A CONFERENCE Between a Sick man, and a Minister, showing the nature of Presumption, despair, and the true living Faith. ESAY 45.25. In the Lord shall all the seed of Israel be justified, and glory. 1 COR. 2.2. I determined not to know any thing among you, save Jesus Christ, and him crucified. By HEN. den, an unworthy Minister of Christ Iesus, at Pyrton in Hertfordshire. LONDON, Printed by THO. BADGER, 1642. To my welbelov'd Friends, and Brethren in the Lord, the Inhabitants of Pyrton, in the County of Hertford, greeting in the Lord Iesus. dearly Beloved in the Lord, I present these things to your view; that you may see in a brief Conference the sum of that Doctrine, which( through the grace of God) I haue taught and you believed. I confess you have cause to say, that you have heard many things from me, which are not here mentioned: Yet this you will witness on my behalf, that here is nothing set down which you have not before heard. I have in this present discourse imitated the Geographer, who intending to describe a large country in a small Map, contenteth himself to set down the chief Towns, and let the smaller Villages, pass without any mention. Thus have I( being to draw the substance of 10 yeares Sermons into a few lines) contented myself, with the Description of the most material and fundmentall Doctrines, which I have delivered unto you. And this I have done, not only to testify my unfeigned love, which I bear unto you, and my ardent desire that your souls may prosper. But also to signify unto the World, that I am ready to give an account of my Faith, and to defend my Doctrine( against all opposers) from such clamours and aspersions as have been always laid upon it, But especially when I delivered this Sermon, which you have seen already. And I am confident I shall be able to do this, through the grace of God, given unto me, by your ardent prayers to God for me, that utterance may be given me, that I may open my mouth boldly, and declare the mystery of the gospel, to his glory, and your consolation. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit. Amen. Your most unworthy Minister HEN. den. A CONFERENCE Between a Sick man, and his Pastor: wherein after ordinary salutations given, and received; the Sick man beginneth thus. Sick man. SIr what judge you of my spiritual estate and condition? Minister. Charity judgeth the best; but what man knoweth the things of a man, save the spirit of a man which is in him. Sick. I have a steadfast hope in Almighty God, that I shall be saved when I die. Min. Blessed is he that is able to give a reason of the hope that is in him, with meekness and fear. Sic. I have many reasons of my hope, first, I have an earnest desire to be saved above all thinks in the world. Min. This reason may deceive you; For it is written, Many shall seek, to enter and shall not be able. Sic. How then doth the promise stand good; ask and it shall be given you, seek and ye shall find, knock and it shall be opened, Mat. 7.7, 8. Min. This promise is not made unto every particular person, but only to the Disciples and in them to all believers, Matth. 21.22. Whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, if ye believe ye shall receive it, and John 15.7. If ye abide in me and my words abide in you, ask what ye will and it shall be done to you. See also Mark, 11.24. Sic. What say you to this gracious promise? Blessed are they which hunger and thirst after righteousness, for they shall be filled, Mat. 5.6. Min. I say to this as to the former: that this promise is made only to believers, Luke 6.20. And he lifted up his eyes upon his Disciples and said, Blessed are ye that hunger, &c. Is it not said, blessed are they that mourn? yet are not all mourners blessed. Sic. I have heard, and I think read, that a desire to believe is Faith itself. Min. The poor man can tell you that, to be rich, and to desire to be rich, are two things; even so is Faith and a desire to believe, as all that desire to be rich, are not rich; so all that desire to believe, do not believe. Sick Have I thus been deceived? M. It is requisite that you first prove yourself a believer & member of Christ than may you apply these promises to self, otherwise not so, He that believeth shall be saved; He that believeth not shall be damned, Mark. 16.16. Sic. Can you show me any that have sought God, and not found him? Min. Yes very many, for thus we red; They shall call upon me, but I will not answer: They shall seek me early, but they shall not find me, Prov. 1.28. Mich. 3.4. Psal. 109. Let his prayer become sin. Sic. These all sought freedom from temporal punishments