AN ANSWER TO THE Eight Queries propounded by the House of Commons, to the Assembly called Divines, sitting at Westminster, April. 22. 1646. never to this day by them Answered, nor they called to an account by the Parliament, for their ignorance or negligence therein. Psal. 31.6. I have hated them that regard lying vanities, but I trust in the Lord. Jonah 2.8. They that observe lying vanities, forsake their own mercy. Psal. 82.6.7. I have said, ye are Gods; and all of you are Children of the most high: But ye shall die like men, and fa l like one of the Princes. Jer. 5.30. A wonderful and horrible thing is committed in the Land, the Prophet's prophecy lies, and the Priests receive gifts in their hands: and my people delight therein, what will ye then do in the end thereof. Cor. 1.14.36. What, came the word of God out from you, or came it unto you only. Gal. 4.16. Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth. 2 Cor. 4.2. But have renounced the hidden things of dishonesty, not walking in craftiness, nor handling the word of God deceitfully, but by manifestation of the truth, commending ourselves to every man's Conscience in the sight of God. Col. 2.8. Beware lest any man spoil you through Philosophy and vain deceit etc. 1 Tim. 6.20. Oh Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane & vain babble. By Edward Barber Freeman of England, Citizen and Marchant-Taylor of London. 1648. To those Noble Senators, the chosen Stewards and Servants of the freemen of England, the Commons assembled in Parliament, with that Right Noble General, the Lord Fairfax, and Lieut. Gen. Crumwell. RIGHT HONOURABLE, TAking into consideration the Queries so long since propounded by your Honours, to the Assembly called Divines at Westminster, desiring their Answers therein, as once Nebucadnizer did of his dream, from his Magicians, Astrolog●rs, Sorcerers, and Chaldeans, whom he had chosen, and to whom was appointed a daily provision of the King's meat, and of the wine which he drank. Dan. 2. That so being nourished at his Table, at three years' end, they might stand before the King, But they being called forth to satisfy the King's desire, in telling etc. as jer. 51 6.7. compared with Isaia 21.9. and Micha 2.10.11. Arise ye and departed, for this is not your rest, because it is polluted it shall destroy you, even with a sore destruction, if a man walking in the spirit of falsehood do lie, saying, I will prophesy unto thee of wine and strong drink, he shall even be the prophet of this people, compared with 2. Cor. 6.14. to 18. and Revel. 18.4. come out of her my people that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues. Now as the people of God were thus called forth of temporal and spiritual Babylon, so the instruments by which the Lord will do this great work, shall be by despised persons, that so the great wise men of the world may stay themselves, and wonder who are blind & make you blind, instead of this they render it, cry ye out and cry, Isai. 29.9. to 15. & also, that the whole glory may be given to God only, & not to men, and as for such as have received their Call and Ordination from the beast, or no calling at all as some now pretends, if ever they should be converted and to submit unto the Order and Government of King jesus in the Gospel's way, yet will these be the unsittest for the carrying forth of that rich treasure of the Gospel, they having formerly sworn themselves Servants unto Antichrist, and therefore will be but as the Gibiovites, who although by their craft had saved their lives, yet were by Josuah that glorious Type of Christ, appointed to be hewers of wood, and drawers of water, Josuah 9 or Lovies Sons, Sam. 1.2.36. who at that time when the Lord shall raise up his faithful Priest, shall come and crouch for a piece of silver, or a morsel of bread, saying, put me I pray thee into one of the Priests Offices, that I may eat a pecee of bread, or with those Merchants of the earth, who when the Kings and Magistrates of the earth, who have committed fornication with the whore, and lived deliciously; at her overthrow, shall bewail her, and lament for her, Revel. 18.9. then also shall those Merchants of the earth weep and mourn; for no man buyeth their Merchandise any more, vers. 10. This will cause them as the Jews, Acts 22.22. to discover their madness who east dust upon their heads, so these crying, weeping, & wailing, saying, alas, alas, that great City wherein were made rich, all that had Ships in the Sea, by reason of her costliness, for in one hour is she made desolate, vers. 19 and vers. 20. the Church holy Messengers and Prophets are called forth to rejoice over her for God hath avenged them on her when all profit and delight is taken away from her, verse 22.23. the Reason is laid down vers. the last, because in her was found the blood of Prophets and of Saints, and of all that were slain upon the earth; oh that therefore your honours would give liberty for public disputes, that thereby