Emmanuel manifested: OR, The two NATURES OF CHRIST Clearly distinguished, In their ACTS and EFFECTS. Wherein is briefly discovered, the means and manner of Man's Restoration; and, the Reasons of the various Dispensations of God, before Christ & since. With, A Description of the difference betwixt the Doctrines and Discipline of Christ, and that of Antichrist. By. A. C. a lover of the true manifestation of Jesus. 1 Tim. 3.15. Great is the mystery of, etc. God manifest, etc. 1 Pet. 1.12. Which things the Angels desire to look into. Printed at London for William Larnar, at the Blackmoor's-head near Fleet-bridge. 1655. An EPISTLE To the Reader. Reader, IF thy faith retaineth Virginity, and is not violated by believing because the Church believeth, nor on the other hand beguiled, with empty, vain, flattering conceptions, superficial and irregular principles and notions, such as exclude the written rule; it is not doubted, that thou wilt prejudge the series (here discussed) by the Frontispiece or Index, and so be deterred from reading, trying and weighing. It is hard to determine, whether the weak head, that treasures up all yellow metals, in stead of, and reputes it Gold; or the carelessly disdainful hand, that seeing the former mistaken, rejecteth gold, supposing it brass, without trial, be most culpable. We all confess the Gospel to be truth, and all men liars; let no man then think of men above what is written: for though all men must acknowledge themselves to be short, & know in part, yet most men endevaour to withhold others from transcending themselves, which is and hath been observable in the gradual dawnings of the truth, such thickets do especially exercise the eyes and understanding of him that traveleth toward the good Land, the professed opposers their hearts or affections. I thought good to premonish he of both, that with the wise builder thou mayest fore cast thy costs: when thou losest, consider 'tis usual with travellers; moreover, has what thou losest, bears no proportion with the most excellent things thou daily gainest. Consult not therefore with flesh and blood, that 'tis easiest swimming with the stream; for they will with Peter, tell thy spirit, Master, 'tis good for us to be here; or with Pharaoh, You may worship in Egypt, or go not far away: but Christ calls the first Satan, and God by Moses calls the other the house of bondage. When thou beginnest thy Journey, thou wilt as hardly forget the fleshpots, as the weaned child the breast; yet this the child must do, & so become a man. Content not thyself, that thou readest, and in general terms professest the doctrine & practice of the Apostles, if thou follow not Christ in the regeneration, and all truth for his sake, and for that 'tis the fame with thy new nature. To know truth from error, is peculiar to the children of the day; Christ from Antichrist, to the Martyrs, witnesses & redeemed of the Lord Jesus; the voice of the true shepherd, from strangers, to the sheep. No marvel then, if the form, carcase & shadow of truth (like a magnificent Image) be adorned with curious carving, engraven with acute wits, painted with deceivableness of unrighteousness, clothed with the stern looks of worldly authority and dignities; decked, with silver, Gold and pearls, enriched with the merchandise of slaves and souls of men; before whom, vain glorious trumpets, and all sort of music echo, and are disported: no marvel (I say) that we see such throngs of worshippers on the face of the earth, nothing is wanting to them, why then should not the town go on to be built? Promises of privileges of all sorts, to as many as will fall down and worship, and receive the mark: contrariwise, they shall not buy or sell. Gutta cavat Lapidem, continued drops we are a stone. Now trust men and multitudes no longer without Trial; lest the light they show, be a Parelii, or mock-sun: take not thy height by it, lest thou meet with contradictions; for assuredly, if thy compass be not rightly touched, thou wilt mistake thy course, meet with rocks & perilous shores. But if thy heart be upright, and willing to be taught of God, the great Loadstone draws infallibly true, irresistibly strong, making apparent difference between God and Mammon; the wisdom from above, and that which is from beneath; the doctrine and discipline of Christ, and that of antichrist; realities and resemblances. The whole discourse is very brief, & the concurrence of Scripture answereth the same on every leaf; which have the words of many written, to save the pains (as much as might be) of turning to them, which may be better employed in considering, comparing, and commenting in thy serious and judicious thoughts and mind on the whole Tract, as well the form and matter, as how 'tis proved. Which course I was induced unto, from my observation of many excellent works, which notwithstanding do paraphrase in most texts on that part conducing to the interest or imagination of the compiler, and in a sort impose their sense on the reader (more like Critics than Christians) concealing and waving that other part, which makes against it: I have therefore endeavoured to bring all to a fair impartial trial: hoping, that having to do with the understanding part of man, this may be a call to many, no farther to precipitate themselves Ignorantly, into the snare of the fowler. Also an invitation to such, whom the mercy of God hath in some measure freed to inquire, how fare; that so they may not think they have answered the will of God, when having a Jubilee from the Egyptian servitude, will travel no further than the wilderness: and lastly, that it may be an exercitation to the wise, to proceed and contribute their abilities for enlightening of their generation; which hath been the character and employment of the people of God in all ages. Wisdom is justified of her children. Wherefore, that thou good reader, and those who now despise her, may so know wisdom, as to justify it, hath been the thing endeavoured in this brief discourse, and shall be the Prayer of Thine in the service of the Lord Jesus, Ambrose Clap. AN ADVERTISEMENT To the READER. WHereas, in the seaventh sect and second part of the ninth, 'tis said, man was not under the Covenant of works for life, since Adam; and that in Jer. 33.31. and Heb. 10.16. is mention made of two Covenants: whence lest any should suppose, the Jews were under a Covenant of works, for eternal life, it must be considered, that God's Covenant made with Israel, at their coming out of Egypt, required outward acts of obedience: thereunto also were annexed divers promises of outward & Temporal Blessings, as the Land of Canaan, etc. And contrariwise, on disobedience, threaten of temporal Judgements; the end whereof was, to manifest Gods choosing them from all Nations, according to the promise made to Abraham, To show his name and will in and by them; what man lost by the fall to Typify Christ the promised seed, and show what was to be performed by him, (viz.) to fulfil the whole law of God given to them, and be a Satisfactory sacrifice; & so by Christ's fulfilling the Covenant of works, (intended in the abovesaid sections) the Covenant of grace is established. Wherever in this discourse it is said, that Christ did somethings as God, & others as man; it may not be understood, that the two natures were divided, but were in union still, & the acts peculiar to each, had their particular effects, through all Generations on man; according as they had an union with one or both natures. This Discourse treateth of man, what 1. By Creation; and so 1. Perfect, and under the Covenant of Works. 2. Fallen, and under the Covenant of Grace. 2. By Redemption; & that 1. Promised. The instrument or person by whom: 1. His names: 1. Son of God. 2. Son of man, Emmanuel. 2. His offices, King, Priest, and Prophet. 2. Performed in the fullness of time, By two natures united. 3. Manifested, by two Signs, viz. the water and blood. The two natures were, 1. Humane to suffer: wherein are 1. For what; viz. For the transgressions against the first Testament only. Whence it is that Man's eternal state is, but his eternal happiness is not from the suffering and passive part of the death of Christ. 2. For whom: For the whole nature in which he suffered. The Reasons. Objections answered. 3. Why, and yet himself righteous: By imputation, because found in the nature. 2. Divine, to fulfil all righteousness: 1. In what: In the actual fulfilling the whole Law of God, by the power of the divine nature. Whence it is that the actual righteousness of the Saints is not in the suffering of Christ, but in his righteousness. 2. For whom: For those only who are united by faith to the divine nature. The Reasons. Against the Reasons is one Objection made, and answered. 3. Why for them only, and they unrighteous, even as others: By Imputation, because made partakers of the divine nature. All which is manifested by the knowledge of 1. God's threefold discovery of himself in relation to man, viz. 1. Father, i. e. Creator. 2. Son, as Redeemer, 1. As God, working righteousness, 2. As Man, sufferer for the whole Nature. 3. Holy Spirit, Regenerator, working faith where God pleaseth, and not promised to all. 2. By the two Testaments. 3. By Similes in both: They having 1. Different Testators. 2. Different People. 3. Different Ends. 4. Different Signs. 5. Different Effects. Law, 1. Moses. 2. People or seed of Abraham. 3. To show God's choice of that people, and Christ to come of them. 4. Circumcision, 1. To show the choice, 2. What is required. 1. One of that Seed, i. e. Messiah, should satisfy justice as a Sacrifice. 2. Should fulfil all righteousness. 5. To convince of sin. Gospel. 1. Christ. 2. All Believers. 3. To show a chosen people, viz. the Seed after the Spirit. 4. Baptism, 1. To show the choice, 2. What was required. 1. Faith in what Christ hath done & suffered. 2. Living in, and walking according to the power of his love. 5. To convince of Righteousness. On the right & distinct understanding of the former Fundamentals, are built these Truths. In Doctrine. 1. Man was created good, and fell. 2. Was redeemed, and abused it. 3. Whoso were saved in all ages, it was by union with Christ, wrought by the Spirit; not promised to all. 4. No . 