only? Min. You speak more than you have warrant, for I will show you men seeking after righteousness, yet have not attained unto it. Sic. Then I shall herein be satisfied? Min. We red plainly, that Israel that followed after the Law of righteousness, hath not attained unto the Law of righteousness, Rom. 9.31. and 10.20. Sic. They sought it not in Faith. Min. You say true, neither have you proved, that you seek it in Faith, which so soon as you shall do, I will be ready to minister words of comfort unto you. Sic. Who can hold that which will away? I have used carefully all means appointed to Salvation, for the attaining thereof. Min. These all, may be cut short with; One thing lackest thou yet, mark 10.21. Let me hear you give instance. Sic. I have had a care to keep God's Law, to do all things commanded, and to shun all things forbidden, to the uttermost of my power: and this is the second reason of my hope. Min. This I hardly believe it is like that in the gospel. All these things have I kept from my youth. But if it be true, what can this reason avail seeing, by the deeds of the Law, no flesh can be justified, as it is written, Rom. 3.20. Sic. Is it not said? Blessed are they that keep his testimonies, Psal. 119.2. Min. Have you then kept the Law of God with your whole heart? Sic. No, neither can any man keep it; but I have had a desire to keep it, and God accepts the will for the dead. Min. How can that be generally true? seeing the Law saith, Cursed is every one that continueth not in all things that are written in the Book of this Law, to do them, Gal. 3.10. Whereby it is plain, that the Law requires under pain of curse, not only to will, but also to do. Sic. Is it not not written? If there be, first, a willing mind, it is accepted according to that a man hath, and not according to that he hath not, 2 Cor. 8.12. Min. When the person is first accepted, the will is accepted for the dead: So God accepteth of Abraham, as though he had offered his son, Gen. 22.16. But the person not accepted, the will cannot be accepted for the dead: before you can assure yourself by this will; you must see that your person be accepted. Sick. Cannot a man attain to life by keeping of the Law of God? Min. Yes, if he keep it in all and every point without any breach at all, Rom. 2.7. Deut. 11.26, 27. but not otherwise, for he that offendeth in one is guilty of all, James 2.10. Sick Why then doth our Saviour direct the young-man in the gospel this way, Math. 19 17. Min. You might have asked as well to what purpose serveth the Law? and I should have answered you, that it was added, bocause of Transgressions, Gal 3.19. Sick How do you apply this to the purpose? Min. As the Law was given, that all might be concluded under sin, Gal. 3.22. Rom. 3.9. That all the world might become guilty before God: So doth our Saviour give this direction unto this young man, not that he thought it possible for him to attain life thereby: But that he might discover the pride, arrogancy, and deceitfulness of his heart, and answer him according to his own question. Sic. If I should instance in private prayer to be a mark of my Salvation. I so already it might after the same manner be rejected, unless I could prove it to proceed from Faith. Min. You say true, works indeed are an evidence of Faith among men, in the judgement of Charity, James 2.18. But Faith is an evidence of our works in the Court of Conscience, and judgement of certeinty: for even the prayer of the wicked is abominable, and whatsoever is not of Faith is sin, Rom. 14.23. Sic. What think you of true repentance, is not that a sure mark of Salvation? Min. Without fail. Sic. Then Here is comfort for me, for I have truly Repented. Min. Not he that approveth himself is accepted, but he whom the Lord approveth, 2 Cor. 10 18. How know you your repentance to be true? Sic. By two things, the first is, I have a hearty sorrow for all and every one of my sins. Min. All that do truly repent, do indeed hearty sorrow for sin, 2 Cor. 7.10. But all that do hearty sorrow for sin do not truly repent. Sick. Did ever any reprobates sorrow hearty for their sins? Min. Yes, Cain, Genesis 4.13. Esau, Gen. 27.38. Judas, Matthew 27.3. Judas repented himself, and doubtless all that despair do hearty sorrow for sin, as they that are swallowed up with over much sorrow, 2 Cor. 2.7. Sick I do not only sorrow for mysins, but I have also a steadfast purpose to forsake all sin, and to walk in all godliness. Min. Doth not our Lord Iesus tell you, that except your righteousness do exceed the righteousness of the Scribes and Pharisees, ye cannot enter into the kingdom of God? Math. 5.20. Sick Had any of the Scribes and Pharisees a purpose to led a godly life? Min. hear what S. Paul( a Pharisee) saith of himself, that before his Conversion he was as touching the righteousness that is in the Law, blameless, Phil. 3.6. Acts 22. Sick Yea but Paul persecuted the Church of God. Min. This indeed was a great, but yet unknown sin, but in his conceit a virtue, Phil. 3.6. 