the truth might be tried, and that there might be some time allowed after the public Exercises is done; wherein the hearers those whose mouths the Lord by his spirit shall open, might have liberty to add to what is delivered, or contradict if irronious, and that there might be some places that are vacant, as Paul's, or the like appointed, for such exercises and trials of the truth, according to john 1.4.1. where he saith, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God, because many false Prophets are gone out into the world, and Thes. 1.5.21. The Apostle exhorts the Saints to prove all things, and to hold fast that which is good, which cannot be done in that way that is practised by them, they tying up the mouths of all but themselves, by their Antichristian power and practice, that therefore the Kings of the earth, and you the Magistrates would be wise, and consider your ways, & know as it was once said to Saul, as he was going to Damascus, having received Authority from the High Priests to persecute and hale to prison all that called upon the name of the Lord Jesus, Saul Saul, why persecutest thou me, it is hard for thee to kick against the pricks, so it will one day be said to all those that persecute Christ in his Members, which through the subtlety of Antichrist is usually done under the name of Heriticks and Sectaries, as in Queen Mary's days, etc. for know as the Prophet David saith, Psal. 2.2. to 6. although the Kings of the earth set themselves, and the Rulers take Council together against the Lord, and against his Christ, saying, let us break his bonds asunder, and cast away his cords from us; but he that sits in Heaven shall laugh, the Lord shall have them in derision, then shall he speak to them in his wrath, and vex them in his sore displeasure, yet have I set my King upon my holy hill of Zion, all which their doing was but a vane thing in David's Account, vers. the first, and vers. 10.11.12. he exhorts them saying, be wise now therefore on ye Kings, be instructed, ye Judges of the earth serve the Lord with fear, and rejoice with trembling, kiss the Son lest he be angry, & ye perish from the way, if his wrath be kindled, yea but a little, blessed are they that put their trust in him, compared with Prov. 16.20. Isa. 30.18. Jer. 17.7. & 27 7. Rom. 9.33. and 10.11. 1 Pet. 2.6. For saith the Lord, Isa. 60.12. The Nation and Kingdom that will not serve thee shall perish, yea those Nations shall be utterly wasted, on that England would consider this in time! least one day it be said to it, as was once said by Christ to Jerusalem, Luke 13.34 and 19 41. where coming nigh to the City, he beheld it, and wept over it, saying, if thou hadst known even thou at least in this thy day, the things that belong to thy peace, but now they are hid from thy eyes. So the Lord for many years having called upon this Kingdom of England for repentance, and turning unto him by amendment, following us with mercies and deliverances, fatherly chastizing us by pestilence, sword and famine; but what amendment is there of any since, but that in justice, pride, cruelty, neglect of the poor, Idolatry, covetousness abounds, & as the proph. saith, Is. 56.11. every one for ku gain from his quarter, that love of money the root of all evil remaining as much as ever. 1 Tim. 6.10. That therefore we would turn unto him according to promise, in keeping the Protestation and Covenant, in standing for a reformation according to the word of God and institutions of Christ, and not covetous men's desires and inventions, who in all ages have been obstructers of the true worship of God, & persecuters of his servants, as King. 1 22.22. to 28. jer. 18.18. Come let us smite him with the tongue, Ames 7.10.11 Mic. 1.1. etc. 3. jer. 26.11. to 19 Mat. 23.13. who shut up the Kingdom of Heaven against men, they neither go in themselves, neither suffer them that are entering to go in; but as Theedoro Beza observes from Act. 6.9. to 15. that falls teachers because they will not be overcome, flee from disputations to Magistrates & open slandering, and false accusations, & that the first bloody persecution of the Church of Christ began, and sprung from a Council of Priests by the suggestion of the University Doctors, that therefore we might beware of men, and according to the command of God heat ken only to the voice of Christ, Mat. 17.5. that so we obeying him the great Prophet and Anointed, the Lord may be gracious unto us in causing the sword to be sheathed, and that he may delight to dwell among us, in turning the hearts of the Fathers unto the children, and the hearts of the children to the Fathers; which shall be the desire and prayer of him, that desires the happiness here and glory hereafter of you, and all that love the Lord Jesus Christ in fincerity. Whereas it is Resolved by the House of Commons, that all persons guilty of votorious offences shall be suspended the Sacrament of the Lords Supper; the House of Commons desires to be satisfied by the Assembly of Divines in these particulars. 