PROPOSITIONS DELIVERED By the LORDS at a Conference with the House of COMMONS, FOR A personal Treaty with the KING, upon His Majesties passing four Bills, for security of the peace of the kingdom. AND The Copy of a solemn Engagement of the Inhabitants of the North of England, for the Defence of their Rights, Properties, and Liberties, the Authority of Parliament, and the fundamental Laws of the kingdom. To Oppose all foreign Forces invited or brought into this kingdom, upon any pretence whatsoever. Signed by many thousand hands, and daily more Subscribe. Novemb. 26. 1647. Imprimatur Gilb. Mabbott. Printed at London by Robert Ibbitson, in Smithfield, near the Queenes-head Tavern, 1647. Heads of a CONFERENCE Delivered By the Lords, to the House of Commons, concerning a Treaty with His Majesty, upon the passing of four Bills. Die Veneris, Novemb. 26. 1647. THe House of peers sent Dr. Alit, and the clerk of the crown to the House of Commons to desire a conference this day in the Painted Chamber, where both Houses immediately met. The right honourable the Earl of Manchester( Speaker of the House of peers pro tempore) declared to the House of Commons, that he was commanded by the Lords to acquaint them, that their Lordships had taken into consideration the desires of the Kings Majesty in His message to treat with the Parliament, and also the Scots Papers, delivered in by the Commissioners of the kingdom of Scotland, pressing for a Treaty with His Majesty. And their Lordships had also considered the desires of the kingdom to be delivered from all burdens and fears, and to have the Government of the kingdom settled, and cleared, that the kingdom may be preserved in peace. That their Lordships had commanded him to acquaint them that they do propound to the House of Commons, That four propositions may be speedily sent to His Majesty to be passed for the safety and security of the Parliament and Kingdom, and to treat with His Majesty upon the rest. I. That a Bill be drawn up by consent of both Houses for His Majesty to pass into an Act, for the settling of the Militia of the kingdom. II. That a Bill be passed for his Majesties calling In of all Declarations, oaths, and Proclamations against the Parliament, and those who have adhered to them. III. For passing an Act that those Lords who were made after the great seal was carried to Oxford, may be made uncapable of sitting in the House of peers thereby. IV. That power may bee given to the two Houses of Parliament, to adjourn as the two Houses of Parliament shall think fit. That His Majesty giving the kingdom security by passing these four Propositions, there may be a personal treaty with His Majesty, and the Parliaments of both Kingdoms for the passing of the rest of the Propositions That their Lordships think this to be the most probable way for a speedy agreement, between His Majesty and the kingdoms and therefore desire the concurrence of the House of Commons therein, The papers were delivered by his Lordship to Mr. Lisle, to be, by him, reported in the House of Commons. A SOLEMN ENGAGEMENT OF THE northern Inhabitants, FOR The defence of their Rights, Properties, and Liberties, the Authority of Parliament, and the fundamental Laws of the kingdom. WHereas there hath been several Petitions, and Remonstrances presented to the Parliament, for the oppressed parts of the North-Riding in the County of york, as of the present abuses of Government, which as yet have received no redress, That Pickeringlith is a member of the North-Riding, and hath suffered in many unequal burdens, as relating to the whole kingdom. And whereas a late Petition was presented unto his Excellency Sir Thomas Fairfax, praying his Excellency, that in some of his addresses to the Honourable houses of Parliament, he would mediate by some means, that Justice might be done unto them, as also to protect them with his Army, they being a naked people( and to be Armed) all which His Excellency hath promised under His hand and seal to endeavour to do. In humble acknowledgement of his affairs and to prevent all invasions or any new way upon us or our Country, we whose names are here under listed, do promise and engage ourselves, in and for the defence of our rights properties and liberties, the Authority of Parliament, And the fundamental laws of this kingdom, to oppose all foreign Forces invited or brought into this Kingdom upon any pretence whatsoever, And to this end wee are and will be ready to rise, and put ourselves under such Commanders as we shall choose, with the approbation of his Excellency and the Commander in chief for the northern Assotiation. And with them to live and die, For the maintenance of the said general, and for the preservation of his Excellency, and Army under his Command, he and they standing like us for the said principles. This solemn Engagement is Signed by many thousand hands, and daily more do Subscribe. FINIS.