A brief EXPOSITION OF THE Lord's Prayer: Wherein the meaning of the words is laid open to the understanding of weak Christians, and what the carriage of their hearts ought to be in preferring each Petition. By Mr. THO. HOOKER Preacher of God's Word. LONDON, Printed by Moses Bell for Benjamine Allen, and are to be sold at his shop in Pope's head Alley at the sign of the Crown. 1645. A brief EXPOSITION OF THE LORDS PRAYER. IN the Prayer are three things observable. 1. The Preface, Our Father. 2. The Prayer itself, divided into six petitions. 3. The conclusion of faith in the word Amen. The soul goes up to heaven, and follows the petition, hallowed be thy name, let it be Lord as thou mayst have glory. Look as a man that darts an Arrow, he puts the utmost of his strength unto it: So the word Amen speeds all the rest, speeds all and brings a good issue to the soul by all. First, for the Preface, and there we must examine in general two things, the sense, and meaning of the words. Secondly, what ground of encouragement it affords us to seek God: And First, observe the party sought, Father. Secondly, the excellency of him, which art in heaven. Thirdly, the interest we have in him, he is Our Father. Why, Quest. or in what sense is God called a Father? First, Resp. He is the Father of Christ by eternal generation. Secondly, he is the Father of men two ways: 1. By creation, so the Scripture runs, Job 1.9. the Angels are called the sons of God, Job 1.9. because they were created by God; so God is our Father by creation, and thus he is a Father to the just and unjust, Psal. 139. Psal. 139. I am wonderfully made, saith the Text. 2. By adoption and grace in that he doth freely take us to be his sons in Christ; he puts us into the right of his children, as a man puts a stranger into the right of his son: And thus God is a Father to his chosen only, that look what Christ hath, Rom. 8.17. they have, Rom. 8.17. If sons then heirs, we are heirs, Gods chosen children; both these ways God is our Father. Do we only pray to the Father, Quest. in that we say, Our Father? No, Resp. we pray not to the Father only, but we pray to the holy Trinity, we make mention of the Father only, yet we must direct our prayers to one God in three persons in that Godhead; however we mention not all, yet we direct to all, all our petitions, the reason is this, because otherwise we should have made an Idol of God; I say concerning but of one person we make an idol of God, and call not upon him as he is. How may we apprehend of God aright in prayer? Quest. Thus: Resp. as God hath revealed himself in his Word, so we apprehend him, not putting any image at all upon him; as Instance thus; two ways: First, he that creates all, governs all, knows all, sees all, by whom I live, move, and have my being; to that God I pray. The Scripture hath revealed God thus, and he fills heaven and earth, etc. To that God then that is thus infinite, to him I call; I go now no further to the seeing of an image, but to an allseeing God I come. Secondly, instance thus, look abroad into the creatures, and in all you shall see a power and a goodness: Now from whence came this power? The power of Beasts came not from the power of trees and the like, but there was a first power which gave all power to the creatures: The Creator is infinitely more powerful than the creature. There is goodness also in the creatures; all that came from the first goodness, that let out itself; now that which lets forth itself to the creature, is in the Creator infinitely above the creature; that is, the Lord. Thus you must quit yourselves of an image; he that gives all, is above all; God gives all, therefore he is above all; and to that God I put up my petition. Why do we not mention the Son and the Holy Ghost as well as the Father? Quest. Because the Father is the first person in the Trinity, Resp. and the Fountain from whence all flows; the Father works of himself, the Son of him, the Holy Ghost from them both: therefore we mention him only, though we may mention the other, yet we pray only to the Father. How doth this word Father help a man to call on God by Prayer? Quest. When we conceive of God as a Father, Resp. it puts us in mind of his mercy, that he will pity us as a Father. A man will be reconciled unto his son easily, and will spare his son, though he be a prodigal, yet a father will pass by and cover all. So I pray to a Father; did I pray to a Judge that will condemn me, or an enemy that would not be reconciled to me, little hope I had to speed because I have wronged him? yet I will arise and go to my Father, and say, Father I have sinned: Psal. 103.13. As a father pities his son, Psal. 103. 13. so God pitieth them that fear him: He is my child, saith God, though stubborn, and I must look to him. When a man's rebellions witness against him, and Satan vexeth him, and saith, What, dost thou think to have mercy, and art so vile? True, saith the soul, I am naught, but I go to a father. If a child do but aim at a thing, the father accepts him; if he speak but half a sentence, the Father interprets it: So this is the great encouragement of the faithful to go to God, that notwithstanding so many failings, and though so dead and so barren, yet a father bears all. The Lord interprets all, though but broken speeches, he accepts all, and regards all. We have a Father to to go to, that is willing to pass by many failings. Secondly, we have a ground of pity, if it be but a sigh, he receives it. So this may persuade us of the willingness of God to help us. If a man were to go to him that is hardhearted, little hope he had to speed; we say he is a cruel man, we had as good pull water out of a flint, etc. A child will not beg of a stranger, but will go to his father; so we pray to our Father, that is more willing to hear and grant than we are to ask. Luke 15. I will go to my Father, saith the Prodigal; as who should say, I am unworthy, yet I go to a Father. Nay, the Lord hears before we call; he prepares the heart to call, and answers what it craves when they ask. The father puts into the child's mouth what it shall say, and then he will give it what it craves: so God would have us seek for abundance of mercy, open thy mouth, etc. God would feign give, but none will crave: it is God that must give a heart to crave, and this is got by prayer. As water put into a Pump will bring forth much waters: so pray that you may pray. If your earthly father knows what to give to you, how much more can your heavenly Father give you a heart; nothing shall be wanting to them that go to God as a father: God bows his care to the prayer of his people; he condescends to our weakness, buckles himself to hear us. Thirdly, we are here to take notice of God's fatherly providence, to provide what may be suitable to our occasions: God hath all in store, All the beasts of the field are mine; he is the God of all comfort, herefore he is provident. He that provides for the Ravens, and causeth the Lilies of the field to grow; if God care for these how much more for you? Matth. 6. hath the Lord a care for Oxen? He that feedeth the Ravens, Matth. 6. and clotheth the Lilies, he will much more provide for him that calls on him. Who then would not have God to his Father? As the Father provides for the son, so God is a provident Father: let us walk in his ways, and commit ourselves to his providence and care. Fourthly, this must teach us an awfulness to come before him. What awe should be in our hearts to come before an heavenly Father? Our Father. FIrst, observe that it is the term of relation, and it is in two things: 1. Consider the sense of the words. 2. The Motives. For the sense of the words, three things are employed. First, a propriety: an interest we have to challenge in special, not as one friend to another, or one neighbour to another, or the like; but he is our Father; as we say it is our Land, so when we say Our Either, we imply a special claim to God; all that compassion and mercy in God is mine, as Nabal said It is my meat. Deut. 32. The word my implies a possession, Deut. 32. Our God is not like the gods of the Heathens: and as Job saith, My Redeemer liveth. Secondly, this laying claim to God, implies a community to all the household of God; as the Sun is every man's, so God is every man's that is faithful. Thirdly, it notes a bond of society between the faithful children of the same Father. This is the meaning of the word Our; as the members agtee with the head, so they are helpful; so God is helpful to all his faithful ones. Now the Motives whereby the soul may be furnished to call on God are three: First, a cheerful readiness to repair unto the Lord; 1. Motive. & why, we have an interest in him, he is our Father. The interest a child hath in his father stirs him to come readily to his Father, he craves not of a stranger, as when the child cried they did carry him to his mother; If any thing befalls the child, he saith, I will tell my father, and complain to my mother, and the like: So ask the child, who will provide for him? he saith, My father: So it is here with our God. There is a fresh and living way that is marvellous easy and open, Whosoever seeks shall find, whosoever knocks it shall be opened unto him; therefore whatever our injuries be we should not complain to the world: No, pour forth your prayers to your Father, and he will be sure to hear you. Secondly, as there should be a chearie readiness to come to the Lord, 2. Motive. so there should be a spiritual boldness to challenge what may be needful. Among strangers we are strange, but amongst friends we are bold; we have a right and title to these things, and we may be bold with our own. Thus David challengeth God, As thou art faithful deliver me, I am thy servant, etc. If a servant wants food or raiment he goes to his master: So saith David, I am thy servant, therefore give me understanding that I may live. When they bragged of Paul and Apollo, saith he, All is yours. This should comfort our hearts; let us claim our portions, God is our Father, and he will give it: therefore be humbled in regard of your weakness and unworthiness, and confident in regard of his mercy, and walk comfortably in regard of the Lord. If I should see the child doubt in regard of my readiness, I should wonder: Care not, saith he, it is your own, and he is our Father, March. 6. 32. 3, Motive. and all that is in him is ours, Matth. 6.32. Thirdly, this stirs up our hearts to have a fellow-feeling of our brethren's misery in our prayers, therefore God cuts off all in-seekings of our own. Our, as if he should say, Is there never a Joseph in prison, never a Daniel in the Lion's den, remember and pray for them. If one suffer all suffers, we are all members of one body; we should mourn with those that mourn, and weep with them that weep, Isa. Isai. 58. 58. Pus up a Prayer for the remnant: Oh that our hearts would have a fellow-feeling of their trouble. Ephes. 6. Paul begs for prayers as for a penny, Eph. 6. for me also; nay, he entreats the Romans to wrestle for him in prayer. Which art in Heaven, etc. FIrst, we are to open the sense of the word Heaven; secondly, the motives to move the heart thereto. Whether is God more in Heaven then in any other place? Quest. No: Resp. God, in regard of his essence, is in all places alike, he is wholly every where. The Godhead is altogether indivisible; things of quantity fill a room, but God is indivisible; as he is unchangeable, so he is a simple being; therefore all of God is in the whole compass of Heaven and Earth. Psal. 139. If I go to hell thou art there, etc. God is in the same manner every where; Psal. 139. you must conceive no parts in God, if God be immense, than all of him is every where and altogether in every place. All creatures have their being from God, he is in them and beyond them, he is excluded out of no place, included in no place. If all of God be in every place, Quest. why then is he said to be in Heaven only? First, Resp. because God would manifest the glory of his power more in Heaven then in Earth, because we see him not here, Acts 17. we grope after him; Acts 17. but we know the royalty of a King appears more in Court or Parliament; so the excellency of God appears most in Heaven. Secondly, there are three Heavens; the Heaven where the birds are, the Heaven where the stars are, and the highest Heaven: now the third Heaven is meant here, for God hath reserved this place as his chair of state, the Heavens (saith David) are the Lords, no unclean thing can come there. The Angels sinned, and all the visible Heavens are defiled by man; the sun is abased, the air polluted, all these creatures that serve man are by man defiled; but the highest Heaven was never defiled, because it is the chamber of God; God leaseth out these things to man, but he reserves this Heaven for his own habitation. This is the special reason why God is said to be in Heaven. What motives have we to prepare our hearts to prayer, Quest. which is the scope of the Preface? They are specially three. First, Resp. it teacheth us to take notice of the purity of God, what ought to be the frame of our spirits when we appear before him; he cannot abide sluggish prayers from an impure heart, heavenly dispositions best suits with God's holiness; the sanctity of our affections ought to answer God's purity. Kings (we know) as they will be entertained, so their entertainment must be that which suits to their greatness. God is in Heaven beyond all corruption, therefore if we approach near to God we should answer to his purity with hearts purged, that our hearts may be in Heaven, because he is in Heaven to whom we pray, Mal. 1. 14. Cursed be the deceiven that hath a male in his flock, and offers a female, etc. our sacrifice is our service, and prayer is one of the chief. The God of Heaven is a pure God, then cursed be the man that hath strong love, desires and other affections, and offers the wealtest to God, and serveth God with rubbish, cursed be that man; the pure God of Heaven will not look on such service and impure prayers; God is pure, therefore the service ought to be so. When men are to sit before Princes, they are to fit themselves accordingly, so it is here: Let us then think it an indignity to God to appear with rubbish dispositions before him. He that will perform a solemn duty to a Prince will lay aside all other occasions: so as he said in another case well, lay by all; world, let me now have heavenly joy, for I come before a heavenly Father. Secondly, it is a ground of comfort that our spirits may be cheered; since God is in Heaven he is able to effect whatever our hearts desire. To be in Heaven it argueth Majesty; now we do nor prays to an earthly parent, who is liable to corruption, but to an heavenly Father we pray, who can do what we will. He that is in a high place hath the advantage; so our heavenly Father hath the advantage of all other things, therefore what we crave is done already, he can do it; and our God is in Heaven, he will do what he will. A vileness ever accompanies earthly things, but our Father is in Heaven; therefore Nehemiah made his prayer to the God of Heaven. There are dunghill duties in the world, but our Father is in Heaven. The King could not help the woman, but our Father is not an earthly father, but we pray to the God of Heaven. We have but earthly opposition here, but our Father is in Heaven, who can overpower all wrongs done to his children and rewards them. Thirdly, this shows we should with trembling approach his presence: The God of Heaven is powerful; we are creeping worms, and dare we come carelessly to such a Father? A father implies a readiness, and Heaven an awfulness; when the mountains move, and the devils shake at the presence of God, and the blessed Angels tremble before him, how dare we approach his presence unseemly, lest we have no answer; or to turn the eye one way and the head another? We are not able to bear it in a child. Do not suffer your minds to wander; dare we press in headily into the presence of God, when as the Angels cover themselves before him? Let the fear of the Almighty fall on us: since God is in Heaven, let our hearts be reverently affected, Acts 17. 