AN ORDINANCE BY THE LORDS and COMMONS Assembled in PARLIAMENT; For the preservation of the Western parts of the KINGDOM. John Brown Cleric. Parliamentorum. LONDON, Printed by R. Ohen and G. Dexter, for Henry Overton, and are to be sold at his Shop in Pope's head Alley. MDCXLII. Die Sabbati 24. Decemb. 1642. WHereas divers persons well affected to the good and safety of this Kingdom, have contributed in Money, Plate and Horse, for suppression of the present Rebellion, and Insurrection by Papists, Delinquents, and other Malignant persons in the Western parts, under the Command of Sir Ralph Hopton, and his Adherents Rebels, and Traitors: and for the rrliefe of the good Subjects there. It is therefore Ordered, and ordained by the Lords and Commons now assembled in Parliament, that all and every such Person and Persons, as have already, or shall raise, either Money, Plate, or Horse for the said service, shall be satisfied and repaid again with in six months, with interest for the same, out of the first moneys that shall be levied and raised in the Counties of Cornewell, Devon▪ Somerset, Dorset▪ wil●shire and Southampton, and the Counties and Cities of Bristol, and Exon. and the Town and County of Poole, upon any Order or Ordinance of one, or both Houses of Parliament. Or by any other Levies or Collections, made or to be made in the said several and respective Counties, and Places for that end & purpose; And it is further ordered and ordained, by the Authority aforesaid, that Hugh Sowden, and Thomas Young of the City of London, Merchants, shall be Treasurers for the receiving and disbursing of all, and every sum or sums of money which shall be raised for the use abovesaid, who are hereby nominated, constituted, and appointed Treasurers, and Receivers as aforesaid. And it is further ordered and ordained, by the Authority aforesaid, that the said Hugh Sowden, and Thomas Young, shall and may pay and deliver out of the said Contributions, such monies and Horse to such Person, or Persons, and in such manner, and form, as the Committee of the Lords and Commons for the defence of the Western parts, or any four or more of them, by any writings under their hands shall limit, appoint, and declare: And that the Warrant or Warrants of the said Committee, for the issuing our of the said Monies, or delivery of the said Horses; or of any four, or more of them, together with the Acquittance, or the Acquittances Receipt or Receipts in writings, under the hand of the Person or Persons, which shall be appointed as aforesaid by the said Committee, or four or more of them, shall be a sufficient discharge to the Treasurers or Receivers in this Ordinance named, for so much money, or such Horse or Horses, as shall be comprehended in such Acquittance, or Acquittances, for the issuing out, and payment of the said sum, or sums of money, or delivery of such Horse and Horses respectively. And it is further ordered by the Authority aforesaid, That the Treasuers and Receivers shall not at all pay any sum, or sums of Money, or deliver, or cause to be delivered any Horse or Horses, or Plate to be by them received upon any other direction, Warrant, or demand whatsoever. FINIS.