THE Deceived, and deceiving Quakers DISCOVERED. Their damnable Heresies, horrid blasphemies, mockings, rail, unparallelled Deceit, and Dishonesty laid open. In the discovery of which, is made known the pure use of the holy Scriptures (which by them is denied) the true Christ, and how he justifies, his second coming proved not to be already (as the Quaker affirms) Also the Resurrection from the dead, and the Eternal JUDGEMENT, and several other particulars that Saints are required to be steadfast in. Set forth especially for the good of those that are called out of the World, into the primitive order of the Gospel, but may be useful for all people. By Matthew Caffyn a servant of the Lord, related to the Church of Christ near Horsham in Suffex, being an eye, and ear-witness. As we have heard that Antichrist shall come, even now are there many Antichrists, whereby we cannot but know that this is the last of the last time. Antichrist made known. OR, The Romish Whore of Babylon proved not to be the Antichrist, or Man of Sin, In seven particulars. 1 Who is this great Whore of Babylon, and where her chief Seat hath been, and is. 2 Her Fall, and the means how and by whom. 3 What is the spirit of Antichrist, and who hath that spirit. 4 That the Antichrist will be a single person. 5 The manner of his rising, and when. 6 Some of the great things he will do. 7 Lastly, His Fall, when, and by whom. By William Jeffery Servant of the Church of Christ. Entered into the Register book, kept by the Company of Stationers. LONDON, Printed by R. I. for Francis Smith, and are to be sold at his shop in Flying-horse-Court in Fleet street, near Chansery-Lane. 1656. To the Reader. REader, take notice, that the hour is coming and now is, that Satan in a more than ordinary manner doth transform himself into an Angel of Light, and shape his Ministers into the similitudes of Ministers of Righteousness, that so he may not only take faster hold of those that are already under his dominion, and blind their minds, lest the Light of the glorious Gospel of Jesus Christ should (in the purity thereof) shine unto them; but also that he may (if possible) deceive the very Elect, and cause them that have escaped the pollutions of the World, to be again entangled therein, and overcome. Therefore those exhortations so often repeated in the Scripture, to take heed, watch, and pray, etc. are of great necessity, by all Saints, to be in a special manner regarded; for that Satan will endeavour to deceive such, is most certain; And it is as certain that the most likely way and means that he hath to effect this his design, must be by fair shows of holiness, and excellent pretences of Piety, which is figured out in Scripture under the name of Sheep's clothing, with which Christ saith the false Prophets (which are Satan's Ministers) shall be attired. Therefore 'tis possible that a Christianlike outside may be, in some, but a cover for an Antichristian spirit. And that Satan should thus delude his Servants into such a conversation that savoreth of sobriety, self-deny all, and a transformity from the World, in very many things, which are very eminent characters of Christianity; I say, that the Devil should delude some into a show of such things, is no more to be admired at, than his acting forth himself in the Magicians of Egypt, to work miracles, much like to those which God shown by his servant Moses. Yea the Apostle testifies, that in his days some did make resistance to the truth after this manner, 2 Tim. 3.8. and of some also that were deluded into a voluntary humility, and such things as he confesseth to have a show of wisdom in will-worship, and humility, and neglecting of the body, not in any honour to the satisfying of the flesh. Now 'tis a kind of self-denial to neglect the body, and not to satisfy the desires of the flesh; And also to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving, as he saith, 1 Tim. 4. ● 2, 3. that some should do, who yet were such as had departed from the faith, and given heed to seducing spirits and Doctrines of Devils. And thus Satan by transforming his servants into such shows, doth make them the more fit to advance his deceiving design amongst the sons of men; for hereby he doth not only deceive them, but also furnish them with ability to be DECEITFUL WORKERS to prevail upon others, 2 Cor. 11.13. And of this sort are those people now called QUAKERS, whose deceitful, and heretical ways (in part) are in this little volume presented before thee (in answer to a book entitled, An untaught teacher witnessed against) lest thou shouldest by their subtle insinuations and fair pretences of self-deny all, etc. so far let out thy affections towards them, as not to try them in other things, which being throughly searched out, will prove them to be those deceivers which ye have heard should come in the last days, of whose deceit (O reader) be thou ware, and consider that the deceiver cannot put away his brass money but by mixing it among good silver, whereby men may, if not circumspect, be unawares deceived. Wherefore be CIRCV MSPECT, and stable in all thy ways; And if through reading and due consideration of this ensuing treatise, thou shalt be the better fitted to discern truth from error, CHRIST from ANTICHRIST, and so (through grace) be the better enabled to stand fast, the aim of me herein is accomplished, who am An unworthy servant of Christ, desirous of the eternal welfare of thy soul, MATTHEW CAFFYN. The Damnable Heresies of the Quakers Discovered. CHristian Friends, it doth not a little concern the People of God at this time to walk circumspectly, having their Lights burning as wise Virgins, that they may be the approved of the Lord, and so the preserved of the Lord in these last days, wherein the evil is great; justly may we be blamed (as others have been) by the Lord, if we discern not this time; which is, and much more will be full of peril, yea such a time of trouble as never was since there was a Nation, Dan. 12.1. in which the Mystery of Iniquity that did in measure work in the Apostles days, shall be finished, and the Man of Sin revealed the Son of Perdition; which then was let, even till our days, by the power of the Kings of the earth, which withstood the liberty of men's Consciences, 2 Thess. 2.6, 7, 8. but now the Lord hath removed it in this our Nation, and so we have (praised be the Lord) enjoyed much Liberty and Freedom; by means whereof the Gospel of Jesus hath been, and yet is declared among the Sons of Men; whereby divers have been fully convinced of the Truth of Christ, some of which have denied themselves and become obedient: and other some have put from them the words of everlasting life; yea notwithstanding all the goodness of God, together with his longsufferance, and long patience towards them, have not received the love of the Truth, that they might be saved; for which cause God hath sent a strong delusion, that they (as considered opposing Grace) might believe a Lie, and so be damned, 2 Thess. 2.10, 11. wherefore in the fear of the Lord God who thus judgeth, let us grow, and abound in pure love unto the Lord, and his Truth, that we may stand in these last perilous days; wherein Satan will work not only with power, but with all Power, Signs, and lying Wonders; not only with deceit, but with all deceivableness of unrighteousness, 2 Thess. 2.9, 10. O then let us be watchful, and with all care awake to righteousness; putting on the whole Armour of God, that we may be able to withstand all the wiles of the Devil, for the time is come wherein we must wrestle against the Powers of Darkness, and Spiritual wickedness, which is crept into Sheep's clothing, having such fair pretences, as that those that are not in some measure acquainted with their double-meaning expressions, cannot suddenly find out the iniquity of the Mystery. Wherefore I concluded it necessary, having some experience of the deceitful, pernicious ways of the people called Quakers, to signify to all, what I have been an ear, and eye-witness of concerning them, whom we see many follow, whereby we hear the way of Truth is evil spoken of, and the professors thereof slandered, and falsely accused; but this is, that the Scripture might be fulfilled, which testifies of the coming of the Wicked one, before the coming of the Just one, (the Lord Jesus) Mat. 24.24. 2 Thess. 2.3, 4. who shall destroy him with the brightness of his coming, vers. 8. The Quaker saith, That there is such a light in every man (which they say is a measure of Christ) that leads, and guides into all the ways of God, without the Scripture, or any outward Teachings; and (saith Nayler) is the ONLY revealer of the Gospel; as appears in his Book called, Satan's design discovered, pag. 32. Let us mind the Law, and Testimony, for if they do not herein speak according to it, it is because they have no light in them. True it is, that there is such a knowledge, or light in man (considered with the continual voice of the Heavens, Psal. 19) as to know that there is a God, and in measure also what is just, and good, according to that he was first Created in, and so in measure evil, when he walks contrary to this light; and to this was added, (in the days of Moses) the written Law, which remains to us; showing to us (as it did to them) things that are MORE EXCELLENT, being instructed out of the Law, Rom. 2.18. sin also appearing by it exceeding sinful, Rom. 7.13. for had not the Law said, Thou shalt not covet, Paul signifieth, that he had not known lust to be sin, Rom. 7.7. wherefore he concludes, that the Jew had great advantage, and profit above the Gentile, and chief because that unto them were committed the Oracles of God, Rom. 3.1, 2. now the Gentiles having not the Law, were indeed a Law unto themselves (saith Paul) but to the Jews that had the written Law he saith no such thing; but (saith Moses) THIS BOOK of the Law shall not departed out of thy mouth, but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein, Josh. 1.8. wherefore it follows, that the Gentiles, considered HAVING NOT THE LAW (mark) were a Law unto themselves; that is, in reference to such things as were contained in the written Law of Moses, by the deeds of which the Apostle afterwards saith, No flesh shall be justified in his sight, Rom. it being weak through the flesh, Rom. 8.3. that is, man being by the Fall under manifold Curses, is often overcome, and acts contrary to his knowledge from the Law, while his Nature still inclines to its first ease, pleasure, and delight; and so by the Law he is condemned, for by it is the knowledge of sin, Rom. 3.20. wherefore no righteousness, no Soul-peace by it, for he that DOTH these things shall live by them, saith the Law; the Soul is wounded, and nothing will cure it, but the knowledge of remission of sins, which is made known by outward means; wherefore it was said of John, that he should go before the face of the Lord, to give knowledge of Salvation unto his people by the remission of their sins, Luke 1.77. which was to be preached by the Commandment of Christ to all Nations by the APOSTLES, Luke 24.47. yea at the beginning was it made known by outward discoveries, for it is recorded of Abel that he was righteous by faith; now, saith the Apostle, there is but one faith, and this comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God, Rom. 10.16, 17, 18. which people in Primitive times heard, as spoken UNTO them divers ways; and so whoever of the Gentiles that sought for glory, honour, and immortality (having faith therein by hearing) and in the mean while, patiently continued in doing well according to the Law written in their hearts, Rom. 2.7. they so believing were excused in themselves, but if otherwise, accused; for so, and no otherwise Israel that had the (written) Law could be excused by it, for by the deeds thereof no flesh shall be justified; wherefore God at sundry times, in divers manners spoke unto the Fathers BY THE PROPHETS, the way of Justification, Heb. 1.1. Wherefore, saith the Prophet, should ye not hear the words which the Lord hath cried by the former Prophets? Zach. 7.7. if ye will not heat the words of my servants the Prophets, then will I make this house as Shiloh, Jer. 26.4, 5, 6. showing plainly, that God did not, (as by himself dwelling in all men) speak to them his whole counsel, but unto them, by his Prophets; and Judgements are threatened upon the not hearing of their words, not upon the slighting of such a light within; and besides, Faith is said to come through their words, Rom. 10.16, 17, 18. no where is it said, no not by any of the Prophets, that God required men to wait altogether upon such a light within; yet saith Nayler, that is the ONLY revealer of the Gospel; 'tis plain the Prophets had another spirit; for Jeremiah bids the people stand in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and you▪ shall find rest for your souls, Jer. 16.16. now if the good way, and all the way were within them, why were they to ask for it, and to inquire, standing in the ways? and not rather to stand still silent, waiting upon the light within; the wise must needs judge, the reason was, because the will of the Lord in order to soul-peace, and rest, was discovered by outward means; wherefore incline your ear, and come unto me, hear, and your soul shall live, Isa. 55.3. which when Israel neglected, Isaiah complains, saying, Who hath believed OUR report? the Quaker cryeth, who hath waited upon the light within, the light within? another report, wherefore another Spirit. Though we may not deny, but that through the report of the Prophets they were enlightened within▪ from whence they were to act; so faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God; now the Quaker may not say that word is Christ; (the light within) because Paul affirms, that in order to that Faith which comes by hearing; their sound went into all the earth, and THEIR words unto the ENDS of the world, Rom. 10.18. now (THEIR) cannot be ascribed to one Preacher singly; therefore is not such a light within, which is but one; and if the Quaker slight this, he is more inexcusable than other men, since he hath so far searched, as to find that (you) relates not to a single person; also by this saying of Paul we may consider that the Gentiles also were enlightened by the Gospel-preaching Prophets, who sometimes were to go unto the Heathen to minister unto them, as witnesseth Jonahs' going to Nineveh, and most evident it is, that there were some proselited out of every Nation under Heaven to the way of the Lord, which the Jews professed, Act. 2.5. yet the Jew had a privilege in this, but where much is given, much is required; moreover if we look yet farther back, I say as I said before, that there is not to be found such an admonition, no not from the very beginning, as that men should wholly depend upon a teacher within; this I find, Judg. 7.14. that Enoch the seventh from Adam prophesied of the Lords coming WITH (he saith not in) ten thousand of his Saints, as the Quaker pleads; Noah also is said to be a Preacher of Righteousness, 2 Pet. 2.5. and through his obedience in preparing the ark he is said thereby to condemn the world, Heb. 11.7. also it appears that the Lord shown his wrath, and made his power known upon Pharaoh, and his mighty Host, that his name (through that memorable act) might be declared throughout all the earth, Exod. 9.16. also we find that God did speak unto Moses out of a cloudy pillar which descended in the sight of the people; unto Abraham he spoke by an Angel from Heaven; and the common expression in Scripture to signify the way of Gods speaking is this; the Lord said unto Abraham, unto Isaac, unto Moses, but I find not where it is said, that God did speak in his people, his whole will and counsel, as the Quaker affirms. Object. That which may be known of God is manifest in man, saith Lawson. Answ. As Paul informs us that which may be known of God is manifest in (or to) man (saith the Notes) so also he informs us how it comes there, and by that we find him to have a spirit differing from Lawsons': for Paul tells us that God hath showed it unto man by the things that are made, whereby is clearly understood his eternal power, and Godhead from the Creation, for day unto day, night unto night it showeth knowledge, Psal. 19.2. and so is man without excuse, Rom. 1.20. that is in respect of knowing there is a God: all which shows that there is not such a light within as he speaks of, because man's inexcusableness is ascribed to his neglect of due respect to outward means, wherefore Lawson that talks so much of the tongue of the learned, is found unlearned himself by wresting the Scriptures. Consider also I pray you, from the days of John the baptist hither wards, and you shall find all the Scriptures unanimously contradict this Principle of theirs. John is said to be a burning and a shining light, being appointed of God to GIVE KNOWLEDGE of salvation unto his people, Luk. 1.77. and to prepare his ways before the Lord, which had been useless, had the people a knowledge of all his ways by an internal light; yea John himself (though none greater than he born of women) depended not upon such a light thereby to know all things, for he sent two of his Disciples to Christ to know whether he were the Christ that should come, or that they should look for another (having a sign given him before, that, on whomsoever he saw the Spirit descending, and remaining, was the baptiser with the Spirit, John 1.33.) and this depending upon outward discoveries, Christ-himself established by sending back a message consisting only of externals; the blind receiving sight, the lame walking, the lepers cleansed, etc. which the two Discipies saw, and heard, these things Christ returned for John's satisfaction, Mat. 11.5. in the days of John, Christ testified that he was the light of the World, not the Spirit in him only, but HE as he was the son of man, the intended Sacrifice of God for to die for the life of the World; HE thus considered went from place to place preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom, informing persons particularly of their duties, Mat. 5.6.7. chap. not commending them to a Teacher within, neither John the preparer of his way, when the publicans and soldiers came to him and asked him what they should do, but taught them their duties, Luk. 3.11, 12, 13. and as Christ personally taught his Disciples, and the people, so also he confirmed what he declared by outward miracles, which many seeing believed on him, John 11.45. and others which heard and saw such works done by him which no other man did, and believed not, Christ pronounceth inexcusable, having no cloak for their sin, John 15.22, 24. being such as John admires at, John 12.37. saying, THOUGH he had done so many miracles before them, YET they believed not on him; Some, Christ said were cleansed by what he, as the son of man, said unto them, John 15.3. other some were without excuse, subject to the Judgement, because they received not his words which he spoke unto them, John 12.48. what less oh friends can these things import, than that the words of Christ thus considered, did work convincements within men of the truth? considering that the rejecting thereof rendered them inexcusable; if a light within (in their sense) be the only Revealer, than John had no cause to admire in reference to the many miracles, but rather in respect of the Light being rejected which Christ set up within them, without such outward manifestations; nay indeed he had no cause to admire at them more than others, all having (as they say) a Light within leading in all the ways of God; but most evident it is that Christ hath otherwise appointed to make known the Gospel, as appears by his similitude about the sour, who saith, Christ went FORTH to sow, Mat. 13.3. went OUT to sow, Mar. 4.3. contradicting the Quaker who saith the sower is dwelling in all, godly and ungodly (though the Sower be said to be the SON OF MAN, Matth. 13.37.) wherefore when Christ sent his twelve Apostles to the lost sheep of Israel, he said, that it should be more tolerable for Sodom in the day of Judgement, than for that City that should not receive THEIR WORDS, Mat. 10.14. yea when his very Disciples were in respect of their ignorance, he charges it not for neglecting a Teacher within, but saith, Oh fools and slow of heart to believe all that the Prophets have spoken, and to make them wise, he expounded the Scriptures to them, Luk. 24.25, 27. upbraiding their unbeleef also, because they believed not THEM (he saith not Light within) but them which had seen him after he was risen, Mar. 16.14. now when Christ was to ascend, he authorised his Servants to go, and teach all Nations to observe all things which he had commanded them, mark, not to turn them to a Teacher within, but to teach them all things; who accordingly went and testified that God did beseech people by them, and that they in Christ's STEAD prayed persons to be reconciled to God, 2 Cor. 5.20. yea declaring the whole counsel of God, the sum of which is, that Christ sent his Servants to teach all things which he had commanded them, they accordingly taught his whole counsel, Act. 20.27. yet saith the Quaker, the Light in every man is the ONLY Teacher: Judge ye that are wise. Moreover 'tis said that the Church of the Thessalonians received of the Apostles how to walk, and to please God, yet not as the words of men, but (as it is in truth) the Word of God, 1 Thes. 4.1, 2, 13. and these were the elect of God, 1 Thes. 1.4. yet not thought by the Apostle capable by any Light within them (in an ordinary way) to comprehend all things relating to their faith, wherefore he prayed night and day EXCEEDINGLY that he might see their faces, and PERFECT that which was lacking in their faith, 1 Thes. 3.10. also Paul writing to the Saints at Rome, Rom. 1.11. said, that he longed to see them, to impart some spiritual gift that they might be established; now if Paul had been of the Quakers spirit, he need not so exceedingly desired to see them, or to write unto them upon that account, because their (alone Teacher) and leader towards perfection was always in them; needless I say, except it had been to exhort them to keep close to their Teacher within, but neither this do we find was their aim in writing, neither was it their aim in desiring to see them, but that they might be established, & perfected in their faith through what they delivered, considering that as the Apostles gave the Churches to know and understand, so also they directed them to wait upon the Lord who gives the increase, that by him they might be enabled to walk up according to what they knew, through their ministry, their ministry I say, because it agrees with the Scriptures, which testifies, that by them was made manifest the savour of his knowledge in every place, 2 Cor. 2.14. and saith Paul, if OUR Gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost, who are blinded, lest the light of the glorious Gospel of Christ should shine UNTO them, not from a Teacher within, but from the Apostles, who plainly affirms, that they were to give the Light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus. God having first shined in their hearts, 2 Cor. 4.3, 4, 6. that is in the hearts of Paul, and Timothy, who sent that Epistle, who were enlightened, yea both of them, through outward teachings; Paul in an extraordinary manner by the Lord Jesus was changed in his mind to believe in him, which makes him say, that the Gospel was not taught him by man, but by the revelation of Jesus; who (saith Luke) appeared UNTO him, and spoke UNTO him, a Light shining round ABOUT him from HEAVEN, Act. 9.3, 4, 17. and by him was he commanded to go into Dam●scus, and there he should be told of all things which were appointed for him to do, Act. 2●. 10. not by a Light within him, but by Ananias a certain Disciple, vers. 12, 14, 15, 16. thus Paul, being instructed, went forth preaching the Gospel, through which, Timothy was enlightened in the Truth, and so commonly called by Paul his SON in the Faith, 1 Tim, 1.2. even as Onesimus was, whom Paul BEGOT in his bonds, Phile. 