A DECLARATION Of the Lords and Commons assembled in PARLIAMENT; Straight charging and forbidding all Innkeepers, Victuallers, Alehouse-keepers, or other persons whatsoever, to harbour or entertain any Mariners, Seamen, Watermens, etc. Pressed into any of His Majesties or Merchants Ships employed in this service after the beat of the Drum, and Proclamation made to give them notice, to repair on Board the several Ships to which they belong. Ordered by the Lords and Commons in Parliament, That this Declaration be forthwith printed and published. Hen: Elsing, Cler. Parl. D. Com. Also a Letter from Sir JOHN HOTHAM. Ordered by the Commons in Parliament, That this Letter be forthwith printed and published. Hen: Elsing, Cler. Parl. D. Com. London, Printed for Edw. Husbands, and are to be sold at his shop in the middle Temple. April 7. 1643. April 4th 1643. WHereas there are several Fleets now setting forth to the Seas, under the command of the Earl of Warwick for the defence of this Kingdom, and the rest of His Majesty's Dominions in this time of eminent danger, which will be much retarded, if all effectual means be not used for the providing them with able Mariners and Seamen, Watermens, etc. The Lords and Commons in Parliament do hereby straightly charge and forbid all Innkeeper's, Victuallers, Alehousekeepers, or other persons whatsoever, to harbour, or entertain any Mariners, Seamen, Watermens, etc. Pressed into any of His Majesties, or Merchant's Ships employed in this service after the beat of the Drum, and Proclamation made, to give them notice to repair on Board the several Ships to which they belong; And in case any Innkeeper, Victualler, Alehousekeeper, or other person, shall be found faulty herein; The said Lords and Commons do declare, That they will not only proceed severally against all such for their contempt, but cause their Licenses for Inn, or Alehouse-keepers to be made void, and themselves dis-enabled hereafter from such employment; And do further require the principal Officers & Commissioners of the Navy, to suffer no payments to be made of such debts as shall be contracted by Mariners, Sailors, or Watermens in any Victualling house, Alehouse, Inn, or the like as aforesaid, out of the wages due to any such Mariners, Sailors, or Watermens. Except it be to such housekeepers as do receive any of the said Mariners or Seamen into their houses being sick or set on shore for the recovery of their health, and such Innkeeper's, Alehousekeepers, Victuallers, or others, as shall so receive or entertain any of the said Seamen, are to have a testimony in writing, under the hand of the Lord General the Earl of Warwick, or the Captain of the ship, or under the hand of two of the chief Officers of the said ship, from whence the sick man comes. And the Lords and Commons do further declare, That if any Mariner, Sailor, Watermens, etc. after his receiving of pressed and conduct money, neglect to make his appearance according to the time limited in his Ticket, or shall presume to run away, or desert the said service, in this time of eminent and public danger, that all such persons so apprehended, shall be proceeded against by the E: of Warwick, according to the custom and rules of War, in that behalf. Die Luna, 3● April, 1643. A Letter from Sir john Hotham from Hull, of the first of this April instant, expressing Sir Hugh Cholmleys deserting the Parliament, and the regaining of Searborough by his directions, by the courage and industry of Captain bushel; and his desires that Captain bushel might have the command of that place, by his nomination, and receive his Commands and Orders from him, was this day Read. Resolved upon the question▪ That Sir Hugh Cholmley be forthwith disabled for continuing any longer a Member of this House. Resolved upon the question. That Sir Hugh Cholmley shall be for ever disabled for sitting as a Member of Parliament in this House, for falsely and perfidiously betraying the trust reposed in him by the Parliament, falsifying his Protestation, and revolting to the Popish Army raised against the Parliament. Resolved upon the question. That Sir Hugh Cholmley shall be impeached of High Treason. Master Marten, Sir Peter Wentworth, Sir Henry Hayman, Master Samuel Browne, Mr. Sergeant wild, Master Solicitor, Master Rous, and Master Strode, Are appointed to prepare an Impeachment of High-treason against Sir Hugh Cholmley. H: Elsing Cler. Parl. D.C. FINIS.