Certain Annotations upon some Texts of Scripture published by Authority Since the unhappy distractions began in this kingdom. Texts. Annotations. Exod. 22.28. Thou shalt not curse or revile the Ruler of thy people. [Revile] Not speak any manner of evil of them by reproach or calumny, nor wish any evil to them by imprecations or curses. Eccles. 10.20. Curse not the king, no not in thy thought, for a bird of the air shall carry the voice, and that which hath wings shall tell the matter. [Thought] Or Conscience. Exod. 22.28. It shall be revealed by some unexpected means suddenly, either by God's especial providence, who hates ill thoughts against Kings, or by the policy of Princes, who have spies in all places. 1. King. 21.10 Thou didst blaspheme God and the King. These two are joined, to work in such as heard it, a greater detestation of the Crime: that they Who slighted the King, might be moved at the name of God; and they who regarded not God, might be moved at the name of the King. 2. Sam. 16.10 Who shall then say, wherefore hast thou done so? [Say] Namely to the Lord, because he hereby justly corrected David for his sins chap. 12.10.11. Though Shimei heinously sinned in cursing and reviling the Lord's anointed, and was afterwards by God justly punished for it. 1. kings 1. Sam. 19.23 Therefore the king said unto Shimei Thou shalt not die. [Die] That is neither at this time nor during my reign, though his offence was so heinous and scandalous that he did not think it just, that it should be wholly remitted, but that his successor should call him to account for it. 2. kings 2.8. &c. Pro. 24.21. My son, fear thou the Lord and the king, and meddle not with them that are given to change. [Middle] Or mix not thyself with. [Change] Or that speak evil of the King himself. 22. Who knoweth the ruin of them both? [both] Of them that fear not God, and of them that fear not the King. Job. 34.18. Is it fit to say to a King thou art wicked, or to Princes, ye are ungodly? Learn from the respect which is due to earthly Princes, the reverence which is due to the sovereign Lord. Eccl. 8.4. Who may say unto him, What dost thou? Who dare say so in regard of his power? or who may, in regard of his authority? Pro. 25.3. The heart of kings is unsearchable. He showeth, that it is too hard a task for a subject to attain to a reason of all the secret doings of the King. 1. Kin. 11.26. And Jeroboam Solomon's servant, &c. even he lift up his hand against the king. One of his chief officers and counsellors verse 28. The judgement was the greater, in that such a one was against him, and not strangers. 1. Sam. 24.6. The Lord forbid that I should do this thing unto my Master the Lord's anointed, to stretch forth my hand against him, seeing he is the Anointed of the Lord. [Stretch] That is, to Kill him or to lay Violent hands upon him, to do him any hurt, [Seeing] Because the Lord who made him King, hath only power and right to depose him. Seeing God by his absolute power hath made him King, it only belongeth to him to depose him. And therefore I ought not to hurt him, neither as an enemy, or as a misdoer. For the quality of a King swalloweth up that of an enemy toward a subject, and covereth that of a misdoer within his own kingdom. 26.9. Destroy him not, for who can stretch forth his hand against the Lord's Anointed and be guiltless? This is so plain that it was conceived to need no Annotation. 10. As the Lord liveth, the Lord shall smite him, or his day shall come to die, &c. [Smite] q. d. I will not smite nor suffer him to be smitten, but leave vengeance unto God. I will leave him to God, to do with him what he pleaseth, or when he pleaseth: but as for myself I will have no hand in his death. 2. Sam. 1.16. And David said unto him [the Amalekite that slew Saul] Thy blood be upon thy head. That is, Let the guilt and punishment of thy death, be wholly imputed to thyself, who by thy sin hast justly deserved it: Bear thou the first punishment of thy capital offence. 1. Sam. 24.5. And it came to pass afterward, that David's heart smote him, because he had cut off Saul's skirt. His conscience checked him because he had done it. [Smote] He trembled, and stirred up himself with horror, that he had proceeded so far in this action, as that it might be taken for an injury. Pro. 30.31. A King, against whom there is no rising up. [A King] Whose power is uncontrollable. Pro. 16.14. The wrath of a King is as messengers of death, a wise man will pacify it. For there is no resisting it. 20.2. The fear of a King is as the roaring of a lion, whoso provoketh him to anger sinneth against his own soul. Putteth his life in danger. Rom. 13.2. They that resist shall receive to themselves damnation. Or judgement, The word in the original signifieth as welll judgement as damnation; and thereby we are to understand punishment which they shall receive as welll from God as the Magistrate, who resist the powers ordained of God, not only by rebellion as Absalon, but also by not yielding obedience to their commandments in those things that are not against the word of God. 6. For this cause pay you tribute also: for they are God's Ministers. [For they] He gives a reason for what he had said, namely that Princes were God's Ministers, seeing he hath inspired that common consent in all Nations to pay them tributes, as tokens of subjection, aids to their Office, &c. Matt. 22.21. Render unto Cesar the things which are Caesar's. [Render unto Cesar.] As a debt. Rom. 13.7. You think your payments to maintain God's service free you from paying tribute unto Cesar, but you are deceived, your must maintain both religion and civil power. 1. Pet. 2.13. Submit yourselves to every Ordinance of man for the Lord's sake, whither it be to the King as supreme. [Which are] His stamp upon them shows ye are his subjects, and therefore ought to pay tribute to him: for coining was always a sign of sovereign power. [supreme] That is under God. There is therefore no other supreme on earth above the King in his Dominions. 1. Kin. 11.37. And thou shalt reign according to all that thy soul desireth. As a supreme King, under no superior on earth. 1. Sam. 10.26 And there went with him [Saul] a hand of men whose heart God had touched. That is, by his Spirit had inclined to yield willing obedience to their King. 1. king. 10.25. 2. Chro. 17.5. 1. Pet. 2.1.2. I exhort therefore that first of all supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men, For kings. [For Kings] He nameth Kings in the first place, because they are highest in dignity. This seems to be specified by reason of the erroneous opinion of some men, namely that all civil order was profane, and that Kings were as so many enemies to God. 1. Sam. 24.11. My Father. Both because he had married his daughter, and being King was Father of his people, so. Eza. 49.23. King's are called Nursing Fathers. 2. Sam. 21.17. Thou shalt [speaking to the King] go no more out with us to battle, that thou quench not the light of Israel. [Quench the light] Heb. candle or lamp. That is, their wisdom to guide and counsel them, and even the very life and joy of the whole nation. So 1. King. 15.4. and 11.36. q. d. Lest the glory and splendour of Israel perish with thee. The person in whom consists the conduct, counsel, joy and life of the people. Hos. 10.3. Now they shall say, we have no king, because we feared not the Lord. Within a very short time God shall take away their King, and then they shall feel the fruit of their sins. Judg. 17.6. In those days there was no King in Israel, but every man did that which was right in his own eyes. That is, No Judge or supreme magistrate, viz. the King, to keep the people in awe and order: so King is taken. Gene. 36.31. Deut. 33.5. This is prefixed as a reason why the Danites were put to provide an inheritance for themselves, whereas while the whole people were under any government the tribes assisted one another, chap. 2 3. Jos. 22.2.3. Num. 32.21. 18.1. 19.1. In those days there was no King in Israel. No supreme Magistrate (which by the annotations upon. 1. Pet. 2.13. and 1. King's 11.37. is the King) to punish sin. Pro. 30.27. The locusts have no king, yet go they forth all of them by hands. How much more should they that have, live orderly under them? Rom. 14.22. Happy is he that condemneth not himself in that thing which he alloweth. LONDON, Printed by R. N. ANNO. 1647.