❧ A Declaration By the Lord Lieutenant of IRELAND. Concerning His Resolutions for the peace and safety of Ireland, And the free enjoyment of the Rights of the People. Together with the Copies of several Letters taken in Ireland, of great consequence. THis Declaration is appointed to be Printed and published throughout all Ireland, by special direction from O. CROMWELL. Printed at Dublin by William Bladen, and reprinted at London by Robert Ibbitson, dwelling in Smithfield. 1649. A DECLARATION By the Lord Lieutenant of IRELAND. O: CROMWELL, WHereas I am informed, That upon the marching out of the Armies heretofore, or of Parties from Garrisons, a liberty hath been taken by the Soldiery to abuse rob and Pillage, and too often to execute cruelties upon the Country people, being resolved by the grace of God diligently and strictly to restrain such wickedness for the future, I do hereby warn and require all Officers, Soldiers, and others under my Command henceforth to forbear all such evil practices as aforesaid, and not to do any wrong or violence toward Country people or persons whatsoever, unless they be actually in Arms or Office with the Enemy, and not to meddle with the goods of such without special order, And I further declare that it shall be free and lawful to and for all manner of Persons dwelling in the Country as well Gentlemen and Soldiers, as Farmers and other people (such as are in Arms or Office with or for the Enemy only excepted) to make their repair and bring any provisions unto the Army (while in March or Camp) or unto any Garrison under my Command, hereby assuring all such that they shall not be troubled or molested in their persons or goods, but shall have the benefit of a free Market and receive ready money for goods or Commodities they shall so bring and sell, And that they behaving themselves peaceably and quietly, and paying such Contribution proportionably with their neighbours as have been, are, or shall be duly and orderly imposed upon them for maintenance of the Parliaments Forces and other public uses, shall have free leave and liberty to live at home with their families and goods, and shall be protected in their persons and estates by virtue hereof until the first day of january next, by or virtue which time all such of them as are minded to reside and blow and sow in the quarters, are to make their addresses for now and further Protections, to the Attorney General residing at Dublin, and such other persons as shall be Authorized for that purpose, And hereof I require all Soldiers, and others under my Command diligently to take notice and observe the same as they shall answer to the contrary at their utmost perils, strictly charging and Commanding all Officers and others in their several places carefully to see to it, that no wrong or violence be done to any such person as aforesaid contrary to the effect of the premises, and being resolved (through the grace of God) to punish all that shall offend contrary hereunto, very severely according to law or Articles of War, to displace and otherwise punish, all such Officers as shall be found negligent in their places to, and not see the due observance hereof, or not to punish the offenders under their respective Commands. Given at Dublin the twenty fourth of August, 1649. The copies of several Letters taken in Ireland by the Lord Lieutenant. The marquis of Ormonds' Letter to Prince Rupert May it please your Lordship. I Hope the course formerly laid down when Dene boil went hence, and the Horse and Foot drawn into those parts, will prevent the inconveniencies and dangers threatened upon that coast, whatever else seems fit to your highness I will upon the least notice of your pleasure, put into immediate execution, I am exceedingly sorry for Wil Legs misfortunes, wherein by the miscarrying of his dispatch we have a great share, besides the danger of his loss. This gentleman, I believe formerly known to your highness, is particularly recommended too by her highnesses Majesty, and brings with him assurance of his Majesty's being in France, before his embarking: I have endeavoured another way to send over a relation of our condition here, and something I ventured to say of the Fleet, I hope it will issue seasonably to prevent any prejudice may arise to his Person or service for want of intelligence, we are now removing nearer Dublin, with desire if we can to take the Sea, and consequently any hope of relief from the enemy. There are 12 small vessels come in this morning, but whither with supply of men or provision we do not know. I humbly beg your highness' pardon for this unmannerly paper, the best I could get at present, and your belief of my being, Your Highness' most faithful and most humble Servant, ORMOND. Finglasse 25 July. 1649. Prince rupert's Proposals: THe ordinary way of his Majesty's victualling the Fleet, with the allowance to every man per diem is, Beer one gallon; Beef two pound twice in the week; Pork one pound two days in a week; of Pease that day to each man one Pint; Cheese four ounces, Butter two ounces; Fish if of a size one to eight men; Bread one pound. These provisions will not be had under 7 d. per diem, as the Market goes yet. To set out his Majesty's Fleet now riding at Kingsale, will require at least 1200 men, which will require 1000 li. per mensem to victual them▪ with other petty charges. The Fleet hath not at present victuals for above one month, and when it is expired, if there be not provisions made to revictuall, there will be a necessity of discharging the men, and laying up the ships, the former not to be got together without a vast charge; the latter by that means renewed. The sum of 3000 l. in victualling will remedy this, and whosoever will furnish the same, may be assured of sudden satisfaction as soon as time of the year (which grows on) shall call away the ships now riding before Kingsale, it being then a fit season for our Fleet to put to sea, when the Enemies dare not venture so far from their own coasts; and we by reason of our safe harbours, and short voyages between the coasts of Spain and France, and these parts shall be able to cross the whole trade, through both channels; and every South and Westerly wind which shuts them up in their harbour, if they were ready shall bring ships from all Southern and Eastern parts into our laps. The middle or latter end of September will be a fit time to go out, till which time there must be some course taken to supply the Fleet after that this months' victuals that we have shall be expended, besides the 3000 l. formerly mentioned. September will likewise be a fit time to bake Bread, brew Beer, and make all sorts of provisions for the Fleet. In the mean time we shall take occasion, as it shall offer itself by force or violent winds, or the Enemies going away with their ships, to send out some of our small vessels to look after purchase, out of which the first that comes to be employed, to repay such as shall engage for the victuals. RUPERT. July 18. 1649. Prince rupert's first Letter to my Lord of Ormond. My Lord, THe certain ruin of this Fleet being to follow the expense of those few provisions we now feed on, which have exalted the rest of his Majesty's moneys, besides that little I had, I thought fit to dispatch this bearer Mr. Roach to the Lord Precedent to propose the only remedy now in view to put this Fleet in a condition of the King and this Kingdom's service: If your Lordship approve the Propositions, I shall earnestly desire that this season may not be lost, in which provisions are easiest to be had: The particulars of this business your Lordship will receive from this bearer, to whom you may give credit; and if conveniently your Lordship may grant these desires, it will infinitely oblige, My Lord, Your Lordship's most faithful friend and servant, RUPERT. Kingsale 22. July 1649. Prince rupert's second Letter. My Lord, THis bearer Mr. Parker hath all his business ready, and I hope to your Lordship's satisfaction, though we are in these straits, that after a month we shall hardly know where to get subsistence for our Fleet, though never so much reduced. I thought your Lordship might want for the present service, which I preferred, and am resolved to find out some other way to supply our wants hereafter, by the first I shall let your Lordship know our resolutions; Your Lordship will remember that I told you something concerning the Governor here, since which time I have received intelligence out of the Rebel's Admiral, that they are in hopes of him, and that his Gunner at the point will shoot but lose powder, And when that is settled, they will come to us, these and some other reasons I have of suspicion, made me send Will. Leg to him to desire him that since my men must do duty in other places for him, that they may do it at the point, where he hath but five fellows that he knows not, and upon which all our security depends, there is not a horseman here abouts to hinder the Rebels to fetch water, which they should want extremely if Tymoley were not open, from whence they fetch it daily as well as their Intelligence. Your Lordship will be pleased to give Your Orders for the best, I am your Lordship's Most faithful Friend and Servant RUPERT. FINIS.