28. for in him we live, move, and have our being. Thus much for the Preface. Hallowed be thy Name. NOw we come to the Petitions, which are six; the Lord condescended to our weakness and feebleness, and therefore contrives them into a narrow scantling, three concerning Gods Name, Kingdom, and Will; three concerning ourselves, things of this life, things of grace, and they in respect both of justification and sanctification: In all observe; First, the meaning of the Petition. Secondly, the carriage of the heart in pressing of it, Hallowed be thy Name. In it observe two things: First, what is here meant by Name. Secondly, what it is to hollow this Name. What is here meant by Name, Quest. or what is the Name of God? I answer; by Name is meant whatever God is made known to us by, Resp. this is his Name; as a man is known by his name, so the Lord reveals himself to us by his Name. Now this consists in two things: First, all the glorious Atributes of God, as Holy, Pure, Wise, Infinite, etc. these are the Names of God. Secondly, all the Ordinances of God, and the graces of God's Saints, and the providence of God in the creature; and it is not the thing itself, but there is a declaration of God in these that is his Name. The creature is not the Name of God, but God working there; grace is not so much as the appearance of God in that grace. What do you mean by Hallowed? Quest. can you make God holier than he is, or add any thing to God? No: Resp. we cannot add any thing unto him that gave all to us. How then do we hollow God's Name? Quest. When we make Gods Name to be discovered as a holy thing; Resp. the expressure of this is that we would hollow. How shall we do that? Quest. There was a consultation in Heaven how that the Godhead might be manifested, Resp. might be observed, else were here none to apprehend it from eternity: Nay, if there had been any, they could not apprehend it. I will, saith God; have my Attributes expressed; therefore God would have a Word, wherein his goodness should be discovered, Exod. 33.23. Exod. 32. 23. Thou shalt not see my face but my backparts thou shalt see. As it is with a torch, carry it from one place to another, and it will leave a glimpse behind it: So it is in the surpassing beauty of God, he leaves some beams behind him, that we may say, Justice and Mercy, etc. have been here. Now we are said then to hollow his Names when as we make this appear, when we deal with Gods Name as with a holy thing, and that appears in three particulars: First, when we acknowledge the excellency of him, we ought to take notice of the beauty and glory of God: Men of place think themselves abused, if we pass by them and do not reverence them; so when we come to deal with God's Ordinances, do you know what you do? God's Name is there, therefore observe it. Secondly, as we should acknowledge the worth of it, so we should labour to preserve it. Upon things of great weight and worth, what a price do we set upon them? and how tenderly do we look to them that no blemish be cast upon them? So should we do with the Name of God. Go to the Isle of Shittim, etc. they cast the Commandments of God behind their backs; the Heathen (saith God) would not do so, they kissed the threshold where Dagon was. So deal with God's Name, let no blemish betid it, but deal with it as with a holy thing. The least stain of sinful distemper doth not become the Name of God; you respect a holy thing, so do the Name of God. Thirdly, as we should acknowledge this worth, so labour to set it out that others may see it, as occasion shall be offered, when any honour may come to it thereby; express the beauty of the virtues of God, that they may be observed; holy things are not to be kept secret when opportunity serves; Let your light so shine (saith the Text) that men may see the good in you: So whatever we see in the Name of God, as we should keep it from blemish, so we should set it out in the glory of it. A man should hold out the light of the Gospel, not hid it under a bushel: show as much of God as we can, that men may say, God hath been here indeed; that a man's word should be like God's Word that indites them. How doth the heart behave itself in the putting up of this Petition? Quest. First, this behaviour of the soul doth mainly appear in two things: Answ. First, it hearty desires in all things that it shall do that it may lift up the glory of God; now this we do when in all things we have or do there is a disposition for the furtherance of God's praise. All our life should be like a lantern to convey light to others; so the heart should desire that in all things Gods glory should be furthered, that we may do nothing but we might further God's glory by it. Silver and gold are fit to stamp the King's image upon; so, a man's practice should be good mettle to instamp God's glory upon: not as painted windows to hinder the light, but to rebound the light. The Text saith, Herod did not give God the glory, the voice of God and not of man; he took the glory of God to himself, and did not give it to God. There be some kind of glasses will reflect a man's image, so there should be a conveying of glory from ourselves too God. Look as it is with a ball, the falling of it makes it rebound: so it should be with our hearts, they should rebound God's glory when it falls upon us: This is a great skill. The Soul should have nothing but whereby God might be honoured. Any sinful course blemisheth God's glory; any priding of a man's self furthers not God's glory, but the soul should desire that in all, God might be acknowledged and glorified. When doth the soul do this? Quest. When the soul labours, Answ. that in all things something more than humane excellency may appear: For, if any thing of a man's own be discerned, we fall short of God's name in every action. Such should be our dispositions, that something more may be seen then a base mean shadow. This is a skill in preaching and praying, there should be more in all then humane discovered, as parts, gifts, and the like. If nothing appear but self, the Name of God is deprived of what it should have: As Paul said, Do I speak as a man? But he demonstrated the Spirit in him, it should be discovered what I do, that God works it, that he might have all the honour of it. God the Author of all should have the glory of all; we talk of this and that, and say, let him be glorified, but we do it not in our conversations. What be the several works of the heart in doing this, Quest. that it may appear God is the Author of all, and the honour is due to him? The acts of the heart are two, Answ. whereby it sets forth the glory of God. First, in all services a man should not be quiet in his affections and endeavours till he comes to the highest pitch, that is, God's glory. All actions are in the way one towards another; as a pair of stairs, one goes from another and above the other. A man should go higher and higher till God's glory mounts and surmounts them all. As a Minister first studies to teach the people, that they may be informed, but why informed? that they may appear to be Christ's, and that God's grace may appear in their conversations: the soul never rests till it be here. A man goes to prayer in his Family, and why so? that he may show God in his courses. The servant sends for his wages, and so is gone, and where is God all this while? This should be our desire, that in all our actions God may be discovered to be the Author, and to have the honour of all. Secondly, the soul must be sure not to go beyond God's glory; as thus, a Minister preacheth that the people may be instructed, and he be honoured as well as God, this is to be above God: A man prays to honour God, and that it may be known he is a glorious professor, thus; A man is above God as a Bird steps from one bough to another, till it come to the highest, and then it flies away: So we step up to God's glory and go beyond it, we would have God glorified to glorify us; but this is hypocrisy, to have God honoured that we may be secretly base: This is the deepest dishonour to God, and he will be revenged of them one day, and pluck his praise out of their bowels. The three Wise men would not stay till the star stood and went no further: So where the statre of God's glory goes, let us go, and not stay till we come thither, and when we are there, go no further: This is the carriage of the heart, Phil. 1.20. that in life and death God may be honoured and exalted. Look as it is with a workman that makes a piece of curious work, we do not give the honour to the tool, but to the Workman; so God should receive the honour of all, and from all. Secondly, as the soul should make God discovered by himself; so he should desire that God might be acknowledged by others as we ourselves express it; and that appears in two particulars: First, that they might embrace the excellency of God; Matth. 5.16. Let your light so shine before men; why so? not that they may see you, but that they may see your good works; that is, God in your good works, and glorify him. Do not think I would have others see my good parts, gifts, and the like, but only that they may see God in them. The Fisher desires that the fish would see the bait, not him: So he that angel's for the souls of others, doth not desire that others may see him, but the grace of God. An Apprentice doth not stand in the shop to call over others to look on himself, his person, properties, and the like, but to sell his Master's wares: And so we desire that God may lift us up, but that is not the rule that men may see our good works, but God in them: A child or a servant should so walk that others may admire God's grace in him; we are God's workmanship. Secondly, we should have hearts enlarged to bless God, that he hath been pleased to reveal himself to us. Thus much for the first Petition. Thy Kingdom come. Why is this added immediately to the former? Quest. Because it is a special means whereby the heart is fitted and the glory of God advanced; Answ. the first was to hollow God's Name, and to that end the Kingdom of Christ must be set up; for no natural man can glorify God, because so long as sin and corruption prevails it will never be; therefore the power of Christ's Spirit must do it, and by it we must be swayed unto it. What is the scope of this petition? Quest. The main scope of it is thus much, Answ. that the government of God by Christ might be set up and prevail every where; as before God's name was highest, so here the power and government of Christ is to be universal; that is, the general: now we come to the particulars, and here consider the sense of the words. First, What is this Kingdom? Secondly, the carriage of the heart in putting up this petition. Thirdly, what is the coming of this Kingdom? By Kingdom is meant that rule that Christ hath set up in the hearts of his. For the general providence of God, I take it, is not so much aimed at in this place, or that ordinary providence of God over the creatures; this is set forth in the fourth petition, (Give us this day our daily bread,) but it is the rule of Christ that is set up in his Church. How many fold is it? Quest. It is two fold: Answ. which are these, Of Grace. Glory. both aimed at here. What is the Kingdom of grace? Quest. It is that whereby Christ by his Spirit and grace, Answ. by the ministry of the Word, takes place in the hearts of his, and this he doth two ways. First, by overpowering & casting down all other things which are opposite thereunto, all the power of sin and Satan, which are opposite to him. Secondly, he sets up that frame of Spirit, whereby it is subject to grace, and it takes place two ways, First, by cutting down and killing of every sin. Secondly, the soul takes the stamp of every condition, and is ruled by it. What is the Kingdom of glory? Quest. God's immediate ruling in the hearts of the glorified Saints. Answ. How doth the Kingdom of grace and glory differ? Quest. Here in the Kingdom of grace God rules. Answ. First, by his Spirit. Secondly, by the Word and Ordinances. Thirdly, by the ministry of the Word: But in Heaven he rules immediately: no more words and means, but Christ fills the soul fully, and then he rules gloriously, when the understanding, will, and affections are full of Christ, and are fully and wholly subject to him; here in the vale of tears we meet with many rubs and oppositions, but then Christ shall shine fully and immediately. In all his Ordinances we seek a Christ, but then we shall have all of him; so that we that have the Spirit have a glimpse of heaven; therefore ashamed should we be to be weary of God, let us be weary of sin: I tell you, it is a heaven to live here with God upon earth, and if it be a glorious thing to have a glimpse of God here, how much more to be filled with God hereafter in his Kingdom? How is this Kingdom said to come? Quest. The coming of these Kingdoms implies three things. Answ. First, that the Word may be revealed in these places, where it hath not been, Luk. 1. That the dayspring from on high, may visit them that sit in darkness, that the Sun of righteousness might visit them that want it, that the banquet of the Gospel might be set up, Mat. 24. If any man say he is in the wilderness, go not out, for where the Carcase is, thither will the eagle's resort. This is the first thing. A Kingdom is said to come when a King rules in a place where he did not before, so it is here; Let all the people praise thee, saith David: he desires not, that some tongues only, but that all tongues and languages should do this. Secondly, where ever the Gospel doth shine, we desire that it should discover itself more fully, and spread itself where ever it comes; we desire the King's government should enlarge the territories more and more; so we desire not only that Christ should be revealed, but that more and more should be gathered, that God may be taken in every where, and that every knee may bow to Christ, and lick the dust, that so there may be an addition made to the Church, that every man in every kind may come to Christ, and that God would cast his skirt over him that more may be caught in his net, that the Jew and Gentile may be gathered into one sheep-fold, and have one Shepherd. Thirdly, that the power of it may be more and more settled, as the house of David grew stronger and stronger, 2 Sam. 3.1. but the house of Saul grew weaker and weaker, so, when Christ sets up his candlestick, that the seed that is sown there may take deep root. When a King hath erected Castles, than he hath his Kingdom; so we desire God may entrench himself, and rear Castles of defence against his enemies which would remove him; that he would set himself up strongly, that every Traitor may be crushed, and every base lust; that God would slay them, and none but his Laws take place; in a word, the issue returns to thus much, we beseech Christ that his Gospel may spread and be strong, and these days of sin may be wasted, and that he may come in the clouds, Revel. 