1 Tim. 1.13. This also may be your error, to think you do God service, when you sin heinously. Sick Is it ordinary for men to be zealous before true conversion to God? Min. You see the unconverted jews, of whom the holy Ghost giveth testimony. First, that they have a zeal to God. Secondly, that they seek to establish their own righteousness, Rom. 10.2.3. Sick. I know not what more to say: if this be not true repentance, I pray what is? Min. That shall be shewed anon, let us first hear what other evidence you have of Salvation? Sick I have but one only stay more, if that also fail, Lord have mercy on me. Min. Let me hear that stay also. Sick I love Gods people unfeignedly, with all my heart, what think you of this? Min. Take heed your heart deceive you not, and that this prove not also a reed to lean upon. Sick How? This also a reed to lean on, Why then nothing will please you, I see, 'twill be but in vain to talk any further. Min. Be patient( dear brother) and give me leave to search your wound to the quick, I hope it shall through Gods grace, turn to your souls welfare in Christ Iesus. Sick. Doth not Saint John say plain, We know we have passed from death to life, because we love the brethren? 1 Joh. 3. Min. I deny not but where unfeigned love to the brethren is sound it may be a testimony of grace received? But I demand how you know you love the brethren? Sic. Why how should I know? Min. By this we know, If we love God and keep his Commandements, 1 Joh. 5.2. and this is his Commandement, that we should believe on the name of his Son Jesus Christ, 1 John 3.23. So that unless we believe truly, we cannot know we love unfeignedly, therefore though our love bear witness to our Faith before man, yet our Faith bears witness to our love in the secrets of our heart; neither can it ever appear to be true love, that proceeds not from a heart first embracing Christ by Faith. Sic. What you call true Faith, I know not: I feel my heart inflamed with love to the Brethren. Min. Take heed your heart deceive you not; do not you know some of the children of God, and your brethren in great poverty? Sic. Yes, I do. Min. Why then have you not sold either the whole, or half of your possessions and divided among them? Sik. Can I not love them unless I sell my possessions and divide among them? Min. Verily no, for true love bindeth us not only to lay down our goods, for the brethren, as Acts 2.45. but also our lives, where need requireth, 1 John 3.16, 17. Sick. I confess I have not thus loved them. Min. Then have you loved them in word, and not in dead, in tongue and not in truth, 1 Joh. 3.18. Sick. I do believe that there are very few that by this mark can be assured of Salvation. Min. I am of your mind, for when we consider our love to our brethren, to come so far short of the precept and example of our Lord, and his holy Apostles, we shall have greater cause to fear, than otherwise. Sick What then should Saint John mean? Min. I do for the present believe until I shall see ground to the contrary, that Saint John doth principally speak of our assurance, whereby we know one another to be the children of God: By this shall all men know ye are my Disciples, if ye love one another, John 13.35. Yet do I not deny but that love or any other virtue having first received testimony from Faith, may be thereby qualified to bear witness together with Faith, and no otherwise. Sick But when I cannot see I believe, and yet do perceive that I love. Min. The light of the soul is Faith: if Faith be obscured, shall not love be much more darkened? Sick Alas, this was my only stay! Min. I dare affirm that he that hath no greater witness in himself than love to the brethren, shall never attain unto assurance of Salvation, 1 John 5.10. Sick Is there any greater witness than love? Min. Yes, which I wonder you have not seen as yet; the Spirit of God bearing witness to our spirits, that we are the children of God, Rom. 8.15, 16. Now the Spirit beareth witness by teaching us to cry, Abba father. Sick Oh, that I had such a spirit, but woe is me, How have I hitherto been deceived? how have I also deceived others? my stays are broken, and I shall bee cast head-long to hell. Min. Say not so. Sick