blazon or coat of arms incorporating the Commonwealth Flag (1649-1651) Die Veneris, 15 Novembr. 1650. Resolved by the Parliament, THat all sums of money payable for Respites of Homage, Fines for Alienation without licence, and all Arrears thereof, and all Issues for the same, and all process out of the Court of Exchequer against any person or persons for or in respect thereof, and all proceedings upon such process be discharged, and no further process or Proceedings be had thereupon. Resolved, That all sums of money due for mean Rates, and Arrears thereof, and all process and Proceedings thereupon be discharged, and that no further seizure shall henceforth be made for such mean Rates or Arrears thereof: And all Judges, Officers and Ministers of Justice are ●o take notice hereof. Resolved, That these Votes be forthwith printed and published. Hen: Scobell, Cleric. Parliamenti. ●●ndon, Printed by John Field, Printer to the Parliament of England, 1650.