four Deliberate, and Solid QVERIES Of State, Resolved to the three kingdoms. 1. What is the chief and principal cause of the distempers and destructive differences now on foot, and possible or likely to be? 2. What is the most proper and speedy remedy to remove or take away that disease, with the cause thereof the stoping or obstruction in the cause of Iustice in matters of humanity, and which ought to be between man, and man? 3. What is or may be the best means to prevent such distempers as are now on foot in this kingdom, or their like which may happen in future time? 4. How may this remedy for the present distemper and means of prevention against the same or the like for future be administered or applied for the relief and preservation of humanity and Conscience, when the head by much corruption from within, and without, is seduced and made uncapabable of performing its of fice, the course of Government, and execution of Iustice issuing from thence? With a discovery of a true Church and the discipline, and Government thereof. LONDON Printed in the year 1647. TO discover the mystery of divine and devilish policy, that men may know when in ecclesiastical Government they are really subject under God, or the devil, and which they do actually worship, let it be considered. 1. That the same spirit that ruleth in any natural body, ruleth in the policy thereto belonging. 2. That the human part of man is subjected by the curse; and redemption to the predomination of a spiritual substance issuing from God or the devil, by which men are ruled and governed personally, and politicly as hath been expressed. 3. That these predominating spirits in man, are point blank contrary in their nature and quality as the fountains and fathers thereof, and by the quality and disposition of the ruling spirit in state personal, or political, tis to be judged in the present condition whether it be of God, or not: to this purpose is the counsel of the Holy Ghost, saying, believe not every Spirit, but try the Spirits whether they be of God for &c. John 4.1. and it is a positive way of distintion used in Scripture, in determining truths, as in Rom. 8.9. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ he is none of his. Verse 14. and as many as are lead by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God; and the like must needs be of the contrary part, herein the discoveries of policies and natures both gives large satisfaction, but that men may see to purpose, or appear willingly ignorant, take notice. God for the nature or quality of his spirit is called Love, 1 John 4.8. and 16. 2 Cor. 13.11. he is called the God of love, &c. the same spirit or quality which ruleth in, or is the life of the Father of Spirits, is the like, of his natural for, and of his adopted sons, as former Scriptures and essential reason plainly prove, and in all beareth the same fruit, Gal. 5.22 23.24. Likewise the nature or quality of the spirit of the politic power of the visible Church of Christ the new jerusalem, the kingdom of King; and Priests, is the same with that of God and all his Children, even of love as the Treatise of policies proveth to the full, but for farther proof observe. 1. Every thing that is God, as participating of his nature, or representing the same in police, must needs be the same with his own, or contrary to him, and its apparent in all the Churches upon record in the new Testament there was no exercise or practise of any violence used to bring, or keep in or to cast people out of the Church, nor in that way was the performance of any act enjoined, but reproved 3. John 1.9.10. and in that way also God may soon have more then h●● requireth of worship in spirit and truth. Likewise to prove the quality of the Spirit of the politic power of Christs Church, to be of love, every office of administration therein is of service, not of command, there is no authority above the Church, and this appears in Christs advice of remedy for trespass done by a brother, wishing upon neglect of former means, to complain to the Church, Mat. 18.17. and in his appeasing the indignation of the ten moved by the request of the Mother of Zebedees Children, he saith unto them, ye know that the Princes of the Gentiles exercise dominion over them, &c. but it shall not be so among you, &c. and whosoever will be chief among you let him be your servant, Mat. 20. 2●. 25, 26, 27. and to the same purpose red Luke 22.25. And further consider the quality of the spirit or disposition of the laws and ordinances thereof, and it will be found sut●ble to that of God, the builder and maker of the whole, together with that of the chief corner ston, and the matter and form of the kingdom of the gospel, even of divine love, which the Holy Ghost approveth by Gal. 5.13.14. in these words, but by love serve one another, for all the Law is fulfilled in one word, even in this, thou shalt love thy Neighbour, &c. love covereth all sins, Prov. 10.12. 