1. WHether the Parochial and congregational Elderships, appointed by Ordinance of Parliament are Jure Divino, by the will and appointment of Jesus Christ. 2, Whether all the Members of the said Elderships are Members thereof, or which of them are Jure Divino by the will and appointment of Jesus Christ? 3, Whether the Supreme Assemblies or Elderships viz. the Classical, Provincial and Nationall, whether all or any of them, or which of them are Jure Divino, and by the will and appointment of Jesus Christ. 4. Whether appeals from congregational Elderships to the Classical, Provincial and Nationall Assemblies, or to any of them or which of them are jure Divino, and by the will and appointment of Jesus Christ? 5. Whether ecumenical Assemblies are jure Divino, or whether there be appeals from any of the former Assemblies, to the said ecumenical Assemblies, jure Devino by the will and appointment of Jesus Christ? 6. Whether by the word of God the power of judging, and declaring what are such notorious and scandalous offences as aforesaid, and conventing before them, trying and actual suspending from the Sacrament such offenders accordingly, either in the congregational Elderships or Presbytery, or in any other Eldership of Presbytery presented to the House as the advice of the Assembly, and whether such powers are in them only, or any of them, or in which of them Jure Divino, and by the will and appointment of Jesus Christ? 7. Whether there be any certain and particular rules expressed in the word of God, to direct the said Elderships, or Presbyteries, or any of them in the exercise and execution of the powers aforesaid, and which are those rules? 8. Is there any thing contained in the word of God, that the Supreme Majestracy in a Christian state, may not judge and determine, what are the aforesaid notorious and seandalous offencet, and the manner of suspension from the same, And in what particulars concerning the premises is the said Supreme Majestracy by the word of God excluded? In Answer of these particulars the House of Commons desires of the Assembly of Divines their proofs from Scripture, and to set down the several texts in the express words of the same. Ordered that every particular Minister of the Assembly of Divin● that is or shall be present at the debate of any of these questions, the upon every resolution which shall be presented to this House concerning the same, subscribe his respective name either with the Affirmative or Negative, as he giveth his Vote, & those that do decent from the major Part shall set down their positive opinions, with the express Text of Scripture upon which their opinion is grounded. For Answer to the first Quaerie, the Churches of Christ were constituted, and gathered out of the world by the Ministry of the Gospel, according to that great Charter thereof, Mat. 28.19.20. Mark. 16.15.16. Lu. 24.47. And not by any Authority or Ministry of the civil Magistrate, and as they were thus gathered, & planted in the premitive times, so are they in like manner by his Servants to be gathered after the Apostasy whom by his power he shall in an extraordinary manner raise up, and by the Servants of the Churches that shall be by them sent forth to preach the everlasting Gospel for the enlightening the earth, discovering the Mystery of iniquity, and the Ministry of Antichrist, gathering his people out of spiritual Babylon, as out of Babylon of old, and planting them into Church fellowship and order, having their Commission from Christ and his Church, and not by Command and Authority from Pope, Council, Synod, or civil Magistrate: the Church of Christ being his spiritual Kingdom, consisting of a company of Saints, or holy people, Rom. 1.7. Cor. 1.1.2. Pet. 1.1.16. called out of the world, John 15.19. Rev. 5.9. By the preaching of the Gospel, Mat. 28.19.20. Mark. 16.15.16. by a free & voluntary consent, Ps. Acts 2.41. & 13.48 & 17.11. entering into Covenant, Psal. 50.5 Zep. 2.1. Acts 3.23. to 26. Heb. 8.8.9. to discharge duties to God, & one to another, john 4.24. Phil. 3.3.1. Pet. 2.5. 1 Cor. 12, 12. to 28. putting on Christ by Baptism or dipping. Gal. 3.26.27. for ye are all the Children of God by faith in Christ Jesus; for as many of you as have been dipped into Christ, have put on Christ, compared with Ephes. 