THE REPORT Of the Bishop of Canterburies dream, for an advertisement to all proud Lordly, persecuting, unpreaching, oppressing, tyrannizing Prelates, who suppress the Preaching and progress of the gospel. IT is reported of his Arch-grace of Canterbury, that when he was a poor scholar in Oxford, he dreamed, that he should be a Bishop, then Arch-Bishop of Canterbury, and a great persecuter of Gods Ministers and people,( which we see all verified) and that at last he sunk down into Hell, whereupon he awaked, and then and since, oft related this dream; enough to have terrified and awaked his Lordship, if true. Oh that a man had but a view of Hell( saith Father Latimer in his Sermons) he should see on one side of it, a row of unpreaching Prelates in their square Caps, I warrant you as far, as between this and Dover. And no marvel since they have so hated, despised, and blasphemed both the word of God, the true Preachers and lovers thereof, driving away, and silencing Gods faithful Ministers, and setting up in their rooms and places, Doct. Ignorance, Domine Drunkard, Sir William Wild-oates that hunteth after Whores, and such also as can play dissembling Hypocrites, whereby the Devils empire of darkness exceedingly flourisheth: lest faithful Preaching should roote it out. But the Churches hope is, that God in his good time, will now in this happy Parliament-time, hear the prayers of the people of this Land everywhere put up: That the Seas of those Lordly Prelates, Pope-successors, Tyrants, persecutors of Christ, &c. shall bee, Nidos corum ubique destruendos; or else put to some better uses. FINIS. ENGLANDS GLORY IN HER royal King and Honourable Assembly in the high Court of Parliament, above her former Lordly Bishops Courts. This will cause Princes to be blessed, if they make their power( in which they are as servants unto Gods Majesty) to enlarge his worship, service and Religion, if they do all things not for vain glory, but for charity, and with all, and before all, give God the due sacrifice of prayer, saith Saint Austin in his 5. book and 24. chap. de Civitate Dei. The high and Honourable Assembly of Parliament are a a more holy Assembly then our Lordly Bishops and Prelates were in their Courts. The Argument. WHere the Name of God is magnified most, there is most holinesse; but the name of God is magnified more in that high and honourable Assembly of Parliament( by the Providence of God, and the care of our gracious King) now assembled then it was before by our Lordly Bishops and Prelates in their Synods, Courts, and Convocation; therefore it must needs appear, that the high and honourable Assembly of Parliament are a more holy Assembly, Conclusion. then our Bishops and Prelate were in their Synods. 1. To prove, that where the Name God of is most magnified, there is most holinesse: God himself expresseth to Salomon when he appeared to him, saying, I have heard thy prayer and thy suppllication, that thou hast made before me, I have hallowed this house( which thou hast built) to put my name there for ever, and mine eyes and my heart shall be there perpetually 1 Kings 9. And Christ saith in his prayer to his Father, I have( saith he) manifested thy name unto the men which thou gavest me out of the world, John 17.6. 2. To prove that the name of God is manifested more in that high and honourable assembly of Parliament, then it was before by the Lordly Bishops and Prelates. Which shall bee done by seven queries necessary to be taken notice of for the magnifying of the name of God in any assembly, Court, or council. I. To see whether they be lawfully called to it, yea or no. The Lordly Bishops, they have not their calling from God, therefore Christ reproves them saying, bee not called Rabbi, for one is your Doctor( to wit, Christ) and all ye are brethren, Matth. 23.8. they ought not to be Lords over Gods heritage, but examples of meekness. They have their calling from the Pope, Of S. Paul as the cardinals of some cathedrals have, by which name( as I have heard to this day) they receive their pay. The Pope he hath his calling from the devil, Revel. 17. wherefore say our Lordly Bishops then, that they are Lords, and will not come to God, but take their calling from the Pope, who is a rebel against God, Jer. 2.29. & 3. neither have they called Assemblies to sit with them in their Courts, except onely such as will uphold them in their unjust proceedings. Object. Is a Bishop then not a lawful calling? Answ. So far as S. Jerome expresseth the office of a Bishop, it is lawful and warrantable, In Levit. distinct. 36. if they follow Moses and Aaron, that is not to depart from the Tabernacle of the Lord, in praying, preaching, and reading the Scriptures, and not in Lordly predominacie. II. Whether the Word of God be their guide, yea, or no. The Prelates have not taken the Word of God for their guide, but the traditions of men and the divices of their own brain, and the corrupt customs of their own Courts, In the 8. distinct Canon qui contempta. which Christ reproveth, Mark. 7.8. And Saint Austin saith, he that despiseth the truth, and presumeth to follow custom, either he is envious to his brethren, and froward and injurious to those to whom the truth is revealed, or else he is unkind towards God, by whose inspiration the Congregation and Church is instructed. Object. The Bishops do not deny the Word of God, onely they would have those Ceremonies and customs of decency( which have been a long time used in the Church) still to continue. Answ. To W. Aversane B. To pled for custom( as saith Saint Gregory) let them take heed, for