10. by all this we may learn that the Ministers of Christ were by their ministry to make known the Lords will, yea moreover the Churches of old were to mark the walkings of the Apostles, as an ENSAMPLE to them; Paul commanding them to do those things which they had both learned, and received, and heard, and seen in him, Phil. and to this purpose agrees also his words to Timothy, give attendance to reading, 1 Tim. 4.13. wherefore false and erroneous is that spirit which bids men give attendance to a Light within, as their ONLY Teacher. Wherefore hold fast the counsel of the Spirit of God, and give attendance unto reading the Scriptures, being by a good argument provoked thereunto, even that they are able to make us wise unto salvation through Faith in Christ, 2 Tim. 3.15. for even unbelieving men are required by Christ to search the Scriptures, wherein they thought they had eternal life, but they were mistaken, wherefore search (saith he) for they testify of me, John 5.39. plainly showing, that the▪ Testimony of Scripture was to rectify their understandings which if they had believed, they would have believed me (saith Christ) FOR HE WROTE OF ME, verse 46. but saith (Antichrist) if ye would believe in the Light within as your only Teacher, than ye should be led by it up to Christ. Mark ye, I pray, the great difference betwixt the Doctrine of Christ, and the Doctrine of the Quakers, who make void the Commandment of Christ, by their extolling an internal Light as the only Teacher, which is their OWN tradition, it being tried and compared with the Spirit of Light indeed which dwelled in the Apostles; as you may further learn ●rom what Paul's Spirit led him unto concerning his Son Timothy, 1 Tim. 3▪ 14, 15. unto whom he hoped to go shortly, but if he tarried long, that he might KNOW how to behave himself in the house of God, he WROTE an Epistle unto him, and therein he did not counsel him to wait upon a Teacher within (as is the substance of the Quakers Epistles) but particularly informed him of his duty, as will appear to him that reads the Scripture with due respect thereunto; now if there be such an internal Light that makes known all things, judge I pray you, what ground Paul had to question Timothys knowing those things in his absence, considering also how eminent in grace T●mothy was, even so disposed unto the work of the Lord, as that Paul had NO man , Phil. 2. 2●. you even he was to read Paul Epistle (which was Scripture) and for that end, tha● 〈◊〉 ●i●ht kn●●● h●w he ought to walk in the house of the Lord. O●●● 〈…〉 now to re●● the Scriptures that we may know 〈…〉 ourselves? God forbidden! God forbidden! 〈…〉 people's ignorance to their not knowing 〈…〉 err▪ not knowing the Scriptures, nor th● 〈…〉 29. and upbraideth them with this qu●●● 〈…〉 have ye not read? Mat 12.3, 5. chap. 〈…〉 the will of Christ was, that men should lear●●● 〈…〉 ●●●veries; which if you seriously consider 〈…〉 blame, in case they ought not to have learned 〈…〉 Scriptures, which is said by Paul, 2 Tim. 3. 1●, 〈…〉 for Doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be perfect, THOROUGHLY furnished unto all good work; all which Scripture is given by inspiration from God, and so originally God is the Teacher of his people, yea of all, but as it is written, 2 Cor. 5.20. God beseecheth you BY US, in Christ's STEAD. Object. The Spirit (an internal Teacher) saith the Quaker from that in Joh. 16.13. is that which is to lead into all truth. Answ. Christ indeed there speaks of the Spirits leading into all Truth, but it is to be observed that it was spoken unto such as were so far before led into Truth by Christ's personal preaching, as that they were pronounced clean through the words which he had spoken unto them, John 15.3. Wherefore in an especial manner he there speaks of those many things which the Disciples than could not bear; as is most plain, verse 12. and besides the acts of the Disciples, together with their directions sent to the Churches, when they were led by this Spirit, are left to us in Scripture; yet we may not deny but that the Spirit, in whom he dwells, is a Teacher, evidently, and particularly laying before the soul the privy deceit, and evil inclinations of his heart, and leading him to a mortification thereof; (he being waited upon) and also revealing many other useful things, which unto the natural man is foolishness; but judge Oh friends how far off this is from the Quakers purpose, who exhorts all ignorant persons of the World whatsoever to depend upon a light within them, when as Christ in plain words saith that the World CANNOT receive this Spirit whereof we speak, John 14.17. the promise thereof (so as to dwell with a soul as a comforter) being to obedient believing persons, Act. John 14.15, 16. Ephes. 1.13. even such as walk up in duty towards God according to the instruction of the holy Scriptures; Oh how great then is the darkness of him that talks so much of the Light! and counsels all to depend upon it alone; which is contrary to the counsel both of Christ the true Light, the Angel of God, and the holy Apostles; For when the Disciples inquired of Christ What sign there should be of his coming (by which it is plain, they disinherited that Light they had within) he directs them not to a Light within, but readily answers their desires; to which agrees also the relation of saul's conversion; so also when Cornelius cried out saying, what is it Lord? the Angel of God bid him send for Peter, and HE should tell him what he ought to do, Act. 10.4.5, 6. so also when those that were pricked in heart, said unto the Apostles what shall we do? Act. 2.37. Peter directs them not to an internal Teacher, but teaches them himself, vers. 38. Likewise when the Jailor cried out, saying, what must I do to he saved? Paul and Silas neither directed him to a Light within, but THEY spoke unto him the Word of the Lord; likewise when the Eunuch said, how can I understand, except some man guide me? Act. 8.31. Philip said, not as the Quaker doth, that the Light within is to guide into all Truth, but himself began at the same Scripture, and preached unto him Jesus; consider I pray ye how fair an occasion in all these instances there was for such counsel, namely to wait upon the Light within, in case it had been the Lords pleasure so to teach men; but we find another Doctrine, and consider that Jesus Christ is the same, yesterday, and to day, and for ever. Wherefore be counselled not to be carried about with DIVERS and STRANGE Doctrines, Heb. 13.8, 9 for this I affirm with all confidence, that it is not to be found from the beginning of Genesit, unto the end of the Revelations, that either Christ, or any of the holy men of God, from the beginning of the Creation, that did at any time counsel ignorant, self-serving persons, which had not been before enlightened within, through outward teachings, to wait upon a Light within them, as the ONLY revealer of the Gospel; Christ indeed gave this counsel to some, that they should walk in the Light, while they had the Light, but they were such as were with Christ the Light, and had heard him preaching the Kingdom of God often, and had seen so many miracles done by him, that John admires at their unbeleef, John 12.37. wherefore this shelters not their opinion, and so it remains naked; an Heresy proceeding from the flesh, which, by reason of its pride, would not submit unto the selfdenying Laws of Christ, but hath found out a way to pass by it, even by turning the Scriptures into mysterious senses, and so makes void many plain Truths of Christ, by their dreams which they tell every man to his neighbour, Jer. 23.27. which at the time of awaking will appear even to them, to be a mere deceitful dream, proceeding from him, who pretends himself an Angel of Light; but greater is he that is in us, than he that is in the World, whereby the Quaker is discovered in his nakednesle, and Christ the true Light of the World more and more gloriously made known unto us, even him who is a Light indeed, not as John who was a shining Light to Israel only, but the glory of Israel, and a Light to lighten the Gentles also, Luk. 2.32. being for salvation unto the ends of the earth, a Light that lighteth every man that com●●●● the World; from whence the Quakers would gather that Chr●●● the Light is within all, as their ●nly seacher, but P●●l 〈◊〉 Barnahas being of another spirit, gathers 〈◊〉 thing, eve 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 thence, saying, A●. 13.46.10, we turn to the Gentiles or so 〈◊〉 ●ord ha●● come a●●ded us, saying, I have set 〈…〉 Light o● the Gentiles, verse 47 So far were they from beleev●●● thence, that 〈◊〉 ●as the alone Teacher in men, that they conc●●●●● 〈…〉 ●he Gentiles in Christ's STEAD, 2 Cor. 5.20▪ yet will 〈◊〉 say ●●at●●●y have the same Spirit which the Apo●●●●s●●a●● judge y●● hat●●● wise. Object. The Children of the New Test●● 〈◊〉 not t●●●every man his Brother, saying, Kn●w the Lord, 〈◊〉 the ●moi●ting ●●●●●th them all things, so that they need not that any man ●each th●●● ha●●●●●●e Law written in their hearts. Answ. Abraham's seed, with whom the old C●●enan▪ was made, was Children thereof by generation, which. Pa●l allegorically sets ●orth by the bondwoman and 〈◊〉; even I●hmae▪ who was born after the flesh: and being so in covenant, they had need to be taught to know the Lord; but the children of this more glorious administration, are not so accounted of, but otherwise, even by regeneration, and such none can be, till they first know the Lord, and such (considered AS children of the New Covenant) need not teach one another to know the Lord, for all such do know him, as did the Church of the Galathians, whom Paul calls children, no● of the bond woman, but of the free, Gal. 4.31. (that is of the New Testament) yet consider they were such as heard the Gospel from the Apostles, who said unto that people, that if we or an Angel from Heaven preach any other Gospel unto you, than that which WE have preached unto you, let him be accursed; yea at that time, when they were children of the New Testament, they were also to give heed unto the Scriptures for direction; for otherwise Paul would not have sent unto them an Epistle in Scripture, and therein tell them that as many as walked according to this rule, peace be on them, Gal. 6.6. yet this their respect to the teachings of the Apostles, and the Scriptures, in things pertaining to the Faith, and order of the Gospel, doth not in the least contradict God's promise of writing his Law in their hearts, for such they are, that have a promise of his Spirit, Act. 2.38. and are the Temple, wherein God dwelling by his Spirit, 1 Cor. 3.16, writes his Law, even in their hearts particularly, and plainly makes known his ROYAL LAW, that so together by the power of the Spirit, such may have the Righteousness of the Law●fulfilled in them, they walking not after the flesh, but after the Spirit, Rom. 8.4. wherefore it still remains, that though the Children of the New Testament need not to be taught to knew the Lord, yet have need to be builded up in the knowledge of the Lord, for Timothy knew the Lord, (as his Saviour) yet Paul sends Scripture unto him that he MIGHT KNOW how to behave himself in the Church of God, 1 T●●●● 3.14▪ 15. and also by Scripture stirs up the Saints to edify ONE AN●●●HER, 1 Thes. 5.11. and saith Pe●●● grow in the knowledge of 〈◊〉 Lord, 2 Pet. 3.18. to them that known the Lord 2 ●●t. 1.3. and this might ●e the practice of them John wrote 〈◊〉, for ●ught ●●a● is said against it; for though he judged them so ●m●●●●t in spiritual gifts, and in the knowledge of the Antichristian deceits (which the there speaketh of) as to conclude there was no absolute crassity for hi●● o● any other of the Apostles to write unto them y●● this is far from showing that they ought not ●o edify 〈◊〉 there, as other▪ Sa●●s were to do; the anointing indeed was dwelling in them, and so was he in other ●ain●s, that were enjoined to edify one another, even the Spirit of truth, whose gi●ts●●●●ivers, the manifestations whereof are given to every man to profit withal; he that teacheth is to wait ●n teaching, and he that exh●rteth on exhortation 〈◊〉 12 7, 8. these with other of the gifts of the Spiri●▪ it appeat● this Churen was enriched with, and so in a capacity to press forward notwithstanding all oppositions) as good Steward's ministering one to another the manifold discoveries of Truth. Object. The Apostles were indeed to go unto the Gentiles, but it was to turn them from darkness to the Light within, through which the word of Faith which they preached was nigh them, even ●n their mouths, and in their hearts before, as a Light shining in darkness, but darkness comprehended it not. Answ. Surely the Messengers of Christ that were led by one Spirit, had but one message, which was to go and teach all Nations, baptising them, etc. teaching them to observe ALL things whatsoever Christ ●ad commanded them, Mat. 28.19.20. To which agrees the words of Paul, Rom. 15.19. where he testifieth, that from Jerusalem, and round about unto Illyricum, HE had FULLY preached the Gospel of Christ, and moreover ●aith, that if we, or an Angel from Heaven preach any OTHER Gospel than that which WE have preached, let him be accursed, Gal. 1.8. and this Gospel was not in every man's heart before thus preached, or by some other outward discoveries, for Paul testifies, that he strove to preach the Gospel, where Christ was not named, but as it is written, to whom he hath not been spoken of, they shall see, and they that have not heard, shall understand, Rom. 15.20, 21. wherein it is very observable, that the Gentiles ignorance is not ascribed to their darkness, not comprehending what was spoken in them, but to the want of some to speak unto th●m to whom Christ had not been spoken of (as come in the flesh) to which agrees these words of the Apostle, How shall they believe in him, of whom they have not heard? that is, hath not heard by an outward ministry, as plainly appears by his continued questions; how shall THEY preach except THEY be sent? as it is written, how beautiful are the feet of THEM that preach the Gospel? Rom. 10.14, 15. wherefore not by the Light within, which even in our adversaries sense is but one; (yet by this do we not limit God to this his ordinary way, and so make void his speaking by Angels, or otherwise UNTO men at his pleasure) and further, if you consider, the word of Faith cannot be said to be in men's hearts, and in their MOUTHS, and they not comprehend it; nay it is no better than an unlearned, ignorant mystery, which cannot be received by any, except sensualists, that have not the Spirit, Jud. 19 for they that so possess the word of Faith, are at present in a fit condition to believe with the heart, and also to confess what they believe, with their mouths, and even so saith Paul in that place, verse 9 that if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shall believe in thine heart, etc. thou shalt be saved. Now we know that a man cannot make confession to Salvation with his mouth, of such things which in his heart he comprehends not; wherefore well observe that saying of Paul, Rom. 10.8. and you shall find, that though he say that the word of Faith which he (with others) preached, was nigh them, even in their mouths and hearts, yet he doth not say that it was there before it was preached unto them, while they were in ignorance and blindness; for at that time when he spoke these words unto them, they were converted persons, such as believed through Paul's preaching before, and persuading them both out of the Scripture of Moses, and out of the Scripture of the Prophets, from morning till evening, Acts 28.23, 24. which is agreeable with that which Moses said to Israel, Deut. 30.14. even that the Word was nigh unto him, in his mouth and heart, that he might do it; but most plain it is that Israel was enlightened within through the written Law of Moses, which there he speaks of, vers. 10. which he preached unto them, saying, That the words which I command thee shall be in thy Heart, Deut. 6.6. and these my words shall ye lay up in your hearts and souls, Deut. 11.18. after which means he said, and well he might, that the Commandment which I command thee, is not hidden from thee, but is in thy mouth, and in thy heart; wherefore still it remains that the Lord in all Ages did teach men, through outward discoveries, and not that they were led into all truth by a light within them, as the only revealer of the Gospel, as saith the Quaker; and so he is tried, and sound to have spoken contrary to the Law, and Testimony; wherefore I conclude that it is because there is no light in them, though they so much talk of light. The Quaker saith, That the Scriptures are not a rule, whereby men may know the Will of Christ, as often they have spoken, being pressed to it, and as appears in Tho. Lausons' Book, called, The untaught Teacher, pag. 6, 7, 8. wherein he repearts my saying, That the Scriptures doth so fare reveal the mind of God, and Christ, to a Creature, as that he walking up to its revelation, to his lives end, with a single heart, should be saved; this I say he repeats, and publishes as great Heresy. God who at sundry times, and divers manners, spoke unto the Fathers by the Prophets, hath in these last days spoken to us by his Son, who in his own person (while personally upon earth) instructed the sons of men, exhorting them to repent, and turn from sin, pronouncing them everlastingly blessed that so did. and followed him; unto whom he particularly revealed his Will, Mat. 5, 6, 7. chap. saying, that he was a wise man, building upon a rock, that heard his say, and did them, and that he was a foolish man that heard his say, and did them not; which plainly shows, that the words of Christ proceeding from himself was a rule to lead persons then in the way of Salvation; and so is made good that saying, Heb. 2.3. How shall we escape if we neglect so great Salvation, which at the FIRST began to be spoken by the Lord Jesus; afterward his Disciples took in hand to set forth in order a Declaration, (by writing) of those things which Christ had spoken unto them, which was most surely believed by them, Luke 1.1. Acts 1.1. to whom he shown himself alive after his Passion, being seen of them forty days, speaking of the things pertaining to the Kingdom of God, vers. 3. who also went forth after his ascension into the Nations, an spreached that Word of Truth unto them, which was FIRST spoken by the Lord to themselves, teaching them to observe ●ll ●h●●g● whatsoever Christ had commanded them, according to 〈◊〉 commission, Matth. 28.20. God also bearing them w●●●●s● w●●●●ig●●, Miracies▪ and divers girts of the Holy Ghost Heb. 2 3. th●●●g● which nany obtained like precious faith with the Apostles 2 Pet. ●● W●●● A●ts of the Apostles Luke also signifi●●●● 〈…〉 writing ●y all which Scriptures together with the ma●●●● 〈…〉 unto the persons thus converted, the preach●●, 〈…〉 made man●●●st; and by the Scriptures of the Prop ●●t (〈◊〉 to the Commandment of God) made know 〈◊〉 Nations 〈…〉 obedience of faith, Rom. 1●. 25, 26. wherefore 〈◊〉 was cou●● 〈◊〉 ●●OBILITY in the m●n of Berea because 〈…〉 daily whether those things were so, 〈…〉 ●●h●d, which indeed had been a very igno●●●, ●●sig●●● 〈…〉 of them had not the Scriptures been (as a r●l●) 〈…〉 know the truth of what was preached, as it appears 〈…〉 it is said, that therefore many of 〈◊〉 ●●eeve●, 〈◊〉 7. ●, 12. ●or which cause Christ bids the Jew, ●earch●● Scrip●ure● saving, That if they had believed the Scriptures ●. ●oses th●y 〈◊〉 I have to believed on him, Joh. 5.39.46, ●7 t● w●om 〈…〉 T●●t if they believed not in him, the w●rds which he spoke (which are now in Scripture) should judge th●m at the ●●●t day, Jo. 12. 4● 48. And saith Paul, Sylvanus, and ●●morh●us 〈◊〉 a●y man obey not OUR word, by this Epistle (which was ●●criou●●) 〈◊〉 that man, and have no company with him that he ●ay be ●h●ned; now that the disobedience to the Scriptures should render men subjects of so great shame in this ●●fe, and that 〈◊〉 the last day Christ should also judge them by it (even the words which he hath spoken) and yet not a rule now to walk by is altogether incredible; the ways of God being just●and righteous altogether, will might the Quaker be ashamed, were he not given over to believe Lies, while he affirms that the Scriptures is not a rule whereby to know the Will of Christ since Luke signifies no other end, in his writing in order a Declaration of the saying, and loing of Christ, but that the CERTAINTY THEREOF MIGHT BE KNOWN, Luke 1.1, 3, 4. These are written that ye MIGHT BELIEVE, Joh. 20.31. wherefore saith Christ, O fools, and slow of heart to believe all that the Prophets have spoken; Oh then let us be wise, like the holy men of old, who esteemed the Scriptures holy (in reference to the use thereof) able to make MEN WISE TO SALVATION through faith which is in Christ, it being profitable for Doctrine (which in English is teaching) for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works, 2 Tim. 3.15, 16, 17. yea so great was their respect to the Scriptures, that though Peter was an eye witness of the Majesty of Christ in his Transfiguration upon the Mount, wherein was presented the manner of his coming, yet saith he, We have a MORE SURE WORD OF PROPHECY, that was in the Scripture, as appears 2 Pet. 1.16, 17.19, 20. whereunto (O friends) we shall do well if we take heed; for whatsoever was written afore time, was written for our LEARNING, that we through patience, and COMFORT of the Scriptures, might have hope, Rom. 15.4. Obj. The Scripture is not the rule (saith Lawson) for no man can come to the Son except the Father draw him; and no man can come to the Father but by the Son. Ans. God's way to draw men is by the cords of his great love, manifested in Christ, which the servants of Christ, in Christ's stead are to publish to the Nations, persuading men thereby to be reconciled to God; and this is (saith Paul) as though GOD DID BESEECH YOU BY US, 2 Cor. 5.20. the Saints indeed are said to be the called of God; but saith Paul BY OUR GOSPEL, 2 Thess. 2.14. so also it is said of the Corinthians, That they were called of God, 1 Cor. 1.9. yet saith Paul, In Christ Jesus I have begotten you through the Gospel; I have espoused you to one husband, 1 Cor. 4.15. 2 Cor. 11.2. and so it is that as God did speak unto the Fathers BY THE PROPHETS, so now by his Servants in Christ's stead, who are to minister, by his Spirit, that which was FIRST spoken by the Lord himself, Heb. 2.3. who spoke not of himself, but what God the Father commanded him, and so it was that the Saints (to their commendation) received the words of the Apostle, not as the words of men, but (AS IT IS IN TRUTH) the word of God, 1 Thes. 2.13. wherefore the Quaker (supposing that God himself in men is their Teacher only) errs not knowing the Scriptures; for Israel was willing to be taught, yet said they let not God speak with us, but speak thou with us, (Moses) and we will hear, Exod. 20.19. and in this they well said, saith God, Deut. 5.28. Most true it is, that no man can come to the Father, but by the Son, who offered up himself to death, that we might have life, by whose stripes we are healed; without his blood there is no remission, Heb. 9.22. by him also we have access unto the Father, who at his right hand makes intercession for us, and so he becomes our righteousness, our sanctification; and this Gospel was witnessed first by Christ himself; but since, saith the Apostles, we pray you in Christ's stead be ye reconciled to God; & those that were thus wrought upon, through their ministry, are said to be the called of Jesus Christ, Rom. 1.6. Act. 28.23. and so is made good the words of Judas 3. contend earnestly for that Faith which was ONCE delivered to the Saints. Object. By this (saith Lawson) we set the Scriptures in the room of the Father, and Son, and so (saith he) deny both Father and Son. Answ. Many are the shifts of men to race out of the World that esteem of the Scriptures, which indeed is but due, being accounted by the Apostles HOLY Scriptures, in respect of their use, Rom. 1.2. whereby is made known the will of Christ, in which we walk endeavouring (through his grace) the honour of the Father, and Son; which cannot be a denying of the Father and Son; but he that hath his eyes closed will say so; it is said, the Scripture is profitable for teaching, correction, and instruction in Righteousness, and that there ought to be attendance given to the reading of it, yet most surely neither Paul that spoke it, nor Timothy to whom it was spoken, denied either Father, or Son; nor pulled off the Crown from Christ's head, putting it upon the Scriptures, as saith Lawson we do; yet say no more than they did, he most surely is worthy of the Crown, that died to bring forth a word of salvation for men, and that strengthens us by his Spirit to walk up accordingly; from whom the Apostles removed it not, yet said to men, WE pray you in Christ's STEAD, 2 Cor. 5.20. yea, and that from the Scriptures, persuading men from morning till evening, Act. 28.23. Aaron was to hearken unto Moses, who was to put words into his mouth, and therein to be unto him in STEAD of God, Exod. 4.16. yet neither he nor the Apostles rob God of his honour, he being the original; of him, and through him, and to him are all things, to whom be glory for ever, Rom. 11.36. Oh how great are the self-exaltations of these men! how doth their arrogancy appear! while they so mightily endeavour to destroy men's faith of the Scriptures, as being adiscovery of the Lords will, and yet in the mean while furnish the Nations almost in every corner with THEIR SCRIPTURES (which is writings) calling them a DISCOVERY of several particulars, which they publish to men, as the will of the Lord; as witnesseth Deusburys book, which he calls a discovery of man's return to his first estate; with a discovery of Mystery Babylon. Martha Simmons also speaks something in discovery of the nakedness of all professions etc. Farnworth also hath writ that the Truth might be cleared, and the ignorance both of Priest and people might be discovered. What! O friends, may men know from their writings, and yet not from the holy writings, which were written for that very end, that the CERTAINTY of the Lords will might be known? Luk. 1.3, 4. and that men MIGHT believe, Joh. 20.31. God forbidden. Object. Also I deny the Spirit (saith Lawson in his book) in saying, that by the Scriptures is made known or revealed the will of Christ; because the Spirit searches all things, yea the deep things of God. Answ. There is indeed such words spoken by Paul, 1 Cor. 2.10. but Lawson waiting so much upon the darkness within him, hath wrested the Scripture, and so himself is found unlearned, 2 Pet. 2.16. though he hath talked so much of the tongue of the learned; for the Apostle in the words before, saith that eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, etc. the things which God hath prepared for them that love him; but God (saith Paul) hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit; that is, them things which God hath prepared for those that love him; wherefore he saith vers. 12. that we might know the things which are freely given to us of God; wherefore most plainly will it appear to him that searches, that the Apostle THERE speaks not of the Spirits revealing the duty of man, but rather of the great glory, and reward, that is the portion of them that walk up in their duty; though it is not to be denied, but rather witnessed by experienced souls, that the Spirit doth teach them, manisesting and laying open particularly the corruption of the heart; (which is but in general heads signified in Scripture) and not only so; but also mortifies the same, Rom. 8.13. and also beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God, verse 16. 