THis useful Treatise (Entitled Religions Peace) long since Presented by a Citizen of London to King JAMES, and the High Court of Parliament then sitting; I allow to be Reprinted. April 1. John Bachiler. RELIGIONS PEACE: OR, A PLEA for Liberty of Conscience. Long since presented to King James, and the High Court of Parliament then sitting, by Leonard Busher Citizen of London, and Printed in the Year 1614 Wherein is contained certain Reasons against Persecution for Religion; Also a design for a peaceable reconciling of those that differ in opinion. Rom. 14.5, 10. One man esteemeth one day above another, another man esteemeth every day a like, let every man be fully persuaded in his own mind. But why dost thou judge thy brother, or why dost thou despise thy brother? for we shall all appear before the judgement seat of Christ. LONDON, Printed for John Sweeting at the Angel in Popes-head-alley, 1646. TO THE Presbyterian Reader. THis Treatise, which as a supplication to King James, and the Parliament, was Printed in the year 1614 is for your good now again reprinted, the Author thereof Leonard Busher (an honest and godly Man, as I make no doubt will appear to you in the perusal of his Book) intended two things therein. First, to make it appear that the Bishops were not true Ministers, or successive from the Apostles, but rather a Scions, or branch of the Popish stock, descended from the Romish Hierarchy, to whom they owned their Instauration, Ordination, and Function: Had this advice been believed and embraced by the Parliament then, the mischiefs they have since practised much of the blood that hath been shed, and the miseries that by their means have been brought upon us, had in great measure been prevented; but his Counsel was then slighted, though by the wisdom of this present Parliament put in execution, whereby we are secured for the future from the domination, compulsion against Conscience, and notorious cruelties of that sort of men. Whence we may learn, that what to a people at one time seems strange and absurd, and in no wise to be admitted of, at another time appears an acceptable truth; the reason is, because we are not Masters of our own understandings, but suffer them to be dulled and corrupted, till misery, and the sting of oppression opens our eyes, so that we embrace truth more out of necessity than choice. The second thing his Discourse drives at, is to make it appear by Scriptures and sound Arguments, that the only way to make a Nation happy, and preserve the People in love, peace and tranquillity, is to give liberty to all to serve God according as they are persuaded is most agreeable to his Word; to speak, writ, print peaceably and without molestation in behalf of their several Tenets, and ways of Worship (wholesome and pertinent Laws being made, upon penalties, to restrain all kind of vice or violence, all kinds of reproach, slander, or injury either by word or deed;) And though this advice likewise seems not the best to some, especially to you my Brethren in the Presbyterian way, yet am I well assured that this Nation will never be happy; but as hitherto it hath been, so for the future it will be distracted with oppression and persecution, and the faces of one sort of men set against another, till liberty of Conscience be allowed. Indeed a man would think we had been schooled and whist long enough to it by our calamities, for went whereof this age, and that age, and the other age, and every age hath been miserable. For want whereof the Apostles suffered martyrdom, the Saints and godly of all times have been hunted like Patridges by birds of Prey: And yet, good men, in the esteem of a great part of the world, especially of the rich and powerful they have suffered as evil-doers, disturbers of the World, Heretics, Schismatics, seditious Persons; and those that put them to death, have had the reputation of being maintainers of Truth, and sound Doctrine; so apt in all ages have the people been to mistake good for evil, and evil for good. The Plea for liberty of Conscience is no new Doctrine, as old certainly as the blessed Word of God itself, which gives us this unmovable foundation thereof, That every Man should be fully persuaded of the truth of that way wherein he serves the Lord: And though there has been struggle in all ages to make good this blessed birthright to all peaceful People, yet through thePotency and subtlety of Popes, Bishops, and Ministers that preferred the advance of themselves, and their usurped and abused Function, before the good and welfare of the People; we have been deprived of this blessing, next to the manifestation of God's love and goodness to us, the most excellent and desirable in this world: for want whereof, and by means of its contrary, Persecution; this Universe, especially the Christian part thereof, hath suffered continual agony and earthquake. Wars, and its miseries have overspread all Lands, States have been shaken and subverted Love, meekness, gentleness, mercy, (the truest badges of Christianity) have been dampened and banished; and in their rooms cruelty, hardheartedness, respect of Persons, Prisons, tortures, etc. things that our blessed Lord and Master, and his Apostles never proved, unless upon their own afflicted bodies, have had great sway for these many hundred years. Hence is it that in stead of Peace, we have frequently had the Sword, in stead of sweet tranquillity, love and affection; hatred, contention, disaffection, and the bitter fruits thereof hath reigned amongst us, and in all probability will reign till God shall put it into the heart of the Parliament to make trial for prevention thereof, of this Godlike way, which in the ensuing Treatise is held forth. I hope upon