the Lord saith, I am the way, the truth and the life, he saith not, I am the custom, but I am the truth. In process of time an ungodly custom groweth strong, and is kept for a law, and graved Images are worshipped by command, Wisd. 14.15. III. Whether they lay aside all sanster respect. The Prelates have combined together for themselves, and contrived for their own sinister ends and usurpation, though to the great dispersion of divisions both in Church and State, moving of war, and afflicting of the people of God, not respecting any thing more then there own glory and sinister respects: Such the Lord complains of( saying) ye, who turn judgement into wormwood, and leave off righteousness, I know your mighty sins, and how you afflict the just, and take bribes, & turn aside the poor, Amos 5. Yet by these means our Lordly Bishops and Prelates laboured to raise themselves to honour, of whom Saint Gregory saith( boldy,) In his Annotations on Matth. 23. that whosoever calleth himself an universal Priest, or desireth to bee called a Lordly Priest( in the pride of his heart) he is the forerunner of Antichrist. Object. The Bishops have not onely sought after their own sinister respects, but they have also laboured to bring the Church to a settled order of discipline also. Answ. But they have not gone about to settle the Church in true order and discipline, according to Gods holy Word, but in such a way as they thought best to confer that honour upon them( and those by respects) at which they aimed. But who can abide, In his 4. Book and 38. Epist. sath Erasmus, that the Bishops should occupy an open tyranny against Christs Doctrine, and make laws for their own advantage, measuring all things according to their gain and glorious Majesties; they that ensnare the people with rites and ordinances devised for their own profit, and thus fulfil their tyranny, do not fit in the chair of the Gospel, but in the chair of Simon Magus and Caiphas. IV. Whether they labour for the flourishing of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The Prelates have laboured in the suppressing of the Gospel, and silencing of the faithful Preachers thereof and have scattered the flock, and driven them away: But behold, saith the Lord, In his 42. Serm. to the Brethren in the wilderness. I will visit unto you the evil of your doings, jer. 23.2. And Saint Austin saith, Take heed( saith he, oh ye Pastors) lest the Lord say unto you, I have made you stewards over my household, and ye have given them no bread; thou that dost so, saith he, art not a gatherer together, but a scatterer; thou art not a watch-man, but a hang-man, take him Jaylor, &c. Object. Those whom the Bishops have silenced and punished, are such as have gone about to bring in some new Heresies, which the Church of England hath not allowed of. Answ. I say with Tertullian, let them take heed unto whom the thing seemeth new, In his Book of Virgins. that in itself is old, it is not so much the novelty of the matter as the truth, that proveth what is heresy; whatsoever savoureth against the truth, that is an heresy, be the custom thereof never so old. V. Whether they set up and exalt the Kings Highnesse. The Prelates have gone about to exalt themselves, and to make themselves great and mighty, that so like cruel tyrants they might reign over the Land; nay, were they not ambitious of the Popes usurpation, like him to sit above the King, but( if they were) blessed be God) they are prevented. Let them now learn of Davids Priest and Levites, to carry themselves towards our David( whom God preserve unto us in honour and length of dayes) not to decline from the laws of God and from the commandement of the King touching all things, 2 Chron. 8. And Saint Chrysostome saith, wee went in, saith he, In his Epist. to Innocentius. and humbly besought the most Christian Prince to call a counsel, but our Prelates would over-turne( if they could) both counsel and Parliament, and desire no Court but of their own choice: No, they had rather that our royal King should hazard his crown, and the whole kingdom ruinating, then themselves be ruled in the Courts of Justice. Object. But the Bishops should call an assembly concerning matters of Religion, because they are the Governours of the Church. Answer. Herein would appear their Lordly usurpation, so to object to be traitorous, thus to cast off the Kings Government. This usurpation in the reign of King Henry the second, caused him to call a Parliament, Tho. Becket. where he reformed many abuses in the clergy, although the Arch-bishop of Canterbury, like a perjured papistical traitor, resisted him. VI. Whether they labour for settlement of peace. The Prelates have much erred herein, and that not onely in their own Courts to desturbe the Church, but have also much troubled the State, of which Saint Paul warneth Timothy to beware, 2 Tim. 2. But let such Prelates,( for all their fury and rage) remember that saying of Pompeius, it is adulterous, it is wicked( saith he) thus to be ruled by their rashness, to the disorder of the Church of God. Object. The Bishops do not desire war and troubles, their intent was to settle the Church to a conformity in peace, if they could have done it. Answ. There can be no true peace to go about to bring in Idolatry and superstition amongst the people of God. To this purpose saith Constantine, I have judged, saith he, that this ought before all other things to be the end and endeavour and that to this I address my power and authority in government, that the unity of Faith, pure love, and agreement of religion towards Almighty