5. No Falling away. 6. No Desperation. 7. No judging Infants. 8. Heathen sinners against Law and Gospel. 9 All shall rise. 10. Christ to judge all, 1. Why. 2. For what. In Discipline, 1. God's choice the ground of practice. 2. God hath two distinct choices succeeding each other. 3. The Signs of each concern not the other. 4. The Law given by each Testator, required obedience from those only who were under the choice. 5. Antichrist consists more in Principles then in Professions. And contrariwise, expressed, or implied. Errors in Doctrine. 1. No extent of the virtue of Christ's death to the whole nature. 2. No resurrection of the unjust. 3. That Christ shall not be their Judge. 4. That the most of men sin not against the Gospel offered. With other errors & contradictions discussed. Errors in Discipline confound the choice. 1. In the Signs. 2. The Interest. 3. The Testators. 4. The Testaments. 5. The Ends. 6. The Effects. 7. Witnesses of Christ, 1. The Spirit. 2. Water. 3. Blood. and Antichrist, 1. Earthly power. 2. Riches. 3. Pomp. ERRATA. Sect. 6. l. 11. deal and. Sect. 17. l. 6. for above, r. alone. Sect. 25. l. ult. for work, r. mark. Sect. 30. l. 17 from the end, add first. Sect. 37. l. 8. for 1 Cor. r. 1. 2 Cor. Sect. 40. l. 2. for 1 John 12. r. 1 John 2. In Epist. Reader, P. 5. l. 5. for town, r. tower. Emmanuel manifested. I. GEn. 2.16. Of every tree, etc. Vers. 17. In the day thou eatest thou shalt die. II. Gen. 3.6. She took, etc. and gave to her husband, etc. III. (a) Gen. 3.15. compared with Gal. 3.16. which is Christ. (b) 1 Joh. 3.5. He was manifest to take away sin, etc. Vers. 8. to destroy the work of the devil. (c) Joh. 1.17. Grace and truth came by Jesus Christ. iv (a) 1 Joh. 5.6. But by water and blood. (b) Matth. 1.23. (c) Heb. 2.16, 17. and (d) Vers. 9 Matth. 3. ult. Vers. 15. Joh. 14.10. Vers. 11. (e) 2 Tim. 2.15. Show thyself a faithful, etc. rightly dividing the word, etc. V (a) Gal. 3.10, 13. was made a curse for us. (b) Matth. 3.17. This is my beloved Son, in whom, etc. Vers. 15. Thus it becometh us to fulfil all, etc. (c) 1 Joh. 5.12. He that, etc. hath life. Joh. 17.2, 4, 22. I have finished the, etc. (d) 1 Joh. 5.6. by water and blood. (e) Vers. 8. three; the spirit, the water, and the blood. VI (a) Heb. 9 the whole Chapter. Gal. 4.24, 25, 27. (b) Gen. 17.7, 8, 9, 10. thou and thy seed after thee. Deut. 10.12. And now Israel, what doth the, etc. Vers. 15. Lord had a delight in your fathers, to love them; and he chose their seed after them, even you, etc. (e) Heb. 2.16, 17. (d) Acts 2.29, 30, 31. Isai. 11.1, 2. A rod out of the stem of Jesse. Zech. 3.8. (e) Gen. 12.3. Chap. 18.18. & 22.18. Acts 3.25. Gal. 3.8. In thee shall all, etc. (f) Isa. 53.10. He shall see his seed, etc. Gal. 3.16, 19 If ye be Christ's, then, etc. Rom. 9.8. (g) Joh. 15.16. That ye should bring forth much, etc. Matth. 5.16. Let your light so shine before, etc. (h) Joh. 15.5. I am the vine, ye are the branches. VII. (a) Gen. 17.10, 11. It shall be a token of the covenant. Acts 7.8. (b) Gal. 5.3. compare with chap. 4.4. Heb. 10.7, 9 To do thy will, O God. Vers. 10. and 14. Through the offering of the body of Jesus. (c) Heb. 10.1. For the law having a shadow of good, etc. (d) Gal. 3.16, 17, 18. The law which was four hundred, etc. Gal. 2. ult. For if righteousness come by the, etc. (e) Gal. 3.24, 25. We are no longer under a Schoolmaster. VIII. (a) Phil. 2.7, 8. In fashion as a man, etc. Heb. 2.14. Heb. 10.5, 9, 10. 1 Pet. 2.24. Rom. 9.5. 2 Cor. 5.21. (b) Heb. 2.9. taste death for every man. 2 Cor. 5.14, 15. Heb. 2.16. but the seed of Abraham: compared with Acts 17.26. he hath made of one blood all, etc. 2 Pet. 2.1. denying the Lord that bought them. 1 Tim. 4.10. especially of those that believe. Vers. 11. Chap. 2.6. a ransom for all, to be testified in, etc. (c) Rom. 5.18. As by one man etc. even so, etc. (d) 2 Cor. 5.21. Heb. 2.14. Forasmuch, etc. he also himself took part of the same. (e) 1 Pet. 2.24. Gal. 3.13. (f) Heb. 9.15. for the redemption of the transgressions under the first testament. IX. Vide Sect. 7. and Sect. 8. 1 Cor. 5.2. he was made, etc. Heb. 9.15. redemption of transgressions under the, etc. 1. (a) 1 Pet. 2.22. Who did no sin. chap. 1.19. 1 Joh. 3.5. in him is no sin: and vers. 6. (b) Gal. 3.13. being made a curse for us: as it is, etc. (c) Rom. 5.12. death passed upon all men, for that all, etc. 2 Cor. 5.14. if one died for all, then are all dead. Vers. 12. (d) Heb. 2.16. took on him the seed of Abraham. 2. (a) Gal. 3.10, 16, 17. compared with vers. 21. For if there had been a law given which could have, etc. (b) Heb. 7.18, 19 a disannulling of the commandment, etc. (c) Heb. 8.6, 7. For if the first covenant had been faultless, etc. Vers. 13. (d) Gal. 5.3, 4. justified by the law, is fallen, etc. Gal. 3.11. compared with Vers. 18. But God gave it Abraham by promise. (e) 1 Joh. 5.11, 12. hath given eternal life, and this life is in his Son. (f) Heb. 9.15. for the sins against the first testament. Dan. 9.24. to finish transgression, and make an end, etc. Object. I. Isa. 53.6. The Lord laid on him the iniquities of us all. 1 Pet. 2.24. He bore our sins in his body on the tree. Isa. 53.5. By his stripes we are healed. 1 Joh. 1.7. The blood of Christ cleanseth us from all sin. Answ. 1. (a) Rom. 5.12. By one man sin entered into the, etc. and so death, for that all have sinned. v. 13, 14. Nevertheless death reigned from Adam, etc. (b) Jam. 2.10. Whoso doth offend in one point is, etc. (c) Isa. 40.2. Their warfare is accomplished. Rom. 3.25. For the remission of the sins that are past. c. 5.8. While we were sinners Christ died, etc. (d) Gal. 3.13. Being made a curse for us. 1 Pet. 1.19. As of a lamb without blemish, etc. 2 Cor. 5.21. Was made sin, etc. who knew no sin. 2 Cor. 15.22. As in Adam all die, so in Christ, etc. Phil. 2.8. Being found in the fashion of man, he, etc. Heb. 2.14. Forasmuch as the children were partakers, etc. Answ. 2. (a) 2 Cor. 3.16. The vail shall be taken away. Heb. 10.20. By a new and living way through the, etc. (b) 2 Cor. 5.19, 20. God was in Christ reconciling the, etc. Rom. 5.10. When we were enemies, we were, etc. Heb. 9.9. That could not, etc. perfect, etc. to the conscience. Rom. 5.9. Justified by his blood. Heb. 10.1, 2. 1 Tim. 2.6. Ransom for all, to be testified in, etc. Heb. 9.14. Purge your consciences from dead, etc. (d) Chap. 10.16, 17, 8. This the covenant that, etc. now where remission of these is, there remains, etc. (e) ver. 22. Having our hearts sprinkled from, etc. (f) 2 Cor. 5.21. and 1 Cor. 1.30. Made wisdom, etc. (g) 2 Cor. 3.18. Beholding as in a glass the glory, etc. 2 Cor. 5.14. Love of Christ constraineth us, etc. For farther answer to this or the like Objections, See Section 18. Object. 2. * John 17.9. I pray for them, I pray not for the world, but for them which thou hast given me. Answ. 1. 1. John 17.5. Glorify thou me with the glory, etc. 2. V 9 unto the 20. of whom he saith, v. 12. None of them is lost, but the son of perdition, etc. 3. V 20, 21, 22. Neither pray I for them alone, but for them who shall believe on, etc. 4. (a) V. 21. later part, That the world may believe, etc. (b) V. 23. later part, That the world may know that, etc. (c) v. 3. And this is life eternal, to know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom thou hast sent. (d) John 14.31. But that the world may know that I love the Father. (e) 2 Thess. 1.9, 10. Because our, etc. (f) Mar 16.15. Go ye into all the world, and preach the Gospel to every creature. Col. 1.23. And which was preached to every creature. vers. 28. Whom we preach, warning every man, and teaching every man. Answ. 2. (a) 2 Tim. 3.16. All Scripture is given by, etc. 2 Pet. 1.19, 20, 21. We have a sure word, etc. (b) 1 Tim. 2.1. I exhort that prayers, supplications and intercessions be made for all men. Mat. 5.44, 45, 48. 1. 1 Tim. 2.3. For this is good, etc. 2. V 4. Who will have all men to be saved, etc. 3. V 5. For there is one God, and one, etc. 4. V 6. Who gave himself a ransom for all. 5. V 6. later part. To be testified in due time. John 3.19. This is the condemnation, that light is, etc. John 16.9. Of sin, because they believe not on me. 1 Thess. 1.8, 9 In flaming fire, etc. Rom. 2.2, 4, 5, 6. X. (a) John 1.31. Therefore am I come baptising with, etc. V 32, 33, 34. Mat. 3.16. Jesus when he was baptised, etc. and lo, etc. (b) Act. 10.47, 48. Act. 2.38. (c) Ephes. 5.26. Washing of water by the word. Tit. 3.5. Washing of regeneration, John 3.5, 6. (d) John 15.1, 3, 4, 5. I am the Vine, ye are the, etc. (e) Mat. 3.15. Thus, etc. to fulfil all righteousness. (f) 2 Cor. 5.21. That we might be made the righteousness. 1 John 5.12. He that hath the Son, hath life, etc. John 14.10. The Father that is in me he doth, etc. John 3.5. Except a man be born of water, etc. XI. Proved by a more large and satisfactory Discourse in Sections the fifth and sixth, if they be compared with seventh and tenth Sections. XII. (a) Rev. 19.16. King of Kings, etc. Rev. 11.15. The Kingdoms of the World are become the Kingdoms, etc. (b) Heb. 7.2. King of Righteousness, Dan. 2.21, 44, 45. (c) Luke 1.32, 33. The Throne of his father David. (d) Mat. 27.11. The King of the Jews? thou sayest. chap. 21.5. Behold thy King cometh, etc. Luke 19.38, 40. (e) Psalm 2.9. He shall rule the Nations with a rod, etc. Secondly, (a) Rev. 15.3. Thou King of Saints, etc. (b) Isa. 9.6. Prince of peace, etc. (c) Heb. 7.1, 2. King of Salem, i. e. King of peace. (d) Rom. 8.1, 2. For the Law of the Spirit of life, etc. (e) Joh. 18.36. My Kingdom is not of this world. (f) 2 Cor. 10.4. The weapons of our warfare. Zach. 4.6, 7. Not by might, nor by power, but by, &c: Eph. 6.11. to the 17. Take unto you the whole armour, etc. XIII. Heb. 5.4, 5. But he that was called of God, as, etc. Chap. 7.26, 27. and Chap. 10.12. and Chap. 9.8, 9, 10. 