4.4.5. There is one body & one spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your calling, one Lord, one faith, one dipping, one God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all. This is Christ's spiritual house under the new Testament, whereof he is Lord, as Hab. 2.20. Heb. 3 6. & head. Eph. 1.22.23. & King, Isa. 33.22. and Law giver, James 4 12. and prophet, Deut. 18.15. Mat. 17.5. Being that Priest, Altar and Sacrifice, by which all that believe and obey, are for ever sanctified and perfected, Heb. 10.14. and 5.8 9 for it is not the voice of the Church, much less the voice of the Synod, or Parliament, that we are to hearken unto in spiritnal worship, but Christ's voice in the Church, and that in all things whatsoever he shall say unto us, Tim. 1.3.15. he speaking in his Servants, as Luke 10.16. he that heareth you, heareth me, and he that heareth me, heareth him that sent me. These where ever gathered together under Heaven, in the name of Christ, according to his order, consisting of Jew's or Gentiles, Col. 1.18. have power from him their head to receive in, deal with, or cast out of the Church, by the only Laws and Statutes, of King Jesus, heir only King and Lawgiver, as Isai. 9 6. and 33.22. Acts 2.41.42. Mat. 48.15. to 20. and 1 Cor. 5.4.5. and 2.2.4. to 9 They being under Christ their King, the freest Independent Corporation or state under Heaven, john 8.36. If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed, Cor. 1.3.5, 6, 7. compared with Isai. 2.17. The Lord alone shall be exalted in that day. Now the parochial Churches or Elderships that are appointed by Statute Laws, or Ordinances of Parl. and thereby forced thereunto, cannot be Jure Divino, Churches of Christ by his will and appointment, but all the people of God are as truly called out of such Assemblies, as out of Babylon of old, to the free voluntary worship of the Gospel. To the second query I answer, The Parish Churches or Assemblies being not gathered according to the Commission of Christ in that great Charter of the Gospel, and by his Ministers and Servants, but by the Authority of the civil Magistrate, through the importunity of Austin the Monk, sent over from Gregory the 7. from which root and foundation the national Ministry now extant, still retains their Ordination, having still kept their first state and constitution, although reform in divers particular Doctrines, whereby they cannot be Jure Divino, Churches of Christ by his will and appointment; but are constitutions of men through the subtlety of the man of sin, or beast rising out of the earth [to wit] by his earthly inventions, who by the slight of men, and cunning craftiness they lie in wait to deceive, having 2. horns like a Lamb, but speaks like a Dragon, exercising all the power of the first beast, etc. Rev. 13.11. having a show of wisdom in will worship and humility, Col. 2.23. of whom the Apostle bids the Saints, beware of being spoiled through their philosophy and vain deceit, after the traditions of men, after the Rudiments of the world, and not after Christ, in whom dwells the fullness of the Godhead bodily, and ye the Saints [to wit believers dipped] are complete in him, etc. and Mat. 15.9. Christ saith, in vain do they worship me, teaching for Doctrines the Commandments of men, from whence it appears [as the Churches, so the Members also] are none of them Jure Divino, Members of any Church of Christ, by his will and appointment. To the 3. I answer, for any supreme Authority of Assemblies or Elderships, viz. the Classical, provincial, or national, whether they are Jure Divino or no. In all the Gospel I do not find any more jurisdiction of Churches over Churches, than there is of brethren over brethren, but the contrary is clearly proved, Mat. 23.8.9, 10. but be not ye called Rabbi, for one is your Master, to wit, Christ and all ye are brethren, and call no man your Father upon the earth, for there is but one, your Father which is in Heaven; be not called Doctors, for one is your Doctor, even Christ, and Cor. 1.5 4 5. That Church of Corinth had power, as to cast out the Incestuous person, so upon his Repentance to receive him in again, without the authority of any other Church, or any others contradiction, & James 2.1. he saith, my brethren, have not the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord of glory with respect of persons, and Chap. 3.1. he saith my brethren, be not many Masters, knowing that we shall receive the greater condemnation; but this spirit of pride is no new thing, for it began in the Disciples, Luke 9.46. when there arose a reasoning amongst them, which of them should be the greatest, but Christ perceiving the thoughts of their hearts, answereth them by setting a little Child in the midst of them, to teach them humility, there being too many now a days of their spirit v. 46. 47. 48 as he taught them, against persecution, vers. 54.55, 56. when they would have had sire come down from Heaven to consume the Samaritans, saying, ye know not of what spirit you are, for the Son of man is not come to destroy men's lives but to save them, etc. Therefore these supreme Assemblies are not Jure Divino, by the will and appointment of Jesus Christ, but are all by humane Authority not known in Scripture, being against the freedom, which every Church of Christ hath given them, which they ought to enjoy, none being before or after another in their privilege or prerogative, which liberty and freedom every protestator and Covenanter is sworn to stand for and maintain. To the 4. Concerning Appeals from congregational Elderships to the Classical, Provincial, and