Sacred Chronologie, Drawn by Scripture Evidence al-along that vast body of Time, (containing the space of almost four thousand Years) From the Creation of the WORLD, to the Passion of our Blessed SAVIOUR. By the help of which alone, sundry Difficult Places of Scripture are unfolded: and the meanest Capacity may improve that holy Record with abundance of delight and profit: being enabled thereby to refer each several History and material Passage therein contained to its proper Time and Date. By R. D. M. D. 1 Pet. 1.10, 11. Of which Salvation the Prophets have enquired and searched diligently, who prophesied of the Grace that should come unto you. Searching what or what manner of Time the Spirit of Christ which was in them did signify, when it testified beforehand the sufferings of Christ, and the glory that should follow. LONDON, Printed by James and Joseph Moxon, for Stephen Bowtell, at the Sign of the Bible in Popes-head Alley. 1648. To the Worshipful My much Honoured Father Roger Drake, Esquire. My Honoured Uncle Tho. Burnell, Esquire. Worshipful and much Honoured, IT's not the desire of Protection (the common Theme of such Epistles) but sense of duty and the bond of gratitude puts me upon this Inscription. Truth needs no Patron, Error deserves none. To wave therefore such compliments; My design in this Prologue is a thankful acknowledgement of that great debt brought upon me by each of you, which I can never satisfy. To the one I own (under God) my being, and well being; to the other, the dearest Companion of my Life; to both my Name and Posterity. Unworthy were I either of life or name, should I not endeavour (according to my poor model) to perpetuate their being and memory, to whom I am an eternal debtor for both. This only were motive enough to extort a public acknowledgement. But I cannot smother in silence an other Favour (shall I say not inferior to either of the former? God's blessing upon poor and unworthy endeavours may make it fare superior) that in the last great turn of my Life, wherein I seemed unto many a sign and a wonder, by relinquishing that Honourable Profession of Physic, to attend upon an higher Calling (though very mean in the eyes of the World) neither of you did interpose to divert me from that design, though carnal arguments were not wanting to have made each of you improve your utmost Authority for the stifling of such a motion in the very birth. I am not ignorant under what extreme contempt and discouragement the Ministry lies at present: Nor can I be so stupid as not to apprehend how my own credit lies at the stake, as if Consciousness of inability in the practice of Physic made me digress to the function of the Ministry. For the answering of which cavil I am not very solicitous, but willingly in this point lay my credit at their feet who excel in that faculty both at home and abroad, and upon former trial made, know best what to judge. But certainly had consciousness of inability diverted me from Physic, I should have had but very poor encouragement to the Ministry, which as it is far more difficult than Physic or any other Faculty in its own nature, so considering the infinite discouragements both from without and within, I had little ground to hope it would prove more easy or advantageous than the practice of Physic, especially since this and other callings gain much credit and profit by faithfulness and diligence; but the Ministry never loses more with the world than when it's exercised with most pains and faithfulness. For my own part, as the former pomp and splendour of the Clergy did not entice me, so the present outward baseness thereof doth not discourage me; but silencing all carnal Objections, I desire to be faithful unto him that hath called me, and so to walk in this weighty employment, as at lust (through God's mercy) I may give up a comfortable account; for which I beg your earnest Prayers, and rest From my Study this 14. of June. 1648. Your dutiful and loving Son and Nephew, ROGER DRAKE. THE PREFACE. AS all the Promises, Prophecies, Ceremonies, Genealogies, etc. had a special reference unto jesus Christ, as their body, centre, end, accomplisher; so doth this our Chronologie, which gins in the first and ends in the second Adam: To him we desire to conduct the Reader, and there to leave him, even with Christ, who is the only aim, hope, and rest of all true Believers. The design of the Author was as much as may be, to find out Truth, for his own satisfaction, and to clear up truth unto the meanest capacities, who by the help of this poor little piece, may in the cast of an eye find out almost infinite Truths, which without the help of these parallel Tables will haply puzzle the best Chronologers, and be almost impossible for meaner capacities to collect by their own industry. By this it will appear, that innumerable (and that most solid) consequences may be enforced from Scripture grounds, which yet appear not in the surface of the Text, but may be digged out of the Mine of the Scriptures by pious study and industry. And in a word, By virtue of this help, thou mayest read the whole Scripture with abundance of delight and profit, as being able to refer every remarkable passage to its proper time and Date. Who knows not how necessary Chorography and Chronologie are to History, from which, if you abstract Time and Place, it seems to be without Head or Tail, and sounds more like a Fable than a true Narrative. For thy better understanding and improving the ensuing Chronological Tables, know that the Norma or Compass, by which we steer in measuring that vast body of Time, from the Creation unto Christ) is the lives of the Patriarches, Kings and Prophets, as they lie single or parallel together: (which indeed are well styled, by learned Broughton, The Day star of the Narration,) and afterwards, the years of captivity and daniel's seventy weeks of years, which we fully believe do expire with the death of Christ. Every page contains seven weeks, that is nine and forty years, in which, where the lives are single or thin, we note the succession of them, two, three or four times in the same page: yea in the first page, the line of Adam's life is noted five times; one hundred and thirty years of his life being passed before any Patriarch is joined as parallel with him. In the next column to their lives, (either single or parallel) are noted the Sabatical years, or the weeks of the world, the letter [S] being affixed to the top of the column: and in the same column, immediately under the letter [S] are noted the Jubilies of the World; and afterwards of Canaan, which run parallel with the Jubilees of the World. In the third column noted at the top with the letter [W] you have the years of the World, marked at every ten years' distance. The hundred and twenty years of God's patience to the old World spoke of in Gen. 6.3. is noted page 25. in a distinct column, to page 27. than follows a new Aera or Period of time from the Flood, which happened Anno Mundi 1657. and page 36. a New period of the Promise, and another of Circumcision in the same page: and page 45. is noted the Aera of the Lamb or Passeover: and in the next page the Aera of Canaan entered. Page 54. is noted the Aera of salomon's Temple: and page 55. the Aera of the division, when the Kingdom was rend from Solomon in Rehoboham, and ten Tribes were given to jeroboam. All these seven periods of time, (besides that of the Creation,) are famous in Scripture; and are noted distinctly in their several columns, as they fall in one after another, being prefixed before the columns of the Patriarches, etc. Besides those three great Aeraes or Periods, so famous in profane Chronologie, namely, Aera Olympica, Vrbis conditae & Nabonassaris, noted page 59 and 60. These things being premised, it will not be difficult for the Reader to find out, in what year of the World, or in what year of those famous Periods, any remarkable passage fell out in Scripture: yet the better to help the Reader, I have given him a view of altogether in the ensuing draught. W. Adam 130 130 Seth 105 235 Enos 90 325 Kenan 70 395 Mahalaleel 65 460 Jared 162 622 Enoch 65 687 Methusalah 187 874 Lamech 182 1056 Noah 502 1558 Shem 100 1658 Arphaxad 35 1693 Selah 30 1723 Eber 34 1757 Peleg 30 1787 Reu 32 1819 Serug 30 1849 Nahor 29 1878 Terah 130 2008 Abraham 100 2108 Isaac 60 2168 Jacob 91 2259 Joseph 110 2369 Void 59 2428 Moses 120 2548 Joshuah 17 2565 Othniel 40 2605 Ehud and Shamgar 80 2685 Deborah 40 2725 Gideon 40 2765 Abimelech 3 2768 Tolah 23 2791 Jair 22 2813 Jephtah 6 2819 Ibsan 7 2826 Elon 10 2836 Abdon 8 2844 Samson 20 2864 Eli 40 2904 Samnel and Saul 40 2944 David 40 2984 Solomon 40 3024 Division 390 3414 Captivity 51 3465 daniel's weeks 490 3955 Add to these the seven famous Aeraes, mentioned in the Scripture. W. From the Creation to the Flood, 1656 1656 Promise 422 2078 Circumcision 29 2107 Passeover 401 2508 Canaan 40 2548 Temple 440 2988 Division 36 3024 The Reader may haply wonder, why in this Table I note but fifty one years of the captivity of Babylon. The reason is, because nineteen year's currant of those seventy years run parallel with the nineteen last of Ezekiels three hundred ninety years, containing the space from the division, to the Captivity of Zedekiah, and the burning of Solomon's Temple. See Ezekiel, 4.5. Subtract nineteen out of seventy years, there rests fifty one years, the just space of the Captivity, from the 11. of Zedekiah ending; which indeed was the third Captivity: the first happening in the fourth of Jehoiakim: the second, about the 11. of Jehoiakim ending. Take one or two instances to clear the use of the foregoing directions, for a right understanding of the parallel lives in the Chronological Tables. Adam lived to see eight Patriarches, namely till Lamech was fifty six year old. I would know how old each of the Patriarches were, when Lamech was born. For answer, turn to page 12. You shall find that at the birth of Lamech, Adam was eight hundred seventy and four years old. Seth, seven hundred forty and four years old. Enos, six hundred thirty and nine years old. Kenan, five hundred forty and nine years old. Mahalaleel, four hundred seventy and nine years old. Iared, four hundred and fourteen years old. Enoch, two hundred fifty and two years old. Methuselah, one hundred eighty and seven years old. All those years of their lives lying in one parallel line, (from the left hand to the right) with the year of Lamecks' birth, which fell out toward the end of the hundred twenty and fifth week of the world, each week containing the space of seven years. By the same rule you may find out the consent of any of their years, and that in effect, as certainly as if the Scripture had said in express terms, that when Lamech was born, Adam was eight hundred seventy and four years old, etc. Which yet must not be understood to a month and day, (since it is not probable all the Patriarches were born in one and the same month and day of the year) but that a great part of each of their years ran parallel; as haply, nine, ten, or eleven months. And this Latitude must needs be granted us, because the Scripture notes only the year, not the month and day in which each Patriarch was born, and where the Holy Ghost is silent, we must not be curious. It's enough for us to be as wise as God would have us; Nay, I am confident, not all the skill of all the men in the world, from the beginning to the end of the world, will be able to find out all Truths contained in Scripture, either directly, or by consequence: but the full opening of the Book of Scripture, and the Book of Providence, will be a great part of the Saints work and happiness in Heaven. So that we may well conclude with David, Psalm. 119.96. That God's commandment is exceeding broad. If the Chronologie of Scripture, (one of its meanest parts) contain almost infinite consequences; what shall we think of the whole Scripture? which though never so often read, yet still (like God the Author) affords us new varieties, so as at every reading you shall observe some thing which you knew not before. Express places are like ripe fruit that may be eaten presently, but consequences are like the fruit in the seed, or like fire in the flint virtually, not formally in the Text: yet as sure as that which is in express terms, so the deduction be right. For instance, Gen. 5.3. the Scripture saith expressly, Adam was an hundred and thirty years old, and begat Seth: from whence I infer that if Adam were an hundred and thirty years old at Seths' birth, than he was an hundred thirty and five years old, when Seth was five years old; and a hundred forty and five year old, when Seth was fifteen years old, etc. because five years being added to an hundred and thirty make just a hundred and thirty five years, and fifteen years being added to 130 make an hundred and forty five years. Yet it's no where said in Scripture, that Adam was an hundred and five years old, when Seth was five years old, etc. only it's proved by consequence, by way of syllogism, whereof one Proposition is grounded upon express Scripture, the other upon sense and experience; from both which infallible premises the conclusion must flow of necessity, and cannot be denied. I clear it thus by an hypothetical syllogism. If Adam were an hundred and thirty five years old when Seth was born, than he was an hundred and thirty five years old when Seth was five years old. Adam was an hundred and thirty years old. when Seth was born, Ergo, he was an hundred thirty and five years old when Seth was five years old. The minor or antecedent is express in Scripture, only its noted under the phrase of begetting; whence we may probably guess, that Adam begat at the beginning of his hundred and thirtieth year, and Seth was born about the end of the same year: and so for the rest of the Patriarches. Now to prove that all the perallel lives of the Patriarches are set right, subtract the years of the Son out of the Father's age in the same line, and the remainder will be the just age of the Father, when he begat that Son. To take the former instance of Lameches birth, Methuselah was a hundred eighty and seven years old when he begat Lamech; at the same time (Enoch Methuselahs father) was two hundred fifty and two years old. How prove I that will you say? Why, subtract a hundred and eighty seven out of two hundred and fifty two years, there rests sixty five years, the just age of Enoch when he begat Methuselah. Again, subtract two hundred fifty and two years, (the age of Enoch) out of four hundred and fourteen, (the age of Jared at the same time;) there rest a hundred sixty and two years, the just age of Iared when he begat Enoch. There is the same reason of all the Parallel lives that run in a strait line from Father to Son. By this rule I conclude the Parallels are set right, and a man but meanly versed in Arithmetic, may with abundance of delight upon occasion prove any of them. There is the same reason of the eight famous periods mentioned in Scripture; to wit, Of the Creation, Flood, Promise, Circumcision: The Paschal Lamb, the entrance of Canaan, the Foundation of Solomon's Temple, and the division or rending of the ten Tribes from Rehoboam. For by virtue of these Tables you may in the cast of an eye know in what year of any of these periods, any memorable accident fell out; If you can but tell in what year of a Patriarch, King, Priest or Prophet it happened. To instance in josiahs' Passeover, which was kept in the eighteenth year of his reign; at which time also Ezekiels forty years begin, mentioned Ezekiel 4.6. and end with the fourth or last captivity in the three and twentieth year of Nabuchadnezzar, jer. 52.30. see page 62. f. you shall find it fell out three thousand three hundred seventy and nine years from the Creation; one thousand seven hundred twenty and three years after the Flood; one thousand three hundred and one year after the Promise; one thousand two hundred seventy and two years after the Circumcision; eight hundred seventy and one year after the Passeover; eight hundred thirty and one years after the entrance into Canaan; three hundred ninety and one year after the foundation of the Temple; and three hundred fifty and five years after the division. Now to prove that josiahs' Passeover happened in those very years of the forenamed periods, subtract the latter and lesser number from the greater number immediately foregoing, and you have the just space of time between it and the Aera immediately preceding, which may assure you they stand right. To clear this by the former instance, josiahs' Passeover happened three hundred fifty and five years after the division: this may be proved by ocular demonstration from the several weeks of years, or ten year's spaces of each period reaching unto that date rightly observed and reckoned; and so may all the rest: In which you may be further confirmed by substracting the lesser period out of the greater immediately foregoing, which leaves the just distance between those two periods: Subtract then three hundred fifty and five out of three hundred ninety and one, there rest thirty six years between the Temple and division. Again, subtract three hundred ninety and one out of eight hundred thirty and one, there rest four hundred and forty years between Canaan entered, and the Temple founded. Yet further, subtract eight hundred thirty and one, out of eight hundred seventy and one, there rest forty years between Canaan entered and the Passeover: and three hundred ninety and one, out of eight hundred seventy and one, there rest four hundred and eighty years between the Paschal Lamb and the Temple founded. 1 Kings 6.1. A very memorable period, and of great use in sacred Chronology. Again, subtract eight hundred seventy and one out of one thousand two hundred seventy and two, there rest four hundred and one years between Circumcision and the Passeover. And if yet you subtract one thousand two hundred seventy and two, out of one thousand three hundred and one, there rest twenty nine years between the Promise and Circumcision. Subtract yet further, one thousand three hundred and one, out of one thousand seven hundred twenty three, there rest four hundred twenty two years between the Flood and the Promise made to Abraham. Lastly, subtract one thousand seven hundred twenty three out of three thousand three hundred seventy nine, there rest one thousand six hundred fifty six years between the Creation and the Flood, which happened Anno mundi, 1657. currant: but I reckon these great periods by complete years, which periods are so exactly noted in every page, as upon strict examination thou shalt find they fail not one year in observing their true distances one from another. Consult then, but the Table of those great periods set down for thy ease in the second page of the Preface, and then to prove the true site of every Period, subtract the lesser (as before) from the greater; thou wilt find the just distance of years between each of them so punctually observed; as will not only discover their truth, but also breed in thee abundance of delight and profit. And in truth, if but one year in any of these parallels be set false, all that follow after it in the same connexion, must needs be false also. By these Tables thou mayest perceive that Shem, Arphaxad, Selah or Eber, (though most probably Shem) any of them might be Melchizedeck, since every of them lived beyond the birth of ishmael; and one of them, namely Eber outlived Abraham himself. Now Ishmael was not born till after Melchizedeck met Abraham, and that probably some years. In a word, almost infinite varieties of Truth may with ease be found out by the help of these Tables, which without them would be very difficult for the best Chronologiers to fathom. One thing more I cannot pass without honoutable mention, namely that famous and most artificial Julian Period, made up of the three Cycles multiplied one by the other. The whole Period contains seven thousand nine hundred and eighty years. Let us suppose it to be a solid body of time, having three dimensions; the length twenty eight, which is the circle of the Sun: the breadth nineteen, which is the circle of the Moon, or the Golden Number: The thickness fifteen, which is the circle of the Indiction. Multiply twenty eight the length, by nineteen the breadth; and the product of both these (five hundred thirty two, the Dyonysian Period) by fifteen the thickness, the total is seven thousand nine hundred and eighty, the Julian Period. The use of it is excellent in Chronologie; for by it alone being rightly set, you may find out the year of the world, or any or all of the three Cycles: And the three Cycles being given, you may find any year of the world, or of the Julian Period. Chronologers suppose it to begin seven hundred sixty four years before the Creation. The reason is, because they take it for granted, that our Saviour's Conception or Birth, happened Anno. Mundi 3949. In which year of the world the Cycle of the Sun was nine, the Golden Number one, the Roman Indiction three. Now these three Cycles concur in no year of the Julian Period, but the four thousand seven hundred and thirteenth, which therefore runs parallel with Anno Mundi, 3949. which being substracted from four thousand seven hundred thirteen, their rest seven hundred sixty four years, the just date of the Julian Period when the world began. Haply upon this supposition of our Saviour's Birth, Anno Mundi, 3949. do our Almanac-makers ground the change of the three Cycles every year, as they may find out the Epact, by multiplying the Golden Number by eleven, and dividing it by thirty the common age of the Moon, the remainder after division is the Epact, and if nought remain then the Epact is thirty. For example, This year of our Lord being 1646. the Golden Number is thirteen, which multiplied by eleven, the Product is one hundred forty three, and this being divided by thirty, there rest twenty three, the Epact for this year, according to the Julian Account. In like manner to find out the three Cycles; Suppose for present our Saviour was born Anno Mundi, 3949. add to it the year of our Lord, 1646. and 764. the date of the Julian Period before the world began, the total is 6359. which year of the Julian Period runs now parallel with the persent year of our Lord, 1646. and with the present year of the World, 5595. according to the former supposition. Now to find out the three Cycles; Divide six thousand three hundred ninety five, the present Julian Period by twenty eight, your remainder is three. Again, divide it by nineteen, your remainder is thirteen: Once more divide it by fifteen, your remainder is fourteen; so that you have three for the Cycle of the Sun; thirteen for the Cycle of the Moon, and fourteen for the Cycle of the Indiction this present year, according to the ordinary account. Now because we conceive that our Saviour was born, An. Mundi 3919. ending, thirty years sooner than the ordinary account; we must of necessity either alter the three Cycles, or begin the date of the Julian Period thirty years sooner than the ordinary Account, namely, four hundred ninety four years before the Creation: which as it is easy and safe, so it's warranted by the example of the best Chronologers, who altar the date thereof, as themselves think best. Nor is there any absurdity in it (so they keep to that date they set themselves) since this Period is not Natural, but Artificial: which is one reason I note it not in my Chronological Tables. Let us then take it for granted, that our Saviour was born Anno Periodi jul. 4713. Let the year of our Saviour's Birth be what it will in regard of the age of the World; whether 3949. or 3919. or any other, be sure to fasten it and make it run parallel with the four thousand seven hundred and thirteenth year of the Julian Period, and the three Cycles will be still the same without variation, as they are now in the ordinary Account, and have been reckoned to be from the Birth of our Saviour: And better a great deal alter the Julian Period, than the three Cycles, which might haply breed great confusion in the notation of Time: It being in this case, as it is in divers terms of Art, which though very improper, yet must be kept; lest by losing the terms, we confound ourselves, and lose also the sense of Authors. But to pass this, and to draw to a conclusion. The Weeks and Years of the World, as well as the Jubilees, may be proved (as the rest) by ocular Demonstration, and likewise do mutually prove each other. For instance, page 73. f. The first year of our Saviors life runs parallel with Anno Mundi, 3920. and with the last or Sabatical year of the five hundred sixtieth week of the World immediately foregoing the eightieth Jubilee. Now to prove they are set right; multiply 560. by 7. which is a weeks of years, or 80. by 49. which is a Jubilee containing 7. weeks of years: the Product of each is 3920. years, the just age of the World when our Saviour was one year old. Or divide that year of the World by 49. the Quotient is 80. the Jubilee which immediately followed our Saviour's Birth: As also if you divide that week of the World in which our Saviour was born, by 7 which makes a week of years, the Quotient is still eighty as before: whence you may certainly conclude they are all rightly set. The same reason is there of any year, week, or Jubilee of the world, which by this means may in like manner be proved with no less certainty, than delight, by any who hath but so much skill in Arithmetic as will enable him to add, subtract, multiply, and divide. This I conceive may be sufficient for the right understanding and use of the Tables, the benefit whereof thou wilt better value by thy own experience in the study of Chronology, than I have either leisure or pleasure to instruct thee. What truth thou findest in them, own it as a beam of Light sent from the only Fountain of Truth: what errors, excuse and pardon them in the Author, who did his honest endeavour with no mean pains to find out Truth, though he neither can nor dare exempt himself from the common condition of man, namely to be subject to error: nor doth he desire thee any further to trust him in this particular, than he is able to make good from solid Stripture grounds every parcel and link of this Chronological chain, from the first to the second Adam, with whom he leaves thee, as the only centre of rest and happiness; and who, after all the labours and sufferings of his people, will give them Eternal Rest, and Immortal Glory. POSTSCRIPT. THe Reader may haply think me overconfident in my assertions about Points so intricate and controversal: To which I shall answer only thus much. First, that the grounds upon which I build, upon serious and impartial consideration, seem to me irrefragable; besides the harmony of all the Parcels one with another, and especially the perfect consent of the seventy year's captivity, and daniel's weeks with the weeks of the World. Secondly, for the superstructure: if the foundation fall not, I have reason to be confident thereof, since its evident both by ocular Demonstration, and by the common Principles of Arithmetic, by which it may be proved as firmly and clearly, as any sum or total may by examining the particulars; yet do I not presume to bind any by my poor judgement, but he may by the help of these Tables follow what date he please, by adding or substracting the just difference of years between his and my Aera. For example, He who beleeus Abraham was born when Terah was seventy years old, Let him subtract sixty years out of my date of Abraham's birth, and he hath the just year of the World, according to his own account. Again, he who beleeus the Promise was made to Abraham, being seventy five years old, Let him add five years to my date of the World, and he hath his own account, So of the rest. It's Truth I seek, and shall be willing to learn of any, nor desire further to be credited than Truth shall bear me out. DIFFICULTIES IN SACRED CHRONOLOGIE, CONTROVERTED BY THE LEARNED. 