The True CONSTITUTION Of A particular visible Church, proved by Scripture. Wherein is briefly Demonstrated by Questions and Answers what Officers, Worship, and Government Christ hath ordained in his CHURCH. By that Reverend and Learned Divine, Mr. JOHN COTTON, B. D. and Pastor of Boston in New England. JEREMY 50.5. They shall ask the way to Zion, with their faces thitherward, saying, Come let us join ourselves to the Lord in a perpetual Covenant that shall not be forgotten. LONDON: Printed for Samuel Satterthwaite, at the Sign of the black Bull in Budge Rowe, near to Saint Antholines' Church. 1642. THE true Constitution of a Particular visible Church proved by Scripture. Quest. WHat is the Church? Ans. The Church is a Mystical body (1) Eph. 5.30, 31, 32. Rom. 12.4, 5. 1 Cor 12.28. whereof Christ is the Head (2) Eph. 2.22. & 5.23. the members and Saints (3) 1 Cor. 2.12 Col. 1.2. called out of the World (4) 1 Cor. 2.2.9. and united together into one Congregation (5) 1 Cor. 11.18. & 14.23. by an holy Covenant (6) Exo. 19 5. & 24.3.7. Deu. 5.2.27. and 29.2.9. to 15. to worship the Lord, and to edify one another in all his holy Ordinances (7) 1 Cor. 5.4 1 Cor. 14.26. Quest. What sort of Members hath God set in his Church? Ans. Some that are Ministers (1) 1 Cor 4 17 Eph. 4.12. Col 4.17. Rom. 12 7 or Officers (2) 1 Tim. Rom. 11.3 Psal. 109.8. in the Church, others commonly called by the general name that belongeth, to all the members, Brethren, (3) Act. 15.22 23. Rom. 16 3 and Saints. (4) Paul. 2.2 Quest. What sorts of Ministers or Officers hath God set in his Throne? Ans. Some extraordinary, as Apostles, Prophets, and Evangelists (1) Eph. 4.11 1 Cor 12.28. some ordinary and perpetual, as Bishops and Deacons. (2) Phil. 2 2 1 Tim. 3.1, 2 3 Quest. What manner of men are to be called to these Offices, to be Bishops, or Elders in the Church? Ans. A Bishop or Elder in the Church, must be in himself a blameless man for Holiness, and Righteousness, and for freedom from passions and lusts, also a vigilant man, and of good behaviour. Moreover, he must be in his Family a man of good Government, and of good Hospitality; in his Name a man of good Report even of those that are without; in his Profession not a young Plant, but holding fast the faithful Word, apt to teach it, and able to maintain it (1) 1 Tim. 2.2 to 7. Tit. 1.6. to 9 Quest. What sorts of Bishops or Elders hath God ordained in his Church? Ans. Of Bishops who are also called Elders, God hath ordained two sorts: Ruling Elders, and such as labour in word and in Doctrine (1) 1 Tim. 5 17 1 Cor. 12.28. Rom. 12.6, 7, 8. Acts 20.28. Tit. 1.5.7. commonly called Pastors and Teachers (2) Eph. 4.11. all of them to watch over one certain Flock, the Church of a particular Congregation. (3) Act. 14 23 and 20.17. with 28. Phil. 1.1. Tit. 1.5 Quest. What is the Office, or work of the Pastors or Teachers? Ans. The Pastor's work is to attend upon Exhortation, and therein to dispense a word of wisdom; the Teacher is to attend upon Doctrine, and therein to dispense a word of knowledge. (1) Rom, 12.7, 8. 1 Cor. 12.28. Quest. What is the Office of the Ruling Elders? Ans. Seeing the Kingdom of Christ is not of this World, but Heavenly and spiritual (1) joh 18 36 and the Government of his Kingdom is not Lordly, (2) Mat. 20 25 26. but Stewardly, and Ministerial (2) Luk 12 42 and to labour in the ministry of Exhortation, and Doctrine is the proper work of the Pastor and Teacher (3) 1 Tim. 5.17. it remaineth therefore to be the part, and Office of the ruling Elders, to assist the Pastor and Teacher in all other Acts of Rule besides, as becometh good Stewards of the Household of God (4) Rom. 12 8. as first to