22. and then, come Lord Jesus, come quickly; that he would accomplish the number of his Elect, and gather those that belong to his glory, and that they may be everlastingly with him. What is the carriage of the soul in putting up this petition? Quest. It appears in three things. First, the soul desires and so labours to be subject to the good pleasure of the Lord: the heart saith, oh that I might be so disposed, that I might be subject to the pleasure of the Lord: we desire that all those things that are set up in our hearts, that are contrary to the good pleasure and will of the Lord might be subdued, Psal. 119.4. Thou hast commanded us to keep thy commandments, but, oh Lord, that my soul were so, thou hast enjoined me to do so, oh that I could do so, the Spirit should be as wax to the seal, and ink to the paper, that the soul might take the impression of every rule that God would set up in our souls; thus the soul should be disposed, to wish that the Lord would put this frame into us; this is a heart worth gold: thou hast said, seek me; oh, saith the soul, that I could seek thy face, and echo, behold Lord, thy face I seek, to submit wholly without any contending, not that the Lord should force us, but that we should take up our yoke, put our necks to the yoke, let the Word of the Lord bear the balance. When Mary wanted wine, and our Saviour checked her, and Martha cumbered with too much business was reproved; thou art troubled with many things, etc. they submitted presently, not a word more: so what the Lord commands let us do without any quarrelling, let the least inkling of the Word bear the balance. When our Saviour sent his Disciples for the Ass' Colt, they might have said, but haply the man will not let him go, how then? I tell them, saith our Saviour, the Master hath need of him, and then they will not deny him; that is enough, do but speak and it is done, this the soul should labour to attain unto. Secondly, the soul carries itself with an inward opposition to whatever is opposite to the government of the Lord Jesus Christ, to the utmost of our power, it is in vain to say, it were well if it were so, & I would it were so, and yet to stand still and not to set to our hands; but we must join sides with the Lord, & as he spoke of Merosh, Cursed art thou, because thou wilt not help the Lord against the mighty. So truly the Lord Jesus is coming to our Towns, to our families, therefore we should step out and help the Lord against those mighty mountains of pride and stubborness of heart: when a proud heart stirs, do you join sides with it? or cry out and say, good Lord help down with that proud heart, and stubborn spirit, and the like? the Lord saith it, and doth your heart yield? But if you say, come pride, and you and I will join sides together, and if the Word can remove us, let it, but we will join sides. Is this calling for the Kingdom of Christ to come? No, no, you are traitors and conspirators, and no subjects; therefore stop your mouths, this is not submitting but conspiring; when Jezabel looked out of the window with her painted face, saith Jehu, Who is on my side, fling her out: so the Lord saith, will you have pride, or me? if you be on my side, fling down that proud heart which hinders the Lord Jesus Christ from taking place in your souls; you paint yourselves in a sturdy humour, but if you be on God's side, fling down those painted strumpets; you must not only oppose great sins, but every sin; we must not fodder and side with any secret sin, although it be but with the appearance of evil; you must abstain from it; you know what Moses said, of losing not a hoof; another said, he would not start a hairs breadth from God's Commandments in any particular; so let us subdue all, not leave an inch, not a stamp, not so much as two nails of the Dagon of our cursed lusts, to rule in us; thus it should be with the soul. Thirdly, though the soul cannot be as it should, yet it doth desire the Lord that neither sin nor self-will may rule in us, lay all flat down under the government of Christ. When the heart finds a great deal of outwardness and power of sin, than it saith, Lord, thy Kingdom should prevail, but the Sons of Zeruiah are too strong in me; therefore take power to thyself, and pluck away whatever doth oppose thee. It was a good speech of a good Christian, that he desired the Lord to rule whether he would or no. Thus the soul should be disposed to entreat the Lord, that he would break open the door; when the Lord comes and we will not open, we desire the Lord would come in by violence. The white horse in conquering conquered; so the soul desires the Lord to conquer, to break in and make way into the soul, and to take possession wholly in the soul; now when the soul is loath this should be, it is a wretched spirit, that when the Lord will take sin whether we will or no, we are loathe it should be. Do we then pray Christ's Kingdom should come, when we are not able to bear a commandment? No, no, the soul will labour to oppose sin, and pray the Lord for power against corruption. Thy will be done in Earth as it is in Heaven. THis is the third Petition, and in it are three things observable. First, the order, it is in the third place. Secondly, the sense and meaning of the words. Thirdly, the frame of the heart in putting up this Petition. First, for the order, the reason of it is, because the two former make way for this third; he that glorifies God in all things, and hath his power set up in him, he only doth what he commands; for naturally there is no ability in man to do the will of God; but when the Spirit works within, than we are able to frame our hearts to Gods will: David was a man after Gods own heart, and then he did his will; this is the reason of the order of the Petition. From the ground observe two grounds of directions. First, he that thinks out of his own power to do Gods will, it is impossible he should do it, no, he will never do it. Secondly, we must first submit to the Kingdom of Christ, before we can do his will; be under the government of God's grace, and then go on cheerfully. We fail before we have submitted; we would be doing, but first Christ must do terrible things to the heart, before it yield obedience. Now for the words. What is the will of God? Quest. It is the purpose of the Almighty touching the accomplishment of any thing; Answ. there is nothing done, but the LORD doth it: Whatsoever is brought to pass, that GOD wills in general, Ephes. 1. How many kinds of will are there? Quest. or how manifold is the will of God? It is twofold; not in regard of itself, Answ. but in regard of us. First, the revealed will of God. Secondly, the secret will of God. What is the secret will of God? Quest. It is that secret purpose he hath in himself before all worlds, Answ. and hath not discovered it to the creature, Ephes. 1.9. Having made known unto us the mystery of his will according to his own good pleasure which he hath purposed to himself. The Gospel was hid in the bosom of the Almighty, not observable by man or any creature under heaven, but now it is revealed; this is the secret will of God which was hid in himself before all words, 1. Cor. 2.16. Who hath known the mind of God? The deep things of God none knows but the Spirit of God; and as it is not made known, so we have nothing to do with it in this place. What is the revealed will of God? Quest. It is the purpose of God that he hath made known to us by his Word, Answ. and revealed to us in his works, whatever is done in heaven or earth is the will of God. I did not know God would destroy Bohemia and the Palatinate before I saw it; this is the will here meant. I did not know of such a friends death before he died, and then we must say, Thy will be done. What ever God hath made known either by works or words, that we pray to have done. What is this doing of the will of God? Quest. It consists in, Answ. and implies two things: First, that whatever God makes known to be his will to bring upon us, we should willingly submit and yield unto it. If God would have me poor, when it is done, we should approve of the accomplishment of Gods will. It is the breach of many commandments, that when God thwarts our desire, we are unwilling it should be done: The wife is unwilling her husband should die, and the husband that the wife should die, never lost a man such a wife as I; this is professedly against this petition: We must imitate that of the good Prophet David, Psal. 39 I held my tongue and said nothing: Will the Lord have it not a word more? then his spirit yields presently, takes the stroke, doth not thwart the good will of the Lord, this is the practice of David, Eli, Hezekiah, It is the Lord, let him do what he will: Nay, our blessed Saviour himself saith, Not my will, but thy will be done. But this is the folly of our hearts; we take up Arms against God's will; God would have us to be poor and we will be rich: This is not to do the will of God: Though God force us to do it, yet that is no thanks to us; Thus we sinne desperately. Secondly, the heart is not only content with what God will have us suffer, whether loss of life, friends, liberty, and the like, but there is another will must be done by us; what God reveals to be a duty, must be discharged by us. If there be a truth to be made known to us, we must acquaint ourselves with the will of the Lord, and then with all diligence practise it: Make my heart one with thine, that I may ever fear thy Name: Let thy will be mine: Oh saith the soul, that I might ever fear thy Name; this is to do the will of God. We do not say, let it be spoken of and considered of by me, but let it be done, let it be accomplished by me: We must not lift at it, and give God good words, and talk, and leave it undone, but labour to do it. It is not enough for the child to say, I know what my father commands, but I must do what I list. Such hearts cannot pray to expect any thing at the hand of the Lord; now and then to look at a duty, etc. and to say, I would it were so, will not serve the turn. Away with that sluggishness, to wish the will of God were done, and yet you will have your own wills. To this precept belongs, that we should set on others to do God's pleasure. In vain do we wish it to be done, and yet do not provoke on others to do it. Paul, when Agrippa and he was grappling together, saith Agrippa, thou hast persuaded me almost to be a Christian; not almost, saith Paul, but I would have thee altogether as I am, except these bonds: I would not have thee fettered as I am, but enlarged in heart to do Gods will. So that of Joshua, I and my house will serve the Lord; he that not only neglects Gods will himself, but hinders others, that man doth not pray this petition aright; he that saith, Thy will be done, and in the mean time withdraws others by his secret allurements, and saith, what? should I be such a fool to be at other men's bow and beck to sit howling in a corner as thou dost? No, no, well be it known to thee, thou that wilt not do Gods will here, the Lord will have his will done on thee one day to thy cost: He that will not do Gods will here, God will send him packing to Hell, and there he will execute his will upon him whether he will or no? How must we do the will of God, we do now and then stumble at a duty, and now and then take up a service, Quest. and we are neither whores nor thiefs, but yet we are now and then peevish and wayward, etc. is not this enough? No, Answ. no, you must do it in earth as it is in Heaven; not now to be something, and then to be nothing; now a Saint, and then a Devil; but you must do the will of God as it is in Heaven. But can a man do the will of God on earth, as the blessed Angels do it in Heaven? Quest. A man cannot do it in that measure the Angels do it: Answ. but we may do it as they do, and perform equal obedience with them, though not in quantity, yet in quality: A child follows the father, though it cannot run so fast as the father: A Scholar may imitate the copy, and write after it, though not write so fast and well: So the servants of the Lord cannot do the will of God here so, in that measure that the Angels do it in Heaven, but in quality like them: Let their obedience be our pattern, not in the measure, but in the manner of it. In what things must it be done, Quest. and how can we express any action like theirs? This resemblance is in four particulars. Answ. First, they do it readily, they are pressed, and ready at hand to do the good will of the Lord upon all occasions; they do not withdraw themselves, but presently upon every occasion do what the Lord requires. We read, Job 1. that the sons of God appeared before him, they are ever in his sight to give attendance upon him, as the handmaid is ever at the hand of her Mistress: So that of Isaiah, the Text saith, they cover their faces before the Mercy Seat; they cover their faces in token of awfulness and reverence, and cry Holy, Holy. They are ever before him as a dutiful servant is ever at his Master's beck. They are at hand in this readiness of theirs to do the will of the Lord; we should imitate them, to be ever prepared and at hand to do the will of God; not to have our affections straggling, but with Ananias we must say, Here Lord; with Abraham, Behold thy servant is at hand. Thus it should be with the soul; the Lord saith, you must not have this sin, and that corruption; we must reply, Thy will be done, LORD; we must not say as Moses when the Lord commanded him to go to Pharaoh, saith he, Who am I, Lord? send another: 1 Sam. 3. No, it should not be thus with us, we should be ready at hand, Here Lord, speak Lord, for thy servant heareth, Acts 9 Go to Paul, saith the Lord to Ananias, and he went though he had been a persecutor. Contrariwise, Jonah will go to Tarshish rather than to Nineve: We should not do thus, but as the Angels, and as Cornelius, when he sent for Peter, Acts 10. saith he, we are all here before thee to take notice of whatsoever it shall please God to reveal to us by thee. Let our Lamps be light and prepared, that whether the Bridegroom come at midnight, or at any other time, all may be in readiness at a push, that we may go when the Lord calls; when the Lord saith, here is a sin to be sorrowed for; here Lord, saith the soul. We must not let God stay for us, nor be haled as a Bear to the stake in any duty: No, but we must attend the will of God; neither must we stout it out, I will be wicked, and I will walk in my own way, etc. so you may, and perish; and so you may and be damned, and go to Hell too when you have done. It is nothing what a man hales out whether he will or no, that is nothing. This is not to do the will of God as it is in Heaven, but we must always be fitted and ready to do what God requires. The Angels came before God, and the Text saith, the Devil by force full sore against his will came also: So wicked men dare not but leave some sins, but it is perforce, they are either constrained to it by the Laws of men, or by the horror of conscience, and the like, not with ready cheerfulness and willingness. But we should have our Lamps light. Secondly, the Angels do the will of the LORD speedily, they are not delaying, but are willing and pressed in the performances of Gods will. If the Lord do but beck, they are gone. Isa. 6. The Angels are said to have divers wings, some to cover their face, in token of humility; some to cover their feet, to show their prestnesse and readiness to do the will of God, and with all speed and haste to do what God at any time shall enjoin and command. Thus we should do it as they do, we must shake off all lingering and stiffness of spirit when we see Gods will should be done, and that God requires it: But naturally we are marvellously lazy in our christian course. When a man comes as a Bear to the stake, is that to do the will of our heavenly Father as the Angels do? do they thus? No, nor we should not, if we do it aright: We must imitate that of David, he will praise the Lord with his best abilities, and run the ways of God's Commandments; thus should we do, make haste and delay not. Psal. 119. 