Nationall Assemblies. The parishional not being proved jure Divino, but of humane Authority, appeals to them, and from one unto another must needs be unlawful. Besides, how contrary is this to the primitive practice, as Acts 15. when there arose a difference about Circumcision in the Church of Antiochia, they sent up to the Church at jerusalem for their advice, (not that they had any authority over them), and they as humbly and truly sent their advice, saying, it seemed good to the holy spirit, and to us, to lay upon you no other burden than these necessary things. Now if these could say thus, and would do as they did, their Council ought evangelically to be received in like sort by believers; but these as they were never called and gathered by Christ's Authority, so have they not the promise of his presence by his spirit with them as his Churches have, Mat. 18.17. to 20. & 28.20. 1 Cor. 3.22.23. & john 14.16.17. & 15.26.27. To the 5. I find no ecumenical Assemblies in Scripture under the Gospel to be of Gods appointing, but an invention of the man of sin, raised by those Locusts that came out of the smoke that arose out of the bottomless pit, Rev. 9.2.3. who had power as the Sorpions of the earth have power that so by force, As Eze. 34.4. flatteries as Dan. And cunning crastinesse whereby they lie in wait to deceive Ephes. 4.14.15. Transforming themselves as the Ministers of righteousness, Cor. 2.11.15. whose end shall be according to their works by which means they cause all the world to wonder after the beast, who had his wound and did live Rev. 13.3. to 7. for the first beast, being those heathen bloody tyrants who worshipped the Dragon which gave him his power, to whom was given a mouth, speaking great things and blasphemies against God, to blaspheme his name, and his Tabernacle, and them that dwell in Heaven etc. This beast being thus wounded, there ariseth another beast out of the earth (to wit) out of those earthly inventions of Popish assemblies counsels and Synods, Re. 6 13.14. the Stars folling from Heaven to the earth, they leaving those glorious institutions of Christ, the dipping of actual believers, upon confessing sins and professing faith, as also the volentarie contribution of the Saints, or as Fox in his acts and monuments renders it, the puer alms of the Church, and bringing in baptising or rather sprincklin of Natural Infants, and paying 〈◊〉 ●iths, hereby raising national Churches wichout the which they could never have done it, neither could they now retain them, thereby contradicting the Apostles rule Cor. 1.4.6. in presuming a 'bove that which is written; but should these 2. pillars be taken away according to our Protestation and Covenant, and a reformation set up according to the word of God [as is pretended] the Kingdom of Antichrist like the Philistines house will fall upon their heads, as that on the Philistines; upon sampson's that glorious ●●pe of Christ's pulling away the 2. pillars whereupon the house stood, Iudg: 16.29.30. That whereas by the authority of the Civil Magistrate, they having insinuated into there affections, like Pharoahs' frogs into his and his servants Bedchambers Exod. 8.3 4. by being their Chaplains as they call themselves, a service not known in the Gospel of Christ for his ministers; whereby the Magistrates being by them deluded, give that power, which was given them of God for the punishment of evil doers; but for the praise of them that do well, to the upholding of this beast and his Image, and they having received it put it forth to the uttermost causing all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, and in their foreheads, and that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name etc. This second beast consisting of the whole state hierarchy or clergy, as they call themselves with the Image even all that receive the ordination from that state there being not so much as one of there names, much less their practice or maintenance heard of in the Gospel of King Jesus: from the Pope or Prelate to the Sexton, and yet they do as that vile person spoken of by Daniel, Dan. 11.21. That come in peaceably and obtain the Kingdom by flatteries, pretending they are the ministers of Christ yet are not content with his ordination, nor maintenance and wages, and therefore obtain ordinances, as doctor Burgis etc. and Statute Laws from the state though some of them had little need having enough before, which have caused more breach of the protestation and Covenant, and tedious suits in the Courts of Justice then any one thing in the Kingdom; and therefore to say no more to this all appeals to them are human, and not jure Divino, neither in the particular or general. To the 6. I answer, The Lord Jesus Christ having satisfied his Father's Justice, and thereby wrought everlasting righteousness for all them that obey him, it being testified from Heaven by the Father, that he is his beloved Son, in whom he is well pleased, And having received