God might be kept and maintained amongst all the congregations of the Church. VII. Whether it be done in truth and sincerity. Not as our Prelates, to worship God in dumb shows, and superstitious Ceremonies, but to worship him in spirit and in truth, John 4.24. Epephanius saith, My dear children, saith he, In his 3. book of Heresies. be ye mindful that ye bring no Images into the Churches, but evermore carry God in your hearts; nay, suffer not such Images, no not in your houses, for it is not lawful to lead a Christian man by his eyes, but rather by the study and exercise of his mind. Object. There is many good actions which the Bishops have done freely for the good of others in relief of the poor, &c. Answ. In a Sermon of his preached before young men. Wee must make use of that goodness which wee can find in them, as Basilius Magnus teacheth us by the comparison of Bees; When they( saith he) fly to the flowers, they do not crop them, and carry them quiter away, but sucking so much as shall suffice for their Honey making, take their leaves of the rest: Even so let us take from them so much as is sound and agreeable to truth, and commend it, and forsake the rest. I. But that happy assembly in the High Court of Parliament, are such as are lawfully and warrantably assembled by the prayers of the whole Church, and having favour of all Gods people, praising God for the same, according to the custom of the Church in the Apostles time, Act. 46. and 47. II. The honourable and worthy Assembly of Parliament, oh how clearly doth it appear unto us, that all their consultations, and all their proceedings are grounded upon Gods Word. And as Hezekiah in the first year of his reign, and in the first month opened the doors of the house of the Lord, and repaired them, and caused the filthiness to be carried out of the holy place, as it is in 2 Chron. 29.3. and 5. even so have that honourable Assembly of the Parliament, ever since their first meeting, opened the mouths of the Ministers that were stopped, and those who before feared a catch-pole to trap them for preaching Christ sincerely, now speak boldly in the cause of God; and blessed be God they go on still, continuing the the repairing of the House of God, and purging of the Church from idolatry, popery, superstition, and all filthiness. III. That holy Assembly of Parliament, who amongst us is so ignorant but may perceive that not any sinister end, or by-respect do they aim at, but for the magnifying of the name of God, the propagation of the Gospel, the purity of Religion, and the just punishment of wickedness and 'vice: Is there any scandalous person in the realm that can accuse them of unrighteous judgement, by bribes or sinister respect: No, had I a thousand lives I durst lay them to stake for them in this behalf: do wee not see how ready they are to spend their means, yea their lives even to their last breath, to forsake their own private profits and pleasures, and all for the setting up of the glory of God, the honour of the King, and the good of the kingdom, being followers of God, as dear children, Ephes. 5.1. IV. They that feared the Lord spake often one to another, and the Lord hearkened, and heard it, Mal. 3.16. And blessed be God now we have a gracious King, and an holy Assembly of Parliament, true Israelites indeed, in whom there is no guile, who to their utmost strength and power labour for the flourishing of the Gospel of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, who labour that the Churches may bee served with preaching Ministers, and that the peoples souls may not bee starved, as they have been, but that the Ministers may do it as of the ability which God giveth, that God in all things may be glorified, 1 Pet. 4.11. V. The honourable Assembly of Parliament, are right Parliament proof indeed, who give unto Caesar those things which are Caesars, and unto God those things which are Gods, as Christ commands, Matth. 22.21. Yea, and will give the Prelates that which they find them worthy of, and see justice executed through the whole Land, that the King may rule in peace, and the people live in comfort. VI. Blessed be the Lord who hath reduced us to peace, and put it into the Kings heart in calling of the happy assembly of Parliament; Oh Lord we cannot choose but much admire and praise thy Mercy, to see how thou hast established our peace, since their fitting, to the joy both of King and State; oh how sweet a nap doth the Church now begin to sleep in the arms of her saviour, so that we may now say Christ hath brought us to the Banqueting house, & his banner over us is love, Cant. 2.4. VII. Oh what truth, what sincerity doth plainly appeareto dwell amongst that holy assembly of Parliament who without all doubt are filled with the Holy Ghost, who have professed a good profession before many witness, 1 Tim. 6.12. They spare not the mighty for their wealth, nor oppress the poor for their poverty, they lay the just censure upon the offenders, and set free the innocent, guiltless persons. Let us but a little meditate upon Gods mercies towards this kingdom since the Parliament began in those great things that he hath done for us, and it will make us stand amazed at our happy sudden change? how hath the Lord assuaged the Plague, stopped warres, which we feared on every side, caused divisions to cease amongst us: This holy Assembly finds out the golden wedges, they cast out the accursed things, God is worshipped, our gracious King is established in his Throne in peace, and all the whole Land is comforted, who wish the prosperity of King and kingdom. FINIS.