1 Pet. 4.8. and what is the Christian course or law of the Sanctuary in case of offence done, but forgiveness until 70. times 7. yea as we desire God to forgive us, we are to forgive, Mat. 18.21, 22. v. 35. hereby itis clearly evident, that the quality of the spirit of the Church of Christ, throughout every part thereof is divine love, which also is testified in the said foregoing Treatises, and the very titles by which the Holy Ghost styleth it, significantly confirmeth the same, as the body of Christ the 〈◇〉 of Christ, the bridegroom, &c. Every truth discovereth its opposite in the nature thereof, and so what hath been said of the ●… lity of the spirit of God and all that is of him, naturally and politicly, and in special of the ●… sible Church of Christ, tis sufficient to set forth the nature and quality of the spirit of the 〈◇〉 Antichrist, and all that is of him, and especially, that of the false ecclesiastical state, the false 〈◇〉 which is called Christs, but in spirit and truth is not, and is indeed the mystical body of Anti-christ: but that men may wink and see, let the nature and quality of the sp●rit of the man of sin, the Mystery of iniquity, be presented to consideration also, and as it issueth from the old Serpeat the Dragon, the man-destroyer, the old liar, the deluder of the world, and as it agreeth with the spirit of the false Church, in matter and form of it, in the state and laws thereof, even throughout the whole, will appear to be of violence and compulsion, as hath been proved in the former discoveries, but to revive and enlarge the proofs, can be but necessary pains for all sides, and the better to clear this point, it will be good to distinguish of violence and compulsion, whereof there is two sorts. 1. Is human, which tendeth to the preservation of the nature and being of men, which is practised or used by the civill magistrate, in cases between man and man, in prevention of mens destroying or murdering each other, or counting actions leading and tending thereunto, and this is was Gods allowance, as the Holy Ghost justifieth, Rom. 3.4. 1 Tim. 1.9.10. 2. Is inhuman, or devilish, which causeth mans destruction without just cause of offence given in any case depending between man and man, such cain used to Abell, such the Iewes to Gods Prophets, such was used to Christ and his Saints, as the Scriptures Prophetically and Historically abundantly declare, which people cannot be ignorant of, that any jot use them. And that this inhuman, or devilish violence and compulsion, is the quality or nature of the ruling spirit of the false Church, twill appear two ways. First, By charging and snaring men unnaturally and causelelly, with criminal injunctions and impositions, in matters of conscience[ which in no respect is under the command of human power, much less under what is devilish] after the manner of egypt and babylon. Secondly, By killing, or causing men to be killed for refusing subjection in conscience, without any civill transgression, as in former presidents, and herein the Holy Ghost setteth forth the man of sin, sitting and ruling over conscience, in a higher way then ever the son of God did. 2 Thes, ●. 4. Christ seeketh not subjection of conscience, but the obedience of faith, which worketh by love, he craveth not the use of any external power to effect it, but useth only the Doctrine of salvation; he proclaims no service for slaves but Volunteeres, but Antichrist seeketh all subjection of conscience: after the manner of satan, with all power, and signs, and lying wonders. 2. Thes. 2.9.10. the kingdom of heaven, for perfection of whose quality of spirit, of love and salvation, of soul and body all human service is due unto it, yet therein, and therewith, was no power of violence given or used, to make men tender it whether they would or no, neither in abuse, or disrespect of it to bekilled or spoiled in body, goods, or liberty, the Beast which did arise out of the Sea or the earth, the kingdom from beneath, I mean of Hell although the profession of T●… rany, and to be abhorred of all men for destruction in soul and body, and all that apertaine to both, receiveth power and State, and great authority from the Dragon, which the world wondereth after, and worshippeth, and hath power which causeth all small, and great, rich and poor, bound, and free to receive a mark, or be subject to it, and that none should buy or sell, save he that did, or doth so, Revel. 13. Such as are no● able to deserne any politic body by the essential parts of it, the matter and form, nor the necessary circumstantial parts there unto belonging, as the means of it, the state or manner, and the laws and Ordinances thereof, yet they cannot be so simplo, or ignorant, but to deserne and distinguish of the quality of the spirit and the life thereof, whether it tendeth to comfort of love and preservation of the nature of man, or to a slavish and fearful living in bondage( the way of the destruction of human nature) it were convenient also to relate the several sorts of Anti-Christe, but it will be tedious, there be many. 1 joh. 2.18. 2 joh. 1.17. but they are all of one spirit, and though verbally, and deceivably, yet not really consessing Christ, to become in the flesh, so as to yield him the Throne of his Father David, and to hold him as sole head of the Church, and this is that Spirit of Anti-Christ. 1 joh. 4.3. But if Christ be allowed the name of of an head,( which is disingenuity for a body to have two heads,) yet the Pope in the Sea, or a spiritual Court,( his Image) in the earth, the King also it may be, wearing the Title, as a Chipher likewise) carrieth the office of a head, together with the power and privilege, in whose name power and authority, all the Church service is performed, this is effected, and contrived in practise withall deceivableness of uprightness. 2 Thess. 