A DISCOVERY OF THE GREAT FANTASY OR, FANTASTICAL conceitedness. That is to say, Of the Antichristian Blindness of those, that out of a mere false Imagination and Fantastical conceitedness, do hold themselves to be Christians, Spiritual Divines, Deputies and Messengers or Spokesmen of Christ, and take upon them, as Mediators, to save others, whom they call the Secular Laymen; therewithal, reviling, traducing, condemning, excommunicating, persecuting, exiling, and putting to death the true children of God, for not yielding unto this Fantasy of theirs, conceiving, that therein they do God great service, when they busy themselves in weeding the ground thus, according to their Fantasies, and endeavouring to save the Angels a labour against the time of the Harvest. Together with a Discovery of the great Arch-Whore, and her Paramours or Lovers, whereof the Spirit of God beareth witness. LONDON: Printed by T. P. and M. S. in Goldsmith's Alley. 1642. PHANTASIE, or, FANCY. WHen the mind of man doth not deny itself in all humility before God, and is not guided and acted by the Spirit and light of God, but is wise and cunning of itself, in its own power or strength of Reason, and the spirit of the world; then is the same mind revolted from God, and goeth on in its own guidance and natural wisdom, and that is the Fantasy; which, under the name of Christ, and palliating cover of the holy Scripture, pretendeth great matters; but indeed is nothing but a mere juggling; even as Lucifer became such a Phantast and juggler, when as he withdrew himself from the sacred government of the eternal light, and essayed in his own high mindedness, to be something of himself; where also he seduced the first man, that he forsook God, and his command in disobedience. Therefore, O Man, turn thyself from this power of the Devil unto the living God, through Christ the Mediator and Saviour, lest by this Phantasterie and self-conceitedness of thine inveigled-Reason, thou become and abide a Fantastical Juggler for ever in hell. For without the Truth in Christ Jesus there is no salvation. THE OCCASION OF THE ensuing Treatise. WHereas in many Pulpits, as also in sundry writings of those that vaunt themselves true Christians, and followers or successors of the Apostles, there is nothing so common and ordinary, as reproachfully to abuse and traduce such as do not agree with their self-conceited-fond opinions, by the terms of Weigelians, Phantasts and Enthusiasts, and that with as much clamour and bitterness as can be devised. It was thought needful to show those Praters something of their own Phantasterie, whether it might please God to give them Repentance yet, to acknowledge the Truth, 1 Tim. 2.23. and to be freed from the snares of Satan (by whom they are held captive according to his will) to grow sober again; and by shaking off and renouncing their erroneous and fantastic spirit, Ezech. 13.3. Isa. 29.24. to receive understanding and instruction. Which is likewise requisite for the simple people and such as want true information, lest they do make themselves partakers with the sins of others, and participate of the plagues of Babel, Revel 6.18. Ose. 7.8, 9 but rather that they may save their souls as a prey out of and slighting the commandment of God, and with pleasure and delight arrogating unto himself a wisdom and knowledge of his own, He fell thereby off from God, was captivated by the spirit of this world, and subjected to the rule of Satan, who so infected him with his spreading poison, that the same did cleave not only to himself, but likewise to all his posterity, whereby they are corrupted body and soul to everlasting death, and become the children of wrath, and are satanical altogether. Ephes. 2. Yet seeing God ever good and gracious, Wisd. made not the Death nor took delight in the destruction of the living; but created man to eternal life, and to his Image, that he should be like unto him: But by the devils envy Death came into the world; therefore also God took hearty compassion of Man, and of his Grace repaired this fall by his everliving WORD with the promise of the seed of the woman, Wisd. 10 20. Gen. 3.15. who also afterwards was born man, and became an Attonement-offering; and graciously gave such a light to man, Ephes. 5.2. joh. 1. joh 8.12. Col. 3.4. 1 joh. 3.8. Ose. 13.14. joh. 1. Col. 1.15. joh. 9.5. Luk. 2 39 Bar. 1 joh. 5.6.7. whereby he was set upright again, and by the virtue whereof he was to fight against the seed of the Serpent, and overcome the sinful desires of the same, in the faith of the Covenant: For this woman's seed, the essential word of the Father, is the light and life of men, which doth destroy and overcome the works of Satan within them; and this Word which was in the beginning, whereby all things were created, and are conserved, is the light of men, which enlighteneth every man that cometh into the world, all namely that receive it, and love not the darkness of their carnal lust and sinful affections, as the works of Satan, more than the light, but rather turn from them unto the light, cleave unto it by faith, and suffer themselves to be guided and governed by the spirit of it; such have power to become the sons of God, joh. 1.12. and by the gracious inhabiting of this light, which is Christ, to be made partakers of the Divine Nature. Colos. 1.27. For this light, Christ, the essential Word of the Father; is the only Mediator and the only means whereby the fall of Adam may be abolished, 2 Pet. 1.4. Hebr. 3.14. 1 Tim. 25. the loss recovered, and man again reconciled with God: And this is that dayspring from on high that giveth light to them that sit in darkness, Hebr. 1.3. Luk. 1.78, 79. and in the shadow of death, that they may walk before God, in holiness and righteousness, o all wellpleasing. Who so hath this light in himself, 2 Cor. 4.6. Rom. 8. 1 joh. 2.27. Act. 15.11. Ose 12 10. Col. joh. joh. 15.5. 1 Cor. the same is enlightened; and whoso hath his spirit in himself, the same is a Christian and anointed; as likewise the Patriarches and the Prophets had him, and were saved only by him; who also did speak by them; With him and in him, is all the fullness of the Godhead, and of him and of his fullness, all of us must receive: He is the true Vine, and we are his branches, participating vigour and life of him and his fullness, and without him none is able to do any thing. He is that spiritual Rock, from whom the Fathers drank their spiritual drink, and all the regenerate to this day, still eat and drink this spiritual meat and spiritual drink, joh. 14.6. Eph. 4.21. Rom. 7.6. joh., 38. not in a Fantastical or imaginary manner of sensual reason, but in Truth: For in Christ there is Truth and Reality, and from thence do flow the rivers of living water springing up into everlasting life, out of them that do believe in him, and are partakers of his Spirit. But whoso hath not this Spirit, the same is no Christian; Rom. 8.10. and whoso doth not in Truth eat and drink this spiritual meat and drink, as the right and true bread of Heaven, joh. 6.53, 54. 