open, and shut the doors gf Gods House (5) Math. 16.19 by admission of Members (6) Acts 20.28 29. by ordination of Officers (7) 1 Tim. 4.14. by excommunication of notorious and obstinate offenders (8) Math. 18.17, 18. Secondly, to see that none without the Church live either inordinately without a calling, or Idly in their calling (9) 2 Thes. 3.10, 11, 12. thirdly to prevent and heal such offences in life, and Doctrine as might corrupt either their own Church (10) Rev. 22 14, 15.20. or other Churches if their Counsel be required (11) Act. 15.2.6. Fourthly, to prepare matters before hand for the Church's consideration (12) Acts 21 18. and to moderate the carriage of all matters in the Church assembled (13) Act. 6 2. as to propound matters to the Church (14) Act. 6 2 3 and to order the season of speech and silence in the Church (15) Acts 13 15. Fifthly, to feed the flock of God with a word of admonition (16) 1 Thes. 5.12. Acts 20.31. and as they shall be called for to visit & pray over their sick brethren (17) jam. 5.14. Quest. What manner of men hath God appointed to be called to the Deacons Office? Answ. Men of gravity and of good report not given to dissembling, nor to Wine, nor to covetousness, full of the holy Ghost and wisdom, holding forth the mystery of the faith in a pure conscience, keeping their household in good Rule and enjoying such wives as may neither dishonour nor corrupt their Office, not slanderers (but) brave and sober and faithful in all things (1) 1 Tim. 3.8. to 12. Act 6.3. Quest. What is the office of the Deacons? Answ. To receive the offerings of the Church brought unto them and laid down before them (1) Acts 4 34 35. and therewith to serve Tables (2) Acts 6.2. distributing with simplicity (3) Rom. 12.8. not only to the Ministers of the Church (4) Gal. 6.6 but to any other of the brethren as they shall have need (5) Act. 4 35 Quest. But is it not the Office of the Deacons to show mercy with cheerfulness? Answ. Yes verily, to their Brethren in misery (1) Rom 12.8 but that part of their office they do chief perform by the hand of the widows, chosen into their number, who are therefore called the Deacons or servants of the Church (2) Rom. 16 1 Quest. What manner of widows hath God allowed, to be taken into this number? Answ. Ancient women, well reported of for good works, for nursing her children, for lodging of Strangers, for washing the Saints feet, for relieving the afflicted, for following diligently every good work (3) 1 Tim, 5 9 10, Quest. What manner of men hath God appointed, to be received as Brethren and members of his Church: Answ. Such as are called of God out of this world to the fellowship of Christ (1) Rom. 1.6, 7 1 Cor. 2.9. Act. 2.38, 39, 40. Math. 33 11.12 and do willingly ofter and join themselves, first to the Lord (2) Act 2 41. Psal 110 3. Esay 56.6, 7 and then to the Church (3) Act 24 47 & 8.6, 27, 28. by confession of their sins (4) Math ●. 6. Acts 19.18. by profession of their faith (5) Act 8 36.37 and by taking or laying hold of his Covenant (6) Esa 56.6, 7 Quest. What is the Office or duty which God calleth the Brethren unto the members of the Church? Answ. To brotherly love (1) 1 Pet. 2.17 & 2.8. Col 3.14. 1 Thes. 4 9 Heb 13.1. and the fruits thereof brotherly unity (2) Ephes, 4.3 Psal. 1; 3 1. Col. 3 15. Acts 7.26. brotherly equality (3) 1 Cor. 8 14. Math. 23.8. Deu. 17 20. & brotherly communion (4) Act 2.42. & 4.32. 1 Cor. 1.10 Quest. Wherein standeth brotherly unity which we are to hold one with another? Answ. To be perfectly joined together in one mind and one judgement in one truth (1) Phil. 2.1, 2. Ephes. 