〈◊〉 so are we sealed with the holy Spirit of promise, Ephes. 1.13. moreover by the Spirit is revealed and clearly made known, those particulars which are obscurely signified in the Scripture, Ephes. 3.5, 6. which things, together with the revelations of the future glory, the natural man receives not, for they are foolishness unto him; wherefore he is required in the first place to repent, and be baptised for the remission of sins, and then is he under the promise of the holy Spirit, Act, 2.38. through which he may discern these things, for they are spiritually discerned. Object. The manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit withal, but by reason of darkness it is not comprehended. Answ. Christ the true Light speaks otherwise, saying, that the World CANNOT RECEIVE the Spirit; wherefore though the Spirit be a Teacher as aforesaid, yet it is to be considered that the promise thereof, so as to dwell in men, is to such as yield obedience to that selfdenying Doctrine of repentance, and are not ashamed of those ordinances that belong to penitent men; wherefore saith the Apostles, God hath given the Spirit to them that OBEY him, Act. 5.32. and those that say God hath given him also to disobedient men, as a dweller in them, doth make the Apostles words of no effect; if the Spirit dwell in every unbelieving man, what meaneth Paul, when he asked the Disciples whether they had received the Spirit SINCE they believed? moreover when they signified their ignorance, saying, we have not so much as heard whether there be any holy Spirit, Paul did not, as we find, tell them that they were mistaken, showing them that the Spirit was in them, but by reason of darkness they comprehended it not; but rather questions their faith, Act. 19.2, 3. showing plainly that faith is to precede the receiving of the Spirit, as an indweller, wherefore saith Paul, after ye believed, ye were sealed with the holy Spirit of promise, Ephes. 2.13. all which being considered, may show us the Quakers misunderstanding of Paul's words, in 1 Cor. 12.7. who speaking before unto the Church concerning the diversities of the gifts of the Spirit, said unto them (considered as a Church, such as were sanctified in Christ) that the end of the manifestation of the Spirit given to every man, was to profit withal, but him the World cannot receive; John 14.17. Another shift of those men, to put by the true intention of writing the Scriptures, is to tell people that they are not the Word of God; and their reason is, because Christ is called the Word, which may not be denied; but yet Christ is not so the Word, but that himself testifies the Scriptures to be the Word of God; for saith he to the Pharisees; Moses said, honour thy Father and thy Mother; but ye suffer a man no more to do aught for his Father, or his Mother, and thus ye make the Word of God of no effect, Mar. 7.12, 13. Mat. 15.6. that is plainly, the Scriptures, which saith, honour thy Father; and thy Mother. God said to Moses that he would raise up a Prophet unto Israel, and that he would put his words into his mouth, Deut. 18.18. unto this, Christ bears record, saying, I speak not of myself, but the Father gave me commandment what I should speak; now judge ye I pray whether any of Christ's hearers might have said, and well said, that the words which he spoke was not the Word of God; if they might not, than the Scriptures being a presentation of what Christ did do, and teach, Act. 1.1. may properly be said to be the Word of God; even so it appears Paul, Sylvanus, and Timotheus understood it, who writing unto the Saints, testified that they had heard of them, and RECEIVED OF THEM how they ought to walk, yet they received it not as the word of men, but (as it is in Truth saith the Apostles) the Word of God, 1. Thes. or the word of Truth, which Timothy was rightly to divide, 2 Tim. 2.15. but Christ is not divided; or a word of faith, because it testifies of Righteousness no otherwise attainable but by faith; yet not but that Christ is the author of Faith, he being that pure sacrifice that makes reconciliation for sins, through Faith in him; which the Scripture speaks of; and so it still remains, that through the Scriptures is made known the will of Christ, yea the CERTAINTY thereof, Luke 1.3, 4. it being evidently his will that his saying should be set forth in writings as they are, as will appear by several counsels, and cautions of Christ, the danger whereof he well knew would not happen in the days of his then Disciples, and so had been useless, had he not intended that what he spoke unto them should be recorded for the benefit of after generations, Mat. 24. Mar. 13. Luk. 21. wherefore diligently observe what is written, and give attendance to the reading thereof, and I beseech you in the fear of the Lord, that ye slight them not, no not in the least; lest the judgements of God break out upon you (I mean hardness of heart to believe lies) Oh remember how the anger of the Lord was kindled against Jehoiakim King of Judah, when he burned the Scripture, that was sent unto him, that he might know the Lords will, and turn unto him, Jerem. 36.23.30, 31. whatsoever things were written aforetime, were written for OUR LEARNING, Rom. 15.4. let us learn, let us learn. The Quaker also denyeth that the Ministers of Christ (endued with the Spirit of Christ) ought to minister, or preach from the Scriptures; as appears in Lawsons' book, called the untaught Teacher. pa. 2.3. Undoubtedly this will seem strange, because in their preaching, and also in their books they commonly speak of Scripture; but friends, there lies a winding Serpent in that grass; for from it they speak not, (though OF it) but from that which they call Light within them; which they wait upon, as their ONLY TEACHER, the teachings of which they witness forth, and least iniquity should appear as iniquity nakedly, they pervert the plain Scriptures into mysterious meanings, and frames them up one way or other to that which their Light speaks within them, and SO speak much of the Scriptures; thus is it a MYSTERY OF INIQUITY; yea though it be altogether against the plain Scripture, yet will they follow the dictates of the darkness within them; and that herein I abuse them not, I present unto you one revelation of their Teacher, that is concerning the Scripture, which testifies that a woman is not permitted to speak in the Church by way of teaching, though permitted in other cases; by which (say they) is meant the wisdom of the flesh, either in man or woman, which revelation Farnworth thought worthy of the press, and so published it; yea I have been told by them, that that woman which is forbidden thus to speak, was within me, and spoke in me; this say they proceeds from the Light, but woe unto them that puts darkness for Light, Isa. 5.20. All that hath been already said, serves for the proof of this, which by them is denied; for the Light which they speak of within being tried, and found darkness, and the Scriptures that which makes known the will of Christ, it must neéds follow as a safe practice, for the spiritual man, to minister from the Scriptures, since we find it also agreeable with the practice of the Apostles, who at their first public preaching after Christ's ascension directed the people to the Scriptures, yea a great part of that which Peter preached, Act. 2. consisted of repetitions of the Prophet's words, which was to them, and is to us, in Scripture; yea as matter of proof of what he spoke; when he had asserted that Christ was risen from the dead, he adds this reason, verse 25. FOR DAVID SPEAKETH concerning him, etc. yea very much Scripture doth he there relate, and then expounds them, vers. 29, 30, 31. and reasons from them, verse 34. and this became effectual, whereas if Peter had been altogether instructed by a Teacher within him, and owned no other, than the same Teacher within, his hearers, must have been the only means to convince them of their sins; but it is otherwise recorded, vers. 37. when they heard THIS (that is Peter's preaching from the Scriptures) they were pricked in heart; and also the only thing through which they might be added to the Saints; but it is otherwise said, even that they which gladly received HIS WORD were baptised, and the same day there was added unto them about three thousand souls, verse. 41. to this agrees also the manner of Paul's preaching. who having asserted the same Doctrine, Act. 13.33. proceeds on with this argument, IT IS WRITTEN, making much use of the Scriptures of the Prophets, for the establishment of the Doctrine which, he delivered, verse 34, 35, 36. so also Apollos by his ministry mightily convinced the Jews, showing BY THE SCRIPTURES, that Jesus was Christ, Act. 18.28 and this is noted of him as his worthy practice. Paul also when he was at Thessalonica reasoned with the people three Sabbath days OUT OF THE SCRIPTURES, opening, and alleging that Christ must needs have suffered, Act. 17.2, 3. and when he was at Rome, he persuaded the people concerning Jesus OUT OF THE LAW OF MOSES, AND OUT OF THE PROPHETS from morning till evening, Act. 28.23. through which many believed, and they are happy (whatever others say of a Light within, as the only Teacher) for Christ hath prayed for them, Job. 17.20. I pray not for these alone, but for them also which shall believe on me through THEIR WORD; wherefore the Quaker errs; not knowing the Scriptures, when he affirms that the only means of Faith, is the immediate teachings of Christ dwelling within men, for the Scripture testifies that the Gospel at the FIRST was spoken by the Lord Jesus, Heb. 2.3. which saying the Quaker makes of no effect, by his saying that Christ first, last, and so always by himself; in men, preaches it. Object. If it be objected, and said that many things, which the Apostles preached could not be proved by the Scriptures of Moses, and the Prophets, they in the least not speaking of them. Answ. I answer to him or them whose objection soever it is, that particularly indeed some things was not spoken of in the Scriptures before them, which they preached; but most plain it is, that such things they delivered from what Christ personally had be fore commanded them, Matth. 28.20. teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I HAVE commanded you; which things are written that the certainty thereof MIGHT BE KNOWN, Luke 1.1, 3, 4 and so in preaching from it, we do no more than what the Apostles were commanded to do; which things, though not particularly spoken of in those Scriptures before them, yet therm generally included, for when the Apostles had proved, and convinced men that Jesus was the Christ, the Prophet which the Scriptures of Moses foretell of, by the same Scriptures they were required to hear him (that is Christ) in all things whatsoever he should say unto them, Deut. 18.18. Obj. By this Tho. Lawson saith, we shut out ourselves from the holy men of old, who were Ministers of the New Testament, of the Spirit, and not of the Letter. A. Many are the shifts of these men, to make void the true use of the Scriptures, yet the waking eye will see, and that clearly, that the Apostle there speaks of the Letter of the Law, which both then, and now considered alone, killeth, for in the next verse he calls it the Ministration of Death, written, and engraven in stones, which all may easily know was the Law of Moses, by which no fl●sh shall be justified, 2 Cor. 3.6, 7. of this Letter the Apostles were not Ministers of, neither are we; but even this the Apostles slighted not in the least, because men spoke of it from the Letter, for themselves ministered forth the say of the Prophets, which also was in Letter, Acts 18.28. & 28.23. but because it testified of death to sinners (which all were, and now are in their first condition) and of no remission of sins, which the New Testament doth; therefore the Apostle saith, we are able Ministers of the New Testament, not of the Letter, but of the Spirit, which testament (as it is ministered forth) testifies that men may receive the Spirit, through submission to the law of Faith; to which agrees the words of Paul, he THAT MINISTERETH TO YOU THE SPIRIT, doth he it by the Works of the Law, or by the hearing of Faith? Galat. 3.5. and saith Peter, Repent, and be baptised, and ye shall receive the Spirit; who also prayed, and laid on his hands upon the baptised Samaritans, that they might receive the Spirit, Acts 8.15.17. this appears also so to be, from that which the Apostle opposeth it unto, even the Law, the ministration of Death; (which is) that which testified of Death; so contrariwise, the ministration of the Spirit is that which testifies of the Spirit, as receiveable in the way aforesaid; wherefore the Servants of Christ ministering from, or out of the Scriptures, through his Spirit, are not shut out from the holy men of old, for they also ministered out of the Scriptures, Acts 28.23. and shown by the Scriptures that Jesus was the Christ, Act. 18.28. yet were they not ministers of the Letter; yea their common Language in their Ministry was, FOR IT IS WRITTEN, FOR IT IS WRITTEN; but he that hath another spirit saith, THE LIGHT WITHIN, THE LIGHT WITHIN, yea as the only teacher. Herein is Lawson found to be unlearned, having wrested the Scriptures, though he hath spoke much of the tongue of the learned in his Book against me; the occasion of which I here shall present unto you. At a certain time Tho. Lawson demanded of me what the tongue of the Learned was? according to that saying, Isa. 50.4. now I knowing the snatching, and catching nature of these men, desired him to signify the meaning of his Question in other words; which was, as he said, What the servants of Christ are to minister from? and so, said he, What is it that thou ministers from? Your Question, said I, shall be presently answered, and as for the former expressions we will pass by, since you say that this is your intention therein; for I am not satisfied concerning the intention of the Prophet in that place; and so immediately both Question and Answer was written. (Q.) What it was that I ministered from? (Ans.) I minister from the Scriptures, through the assistance of the Spirit of God, yet notwithstanding hath he from this made a great outcry of my unlearnedness, entitling a Book thence, therein informing men that I told him, that I knew not what the tongue of the learned was; but how fare his information savours of sincerity, and how well it becomes him that so mightily pleads for perfection, I leave it to the wise to judge; remembering this saying, what do these FEEBLE JEWS? Nehem, 4.2. The Quaker affirmeth that the Law without man, that is, the written Law, doth not convince men of sin, but Christ the light dwelling in the godly, and ungodly, Laws. Book, p. 15. That which hath been already said, serves also to manifest the error of this Principle, for the Scriptures being written, that the CERTAINTY of the Lords Will might be known, which was most surely believed by the Saints of old, Luk. 1.1, 3, 4. must needs also certainly give us to know when we walk contrary thereunto; yea in plain words saith Paul to Timothy, the Scripture is profitable for REPROOF and CORRECTION, 2 Tim. 3.16. and Apollo's showing by the Scriptures that Jesus was Christ, is said MIGHTLY TO CONVINCE the Jews; to which agrees Paul's direction to Timothy about Bishops, signifying therein that he must be one, able by SOUND DOCTRINE, both to exhort and CONVINCE the gainsayers, Tit. 1.1.9. according to which agrees the relation of the people dwelling at Jerusalem, Act. 2.37. WHEN THEY HEARD THIS (to with, Peter's powerful preaching by the Spirit out of the Scriptures) they were pricked at the heart; thus was he a sour that went forth, and went OUT to sow good seed into the hearts of men, Luk. 8.5. but according to the sense of the Quaker, the sour dwells in the ground (the wicked world) oh horrible confusion! but it may be the Quaker will take some advantage, because it is said a sour, and not sowers; but the wise will consider that there is no room in the least for an advantage against what here, or elsewhere hath been said, for by the parable of one lost sheep, or one lost piece of silver; Christ justifies his practice in companying with many Publicans, and sinners, Luk 15.1, 2, 4, 8; therefore it follows not that Christ himself in men is the sour only, though all is from him originally, for the Apostles said, 1 Cor. 9.11. WE have sown unto you spiritual things; which they did in Christ's STEAD, 2 Cor. 5.20. Object. Christ saith when the Spirit is come he shall reprove the World of sin, of Righteousness, and of judgement, Joh. 16.8. Answ. It is to be observed that he doth not say, when he is come, in the World, but having before, verse 7. shown the expediency of his going away, said, if I depart, I will send him unto YOU, that was his Disciples, and when he is come, (that is to you, for the World saith Christ CANNOT RECEIVE HIM, Joh. 14.17.) he shall reprove the World of sin; by which Spirit, when the Disciples had received it, they went forth with all boldness, and utterance, plainly declaring the word of Truth, persuading men OUT OF THE LAW OF MOSES, AND OUT OF THE PROPHETS (which was in Scripture) from morning till evening, Act. 28.23. with such power, and wisdom, as that the adversaries were not able to resist the Spirit by which THEY spoke, Act. 6.10. wherefore (notwithstanding this objection) I have not so learned Christ, as to believe that the wicked hath this Spirit of promise dwelling in them, when as Christ saith, they CANNOT receive it; what God may do by his Spirit for men, at certain times, especially where other means are wanting, I here speak not against; but against this conception of theirs, viz. that the holy Spirit of God DWELLS in all UNHOLY persons of the World, as that which alone convinceth them of sin, and of Righteousness. Moreover saith Paul, Rom. 3.20. by the Law is the KNOWLEDGE OF SIN, yea that Law by the deeds of which no flesh shall be justified; whereby the Apostle prevents the Quakers objection concerning his spiritual Law, by which alone he says men shall be justified; and also saith Rom. 7.7. that he had not known sin, but by the Law, for, saith he, I had not known lust, except the Law had said, thou shalt not covet, which Law he saith, verse 6. they then were delivered from, and verse 4. dead to; James also being of the same Spirit told the Saints, that in case they had respect to persons, they would be by the Law (the tenor of which was, thou shalt not commit adultery, thou shalt not kill) CONVINCED as transgressors, Jam. 2.9, 10, 11. yet saith Lawson, the outward Law doth not convince man of sin, and his reason is, because Paul said that he was once alive without the Law; not considering that persons in their childish and youthful days which are vanity, Eccles. 11.10. may properly be said to be without the Law (though nurtured by them that have the Law) whike they live in lusts, coveting after every pleasant object of the eye; not understanding the things of God; but when the commandment comes to their understandings, capable to comprehend such things, than sin is revived, and they die, and so remains, till remission of sin is assured to them; now in reference to those Gentiles that have not the written Law, Paul saith that they HAVING NOT THE LAW (mark that) are a Law unto themselves, (which never was said to them, or of them that had the written Law;) that is concerning such things as is held forth in the Law of Moses, which saith, the man that doth those things shall live by then, Rom. 10.5. but the things relating to Faith in Christ we find was made known UNTO men by outward discoveries but something to this hath been already said. The Quaker saith that the Scriptures are not a touchstone to try Spirits withal, as saith Lawson in his book, pa. 14. The sum of all concerning the Quakers esteem of the Scriptures is thus, THEY OWN IT NOT A RULE, WHEREBY THE WILL OF CHRIST MAY BE KNOWN; NEITHER THAT WHICH SAINTS (endued with the Spirit) ARE TO PREACH FROM; NEITHER THAT WHICH CONVINCETH OF SIN; NEITHER THE TOUCHSTONE TO TRY SPIRITS WITHAL; yet will they say that they own all the Scriptures from the beginning of Genesis, unto the end of the Revelations (but oh their shameful deceit!) Now this last particular must needs be found short of truth, because the Scriptures are found to be the rule; now that which is the rule, must needs be the tryer, or touchstone to manifest unruly persons, though it be true that there is a gift of the Spirit, which discerns the unsound man, yea by very slender appearances, yet hereby is he not so to be tried, as to be openly published, and judged, till some evident disobedience to the written Law, and so by their fruits we must know them, not he that saith Lord, Lord, or Light, Light, shall enter into the Kingdom, but he that doth the will of the Father; whose will is signified in the Scripture; moreover when Christ had informed his Disciples of false Prophets, and false Christ's, together with their works, and say which should come, he said unto them, take heed, behold, I have FORETOLD YOU ALL THINGS, Mar. 13.23. ye that fear God consider, how inexcusable we shall be found if (when Christ hath so expressed his kindness in foretelling the danger, and prescribing the manner of its appearance, that we might escape it) it, I say we shall not take heed thereunto, comparing the workings, and say of men with this written Prophecy, and so try the Spirits thereby; have we not good ground to believe that these men are evilly disposed, in that they refuse to come to the rule to be tried? what, is not that to try men withal now, which Christ will judge and try, and judge men by in the last day? the word that I have spoken (saith Christ) shall judge him in the last day, Joh. 12.48. which word is witnessed to us in the Scripture; but Lawson supposes this day to be now, which is to try every man's work, wherein the righteous is to be discerned from the wicked, according to that Mal. 3.17, 18.1 Cor. 3.13. and therefore (saith he) not the Scriptures; but alas, the more he endeavours to avoid the trial thereby, the more thereby he is manifested; for by this he is found unlearned, though he hath so much spoken of the tongue of the learned, by wresting the Scriptures; for the Prophet there speaks of a day, wherein all that are proud, and all that DO wickedly shall be destroyed, leaving neither root, nor branch, Mal. 4.1. which the opened eyes sees clearly is not now; of which day Paul speaks, in that place instanced by Lawson, wherefore he saith, the day SHALL declare it, from whence these men conclude, that that day than did, and now doth; but Paul had the Spirit of Truth; whom we find (even as a dying man) expecting a Crown of Righteousness, which (saith he) the Lord SHALL give me at THAT DAY, 2 Tim. 4.6, 8. wherefore let us prise the Law, and Testimony, to which if mwn speak not according, it is because they have no Light in them; though they may speak much of Light. The Quaker saith, that Christ is already come the Second time, and George Fox affirmed in plain words, before many witnesses, that he knew him come within him, and he looked for him to come NO OTHERWISE; and James Parnel affirmeth: that they that confess not Christ come in THEIR flesh, are the Antichrist, and also affirmeth, that by preaching of a Christ in heaven, the Devil gets his work done on earth; as appears in his Book called, Satan's Design discovered, p. 19.25. This being well considered, is the ready way to fulfil that which is written concerning those that shall come, saying, I am Christ, deceiving many, before the coming of Christ indeed, which cannot be till first the true Faith of his coming be made void, which these men endeavour to do; by saying that the coming of the Spirit, which Christ said he would send, was that second coming of Christ, which the Scripture so much speaks of; but evidently it appears otherwise, because the Spirit by Christ is called ANOTHER COMFORTER, John 14.16. which saith, he will not come except I go away, but if I depart, I will send him unto you, John 16. 