Yes, cursed be the time that ever I laid a foundation upon the sands. I had thought righteousness hood been mine, Heaven mine, but now Hell gapeth for me, and I shall be damned. Min. As you have been hitherto deceived, so I hope you are also now. Sic. Alas how is it possible that I should now learn the ways of salvation? When as I( as you see) have laboured so many yeares in vain, and profited nothing at all in true godliness? Min. Be not discouraged, only be content to hear what the Lord will speak. Sick Alas, I have scarce an hour to live, and is it possible to work out Heaven in an hour? Is it possible that one houres repentance should make amends for sixty yeares ignorance? Min. You multiply words without knowledge, which are no less than blasphemy: How do you think that amends can be made by you, when sixty yeares repentance cannot make amends for one houres negligence, and you understand not what you say when you talk of working out Heaven. Sick. Are there not many things to be done by us, before we can be saved? Min. What judge you? when it is said, God hath saved us and called us not according to our works; but according to his own purpose, and grace which was given us in Christ Jesus before the world began, 2 Tim. 1.9. Is it not spoken mystically, as well as literally? Their strength is to sit still, Esay, 30.9. In returning and rest shall ye be saved, in quietness and confidence, shall be your strength, Esay 30.15. I might add to this, stand still and behold the salvation of the Lord. Sic. These indeed are comfortable words, But this quencheth all, in that it is said, narrow is the way, straight is the gate, and few there be that find it. Min. This contradicteth not what hath been said, Narrow it is indeed, and straight to flesh and blood, which cannot inherit the kingdom of God, 1 Cor. 15. So narrow that the greatest wisdom of man cannot find it, 1 Cor. 2.8. Sick Alas! how shall I do then? Min. Yet not so straight, but even fools may find it when God teacheth, 1 Cor. 1.7. and how comfortable are the words of our blessed Saviour: Father, I thank thee that thou hast hide these things from the wise and prudent, and revealed them to babes. Are not all things possible to God? Sick Did any ever learn the way to Heaven in so short a time, as I have to live. Min. Yes, the thief upon the cross, Math. 27.44. Luke 23.42. The jews at Peters Sermon, Acts 2.41. The jailor, Acts 16.33. with divers others. Sick Now my heart reviveth within me: The Lord teach me also: and I humbly beseech you to do your best endeavour. Min. God forbid that I should hid any thing from you, do you aclowledge yourself a wretched sinner? Sick Oh miserable man that I am! Who shall deliver me from this vile estate? Min. Do you think any creature is able to deliver you or can you, deliver yourself? Sick Help Lord, for vain is the help of man; who shall be able to take away my sins? Min. hear the goodness of our God, who hath sent his only begotten Son Jesus Christ, to take our nature upon him, Heb. 2.16. Sick This I believe. Min. This blessed Son of God, was conceived by the holy Ghost, born of a Virgin, was without spot of fin, and in our nature hath wrought all righteousness, and therefore by virtue of this his righteousness, might have challenged all blessings promised to the obedient, Luk. 1.32. Mat. 3.1 Pet. 2.22. Deut. 28. Sick This I also believe to be most true. Min. This same Iesus who might have challenged a blessing and freedom from the curse, yet was he contented to become a curse for us, and to suffer reproach and shane, and the death of the cross: Gal. 3.13. Sic. I believe that Christ suffered such things indeed. Min. This same Iesus hath God raised up; having loosed the pains of death, for it was not possible he should be holden of it. Act. 2.24. Sic. This also I believe. Min. By virtue of this precious death and satisfactory sacrifice of Iesus Christ, Wee are reconciled to God, and have received atonement, Romans 5.10, freedom from all sin, with perfect righteousness. Rom. Sic. I pray have patience, this is more then I yet believe, that Christ hath fully freed any from all sin in this life. Min. Yes, from the imputation of sin, as is plain, by him ye are justified from all things, Act. 13.39. and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son purgeth us from all sin, 1 John 1.9. See Ephe. 5.27 and Col. 1.22. To make you holy and unblamable and without fault, &c. Sic. This I cannot deny, yet do I not so fully conceive it. Min. Christ Iesus our Lord hath taken our sins upon himself, Esay 53.4 2 Cor. 5.21. and by his death and suffering hath given a