2.10. undoing the world in these last times, as in the beginning with Divellishnes, through faire promising Guile, and deceit. And now O civil state, both head and foot, try the Spirit of the Church of England and of other Nations under the same head of government, and instead of the spirit so qualified, as to bring forth the fruits of love, joy peace long suffering gentlnesse, goodness, &c. which are belonging and proper to the spirit of God, gull. 5.22.23. which should extend to all in the true Church, and without it, gull. 6.10. and instead thereof doth appear a ruling spirit qualified with a clean contrary working in our civil head with his whole state, and estate, both subjects, sword and maintenance, the service of the false Prophet the second beast, spiritual courts of power the Image of the first beast, with power to kill and slay such as cannot do any thing in conscience, in way of conformity, in matters of Church worship, witness the truth of this, mens sufferings( when there be enough old and new, and public also) under the sperit of the power of the ecclesiastical Courts, when there hath been no injury don in any Civill respect at all, whereby the power of common Courts of justice, could take any hold civility if thou hast any sense of the judgments denounced against egypt and babylon, put away from thee the spirit thereof in all respects, bondage and oppression of all sorts, especially foul tyranny, and slavery, and look to your charge the drift and end of your calling even the preservation of one another in all civill maner, and leave conscience in government to God, who alone hath the power and disposition of sperits and souls and let people besafe and quiet in the use thereof which will prove if the truth be in them or not, for the supporting of accomplish power, our conscience and the use of it presenteth all a like, and filleth the world with his pocrisie, and a way of excuse therein, which God in all his ways abhorreth if the highest in civil state were as Adam in his innocency( which cannot be since the curse) yet he might be remembered to be wise( as Adams case proveth) and to beware, least the tempter by his spirit in his Instruments be too hard for him, and couzen him of his paradise, even by listing him above the government of human nature, and lift him out of all, consider violence is no right way in conjunction of spirits, Christ, did not so reconcile and reunit God, and man, that is proper to course, dressit, and earthey compositions, wherein is confusion, the finer, and pure substance suppressed by that which is worse, and therefore God in these substantial times of worship, in spiritual matters,( men keeping the main bounds of civility) leaveth them free in the use of their sonles, and spirits, to serve under that spiritual head from whence they are, and to which they belong and incline, and likewise that men in civill command might be without excuse, for serving a false Church state, and further you may call to mind, how subject you are to be deluded, being Adams Sons, and be drawn by mockers and scoffers of these last times, to put such unreasonable gulls, for true service upon God, which in your own case yourselves cannot swallow, or digest as good and right in your own judgement, any power interposing in civill policy, notwithstanding all faire pretences, is held to bee depriving and entercepting the sovereignty of the head, and loyalty of the body, and so high Treason, which also can be no less; think of this States-men and Subjects, & what can it be otherwise, then the like against God and Heaven, when all worship and Church service must pass through the power and pleasure of men rulers, and such as take upon them to dispose of Gods people, and their affairs; and let it please you to deal with God, as with reasonable men, in way of Government, without usurpation and interposition of power, or supporting any which cannot stand by itself, and be satisfied with the onely use of civill command, and power in earth other, which endeth in the peace and safety of all, confined within the bounds of humanity, then shall you be a refuge to the innocent, and a terror to the wicked, as is the will of God, Rom. 13.4. The Questions and Answers follow. 1. Quest. WHat is the chief and principal cause of the distempers and destructive differences now on foot and possible or likely to be in this or any other human Civill politic State and kingdom? Answ. It is an obstruction, or stoppage in the veins or passages of justice, and equity, in matters between man, and man, which also is the gate or means of passage from mercy, and equity, to cruelty, and oppression. The truth of this answer, will appear to be without contradiction, by considering from the light and rule of Gods word and human reason. 1. What the nature, or spirit, and use of human, and civill government is, which is given by way of allowance and approbation by the Trinity, to the Kings and Nations of the Earth. 2. What the nature or spirit and use of the true Church-State, the true ecclesiastical government is, which is given to Christ and his redeemed ones by his Father. 3. What the nature or spirit and use of the false ecclesiastical government is, which is given to the son and children of Pride, by their father the devil, through the patience and long suffering of the blessed Trinity. In the foregoing Treatise is discovered the knowledge of the Three States, by the Spirit of them, and now by the knowledge of the nature and use of them, when any Nation or part of the world is in violent distempers, the highway of destruction, it will bee easy to consider what is the most chief and eminent cause thereof, and therefore in these times of great distractions, you shall find by examination. First, Of the nature of civill or human government, it is, and ought to be, in quality according to the second Table of the moral Law of God, without all, or any exceptions, preserving mankind in general, in all respects, only between man, and man, harmless, and from wrong, as well the stranger as the neighbour, and the poor, as the rich, without partiality; wisdom is expressed assuredly by the greatest and most assentiall commandements of God, tending to the being, and foreseeing of mankind, and those are summed up in two great Commandements, upon which hangs all the Law and the