7. plainly showing, that the Spiritis the comforter of the Lords people, in Christ's personal absence; for when Christ spoke of his own coming, he said on this wise, I will come again, yea as the SON OF MAN, Matth 24.37. John 14.3. but speaking of the Spirit, says, I will send HIM unto you; which when the Apostles had received, they went forth testifying the Lord Jesus, not come within them, but as Peter said, whom the HEAVEN must reveive, till the times of restitution of all things. Act. 3.21. yet at this time had Peter the Spirit; but lest there should be room for the Quakers to say that that Heaven was within them; consider also the relation of Stephen, who steadfastly looking UP into Heaven, saw the HEAVENS OPENED, and the SON OF MAN, standing on the right hand of God, yet was he FILLED with the Spirit; but his wisdom was to distinguish between him sent, and the sender; and in this Faith he DIED; and a long season afterwards we find Peter remaining the same; confidently affirming that Christ was gone into Heaven, 1 Pet. 3.22. signifying to the Elders, that when the chief Shepherd SHALL APPEAR, ye (saith he) shall receive a Crown of glory, 1 Pet. 5.4. to which agrees the Faith of Paul, and Timotheus also, who looked for the Saviour Christ FROM HEAVEN, Phil. 3.20. what from the fleshly hearts of men? judge ye that are wise; these also at that time had the Spirit; to which agrees also the Faith of the Apostle John. who said, when he SHALL appear, we shall be like him, 1 John 3.2. yet than it was the Spirit appeared unto him; the Church of the Thessalonians was of the same Faith, waiting for Christ FROM HEAVEN, 1 Thes. 1.10. yet then were they the Elect of God, vers. 4. the Corinthians also being enriched by him in all utterance, and in all knowledge, coming behind in no gift, yet were waiting for the coming of Christ, 1 Cor. 1.5, 7. the Church of Thiatyra was to hold fast, that which they already had, till he come, Rev. 2.25. judge nothing before the time, until the Lord come, 1 Cor, 4.5. yet saith Thomas Laucock, where is the promise of his coming? is he asleep? but Peter tells such scoffers, that the Lord is not slack concerning his promise, but is long-suffering towards men▪ not willing that any should perish, 2 Pet. 3.9. wherefore be patiented UNTO THE COMING of the Lord, Jam. 5.7. for this is the true Grace wherein we stand, even that which brings salvation; for (saith Paul) the Grace of God, that bringeth salvation, teacheth us to live godil●y in this world▪ and to LOOK FOR the glorious appearing of Jesus Christ, Titus 2.11, 12, 13. Object. The Saints waiting for the coming of Christ, was but for a greater measure of Christ. Answ. That which is spoken elsewhere concerning their denial of the Lord Jesus, will show the emptiness of this objection: yet consider, Christ was not taken up into Heaven by measures, and at times; but while he blessed them, he was parted from them, Luk. 24.51. and he shall SO COME IN LIKE MANNER as the Disciples did SEE him go into Heaven, Act. 1.11. wherefore the usual expression in Scripture is, the COMING, not COMMINGS of Christ; where it is spoken of him, since his ascension; wherefore saith Paul to the Saints, be ye not soon shaken in mind, or troubled, neither by Spirit, nor by Word, nor by Letter, as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand, for that day shall not come, except there be a falling away first, etc. 2 Thes. 2.2, 3. yet saith the Quaker, it was in a great measure come, but thereby he is found to be led by that Spirit, which then troubled the Saints, pretending the day of Christ to be, before it was to be, which Paul afterwards calls a mystery of iniquity then working, verse 7. by this also he makes void the use of Christ's parables, concerning his coming, which himself sets out by a man taking a far journey, giving authority to his servants, Mar. 13.34. who after a long time cometh, and reckoneth with them, Mat. 25.19. in what manner he is capable to come, judge ye, and remember that Christ saith HE IS AS A MAN, as abovesaid (that is in respect of his sudden coming at a time;) wherefore he saith, watch, and pray, for ye know not when the TIME is; Mar. ●3. 33. moreover consider that Peter, even when he was ready to DIE, witnessed not the day of the Lord come, but saith, the day of the Lord WILL ●OME, 2 Pet. 3.10. & 1.14. in like manner Paul when he was r●ady to DIE, said that there was laid UP for him a Crown of Righteousness, which (saith he) the Lord SHALL give me at THAT DAY, and not only to me; but unto all that love his appearing, ● T●●●. 4.6, 8. and the holy men of old died in the faith, NOT HAVING RECEIVED THE PROMISES, Heb. 11.13. Another way I take notice of, whereby faith in the true coming of Christ is endeavoured to be (at present) made void; and that is by perverting the signs of his coming into mysteries, and so screws them to be signs fulfilled in them, before their conceived coming of Christ; but unto you that fear the Lord, this I say, that there is a good ground for us now to believe that distress, and perplexity of Nations; the Sea, and waves roaring, men's hearts sailing them for fear, the powers of Heaven being shaken, are signs of Christ's coming; as there was for the Saints of old to believe that Sion● King, even the Lord Jesus, should come riding upon an Ass, and a Colt the sole of an Ass, Zach. 9.9. which even so was fulfilled, Matth. 21.4, 5. And also as good ground for us now to believe, that as the lightning shineth out of the East, even unto the West, SO the coming of the son of man shall be; as there was for the people of God in the days of old to believe, that the Christ which was to come, should be prized at thirty pieces of silver; with which should be bought the Potter's field, Zach. 11.12, 13. which even so came to pass, Matth. 27.3, 7, 9 Also as good ground for us now to believe, that there shall arise many false Christ's, saying, I am Christ, showing great signs and wonders, before the coming of Christ, as signs of his coming; as there was for Israel to believe, that the Christ was to be numbered with transgressors, Isaiah 53.12. which even so came to pass, Mark 15.28. There is also as good ground for us to believe, that the Sun and Moon shall be darkened before the coming of Christ, as signs of his coming; as Israel had to believe, that a Virgin should bear a Son, whose name should be Immanuel, that is, God with us, Isa. 7.14. which even so also came to pass, Mat. 1.22, 23. As good ground also there is for us now to believe that the Stars shall fall from Heaven, before the coming of Christ; as Israel had to believe that there was a time to come, wherein a voice of lamentation, and bitter weeping in Ramah should be heard, Rachel weeping for her Children, etc. Jerem. 31.15. which you know came so to pass, Mat. 2.17, 18. As good ground also there is for us now to believe, that Christ shall come in the Clouds of Heaven; as Israel had, to believe that the Prophetical words of David should be literally fulfilled (viz. in my thirst they gave me vinegar to drink, Psal. 69.21) as evidently they were, Mat. 27.48. O remember the mystery of iniquity, lest you dash yourselves in pieces against that rock; for, consider, would Christ, yea when he made it his work to prescribe the future dangers, that the Saints should not be deceived, would he, I say, then deliver these many Signs, as he did, and intent that they should be mysteriously understood, and not in the least signify it, judge ye that are judicious; and consider how this opinion of Christ's coming only in men crosses the Scriptures, for when Christ comes, he comes in glory, WITH his Angels, and WITH ten thousand of his Saints, Jud. 14. And the Lord my God (saith the Prophet) shall come, and all the Saints WITH thee, Zech. 14.5. (they being first caught up to meet the Lord in the air, and so shall EVER BE WITH THE LORD, 1 Thess. 4.17. BEFORE whom shall be GATHERED all nations, and he (AS A SHEPHERD) shall divide one from another, Matth. 25.31, 32. Moreover, than Saints shall be free from death, from sorrow, from tears, yea from all manner of pain saith the Lord, Revel. 21.4. yea Saints vile bodies shall then be made like unto the glorious body of Christ, Phil. 3.20.21. and they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the Firmament, and as the Stars for ever and ever, Dan. 12.3. yet saith Fox, Christ is come, and he looks for him to come no otherwise, but how, where, and in whom do these things appear? O the nakedness of this Dream! Moreover, when he comes, he shall rebuke strong Nations, and they shall bear their Swords into Blow shares, and their Spears into Pruning-hooks; Nation shall not lift up sword against Nation, neither shall they learn War any more, Mich. 4.3. yea he maketh Wars to cease unto the end of the earth, Psal 46 9 But doth this (O Friends) appear? and not rather Nation against Nation, and Kingdom against Kingdom, even as Christ foretold should come; wherefore he that shall come will come, and will not tarry. Obj. Saints are the Temple of God, and God dwells in them; and know you not that Christ is in you, except ye be reprobates; and Christ is in you the hope of glory. Ans. Most true it is that Saints are the Temple of God, and God doth now as well as heretofore dwell in his people; but Paul that spoke these words, also saith, that Saints are an habitation of God THROUGH THE SPIRIT, Ephes. 2.22. which (saith he) ye have OF God, and your Body is the Temple of the holy Spirit. 1 Cor. 6.19. And know ye not that ye are the Temple of God, and that the SPIRIT OF GOD dwelleth in you? 1 Cor. 3.16. yet we find that these WAITED FOR THE COMING of the Lord Jesus, 1 Cor. 1.7. and unto that very Church unto which Paul said, (Christ in you the hope of glory) He also saith, When Christ who is our life SHALL APPEAR, then shall we appear with him in glory, Col. 3.4. even when the Lord Jesus SHALL be revealed FROM HEAVEN, 2 Thess. 1.7. wherefore Stephen (though filled with the Spirit) yet testified to death, that he, looking UP into Heaven, saw Jesus standing on the right hand of God; yet if any man have not the Spirit of Christ he is none of his, Rom. 8.9. which (saith Christ) will not come unto you except I GO AWAY, Joh. 16.7. which Spirit the Saints receiving, did not declare him to be their only inheritance, but (saith Paul) the EARNEST of our inheritance, UNTIL the redemption of the purchased possession, Eph. 1.14. Christ dwelled in them by faith, the hope of glory; he saith not as the possession of glory: yet saith the Quaker, Christ is come already in their flesh, and hath given them eternal life in possession; and is not afraid to say, that by preaching of a Christ in Heaven, the Devil gets his work done on earth, though a Cloud of Witnesses, from the Saints of old, that witnesseth their faith in Christ, that was in Heaven; yet did they the work of the Lord, opposing the Antichristian spirits; though the Quaker, to the great abuse of the Scriptures, say, that such are the Antichrists that cannot confess Christ come in THEIR flesh; (but of this you shall hear in the next particular.) The men of God said, that Christ Jesus shall SO COME as ye have seen him go into Heaven; the Quaker saith, not SO, but let us (with John) say, even SO COME LORD JESUS. But that which is written must first be accomplished, even the revelation of the Man of sin, the Son of perdition, 2 Thess. 2.3, 4. the vile person which Daniel Prophesied of, succeeding the raiser of Taxes, Dan. 11.20, 21. who shall do according to HIS WILL (the light within he says) and shall exalt himself, and magnify himself above every God, and shall speak marvellous things against the GOD OF GOD'S; neither shall he REGARD THE GOD OF HIS FATHERS (who witnessed their God to be in Heaven) but tells us of a God within their flesh, so as to expect his coming NO OTHERWISE; wherefore saith Daniel, he shall acknowledge a STRANGE GOD, vers. 36, 37, 39 by whose direction he shall make War with the Saints, and shall prevail against them; UNTIL the ancient of days come, and the time when the Saints shall possess the Kingdom, Dan. 7.20, 21, 22. he shall indeed THINK to change Times, and Laws, but the Judgement shall sit (though he say it be passed to him) and the Kingdom, and Dominion, and the greatness of the Kingdom under the whole Heaven shall be given to the Saints; wherefore comfort one another with these words, vers. 25, 26, 27. for though for a season we may be slighted by reason of him, whose looks (Daniel saith) is more STOUT THAN HIS FELLOWS, Dan. 7.20. and though GREAT WORDS may be spoken against the most High, vers. 25. who is our God, whom we witness to be in Heaven, as the holy men of old did; yet he shall descend from Heaven to our joy, and in that day this shall be said, LO, THIS IS OUR GOD; we have waited for him, and he will save us THIS IS THE LORD, we have waited for him; we will be glad and rejoice in HIS SALVATION, Isa. 25.9. but of this Salvation the foolish Virgins comes short of, as well as the Antichrist; wherefore in the fear of the Lord, our God, BE ZEALOUS, WATCH AND PRAY WITH FASTING. Mark I pray you, the foundation that is already laid, for the mystery of this iniquity to work upon; (I mean their saying that Christ is come, and their looking for him no otherwise to come) for the Scripture saith, when Christ comes, he will command his Angels, to gather out of his Kingdom all things that offend, Mat. 13.40, 41. then also the Nations is to be ruled with a Rod of Iron, and shall be broken like a Potter's vessel, Rev. 2.25, 26, 27. Christ revealing himself from heaven, in flaming fire, taking vengeance on them that know not God, 2 Thess. 1.7, 8. we (saith the Quaker) are the only Ministers of God; and they are said to be made a flame of fire, Heb. 1.7. and (say they) Christ is now revealed in us, as aforesaid; what then should hinder them (who are so apt to pervert the Scriptures) in time, to be persuaded in flaming fire, to take vengeance on them that know not God, in their sense, and that offend in their sense; and pretend it to be Christ in them, the flaming fire taking vengeance according to the Scriptures; but perhaps the Quaker will say at present, as Hazael did, What, am I a Dog, that I should do this great thing? 2 King. 8.13. yet it may be the issue like that of Hazael; however (O Friends) let not things present, nor things to come separate us from the love of God which hath abounded to us in Christ Jesus. The Quaker saith, that the Offering of Christ's Body to be broken, and his Blood to be shed, avails not, so as (through faith therein) to set free from sin; but blood in a Mystery, and a body in a Mystery, which we know not what it is, saith Lawson in his Book, p. 18. which was typified by the fleshly body of Christ, and his Blood; and so in them is fulfilled the Prophecy of Peter, who foretold the bringing in of damnable Heresies, even DENYING THE LORD THAT BOUGHT THEM, which they must needs do, that affirm Christ is already come the second time; and LOOKS for him to come NO OTHERWISE, whom (they say) NEVER DIED. All that is written must be fulfilled, therefore this may not seem strange, nor indeed those many DOUBLE-MEANING expressions that we meet withal, as coverts to hid the nakedness thereof; for saith Peter, they shall PRIVILY bring in this damnable Heresy, 2 Pet. 2.1. therefore though John speak of a people that denieth both Father, and Son, yet that they should not pretend both, is altogether incredible; considering that Satan transforms himself to be (as it were) an Angel of LIGHT, wherefore it is said to be a MYSTERY of iniquity; Oh then how should we labour to be enriched with heavenly wisdom? for the hour is a coming, and now is, wherein we must wrestle against Principalities and the Powers of the darkness of this World; and who is sufficient for these things? surely they, and they only that are not ashamed of the Lord Jesus, and his words, without whom we can do nothing, whom the Quaker knows not, owns not, for God hath sent him the strong delusion that he should believe a lie. Wherefore he saith boldly, but blasphemously, that the Lord Jesus whom we profess is accursed, professing a sp●rit within him, to be the only Christ, which he supposes was in the fleshly Body of Christ, and there suffered reproaches, revile, and the like, and is (saith Parnel * In his Shield of Truth, p 34. ) NOW manifested in the likeness of sinful flesh, to condemn sin in the flesh, yea and that (saith Nayler * In Satan's design discovered, p. 25. ) by his own sufferings with them, in them; but Paul being of another spirit, speaks of the fleshly Body of Christ, in that place, Rom. 8.3. which was indeed the likeness of (but not) sinful flesh, Heb. 4.15. and not in the least of the sinful flesh of men, so as to bear away sin by his suffering in their bodies; for saith the Apostle himself bore our sins in his OWN BODY on the Tree, 1 Pet. 2.24. and by this ONE OFFERING he hath perfected for ever them that are sanctified, Heb. 10.14 having made thereby a way for such to enter boldly into the holiest, even by his BLOOD, through the vail, that is to say, HIS FLESH, vers. 19 20 according to which the Apostle saith, he hath made peace through the blood of his Cross, Col. 1.20. and you hath he reconciled in the BODY OF HIS FLESH, THROUGH DEATH, verse. 22. not flesh and blood as Types, for my Flesh is meat INDEED (saith Christ) and my Blood drink INDEED; which he gave for the life of the World, himself being the substance of those many types of the Law; wherefore the bodies of those Beasts, whose blood was brought into the Sanctuary for sin, being burnt without the Camp, Jesus also, that he might sanctify the people, with his own blood, suffered without the Gate, Heb. 13.11, 12. according to which, saith Peter, ye were redeemed with the precious blood of Christ, as of a LAMB without blemish, 1 Pet. 1.19. and without SHEDDING of blood is no remission, Heb. 9.22. even the blood of his CROSS, Col. 1.20. now consider I pray you, whether he be not of that number which counts the blood of the Covenant an UN HOLY THING, that shall deny the effect of this blood, and tells us of blood in a mystery? Oh remember that iniquity appears in a mystery; for what is there required of us by the Lord, that may not, upon this account, be made void at man's pleasure, though never so plain? Did the Apostles preach up Justification by the Blood of Christ, and yet is Justification by another thing, which they in the least speak not of? God forbidden; moreover, how full are the Scriptures of expressions that signifies to us reconciliation by the death of Christ, yea the death of the CROSS, Ph●l. 2.8. yet even this also is perverted into a mystery by these men who imagines that Christ never died; but this Serpent lieth hid in the Grass, and is not easily to be seen, but the Grass withereth, and the Man of Sin shall be revealed the Son of perdition; and this mystery springs from an opinion that the spirit suffering within that Person of Jesus, was the Christ, and so readily you shall hear them say, that they own him, who witnessed a good confession before Pontius Pilate, meaning the spirit within him. Moreover they will say, that they own him, who suffered upon Mount Calvary, meaning the spirit within him; which spirit they say, is now within their bodies of flesh; now judge ye, how fair a foundation hereby is laid for those say to be built upon, which was foretold should be said by many that should arise, saying, I AM CHRIST; which must be before the end, which when ever it is, let us remember that the Christ indeed hath charged us, saying BELIEVE THEM NOT. Now that the fleshly Body of Christ, as it was by him offered up to death, even the death of the Cross, relates to the salvation of the Believer, as effected through that, is further evident, because the Apostles (who well knew what Christ was) testified to the Jews, that they had by wicked hands crucified, and slain the Lord Jesus, Acts 2.23. and betrayed, and murdered the just one, saith Stephen, Acts 7.52. whom they slew, and hanged on a tree, saith Peter, Acts 10.39. and this was charged upon them for their wicked act towards the person of Jesus of Nazareth without them (and not for murdering of Christ within them, as it is very likely the deceived soul would have it) because the Apostle in his charge, declares that when they had fulfilled all that was written of him, they took him (whom they had slain) DOWN FROM THE TREE, and laid him in a SEPULCHRE, Act. 13.28, 29. whom God raised, with whom the Apostles eaten, and drank after his resurrection, Act. 10.41. even him whom the Jews slew, and hanged on a tree, verse 39 Now we cannot but know, that it was a fleshly, substantial body of Christ, that they slew, murdered, and crucified upon the tree, and in so doing, the Apostles unanimously affirm that they slew Jesus, (which in English is SAVIOUR) and yet doth he not, through it, save? God forbidden that we should thus deny the Lord that bought us; for HE that the Jews thus slew, and hanged on a tree, with whom the Apostles eaten, and drank after he risen from the dead, HE (saith Peter) commanded us to preach, and to testify that it is HE (mark) which was ordained of God to be the Judge of quick, and dead; and to HIM, saith Peter; give all the Prophet's witness, Act. 10.39, 41, 42, 43. yea the Angel of God descending from Heaven, bears witness to this truth, who said to the holy women, that came to the Sepulchre; Jesus (that is the Saviour) is not here, he is risen, behold the place where they laid HIM, Mar. 16.6. where the LORD LAY, Matth. 