1. SHem was neither Noah's firstborn nor youngest Son, as appears by comparing Gen. 9.24. and 10.21. He was born then when Noah was (not five hundred but) five hundred and two years old, as appears by the birth of Arphaxad, Gen. 11.10. Noah was six hundred and two years old two years after the Flood: At the same time Shem was one hundred year old: subtract one hundred out of six hundred and two, there rest five hundred and two, the just age of Noah when Shem was born. Japhet was the eldest, Shem the second, and I'm the youngest, Genesis 9.24. Only Shem is first named for dignity, Genesis 5.32. 2. The Promise was made to Abraham in Vr, and not in Haran; when he was seventy year old, and not seventy five. That it was not in Haran but in Vr, appears by Acts 7.2, 3. that it was not when Abraham was seventy five year old, is as evident; because he was but seventy five years old at his departure from Haran, where yet he dwelled till his Father's death, Acts 7.4. Gen. 12.4. Whence by the way, note that Abraham was born (not the seventieth, but) the hundred and thirtieth year of Terah at the soon. He was seventy five year old when Terah was two hundred and five year old at his death; subtract seventy five out of two hundred and five, there rest an hundred and thirty, the just age of Terah when Abraham was born. Abraham then was not Terahs' first born, but is named first (as Shem was) for dignity, Gen. 11.26. Now to prove the Promise was made when Abraham was seventy years old; Note that the Israelites went out of Egypt (precisely to a night) at the end of four hundred and thirty years. Exod. 12.40, 41. All which time Abraham and his seed sojourned in strange Lands, and were afflicted. Four hundred years of this his seed was a sojourner. Gen. 15.13. that is, Isaac and his Posterity. Acts 7.6. Isaac was born (and so began to sojourn) when Abraham was an hundred years old. The four hundred years than began at the end of Abraham's hundredth year, and end at the going out of Egypt, at which time also the four hundred and thirty years expire; and therefore must begin thirty years before the four hundred years, that is, thirty years before Abraham was an hundred year old. Subtract then thirty out of an hundred, there rest seventy, the just age of Abraham when the Promise was made to him in Vr: Whence its further evident the Promise was made to him at Spring; namely, the fourteenth or fifteenth day of the Month Abib. They who begin the four hundred years at Ishmaels' mocking, besides a plain error, leave us at great uncertainties, since there is no Scripture-evidence at all when Ishmael mocked Isaac; and supposing (as they would) five year after isaack's birth, it makes but a difference of five years, and the Aera of the Promise five years later. 3. Concerning the Aera or beginning of the Babylonish captivity. Note there were four captivities: First, in Nebuchadnezars first year which concurred with the third and fourth year of Jehoiakim, Jer. 25.1. and Daniel 1.1. The second, in the seventh year of Nabuchadnezzar. The third, in the eighteenth year of Nabuchadnezzar. The fourth in the twenty third year of Nabuchadnezzar, Jer. 52.28, 29.30. The Nations were to serve him, his son and his grandchild, Jer. 27.7. That is, Nabuchadnezzar, Ev●lmerodach, and Belshazzar. I see not then why the first captivity should not begin the seventy years, at which time divers of the Princes, and part of the Holy Vessels were carried to Babylon, Dan. 1.2, 3. The desolation of jerusalem, Dan. 9.2. then began, as also of the whole land, and was at last accomplished under the fourth captivity after the death of Gedaliah; so that the whole land lay waste not above forty seven years, God in mercy so moderating that great affliction of his people. They who begin the captivity at the carrying away of jechonias, must of necessity conclude, that some of the Vessels and Princes were held captive above seventy years. And they who begin it not till the eleventh of Zedekiah, go likewise against the words of the Prophet, Jer. 29.10. who foretold but seventy year's captivity to them that were carried away with Jechonias, of which indeed about seven or eight years were passed when they came to Babylon, Jer. 25.1. and 27.6, 7. and Daniel 1.1.3. 4. The greatest controversy is about the beginning of daniel's seventy weeks. Had not profane Chronology contradicted, none I think would have doubted but that the seventy weeks of years began when the seventy years of captivity ended. But the great difficulty is how to reconcile sacred and profane Chronologie. To me the Scripture seems to carry it strongly, that the seventy weeks immediately followed the seventy years: which method ccordingly I have followed in this Chronologie, and that upon these grounds. 1. From the age of those who saw both Temples finished, Ezra 3.12. compared with Haggai 2.3. Suppose they were but ten year old at Zedekiahs' captivity, add to that at least sixty two years of the seventy year's captivity, beginning eight years before, and to this an hundred and eleven years, from the first of Cyrus, to the sixth of Darius Nothus, when the second Temple was finished. These men must be at least an hundred eighty and three years old, and so exceed the age of Isaac. 2. It appears further from the age of Ezra. his Father Seraiah, was slain by Nabuchadnezzar in the eleventh year of Zedekiah, 2 King. 25.18.21. compared with Ezra 7.1. and he with his brother Jehozadac went into captivity, 1 Chron 6.14, 15. Suppose now Ezra to be a posthuma proles, and that he was carried captive in his mother's belly in the eleventh year of Zedekiah, you must make him at least sixty two years old at the end of the captivity; (and according to some sixty nine years old) after which he lived at least to the twentieth of Artaxerxes Mnemon, as is evident by his being present at the dedication of the wall Nehem. 12.36. For the building whereof, Nehemiah got leave of this King in the twentieth year of his Reign, Nehem. 2.1. The same Ezra also preached under the government of Nehemiah, Nehem. 8.1, 2. whose government lasted twelve years, Nehem. 13.6. compared with Nehem. 2.1. to the 32. of Artaxerxes. Now in what year of Nehemiah the wall was finished is uncertain. Suppose therefore Ezra lived but to the end of the twentieth year of Artaxerxes (which is the least can be imagined) from the first of Cyrus, to the twentieth of Artaxerxes Mnemon is 136. years at least: to which add sixty two years of Eraes' age under the captivity, its apparent he lived at least an hundred ninety eight years, which how probable, let any indifferent man judge. 3. From that speech of the Jews to our Saviour, John 2.20. [Forty and six years was this Temple a building,] which answers patt with that of Daniel 9.25. That from the Decree of Cyrus to Messiah should be seven weeks of years; which cannot be understood of Messiah coming personally, but Typically. Now the Temple being a principal Type of Christ, was finished in the midst of the seventh week that is in the forty sixth year after the return, as Messiah, whom it Typified, did both suffer, and was glorified in the midst of the seventieth or last week, Dan. 9.26, 27. Others, who make it to be about an hundred and eleven years from the foundation to the finishing of the Temple, have no way to salve that speech of the Jews. john 2.20. but by flying to several intervals wherein the building of the Temple laid dead, and so would make us believe that forty six years were spent in actual building of the Temple, which to me is improbable. For as they were laying the foundation, Ezra 3.8.10. and 4.1. The adversaries, whose malice would suffer them to lose no time, began betimes to hinder them, partly by weakening their hands by suits of Law, and partly by complaining to the King against them. Ezra, 4.4, 5.7.16. And verse 24. its expressly said, the work ceased till the second year of Darius, which agrees with Haggai 1.1. and Ezra 5. 1, 2. so that it is probable, the work ceased from the laying of the foundation till the second year of Darius, in whose sixth year it was finished Ezra 6.15. and so probably about five or six years in actual building. And so by consequence that speech of the Jews must be took in this sense, that from the foundation to the finishing of the second Temple was but forty six years: and by proportion from the first of Cyrus, to the sixth of Darius Nothus were not above forty seven years by sacred Chronologie, which yet by profane Chronologie is an hundred and twelve years. And in truth the Olympiads themselves, by which Historians measured the reigns of their Kings, are much doubted and questioned by Plutarch in the very beginning of his Numa p. 60. B. 4. From the answer of the Angel Gabriel to Daniel, Dan. 9.25. For first, the Angel coming to instruct Daniel, certainly would speak to daniel's apprehension. But Daniel could understand this command to build Jerusalem to proceed from no other King but Cyrus, being well acquainted with the Prophecy of Esay about him: and had not Daniel undoubtedly understood it thus, he might well have objected to Gabriel. I understand thus much indeed, that seventy weeks after the going forth of the commandment, Messiah shall accomplish our redemption: but unless you further satisfy me at what time precisely and from what King this Decree shall be issued forth, I am little or nothing the wiser. To clear it by another supposed instance, should the Spirit of God reveal to any that precisely 40-yeers after the ruin of Antichrist the Turk shall be destroyed: unless he be pleased withal to reveal in what year Antichrist shall be destroyed; I could neither inform myself nor others directly when the Turk shall he ruind. So it was in this case. The Angel came not to deceive Daniel, but to inform him. Secondly, to prove from the Text that this must needs be the command of Cyrus; The words in the original run thus. Understand that from the going forth of the word to cause to return and to build Jerusalem, etc. The word, 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in Hiphil signifies properly to cause to return. From hence then I argue; That Decree which at once commanded the captivity to return and to build jerusalem, that and that only began daniel's seventy weeks. But there was no Decree of any King, but only of Cyrus that at once commanded both these. Ergo, nor indeed could Daniel understand it of any other; that no other King commanded both these is evident. Darius' commanded to build the Temple, but neither to return the captivity, nor to build the City. Artaxerxes gave Nehemiah a Commission to repair the City, but not to return the captivity: The same Artaxerxes gave Ezra Commission to return some Captives, but neither to repair the City, nor to build the Temple. For proof of these three, see Ezrah 6.6, 7. Nehemiah 2.3.8. Ezra 7.13. Of all the Persian Kings (only Cyrus) except Artaxerxes Mnemon, to whom yet the date can not agree, made a Decree, First for returning the captivity: Secondly, for building the Temple, And thirdly, for building of the City also. Ezra 1.2.3. Esay 44.28. and 45.13. And though no Decree of Cyrus be extant for building of jerusalem, yet it is evident by the Prophet in the forementioned places, that he did make a Decree for the building of the City, as well as of the Temple: otherwise how could it be said, He shall build my City: And that he should say of jerusalem, thou shalt be built. No man is so mad to think Cyrus built it himself, but it was built by his order and direction, as the Temple was built by Solomon. By all which I think it may appear, that daniel's weeks began at the end of the seventy years, and with the first of Cyrus. I might add how improbable it is, that the Scripture should discover every thing about Christ, save only the time when he should come into the world, etc. (which yet is so material a circumstance) but we must be beholding to profane Chronology for which as I shown before is doubtful, and might have been lost. Had a jew, or any other come to Daniel after his conference with Gabriel, Dan. 9 and asked him when Messiah should suffer. The answer had been ready out of Daniel 9.25.27. in the midst of the seventieth or last week. But had the Jew further replied, in what year of the world? (Let us only suppose now that the first year of Cyrus, ran parallel with Anno Mundi, 3466.) The fourth year being the midst of the last or seventieth week, that the four hundred eighty seventh year currant; I should conceive that Messiah was to suffer Anno Mundi, 3952. Might not Daniel well have answered, I pray pardon me there, for to tell you the Truth I know not whether the seventy weeks begin the first year of Cyrus, or in the reign of some other King: and am still to seek in what year of the world Christ shall suffer. By all which its apparent, That either the seventy weeks began with the first of Cyrus, and the last of the Babilonish Captivity: or else for all Gabriels' vision, he was still ignorant when Christ should suffer, as knowing not when the seventy weeks were to begin. The next or fifth difficulty is about the Jubilees; which some make to contain forty and nine, others fifty solid years. To me it seems probable they contain but forty and nine solid years a piece, so that the fiftieth (or Jubilee) year is the last of the preceding Jubilee, and the first of the following Jubilee, and that upon this ground, because otherwise the course of the Sabbatical years must needs be broken once every fifty years, by a year added to every seven weeks of years (which make just forty and nine years) so that the seventh week of the Jubilee must contain eight years, which is as absurd as to say, a week contains eight days. Now whereas there are two sorts of Jubilees, namely the Jubilees of the World, and the Jubilees of Canaan: the question is, when the Jubilees of Canaan begin. Ordinarily they are reckoned from the Conquest of the Land by Joshuah, that is about seven years after they entered Canaan. To me it seems far more probable, they rather began the September after Canaan was entered, Levit. 25.2. The Scripture says not when you have Conquered, but when you come into the Land which I shall give you, then shall the Land keep a Sabbath unto the Lord. The first Sabbath of years, than began the Autumn after their entrance into Canaan (which they entered in the Spring) in the tenth day of the seventh month. Seven of which Sabbaths made forty and nine years, and so the fiftieth year, (or the year of Jubilee) began on the tenth day of the seventh Month, and was proclaimed by sound of Trumpet throughout all the Land in the very day of Atonement, Levit. 25.9, 10. I conclude then that the fiftieth year after they entered Canaan, was the year of Jubilee, and not the fifty seventh year (as some would have it) And after this rate (as appears in my Chronologie) the Jubilees of Canaan run parallel with the Jubilees of the World, and are noted in the top of the Column that contains the Sabbatical years. Yet to give satisfaction, I have noted in the Column containing the years of the World, the Jubilees that contain fifty solid years; and in the Column of the Sabbatical years, I have noted both the Jubilees that began at their entrance, and also seven year after they entered Canaan. Thus p. 53. in the top of the Column for the Sabbatical year, the fifty ninth Jubilee of the World, and the seventh Jubilee of Canaan concur with the eight and twentieth year of Elies' government after my account: but after the ordinary account the seventh Jubilee concurs with the thirty fifth year of Ely. If we reckon fifty years to a Jubilee, the seventh Jubilee concurs with the first year of Saul, as is noted in the same Column; the reason is clear, because every Jubilee gains a year; and therefore the seventh Jubilee must needs fall seven years later. In the same page my fifty and ninth jubilee concurs with the twenty eighth of Ely: but if we reckon fifty years to a Jubilee, than the fifty eighth Jubilee of the world concurs with the thirty sixth of Ely, 9 year later than the former: the reason is because a year is gained in every Jubilee: and so the fifty eighth Jubilee containing fifty years, falls later than the fifty ninth Jubilee containing but forty nine years. The sixth Difficulty, is about the Expiration or end of daniel's seventy weeks, which some terminate with the death of Christ; others with the destruction of Jerusalem: Daniel seems clearly to terminate them with the death of Christ, Daniel. 9.24. by which he made reconciliation for sin, brought in everlasting Righteousness, etc. Of which their return from Captivity was but a type and shadow. Nor doth it follow that the seventy week's reach to the destruction of Jerusalem, because mention thereof is made in this Prophecy. For besides that the twenty fourth verse determines, the seventy weeks, in the Death, Resurrection, and Ascension, of Christ: It's further evident by the several parcels of the seventy weeks. verse 25, 26. seven weeks and sixty two weeks, after which Messiah was to be cut off: seven and six two make sixty nine after which, namely in the midst of the seventieth week, verse 27. Messiah by offering up himself should cause the Sacrifice and Oblation to cease virtually, they being of no force after the death of Christ, though they were in use (as well as other Ceremonies) till the destruction of Jerusalem. And though the Translatours divide the seven weeks, (Daniel, 9.25.) by a Colon from the 62. weeks in the same verse (following therein the custom of the Hebrews, who usually make the Accent Athnac to serve for a Colon) as if the seven weeks had proper reference to Messiah, and the sixty two weeks to the building of the street and wall. Yet besides that this sense cannot agree with the History; its evident that in divers places of Scripture, the Accent Athnac cannot express a Colon, nay scarce so much as a Comma: for proof whereof I offer these places to the judgement of the Learned. Psalm 70.3, 4, 5. If you count the Title of the Psalm for the first verse as the Hebrews do. Ps. 71.14. and 79.6. and 84.4. and 86.2. and 72. last. and 1 Kings 8.17. And why then should we in this place (namely Dan. 9.25.) take Athnac from a Colon, when as the sense can as ill bear it here, as in any of the places? and without a Colon, the sense is clear and direct, that from that Decree (as before) to Messiah should be seven weeks, and sixty two weeks, that is just sixty nine weeks, namely to that time in which he should begin his Ministerial Office, in which he continued the first half of the last or seventieth week; that is, three years and an half, and then by his death took away the daily Sacrifice in its significancy and virtue: confirming the Covenant the last half of that week by his Apostles, and after that rejecting the Jews for contempt thereof, as learned Mede observes. Let us then suppose (which to me seems to come nearest the Truth) that daniel's weeks begin where the seventy years of Captivity ended. That is (according to my Chronologie) Anno: Mundi, 3466. Add to this four hundred and ninety years contained in daniel's seventy weeks of years: The sum is three thousand nine hundred fifty and five. Out of which subtract three years and an half, there rests just three thousand nine hundred fifty and two currant, in which year of the world (according to us) our Saviour suffered. Now because Chronologers place the death of Christ in the year of the world 3982. and the 202. Olympiad, or the 808. Olympic year, just thirty year later than our date: the great difficulty will be how to reconcile this difference. For salving whereof we must desire the Reader to take especial notice of that grand error committed by many in sacred Chronologie, who make the birth of Abraham to fall out sixty year's sooner than indeed it did: As supposing him to be born in the seventieth year of his Father Terah; whereas indeed he was not born till Terah was an hundred and thirty year old, as I have evidenced in the second difficulty. Secondly, note that of this sixty years they lose five year in the date of the Promise, which was made when Abraham was seventy, and not seventy five year old (as I have cleared in the same Paragraph) and so with them it falls five year later than with us. Thirdly, note further, that out of this sixty they lose eight years more in the date of the Babylonish Captivity, which with them falls out in the reign of jechonias, but with us in the third year ending, and the fourth year beginning of jehoiakim, namely eight year sooner with us then with them: to which add two years more, wherein we differ from them occasionally in the reigns of the Kings, who sometimes reign a few years with their Fathers, sometimes begin not their reign till after their Father's decease (as in the Chronologie itself, we shall make plainly appear, and desire no further to be credited, than we bring Scripture grounds for every branch of our Chronology) I say, these five eight and two years being added together, make fifteen years, which being substracted from sixty, there rest forty and five years, the just difference between their and our date of the Babylonish Captivity: The Captivity falling with us, five and forty years later than with them, and their date of our Saviour's death falling thirty years later than with us, Both which being added together, make up 75. years, the space from the first year of Cyrus his universal Monarchy, and the 10. year of Artaxerxes Longimanus, from which year to the death of Christ, they reckon 490. years, and others reckon from the 7. year of the same Artaxerxes, who they suppose gave Commission to Nehemiah, in the twentieth year of his Reign, Nehemiah, 2.6.8. Our return from captivity. An. M. 3466 Thence to the 10 of Artaxerxes Longimanus. 74 Thence to the end of daniel's weeks, 490 Total] 4030 About which year or 4027. (if the half week be substracted) our Saviour suffered, if their account be right: and therefore to make it even with our account, subtract the former 75. which contain the 45. year's difference about the captivity, and 30. year's difference, about Christ's death, and three years and a half for the last half week. There rest just 3952. being the year of the world, in which according to us our Saviour suffered. According to some these 75. years, should reach but to the seventh year of Artaxerxes Longimanus. Their return 45. years sooner than ours. 3421 To the 10. of Artaxerx. Long. 74 To the end of daniel's, 70. weeks. 490 Total] 3985 Out of which, subtract 3 years and a half from daniel's last half week. There rests 3982. the year of the World, in which our Saviour suffered according to Chronologers, being just thirty years later than our account, which falls out 3952. Our return from captivity. An. M. 3466 Thence to the 6. of Darius Nothus. 110 Thence to the end of daniel's weeks. 490 Total] 4066 About which time they who begin daniel's weeks at the 6. of Darius, should make the destruction of jerusalem, to fall out; or at lest Anno Mundi, 4063. currant, supposing it happened in the midst of daniel's last week, but the former 111. being substracted (the parcels whereof are 45. year's difference, of the capivitie. 30. year's difference, of the death of Christ, and 36. years after Christ's death to the destruction of jerusalem) together, with 3 years and a half for the last half week as before. There rests just 3952. the year of the world, in which our Saviour suffered, according to our account. Their return 45. years sooner than ours. 3421. Thence to the sixth of Darius Nothus. 110. Thence to the end of daniel's 70. weeks. 490. Total] 4021. Out of which subtract 3. years & a half for Dan. last half week. there rests 4018 currant, in which year of the world Christ should suffer according to them who begin daniel's weeks at the sixth of Darius, when the Temple was finished; out of which 4018 subtract 66. years, (the parcels whereof are 30. y. difference about Christ's death, and 36. years after, to the destruction of jerusalem) There rests 3952 the just year of the world in which Christ suffered according to our account. With them, if daniel's week's immediately succeeded the captivity, our Saviour should suffer An. m. 3907. (as is evident by adding 490. to 3420.) that is. 43. year sooner than out date; if you subtract from 3910. being the total, the 3. years and a half for daniel's last half-week that is the twentieth year of his reign with his father, but the tenth year of his sole reign. But how unprobable this opinion is let the impartial Reader ●udge, and that because Artax. Longim. was an enemy to the Jews and hindered the building of the Temple Ezra 4.7.23. which to make good I argue thus. There were but three Kings of Persia who had the name of Artaxerxes. First Ahasuerus the Husband of Queen Hester, mentioned Ezra 4.6. and in the book of Hester: he was the same with Xerxes: with this man's reign the date of daniel's weeks cannot agree. Secondly In the twelfth year of his reign he plotted with Haman the ruin of the Jews, Hoster 3.8. Thirdly, he reigned not full twenty one years; whereas its apparent that he who gave Nehemiah commission reigned at least thirty two years, Neh. 13.6. The second was Artaxerxes Longimannus son to Xerxes mentioned as before, Ez. 4.7. by whose means the building of the Temple was hindered till the reign of Darius Nothus, Ezra. 4.23.24. But before his days (I mean before his twentieth year) who gave Nehemiah commission the Temple was builded, as is evident, Neh. 6.10, 11. and 13.4.9. where express mention is made both of the Temple, and the chambers of God's house. And therefore Nehemiahs' commission must needs be given by Artaxerxes Mnemon who was the third of that name, and together with Darius Nothus, his father was piously affected towards the Jews and furthered the building of the Temple, Ezra 6.14. and after the Temple was built, he gave commsssion to Ezra in the seventh year of his reign, Ezra 7.1. and lastly to Nehemiah in the twentieth year of his reign. It's remarkable of this man as well as of Cyrus that he gave, First commission to build the Temple, Ezra 6.14. Secondly to return part of the captivity Ezra 7.13. Thirdly to build the City jerusalem, Neh. 2.5.8. at least the wall of it. Yet from him the date of daniel's weeks cannot be reckoned, since from the sixth of Darius his father to the destruction of jerusalem, (the utmost period of daniel's weeks by all interpreters) there were but four hundred ninety years or at fathest but three years and an half after, supposing Jerusalem was destroyed in the midst of daniel's last week (as some would have it) So then we cannot reckon daniel's weeks, either from the twentieth of Artax. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or Artax. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and if any date hold it must be from Darius Nothus his decree Ezra 4.24. and Hag. 1.1. or from the time of finishing the Temple in the sixth year of his reign Ezra 6.15. which yet cannot well stand upon the former ground in the beginning of this difficulty, where it's proved, the angel determined the seventy weeks upon the death of Messiah: and besides in the same place he gins the seventy weeks at the decree to restore and build the City, but makes no mention of building the Temple, Dan. 9.25. Yet because generally authors begin the date of daniel's weeks in the reign of Art. Longim. and end them at the death of Christ, or begin them in the reign of Darius Nothus and terminate them with the destruction of jerusalem, I have noted both, though very uncertain and improbable, and leave it to the Readers judgement whether it be not fare more agreeable both to Scripture and truth, that daniel's weeks begin where the seventy years of captivity end (as hath been formerly cleared, if I mistake not) and end in the death of Christ, and our redemption purchased thereby. By what hath been spoken may appear. First that it seems more agreeable to Scripture that daniel's weeks begin where the seventy years of captivity end. Secondly, that they who begin them with the tenth or twentieth of Artaxerxes, Longimanus, differ from our date about seventy five years. Thirdly, They who begin them with the sixth of Darius Nothus differ from us about 111. years. The parcels whereof are forty five years of the captivity falling sooner with them then us; thirty years of our Saviour's death falling later with them then us, and thirty six years after that for the destruction of Jerusalem, which they place in the midst of daniel's last week: which supposition (if true) doth of necessity cast the last year of daniel's seventy weeks upon the year of the world four thousand sixty six, and the destruction of Jerusalem, upon An. Mundi 4063 currant, being the fourth or middle year of daniel's last week, and the death of Christ being thirty six years before that, upon An. Mundi 4027. and not upon An. Mundi 3982. as they would have it, as may appear by what follows. The Babylonish captivity ended An. Mundi 3465. Thence to the sixth of Dar. Nothus (according to them) 111. Thence to the end of daniel's seventy week's [490] [Totall 4066] out of which subtract for three yeeers and a half of daniel's last week, and thirty six years from the death of Christ to the destruction of Jerusalem (in all 39 and a half] There rests just [4027] currant, the year in which according to their supputation our Saviour Christ should suffer, which yet they affirm to be Anno Mundi 3982. The main ground of which error ariseth from the mistaking of the true date of Abraham's birth, as I have formerly showed. Another error arising from the mistake of Abraham's birth, etc. is the misdating of the three famous Aeraes or Perieds of time, namely, aera olympica, Vrbis conditae, and aera Nabonassaris, each of which fall out with them fifty. four years sooner than with us. The first of them with us falls out Anno Mundi 3228. in the thirty third year of Vzziah's reign. The second Anno Mundi 3252. the fifth year of Jothams' reign, and twenty four years later than the former. The third Anno mundi 3258. in the eleventh year of Jotham and six year later than the aera Vrbis Conditae. All these three aeraes falling together within the space of thirty years at such a distance as he that knows the true date of any one of them may easily find out the other two. But ordinarily Chronologers place the Olympiads in Anno mundi 3174. The aera Vrbis Con. Anno Mundi 3198. and aera Nabonassaris Anno Mundi 3204. which periods to find out, they reckon backwards from the death of our Saviour falling out in the last year of the two hundredth and second Olympiad or the 800 and eigthth Olympic year, which being substracted from three thousand nine hundred eighty two (the year of our Saviour's death according to them) there rests three thousand one hundred seventy four, the first year of their first Olympiad, each of which contain the space of four years, and are called Tetraeterides. The same course they take to find out the other two periods; and what is this, but to build one uncertainty upon another, for the Olympiads in their date are uncertain. And secondly, were it out of question that our Saviour suffered in the eight hundred and eighth Olympic year, yet in what year of the world to fasten their aera would be difficult because of the different date of daniel's weeks. It were worth the while to inquire whether we can find any better soopsteps of their beginning out of the Old Testament. First therefore, we must take for granted that those three great aeraes or periods fall together within the space of thirty years. Secondly, that they fall within such a precise distance the one from the other, that he who knows one of them, may infallibly find out the other two. These two postulata being granted (which I think both sides cannot but assent unto) I shall pitch upon aera Nabonassaris the last period of the three; of which there is very probable evidence in the Old Testament by comparing profane history with sacred: and if profane historians reckon the reigns of their Kings right the evidence is irrefragable. Note then that Berodach, alias Merodach Baladan, mentioned 2 Kings 20.12. and Esay 39.1. in the seventh year of his rule over Babylon, sent Letters and a present unto Hezekiah. The occasion whereof was the wonder of the Sun's going ten degrees backwards for the confirmation of Hezekiahs' faith about his recovery. Now the Babylonians being great Astronomers could not but take especial notice of the Sun's retrograde motion: and withal hearing that it was upon occasion of Hezekiahs' sickness, as may appear by comparing 2 Kings 20.12. with 2 Chron. 32.31. he could not but send Letters to Hezekiah to inquire about the ground thereof. These Letters were sent in the seventh year of Merodach Baladans reign which ran parallel with the fifteenth of Hezekiah, as is evident by the promise of adding fifteen years to Hekiahs' life, 2 Kings 20.6. which fifteen years being substracted from twenty nine years, the space of Hezekiahs' reign, 2 Kin. 18.2. leave just fourteen years, in which fourteenth year therefore both Hezekiahs' recovery, and the ruin of Sennacherib fell out; God delivering both the King, Church and State in the same year, 2 Kin. 18.13. according to his promise 2 Kin. 20.6. Let it be granted then that the fifteenth of Hezekiah and the seventh of Merodach Baladan ran parallel. The great question now is how long before this time aera Nabonassaris began. Before this Baladan, there reigned over Babylon, Dulilaeus, alias Dilulorus five years; before him Chinzerus and Porus, five years; before them Nassius' two years; and before this last, Nabonassar reigned fourteen years, who in the beginning of his reign did institute this Epocha, commonly called aera Nabonassaris in memorial of the Chaldean liberty then asserted, which aera is much in use with Ptolemy and other Astronomers. Now supposing Hezekiah fell sick precisely at the end of his fourteenth year, (as the promise of his living fifteen years longer makes good) the news of his recovery coming to Baladan, together with the sending of Baladans' Letters, require some good space of time (haply five or six months, Babylon being fare from judea) therefore his seventh year must run parallel with Hezekiahs' fifteenth year. Now add all the reigns of the forementioned Kings of Babylon to these seven years of Merodach Baladan, they make up just thirty three years: the first of which thirty three years jumps with the eleventh year of jotham. Anno Mundi 3258. according to our account, and the aera Vrbis Conditae being six years before that, falls out Anno Mundi 3252 in the fifth year of Jotham: and aera Iphiti or Olimpica (beginning 24 years before aera Vrbis Conditae,) falls in with the thirty third of Vzziah, Anno Mundi 3228. according to my account: the difference of both which accounts that it may the more easily be observed, I have set them both together in the ensuing draught. Nostra. Vulg. Aera Olympica. Anno Mundi 3228 3174 Vrbis Conditae. 3252 3198 Nabonassaris. 3258 3204 The distance between ours and theirs, is the space of fifty four years, ours falling later than theirs, just so many years. The seventh difficulty is concerning the time of the year in which the world began, which probably was not in Spring but Autumn the Sun entering Libra the fourth descending sign of the Zodiac. And that upon these grounds. First because formerly the year began in September, till it was changed upon occasion of the Passover Exod. 12.2. It also began the civil year, and the year of jubilee, Leu. 25.9, 10. Secondly from the ripeness of fruits, etc. Thirdly from the beginning of the flood which fell out in the second month of the civil year, Gen. 7.11. that is the month October toward the end of it about which time twelve month only ten days later) he came out of the Ark, Gen. 8.14. as may appear. 1. Because by this means there was a whole summer to dry up the waters of the flood, which could not be, had the flood began in May, I take Summer here for the whole space between the Vernal and Autumnal Equinoctial. 2. From the necessity of sowing the earth. For probably Noah stored not the Ark with much more than for present necessity, and therefore had not much corn to spare; now had he come out of the Ark in the Spring, both himself and family must have lived of the old store almost a twelve month, since the seed time fell not out till winter following at the soon. But coming out of the Ark in winter, he immediately fell to sowing of the ground and waited no longer then till the Spring and Summer following for a new crop. 4 As the world began in the evening of the the day so probably also in the evening of the year, namely to those that live on this side of the line, for otherwise at the same time Spring began on the other side of the line, where yet at the beginning of the world there was neither man nor any other living creature, Eden being on this side the line. 5. God might in providence order it so of purpose the more to humble man for his sin, with acold and dark winter succeeding his ejection out of Paradise: which could not but be a sad affliction to him being left with his wife alone to the wide world, and both heaven and earth lowering upon him presently after his fall, in which respect they needed raiment to shelter themselves from the injuries of heaven, as well as to cover their nakedness: and these garments probably were made of the skins of the beasts that were offered in Sacrifice, Gen. 3.21. for till after the flood we read of no commission man had to eat flesh, Gen. 9.3. I might add as an eighth difficulty, in what part of the natural day, the Lords day gins. That it gins not at one precise point of time all the world over I think is without controversy to all who understand any thing either about time or place. The reason is evident, for whether it begin at Sun rising or Sunset, or midnight etc. since all these vary according to the distance of places East or West, the beginning of the Lords day, and so of the Jewish Sabbath must vary in proportion. For example, suppose the Meridian of Jerusalem differ from the Meridian of London, two thousand seven hundred miles that is, forty five degrees, that lying so fare East of this? its apparent the Sun will rise and set three hours sooner at Jerusalem, then at London, and that because every nine hundred miles or fifteen degrees East it rises one hour sooner than West, as appears by dividing twenty one thousand six hundred by nine hundred, the quotient is twenty four, and just so many hours there are in the natural day, so that 900 miles being the twenty fourth part of twenty one thousand six hundred miles (the just compass of the earth) makes the Sun vary in its rising and setting every nine hundred miles the twenty fourth part of a natural day, which is just one hour. By which it is evident that if the Sabbath or Lords day begin at Sunset in Jerusalem, it must begin three hours before Sunset in London, and so at the Equinoctial, the Sun sets with them when it is but three in the afternoon with us: And at the Antipodes it sets and rises twelve hours before it set and rise with us, whence by proportion their Lordsday should begin twelve hours' sooner than with us. Whence its apparent that begin the Lords day when you please, if you begin it at one precise point of time all the world over, you must vary the hour of the day all the world over every fifteen degrees and every fifteen mile's East or West the beginning of the Lords day varies one minute. Next, that neither the Lords day nor Jewish Sabbath (namely, the first and last day of the week) fall precisely upon the same point of time they did in the creation, is as evident as the former; because the Sun's standing still in the time of Joshua, and going back ten degrees in the days of Hezekiah have made a manifest alteration, and in probability at least of twenty four hours or thereabouts. For though the Sun and Moon stood yet time stayed not, and though afterwards the Sun went backwards, yet still time went forwards, fourteen hours probably in Joshuahs' time (supposing the Sun stood an artificial day which with them in Summer was about fourteen hours) and ten hours in Hezekiahs' days; so as that day being fourteen hours longer than any former day, made all the following Sabbaths till Hezekiahs' time to fall fourteen hours later than any former Sabbath, and after Hezekiahs' recovery, the Jewish Sabbath fell ten hours later than all the Sabbaths from Joshuahs' time, and twenty four hours later than all the Sabbaths from the beginning of the world till the days of Joshuah, that is just an whole natural day later than before. So as in truth after Hezekiahs' recovery, the Jewish Sabbath fell punctually upon the first day of the week, and our Christian Sabbath by proportion falls on the second day of the week, by reason of those twenty four hours extraordinary inserted in the days of Joshua and Hezekiah. But when then must the Christian Sabbath or our Lord's day begin? Answ. To me it seems fare more easy to speak to the Negative than the affirmative, and to tell when it gins not, than when it gins. Certainly a seventh part of time is to be kept, and that seventh part must be the first of the week on which our Saviour risen, and which upon the former grounds seems to be in preciseness of time rather the second than first day of the week. But at what hour this day ought to begin is the great question. I have been apt to think and easily should be persuaded with divers eminent for Piety and Learning, that it ought to begin at Sun set, were I not staggered with that text, john 20.19. being compared with Luke From which places being compared I clearly draw these conclusions. First, that it was the first day of the week when our Saviour appeared to the ten Apostles, (for Thomas was not with them till the Lord's day following John 20.26.) Secondly, that on that very day he appeared to the two disciples, going to Emam and supped with them, it being so late before Supper as they would not suffer our Saviour to go any further that night, Luke 24.29. Thirdly, That these things fell out at the Equinoctial, when the Sun always sets at six in the Evening, and so probably it was toward Sunset when they went to Supper, at which time it was dangerous to travel, not only for robbers, but also for wild beasts, Psalm 104.19.22. which (I suppose) was the ground why they constrained our Saviour to abide with them. Fourthly, that after Supper the two Disciples returned again to JERUSALEM being distant from EMAUS seven miles and an half, every mile containing eight furlongs, Luke 24.13.33. Now suppose they had supped by Sunset, and withal that they footed it after the rate of four mile an hour (for no doubt they went to JERUSALEM with a good will to carry the news of our Saviour's resurrection) they came thither toward eight at night, and as they were relating the good tidings to the ten Apostles, our Saviour himself appeared amongst them Luke, 24.36. Suppose than it were but eight at night when Christ appeared, its apparent that it was two hours after Sunset (though others think it was fare later) and so could be no part of the first day of the week; if the first day of the week end at Sunset. But john says expressly that the Evening of the first day of the week Christ appeared, john 20.19. whereas the first day of the week was passed two hours before, with them who begin the first day at Sunset. Nor can this argument be solidly evaded by those who say, that here John reckoned the day after the Roman account from midnight to midnight. For first, (granting the Romans reckoned so) it will be a very hard task for them to prove that John intended here to follow their acount, and we can as easily deny it as they affirm it. Secondly, as fear scattered the Apostles at our Saviour's death, so probably conscience of the Lords Day made them keep so late together, (otherwise they had been safer from the Jews danger, being asunder than together, which was the ground they now shut the doors upon themselves, John 20.19.) This is further confirmed by their meeting again the Lords Day following, verse 26. as also by Paul's preaching on the first day of the week till midnight, Acts 20.7. And though his Sermon might be longer than ordinary, because he was to leave the Disciples of TROAS yet the ground of his preaching that evening was the conscience of the Lords Day, nor did he probably begin his Sermon till after the celebration of the Lords Supper, which in those times was at night, 1 Cor. 11.20, 21. and after Supper (in imitation of our Saviour) though this custom hath ceased with us, for the most part (as well as dipping in Baptism) because of the inconveniency of meeting so late, especially in many places where the people live further off from the place of Assembly. And I think either place or time doth bind, unless there be an express command for it. Otherwise we should be bound to receive the Lords Supper in an upper room, as well as after Supper. By all hath been said appears very probably, that the latter as well as the former Evening is part of the Christian Sabbath. Let who will interpret John to speak after the Roman account, I must crave liberty to adhere to that rather than the Jewish account, especially since Paul himself hath confirmed this interpretation by his own practice, Act. 20.7. And why the time of the day may not be altered as well as the day itself: and that by the same authority, I see no clear evidence to the contrary. Nor see I any convincing strength in that main argument so much insisted upon. The first day of the week is the Christian Sabbath; Evening and morning are the first day of the week; Ergo, Evening and morning are the Christian Sabbath. For first grant the whole Syllogism, it makes not against us. For since the Evening is put for night and the morning for day, our Christian Sabbath still gins at Evening if it begin at midnight, and so still Evening and morning are the Christian Sabbath. Secondly, to the Major we answer that the denomination is taken a Major's part, and therefore the Christian Sabbath is truly said to be the first day of the week, and contra; because the greatest part of it falls on the first day of the week. Thirdly, we deny the Minor if affirmed the praesente as the terms carry it in their sense. We deny not but before Christ's Resurrection the day began in the Evening about Sunset; but our Saviour after his Resurrection altered the hour of the day, as well as the day of the week, as hath been proved. Nor do I conceive it such an inconvenience to affirm that the six or nine hours from the end of the Jewish to the beginning of the first Christian Sabbath were suffered to lapse and be vacant upon so extraordinary an occasion, and every Lord's Day afterwards to begin at midnight or the morning watch: and upon this ground Paul might preach till Midnight, though he discoursed afterwards till break of Day, Acts 20. Nor need it seem more strange, that Christ should change the hour of the day, than the day of the week. If the beginning of the year was changed upon a fare less occasion, Exodus 12.2. why may not the beginning of the day be changed upon a fare greater occasion? That Christ might change it no man doubts; that he did change it, we have proved by Scripture evidence drawn from two pregnant examples. Only, I leave it in medio to every indifferent man's judgement and conscience, whether the Lords day begin at Sun set, or midnight, or at the precise minute of our Saviour's Resurrection which is uncertain: only with this proviso that at what hour soever we begin it, it must last the space of twenty four hours, namely, a natural day as well as any other day. In this as well as other cases where we want clear Scripture evidence, we must suffer every man to enjoy his own judgement and conscience so he be not a Stickler to make a Party and cause Divisions in the Church. What a madness were it for me because I judge the Lords day gins in the Evening or midnight, to separate from those who differ from me in opinion, and make a Church only of such as are of my judgement: I wish this were not too frequent in these times amongst Gods own People. Otherwise how comes it to pass that one Church cannot hold us because we differ in judgement about Church Government; especially when no subscription is urged, nor approbation of the Presbyterial Government: and upon the like conditions we would not stick to join with them, were their way established by Authority as ours is? The bare settling under a Government is no approbation of it, so we subscribe not to it nor be forced under it to practise any thing contrary to our consciences. But I must crave pardon for this digression, which I ventured upon the rather to persuade some erring Brother into the way, and that if possibly we might all unite in one heart and one way, though haply we cannot in one judgement, nor one principle: and I must confess this whole section doth not so properly belong to a discourse of Chronology; yet it may give further occasion to the godly learned to seek out the truth in this as well as in other particulars: which the Lord give us all grace to do in love, gentleness, and humility. Since I have transgressed thus fare I think myself bound to add this caution, least weak or ill affected persons, should hence take occasion to curtalize the Lords day, and sacrilegiously to rob him of his due, beginning the Lords day haply at Sunrising, and ending it at Sunset. I wish too many did not worse, spending the day itself in sin and vanity, as if that of all days in the week were a time of licentiousness. The Jews formerly had a saying, Let my Soul be in their case who begin the Sabbath with them of the VALLEY, and end it with them in the MOUNTAIN: intimating thereby that they thought them in the best condition who begin the Sabbath soon, and end it latest. the Lord's Day gins, certainly an antecedent preparation is necessary, and they do much wrong their own souls, who by busying themselves in worldly employments late over night do indispose themselves for the Lord's Day following, and are sitter to sleep then to attend upon God's service. Yet if I might presume to guess, I should be apt to think, that either at midnight or about three of the clock in the morning the Lords day gins. The First of these I ground upon Paul's preaching till midnight, Acts 20.7. probably because the Lord's Day lasted so long, which seems the more likely because in the same verse he says he was to departed on the morrow, which morrow in verse 11. is interpreted to be break of day, and this all know is before Sunrising: where then I pray should that morrow begin unless it were immediately after midnight, or about three in the morning? And at this time we reckon the day to begin at midnight as is apparent by the hours of the day, for with us the twelfth hour of the day is at noon, but with the Jews it was at Sunset. If we say the Lords day gins about three in the morning it may well agree with the time of our Saviour's Resurrection who is expressly said to rise 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is in the fourth and last watch of the night, as is evident by Mark 16.9. compared with Mark 13.35. for the night was divided into twelve lesser hours and four watches, each containing three hours a piece. In like sort the day had twelve dat and four greater hours. Thus our Saviour is said to be crucified about the sixth hour Luke 23.44. but about the third hour Mark 15.25. that is about twelve of the clock which ended the sixth lesser hour and began the third greater hour: so that between three and six in the morning our Saviour risen, and therefore some make this time of his Resurrection to be the beginning of the Lords day, as well as his Resurrection to be the ground or occasion of the Lords Day. But these differences may easily be reconciled by charity. If thou have faith, have it to thyself, Rom. 14.22. Errata. In the DIFFICULTIES Controverted. etc. Pag. 6. line 28. read for it, which. l. ult. r. that is the four hundred. p. 8. l. ●2 r. the fifty eight jubilee: p. 9 l. 18. r. Athnac for a Colon. p. 10. l. 6. r. Chronologie. l. 22. r. to the 10th year. p. 21. l. 21. r. neither place nor time. In the Chronological Tables. p. col. ult. l. 13. r. 12. Jub. fol. 26. p 2. l. 18. r. Embolimaeus. fol. 36. in the column of the Promise, r. Gen. 12.4. Sacred CHRONOLOGIE. Adam. S. W. 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 2 10 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 3 20 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 4 23 24 25 26 7 28 29 5 30 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 6 40 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 7 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 1 Jubis. 50 51 8 52 53 54 55 56 57 9 60 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 10 70 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 11 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 12 80 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 13 90 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 14 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 2 Jubis. 2 Jubi. 100 15 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 16 110 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 17 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 18 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 19 130 128 129 Adam. Seth Gen. 5.3. S. W. 130 19 130 131 1 132 2 133 3 134 4 20 140 135 5 136 6 137 7 138 8 139 9 140 10 141 11 21 142 12 143 13 144 14 145 15 146 16 147 17 148 18 3 Jubis. 3 Jubi. 149 19 22 150 150 20 151 21 152 22 153 23 154 24 155 25 23 160 156 26 157 27 158 28 159 29 160 30 161 31 162 32 24 163 33 164 34 165 35 166 36 167 37 168 38 169 39 25 170 170 40 171 41 172 42 173 43 174 44 175 45 176 46 26 180 177 47 178 48 179 49 180 50 181 51 182 52 183 53 27 184 54 185 55 186 56 187 57 188 58 189 59 190 60 28 190 191 61 192 62 193 63 194 64 195 65 196 66 197 67 4 Jubis. 4 Jubi. 198 68 29 200 199 69 200 70 201 71 202 72 203 73 204 74 30 210 205 75 206 76 207 77 208 78 209 79 210 80 211 81 31 212 82 213 83 214 84 215 85 216 86 217 87 218 88 32 220 219 89 220 90 221 91 222 92 223 93 224 94 225 95 33 230 226 96 227 97 228 98 229 99 230 100 231 101 232 102 34 233 103 234 104 235 105 Adam. Seth Gen. 5.3. Enos. Gen. 5.5 S. W. 236 106 1 34 237 107 2 238 108 3 239 109 4 35 240 240 110 5 241 111 6 242 112 7 243 113 8 244 114 9 245 115 10 246 116 11 5 Jubis. 5 Jubi. 247 117 12 36 250 248 118 13 249 119 14 250 120 15 251 121 16 252 122 17 253 123 18 37 254 124 19 255 125 20 256 126 21 257 127 22 258 128 23 259 129 24 260 130 25 38 260 261 131 26 262 132 27 263 133 28 264 134 29 265 135 30 266 136 31 267 137 32 39 270 268 138 33 269 139 34 270 140 35 271 141 36 272 142 37 273 143 38 274 144 39 40 280 275 145 40 276 146 41 277 147 42 278 148 43 279 149 44 280 150 45 281 151 46 41 282 152 47 283 153 48 284 154 49 285 155 50 286 156 51 287 157 52 288 158 53 42 290 289 159 54 290 160 55 291 161 56 292 162 57 293 163 58 294 164 59 295 165 60 6 Jubis. 