Prophets, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy, &c. and thy neighbour as &c. and by the same wisdom, do Kings reign, and Princes decree justice; By me Princes rule, and Nobles, even all the Iudges of the Earth, Prov. 8.15.16. If this Scripture be not full enough to prove, that the nature of the government of the Kings of the earth, the state of the magistracy is in the highest pitch, or largest extent of it, the administration of justice merely in matters between man, and man, before Christs time, and since common reason in the judgement of a spark of humanlty will do the work, tis most apparent there are but two kindes of policy in the would, and they are ecclesiastical, or Divine, and Civill or human, all politic States, whether true, or false, are under one of these titles: I need not stand to prove tis day when the sun shineth, before Christs time that which was ecclesiastical or Divine, it was peculiarly by special commission given to the Iewes and their Governours, excluding the Gentiles, in general all the Nations thereof, and their Governours. Deut. sinee Christs coming who broke down the partition wall, paying the price of Redemption, and privildged the Gentiles as well as the jew, in the state of Christianity, he hath received the power and kingdom ecclesiastical from his Father, by commission it is given him, and Christians excluding all of every nation, not so qualified both jew, and gentle, and high, and low, Luke 1.32.33. Mat. 28.18. Such as worship God in spirit and truth( not externally, and in show onely) doth he allow to worship him) John 4.23, 24. God respecteth not persons for Nation, Tribe, Art, or civill degree, but in every Nation he that feareth him and worketh righteousness is excepted of him. Acts 10.34, 35. to the company of them that are so qualified in spirit as aforesaid, belongs that spiritual kingdom or Government ecclesiastical, which Christ saith, is not of this world, & they are now the chosen, generation, the holy nation, which in time past, were not a people, but are now the people of God, 1 Pet. 2.8 9 10. Tit. 2.14. Further proof hereof, you will find the use of civill government to bee, which also upon examination will appear to be merely for the maintenance and preservation of justice in matters between man, and man, which common reason affords from truths of former consideration, but full to prove the use of it to be as aforesaid, take the words of the holy Scriptures, and the impossibility of any Farther extent, speaking of Majestracie, it is said Rulers are not a terror to good works but to the evil, wilt thou not then be afraid of the power, do that which is good, and thou shal● have praise of the same, for he is the Minister of God to thee for good, but if thou dost that which i● evil, be afraid for he beareth not the sword in vain for he is the Minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doth evil, Rom. 13.3, 4. now by all rules, and principles, in divine and humane nature and policy, the Minister and his sword must relate and belong in use onely to justice in humane affairs, for no man is, or can bee a Christian in spirit and truth by compulsion, and farther, if he were so, he could not live without doing evil against God, and in such case, what is du●… pennance, yea how should the Minister or Subject live, neither hath any Christian Ministers an● sword to revenge or to execute Iustice; they use onely( by allowance) the sword of the spirit, th● word of God; the highest penalty that the Scripture records, which Christ advised his Disciple when he sent them forth to preach the Gospel, if people of any place received them not, they wer● to shake off the dust under their feet in testimony against them, for any other punishment was t● remain in the hand of God to be executed in the time of his Iudgement. mark 6.11. and this was the practise in case of opposition, Acts 13.51. The use of civill government is also set forth by th● Apostle, showing the use of the Law, 1 Tim. 1.8, 9, 10 the government, of Christ Iesus, which is his by Birth-right & Commission, Isa. 9.6, 7. Luk 1.32, 33. Mat. 28.18. is that only which is tru●… ecclesiastical or Divine, higher and greater in nature then that which is civill & including the same as every greater doth the less no ways repugnant thereunto, but in his policy as in his persona● nature, advancing the same for a more special service, the spirit thereof is divine Love, enjoynin● men through redemption and sanctity, the service of the Trinity, in as free a way as members of 〈◇〉 natural body serve their head & one another in the sense thereof: Of this government, are not unreasonable men, which have not faith, whose unruly dispositions require the use of the Civill sword, 〈◇〉 prevent inhuman passages, but the meek, the merciful, the pure in heart, with all the blessed mentioned, Mat. 5. those that need none but the sword of the spirit, the word of God, the holy seritures( which are able to make wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Iesus, all which a●… given by inspiration of God, and are profitable in Divine government, for Doctrine, for reproof for correction, for instruction in righteousness, 2 Tim. 3.15, 16.) hereof I have spoken largely former passages, and the foregoing Ttreatise; This government hath no touch in nature of a● external violence in gathering to gather into fellowship, formalizeing any therein, in any measure or casting out any, but such who by their impenitent wickedness despise their ealling, and by continuing in lewd lusts exclude themselves. The use of this government, is to make happy the life of the faithful, Gods chosen; by living in visible fellowship with him in the kingdom, and Government, of his dear Sun( who is made unto them, righteousness, Sanctification, and Redemption,) Cor. 1.30, and that they by a Christ like Spirit( who without any compulsion in uprightness to God and man, in a free, and loving, yea a living way of life, shewed forth the virtues of his Father, even him that sent him) even his chosen generation, his royal Preist-hood, his holy Nation, his peculiar people should show forth the praises of him, who hath called them out of darkness, into his merveilous Light. 