2. Heb. 7.25. Ever liveth to make intercession for, etc. 1 John 2.1. We have an advocate with, etc. Heb. 8.1. Sitteth on the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in the heavens, Vers. 2, 3, 4. Chap. 7.1, 3, and so to the 18. Rom. 8.26, 27. The spirit itself, maketh intercession for us with, etc. XIV. Deut. 18.15. compared with Act. 7.37. A Prophet shall the Lord your God, etc. like unto me. Heb. 3.2, to the 6. Moses as a servant, Christ as etc. John 1.17. The Law was given by Moses, etc. 2. (a) Mat. 11.9. More than a Prophet. V 10. The messenger. V 11. Not risen a greater Prophet than John, etc. 12, 13. V 14. This Elias which was. V 15. V 27. Neither knoweth any man the Father, but the Son, and, etc. John 6.14. This is he, etc. John 1.17. But grace and truth came etc. Mat. 17.2, 3. And behold there appeared unto them Moses and Elias. (a) Luke 3. ult. Which was the Son of Adam. John 17.5. With the glory which I had, etc. (b) Heb. 2.16. took on him the seed of Abraham. John 8.58. With my Father. (c) Luke 3.31. Which was the Son of David. Mar. 12.37. David calleth him Lord. (d) Isa. 11.1. A Branch of the Root of Jesse, Rev. 5.5. Jer. 33.15. Rom. 11.20. John 15.5. I am the Vine, ye are the Branches, etc. (e) Mat. 24.34. Luke 3.22, 38. Mat. 1.24. John 9.35, 36, 37. (f) Act. 8.32. As a Lamb dumb before the, etc. Rev. 5.5. Behold the Lion of the Tribe, etc. (g) Heb. 10.20. By a new and living way, etc. Heb. 9.3, 4, 8, 11, 24. Heb. 6.19, 20. (h) Exod. 33.22. I will put thee in the cloven, etc. compared with Deut. 32.31. Their Rock. (i) Act. 17.26. Hath made of one blood all, etc. 1 John 5.8. There are three, etc. the water and the blood. (k) Heb. 2.17, 18. It behoveth him to be made like, etc. John 17.5. With the glory which I had, etc. (l) Deut. 27.12, 13. comp. with 2 Cor. 5.21. He was made sin for us, etc. Gal. 4.22, 25. and Chap. 3.13, 14, 16. From the curse, that the blessing, etc. (m) Mat. 5.17. But to fulfil it. James 4.12. One Lawgiver who is able, etc. comp. with 28. Mat. 18. All power is given, V 20, etc. John 15.14. John 14.21. Rom. 3.27. Where is boasting, etc. by the Law of works, by the Law of faith, Isaiah 33.22. XVI. (a) Zach. 14.4. comp. with Cant. 2.1. (b) Levit. 16.10. comp. Act. 7.26. Heb. 9.20. and Chap. 10.4, to the 6. and v. 11. comp. with Numb. 17.26. (c) Psal. 46.4. Ezek. 47.1, to the 9 Phil. 1.29. (d) Rev. 22.2. comp. with John 6.49, to the 56. Mal. 4. 〈…〉 ●n of righteousness. (e) Zach. 4. throughout Rev. 11.17.24. compared with Mat. 25.3.9. Psal. 119.105. (f) Isa. 12.3. compared with Joh. 4.14. 1 John 4.8, 9, 10. Gal. 3.14. (g) Mat. 11.29, 30. Phil. 1.29. 1 John 4.18. (h) Isa. 28.16. compared with Gal. 4.22, etc. Eph. 2.14. (i) John 14.6. Gen. 28.12. (k) 1 John 2.2. A propitiatory Sacrifice, etc. compared with the v. 1. of the same Chapter, An Advocate, (l) Deut. 14.6. XVII. (a) John 14.10. The Father that is in me he doth, etc. John 5.19. The Son can do nothing of himself; but, etc. (b) John 3.5. Except a man be born of water, etc. John 1.12. As many as received him, to them, etc. 1 John 5.12. He hat hath the Son hath: (c) later partly of 12 verse, he that hath not the Son, etc. (d) Heb. 2.9. Lower than the Angles for the suffering, etc. V 10. To make the captain of, etc. perfect through suffering. 1 John 4.10. sent his Son to be a propitiation for our, etc. Rom. 8.32. spared not his own Son, but delivered, etc. (e) Joh. 6.36. That of all which he hath given me, etc. V 44. can come, etc. except the Father draw him. Joh. 17.2. To as many as thou hast given him. V 6. to the, etc. gavest, v. 9, 10, 11, 24. (f) Joh. 6.35. that believeth on me shall never thirst, v. 45, 47, 57 (g) Isaiah 53.10. He shall see his seed. 1 Cor. 12.12, 27. hath many members, etc. (h) John 15.5. (i) Isa. 12.2. The Lord Jehovah is my strength and my song, he is become my salvation. XVIII. (a) Joh. 10.17. I lay it down that I might take it up, etc. v. 18. No man taketh it, etc. I have power to lay it down, etc. (b) v. 15. I lay down my life for the sheep, etc. & v. 30. I and my Father are one. (c) 1 Pet. 4.1. Christ suffered for us in the flesh, etc. (d) Mat. 26.39, 42, 44. Let this cup pass, etc. not my, etc. Heb. 5.7. He prayed with strong crying and tears, etc. and was heard in that he feared. XIX. (a) 1 Peter 4.1. Suffered for us in the flesh. Phil. 2.8. Heb. 9.15. For Redemption of the sins against the first Testament, Chap. 2.14. Chap. 10.5, 9, 10. (b) Rom. 9.22. Rom. 2.4, 5, 6. Forbearance, long-suffering, etc. 2 Pet. 3.9. Long-suffering to us-ward, p. 15. 1 Pet. 3.20. Which sometimes were disobedient, when, etc. (c) 1 Cor. 15.13, 16. Then are not the dead raised, and verse 22. For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ, etc. (d) Matth. 25.41. Into everlasting fire. and verse 46. Gal. 3.13. Being made a curse for us, as it is, etc. (e) 1 John 11.12. But as many as received him, to them, etc. Rom. 5.8, 10. 1 John 4.19. Because he loved us first. XX. (a) Mat. 3.16, 17. In whom I am well, etc. 1 Pet. 3.18. Suffered, etc. the just for the unjust. (b) Heb. 10.9. Lo, I come to do thy will, O God, etc. (c) 1 Joh. 5.11. compared with Joh. 3.5. Except a man be born of water, etc. (d) 1 Joh. 5. ult. part vers. 12. He that hath not the Son, hath not life. Joh. 3.39. hath not life, but the wrath of, etc. Joh. 5.29. done evil, to the resurrection of condemnation. XXI. (a) Gen. 1.1. God created the heaven and the earth. (b) 2 Pet. 1.17. From the excellent glory, this is, etc. 1 Tim. 2.5, 6. Who gave himself, etc. (c) Joh. 16.13. Guide you into all truth. Vers. 14, 15. Joh. 16.8, 9, 10, 11. Reprove, etc. of sin, etc. Joh. 3.5, 8. So is every one that is born of the Spirit. (d) Rom. 3.12. Gen. 6.5. only evil continually. (e) Tit. 2.11. For the grace, etc. hath appeared to all men. Heb. 2.9. Taste death for every man. (f) Rom. 1.19, 20, 21. Are without excuse. Eph. 2.3. (g) Rom. 2.4, 5, 12, 15. Or despisest thou, etc. (h) Rom. 3.9. to the 20. All come short of the glory of God. And vers. 23. (i) Jam. 1.14. Man is tempted, etc. Matth. 12.36, 37. For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy, etc. thou shalt be condemned. 2 Tim. 2.25, 26. Taken captive by him at his will. (k) Rom. 8.29. To be conformable to the image, etc. Rom. 8.4, 8, 9, 10. 1 Cor. 6.11. By the Spirit, etc. (l) Rom. 3.9, 10, 11, 12, 22, 23, 27. XXII. (a) Gal. 4.4. When the fullness of time was come, etc. (b) Joh. 15.26. Whom I will send to you from, etc. Acts 2.3. and 1 Cor. 14.22. Wherefore tongues are for, etc. Joh. 16.7. Acts 2.16, 17. Heb. 10.17. Eph. 1.13. 2 Pet. 1.21. But holy men spoke as they were, etc. (c) Joh. 8.56. Abraham saw my days, and, etc. Joh. 1.1, 13. Gen. 6.3. My spirit shall not always, etc. 1 Cor. 10.2, 3, 4. Did all eat the same spiritual meat, etc. (d) Rom. 8.9. If any man hath not the Spirit of Christ, etc. (d) Matth. 12.31, 32. Against the holy Ghost, shall not, etc. Acts 4.12. There is no other name given, etc. (f) Rom. 3.9. to 27. What are we better than they? XXIII. (a) Psal. 51.12. Establish me with thy free spirit. Rom. 9.15. I will have mercy upon whom I will, etc. (b) Joh. 3, 8. Bloweth where it listeth. Act. 2.2. Like a mighty wind. Eph. 1.19, 20. Chap. 2.3, 4, 5. (c) Jam. 1.14. But every man is tempted, when he is drawn aside, etc. (d) Joh. 6.44. No man cometh to me, except, etc. Phil. 2.13. For it is God which worketh in you, both, etc. Rom. 9.16. Not of him that willeth. Vers. 18. 2 Tim. 2.25, 26. Snare of the devil, who are led captive, etc. at his will. Eph. 1.19, 20. And what is the exceeding greatness of his power, etc. XXIV. (a) Phil. 3.12, 13, 14. I press toward, etc. (b) Joh. 10.27, 28. Vers. 29. None can pluck them out of my Father's hand. Vers. 30. Joh. 17.21, 22, 23. Made perfect in one. Vers. 26. Joh. 11.26. Shall never die. Rom. 4.16. (c) Rev. 3.4, 5. Chap. 7.9. White robes. And Chap. 19.8. White linen, etc. the righteousness. (d) Rom. 11.19, 20, 21. 2 Tim. 2.19, 20, 21. The Lord knoweth who, etc. and let every one that nameth, etc. Let him that standeth, take heed, etc. XXV. (a) Jam. 1.5. Giveth to all men liberally, etc. 1 Joh. 3.8. Manifest, to destroy the work, etc. 1 Tim. 2.4. Would have all men to be saved. v. 6. who gave himself a ransom for all. Eph. 3.16, 17, 19 To know, etc. and be filled with the, etc. (b) Heb. 3.7. to day if you will hear his, etc. v. 13. lest any of you be hardened through, etc. chap. 4.1, 2. Not profit, not being mixed, etc. 2 Cor. 5.11. Knowing therefore, etc. v. 19, 20. chap. 6.12. Now is the acceptable time, etc. 2 Cor. 10.4, 5. Colos. 1.23, 28. Philip. 3.9, 12, 13, 14, 16. XXVI. (a) Jer. 31.30. Every one shall die for his own, etc. (b) Math. 12.36, 37. For by thy words, etc. and by thy, etc. John 5.29. That have done evil, etc. Mark 10.14, 15. Suffer little children, etc. whosoever. Luk 18.15, 16, 17. Matth. 19.14. For of such is the kingdom of God. XXVII. (a) Rom. 2.12, 14, 15. Which show the law written, etc. Rom. 3.9, 10, 19, 23. That all the world may become guilty before God. (b) Rom. 10 18. Have they not heard? their sound is, etc. compared with Psal. 19.1. to the 6 verse. the heavens declare, etc. their sound, etc. Rom. 1.18, 19 For God hath showed it unto, etc. And v. 20. Being understood by the things, etc. And v. 21. Because when they knew God, they, etc. (c) Rom. 2.9. Doth evil, on the Jew first, and also, etc. And v. 15. which show the work, etc. their consciences, etc. XXVIII. (a) John 11.25. I am the resurrection and the life, etc. chap. 5.28, 29. Shall hear, &c, and shall come, etc. they, etc. and they that have done evil, unto the, etc. (b) Act. 17.31. Because he hath appointed a day, etc. Joh. 5.22. But hath committed all Judgement, etc. (c) Rev. 7.9, 14, to the and. In white, with palms, etc. Col. 1.13. Translated us into the Kingdom, etc. And vers. 27, 28. Christ in you the, etc. (d) Phil. 2.7, 8. Made himself, etc. humbled himself, etc. v. 10. That at the name of Jesus, etc. Rom. 2.16. In the day when God shall Judge, etc. Joh. 16.9. Of sin, because they believed not, etc. Rev. 20.12, 13. to the end. XXIX. (a) 2 Cor. 3.7, 8, 10, 11, 12. For if that which were done away be glorious, much more that, etc. And v. 13. They could not look to the end of that, etc. And v. 14. Their minds are blinded, etc. which veil, etc. (b) 2 Cor. 3 9 If the administration of condemnation, etc. Gal. 3.19. Was added because of transgression (c) 2 Cor. 3. later part of 9 vers. much more doth, etc. John 1.17. For the law was given my Moses, etc. (d) Acts 7.46, 47. But Solomon built him an, etc. (e) 1 Cor. 3.16. Ye are the temples of God, etc. v. 17. Is holy, which temple ye are. (f) Rom. 8.11. By his spirit that dwelleth in you. XXX. (a) Gal. 4.24, 25. This Agar is mount Sinain, etc. v. 26. But Jerusalem which is above, is, etc. (b) Deut. 24.2. I have chosen you from all, etc. (c) v. 8. I will give thee and thy seed after thee, etc. (d) Gen. 17.7. To thee and thy seed after thee, etc. Ezek. 20.40. For in mine holy mountain, etc. Deut. 12.9. Ezek. 36.17, 21. Levit. 