32. As when the Prophet Elisha sent his servant post-haste to the woman's son, he bade him, salute no man, make no stay by the way. This marvellous care should be in us; we should pray for our lives, and run on in a Christian course for our lives; not trifle, but go with all speed till we come to our journey's end; not sluggishly, as if a man cared not whether he did it or no, but a man should pray for his life. If profit or pleasure would be tampering with us, salute them not, we should take up our resolutions to reject them. If honour or profit would be hanging about us, fling them off; let us not regard them, but ride post-haste. When our Saviour sent his Disciples to preach, he bade them carry neither scrip nor staff to hinder them in their course. When Paul was converted, the Text saith, he never consulted with flesh and blood; he advised not with carnal reasonings, but what God commands, he did: So when God calls for duty, we should not reason with profit, pleasures and honours, to pull off our caps, and ask them leave to take up this duty and these performances. If the holy Apostle had done this, it would have hindered him; but he consulted not with flesh and blood: So we should do what ever God commands: It matters not what men would have of us, but let us have an eye to God's command. Thirdly, the Angels in Heaven do the will of God faithfully, and their faithfulness is in this, that they perform the whole will of God: They fail not, but do it to a hair's breadth. He is a faithful servant that doth his Master's will and command fully; so should a Saint do: Now faithfulness appears in two things: First, we must do it all as they do. Secondly, we must do it in the right manner, not only the thing, but in the right manner God requires it. This is faithfulness: The Angels do not accomplish what message they will, but God sets it down, and his good pleasure takes place, Psal. 104. They fulfil the good pleasure of the LORD, they start not at any service, no crossness they stand at; God commands, they do it, and because he commands it. So it ought to be with the hearts of the people of the LORD; we must not pick and choose, and do it in an aguish fit, when we list. It is said of David, he did all the will of God, a man after GOD'S own heart. It was the charge Mary gave, whatever he bids, do it. It is sufficient GOD commands, though it be tedious; the Angels care not though all the Devils in hell rage: so the Saints of GOD should do; be it tedious, that skils not, our care must be, that we may finish our course with comfort. A Saint doth not pick & choose, but fears every sin, & takes up every duty; if all the Devils in hell oppose, yet the people of GOD will do his will. The Text saith, that Caleb and Joshua followed God fully in the day of Maceba and Miriba in times of trouble; there is an Angellike Spirit, to go thorow-stitch with the work; though father and mother were against them, yet they would go on. The contrary was the sin of Sardis, which GOD reproves sharply; I have not found thy work fall. 'tis not enough to do some of GOD'S will, but we must do it all, or else the LORD regards not. The Devil will do well sometimes for his own ends, if he be pleased; but that is nothing, thou must do GOD'S will, pleased or not pleased, or else thou hast a satanical spirit; we must not say, the days are troublesome, etc. but go thorow-stitch with it as the Angels do. Thirdly, as we must do the will of God, so we must do it after the right manner, as God requires; thus Abraham did, when he was commanded to go offer his Son Isaac, he went early in the morning, as God required. If he had been to offer an Ox, it had been nothing, but Abraham must offer his only Son Isaac, the Son of the promise, and he must be the Sacrifice. So, for us not to be drunk, and to commit outrageous sins, that all the Crows cry out of; that's nothing; but thy secret lusts, thy beloved Isaac's, they must be sacrificed and abandoned, else thou dost no more than the Devil. Thus thou must do the will of God, not as thou wilt, to sanctify half a Sabbath, but on God's terms, or else it is nothing. Fourthly, the Angels do the will of God constantly; where they were they are, Mat. 18. They are daily before the face of God, they hold out and persevere to do Gods will. This should be our practice, though we cannot do it in that manner, and so much as they, yet endeavour for it: Continue to the death, (saith the Text,) and what then? I will give you the Crown of life. Our reward shall be for ever, let our labour be so, hold it out with constancy: A Saint should be foure-square, the same for ever; the fruits of righteousness are according to the parts of the year, spring and harvest, autumn and winter; and the first fruits is fatness, not to fall back, to be good in good company; with professors, profess; and with swearers, curse; and with drunkards, be drunkards; and with Devils, be Devils; the blessed Angels do not thus: the Lord commends the good steward, Happy shall that servant be, that when his Master shall come, shall find so doing. When the Lord shall come and find a Saint persevere to the end, he shall be blessed indeed: the Angels will outbid us in the measure of performances of Gods will, but yet we should be speedy, and ready, and faithful, and constant as they: our hearts are holy in uprightness, although not in that measure of exactness, as theirs are. What is the frame of the heart in putting up this Petition? Quest. It appears in two things. Answ. First, it is willing to do it itself. Secondly, it is willing, and desires to help and stir up others, to the utmost of its power, to do the will of God. First, the soul ought to be forward to know the will of God, and to labour to do it itself, and this appears in four particulars. First, the heart is willing to do the will of God in laying down its own will, so far as it may be a hindrance from doing Gods will, for oftentimes our will and the will of God are contrary: there is naturally a sturdy toughness that lifts up itself above the LORD, this must be removed, Not my will, (saith our Saviour) but thy will be done. If our will and God's will cannot stand, we must lay down ours; but sometimes we say desperately, (as they did) We will walk in our own ways etc. and we will have a King as other Nations, we will have our base lusts to sway and rule us. But so long as this is in us we cannot do the will of the LORD, we cannot serve two masters: I came not (saith our Saviour) to do my own will, but my fathers that sent me. It is often times with our will, and the will of GOD, as with two buckets; the letting down of one is the lifting up of the other; and the lifting up of the other is the letting down of that; so when we let down our own wills, we lift up Gods; but the lifting up of our own wills, is the letting down of the good will of the Lord. Now the cause why we stick in service, and cannot come off, is because we would have our pleasures, we would be this and that; so that the will of God is justled against the wall, and shut out of doors; but let this distemper be crushed, and then the will of God will take place. When we have done this, than we must repair to the Lord to know what his pleasure is, take his Warrant before we set upon the work; conscionable attendance of Gods will should be the root and spring of all our actions, not to go without it, but to have our spirits carried by it. This is as a Master-comptroler that sways the balance, and bears all before him. Tell me not, I cannot do it for my liberties sake, etc. But, I have no Warrant of God's will; unless the good will of the Lord go before me, I dare do nothing, Eph. 5.10.11. Proving what is acceptable to the Lord. As a Goldsmith lays the gold to the touchstone, so prove yourselves, and find out what is acceptable to the Lord. In the time of the old Law they put on the linen Ephod, and went to inquire of the LORD whether the men of Kedar would come up; so should we come to the LORD, (that is the touchstone) and see what the LORD will have us to do, and not to go to a company of carnal Counsellors, to consult with honour, ease, wife and family, etc. whether shall I suffer? saith the soul; saith honour, if you do thus, I am laid in the dust; saith ease and profit, for my part, if you take this course, I am utterly undone and lost; then saith the soul, if it be thus, I will not do it, let all sink and swim: thus they do not GOD'S will, but their own; but they that do the will of GOD, let them inquire what his will is. Let honour, and profit, and ease, and world and all say what it will, but they will do the LORDS will, we must not master conscience (as it was the speech of a wicked wretch,) one of his companions being in horror of conscience, he bade him master it as he did, for before that he could never live quietly, but now he was not at all troubled with it. Mastering of conscience, in English, is searing of conscience, but that must master you; and lead you to the performance of duty. Thirdly, when this will of GOD is revealed, we must yield to it, without any quarrelling against it, or questioning of it; but let the soul be delivered up to the will of GOD, as David saith, let my will be done with thine; when the LORD calls, seek my face, we should echo, thy face Lord I seek, 2 Tim. 2.19. we should be prepared for the LORD, so to have our affections strike as the LORD sets them, and then we should have hearts like GOD, than we should do his will aright, then would it be in our hearts to do the will of the LORD, as David saith, Psal. 40. Fourthly, we should have a courageous constant resolution to go on with that work, and in that way GOD hath revealed to us, and hath laid open before us; so that the soul should say, not my will, but give me a heart that may do thy will; thus we should have a constant resolution to go on, not to do it by fits and starts, but as the Apostle saith, Fight the good fight of faith, and lay hold of eternal life. And except a man have this, he prayeth not this Petition aright, but out of hypocrisy; it is his own will he seeks, not the will of the LORD. Now we must come to the second thing: As we should do the will of GOD ourselves, so we should further on others, and that appears in two particulars. First, we should further on others in the discharge of duty. Secondly, we should join sides with others in the performing of duty. First, for the first, we must further on others. That is a pregnant place, Heb. 10. Provoke one another to love and good works, we must not only stand by and look on others, but provoke and egg on others, to stir up them to do the will of the LORD, 2 Cor. 9.3. the LORD there commends them, because they gave good example to their brethren. It is good to have a stirring heart. Satan sets on others to sin, A little leaven leavens the whole lump. A man useth not to be drunk alone, but to draw on others with him. If Satan and his instruments be so, how much more ought we to do the contrary? There is not a duty that more promotes GOD'S glory then this: wicked men, as infectious persons, labour to infect others; so should we be forward to help others. These be as Stewards, they provoke their fellow-servants, go about reproving, exhorting one another. Thus a Christian should set on every man, and spur on others to do the will of GOD, not only to take a Lecture ourselves, but call on others to it. Secondly, we should labour to join sides with them to do GOD'S will. It was the practice of the Scribes and Pharisees to lay heavy loads and burdens upon others, but not stir them themselves; but we should join sides, and lend a helping-hand, in the performance of duty. When a Cart is at a set, it is not enough for a man to stand by and say, I would it were out, etc. and yet never lend a helping hand, but he must join with others to help it out; and if one team will not do it out, on another to it; so when time of troubles comes, we should be at the Cannon's mouth at a dead lift; when another is not able to get out, by reason of temptation, than we must join sides with them, & pray and mourn with them; Zac. 8.12. Let us go to the House of the Lord, & we will go also. So it is not enough to profess ourselves GOD'S servants, but we must pray also for others, and suffer also, if necessity requires; as it was David's speech, Psal. 38. Let us praise the Lord together, at a lift. So, if we would do GOD'S will, it is GOD'S will, as to pray ourselves; so we should say to others, let us pray and study together, that the will of GOD may be done. It is not enough to wish that GOD'S will might be done, and we stand by with our hands in our pockets, and do not provoke on others; and lay reproaches on them, what, you pray? etc. This heart is professedly against the will of God; these are foremen in the Devil's shops, and scholars of the highest form in Satan's school; but, if we desire to have GOD'S will done, let us set to our shoulders to the burden, and help others. Thus much for the third Petition. Thy will be done, etc. Give us this day our daily bread. WE come now to the other three Petitions; and they concern ourselves merely. The first is concerning the things of this life. And the other is concerning spiritual gifts; and it consists partly in justification, and partly in sanctification. But first for the order, Quest. why do we beg for the things of this life before spiritual mercies? our bodily bread before our spiritual? Answ. Because in nature a man must have an outward being before we have a better. This life is the time of our trading, and after this life there is no grace to be had. Therefore we must have this life before we can live everlastingly with GOD hereafter; no man can get GOD by the means that doth not live; therefore though the other be more necessary, yet a man, except he have this, he cannot have the other, that living here bodily, we may live spiritually hereafter. Now for the sense of the words. First, what is meant by giving? Secondly, what is meant by bread with all the circumstances, daily bread, and our daily bread? etc. First, for the word giving implies 3. things: First, that the Lord out of his goodness and wise bounty would provide what may be profitable for us, and which we stand in need of; in a word, what we want he would supply. Secondly, that he would preserve and continue these good things that he hath bestowed upon us, that he would graciously continue that lot and portion unto us, Psal. 16. thou maintainest my lot: the Lord doth not only give patrimony to his children, but preserves and continues that which is needful for them to them. Thirdly, that the Lord would be pleased to send in the sweet of his blessing upon all the blessings and mercies he hath been pleased to bestow on us. The blessing of the Lord is the staff of bread. It is not enough to have these things: for, bread may choke us, the houses we inhabit may fall upon our heads, if they be not blessed to us. The covetous man is as if he had nothing, if the Lord let in but a secret curse and vein of vengeance into his soul. A man may have many outward blessings, and yet have all the sweet took from him; yea, many times all that a man hath may be a torment to him; the Lord can take off all the sweet; therefore we pray and entreat that the Lord would give us the sweet of them, that they may be comfortable to us, as they are in themselves; that the Lord would give all, bless all, and preserve all, and sanctify all to us, that they may be all to us as they are in themselves. What is meant by bread? Quest. Under this word bread are included all necessary helps and comforts of this life, Answ. whatever concerns our lives, good name, estate; all things belonging to these is bread. Because bread is the staff of life, most especially useful for life; Reason. other things are necessary, but we cannot be without this bread. Therefore the Lord puts a part for the whole, and therefore we pray, that the LORD