1 Pet. 2.9. and walk as not resraained from evil by the terror of the Law, and sword of justice, but ready to do good unto all, and suffer for well doing if need be, which government in use, can no way wrong that of Civility, but rather of due, may have service from it. The Government of Anti-Christ which is against, and contrary to the nature and Spirit of that of Christ( wherein is accepted only those of every Nation, which fear God, and work righteousness, not any compelled) and which also is deceiving, and undoing civill Government in salvation both of life, and estate, tis in nature and spirit of violence and compulsion, forcing holinesse and sanctity, or as it may be justly said external formality, in an external way of worship, upon Nations, People, and Languages, a sort of service, which men of common reason, despise in comparison of any issuing from natural affection much more doth God abhor it, although performed with the leas● measure and manifestation, of Hipocracie, and wherein is either greater or more eminent, then in acting any thing by compulsion, which should issue from the utmost freedom of the spirit, the nature of this violence and compulsion, is contrary to that of Civility, which preserveth humanity, keeping Civill bends, for this without breach of humanity( forcing the show of conscience where is none, or making men act against conscience both which are contrary to Christianity) depriveth people without spiritual subjection of natural life, and lively hood, liberty, and estate, and destroyeth the life of Christianity, and this must needs be the nature of the man of sin, the son of perdition, who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or is worshipped, 2. Thes. 2, 3, 4 this is the description which the Holy Ghost giveth of the first and second Beast, Revel. 13 16, the false ecclesiastical State which the world doth so much wonder after and worship, the use hereof doth also help to set forth the nature and spirit of it, together with former passages in the foregoing Treatises. &c. The use of it is contrary to that of Christianity, and humanity, to curse the upright in conscience and to sanctify rude Nations, and multitudes, whereby the beast, the false statetis kept alive, for if light be not put and kept out, darkness cannot remain, the devil cannot have his forth upon the world in deluding the posterity as the first Parents, and since Christs time, as before, in egypt and babylon, wherein mens souls and consciences, slav●uized to most foolish and devilish ways of worship, but the old serpent is not to learn how to keep his kingdom, and Government one foot, he knows how to make mankind his own, fron the beginning, although it were with giving God the lie, Goddifie man with a little flattery, and lying, and fool him out of all happiness, and so hath he dealt with the world in these later times since Christs coming, set up a state of false ho●inesse, by slatering Nations, with lies, which with a hiss of the false Prophet raise war against the Saints, and blaspheming against God, his name, his Tabernacle, and them which dwelled in heaven, as you may red, Revel. 13. at large for the state of humanity, the use of this state of Anti-Christ, is contrary to it with a witness, but if one tell it the truth of it, human policy,( which was erected since the curse) doth so much exceed Adams, strength and wisdom, which he had in innocency, that it will presently fall foul, with truth and plain dealing, tell her of shedding innorent blood, in subjecting her sword, and power, to such as call for it, to kill men for matters of conscience, without any civill offence, or wrong done to human nature, she will endure to hear of i●, as the Iewes did of killing the Prophets, and betraying the just one, Acts. 7.52, 53, 54, not without cause did Christ say to the Iewes, I am come in my Fathers name and ye receive me not, if a neither shall come in his own name, or without Gods sending him, ye will receive, joh. 5.43, both christ himself, his Apostles, and Desiples, upon record, in scripture, have given large warning of false Christs, and false Prophets, which come in sheeps clothing, but are inwardly ravening Wolves, he and his Deciples, lived in a way of plain dealing, and doing good, and instituted a state for that use according to the Proclamation of his coming, Glory to God in the highest, on earth peace, good will towards men Luke. 2.14. he came and sent his Deciples abroad, into the world, not to receive but to administer, and the use of the state of Christs Government is not to compass the world but to administer salvation, but this of Anti christ as it hath relation to the state of humanity, itis altogether deceiving the souls with a form of godliness without power, and the body of estate, of which you may red, 2 Tim. 3.2. Thes. 2, 2, Pet. 2. and were not the use hereof deceitful gain, who would be the devils slave, to be the Minister of a national Church State which Christ put an end unto, that he might establish that which is most perfect, of divine use but the world and Nation thereof, have ever been more apt to believe the devil, then Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, and thereby he hath