25.23. That Land is there called the Lords, etc. (e) 1 Kings 4.1. Solomon was King, etc. Deut. 6.10, 11. Goodly cities, houses, well, etc. (f) 2 Sam. 18.1, 2. Numb. 31.4, 5, 6. 1 (a) Heb. 9.8, 9, 10. Which was a figure for the time, etc. (b) 2 Chron. 3.8. Holy house: ch. 7.7. Deut. 4.10. (c) Levit. 22.6, etc. The holy things, chap. 6.27. holy flesh. 1 Samuel 21.5. Holy bread. Exodus 35. 21. Holy Garments. (d) Levit. 10.9. Wherefore Levi shall have no inheritance, etc. 2. (a) Deut. 4.2. I have chosen thee to myself, etc. Chap. 7.6. Thou art a holy people, etc. 1 Kings 8.53. (b) Gen. 17.11, 12. Shall be circumcised, and it, etc. (c) Luk. 2.24. offered a pair of turtle-doves, etc. (d) Heb. 9.10. Which stood only in outward, etc. (e) Numb. 19.11. Dead bodies must not be, etc. v. 21. must be kept from defilement: (g) v. 14. Houses and Tents, etc. must be kept clean. (h) Deut. 23.13. With a paddle to cover their dung, etc. (i) Levit. 23.3, 31, 32, 34. Of several (k) Sabbaths: v. 29. (l) chap. 25.4, 6. Sabbaths for the Land. [m] 1 King's 9.3. To put my name there for ever, Ezek. 20.40. There will I accept them, and there, etc. Deut. 12.5. But unto the place which the lord chap. 16.2, 5, 6, 7, 16. The time and place of the Jews worship. [n] Exod. 22.25. No use for money to be taken, etc. v. 26, 27. No Garment to be taken as pawn. [o] Levit. 25.36. When thy brother is waxed, etc. Deut. 22.19. No pawn to be taken. [p] Levit. 25.40. Until the year of Jubilee, etc. And v. 26, 27, 28. Year of Jubilee, and Land to be restored on redemption. [q] Numb. 25.6, 7. Eleazar slayeth Zimri and Cozbi. Deut. 17.2. Idolatry punished to v. 5. by civil Governors. 1 Sam. 15.32. Samuel slayeth Agag. Levit. 24.14. Of cursing. 2 Chron. 23.14, 18. Jehojadah. Deut. 6.7. Holy nation. Heb. 9.1. Worldly sanctuary. 1. Math. 10.5, 6. Go to the lost sheep of the house, etc. Gal. 3.16. He saith not, Of seeds, etc. But of one, etc. Act. 2.39. The promise is to you and to your children. chap. 13.46. It was necessary the word should, etc. 2. Gal. 3.19. The law was added to convince of transgression. Rom. 7.13, 14. that sin, etc. exceeding sinful. 3. Gal. 3.10. The law, are under the curse, etc. v. 13. He was made a curse for us. chap. 4.4. Made of a woman, made under the law, v. 5. chap. 5.3. Is circumcised, he is a debtor to keep, etc. Rom. 8.2, 3, 4. For what the law could not do, etc. 4. [a] Heb. 5.4. No man takes this honour to himself. Gal. 3.24. After faith is come, etc. No longer, etc. Schoolmaster, etc. 1 Pet. 2.4, 9 A chosen Generation, a Royal, etc. Luk. 3.33. And he shall Reign, etc. Dan. 7.27. Micah 4.3, 4, 5. Learn war no more, etc. Psal. 46.9. He maketh wars to cease to the ends, etc. Dan. 2.44, 45. The stone cut out of the mountain. XXXI. (a) Heb. 8.1, 2. Christ the minister of the, etc. v. 7. If the first had been faultless, then, etc. Heb. 9.11. (b) Isa. 53.10. He shall see his seed. 1 Joh. 3.9. His seed remaineth in him. Heb. 10.16. (c) Eph. 1.18, 19 chap. 3.18, 19 1 Pet. 1.4. Great and precious promises, etc. 2 Cor. 6. last: chap. 7.1. (d) Luk. 12.29, 31. And all these things shallbe added. (e) Heb. 7.1. Rev. 5.10, 12. Kings and Priests. (f) Rom. 8.1. But after the spirit. (g) Gal. 4.22. to the 26. Joh. 18.36. Not of, etc. (h) Joh. 14.27. Gal. 5.22. Isa. 32.17, 18. and chap. 28.11, 12. and chap. 12.2. (i) Eph. 3.16. Eph. 1.7, 8. 1 Joh. 2.15. (k) Isa. 32.1, 2. and chap. 33.6, 16. (l) John 14.27. and v. 16, 17, Math. 10.28. Fear not them that, etc. (m) James 3.17. (n) Acts 6.10. Not able to, etc. 1. (a) Heb. 12.18, 22, 27. Cannot be shaken, that, etc. (b) 2 Pet. 2.4. Living stone. v. 5. Lively stone. v. 6. Corne-stone. Eph. 4.15, 16. and chap. 2.20, 21, 22. Isa. 35.4. To the 10. And sorrow and sighing shall fly, etc. And chap. 32.17, 18. Heb. 13.15, 16. 1 Pet. 2.5. Rev. 7.9, Clothed in white. John 6.48. Bede of life. And v. 55. (c) Heb. 6.20. For ever after the, etc. Melchizedeck. (d) 1 Pet. 2.9. Chosen Generation, a Royal, etc. (e) Rom. 8.17. If Children, than heirs (f) 1 Cor. 1.30. Heb. 4.8, 9, 10. There remaineth therefore a rest. 2. Gal. 1. Last, if ye be Christ's, then are ye, etc. chap. 5.6. But faith which worketh by love. Acts 8.37. If thou believest, etc. (b) Eph. 5.11. And have no fellowship with the, etc. (c) 1 Cor. 6.19. Your bodies are the Temple of, etc. (d) v. 20. Glorify God in our bodies, etc. (e) Phil. 2.14. to the end. 2 Cor. 6.15, 16. What agreement hath the Temple of God, etc. v. 17. touch no, etc. (f) Heb. 4.9. There remaineth, etc. (g) John 4.21, 23, 24. Neither in the Mountain, etc. In Jerusalem, but the true worshippers, etc. (h) Eph. 4.1. to the 17. vers. 1 John 3.20, 21. Eph. 5.1, 2. Of God, as dear children. (i) 1 John 2.27. But the anointing which ye, etc. (k) Matth. 10.8. Freely ye have received, freely give. 1 Cor. 9.18. and chap. 22.6, 7. To profit withal, etc. and chap. 14.29, 30, 39 covet to Prophecy, etc. (l) 1 Cor. 12.25, 26, 27. where one member, etc. (m) James 2.15, 16. For, if a brother or Sister, etc. 2 Cor. 9.6, 7, 8, 9 He that soweth sparingly, etc. And v. 12, Supplying the wants of the Saints, but, etc. 1 Joh. 3.17. How dwelleth the love of God, etc. (n) Deut. 23.20. Unto a stranger thou mayest lend upon usury, but unto thy brother, etc. XXXII. (a) Heb. 9.9. Which was the figure for the time, etc. And v. 10. Stood in meats, etc. Till the time of reformation. chap. 10.20. New and living, etc. Through the veil, etc. chap. 8.5. Who serve unto the example and shadow, etc. (b) Heb. 8.6. A more excellent ministry, etc. Better covenant. (c) John 14.2, 4, 5, 9 That ye bear much fruit. James 3.17, 18. The fruit of the Spirit is pure, etc. 1. John 3.5, 6. Except a man be born of water, etc. Rom. 11.20. And thou standest by faith, etc. 2. Math. 3, 15. Thus it, etc. Fulfil all righteousness. John 14.10, 11. 1 Cor. 1.30. Is made unto us, wisdom, righteousness, sanctification and redemption. Titus 3.5. By regeneration renewing, etc. 1 Pet. 2.3, 5. If so be ye have tasted that the Lord, etc. Are built upon him a spiritual house, v. 7. To you that believe he is precious. 3. (a) John 8.23. I am from above. chap. 17.16. They are not of this world. (b) chap. 18.36. My kingdom is not of this world. Rom. 14.17. Is not meet, &c: 1 Cor. 2. throughout (c) Psal. 103.19. His kingdom ruleth over all. (d) 1 Tim. 6.15. Psal. 46.7, 8. Maketh wars to cease, etc. (e) Rom. 13.6. For this cause pay we tribute, etc. Math. 22.21. Unto Caesar the things that are, etc. XXXIII. (a) 1 Tim. 3.16. Great is the mystery of Godliness. 1 Pet. 1.10, 11, 12. The Angels desire to look into. (b) 2 Tim. 2.15. Rightly dividing the word, etc. (c) 1 John 5.6, 8, 10, 12. 1 Tim. 3.16. Compared, etc. Rev. 11.3. And I will give power to my two, etc. v. 11. After three days and an half, etc. v. 15. The kingdoms of the world are become, etc. 2 John 7. For many deceivers are entered into, etc. That Jesus is not come in, etc. This is an Antichrist. v. 9 Whosoever transgresseth and abideth not, etc. v. 10. If there come any unto you, and bring not, etc. XXXIV. (a) Rev. 17.5. Mystery Babylon. chap. 16.19. (b) 2 Thes. 2.7. To the 10. With all deceivableness, etc. 1 John 4.1, 2, 3. vers. 6. 2 Pet. 2.1, 2. vers. 3. Covetousness, with feigned words shall they make Merchandise of you, 2 Tim. 3.5. Tit. 1.16. 1. 1 Tim. 4.10. Is the Saviour of all men, especially of, etc. vers. 11. These things command and teach. chap. 2.6. Gave himself a ransom for all, to be, etc. Heb. 2.9. Suffered death for every man. chap. 4.3, 11. Gal. 2.16. Matth. 9.23. All things are possible to them that, etc. John 1.12. Even to these which believe on, etc. 1 Joh. 5. throughout. Rom. 8.1.9. Colos. 2.10. 2. John 3.19. This is the condemnation, that light, etc. 1 Tim. 2.4. Who will have all men, etc. vers. 6. 2 Tim. 2.13. If we believe not, yet he abideth, etc. Ezek. 18.31, 32. For why will ye die, O house, etc. 3. 1 John 5.10. He that believeth not, etc. Made him a liar, etc. John 3.17.19. God sent not his son, etc. vers. 18. Condemned, because he believed not in the, etc. Matth. 23.37. How often would I have gathered, etc. Rom. 2.4. Or despisest thou the riches of his, etc. 4. (a) John 3.14. As Moses lift up the Serpent in the, etc. vers. 15. That whosoever believed, etc. And vers. 36. Isa. 45.23. Look to me all ye ends of the, etc. (b) Acts 4.12. Neither is there salvation in any other, etc. Heb. 10.26. There remains no more sacrifice, etc. Matth. 26.21, 23. Were exceeding sorrowful, and said every one of them, Master, is it I? Ezek. 13.21, 22. With lies ye have made the hearts sad, whom I have not made sad. vers. 23. Ye shall see no more vanity, for I will deliver my people, etc. 1 Pet. 1.8, 9 Seeking whom he may devour. 1 John 3.8. The son of God was manifested, that he, etc. 5. (a) 1 John 2.2. Not for ours only, but also for the, etc. And in another place, Gave himself a ransom for all: and again, he tasted death for every man: with other the like scriptures. (b) Jer. 5.12. They have belied the Lord, and said it, etc. Ezek. 22.28. Daubed with untempered mortar, etc. chap. 13.3, 4, 6, 10. They have seduced my people, saying peace, and there is no peace, vers. 19 And vers. 22. Strengthened the hand of the wicked, etc. Deut. 29.19. Bless himself, saying, I shall have, etc. 6. (a) Acts 17.26, He hath made of one blood to dwell, etc. Heb. 2.16. He took on him the nature of, etc. Phil. 2.8, 9 Being found in fashion of man, etc. John 11.25. I am the resurrection and the, etc. 1 Cor. 15.13, 15, 16. For if the dead rise not, then, etc. vers. 20.21.22. By man came death, by man resurrection. 7. (a) John 15.22. Else they had not had sin, etc. chap. 16.8, 9 Of sin, because they believe not, etc. Phil. 2.10. At the name of Jesus every knee, etc. 2 Pet. 2.1. (b) Heb. 10.28, 29, 30. The Lord shall judge, etc. 2 Thes. 1.8, 9 Rom. 2.4, 5, 6. Joh. 5.27. Given him authority to execute Judgement, because he is the son of man, Acts 17.31. XXXV. [a] 2 Tim. 2.15. Rightly dividing the word of truth. 