6 Jubi. 296 166 61 43 300 297 167 62 298 168 63 299 169 64 300 170 65 301 171 66 302 172 67 44 303 173 68 304 174 69 305 175 70 306 176 71 307 177 72 308 178 73 309 179 74 45 310 310 180 75 311 181 76 312 182 77 313 183 78 314 184 79 315 185 80 316 186 81 46 320 317 187 82 318 188 83 319 189 84 320 190 85 321 191 86 322 192 87 323 193 88 47 324 194 89 325 195 90 Adam. Seth Gen. 5.3. Enos. Gen. 5.5 Kenan. Gen. 5.9. S. W. 326 196 91 1 47 327 197 92 2 328 198 93 3 329 199 94 4 330 200 95 5 48 330 331 201 96 6 332 202 97 7 333 203 98 8 334 204 99 9 335 205 100 10 336 206 101 11 337 207 102 12 49 340 338 208 103 13 339 209 104 14 340 210 105 15 341 211 106 16 342 212 107 17 343 213 108 18 344 214 109 19 7 Jubis. 350 345 215 110 20 50 346 216 111 21 347 217 112 22 348 218 113 23 349 219 114 24 350 220 115 25 351 221 116 26 51 7 Jubis. 352 222 117 27 353 223 118 28 354 224 119 29 355 225 120 30 356 226 121 31 357 227 122 32 358 228 123 33 52 360 359 229 124 34 360 230 125 35 361 231 126 36 362 232 127 37 363 233 128 38 364 234 129 39 365 235 130 40 53 370 366 236 131 41 367 237 132 42 368 238 133 43 369 239 134 44 370 240 135 45 371 241 136 46 372 242 137 47 54 373 243 138 48 374 244 139 49 375 245 140 50 376 246 141 51 377 247 142 52 378 248 143 53 379 249 144 54 55 380 380 250 145 55 381 251 146 56 382 252 147 57 383 253 148 58 384 254 149 59 385 255 150 60 386 256 151 61 56 390 387 257 152 62 388 258 153 63 389 259 154 64 390 260 155 65 391 261 156 66 392 262 157 67 393 263 158 68 8 Jubis. 394 264 159 69 395 265 160 70 Adam. Seth Gen. 5.3. Enos. Gen. 5.5 Kenan. Gen. 5.9. Mahal. Gen. 5.12. S. W. 396 266 161 71 1 57 397 267 162 72 2 398 268 163 73 3 399 269 164 74 4 400 270 165 75 5 58 8 Jubis. 401 271 166 76 6 400 402 272 167 77 7 403 273 168 78 8 404 274 169 79 9 405 275 170 80 10 406 276 171 81 11 407 277 172 82 12 59 410 408 278 173 83 13 409 279 174 84 14 410 280 175 85 15 411 281 176 86 16 412 282 177 87 17 413 283 178 88 18 414 284 179 89 19 60 420 415 285 180 90 20 416 286 181 91 21 417 287 182 92 22 418 288 183 93 23 419 289 184 94 24 420 290 185 95 25 421 291 186 96 26 61 422 292 187 97 27 423 293 188 98 28 424 294 189 99 29 425 295 190 100 30 426 296 191 101 31 427 297 192 102 32 428 298 193 103 33 62 430 429 299 194 104 34 430 300 195 105 35 431 301 196 106 36 432 302 197 107 37 433 303 198 108 38 434 304 199 109 39 435 305 200 110 40 63 440 436 306 201 111 41 437 307 202 112 42 438 308 203 113 43 439 309 204 114 44 440 310 205 115 45 441 311 206 116 46 442 312 207 117 47 9 Jubis. 443 313 208 118 48 64 444 314 209 119 49 445 315 210 120 50 446 316 211 121 51 447 317 212 122 52 448 318 213 123 53 449 319 214 124 54 65 9 Jubis. 450 320 215 125 55 450 451 321 216 126 56 452 322 217 127 57 453 323 218 128 58 454 324 219 129 59 455 325 220 130 60 456 326 221 131 61 66 460 457 327 222 132 62 458 328 223 133 63 459 329 224 134 64 460 330 225 135 65 Adam. Seth Gen. 5.3. Enos. Gen. 5.5 Kenan. Gen. 5.9. Mahal. Gen. 5.12. Iared. Gen. 5.15 S. W. 461 331 226 136 66 1 66 460 462 332 227 137 67 2 463 333 228 138 68 3 67 464 334 229 139 69 4 465 335 230 140 70 5 466 336 231 141 71 6 467 337 232 142 72 7 468 338 233 143 73 8 469 339 234 144 74 9 470 340 235 145 75 10 68 470 471 341 236 146 76 11 472 342 237 147 77 12 473 343 238 148 78 13 474 344 239 149 79 14 475 345 240 150 80 15 476 346 241 151 81 16 477 347 242 152 82 17 69 480 478 348 243 153 83 18 479 349 244 154 84 19 480 350 245 155 85 20 481 351 246 156 86 21 482 352 247 157 87 22 483 353 248 158 88 23 484 354 249 159 89 24 70 490 485 355 250 160 90 25 486 356 251 161 91 26 487 357 252 162 92 27 488 358 253 163 93 28 489 359 254 164 94 29 490 360 255 165 95 30 491 361 256 166 96 31 10 Jubis. 492 362 257 167 97 32 71 493 363 258 168 98 33 494 364 259 169 99 34 495 365 260 170 100 35 496 366 261 171 101 36 497 367 262 172 102 37 498 368 263 173 103 38 72 500 499 369 264 174 104 39 500 370 265 175 105 40 501 371 266 176 106 41 502 372 267 177 107 42 503 373 268 178 108 43 504 374 269 179 109 44 10 Jubis. 505 375 270 180 110 45 73 510 506 376 271 181 111 46 507 377 272 182 112 47 508 378 273 183 113 48 509 379 274 184 114 49 510 380 275 185 115 50 511 381 276 186 116 51 512 382 277 187 117 52 74 513 383 278 188 118 53 514 384 279 189 119 54 515 385 280 190 120 55 516 386 281 191 121 56 517 387 282 192 122 57 518 388 283 193 123 58 519 389 284 194 124 59 75 520 520 390 285 195 125 60 521 391 286 196 126 61 522 392 287 197 127 62 523 393 288 198 128 63 524 394 289 199 129 64 525 395 290 200 130 65 526 396 291 201 131 66 76 530 527 397 292 202 132 67 528 398 293 203 133 68 529 399 294 204 134 69 530 400 295 205 135 70 531 401 296 206 136 71 532 402 297 207 137 72 533 403 298 208 138 73 77 534 404 299 209 139 74 535 405 300 210 140 75 536 406 301 211 141 76 537 407 302 212 142 77 538 408 303 213 143 78 539 409 304 214 144 79 540 410 305 215 145 80 11 Jubis. 540 541 411 306 216 146 81 78 542 412 307 217 147 82 543 413 308 218 148 83 544 414 309 219 149 84 545 415 310 220 150 85 546 416 311 221 151 86 547 417 312 222 152 87 79 550 548 418 313 223 153 88 549 419 314 224 154 89 550 420 315 225 155 90 551 421 316 226 156 91 552 422 317 227 157 92 553 423 318 228 158 93 11 Jubis. 554 424 319 229 159 94 80 560 555 425 320 230 160 95 556 426 321 231 161 96 557 427 322 232 162 97 558 428 323 233 163 98 559 429 324 234 164 99 560 430 325 235 165 100 561 431 326 236 166 101 81 562 432 327 237 167 102 563 433 328 238 168 103 564 434 329 239 169 104 565 435 330 240 170 105 566 436 331 241 171 106 567 437 332 242 172 107 568 438 333 243 173 108 82 570 569 439 334 244 174 109 570 440 335 245 175 110 571 441 336 246 176 111 572 442 337 247 177 112 573 443 338 248 178 113 574 444 339 249 179 114 575 445 340 250 180 115 83 580 576 446 341 251 181 116 577 447 342 252 182 117 578 448 343 253 183 118 579 449 344 254 184 119 580 450 345 255 185 120 581 451 346 256 186 121 582 452 347 257 187 122 84 583 453 348 258 188 123 584 454 349 259 189 124 585 455 350 260 190 125 586 456 351 261 191 126 587 457 352 262 192 127 588 458 353 263 193 128 589 459 354 264 194 129 12 Jubis. 590 590 460 355 265 195 130 85 591 461 356 266 196 131 592 462 357 267 197 132 593 463 358 268 198 133 594 464 359 269 199 134 595 465 360 270 200 135 596 466 361 271 201 136 86 600 597 467 362 272 202 137 598 468 363 273 203 138 599 469 364 274 204 139 600 470 365 275 205 140 601 471 366 276 206 141 602 472 367 277 207 142 13 Jubis. 603 473 368 278 208 143 87 604 474 369 279 209 144 605 475 370 280 210 145 606 476 371 281 211 146 607 477 372 282 212 147 608 478 373 283 213 148 609 479 374 284 214 149 610 480 375 285 215 150 88 610 611 481 376 286 216 151 612 482 377 287 217 152 613 483 378 288 218 153 614 484 379 289 219 154 615 485 380 290 220 155 616 486 381 291 221 156 617 487 382 292 222 157 89 620 618 488 383 293 223 158 619 489 384 294 224 159 620 490 385 295 225 160 621 491 386 296 226 161 622 492 387 297 227 162 Adam. Seth Gen. 5.3. Enos. Gen. 5.5 Kenan. Gen. 5.9. Mahal. Gen. 5.12. Iared. Gen. 5.15 Enoch. Gen. 5.18. S. W. 623 493 388 298 228 163 1 89 620 624 494 389 299 229 164 2 90 630 625 495 390 300 230 165 3 626 496 391 301 231 166 4 627 497 392 302 232 167 5 628 498 393 303 233 168 6 629 499 394 304 234 169 7 630 500 395 305 235 170 8 631 501 396 306 236 171 9 91 632 502 397 307 237 172 10 633 503 398 308 238 173 11 634 504 399 309 239 174 12 635 505 400 310 240 175 13 636 506 401 311 241 176 14 637 507 402 312 242 177 15 638 508 403 313 243 178 16 13 Jubis. 640 639 509 404 314 244 179 17 92 640 510 405 315 245 180 18 641 511 406 316 246 181 19 642 512 407 317 247 182 20 643 513 408 318 248 183 21 644 514 409 319 249 184 22 645 515 410 320 250 185 23 93 650 646 516 411 321 251 186 24 647 517 412 322 252 187 25 648 518 413 323 253 188 26 649 519 414 324 254 189 27 650 520 415 325 255 190 28 651 521 416 326 256 191 29 13 Jubis. 652 522 417 327 257 192 30 94 653 523 418 328 258 193 31 654 524 419 329 259 194 32 655 525 420 330 260 195 33 656 526 421 331 261 196 34 657 527 422 332 262 197 35 658 528 423 333 263 198 36 659 529 424 334 264 199 37 95 660 660 530 425 335 265 200 38 661 531 426 336 266 201 39 662 532 427 337 267 202 40 663 533 428 338 268 203 41 664 534 429 339 269 204 42 665 535 430 340 270 205 43 666 536 431 341 271 206 44 96 670 667 537 432 342 272 207 45 668 538 433 343 273 208 46 669 539 434 344 274 209 47 670 540 435 345 275 210 48 671 541 436 346 276 211 49 672 542 437 347 277 212 50 673 543 438 348 278 213 51 97 674 544 439 349 279 214 52 675 545 440 350 280 215 53 676 546 441 351 281 216 54 677 547 442 352 282 217 55 678 548 443 353 283 218 56 679 549 444 354 284 219 57 680 550 445 355 285 220 58 98 680 681 551 446 356 286 221 59 682 552 447 357 287 222 60 683 553 448 358 288 223 61 684 554 449 359 289 224 62 685 555 450 360 290 225 63 686 556 451 361 291 226 64 687 557 452 362 292 227 65 14 Jubis. 690 Adam. Seth Gen. 5.3. Enos. Gen. 5.5 Kenan. Gen. 5.9. Mahal. Gen. 5.12. Iared. Gen. 5.15 Enoch. Gen. 5.18. Methus. Gen. 5.21. S. W. 688 558 453 363 293 228 66 1 99 690 689 559 454 364 294 229 67 2 690 560 455 365 295 230 68 3 691 561 456 366 296 231 69 4 692 562 457 367 297 232 70 5 693 563 458 368 298 233 71 6 694 564 459 369 299 234 72 7 100 700 695 565 460 370 300 235 73 8 696 566 461 371 301 236 74 9 697 567 462 372 302 237 75 10 698 568 463 373 303 238 76 11 699 569 464 374 304 239 77 12 700 570 465 375 305 240 78 13 701 571 466 376 306 241 79 14 101 14 Jubis. 702 572 467 377 307 242 80 15 703 573 468 378 308 243 81 16 704 574 469 379 309 244 82 17 705 575 470 380 310 245 83 18 706 576 471 381 311 246 84 19 707 577 472 382 312 247 85 20 708 578 473 383 313 248 86 21 102 710 709 579 474 384 314 249 87 22 710 580 475 385 315 250 88 23 711 581 476 386 316 251 89 24 712 582 477 387 317 252 90 25 713 583 478 388 318 253 91 26 714 584 479 389 319 254 92 27 715 585 480 390 320 255 93 28 103 720 716 586 481 391 321 256 94 29 717 587 482 392 322 257 95 30 718 588 483 393 323 258 96 31 719 589 484 394 324 259 97 32 720 590 485 395 325 260 98 33 721 591 486 396 326 261 99 34 722 592 487 397 327 262 100 35 104 723 593 488 398 328 263 101 36 724 594 489 399 329 264 102 37 725 595 490 400 330 265 103 38 726 596 491 401 331 266 104 39 727 597 492 402 332 267 105 40 728 598 493 403 333 268 106 41 729 599 494 404 334 269 107 42 105 730 730 600 495 405 335 270 108 43 731 601 496 406 336 271 109 44 732 602 497 407 337 272 110 45 733 603 498 408 338 273 111 46 734 604 499 409 339 274 112 47 735 605 500 410 340 275 113 48 736 606 501 411 341 276 114 49 15 Jubis. 740 737 607 502 412 342 277 115 50 106 738 608 503 413 343 278 116 51 739 609 504 414 344 279 117 52 740 610 505 415 345 280 118 53 741 611 506 416 346 281 119 54 742 612 507 417 347 282 120 55 743 613 508 418 348 283 121 56 107 744 614 509 419 349 284 122 57 745 615 510 420 350 285 123 58 746 616 511 421 351 286 124 59 747 617 512 422 352 287 125 60 748 618 513 423 353 288 126 61 749 619 514 424 354 289 127 62 750 620 515 425 355 290 128 63 108 750 751 621 516 426 356 291 129 64 15 Jubis. 752 622 517 427 357 292 130 65 753 623 518 428 358 293 131 66 754 624 519 429 359 294 132 67 755 625 520 430 360 295 133 68 756 626 521 431 361 296 134 69 757 627 522 432 362 297 135 70 109 760 758 628 523 433 363 298 136 71 759 629 524 434 364 299 137 72 760 630 525 435 365 300 138 73 761 631 526 436 366 301 139 74 762 632 527 437 367 302 140 75 763 633 528 438 368 303 141 76 764 634 529 439 369 304 142 77 110 770 765 635 530 440 370 305 143 78 766 636 531 441 371 306 144 79 767 637 532 442 372 307 145 80 768 638 533 443 373 308 146 81 769 639 534 444 374 309 147 82 770 640 535 445 375 310 148 83 771 641 536 446 376 311 149 84 111 772 642 537 447 377 312 150 85 773 643 538 448 378 313 151 86 774 644 539 449 379 314 152 87 775 645 540 450 380 315 153 88 776 646 541 451 381 316 154 89 777 647 542 452 382 317 155 90 778 648 543 453 383 318 156 91 112 780 779 649 544 454 384 319 157 92 780 650 545 455 385 320 158 93 781 651 546 456 386 321 159 94 782 652 547 457 387 322 160 95 783 653 548 458 388 323 161 96 784 654 549 459 389 324 162 97 785 655 550 460 390 325 163 98 16 Jubis. 790 786 656 551 461 391 326 164 99 113 787 657 552 462 392 327 165 100 788 658 553 463 393 328 166 101 789 659 554 464 394 329 167 102 790 660 555 465 395 330 168 103 791 661 556 466 396 331 169 104 792 662 557 467 397 332 170 105 114 793 663 558 468 398 333 171 106 794 664 559 469 399 334 172 107 795 665 560 470 400 335 173 108 796 666 561 471 401 336 174 109 797 667 562 472 402 337 175 110 798 668 563 473 403 338 176 111 799 669 564 474 404 339 177 112 115 800 800 670 565 475 405 340 178 113 801 671 566 476 406 341 179 114 802 672 567 477 407 342 180 115 803 673 568 478 408 343 181 116 804 674 569 479 409 344 182 117 805 675 570 480 410 345 183 118 16 Jubis. 806 676 571 481 411 346 184 119 116 810 807 677 572 482 412 347 185 120 808 678 573 483 413 348 186 121 809 679 574 484 414 349 187 122 810 680 575 485 415 350 188 123 811 681 576 486 416 351 189 124 812 682 577 487 417 352 190 125 813 683 578 488 418 353 191 126 117 814 684 579 489 419 354 192 127 815 685 580 490 420 355 193 128 816 686 581 491 421 356 194 129 817 687 582 492 422 357 195 130 818 688 583 493 423 358 196 131 819 689 584 494 424 359 197 132 820 690 585 495 425 360 198 133 118 820 821 691 586 496 426 361 199 134 822 692 587 497 427 362 200 135 823 693 588 498 428 363 201 136 824 694 589 499 429 364 202 137 825 695 590 500 430 365 203 138 826 696 591 501 431 366 204 139 827 697 592 502 432 367 205 140 119 730 828 698 593 503 433 368 206 141 829 699 594 504 434 369 207 142 830 700 595 505 435 370 208 143 831 701 596 506 436 371 209 144 832 702 597 507 437 372 210 145 833 703 598 508 438 373 211 146 834 704 599 509 439 374 212 147 17 Jubis. 840 835 705 600 510 440 375 213 148 120 836 706 601 511 441 376 214 149 837 707 602 512 442 377 215 150 838 708 603 513 443 378 216 151 839 709 604 514 444 379 217 152 840 710 605 515 445 380 218 153 841 711 606 516 446 381 219 154 121 842 712 607 517 447 382 220 155 843 713 608 518 448 383 221 156 844 714 609 519 449 384 222 157 845 715 610 520 450 385 223 158 846 716 611 521 451 386 224 159 847 717 612 522 452 387 225 160 848 718 613 523 453 388 226 161 122 850 849 719 614 524 454 389 227 162 850 720 615 525 455 390 228 163 851 721 616 526 456 391 229 164 852 722 617 527 457 392 230 165 853 723 618 528 458 393 231 166 854 724 619 529 459 394 232 167 17 Jubis. 855 725 620 530 460 395 233 168 123 860 856 726 621 531 461 396 234 169 857 727 622 532 462 397 235 170 858 728 623 533 463 398 236 171 859 729 624 534 464 399 237 172 860 730 625 535 465 400 238 173 861 731 626 536 466 401 239 174 862 732 627 537 467 402 240 175 124 863 733 628 538 468 403 241 176 864 734 629 539 469 404 242 177 865 735 630 540 470 405 243 178 866 736 631 541 471 406 244 179 867 737 632 542 472 407 245 180 868 738 633 543 473 408 246 181 869 739 634 544 474 409 247 182 125 870 870 740 635 545 475 410 248 183 871 741 636 546 476 411 249 184 872 742 637 547 477 412 250 185 873 743 638 548 478 413 251 186 874 744 639 549 479 414 252 187 Adam. Seth Gen. 5.3. Enos. Gen. 5.5 Kenan. Gen. 5.9. Mahal. Gen. 5.12. Iared. Gen. 5.15 Enoch. Gen. 5.18. Methus. Gen. 5.21. Lamec Gen 5.25. S. W. 875 745 640 550 480 415 253 188 1 125 870 876 746 641 551 481 416 254 189 2 126 880 877 747 642 552 482 417 255 190 3 878 748 643 553 483 418 256 191 4 879 749 644 554 484 419 257 192 5 880 750 645 555 485 420 258 193 6 881 751 646 556 486 421 259 194 7 882 752 647 557 487 422 260 195 8 883 753 648 558 488 423 261 196 9 18 Jubis. 884 754 649 559 489 424 262 197 10 127 885 755 650 560 490 425 263 198 11 886 756 651 561 491 426 264 199 12 887 757 652 562 492 427 265 200 13 888 758 653 563 493 428 266 201 14 889 759 654 564 494 429 267 202 15 890 760 655 565 495 430 268 203 16 128 890 891 761 656 566 496 431 269 204 17 892 762 657 567 497 432 270 205 18 893 763 658 568 498 433 271 206 19 894 764 659 569 499 434 272 207 20 895 765 660 570 500 435 273 208 21 896 766 661 571 501 436 274 209 22 897 767 662 572 502 437 275 210 23 129 900 898 768 663 573 503 438 276 211 24 899 769 664 574 504 439 277 212 25 900 770 665 575 505 440 278 213 26 901 771 666 576 506 441 279 214 27 902 772 667 577 507 442 280 215 28 903 773 668 578 508 443 281 216 29 18 Jubis. 904 774 669 579 509 444 282 217 30 130 910 905 775 670 580 510 445 283 218 31 906 776 671 581 511 446 284 219 32 907 777 672 582 512 447 285 220 33 908 778 673 583 513 448 286 221 34 909 779 674 584 514 449 287 222 35 910 780 675 585 515 450 288 223 36 911 781 676 586 516 451 289 224 37 131 912 782 677 587 517 452 290 225 38 913 783 678 588 518 453 291 226 39 914 784 679 589 519 454 292 227 40 915 785 680 590 520 455 293 228 41 916 786 681 591 521 456 294 229 42 917 787 682 592 522 457 295 230 43 918 788 683 593 523 458 296 231 44 132 920 919 789 684 594 524 459 297 232 45 920 790 685 595 525 460 298 233 46 921 791 686 596 526 461 299 234 47 922 792 687 597 527 462 300 235 48 923 793 688 598 528 463 301 236 49 924 794 689 599 529 464 302 237 50 925 795 690 600 530 465 303 238 51 133 930 926 796 691 601 531 466 304 239 52 927 797 692 602 532 467 305 240 53 928 798 693 603 533 468 306 241 54 929 799 694 604 534 469 307 242 55 930 800 695 605 535 470 308 243 56 Seth Gen. 5.3. Enos. Gen. 5.5 Kenan. Gen. 5.9. Mahal. Gen. 5.12. Iared. Gen. 5.15 Enoch. Gen. 5.18. Methus. Gen. 5.21. Lamec Gen 5.25. S. W. 801 696 606 536 471 309 244 57 802 697 607 537 472 310 245 58 19 Jubis. 803 698 608 538 473 311 246 59 134 804 699 609 539 474 312 247 60 805 700 610 540 475 313 248 61 806 701 611 541 476 314 249 62 807 702 612 542 477 315 250 63 808 703 613 543 478 316 251 64 809 704 614 544 479 317 252 65 135 940 810 705 615 545 470 318 253 66 811 706 616 546 481 319 254 67 812 707 617 547 482 320 255 68 813 708 618 548 483 321 256 69 814 709 619 549 484 322 257 70 815 710 620 550 485 323 258 71 816 711 621 551 486 324 259 72 136 950 817 712 622 552 487 325 260 73 818 713 623 553 488 326 261 74 819 714 624 554 489 327 262 75 820 715 625 555 490 328 263 76 821 716 626 556 491 329 264 77 822 717 627 557 492 330 265 78 19 Jubis. 823 718 628 558 493 331 266 79 137 824 719 629 559 494 332 267 80 825 720 630 560 495 333 268 81 826 721 631 561 496 334 269 82 827 722 632 562 497 335 270 83 828 723 633 563 498 336 271 84 829 724 634 564 499 337 272 85 830 725 635 565 500 338 273 86 138 960 831 726 636 566 501 339 274 87 832 727 637 567 502 340 275 88 833 728 638 568 503 341 276 89 834 729 639 569 504 342 277 90 835 730 640 570 505 343 278 91 836 731 641 571 506 344 279 92 837 732 642 572 507 345 280 93 139 970 838 733 643 573 508 346 281 94 839 734 644 574 509 347 282 95 840 735 645 575 510 348 283 96 841 736 646 576 511 349 284 97 842 737 647 577 512 350 285 98 843 738 648 578 513 351 286 99 844 739 649 579 514 352 287 100 140 980 845 740 650 580 515 353 288 101 846 741 651 581 516 354 289 102 847 742 652 582 517 355 290 103 848 743 653 583 518 356 291 104 849 744 654 584 519 357 292 105 850 745 655 585 520 358 293 106 851 746 656 586 521 359 294 107 20 Jubis. 852 747 657 587 522 360 295 108 141 853 748 658 588 523 361 296 109 854 749 659 589 524 362 297 110 855 750 660 590 525 363 298 111 856 751 661 591 526 364 299 112 857 752 662 592 527 365 300 113 Enoch was a most eminent man for holiness. Had this privilege with Elias, not to see death, Gen. 5.22, 23. Heb. 11.5. He was the seventh from Adam, and a Prophet, Judas verse 14. was born above the beginning, and was translated at the end of a Sabbatical year: and lastly, lived on earth just as many years as there are days in the year. Seth Gen. 5.3. Enos. Gen. 5.5 Kenan. Gen. 5.9. Mahal. Gen. 5.12. Iared. Gen. 5.15 Enoch. Gen. 5.18. Methus. Gen. 5.21. Lamec Gen 5.25. S. W. 858 753 663 593 528 301 114 142 990 859 754 664 594 529 302 115 860 755 665 595 530 303 116 861 756 666 596 531 304 117 862 757 667 597 532 305 118 863 758 668 598 533 306 119 864 759 669 599 534 307 120 865 760 670 600 535 308 121 143 1000 866 761 671 601 536 309 122 867 762 672 602 537 310 123 868 763 673 603 538 311 124 869 764 674 604 539 312 125 870 765 675 605 540 313 126 871 766 676 606 541 314 127 20 Jubis. 872 767 677 607 542 315 128 144 873 768 678 608 543 316 129 874 769 679 609 544 317 130 875 770 680 610 545 318 131 876 771 681 611 546 319 132 877 772 682 612 547 320 133 878 773 683 613 548 321 134 879 774 684 614 549 322 135 145 1010 880 775 685 615 550 323 136 881 776 686 616 551 324 137 882 777 687 617 552 325 138 883 778 688 618 553 326 139 884 779 689 619 554 327 140 885 780 690 620 555 328 141 886 781 691 621 556 329 142 146 1020 887 782 692 622 557 330 143 888 783 693 623 558 331 144 889 784 694 624 559 332 145 890 785 695 625 560 333 146 891 786 696 626 561 334 147 892 787 697 627 562 335 148 893 788 698 628 563 336 149 147 894 789 699 629 564 337 150 895 790 700 630 565 338 151 896 791 701 631 566 339 152 897 792 702 632 567 340 153 898 793 703 633 568 341 154 899 794 704 634 569 342 155 900 795 705 635 570 343 156 21 Jubis. 1030 901 796 706 636 571 344 157 148 902 797 707 637 572 345 158 903 798 708 638 573 346 159 904 799 709 639 574 347 160 905 800 710 640 575 348 161 906 801 711 641 576 349 162 907 802 712 642 577 350 163 149 1040 908 803 713 643 578 351 164 909 804 714 644 579 352 165 910 805 715 645 580 353 166 911 806 716 646 581 354 167 912 807 717 647 582 355 168 All the ten Patriarches from Adam to Noah, were Progenitors of all Nations, as well as of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ: so as the stock of mankind ascended in a strait line for ten Generations together, and about the 500th year of Noah began to spread itself into three great branches in Noah's three Sons, who were the Fathers of all Nations: (all the rest of the World but only those four with their wives being drowned in the Flood, nor any other child of Noah recorded in holy writ but only those three.) It's a very probable and charitable opinion of Divines, that all the natural Progenitors of the Lord Jesus were saved. Noah was contemporary with 15. Patriarches, 6. before, and 9 after the Flood: He died two years before the birth of Abraham. Enos. Gen. 5.5 Kenan. Gen. 5.9. Mahal. Gen. 5.12. Iared. Gen. 5.15 Methus. Gen. 5.21. Lamec Gen 5.25. S. W. 808 718 648 583 356 169 809 719 649 584 357 170 150 1050 810 720 650 585 358 171 811 721 651 586 359 172 812 722 652 587 360 173 813 723 653 588 361 174 814 724 654 589 362 175 815 725 655 590 363 176 816 726 656 591 364 177 151 21 Jubis. 817 727 657 592 365 178 818 728 658 593 366 179 819 729 659 594 367 180 820 730 660 595 368 181 821 731 661 596 369 182 Enos. Gen. 5.5 Kenan. Gen. 5.9. Mahal. Gen. 5.12. Iared. Gen. 5.15 Methus. Gen. 5.21. Lamec Gen 5.25. Noah Gen. 5.28. S. W. 822 732 662 597 370 183 1 151 823 733 663 598 371 184 2 152 1060 824 734 664 599 372 185 3 825 735 665 600 373 186 4 826 736 666 601 374 187 5 827 737 667 602 375 188 6 828 738 668 603 376 189 7 829 739 669 604 377 190 8 830 740 670 605 378 191 9 153 1070 831 741 671 606 379 192 10 832 742 672 607 380 193 11 833 743 673 608 381 194 12 834 744 674 609 382 195 13 835 745 675 610 383 196 14 836 746 676 611 384 197 15 837 747 677 612 385 198 16 154 838 748 678 613 386 199 17 839 749 679 614 387 200 18 840 750 680 615 388 201 19 841 751 681 616 389 202 20 842 752 682 617 390 203 21 843 753 683 618 391 204 22 844 754 684 619 392 205 23 22 Jubis. 1080 845 755 685 620 393 206 24 155 846 756 686 621 394 207 25 847 757 687 622 395 208 26 848 758 688 623 396 209 27 849 759 689 624 397 210 28 850 760 690 625 398 211 29 851 761 691 626 399 212 30 156 1090 852 762 692 627 400 213 31 853 763 693 628 401 214 32 854 764 694 629 402 215 33 855 765 695 630 403 216 34 856 766 696 631 404 217 35 857 767 697 632 405 218 36 858 768 698 633 406 219 37 157 859 769 699 634 407 220 38 860 770 700 635 408 221 39 861 771 701 636 409 222 40 862 772 702 637 410 223 41 863 773 703 638 411 224 42 864 774 704 639 412 225 43 865 775 705 640 413 226 44 158 1100 866 776 706 641 414 227 45 867 777 707 642 415 228 46 868 778 708 643 416 229 47 869 779 709 644 417 230 48 870 780 710 645 418 231 49 871 781 711 646 419 232 50 22 Jubis. 872 782 712 647 420 233 51 159 1110 873 783 713 648 421 234 52 874 784 714 649 422 235 53 875 785 715 650 423 236 54 876 786 716 651 424 237 55 877 787 717 652 425 238 56 878 788 718 653 426 239 57 879 789 719 654 427 240 58 160 1120 880 790 720 655 428 241 59 881 791 721 656 429 242 60 882 792 722 657 430 243 61 883 793 723 658 431 244 62 884 794 724 659 432 245 63 885 795 725 660 433 246 64 886 796 726 661 434 247 65 161 887 797 727 662 435 248 66 888 798 728 663 436 249 67 889 799 729 664 437 250 68 890 800 730 665 438 251 69 891 801 731 666 439 252 70 892 802 732 667 440 253 71 893 803 733 668 441 254 72 23 Jubis. 1130 894 804 734 669 442 255 73 162 895 805 735 670 443 256 74 896 806 736 671 444 257 75 897 807 737 672 445 258 76 898 808 738 673 446 259 77 899 809 739 674 447 260 78 900 810 740 675 448 261 79 163 1140 901 811 741 676 449 262 80 902 812 742 677 450 263 81 903 813 743 678 451 264 82 904 814 744 679 452 265 83 905 815 745 680 453 266 84 Kenan. Gen. 5.9. Mahal. Gen. 5.12. Iared. Gen. 5.15 Methus. Gen. 5.21. Lamec Gen 5.25. Noah Gen. 5.28. S. W. 816 746 681 454 267 85 817 747 682 455 268 86 164 818 748 683 456 269 87 819 749 684 457 270 88 820 750 685 458 271 89 821 751 686 459 272 90 822 752 687 460 273 91 823 753 688 461 274 92 824 754 689 462 275 93 165 1150 825 755 690 463 276 94 826 756 691 464 277 95 827 757 692 465 278 96 828 758 693 466 279 97 829 759 694 467 280 98 830 760 695 468 281 99 23 Jubis. 831 761 696 469 282 100 166 1160 832 762 697 470 283 101 833 763 698 471 284 102 834 764 699 472 285 103 835 765 700 473 286 104 836 766 701 474 287 105 837 767 702 475 288 106 838 768 703 476 289 107 167 839 769 704 477 290 108 840 770 705 478 291 109 841 771 706 479 292 110 842 772 707 480 293 111 843 773 708 481 294 112 844 774 709 482 295 113 845 775 710 483 296 114 168 1170 846 776 711 484 297 115 847 777 712 485 298 116 848 778 713 486 299 117 849 779 714 487 300 118 850 780 715 488 301 119 851 781 716 489 302 120 852 782 717 490 303 121 24 Jubis. 1180 853 783 718 491 304 122 169 854 784 719 492 305 123 855 785 720 493 306 124 856 786 721 494 307 125 857 787 722 495 308 126 858 788 723 496 309 127 859 789 724 497 310 128 170 1190 860 790 725 498 311 129 861 791 726 499 312 130 862 792 727 500 313 131 863 793 728 501 314 132 864 794 729 502 315 133 865 795 730 503 316 134 866 796 731 504 317 135 171 867 797 732 505 318 136 868 798 733 506 319 137 869 799 734 507 320 138 870 800 735 508 321 139 871 801 736 509 322 140 872 802 737 510 323 141 873 803 738 511 324 142 172 1200 874 804 739 512 325 143 875 805 740 513 326 144 876 806 741 514 327 135 877 807 742 515 328 146 878 808 743 516 329 147 879 809 744 517 330 148 24 Jubis. 880 810 745 518 331 149 173 1210 881 811 746 519 332 150 882 812 747 520 333 151 883 813 748 521 334 152 884 814 749 522 335 153 885 815 750 523 336 154 886 816 751 524 337 155 887 817 752 525 338 156 174 888 818 753 526 339 157 889 819 754 527 340 158 890 820 755 528 341 159 891 821 756 529 342 160 892 822 757 530 343 161 893 823 758 531 344 162 894 824 759 532 345 163 175 1220 895 825 760 533 346 164 896 826 761 534 347 165 897 827 762 535 348 166 898 828 763 536 349 167 899 829 764 537 350 168 900 830 765 538 351 169 901 831 766 539 352 170 25 Jubis. 1230 902 832 767 540 353 171 176 903 833 768 541 354 172 904 834 769 542 355 173 905 835 770 543 356 174 906 836 771 544 357 175 907 837 772 545 358 176 908 838 773 546 359 177 177 909 839 774 547 360 178 910 840 775 548 361 179 Mahal. Gen. 5.12. Iared. Gen. 5.15 Methus. Gen. 5.21. Lamec Gen 5.25. Noah Gen. 5.28. S. W. 841 776 549 362 180 842 777 550 363 181 843 778 551 364 182 844 779 552 365 183 845 780 553 366 184 178 1240 846 781 554 367 185 847 782 555 368 186 848 783 556 369 187 849 784 557 370 188 850 785 558 371 189 851 786 559 372 190 852 787 560 373 191 179 1250 853 788 561 374 192 854 789 562 375 193 855 790 563 376 194 856 791 564 377 195 857 792 565 378 196 858 793 566 379 197 25 Jubis. 