28.6. yet will the Quaker slight this body, but thereby he is found to have a differing Spirit, from that which the Apostles had, and so a false Spirit; for they handling this body with their hands, in the relation thereof, said, that which we have seen with our eyes, and looked upon, and our hands have handled of the Word of life, 1 John 1.1. and saith Peter, God hath made that SAME JESUS, whom ye have crucified both LORD AND CHRIST, Act. 2.36. and the Quaker denying this, is Antichrist▪ for he that confesseth not Jesus Christ come in the flesh is Antichrist, saith John, 1 Joh. 4.3. now by what hath been said, 'tis evident that the Quaker confesses him not come in flesh all the Apostles did, so as through the breaking of it, and bloodshedding of it, to effect man's salvation; but the body that doth this, we know not what it is (saith Lawson) yea so slender a respect have they to his body of flesh, that they deny the glorification of it, and so its ascension into Heaven, and so now (say they) hath it not; and this they manifest, by saying Christ is already come the second time, and looking for him to come no otherwise; and moreover these men makes void the ordinance of the Lords supper, which was instituted to hold forth (by a resemblance) the breaking of the body of Christ, and the shedding of his blood, which was shed for the remission of sins; this I say they totally dis-own, as a carnal thing by which they show their low esteem of that which is signified by it, having conceived to themselves a body, and blood in a mystery, that sets free from sin; which we find not according to the Law, and Testimony, therefore it proceeds from darkness. Object. This is (saith the Quaker) a knowing Christ after the flesh, 2 Cor. 5.16. Answ. The diligent Scripture-searching soul may find, that the knowing of Christ, reconciling men in the body of his flesh, through death, Col. 1.22. and his being now glorified therein, is not a knowing Christ after the flesh; for equally as the Apostles knew not Christ after the flesh; so they knew not the Saints after the flesh, but them they could not know, as not having bodies of flesh, neither as not to practise with their bodies, through the Spirit, for themselves required the same people to glorify God both in their body and in their Spirit, (which saith the Apostle) are Gods, 1 Cor. 6.20. which bodies being sown in the earth, they testified should be raised again glorified, so that by this the Apostles did not in the least slight the fleshly body of Christ, nor the effects wrought for the sons of men, by his being put to death in the flesh; but having spoken at large before in the third chapter concerning the ministration of the Law, as done away, and of the present being of the more glorious ministration of the Gospel, concludes as to that, saying, that henceforth we know no man after the flesh, yea though we have known Christ after the flesh, that is, had esteem of him, in reference to the fleshly, birth-priviledged seed, of whom he came, as concerning the flesh. Rom. 9.5. thus the Apostles knew Christ no more, out rather as HE was declared to be the Son of God with power, according to the Spirit of holine●e, by the resurrection from the dead, Rom. 1.4. and that Paul's intention, in slighting the knowing after the flesh, is after this manner, is further evident Phil. 3.3, 4. where he speaking of himself, saith, that if any man might trust in the flesh, or have confidence in the flesh, he might much more, and his reasons are, because he was circumcised the eight day, of the stock of Israel, of the Tribe of Benjamin, etc. vers. 5. which plainly shows how men were known after the flesh in the old ministration, which is now made void by the coming in of a more glorious ministration. Object. The flesh profiteth nothing, saith Christ, from whence 'tis likely the Quaker will object. Answ. Consider, we find the Apostle Peter, being one of them that Christ spoke these words unto, testifying that Christ hath once suffered for sins, that he might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh, but quickened by the Spirit, 1 Pet. 3.18. now did not he, even HE understand Christ, though filled with his Spirit, which was to guide them into all truth, judge ye? and withal consider the occasion of these words of Christ, John 6.63. which was a proposed question by Christ himself, as appears verse 62. what will ye say if ye shall see the son of man ascend up where he was before? the flesh (saith Christ) profiteth nothing; (that is, in reference to his personal tarryance with his Disciples) for 'tis (saith he) the Spirit that quickeneth, which will not come unto you except I go away, wherefore Christ persuadeth them that it was expedient for him to go away, Joh. 16.7. that is, to ascend up where he was before; but as himself saith, he must FIRST suffer many things, Luk. 17.25. yea and it behoved him thus to suffer, Luk. 24.46. and what, doth this profit nothing? God forbidden; for herein is the love of God manifested, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us, who (at that time) said to his Disciples, that he gave HIS FLESH for the life of the World, verse 51. that whosoever eat thereof, and drink his blood (that is, as himself saith, believeth on me) shall never hunger, nor thirst, verse 35. whosoever therefore loves him not, let him be (saith Paul) Anathema, Maranatha. This may serve also to discover the unlearnedness of Lawson, who cannot confess that Christ is a distinct being from the Father, though he say, John 14.28. my Father is greater than I; unto whom he prayed, lifting up his eyes unto Heaven, John 17.1. who is now a MEDIATOR between God, and men, even the MAN Christ Jesus, 1 Tim. 2.5. now if Christ be not distinctly considered, then how is he a mediator? for Paul saith a mediator is not of one, but God is one, Gal. 3.20. wherefore by this the Quaker is but the more revealed what he is; for consider, the Spirit now dwelling in their flesh, is also the Father, and Son, (in their account) and they look for him to come NO OTHERWISE, as said George Fox, before many witnesses; (the truth in Christ I speak, and lie not) and so are they found to be the ANTICHRIST, that the Apostle speaks of, denying the Father, and the Son, 1 John 2.22. in whose fear let us live, not TOUCHING THE UNCLEAN THING. The Quaker saying, as aforesaid, also saith, and indeed cannot but say, that Christ ascended not into Heaven, with that body which God raised from the dead, and glorified, and Thomas Laucock being several times asked by me, where that Heaven was that Christ ascended up into, and now was in, he answered, clapping his hands upon his breast, saying, WITHIN ME, WITHIN ME. Him, whom the Jews crucified on the tree, and slew, God raised from the dead, Act. 10.39, 40. who being raised, bid his Disciples behold his hands, and feet, bidding them also to handle him, saying, a Spirit had not flesh, and bones, as ye see me have; HE that was raised again, and THUS spoke to his Disciples, Luk. 24.39. HE led them out as far as to Bethany, and HE lift up his hands, and blessed him, verse 50. and while HE blessed them, 〈◊〉 ●●s parted from them, and carried UP INTO HEAVEN, 〈◊〉 51. and this is made good also by the Testimony of Stephen, who said that he saw the Heavens opened, and the SON OF MAN standing on the right hand of God, even Jesus whom God raised (saith Paul) from the dead, 1 Thes. 1.10. yea confirmed with his own Testimony, Rev. 1.18. I am he that liveth, and WAS DEAD, and behold, I live for evermore; wherefore I say; as Peter said, LET ALL KNOW ASSUREDLY that God hath made the SAME JESUS, whom the Jews CRUCIFIED, both LORD and CHRIST, Act. 2.36. but if any be so obstinate, and ignorant, as to believe that Heaven is within these men's mortal, and corruptible bodies, and that Christ, whom the Jews crucified, is now dwelling therein, as his throne, and there is a mediator between God and men, let him be, let him be ignorant still— that which is said in the former particular, manages this truth also. The Quaker saith, that some of them are already come unto the END OF FAITH, this Thomas Lawson, John Slee gave me in writing, which thing I denying, they thought it advantageous to their cause to publish it: Laws. book. pag. 10. This their affirmation gives us to understand what glory (if I may say glory) it is they expect, and own, and moreover by this we may most clearly discern their denial of the resurrection, for otherwise they cannot say with any pretence, that they are NOW at the end of Faith; wherefore our confidence towards God, concerning a resurrection, is alone sufficient to manifest the emptiness of this saying of theirs; which they would establish from Paul's expression to Timothy, ch. 1.9. Who hath saved us, etc. but how? according to his own purpose, and grace given us (saith Paul), in CHRIST JESUS, who is our life, and when he shall appear THAN shall we appear with him in glory, Col. 3.4. for unto them that LOOK for him, shall he appear the second time without sin unto salvation, Heb. 9.28. in which day, all tears shall be wiped awa● 〈◊〉 but Timothy, who among others is said there to be saved, was in 〈◊〉, even to tears, wherefore Paul had a great desire to see him 〈◊〉 mindful of his TEARS, verse 4. in that day also all 〈◊〉 ●●ous, and misery shall be done away, but Timothy is exhorted 〈…〉 of afflictions, and to endure hardness, verse 8.2, 3. more● 〈…〉 Paul, the Scripture is able to make thee (not hath made thee) wise unto salvation, etc. yea and that which is more plain, verse 5. Timothy is said to have unfeigned faith, and verse 13. is exhorted to hold fast the form of sound words, in Faith, and Love; yet is this brought by Lawson to prove that they were at the end of faith. Oh sad blindness! how do they err, not knowing, or rather slighting the Scriptures?— the sum of this is thus; the Quaker affirms, that Faith is at an end; Paul affirms, NOW ABIDETH FAITH, 1 Cor. 13.13. another Doctrine, another Spirit. The Quaker also holds, that they are NOW in possession of the Kingdom of Christ, and have eternal life really in POSSESSION. Lawsons' book. pag. 9.19. Oh how are the right ways of God perverted! what is it, that men come not to believe, when they leave the holy Scriptures as to be their rule? these men talk much of Light, but they that were in the Light indeed, testified that the Saints inheritance was RESERVED in Heaven for them, 1 Pet. 1.4. yet did they rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory, vers. 8. through Faith in the Promises, which the holy men of old RECEIVED NOT, but died in Faith, Heb. 11.13, 39 what hath not Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob received the Promises? and yet will these men say that they have? oh that they had a face, to blush at these things; how do they, in their conceptions, exalt themselves above the Saints of old? yea above the Apostles; for hencerorth (saith Paul) there is LAID UP for me a Crown of Righteousness, 2 Tim. 4.8. whose confidence was, that he should be preserved UNTO his heavenly Kingdom, verse 18. and so they witnessed Christ to be a Priest of good things, TO COME, Heb 9.11. Object. This cannot be so saith Lawson, because Saints are said to be delivered from the power of darkness, and translated into the Kingdom of Christ, Col. 1.13. Answ. Men before conversion are under the power of darkness, which is the broad way that leads to destruction; but being converted, are on the contrary, under the power of Christ; and so are in the ready way to the possession of the Kingdom; for unto that very people that Paul testifies thus to be translated into the Kingdom; he speaking of their hope, said that it was LAID UP for them in Heaven vers. 5. and to them also (he saith) ye know that of the Lord ye SHALL receive the reward of the inheritance, Col. 3.24. not HAVE received, therefore not in the possession of the Kingdom; which is Saint's reward; which they have now by promise, wherefore saith the Apostle, God hath chosen the poor of this world rich in faith, and HEIRS (not possessors) of the Kingdom, which he hath PROMISED to them that love him, Jam. 2.5. this little will serve for them that owns the resurrection, for the apprehension of present possession of eternal life (which is Saint's reward) destroys the truth of that; wherefore let us give diligence to make our calling, and election SURE, and so an entrance shall be ministered unto us abundantly, into the Kingdom of Jesus Christ, 2 Pet. 1.11. The Quaker also fully denieth the Resurrection of the body, which they have often to me acknowledged, and Thomas Lawson, John Slee (Quaker-teachers) gave me their understandings thereof in writing (namely) that NOTHING that goes into the Grave shall rise again; I speak the truth in Christ, I lie not. Many are the shifts of them concerning this particular, insomuch that sometimes they do (by their DOUBLE-MEANING expressions, persuade enquiring Souls that they own the Resurrection, sometimes also they endeavour to show persons their weakness, in searching after the Resurrection, it being a deep mystery; showing them, that they ought first to wait upon the light within, and that will reveal such things unto them in due season; and indeed hereby they show that they have a spirit like Bala●ms; who being willing to answer the desire of Balack (but could not, because Israel was obedient according to the Scriptures) at length taught Balack to lay a stumbling-block before Israel; and when they forsook their God, in committing Whoredom, etc. THAN Israel was subject to the Curse; so likewise doth the Quaker, endeavouring first to take off people from observing the Scriptures; as their rule, persuading them to wait upon their light within, as the ONLY teacher; and when they have herein prevailed, then (oh then) the poor souls are subject to swallow in errors apace, yea though most plain, in opposition to the Scriptures, for otherwise they would not slight that cloud of Witnesses, concerning the resurrection from the dead; but though Israel play the harlot, yet let not Judah offend, but fear ye the Lord who is Almighty, and can as well raise up man again, after he is returned to dust, as he did at first form him of the dust of the earth; and withal search ye the Scriptures; remembering that men formerly erred concerning the Resurrection, not KNOWING THE SCRIPTURES, nor the POWER of God, Matth. 22.29. Consider, Christ is said to be the first fruits of them that sleep, 1 Cor. 15.20. the FIRST that should rise from the dead, Acts 26.23. and the Quakers mystery may not here show its self, for Christ never was dead in sin; but bodily dead he was, and the same body which was laid in the Sepulchre, God raised, as is evident, Luke 24.3, 5, 6, 12. who being raised, testified that he had flesh, and bones, vers. 39 but yet in a glorious manner; thus was Christ the first that risen from the dead; now if the fleshly bodies of men shall not also arise, and be made glorious, consider how Christ can be said to be the FIRST that risen from the dead; for where there is not a second, there cannot be a first; wherefore it follows, that the Sons of Men shall be raised in the likeness of his Resurrection; wherefore the Apostle makes the Resurrection of Christ his first, and great Argument to satisfy the Corinthians that staggered about the Resurrection; concluding that men must needs rise, because Christ was risen; to which agrees the words of Christ, Joh. 5.28, 29. the hour is COMING, in the which all that are in the Graves shall hear his voice, and shall come forth, they that have done good unto the Resurrection of Life, and they which have done evil unto the Resurrection of Damnation; but when I have produced this to these men, they slight the pure intention thereof, and tell me, that I am NOW in the grave there spoken of, meaning the grave of sin; O remember the mystery of iniquity, that is to be revealed in the last days! which hath here no place, though it shrouds its self in with his fig-leaved garments, but truth discovers its nakedness; for by graves, cannot be meant graves of sin, in this place; first, because Christ had spoken before in the 25. verse of men dead in sin (whom the Quaker supposes are in their graves) saying, the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God, and they that hear shall live; (secondly) because of the time mentioned by Christ, when this rising again from the grave should be, which he signifies in these words; the hour is COMING, not come, and now is, as he said before, when he spoke of rising from deadness in sin, which had been true, provided his meaning had been as the Quaker would have it; for men were as really risen from sin then, as now; (thirdly) because some that rise out of the graves, there spoken of, are signified to rise fit for damnation, but those that rise from sin, are fit for salvation; (fourthly) because othersome that rise, or come forth out of the graves here spoken of, are such as HAVE done good, and so are subjects of life, in reference to what they HAVE done before they rise from the grave, which could not be so, if it be meant the graves of sin, for the wages of sin is death; to this agrees the answer of Christ, to the Sadduces question (to wit) whose wife of the seven she should be in the resurrection, when they shall rise? for saith Christ, when they SHALL RISE from the dead, etc. signifying that should certainly rise again, yea from that death, which cannot possibly be understood a death in sin; the nature of the question being considered; also in the resurrection whereof Christ speaks, they shall neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the Angels of God, Mar. 12.23, 25. wherefore most plainly it appears, that by these words Christ preached up the resurrection of the body, for from the beginning, persons risen from sin did marry, and were given in marriage, and after Christ spoke these words, it was accounted honourable by the Children of God, and is now so to be; to this agrees also the voice of the Prophet, Isa. 26.19. thy dead men shall live, together with my dead body shall they arise, and the earth shall cast out the dead; and saith Daniel, many that sleep in the dust of the earth, shall awake, yea from such a death as some awakes from it, to shame, and everlasting contempt, Dan. 12.2. and in this truth was Job well satisfied, insomuch that he wished his words were printed in a book, and graven with an Iron Pen, in the rock for ever; saying, in my flesh shall I see God, whom I shall see for myself, and mine eyes shall behold, and not another, though my reins be consumed within me, and after my skin worms destroy this body, Job 19.23, 24, 25, 26, 27. Object. Job saw God in his flesh (saith Lawson) with a spiritual eye, before his returning to the dust, Job 42.5, 6. Answ. Jobs testimony concerning his seeing God, then is not to be slighted, neither that of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, who also, and after the like manner, talked with God, and saw God; yet they died in Faith, NOT receiving the promises, Heb. 11.13. the Prophet also bearing testimony, saying, though Abraham be IGNORANT of us, and Israel acknowledge us not, yet there is a time that shall come; and will come (spoken of by Christ, Luk. 13.28, 29.) when Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and all the Prophets, with many that shall come from the East, and from the West, from the North, and from the South, and shall sit down in the Kingdom of God; and to this agrees the words of Job, speaking of his seeing God, but the time when, he intimates to be after his body was destroyed by worms, and the consuming of his reins within him; which had not been when he spoke these words, Job 42. read 1 Cor. 13.12. Moreover if it were true that these men were in the resurrection, and so in the Kingdom (as they say they are) then should those that are thrust out, in their account, SEE Abraham, and all the Prophets, in the Kingdom with them in glory, and themselves, weeping, and gnashing their teeth; for so said Christ to the rebellious Jews, Luk. 13.28. but this, with many more things, which shall appear in the resurrection, now appears not, yet will they say that they NOW are in the resurrection; oh STRONG DELUSION! The truth of this is yet further evident; for (saith Paul) since by man came death, by man came also the resurrection from the dead, for as in Adam all dye, even so in Christ shall all be made alive, 1 Cor. 15.21.22. that is from that death, occasioned by Adam's sin, which God tells us was a returning to the dust; of that which was taken out of the dust, or ground, Gen. 3.19. which we know was the fleshly body of man, which by reason of sin must die, but through Christ all shall be made alive again; now we know that all are not made alive from a spiritual death, therefore the Apostle speaks not here of that, but indeed of the fleshly bodies of men that are buried, or sown into the earth, (even as the sown Corn, which cannot hold comparison with any thing else of man) which he testifies shall rise again, saying, that THIS corruptible, must put on incorruption, THIS mortal must put on immortality, verse 53. mark, not an immortal body, of other matter, but THIS which is now mortal, now corruptible, shall be made immortal, incorruptible, and so is made good the words of the Apostle, Phil. 3.21. who shall change our VILE body, that IT may be fashioned like unto his glorious body; but the Quaker having another Spirit, says that it shall never come out of the grave; but a lass, how greatly do they err while they leave the Scriptures, as not to be their rule! wherein is clearly testified the conquest of the grave, for, saith the Lord, Hos. 13.14. O grave, I will be thy destruction; wherefore the Sea shall deliver up all that are in it; Hell, or grave, shall deliver up all that are in it, and death which feeds on many, that were never buried in the earth, or in the Sea, shall also be delivered up, and so all shall come to judgement, Rev. 20.13. this is certain, for repentance is hid from mine eyes, saith the Lord, Hos. 13.14. but according to the Quakers opinion, the grave is the conqueror (having got the bodies of men in it, and so holds them fast for ever, saith Lawson) that is originally the Devil; but Christ in the Apostles account; oh let him be also in our account, even him who through death hath destroyed him that hath the power of death, (that is the Devil) who will in his time, ransom all from the power of the grave; O remember Hymeneus, and Philetus, who are men branded with error, for saying the resurrection was passed already, 2 Tim. 2.18. Object. The Quaker saith this cannot be so, because (Paul saith) flesh and blood cannot inherit the Kingdom of God,— and thou sowest not that body that shall be, but God giveth it a body, as it hath pleased him. Answ. True it is, that flesh, and blood, as now it is corruptible, cannot inherit, wherefore the Apostle afterwards saith, that it must put on incorruption, then shall it inherit the incorruptible inheritance; and so is made good the comparison (thou sowest not that body that shall be) for we sow, that is, commit man's body to the dust corruptible, but God giveth it a body as it hath pleased him, even an incorruptible body; that is, raises the body which was sown corruptible, in an incorruptible condition, so it is, that to every seed is given HIS OWN BODY; for the Corn consumes not away, which is sown into the earth, neither there abides, but the very same springs up again to its proper body, but more excellent through a change: and even so our vile body shall be changed and made like unto his glorious body, Phil. 3.21. wherefore the sum of all is thus. The bodies of men that are committed to the earth, CORRUPTIBLE, DISHONOURABLE, WEAK, NATURAL; (WHICH SO CONSIDERED CANNOT INHERIT THE KINGDOM OF GOD) SHALL RISE AGAIN, INCORRUPTIBLE, HONOURABLE, POWERFUL, SPIRITUAL, AND SO CONSIDERED SHALL INHERIT THE KINGDOM OF GOD, 1 Cor. 15.42, 43, 44. the Lord hath said it, and who can disannul it? Object. It is the pure inside of the Corn that springs up again, and not the shuck with it, so it is the internal Spirit of man that shall be glorified, and not the body of flesh, which is as the shucke. Answ. Most evident it is, that that, and so much of man, as is SOWN into the earth, is resembled by the sown corn; now the Spirit returns to God that gave it, and the fleshly bodies are sown into the earth, resembled by the Corn that is sown into the earth; and God gives it, mark, it is not said that he gives, or makes A body, as if it were another in respect of matter, but gives IT, even IT that was sown into the earth, a body glorious, immortal, as it hath pleased him; this is evident if the reasoning with flesh and blood be ommitted, and the holy Scriptures considered, which testifies of the GRAVES OPENING, and the DEAD bodies arising, Matth. 27.52. that is to say, SO FAR as they consist of the PURE CREATION. Object. Paul tells the Saints that they were risen with Christ, Col. 2.3. ch. Answ. He doth indeed represent them as risen with Christ, but saith he through Faith, of the operation of God, Col. 2.12. which evidences things not seen, Heb. 11.1. wherefore he tells them afterwards that their life was HID with Christ in God, Heb. 3.3. and when Christ did appear, THAN they should appear with him in glory; verse 4. to which agrees these words, Ephes. 