1 Tim. 6.3. If any man teach otherwise, etc. [b] Matt. 26.22. Being sorrowful, they began every, etc. [c] 2 Cor. 5.20. We as ambassadors beseech you in, etc. Isa. 28.12. This the rest, this is the refreshing, etc. 1 John 3.8. He was manifest to destroy the work, etc. [d] vers. 19 We love him, because he loved us first. 1 John 3.16. Perfect love casteth out fear. [e] Jam. 1.25. Into the perfect law of liberty: compared with the 24. vers. Teaching only duty, they, etc. 1 John 3.16. He that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, for God is love. Habakkuk 2.12, 13. It is not of, etc. [f] 2 Cor. 3.18. Beholding as in a glass, etc. Eph. 3.18. Being rooted & grounded in love, etc. chap. 4.20, 21. But ye have not so learned, etc. Math. 10.41, 42. Shall give a Cup of cold water to a Prophet, in the name of, etc. Shall receive, etc. [g] 1 Cor. 13.1, 2, 3, 4. And so on throughout, showeth the excellentcy of charty. XXXVI. 2 Cor. 5.16. Henceforth know we no man after the flesh: yea though we have known Christ, etc. vers. 17. If any man be in Christ, he is a new, etc. 1. [a] Acts 8.37. If thou believest with all thy heart, etc. For further proof, see sect. 7. [b] Isa. 53.8. And who shall declare his generation? etc. (i. e.) After the flesh. 2 Cor. 5.16. know we him so no more. Isa. 53.10. He shall see his seed (i. e.) After the Spirit. Joh. 3.6. That which is born of the flesh is flesh, etc. 1 Cor. 5.17. Rom. 8.8. They that are in the, etc. Vide 30 Section latter part. 2. [a] Rev. 17.15. The waters which thou sawest are, etc. [b] John 18.36. My kingdom is not of this world. Matth. 10.7, 8, 9, 10. Provide neither gold nor, etc. Math. 11.29. Learn of me, for I am meek and lowly, etc. 1 John 2.15. Love not the world. 16. vers. All that is in the World is the lust of the eye, the lust, etc. Luke 9.58. Foxes have holes, and the birds, etc. But, etc. Math. 6.19. Lay not up for yourselves treasures, etc. vers. 21. For where your treasure is, there will, etc. (c) 1 Cor. 2.5, 6. In the wisdom of men, but in the, etc. vers. 11. None knoweth the things of God, but by, etc. vers. 14. The natural man perceiveth not the, etc. Vide the 2 branch of 31 sect. XXXVII. Rev. 17.6. When I saw her, I wondered with, etc. 2 Thes. 2.7. The mystery of iniquity doth, etc. vers. 9 With all power and lying wonders. 10 vers. And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness, etc. Rev. 17.5. On her forehead is written, mystery, etc. 1. Cor. 10.4. The weapons of our warfare are, etc. (b) Joh. 16.2. Whosoever killeth you, shall think, etc. (c) Rev. 18. Last. And in her was found the blood, etc. chap. 3.10. He that leadeth into captivity, shall, etc. chap. 14.12. This is the patience of the saints. Habakkuk 2.12. Woe to him that buildeth, etc. In blood. (d) v. 13. Behold it is not of the Lord, that the people, etc. Rev. 17.1, 2. ch. 18.7. I sit as a Queen, etc. ch. 17.18. Which reigneth over the kings, etc. 2. (a) 1 Tim. 6.5. Supposing that gain is godliness, etc. 1 John 2.15. to the 23. Love not the world, etc. 1 Cor. 3.19. The wisdom of the world is foolish, etc. vers. 18. He that would be wise, let him become, etc. v. 20. The Lord knoweth the thoughts of the, etc. Exod. 8.18, 19 And the magicians did so, ch. 9.11. could not stand before Moses, compared with 2 Tim. 3.8. Now as Jannes, etc. so do these, etc. vers. 9 But they shall proceed, etc. their folly, etc. 3. 1 John 2.16. Lust of the flesh, etc. is of the, etc. James 3.11, 12. Can a fountain, etc. or tree, etc. vers. 15. Is earthly, sensual and devilish, etc. Rev. 18.7. I sit as a Queen, and am ●o, etc. chap. 17.15. Mystery Babylon the whore. v. 18. Ruleth over the Kings of the earth. chap. 18. Last. And in her was found the blood, etc. John 16.2. They that kill you, shall think, etc. Rev. 17.2. Have been made drunken with the, etc. vers. 4. Decked with Gold and precious stones, and Pearl. vers. 6. I saw the Woman drunken with the blood, etc. Rev. 2.20. Because thou sufferest the Woman Jezabel to teach and seduce, etc. vers. 21. Compared chap. 18.7. I sit as a Queen. 1 Kings 21.7. Dost thou not govern Israel? arise; let thy heart be merry, I will give thee the Vineyard, 8 vers. She wrote letters in Ahabs' name, vers. 9 Proclaim a fast, etc. vers. 10. Let two men witness, etc. Thou didst blaspheme, etc. XXXVIII. (a) 1 John 5.8. Three that be are record on earth, etc. (b) chap. 2.16. Lust of the eye, of the flesh, and pride, etc. Rev. 18.12, 13. Great merchandise, slaves and souls of men. vers. 15, 16, 17, 18. What city is like unto this great, etc. v 2. Is become the Habitation of devils. 1 Tim. 4.1, 2, 3. Giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils, speaking lys in hypocrisy; forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats. chap. 6.3. 2 Thes. 2.9, 10. With all deceivableness of unrighteousness. 2 Pet. 2.1, 2, 3. Through covetousness shall they with feigned words make, etc. 1 Cor. 14.7, 8. For if the trumpet give an uncertain, etc. 1 Cor. 14 33. God is not the author of confusion, but, etc. (c) Ezek. 16.28, 48. compared with Rev. 11.8. Spiritually is called Sodom, etc. compared with chap. 17.1, 3, 4. With whom the Kings, etc. And the inhabitants, etc. With the wine of her fornication. (d) chap. 11.8. Called Egypt. (e) chap. 9.2. And there arose a smoke out of the, etc. chap. 8.12. Third part of them was darkened. chap. latter part 2 vers. And the Sun and the air were darkened, by reason of the smoke of the Pit, vers. 17. Mouths issued smoke, fire, and brimstone▪ chap. 16 10. Beast, and his kingdom, etc. of darkness, etc. Exod. 10.22, 23. (f) See the 4 branch of 34 Section. (g) Hab. 2.11, 12, 13. 'tis not of the Lord that the people should labour in the fire, etc. and weary themselves, etc. compared with Exod. 5.7. (h) Exod. 8.25. sacrifice to your God in the land. (i) vers. 26. Moses answer, we shall sacrifice the abomination of the Egyptians, etc. Lo, shall we, etc. before their eyes, and will they not stone us? (k) v. 28. Go, etc. Only you shall not go far away. (l) chap. 10.14. Let your flocks and your herds be stayed. XXXIX. Rev. 16.19. Great City was divided into three parts. chap. 9.14, 15, 16, 17, 18. compared with chap. 17.15. The waters are people, nations, etc. chap. 16.12. Six Angels, etc. Euphrates dried up. vers. 13. Three unclean spirits like frogs. vers. 14. To gather the Kings of the earth to battle of that, etc. Latter part 12 vers. That the way of the Kings of, etc. vers. 19 To give her the cup of the fierceness, etc. chap. 18.6, 7, 8. For strong is the Lord, who Judgeth, etc. vers. 21. Millstone, etc. Thus with violence shall the great city Babylon be thrown down, and shallbe found no more. vers. 23. For by thy sorceries were, etc. 24. vers. chap. 19.1, 2, 3. And her smoke risen up, etc. Isa. 52.11. Depart ye, touch no unclean thing: compared with Rev. 18.4. Come out of her, my people, etc. 2 Cor. 6.17. Zech. 2.7. Deliver thyself, O Zion, etc. Micah 4.10. Isa. 24.3, 4, 5, 6. XL. (a) Titus 1.16. They profess, etc. But in works they deny him John 12.4. saith I know, and keepeth not, etc. is a liar. (b) 1 John 2.18. Have heard that Antichrist shall come. 2 Pet. 2.3. Through covetousness, etc. make merchandise. 2 Thes. 2.11. Strong delusions, that they may believe a . 1 John 2.15. Love not the world, nor the things, etc. if, etc. vers. 22. Who is a liar? he that, etc. Is the Antichrist. (c) 2 Pet. 2.1. Who privily shall bring in damnable, etc. Denying the Lord that bought them. (d) 2 Thes. 2.7. The mystery of iniquity doth, etc. vers. 9 Whose coming is with signs, and lying wonders. (e) vers. 10. With all deceivableness of unrighteousness, etc. (f) Matth. 15.9. In vain do they worship me, teaching, etc. 1 John 2.23. He that denyeth the Son, denyeth, etc. (g) 2 Tim. 3.5. Having a form of godliness, but, etc. (h) chap. 3.8. Who as Jannes and Jambres withstood, etc. vers. 9 But they shall proceed no further, for, etc. Rev. 17.18. Reigneth over the Kings of the, etc. vers. 6. Drunk with the blood of, etc. chap. 13.15. and caused, that as many as would not worship should be killed. vers. 16, 17. No man might buy or sell, etc. (i) 2 Thes. 2.3, 4. He as God sitteth in the Temple of God, showing himself that he is God. Emmanuel manifested. I. MAn being created, was under a perfect Law or Covenant of works for life. II. Man broke this Law of Works. III. (a) God promised, the seed of the woman (b) should break the Serpent's head (or power:) (c) which is the Covenant of Grace. IV (a) Christ the promised seed, consisting of two natures, was (b) manifested in the name Emmanuel: (c) which natures, are distinct in their acts and (d) effects conducing to the restoration of man; (e) and must so be declared in preaching the Gospel. V (a) Christ as man, or son of man, was made passive, to bear the curse on fallen man; and as God, (b) or son of God, was the fulfiller of the Father's will, in completing actual righteousness, (c) made effectual to all his members: (d) and were both signified, the one by the blood, the other by the water: which coming out of his side, (e) are called two witnesses. VI (a) These two natures are further distinguished in two dispensations, by two Testaments. (b) In the first, God chose a people to bear his name in the world, viz. Abraham, and his seed after the flesh, by generation. (c) In which choice, Christ was manifested to be the son of Abraham, (d) and a branch of the root of Jesse, (e) in whom all the nations of the earth should be blessed. (f) In the second, is Gods choosing Christ and his seed according to the Spirit, by regeneration, (g) to glorify his Name in the world, (h) Christ being in this Dispensation or Testament the root, and his people the branches. VII. (a) In the first Testament or Dispensation, God gave Circumcision for a sign of the Messiah to come of that line, (b) to fulfil the whole Law of God, in doing and suffering whatsoever was required of man: (c) The which Circumcision, and all the Mosaical sacrifices, did imply. (d) And though called the Testament of the Law, yet was under the Covenant of Grace, (e) and only a Schoolmaster. VIII. (a) Christ was, as man only, capable of suffering, and by his passion did redeem every man, that is, the whole nature of man, from the guilt (c) of Adam's sin, (d) which was imputed to him, being found in our nature. (e) So that by his suffering, he satisfied the justice of God, in bearing the curse due to man (f) for Adam's breach of the Law of works, and not otherwise. IX. Christ could not suffer for the actual transgressions of any individual man, since Adam's fall; as may farther appear. 