4 15 and where we cannot be of one judgement yet still to be of one heart (2) Phillip 4 2. Act. 4.32. not provoking nor envying one another (3) Gal. 5.26. but forbearing and forgiving (4) Ep. 4.2 33 not judging nor despising one another in differences of weakness (5) Rom 41.3. but so far as we are come to walk together by the same Rule (6) Phil. 3 16. To teach and learn one of another the way of God more perfectly (7) Act. 8 26. Till we all grow up in the unity of the faith, unto a perfect man in Christ jesus (8) Ephes 4.3. Quest. Wherein standeth brotherly equality which we are to hold one with another? Answ. In committing a like unto all God's Ordinances, and enjoying alike all Christian Liberties (1) Gal. 3.28. jam. 1.9.10. Deut. 17.20. Ezek. 46.10. In preferring others before ourselves (2) Phil. 2, 3. Rom. 12.10. and seeking one another's welfare (3) 1 Co. 10 24 Phill p. 2.4. Gal 5.13. and feeling their estates, as our own (4) Heb. 13.3 1. Rom. 12, 15. in bearing the burdens one of another imposing no burdens, (5) Gal. 1.2. but in equal proportion (6) 2 Cor. 8.13.14. Quest. Wherein standeth brotherly communion, which we are to hold one with another? Answ. In our steadfast and continual fellowship in the Apostles Doctrine and worship: and ministration (1) Act. 2.42. & 6 1. and for this end to dwell together (2) Psal. 133.1 & 122.123. and to watch over one another (3) Heb. 10.24 3.12, 13. to resort together to the public assembly (4) Heb. 10.25. Psal 110.3. & 122.1. Isay 60.8. and there to join in all holy duties with one accord (5) Act. 1.14. & 4.24. 1 Cor. 14.16.26. 1 Cor. 16.1, 2. 2 Cor. 9, 12. and every Lord's day to lay up in store for the supply of the Saints (6) Quest. How is the public worship of God to be ordered, and administered in the Church? Answ. All the Members of the Church being met together as one man (1) Ezek. 46.10 1 Cor. 11 33. in the sight of God (2) Act. 10 33 are to join together in holy duties with one accord (3) Deut. 4 24. 1 Cor. 14.16. 1 Cor 11.4. to 6 the men with their heads uncovered the women covered (4) Quest. What part of public worship is first to be administered? Answ. The Apostle exhorteth that first of all: All manner of prayers be made for all men, for Kings, and all in authority, that we may lead a quiet and a peaceable lift, in all godliness and honesty (1) 1 Tim. 2.12 Ezra 6.10. Quest. Whither are set forms of public worship, devised and ordained by men an acceptable worship unto the Lord? Answ. If such set forms had been an ordinance of the Lord, and a worship acceptable to him, the Lord himself, or at least some of the Apostles, or Prophets, would not have held back that part of God's Counsel, from the Church (1) Act. 20.26 27. Besides, public prayer is as well a part of public Ministry, as Prophecy is (2) Gen. 20.7. Neb. 8.6. 1 Cor. 14.16. and the forms of one might as justly be taught, by the precepts of men as the other (3) Isay. 29 13 and both of them are alike the gifts of the Holy Ghost, to whom it belongeth as well to teach us what to pray, as how to pray (4) Rom. 8.26 nor will it well stand with the holy gesture of Prayer, which is to lift up our eyes to Heaven (5) joh. 11.41 and 17.1. to cast down our eyes upon a Book (6) ●s. 121.1. and 123.1. Quest. What part of public worship is next to be administered? Answ. Before Prophesying it will be seasonable to sing a Psalm (1) 2 Kin. 3.15. Coll. 3 16. and by some of the Teachers of the Church to Read the Word, and therewith to Preach it, by giving the sense, and applying the use (2) Neh 8.8. Act. 15.21. Luk. 4.21 23. to 28. In dispensing whereof the Minister was wont to stand above all the people in a Pulpit of wood and the Elders on both sides (3) Neh. 8.4.5 while the people hearkened unto them with Reverence and Attention (4) Neh. 8.5. Luke 2.29. where there be more Prophets, as Pastors and Teachers, they may Prophesy two or three (5) Neh. 8.7. 