THE CHARACTER OF A CAVALIER, With his Brother SEPARATIST. Both striving which shall be most active in dividing the two Nations, now so happily, by the blessing of GOD, united. PSAL. 126.3. The Lord hath done great things for us, whereof we are glad. LONDON, Printed for W. H. 1547. of Treachery, and cunning Contrivance, viz. when we began to look for some happiness after so much misery, how cunningly did this Jesuit, this Incendiary, this Malignant-Rebell, this Cavalier, thrust in differences to divide us and our Brethren of Scotland, to which wicked ends how many trains hath he laid? how many Plots and Conspiracies undertaken, yet all invaine? how many Satirical Invectives have been by him published under the Notion of Independency, when we could plainly perceive, that under this vizard there was the inveterate Malice of our old Adversary, the Jesuited Cavaleere, which had no other hopes to raise his fortune but by our fall, and make himself happy by our ruin? which fault you have him here confessing, with all other his Crimes and misdeameanors against the King, Parliament, and Kingdom, doing penance in a Sheet, and crying guilty of all the blood that hath been spilt within his Majesty's Dominion. He confesses that he has been a Malignant Adversary against Church and State. He confesses (how at last) that he has been such a stubborns wretch, that he has rendered himself almost uncapable of favour, notwithstanding all our Parliamentary mercies, in offering and proffering pardon to him, if he would come in and submit, before the day of mercy were passed. 'Twere nihil ad Rhombum, for me to relate up here how many such precious opportunities he hath slighted and neglected. He confesses, that he hath been such an Incendiary, as (Phaeton-like) able to set the whole world on a fire: Truly I think his Epitaph suits not amiss to this purpose. " * Sandys Transl. Ovid Metam. Hear Phaeton lies, who though he could not guide " His Father's Steeds, in high attempts he died. I have observed many that writ Characters, as Overbury, Curere, Shelton, etc. But there's never any as yet met with the Character of a Cavalier. There was one (they call him Cleveland) that writ the Character of a London Diurnal; in which there was more of Wit than Honesty, more of Profaneness than Piety. But to our Character: Here you have his poor Gentleman Cavalier, but in one sheet; whose greedy Ambition (not long since) scarce all the Wealth of Europe could have satisfied; The East not the Well so be bounding his unlimited desires. he's the only man of all Memory, whose unworthy Actions will perpetuate his Memory to ensuing Generations. His very Name will be odious; 〈◊〉 when Posterity (willing to cast a reflection on the deeds or their Predecessors) shall find his name mentioned in our ●●●●…lls; they ●●ll be inquisitive to know the Nature of the Be●st: This Skellum, this Nigro carbone notatus, this Monstrum horrendun. He is one that bears an universal Hatred against Unity, and hates no Text of Scripture so much as (133. Psalm, 1 verse) Behold how good, and how pleasant it is for Brethren to dwell together in Unity. And therefore he bears an immortal hatred against our Brethren of Scotland, and there's nothing that sounds so harsh in his ears, as the name of Britanny: What (says he) England and Scotland United? then there's no hopes: we have cause to rejoice, that our brethren's fidelity hath frustrated their hopes, to the eternal honour of that N●tion. He cannot endure the very word Covenant, 'tis the worst Character that ever he saw; that binds ●s together for maintaining and settling the Religion, Rights, Laws, and Liberties of both Kingdoms. He hates a Parliament, the very word p●ts him besides his Wits: Before this Parliament was called, there was one of them heard say, (when there was talking of a Parliament) Nay then we are undone, though ●alse in other things, yet a true Prophet in this. He says, He loves a true Parliament, which is (if he may be his own id est) a Junto, an Oxford Parliament: or such an One that would claim no power, a 〈◊〉 Parliament, that may only give advice and counsel. He hates slavery above all things, and so he hates himself: for he sold himself a slave to baseness. The King he saith may take away whatsoever he hath, and dispose of men's fortunes, persons, or estates at his pleasure, without the controlment of any humane power. Which must do nothing against him, (though never so wicked) coerciuè, but all directiué: All our Arms must be Suadeo, Rogo, Horror, 〈◊〉, quaeso, etc. And if he be in an error, he may make new ●awes to defend that error. If he will murder us, if banish, if i● prison, or confiscate our Estates, stone, or behead us; there's none may say, Quid Agis? What dost thou? This is his ordinary Discourse, and that that proves a Paradox to another, he takes for a granted Truth. But to speak of some thing that he loves as well as hates. He has an indifferent good conceit of Q. Elizabeth, and stands for the Religion (as established) in the days of Queen Elizabeth's sister. He has a better opinion of the Spaniard then formerly the English use to have, in regard he hopes he will