captain Tucker. Captain Tompson. Captain Hooker. Mr. Gautherne lieutenant. (2) Alderman Pennington Col. Colour White. Captain Langham lieutenant colonel. Captain Davis, sergeant Major. Captain Chamberlain. Captain Hervey. Captain Whithcot. Captain Player. M. Forth Goodday Leivt. (3) Alderman Wollaston colonel, Colour Yellow. Captain Ven lieutenant colonel. Captain Bradley sergeant Major. Captain Turner. Captain Harison. Captain Titchburne. Captain Cuthbert. Mr. William Barriffe lieutenant. (4) Alderman Adam's colonel, Colour blue. Captain Edmond Foster, lieutenant colonel. Captain Carleton sergeant Major. Captain West. Captain Hacket. Captain Underwood. Captain Backwell. Mr. Bellerme Leivt. (5) Alderman Warner colonel, Colour Greene. Captain Covell lieutenant colonel. Captain Matthew Foster sergeant Major. Captain Owen Row. Captain Sheppard. captain Francis Row. Mr. Hause lieutenant. (6) Alderman Towes colonel, Colour orange. Captain Rowland Wilston Leivt. colonel. Captain Gear sergeant Major. Capt. Thomas Buxton. Captain Browne. Captain Chamfield. Mr. Woollaston Leivt. London Printed for Henry Overton, 1642.