blazon or coat of arms incorporating the Commonwealth Flag (1649-1651) A DECLARATION OF THE Parliament of the Commonwealth of ENGLAND, for a time of public Thanksgiving, upon the Five and twentieth of this instant August, for the great Victory lately vouchsafed to their Fleet at SEA. IT having pleased the Lord, after those many signal Tokens of his presence with his People in this Nation, in the several straits and Changes, through which he hath by a mighty Hand and an outstretched Arm led them hitherto, Yet again to manifest his wonted power and goodness to them in that late and great Success of our Fleet at Sea, when it pleased the Lord at the end of July last, so to bless the Forces of this Commonwealth engaged by the Dutch (who by Advantages not a few, to human Appearances, were likely to have prevailed) as that after a most sharp and doubtful encounter, he Crowned us with Victory, and made our Enemies to feel the stroke of his Righteous Hand against them, who have abundantly manifested it to be in their Intentions to have made us (wearied by a long Intesttine War) a spoil to their Avarice and Ambition, by their first unjust Invasion of us, and their earnest prosecuting since of a War against us, notwithstanding all the endeavours used on our part to compose so sad, and to us so unwelcome a Breach between the two Nations: We being desirous to be deeply sensible hereof before the Lord, and bearing also in mind what cause we have at all times to make mention of his Name in this Nation, with all humble and thankful Acknowledgements, but especially when he hath thus seasonably made bare his Holy Arm in this late Mercy, before the eyes of all the Nations round about us, Have thought it requisite at a particular time, and in an especial manner to acknowledge the Hand and Goodness of our God to us in this great Work which he hath wrought for us; And we have therefore set apart Thursday the Five and twentieth of this present August, for the end aforesaid. And in regard the Mercy is general, and we hope will be of great advantage to this whole Commonwealth, and to all that fear God in it; We do earnestly desire them to contribute their help in this great Work of Thankfulness to the Lord, and to suffer us to call upon them, to sing together with us unto the Lord a new Song, He hath dealt bountifully with us, for his mercy endureth for ever; and that as the Lord shall move and direct them, they would seriously set themselves in his presence and praise him, together with us, that so we may all with one Heart and Voice, offer up a free Sacrifice of Prayer and of Praise, and all of us endeavour in our several Stations, to improve so great a Deliverance to the alone Glory of our great God, and the good of his People throughout the World. Friday the Twelfth of August, 1653. ORdered by the Parliament, That this Declaration be forthwith printed and published. Hen: Scobell, Clerk of the Parliament, London, Printed by John Field, Printer to the Parliament of England. 1653.