1 joh. 5.9. Luk. 16.23. and water of life, the same hath no life in him, but his soul must eternally starve and perish, and his body must become an everlasting Darkness; and whoso hath not this Light and Word of Life dwelling in his heart as in a living-Temple of God, joh. the same is none of Gods, but a vessel of wrath, and of the spirit of darkness, who sets him on to all evil, and at last doth precipitate and cast him into perdition. Now although this be the only Truth, and altogether undeniable according to the verdict of the Scripture of the old and new Testament, and that only and solely by this light of grace and Truth, all the Patriarches, Prophets, Apostles, Act. 15.11. and all other children of God were saved, Act. 4.11, 12. joh. 14. Chap. 6.19. and yet are saved to this day; as also indeed there is no other Gospel, none other name or way, wherein we shall or may be saved, but Christ the WORD and Light of life, 2 Cor. 6.16, 17, 18. who truly and really hath his dwelling and abode in the children of God, and as the wellbeloved Son of God maketh them to become gracious sons and daughters of God, and partakers of the Divine Nature. Yet many there are that boast and vaunt themselves the Ministers of the Word, though falsely, 2 joh. 5.7. Epist jud. ver. 19 etc. who most impudently and blasphemously dare take upon them, to deny and traduce, nay like unto mad dogs, with fearful, and execrable barkings, balling, rail and calumnies, to set upon and persecute this gracious inhabiting of Christ in his faithful members; warning and exhorting the simple ones, to beware of such Men, and their Doctrine, whom they do call Distracted, Mad, Fantastic, Enthusiasts, Dreamers, Enchanters, etc. as they would do of the Devil himself. On the other side, they are ready and forward enough to boast and brag much of the story of Jesus Christ, Psal. 12. jam 2.19. according to their heathenish-Arts and deceitfull-prating; sitting in the Chair of Pestilence, Matth. 7.21. and puffing up themselves, like so many proud and garish Mountebanks talking and glorying of Christ, His Person, his office, how he hath satisfied for mankind; how he hath sent them forth as his own Messengers, Matth. 24. instead of the Apostles; 2 Thes. 2.4. that whosoever heareth them, doth hear Christ himself; what they say is the Word of God, and spoken as from heaven; Christ had said: Come unto me all ye, etc. Therefore men ought to come unto them, hear them, for where else should they find Him? Yea, that such as heard them, receive the Faith and holy Ghost thereby, and none otherwise. They are forsooth the means, the pipes and conduits whereby God doth save men: by them God takes away the sins of men; By them he makes men partakers of the body and blood of his Son: And he now that believeth them in all this, and forsaking Christ the living Well, doth seek the same in Christ's stead at their hands, and doth honour and make much of them for it; He it is, whom they commend for a true Christian, and one that hath the true and saving faith, albeit he live not accordingly, nor show forth such an holy conversation, as Christ commanded, and his Apostles and other Saints of God approved, by being themselves living patterns and examples thereof: O, say they, that matters not greatly, and can do them no harm; let them but acknowledge themselves poor sinners: the Priests have power to pardon, and absolve them in God's stead, and to take away the sins from them. Christ hath suffered death for them, that they need not live so exactly; what had his dying availed else? Let them but be of good cheer; and apply his merit to themselves; why the very Preachers themselves, although they do exhort others to a Christian life and conversation, and sit in the chair of the Apostles, yet they are not able to live thus; But the office which they are in, hath that power and virtue; that men should give heed unto it, and to their preaching and speaking, not to their life and conversation, they were but men themselves, even as others. By this false prating, the true spiritual knowledge of Christ is extinguished, 2 Tim. 2.13, 14, 15, 16, 17. 2 Pet. 2. Ezech. 13 10.18, 19, 22. and nothing remaineth but an historical relation, together with the hypocrisy and apish imitation; the children of men are utterly turned away from Christ, and caused to walk in their vanities, and the lusts of the flesh and corrupt reason, Gen. 18.21. whereunto they are inclined by their old Adamicall-nature, and do nothing but devise evil; and it is manifest, how, according to the course of this world, they live worse than the Heathen, being altogether ruled, driven, and acted by the spirit of Darkness, Ephes. 2.12. that hath his work in the children of unbeleef according to his own pleasure; and yet do persuade themselves, by reason of the promises of liberty, their shepherds feed them withal; that for all that they are very good Christians, and have the faith, if so be they do but frequently repair to them in their stone-Churches, Pulpits, and Confession-chairs, and reverence the Ministry, than all is well enough with them. Thus by the deceit of such men being the instruments of the Devil, 2 Thes. 2.9. Ezek. 22.25. and not Pastors but murderers of souls, they encourage and strengthen their old Adam in his carnal lusts, and the sensual desires of their self-love, every where and in all occasions, to seek and advance thereby their own glory, ease and benefit, Eph. 4.17, &c, directly against the commandments of Christ, against the doctrine and examples of the Apostles, R●● 6.12. Cap. 7.4. etc. Gal. 5.16. Cap. 6.7. 1 Pet. Matth. 16.24. Luk. 17.33. joh. 12.25. joh. 15.5. 