859 794 567 380 198 180 1260 860 795 568 381 199 861 796 569 382 200 862 797 570 383 201 863 798 571 384 202 864 799 572 385 203 865 800 573 386 204 866 801 574 387 205 181 867 802 575 388 206 868 803 576 389 207 869 804 577 390 208 870 805 578 391 209 871 806 579 392 210 872 807 580 393 211 873 808 581 394 212 182 1270 874 809 582 395 213 875 810 583 396 214 876 811 584 397 215 877 812 585 398 216 878 813 586 399 217 879 814 587 400 218 880 815 588 401 219 26 Jubis. 1280 881 816 589 402 220 183 882 817 590 403 221 883 818 591 404 222 884 819 592 405 223 885 820 593 406 224 886 821 594 407 225 887 822 595 408 226 184 888 823 596 409 227 889 824 597 410 228 890 825 598 411 229 891 826 599 412 230 892 827 600 413 231 893 828 601 414 232 894 829 602 415 233 185 1290 895 830 603 416 234 Iared. Gen. 5.15 Methus. Gen. 5.21. Lamec Gen 5.25. Noah Gen. 5.28. S. W. 831 604 417 235 832 605 418 236 833 606 419 237 834 607 420 238 835 608 421 239 836 609 422 240 186 1300 837 610 423 241 838 611 424 242 839 612 425 243 840 613 426 244 841 614 427 245 842 615 428 246 26 Jubis. 843 616 429 247 187 844 617 430 248 845 618 431 249 846 619 432 250 847 620 433 251 848 621 434 252 849 622 435 253 850 623 436 254 188 1310 851 624 437 255 852 625 438 256 853 626 439 257 854 627 440 258 855 628 441 259 856 629 442 260 857 630 443 261 189 1320 858 631 444 262 859 632 445 263 860 633 446 264 861 634 447 265 862 635 448 266 863 636 449 267 864 637 450 268 27 Jubis. 1330 865 638 451 269 190 866 639 452 270 867 640 453 271 868 641 454 272 869 642 455 273 870 643 456 274 871 644 457 275 191 872 645 458 276 873 646 459 277 874 647 460 278 875 648 461 279 876 649 462 280 877 650 463 281 878 651 464 282 192 1340 879 652 465 283 880 653 466 284 881 654 467 285 882 655 468 286 883 656 469 287 884 657 470 288 885 658 471 289 193 1350 886 659 472 290 887 660 473 291 888 661 474 292 889 662 475 293 890 663 476 294 891 664 477 295 892 665 478 296 194 27 Jubis. 893 666 479 297 894 667 480 298 895 668 481 299 896 669 482 300 897 670 483 301 898 671 484 302 899 672 485 303 195 1360 900 673 486 304 901 674 487 305 902 675 488 306 903 676 489 307 904 677 490 308 905 678 491 309 906 679 492 310 196 1370 907 680 493 311 908 681 494 312 909 682 495 313 910 683 496 314 911 684 497 315 912 685 498 316 913 686 499 317 28 Jubis. 914 687 500 318 197 915 688 501 319 916 689 502 320 917 690 503 321 918 691 504 322 919 692 505 323 920 693 506 324 198 1380 921 694 507 325 922 695 508 326 923 696 509 327 924 697 510 328 925 698 511 329 926 699 512 330 927 700 513 331 199 1390 928 701 514 332 929 702 515 333 930 703 516 334 931 704 517 335 932 705 518 336 933 706 519 337 934 707 520 338 200 1400 935 708 521 339 936 709 522 340 937 710 523 341 938 711 524 342 939 712 525 343 940 713 526 344 941 714 527 345 201 28 Jubis. 942 715 528 346 943 716 529 347 944 717 530 348 945 718 531 349 946 719 532 350 947 720 533 351 948 721 534 352 202 1410 949 722 535 353 950 723 536 354 951 724 537 355 952 725 538 356 953 726 539 357 954 727 540 358 955 728 541 359 203 1420 956 729 542 360 957 730 543 361 958 731 544 362 959 732 545 363 960 733 546 364 961 734 547 365 962 735 548 366 Methus. Gen. 5.21. Lamec Gen 5.25. Noah Gen. 5.28. S. W. 736 549 367 29 Jubis. 737 550 368 204 738 551 369 739 552 370 740 553 371 741 554 372 742 555 373 205 1430 743 556 374 744 557 375 745 558 376 746 559 377 747 560 378 748 561 379 749 562 380 206 1440 750 563 381 751 564 382 752 565 383 753 566 384 754 567 385 755 568 386 756 569 387 207 757 570 388 758 571 389 759 572 390 760 573 391 761 574 392 762 575 393 763 576 394 208 1450 764 577 395 765 578 396 766 579 397 767 580 398 768 581 399 769 582 400 29 Jubis. 770 583 401 209 1460 771 584 402 772 585 403 773 586 404 774 587 405 775 588 406 776 589 407 777 590 408 210 1470 778 591 409 779 592 410 780 593 411 781 594 412 782 595 413 783 596 414 784 597 415 30 Jubis. 785 598 416 211 786 599 417 787 600 418 788 601 419 789 602 420 790 603 421 791 604 422 212 1480 792 605 423 793 606 424 794 607 425 795 608 426 796 609 427 797 610 428 798 611 429 213 1490 799 612 430 800 613 431 801 614 432 802 615 433 803 616 434 804 617 435 805 618 436 214 806 619 437 807 620 438 808 621 439 809 622 440 810 623 441 811 624 442 812 625 443 215 1500 813 626 444 814 627 445 815 628 446 816 629 447 817 630 448 818 631 449 30 Jubis. 819 632 450 216 1510 820 ●33 451 821 634 452 822 635 453 823 636 454 824 637 455 825 638 456 826 639 457 217 827 640 458 828 641 459 829 642 460 830 643 461 831 644 462 832 645 463 833 646 464 31 Jubis. 1520 834 647 465 218 835 648 466 836 649 467 837 650 468 838 651 469 839 652 470 840 653 471 219 1530 841 654 472 842 655 473 843 656 474 844 657 475 845 658 476 846 659 477 847 660 478 220 1540 848 661 479 849 662 480 850 663 481 851 664 482 852 665 483 853 666 484 The Jews first month Ecclesiastical, namely Abib or Nisan, answers for the most part our March: their seventh month Ethanim or Tisri, our September, (their Ecclesiastical year beginning at the Vernal, as their Civil year at the Autumnal Equinoctial, which with us happen about the eleventh of March and September,) But after the Foreign or Gregorian account, those two month's answer for the most part April and October, because they begin their months ten days before ours, whence with them the Equinoctials fall upon the 21. of March and September. The Flood happened Anno Mundi 1657. in the beginning of the year, namely the 17. day of the second month, that is about our 27. or 28. day of October, Gen. 7.11. and the rain fell till about the 7. of December with us, or their 26. of the third month, for forty days together: that is fourteen days of the second month, and six and twenty days of the third month. Their first month beginning the 10. or 11. of September at the Autumnal Equinoctial, and ending about the 10. or 11. of October, and so by proportion every month of theirs contained part of two of our months, and always thirty days apiece, which was the reason of their [Veader] or [Mensis Embolimeus,] namely a thirteenth month added after the return of a certain space of years (as we add one day to the year every Leap year) to make up the defect of five day's loss every year, their twelve months making but just 360. days, whereas a year contains ordinarily 365. and sometimes 366. days. Now though the Flood fell out precisely Anno Mundi 1657. yet I have noted it An. M. 1656. because this year runs parallel with the 600. year of Noah's life, as is evident by the text, Gen. 7.11. from which I durst not vary: but this difference may easily be reconciled. Suppose Noah's 600. y. began in the third month, Anno 1656. the Flood happening in the second month, Anno 1657. fell within the compass of Noah's 600. year, and yet at the same time light at the beginning of the 1657. year of the world: for we must not think that the years of Noah's life ran parellel with the years of the world to a month and a day, but that the 600 year of Noah's life contained part of the 1656 and 1657. year of the world, so as the Flood happened in the latter end of Noah's, 600. y. and the beginning of the 1657. y. of the world: And had I set the Flood in 1657. the Reader might have concluded it fell out in the 601. y. of Noah's life, which is false and clear against the Scripture, Gen. 7.11. This I thought fit to note for prevention of mistake. Withal the Reader may note that Methuselah died but few months before the Flood came, his last year running with the 600. y. of Noah's life, and the 1656 y. of the world: which thing the Prophet Enoch foretold in his very name; which verbatim signifies [Mortuo hoc missile,] that is, This man being dead a dart: meaning that after his death immediately God would send that dart or arrow of his vengeance, the Flood. The same word signifieth both [a Dart,] and [to send,] only one is a root, the other a derivative. Lamech died five years before his father Methuselah. Methus. Gen. 5.21. Lamec Gen 5.25. Noah Gen. 5.28. CXX S. W. 854 667 485 V●●●●s of God's p●●im●e. 221 855 668 486 10 856 669 487 857 670 488 858 671 489 859 672 490 860 673 491 861 674 492 222 1550 862 675 493 863 676 494 864 677 495 865 678 496 866 679 497 867 680 498 31 Jubis. 868 681 499 20 223 1560 869 682 500 870 683 501 871 684 502 The 120. years of God's patience to the old world began (Gen. 6.3.) with the 480. year of Noah's life. That Shem was born, not when Noah was 500 but 502. year old, See in the Preface: compare Gen. 5.32. and 11.10. Methus. Gen. 5.21. Lamec Gen 5.25. Noah Gen. 5.28. Shem CXX S. W. 872 685 503 1 20 223 1560 873 686 504 2 874 687 505 3 875 688 506 4 30 224 876 689 507 5 877 690 508 6 878 691 509 7 879 ●92 510 8 880 ●93 511 9 881 694 512 10 882 695 513 11 32 Jubi. 1570 883 696 514 12 225 884 697 515 13 885 698 516 14 886 699 517 15 887 700 518 16 888 701 519 17 889 702 520 18 40 226 1580 890 703 521 19 891 704 522 20 892 705 523 21 893 706 524 22 894 707 525 23 895 708 526 24 896 709 527 25 50 227 897 710 528 26 898 711 529 27 899 712 530 28 900 713 531 29 901 714 532 30 902 715 533 31 903 716 534 32 60 228 1590. 904 717 535 33 905 718 536 34 906 719 537 35 907 720 538 36 908 721 539 37 909 722 540 38 910 723 541 39 229 1600 911 724 542 40 912 725 543 41 913 726 544 42 914 727 545 43 915 728 546 44 916 729 547 45 32 Jubis. 917 730 548 46 70 230 1610 918 731 549 47 919 732 550 48 920 733 551 49 921 734 552 50 922 735 553 51 923 736 554 52 924 737 555 53 80 231 925 738 556 54 926 739 557 55 927 740 558 56 928 741 559 57 929 742 560 58 930 743 561 59 931 744 562 60 33 Jubi. 1620 932 745 563 61 232 933 746 564 62 934 747 565 63 935 748 566 64 936 749 567 65 937 750 568 66 938 751 569 67 90 233 1630 939 752 570 68 940 753 571 69 941 754 572 70 942 755 573 71 943 756 574 72 944 757 575 73 945 758 576 74 100 234 946 759 577 75 947 760 578 76 948 761 579 77 949 762 580 78 950 763 581 79 951 764 582 80 952 765 583 81 235 1640 953 766 584 82 954 767 585 83 955 768 586 84 956 769 587 85 957 770 588 86 958 771 589 87 959 772 590 88 110 236 1650 960 773 591 89 961 774 592 90 962 775 593 91 963 776 594 92 964 777 595 93 Methus. Gen. 5.21. Noah Gen. 5.28. Shem CXX S. W. 965 596 94 33 Jubi. 966 597 95 120 237 967 598 96 968 599 97 969 600 98 Noah Gen. 5.28. Shem Arph Gen. 11.10. Flood S. W. 601 99 237 602 100 603 101 1 604 102 2 10 238 1660 605 103 3 606 104 4 607 105 5 608 106 6 609 107 7 Noah Gen. 5.28. Shem Arph Gen. 11.10. Flood S. W. 610 108 8 611 109 9 34 Jubi. 1670 612 110 10 239 613 111 11 614 112 12 615 113 13 616 114 14 617 115 15 618 116 16 20 240 1680 619 117 17 620 118 18 621 119 19 622 120 20 623 121 21 624 122 22 625 123 23 30 241 626 124 24 627 125 25 628 126 26 629 127 27 630 128 28 631 129 29 632 130 30 242 1690 633 131 31 634 132 32 635 133 33 636 134 34 637 135 35 Noah Gen. 5.28. Shem Arph Gen. 11.10. Selah Gen. 11.12. Flood S. W. 638 136 36 1 639 137 37 2 40 243 1700 640 138 38 3 641 139 39 4 642 140 40 5 643 141 41 6 644 142 42 7 645 143 43 8 646 144 44 9 50 244 34 Jubis. 647 145 45 10 648 146 46 11 649 147 47 12 650 148 48 13 651 149 49 14 652 150 50 15 653 151 51 16 245 1710 654 152 52 17 655 153 53 18 656 154 54 19 657 155 55 20 658 156 56 21 659 157 57 22 660 158 58 23 60 35 Jubis. 1720 661 159 59 24 246 662 160 60 25 663 161 61 26 664 162 62 27 665 163 63 28 666 164 64 29 667 165 65 30 Noah Gen. 5.28. Shem Arph Gen. 11.10. Selah Gen. 11.12. Eber Gen. 11.14. Flood S. W. 668 166 66 31 1 70 247 669 167 67 32 2 670 168 68 33 3 671 169 69 34 4 672 170 70 35 5 673 171 71 36 6 674 172 72 37 7 80 248 1730 675 173 73 38 8 676 174 74 39 9 677 175 75 40 10 678 176 76 41 11 679 177 77 42 12 680 178 78 43 13 681 179 79 44 14 249 1740 682 180 80 45 15 683 181 81 46 16 684 182 82 47 17 685 183 83 48 18 686 184 84 49 19 687 185 85 50 20 688 186 86 51 21 90 250 1750 689 187 87 52 22 690 188 88 53 23 691 189 89 54 24 692 190 90 55 25 693 191 91 56 26 694 192 92 57 27 695 193 93 58 28 100 251 35 Jubis. 696 194 94 59 29 697 195 95 60 30 698 196 96 61 31 699 197 97 62 32 700 198 98 63 33 701 199 99 64 34 Noah Gen. 5.28. Shem Arph Gen. 11.10. Selah Gen. 11.12. Eber Gen. 11.14. Peleg Gen. 11.16. Flood S. W. 702 200 100 65 35 1 252 1760 703 201 101 66 36 2 704 202 102 67 37 3 705 203 103 68 38 4 706 204 104 69 39 5 707 205 105 70 40 6 708 206 106 71 41 7 709 207 107 72 42 8 110 36 Jubis. 1770 710 208 108 73 43 9 253 711 209 109 74 44 10 712 210 110 75 45 11 713 211 111 76 46 12 714 212 112 77 47 13 715 213 113 78 48 14 716 214 114 79 49 15 120 254 717 215 115 80 50 16 718 216 116 81 51 17 719 217 117 82 52 18 720 218 118 83 53 19 721 219 119 84 54 20 722 220 120 85 55 21 723 221 121 86 56 22 255 1780 724 222 122 87 57 23 725 223 123 88 58 24 726 224 124 89 59 25 727 225 125 90 60 26 728 226 126 91 61 27 729 227 127 92 62 28 730 228 128 93 63 29 130 256 1790 731 229 129 94 64 30 Noah Gen. 5.28. Shem Arph Gen. 11.10. Selah Gen. 11.12. Eber Gen. 11.14. Peleg Gen. 11.16. Reu Gen. 11.18. Flood S. W. 732 230 130 95 65 31 1 130 256 1790 733 231 131 96 66 32 2 734 232 132 97 67 33 3 735 233 133 98 68 34 4 736 234 134 99 69 35 5 737 235 135 100 70 36 6 140 257 738 236 136 101 71 37 7 739 237 137 102 72 38 8 740 238 138 103 73 39 9 741 239 139 104 74 40 10 742 240 140 105 75 41 11 743 241 141 106 76 42 12 744 242 142 107 77 43 13 150 258 1800 745 243 143 108 78 44 14 746 244 144 109 79 45 15 747 245 145 110 80 46 16 748 246 146 111 81 47 17 749 247 147 112 82 48 18 750 248 148 113 83 49 19 36 Jubis. 751 249 149 114 84 50 20 259 1810 752 250 150 115 85 51 21 753 251 151 116 86 52 22 754 252 152 117 87 53 23 755 253 153 118 88 54 24 756 254 154 119 89 55 25 757 255 155 120 90 56 26 758 256 156 121 91 57 27 160 37 Jubis. 1820 759 257 157 122 92 58 28 260 760 258 158 123 93 59 29 761 259 159 124 94 60 30 762 260 160 125 95 61 31 763 261 161 126 96 62 32 Noah Gen. 5.28. Shem Arph Gen. 11.10. Selah Gen. 11.12. Eber Gen. 11.14. Peleg Gen. 11.16. Reu Gen. 11.18. Serug Gen. 11.20. Flood S. W. 764 262 162 127 97 63 33 1 1600 260 1820 765 263 163 128 98 64 34 2 170 261 766 264 164 129 99 65 35 3 767 265 165 130 100 66 36 4 768 266 166 131 101 67 37 5 769 267 167 132 102 68 38 6 770 268 168 133 103 69 39 7 771 269 169 134 104 70 40 8 772 270 170 135 105 71 41 9 262 1830 773 271 171 136 106 72 42 10 774 272 172 137 107 73 43 11 775 273 173 138 108 74 44 12 776 274 174 139 109 75 45 13 777 275 175 140 110 76 46 14 778 276 176 141 111 77 47 15 779 277 177 142 112 78 48 16 180 263 1840 780 278 178 143 113 79 49 17 781 279 179 144 114 80 50 18 782 280 180 145 115 81 51 19 783 281 181 146 116 82 52 20 784 282 182 147 117 83 53 21 785 283 183 148 118 84 54 22 786 284 184 149 119 85 55 23 190 264 787 285 185 150 120 86 56 24 788 286 186 151 121 87 57 25 789 287 187 152 122 88 58 26 790 288 188 153 123 89 59 27 791 289 189 154 124 90 60 28 792 290 190 155 125 91 61 29 793 291 191 156 126 92 62 30 Noah Gen. 5.28. Shem Arph Gen. 11.10. Selah Gen. 11.12. Eber Gen. 11.14. Peleg Gen. 11.16. Reu Gen. 11.18. Serug Gen. 11.20. Nahor Gen. 11.22. Flood S. W. 794 292 192 157 127 93 63 31 1 265 1850 795 293 193 158 128 94 64 32 2 796 294 194 159 129 95 65 33 3 797 295 195 160 130 96 66 34 4 798 296 196 161 131 97 67 35 5 799 297 197 162 132 98 68 36 6 37 Jubis. 800 298 198 163 133 99 69 37 7 200 266 1860 801 299 199 164 134 100 70 38 8 802 300 200 165 135 101 71 39 9 803 301 201 166 136 102 72 40 10 804 302 202 167 137 103 73 41 11 805 303 203 168 138 104 74 42 12 806 304 204 169 139 105 75 43 13 807 305 205 170 140 106 76 44 14 210 38 Jubis. 808 306 206 171 141 107 77 45 15 267 809 307 207 172 142 108 78 46 16 810 308 208 173 143 109 79 47 17 811 309 209 174 144 110 80 48 18 812 310 210 175 145 111 81 49 19 813 311 211 176 146 112 82 50 20 814 312 212 177 147 113 83 51 21 220 268 1870 815 313 213 178 148 114 84 52 22 816 314 214 179 149 115 85 53 23 817 315 215 180 150 116 86 54 24 818 316 216 181 151 117 87 55 25 819 317 217 182 152 118 88 56 26 820 318 218 183 153 119 89 57 27 821 319 219 184 154 120 90 58 28 822 320 220 185 155 121 91 59 29 Noah Gen. 5.28. Shem Arph Gen. 11.10. Selah Gen. 11.12. Eber Gen. 11.14. Peleg Gen. 11.16. Reu Gen. 11.18. Serug Gen. 11.20. Nahor Gen. 11.22. Terah Gen. 11.24. Flood S. W. 823 321 221 186 156 122 92 60 30 1 269 1880 824 322 222 187 157 123 93 61 31 2 825 323 223 188 158 124 94 62 32 3 826 324 224 189 159 125 95 63 33 4 827 325 225 190 160 126 96 64 34 5 828 326 226 191 161 127 97 65 35 6 230 270 1890 829 327 227 192 162 128 98 66 36 7 830 328 228 193 163 129 99 67 37 8 831 329 229 194 164 130 100 68 38 9 832 330 230 195 165 131 101 69 39 10 833 331 231 196 166 132 102 70 40 11 834 332 232 197 167 133 103 71 41 12 835 333 233 198 168 134 104 72 42 13 240 271 836 334 234 199 169 135 105 73 43 14 837 335 235 200 170 136 106 74 44 15 838 336 236 201 171 137 107 75 45 16 839 337 237 202 172 138 108 76 46 17 840 338 238 203 173 139 109 77 47 18 841 339 239 204 174 140 110 78 48 19 842 340 240 205 175 141 111 79 49 20 272 1900 843 341 241 206 176 142 112 80 50 21 844 342 242 207 177 143 113 81 51 22 845 343 243 208 178 144 114 82 52 23 846 344 244 209 179 145 115 83 53 24 847 345 245 210 180 146 116 84 54 25 848 346 246 211 181 147 117 85 55 26 38 Jubis. 849 347 247 212 182 148 118 86 56 27 250 273 1910 850 348 248 213 183 149 119 87 57 28 851 349 249 214 184 150 120 88 58 29 852 350 250 215 185 151 121 89 59 30 853 351 251 216 186 152 122 90 60 31 854 352 252 217 187 153 123 91 61 32 855 353 253 218 188 154 124 92 62 33 856 354 254 219 189 155 125 93 63 34 260 39 Jubis. 857 355 255 220 190 156 126 94 64 35 274 858 356 256 221 191 157 127 95 65 36 859 357 257 222 192 158 128 96 66 37 860 358 258 223 193 159 129 97 67 38 861 359 259 224 194 160 130 98 68 39 862 360 260 225 195 161 131 99 69 40 863 361 261 226 196 162 132 100 70 41 275 1920 864 362 262 227 197 163 133 101 71 42 865 363 263 228 198 164 134 102 72 43 866 364 264 229 199 165 135 103 73 44 867 365 265 230 200 166 136 104 74 45 868 366 266 231 201 167 137 105 75 46 869 367 267 232 202 168 138 106 76 47 870 368 268 233 203 169 139 107 77 48 270 276 1930 871 369 269 234 204 170 140 108 78 49 872 370 270 235 205 171 141 109 79 50 873 371 271 236 206 172 142 110 80 51 874 372 272 237 207 173 143 111 81 52 875 373 273 238 208 174 144 112 82 53 876 374 274 239 209 175 145 113 83 54 877 375 275 240 210 176 146 114 84 55 280 277 878 376 276 241 211 177 147 115 85 56 879 377 277 242 212 178 148 116 86 57 880 378 278 243 213 179 149 117 87 58 881 379 279 244 214 180 150 118 88 59 882 380 280 245 215 181 151 119 89 60 883 381 281 246 216 182 152 120 90 61 884 382 282 247 217 183 153 121 91 62 290 278 1940 885 383 283 248 218 184 154 122 92 63 886 384 284 249 219 185 155 123 93 64 887 385 285 250 220 186 156 124 94 65 888 386 286 251 221 187 157 125 95 66 889 387 287 252 222 188 158 126 96 67 890 388 288 253 223 189 159 127 97 68 891 389 289 254 224 190 160 128 98 69 279 1950 892 390 290 255 225 191 161 129 99 70 893 391 291 256 226 192 162 130 100 71 894 392 292 257 227 193 163 131 101 72 895 393 293 258 228 194 164 132 102 73 896 394 294 259 229 195 165 133 103 74 897 395 295 260 230 196 166 134 104 75 39 Jubis. 898 396 296 261 231 197 167 135 105 76 300 280 1960 899 397 297 262 232 198 168 136 106 77 900 398 298 263 233 199 169 137 107 78 901 399 299 264 234 200 170 138 108 79 902 400 300 265 235 201 171 139 109 80 903 401 301 266 236 202 172 140 110 81 904 402 302 267 237 203 173 141 111 82 905 403 303 268 238 204 174 142 112 83 310 40 Jubis. 906 404 304 269 239 205 175 143 113 84 281 907 405 305 270 240 206 176 144 114 85 908 406 306 271 241 207 177 145 115 86 909 407 307 272 242 208 178 146 116 87 910 408 308 273 243 209 179 147 117 88 911 409 309 274 244 210 180 148 118 89 912 410 310 275 245 211 181 149 119 90 282 1970 913 411 311 276 246 212 182 150 120 91 914 412 312 277 247 213 183 151 121 92 915 413 313 278 248 214 184 152 122 93 916 414 314 279 249 215 185 153 123 94 917 415 315 280 250 216 186 154 124 95 918 416 316 281 251 217 187 155 125 96 919 417 317 282 252 218 188 156 126 97 320 283 1980 920 418 318 283 253 219 189 157 127 98 921 419 319 284 254 220 190 158 128 99 922 420 320 285 255 221 191 159 129 100 923 421 321 286 256 222 192 160 130 101 924 422 322 287 257 223 193 161 131 102 925 423 323 288 258 224 194 162 132 103 926 424 324 289 259 225 195 163 133 104 330 284 927 425 325 290 260 226 196 164 134 105 928 426 326 291 261 227 197 165 135 106 929 427 327 292 262 228 198 166 136 107 930 428 328 293 263 229 199 167 137 108 931 429 329 294 264 230 200 168 138 109 932 430 330 295 265 231 201 169 139 110 933 431 331 296 266 232 202 170 140 111 285 1990 934 432 332 297 267 233 203 171 141 112 935 433 333 298 268 234 204 172 142 113 936 434 334 299 269 235 205 173 143 114 937 435 335 300 270 236 206 174 144 115 938 436 336 301 271 237 207 175 145 116 939 437 337 302 272 238 208 176 146 117 940 438 338 303 273 239 209 177 147 118 Noah Gen. 5.28. Shem Arph Gen. 11.10. Selah Gen. 11.12. Eber Gen. 11.14. Reu Gen. 11.18. Serug Gen. 11.20. Nahor Gen. 11.22. Terah Gen. 11.24. Flood S. W. 941 439 339 304 274 210 178 148 119 340 Noah Gen. 5.28. Shem Arph Gen. 11.10. Selah Gen. 11.12. Eber Gen. 11.14. Reu Gen. 11.18. Serug Gen. 11.20. Terah Gen. 11.24. Flood S. W. 942 440 340 305 275 211 179 120 340 286 2000 943 441 341 306 276 212 180 121 944 442 342 307 277 213 181 122 945 443 343 308 278 214 182 123 946 444 344 309 279 215 183 124 40 Jubis. 947 445 345 310 280 216 184 125 350 287 948 446 346 311 281 217 185 126 949 447 347 312 282 218 186 127 950 448 348 313 283 219 187 128 Shem Arph Gen. 11.10. Selah Gen. 11.12. Eber Gen. 11.14. Reu Gen. 11.18. Serug Gen. 11.20. Terah Gen. 11.24. Abrah Flood S. W. 449 349 314 284 220 188 129 450 350 315 285 221 189 130 451 351 316 286 222 190 131 1 452 352 317 287 223 191 132 2 360 41 Jubis. 2010 453 353 318 288 224 192 133 3 288 454 354 319 289 225 193 134 4 455 355 320 290 226 194 135 5 456 356 321 291 227 195 136 6 457 357 322 292 228 196 137 7 458 358 323 293 229 197 138 8 459 359 324 294 230 198 139 9 460 360 325 295 231 199 140 10 Shem Arph Gen. 11.10. Selah Gen. 11.12. Eber Gen. 11.14. Reu Gen. 11.18. Serug Gen. 11.20. Terah Gen. 11.24. Abrah Sarah Flood S. W. 461 361 326 296 232 200 141 11 1 289 2020 462 362 327 297 233 201 142 12 2 463 363 328 298 234 202 143 13 3 464 364 329 299 235 203 144 14 4 465 365 330 300 236 204 145 15 5 466 366 331 301 237 205 146 16 6 370 290 2030 467 367 332 302 238 206 147 17 7 468 368 333 303 239 207 148 18 8 Shem Arph Gen. 11.10. Selah Gen. 11.12. Eber Gen. 11.14. Serug Gen. 11.20. Terah Gen. 11.24. Abrah Sarah Flood S. W. 469 369 334 304 208 149 19 9 470 370 335 305 209 150 20 10 471 371 336 306 210 151 21 11 472 372 337 307 211 152 22 12 473 373 338 308 212 153 23 13 380 291 474 374 339 309 213 154 24 14 475 375 340 310 214 155 25 15 476 376 341 311 215 156 26 16 477 377 342 312 216 157 27 17 478 378 343 313 217 158 28 18 479 379 344 314 218 159 29 19 480 380 345 315 219 160 30 20 292 2040 481 381 346 316 220 161 31 21 482 382 347 317 221 162 32 22 483 383 348 318 222 163 33 23 484 384 349 319 223 164 34 24 485 385 350 320 224 165 35 25 486 386 351 321 225 166 36 26 487 387 352 322 226 167 37 27 390 293 2050 488 388 353 323 227 168 38 28 489 389 354 324 228 169 39 29 490 390 355 325 229 170 40 30 491 391 356 326 230 171 41 31 Shem Arph Gen. 11.10. Selah Gen. 11.12. Eber Gen. 11.14. Terah Gen. 11.24. Abrah Sarah Flood S. W. 492 392 357 327 172 42 32 493 393 358 328 173 43 33 494 394 359 329 174 44 34 400 294 41 Jubis. 495 395 360 330 175 45 35 496 396 361 331 176 46 36 497 397 362 332 177 47 37 498 398 363 333 178 48 38 499 399 364 334 179 49 39 500 400 365 335 180 50 40 501 401 366 336 181 51 41 42 Jubi. 2060 502 402 367 337 182 52 42 295 503 403 368 338 183 53 43 504 404 369 339 184 54 44 505 405 370 340 185 55 45 506 406 371 341 186 56 46 507 407 372 342 187 57 47 508 408 373 343 188 58 48 410 296 2070 509 409 374 344 189 59 49 510 410 375 345 190 60 50 511 411 376 346 191 61 51 512 412 377 347 192 62 52 513 413 378 348 193 63 53 514 414 379 349 194 64 54 515 415 380 350 195 65 55 420 297 516 416 381 351 196 66 56 517 417 382 352 197 67 57 518 418 383 353 198 68 58 519 419 384 354 199 69 59 520 420 385 355 200 70 60 Shem Arph Gen. 11.10. Selah Gen. 11.12. Eber Gen. 11.14. Terah Gen. 11.24. Abrah Sarah Flood S. W. 521 421 386 356 201 71 61 522 422 387 357 202 72 62 430 298 2080 523 423 388 358 203 73 63 524 424 389 359 204 74 64 525 425 390 360 205 75 65 Shem Arph Gen. 11.10. Selah Gen. 11.12. Eber Gen. 11.14. Abrah Sarah Flood Prom S. W. 526 426 391 361 76 66 430 Gal. 3.17 Gen. 12.40. 527 427 392 362 77 67 528 428 393 363 78 68 529 429 394 364 79 69 10 299 2090 530 430 395 365 80 70 531 431 396 366 81 71 532 432 397 367 82 72 533 433 398 368 83 73 534 434 399 369 84 74 535 435 400 370 85 75 536 436 401 371 86 76 Shem Arph Gen. 11.10. Selah Gen. 11.12. Eber Gen. 11.14. Abrah Sarah Ishm Gen. 16.16 Flood Prom S. W. 537 437 402 372 87 77 1 440 20 300 2100 538 438 403 373 88 78 2 The promise was made to Abraham being (not 75. but) 70. year old when he was in Ur, (not in Haran) as is proved from Acts. 7.2, 3. See the second Difficulty in the Preamble. Isaac was born in a year of Jubilee, and precisely 30. year after the Promise: An especial type of Christ, who in his thirtieth year entered upon his Prophetical Office. His love was such to Rebeckah, that he is not recorded to have any wife or concubine but only her. As Christ, so he, was obedient to his father even unto the death, though he had strength enough to resist, being (as is supposed) about that time between twenty and thirty year old, (Gen. 22.9, 10.) yea, by some he is thought to have been then above thirty year old. His very name (signifying laughter) shows the great Joy shall come unto the Church by Christ, who for our sakes was a man of sorrows and wept often, but is never recorded in Scripture to laugh. And whether Abraham's laughter upon the promise of isaack's birth (Gen. 17.17.) (as a type of Christ) were not his rejoicing to see Christ's day, (Joh. 8.56.) (at least in part) I leave it to the judgement of the Godly learned. Sarah is the only woman whose age is mentioned in Scripture, Gen. 23.1. Broughton. Isaac being forty y. old marrieth Rebeckah three years after his Mother's death. Gen. 25.20. Shem Arph Gen. 11.10. Selah Gen. 11.12. Eber Gen. 11.14. Abrah Sarah Flood Prom. S. W. 539 404 374 89 79 3 440 20 300 2100 540 405 375 90 80 4 541 406 376 91 81 5 542 407 377 92 82 6 543 408 378 93 83 7 450 301 42 Jubis. 544 409 379 94 84 8 545 410 380 95 85 9 546 411 381 96 86 10 547 412 382 97 87 11 548 413 383 98 88 12 549 414 384 99 89 13 550 415 385 100 90 14 That Shem might be Melchizedek is probable enough, since he lived to the 150. year of Abraham's life: whereas that fight (Gen. 14.) happened between the 75. and 85. year of Abraham's life. Gen. 12.4. and 16.3. Suppose Rebeckah were but 15. y. old when Isaac married her, she could not be less than 112. y. old when Jacob fled to Laban, as appears by adding 20. y. after her marriage to jacob's birth, and 77. years of jacob's life when he went to his Uncle, to the age of Rebeckah when she was married. In all probability she died before jacob's 20 years' service expired, else at his return she must needs be 132 y. old, and 5 y. older than Sarah her mother in law was at her death. Abraham died not till Jacob was 15. year old: which explains that place Heb. 11.9. how Abraham dwelled with Isaac and Jacob. Eber was the seventh from Enoch (as Enoch was from Adam,) yet with this difference, that Enoch was the seventh from Adam inclusively, Eber the seventh from Enoch exclusively, but the fourteenth from Adam, as Isaac was the seventh from Eber and the one and twentieth from Adam, an especial type of Christ, and the child of the Promise, Gal. 4.28. Heb. 11.17.18. All these (if I may so call them) were Sabbatical persons, Enoch being the last of the first seven, Eber of the second, and Isaac of the third: probably he was not far inferior to Enoch in Godliness. His name continued in Abraham's posterity, who of him were called Hebrews. Adam's Language remained with them until the last Prophets, though near lost in Babel. Eber lived 4 years after Abraham's death, and was the longest liver of all that were born after the Flood. vid. Broughton. Shem Selah Gen. 11.12. Eber Gen. 11.14. Abrah Sarah Ishm. Gen. 16.16 Izaak. Gen. 17.17. & 21.5. Flood Prom Circ S. W. 551 416 386 101 91 15 1 30 43 Jubi. 2110 552 417 387 102 92 16 2 302 553 418 388 103 93 17 3 554 419 389 104 94 18 4 555 420 390 105 95 19 5 556 421 391 106 96 20 6 557 422 392 107 97 21 7 460 40 10 303 2120 558 423 393 108 98 22 8 559 424 394 109 99 23 9 560 425 395 110 100 24 10 561 426 396 111 101 25 11 562 427 397 112 102 26 12 563 428 398 113 103 27 13 564 429 399 114 104 28 14 470 50 20 304 565 430 400 115 105 29 15 566 431 401 116 106 30 16 567 432 402 117 107 31 17 568 433 403 118 108 32 18 Shem Eber Gen. 11.14. Abrah Sarah Ishm. Gen. 16.16 Izaak. Gen. 17.17. & 21.5. Flood Prom Circ S. W. 569 404 119 109 33 19 570 405 120 110 34 20 571 406 121 111 35 21 305 2130 572 407 122 112 36 22 573 408 123 113 37 23 574 409 124 114 38 24 575 410 125 115 39 25 576 411 126 116 40 26 577 412 127 117 41 27 578 413 128 118 42 28 480 60 30 306 2140 579 414 129 119 43 29 580 415 130 120 44 30 581 416 131 121 45 31 582 417 132 122 46 32 583 418 133 123 47 33 584 419 134 124 48 34 585 420 135 125 49 35 490 70 40 307 586 421 136 126 50 36 587 422 137 127 51 37 588 423 138 Gen. 23.1. 