1 Cor. 14.29. and if the time permit, the Elders may call any other of the Brethren, whither of the same Church or any, to speak a word of Exhortation to the people (6) Act. 13.15. 1 Cor. 14.31. and for the better edifying of a man's self or others, it may be lawful for any (young or old) save only for Women, to ask questions at the mouth of the Prophet's (7) Luk. 2.46. 1 Cor. 14.35. Quest. After the Ministry of the Word, what part of God's public worship is next to be administered? Ans. After the Word (which is the Covenant of God) the Seals of the Covenant are next to be administered; Baptism, and the Lords Supper (1) Act. 16.14 1●. 31, 32, 33. and as for Baptism, (4) 1 Cor. 12.13. it is to be dispensed by a Minister of the Word (2) Mat. 28 19 unto a Believer professing his Repentance, (5) Gen. 17.23 Act. 8.36.37. Mat. 3.6. and his Faith (3) Acts 8.36 37. Mat. 3.6. being a member of the same Church body (4) 1 Co. 12 13 as also unto his seed (5) Gen 17.23 Act. 16 15.33. 1 Cor. 7.14. presented by the Parent to the Lord, & his Church (6) Luk 2.22. at which time the Minister in God's room calleth upon the parent to renew his Covenant with God for himself & his seed (7) Gen. 17.1 2, 3.7.8. and calleth upon God as the nature of the Ordinance requireth ' for the pardon of original fin, and for the sin of the parents and for a blessing upon the Sacrament and Infant (8) Mat. 3.11 1 Timot. 4 5. and then calling the child by the name, which the Parent hath given it, for his own edification, and the Child's (9) Luk. 1.59 to 63. & 2 21 he baptizeth it either by dipping (10) Mat. 3.16 john 3 33. Acts 8 38. Rom 6.40. or sprinkling (11) 1 Cor. 10.2 Heb 20 22. into the name of the Father the Son, and the Holy Ghost. (12) Mat. 28.19 Quest. How is the Lords Supper to be administered? Answ. The Supper of the Lord is to be dispensed by the Minister of the Word (1) 1 Chr. 30.17 & 35.5, 6. unto the faithful of the same body (2) 1 Cor. 10.17. & 12, 13, 14 or commended to them by a like body (3) Rom. 16.1, 2 having examined and judged themselves (4) 1 Cor. 11.28 to 31. & sitting down with him at the Lords Table (5) Mat. 26.20 Lu. 22.27. to 30 before whom the Minister taketh the bread and blesseth it, breaketh it, and giveth it to the brethren with this commandment once for all, to take and eat it, as the body of Christ broken for them, and this do in remembrance of him, in like manner also he taketh the cup, and having given thanks, he poureth it forth, and giveth it to them, with a commandment to them all, to take and drink it at the blood of Christ shed for them, and this also to do in Remembrance of him (6) Mat 26.26 27, 28. Lu. 22.19, 20. 1 Cor. 11.23, 24 25. and after all thanksgiving is ended with singing a Psalm (7) Ma. 26.30, Mar. 14.26. Quest. After the Ministry of the Word and the Seals thereof, how is the Collection for the Saints to be adminished? Answ. The Collection for the Saints was by the Apostles Ordinance to be made for the time every Lord's day (1) 1 Cor. 16.1, 2 Deut. 16.16. for the measure as God had prospered every man (2) 1 Cor. 16.2. 2 Cor. 8.3. for the manner, not of constraint but freely, (3) 2 Cor. 9.5.7. brought by the givers as an offering to the Lord, & said down (4) Act. 4.34, 35. Mark 12.42. 1 Chr. 19.17 as at first before the Apostles, so afterwards by their appointment, before the Deacons of the Church, as into a common Treasury (5) Act. 4.35. 