1 Tim. who incessantly insist and urge that the old Adam, that is, the outward man, together with his sinful lusts and deserts, shall and aught to be subdued, crucified and killed; that man must deny himself, forsake all evil in his heart, and taking his cross upon him, follow Christ; that we must cease to do evil, fear God and do good, and Christ alone must give the power and strength hereunto, by his Spirit; to whom being sealed by him, we must submit to receive instructions. Tit. 2.12. Gen. 6.2, 3. Behold and consider now how fare these people are from Christ, and the true faith, and how shamefully they do beguile both themselves and others, with unprofitable imaginations and supposed opinions, Psal. 50.16, 17 conceit and tongue-faith, comforting themselves from without in their imaginary and Fantastical apprehensions, Isa. 29.13. Matth. 7.26. joh 5.38. with the merit and satisfaction of Christ, stroking and soothing thereby their old Man, in his sinful courses; but cannot endure the Spirit of Christ, stroking and soothing thereby their old Man, in his sinful courses; but cannot endure the Spirit of Christ, or the inward Word of God in the Heart, as in his Temple; reviling and traducing that gracious inhabiting, despighting and gainsaying the holy Ghost openly; Hebr. 10.29. and thus indeed rejecting the true foundation and cornerstone of the everlasting covenant in their building. This beloved, Luk. 11.39. is indeed a most false perniciously and deadly foolish Fantasy whereby these Fantastical Men, together with all that cleave unto them, joh. and seek for light in darkness, do precipitate and plunge themselves into everlasting Darkness. For he that is not united with God by the inhabiting of Christ, 1 Cor. 1.9. Hebr. 3.6. and 6.6. the true and only light, in a true faith, must remain thus separated from God, and enchained with Lucifer in darkness for ever. Therefore take heed and understand yet at length ye children of men, 2 Pet. 2.1. that, when your Preachers do deny and traduce the inhabiting of Christ in the true believers, they do speak too presumptuously against Christ and against his members (who by the inhabiting of the Spirit of Christ in them, Ephes. 4.30. or by the participation of the Divine Nature, are truly sealed and new born to be the children of God) and truly the apple of his eye. 2 Cor. 1.22. But of themselves, that deny this inhabiting of Christ, and that Christ doth not dwell in them, 2 Pet. 7. joh. 8.44. not feeling him in themselves, and denying the Lord that bought them, it may be truly said (according to the saying of Christ to the Jews) Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father you will do: He was a murderer and a liar from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because the truth is not in him. When he speaketh a lie he speaketh of his own. For this is manifest by the likeness of these Scribes and Pharisees of the New Testament, with these of the Old Testament which had the word of God not dwelling within them, and called Christ a made man and an enchanter; and plainly showed by their hypocritical and carnal course and conversation, Matth. 11.30. Hebr. 10.29. and the fruits thereof, that not Christ but Antichrist, which is the spirit of Darkness, and the Prince of this world, did inhabit them, and wrought such works. Now consider yet further, dear Man, Isa 61.6: 1 Pet. 2.9. that by reason of and from this inhabiting and anointing, all Christians are children of the light, Priests of the Lord, a royal priesthood and holy peculiar people of God, that aught to declare the power of him that called them out of darkness to his marvellous light, and washed them through his blood, and made them Priests, Rev. 1.6.9, 10. Rom. 12.18. Gal. 5. Hos. 14.3. Heb. 5.13. Revel. 5.8. Numb. 16. 2 Chron. 26.16. to present their bodies a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, and to crucify and destroy the works of the flesh, and the earthly members in their lusts; to offer up the calves of their lips, as the fruits of the same; in a praise-offering to God through Christ; and to present the censor of the heart full of the sweet-smelling savour of prayer. For as in the old Testament, none were permitted to be a priest, and to burn incense before God, but Aaron and his sons, that issued from him as from a Rock, so in the new Testament none is a Christian but he that is cut out of Christ the living Rock, 1 Cor. 10.4. Cap 3.16. Matth. 16.18. 1 Pet. 1.23. Isa. 8.18. 1 joh 5.1.14. Matth. 3.17. joh. 1.13. c. 4.24. c. 16.26. Hebr. 5.16. 1 Cor. 6.17. joh. 14.16, 17. 2 Cor 4.6. 1 joh. 2. and built upon him, and none dare draw near unto God with his prayer, but he that is regenerated of Christ. And to his throne of grace they all approach with cheerfulness, that will obtain mercy from God their heavenly Father, through the same mercy seat, Jesus Christ, by whom as the wellbeloved, they are acceptable before God. Ephes. 1.6. And upon this same ground also, all true Christians are not secular but spiritual men, for they cleave unto the Lord, and are one spirit with him, which Christ hath given unto them from the Father, and thereby sealed them; whereby likewise as by a showing light, there ariseth in their hearts the enlightening from the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ, assuring and teaching them inwardly, and not only making their hearts sure, Gal. 5.16. but working withal the fruits of the Spirit within them, such as are faith, love, patience, peace, kindness, meekness, etc. and therefore they are spiritual people, hating the works and fruits of the flesh; such as are, adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, idolatry, sorcery, enmity, strife, envy, wrath, hatred, variance, divisions, seditions, murder, drunkenness, gluttony, pride, ambition, extortion, covetousness, and the like; all which do mark out a secular, jer. 7. worldly and carnal man, where they are committed. But those that belong to Christ, do crucify their flesh with its lusts, and desires; and as they live in the spirit, so they walk likewise in the spirit; and are in deed and in truth no secular or worldly but spiritual men; however otherwise by their places and offices here, they may be Kings, Princes, Nobles, Citizens or Peasants. Mark then and try thyself, O Man, what fruits there break forth in thy life from within, Matt and how thy heart is disposed inwardly in its thoughts and affections, whether thou be a secular or spiritual person: Let not the prating of those falsely called spiritual or Divines with their outward Church preach, confessions, and communions deceive thee; but go and try now thy own self, whether Christ doth dwell and live in thee, whether thou be in the faith, fit or unfit, exercise love, yea or no, 2 Cor. 13.5.6. and let not their pretended difference trouble thee, that they do call themselves the Priests, spiritual ones, and