would give, and continue, and bless all things, that are necessary for us, unto us. What kind of bread must it be? Quest. Our bread; Answ. not that we can procure or purchase it, but the word, Our, implies two things: First, that we may have a right and title to all these things in Christ, that we may have a tenure of them. For all these things are not the wicked man's properly, he usurps them, and he shall answer for them; he sits at a rackrent, he shall be plagued for them. Now we pray that they may be our fee-simple, not that we must pay for them, but that we may have the right and tenure of them, that we may claim them in Christ, that we may not answer for them, but that they may be ours. Secondly, they may be ours in way of policy between man and man, that we may not have them by violence; not to have another man's riches and honour, but that we may have a politic right: this a wicked man may have by a politic right, to have it by the sweat of our brows, now this we crave also. Now the difference between the politic right of a natural man and spiritual man is this, the Lord doth only Lease out by his politic right these things to the wicked, but they sit at a rackrent: But they are not so to the godly, they have them for their fee-simple by a politic right between man and man. Both these ways we beg that they may be ours, that they may be ours in Christ, and that we may have our own, not others to pluck it from others, but that it may be ours by our labour, means, patrimony, etc. What is meant by daily? Quest. The word in the Original signifies supersubstantial bread, that is, Answ. we crave all these things and the right and title to them. And for the measure, not barely so much food and clothes as will keep the life and soul together, and no more, but that we may have to our lawful delight, and, as one spoke, so much as will keep even at the years end, and a knot at the end to our lawful society. Why this day? Quest. It implies three things: Answ. First, it implies a daily need of succour that we have from the Lord: we do not say, give us this mouth or this quarter, but give us this day; as who should say, we stand in need of a daily succour from the Lord. The Lord would not have a Christian have too much, Luk. 12.19. that he might be secure as the rich man in the Gospel, Soul take thine ease, etc. But the Lord would have us come for our breakfast, dinner, supper, and all from him. Secondly, it shows a man must be content with his allowance; his desire should not be catching after future things, we beg not for our monthly and quarterly bread, but daily bread, enough for the present time. Thirdly, it implies, that we must pray for this daily bread, every day: A man must be daily begging of the Lord. This is the meaning of this day. Gather then up all, and the sum returns to thus much; we in this Petition beseech the Lord, that all good things that concern life, good name, or food, may be supplied to us, and that we may have a spiritual right to them in Christ, and a politic right to them between man and man, that we may have more then barely enough, not to wring from others, to be content with the least pittance, and daily and continually to beg for these things we want and stand in need of. Quest. What is the frame of the heart, Answ. in putting up this Petition? It appears in three particulars: First, a man's careful painfulness in his course and calling God calls him to and sets him in. Secondly, an humble dependence on GOD. Thirdly, a quiet contentedness with what God allows. For the first: he must be painful; no man can say, Give me this day my daily bread, unless he be painful in his place; if we expect any thing otherwise, it is a mocking of God. We must be faithful and painful in our places: if we expect any thing, honour, goods, good name, and labour not for it, we do not pray aright: it was the command God gave, Gen. 3. In the sweat of thy brows shalt thou eat thy bread all the days of thy life. There is no allowance for idleness and carelessness; the LORD sets Adam to till the ground; so that if we will have any thing necessary for us, we must labour for it; for, saith the Apostle, He that will not labour shall not eat. The diligent hand maketh rich: but God makes rich, you will say; It is true, yet it is by a diligent hand. A Scholar must labour if he will have learning, etc. Look as it is with a man that hath promised a man so much, and so much, at such a time and at such a time, & at such a place, if he will come for it; now if the man comes not for it, he loseth it. Even so it is here; the LORD promiseth success to our labour; the Lord will give the Ploughman by his Plough, the Tradesman by his Trade, the Scholar in his study; and except we be painful in our places, we can expect nothing. The Lord gives us our daily bread while we walk with him: So that a man hinders himself more by idlenesle than he profits himself by prayer without diligence. Secondly, the soul must have dependence upon God, when it hath done what it can. It must look for a breathing on them. A man should be so painful in the use of the means, as though they could do all, and yet so depend upon God above all means, as though all outward means could not do any good without the Lord. We must not catch it out of God's hands, but look to God in the way he hath chalked out before us, and then expect of him what we want. It is the Lord that gives a man substance. In vain it is to rise early in the morning, and go to bed late, and eat the bread of carefulness; Psal. 127. 1, 2. except the Lord bless all, all is in vain. Let us look therefore to him for all we stand in need of. It is the phrase of the Wise man, The blessing of the Lord maketh rich. It is not policy and craft, and outward means that make rich, but the blessing of the Lord, from that expect all: though the Ploughman plough, though the Gardener manure, and cut, and prune, yet nothing thrives unless the dew of Heaven falls: So it is here in our course, all our labour, pains, means and cost, though it be much and great, yet it will not thrive, unless the Lord bless. The Spirit of the Lord moved on the waters: Let us therefore look to his blessings upon all. A Scholar may labour and take much pains, and yet shall never attain his end; either he shall not have it at all; or if he do, if shall be as Vriahs' Letter, choke him at the last: So that except we depend on God, all labour and pains is nothing. Thirdly, there must be a quiet contentedness, to be content with what God bestows and we receive; else we cross ourselves, we crave for bread, and will have what we list. We do not pray for dainties and costliness of apparel, but for bread, that pittance the Lord shall be pleased to bestow upon us: Now if nothing but dainties and curiosities will serve us, it is more than the Lord allows, and we can expect to be bestowed upon us. If we have meat and cloth we must not look to the quantity, not for a month, or a quarter, but go to the Lord as to a market; let him dispose it, or else we beg one thing and desire another; the Lord will be content to give us bread, not pearls; not to cocker us, but to give us what we stand in need of. That of Hagar should be our prayer; Give me not too much, lest I be proud; nor too little, lest I put forth my hand to wickedness, Prov. 30. but give me food convenient. It is better to be at God's allowance then our own. A child happily would have a coat four or five yards too long, and to tyre him, or fire to burn him; but a father will not have it too long, to tire him, or fire to burn him. So our Father, we would overflow our measures: outrun our portions too beyond our need. It is with us as it is with diets, sick men would have hot wines, and salt meats, and eat excessively; but the Physician order all his diet; for if he should have his fill, it would kill him. A full body and a full stomach would increase the humour: So the Lord is a marvellous skilful Physician: we have proud hearts and would have dainties; and if we should have riches as we would, God should lose his honour which now he hath by us being kept under hatches; therefore the Lord diets us. Divers creatures are kept in divers things; Cherries are kept in Sugar, but Beef is kept in salt pickle, and not in sugar, for otherwise it would stink. Nothing would serve some if the Lord should not diet them, but they would be as proud and as saucy as ever they could; therefore the Lord is compelled to diet them: Thus we should be content with the least pittance that the Lord sees fitting for us; and he that is thus, the Lord will give him enough for his baits in this pilgrimage. And thus much for this Petition. And forgive us our trespasses, etc. THis is the fifth Petition touching the good of man. There are three Petitions concerning God, and three concerning us, this life and a better; the first we have handled; and those that concern our spiritual being follow: First, for the order. Secondly, the sense and meaning of the words. Thirdly, the frame of the heart in putting up this Petition. First, for the order; why it is thus placed? justification before sanctification? Reason. The reason is, because sanctification flows from justification; being justified we are sanctified; first we are acquitted of our sins whereof we stand guilty before him, and then he sanctifies us; first this, than the other; the other are the sprigs, and this the main branch; we beg for faith, etc. but they are included in this. Secondy, for the sense of the words. First, here is the Petition, Forgive us our trespasses. Secondly, the Reason, As we forgive others, or, For we forgive others that trespass against us, so Lord forgive thou us; this is the argument whereby we win the favour of the Lord. What is meant by debts? Quest. By debts are meant all sins, Answ. all failing of all kinds, of omission or commission; now they are called debts, because we own all obedience to God, to love him above all, and our neighbours as ourselves; and these being the articles of agreement, the slighting and neglect of this brings us into debt with God. For first, we are bound to these. Secondly, by breaking these we deserve the punishment due to the breach of it: now when we omit any thing, we forfeit and are cast behind hand. And thirdly, we are liable to the execution of the punishment due to us in the breach of this; thus sins are debts; and debts sins, of omission or commission. What is it to forgive? To forgive is this: Quest. we beg that the Lord would be pleased not to take advantage of us because of our debts; Answ. nor yet to proceed in the rigour of this Law, to do that it requires: Now, our sins require we should be condemned and executed. A malefactors forfeiting his bond is cast in his cause, and then cast into the prison, and execution sued out for the satisfaction of this debt: now we beg of the Lord, that he would not condemn us in the Court of conscience, nor execute his justice on us; this is to forgive, and this proceeds from mercy. But how can God do thus? will this stand with the justice of God, Quest. not to be satisfied for our faults, to pardon without satisfaction? No; Answ. but though the party do not satisfy, yet if the surety do, it is sufficient; so though he doth forgive us, yet he looks for it at the sureties hand; as the creditor doth not require the debt at the debtor's hand, but at his hand that is bound to make satisfaction for the debt; so the Lord doth not require satisfaction of us as he might, to exact the utmost farthing: because thou sinnest thou shalt die, the LORD will not exact this of us, but he requires this satisfaction of the LORD JESUS; so that GOD the Father is satisfied, though not by us; mercy to me, and justice to CHRIST; mercy on my part, and justice on CHRIST'S part. Thus we see what it is to forgive us; that is, that the LORD would not arrest us, but the surety; that he would not exact of us, but take all of CHRIST. Whether are a man's sins forgiven at once, Quest. or at sundry times? At the first time; Answ. when a man believes in the LORD JESUS CHRIST, at that time all his sins past, present, or to come, are remitted. The sins he commits after believing, or in believing, or before believing, are all pardoned: Justification doth not increase or decrease, but sinne it is pardoned at the first act of believing; Though sanctification may have degrees, one man may be more sanctified than another, but this hath none; but he is fully justified, and all his sins past, present, or to come, are pardoned to him in CHRIST; all phrases in Scripture imply thus much. Jer. 32. I will pardon their sins, and remember them no more. Ezek. 38. I will blot them out of my remembrance. Now the Argument is this: I will conclude in divers Propositions. First, Argum. our Saviour by once suffering suffered for the sins of the Elect, past, present, and to come; the infinite wrath of GOD the Father fell on him for my sins; now this wrath is all one in him: and, being all one and infinite, and our Saviour suffering this whole and infinite wrath of GOD the Father, if he had suffered for 10000 worlds he could have suffered no more: God's wrath could not be but infinite, so were his sufferings; he might have applied his suffering to many thousands more if he would, and yet have suffered no more: Adam's sin was enough to infect a thousand worlds; and our Saviour's merits are sufficient for a thousands worlds. Secondly, those sufferings that he suffered for my sins past are sufficient for him to suffer and satisfy for my sins present and to come. Thirdly, the sinner stands justified not for any thing in himself, but by the mercies of the LORD JESUS CHRIST. Now then gather up all, and the thing is clear: if our Saviour suffered for all sins, and this, being infinite, is sufficient to pacify all his wrath due to my sins past, present, or to come. And if a man is not justified of, or by any thing of his own, but from CHRIST; from this I argue, by what death is my sin remitted? by the death of CHRIST; and have not I the whole death of our our Saviour to satisfy? Yes, for that death that suffered for my sins past, suffered for my sins present or to come; the death CHRIST suffered for all sins. Now this death of CHRIST is applied to the soul at the first act of believing in the LORD CHRIST, therefore my sins past, present, or to come, are remitted at the first act of believing. That remission of sins that leaves no condemnation to the party offending is the remission of all sins; for, if there were any sin remaining, a man is still in the state of condemnation; but justification leaves no condemnation. Rom. 8.1. There is no condemnation to them that are in Christ. Argn. 2. Thus it is evident, there is no condemnation to those that are in CHRIST, therefore there is full remission of all sins past, present, or to come, to the soul at the first act of believing. If the remission of all sins be not at once, Arg. 3. it is either because my faith cannot lay hold on it, or because there are some hindrances; but a man by the hand of faith can lay hold on all the merits of CHRIST; the Word can reveal all; the Sacraments seal and confirm the pardon of all; and then there is no inconvenience, for it makes the soul more careful of a command. Psal. 130. If thou shouldest enter into judgement with us, who were able to abide it? but there is mercy with thee, that thou mayest be feared. Forgiveness makes a man yield faithful obedience; than it is clear, that the forgiveness of all sins, past, present, or to come, is made to the soul at once, at the first act of believing. First, because CHRIST died for all, and that is all applied at once. Secondly, justification leaves a man without condemnation. Thirdly, there are no hindrances; for my faith is able to lay hold on all the merits of