1 Cor 16.2. with 6.2.8. by them to be distributed to the supply of the Ministry and of the poor Saints according to their need and of all the outward Service of the Church. (6) 1 Tim 5 7 18 Gal. 6.6. Acts 5.35. & 6 1, 2, 3. Rom. 15.26. Quest. What duty of God's worship is to be performed in dismissing the assembly? Answ. After all parts of God's public worship have been performed by the Minister (1) Num. 6.23. or any of the Prophets is to dismis the Assembly with a word of blessing: offering up blessings unto the Lord (2) 1 King 8.15 and putting a blessing upon the people (3) 2 Sam. ●. 8 1 K 8 5●. to 8. Num. 6.23 to 27 2 Thes. 3.17.18. 2 Cor. 13, 18. Quest. In what manner are all duties of God's worship to be administered? Ans. In Spiritual simplicity without affectation of legal shadows (1) john ●. 26 of worldly pomp or carnal excellency (2) 2 Cor. 2 17 & 18.22. 1 Co 2.1, 2. 6 13 decently (3) Cor 14.40 and in order (4) 1 Co. 14.40 and to edification (5) 1 Cor 4.26 Quest. What form of Government is the Government of the Church. Answ. The government of the Church is in Christ our head Kingly or regal (1) Psalm 2.6. Isay 33.12 but in the Church Stewardly and Ministerial (2) M●● 16.19. 1 Cor. 4.11. 1 Pet 4.10. and in both of them Spiritual and heavenly (3) joh. 18.36 Quest. How doth Christ exercise his Kingly Government or power in the Church? Answ. By calling the Church into holy fellowship with himself, and one with another (4) Psal. 74.2. by ordaining Officers and Governors in his Church with their callings and gifts (5) Ep. 4.8.11. 1 Cor. 12 28 by giving Laws and ordinances to his Church, for the whole government of it (6) Isa. 3●. 2. Tim 4 12. 2 Tim. 3.6, 7 By putting life and power, even the power of his spirit in all his Ordinances, for the edifying of his body unto perfection (7) Mat. 18 18 20 & 28.20. john 1●. 7. to 11.12.14 and finally by subduing our enemies, and protecting ourselves in his peace to his heavenly Kingdom (8) Rom. 16 2●. john 14 27. 1 Tim. 4.8. Quest. How is the Government of the Church in the hand of the Church Stewardly or Ministerial? Answ. Because the end of the Government of the Church is spiritual and heavenly (1) joh. 18.36. as is the building of Christ's Kingdom, and saving of souls (2) Mat. 26 19 1 Cor 5 5. it is not in the power of men to ordain, or provide means or helps to such ends, but only for him that can work upon the soul and conscience (3) 2 Cor 1 24 1 Corm. and therefore it is not in the hand of the Church, to make Laws or ordinances, to choose Officers or Members, to administer Saeraments or Censures or any part of worship or Government of their own heads, but to receive all as from the hand of Christ, and to dispense all according to the will of Christ revealed in his Word (4) Heb 8 5. 1 King 13 33. & 12 33. jer. 7.31. Quest. How is the government of the Church Spiritual and heavenly? Answ. The government of the Church though it be not altogether inward but partly outward (1) Luk. 17.20 21. Esay 2, 3. as being administered by open and known Officers (2) Isa. 30.20. withaudable and lively voice (3) Rev. 1.16. in the open face of the brethren of the Congregation (4) Mat 18 15 1 Tim 5 20. yet is it in itself not of this world but Spiritual and heavenly (5) joh. 18 30 as being ordained, not by the wisdom and power of this world but of Christ (6) 1 Cor. 2.6, 7 8. and administered not according to the precepts of men but his Commandoments (7) Mat 28.20 not by earthly weapons, but by the Word and Sacraments, and other Spiritual Ordinances (8) 2 Cor. 10.4 not working upon the bodies, or outward estates of men by fines or imprisonments loss of limbs or lives, but upon their souls and consciences, by the evidence of the Spirit (9) Heb 13.7 2 Cor 10.5. 