men in holy Orders or Divines, and these of thy Rank and Quality the secular and Lay-people. The Devil, as the spirit of Darkness, hath taught them to devise this difference, whose spiritual creatures they are; for he can likewise transform himself into an Angel of light, 1 Cor. 11.13. and is a spirit; why not then as well also his own Apostles and Ministers? but as he is a spirit of Darkness, so are they spiritual ones of darkness, or altogether worldly and carnal, whose belly is their God, and whose glory is their shame; for that is one and the same before God, and their end will be according to their works. Phil. 3.19. But all true regenerate Christians, are spiritual indeed, and bring forth the fruits of the spirit, let them be for outward office or charge, what they will, Emperor, King, Prince, Noble, Citizen, Peasant, Preacher, hearer, they are all of one spirit, one soul, Phil. 1.27. Gal. Col. 3.11. and lay hold on the unity of the spirit; and there is no difference, they be all but one in Christ; there is neither Greek, nor Jew, neither circumcision nor uncircumcision, neither Barbarian, nor Cithian, neither bond nor free, neither servant nor master, maid nor mistress, and so also neither estates spiritual nor secular or temporal, neither Laicus nor Clericus, neither Priest nor Lay, but Christ is all in all, and Love the Bond of Perfectness, doth tie and knit them altogether into one spirit, also many members of one body, whereof the head is Christ. See now and consider the great Phantastery of those, Col. 2, 18.23. that among such as would be the people of God, do vaunt themselves the special Priests the spiritual ones, the powerful Ministers of Christ, pretending, they teach the others in Christ his stead, provide, revive and comfort their souls, with the assurance of everlasting salvation, pardon them their sins, which God did take away by their means; nay they were the means; whereby, as by a pipe or conduit, God did impart faith and the holy Ghost unto men, and save them, souls and bodies, everlastingly, they must be present by all means, if any doth mean to enjoy a blessed departure out of this world; of them and by them they are fed in their souls with the body and blood of Christ; if they do but pronounce the word of consecration upon it: and when they administer Baptism, that the same is the Regeneration; that they themselves are the apple of God's eye, the Messengers of his mouth; that he that heareth them, heareth Christ himself, and by them God doth teach and instruct mankind; that God will do nothing without them, unless it were in case of extremity, than he supplied their part himself, yet not indifferently with all, but with such only, that had formerly honoured and renounced them and their Ministry; that none ought to stumble or take exception against their scandalous life, and conversation; but look only upon their function and upon the word, that it ought to be esteemed a great mercy of God, that he is pleased to give and communicate his graces to other men, by such polluted stinking vessels and conduits: that the doctrine is pure and sound still, be the Doctor never so vile and rotten, nay though he were the Devil himself. Lo the swelling and strange imagination, and the Phantacticall conceitedness, thus men are enthralled withal, by the deceit of the spirit of darkness, who casteth such a mist before their eyes, in their arts and sciences; that they are not able to discern the light of the truth, for the thickness thereof; 2 Cor. 4.4. but are fallen into these abominable Antichristian blasphemies against God and his Christ, and seducing such as follow them into the same Phantasterie. Silly and besotted men! how, I pray, shall they be able, to provide for comfort and solace, their or other men's souls, when as we see them to be so careless and superficial in regard of their own? Do they not live in all carnal pleasures, in luxury, uncleanness, drunkenness, gluttony, debo●stnesse, in greedy pursuit of vain glory, and filthy lucre, in pride, envy, wrath, hatred, strife, contention, falsehood and deceit, walking altogether after the flesh; How can they be spiritual, I pray? they are stark dead in sin, and utterly stranged from the knowledge of themselves, how shall they be able to show thee the way to life? How shall they teach thee that knowledge of God, that is proper only to the anointing, which they have not at all, but slander and deride rather. Their wickedness and vice, is the very same the Prophets taxed in the Priests and Shepherds, and Christ and his Apostles reproved in the Pharisees, and the learned among the Jews; therefore read and peruse the same and thou shalt find all things agree with the practice of these falsely termed Divines or spiritual men, and that they prove yet worse in all regard. Blind-Guides alas! Matth. 23. how should they be able to speak comfort to any man's soul, and to allay their fiery trials, agonies and temptations, 1 Pet. 2.25. Psal. 23. with heavenly cordials; the same lying not all in any man's power, for only Christ and none but Christ, is the Archshepherd and Bishop, jer. 31.25. Mat. 11.28, 29. Psal. 107.9. Col. 1.27. 1 Thes. 1.3. Isa. 44.24. Ca 45.19.22. Isa. 42.8. ca 41.11. Rom. 1.22. jer. 23.24. Isa. 57.15, 16. yea the Physician and the Physic itself of the drooping and distressed souls: they can find no rest in any human comfort or babbling, but only and solely in Christ; that uniteth them with God; and gives them life; for Christ is our life, and he in us is that firm and undeceiveable hope of everlasting glory. He it is that blotteth out our transgressions, for His sake, and dispelleth our misdeeds, as a cloud, and our sins as a mist. Therefore, turn away thyself from these blind leaders to Christ himself; for it is he that redeemeth thee, and he will give his glory to none other, neither to those self upstart carnall-Idols. He needs no deputy nor Vicegerent; but as he filleth heaven and earth, so he dwelleth in sin-broken hearts, as in his Temple, and comforteth the spirit of the humble and drooping, and hath not need of any other means or Mediator. 1 joh. 1.2, 3. Isa. 45.11. Isa. 44.2. And the true Messengers of God do testify and declare this unto their brethren, and direct the same to Christ himself, as to the well and spring of Life: to Him that made them, and that was with them from their mother's womb; and they do not take upon them to be his Vicegerents, as if they were able to comfort or save the souls of men. Who am I? 1 Cor. 3. saith St. Paul. I have betrothed you to a husband that ye should cleave to Christ, as a pure Virgin; & not suffer yourselves to be led aside by the wiles of Satan, 2 Cor. 11.2. from the simplicity in Christ, to be directed to such or such, or to call yourselves after them. Ye shall have no Father on earth, saith Christ, namely, of regeneration, but only the heavenly Father, who is the only true Father, Matth. 