full perfect and sufficient satisfaction to God the Father, Matthew, 3.17. Heb. 10.14. as having born all punishments due unto sin by the Law, as well temporal as eternal. Sick. That Christ Jesus hath freed his elect from all eternal punishments, I confess, but I do not believe that he hath freed them from temporal. Min. I will ask you one question; was not the satisfaction of the second Adam, as effectual to our righteousness, as the transgression of the first Adam to our unrighteousness? Sick I dare not say the contrary, for the Apostle saith no less, Rom. 5. Min. But by the transgression of the first Adam, we were made subject both to temporal and eternal punishments; Therefore by the satisfaction of our Lord Christ, the second Adam, we are made free from both. Sick Yet do we not see that the people of God have many punishments laid upon them, in this present life, as weakness, sickness, death? M. They are fatherly chastisements rather than punishments, for when we are judged we are chastened of the Lord, that we should not be condemned with the world, 1 Cor. 11.32. Sick Let God be just, and every man a liar, I pray proceed. Min. By virtue of the Lord Christs satisfaction unto Divine Iustice, Gods wrath is appeased, Mat. 3.17 Sin is taken away, John 1, 29. Never to be remembered any more, Heb. 8.12. Sick Lord, so take mine away. But I pray when is the time that sin is taken away out of the sight of God. Min. Remission of sin is even as ancient as satisfaction for sin, and at what time Christ Iesus taketh our sins upon himself, at the same time are the persons of Gods elect just before the tribunal of Almighty God. Sic. I pray show us authority for this, for I have always learned that faith itself, is in order of causes before our actual justification in the sight of God. Min. That the act of our faith is a consequent of our justification, and not an intercedent, is plain: God justifieth the ungodly: We were reconciled to God, by the death of his son when we were enemies: Rom. 5.10. Now believers cannot be called enemies, but friends. But we were reconciled when we were enemies. Esay 32.17. the effect of righteousness is assurance. They that are engrafted into Christ Iesus are justified: But we must be engrafted into Christ Iesus before we can believe, Therefore we must be justified before we can believe. Sic. How do you prove we must be engrafted into Christ Jesus before we can believe? Min. To believe is a good fruit, but we can bear no good fruit until we be engrafted into Christ Iesus: I am the Vine, ye are the branches; without me ye can do nothing: John 15.5. The branch cannot bear any fruit except it bee incorporated into the Vine. Sic. Do we not red, whom he hath called, them he justified? where you see that justified is set before called. M. The order of words prove nothing: was it not a ridiculous conceit of the Rabbi, that undertakes to prove unto us, that a certain bullock had horns before hoofs, because it is said Ps. 69. better then a bullock which hath horns and hoofes, and have you forgotten that place which I spake of even now, who hath saved us and called us? where you see saved set before called. Sick I now see plainly that the world is in darkness, I do perceive that justification in Gods sight, goeth before faith: but I do not yet perceive that remission should be as ancient as satisfaction. Min. S. Peter saith, that Christ bare our sins in his own body, on the three, that we being delivered from sin, should live in righteousness, 1 Pet. 2.24, Saint John tells us Christ took them away: Behold ye the lamb of God that taketh away the sins of the World: if the justice of God hath laid all our iniquities upon his back, hath not his mercy taken them from us? If the Lord Christ did take them away, then are they no more. Sick This is plain. Min. I can show you this by many more arguments, when opportunity shall serve. Sick I pray go forward where we left. Min. This same Iesus is ascended up into heaven, and there he sitteth for ever, at the right hand of God, to make intercession for us; by virtue whereof, we have boldness of access unto the Throne of grace, knowing that as our persons are accepted, so are our prayers respected in his presence, Heb. 4.16. John 16.23. S. These indeed are comfortable words to them that have Christ; but how shall Christ be made mine? what works are required of me before Christ can be made mine? Min. You err greatly, neither knowing the scripture, neither the power of God, nor yet remembering what you granted even now. Sic. I pray show me my error. Min. First Christ is not made ours, neither applied