1 Cor. 2 4. john 16.33 Rom. 14.17. finally not aiming at worldly peace wealth or honour, but at the Righteousness of faith, peace of conscience, and joy in the Holy Ghost (10) Quest. To whom hath Christ committed the Government of his Church? Ans. Partly to the Body of the Church, in respect of the state or frame of it (1) Math. 16.19. and 18.17. Psal. 45.19. but principally to the Presbytery, in respect of the Order or Administration of it (2) 1 Tim. 5.17 & 4.14. 1 Thes. 5.12. Heb. 13.7 1 Cor. 12.28. Quest. What power of Government is committed to the body of the Church? (3) Act. 1.23.26. & 14 33 & 6.3.5. & 16 10. & 9.26, 27. Ans. The body of the Church hath power from Christ to choose, and call her own Officers, and members, to send forth any of them, for her service (4) 2 Cor. 8.19.25. to inquire and hear and assist in the Judgement of all public scandals (5) Act. 11 23 Math. 18.17. 1 Cor. 5.4, 5. Act. 15.33.4 Quest. What power of Government is committed to the Presbytery? Ans. To call the Church together (6) Act. 6 ●2. joh 1.13, 14. and to deliver the Counsel of God to them with all Authority (7) Tit. 2.15. to prepare matters for the Churches hearing (8) Act. 21.18 and to propound and order them in the Assembly (9) Act. 1.15 to administer Ordinations (10) 1 Tim 4.14. and Censures (11) 1 Tim. 1.20. and to dismiss the Assembly, with a blessing in the Name of the Lord (12) Num. 6.23. Quest. But hath not Christ committed some power of Government to every private member of the Church? Ans. Yes verily, there is a power of edification. (1) 1 Cor 16.8. & 13 10. Mat. 16.18.19 which the Lord hath given, to any member of the Church to excercise mutualy one over another (2) jude 20. 1 Thes. 5 11. 1 Co●. 1●. 17. to save some with compassion, others with fear (3) jude 21 22, 23. by a word of Instruction, Admonition, Exhortation and comfort (4) Act. 18 26 Mat. 8.15. Col. 3.16. Thes 14.11 Quest. How is Ordination to be administered? Ans. When the Church hath chosen and called an Officer, they present him to the Elders (1) Act 6.5, 6 who do ordain him if he be a Deacon with Praye●, and imposition of hands (2) Act. 6 6. and with fasting also is to be an Elder (3) Act. 14.33 Quest. How are the Censures of the Church to be administered? Ans. The Censures of the Church are ordained by Christ, for the removal of scandals out of the Church, (1) Mat 1.8.6. to 15. Luk. 17.1, 2, 3 which if they be private, (one Brother offending another) the Offender is to go and acknowledge his Repentance of it unto his Brother (2) Mat. 5.23, 24. who is then to forgive in (3) Luk. 17 4 but if the Offender neglect to dost the Brother offended is to go, and admonish and convince him of it, between themselves privately: If thereupon the Offender be brought to Repent of his offence the Admonisher hath won his Brother But if the Offender hear not his Brother, the Brother offended is to take with him one or two more that in the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established, whether the word of Admonition, if the Offender receive it, or the word of complaint to the Church if he refuse it, the offended Brother is to tell the Church, if he refuse to hear the Church, then is he to be accounted as an Heathen, and Publican (4) Luk. 17.3 Math. 18.15.16, 17. Quest. What if the Scandals or Offences be public, how are they to be removed? Ans. By public Reproof (1) 1 Tim. 5.20 Gal. 2.14. and if the offences be not only public but heinous, than the Church is to remove the offence, by Excomunicating the Offender out of the Church (2) 1 Cor. 5.15 1 Tim. 1.20. Quest. How is Excommunication to be administered? Ans. When the offence of any Brother is public, and heinous, or being private is through the Offenders obstinacy become publicly scandalous; the Church being met together, is in the Name and Power of the Lord jesus, and with his Spirit, are to deliver such an one to Satan for the destruction of the Flesh, and the Salvation of his Soul, in the day of the Lord Jesus (1) 1 Cor 5.1.4. 