23.9. of all that is called children in heaven and on earth. How then can ye call these men the spiritual Fathers of your souls, Eph. 3.15. which yet do more hinder then further you, in coming to the heavenly Father: having taken away the keys of heaven; Matth. 23.13. they neither themselves will enter therein, nor suffer you to get into it, shutting the gates against you, and frighting you away from it, with their clamours and outcries; lest in any wise ye should draw near to your heavenly Father, without their means and Mediatorship: for do but observe, I pray, how Christ doth answer the Pharisees as they demanded of him, when the Kingdom of God should come; Luk. 17.20. that it cometh not with outward observations or ceremonies: neither shall say lo here or lo there is it, but the kingdom of God is inward and within Man; and St. Paul saith, The kingdom of God doth not consist in eating & drinking, 1 Cor. 4.20. Rom. 14.17. 1 Cor. 2.4. nor in great swelling words, or artificial prating, but in power and in the demonstration of the Spirit of God, it being righteousness, peace, and joy in the holy Ghost; that Man is to serve God in this kingdom in spirit and truth, God being a Spirit himself, joh. 4.23. M●tt. 6.10.23. and requiring such worshippers as do worship him in spirit and truth: joh. 24.21. Therefore also Christ hath taught us to seek above all things the kingdom of God, and earnestly to entreat and pray to God, that it may come unto us, and be revealed in us. Unto this kingdom of God, Col. 1.27.27. Matth. 13.44. 2 Cor. 4.7. Eph. 2.21. which lies already hid within thee, all the faithful teachers do direct thee, when as they speak of Christ that great mystery within us, how thou art a Temple and dwelling of the holy Ghost; how thou dost carry the treasure in the field, and in an earthen vessel, Deut. 30.11. that the grace may be God through Christ the word of life, Rom. 10.8. which is near thee in thy heart, and in thy mouth. What do our phantastics pray to this? O, say they, that is not to be understood: these be Pauliniall Phrases, certain usual experssions: the Kingdom of God ought to be sought with them in their vile stone Churches, where you may hear them make, Cicero like, a number of acquaint and curious Declarations and discourses out of the holy Scriptures, after their manner; according to the Idol Brain or Glosses of Antichrist and human learning, every one as he is taught and principled by those humane sects; Where also in the chancel or choir of their auticular confession, they do forgive the people their sins in God's stead, Matth. 24. and administer their Sacraments: there there they say, is the kingdom of God; thither men are called and invited to the great supper, by the peal of the Bells, and their pulpits; there they are the stewards of the mysteries of God; what others say of the kingdom of God within Man, that is nothing to them, but Phantasterie, Enthusiastrie, in man there dwelleth nought that is good; how should the kingdom of God be within him? Men ought, say they, to repair and frequent to their Churches, there is the house of God, the gates of heaven, the City that he hath chosen, where he hath set up the memorial of his Name, where the great supper is celebrated, where Christ is cried into men from without. See, beloved, how these men are carried and hurried by the giddiness and spirit of Darkness, Art. 7.48. ●. 17.24 jer. 3.16. ●. 7.4. Lies and blasphemies. When the true children of God do speak of the kingdom of God through Christ within them, and prove or redargue that Phantasterie, of God dwelling in houses or Churches made with hands; (whereof the Jews were wont so much to boast and glory, saying, here is the Temple of the Lord and the Ark of the Covenant) and endeavour to withdraw their neighbour from such Phantastery to the living God, Isa. 57.15.66. whose Throne are the heavens, and the earth his footstool, and whose dwelling is in a contrite heart; then the spirit of lies doth belch forth in his phantastics and giving out, the children of God do forbid, to come to any Churches or Assemblies. For they are vexed, when the word of Christ is cast in their teeth touching the false Prophets in sheep's clothing, Matth. 24. that say, Here is Christ, or He is in the wilderness, and in the chamber or chapel; and when thereby their Antichristian Phantastery is discovered; But beloved, be not thou daunted with such lies, for the children of God do not forbid to come to Church, or to frequent the assemblies of the congregations, such, namely, as are gathered in the unity of the spirit, this they are falsely slandered withal, by the lying spirit, that swayeth these Phantastiques, only they do point at the false and fond opinion of these Babblers and Idols, that would have men imagine and believe their Phantasteries, as if God had his dwelling and abode in their stony rotten Churches, wherein the screech-owls, Bats, crows, and sparrows nestle; there the kingdom of God were to be met withal, persuading people that there God would hear them in an especial manner, and what they do propound and tell men in these places, they ought to receive and obey as the Word of God, and there none should dare to control or gainsay them; thus and thereby laying waste and desolate the living Temples of the holy Ghost, that is, the souls and hearts of men; thereof they say nothing, or at best, but little, and in a very confused and intricate manner. This indeed is insufferable to God's children, and directly against the glory of God; that there they should hear of the lies and calumnies of those phantastics, and by their silence and connivance, as it were approve and ratify the same before all the congregation, and to deny Christ and his glory; and therefore they have reason to absent themselves from their meetings, seeing their gainsaying or protesting against them, 1 Cor. 14.26. would be held a great sin, although among true Christians, it should be lawful to every one. But yet they have as good reason altogether, to speak against these ways, thereby to withdraw the straying from such false opinions, that they may possess their heart with God, joh. 