unto us, by any works of the Law. Gal. 3.2.11. Sic. This indeed is an error. Min. Your supposition is also absurd, namely, that it is possible for you to do good works before you have Christ, when as before we said, you must have Christ before you can do any good, works: without me ye can do nothing. Sic. This was my conceit indeed, that by working righteousness, a man was made righteous. Min. You see the contrary hath been proved true: First, make the three good, and then his fruit good, Mat. 7. a man must first be righteous, before he can work righteousness; good manners do not make a good man: but a good man worketh good manners. Sic. I aclowledge my blindness, I pray then how is Christ made ours? Min. Christ is made ours by Gods imputation or accounting. Rom. 4.3.9. Sic. I greatly desire to hear this more fully explained. Min. look by what way or means our sins were made Christs, after the same manner, and by the same means, his righteousness is made ours: But our sins became his, by Gods accounting, as the Lord laid on him the iniquity of us all, so by the same account of God( who calleth things that are not as though they were) his righteousness is made ours: as he became sin for us, so are wee made the righteousness of God in him. Thus are we justified freely by his grace, by his blood: Thus it is God that justifieth. Sick I pray resolve me one doubt: How wee are said to bee justified by Faith. Min. Faith is taken two ways; first, for the object of our faith: that is, the thing which wee do believe, as also hope is taken( Christ our hope) so we are justified by faith, that is, by the blood of Iesus Christ. Secondly, faith is taken for the act of our faith, beholding the glorious object, and so wee are assured of our justification. justified before God by the object of our faith, assured by the act of our Faith, apprehending this object. Sick. I perceive now that they only are righteous whom God accounteth righteous, whose Salvation is wrought in Christ Iesus. How shall I know whether Christ hath satisfied for me, and so whether God accounteth me righteous or not? Minist. The knowledge of this cometh by Faith, for the promise is made to believers, John 3.16. And this is the proper office of Faith, to bee persuaded of Gods mercy to us in particular, romans 8.38. Sick. Is nothing else required at our hands to procure assurance, but only to believe? Min. When the soul is loaden with the burden of sin, and sense of misery, it is sufficient for assurance to believe God in his promises, and we red of nothing else, Acts 16.31. believe in the Lord Iesus. Sic. What think you of Repentance? is not that also necessary? Min. You now give me just occasion to show you that which before you desired; namely, what is true repentance. Sic. That have I longed for all this while; I pray declare it unto me. Min. Repentance is a contrition or sorrow for sin, which is joined with Faith in the Lord Iesus Christ. Sic. You make Faith a part of Repentance, have you any authors for this? Min. Yes, as the learned know; But I wish you not to build your confidence on men, but upon the testimony of Gods Word. Sick I pray show me where this description can be warranted by Gods Word? Min. That repentance under the new Covenant doth comprehend Faith will be plain, if you compare the 16. chap. of the Act. ver. 31. with Act. 2.38. in the first place the question is, what shall I do to be saved? the answer is, believe, &c. In the 2. of the Act. the question is the same, and is answered by Peter, Repent and be baptized; therefore either repentance must include Faith, or else S. Peter giveth not a full answer. Sic. This is very likely to be so, and there we see that they are bidden to repent, who were pricked in the heart already. Min. It is said that John Bap. preached, Repent. &c. Mat. 3. S. Paul expounding this Act. 19.4. saith that John preached the baptism of Repentance, saying that they should believe; what more plain than this? Sic. Why doth the holy Ghost use this word Repent? Min. It is a very fit word, which signifieth, change your minds; now we know the people of the jews, being under the Law, did seek to establish their own righteousness thereby, which being impossible, the holy Ghost doth very significantly use this word; that all men should repent( that is) change their minds and look no longer for righteousness from the Law; but look unto the author of their salvation before promised, but now at the last manifested. Sic. Is not newness of life a part of Repentance? Min. Yes, Faith is our new life; the Just shall live by Faith, Rom. 1.17. Sic. Are not good works a