1. (a) Because himself could not transgress, (b) but bare the curse due for the breach of the Law committed by Adam, (c) and thereby impressed on man's nature, (d) of which Christ himself was. 2. (a) Because, man was not under the Law of works for life, after Christ was promised, (b) any otherwise then as a Testament: showing, (c) what was to be performed by Christ. By (d) which it appeareth, that man could transgress only against the Covenant of Grace since Adam, (e) which Christ fulfilled actually for believers only, (f) and so his suffering was only for the Law of Works, broken by Adam's transgression, as hath been proved. Object. 1. Whereas it is asserted, that Christ could not suffer for the actual transgression of any man, since Adam's fall; 'tis contradictory to the Scripture, and therefore to be rejected. Answ. 1. For answer, the Scripture contradicteth it not, as may appear, for that of Isa. 53.6. and 1 Pet. 2.24. say, Christ bore the iniquities of us all: which is done: for first, (a) the disobedience of Adam, was the disobedience or iniquities, whereof all mankind was thenceforth guilty; (b) because they in him, thereby broke the whole Law of God. (c) Secondly, this Christ bare, and so bare the inquities of us all: that being ours; but (d) because he was the Lamb without spot, it must be only imputatively. And was made a curse, because he was (e) found in the nature whereon the curse lay. Answ. 2. The other Scriptures say, The blood of Christ cleanseth us from all sin. By which words recited, and the cohaerence of them, is demonstrated the (a) application of Christ's death unto his by faith, and that two ways: first, (b) by persuading the soul of the (c) sufficiency, and reality of his death, in satisfaction of God's justice: so the guilt of sin is done away from the conscience, and it reconciled to God thereby. Secondly, (d) the efficiency of his blood (applied by faith) doth unite them to Christ: thereby cleansing their consciences, (e) from the filth, pollution and power of sin, by the power of Christ, in the Covenant of Grace, made in him, who is made unto his (f) wisdom, righteousness, sanctification and redemption; who by (g) beholding him, as in a glass, are transformed into the same image, from glory to glory. Object. 2. Whereas in the ighth Section, 'tis averred that Christ died for all, 'tis objected, That Christ * prayed not for the world, and consequently 'tis not imaginable, he would spill his blood or the●● for whom he would not spend his breath. Answ. 1. 'Tis answered, that Christ's prayer in this chapter, consisteth of four parts or branches: 1. For Himself. 2. For the Apostles, and for them by way of eminency: and so, not for any other, as to their present great work. 3. For them that should believe on him, through their words. 4. For the world, and for them, that they might have (a) faith, and (b) knowledge, that God sent Christ. And for them he prayeth twice, and also teacheth, that this knowledge (c) is life eternal. (d) And for all (that the world may know) he prayeth, that they may know, the truth of which (assuredly) they (e) shall know, if not whilst it is yet to day, yet, when the Son of Man cometh with his Angels. In the m an time this knowledge (f) is to be taught them. Answ. 2. (a) Whatsoever was written aforetime, was written for our learning, whence it follows, (b) that 'tis the declared will of God, that his people should pray for all. Unto which duty are urged in one place five motives: 1. Because 'tis good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour. 2. Because God our Saviour, would have all men to be saved. 3. Because there is one God, and one Mediator, who are one. 4. Because they were all purchased by him. 5. Because the justice of God may be cleared, by his seasonable testifying his love though all men abuse it. X. (a) In the second Dispensation or Testament, God gave baptism to discover Christ, and to be (b) the sign of the choice of his seed, (c) by regeneration through faith. They, being the branches (d) of that root, (which was (e) the fulfiller of all righteousness) who were made righteous, only by (f) imputation of that righteousness, which he fulfilled in himself, through his union with the Father. And so Baptism is the sign, and Regeneration the substance of the New Testament. XI. So that Circumcision, is not a Type of Baptism, as generally hath been taught: but a sign of God's choice of Abraham and his Seed after the flesh, to bear his Name in the World: and Baptism also a sign of Christ, and of God's choice of his Seed by Regeneration, to honour him in this Testament. The blood in the first dispensation, signifying Christ's humanity: the water in the later, his divinity. XII. The two natures of Christ are farther manifested by his threefold Office. First, as King, he is King as man, or in his humane Nature, (a) over the kingdoms of the World, in (b) Righteousness, typified by (c) David, was also called the (d) King of the Jews, and so is said to rule the Nations with a (e) rod of iron. Secondly, He is King as God, or in his divine Nature, (a) King of Saints, King (b) of Peace; typified by (c) Melchisedeck, ruling in the (d) hearts of his people, by his Spirit: and so his (e) kingdom is not of this World; and therefore not governed by (f) Worldly force or power. XIII. Secondly, as Priest, he is a Priest, as man, or in his humane Nature, wherein he suffered; typified in the sacrifices under the Priesthood of Aaron. 2. In his divine Nature, so he is a living Priest, ever making intercession for his, (typified by the Priesthood of Melchisedech) by interposing his righteousness. Which is farther evident; for that, the Spirit of God maketh intercession, in the prayers of the Saints. XIV. 3. As Prophet, he is a Prophet as Man, or in his humane nature: typified by Moses, who was the Prophet of the legal administration, under circumcision. 2. In his divine nature: typified by (a) John the Baptist, id est, Elias, who was the Prophet of the Evangelical under Baptism. In which respect, John is said to be the greatest Prophet: and both were present at Christ's transfiguration on the Mount. XV. The two natures of Christ are farther declared, by divers similes in Scripture, as followeth, (a) He is called the Son of Adam, as Man; & Before the World was, as God. (b) He is called the Son of Abraham, as Man; Before Abraham was, as God. (c) He is called the Son of David, as Man; and David's Lord, as God. (d) He is called a Branch of the Root of Jesse, as Man; the Root or Vine of Regeneration, as God. (e) He is called the Son of Man; the Son of God, and Emmanuel. (f) He is said to be a Lamb slain, as Man; the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, as God. (g) Expressed by the Veil, which is his flesh, i. e. humanity, within the Veil, i. e. his divinity. (h) The Rock parted, in which Moses was put, i. e. Humanity and Divinity. (i) Expressed, by two Witnesses on Earth, Water and Blood: coming forth of his side, the Water-Divinity, the Blood his Humanity. (k) In all things made like unto us (sin only excepted) signifying humanity. Glorified with the Father before the world was, divinity. (l) Expressed by two Mountains, one of cursing, the other of blessing: on each of which were six stones, for the twelve Tribes of Israel. (m) He is said to be the fulfiller of the Law, id est, of works, humanity. The Lawgiver, id est, the Law of Grace, divinity. XVI. It is farther manifest in divers other Scripture, viz. (a) By the parting of the Mount of Olives, where the people shall be saved in the later day. (b) By the sacrifices and scape-Goat. By the sin-Offering and meat-Offering. (c) By the banks of a River, the streams whereof make glad the City of God. (d) By the two Olive-trees, on each side of the banks of the River for food and medicine. (e) By the two Olive-Trees emptying Oil into the Lamps. (f) By the Wells of Consolation. (g) By a yoke of two Dispensations, Humiliation, and Exaltation. (h) By a Cornerstone (supporting two walls,) God's chosen people, under the Law and the Gospel. (i) By a Way, and jacob's Ladder conveying God's love to man, and raising man's heart to God. (k) By the Office of the Mediatorship, a propitiatory Sacrifice, and an Advocate with the Father. And is abundantly illustrated with many of the like kind, as the (l) chewing of the cud, and cleaving of the hoof of the clean beast, etc. XVII. From the cloud of Witnesses afore recited, necessarily followeth. (a) That Christ perfected actual Righteousness, only in the power of the Divine Nature; (b) which is savingly effectual to those above, who are made one with that Nature through Regeneration, (c) and not otherwise. Furthermore, it is to be known, that by all those Scriptures which say, the Father gave his Son for, or unto the world; is meant most especially, (d) as he was man, and so to suffer. And those Scriptures which say, (e) God gave a people in a peculiar way to Christ; it is (f) by their being united unto, and made partakers of the divine nature by Regeneration through faith. And thus they are his (g) seed and members really, and called his (h) branches metaphorically, and in him they are eternally happy, who is their head, glory, (i) strength and song. XVIII. (a) In some respects, the death of Christ may be said to be, the free act of his own will (I lay down my life, etc.) and so is part of his actual righteousness before spoken of, and effected only by the power of the divine nature, effectual (b) to none but his sheep, and is not (c) part of his suffering, as man; for so (d) he saith, Father I will that this cup pass from me, etc. By this the Objection of laying, etc. for his sheep only is prevented. XIX. Man is not made eternally happy by the passion of Christ; that being the act of his (a) humane nature: but (b) thereby he hath a forbearance from the curse, which was, In the day thou eatest, etc. (c) Hath also a resurrection, and (d) eternal subsistence; And indeed, the redemption from that curse on man for Adam's sin, Christ being made a curse in his suffering. But the happiness of that eternal state, is made ours (e) by the union of the soul to the divine nature, by the new birth, through faith in the love of God, first manifested in Christ's sufferings. XX. So that it appears, that God's declaring Christ to be his Son (a) in whom he is well pleased, was, as Christ was the bearer of the curse, as man, and fulfiller of (b) perfect righteousness, as God, as hath been said: (c) and is therefore well pleased with those alone, who are so partakers of both natures, that whole Christ is imputed theirs. Whence 'tis also evident, that unregenerate man, living and dying so, hath no union with the divine nature, nor is imputatively righteous; but the wrath of God abideth on him, bearing his own actual iniquity. XXI. (a) As creation, attributed to the Father, is distinct from (b) redemption, peculiar to the Son; and that of redemption, distinct from the work of (c) inspiration, application, and regeneration, proper to the holy Spirit: so is it distinctly apprehended, that (d) man having lost the beauty of creation, and so without power of recovery, (e) hath the benefit of redemption, and (f) abuseth what (g) strength, light, and opportunity he hath (h) given, to improve the same: (i) captivateth himself, through actual pollution. (k) But only those, whom God hath predestinated to be conformable to the image of Christ, are made so to be, by the power of the spirit of regeneration; and by its operation, are united to divine love, (l) the manifestation of which, themselves also abused. XXII. Though Christ came in the flesh only (a) in the fullness of time, and that after his ascension (b) the Spirit was eminently poured forth, for the manifestation and confirmation of the truth: yet in all precedent (c) ages, salvation came by that one sacrifice, which is Christ applied by the Spirit of God, through faith. Whence 'tis manifest, that (d) where the Spirit regenerateth not, or (e) where the sin against that holy Spirit is, there never was, nor is, any other way for salvation of man, since Adam's fall, but that of the declaration of God's love; which all do abuse. XXIII. Though often in the Scripture Christ be said to suffer for all, as hath been proved; yet (a) the regenerating spirit of God is nowhere promised to all; but compared to the (b) wind blowing where it listeth. Whence it follows, (c) that the spirit of man, having captivated itself, (d) doth not by the power of its own will, accept the offer of grace, nor is united to the divine nature, and cease to abuse the goodness of God, without that farther work of the Spirit. XXIV. (a) Though perfection of grace be not attainable in this life, yet none, who are really become Christ's by regeneration, (b) shall ever be otherwise, to their final destruction. Perfect union is so (c) complete a good, that the soul is clothed with Christ's righteousness to eternity. (d) This is no way to excuse or cause presumption in any. XXV. (a) Desperation is of the tempter: for the death of Christ, and his love therein manifested (in being made a curse for man) extends to all; and, though abused, yet may be applied, whensoever God shall please to open the hearts and eyes, which no (b) way excuseth procrastination of repentance whilst it is yet to day, harden not your hearts, (c) Knowing therefore the terrors of the Lord, we beseech you to be reconciled to God, and to press toward the work of perfection in Christ. XXVI. Neither the (a) old Testament nor the (b) New, doth declare eternal misery to appertain to those, who live not, to think, speak or do any thing, contrary to the will of God: such it seemeth are those that die in infancy to be accounted. XXVII. (a) The heathen, living without the written law and Gospel of God, do in some sort sin against both. Against the law written in their hearts, (b) and against the Gospel written on the whole creation: manifested by God's patience and forbearance, in the protraction of their outward being, and continuance of the good things they enjoy, being the effects of Christ's death; (c) against which love they transgress, by not answering in their actions the conviction of their consciences. XXVIII. (a) Christ shall be the resurrection of all, (b) and the Judge of all, according to what they have done in the flesh, calling those that are his (c) members to himself, in just Judgement, clearing the ●●ne value of his righteousness, imputed to them. (d) Of the unregenerate, their condemning Judge, because he was humbled to the death for them in their nature, thereby evidencing the Love of God, and they not so affected therewith, as to be united thereunto, and live therein. XXIX. From the foregoing discourse, the two natures of Christ are cleared, by God's twofold choice of a people; under two Testaments, distinct in (a) form of administration, and order of time, in two succeeding ages, in force only after the death of the respective testators. (b) The first, called the administration of condemnation, (c) the other, the administration of righteousness, that is, to convince of both. And is further distinguished by two buildings or houses of God, (d) the first the material Temple of the Jews; (e) the other, the spiritual, which is the believers (f) in whom Christ dwelleth by the his spirit. XXX (a) The old testament, and the new, discover two Jerusalem's, or cities of God. (b) First, the temporal, that being the city of the Church of Israel, chosen by Generation, (viz.) (c) the seed of Abraham after the flesh, in (d) the promised Land of Canaan, (e) Ruled sometime by judges, other times by Kings, as the people round about them. And as their nation and Government were outward, such was their Jerusalem, such their peace, riches and Glory, such also was their warfare, weapons and armies. 1. (a) As a Church, they were typical, and to pass away, (b) and so their temple was holy, as well the stones and materials of which it was built: as (c) the altar, instruments o sacrifice, flesh, bread, vestures, etc. Such was the (d) Priesthood and tribe of Levi, having no inheritance, as had the other tribes. 2. (a) As whole Israel was the chosen of God, the holy nation: so were they (b) circumcised the eighth day, (c) offered for in sacrifice, purified (d) with outward washings, (e) must keep pure their bodies from touching any dead carcase; (f) their , (g) also their houses, yea the very face (h) of their Land, from the filthiness of their own dung. And as members of that temporal church, (i) must all keep Sabbaths, to rest together, in which their very (k) beasts had rest: Their (l) Land also rested every seventh year, and so called God's rest, or the land of rest. (m) They did worship at one place, at one time every year. (n) And because they were brethren, they might not in civil things, deny free use to each other; being commanded to lend, And lend money without taking a garment to pawn: and having lent, might take not (o) usury. Having bought a servant or land, must in the year (p) of Jubilee set free and restore it: The Judges, kings, Priests and Prophets were (q) impowered to punish transgressors against that law of God, in that land. (r) And the people were a holy nation, Gods chosen, and a (s) worldly sanctuary. All for these peculiar ends. (viz.) 1. To show Christ to come of that nation; and that Christ and his doctrine should be manifested in that nation. 2. To publish the righteous law of God, thereby to convince man of sin in the breach thereof. 3. To declare that Christ was to do what was required of man; and to suffer in that nature, what Justice required for sin. 4. (a) That Christ might be clearly typified, as King Priest, & Prophet, in the hearts of his people; And also, as King of the Kings of the world, for man's outward peace, and mutual good; inasmuch as he was of the humane nature. Most especially, in the fifth kingdom signified by the stone cut out without hands, spoken of in Dan. 2. XXXI. (a) The second Jerusalem is wholly spiritual, the (b) regenerate Church of Christ, and his seed after the spirit, to (c) whom are promised all spiritual blessings, and (d) outward things, as their heavenly Father sees best. (e) They are ruled also, by Christ their King, Priest and Prophet. And as their new birth, and (f) obedience is spiritual, such is their (g) Jerusalem, such their (h) peace, (i) Riches and glory: preserved (k) by weapons of the same kind, which no (l) carnal weapons can either preserve or destroy: and (m) guided by that wisdom, which is from above, which worldly wisdom (n) cannot resist. 1. This Gospel-Church, is the antitype of that of the (a) Jew's, and cannot be shaken, but remaineth the new and living Temple, (b) having Christ for its foundation: his members being built upon him, do make up a holy habitation of God. Which shall have the perfection of grace, and peace in God's time, Christ being their altar, sacrifice, food and covering, the eternal Priest after (c) the order of Melchizedeck: the members of this Church being a (d) nation of Priests, have all an (e) inheritance in the riches of Christ, (f) who is their Land of rest. 2. (a) The true Israelites are so only by faith, manifested members by profession and Baptism; may have no communion with (b) dead works, their body being the Temple of the (c) holy spirit, must be kept pure, and also their (d) of profession: nor may they (e) defile the form, and ordinances of Christ, our Land of Canaan, by the corrupt invention of men. (f) The spiritual church, hath a permanent rest in, & with Christ: (which is their peculiar Sabbath) typified by the Jews Sabbaths. (g) Not confined in their worship, to any outward place, or country, or time of the year. (g) And being brethren in the spirit of the (i) anointed, (k) are freely to communicate their spiritual Talents, (which is their Church-treasure) without private ends of worldly advantages. And every (l) member (as need requires, & as God enables) is (m) freely to communicate outward things; and if they lend to each-other, they ought not to make a gain thereby; (n) For the Jews might not take usury of their brethren: so that if any nation were a Church, usury must there necessarily cease. XXXII. By all which it is evident, that the first Testament given unto the Jews, was the (a) manifestation of what Christ was to do, and to suffer, in the humane nature. Which in all respects is (b) distinct from the latter, declaring (c) what those are, and aught to be, in whom (by faith) is wrought the divine nature, and so are righteous in Christ. For amongst other ends of the Gospel-church, are these that follow. First, to show that the members of this Church are made so, by regeneration only. Secondly, that Christ hath fulfilled all righteousness, in the power of the divine nature, which is imputed to them alone, who are united to it, by believing the love of God manifested in Christ's sufferings. 