brought them to this pass, that if men will have any part of the world, they must fall down and worship him, or be killed, and be spitefully used by the peopl thereof, as Christ, Prophets Apostles and disciples, have been in former times, for further satisfaction in the use of this state, I refer you to former passages. Now consider the nature and use of civil government, that of Christ Iesus, and that of Anti-Christ. And itis apparent that of civility, is to maintain and preserve the rude Nations, and multitudes of the earth, by correcting Malefactors, or evil doers, and by cutting of murderers with the sword of Iustice, without any relation to conscience. That the true ecclesiastical state, the Church of Christ, is to show a more excellent way, of life it alloweth the former in its own use, not requiring it to rectify conscience, but in the nature and use of his government, setting forth a being of love, mercy, and forgiveness, to that life and height as we would God should forgive us our trespasses against him. That the false ecclesiastical state, the worlds Church state, which the devil hath set up to delud men, of the world in matters of soul and body, and to spoil men of conscience, withall, to kill and handle the Saints of Christ, as himself with spite, is away of living in blaspheming, and lying against God, cursing what he hath blessed, and blessing what he hath cursed, and spilling innocent blood, so deluding civility, as to make her think she doth God service in cutting off men in matters of conscience, which is a work God, never required of magistrates, as hath been plainly proved over and over. Now all ecclesiastical government exercised in the earth, or amongst the Nations, under civil● Government, meddleth not without the approbation of civility, in inflicting punishment upon no● conformists in matters of conscience, and hath no power but what is given them of Civility, to in force any thing upon conscierce which the Beast, and false prophet, have along time ploughed wit● all they have built, & preserved their Sion with blood, yea with the blood of such who neither committed sealony nor Treason, as this kingdom well knoweth, Christ when he was risen from th● dead and testified to be the Son of God, without exception by the world, he sent his disciples to i●lighten the Nations with the way of truth, and salvation, he sought it not with the wrong of Civil● and humanly disposed persons, nor yet once moved Civility to convert people with the sword t● the Government of his kingdom, all the ways of the Kings of the earth in their state,( I say no their persons) can be nourishing Fathers to that of Christ, is only by doing of justice, relieving th● oppressed, and preserving the innocent,( as most men know, but are ashamed to justify it) and if be not the part of the calling of Majestracie, to urge matters of conscience one Christ his part, I am sure, and it is plain to all men tha● it s no part of that calling to order matters of conscience again Christs Government and there own two, and therefore it must needs he con●●ded, that if there be any distemper in any Nation or Common wealth, an obstruction or stoping in the veins and passages of justice, and equity, in matters between man, and man, must needs bee the chief cause thereof. 2. Quest. But if in justice and injury done and suffered between man, and man, not Religion, especially that of Christ Iesus, be the principal cause of distempers in this kingdom or any other state of civill policy. What is the most proper and speedy remedy to remove or take away that disease, with the cause thereof, the stoping or obstruction in the cause of Iustice in matters of humaity, and which ought to be between man, and man. Ans. It is a maxim in all natures, and an infalble rule, take away the cause, and the effect, or that which is wrought thereby, will follow, and so in taking away the cause of this obstruction, the remedy is had or gained: which that it may be accomplished, let it be considered. First, what the cause is. Secondly, From whence it is, whether from within the body or without it, for all bodies subject to corruption are incident to be hurt both ways, as experience teacheth. The cause whether within, or without the body, or state of civill, or human policy, is an evil humour, spirit, or disposition, contrary and destructive to the nature of the same, and that is most commonly, and most ordinary in the life of man, personally and politically, one, or both, Pride and covetousness( the parents of cruelty and oppression) wherein human nature is partially dealt with, not justly, but under, and over, not duly valued in one man as well as another; and so without all doubt as in the Religious policy, so and much more in the human, whence is discord, contention, or striffes, onely by Pride, Prov. 13.10. And from whence cometh warres and fightings among men, come they not hence, even from their Lusts, unruly, and envious desires, seeking more then is due, james 4.1. and that the body of civill policy, the whole state thereof, from the King to the meanest subject thereof, is subject to be corrupted, both from inbred corruption and from without, experience is witness, not to be refused or scorned, and that Kings and great ones in the civill state of this kingdom have committed oppression, and behaved themselves proudly over their subjects, and sought their own ends without tendering their subjects good from inbred corruption, let records and experience testify, I speak it not to disparaged either the person or the office of any way of Majestracie: and that the like hath been wrought, is, and will bee caused by corruption from without the civill body, is likewise not to be denied, and that is a false Clergy, the best or false Prophet, witness the truth hereof civill and conscionable mens sufferings, without cause of any civill offence given to civill state, of which spiritual deluders, and their miserable effects wrought upon the State of humanity: I refer you to the foregoing Treatises, And O civill State from the highest to the lowest, bee not angry for plain dealing, tis most honest and safe: the state of the Iewes which exceeded yours for all high privileges, hath been subjected under the same conditions, of which spake the Holy Ghost historically, and of this prophetically, Ezek. 22. from 25. to 31. Mich. 3.9, 10, 11, 12. for the same purpose, see Mat. 10.16, 17, 18. &c. Revel. 