perusal thereof, you that are my Brethren of the Presbyterian way, will abate much of your misguided eagerness in prosecuting your conscientious Brethren. Consider I beseech you St. Paul before his conversion, he was as zealous I make no question as any of you, when he persecuted the Saints, and (a) Acts 8.3. made havoc of the Church, (that is, of God's People congregated together, to worship and serve God) when he (b) Verse 3. entered into every house, and drew out both men and women to put them to Prison; when he (c) Act. 9.1. breathed out threaten and slaughter against the disciples of the Lord; when he (d) Act. 9.2. procured Letters of the High Priest to go to Damascus, where, if he found any of that way (than the heretical way in his account) he might bring them down to Jerusalem; when he (e) Act. 8.1. consented to Stephen's death: In all these violent motions he was zealous and hearty, and thought he did God good service in the suppression of a rising Sect, that were against the High Priests, learned Rabbis, and Doctors of the Law, Ceremonies, strict Injunctions, and observations of the Judaical and Priestly Law. You see how fare mistaken zeal can go. Consider this I beseech you; I know you are, especially you that are Laymen, zealous as you think for God and his Truth, as Paul was: But I hope there will a time come, and I wish it were now present, when in the midst of your heat and fervency, the glorious and shining brightness of Love will appear in your hearts like the light surrounding Paul going to Damascus; and the scales of ignorance and mistake will fall from your eyes, and then you will lament all the evil, which through weakness you have brought upon your Brethren, you will then blame your own zeal and importunity, and apply yourselves more cordially and constantly to observe our Saviour's rule of equity, to do unto others what you would have others do unto you. Peruse this Treatise I beseech ye, with a single heart, and unprejudiced mind, and let it sway you, as the Arguments thereof are efficacious, and the Scriptures therein urged are pertinent and convincing. So wisheth yours, and all other good men's true Friend, H. B. To the High and Mighty King James, by the grace of God, King of great Britain, France, and Ireland, and to the Princely and right Honourable Parliament, Leonard Busher wisheth the wisdom of Solomon, the zeal of Jos●…s, and the mercy of Christ, 1 Cor. 5.5. with the salvation of your Spirits in the day of the Lord Jesus. FOrasmuch as your Majesty and Parliament, do stand for the maintenance of the Religion wherein you are born, and for the same do most zealously persecute with fire & sword; I have thought it good, and also my duty (most Royal Sovereign) to inform your Majesty and Parliament thereof. In all humimility therefore I give you to understand, that no Prince or People can possible attain that one true Religion of the Gospel, which is acceptable to God by Jesus Christ, merely by birth, (a) John. 3. ●. for Christ saith, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. Also the Apost. james saith, (b) Jam. 1.18 Of his own will be begat us by the word of truth: and the Apostle Peter saith, (c) 1 Pet. 1.3.23. Matth. 28. Mark 16. Being born anew, not of mortal seed, but of immortal, by the word of God who liveth and endureth for ever. Therefore Christ commanded this word to be preached to all nations, that thereby they may attain the new birth. By which your Majesty and Parliament may perceive that the one true Religion of the Gospel is not attained by natural birth; for then all Princes and peoples, in all nations, should have that one true Religion of the Gospel, the which you see and grant, they all have not, yet many of them also will defend their Religion (wherein they are born) by fire and sword, as if it were their natural and earthly inheritances; or had with fire and sword been gotten, and therefore will with fire and sword maintain and defend it: But your Majesty and Parliament may please to understand, that the Scriptures do teach, that the one true Religion is gotten by a new birth, even by the word and spirit of God, and therewith also it is only maintained and defended, For the word of God is lively, and mighty in operation, 2 Cor. 10.4. Ephe. 6.17. Heb. 4. 1●. and sharper than any two edged sword, and entereth through, even unto the dividing asunder of the soul and the spirit, and of the joints, and of the marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and the intents of the heart. Seeing then the one true Religion of the Gospel is thus gotten, and thus defended and maintained, namely, by the word preached only; let it please your Majesty and Parliament to be entreated to revoke and repeal those Antichristian, Romish, and cruel laws, that force all in our Land, both Prince & people, to receive that Religion wherein the King or Queen were born, or that with is established by the Law of man; and in stead thereof enact and publish that Apostolic, Mat. 28.19. Mar. 16.16. Acts 8.12. Lu. 24.4, 7. Acts 8.12.37. & ●. 