4.21. Luk. 17.20. and seek for the kingdom of God, according to the doctrine of Christ, within themselves, not suffering themselves to be tied to any place whatsoever. In the mean while they do not despise the gathering of the congregations together, whether it be a house of wood or stone; or in the open field either; nor do they simply find fault with frequenting of Churches, provided it be done out of a true love to God's word, and to stir up one another with prayers to the praise of God in the great congregation, and solemn devotions: as likewise that the younger sort may be taught and instructed, 1 Cor. 14.23. Hebr. 10.24, 25. jer. 7.4. the elder exhorted and encouraged in their courses, and erring and stumbling ones, be reclaimed, heartened and strengthened. Therefore now lay this to heart, and rely on lies no longer when ye hear them say: Here is the Temple of the Lord, we have the true Religion, here is the kingdom of God; but amend your lives and do, dealing righteously one with another; and let this be a sure mark and character, when thy Preachers tell thee that the kingdom of God is to be sought with them in their stone Churches, in their Pubpits, in the Chancel of confession, and in the Lord's Supper or at the Communion, inveighing and railing withal against those that do not condemn the gathering of the congregations to heart the Word (but only blame and speaks against the false opinions, and maintain with Christ, that the kingdom of God is within man, and that the Christians are the true Temples and dwelling houses of God the holy Ghost) I say again, be sure then, Luk. 17.20. 1 Cor. 6.19. Hebr. 3.6. that such are the many phantastics, and false Prophets, Antichristian and diabolical Teachers; and if thou suffer thyself to be deluded, and conceited by their means; that, repairing to them in their Churches, in thy carnal ways and conditions, and so hearing them, and fetching the pardon of thy sins from them for money, an Alms or some other outward respect, thou hast there performed thy service unto God, art reconciled with God, hast been in the kingdom of God, and at his great Supper, and yet dost not find the kingdom of God in thine own heart and soul, but goest on still in the old vanity of thy carnal courses, joh. 14.21. 2 joh. 5. according to the lusts of this world; then thou art a Fantastic as they, and mightily deceived, for not those that heart the Word here or there from without, but they that have it in their hearts, that keep and do according to it, and live no more in themselves and their own desires, but in Christ, in God, and according to the will of God, and likewise do love one another from the heart in all uprightness and sincerity; th●se are the children of God in whom Christ doth dwell as in his house and Temple, Hebr. 3.6. 2 Cor. 3.16. and guide and govern them by his holy and blessed Spirit. As for those other, although they shall say, Lord have we not done great deeds in thy Name; Have we not made excellent and powerful Sermons, driven out Devils; have we not been constant daily and diligent frequenters of the Church, have we not often confessed ourselves and gone to receive the Communion, and absolution and pardon of our sins, by thy vicegerents? this is the sentence they shall be doomed withal; Get ye hence ye workers of iniquity, Matth. 7.21, 22, 23. I never knew you yet; for none shall enter into the kingdom of heaven, but such as do the will of my Father. Now to speak of the Bond of Brotherly love in the Unity of the Spirit, which is the Bond of Perfectness, whereby the true children of God do love their very enemies; and do good unto them; for when all things shall cease, yet love is to abide still, and it is the only infallible character of the children of God, and Christ's disciples; But God himself is love, 1 Cor. 13. joh. 13.34. 1 joh. 4 17. and without him none can love either God, or his neighbour; Therefore true Christian love proceedeth from the gracious inhabiting of Christ, who by his blessed spirit, Rom. 5.4. joh. 16. doth power out the love in our hearts, which overcometh all crosses and afflictions, and can be separated from God by nothing. Rom. 8.35, 39 Consider and see now, I pray, whether thou canst trace out love in thy Preachers; Verily, if thou do not sufficiently honour them, and fill their hands; Luk. 20.45, 46. or if thou discover but in the least degree or wink that thou dost not hold and esteam of them, as of the Vicegerents of Christ, Matth. 25. and such as are able to pardon thy sins; or if thou agree and assent not unto their Fantastic opsnions, but endeavour rather to draw and direct both them and thy neighbour out of a tender and brotherly heart, unto that which is good, even, 1 Cor. 11.3.5. with Paul to Christ himself; & not assent to those Men or self-authorized Vicegerents; thou shalt soon discover what love there is in them; and by whom they are inhabited; for they do testify it by the practice of their abominable slandering; reviling, excommunicating, condemning, irritating and enraging of the silly multitudes that the Word and the Love of God have no dwelling in them. joh. 5.41.38. ● Take a view of Love throughout St. John's Epistle, and according to that examine and try both thyself and Preacher, than thou shalt be soon and easily able to discern between upright Christians, and those phantastics or hypocrites: and beware of giving credit to it, that any one can be a Christian that walketh not in love, 1. joh. 3. for he that loveth not, hath not God abiding in him; and he that hath not Christ in himself, but notwithstanding his worldly course and conversation, presumeth to comfort himself in the immaginarie conceitedness of a false-Opinion-saith with the Merit of Christ, the same doth deceive and delude both himself and others. Therefore prove and try thyself, and learn to discern and discover the Phantastery of th●se, that conceive they may love both God and their neighbour well enough, without Christ's true inhabiting of them. And by reason hereof now turn thyself unto God, the source or stream and fountain of love; 1 joh. 4.17. joh. 6.44. follow his drawings, whither both M●●●s, the Prophets and all the Apostles, yea Christ himself, and likewise all sincere and upright Teachers and Preachers do lead and direct thee; Psal. 8.5. and so thou shalt find the Love of the Father to arise within thee, by his living Word; and thy heart seasoned and possessed throughly, Rom 5.5. by this Love, as the holy Ghost; without which LOVE, it will be utterly impossible for