16.13, 14 Revel. 17.12, 13, 14 now minding the nature and use of civill government, what the cause of distemper is therein, and from whence, which being taken away, the distemper ceaseth, and the remedy is presently gained or had: God hath shewed thee O man what is good, and what he doth equire of thee, to do justly love mercy, and walk humbly with God, by the rule of his wisdom, not mans vain concepts, Mich. 6.8. 3. Quest. But since in states of policy whose heads and bodies are subject to corruption and utter destruction without remedy,( which many times cometh to late) what is or may bee the best means ●o prevent such distempers as are now on foot in this kingdom, or their like, which may happen in future time. Ans. What divine wisdom teacheth, and human experience generally proveth for good, is a rule to be followed not to be contemned by any, no, not by the greatest of men except they think to justify wrong courses against God and their own welfare, this kingdom has learned, formerly and since our Kings reign, that his majesty hath by flattery the golden cover of pride, covetousness of Court and clergy been( and twere hapie if I might say is not) made stranger to the commonalty of all his Dominions, whilst all Civill Courts of administion of justice have been made traps and snares to undo, not to right men in case of wrong and the way of Religion, intended for enlargement of light and truth, not to confine it and such as know and practise the same, hath been carried in away against the life of conscience, to imprison, banish, and punish civill disposed persons, differing in matters of conscience, which is enlightened only from above, so that justice being perverted, and the light of the gospel of Iesus Christ measured out and confirmed by a jewish and more Antichristian government, the common weal must needs bee in a lamentable pickle if not fitted for utter destruction. The means of preventing these evils present, and the like for future time, Divine wisdom and common reason with experience, teacheth to be, not the permitting, but taking away the interposition of flatterers between the head and body, whereby grievances of both, may be freely communicated, and jountly relieved. Take away the wicked from before the King, and his kingdom shall be established in righteousness, Prov. 25.5. and if there be any wicked, flatterers are wicked, those that have respect of persons elivating corrupt nature of men, more in one person then another sliting the nature of justice, for, for a piece of bread that man, will transgress, Prov. 28.21. A lying tongue hateth those that are afflicted by it, and a flattering mouth worketh ruin. Pro. 26.28. 4. Quest. But how shall this remedy for the present distemper and means of prevention against the same or the like for future, be administered or applied for the relief and preservation of humanity and conscience, when the head by much corruption from within, & without is seduced & made uncapable of performing its office, the course of government & execution of justice issuing from thence. Ans. Although the ordinary course of government is in all bodies issuing from the head, yet in such whose head with the whole body is subject to corruption, the law of the nature therof forbids not, but rather enjoins any way possible, of the preservation of the whole, both head & members: the advice of wisdom in that expression, take a way the wicked from before the King intirnateth as much, wherein the King is rendered as the patient or party suffering & another acting the remedy enjoined, both which cannot be performed by one instrument, at one & the same instant of the act in any case in the world, neither is it proper for the hand to say to the head, be thou whole, but actually to help; by the rule of policy, which all States follow, or ought so to do, wisedoms advice is given to the body, whose the head is, and who must suffer with the head when that suffereth, or that part of the body which may bear sway by rule of policy, the sound in nature, the mayor part thereof, and this either in the body in general, or in the body representative, & entrusted by the whole, for the advice of the welfare thereof, or for the more private & common counsel most usual about the King; the nature of the act must needs properly belong to all, and such as strive not in it, to do it when itis a general case, must needs be of the wicked before the King, for he that acteth not indeed, and consent, as the cause requireth against murder, pertaketh therein, the thing needeth no proof, and sure enough he that careth not to help, preserve, and maintain Iustice, is no faithful and true subject, but false and corrupted, as the Apostle saith of the state of Matrimony, The man is the head of the woman, yet they are not their own but one anothers to serve each other in that condition, according to natural bonds, so in civill Goveraement, which union cannot exceed in nature the other, neither come short, being of greater consequence, but keepeth