all power both in Heaven and in earth, by which Authority as then he sent forth his Servants, so hath he also given and settled this power only upon and in his Church, and that to the body [not the Ministers] consisting of a company of dipped Disciples, not the Servants distinct from the Church, as they new pretend and assume, but as they derive it from the Church, they giving it to them; and therefore these Presbyters not being Members of any Church of Christ, according to his institution, and yet claiming such power as distinct from the Church, have nothing therein but what they have from the man of sin, by tradition of men, and not lure Divino, by the will and appointment of Jesus Christ. To the 7. There are no rules at all given in the Gospel of King jesus in question, giving power to the said Presbyters or Elderships, or any of them, for the putting in execution of any the power aforesaid, seeing their constitution is not from God by Christ tha● great prophet of the Church, but from their reverend Fathers the Prelates, and so consequently from the Pope, or civil state, who hath no more power to Command or set Laws in the Kingdom of Christ, than the King of Spain, or the French King hath in the Kingdom of England, which is entire and Independent of itself; But for a Church of Christ truly stated there are rules, as to receive in, so to deal with and cast out if need require, as Tim. All Scripture is given by inspirtaion of God, and is profitable for Doctrine, for reproof for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works. To the 8. We are to take notice, that under the Gospel the Lord Jesus is not only a King, but the only King and Lawgiver to his Church, Isai. 33.22 james 12.4. Tim. 16.15. Rev. 17.14. and therefore the civil Magistrate under the Gospel ought no more to entrench upon his prerogative in Church Government, than he did upon theirs in civil things, as Luke 12.13, 14. where he would not so much as divide the inheritance between the 2. brethren, & therefore Mat. 22 16. to 21. when the Pharices' took Council how they might entangle Christ, ask him whether it was lawful to pay tribute to Caeser or no▪ 〈◊〉 ●aith unto them, show me the tribute money, saying, whose Image or superscription is this, they say unto him, Caesars he saith unto them, render therefore unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and unto God the things that are Gods, and Rom. 13.1. to 7. the Apostle enjoins obedience from the Church unto civil Magistrates or higher powers, not only to Christians, but as they were Magistrates though Heathens, which they then were, showing that they are of God, ordained of God as Mrs. of our flesh, and that those that resist them, resist the Ordinance of God, whether Christian or Heathen, & such as resist shall receive to themselves damnation; for Rulers are not [to wit appointed of God] a terror to good works, but to the evil, wilt thou then not be afraid of the power, do that which is good; but if thou do that which is evil, be afraid, for he beareth not the sword in vain; for he is the Servant of God, a Revenger to execute wrath upon him that doth evil; wherefore ye must needs be subject not only for wrath, but for Conscience sake. Now what this evil is, the Apostle shows, to wit, not Heriticks, and Schismatics, as some fond dream, and would if they could maintain, though with fire and sword, although indeed more to uphold their own honour, Kingdom, power, places, greatness, and benefices, than the civil Magistrates as is clearly discovered to most men already, whose eyes the Lord hath in any measure opened, and may easily be proved to all that are not wilfully blind; for in the Conscience concerning worship, the Lord only reigneth as King and Lawgiver; wherefore the Apostle saith, The Law is not made for a righteous man, but for the Law less and disobedient, for the ungodly, and for sinners; for unholy and profane, for murderers of Fathers & murderers of Mothers, for Man-slayers for Whoremongers, for them that defile themselves with mankind, for menstealers; for liars, for perjured persons [oh that the Ministers that pressed the Protestation & Covenant so cagerly, would take notice of this!] and if there be any other thing that is contrary to wholesome doctrine, according to the glorious Gospel of the blessed God, which was committed to my trust etc. 1 Tim. 1.9. to the 11. Now the civil Magistrates are called fathers of our flesh, to whom in all these civil things we ought to be obedient; But saith the Apostle shall we not much rather be in subjection to the father of spirits and live; to wit, to his laws given forth by his son the great prophet of his Church, speaking from heaven, Heb. 1 1. Deut. 18.15. Act. 3.22.23. Who hath given a rule for his people to walk by, as Mat. 28.20. which rule the Apostle exorts the Galathians, and in them all beleivers to observe as Gal. 6.16. they thus walking having the promise of peace and mercy upon them, And Phil. 3.16. he exorts