part of Repentance? Min. They are rather termed in the book of God fruits meet for repentance, Mat. 3.8. Act. 26.19. and fruits worthy of repentance, Luk. 3.8. Sic. Why are they so called? Min. Because they that repent, should be careful above all things, to deny all ungodliness and worldly lusts, and to live soberly, righteously, and godly in this present world, Tit. 2.12. Sic. I remember I have red of Repentance & Faith, as two things in Scripture. Min. I do not say they are altogether one and the same, but differ as the part and whole; moreover repentance is sometimes taken in Scripture for an alteration of some one particular act: But that which I have declared is what John and our blessed Saviour do mean by this word, Repent, for the kingdom of God is at hand. Sic. You said before, that for assurance I must believe, what must I believe? Min. That God hath forgiven you your sins, and given you eternal life in his Son, 1 John 5.11. Sick Can you show me any reason why I should believe this, rather than Judas? Min. You must not look at reason; but imitate father Abraham, who against hope believed in hope, Rom. 4. Sick God doth not say to me in particular, that my sins are forgiven. Min. If you will believe it, he speaketh to you in particular, for he speaketh to every believer. Sick I am a miserable sinner. Min. Otherwise what need had you of Christ, who came to call sinners? Consider not the greatness of your sins, but be strong in Faith, giving glory to God, being fully persuaded that what he hath promised he is able to perform, Rom. 4.21. Though your sins were as read as scarlet, I will make them as white as snow, Esay 1. Sic. If I were as holy as Peter, or Paul, I could then believe. Min. Holinesse cannot go before Faith, but must follow it: look not upon yourself, but upon the sufficient satisfaction of Christ Iesus, Come unto him loaden, and he shall ease you, Mat. 11.28. Thirsty, and he shall refresh you joh. 7. Empty, and he shall fill you, Lu. 1 Sic. I am loaden, Lord ease me: How do men come by Faith? Mi. Faith is the gift of God wrought in the heart by hearing of the Word of promise, Rom. 10.17. Gal. 3.2. which word hath been already spoken to you. Sic. Oh! How slow am I to believe? Lord help my unbelief; let me entreat you and the rest of this Christian company to call upon God, that I may believe and grow in this persuasion of the free pardon, and forgiveness of sins in Christ Jesus. Min. With all my heart, the Lord hear our prayer; O Lord thou art God which hast made Heaven and earth, and all that in them is; who by the mouth of thy holy child Iesus, hast promised that whatsoever we ask in his name, thou wilt grant unto us. O Lord behold thy servant, and grant him thy grace, that he may be filled with thy holy Spirit; the spirit of Wisdom, and understanding, and revelation in the knowledge of Christ Iesus; that the eyes of his understanding being enlightened, he may know the hope of thy calling, and the riches of thine inheritance in the Saints, that he may be filled with righteousness and peace, and joy in the holy Ghost: Good Lord, sanctify him wholly, and let his whole spirit, and soul, and body be preserved blameless, unto the coming of our Lord Iesus Christ, Amen. Sic. Amen, Amen. May it not prove presumption in me to believe the pardon of my sins? Min. Not so long as you believe them pardonned, not for your merit, but for Gods mercy sake. Sic. My merit is nothing, his mercy is over all; How great is the goodness of God toward me, who hath forgiven mine iniquity, and pardonned my sin! Lord now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace, for mine eyes have seen thy salvation. Min. Blessed be the Father of our Lord Iesus Christ, who leaveth us not destitute of his mercy. Sick. Now what shall I render unto the Lord for his mercy? for the forgiveness of my sins, and the gift of his holy Spirit? Min. You are to present your body a living sacrifice, holy, and acceptable unto God: and be not conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, Rom. 12. Sick. The Lord direct me in all my ways, I desire to receive from your hands the holy Communion for the increase of my weak Faith, and in remembrance of the precious Passion of my Blessed Saviour: And now whether I live or die, the half of my goods will I give to the poor, and if I have taken any thing from any man by forged accusation, I restore him fourfold. Min. Glory be to God, who can deny Salvation to be come to this house, forasmuch as it hath pleased God to begin this good work? which he continue unto the end, through Iesus Christ our Lord, Amen. 〈◇〉. FINIS.