52 38 Shem Eber Gen. 11.14. Abrah Ishm. Gen. 16.16 Isaac. Gen. 17.17. & 21.5. Flood Prom Circ S. W. 589 424 139 53 39 590 425 140 54 40 591 426 141 55 41 592 427 142 56 42 500 308 2150 593 428 143 57 43 594 429 144 58 44 595 430 145 59 45 596 431 146 60 46 597 432 147 61 47 598 433 148 62 48 43 Jubis. 599 434 149 63 49 600 435 150 64 50 Ishmael the only wicked whose age is recorded in the Law, Gen. 25.17. Broughton. Probably Jacob married the same year he came to Laben, namely when he was 77 years old: else if we suppose he married not Leah till the end of his 7 years' service, he must be 84 years old before he married, and also must be conceived to have a dozen children in 7 years' space. Now supposing he was 77 years old at his marriage, grant him but every year a child: Levi his third Son was born when Jacob was 80 years old; And this only probable ground have I of Levi his birth at that time: his age see Exo. 6.16. Esau being 40 years old marrieth his two first wives, Gen. 26.34. and was at least 77 years old when he married his third wife, namely Mahalath the daughter of Ishmael, Gen. 28.9. upon occasion of jacob's going to Laban in the 77 year of his age, as shall afterwards be cleared: and both the brothers being twins, who sees not but Esau must needs be 77 years old at least if he married not Ishmaels' daughter till Jacob was 77 years old? That Jacob was 77 years old when he traveled to his Uncle Laban, may be thus cleared. Jacob was 130 years old when he stood before Pharaoh, Genesis 47.9. at the same time Joseph was 39 years old, Genesis 45.6.11. compared with Genesis, 54. which appears thus: He was thirty years old when he expounded Pharaohs dreams, Gen. 41.46. The years of plenty were 7, and as many of famine, verse 29, 30.53, 54. of the same chapter: of these 14 years the 7 years of Plenty, and two years of Famine were passed when Jacob came to Egypt, Gen. 45.6.11. which added together make 9 years, and these added to joseph's 30 years make 39 years, the just age of Joseph wheir his Father was 130 years old: subtract now 39 out of 130, there rest 91 years, the just age of Jacob when Joseph was born. Lastly, out of 91 subtract 14 years, the time of jacob's service at the birth of Joseph, Gen. 30.25, 26. compared with Gen. 31.41. there rest 77 year, the just age of Jacob when he came to Laban. Eber Gen. 11.14. Abrah Ishm. Gen. 16.16 Isaac. Gen. 17.17. & 21.5. Flood Prom Circ S. W. 436 151 65 51 80 50 44 Jubis. 2160 437 152 66 52 309 438 153 67 53 439 154 68 54 440 155 69 55 441 156 70 56 510 90 60 310 2170 442 157 71 57 443 158 72 58 444 159 73 59 445 160 74 60 Eber Gen. 11.14. Abrah Ishm. Gen. 16.16 Isaac. Gen. 17.17. & 21.5. jacob Gen. 25.26 Flood Prom Circ S. W. 446 161 75 61 1 447 162 76 62 2 448 163 77 63 3 520 70 311 449 164 78 64 4 450 165 79 65 5 451 166 80 66 6 452 167 81 67 7 453 168 82 68 8 454 169 83 69 9 455 170 84 70 10 100 312 2180 456 171 85 71 11 457 172 86 72 12 458 173 87 73 13 459 174 88 74 14 460 175 89 75 15 Eber Gen. 11.14. Ishm. Gen. 16.16 Isaac. Gen. 17.17. & 21.5. jacob Gen. 25.26 Flood Prom Circ S. W. 461 90 76 16 462 91 77 17 530 110 80 313 2190 463 92 78 18 464 93 79 19 Ishm. Gen. 16.16 Isaac. Gen. 17.17. & 21.5. jacob Gen. 25.26 Flood Prom Circ S. W. 94 80 20 530 110 80 313 2190 95 81 21 96 82 22 97 83 23 98 84 24 540 120 90 314 99 85 25 100 86 26 101 87 27 102 88 28 103 89 29 104 90 30 105 91 31 315 2200 106 92 32 107 93 33 108 94 34 109 95 35 110 96 36 111 97 37 44 Jubis. 112 98 38 550 130 100 45 Jubil. 2210 113 99 39 316 114 100 40 115 101 41 116 102 42 117 103 43 118 104 44 119 105 45 560 140 110 317 120 106 46 121 107 47 122 108 48 123 109 49 124 110 50 125 111 51 126 112 52 570 318 2220 127 113 53 128 114 54 129 115 55 130 116 56 131 117 57 132 118 58 133 119 59 150 120 319 2230 134 120 60 135 121 61 136 122 62 137 123 63 From the 17 to the 39 of Joseph, joseph's brethren lay under the guilt of that great sin of selling their brother, and that without remorse, namely for the space of 22 years, Gen. 42.21, 22. Joseph being 17 year old is sold for a slave, (Gen. 37.2.) Nourisheth his Father Jacob as many years in Egypt, together with all his family, Gen. 47.12. and so (if ever any) made requital to his Parent, according to that rule, 1 Tim. 4.5. Within the space of 210 years jacob's posterity increased from seventy souls to six hundred thousand and more, Gen 46.27. compared with Exod. 12.37. a clear evidence of the faithfulness of God's Promise, Gen. 13.16. & 15.5. Deut. 10.21. and the mighty power of Faith, Heb. 11.11, 12. To evidence this, note, from the Promise made to Abraham being 70 year old, to the going out of Egypt are 430 years, Exod. 12.40. Gal. 3.17. of this to isaack's birth are 30 years, thence to jacob's birth, 60 years, thence to the going into Egypt 130 years; all which being added together make 220 years, which being substracted from 430, leave 210 years, the just time of the Israelites sojourning in Egypt, where they increased so mightily. Jacob goeth from Laban being 97 years old, after 20 years hard service Gen. 31.38. About the same time he wrestleth with the Angel, and is called Israel, Gen. 32.24.28. About this time also Deborah Rebeckahs nurse died, and could not well be less than 147. year old at her death. Suppose her but 15. year old when Rebeckah was born, and Rebeckah but 15 year old when she was married to Isaac, she was then thirty years old at Rebeckahs' marriage: to this add 20 years after the marriage before Jacob was born, Gen. 25.20.26. and 97 years more the age of Jacob when he went from Laban: Add all these together, it makes 147 years, the least age of Deborah when she died: and probably she might be older, for no man knows how long Jacob dwelled at Shechem; as also at Succoth, Gen. 33.17.19. as also how long he stayed at Bethel before her death: for at Shechem he bought land, and at Bethel after his journey from Shechem he built an Altar, Gen. 35.6, 7. and there Deborah died and was buried: no doubt a Godly and very ancient Matron: She outlived Sarah at least 20 years. Isaac (though born of almost dead Parents) liveth the longest of any after Terah, that the strength of the Promise might appear, Gen. 35.28. Rom. 4.19.20. Broughton. Isaac. Gen. 17.17. & 21.5. jacob Gen. 25.26 Flood Prom Circ S. W. 124 64 125 65 126 66 580 160 130 320 2240 127 67 128 68 129 69 130 70 131 71 132 72 133 73 590 140 321 134 74 135 75 136 76 137 77 138 78 139 79 140 80 Isaac. Gen. 17.17. & 21.5. jacob Gen. 25.26 Levi Flood Prom Circ S. W. 141 81 1 170 322 2250 142 82 2 143 83 3 144 84 4 145 85 5 146 86 6 45 Jubis. 147 87 7 600 180 150 323 2260 148 88 8 149 89 9 150 90 10 151 91 11 Gen. 46.26. only 66 persons went down into Egypt: it must be understood only of jacob's posterity that went with him at that time. Verse 27. All the souls were 70, namely by adding Jacob himself, together with Joseph and the two sons of Joseph, who were already in Egypt, and descended virtually in their Father Joseph his loins, but were both begot and born in Egypt; nor could the eldest of them be above 9 years old when Jacob came into Egypt. Acts 7.14. They are made to be 75 souls. Luke herein following the Septuagint, who borrow five out (I Chron. 7.) that were the children of Manasseh and Ephraim, whom Joseph lived to see as his third Generation, which as an especial blessing is noted in the Original with a great MEM, Gen. 50.23. Broughton. Isaac. Gen. 17.17. & 21.5. jacob Gen. 25.26 Levi Joseph Flood Prom Circ S. W. 152 92 12 1 153 93 13 2 154 94 14 3 610 190 160 324 155 95 15 4 156 96 16 5 157 97 17 6 158 98 18 7 159 99 19 8 160 100 20 9 161 101 21 10 325 2270 162 102 22 11 163 103 23 12 164 104 24 13 165 105 25 14 166 106 26 15 167 107 27 16 168 108 28 17 620 200 170 326 2280 169 109 29 18 170 110 30 19 171 111 31 20 172 112 32 21 173 113 33 22 174 114 34 23 175 115 35 24 630 210 180 327 176 116 36 25 177 117 37 26 178 118 38 27 179 119 39 28 180 120 40 29 jacob Gen. 25.26 Levi Joseph Flood Prom Circ S. W. 121 41 30 122 42 31 640 328 2290 123 43 32 124 44 33 125 45 34 126 46 35 127 47 36 128 48 37 129 49 38 220 190 329 2300 130 50 39 131 51 40 132 52 41 133 53 42 134 54 43 135 55 44 46 Jubis. 136 56 45 650 230 200 47 Jubil. 2310 137 57 46 330 138 58 47 139 59 48 140 60 49 141 61 50 142 62 51 143 63 52 660 210 331 144 64 53 145 65 54 146 66 55 147 67 56 Some would have the Children of Israel to sojourn in Egypt 430 years which is clear against the Apostle, Gal. 3.17. and is also contradicted by the Genealogy of the Patriarches lives, who went down into and came up out of Egypt. Gen. 46.11. Kohath was born before the going into Egypt. Now suppose him but newly born at that time; his life and the lives of other Patriarches added together will not come near 430. y. as is evident by the ensuing draught. Kohath lived, Exod. 6.18. 133 Amram— Exod. 6.20. 137 Moses to the Exodus, Exod. 7.8. 80 Total 350. y. which falls far short of 430 years: and in truth they sojourned in Egypt but 210 year, as I have formerly showed. The 430 years then begin at Abraham's first removal out of Ur of the Chaldees. That place therefore Exod. 12.40. is well rendered by the Translators: The sojourning of the Children of Israel who dwelled in Egypt etc. and not whiles they dwelled in Egypt, was 430 years; to which (for explication) the Septuagint add well, Who sojourned in Egypt, and in the Land of Canaan; for the greater part of those 430 years they sojourned in Canaan and Haran, (at least some of them) and it is remarkable here, that Parents are said to sojourn in their children, (for under the children of Israel in this place, are included Abraham, Isaac and Jacob) as in other places the children are said to do what their parents did, Heb. 7.9, 10. Rom. 5.12. and thus we all sinned in our Grandfather Adam. The space between Joseph and Moses is unparcelled, and omitted in Scripture, yet by collection may thus be proved to be 59 years. From the Promise to the Law is just 430 years: all the parcels of which great sum being mentioned in scripture either directly or by just consequence, fall short of the 430 years just 59 years. Ergo, those 59 years must of necessity make up the space between Joseph and Moses; which space I express by the term [Void] in the top of the column. The parcels stand thus. From the Promise to isaack's birth 30 Thence to jacob's birth 60 Thence to joseph's birth 91 Thence to joseph's death 110 Unparcelled 59 Thence to the going out of Egypt 80 Totall— 430 years. the just space between the Promise and the Law, or the going out of Egypt: out of which if the 59 years Void should be substracted, there would be just 371 years from the Promise to the Law. Levi Joseph Flood Prom Circ S. W. 68 57 69 58 70 59 240 332 2320 71 60 72 61 73 62 74 63 75 64 76 65 77 66 670 250 220 333 2330 78 67 79 68 80 69 81 70 82 71 83 72 84 73 680 260 230 334 85 74 86 75 87 76 88 77 89 78 90 79 91 80 335 2340 92 81 93 82 94 83 95 84 96 85 97 86 98 87 690 270 240 336 2350 99 88 100 89 101 90 102 91 103 92 104 93 47 Jubis. 105 94 700 280 250 48 Jubil. 106 95 337 107 96 108 97 109 98 110 99 111 100 112 101 710 338 2360 113 102 114 103 115 104 116 105 117 106 118 107 119 108 120 109 121 110 Gen. 50.26. Moses was born 350 year after the Promise, Anno Mundi 2428, which is thus proved, He was 80 year old when he was sent to Pharaoh to bring the people out of Egypt, Exod. 7.7. at which time also the date of the Promise, (a very Famous and Memorable Aera) expired, Exod. 12.40. and Gal. 3.17. (for the Law fell out but 50 days after the Exodus, namely at Pentecost or Whitsuntide.) Subtract now 80 years out of 430 there rest 350 years, the just year of the Promise, in which Moses was born. Aaron being three year older than Moses, Exod. 7.7. was born An. Mundi 2425. and the 347 year of the Promise: by which it appears that there are but 56 year Void; but in this we follow other Chronologers who reckon Void to Moses his birth: and could we directly tell the year of Levi his birth, the Void space of years should be reckoned from his death, and not from joseph's decease. And its easy to prove that he outlived Joseph 16. years at least, and so the void space from his death to Aaron's birth is at most but 40 years, The age of Levi was 137. years: Exod. 6.16. Moses was born 350 year after the Promise, just Noah's life after the Flood: the seventh from Abraham, as Abraham was from Eber, Eber from Enoch, and Enoch from Adam, Judas verse 14. A new Enoch buried of God, A new Noah, A preaching to the world, 120 years and ever afterwards. He first received and wrote Divinity with Prophetical authority. He spent 40 years in Pharaohs Court, 40 years in a private life, and 40 year in governing the people of God in the Wilderness, He was one of the three great Fasters, and fasted twice forty days. The three who fasted forty days apiece were Moses the giver of the Law, Elias the restorer of the Law, and Christ the fulfiller of the Law. Broughton. Levi Void Flood Prom Circ S. W. 122 1 290 260 339 2370 123 2 124 3 125 4 126 5 720 300 270 340 2380 127 6 128 7 129 8 130 9 131 10 132 11 133 12 730 280 341 134 13 135 14 136 15 137 16 Exo. 6.16. 17 Void. Flood Prom Circ S. W. 18 310 342 2390 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 740 320 290 343 2400 27 28 29 30 31 32 48 Jubis. 33 750 330 300 49 Jubis. 34 344 35 36 37 38 39 40 345 2410 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 760 340 310 346 2420 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 770 350 320 347 55 56 The birth of Joshuah fell out Anno Mund 2455. 377 year after the Promise, He was 27 year younger than Moses; For proof of which, note, that from the going out of Egypt to the founding of Solomon's Temple are precisely 480 years, 1 King 6.1. of which the parcels expressly noted in Scripture are, forty year in the Wilderness, 99 years of the Judges; Ely, Saul, and David, forty years apiece; four years of Solomon's reign: all which summed up together make four hundred sixty three years, which fall 17 years short of the 480 years: These 17 years must of necessity be the space of Joshuahs' government, though they be unparcelled in Scripture, as without which the 480 years from the Lamb to the Temple cannot be made up. Grant then that Joshuah governed just 17 years, (for the forementioned parcels I shall make good hereafter by piecemeal, only for present I desire the Reader to credit me in them.) It's evident that the 17 year of his government runs parallel with the 110 or last year of his life, Josh. 24.29. His government began immediately after the death of Moses, who died just 40 years after the going out of Egypt, 17 years after whose death Joshuah died, namely 57 years after the going out of Egypt, and 487 year after the Promise. Sabstract then 110 years out of 487, there rest 377 year, in which year of the Promise running parallel with Anno Mundi 2455, Joshuah was born. Caleb was 15 year younger than Joshuah, and 42 year younger than Moses. He was born 392 year after the Promise, Anno Mundi 2470 which is thus proved: His fourtieth year ran parallel with the second year after the going out of Egypt, at which time he was sent from Kadesh-Barnea to espy the Land of Canaan, Josh. 14.7. compared with Deutr. 2.14. and therefore he was just 38 year old at the going out of Egypt: Subtract 38 years out of 430 the just date of the Promise at that time, there rest 392, the just date of the Promise at Calebs' birth, which year of the Promise runs parallel with Anno Mundi 2470. This is further proved by his age, 7 year after Canaan was entered Josh. 14.10. his 85 year ran parallel with the 477 year of the Promise. Subtract then 85 from 477, there rest 392. the just year of the Promise when Caleb was born. Void. Aaron Flood Prom Circ S. W. 57 1 770 350 320 347 58 2 59 3 Aaron Moses Flood Prom Circ S. W. 4 1 5 2 780 348 2430 6 3 7 4 8 5 9 6 10 7 11 8 12 9 360 330 349 2440 13 10 14 11 15 12 16 13 17 14 18 15 19 16 790 370 340 350 2450 20 17 21 18 22 19 23 20 24 21 25 22 49 Jubis. 26 23 800 350 50 Jubil. 27 24 351 28 25 29 26 30 27 Job lived probably about the time that the Israelitas were in Egypt (and is thought to proceed out of Abraham's family,) as may appear, partly by his long life, few living so long after Moses his time: partly by his offering Sacrifice, which after the building of the Tabernacle was unlawful otherwhere. Yet some passages seem strongly to hint that Jobs troubles fell out after the Israelites came out of Egypt. Thus Job 27.12. mention is made of dividing the Sea, and wounding Rahab, a name in Scripture applied to Egypt. So Job 28.10. He seems to have an Eye at Gods making waters come out of the rocks, Exod. 17. and Numb. 20. Bildad probably came of Shuah, Gen, 25.2. Eliphaz of Teman, Gen. 36.11. both of Abraham. Aaron Moses josh Flood Prom Circ S. W. 31 28 1 32 29 2 33 30 3 380 352 2460 34 31 4 35 32 5 36 33 6 37 34 7 38 35 8 39 36 9 40 37 10 810 390 360 353 2470 41 38 11 42 39 12 43 40 13 44 41 14 45 42 15 Aaron Moses josh Caleb Flood Prom Circ S. W. 46 43 16 1 47 44 17 2 820 400 370 354 48 45 18 3 49 46 19 4 50 47 20 5 51 48 21 6 52 49 22 7 53 50 23 8 54 51 24 9 355 2480 55 52 25 10 56 53 26 11 57 54 27 12 58 55 28 13 59 56 29 14 60 57 30 15 61 58 31 16 830 410 380 356 2490 62 59 32 17 63 60 33 18 64 61 34 19 65 62 35 20 66 63 36 21 67 64 37 22 68 65 38 23 840 420 390 357 69 66 39 24 70 67 40 25 71 68 41 26 72 69 42 27 73 70 43 28 74 71 44 29 75 72 45 30 850 51 Jubil. 2500 76 73 46 31 358 77 74 47 32 78 75 48 33 79 76 49 34 80 77 50 35 81 78 51 36 50 Jubil. 82 79 52 37 430 400 359 2510 83 80 53 38 84 81 54 39 85 82 55 40 86 83 56 41 87 84 57 42 88 85 58 43 Canaan entered. The 52 Jubilee of the world (according to our account) fell out in the 365 week of years: answering thereby at once both the Number of weeks and days in one year, which contains 52 weeks and 365 days. The 53 Jubilee of the world runs parallel with the first Jubilee of Canaan, they entering Canaan at the end of the 52 Jubilee, in a Sabbatical year. There is some difficulty to reconcile that Text, Acts 13.20. with the times of the Judges: the time of the Judge's rule, in the book of Judges, from Joshuahs' death to the last of Samsom is but 299 years, as any who have but ordinary skill in Arithmetic may see by adding the several years of their several Governments together. Add to these 40 years of Elies' government, 1 Sam. 4.18. the total is but 399 years, and falls far short of 450 years, which the Apostle reckons upon in the foregoing text. To salve which difficulty, note first, that the years of the Judge's rule (for samuel's government is included in saul's reign, Acts 13.21.) are 399. secondly, that the Apostle (probably according to the mind of the Septuagint) superadds to these the years wherein the Israelitos were crushed by their oppressors, which in truth are not distinct from, but included in the years of the Judge's rule: yet being added as distinct from them, make up precisely 450 years, according to the Apostles account, Acts 13.20. as may appear by what follows. They were oppressed 1 By Cushan. Jud. 3.8. 8 2 By Moab. Jud. 3.14. 18 3 By Jabin. Jud. 4.3. 20 4 By Midian. Jud. 6.1. 7 5 By Ammon. Jud. 10.8. 18 6 By the Philistims. Jud. 13.1. 40 Total— 111. to which add the years of the Judge's government to the last of Ely. 339. The Sum is— 450. the just account of the Apostle Acts 13.20. But that the whole time of the Judge's rule cannot contain 450 years is evident by what follows 1 From the Lamb to Canaan. 40 2 Thence to Joshuahs' last 17 3 Thence (suppose) to Elies last 450 4 Thence to the last of Saul and David 80 5 Thence to salomon's fourth in which the Temple was founded. 4 Totall is— 591 so that by this reckoning, from the Lamb to the Temple should be 591 y. contrary to clear Scripture, 1 Kings 6.1. Subtract therefore that 111 years in which the Israelites were oppressed, There rest— 480 y. the just space from the going out of Egypt, to the founding of Solomon's Temple. Whence I clearly conclude, that those 111 years must needs be superfluous, and were included in the rule of the Judges. Aaron Moses josh Caleb Flood Prom Circ Pasover. Exod. 12.3.40. S. W. 89 86 59 44 860 440 410 10 360 2520 90 87 60 45 91 88 61 46 92 89 62 47 93 90 63 48 94 91 64 49 95 92 65 50 96 93 66 51 870 420 361 97 94 67 52 98 95 68 53 99 96 69 54 100 97 70 55 101 98 71 56 102 99 72 57 103 100 73 58 450 20 362 2530 104 101 74 59 105 102 75 60 106 103 76 61 107 104 77 62 108 105 78 63 109 106 79 64 110 107 80 65 880 460 430 30 363 2540 111 108 81 66 112 109 82 67 113 110 83 68 114 111 84 69 115 112 85 70 116 113 86 71 117 114 87 72 890 470 440 40 364 118 115 88 73 119 116 89 74 120 117 90 75 121 118 91 76 122 119 92 77 123 120 93 78 We must not think that Ehud ruled 80 years; for since the shortening of man's life to 70 or 80 years, (Psal. 90.10.) in the time of Moses, nonev ever ruled so long, (only Joseph is recorded to continue in authority 80 years.) But the meaning is, that after the expiration of Othniells government it was 80 years to the end of ehud's affairs: part of which also included the government of Shamgar. Broughton. It's remarkable that the Jubilees of Canaan (according to our account) run parallel with the Jubilees of the World. Nor need any be scrupled that we reckon the first Jubilee of Canaan (running parallel with the 53 Jubilee of the World) to fall out in the 51 year after Canaan was entered, (whereas a jubilee in the largest extent contains at most but 50 years complete) since the date of their jubilees was reckoned not by the Ecclesiastical year (beginning in Spring when they entered into Canaan) but by the civil year which began in September or Autumn immediately succeeding their entrance into Canaan, namely 6 months after: so as about 6 months after Canaan entered must be reckoned as utterly lapsed in respect of the first jubilee of Canaan, which began the Autumn following their entrance, not in the Spring of that Sabbatical year, in which precisely they entered Canaan. For as the jubilees of the World, so also the jubilees of Canaan begin in Autumn. Levit. 25.9. That battle fought jud. 20. could not probably fall out later than the 43 of Ehud, though it be recorded per 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in the end of the judges. My ground is because Phineas was present at it, Jud. 20.28. who being at least 20 y. old when he slew Zimri and Cozby (otherwise he was not capable of bearing arms) at this time must be above 120 year old, which age was rare in those times. They who place this History according to the order of Narration, after Samsons death, must of necessity make Phineas to be above 330 years old: which how probable, I leave to the judgement of the impartial Reader. josh G. Caleb Flood Prom Circ Pasover. S. W. 94. 1 79 52 Jubil. 2550 95. 2 80 365 96. 3 81 97. 4 82 98. 5 83 99 6 84 100 7 85 51 Jubis. josh G. Flood Prom Circ Pasover. Canaan S. W. 101. 8 900 480 450 50 10 366 2560 102. 9 103. 10 104. 11 105. 12 106. 13 107. 14 108. 15 109. 16 110. 17 Othniel Flood Prom Circ Pasover. Canaan S. W. 1 910 490 460 60 20 367 2 3 4 5 920 368 2570 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 500 470 70 30 369 2580 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 930 510 480 80 40 370 2590 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 940 490 371 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 520 90 50 53 1 Jubil. 2600 34 372 35 36 37 38 39 52 Jubis. 40 Ehud. Flood Prom Circ Pasover. Canaan S. W. 1 950 530 500 100 60 1 Jub. 2610 2 373 3 4 5 6 7 960 540 510 110 70 374 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 375 2620 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 970 550 520 120 80 376 2630 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 980 560 530 10 90 377 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 990 378 2640 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 570 540 140 100 54 2 Jubil. 2650 43 379 44 45 46 47 48 53 Jubis. 49 1000 580 550 150 110 380 Jub 2 50 Jub 2 51 2660 52 53 54 55 56 1010 560 381 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 590 160 120 382 2670 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 1020 600 570 170 130 383 2680 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 1030 610 580 180 140 384 78 79 80 Debor. Flood Prom Circ Pasover. Canaan S. W. 1 384 2 3 4 385 2690 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1040 620 590 190 150 55 3 Jubis. 2700 12 386 13 14 15 16 17 54 Jubis. 18 1050 630 600 200 160 3 Jub 19 3 Jub 20 387 21 22 23 24 25 1060 388 2710 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 640 610 210 170 389 2720 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 Judg. 5.21 Gideon. Flood Prom Circ Pasover. Canaan S. W. 1 1070 650 620 220 180 390 2730 2 3 4 5 6 1080 630 391 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 660 230 190 392 2740 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 1090 670 640 240 200 56 4 Jubil. 2750 21 393 22 23 24 25 26 27 1100 680 650 250 210 394 55 Jubis. 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 395 2760 35 36 37 38 39 40 Jud. 8.28. Abim Jud. 9.22. 1 2 3 Tolah. Flood Prom Circ Pasover. Canaan S. W. 1 1110 690 660 260 220 396 2770 2 3 4 5 1120 700 670 270 230 397 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1130 398 2780 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 710 680 280 240 399 2790 20 21 22 23 Jud. 10.2. jair. Flood Prom Circ Pasover. Canaan S. W. 1 2 3 1140 720 690 290 250 57 5 Jubil. 2800 4 400 5 6 7 8 9 10 1150 700 401 56 Jubis. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 730 300 260 402 2810 18 19 20 21 22 Judg. 10.3 It was but 266 year from the Entrance of Canaan to Jephtahs' Victory over the Ammonites: yet Judges 11.26. Jephtah calls it 300 year for roundness of Number; it being 300 year currant, but not complete. Jephtah is the only bastard commended of God, Heb. 11.32. He only (that we read of) was an exception against that general rule, Deut. 23.2. and teaches that no state, be it never so base (excepting final slavery under sin) can exclude any out of the Heavenly Canaan. He sacrificed not his daughter, but made her a perpetual Virgin. Therefore Judge 11.40. that word run in Pihel signifies not only to Lament, but also to Talk with; the daughters of Israel coming four times every year to comfort her in her restraint, she being devoted to perpetual Virginity, and so haply kept for ever from the sight of any man. In those times perpetual Virginity or Barrenness were accounted sad afflictions; whether it were because every one hoped the Messiah should or might possibly at least come out of their Loins, I leave it in Medio: or whether because Fruitfulness was a great blessing promised upon their obedience, Deut. 7.14. and by the rule of contraries, barrenness was judged a curse. jepht. Flood Prom Circ Pasover. Canaan S. W. 1 2 1160 740 710 310 270 403 2820 3 4 5 6 Judg. 12.7. Ibzan Flood Prom Circ Pasover. Canaan S. W. 1 2 3 1170 750 720 320 280 404 4 5 6 7 Judg. 12.9. Elon. Flood Prom Circ Pasover. Canaan S. W. 1 2 3 405 2830 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Judg. 12.11 Abdom. Flood Prom Circ Pasover. Canaan S. W. 1 1180 760 730 330 290 406 2840 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 judge 16.24. How the High Priests Office fell from Eleazar to the line of Ithamar is uncertain, haply for their sinful compliance under the corrupt times of the Judges: God might chastise them with this temporal loss. For Ely (who was now High Priest) came of Ithamar, not of Eleazar and Phineas, as is evident by their posterity, 1 Chron. 24.3.6. Ahimelech there mentioned, was the son of Abiathar, the son of Ahimelech (whom Doeg slew at the command of Saul, 1 Sam. 22.11.18) the son of Ahitub (the brother of Ichabod, 1 Sam. 14.3.) the son of Phineas, the son of Eli the High Priest and Judge of Israel, 1 Sam. 2.34. Now that Ahimelech mentioned 1 Chron. 24. is expressly said (vers. 3.) to be of the sons of Ithamar. But God again for Elies' sinful indulgence, makes his House an Ichabod, without glory: sets up a faithful High Priest in Zadoc who is of Eleazar, and therein again remembreth Phineas, Numb. 25.13. see 1 Sam. 2.35. compared with 1 Kings 2.27. Salmon Flood Prom Circ Pasover. Canaan S. W. 1 1190 770 740 340 300 58 6 Jubil. 2 407 3 4 5 6 1200 408 2850 7 8 9 10 11 12 57 Jubis. 13 780 750 350 310 409 2860 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Judg. 16.31 Eli. Flood Prom Circ Pasover. Canaan S. W. 1 1210 790 760 360 320 410 2870 2 3 4 5 6 7 1220 770 411 8 9 10 11 12 S●●●el is thought to be born. 13 14 800 370 330 412 2880 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 1230 810 780 380 340 413 2890 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 1240 820 790 390 350 59 7 Jubis. 29 414 30 31 32 33 34 35 7 Jub 2900 36 415 37 38 39 40 1 Same 4.18. 58 Jubi. The lives of those four, namely Salmon, Boaz, Obed and Jesse, Ruth 4.21, 22. contained about 400. year: and for their four Ages we have 18 ages from Korah to samuel's sons, (1 Chron. 6.22.28.) or there about. The sons of Korah then died not, Numb. 26.11. but fled from their Father to Moses. The Government of Samuel and Saul, are reckoned as one, Acts 13.20, 21. yet so as Samuel is thought to judge the first 20 year, and Saul to rule the last 20 year, which make up that 40 year mentioned by the Apostle: and accordingly I have set them both together. From the entrance into Canaan to the birth of David, are 366 year, and yet but four Generations, namely, Salmon, Boaz, Obed, and Jesse, Ruth, 4.21, 22. and Matth. 1.5, 6. Salmon could not be more than 59 years old when Canaan was entered. For suppose him nineteen years old at the coming out of Egypt, (had he been but one year older he had died among those that were numbered from 20 year old etc. Numb. 26.64.65. compared with Numb. 14.29.) he should then be 59 year old when they entered Canaan. And being probably the heir of the House, he was not borne in his Father's old age, who died in the Wilderness. But suppose him to be born after 20 year wand'ring in the Wilderness; he was then 20 year old at the entrance into Canaan; about which time suppose Rahab was 15 year old. He is thought to beget Boaz of Rahab about the end of Othniels' Government, that is 57 year after the entrance into Canaan, being himself at that time 77 year old upon the former supposition of his birth in the Wilderness. If he were born in Egypt, he could not be less than 97 year old at Boaz his birth. Suppose now From Canaan entered to the birth of Boaz 57 Thence to Obeds birth 107 Thence to Jesse his birth 102 Thence to David's birth 100 Total 366 the just space of time between the Entrance of Canaan and the birth of David. No wonder then Jesse went for an old man at the conquest of Goliath, 1 Sam. 17.12. when he was at least an hundred year old at David's birth. By all which may be gathered that Naomi her sojourning happened under the Government of Othniel, and that Obed was born in the times of Deborah, and Jesse about the beginning of Jephthahs' government, or the end of Jairs Government, and that unhappy war with the Benjamites happened a good while before the days of Deborah, Phineas being then alive, Jud. 20.28. who was not probably less than 20 year old when he slew Zimri and Cozby; and suppose he lived an hundred year after that (being about the fortieth year of their journeying in the Wilderness) his life could reach but the 43 year of Ebuds Government: in whose time therefore, or in Othniels that war happened. Sam. Flood Prom Circ Pasover. Canaan S. W. Sam Barzill●● Porbably born. 1 Se● 19.32. compared 〈◊〉 2 Sam. 15.7. 1 1250 830 800 400 360 7 Jub 2910 2 416 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Sam. David Flood Prom Circ. Pasover. Canaan S. W. 11 1 1260 840 810 410 370 417 12 2 13 3 14 4 15 5 16 6 418 2920 17 7 18 8 19 9 20 10 Sam. Saul. David Flood Prom Circ Pasover. Canaan S. W. 21 1 11 850 820 420 380 419 2930 22 2 12 23 3 13 24 4 14 25 5 15 26 6 16 27 7 17 28 8 18 29 9 19 30 10 20 Rebe● and ●●d glory over the H●…. 1 Chron. 5.10. 1280 860 830 430 390 420 2940 31 11 21 32 12 22 33 13 23 34 14 24 35 15 25 36 16 26 37 17 27 1290 840 60 8 Jubil. 38 18 28 421 39 19 29 40 20 30 A●. 13.21 David is anointed King over all Israel, exactly a thousand years before our Lord Christ suffered and entered into his Kingdom of glory, Luke 24.26. He reigned just our Lord's age over all Israel, namely 32 year 6 months, or 33 year currant, 2 Sam. 5.5. and was an esepecial Type of our blessed Saviour. It's remarkable of little Benjamin, who by his sin was brought to 600 men only, Jud. 20.47.48. yet by God's blessing was afterwards increased to almost 60000 men of War, toward the end of David's reign, as stands recorded by Ezra, 1 Chron and that but in three of his posterity, for all the Tribe of Benjamin was not numbered by Joab, 1 Chron. 21.6. yea, 2 Chron. 14.8. they were increased to 280000 fight men, and 2 Chon. 17.17, 18. there were 380000, in the days of Asa and Jehosaphat In the plains of Moab, the greatest number of them was but 45600. But after that great blow (probably upon their repentance) they mightily increased out of a small handful: Sin brings low, but God upon our repentance can quickly increase, and make our latter end better than our beginning. David. K. Flood Prom Circ Pasover. Canaan S. W. 2 S●● 5 ●, 5. In He●●on over Judah. 1290 840 421 31. 1 32. 2 33. 3 34. 4 870 440 400 422 2950 35. 5 36. 6 37. 7 38. 8 Over all Israel. 39 9 40. 10 59 Jubis. 41. 11 1300 880 850 450 410 423 2960 42. 12 43. 13 44. 14 45. 15 46. 16 47. 17 48. 18 1310 890 860 460 420 424 49. 19 50. 20 51. 21 52. 22 53. 23 54. 24 55. 25 425 2970 56. 26 57 27 58. 28 59 29 60. 30 61. 31 62. 32 1320 900 870 470 430 426 2980 63. 33 64. 34 65. 35 66. 36 67. 37 68 38 69. 39 39 Re●obo●● born. 70. 40 Solom. Flood Prom Circ Pasover. Canaan Temp. S. W. 1 1330 910 880 480 440 K●n. 6.1 427 2 3 4 5 6 1340 61 9 Jubil. 2990 7 428 8 9 10 11 12 13 920 890 490 450 10 429 3000 14 15 16 17 18 19 60 Jubis. 20 1350 930 900 500 460 20 430 3010 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 1360 910 431 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 940 510 470 30 432 3020 35 36 37 38 39 40 Probably about the 39 of Solomon ending, Jehojadah that famous Priest was born; which is thus proved. He was 130 year old at his death, 2 Chron. 24.15. He was alive the 23 of Joash, a Kin. 12.6, 7. Now suppose he had lived three year longer to the 25 of. Joash ending, (for after his death the King fell to Idolatry, murdered his son, and fell into many evils, 2 Chron. 24. 17-25.) Joash his 25 year ran parallel with the 256 year after the Temple founded. Subtract 130 out of 150, there rest 26 year from the Temples founding; at the end of which Jehojadah was born. If you protract Jehojadahs' life to the 39 of Joash (which is the utmost) than he was born in the fourth year of Rehoboam, and 40 year after the Temple founded, as appears by substracting 130 his age, from 170, the Aera of the Temple at his death, upon the last supposition. Josiah was prophesied of about 329 years before he was born, 1 Kin. 13. 2. presently upon the Division. It's remarkable of all the Kings of Israel, that the age of none of them is noted, when they came to the Crown, there being not one Godly King among them all: and but two that are not branded for cleaving to the sins of Jeroboam, to wit Shallum and Hoshea, 2 Kin. 15.13.15. and 17. 1, 2. They were all so naught that God thought not their Nativity worth the noting, which yet was wont to be celebrated, Gen 41.20. Mark 6.21. Rehob. jerob. Flood Prom Circ Pasover. Canaan Temp. Divis. S. W. 1 1 Kin. ●4. 21. 1370 950 920 520 480 40 1 Kin. 11.47 433 3030 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 1380 960 930 530 490 50 10 434 9 9 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 15 15 20 16 16 17 17 1 Chron. 12.13. Abijam slew 500000 of Israel in one battle, 2 Chron. 13.17. one of the greatest slaughters was ever read of. 2 Chron. 16.1. must be rendered in the 36 year of the Kingdom of Asa, to wit the Kingdom of the jews, which at that time stood divided from Israel just 36 year, nor can it possibly be meant of the 36 but the 17 year of Asa his personal reign, for Baasha lived but to the 26 year of Asa his personal reign, as is evident by 1 Kin. 15.28.33. Upon the news of Zimri his killing of Elah, Omri was chosen King in the camp in the 27 year of Asa: 1 Kin. 16.15, 16. The contest between him and Tibni probably held four year at least, and therefore vers. 23. it's said he began to reign in the 31 year of Asa. He reigned then 4 years, as Tibnes Competitor, and after his death 8 year alone. In Ahabs' days was jericho built by Hiel, 1 Kin. 16. 34. though with the curse of God upon the builder, Iosh. 6.26. Three Kings are in Israel at Once, beginning 42 years' trouble, and infecting judah▪ whence Ahaziah is said to be a Son of 42 y. in his Kingdom, 2 Chron. 22.2. Broughton. jerob. Abija 1 Kin. 15.1, 2. 18 1 19 2 20 3 21 22 Asa. 1 Kin. 15.9. Nadab. 1 Kin. 15.25. Baasha. 1 Kin. 15.28.33. 1 2 1 3 2 1 Asa. 1 Kin. 15.9. Baasha. 1 Kin. 15.28.33. Flood Prom Circ Pasover. Canaan Temp. Divis. S. W. 4 2 1390 970 940 540 500 60 436 3050 5 3 6 jehosaphat born. 4 7 5 8 6 9 7 61 Jubi 10 8 1400 980 950 550 510 70 30 437 11 9 12 10 13 11 14 12 15 13 16 14 17 15 1410 40 438 3060 18 16 19 17 20 18 21 19 22 20 23 21 24 22 990 960 560 520 80 439 3070 25 23 Asa. 1 Kin. 15.9. Baasha. 1 Kin. 15.28.33. Elah. 1 Kin. 16.8. Zimri Omri Tibni 1 Kin. 16.15.23. 26 24 1 27 2 1 28 2 Asa. 1 Kin. 15.9. Zimri Omri Tibni 1 Kin. 16.15.23. Flood Prom Circ Pasover. Canaan Temp. Divis. S. W. 29 3 30 jehoram born. 4 31 5 1420 1000 970 570 530 90 50 440 3080 32 6 33 7 34 8 35 9 36 10 37 11 Asa. 1 Kin. 15.9. Zimri Omri Tibni 1 Kin. 16.15.23. Ahab. 1 Kin. 16.19 Flood Prom Circ Pasover. Canaan Temp. Divis. S. W. 38 12 1 1430 980 60 441 Asa. 1 Kin. 15.9. Ahab. 1 Kin. 16.19 39 2 40 3 Asa. 1 Kin. 15.9. Ahab. 1 Kin. 16.19 jehos 1 Kin. 12.41.42. 41 4 1 Ahab. 1 Kin. 16.19 jehos 1 Kin. 12.41.42. Flood Prom Circ Pasover. Canaan Temp. Divis S. W. 5 2 1430 980 60 441 6 3 7 4 8 5 1010 580 540 100 70 63.11 Jubil. 3090 9 6 442 10 7 11 8 12 9 13 10 14 11 15 12 1440 1020 990 590 550 110 443 3100 16 13 17 14 18 15 19 16 62 Jubis. joram the son of jehosaphat was twice Viceroy, first in the 17 year of jehosaphat, as appears by comparing 2 Kin. 1.17. with 2 Kin. 3.1. where the first year of jehoram Ahabs son concurs with the 18. year of jehosaphat, and the second year of jehoram the son of jehosaphat. Hence I argue, if the second of jehoram King of judah concurred with the eighteenth of jehosaphat: then his first year must needs concur with the 17 of jehosaphat: yet at the time he was but Viceroy, his Father living 8 or 9 year after his first admission to the Crown. And this may solve that difficulty, 2 Chron. 21.12. How Elias could send a Letter to this Iehoram, The answer is easy. jehoram was made Viceroy in the first year of Aha●iah son of Ahab which ran parallel with the 17 of jehosaphat a year or two at least before Elias his Translation, 2 Kin. 1.3. Now being a wicked wretch and fearing therefore to be disinherited, he might take advantage in his Father's absence (who probably made him Viceroy upon occasion of some expedition abroad) to cut off all his brethren, thereby to make the Kingdom sure unto himself, 2 Chron. 21.4. whereupon Elias might send him that sharp letter, he being so desperate as none durst venture to reprove him by word of mouth, 2 Chron. 21. 12-15 He was the second time Viceroy in the 22 year of jehosaphat which concurred with the fifth of jehoram son to Ahab, 2 King. 8.16. which indeed was the first of his eight years' reign for he reigned but four complete year after his Father's death. Ahaviah and jehoram Kings of Israel began both to reign before their Father Ahabs death, th● one in the 1●. the other in the 18 year of jehosaphat, which run parallel with the 20 and 21 of Ahab. The two battel● between Ahab and Benhadad hanned about the nineteenth of twentieth ●ear of Ahabs' reign, as is evident by 1 King. 22.1.2. 2 Kin● 8. ●5, 2●. and 9.29 compared, show 'twas the end of the 11, and the beginning of the 12. of joram that jehoash King of judah was born. 2 Chron. 22. 2. Ahaziah is said to be 42. year old when he began to reign. This the learned refer to the Kingdom of Omri, which stood 42 years when Ahaziah began to reign, being then himself but 22 year old, 2 Kin. 8.26. otherwise we must make the youngest son older than his Father, 2 Chron. 21.20. and 22.1. In the Original it runs thus, Ahaziah was a son of 42 year in his Kingdom. What if we should say that in old times the age of their Kings was writ in figures, not in words at length: and so through the carelessness of the Scribes the letter Man (signifying 40) might easily be put for the letter Caph, which signifies but 20. Who knows not that change of like letters is familiar with the Hebrews? and such a mistake is easy. Ahab. 1 Kin. 16.19 jehos 1 Kin. 12.41.42. Ahazi. 1 Kin. 12.55. jehor. 1 Kin. ●● Son to jehossaphat, twice Viceroy. 20 17 1 Son to Ahab. Son to Ahab. 1 21 18 2 1 2 22 19 2 3 jehos 1 Kin. 12.41.42. jehor. 1 Kin. ●● Flood Prom Circ Pasover. Canaan Temp. Divis S. W. 20 3 4 1450 1030 1000 600 560 120 80 444 21 4 5 22 5 1 23 6 2 24 7 3 25 8 4 jehor. 1 Kin. ●● Ahazi. Son to jeboiam 1, born the 6 of 〈…〉 Flood Prom Circ Pasover. Canaan Temp. Divis S. W. 9 5 90 445 3110 10 6 11 7 12 8 1 Athal jehu. 1 Kin. 10.16 Flood Prom Circ Pasover. Canaan Temp. Divis S. W. 1 1 90 445 3110 2 2 3 3 4 4 1460 1040 1010 610 570 130 446 3120 5 5 6 6 1 Chron. 21.11. jehu. 1 Kin. 10.16 jehoa. 1 Kin. 12.1. Flood Prom Circ Pasover. Canaan Temp. Divis S. W. 7 1 1460 1040 1010 610 570 130 446 3120 8 2 9 3 10 4 11 5 1470 1050 1020 620 580 140 100 447 12 6 13 7 14 8 15 9 16 10 17 11 18 12 1480 110 448 3130 19 13 20 14 21 15 22 16 23 17 24 Vzziah born 18 25 19 1060 1030 630 590 150 64.12 Jubi. 3140 26 20 449 27 21 28 22 joash. joahaz. 2 Kin. 13.1. Flood Prom Circ Pasover. Canaan Temp. Divis S. W. 23 1 K. of Isr. 24 2 25 3 26 4 1490 1070 1040 640 600 160 120 12 Ju 3150 27 5 450 28 6 29 7 30 8 31 9 32 10 33 11 1500 1050 130 451 63 Jubis. 34 12 35 13 36 14 joash. joahaz. 2 Kin. 13.1. jehoa. 2 Kin. 13.1. Amazi. 1 Kin. 14.1.2 Flood Prom Circ Pasover. Canaan Temp. Divis S. W. 37 15 1 K. of Isr. 1500 1050 130 451 63 Jubis. 38 16 2 1 39 17 3 2 40 4 3 jehoa. 2 Kin. 13.1. Amazi. 1 Kin. 14.1.2 Flood Prom Circ Pasover. Canaan Temp. Divis S. W. 5 4 140 452 3160 6 5 7 6 8 7 9 8 10 9 11 10 1510 1090 1060 660 620 180 453 3170 12 11 13 12 14 13 15 14 jehoa. 2 Kin. 13.1. Amazi. 1 Kin. 14.1.2 jerob. 1 Kin. 14.23. 16 15 1 Amazi. 1 Kin. 14.1.2 jerob. 1 Kin. 14.23. Flood Prom Circ Pasover. Canaan Temp. Divis S. W. 16 2 17 3 1520 1100 1070 670 630 190 150 454 18 4 19 5 20 6 21 7 22 8 23 9 24 10 160 455 3180 25 11 26 12 27 13 28 14 29 15 jerob. 1 Kin. 14.23. Flood Prom Circ Pasover. Canaan Temp. Divis S. W. 16 1530 1110 1080 680 640 200 65.13 Jubil. 3190 17 456 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 The Kingdom of judah was governed 11 years by states, without a King, namely from the 15 to the 27 of jeroboam, the first whereof concurs with the 29 of Amaziah, and the last with the first of Vzziah, 2 Kin. 14.23. and 15.1. where he is also called Azariah. From the 29 or last of Amaziah to the first of Vzziah interceded 11 years complete, in all which space no King swayed the Sceptre of judah, nor indeed was Vzziah capable of it (unless by a Protector) being but four or five year old when his father Amaziah died. The kingdom of Israel by sedition was as long again as judah without a King, namely full 22 years, from the last of jeroboam to the reign of Zacharias; the first running parallel with the 15, and the last with the 38 of Vzziah. This Zachariah was the fourth of jehu his generation, whereby the promise of God was made good unto jehu, 2 King. 10.30. and 15.12. God bringing this fourth son of jehu to the throne, notwithstanding all impediments that lay in the way for 22 year together. No intervening difficulties can make Gods promise abortive, though for a while God's providence may seem to cross his promise. With us Christ suffered in the first year of the 182 Olympiad: with others in the last year of the 202 Olympiad. The difference is 21 Olympiads, or 84 Olympic years currant. The ground of which difference is this. They begin the Olympiads 54 year before us, and extend Christ's passion 30 year after us. Both which added together make just 84 years, or 21 Olympiads, the just space wherein we differ from them. The reason why we thus differ from them hath been formerly noted. jerob. 2 Kin. 14.23. Vzzia. 2 Kin. 15.1. Flood Prom Circ Pasover. Canaan Temp. Divis S. W. 27 1 1540 1120 1090 690 650 210 170 457 28 2 29 3 30 4 31 5 1550 180 458 3200 32 6 33 7 34 8 35 9 36 10 37 11 64 Jubis. 38 12 1130 700 660 220 459 3210 39 13 40 14 41 15 Vzzia. 2 Kin. 15.1. Flood Prom Circ Pasover. Canaan Temp. Divis S. W. 16 1130 700 660 220 459 3210 17 18 19 1560 1140 1110 710 670 230 190 460 3220 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 1570 1120 200 461 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 Vzzia. 2 Kin. 15.1. Zach. Shal. Mena. Flood Prom Circ Pasover. Canaan Temp. Divis S. W. Olym. 34 ruled 6 months. ruled 2 months. 1150 720 680 240 210 462 3230 1 35 36 37 2 Kin 15.8. 2 Kin 15.13 2 Kin 15.17 38 1 39 1 1 Ahaz lived but 36 year, as is evident by 2 Kin. 16.2. Hezekiah his son was 25 y. old when he began to reign, 2 Kin. 18.2. Subtract 25 out of 36, there rest 11, whence I conclude that Ahaz was but 11 year old at most when he begat Hezekiah: unless we shall interpret 2 Kin. 16.2. that Altaz was 20 year old when his Father jotham began to reign, which sense (though it may seem to be forced) wants not (as I conceive) a precedent. Thus jehoiakin was 8 year old when his Father began to reign, but 18 y. old when himsehlf began to reign, 2 Chron. 36.9. compared with 2 Kin. 24.8. But this last interpretation will not hold, unless we suppose jotham was 25 year old when he began to reign in his Father's stead, who was sequestered for his leprosy: Lest we make jotham but 5 year old when he begat Ahaz. See 2 kin. 15.33. That text 2 Kin. 15.30. must be understood of the 20 year after jotham began to reign, namely the 5 of Ahaz: for jotham reigned but 16. year, 2 Kin. 15.33. And here again we must either make an Interregnum of 7 year, or say that though Hosheah held the government by power and might, yet he was not accepted of the people for King till the 12 of Ahaz, for he slew Pekah about the 5 of Ahaz, but is said to begin his reign not till the 12 of Ahaz, 2 Kin 17.1. Samaria probably was taken in the beginning of Hosheahs' 9 year, and the end of Hezekiahs' 6 year, 2 Kin. 18.10. for Hosheahs' 9 year runs parallel with Hezekiahs' 7 year: unless we suppose Hezekiah began not to reign t●ll the end of Hoshea his third year, which is the reason I have noted the years of Hezekiahs' reign twice. It's evident by 2 Kin. 18. 1●, 11. that hezekiahs first began with the end of Hosheahs' third year, and did not run parallel with it. The 49 of Vzziah was also an Interregnum of the Kingdom of Israel. In the 20 year after jotham began to reign Hosheah sew Pekah, namely at the beginning of it, (2 Kin. 15. 3●.) and took upon him the Covernment about the 5 of Ahaz, but was not accepted by the people till the 12 of Ahaz. Vzzia. 2 Kin. 15.1. Mena. Pekahi. 2 Kin. 15.23. Flood Prom Circ Pasover. Canaan Temp. Divis S. W. Olym. 40 2 1580 1160 1130 730 690 250 66.14 Jubil. 3240 2 41 3 463 42 4 43 5 44 6 3 45 7 46 8 47 9 1590. 1170 1140 740 700 260 220 464 4 48 10 49 2 Kin. 15.23. 50 5 1 51 2 52 1 Peka. 2 Kin. 15.27. jothan. 2 Kin. 15.32.33. Flood Prom Circ Pasover. Canaan Temp. Divis S. W. Olym. 2 1 230 465 3250 6 3 2 4 3 5 4 6 5 7 7 6 8 7 9 8 65 Jubis. 10 9 1600 1180 1150 750 710 270 465 3260 8 11 10 12 Aera Nabonassaris gins. 11 13 Aera V.C. gins 12 14 13 15 14 16 15 Peka. 2 Kin. 15.27. jothan. 2 Kin. 15.32.33. Ahaz. 2 Kin. 16. ●● Flood Prom Circ Pasover. Canaan Temp. Divis S. W. Olym. 17 16 1 1610 1190 1160 760 720 280 240 467 9 18 17 2 19 18 3 20 19 4 10 20 5 Ahaz. 2 Kin. 16. ●● Hosh. 2 Kin. 17.1. Flood Prom Circ Pasover. Canaan Temp. Divis S. W. Olym. 1 6 2 7 3 8 4 1620 250 468 3270 11 9 5 10 6 11 7 12 12 1 13 2 Ahaz. 2 Kin. 16. ●● Hosh. 2 Kin. 17.1. Hezek. 2 Kin. 18. ●● 14 3 1 Ahaz. 2 Kin. 16. ●● Hosh. 2 Kin. 17.1. Hezek. 2 Kin. 18. ●● Flood Prom Circ Pasover. Canaan Temp. Divis S. W. Olym. 15 4 2.1 1200 1170 770 730 290 469 3280 13 16 5 3.2 6 4.3 7 5.4 8 6.5 14 9 7.6 8.7 From the Division of the Tribes to Zedechiahs' captivity are just 390 y. noted by the Prophet, Ezec. 4.5. yet the several years of their several reigns summed up make 393. to which add the 11 y. Interregnum, after the death of Amaziah; the total is 404, even 14 years more than the prophet reckoned upon: which difference is thus reconciled. Divers of the Kings began to reign 1, 2, or 3 year before their father's death, which may easily swallow up those 14 years. The like may be said of the Kings of Israel; the years of whose several reigns summed up, are 241. yet the 9 or last year of Hoshea (the last King of Israe) falls out 258 years after the Division, 17 year later than the former reckoning. If therefore you add to 24., the sum of all their reigns, the 22 years Interregnum after the death of Jeroboam the second, and the seven years of Interregnum, or Tyranny under Hoshea; the total is 270 year; and 12 year more than the date of the Kingdom of Israel: which difference of twelve years' overplus ariseth from a supposal that every King reigned so many years complete, as are assigned him in Scripture, whereas divers of them reigned but so many years' currant, and one began to reign two or three years before his Father's death, to wit Jehoash son of Jehoahaz. But the connexion and linking together of their several reigns according to scripture, gives the precise date of both Kingdoms: so that the Kingdom of Israel lasted after the Division, 258 years, and the Kingdom of Judah 390 years. Nor can Ezekiels 390 year be made out, unless by a right connexion of the Synarchies of both Kingdoms according to Scripture, evidenced in this Chronologie by ocular Demonstration. Hezekiahs' 14 year is a Rest or Sabbatrical year, as appears by their eating in it that which grew of itself, 2 Kin. 19.29. and the year following was a Jubilee after the account of some: and so the meaning of that sign might be this, That notwithstanding Senacherib had so plundered the Country, and that in a time wherein for two years together they had no Seedtime, yet God both did and would so bless the earth, that of its own accord, without their labour, it should bring enough to maintain them for two years together and longer, namely till the third years Harvest came in. 2 Kin. 18.13. Senacharib was overthrown in the 14 year of Hezekiah, and 20.6. Hezekiah recovered at the same time. Hezekiah. Flood Prom Circ Pasover. Canaan Temp. Divis S. W. Olym. 5.8 1630 1210 1180 780 740 300 260 67.15 Jubil. 3290 15 10.9 470 11.10 12.11 13.12 14.13 15.14 Hezekiah recovered 2 Kin. 20.6 16.15 Senacharib overthrown 2 Kin. 18.13. 1640 1190 270 16 Ju 16 17.16 471 18.17 19.18 20.19 17 21.20 22.21 23.22 1220 790 750 310 280 472 3300 18 24.23 25.24 26.25 27.26 19 28.27 29.28 66 Jubis. Hezekiah. Manas 2 Kin. 21.1. .29 1 Manasseh born. Manas 2 Kin. 21.1. Flood Prom Circ Pasover. Canaan Temp. Divis S. W. Olym. 2 1650 1230 1200 800 760 320 15 Ju 3310 20 3 473 4 5 21 6 7 8 1660 1240 1210 810 770 330 290 474 22 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 300 475 3320 23 16 17 18 19 24 20 21 22 1670 1250 1220 820 780 340 476 3330 25 23 24 25 26 26 27 28 29 1680 1260 1230 830 790 350 310 68.15 Jubis. 27 30 477 31 32 33 Amon born. 28 34 35 36 1690 320 16 Ju 3340 29 37 478 38 39 40 41 42 43 1270 1240 840 800 360 479 3350 30 44 45 46 47 31 48 49 josiah born 67 Jubis. 50 1700 1280 1250 850 810 370 330 16 Jubis. 3360 32 51 480 52 53 33 54 55 Jehoahaz was 23 y. old when he began to reign, 2 Kin. 23.31. and reigned but 3 months. His younger Brother jehojachim who immediately succeeded him, was 25 y. old when he began to reign, vers. 36, and after that reckonning almost 2 y. older than his elder brother. How can this hold good? Answ. Jehojakims age is there reckoned from his elder brother's death in Egypt, 2 Kin. 23.34. till which time he reigned as Viceroy. Or else we must say that Jehoahaz though the younger, was by his Father's Will or the election of the people preferred to the Crown before Jehojakim his elder brother: As Solomon was by God's election, 1 Kin. 2.15. and Abijah by Rehoboams election, 2 Chron. 11.20.22. and 12.16. Broughton makes Jehojakim the elder brother. Haply his brother was preferred before him for his wickedness, which might make Josiah disinherit him, yet afterwards by the favour of Pharaoh he aspired to the Crown, 2 Chron. 36.4. That Ezekiel reckons from Josiah his Passeover is apparent by Ezek. 1.1, 2. that 30 y. running parallel with the 5 y. of Jehojakims Captivity) being just 30 y. distant from Josiahs' Passeover, inclusively. Amon 2 Kin. 21.19 1 2 josiah 2 Kin. 22.1 Flood Prom Circ Pasover. Canaan Temp. Divis S. W. Olym. 1 1710 1260 340 481 34 2 3 4 35 5 6 7 1290 860 820 380 350 482 3370 36 8 9 10 11 12 josiah 2 Kin. 22.1 jeremiah jer. 25.3. ●● Ezek. 4.6. Flood Prom Circ Pasover. Canaan Temp. Divis S. W. Olym. 13 1 1720 1300 1270 870 830 390 483 3380 37 14 2 15 3 16 4 17 5 38 18 6 〈…〉 19 7 20 8 21 9 1730 1310 1280 880 840 400 360 69 17 Jubil. 39 22 10 484 23 jehojachim born. 11 24 12 25 13 40 26 14 27 15 28 16 370 17 Ju 3390 41 29 17 485 30 18 31 19 According to our account both the 70 y. Captivity, and daniel's 70 Weeks of years run exactly parallel with the weeks of the World: The first beginning at the end of the 485, and ending at the end of the 495 week of the World. The last beginning at the end of the 495 week, and ending at the end of the 565 week of the World. Some begin Ezekiels 40 year mentioned Ezek. 4.6. (not with jeremiahs' Prophecy spoke of, jer. 25.3. but) with josiahs' Passeover and renewal of the Covenant in the 18 year of his reign, 2 Chron. 35.19. compared with 2 Chron. 