England's doleful COMPLAINT, AND MOST EARNEST SVIT, UNTO HER HONOURABLE AND VICTORIOUS GENERAL, And to the whole Body of the soldiery under his Command. As it was presented in a Letter, to his Excellency, the Lord General Cromwell. O Thou brave Cromwell! Ring the lawyer's Knell: Then that brave Story Will prove thy Glory: For, lawyer's Bribery Is England's Misery: And their great Power Doth us devour. Yea, the lawyer's reign Is poor England's pain: But the lawyer's Fall Will bring Joy to all: Far surpassing all The Proud Prelates Fall Then thou worthy all Speed the Lawyers Fall. Good God be thy guide At all Times and Tide: Granting thee Power These to devour, To his great Glory, Thy Fame and Story: To poor England's Peace, And her son's Release, From the cruel Bands Of goals and Tyrants hands. Then thus shall all pray And eke ever say O LIVE for eve R, Thou True Reformer. Then Victor Cromwell Ring thou the said Knell. And thus also still prayeth he who is poor England's suffering Bee. THat ye brave soldiers who in war have lost your blood by many a scar, And do profess our freedoms gain, may not delay but take the pain To hang th'lawyer's Gowns by th' Scotish flags, and let old Tyburn break their Crags. So shall true Justice smile on them that have unjustly ruined men, Since Henry th' eight, that cruel Swain until the breach of Charles his wain. In January forty eight, the year of lawyer's greatest height, Attorney's Coalers greatest power who cruelly do us devour. Heaven speed confusion to all these, that so poor England may have ease; And all her sons from tyrant's thrall, may be delivered by their fall. The, &c. Consummate this brave soldiers all who are so deep engaged, and call To mind your protestations, your Vows and Declarations Made to God and this Nation, In a most solemn fashion. But, &c. If this in you was mere Delusion, then know't will prove your own confuson This is the judgement true V. C. of him that's England's suffering B. For, &c. Whiles Lawyers, Priests, and gaolers sway, to Fees, tithes, Bribes we are made a prey. Heaven look on this Impiety, revenge thy cause, end this our misery: Pour down thy vengeance on all those that mercy slight and so become thy foes Amen, Amen, Amen I say, amend or end them all I pray. For Priests the Word do fell for Gold. and lawyer's Justice impiously and bold. Probatum est. LONDON, Printed in the Year 1651.