the Church, to walk by the same rule, and to mind the same things. Thus I have made appear, that the congregational or Parishlonall Elderships appointed by Ordinance of Parliament, the members thereof, or any of them, the supreme Assemblies or Elderships, viz. the Classical, Provincial, ecumenical or Nationall, are none of them Jure Devino, by the will and appointment of Jesus Christ. Wherein, I have also proved from the word of truth, that the Civil Magistrate hath nothing to do as a Magistrate, to judge of any cause in the Church of Christ, it being there to be judged and tried by those servants, and in that order and manner that is set down in his word, by the will and appointment of jesus Christ. And what was required by the Parliament of the Synod or Assembly, I have in some weak measure answered from the scripture, & set down the several texts in the express words of the same, according as was desired, subscribing myself your honours, and the Church's Servant in the Service of the Gospel of King Jesus. E. Barber. Consider of it, take advice and speak your minds, judges 19.30. Certain Queries propounded (by the Author) to the Assembly called Divines. 1. Whether that Doctrine of obedience to Magistrates or higher powers, which the Apostles taught, Rom. 13.1 Pet. 1.2 13.14.15. &c were true or no. 2. Whether it was not the Apostles duty, to practise that himself which he taught and commanded others to do as Rom. 3. Whether the Magistrates or those higher powers, which from the disciples he required obedience unto, were of their Religion or in the Gospel's practice yea or no? 4. If not, Whether it was lawful for those Magistrates or higher powers, to persecute Paul and the rest of the Church for their Religion. 5. Whether Paul and the Disciples might plot against or persecute the Magistrate, or any of his subjects by compelling or forcing their Conscience or otherwise, though to the true worship God under the Gospel. 6. Whether Magistrates as well as Subjects, be not to be subject to the Laws, Statutes, and censures of King Jesus only, who as unde● the Law, so under the Gospel is no respecter of persons, Dent. 10.17. Rom. 2.11. 1 Pet. 1.17. 7. Whether it may not be conceived, The Lord is now making inquisition for the blood that hath been shed in this Land, and other parts of the world, of the Jews his ancient and peculiar people, 〈◊〉 Isal. 51.21.22, 23. where the Lord saith, hear thou this, thou miserable and drunken, but not with wine. Thus saith the Lord God, even God that pleadeth the cause of his people, behold I have taken out of thine hand the cup of trembling, even the dregs of the cup of my weath, thou shalt drink it no more, but I will put it into their hand that afflicted thee, which have said to thy soul, bowdown that we may go over, and thou hast laid thy body as the ground, & as the●● street to them that went over, comp● with Th. 1.2.12. to 17. Re. 18.24. 8. The punishing some as the Catholics, etc. more than with death, to the unhumain quartering and hanging up their quarters; also the Children luffering for their Parent's sin, contrary to the express word of the Lord, Ezek. 18.4.20. that soul that sinneth, it shall die, the son shall not bear the iniquity of the Father, neither shall the Father bear the iniquity of the son, the righteousness of the righteous shall be upon him, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon him, also executing men for theft, it being contrary to the Law of God. 9 Whether there ought not to be a Fast kept for all the innocent bloed that hath been shed in this Land, not only of the Jews, but also in Herry the 8. days, Queen Maries, and in Queen Elizabeth's, as Barrows Greenwoods Penries', etc. who died for opposing the Common Prayer, etc. 10. Whether there be any Gospel's rule by precept, or example for compulsion of Conscience in matters of Religion, taking of Oaths, making of forced Covenants etc. that so we being truly informed, may prevent the reproof jer. 23.10 once g ven to the jews, the Land is full of Adulterers, because of swearing the Land mourneth, the pleasant places of the wilderness are dried up. and their course is evil, & their force is not right, Ho. 4.2. by swearing lying kill stealing and committing adultery; they break out, and blood toucheth blood. Chapt. 10.4. They have spoken words, swearing falsely in making a Covenant. Thus judgement groweth as wormwood in the furrows of the field 11. By what rule from the Gospel of Christ may Christians being Members of one Church; as they profess under Christ their head kill one another. or that they would distinguish what makes the one more than the other, by Gospel's rule, or whether they ought not to excommunicate the unruly and disorderly walkers, before they kill them, and not let them stand Members of their Church, though worthy of death, and so kill them, which the Church of Corinth might not, though for a l●s●e sin, in which their do they come short of the Church of Room. FINIS.