thee to love God and thy Neighbour; for all perfect gifts do come from him as from the Father of lights. jam. 1.16. One thing more thou art to be minded of, viz. that these modern Phantasts do mightily defame and vilify, as they conceive the true children of God, by terming and calling them, Enthusiasts; But know, that Enthusiasta in the Greek tongue doth signify a man endued with divine power, governed and acted by the Spirit of God, as were in former times the Prophets and Apostles, and as all Saints and holy persons yet are, according to the measure, which the Spirit vouchsafeth unto them, for which cause the World also doth account and call them distracted and stark mad fools and Bedlams. Whereas indeed these are even they, whom Christ, together with his Father and the holy Spirit, joh. 14.24. is come in unto, having made there abode within them: that same Spirit teacheth and leads them, joh. 15.16.18. whom the world cannot receive, neither see him. And he doth dwell in them as in a holy. Temple, and thereby they are partakers of the divine nature, 1 Cor. 3.16. 2 Pet. 1.4. and members of the body of Christ, flesh and bone, of his flesh and bone; and by this Spirit that abideth for ever with them, Ephes. 5.30. and leadeth the children of God in the right path, teaching, instructing, chastising, swaying and governing them, 1 joh. 3. they know assuredly, that God is and abideth within them. Those now that are thus qualified are the right and true Enthusiasts: and are nowhit ashamed of the Word. As for other matters that are falsely fathered upon them (as if they used to set themselves into some secret corner or other, and wait there for special Raptures and Revelations, till some spirit come unto them, and instruct them in this or that, these and such like tales and fables) are the forged lies of the Antichristian Phantasts that neither know themselves, nor Christ, nor any true Christian. The children of God know of no other revelation, joh. 14.21. 1 Cor. 1. Gal. 1.12. Ephes. 1.19. Rom. 8.20. but such as Christ and Paul meant, and as is already alleged. He that hath not the Spirit of Christ, nor is acted and guided by him, is none of his and no Christian, but an Antichrist and child of Satan. Mark therefore and observe well, I pray, since these phantastics and Railers do of themselves confess, that Christ and his Spirit do not inhabit them; nay dare moreover call it Phantastery, when, Paul saith, that these are the children of God, that are led by the Spirit, by whom they destroy the works of the flesh; blasphemously denying and traducing the inhabiting of Christ; it is more than evident, that all their Christianity, and all their vain glorious babbling and prating of Christ, is but a mere Phantastery, an empty windy Word-Selling which hath neither virtue nor substance; and because they are not Enthei, and have not God within them, therefore they are Athei, Godless Athists without God; and not being Christ's, or anointed and illuminated, they are Antichrists, Matt. 12.30. Revel. 18.2. 1 joh. 3.8.10. Act. 5.3. Cap. 13.10. blinded and darkened, and not being a dwelling of Christ and Temple of his Spirit, they are a Babel, the dwelling and abode of unclean spirits, and hateful fowls, wherein the Devil dwelleth, who doth likewise appear and show forth himself from within them, by their outward works of carnal lusts, covetousness, pride, envy, wrath, cruelty and persecution, what kind of Bud and Antichristian-murthering-spirit doth nestle in their hearts, and what a false spirit doth issue forth in their words, lo, thus they are judged out of their own words and works. But the time will likewise soon approach, that all these Atheists and godless persons, shall become and turn to be the Devils Phantusiasts, when, namely, God shall execute his judgements now upon them as upon the disobedient Jews, when for terror and anguish of heart, Isa. 66.24. 2. Esdr. 13. Psal. 54. they shall lie and lirk in holes, and for the fire of hell kindled in ●heir hearts, and for the gnawing worm of their conscience they shall giddily tun about, and howl like dogs, that they may not be satisfied, but faint and starve in their souls, because they would not endure Christ the living water and true comfort of the soul, Isa. 52.6. jer. 2.13. within them, and likewise forbade and hindered others from drinking, offering them water for money out of their own corrupt and stinking puddles. Thus then beloved, thou hast heard, who are the great Phantasts and Antichristian Jugglers now adays, that do but apishly imitate that which is true, and thus by their Fantastical imaginations deceive both themselves and others, and fail of the way everlasting. Consider now and try thyself well, Matt. 24.5. etc. 2 Tim. 3.1, etc. Rev. 17.13. Matth. 7.15. and beware of the false Prophets and Phantasts, who according as Christ and Paul foretold, are risen in these latter times, not by single or few persons, but in a numerous multitude, pretending his name, and boasting of mighty signs and works; seek them out in Countries, Cities, Villages, try them well, and beware of them, by their fruits thou shalt know them: he that is not with Christ both in life and Doctrine, and is not led and acted by the indwelling Spirit of Christ, to show forth the living faith in love, and only to look in Christ, but meaneth to soothe up and daub over his fleshly lusts, in the ways of Darkness, and the old man; with the merit and satisfaction of Christ, saying, here in the wilderness, or there is Christ, and boasts of his Christianity, the same is no Christian, but an Antichrist, a Lyat, a Phantast, a Stage-player and an Ape; whose Christianity consisteth not in the Truth which is Christ, but in a self made-imagination and outward-hypocriticall peevishness. Therefore also it is nothing but Phantastery and deceit, whereby men do beguiled both themselves and those that follow them, and fall together into the everlasting darkness. Glory only be to God. A DISCOVERY OF THE ARCH-WHORE AND HER Paramours (or Lovers) of whom the HOLY SPIRIT of GOD beareth Witness. IEsus Christ, GOD and Man, having accomplished the work of the Redemption of Mankind, hath sent forth his Messengers into all the world to gather unto himself a Church or Spouse out of both Jews and Gentiles. These dispatched Messengers of God, have accordingly taught men with all care and faithfulness, to renounce all earthly lusts and pleasures, to crucify their flesh, to forsake all men, how wise soever, even themselves and every thing else, that is not God himself, and in pure and single hearted Love, to cleave unto their Head and Bridegroom Jesus Christ, as being betrothed unto him, and to be only and altogether corrected, 2 Cor. 11. ●1. 