THE KING OF DENMARK'S MESSAGE To the States of HOLLAND, FOR The advancing of the King of Scots Interest; with Their proceed thereupon; and His Resolution to maintain the Quarrel against all Opposers; [if He can] Also, His raising of a great Army; their advance towards the Sea-coast; and 30 Men of War lancing forth to join with the Dutch; Together with the great Present sent to the King of Scots, amounting to one hundred thousand pounds in Gold. Likewise, a great and glorious Victory obtained by the English against 120 sail of Dutch; with the number of ships taken, and brought into the Downs. Published by Authority. London, Printed for James Williams, 1652. A great and glorious Victory obtained against the Hollanders, upon the Northern Seas; with the particulars thereof, and the manner how the Parliaments Frigates fell upon the Convoy and Merchants, as they were passing to the Irish seas, etc. Right Honourable, THough no Tongue or Pen be able to express the greatness of the action, suitable to that magnificent appearance of God, in the behalf of poor England; yet because it is a main part of our duty, in any measure, to become subservient to his glory, it is conceived nothing can more advance it, then by recounting before all the world, the many wondrous and mighty dispensations of his mercy. For upon the 30 and 31 of Octob. the waves at sea roul'd high and tempestuous; for the winds were at a sad contest of Mastership for 48 hours together, so that our Navy were necessitated to draw near the Harbours; however the very storms proud advantageous to us; for a Squadron of the enemy's ships passing by the Isle of Wight, were by the force of the tempest scattered and divided, and in that disorder 4 of them were driven in upon Gen. Blake, who willing to entertain all the smiles of fortune, most courteously embraced their inevitable reducement, and has sent them all prizes into the Downs. Two Merchant men since laden with wines and other rich commodities, partaking of the same disaster in weather, are taken in like manner, and now on sail towards Dover for Winter-quarters, 7 ships more pretending themselves Hamburgers, were likewise taken by the State's Frigates, and conveyed to Plymouth, where they are at present, till such time that they can make it appear that they are not Flemins, otherwise to expect to be made prizes. Three more likewise upon the Coast of France were brought in by the Pelican to the fleet, under the same pretence of Hamburgers; but unless they prove it suddenly, and by sufficient demonstration, they must look for an inimical Censure. Yet that which doth most illustrate the splendour of our Victory, is, the dissipating of the Dutch Convoy, with 100 sail of Merchants, near the Isles of Orkney, by Cap. Ball, with 20 Men of War. From the Downs Novem. 8. 1652. General Blake maintains the Western seas, and expects the coming forth of the Dutch Fleet very suddenly. Vantrump hath tendered an Oath to all his Officers and Seamen; and unanimously they have vowed to dispute their Quarrel upon the Neptuâ—Źe Ocean to the last man. But it is the Muzzle of the Canon, and not such Squibs must resolve our Case. Two hundred sail of Colliers are now bound from Newcastle for London; they put forth on the third of November, and are daily expected at the Hope. On Monday being the eighth of this instant, we received intelligence, That Sir George Carteret is very busy with his Pickeroons upon the Western Coast, seizing divers small Vessels, but sometimes they snap short of their prey; and instead of prize receive shipwreck. Amongst the rest, a gallant ship richly laden with plundered Plate, and other famous Commodities, was bulged upon the Sands near Corum in Kent, and became a prey to the Inhabitants thereabouts: she is by estimation deemed to be worth forty thousand pounds. Great are the preparations for War throughout all the Provinces; but the most active and forward to engage are the English: Yet there is a people who are loath to run the hazard of War, knowing that it is not a little Ghelt must feed the flame, and want of Trade will soon make a hole in the bottom of their purses. And so I leave them between Hope and Despair: God knows the future Events, and not I. Yet notwithstanding, the Estates now prosecute their Design with great vigour, and have paid the Seamen off all their arrears, so that there is a general concurrence of their Mariners to be in action once more; and their whole Navy are now ready to launch forth. The Lords have mustered 30000 able and expert men of Arms, out of which 5000 were selected to man the Navy. The interest of the King of Scots is eagerly prosecuted amongst them; and all the talk is, of his Cause, and Advance, to palliate their new Design The King of Denmark hath sent a Declaration to the Estates General, assuring them of his readiness to join with them, for the advancing of the King of Scots interest, provided they would play the like Game; which they seem very forward in, to run an apparent hazard of the fortune of their own Commonwealth to hold the contestation with ours. Thirty men of War are coming from the Baltic seas to join with them; from whence we hear, that the King hath sent a summons throughout all his Dominions, in obedience whereunto, there hath been a great mustering of the Militia, and a great Army is drawn down towards the Sound; so that there seems to be a mighty compliance of both sides in heightening their war and conspiracy against us. We hear that his Maj. of Denmark hath sent the King of Scots one hundred thousand pounds for a Present, with the promised assistance of Him and His Subjects, in the disputing of His Cause against all Opposers. In pursuance whereof, He hath broke open the English ships by him detained in the Sound, and is resolved to prosecute the Quarrel, which gives a second occasion of joy to the Hollanders, in regard they suppose it is an engagement upon him to stand to his affront: But there is a Judge above, that must censure these actions, beyond whom there is no appeal, and in whom, no perverting of Judgement. FINIS.