contribute some help to the Catholic Cause in Ireland. He loves peace (at any rates) now he sees he can no longer prolong the wars, and rails against us because there is no peace; no matter for Truth, that being a thing he● never met with in all his plundering Progress. And for Military Affairs, as he hates the Militia so he loves the Commission of Array, which Arms the Subject against himself, and puts a sword into his hands to dig out his own Bowels. He was (when Oxford, Bristol, Exeter Worcester, York. etc. were under the unhappy power of his command) of a stout stomach, haughty, proud, desperately audacious not enduring to be subject to the severity of Laws. The reason why I dip my Pen in Vinegar, & fight against him with my Quill (that fought against us with his Sword) is that of Tertullian, Contra hostem communem omnis homo est miles; Every one will be an Enemy to a common Enemy. Consider his outrageous cruelty against his Inseriours, how he devoured his fellow Subjects, offering of many thousand spiteful indignities to their persons, by which he has made himself odious to all good men. He is the Monster of the world, from whom (still) to be delivered we should do well to make it a branch of our deprecation. His very name one time was as formidable as now odious. Their armies (for the most part) consisted of a Miscellany of men from all strange Nations Walloons, French, Dutch, Redshanks, Irish-Cath●●●●● having only the outsides of men, and scarce th' 〈…〉 〈…〉 e●●est mercies were extreme cruelties; the Characters of which, one that run●●●ay read, upon those unfortunate Garrisons that were under their Commands, plainer than in this Character; in which (as in a little Map) there is not room fo● th● description of small places. The Laws of Nature and Nati●ns 〈◊〉 A●●●●●y of Positive and written Laws, the laudable Customed and Liberties of England, (to which we are all born) were by the Rapines Plunders, Murders, Extortions, and Exactions of this Malignant-Rebell subverted and trampled under foot. And now we talk of Liberty, let's take Liberty a little to the Libertives of these times, who take Liberty of practice to act those things that modesty 〈◊〉 me conceal. With this Cavalier I might also picture for the homebred Enemy, that is a little nearer to us, and is as active, as ever▪ H●, only our unhappiness does not break forth in open A●●●●… but the hatred (he conceives against us) is so great, that if should that, (instead of the man) you would rather admire me, then believe me. And his great design that he hath driven of late hath been how to divide the two Nations, England and Scotland which if they could have done, their errors, heresies blasphemies schisms, and divisions would have crept in to every c●rner of t●●●●●nd. I could here show it under their own handwriting, and bring in a Black Catalogue of their Books, many in number, that even the very Titles of them (if carefully collected together) would swell itself, with some few enlarg●ments, into a reasonable volume; all which they have used as so many fatal Engines and Plots, first to divide us here at home, and so make us miserable, & then abroad to hinder all Union or Covenant with our Brethren, for fe●re in it there be a Clause against Errors, Heresies, and Schism●●; and so add more unhappiness to our Misery, by adding Oil to augment the flames. But if these flamee of Contention be not cautiously and timely prevented, they will prove more fatal to our Churches and Kingdoms than all the former dissensions, especially (if it proceed so fare) that it breaks forth into a new Civil 〈◊〉 amongst but selves, now we have totally vanquished the C●●mon-Enemy, the Cavalier enemy. Both of them have been very active by their Machivilian policies to divide us, but 'tis a happiness they were permitted but to mark us out for Ruin, and were not able to accomplish that that their malice had intended; for certainly; if we that are now (so happily) United, had been, (or should be) divided, we should set open a gap to let in the old exploded Prelacy, and Episcopacy, or introduce the more feared anarchical Hydra, or Babel of Independency. Of this latter there are a nest of the vilest Vipers, that ever Africa or Nilus did produce. You have the Anabaptists, the Brownists, the Adamites, Familists, the profane Libertine, with the Envious Hypocrite all masking themselves under the Vizard of Independency: A Generation that if long permitted to increase, will Viperlike eat out the Bowels of their natural mother, the Church of England. If this spiritual Yoke come upon us, we may sooner bewail it, then remove it: Let us therefore with the Apostle endeavour to quit ourselves like men. Gal. 5.1. And so I end my Character with the beginning of the 5. Chapter of Paul to the Galatians: Stand fast therefore in the Liberty, wherewith Christ hath made us free and be not again entangled with any Yoke of bondage: with the Yoke of slavery ●hat the first part of my Character set forth, nor this of the latter. New-fangled flattering Sectarisme; from both which to be delivered, (and that we may observe a golden mean) there's but few but will say. Amen. FINIS.