3 ruled, led and taught in all submissive humble obedience, by him and by his Spirit. But as the Church began already in the Apostles days, besides their Bridegroom Christ, to honour also his Ministers in his stead, to cleave unto & follow them, and to call themselves after their names, although the holy men did highly rebuke them for, and earnestly dissuade them from it, lest they should be ●●●●way like E●e, ● Cor. 11. by the Serpent from the simplicity or plainness of Christ; for as much as they ought to be Christ's only a●d no Ma●s, and that God doth catch the crafty in the World, and con●ou●deth them with all their wisdom. So after their Departure is this Adultery broke forth publicly, and the Ministers themselves have alured the Spouse of Christ unto themselves with sweet and stately language and show of their office, and have not addressed them directly only and solely to Christ their Bridegroom (to wait on his Spirit, for life, power, instruction and government) but have offered themselves to provide for the Souls, the Comfort of Eternal Salvation, in the name and stead of Christ, thereby to win men with soothing and magnificent words unto themselves, according as the Adultery of the Churches and their daughters as well among the Papists, and their party, as among the rest, even to this very present, is but too manifest. Whereas it is a known business as well in many other places as in Popery, how there hath been devised a spiritual marriage between the Ministers and their Parish Churches, which hath its beginning in the call and ordination, is consecrated, consummated and perfected by his saying or singing the first Mass, and by the imposition of hands; Whence also they are not ashamed openly to give out themselves for spiritual Fathers, as who like conduits presume to get spiritual children by their Churches, calling them their Parish Children, Confession-childrens. And although some hundred and two hundred years ago God raised some Ministers, by whom as by his Instruments he caused his Word to be set forth and published again, and this Adultery to be made notorious and manifest. Yet nevertheless the Churches would not desist from their wont fornication, but being set free once out of that painful Papistical brothel-house of despair, they run, like the Stag, even mad in a wild and unbridled Libertinism, beginning anew to dote on those Ministers and their followers; sought the comfort of salvation at their hands in stead of Christ's, and setting aside their own Lord-Head and Bridegroom (who only and solely aught to inhabit, rule and make fruitful the soul) did cleave unto the servants and Ministers, and called themselves after their names. And thereby they have plunged themselves into such horrible babylonical division and confusion, that the true knowledge of Christ and of his holy and precious life, is utterly extinguished, and the true Christianity turned and changed into a sectarian confusion and most heathenish conversation, where men go on every one according to the lusts and greedy desires of his corrupt Adamicall flesh; for their own glory, lust, love and goods, snatching at, hating, envying, devouring, slandering, condemning and persecuting one another, and yet for all that still conceiting they have as good a share and interest in the Merits of Christ as any. This now is that painted Jesabel, with her glorying and glistering outside; that great Babylon, with her so many names of Blasphemies, the Mother of all Whoredom, with whom the kings of the earth do commit fornication; and being made drunk with her cup of Abomination do storm and rage so mightily; and she is carried and supported by the spotted Beast, and the beastly world rule here. And what are her children, that she brought forth by her Paramours and spiritual Husbands, but Lions, Bears, ravening Fowls, Woolves, Dogs, Foxes, Swine, and the like, who every one and all do what they can to persecute the Lamb. For having ever resisted the Spirit of God, Satan the old Dragon hath thereby so rooted and strengthened his kingdom and palace in her and in her children; that he governeth and leadeth them at his own and absolute pleasure. Hence it is come to pass that the Bond of Love, according to the unity of the Spirit, is broken asunder among men, and Christ notwithstanding they boast and glory so much of him among all Sects is still crucified by the Learned, in his word according to the spirit and power thereof, and by the Mighty ones, in his members. And hence also have all the modern Wars and troubles their source and beginning, which were hatched and broached by nothing so much, as by the irritating, prating, urging, streporous and virulent squeaking before the Kings and Princes of the Earth, of those three Dragon-Frogs, who seek still every one for himself to be in better and higher grace and favour with the Whore than the others. But now it is manifest and apparent every where, how the Horns of this Beast, wherein this Arch-whore drunk in Saints blood sitteth, I mean the Forces and Armies that are abroad in all parts do begin to persecute this great confounded Whore, devouring her flesh and laying her desolate, as it is put into their hearts, until the words of God shall be fulfilled upon her. And God hath broken and cut asunder the Bands, and delivereth men every one into the hand of his neighbour, the one to fall by the sword of the other, and the thrones of kingdoms to come reeling down to the ground. Happy is he that marketh this, and layeth it to heart; that goeth out of Babel, and doth not make himself partaker of her sins, and abominable whoredoms, lest ye receive part also of her plagues. But the time is at hand that the Lamb of God will grow wrath, and lay down his enemies for his footstool; resisting and severely avenging such long practised Murder, in his Word and Members, and contrarily glorify upon Mount Zion; the woman that was thrust forth into the wilderness; the true Church namely, together with her native Members dispersed and scattered as yet, among all parts and sects, and so distressed by the brood of the Dragon; when as Babel shall be made the habitation of ghastly fowls. Blessed is he that so watcheth and walketh as that the shame of his nakedness be not discovered, but that he may appear in white Robes at the wedding of the Lamb. Glory only to God. FINIS.