2.6, 7. God, who is rich in mercy, hath raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places IN CHRIST JESUS, that in the ages TO COME, he might show the riches of his grace towards us; even at the resurrection day, when Saints shall be rewarded, Luk. 14.14. unto which they had not attained, for Paul himself, the Teacher of them, strongly affirms, that HE had NOT attained unto the resurrection of the dead, Phil. 3.11, 12. but laboured that he might attain (that is) to the resurrection unto life, at the appearing of Jesus, which he might come short of, if not diligent; though notwithstanding come to a resurrection; but great was his desire; O let it be even our desires also, to be of that number that shall be raised, and meet the Lord in the air, and so EVER be with the Lord, 1 Thes. 4.17. at which time Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and the rest of the Saints that died in Christ shall rise; though the Prophet have said that Abraham was IGNORANT of them, and Israel acknowledged them not, Isa. 63.16. and the Apostle bare record, saying, that they RECEIVED NOT the Promises, Heb. 11.13. but Christ testifies of a time when they shall sit down in the Kingdom of God, Luk. 13.28, 29. in reference to which time God said to Moses, that he was the God of Abraham, Isaac, and jacob, as appears by Christ, who testified that God is not a God of the dead, but of the living, and so from this concludes, that they must needs rise again, Matth. 22.31, 32. God having provided some better thing for us, that they without us, should not be made perfect, Heb. 11.40. this is the resurrection which the Apostles preached, which was esteemed strange, which made Paul say, why should it be thought a thing incredible to you, that God should raise the dead? Acts 26.8. now that the rising from sin (wherein men are said to be dead) to newness of life, was accounted an incredible thing, I leave honest judicious souls to judge; this is the Resurrection, concerning which Paul had hope towards God, both of the just, and unjust, Act. 24.15. Which (saith the Quaker) is the old corrupt man, rising in a man, which is the unjust; and Christ, the Light rising in the same man, is the just. And so one man is to witness both the Resurrection of the just, and unjust in himself. This have I been plainly told (I speak the truth in Christ, I lie not) by one of them; well, and truly said the Apostle, the MYSTERY OF INIQUITY, 2 Thess. 2.7, 8. what had Paul hope towards God, that the Old corrupt Man should rise again, either in himself, or in any others? Oh how great also is the darkness of this mystery! Moreover, men that are turned from sin to a new life, cannot say, and say truly, and understandingly, that they are risen AGAIN, because they were always fallen, and dead in sin; now the Resurrection is not only a rising, but a rising AGAIN, according to the true, proper, and prime signification of both the Latin * 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 resurrectio, a rising again. Greek * word; wherefore, O friends, look to yourselves, and hold FAST, FAST, the form of sound words, as ye have been taught; ABOUNDING in the work of the Lord, for as much as ye know your labour is not in vain in the Lord; for thus saith the Lord, O GRAVE, I will be thy DESTRUCTION, repentance shall be HID from mine eyes, Hos. 13.14. The Quaker also saith, that the eternal Judgement is PAST already as to them, having (as they say) given an account to God already, for all that they have done, and RECEIVED THE REWARD FOR THEIR SINS, even WRATH, and CONDEMNATION; that is, the wounds of Conscience, and the like; this, and more to this purpose you may find in Desburies' Book, called, A Discovery of Man's return to his first estate, pag. 7. This, will they say, proceeds from the light, but Christ, the LIGHT INDEED, discovers it to be gross darkness; who speaking of rebellious Capernaum, said, that it SHALL be more tolerable for Sodom in the DAY OF JUDGEMENT than for thee, Matth. 11.24. now we know that Sodom was destroyed long before for their great wickedness, for which no doubt they had many wounds of Conscience, yet repent not, and this was not in Christ's account, the Judgement, for he speaks of that as to come; and so is made good that saying, Heb. 9.27. It is appointed unto men one to die, but AFTER THIS the Judgement; alas, alas, how doth vain thoughts lodge within these men? how greatly are they deceived! while they slight the true use of the Scriptures, which (before the strong delusion seized upon them) would have shown them, that the Lord cometh with, not in, but WITH ten thousand of his Saints, to excute judgement, Jud. 14.15. this Paul, and Timotheus looked for (yet men of high degrees of Christianity) saying, We must all appear before the Judgement Seat of Christ; but (saith the Quaker) we HAVE appeared: another Doctrine (O Friends) wherefore another spirit; but unto us, that look for the Lord Jesus from Heaven, who shall judge the quick and dead at his appearing, and his Kingdom, 2 Tim. 4.1. unto us, I say, a little may suffice, for the manifestation of this error, The Quaker also believes, that sin is NOT the cause of man's body returning to the dust, as Tho. Lawson, Tho. Laucock affirmed. Strange, yea very strange is this saying, considered nakedly by itself, but considering that it comes from a spirit that denies the Resurrection of the Body, it is not so strange; yet nevertheless the error thereof is not thereby lessened: Error, I say, for when Adam by eating had sinned, God said unto him, BECAUSE thou hast eaten of the tree, of which I commanded thee saying, thou shalt not eat of it; cursed is the ground for thy sake, in the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground, for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return; and to this agrees the words of the Apostle, Rom. 5.12. As by one man sin entered into the Word, and death BY SIN, and so Death passed upon all; not such a Spiritual death as the Quaker would have, because in Christ all shall be made alive from it, 1 Cor. 15.21, 22. he having (through his appearance in the likeness of sinful flesh) condemned sin in the flesh, which is the sting of that death which brings into the Grave the bodies of men, vers. 55, 56. thus by sin comes the death of the body, and not only so, for those many Curses, as eating our bread in sorrow, in the sweat of our faces, women, bringing forth Children in sorrow, even these attends the bodies of men and women by reason of sin, even BECAUSE thou hast eaten, saith God; showing that God at first, in his threat upon the transgression of his Law, intended punishment upon the body; that which did eat, and in eating sinned, died; and so DEATH BY SIN, saith the Apostle. The Quaker also slights, and denies Baptism in Water, calling it a low Carnal thing; This is signified by Naylor in his Book called, A Salutation to the Seed of God, Pag. 33, 34. pleading that it may be now taken away by them (they seeing it to be abused) without any Scripture warrant; they having (as they say) that Spirit within them which gave it forth. This also, they will say, proceeds from the Light, but not so indeed; for Christ (the true Light) was not ashamed thereof, but was obedient, even to Baptism in water. Matth. 3.16. also said, that whosoever is ashamed of him, and his words, of him he also will be ashamed when he cometh in the glory of his Father; wherefore look to yourselves, that ye be not beguiled of your faith, in this so plain a Commandment; and for your steadfastness therein, I do here represent unto you Three considerations, as reminding you of the ground for Baptism in Water. First, remember that John testifies that he was sent (from the Lord) to Baptism with Water, Joh. 1.33. and in preaching Repentance, and Baptism, for the remission of sins, he is said to be a preparer of the way of the LORD, Mar. in which Ministration he was very famous, so that all the people went out unto him, to be baptised; but when Christ went forth, preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom, than the fame of John decreased; and all went out unto him, as most famous, John 3.26. at the hearing of which, John in all humility said, he must increase, but I must decrease, verse 30. Secondly, Remember also that the Lord Jesus, in plain words, gave it forth, by commandment, saying to his Disciples, Matth. 28.19. go ye therefore, and teach all Nations, baptising them in the name of the Father, etc. that is, baptising them in water, as undeniable appears, in that the DISCIPLES were to administer it, (mark that) they could not, they did not baptise with the Spirit; but, saith John, (speaking of Christ) he that cometh after me, whose shoes I am not worthy to bear, HE shall baptise you with the holy Spirit, Mat. 3.11. which (saith Peter) GOD hath given to them that obey him, Act. 5.32. the glory of this ministration the Lord hath reserved unto himself, and hath no where given it to man. Thirdly, Remember also that as baptism in water in John's time, was with other things, a preparation of the way of the Lord, and afterwards established by the special command of the Lord himself, so also (after his ascension) was it confirmed by an Angel from the Lord, who (well knowing his message) bid Cornelius send for Peter, and he (saith the Angel) shall tell thee what thou oughtest (he saith not, what he might do, as an indifferent thing) but what thou OUGHTEST to do, Act. 10.5, 6. who, than he was come, and had seen the goodness of God, said, who can forbid WATER, that these should not be baptised, which have received the holy Ghost, as well as we? making their receiving the holy Spirit, a great argument why they should be baptised with water; yet will men use the same argument, why they need not be baptised with water; alas, alas, what will the poor soul's answer, when God riseth up? Job 31.14. these, even the Spirit-baptized people, Peter commands to be baptised, verse 47, 48. wherefore, whatever men say, this being submitted unto, from an inward principle of love, to him that first loved us, is not a carnal thing, but to be held fast; remember, that Jesus is the same yesterday, to day, and for ever. Object. Paul said that Christ sent him not to baptise, but to preach the Gospel. Answ. Christ also said, labour NOT for the meat that perissieth, but for that meat which endureth unto everlasting life, Joh. 6.27. what, did he hereby make void moderate working? surely nay; for Paul having his Spirit, said, if any would not work, neither should he eat; but rather that men should not make it their SPECIAL labour, (as the Jews did, verse 26.) after the things for the present, bodily subsistence; so Paul's ESPECIAL work was not to baptise (that is, personally to administer baptism) but to preach the Gospel, to which belongs baptism; unless we should believe that he preached one Doctrine, and Peter another, but that is incredible; but credible it is that they did not always personally administer it, and so it was that Paul had baptised but few of the Corinthians, for which he gave God thanks, not from a low esteem thereto, but because they thereby had no show, to say that he baptised in his own name; as they were apt to say, 1 Cor. 1.12, 14, 15. wherefore (O friends) as ye have received, hold fast, and grow, as to the use of it. The Quaker also denies the practice of the Lords supper, which (saith Lawson) Christ put to an end at his death. It is no marvel that they deny this, since they are not afraid to say, that the body, and blood of Christ, is unprofitable, (as to the setting free from sin) which is to be in this remembered; but unto us, to whom the one is esteemable, let the other also; for indeed it is absurd to affirm that Christ should give forth a commandment to his Apostles, bidding them to do it, in remembrance of him, and within four or five days, put it to an end by his death, yea before they were, or could be in any considerable posture to observe it; and yet afterwards to command them to teach all Nations to observe all together incredible; most evident it is, that afterwards the Apostle delivered this ordinance unto the Saints, and afterwards regulated their disorder therein, according to Christ's institution, 1 Cor. 11. and the bread which they (in this ordinance used) Paul saith they BREAK, 1 Cor. 10.16. by which their mystery is excluded, wherefore (though Parnell be pleased to say, that this is a feeding upon husks) yet let us therein hold forth the Lords death, TILL HE COME. The Horrid Blasphemy of the Quaker revealed. MAny a time when I have spoken, both words of truth, and soberness, the Quaker hath pronounced the curses and plagues of God, to be my portion, which seemed not a little strange unto me; that men pretending perfection should thus rage's; but since I have found him, not afraid to speak evil of the Lord himself, for more than once Thomas Laucock▪ (Quaker-teacher) hath said that the Lord Jesus Christ is ACCURSED; him whom we profess, even him that was born of the Virgin, anointed of God with the holy Spirit, whom the Jews crucified, and slew, whom God raised from the dead, who ascended into Heaven, and there mediates between God, and men; this is the Christ whom we own, against whom the Quaker blaspheming, is found not to have the Spirit of God, though he talk so much of the Spirit; for plainly, saith the Apostle, 1 Cor. 12.3. NO man, speaking by the Spirit of God, calleth Jesus ACCURSED; and so being sensual, having not the Spirit, said at other times, that he knew me BEFORE THE WORLD WAS, in whom is made good that saying, (viz.) they speak great SWELLING WORDS OF VANITY, 2 Pet. 2.18. and as Isaiah prophesieth, shall say in his heart, I will be LIKE THE MOST HIGH, Isa. 14.14. for foreknowledge is that, by which God advanceth his supreamacy above all, wherefore it is said, Isa. 41.26. who hath declared from the beginning that we may know? and before time, that we may say he is righteous? yea there is none that declareth, there is none that showeth; yet saith Laucock; HE knew me before the World was; and James Parnell saith, * In Naylers' book called Satan's design discovered. p. 51. before corrupt reason was, I AM; Oh that they had such a heart that could learn, not to blaspheme! but this is that the Scripture might be fulfilled, which testifieth of this strong delusion; which being seized upon these men, they conceive the foreknowing God is so appeared in them, as that he shall appear no otherwise, and so speaks these words in them; what is there (O friends) that ever was spoken by the Lord himself, to the sons of men, that these may not (upon this account) attribute unto themselves, and speak likewise? and what is there, of all that is to be done, by the mighty power of God, that these may not as well challenge unto themselves (thus conceiving of God in them) as to say that THEY knew men before the World was? what is there to hinder them from saying, VENGEANCE BELONGS UNTO US? and so become the revealed SON OF PERDITION, who opposeth, and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped, showing himself that HE IS GOD, 2 Thes. 2.3, 4. yea so strong already are they in their conceits of the present finishing of things, as that Nayler * Satan's design discovered, p. 26. blasphemously affirms that to promise freedom after death is a CHEAT OF ANTICHRIST; and moreover saith * pa. 19 that by preaching of a Christ in Heaven, the Devil gets his work done on earth. O how doth arrogancy, and spiritual pride put forth itself! how great is the darkness of this pretended Light! the imperfection, of this pretended perfection! such also is their pride and self-conceitedness, as that they will not (by no means) say, MOST NOBLE FESTUS, Act. 26.25. but rather are such as despise DOMINION, and speak evil of dignities, Judas 8. but this also is, that the Scriptures might be fulfilled, Dan. 7.20. whose look was MORE STOUT THAN HIS FELLOWS, fear ye the Lord, fear ye the Lord. The Scoffing of the Quaker manifested. AS we have heard that Scoffers should come in the last days, even now already are they come, whereby we may know that it is the last of the last days; for at a certain time, when I, with other brethren, was reasoning with Thomas Laucock; concerning the coming of Christ, he scoffingly said, WHERE IS THE PROMISE OF HIS COMING, IS HE ASLEEP? these very words (I speak the truth in Christ, I lie not) did he utter, before many witnesses; by which he is found to be of them, that Peter prophesied of, saying in the last days there should come scoffers, saying, where is the promise of his coming? 2 Pet. 3.3.4. he that by this sees not, let him remain blind; moreover such and so great is the darkness of the Quaker concerning Christ, and his coming, as that at another time, in a conference about Christ in Heaven, he scoffingly replied, saying, WHAT IS HE, THREE, OR FOUR STORY HIGH, ABOVE SKY? but saith the Saints, seeing then that we have a high Priest, that is passed into the Heavens, even Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast our profession; but saith the scoffing Quaker, How can we have comfort or peace by Christ, and he so fare off from us, above sky? he is (saith the Saints) gone into Heaven, whom having not seen ye love, in whom though now ye see him not, yet believing, ye rejoice with joy UNSPEAKABLE, and FULL OF GLORY, 1 Pet whatever they say, he that SHALL come, WILL come, and will not tarry; fear ye the Lord, fear ye the Lord. The Fierceness, or Rail of the Quaker discovered. IVde the Servant of the Lord, speaks of a people, that are as RAGING waves of the Sea, foaming out their own shame, vers. 13. how nigh of kin the Quaker is to them, judge ye by this following description, of their behaviour towards me, when I have been amongst them, who at several times thus have said to me in great rage, and fury of spirit; Thou Beast, bruit beast, thou Witch, thou Devil, thou Reprobate, thou Enemy of God, for the Lake, thou Swine feeding upon husks, thou Cain killing thy brother Abel, thou Drunkard, thou Thief, thou Murderer, thou Serpent, the Curses, Plagues, and Vengeance of God is thy portion, and saith Lawson in his Book against me, Thou Image-maker, thou Cockatrice hatching Eggs, Vultures eye, (and this because I said, Christ was ascended with that body that God raised from the dead) thou Heathen (because I said, the will of Christ was made known by the Scriptures) thou Liar, bundle of Lies, thou Esau selling thy Birthright, a Mate for the Night-birds, Cormorants, Bitterns, Owls, Ravens, Dragons, wild Beasts, Satyrs, Vultures, Screech-owls; (and this because I said that the Saints had not the Kingdom by possession, but by promise; and when they thus with fury, and loftiness of spirit, have pronounced Judgements, I have endeavoured to moderate these raging waves, but presently it is replied, KNOW YE NOT THAT THE SAINTS SHALL JUDGE THE WORLD? sometimes also they endeavour to shelter themselves with the expressions of Christ, and the Apostles; but consider, did ever Christ, or any of his Apostles, use such expressions to men, for preaching up the Kingdom (which is Saint's reward) as by promise? nay himself did so; and his Apostles also; Luke 12.32. Jam. 2.5. or did they because men searched the Scriptures, thereby to know the will of Christ? Nay search the Scriptures, saith Christ; but indeed to the Jews, and to Elimas' the Sorcerer, who had a long time before kicked against the counsel of the Lord, and would not CEASE to pervert the righteous ways of God, to them they did SOMETIMES use some of those expressions (which might be with a low Spirit delivered) but what is this to justify the Quakers raging against men that hold forth the counsel of God? yea, and that at the first dislike of their ways; yea, and at all times, when opposed; nay, rather is he found to be of that number, that the Apostle prophesied of, saying, In the last days perilous times shall come, for men shall be FIERCE, 2 Tim. 3.3. their look being more STOUT THAN HIS FELLOWS, Dan. 7.20. but render YE not evil for evil, railing for railing, but contrariwise be ye temperate, of a good behaviour, and HOLY IN ALL YOUR WAYS. The Abominable Deceit of the Quaker discovered. HOw far off the Ministry of the Quakers are from the Apostolical Ministry, who renounced the hidden things of dishonesty, not walking in craftiness, nor handling the Word of God deceitfully, 2 Cor. 4.2. judge ye by these following lines, though I question not but that many have experience of their deceit, as well as I; if you ask them, whether they own the resurrection from the dead? they will (I say will, except they be changed) readily answer you, that they do; (but means, a present rising from a dead condition in sin;) whether they own a resurrection from the grave? yea, (will they say) we do; (but mean, a rising from the grave of sin, wherein living men now are) whether they own a resurrection to come? yea, (will they say) we do; (but mean, a rising from sin to come, to OTHERS) but when I have asked them whether they own a resurrection to come unto THEM? then SILENT FLESH, SILENT; moreover, as I said before, so I say again, that Thomas Lawson plainly said, that all that goes into the grave, shall never rise again, which was written by his consent, at my house; yet notwithstanding in his book tells people, that he owns the resurrection both of the just and unjust; and calls me slanderer, for saying that he denied the Resurrection; Now he knows that we and the major part of men, own the resurrection of the bodies of just and unjust men, which are commtited to the graves of the earth; but their meaning is, the rising and being of the old corrupt nature in man (which they call the resurrection of the unjust) and the rising of Christ the Light in man, as (they say) is the resurrection of the just, which the Scripture speaks of; and so they, NOW witness both; this have I been plainly told by one of them, I speak the Truth in Christ; O shameful deceit! If you ask them, whether they own the coming of Christ? they will answer you, that they do; (but they mean, his coming to others) but when I have asked them, whether they own Christ to come to THEM? then SILENT FLESH, SILENT; but through importunity George Fox said, that HE looked for him to come, no otherwise; the like will they say, concerning the eternal judgement; likewise when we speak of the Righteousness of God wrought through the person of Jesus, as it was offered up; they will say, as Nayler hath said, * Satan's design diseovered. pag. 4. that they own no other righteousness, than that which was wrought IN the person of Jesus of Nazareth, his suffering, resurrection, and ascension; (but they mean, Righteousness wrought BY the Spirit, IN that person; and the sufferings of that Spirit IN that person, whose resurrection is now within THEM, * Naylers' book called a salutation to the seed of God. pa. 21. excluding all this while the effect wrought BY the Person of Christ, offered up to death.) If you ask them, whether they own justification by the blood of Christ? they will answer, yea; (but they mean, blood mysteriously.) Whether he died yea, or nay? they will say, yea also to that; (but they mean, death in a mystery) for he that suffered, (saith Nayler * Satan's design, etc. pa. 25. ) is NOW in his people, leading them through sufferings, himself now suffering with them. If you ask them, whether they believe that Christ hath now a body? they will say, yea; (but they mean, his Church) Whether he ascended into Heaven, yea, or nay? they will say, yea; (but saith Laucock, Christ is ascended into Heaven WITHIN ME) At a certain time having reasoned with Lawson concerning Gods making of the earth on which we went, and the Heaven above, I asked him, whether God's presence was not more in Heaven, than on earth? to which he said, yea, but being suspicious of his deceit, asked him, whether he did not mean that he was more in heavenly-minded men, than in earthly-minded men? O then, how did he shuffle? consider ye that fear God, whether this be not deceit, for men to answer plain-meaning questions, with such double-meaning expressions, as may seem to agree with the judgement of him that asks, and YET by the same words intent the contrary; what? is this the language of Canaan which they speak of? nay, surely deceit is of the deceiver; TOUCH not the unclean thing; for blessed are the PURE in heart, they shall see God. The Dishonesty of the Quaker, in contending for his Principles, discovered. IF dishonesty in and about the things of this life, be odious in the sight of God, and godly men; what may be said of men that shall defend, yea, unsound principles with impure dishonest endeavours? and not only so, but in the mean time advance themselves (by their supposed, pleaded-for perfection) above the Saints of old, that said in many things we offend all: now that they so do, consider these following passages; At a certain time I was in Lawsons' society, conferring about Christ's words, viz. that no man could come to the Father but by him; to which I said, that he was indeed the way to the Father, that is (said I) through faith in his sufferings, for by his person no man comes to the Father, considered without his sufferings; from which words, and many more of this nature, he picks out these words, (that I said) that no man comes to the Father by the person of Christ, and prints it in his book, though no more ground so to do, than he may