the same bonds of natural affection, and like unto the natural head and body, which both subsist by the power and spirit of one nature, and are thereby made one body: so also the head in civill government in use, is not his own but the bodies, and the body the like, both subjected under one life of justice, and so the King in his office, is the poorest subjects, as the richest, justice rendereth the preservation of nature all alike in the ordinary course, when there is any possible way of the preservation of all, and so the King is the bodies in general without the exception of any particular, and without any partiality, and when estate service requireth the strength of nature from the whole, both head and body, it is performed by the Law and power of one nature, or at least ought to be, or if the head or any member thereof by any corruption fall to fulfil its office, the body in general, and the body entrusted are by the lawe of nature to gather their forces together for the recovery thereof out of any disease hartfull to the nature of the body, extrea mity in any grief calleth for extraordinary means of remedy; if by violence the head be abused, and nature prevented of its course, by force of arms, it must be recovered( if it may be) to prevent the ruin, slavery, and abuse of the whole body,( which is now the cause of this kingdom) wherein the course which the Parliament( the body, presentative and entrusted for the common welfare) taketh it to be commended, and being justified by principles of all natures and policies( except what is falsely ecclesiastical and devilish) is to bee encouraged with the assistance of all subjects, humanly disposed with life and estate, for when after due patience and use of gentle means, the disease is increased and grown stronger, what other remedy can be used by edvice of true wisdom, tis not unknown ever since his Majesties reign, his regal power hath been abused in a very high nature, holding the comminaltyat Staves-End with scorn and oppression through interposition of a proud and devilish Clergy, and their projecting creatures, who have carried him along as one ascended of an higher, nor humatie generatio● and as a perfect head in health, notwithstanding the miseries of his body, the commonweal, or at least have possessed him with a conceit, that none could wish, and act his welfare like themselves, and since the time of Parliament, and the rising of differences between his Majesty and it, in most Declarations set forth in his highnesse name. The reason why he cannot condescend to the particulars incontroversie, is, because his reason and conscience holdeth them not right and just, and taking them to be against his Prerogative, and the previledges of the crown, the ground from whence this judgement and conscience springeth, and that which justifieth the same, must be the old council or none, for others cannot be heard, and tis strange, that neither the many and great straights which slatering projecting & Councellors have snared his Majesty withall, by interposing between his Royalty and commonalty, nor the consideration of the great dependence which the Commons welfare hath upon his majesty, for if either his, or theirs uterly fail, the whole body will be essentially undone, which cannot but move his Commons to the most faithful council for preservation of both, which only is obtainable, by reserveing and safe keeping the due prorogative and previledges of the Law and Government of the one nature and life, both of head and body, I say tis to be wondered at, that neither of these Motives should provoke his Majesty to alter his course, but oh the weakness of human nature, before and since the curse, and the cursed effect of slattery from the beginning, that now is, and will be to mans end, Take notice, ye rulers of the earth, no external profession of Religion, saveth a man or Nation, tis not much sacrifice nor rare expressions in preaching, or praying doth that work, witness the case of the Jews, cain, and Iudas, &c. obedience is better then sacrifice, and the Rulers do justly love mercy, and aclowledge, God in wisdom above you, according to Mich. 6.8. Math. 7.21. tis not a few or many great men, about a King in pomp and formality, which is his honour, but the multitude of People, Pro. 14.21. tis not great mens looks, nor slatering, nor partial doting on, or of them, but mercy and truth preserve the King, and his Throne is upholden by mercy, Pro. 20.28, not by vain slateries and conceits of a prerogative above orbeyond the Law of nature, or Tytanicall carriage, but the King, by iudgment stablisheth the Land, Pro, 29.4. wherefore O King to uphould your Throne and establish the Land, your own, and yours, laying a side all passion and pertial respects return with peace in savour to your greatest and safest council of your Land, and Nation, your presentative body, your Parliament. And likewise you highest Court of Parliament, and chief counsel of the Land, be ye faithful to your head and sovereign, if no other ways prevail to regain and preserve him in the nature of his office, if his health & strength afford him not power to put away, do ye take away the wicked before the King, anger will die, when the throne is or shall be established, in righteousness( as a fore said) when a free union is accomplished, and interposition dispersed, and the head and body fit and ready to Act, be not unmindful of former passages, what soever tendeth to the enlargement of all freedom of life in all humanity, and good conscience, the glory thereof will be to the giver of every good gift, and the comfort to your Soveragine and successors, with yourselves and the whole Land, for present, and the time to come. FINIS.