CHRIST, and the Sacraments able to confirm all; therefore all the sins of the Elect, whether past or present, or to come, are pardoned at once in CHRIST. But then why do we pray for daily forgiveness of sins? It seems needless thus to do; Quest. if they be pardoned already, what need we pray daily for the forgiveness of them? This is one of Bellarmine's chief holds. But I answer. First, if a man do believe, Answ. yet he prayeth for more faith. Secondly, we entreat the Lord that he would be pleased to renew this repentance, writ over and renew this our evidence of the remission of our sins, and more and more confirm it to ourselves; this a man doth though he have faith. Thirdly, that he would be pleased to continue this his evidence. Fourthly, that he would make it increase and be more strong. This a faithful man craves; Lord, saith the soul, that my sins may not only be pardoned, and the evidence of it sealed to my soul but that the evidence may be more and more increased. Whether doth this act of believing leave any frame, Quest. or put any disposition into the soul. First, Answ. our justification, which we call forgiveness, finds nothing in us, or any thing done by us, by which we come to be justified; when we are said to be justified by faith, or are not said to be justified for faith, (that is popery) but by faith we lay hold on Christ, by whose merits we are justified; as a man is said to live by his hands, not that he eats them; but by the labour of his hands he gets money, which buys his meat which nourisheth him. So a man's sins are not forgiven by virtue of believing, but only thus; because faith as an hand lays hold on this; as a man gets a prey by his hand, so we get this prey by the hand of faith; faith doth not make a man just before God, for God might condemn us for the imperfection and weakness of our faith, but it lays hold on him who justifies. Secondly, forgiveness or justification leaves no gracious frame upon the soul, but it is only a legal and judicial forgiving of a man, a pronouncing of the soul believing acquitted. As a man that is arrested, the surety paying all the debt, the law is frustrate, and hath nothing against that man; and he is pronounced acquitted by the law; but this acquitting doth not make a man any honester. That of the Proverbs, He that justifies the wicked, and he that condemneth the righteous, they both are abomination to the Lord. Not to make a man honester than he was, but to account him so, and justify him when he is not. You see then, this leaves no stamp upon the soul, this cuts the throat of many a man's comforts, here is the main difference between justification and sanctification; justification is not for any thing in a man's self, neither leaves any stamp; but sanctification proceeds from some ability in the soul, and leaves him holy. Thirdly, though the act of believing doth not put grace into the soul: yet wherever this is there will be another work, and bring grace into the soul. For we forgive others. THis is made an argument to prevail with God, we beseech God to forgive us, because we forgive others; as if we should say, if we forgive others, forgive thou us; but we forgive others, therefore Lord forgive us: as though first we could forgive others before God forgive us. Hence the question draws on; namely, Whether is the soul able to forgive trespasses to others before the Lord forgives its trespasses? Quest. No, our forgiving others doth not go before our own forgiveness; Answ. God must first forgive us before we can forgive others, because it is a work of grace to do this as God requires, and it comes from a gracious disposition of soul which God must put into us before we can do it. But now sanctification follows justification, as a man should say, a tree bringsforth fruit from the sap in the root. But this is used as a cause, Quest. for we forgive others; because we forgive others, therefore forgive us, it seems then to be a cause of our justification. No, Answ. it is a fruit and effect to make way for the conveyance of the assurance of it; it makes us not to be just, but dedares us to be just. Every reason propounded by the word because, doth not imply a cause; as I prove fire is fire thus. That which burns is fire, but that burns therefore it is fire; now burning is not the cause of fire, but an effect of it; not a cause, for first there must be fire before it can burn; so it is a tree because it hath Apples; now Apples are not the cause of the Tree, but the Tree of the Fruit. What is it to forgive the trespasses of our fellow-brethrens, and how fare may it be done? In the trespasses of a brother three things are considerable. First, the sin itself. Secondly, the guilt of that sin. Thirdly, the punishment due to that sin. First, concerning the sin: In guilt we must know two things, wherein is the Answer. First, we must know, that to forgive properly we cannot; it cannot be done by us: for who can forgive sins but God only? it is one of God's prerogatives to forgive sins, and that no creature can do. Secondly, as the guilt hath a respect to God, so it hath a respect to us; for as he is injured, so are we: when a man steals, it is not only a wrong to the Law of God, but also a wrong to me: So fare as the sin doth respect God, he pardoneth it; and as it concerns me, I forgive him. And this is done when the heart is as willingly content to do all the good to a brother, as though he had never sinned against him. We say we forgive him, but not forget him, this is not to forgive; but between whom and me there is nothing to stop me, that is to forgive him; only remember this that a man doth sin in some kind; so that the Lord doth not require that a man should forgive him: As if a man that flatters me to my face and back bites me, I am not bound to trust him again: He that bears fire in one hand, and water in another, if he sin against me once, God forgive him: but if he sin against me the second time, and I forgive him, God forgive him and me. When a man cheats me I will never trust him again till I see good; and yet I forgive him when I am as willing to do him good, as though he had never offended me; and withal entreat the Lord to pardon him, if he hath a lot in Christ seek for the pardon of those sins whereby he hath done us wrong. This our Saviour did, Father forgive them, they know not what they do: So also Stephen, Acts 7.12. thus we should do so fare as it concerns us. Whether is a man bound to forgive punishment to another? Quest. as when one hath stolen any thing from us, should we not follow the Law on him? how fare must a man go in this case in taking punishment on such an one offending? A man may, Answ. nay it may be so that a man is bound not to forgive it, but to punish it, and a man should sinne deeply in the neglect of it. If one hath murdered another, a man is bound to follow the Law on him, and to give him the punishment due to the fact. How fare may a man go in this case? Quest. It appears in these particulars: First, Answ. when, all things considered, in all a man sees it may do good, than a man is bound to give punishment. When there is nothing but a Bridewell will do a servant good, give it him. When a child is stubborn, give him correction and spare him not, it is as good as his meat: If a wretch belch out his malice; if a man can reform him by punishment, give it him: for who knows but it may be the best physic that ever he had? and to let him go unpunished in such a case a man is guilty of his sin, because he might have reform him by this means. Secondly, if this be a way and means to bind a man's hands, and to hinder him from the practice of some sin: As if a persecutor intends to persecute another, if a man have a suit of Law against him, he is bound to cast him into prison, for it keeps him from persecuting the Saints of the LORD, and so from sinning deeply. It is a work of mercy to take a knife from a mad man: so to bind such a man's hands that doth so. If God put forth an opportunity into a man's hand, he is bound to take the Law, and it is mercy to him thus to do. Thirdly, when a man cannot otherwise maintain his own honour, or life, or some other particular good, for the taking off of his own wrong a man is bound in justice to take punishment on such a one, as thus; If he shall raise a false report on a man, it is not a work of tyranny but a work of mercy, he ought to right his own wrong that is done unto him by punishment; when it cannot otherwise be maintained we are bound to take this course; for why? mine own honour, life and estate is to be preferred before others. Fourthly, when this course being just will maintain the goodness of a man's profession and God's glory, this should be done: when a man's profession lies at the stake, a man is not bound to be mealiemouthed, but to make those blackmouthed wretches known to others, that they may not dare to bring a scandal upon the glorious Gospel of Christ, nor on the professors thereof. Thus a man must do, and yet forgive a man for all this, if his good or mine, or the profession of the Gospel may be furthered hereby, this should be. And thus a man may go to law in these cases, and the like. Now we come to the force of the Argument. How is this an Argument to prevail with GOD to forgive us, Quest. because we forgive others? where lies the force of the Argument? what virtue is there in this? It lies in 3. particulars; and it is a special means to obtain mercy, Answ. Lord I forgive others, therefore forgive thou me. First, all the mercy I have, it is not firstly in myself, it is but a river and spring coming from the Sea, but mercy is firstly in thyself, the fountain and Sea of mercy is in thee: Now Lord if I have but some bowels of mercy, and some drops of that Ocean of mercy, and yet can forgive others; much more than thou the fountain of mercy canst forgive me. When the two servants fell out, the one pulled the other by the throat, and said, Pay me that thou owest me; now when the Master of that servant heard of it, he said, Oh thou wretch dost thou deal thus with him, when I deal so favourably with thee; and if a sinner must forgive his fellow brother seventy seven times, how much more the Lord the God of mercy? if he that hath but some mercy received from the fountain, much more the Lord the fountain itself. Secondly, as we have not from ourselves, but from God; so also that we have is mixed with a great deal of spleen. Though some compassion yet mingled with a great deal of envy; though some mercy, yet mingled with a great deal of cruelty; and a great deal of darkness with this little starlight: but the Lord hath all love without any hatred; all mercy without any cruelty; there is no hindrance in the Lord to hinder him. Now the soul saith, Lord, if I that have a great deal of malice can forgive my brethren, then how much more thou that hast all mercy and no spleen (if men humble their souls before thee) will't forgive? Thirdly, that mercy that is in us it is but little, but it is infinite in the Lord; what we can do is but the first fruit, a drop, a grain, a mustardseed, but abundant in the Lord. Then the soul saith, Lord, thou art boundless and bottomless in mercy, how much more wilt thou forgive? True, LORD, the talents and debt whereby we are engaged unto thee are many and great; but if we poor creatures that have but from the Fountain, and that we have is mingled with a great deal of malice, and that but a drop, and yet can forgive; how much more thou that hast all first from thyself, and purely without all mixture of envy, and in an infinite abundance? how much more canst thou forgive whom thou wilt? therefore LORD forgive us, for we forgive others. How ought the soul to be framed in putting up this Petition? Quest. It appears in four particulars: Answ. First, the soul must see and acknowledge itself guilty of those sins that appear in this life: we must see our selus stand in need of forgiveness: now we cannot do this till we see ourselves faulty. He that owes nothing, what need he crave forgiveness? So forgiveness of sins implies that we are guilty of sin and liable to the punishment due to sin, They that confess sin and forsake it shall find mercy, pro. 28.14. first find out thy sins, then find God's mercy, 1 Cor. 11. If we would judge ourselves, we should not be judged. He that would have GOD forgive him, must not forgive himself; if we judge ourselves, GOD will not judge us. As a Malefactor that sticks to his own innocence, and will not acknowledge any guilt, in vain he desires to be forgiven: So a sinner or Malefactor before GOD'S Tribunal, if he will not confess his sin, he shall never find mercy at the hand of the LORD. Therefore I cannot see how a Papist can beg this, when as he thinks he can satisfy GOD'S Justice himself. Secondly, we must labour to have the heart see its own inability to satisfy for sin, or to bear God's indictment he shall pass upon the soul that is guilty. The soul acknowledgeth itself unable to answer one of a thousand; Behold (saith the Psalmist) Lord, if thou shouldest enter into judgement, who were able to abide it? but there is mercy with thee that thou mayst be feared. We are Bankerupts, we cannot answer the debt, nor bear the suit; if the debtor be able to answer the debt or pay the money, he cares for no kindness; the sinner is the debtor, and, if he can satisfy God's Justice, what need he care? If I can abide it, what need I crave favour? but when it is come to this, who can abide it; then the LORD will pardon whatsoever is amiss. the sinner goes he cannot avoid the suit; he needs no pursuivant to follow him, conscience is arresting, the Devil accusing, therefore he falls down and cries mercy, mercy to pardon the suit, the soul is not able to bear the suit. This the Church complains of, Behold, our righteousness is as menstruous cloth; and they, Ezek. 36.31. judge themselves worthy to be condemned. Now in that I say forgive, I imply that I cannot satisfy for sin myself. Thirdly, we should seek to the free mercy of GOD and of his Grace for what we need; we should acknowledge his free mercy. When the soul sees there is mercy in GOD for him, than it is fitted to pray this petition; for should I conceive GOD were severe, holy, just, etc. though I renounce my sin, yet I could not seek him; God is not extreme and rigorous, but he hath mercy in store for those that seek him in truth and sincerity: therefore we should apprehend two things: First, that God desires not to deal rigorously; we should persuade our hearts, that God is desirous to welcome our prayers, Exod. 34. The Lord is ready to secure our infirmities. If we be in misery, the Lord will abound in mercy, the phrase is, multiplying mercy; therefore the Apostle calls him the father of mercies, and the God of all compassions; we have new vexations, he hath new compassions; nay, God hath more good than we can desire, he performs more than he promiseth; he is abundant in truth, above all that he hath revealed himself to be in his Word, Isa. 55.7. Our God is merciful and abundant in forgiveness. He multiplies pardons, he hath pardons in store, mercy to pardon any poor soul. But, (saith the soul) what my sins committed and continued in? mark what he adds, though you cannot comprehend it, yet he can conceive it: his thoughts of mercy are larger in giving, then ours in craving, Eph. 2. He is able to do above what we can think or ask. It was but a cold comfort Isaac gave to Esau, he had but one blessing; so if God's mercies come to an end, it were but a poor comfort when the soul saith, Lord give me, and the Lord should say, all is drawn dry. But there is enough in God to do us good. What avails it, if a father have a good heart to his child, if he hath not to give it what it asks, or stands in need of? but our heavenly Father abounds in