have to say that David said there was no God, leaving out the former words, viz. the fool hath said in his heart; but that which aggravates his dishonesty is, that (while he blames me for disowning the coming unto the Father by the person of Christ, when as I do not) himself doth, as hath been proved; and in his book elsewhere calls me image-maker, for owning the person of Christ ascended, and yet he, even HE upbraids me for denying the coming unto the Father by the person of Christ; doth this (O friends) look like unto perfection? nay, rather an inexcusable condition, in that he blames another, and yet doth the thing, which he blames another for, HIMSELF; at another time being greatly upbraided, for acknowledging myself sailable in some things, (by George Fox) I at length desired him to consider that which is recorded of Peter, who, (said I) was eminent in the service of Christ, yet sinned; for the proof of which I read that in Gal. 2.11, 12, 13, 14. vers. where it is said, that Paul withstood him to the face, because he was to be blamed; and that he with other Jews dissembled; which to any honest man is proof sufficient; but so far was Fox from receiving it, that he furiously falls on calling me beast, and liar, because I affirmed that Peter sinned, and that word (SINNED) was not there; yet will this man say he is perfect; but judge ye whether a man that is but a babe in Christianity; would not abhor such a thing; for can it be thought that he that dissembles, and is to be blamed, is unblamable? moreover at another time I made repetition of this passage, before Thomas Laucock to hear what he would say to it, but in the least would he not blame his Brother, but violently puts me to prove that DISSIMULATION WAS SIN, * Many witnesses hearing. which at first I was unwilling to do, but being pressed to it by Laucock, I did produce Scriptures for the proof thereof; then said one of them to me, but was it sin in Peter? are not these (O friends) perverse reasonings of men of corrupt minds? was it ever known since the World was, that a man should be put to prove dissimulation to be sin? would any of the profane World, the drunkard, or swearer, thus reason? surely nay; but that which is mostly to be admired, is, that all this while they should justify themselves, saying to all, STAND OFF, WE ARE PERFECT. Oh that the poor souls had hearts to consider their great imperfection! at another time I being accused by Laucock, for putting the title (Brother) upon one that was withdrawn from, endeavoured to prove the lawfulness thereof by the Scriptures, 2 Thes. 3.14, 15. moreover I said, it was clear according to a similitude for (said I) PROVIDED my finger, (pointing thereat) WERE cut, yet it is not presently to be slighted, and cut off, but first to apply means of cure 〈◊〉 even so in the other; to which Laucock answered, saying, that I was a liar, a liar; if my finger was not really, and indeed cut; I speak the truth in Christ, thus did he say, before several men; wherein he hath foamed out his own shame; but this is that the Scriptures might be fulfilled, which testify, that in the last days, perilous times shall come, wherein men shall be— UNHOLY— FALSE ACCUSERS, 2 Tim. 3.2, 3. Oh let us be holy in all our ways. This little, of much more of this nature, I offer unto your considerations. Notwithstanding all that hath been said, the Quaker looks upon himself as perfect, yea, (as Laucock hath said) as PERFECT WITHOUT SIN, AS GOD IS; condemning others, because they say with the Apostle, in many things we offend all. He that is so ignorant as to believe this, let him be ignorant still. Yet true it is, that Saints were perfect, and now may be perfect, (that is) as considered in Christ, who, of God, is made unto us wisdom, righteousness, sanctification, and redemption, unto whom we are now to live, and no longer unto ourselves; even perfecting holiness in the fear of God; wherefore let every soul awake unto Righteousness, and know for certainty, that perfection is fare more than the forsaking of the false worships of men, and the gross crimes wherein we have lived, for that may be, and yet we shut out of the Kingdom, like foolish Virgins, that have not been zealous for God; far more also is it, than a walking blamelessely to the view of men; for that a man may do, & yet be defiled within, wherefore with the Apostle renounce the hidden things of dishonesty; even private, evil motions, which surely cannot but make the soul mourn, that truly fears God; for it is not a work done, but a work well done that is acceptable in the sight of God; even when SELF is shut out, and not mixed with good intentions; yea and when the heart is affected with duty, which cannot be till the soul is fixed upon the Lord, as the object of his affections, then, and not TILL THAN is there passage to perfection; for where the treasure is, the heart WILL BEE; wherefore LOVE YE THE LORD GOD WITH ALL YOUR SOULS, AND WITH ALL YOUR STRENGTH; yea and the Children of God also, with a pure heart fervently; yea, yet further must we go, if we will be perfect, even to the doing him good, that doth us evil; yea, and that with freedom of Spirit also. O then live in the fear of the Lord, crying mightily unto him, that from him you may receive such measures of Grace, as that you may experience good degrees of Christianity; and by no means shelter negligence, and coldness, under the Apostles words (it is not I, but sin that dwelleth in me) but be zealous, (as wise Virgins) so shall ye enter into the Kingdom; but if contrariwise you shall trifle away this day of liberty, which was purchased with much blood, what will ye answer, when God visiteth? what will ye do when he riseth up, Job 31.13? wherefore redeem time, and apply your hearts unto wisdom, and let every one attend upon his work; hear ye diligently, and do ye accordingly; ye that teach, teach in sincerity, through the ability which God giveth, and let the ARTIFICIAL, METHODICAL, OLD-MAN-PLEASING FORMS, in the ministration of the word, DIE DAILY, wait ye upon the Lord; Again I say, wait upon the Lord; yea, and let us all serve the Lord in simplicity of heart; O LET OUR SOULS, OUR SOULS follow HARD after the Lord, WATCHING, AND PRAYING, PRAYING WITH FASTING. He that shall come WILL come, and will not tarry: For he is not slack concerning his promise (as some men count slackness) but is long suffering, not willing that any should perish. NOW the just shall live by faith. THE END. Antichrist made known; OR, The Romish Whore of Babylon proved not to be the Antichrist, or Man of Sin, In seven particulars. 1 Who is this great Whore of Babylon, and where her chief Seat hath been, and is? 2 Her Fall, and the means how and by whom. 3 What is the spirit of Antichrist, and who hath that spirit? 4 That the Antichrist will be a single person. 5. The manner of his rising, And when. 6 Some of the great things he will do. 7. Lastly, His Fall, when, and by whom. By William Jeffery Servant of the Church of Christ. MAny honest men fearing God in these latter times, have been mistaken in saying that the Romish Whore of Babylon is the Antichrist that the Scripture speaks of; but men may see in this latter part of this last time, with a serious and diligent search of the Scriptures, through grace, that the great Whore of Babylon is not the Antichrist; And it being so that God having shown it me through the Scriptures, I being not accounted of in the World, knowing that God doth great things by them that are not esteemed among men, that no flesh may glory, &c and considering that this which I do in this work may be seasonable and for much profit to the people of God, and for the praise and glory of God, I shall show in brief, that the Whore is not the Antichrist. And for the clearing up of this Truth, First, You may see who this great Whore of Babylon is, by noting her chief Seat where it is, and that is at Rome, for John saith, Revel. 17. that the great Whore of Babylon, which sitteth upon many waters, is that City which reigneth over the Kings of the earth. Now Rome only was the chief City, and reigned over the Kings of the earth, when John wrote the Revelation, for when Christ was born Augustus Caesar taxed all the World, Luke 2.1, 2, 3. and when Paul appeals to Caesar, they send him to Rome, Acts 25.11. chap. 27.1. chap. 28.16. so it is plain by these Scriptures, and many more, that when John wrote the Revelation, that Rome reigned over the Kings of the earth, therefore the chief Seat of this Woman the great Whore, the Mother of Whoredoms, is the City of Rome; so than the Pope and his Cardinals, Bishops, and Clergy, and all Ministers that have ordination from them immediately, or by succession, which stand in a National way, is the Whore that sits upon many waters; which is, people, and multitudes, and Nations▪ and Tongues, Rev. 17.15. Secondly, The Church of Rome, and all National standing is truly said to be whorish, because she bringeth in Members, and accounteth them of the Body or Church of Christ by generation, and so maketh her Church National; whereas the Church of Christ is by Regeneration, or New Birth, Tit. 3.5. and so not National, nor dependent, but particular, or independent. Thirdly, This appeareth fully, that the Church of Rome is a Mother of Harlots, and all National Churches that spring from her are Whorish, because she baptiseth or sprinkleth upon a fleshly account, and so accounts of her Members in a fleshly way by Generation, and so brings in Infants in a lineal way, bringing in the Old Covenant in a confused manner, and so receiveth false Seed, and so knoweth her Members, and her Children in a fleshly way, contrary to the express way of Christ, as Paul showeth, Rom. 9.8. saith he, They which are the children of the flesh are not the Children of God, but the Children of the Promise are counted for the Seed; and 2 Cor. 5.15, 16, 17. he showeth that since the death of Christ, henceforth know we no man after the flesh, yea though we had known Christ after the flesh, yet now henceforth know we him no more; therefore if any man be in Christ he is a new Creature, old things are passed away; behold all things are become new. Fourthly, The Church of Rome, the Lord Bishops, and Presbyters which spring from her (for they hold their Ordination which they had of her) show themselves to be whorish, because they have forsaken the Lord Jesus Christ (the Head) and his ways, and have gone a whoring after their own inventions, as Israel did, Psal. 106. 39 for the Lord Jesus ascended up on high, and gave gifts to men, and so sends forth a Ministry by gifts, for the gathering together of the Saints, for the work of the Ministry, and for edification of the Body of Christ, till we all meet together in the unity of the faith, and the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, etc. Ephes. 4.8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13. but this Harlot contrariwise brings up her Ministry to Human learning, in sending them to the Universities to learn Philosophy from Aristotle, a Heathen Author, and such like; and for them that are gifted by the Lord, if they preach, she forbids them. And note also, that the Ministers of Christ ministering by gift, Rom. 12.6, 7. being qualified according to this, 1 Tim. 3. and Tit. 1. and approved by the Congregation of the Lord, they are chosen by them, and ordained, and so made Bishops, or Elders, Acts 1.21 to the end, chap. 6.5. chap. 14.23. but this Harlot makes her Ministers, or rather Lords, without the consent of her Parishes, and forceth them in upon them whether they will or no, and so her maintenance is by Tithes forced from men, bringing in the old Priesthood; yea in the time of the Law they did not imprison men, if they did not pay their tithes that we find, and yet she doth; and so this Romish Harlot which hath made all Nations drunk with the wine of her Fornication, her children are children of Fornication, according to the flesh by generation, a Carnal seed consisting of Parishes, which many of them consist of Swearers and Liars, and Drunkards, and Whoremongers, and such like, and a Human carnal Ministry forced upon the people, and forced maintenance, and also her poor is maintained by force, and forcing men to worship with her, or else Fines, Imprisonment, Banishment, or Death must be their Portion, and also she hath changed the Ordinances, and the manner of administering them, and the subject, and so her way is not the way of love, and so not the way of Christ; and yet she saith in her heart and word, I am, and there is none else, I sit being a Queen, and am no Widow, and shall see no sorrow; and so let every one (weigh well) what is said, that the Saints at Rome were once famous, Rom. 1.8. but in time they departed from their espoused Christ the Lord, and so came to change the Ordinances, and yet she pretends to be the Spouse of Christ, and so hath a show of all the Ordinances, or the names of them, for Believers Baptism she hath Infant's baptism, or sprinkling, and for laying on of hands she hath Confirmation, or Bishopping (but the Presbyters have left this out, and in this they are nearer Antichrist than the Lord Bishops, and for breaking of Bread, or the Lord's Suppor, that is in Part ministered to the People, or Parish, and so to the wrong subject, being not penitent, nor Baptised persons; and instead of the true Call of her Ministry, she hath a Human way, as hath been showed, which is not mentioned in Scripture, and so Tithes and forced maintenance instead of that which is to be by free gift; and instead of singing with the spirit, and with the understanding also, 1 Cor. 14. 15. they have singing in Rhyme, in a Carnal formal way, many together without understanding, the Psalms being collected into English Meeter by Thomas Sternhold, John Hopkins, and others, and so she hath a glorious Show, and a golden Cup, and through the Pope's Supremacy, and the Peter-pences, and Prayer to Saints, and false Doctrine of Purgatory, and such like trumpery, the Clergy is very rich, and proud, and covetous, and so all may see the way of the Whore which is National, Generational, Fleshly, Carnal, Human, after men's Traditions, making void the Commandments of God through her Traditions, thus she goeth a whoring after her own inventions; and so you have a brief discovery of the Whore of Babylon, which is the Mother of abominations of the earth, and is drunken with the blood of Saints, and with the blood of the Martyrs of Jesus. Rev. 17 5, 6. and that is and will be the cause of her Fall, and that brings me to the second thing, even the Fall of this Whore of Babylon, and the manner how and by whom. And for the clearing up of this, First, Consider that this woman sits upon a scarlet-coloured beast, full of the names of Blasphemy, which had seven heads and ten horns Reve. 17.3. now note, that five of them heads, or Kings were fallen when John wrote the Revelation, and the sixth was then in being, vers. 9, 10. now this woman the Harlot was to sit upon the sixth head, and hath so done a long time, and so the beast that had seven heads carrieth her, and beareth her up, for the Magistrates have supported her all along, understand also, that the sixth head of the beast hath reigned ever since the writing of the Revelation, but now is partly strong, and partly broken, and that the sixth head is not fallen, is plain if you note well, for the seventh head when he cometh, he must continue a short space, now that head of the Roman Monarchy which is in being, hath coutinued long, even from before the birth of Christ▪ and this the Scripture clea●eth, Rev. 17.10. five are fallen, and one is, and another is not yet come, and when he cometque he must continue a short space; the power of the Pope and his Clergy cannot be the seventh head, for that hath continued long. Secondly, The Whore cannot be any of the heads of the beast, because she sits upon, and is carried by the beast that hath seven heads, and ten horns. So she causeth the beast to serve her, and maketh the beasts and the Kings of the earth slaves to her, to do her will; so than the sixth head of the Roman power is not fallen, though it be in part; and the seventh head is now arising, which will take away the sixth, and doth, will, and must give some liberty to preach the Gospel, and to administer the Ordinances in the old way thereof, and so the Lord God will bring things to pass, for not one jot or tittle of his word shall fall, and so in the rising and reign of the seventh head, and of the ten horns, the Angel shall fly in the midst of Heaven, having the everlasting Gospel, to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every Nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people, saying with a loud voice, fear God, and give glory to him, for the hour of his Judgement is come, and worship him that made Heaven and Earth, the Sea, and the fountains of waters, Rev. 14.6, 7. so the Gospel and the way thereof being preached, the Nations will be enlightened, and so God will put it into the hearts of the ten horns, or Kings, to hate the Whore, and shall make her desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and burn her with fire, Rev. 17.12, 16. so through the preaching of the Gospel in the pure way thereof, the great Whore of Babylon falleth, and so the hour of her Judgement is come; and to this agreeth that in Rev. 14.6, 7, 8. which showeth, that after the Gospel is preached to the Nations, then shall follow another Angel saying, it is fallen, it is fallen, Babylon the great City, for she made all Nations to drink of the Wine of the wrath of her fornication, verse 8. much more might be spoken to this, but let this suffice as touching what the Whore is, and her fall, the manner how, and by whom. In the next place, note diligently what the spirit of Antichrist is, and who have that spirit; now John in his first Epistle, chap. 4. and verse 3. doth declare what the spirit of Antichrist is, namely, every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh, is not of God, and this is that spirit of Antichrist, whereof you have heard that he should come, and even now already is in the World. Also understand, that John did not intent simply the Heathen that never did believe, nor the unbelieving Jews, which never did acknowledge Christ come in the flesh, but those have the spirit of Antichrist that went out from (the Churth of Christ) chap. 2.18, 19 John showeth them that it is the last time, and as ye have heard that Antichrist shall come, even now are there many Antichrists, whereby we know that it is the last time, THEY WENT OUT FROM US, etc. so that the spirit of Antichrist is that spirit that is found in them that have been enlightened, and have known the truth, and go out from the Church of Christ, and in a mystery deny Christ come in the flesh; and so Paul speaking of the Antichrist, or man of sin, 2 Thes. 2.7. saith, the MYSTERY of iniquity doth already work, etc. and Peter speaking to the Saints, saith (in his second Epistle, 2.1.) there shall be false teachers among you, who PRIVILY shall bring in damnable Heresies, even denying THE LORD THAT BOUGHT THEM, and bring upon themselves swift destruction. So the spirit of Antichrist denies Christ come in the flesh secretly, and they that have this spirit, say, Christ is come in their flesh, and so say the light within them is Christ, when at the best it is but the light of nature, and in many the spirit of error, their light being become darkness▪ being delivered up to strong delusion, to believe lies, thinking they have Christ in them, when it is a spirit of error, and so pervert the sense of the Scriptures, declaring the anointing, and the anointed to be all one, teaching up the Spirit of Christ, apart from the body of Christ, to be the Christ, or rather the spirit of error in them, to be the Christ come in their flesh, and so in a very deceivable secret way, deny Christ come in the flesh, in saying he is the Christ that is within them, which is an evil spirit, so applying the Scriptures that speak of the Spirit of Christ dwelling in men, to be that evil spirit in them, so declaring that Spirit of error in them apart from the body or flesh of Christ, to be the Christ, and so deny Christ come in the flesh; but note well, what the Scripture; of truth saith, they declare that Jesus the Christ was slain, Act. 2.22 23. chap. 3. 5. chap. 4.10. in chap. 5 30. Peter who was ful● of the Holy Ghost, saith, the God of our Fathers hath raised up Jesus, whom ye SLEW and HANGED on a tree; and Paul saith to the Corinth. 1 Cor. 15.3, 4. first of all, I delivered unto you, that which I received how that CHRIST DIED FOR OUR SINS, according to the Scriptures, and that he was BURIED, and that he AROSE the third day according to the Scriptures; so it is plain, that the Spirit apart from the body or flesh of Christ, is not the Christ. And therefore again note, what Paul saith, 1 Tim. 2.5. There is one God, and one Mediator, BETWEEN God and man, which is the MAN Christ Jesus; and Heb. 10.10 showeth that the Hebrews were sanctified by the offering of the BODY of Jesus Christ, verse 19, 20. seeing therefore Brethren, that by the BLOOD of Jesus, we may be bold to enter into the holy places by the new and living way which he hath consecrated for us, through the veil, that is, his FLESH. So that Jesus, that was baptised of John in the River Jordan, was anointed with the oil of gladness above his fellows, Mat. 3.13, 16. Psal. 45.7. so Jesus the Saviour is the anointed of God, for he gave him not the Spirit by measure, Joh. 3.34. and so the Spirit of the Lord resteth and abideth upon the MAN Christ Jesus, Isa. 11.2. Jo. 1.32. so than the Spirit of God, or of Christ, apart from the BODY of Christ, is not the Christ. Therefore most abominable is that which men say, that that which is in them is Christ, when it is a spirit of error, and so men may see how through this mystery of iniquity, men come to say they are Christ; for consider, if the spirit in some man be the Christ, what hindereth him to say he is Christ, and therefore some one presumes to say he is Christ; let no man mistake me, for I say that the Spirit of God doth dwell in the Saints, and that Christ doth dwell in their hearts by faith; but note, that faith is the substance of things hoped for, and the evidence of things not seen, Heb. 11.1. so the just live by faith, and look for the Son of God from Heaven, whom he raised from the dead, even Jesus that delivereth us from the wrath to come; but to return, so as to show yet further who hath the spirit of Antichrist, and they are such as race out the Ordinances of Christ, which came in being, when Christ came in the flesh, and so declare Christ come in the flesh, dead, and risen again, as baptism of water, and breaking of bread, which doth declare the Lord's death till he comes, 1 Cor. 11.26. Rom 6.3, 4. Col. 2.12. now there are a sort of men which say, to know or acknowledge Christ in the practice of those Ordinances, is formal, and fleshly, and low, and carnal, and so reject the Counsel of God, and will not be baptised; and so not walking up in the Ordinances that did come in being, when Christ came in the flesh▪ and do so excellently declare him come in the flesh, and are to continue until Christ come from Heaven, and change our vile bodies, and make them like his most glorious body, Phil. 3.20, 21. I say those that do slight and reject those ordinances, and say they are formal, and will not practise them, have the spirit of Antichrist, and do deny Christ come in the flesh, because they will not practise those ordinances that declare Christ come in the flesh, yea, more fully than the Whore, for she hath a show, and so a remembrance of those Ordinances, though she have changed the subject, and the manner, as aforesaid; but THESE root out the very being of them, and so deny Christ come in the flesh, and so are discovered to have the spirit of Antichrist, also those that have been enlightened, and have believed the Resurrection of the body, and also the eternal Judgement, and then come to question it, and deny it, and say, the Judgement day is come, have the spirit of Antichrist, for Christ being put to death in the flesh, and rising again from the dead, so bringeth in the Resurrection of the bodies of all men, and then cometh in the eternal Judgement, according to that in Act. 17.30, 31. he hath appointed a day in the which he will judge the World in Righteousness, by that MAN whom he hath appointed, whereof he hath given assurance to all men, in that he hath raised him from the dead, so as by man came death, by man came also the resurrection of the dead, for as in Adam all dye, so in Christ shall all be made alive, but every man in his own order, the first fruits is Christ, afterwards they that are of Christ, at his coming, 1 Cor. 15.21, 22, 23. so Christ being come in the flesh, the MAN Christ Saviour, died and risen again, and so comes in the Resurrection, and no otherwise; therefore they that deny the Resurrection of the body, deny Christ come in the flesh, and so have the spirit of Antichrist, and therefore John writing to the Saints, warning them that they take heed of the Antichristian spirit, that they be not deceived, exhorteth them thus; let that therefore abide in you, which you have heard from the beginning; if that which you have heard from the beginning shall remain in you; ye also shall continue in the Son, and in the Father, 1 Joh. 2.24 read also for this purpose the whole chapter. Now that which they heard from the beginning, was the beginning Word of Christ, according to that of Paul, 1 Cor. 15.3, 4. which he delivered first of all to the Corinthians, that Christ died for our sins, according to the Scripture, etc. and the first principles of the word of God, which is the principles of the Doctrine of Christ, to wit, repentance from dead works, and of faith toward God, the Doctrine of Baptisms, and laying on of hands, and of the Resurrection of the dead, and of eternal judgement, Heb. 5.12. chap. 6.1, 2. now these principles of the teachings of Christ, came in being by and through Christ, being manifest in flesh, his death and Resurrection, as hath been showed before; therefore whosoever transgresseth, and abideth not in the Doctrine of Christ, hath not God, for he denies Christ come in the flesh, and so he hath the spirit of Antichrist, 2 Joh. 6.7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and so having in part declared what is the spirit of Antichrist, and who hath that spirit, I come now to the fourth thing, which is; that the Antichrist will be a single person. And for the proof of this, first, consider how the Antichrist is set out in Scripture, in the singular number, not in the plural, as the MAN of sin, 2 Thes. 2.3. not men, and Isa. 14.16. is this the MAN that made the earth to tremble, and did shake the Kingdoms, the SON of the morning, and SON of Perdition? not Sons, the vile person, not persons, Dan. 11.21. Isa. 14.12. there fell a great Star from Heaven, Rev. 8.10. chap. 9.1. not Stars. Obj. This in Isa. 14. was fulfilled in Nabuchadnezzar King of Babel of Chaldee. Answer, That cannot be, for after this power that is there spoken of is fallen, the whole World is at rest, and is quiet, they sing for joy, yea the Firre-trees rejoice at thee, and the Cedars of Lebanon, saying, Since thou art laid down, no feller is come up against us, vers. 7, 8. now the World did not enjoy such a rest as is there spoken of, so as that no Feller came up against the people of God no more, for since the time of Nabuchadnezzar, and that Monarchies fall, there hath come up many fellers, or destroyers of the Jews, and the believing Gentiles, as is clear, that Antiochus, and the Romans against the Jews, and the Whore of Babylon against the Christians; and again, the Apostle in 2 Thoss. 