3. (a) To put a clear distinction between the Government of Christ in his Church (in matters of his worship (b) which is not of this world) (c) and his Dominion over men, in civil and outward interest, managed by outward and Humane power, for (d) the impartial good of all men, preserving to each his proper right. (e) And so in obedience thereunto, is given unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and unto God the things that are Gods. XXXIII. (a) As the mystery of the Gospel is the (b) right dividing of the word of truth; (c) clearly distinguishing the two natures of Christ, (signified by the water and blood (d) understood the two witnesses) (e) which in the latter days shall destroy Antichrist: So the (f) mystery of iniquity confoundeth (and thereby denieth the effectual truth of) both natures, and is therefore Antichrist. XXXIV. (a) The not distinguishing, but confounding of these two natures, (b) appears to be Antichristian two ways: First, in principles or doctrines of faith. Secondly, in discipline, (id est) in doctrine and manners. First, in Principles, (Fundamentals) or Doctrine of Faith: so, 1. It placeth all for whom Christ died in eternal happiness, denying Christ's righteousness to be the alone complete and perfect happiness of those who by faith are united to the divine nature; Contrary to the Scripture. 2. It denies the truth of God's love, in sending Christ to die for those who live and die in the abuse of it; Contrary to the Scripture. 3. It denies the Justice of God, in condemning those for the abuse of his love, who never had (it saith) any love or mercy wrought for them in Christ's death; contrary to the Scripture. 4. By denying Christ's death to extend to all, is laid a Foundation for desperation: and Christ (a) denied to be the real object of every sinner, to look at for mercy. Causing some to conclude that they see (b) no ground to believe Christ died for them; because, he died not for some, and themselves (they Judge) worse than others. (c) And that if they could believe, the believing would not make that to be which is not, (d) and therefore is a deceit (of the Devil, who seeks whom he may devour) as further appeareth by the Scripture. 5. It induceth the more judicious, who observe (a) the harmonicus consent of Scripture, that Christ died for all: compared with the said (b) erroneous principle, that all for whom Christ died should be eternally saved. It seduceth them, I say, to Bless themselves in their evil, practices, saying they shall have peace etc. Contrary to the Scripture. 6. The denying that Christ died for all, doth infer that he did (a) not bear the nature of all, and that those whose nature he bore not, shall (b) have no resurrection by him, though in words it be acknowledged. 7. It denies the sin of some men to be against the love of God, in giving Christ to die for them, (b) and that Christ shallbe their Judge to condemn them, for not believing it; contrary to the Scriptures. XXXV. The precedent discourse cleareth, that the Doctrine of Antichrist [a] (having confounded the two natures of the Mediator) [b] brings in the question [Did Christ die for me?] in the Room of faith, to keep the heart at a distance [c] from being reconciled to God in Christ: Which is the design of the devil, who was a murderer from the beginning. Contrariwise, [d] the right understanding of the real love of God, in Christ's death for every man, begetteth a principle of love, engaging the heart to the perfect [e] law of Liberty, or the constraining power of love. Which is the first mover, and ultimate end of their drawing near unto God, and of their actions amongst men, [f] when the soul is so affected therewith, as to be knit and united thereunto, [g] without which all is vain. XXXVI. The confounding the two natures, appears antichristian in discipline, two ways, which spring from one root; confounding both the signs, and interest of God's choice, under the Gospel-Testament, with that of the law [viz.] 1. First, it confoundeth the [a] sign Baptism, by administering it to children (the seed by generation) with circumcision, the sign of God's choice of Abraham, and his seed after the flesh: [b] which denieth the fleshly choice to be ended, and so Christ the fullness of it, to be come, making void the sign of God's choice by regeneration, which is [c] to be administered (only on the profession of faith) to the [d] seed after the spirit. 2. It mixeth the interest of the Church (so called) chosen by generation, with that of the world (i. e.) worldly power, (a) by multitudes of corrupt members, also worldly riches, and worldly pomp and glory: which was the extremity, and utmost of the interest of the Jewish Church, under the first Testament. (b) Contrariwise, the new Testament, and kingdom of Christ therein manifested, is not of this world; but keepeth the execution of her laws, conformity of her members, and all her other privileges, distinct from that of the world. XXXVII. The effects, (or production) of the two former are many, and wonderful, a mystery of iniquity, deceivableness of unrighteousness, called mystery Babylon. The growth of which, more particularly appeareth to be a chaos or confusion, by what summarily followeth. 1. First, (a) a carnal Church armed with worldly (b) power, introduceth a necessity of persecution. (c) It layeth the foundation with blood, and is not preserved without blood and (d) oppression to enforce obedience to its carnal principles, (e) by which she ruleth over the Kings of the earth. 2. Worldly riches, produce formality, and conformity (a) to such, as can and will confer the same; laying also a snare of gain (in matters of Religion, in stead of godliness) which the (b) worldly-wise do approve and applaud, though (c) it be foolishness with God: It maketh indeed a resemblance of the worship of God; but as Jannes & Jambres, withstood Moses; so doth it the true worshippers, and truth itself: but their folly being known, they can proceed no further. Thirdly, worldly pomp (fleshly glory) the production of the two former, upon a Church-account, under the new Testament, is earthly, sensual and devilish; and the bringing in of the fullness of Babylon; Spiritually she is called the whore which sitteth as (and boasteth herself to be) a Queen: But it is to the power of he world, that she is prostituted. She s also called (spiritually) Jezabel; for she, by pretence of blasphemy, doth frequently accomplish her intended cruelty, upon life and civil rights, as did that Jezabel, (Ahabs wife) by vaunting & abusing her husband's power (which she had part of) on the same pretence, obtain Naboths life and Vineyard. XXXVIII. (a) As the spirit, the water and the blood, are the three witnesses, of the Gospel-Testament and Church of Christ: (b) So worldly power, riches and Pomp, (in the time of this Testament) are the marks of the Antichrist; the great city is called spiritual Babylon, because it is the confounding of distinct essential truths, by which the understanding is so darkened, that one thing is taken for another, as was in the confusion of tongues, at the Building of Babel. (c) It is also called Sodom, because of the spiritual Whoredoms and fornications committed by her, with the powers of the world, under pretence of Religion: (d) And is lastly called Ae●●pt; e) partly because of the s iritual darkness, and also Bondage on all, who by the light in Goshen are sensible of it: And on them in doctrine, thus (f) bringing in the question [Did Christ die for me?] in the Room of faith, and yet say, they must believe; (g) causing them to labour in the very fire (of desperation) like as Israel in Egyptian bondage, were compelled to make brick, and gather their own straw; whilst a gain is made of them, by their Task masters. As also in discipline, it holds them under servitude, in their forms of Will-worship, for advantage sake; even (h) as the Egyptians would have permitted Israel to worship God, if they would have performed it in Egypt, (i) which was unlawful; but not elsewhere, for fear of (k) losing them, their service and (l) substance. XXXIX. When the great City is rightly understood, in it's three parts; and the great River Euphrates, and infant-baptism, the inlet of it, dried up; and the three unclean spirits (like Frogs) seen to proceed out of the mouth of the Dragon, the beast and false Prophet; then shall the way of the Kings of the East be prepared, the fall of the City be at hand, and God shall give her the Cup of the wine of the fierceness of his wrath: Wherefore the Holy ghost calleth all the upright out of her; that they partake not of her sins, nor receive of her plagues. XL. Let us, this once, look back (before we close, and consider, that there is no confession with the (a) tongue, that Jesus is the Christ, can excuse of (b) Antichristianism (as corrupt interests do readily suggest, & blind people as easily receiv) if the principles and practices speak vanity, and confound (c) essential truths; for the verbal confession of Christ, is infinitely weighed down by error in doctrine and practice; and is the most effectual denying of Christ, (d) and setting up confusion, and a mere (c) resemblance, (f) in the Room of Christ, and (g) the true worship: (h) Whereby man's Invention (carried on by humane force) is set up (i) in the Temple of God, showing himself that he is God. FINIS.