5, 11, 12. 2 Thes. 3.14. Mat. 18.17. Quest. Is there no use of Suspension in the Church? Ans. Not as a Church Censure or as an Act of power, but as an Act of discretion in the Church Officers, discerning the unclean from the clean, until they be cleansed (2) Leu. 10.10 Quest. What is Anathama Maranatha? Ans. It is the utmost Censure of the Church, whereby a Brother falling from the love of Christ, into hatied against him, is cut off from fellowship with Christ, for ever even to the coming of the Lord (3) 1 Cor. 16.22. Quest. Having seen what power of Government the Church hath received, and exerciseth within itself. Tell me now whither one Church hath power of Government over another? Ans. No Church hath power of Government over another, but each of them hath chief power within itself, and all of them equal power one with another, every Church hath received alike the power of binding and losing, opening and shutting the Kingdom of Heaven (1) Mat 18.17, 18. but one to another all of them are Sisters; (2) Cant. 8.8. all of them Sarahs', all of them Queens, none Hagar, none of them Concubines (3) Gal. 4.26. Cant. 6.8. but by their own corruption or usurpation of others (4) Rev 18.17. Finally, all of them, are Candlesticks of the same precious mettle, and in the midst of them all Christ equally walketh (5) Rev. 1.12, 13. Quest. But if one Church have no power of Government over another, what course is there left to Reform such corruptions, as may arise in any Church, whether in Doctrine or practice. Ans. The corruptions that are found in any Church, do either infect part of the Church, or the whole body; if part only, than the part remaining sound may either convince and reform their Brethren themselves if they be able, or if they be not able they may at least prevail so fare with them, as to send for light to some other Church, as they of Antioch did to the Church at Jerusalem. But if the Corruptions found in a Church do infect the whole Body, yet still there is hope in Israel concerning this, for though one Church have not power of Government over another, subordinate to them, yet every Church hath equal power one with another, as coordinate with them: And therefore look what power one Brother hath over another in the same Church, the same power hath one Church over another in Brotherly communion; as if one Church shall hear of any offence in another, they may inquire the certainty of it, and thereupon send Letters and Messengers to convince and admonish them of it. If the Church offending do hear the Church admonishing, they have gained their Brethren, and their own desire: If the Church hear them not, than the Church may take one or two Churches more to assist them, in the conviction of that sin: if yet the Church hear them not, then (upon due notice given) all the Churches thereabouts may meet together, and after judicious inquiry into the Cause, may by the Word of God confute and condemn such Errors, in Doctrine or practice, as are found oftensive: to prevent the spreading, either of the Gangrene of Heresy, or of the Leprosy of sin, and if the Church offending shall not yet hearken to their Brethren, though the rest of the Churches have no power to deliver them to Satan, yet they have power to withdraw from them, the right hand of Fellowship, and no longer to hold them in the Communion of Saints, till they approve their Repentance. (2) By proportion, from Mat. 18, 15.16, 17. 2 Thes. 3.6. FINIS.