goodness. Secondly, God, as he hath abundance of good, so he is free and ready to bestow it, Esa. 55.1. Ho, Every one that thirsteth, let him buy milk, and milk without money or price. We would be content to have wine, but we have no money to buy it, therefore God adds, though you be not able to pay for it, yet take it. Mich. 7.18. Who is a God like our God? who pardons sin, because mercy pleaseth him. The pardoning of our sins is like the overthrowing of Pharaoh in the sea. God doth it not because we please him, but because his mercy pleaseth him, he doth it freely. Fourthly, we must be content to wait for his mercy that we stand in need of; we must both wait for it, and be confidently persuaded of it, else we cross the tenure of forgiveness, Heb. 11. God gives mercy to none but those that wait for it. In that we ask pardon, we are resolved to wait for it, for so much is employed. A pardon in law is not authentical, until it be sealed; so God saith, he will pardon us, but this is not authentical, until we have set to our seal; he saith, he will give freely; we say, we will wait constantly; Psal. 37.5. Commit thy ways to God, and he will care for thee. He that thus begs forgiveness, shall undoubtedly obtain it at the hand of the Lord, And lead us not into temptation. THis is of sanctification both begun here and ended in heaven; sanctification frees from the power of sin, glorification frees from the presence of sin; sanctification kills sin, glorification buries sin. First, for the order; sanctification flows from justification. When sin is pardoned, we have the Spirit of Christ, which conveys all to us; first justified, then sanctified. Secondly, for the sense of the words, and here are two things. First, what God should not do, Lead us not into temptation. Secondly, what he should do, deliver us from evil. What is meant by temptation? Quest. A trial, Answ. or an assault, whereby a man's strength is tried: now they are double. First, the deliverance from evil. Secondly, to prove the soundness of grace. The first is especially intended, and by it are understood all the assaults of the soul, by sin, Satan, or the world, whereby our faith may be shaken, or we withdrawn from God to evil; sometimes there are good temptations, of proving or expressing our grace. These, in some sense, may have place in this Petition: God tries us in this manner, and we pray him, that he would try us no more than we are able to bear. What is it to be led into temptation? Quest. It appears in three things. Answ. First, when temptations pursue us. Secondly, when they do foil us in assaulting of us. Thirdly, when temptation doth totally vanquish us. Now we pray in this Petition, that temptations may not pursue us; pursuing us, that they may not foil us; and though we be foiled, yet that we may recover ourselves. We desire that God would not let them besiege us; if they do, yet not foil us; and if they do, yet that we may recover ourselves after our foil. Can God lead into temptation? Quest. The Apostle explains it, Answ. Jam. 13. God cannot tempt to evil. He that is goodness itself cannot provoke a man to sin. The Lord doth not put malice into any man's heart, God cannot properly be the cause of drawing a man into sin; there are trials of proof: The Lord may try his, as he did Abraham, Gen. 22.1. A man doth not hurt his armour if it be good when as he proves it: So God intends no evil to a man when he thus deals with him. Some add this word, suffer us not to be led; but that is silly, since God tempts no man to sin. What needs this Prayer? Quest. God may do it: Answ. sin and all other temptations have a double respect. First, evils are totally and professedly opposite to the Law of God. Secondly, sins go under the name of punishments, sometimes God punisheth one sin with another: now, as sin hath reference to the Law of God, he is not the cause of it; but so far as sin is a punishment, God may be the author of it: We pray then, that God by a sinful distemper would not plague us. In what manner doth God lead us into temptation? Quest. He doth it three ways. Answ. First, when the Lord withdraws not those nets that are laid for us; when God removes not those stumbling-blocks that are cast before us: Nay, God may put a temptation before us: Thus a master may lay a bait for his servant, by laying money in a corner to try his truth: Now it is lawful for a man thus to leave his money, to discern whether his servant be faithful or no, he desires not that he should steal, but that he may try his fidelity; so God justly suggests occasions; there must be heresies for the trial of God's servants; God sends occasions of provocations, for their trial God raines snares, Psal. 11.6. They that pitch their nets first let it fall, and then set it up. This is to rain snares; the favour of God is but a bait to a wicked man; his posperitie is but his ruin. It is not with God to deal so, because wicked men desire it; so Judas would feign have gotten somewhat by the ointment; now it is just with God to send the Pharisees to give him thirty pence, and ruin too; now his mind is pleased, he hath thirty pence, and damnation too. Secondly, as God lays occasions, so he lets sin and Satan lose; a man's heart would be hankering, now God gives him up; take him sin and Satan, let him have field-roome, 1 King. 22.22. Ahab would feign go to war, it was a thing not allowed, but he desired it; therefore God sends the Devil; God asks, who will prevail over Ahab? the Devil saith, I will go: Then God saith, go and do it. Judg. 9.23. Abimelech and the men of Sechen did very ill, than God sent an evil spirit, that is, he he let lose the spirit of contention, and they destroyed him, and he laboured to destroy them: So God, Rom. 1. is said to give them up when they departed from the government of the truth. No, saith God, will you not be ruled by holiness? then take them uncleanness. Many a man hath a wrathful disposition; take him envy, saith God; let him bring blood on others, and so ruin to himself. Thus God took away his Spirit from Saul, and gave him up to sinful distempers; of all plagues there is none like this. Thirdly, GOD leaves a man to himself; and lends him not the assistance of his grace; suffers him and Satan to grapple together. 2 Corinthians, 32.31. Thus GOD dealt with Hezekiah; because he had a lease of his life, he began to be proud, Therefore God left him to himself, to try what was in him. He though himself a brave man, therefore GOD leaves him; as a father lets a child go when he will not be held, so saith GOD, see what thou canst do, try thy own strength. Now this leaving is in two passages. First, GOD lets in the truth of his Word, not so much as may serve for direction, but for provocation. That of the Romans is observable to this purpose, There is no transgression where there is no Law; not that the Law brings sin, but provokes a man's heart, Rom. 7.5. the phrases are strange in the fifth verse, The motions of sin which were by the Law: The Law moves a man to sin by opposing of it; saith the stubborn heart, I will do it because you say so; many a man that hath lived civilly, and as a good neighbour, etc. and after the Law stirs him up to more exactness he is more violent against good men. The Law meeting with a proud heart, he opposeth it, and would pluck the Law in pieces. All the while men join sides they are loved; but if GOD pleaseth to humble them, than they fly out: There is nothing there that comes in anew saving GOD'S grace; but that malice that was there before, is now stirred; now there is no fault in a good man, that he is good: but sin taking occasion by the command slew me, saith the Apostle. Look as an ague that is pretty well overpast, it lies in the bones, and if he that hath it drink cold water, it grows extreme and hot by force of opposition: So that man that lay lurking before, the Word comes and it lays a man flat, and it slays him utterly. vers. 13. Sin by the command became out of measure sinful. Look, as it is with a dam, the dam stops, and the stream swells by force of opposition; so the Law stops the stream of sin and corruption, and now it grows exceeding violent. Therefore they that have been under good means, and break, are out of measure shameless in their sinful proceed; this dam that stops makes this sin greater; thus the Law of GOD is a Law to a proud heart. The Law is not to blame, but the heart. Secondly, the LORD will not suffer the soul to have the power and assistance of the Spirit which formerly he hath had; but let's sin and it grapple till he break sin all to pieces. Many a time the LORD leaves the soul, and will not let it have that power that formerly it had. What, can a soul fall? Quest. No. GOD takes not away his hand, Answ. but yet he shall not feel it; as a man, if he stir not the wheel it will not go; his hand is on it all the while, but doth not stir it, therefore it goes not: So GOD leaves a man to himself, though for the while he doth not give him that force, whereby he may gainsay a temptation. This befell David, LORD, Psal. 57 take not thy holy Spirit from me; that is, when God would not help David, but let him make his part good with the temptations. I doubted not, but David had grace enough, if GOD would have quickened it in him. Hezekiah had wisdom enough, but GOD left him. Thus the LORD is said justly to lead a man into temptation. Now we pray, that he would take away all snares, that he would not suffer the Word to provoke us, but to direct us, that we may not be left to our own strength, and that we may overcome all our spiritual enemies. But deliver us from evil. HEre observe, that though GOD would do nothing against us, yet we are not able to deliver ourselves from our own corrupt hearts. What is meant by evil? Quest. Not so much trouble, Answ. or punishment, but sin. Now in sin are three things. First, the breach of the Law. Secondly, the guilt a man gets by this breach, and so is liable to this punishment. Thirdly, the vigour of sin, whereby it rules over the soul: Now the former we pray against in the fifth Petition: because we stand guilty of the breach of the Law, therefore we pray, that God would not enter into Judgement with us. And thirdly we pray here against the power of sin, and that is in three particulars; not only in regard of the guilt of it, but that the Lord would keep us from the power of it. First, sin would be a commander over the soul: It is the King, Satan is the Gaoler, it hath a Kingly Sovereign Authority, and would rule over us; sin is often compared to a King, his servants are they to whom they obey. Sin is a Master, at least it would be; and is so in every natural soul, and it would be so in the godly. The law of life (saith the Apostle) hath freed me from the law of death, Rom. 8.2. Sin gives Parliament-Lawes to the Soul and Edicts, and as the Centurion bade one servant go and he went; and another come, and he comes; so doth sin say; Pride saith, it is my pleasure you should be proud; therefore I will have you proud and snappish, etc. Says anger, I will have you spleniticke and rage: Says the soul, than I will, and it shall be done. Thus sin sets up itself as a supreme Sovereign in the soul. Hence a proud heart saith, I will that I will, let GOD say what he will; tell not me of Laws, it is my mind. It is your proud heart sets you Laws, and you yield to them. Now we pray that GOD, however sin be in the Soul, yet that he would snub and curb it, that it may be an underling in the Soul, and daily subdued. Secondly, as sin doth, and desires to set up a master-like rule and a supreme Sovereign Lord like dominion: So sin carries the soul, and sometimes separates the soul from GOD; whereas the command of GOD should be a guide to us, and take place in our hearts; this Rebel, it takes up Arms, resists, stands in defiance against the rule of the Spirit. Hence come all these phrases, they forsook God; resisted GOD, and turned their backs to his commands. What? saith pride, shall I be a slave, that the Word should awe me, and snub me? I will never yield it while I live, I will die first. This is a Devil that draws you from GOD, and will carry you to Hell, Rom. 7.23. that is the meaning of this place; Sin carries a man captive, that when the soul sees itself so ruled by him, a gracious heart would tear itself off if it could; but a natural man is a slave to sin, sin gets head, and so the soul dares not affect any good in another, nor labour for it in itself. Thirdly, sin leaves a kind of blemish and stain upon the soul, after the commission of it. There is a kind of jeering to the heart, and a cunning wrong of the soul; hence the Scripture calls it the excrement of naughtiness, etc. though the act of sin be gone, yet there is a blemish on the Soul. Peter, after his denial of CHRIST was averted from CHRIST: So a man after sin shall find himself dull to any good, and prone to any evil. This is the stain of sin; when a man's arm is put out of joint, besides the fall there is a bruise: So after a man hath broken the Commandments of the LORD, the LORD unjoynts him; he is more awake to any good than ever, Galath. 6. If any man be unjointed by sin: So that of the Romans, they wound their own souls: This sin doth; now these we pray against, partly against the power of sin, partly against the authority of sin, partly against the stain of sin. But deliver us from evil. To deliver from evil implies three things: First, we pray that the LORD would prevent all those occasions, and struggle, and distempers of sin that trouble us; these we pray against, to wit, that he would take off these distempers, whereby sin would lay siege against the Soul; that he would remove those things that would remove us from him. This is that wisdom promiseth, Prov. 6.21. She will keep and walk with them that walk with her, and she will keep him from the way of the wicked woman. Sin is like a Harlot, therefore the LORD is pleased to express it after that manner. Now it is the mercy of the LORD that he will turn our eyes from beholding of vanity; That there may not be in us the violence of sin assaulting us: We pray also that we may not come into the Battle, if it be possible; and that sin, or pollution, may not come in against us. Secondly, that the LORD would assist us in the temptation, that the temptation may not prevail. It is a mercy not to be tempted; but if we must be, it is a great mercy not to be overcome by temptation. If he will not wholly prevent us by his Grace, yet that he will assist us graciously in it. It is a mercy not to be assaulted, and though assaulted, yet that we may be assisted. Now this assistance of GOD is twofold, either extraordinary, or mediate by the means: we speak not so much of the first, though that be true, but we crave both at the hand of the Lord. First, sometimes we crave for the extraordinary help and assistance of the LORD, to assist us either above means or in the means. We know the Lord in the time of the Martyr's sufferings did help wonderfully, their temptations were grievous, and afflictions great, and yet the Lord did help them extraordiarily; God did let in abundance of sweetness. But we pass this, and come to the other. Secondly, we pray especially for such means as may help us; and that appears in four particulars: First, that the Lord would discover the enemy before he comes; that he would make known unto us the engines, and wiles, and depth of Satan, and the subtlety of our own corrupt hearts, which are ready on every hand to surprise us; for to be surprised before we are ware is great danger; therefore we pray that the Lord would give us the Spirit of Revelation, that we may take notice of the engines of Satan, that he may be discovered to us; the discovery, we know, of an evil is to prevent an evil: and, not foreseeing, we