TWO ORDINANCES OF THE LORDS and COMMONS Assembled in Parliament. ONE, That all Sellers of Wines who shall pay the Excise, shall and may take for all Spanish Wines sold, for every Quart fourteen pence; and for all French Wines eight pence a Quart, and so proportionably after that Rate. THE OTHER, Concerning Northampton, for the raising of money for the space of six moneths, for the defence and preservation of the said County from Plunder and ruin. Die Lunae, 9 Octob. 1643. ORdered by the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament that these two Ordinances shall be forthwith printed and published. J. Brown clear. Parliamentorum. LONDON, Printed for John Wright in the Old-baily, Octob. 10. 1643. Die Lunae 9. October 1643. WHereas by a late Ordinance of both Houses of Parliament for a charge of Excise or new Impost to be set upon the Commodities in a Schedule thereunto annexed, contained, for the supply of the great Affairs of this kingdom, whereby it is amongst other things provided, That the sellers of Wine, who are chargeable with the Excise, shall be allowed the same in the price thereof upon the sale; but for that no certain price is set down in the said Ordinance for Wines to be sold at, Be it now declared and ordained by the Lords and Commons in Parliament, That the Sellers of Wines, who shall pay the Excise, shall or may take for all Spanish Wines sold, for every quart fourteen pence; and for all French Wines sold, eight pence for every quart, and so proportionably after that rate. Which said prices shall or may be taken without incurring the penalties of any Law or Statute, so as the due Measures and assizes be otherwise kept and observed, as by the Law is provided, and the Wines to be good and wholesome, and merchantable. And be it further Declared and Ordained, That Master Alderman Langham, who was name a Commissioner in the said former Ordinance, in respect of his other great and necessary occasions, shall be wholly discharged of the said service, and the other seven Commissioners shall have power to execute the said Ordinance, as if the said Alderman Langham had not been name therein. And further, That the respective Commissioners of excise, or the mayor part of them, shall have power to call before them any person or persons whom they shall think fit, being subject to the said Ordinance for any matter touching the same, or that can testify or inform any thing material to the said service: And shall have power to grant their Warrants for the bringing in of such persons as shall wilfully refuse or neglect to come before them upon warning, and to punish such persons for their contempt or disobedience in that behalf by Fine or Amercement, to be levied, and employed in such manner as is appointed for the other penalties by the said Ordinance, so as the same do not exceed five pounds for any one offence. Die Lunae, 9 Octob. 1643. IT is Ordained by the Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled, That Edward montague, Wil. Fitzwilliams, Esquires; Sir John Dreyden, Sir Christopher yeluerton, Sir Gilbert Pikering, Baronets; Zouch Tate, John Crew, Richard Knightley, Esquires, Members of the House of Commons; Sir Rowland Saint John, Knight of the Bath; Sir Edward Nicols, Sir John Norwich, Baronets; Sir Humphrey Orme, Sir Richard Samwell, Sir Samuel Dan●rs, Knights; Richard Knightley of Fawzley, Robert Mildmay, John Barnard, Edward hardy, Edward Only, Edward Bagshaw, John Cartwright, Philip Holman, Richard samuel, Edward Farmer, John Wirley, Edward Shugborough, Edward H●nbur●, William Lisle, John Blincoe, Thomas elms, John Claypoole, Francis Quarles, and John Norton Esquires▪ and the mayor of the town of Northampton for the time being, or any three or more of them, residing in the town ●f Northampton, for the furnishing of Arms and Amm●n●tion, making of For●if●cations, payment of the Garrisons, Officers, and Souldiers, and other public necessary charges for the defence and preservation of the said County from plunder and ruin, shall or may from time to time, during the space of six moneths next after the date hereof, raise in the said County such sums of money as shall be by them or any three or more of them thought necessary for the uses aforesaid: the same to be ranted and assessed in like sort as was the 400000 pound, granted by Act this present Parliament, not exceeding the sum of six hundred pounds a week; And for the better levying of the said sums of money, the said Committée or any three or more of them, then residing in the town of Northampton, shall or may nominate and appoint Treasurers, Collectors, and Assessors in the said County, for Assessing, Receiving, and Collecting the said sums of money, and shall and may grant Warrants, under their hands in writing, to any Coustable, or other person or persons, as well Souldiers when need shall require, as others, to raise and levy the said sums so to be assessed and taxed, as aforesaid, upon all such persons, upon whom any such sums shall be so assessed, and set, that do refuse or neglect to pay the same by way of distress and sale of the Goods of the persons so assessed, and refusing: And in case any opposition be made, the said Committée or any three or more of them residing in Northampton as aforesaid, shall or may commit such person or persons refusing to pay as aforesaid, to some common goal within the said County, there to remain until payment made of such sum and sums of money as aforesaid, for which sums so to be raised, the said Committée shall be accountable to both Houses of Parliament, & to none else. And if any shall refuse or neglect the execution of such warrants, as shall be directed to them by virtue of this Ordinance, It shall be lawful for the said Committée residing as aforesaid, or any three of them, to punish such person refusing or neglecting, by fine not exceeding five pounds to be levied as aforesaid: Provided that where it shall appear to the said Committée, or any two of them, residing as aforesaid, that any person hath been over-rated to the Tax upon the Bill of 400000 pound, an abatement may be made in the Tax of such person, by the said Committee or any two of them residing as aforesaid, according to their discretions. Provided also, that this present Ordinance shall be no hindrance to Taxes made by any former Ordinance. I. Brown clear. Parliamentorum. FINIS.