EXCEEDING joyful News FROM THE EARL OF WARWICK Wherein is declared his Resolution, concerning the King's Majesty's desires, to have the Navy resigned to him, Likewise the Parliaments determination, concerning the same. ALSO, A TRUE RELATION Of the proceed from York and Beverly Showing, The great power and strength there raised, against the Parliament and Hul, under the Command of The Lord of Carnarvan, The Lord Rich, Captain Butler, Colonel Fielding, Colonel Runsford, Likewise, The bounty of the Clergy, and of the Gentry in Yorksheire, tending to the increasing and managing of, these unhappy Proceed john, Brow. Cler. Parl. August. 3. Printed for Thomas Baley. 1642. Exceeding Joyful NEWS FROM the EARL of Warwick. MANY have been the distaactions of this Kingdom, which overspreade this Island by reason of his Majesty's absenting himself from his Parliament, & none have taken deeper impression and threaten more danger, than those that having taken hold in the Noertherne parts. Many have been the Attempts of the Malignant party, to take and surprise HULL, and by that means to strengthen their one part, and to work out their own ends and desires. But still the care and vigilancy of the Parliament which doth continually watch for the preservation of this Kingdom, hath opposed those designs in their infancy, and betrayed them in their beginnings before they could attain unto the end they aimed at. And it is most Remarkable to observe these following particulars. The Gentry and Freeholders of the County of Leicester having information, that the King's Majesty were resolved to come in person to the said County forthwith prepared all manner of provision, meet and necessary, for the entertaining of such a worthy and Pious Prince, And when his Majesty was entertained in the County of Leicester, he made with all possible speed rewards the Town and Bourrough of Leicester and coming thither the inhabitants of the said Town gave his Majesty entrance with some of his Troops and followers, where being resident certain while he proposed and propounded the follewing propositions to the governors of the sea Town. That they would be pleased to let his Majesty see the Magazine that were now within their Custody. 2 That they would be pleased to restore the Magazine into his sacred and Royal Custody it bring for no other than to defend his people from disturbances. NEWS FROM YORK AND BEVERLEY. Cousin: My kind love, etc. ACcording to your desire and my promise, I shall acquaint you with such News as hath happened with us since last I writ to you. Than in brief this. On Friday last, Sir John Goodrick Knight and Baronet, which was one of the Yorkshire Knighs, that subscribed to give the King 250 horse and men, deing 30 in number, very bravely accoutred. Sir Francis Wortley, and the rest, have engaged themselves to bring in their on Friday next. This day a Troop of Horse, under the command of Captain Butler, marched from hence towards Newcastle (as it is reported) to g●rd the Town; and this day likewise two Regiments of Foot, of the Train Bands of York shire, show under the command of Colo Lunsford, the other under the command of Colo nell Fielding, marched towards Hull. Doctor Bastwick, and three oath Captains are taking prisoners by Mr. Hastings and his Confederates, and they are expected to be brought to York. If they would but sit down and recollect what dangers hung over them and us, how sharply they have been entertained in their adventures they would I suppose take breath and Parley before a second onset; they lately in tended for to invade the Town of Hul, & having a friend of night to distowne Sr. John Hotham; which under mask of darkness they did, intending may I say like Cowards which strike winking or blindfold, but he found fortune as favarable as the Parliament finds him faithful for first he seeming as it were careless Congested the Waters together and bridled them in which some fresh Water Soldiers being privy to, Conducted by their ancient Captain, Captain sancey began to inherit after the Flood, and having won the apportnuity o'erspread the earth; this Sr. John Hotham gave leave to Raudevowz in his thoughts; who presently felt these Flies wagging in his Web; whereupon he saluteed these Bravadoes with a piece of ordinance welcome sent about threescore souls to Pluto, shaken the roast into an Ague Hard Fate. Sr. John not only welcomed them but paid the shot, such entertainment were they never like to rein●oy: or the rest to be tasters of unless they come with a powder, thus those daring Grim spirits have bincured of the disease of long life: for indeed they have been engines of torment of torment to the Country, and that Noblemau is crowned with glory; who remembers rather that he is a Subject than a Knight, whom the Honourable Houses of Parliament, have as a gurdeon and med for his deserts, willingly with on heart vented forth protestations for the security of his person as their own, whose happiness consists in theirs to maintain which, he is as ready as able to pur in force any thing by force, from force, the endeavours of encroaching adversaries; wherefore answerable to their command, to let in the water, he hath opened the floodgates, which measuring the out-fields, make of Crystal for the neighbouring plains: which, that it may not be disrobed of its pure garment, to the subversion of many. Let such Merchant adventurers take heed to batter for goods, or thought-good to King, with life or limbs, jest while they strive for that little Hand in a forced ebb, they be ill willers to the King and Kingdom's estate, whose ruin is smirkt with the name of safety, and gain he Parliaments displeasure to their own loss. There was letters come from the Right Hounarable the Earl of Warwick to the high Court of PARLIAMENT intimating and desiring that they would be Pleased to sand som● Aminuition withal speed for the Repaireng and maintaineng of his Navy which Both Houses tesobued to do with speed and likewise ordered that there should be all kind of Aminuition sent to the said Earl to his desires he also informing the said Houses of his Proceed at Sea and how that he had stayed and taking divers Ships which were going to His Majesty in the North and desired their pleasuer therein and how that he had received inteligents that his Majesty would have him restore the money into his Coustoty and also the Parliament having taken into consideration the King's Majesty demands concerning the navy Hull and the MILITIA, declared that it was not for the safety and security of the Kingdom. The Lords and Commons do declare, that a Garrison of Soldiers is at New Castle Likewise Earl Rivers being put into the Commission of Array, exercises it with much rigour imprisoning all the that oppose him. john Brown Cler. Par FINIS.