cannot prevent. He that sees not an evil before it comes will be overthrown by it when it comes. Many a man perisheth by pride, and knows not what hurts him. Thus corruption blows up the soul. This the Lord promiseth, Isay 30.21. Thou shalt hear a word behind thee, saying, This is the way. That GOD may keep a man from sin, he sends the Spirit of CHRIST to say, this is the way, walk in it. The Text saith, 2 Cor. 2. there, speaking of the incestuous man, We are not ignorant of the methods of Satan to us, Mat. 20. When the great skirmish was to come, our Saviour forewarned Peter, and saith, I will smite the Shepherd, etc. and saith, Watch and pray for the hour is come, etc. He gives him this warning-piece. We pray then that God would make known to us the engines of sin and Satan before they come. We know it is a great help in war to know the quarters and orders of enemies, that so a man may order his actions according thereunto. So we must know where the Devil and our corruptions lie quartered, and what be the haunts of our wretched hearts, and so to order the help God hath put into our hands for the resisting of them. Secondly, that the Lord, as it were, would entrench about us: If he will not foretell us of the enemy, that, seeing sin, we may prevent it, yet that he would lay some heavy impediment upon us, etc. and build some trench about us, that we may not commit those evils we are tempted unto: That though he do not reveal the policy of Satan, yet that he would lay some snares, that we may not commit that sin which otherwise we would do. And this is a marvellous mercy, Gen. 20.7. Abimelech took Sarah, as though she had been Abraham's sister, as he himself told him; and, no question, he had a purpose to take her to be his wife; but the Lord laid an impediment, the Lord kept Abimelech from Sarah, he took off the edge of his desire, and laid a bar between them: Hos. 2.6, 7. The Church was running after her abominations; now how did the Lord prevent her? the Text saith, I will hedge thy ways with thorns, and build a wall about thee. The Lovers were corruptions, and the following of them is the eager pursuit of them. Now he hedges the ways with Thorns; that is, he lays desperate afflictions on them, that she had no liberty to sin, so that she hath enough to do to mind her own miseries. Sometimes a man is addicted to base company, and then the Lord lays sickness to imprison him, and to keep him from sin: This is mercy. Thirdly, the Lord puts armour and weapons on them to fight against their enemies that are opposite to his grace and children, Ephes. 6. from the 10. to the 19 Be ye strengthened in all might, putting on all spiritual abilities, 1 Cor. 2. to be strengthened in every good work. God saith, he covers the heads of his, 1 Pet. 1.5. God keeps them by the power of his grace; God gives his the whole armour, the shield of faith, the breastplate of righteousness, etc. to quench the fiery darts of Satan, and to resist him. Fourthly, God gives a dominion over and conquest against all our enemies, and over all our victorious corruptions he gives a happy issue and success: With the fight he gives the issue with the victory, Revel. 1.6. He hath made us Kings, that is, he hath given us a Kingly authority over all our corruptions; Rom. 6: 14. Sin shall not have dominion over you; Psal. 119.133. so David prayeth, Let no iniquity have dominion over me. Thus the Lord assists his in trouble. Thirdly, as we pray that the Lord would prevent the occasions of evil, and, if they come, to assist us in them; so lastly, if we be foiled and brought under by the temptations of Satan and our own corruptions, that the LORD would rescue us from them that have had too much power over us, and too too much prevailed against us. This we know was the request and desire of the Prophet David, Psal. 39 Restore me to my former health before I go away from hence and be no more seen: As who should say, my base lusts are too strong for me; these hands were stout, but now feeble; therefore LORD give me that former strength. His sins were as sickness; David's case was as when a man hath been sick, and after comes to get up his crumbs; as though he had said, I knew the time when I had a broken heart for my sin, but now hardened; therefore, O God, spare me a little while before I go hence, and be no more seen, that I may recover my former courage, zeal, and strength before I go hence; Rom. 8.2. The Law of the Spirit of life in Christ hath made me free from the Law of sin and death, Sin makes Laws: We then entreat the Lord, that he would prevent corruption, that he would assist us in temptation ordinarily and extraordinarily, that he would discover the enemy before he come; that he would entrench about us, and give us Armour and weapons to resist. it; and give us dominion over our enemies; and that, if we be overcome, he would rescue and recover us out of them: This is the sum of this Petition. Now we come to the frame of the heart that we should bring before God, Quest. that so we may be fit to receive the good we sue for at the hand of God. Now wherein doth it appear? The frame of heart and disposition of Soul, Answ. that best beseems us in the putting up of this Petition, appears principally in four things. First, when we desire that the Lord would not let us be drawn aside, nor led into temptation, we must labour to avoid all occasions as may be too strong for us or like to prevail over us. In vain we desire to be delivered from evil, when we rush into evil and into temptations. He that should take pitch into his hand, and pray not to defiled; put fire into his bosom, and pray not to be burnt; it is a slighting of God's mercy, and a provoking of God to wrath, rather than a begging of mercy. We would count it a madness for a man to cast himself into the Sea, and desire to be saved; to make ourselves sick that God may make us whole again. It is nothing else, but as we may say, to make God work; so to run into evil, and to pray to the Lord to deliver us from evil; it is provoking and mocking of the Lord: the wise man's rule is here memorable, Prov. 23.23. If a man be given to his appetite, let him put his knife to his throat. If thou lovest the wine, look not upon it; a man that is given to his appetite, it is in vain to pray against it, and yet nourish it: but thou must put thy knife to thy throat, abstain from that which may provoke it; for if we please our appetite, it will be a temptation to us. Psal. 30. The promises and the providence of the Lord go together. He will secure us and relieve us, but it must be in the way of providence; we must be in the way: He that goes out of the way, and craves God's assistance, shall never have it, but hales on evil on himself, Matthew 10.18. our Saviour speaking of offences, saith, If thy hand cause thee to offend, cut it off: and if thine eye cause thee to offend, pluck it out: That is, were thy sins as near to thee as thy right hand in regard of profit, or thy right eye, in regard of pleasure, cut them off, pluck them out, fling them away, rather than be foiled by them. In vain we crave the assistance of the Lord, and in the mean time lay blocks before us; it is presumption, therefore no marvel if many times the Lord leaves a man in the lurch, because he doth not that he prays for. It is enough to cause the Lord to curse us, when we do not avoid occasions of evil: he that will not fall into the pit, let him not come near the brink of it; he that will not be snared by evil, let him not come near the occasions of evil. Secondly, if we be weak of ourselves, and cannot prevent the occasions of evil; yet be careful to seek all such means as may be succourable and helpful to us; if we cannot help it, but that these will surprise us, let us seek the means that may secure us in our need. The sick man that craves succour of the Lord must use the means the Lord hath appointed; happily thou findest temptations pressing on in thy calling, thou canst not avoid it; the more the occasions are, the more seek for the means that may fortify thee. He that will be healed, let him seek the Physician; he that is out of the way, and would be set in the right way, let him inquire it out, and not sit still, and say, Lord have mercy upon me, etc. but seek unto God in the use of the means. It was that which Joshuah did, chapter the seventh, he called upon God, but yet the Lord did not help him, but said, Why dost thou so? Israel hath sinned, look to that; in vain it is to pray, that the enemy may not prevail, and labour not to get sin out of the camp; but do that, and then the overthrow of the Enemies will be fare enough from thee. Thirdly, when we have found the means, labour to be content to be ordered by all the means and helps that God hath been pleased to ordain for our good. It is a madness to crave, as Balaam, Oh that I might die the death of the righteous, and not live their life; to see the way, and not to walk in it. Jer. 42. they said to the Prophet, Inquire at the mouth of the Lord, and whatsoever he commandeth, that we will do, but when they heard and knew it, they would not. In vain it is to crave the pardon of sin, when we look not to the promise; to desire sin to be subdued, and yet not to abide the means that should do it: but if a man faith, he will not be counselled, but will have his proud heart, and will walk in all his own ways, how can he say, deliver me from this proud heart, when he will not have counsel take place? When a man is in horror of heart, when conscience flies in his face, it is in vain to whine then, and yet not to be ruled by the Word of God, but be as vain as ever, as lose as ever, and as iddle as ever. Thou beggest one thing, and desirest another, and so long never put up this Petition. Fourthly, we must rely upon the Lord for a blessing and success in all we pray for, or do. We must so use the means, as if there were no promise to help us; and yet so depend on God for all, as though the means could do nothing. Observe all thy occasions, and say, counsel and advise is good, but the Lord must set them on; man lives not by bread only, but by the blessing of God in the means; go to the Spirit of the Lord, and see there a greater power than in all means. 2 King. 2. If thou canst see me taken up, then shalt thou have my Spirit double upon thee. The meaning is, if thou seest the God that takes me up, than he will give thee his Spirit; look to God above all means, and he that is thus disposed prays aright to be delivered. For thine is the Kingdom. WE have done with the six Petitions: three concerning God, his Name, Kingdom, Will: three concerning ourselves, concerning things of this life, and of a better; to wit, justification, sanctification; we come now to the conclusion, and considerin it two things. First, the thanksgiving. Secondly, the conclusion of faith in the word Amen. In the thanksgiving is included both a reason of the Petition; as also, a form of thanksgiving, as who should say, we do not presume we can do any thing, unless thou dost work in us what thou requirest of us; For thine is the Kingdom. It is not in our power to do what we should, or what thou requirest of us; but the Kingdom is thine, all comes from thee, O Lord, and let all the glory of all be returned to thee again. Do we hollow thy name, and pray for thy Kingdom to come, and thy will be done? why? it is thou Lord, that must give the power; we beg all from thee, and this is included in the word power. For, as that we should say, we have no power to do any thing, do thou all Lord, and take thou the glory of all; so that is the ground why we beg all of him, and return all to him. What is here meant by Kingdom? Quest. First, the word Kingdom doth discover the right and authority of God, to give all things we want; Answ. thou, Lord, hast the disposing of all things; we have no authority, nor no property that is in us, thine is the Kingdom, thou hast all power to do what thou wilt. The Master doth what he will in his family, and the King rules in his Realm; so doth the Lord rule in the heart of his. Secondly, the Lord hath not only authority to do what he will, but full and abundant sufficiency to dispose of all according to his will and pleasure. King's may want power to do what they would, and the sons of Zeruiah may be too strong for David; but as the Lord hath title to all, so his arm is long enough, his ability sufficient enough to do all; there is much infirmity in us, but none at all in thee. And the glory. THe glory of a thing, we know appears in two things. First the excellency of it. Secondly, in the beauty and splendour of its excellency: this sets forth the glory of a thing, as who should say, if any beauty, excellency or glory be in the creature, it is thine, oh Lord; for thine is the Kingdom, power, and the glory. Thine. What doth this word thine imply? Quest. It implies three particulars. Answ. First, that all authority, sufficiency, and excellency is firstly in God, all is his by possession and propriety. Any thing that we have or enjoy, it is but what we have of him, it is but a glimpse and reflection of that glory in God, and it is all firstly in God, and he leases it out; it is my God and my portion, God is the root of all we are or have, all power and sufficiency is in him firstly. Secondly, so all comes from him; whatever is in the creature, comes from him; all are but tenants and leisures of that they have from the Lord, who is the great possessor of Heaven and Earth. Thirdly, it implies, that we should acknowledge all belonging to him, give every man his due: whose is this honour and power? the Lords: let him have it then; and this is to put off all ability and sufficiency from ourselves, and to acknowledge all to come from him: As though the soul should say, Is there any thing in me, Lord? it is because thou givest it: Thou givest unto us all our abilities and hearts to pray, and it is thou that hearest us when we pray. It is all free mercy, all abilities are from thee; therefore, Lord, take all; for all is thine. Thus the soul disclaims all self. For ever and ever, etc. THat is, everlasting power is in thee, which differs from all other power; all man's power is from GOD; but the Kingdom of GOD, his power and his glory, it is for ever and ever. We cannot pray always, our abilities fail and our hearts faint, but thy power endures for ever; the good things of this life, meat, drink, cloth, etc. some times are gone, but yet thy power endures for ever to secure us. When our abilities fail, yet power is for ever and ever in thee to renew them. Amen. THe word Amen implies three things: First, the term of asseveration, and it discovers the truth of a thing. Secondly, a wish, Oh, saith the soul, that it might be. Thirdly, the voice of a confident faith; It is so, it is done Lord: all these three are employed: but this last mainly here intended. These things we have prayed for, that according to thy will they are verily done: As also, there is a secret looking after the Petition when it is put up, the soul follows the Petition: Now, saith the soul, they speed, the LDRD grants these petitions: as a man that shoots an Arrow, he looks after it: So the soul saith, Oh, that the Lord would speed it. So when the Petitions are sent to heaven, the heart follows the blow and looks after them, it sends his Amen; oh, that it might be so, and then faith saith, it is done undoubtedly: As true as the Lord is faithful, so these must needs be done. The word Amen strikes the match thorough. The soul wisheth, Oh that it might be done, saith saith, it is done already. Prayer is as the key; when a man wants provision, he goes to the Treasury and fetcheth it: So prayer fetcheth comfort, peace, and assurance, etc. and Amen turns the key; it is mine, saith the Soul. Prayer is as a Golden Key. FINIS.