34.31, 32. And so those 40 year expired not till the fourth and last Captivity, full 23 year, after the first Captivity, and almost 5 y. after jerusalem was taken, and Zedekiahs' eyes put out. After which, God spared them no longer, but the Land lay utterly desolate without any Inhabitant. This seems very consonant to the truth. Zedechiah was jehojakims Uncle, 2 Kin. 24.17. yet 1 Chron. 3.16. he is noted as the son of jehojakim: the reason is because he succeeded as his heir in the Kingdom, 2 Chron. 36.10 he is called jehojakims brother, according to the custom of the jews, who call all their kindred Brethren. Th●s by our Saviour's Brethren, Matth. 13.55. we must understand his kindred. 2 Kin. 24.12. Nabuchadnezzar took jehojachim in the 8 year of his reign, jer. 52.28. in his seventh year, probably it was at the end of Nabuchadnezzar; seventh and the beginning of his eighth year. In the same s●nce haply Nebuchadnezars first is said to be jehojakims third and fourth year, Dan. 1.1. compared with jer. 25.1. And thus Zedekiahs' Captivity is said to be in the 18 year of Nabuchadnezzar, jer. 52.29. whereas Zedekiahs' 11 y. wherein he was taken captive runs parallel with Nebuchadnezars 19 y. But upon the former supposition the answer is easy. Zedekiah was led captive in the end of the 18 and the beginning of the 19 year of Nabuchadnezzar. See the like 2 Kin. 8.25. and 9.29 compared. The 4 Captivities I have noted in the next column to that of the Captivity. The first happened in the third of jehojakim, Dan. 1.1.3. the end of which third year concurred with the first of Nabuchadnezzar. The second third and fourth happened in the 7, 18, and 23 year of Nabuchadnezzar, jer. 52.28, 29, 30. It's remarkable that the 10 weeks of the 70 years' Captivity, and also the 70 weeks of Daniel run parallel with the weeks of the World. That the 70 y. Captivity begin with the 4 of jehojakim, I have proved before in the Difficulties controverted. The first Temple was founded in the 427 week of the World, and continued just 427 y. currant. The second Temple was founded 480 y. after the first was founded, and that precisely to a month, 1 Kin. 6.1. compared with Ezra 3.8. and just so many years passed from the going out of Egypt to the founding of the first Temple, 1 Kin. 6.1. Broughton in the Preface to that excellent piece of his (called a Consent of Scripture) brings a clear Testimony out of Abben-Ezra that daniel's 70 weeks take their beginning from the Prayer of Daniel, Dan. 9 Besides evidences from Josephus and others, in the body of his Consent. jeremiah jer. 25.3. ●● Ezek. 4.6. jehoa. jehoj. 2 Kin 23.31.36. Flood Prom Circ Pasover. Canaan Temp. Divis S. W. Olym. 20 3m. 1 370 485 3390 42 21 2 22 The Chaldean Monarchy gins 3 jeremiah jer. 25.3. ●● Ezek. 4.6. jehoj. 2 Kin 23.31.36. 70 y. Captiv. Flood Prom Circ Pasover. Canaan Temp. Divis S. W. Olym. 23 4 1 Captiv. 1 1740 1320 1290 890 850 410 486 3400 43 24 5 2 25 6 3 26 7 4 Nebucadnezzar. 27 8 5 28 9 6 29 10 7.1. Cap. 2 30 11 8 68 Jubis. jeremiah jer. 25.3. ●● Ezek. 4.6. 70 y. Captiv. jehoj. Zed. 2 Kin. 24.8.18. Flood Prom Circ Pasover. Canaan Temp. Divis S. W. Olym. 31 9 3 m. 1 1750 1330 1300 900 860 420 380 17 Ju 45 32 10 2 487 33 11 3 34 12 4 35 13 5 36 14 6 37 15 7 1760 390 488 3410 46 38 16 8 39 17 9 40 18 Cap. 3. 10 Ezekiels 40 y. end. 19 11 jer. 32.1. 70 y. Captiv. Flood Prom Circ Pasover. Canaan Temp. Divis S. W. Olym. 20 47 21 22 1340 1310 910 870 430 489 3420 48 23 Cap. 4 24 25 26 49 27 28 29 Cap. 5 1770 1350 1320 920 880 440 400 490 3430 50 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 1780 1330 410 70.18 Jubis. 51 37 491 38 39 40 52 41 42 6 43 1360 930 890 450 420 18 Ju. 3440 53 44 492 45 Evilmerodach. 46 47 54 48 49 7 50 1790 1370 1340 940 900 460 493 3450 55 51 52 53 54 56 55 56 8 57 1800 1380 1350 950 910 470 430 494 69 Jubi 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 9 64 440 495 3460 58 65 66 67 Belshazzar. 68 59 69 70.10 The Persian Monarchy gins in Cyrus. 70 weeks. Dan. 70 w. Flood Prom Circ Pasover. Canaan Temp. Divis S. W. Olym. 1 1 1810 1390 1360 960 920 480 496 3470 60 2 The second Temple founded. Ezr. 3.8. 3 4 5 61 6 7.1 8 2 1820 1400 1370 970 930 490 450 497 62 9 10 11 12 63 13 14.2 15 3 1830 460 71.19 Jubil. 64 16 498 17 18 19 20 21 3 22 4 1410 1380 980 940 500 19 Ju 3490 65 23 499 24 25 26 66 27 28 4 29 5 1840 1420 1390 990 950 510 470 500 3500 67 30 31 32 33 68 34 35 5 36 6 1850 1400 480 19 Ju 70 Jubi 69 37 501 38 39 40 41 42 6 43 7 The second Temple finished, after 46 y. time spent in building, joh. 2.20. 1430 1000 960 520 490 502 3510 71 44 45 46 47 48 49 7 50 8 1860 1440 1410 1010 970 530 503 3520 72 51 52 53 54 73 55 56 8 57 9 1870 1450 1420 1020 980 540 500 504 74 58 59 60 61 75 62 63.9 Broughton in his Consent thinks Darius Histaspis to be the same with Ahassuerus, in whose time that famous story of Hester happened. It's remarkable that though the book of Hester contain most admirable passages of God's providence in delivering of his Church, yet in that book alone (of all the books of holy Scripture) the name of God is not so much as once mentioned. The Persian Monarchy was thought to last above 200 y. Broughton for the establishing of daniel's 70 weeks, makes it fare shorter, and that not without just ground: of which I have handled before in the Difficulties of Chronologie controverted by the Learned. I shall not therefore note particularly the names of the Persian Kings, because their several reigns contradict the Aera of daniel's 70 weeks which I follow exactly in this Chronology. Both the Grecian and Roman Monarchy begin 30 year sooner with us than with other Chronologers, because we conceive that Christ suffered 30 y. sooner than they did, namely An. Mundi 3952. and not An. M. 3982. In the two Registers (Ezra 2. and Neh. 7. compared together) these passages are remarkable, 1. That the heads of both Registers differ in 19 places, whereof Nehemiahs' Register exceeds Ezraes in 12 places. Ezraes' exceeds Nehemiahs in 7 places. Thus the children of Azgad, (Ezra 2.12.) were 1222. but Neh. 7.17. they are 2322, eleven hundred more than in Ezra. How shall these differences be reconciled? Answ. We must conceive there was a double listing, the first in Babylon, of those who gave in their names to come up, some of whom afterwards repent through carnal fears, love of the world, and case, etc. who are therefore branded, 1 Chron. 4.23. Others upon better consideration went up and so were registered at Jerasalem. Too true an emblem of our times, in which many seemed very forward, but now have fallen back to errors &c. forgetting (if not slighting) their engagements to God and man. 2. It's observable that the total of both Registers stands recorded as equal, namely 42360. Ezra 2.64. and Neh. 7.66. God will not lose one of his number though never so many hypocrites Apostatise, 2 Tim. 2.19. 3. Yet observe that each Register summed up falls far short of the former tot● assigned, Ezra 2.64. For Ezraes' register summed up in all the parcels, amounts but to 29818, and Nehemiahs to 31031. both which fall far short of 42360, which therefore must be made up by the residue of the Priests and Israelites, who could not find out their Genealogy, Ezra 2.59. In the catalogue of their servants and beasts both registers agree, save only in the Singers, whereof the latter Register had 45 more than the former. Ezra 265. compared with Neh. 7.67. Yet beware we censure not all that stayed, for some might be forced to stay through poverty, others because they were in public employment and did the Church more service there then bad they been at Jerusalem, as Daniel and others. But there can be no such plea for neglect to come out of sin, the world and spiritual Babylon unto Christ and the Church, Rev. 18.4. It's further remarkable that divers of those who came up with Zerubbabel as heads of the people, did in their own persons subscribe that most solemn Covenant, Neh. 10.14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20.27. and vers. 3.5.9. All which you cannot imagine to be less than 20 year old apiece, else they were not capable of bearing arms, much less of being heads over the people. At least 17 of them are mentioned in the fore quoted place, that is near upon half of the heads or Commanders, and probably therefore (if we may guess by proportion) half of the people who came up with Zerubbabel were alive at the taking of that Covenant. Hence it will follow, that if the Persian Monarches reigned each of them so long as Heathen Writers would make us believe, and upon whom Chronologers build to alter the true date of daniel's weeks, then about twenty thousand of the people who ascended with Zerubbabel lived to see above 160 years apiece, whereas in Moses his time, Psal. 90. fourscore y. was counted a very great age, which how probable, let any indifferent Reader judge. Suppose the Covenant were taken in the 20 year of Artaxerxes Mnemon, which is the soon time imaginable, Neh. 2.1. and 5.14. since it was the 20 y. of this King, before Nehemiah was sent as Governor, and under whose Government the Covenant was taken. From the first return out of Captivity to the 20 of Artaxerxes Mnemon, (according to Heathen Authors) passed at least 144 years, to which add 20 y. of their age who returned, the total is 164 y. And yet so old they must be if profane Historians count the reigns of the Persian Monarches right: which how contrary to the Scriptures? Certainly had Chronologers been as diligent in search of Scripture as in tumbling over old heathen fables, they had never left both us and themselves in such perplexity as now they have done about the true date of daniel's Weeks. But no wonder if they wander and stumble in their paths, who chose to follow the candlelight of Heathens rather than the clear Sunshine of Scripture, and will bring that golden Standard to their Lesbian rule. More of this see in the Difficulties following the Preface, namely in the fourth Difficulty. Yet their lying Olympiads are contradicted not only by Scripture, but also by some of the honester heathen; witness Plutarch, who in the beginning of his Numa affirms that Numa was 40 y. old currant when he entered upon the Kingdom. 2. That he was born on that very day on which the City of Rome was built, and so his age runs parallel with Aera U.C. 3. The same Author averrs that Numa was created King in the third y. of the 16 Olympiad, which therefore must run parallel with the 40 y. of U.C. at least in some part of it. To all which add Alsteds' confession in his Thesaur. Chronolog. p. 212. (though a maintainer of the truth of Heathen Olympiads contrary to Scripture) that Numa was contemporary with Hezekiah; It's apparent that the 16 Olympiad fell out in Hezekiahs' reign according to our date, and that the date of their Olympiads must needs be false who begin them 54 y. before ours. And for my part I had rather believe one honest heathen speaking with Scripture, than ten thousand of them speaking against it. Nor can I but wonder that Christian Chronologers should lay that for a foundation (I mean the usual date of the Olympiads) which is so much questioned by Plutarch an honest Heathen. Certainly the building cannot be firm which leans upon so sandy a foundation. The ground of mis-dating the Olympiads hath been formerly proved to be that grand mistake about the date of Abraham's birth: to which I must refer the Reader. There yet remains one scruple, namely how the several reigns of the Persian Kings can be reconciled with our date of the Persian Empire. For by the computation of their several reigns the Persian Monarchy held about 200 y. but after our account it lasts but 126 y. and so falls 74 y. short of the common account. Plutarch and Alsted compared together will afford some light to help us out of this maze. Plutarch in the end of his Artax. affirms that Artax. Mnemon reigned 62 y. Alsted in his Thesaur. Chronolog. allows him but 43 y. of his sole reign, but confesses that the former 19 y. he reigned with Darius Nothus his father, who at the beginning of his reign assumed Artax. into the fellowship of his Kingdom, p. 171. We accept of Alsteds' confession, and thence infer, that as Darius' coopted Artax. so the other Persian Kings in the very beginning of their reigns might assume their sons and grandchildren into the fellowship of their Kingdoms. That Darius did so (besides the testimony of Alsted) is evident by Scripture, Ezr. 6.14. else how could the Temple be finished by the Decree of Darius and Artax. had not Artax. reigned with his father Darius, in whose 6 y. the Temple was finished? Thus Cyrus might assume Cambyses: Darius Hystaspis might assume Xerxes, and he Artaxerxes Longimanus his son at the same time. Longimanus might assume Darius Nothus, and he Artax. Mnemon, as is confessed. Then grant that Darius Ochus reigned 10 y. with Artaxerxes Mnemon, Arsames and Codomannus reigned out their full times solely; their several years summed up might make 200 y. though the Synarchies rightly linked together extended the Persian Monarchy but to 126 y. And that this is no new thing may appear by the Synarchies of the Kings of Israel and Judah compared together: of which above. By thus linking of the Synarchies together sacred and profane Chronologie may be reconciled, daniel's week's established, and the Olympiads rectified according to scripture, yea though we grant that each King reigned as many years as are allotted them by Historians. By this means we may conceive how the Temple was building but 46 y. (I mean, but 46 y. interceded from its foundation to its coping) John 2.20. and yet withal, that it was not finished till the 6 y. of Darius Nothus, Ezra 6.15. As thus, Suppose Cambyses reigned 2 y. with Cyrus, and 5 y. alone: Darius Hystaspis 36 y. and with him as contemporaries Xerxes or Ahasuerus and Artaxerxes Longimanus (though upon the supposition this last were crowned being an Infant Darius Hystaspis his 36 y. reached within the 3 last of Artaxerxes Longimanus, and so you have from the first of Cyrus his universal Monarchy to the 36 of Artax. Longim. 7 y. and 36 y. which added together make 4 y. Suppose further Darius Nothus were assumed by his father into the Kingdom 5 y. before the death of Longimanus; the Temple being finished in the 1 y. of his sole reign, but the 6 of his reign with his father; you have the 3 last years of Longimanus and the first of Darius Nothus, 4 y. more, which added to the former 43 y. make just 47 y. from return out of Captivity to the finishing of the second Temple. To which 47 y. add 56 y. of Artax. Mnemons' reign, (whereof 13 y. after Darius Nothus his death, 10 with Ochus, and 33 alone) 13 y. of Darius Ochus alone, 4 of Arsames, and 6 ●f God mannu●, in all 79 y. the total is just 126 y. according to our 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the Persian Monarchy. 〈◊〉 why labour I in vain for a reconciliation with them who will not a●●● with 〈…〉 cross that History: nor can I agree 〈…〉. 〈…〉, Is it probable 〈◊〉 Persian Kings (who wallowed in extreme Luxury, and were so mightily addicted to Ceres, Bacchus and Venus should reign or live so long as is affirmed by Heathen Authors? I deny not but the Lord might bestow upon Artax. Mnemon a prerogative of singular preservation from great dangers, of many days, and a prosperous reign, in regard of his and his Father's great and singular affection to the Church, Ezr. 6. and 7. But to believe that in so much excess he should reign 62 y. and live 94 y. (as Plutarch reports upon trust) I must confess it can scarce enter into my Creed, and may give just occasion to Question the whole History about the extent of their several reigns (at least 3 of them) unless the Difficulty may be reconciled by a due linking together of their Synarchies. It's remarkable of this Artax. that his very Surname shows how mindful and careful God was of him who was so tender to and mindful of God's Church and people. None shall ever have cause to complain that God was behindhand with him for any kindness to himself or his people, Matth. 10. last, and 2 Kin. 10.30. In which last place it's very considerable how Gods Promise runs parallel with his Threat. In the second commandment God threatens Idolaters to the fourth Generation; and for destroying Idolatry God rewards Jehu to the fourth Generation. And that God was as good as his Word, see 2 Kin. 15. 12. True, Jehu his design was the establishment of the Kingdom, Darius his design was long life for himself and his posterity, Ezr. 6.10. God gives them both their penny; so abundant is he in goodness and truth, that though no natural man can claim any Promise, yet for his outside obedience he shall have an outward reward. Thus Artax. complying with his Father for the service of the Church, had the blessing of the fifth Commandment made good unto him. If God be so bountiful to hirelings, yea enemies, how gracious will he be to his own Children for whom he reserves an eternal Inheritance, and thinks not himself too good a portion for them? Dan. 70 w. Flood Prom Circ Pasover. Canaan Temp. Divis S. W. Olym. 64 10 510 72.20 Jubil. 3530 76 65 505 66 67 68 77 69 70 10 71 11 1880 1460 1430 1030 990 550 20 Ju 3540 78 72 506 73 74 75 76 77 11 78 12 1890 1470 1440 1040 1000 560 520 507 79 79 80 81 82 80 83 84 12 85 13 1900 530 20 Ju 3550 81 86 508 87 88 89 90 91 13 71 Jubis. 92 14 1480 1450 1050 1010 570 509 3560 83 93 94 95 96 84 97 98 14 99 15 1910 1940 1460 1060 1020 580 540 510 3570 85 100 101 102 103 104 105 15 106 16 1920 1470 550 511 86 107 108 109 110 87 111 112 16 113 17 1500 1070 1030 590 560 73.21. Jubi. 3580 88 114 512 115 116 117 89 118 119 17 120 18 1930 1510 1480 1080 1040 600 21 Ju 3590 90 121 513 122 123 124 91 125 126 18 127 19 The Grecian Monarchy gins in Alexander the Greet. 1940 1520 1490 1090 1050 610 570 514 92 128 129 130 131 132 133 19 134 20 580 515 72 Jubis. 93 135 3600 136 137 138 94 139 140 20 141 21 1950 1530 1500 1100 1060 620 516 3610 95 142 143 144 145 96 146 147 21 148 22 1960 1540 1510 1110 1070 630 590 517 97 149 150 151 152 98 153 154 22 155 23 1970 600 518 3620 99 156 157 158 159 160 161 23 162 24 1550 1520 1120 1080 640 74.22 Jubil. 3630 101 163 519 164 165 166 167 168 24 169 25 1980 1560 1530 1130 1090 650 610 22 Ju 3640 102 170 520 171 172 173 103 174 175 25 176 26 1990 1540 620 521 104 177 178 179 180 105 181 182 26 183 27 1570 1140 1100 660 630 522 3650 106 184 185 186 187 188 189 27 73 Jubi 190 28 2000 1580 1550 1150 1110 670 22 Ju 3660 107 191 523 192 193 194 108 195 196 28 197 29 2010 1590. 1560 1160 1120 680 640 524 109 198 199 200 201 110 202 203 29 204 30 650 525 3670 111 205 206 207 208 112 209 210 30 211 31 2020 1600 1570 1170 1130 690 75.23 Jubil. 3680 113 212 526 213 214 215 216 217 218 32 2030 1610 1580 1180 1140 700 660 23 Ju 114 219 527 220 221 222 115 223 224 225 33 2040 670 528 3690 116 226 227 228 229 117 230 231 232 34 1620 1590. 1190 1150 710 529 3700 118 233 234 235 236 119 237 238 74 Jubis. 239 35 2050 1630 1600 1200 1160 720 680 23 Ju 3710 120 240 530 241 242 243 244 245 246 36 2060 1610 690 531 121 247 248 249 250 122 251 252 253 37 1640 1210 1170 730 700 532 3720 123 254 255 256 257 124 258 259 260 38 2070 1650 1620 1220 1180 740 76.24 Jubil. 3730 125 261 533 262 263 264 126 265 266 267 39 2080 1660 1630 1230 1190 750 710 24. Ju 127 268 534 269 270 271 272 273 274 40 720 535 3740 128 275 276 277 278 129 279 280 281 41 2090 1670 1640 1240 1200 760 536 3750 130 282 283 284 285 131 286 287 75 Jubis. 288 42 2100 1680 1650 1250 1210 770 730 24 Ju 132 289 537 290 291 292 133 293 294 295 43 2110 740 538 3760 134 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 44 1690 1660 1260 1220 780 539 3770 135 303 304 305 306 136 307 308 309 45 2120 1700 1670 1270 1230 790 750 77.25 Jubil. 3780 137 310 540 311 312 313 138 314 315 316 46 2130 1680 760 25 Ju. 139 317 541 318 319 320 140 321 322 323 47 1710 1280 1240 800 770 542 3790 141 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 48 2140 1720 1690 1290 1250 810 543 3800 132 331 332 333 334 143 335 336 337 49 2150 1730 1700 1300 1260 820 780 25 Ju 76 Jubi. 144 338 544 339 340 341 145 342 343 344 50 790 545 3810 146 345 346 357 348 147 349 350 351 51 2160 1740 1710 1310 1270 830 546 3820 148 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 52 2170 1750 1720 1320 1280 840 800 78.26 Jubil. 149 359 547 360 361 362 150 363 364 365 53 2180 810 26 Ju 3830 151 366 548 367 368 369 152 370 371 372 54 1760 1730 1330 1290 850 549 3840 153 373 374 375 376 154 377 378 379 55 2190 1770 1740 1340 1300 860 820 550 3850 155 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 56 2200 1750 830 26 Ju 77 Jubi. 156 387 551 388 389 390 157 391 392 393 57 1780 1350 1310 870 840 552 3860 158 394 395 396 397 159 398 399 400 58 2210 1790 1760 1360 1320 880 553 3870 160 401 402 403 404 161 405 406 The probable grounds why Christ was not born in December are these, 1. From the wise men, Matth. 2, who cannot be thought so unwise as to dispose their journey to and from Christ in the winter, which they might far better take in Summer. 2. From the Taxation, Luke 2. Surely Cesar was not so hard put to it for money, as he must needs force such multitudes of people to travel to their own Cities in the depth of Winter. 3. From the Shepherd's watching in the open field all night, Luke 2.8. which may be doubted whether they used to do so in Winter, or rather to drive their flocks to house. 4. I might add, that our Saviour being baptised precisely at the time of the year he was born, must according to the common opinion be baptised in the depth of winter; which how probable let indifferent men judge. That Christ was born about August or September I prove thus, He was thirty year old at his Baptism, Luke 3.23. (whither entering into his 30 y. or completely 30 y. old it matters not) He ministered 3 y. and an half, and was either 32 or 33 y. and an half old-when he suffered, (which fell out precisely at the Passeover:) This is evident by the four Passovers he was at, and by the Prophecy of Daniel, Dan. 9.26, 27. Subtract the last half y. from the last Passeover, falling out about the end of March, It's manifest Christ was precisely 33 y. old in the preceding August or September; and so might haply answer the type, by pitching his Tabernacle amongst us, Joh. 1.14. about that time of they. when the feast of Tallernacles was kep●. It's a pious conjecture of Divines that God of purpose concealed the time of Christ's birth, Quid si addoremus, ita forsan di●posuisse divinam providentiam, ut partus tam Augustus con●ingeret, non tantum sub imperio Augusti, sed etiam in ipso mense Augusti: atque ita Trinitas Augustorum in uno nosire Immanuele concurreret. as he did the body of Moses, as well foreseeing how it would have been abused to superstition, etc. had it been exactly known. Only Jesus Christ is the true Melchizedek, being without Mother as God, without Father as Man: and without beginning or end of days: A clear testimony of his Divinity, Heb. 7.3. For who but God alone is without beginning or end? He is both to his Church in general, and then to every member in particular, first Melchizedek, King of righteousness, and then Melech-Salem, King of peace. Nor is he ever our peace before he be our righteousness. Note further, Melchizedek was a King and a Priest; David a King and Prophet, Jeremiah a Priest and Prophet, so Ezekiel; But never any except Christ, was both King Priest and Prophet: which dignity yet he confers in some measure upon his people, making them spiritual Kings, Priests, and Prophets. We note both the Conception and Birth of Christ in one column. He was born at the beginning of a sabbatical year immediately foregoing the Jubilee according to our account: yet the year of the Lord is reckoned rather from his Conception, which probably fell out (not at our Lady day according to the vulgar account, but) in November or December: so as that time we used to keep for his Nativity, was nearer the time of his Conception, nor was he born till August or September following in the beginning of a Sabbatical year: His first year than was a sabbatical year, his second year a year of Jubilee. And it is remarkable, that reckon the Jubilees how you will almost, they all come within the compass of daniel's 5 last weeks in which our Saviour lived and died: the spirit of God thereby teaching us that he only is the true proclaimer of Jubilee to poor undone man (as well as the true 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or kinsman that doth redeem us) Isai. 61.1, 2. Luke 4.18, 19.22. Broughton places the death of Christ in An. M. 3960. I in An. M. 3952. the difference is but 8 years, and ariseth hence, because I cast the Promise upon Abraham's 70 y. and 5 y. sooner than he, as also the death of Christ upon the midst of daniel's last week; 3 y. sooner than Broughton, who placeth it in the last y. of daniel's or 70 week. The reasons that moved me to differ from him are formerly mentioned, the weighing whereof I refer to the Readers judgement, and then let him pick and choose. If a Jubilee contained 50 solid years, then according to our account the first of second year of Christ's ministry was a year of Jubilee, and so he literally fulfilled that prophecy, Isa. 61.1, 2. by preaching Gospel liberty in a year of Jubilee. Neither Joseph nor Mary did lineally descend from Solomon; but both of them from Nathan Solomon's brother. Jechonias was the last of Solomon's race, and died childless, Jer. 22.28.30. Salathiel then was his son, not by natural generation, but by right of succession in the Kingdom, 1 Chron. 3.17. where observe, that Assir is no proper name, but signifies Bound, or lying in bonds: and the verse should be rendered thus, The sons of Jechonias lying in bonds, or being a prisoner, Salathiel his son etc. The same word is used Isa. 42.7. To bring the Prisoners out of Prison. In the Original it is, To bring Assir out of Prison. Our Lord Jesus then neither by his Father's side (as was supposed) nor by his Mother's side, came of Solomon: for Joseph came of Abiud, and Mary of Rhesa, both sons of Zerebabell, Matth, 1.13. Luke 3.27. the son of Salathiell the son of Neri, who came of Nathan, not of Solomon, Luk. 3.27.31. So that Solomon was his legal Progenitor only for right of the Kingdom; Abiud his legal Progenitor in respect of his supposed Father Joseph; but Rhesa was his natural Progenitor in respect of the blessed Virgin his Mother. Matthew notes his legal, Luke his natural Progenitors. Our Lord being about 30 y. old, was baptised of John, in Jordan. Luk. 3.1.23. in Autumn, not in Spring. Christ by his death caused the daily Sacrifice to cease in the midst of the week. Dan. 9.26, 27. Dan. 70 w. Flood Prom Circ Pasover. Canaan Temp. Divis S. W. Olym. 407 59 The Roman Monarchy began in Julius Caesar. 2220 1800 1770 1370 1330 890 850 79.27 Jubis. 162 408 554 409 410 411 412 413 414 60 860 27 Ju 3880 163 415 555 416 417 418 164 419 420 421 61 2230 1810 1780 1380 1340 900 556 3890 165 422 423 424 425 166 426 427 428 62 2240 1820 1790 1390 1350 910 870 557 167 429 430 431 432 168 433 434 435 63 2250 880 27 Ju 3900 169 436 558 437 438 439 440 441 78 Jubis. 442 64 1830 1800 1400 1360 920 559 3910 170 443 444 445 446 171 447 448 449 65 2260 1840 1810 1410 1370 930 890 560 3920 172 450 451 452 453 Dan. 70 w. jesus Christ C.B. Augustus Caesar. Flood Prom Circ Pasover. Canaan Temp. Divis S. W. Olym. 454 65 1. 173 455 2.1 456 66 3.2 2270 1820 900 80.28 Jubil. 174 457 4.3 561 458 5.4 459 6.5 460 7.5 175 461 8.7 462 9.8 463 67 10.9 1850 1420 1380 940 910 28 Ju 3930 176 464 11.10 562 465 12.11 466 13.12 467 14.13 468 15.14 469 16.15 470 68 Tiberius C. 22 y. 7 m. 7 d. 17.16 2280 1860 1830 1430 1390 950 563 3940 177 471 18.17 472 19.18 473 20.19 474 21.20 178 475 22.21 476 23.22 477 69 24.23 2290 1870 1840 1440 1400 960 920 564 179 478 25.24 479 26.25 480 27.26 481 28.27 180 482 29.28 483 30.29 484 70 31.30 930 565 3950 181 485 32.31 486 33.32 487 34.33 488 182 489 79 Jubis. 490 28 Ju FINIS.