2. takes up the same words in substance, and applies them to the Man of Sin, which is the Antichrist, therefore that in Isaiah cannot be fulfilled in Nabuchadnezzar; for this compare Isa. 14.13, 14. with 2 Thess. 2.4. though he might be a type of Antichrist. 2 It appears that the Antichrist will be but one man (though many have his Spirit) because it will suit best with his way of delusion, for he will pretend he is the very Christ, and will cause fire to come down from heaven on earth, in the sight of men, Rev. 13.13. and so he will endeavour to imitate Christ in all things: for as the Lord Christ shall be revealed from heaven with his mighty Angels in flaming fire, taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that OBEY not the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ; so the Antichrist will make fire come down from heaven in the sight of men; so he will endeavour to make all the Scriptures that speak of Christ's coming, and of his reign, to meet upon him; SO his coming will be after the working of Satan, with all power, and signs, and lying wonders, and with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish, because they receive not the love of the truth, that they might be saved, 2 Thess. 2. 9, 10. so as there is the MAN Jesus, the Christ the Son of the living God, which came in his Father's Name, Mat. 16.16. Joh. 5.43. without sin, 1 Pet. 2.22. so there will be the MAN of Sin, the Antichrist, which will come in his own name, and profess to be the Christ, but will be directly an enemy against Christ and his people. And so I come to the Fifth thing, which is the manner of Antichrists rising, and by what means; for the clearing up of this, First, consider, that the Gospel, and the way thereof, is to be purely preached, and the Ordinances rightly administered, and so the Angel is to fly in the midst of Heaven, having the everlasting Gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every Nation, and Kindred, and Tongue, and People, Rev. 14.6. and so the Gospel being preached to the Nations, and the Ordinances administered in the good old way, according to the Scriptures, men come to be enlightened, as many are in these Nations, where the Kingly power is fallen that did support the Whore, and would not give Liberty of Conscience, so I say, as the Gospel comes to be ministered, in the old way thereof, men come to be enlightened, the power of the Whore falleth, and men slighting, and rejecting the truth, and also many of them that do receive and obey the truth, fall and departed from the Faith, and so receiving not the love of the truth that they might be saved; for this cause God doth, and will send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie, 2 Thess. 2.10, 11. and so are given up to the Spirit of Antichrist; and so as the Apostle Paul showeth▪ that the day of Christ's coming shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that Man of Sin be revealed, the Son of perdition, 2 Thess. 1.7.8. chap. 2, 3. and so the Spirit speaking expressly, that in latter times some shall departed from the faith, giving heed to seducing Spirits, and Doctrines of Devils, speaking Lies in Hypocrisy, having their Conscience seared with a hot Iron, forbidding to marry, etc. as in 1 Tim. 4.1, 2, 3. and the Apostle Peter writing to the ●aints, in his Second Epist. chap. 2.1, 2. showeth, that there shall be false Teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable Heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction, and many shall follow their pernicious wicked ways, by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of; and chap. 3.3, 4. he saith, that there should be Scoffers, walking after their own lusts, saving, Where is the promise of his coming, & c? and so men transgressing, and abiding not in the Doctrine of Christ, fall from the faith of the Gospel, and so the Spirit of God departeth from them, and an evil spirit is sent unto them, which is the spirit of Antichrist, so out from them that thus fall away, and go out from the Church, 1 Joh. 2.19. and so separate themselves, sensual, having not the Spirit, as Judas hath it, verse 19 and also from them that have been enlightened▪ and have neglected to walk up in truth, and so reject the Counsel of God, as the Pharisees and Lawyers did, Luk. 7.30. so I say from them that so fall away, and neglect to hear and obey the Gospel, from them ariseth the Antichrist, or man of sin. Again, the sixth head of the Roman Monarchy, which is the Imperial, or kingly power, hath and doth by the guidance of the Pope and the Nationall Ministry (which rides upon the beast, as hath been showed) always persecuted men for their consciences, and so hath let and hindered the Gospel from being preached, and the Ordinances from being rightly administered, and so the light of truth was exceedingly kept back, and but few received it, and them that did receive it, she persecuted, some she put to death, others she banished, or caused to fly into strange Countries, and into howling Wildernesses, others imprisoned and fined, and so she cometh to be drunken with the blood of Saints, and with the blood of the Martyrs of Jesus, and so the Gospel could not be declared in the pure way thereof, to every Nation, Kindred, Tongue, and People, Rev. 14.6. and so also, if any did arise that had the spirit of Antichrist, she took off him also, and so she plucked up much Wheat, and Tares also, contrary to that of Matth. 13.29, 30. let both grow together until Harvest, and so forth: So the sixth head of the Roman Monarchy being rid upon, and guided by the Whore, did let the Gospel from being preached, and the Antichrist from rising, and so I think that the sixth head did hinder the coming in of the man of sin in the Apostle Paul's time, for the Emperor's being Heathens then, persecuted the Saints; and so that sixth head supporting and carrying the Whore also, so as that it did let, and will let, until it be taken out of the way, 2 Thes. 2.6, 7. but now the sixth head being in part taken away, and the seventh head arising, he giving some liberty of conscience, the Gospel is preached, and truth appears, and many receive the knowledge of it, and obey it, and many fall away from it, and so the spirit of Antichrist ariseth, and so the seventh head of the Roman Beast shall take away the sixth head, and shall continue a short space, Rev. 17.10. and so the ten horns also shall arise in one hour with the Beast that was, and is not, even he is the eight, and is of the seventh; or is one of the seventh, verse 11, 12. and so is the little horn that Daniel speaks of, chap. 7.11, 24, 25. and the last power or Beast, the Antichrist, the man of sin, and so the seventh head and ten horns, or Kings giving liberty, the Servants of God sound forth the truth as it is in Jesus, ministering in the Gospel glad tidings of the Kingdom to the Nations, men come to know the truth, and so are enlightened with it, and so many may come to shine as stars, and yet fall away as the Antichrist, or man of sin himself will be some notable man shining as a star for a time, yet afterward falling from the truth, according to that in Rev. 8.10, 11. the third Angel sounded, and there fell a great Star from Heaven, burning as it were a Lamp, and it fell upon the third part of the Rivers, and upon the fountains of waters and the name of the Star is called Wormwood, and the third part of the waters became Wormwood, and many men died of the waters, because they were made bitter. So the man of sin falls from the truth, or true Church, as a great Star from Heaven burning like a Lamp, through Satan's transforming himself as into an Angel of light, and so falls upon the Rivers, and fountains of waters so that he maketh them bitter; so that the sweet promises of the Gospel, and way of Christ, in which men shall be made partakers of the Waters of life, and so made glad in the City of God; are so made bitter like Wormwood changing the taste of them; so that many men die of those waters, according to that of Judas 12. twice dead, plucked up by the roots; and thus he causeth men to fall, so that the third part of the Sun is smitten, and the third part of the Moon, and the third part of the Stars, so as a third part of them is darkened, and the day shone not for a third part of it, nor the night likewise, Rev. 8.12. the Sun is here compared to the Church, because the Church or Saints through Christ are said to be the light of the World, Matth. 5.14. and so Jacob who is called Israel according to joseph's dream, is compared to the Sun, Gen. 37.9, 10. the Moon I take to be the World, or the Whore, the false Church, which hath her light from the true Church, as the Moon hath her light from the Sun; the Stars are the eminent teachers in the Churches, Rev. 1.20. and this in the eight chapter before spoken of, is an allegory, because the waters are said to become Wormwood, and yet men drink of them, which cannot be, if they were made Wormwood, therefore it is allegorical, that the Word of the Gospel in the ministration of the Prophets, is compared to water, look Ezek. 34.18, 19 Isa. 55.1. Rev. 22.17. so than a many of the Church will fall from the faith, and the Stars, the elder or chief teachers also, and many of the World or false Church that shall be enlightened, and will not obey, shall be darkened, and so shall lose that light they have, and so shall be given up to gross darkness, and so after a great falling away from the truth; SO the man of sin, the Antichrist is revealed, and getteth the power and rule by flatteries; after the working of Satan, with all power, and signs, and lying wonders, and with all deceivableness of unrighteousness, and SO opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or is worshipped, so that HE as God, sitteth in the Temple of God, showing himself that he is God, Dan. 11.21. 2 Thes. 2.3, 4, 9, 10. and so I come to the sixth particular, which is, some of the great things that the man of sin will do. Which in the first place take what Daniel saith of him, setting him out by a little horn, chap. 7, 8.11, 24.25. he saith that he shall subdue three Kings, and he shall speak GREAT words against the most high, and shall wear out the Saints of the most high, and think to change times and laws, and they shall be given into his hand, until a time, and times, and the dividing of times, and so he shall reign in full power, three years and a half, for time, is taken for one year, and times, two years, and half a time, is half a year, as in Dan. 4.25. some translation reads for seven times, seven years; and so the woman clothed with the Sun that flies from him into the wilderness and is there three years and a half, Rev. 12.1.14. so he shall persecute the Saints of the most high, vers. 11.17. and the false Prophet causeth the first Beast whose deadly wound was healed, to be worshipped, and he doth great wonders, so that he maketh fire to come down from Heaven on the earth, in the sight of men, and deceiveth them that dwell on the earth, by means of those miracles, which he shall have power to do in the sight of the Beast, saying, to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the Beast which had the wound by a sword, and did live, and he had power to give life, or breath to the Image of the Beast, that the Image of the Beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the Image of the Beast, should be killed, and he causeth all both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to give a mark in their right hands, or in their foreheads, and that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the Beast, or the number of his name, Rev. 13.11, to 18. so the Beast that had a wound with a sword, that is, one of his seven heads was slain to death, yet ye having another, which is of the Seven, or one of the seven, and is the eight, and so liveth; and so it is the Beast that was, and is not, and yet is, and so the false Prophets shall by miracles, cause the World to worship the Beast, the man of sin, the Antichrist as God sitting in the Temple of God, showing himself that he is God, 2 Thes. 2.4. and cause as many as will not worship the Beast or his Image to be killed, and so the fallen Star before mentioned which is the Beast, the Antichrist ascendeth out of the bottomless Pit, the key of the bottomless Pit being given him, he openeth the bottomless Pit, and then ariseth a smoke out of the Pit, as the smoke of a great furnace, and the Sun, and the air will be darkened, by reason of the smoke of the Pit, Rev. 11.7. chap. 9.1, 2. and near the end of his reign, when the sixth vial is poured, or pouring out, then shall come three unclean spirits like frogs out of the mouth of the Dragon, and out of the mouth of the Beast, and out of the mouth of the false Prophet, for they are the spirits of Devils, working miracles, which go forth unto the Kings of the earth, and of the whole World, to gather them to battle of that great day of God Almighty; and he gathered them together to a place called in the Hebrew tongue, Armageddon, Rev. 16.12, 13, 14, 16. which is into the Land of Canaan, according to Joel 3.9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14. Multitudes, Multitudes in the Valley of Decision, or threshing, for the day of the Lord is near in the valley of decision, and so I come to the seventh particular, which is, the fall of the Beast, or man of sin, and when, and by whom. Now Paul saith, that the Lord will consume him with the Spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy him with the brightness of his coming, 2 Thes. 2.8. so when the enemy shall come in as a flood, the Spirit of the Lord shall lift up a standard against him, Isa. 59.19. and so when the Lord himself shall descend from Heaven, with ten thousand of his Saints, to execute Judgement upon all, and to convince all that are ungodly among them, of all their ungodly deeds, and of their hard speeches, which ungodly sinners have spoken against him, Jud. 15. then the Sun and the Moon shall be darkened, and the Stars shall withdraw their shining, the Lord also shall roar out of Zion, and utter his voice from Jerusalem, and the Heavens and the earth shall SHAKE, but the Lord will be the hope of his people, and the ftrength of the Children of Israel, Joel 3.15, 16. and in that day will the Lord make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all People, all that burden themselves with it, shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the EARTH be gathered together against it, Zech. 12.1, 2, 3, 4. then the Lord Jesus (that DIED and ROSE again) himself shall descend from Heaven with a shout, and with the voice of the Arch Angel, and with the Trump of God, and the dead in Christ shall arise first, than we which are alive and remain, shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air, and so shall we ever be with the Lord, 1 Thes. 4.14, 15, 16, 17. and so as Zechary hath it, the Lord my God shall come▪ and all the Saints with him, chap. 14.5. and then the ten horns which received power as Kings in one hour with the Beast, the man of sin; THESE have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the Beast. THESE shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them, for he is LORD OF LORDS, and KING OF KINGS, and they that are with him are called, and chosen, and faithful, and so according to Rev. 19 the Lord Jesus the KING OF KINGS, and LORD OF LORDS, with his armies which were in Heaven, following him upon white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and clean, descends from Heaven against the Beast, the man of sin, and the Kings of the earth, and their armies gathered together to make war against him that sat on the horse, the MAN Christ, and against his armies, and the Beast was taken, and with him the false Prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the Beast, and them that worshipped his Image; these both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone, and the remnant were slain with the sword of him that sat upon the horse, which sword proceeded out of his mouth, and all fowls were filled with their flesh, so the Beast, the Antichrist, the man of sin, and the false Prophet which did work miracles before him, shall be taken alive, and cast into a lake of fire, burning with brimstone, and so Tophet is ordained of old, yea, for the King it is prepared, he hath made it deep and large, the pile thereof is fire and much wood, the breath of the Lord like a stream of brimstone doth kindle it, Isa. 30.33. and so as men are threatened in Rev. 14.9, 10. that if they worship the Beast, or his Image, and receive his mark in their foreheads, or in their hand, the same shall drink of the Wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture, into the cup of his indignation, and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone, in the presence of the holy Angels, and in the presence of the Lamb. SO it shall come to pass when the Lord Jesus shall appear; and therefore take the 11 verse, and the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever, and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the Beast and his Image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name, for this purpose, read Isa. 14. ●8, 19 and cha. 66.24. Ezek. 38.22, 23. THUS the Lord will magnify himself, and sanctify himself, and he will be known in the ●yes of many nations, and they shall know that he is THE LORD, and then in that day shall his Servants say THIS IS THE LORD WE HAVE WAITED FOR HIM, WE WILL BE GLAD IN HIS SALVATION, Isa. 25.9. So than you may see that the Whore is not the Antichrist that the Scripture speaks of, for the Whore is set out in Scripture thus: As a Woman a Harlot, A false Church, As a Queen, the Mother of Harlots, And abominations of the earth; The Antichrist is set out thus: A Man of Sin, The man that did shake Kingdoms, The Son of the Morning, The Son of Perdition. 2 The Sixth Head of the Roman Beast carrieth the Harlot, but the Antichrist, the Man of Sin is the eighth and last Beast, as hath been showed. 3 The Whore confesseth Christ come in the Flesh, and hath a show, and remembrance of his Ordinances, though she have changed the subject and the manner; but the Antichrist denies Christ come in the Flesh, and his Ordinances that declare him come in the Flesh, as it hath been showed. 4. The Woman, the Harlot, and her Members that do worship according to her Traditions, and inventions, have space given them to repent, and many do repent; but they that do worship the Beast, the Antichrist, or receive his Mark in their right hand, or in their forehead, they cannot repent, they must drink of the wine of the Wrath of God, etc. as it is, Revel. 14.9, 10. and also in chap. 16. they repent not of their deeds, vers. 11. note that the first Vial is poured out upon the earth, and the men that had the mark of the Beast, and worshipped his Image, are plagued; therefore none of the Vials are poured out until the Antichrist reigneth, vers. 1, 2. 5. The Ten Horns hate the Whore, and destroy her, and make her desolate, Rev. 17.16. but the Antichrist is taken alive, when the Lord cometh, and punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord, in a Lake of fire, 2 Thes. 1.9. and Rev. 19.20. And so to draw to a conclusion, I do desire all men to take heed to the Scriptures of the Prophets and Apostles, for they are able to make men wise unto Salvation and if men speak not according to the Law and Testament, it is because they have no light in them, Isa. 8.20. O give heed to the most sure word of the Prophets, as unto a light shining in a dark place, until the Day of Christ dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts, noting diligently all things that are spoken of; that must come to pass, for when the signs concerning Christ's coming are come to pass, the day of Christ's personal appearing will dawn. Secondly, Is there such a spirit of delusion among men, wherein is a mystery of iniquity? then let all take heed, that they seek the Lord while he may be found, and to kiss the Son lest he be angry, and ye perish in the way. O do not neglect to read, and know, and search the Scriptures, and walk up in that you do know; be not deceived, God will not be mocked; what a man soweth that shall he reap, for he that soweth to the flesh, shall of the flesh reap corruption, but he that soweth to the Spirit, shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting, Gal. 6.7, 8. Thirdly, Is it so that God doth, and will give up men to a spirit of delusion, that they should believe a Lie, that they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness? then be exhorted from hence to forsake all unrighteous ways in conversation, and all whorish inventions of men in point of Worship, for if Moses Law be abolished, which was given to him by the Lord, let no man think that he shall be excused, if he worship according to men's inventions. Fourthly, Let all the Saints consider, and lay to heart what hath been spoken, and search the Scriptures, that they may be informed what is to come to pass, and so according to Christ's exhortation, in Luke 21.36. watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man; O give all diligence to add to your faith virtue, and to virtue knowledge, and to knowledge temperance, and to temperance patience, and to patience godliness, and to godliness brotherly kindness, and to brotherly kindness love; let these things be in you and abound, give diligence to make your calling and election sure, be not weary of well-doing, for you shall reap in due time if you faint not; grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ; to him be glory both now and for ever, So be it. FINIS.