41. Christian, gentle and merciful law of Christ, viz. Go teach all Nations, preach the Gospel to every creature, that is, Christ will have his ministers to preach and teach the people of all Nations, the things that concern the Kingdom of God, and the name of Jesus Messiah, repentance and remission of sins, and to baptise in his name, such as do believe. And forasmuch also that the false and Antichristian religion did come by the spirit of error and doctrine of devils, 1 Tim. 4.1. Rev. 16.14. and not by fire and sword: therefore by the spirit of Christ, and doctrine of the word of God, must it be driven out of the hearts and consciences, both of Prince and People, and not by fire and sword, as the false Bishops and Ministers have and do still persuade. Therefore may it please your Majesty and Parliament, to understand that (by fire and sword) to constrain Princes and peoples, to receive that one true Religion of the Gospel, Mark 9 38, 39 is wholly against the mind and merciful Law of Christ, dangerous both to King & State, a means to decrease the Kingdom of Christ: and a means to increase the kingdom of Antichrist, as these reasons following do manifest; The which I humbly beseech your Majesty and Parliament carefully to consider, and that according to the Word of God, which shall judge every man according to his deeds: Mat. 16.27. Rev. 16.14. Luke 9.55, 56. Joh. 12.47. & persecution is a work well pleasing to all falls Prophets and Bishops, but it is contrary to the mind of Christ, who came not to judge and destroy men's lives, but to save them. And though some men and women believe not at the first hour, yet may they at the (d) Mat. 20.6, 7. eleventh hour, if they be not persecuted to death before: And no King nor Bishops can, or is able to command faith, (e) Eph. 2 8 1 Tim. 1.13. Act. 20.11. That is the gift of God, who worketh in us both the will and the deed of his own good pleasure: set him not a day therefore, in which, if his creature hear not and believe not, you will imprison and burn him. Paul was a blasphemer, and also a persecuter, and could not be converted by the Apostles, and Ministers of Christ, yet at last was received to mercy, and converted extraordinarily by Christ himself, Jam. 5 11. ● Pet. 3.9. 2 Cor. 5.19. who is very pitiful and merciful, and would have no man to perish, but would that all men come to repentance, but not by persecution, but by the word of reconciliation which he hath committed to his ministers: And as Kings and Bishops cannot command the wind, so they cannot command faith, Joh. 3. and as the wind bloweth where it listeth, so is every man that is born of the spirit. You may force men to Church against their consciences, 1 Sam. 15. 1●, ●4. but they will believe as they did afore, when they come there, for God giveth a blessing only to his own ordinance, and abhorreth Antichrists: And Kings are to think that they are men as well as Kings, Act. 9.15. 1 Tim. 2.1.2. 1. Cor. 7.2.22. Wise 6.1.8. and that Christ hath ordained that same means of faith for Kings which he hath for subjects, and that subjects are Christ's freemen, as well as King's subjects, and Kings that believe are Christ's Servants, even as subjects are Kings servants, and both are bought with a price, therefore both ought not to be the servants of men in matter of faith and religion: but Kings shall give a greater account at the day of judgement, than their subjects: & to judge men now for religion, is to judge afore the time, & also to sit in the judgement seat of Christ, to whom only it belongeth, yet not before the day appointed, how much less to Kings and Bishops? Rom. 2.16. Act. 10.42. I read that Constantine the Emperor (called the great) wrote to the Bishop of Rome, that he would not force & constrain any man to the faith, but only admonish & commit the judgement to God. Christ's kingdom is not of this world, joh. 18 36.10.17. therefore may it not be purchased, nor defended with the weapons of this world, but by his word and spirit: no other weapons hath he given to his Church which is his spiritual kingdom. Therefore Christ saith: Mat. 18.17 He that will not hear the church, let him he to thee as a heathen and a publican: Ephes. 6.10.17. he saith not burn, banish or imprison him, that is Antichrists ordinance. And though a man be an heretic, yet ought he not to be burnt, but to be rejected, after once or twice admonition, Tit. 3.10. that is cast out of the Church, but as in the church of Rome people of all sorts are by persecution forced there into by the Bishops & Ministers thereof, so it is in the Church of England also, which showeth that the Bishops & Ministers of Rome & England are of one spirit, in gathering people to their faith and church, which is the spirit of Satan, who knoweth wealth at his kingdom (the false Church) would greatly decay, if persecution were laid down: seeing himself cannot stand before the word and spirit of God, much less his Bishops & Ministers: therefore he will have them, for a name and show, to use the word of God, but indeed, if the false interpretation and alleging of the Scriptures will not help, than (saith he) constrain them with fire and sword: or else (if people have liberty of conscience) they will try the spirits, which of them is of God, as the Apostle John teacheth: and then saith he, the Prince as well as people will try all things, 1 joh. 4.1. and keep that which is good, and will also prove themselves (as the Apostle Paul teacheth) whether they are in the Apostolic faith or not: 2 Cor. 13. 5 & as the Church of Rome provoketh the Magistrates to persecute to death, such as are excommunicated out of her, so doth the Church of England provoke the Magistrates to persecute to death such as she excommunicates: And as the Bishops and Ministers of Rome will persuade the prince and people, to hear and read none but themselves, so do the Bishops and Ministers of of England also: but the Bishops and Ministers of the Apostolic church do persuade all men, to prove and try the Spirits whether they are of God, which they cannot do, except they hear and read other men's doctrines as well as the Bishops and their Ministers; neither can they if they would, so long as the Bishops have power from the King and State to silence and imprison, etc. all Preachers, and to burn all books which teach not their doctrines. Your Majesty and Parliament shall understand that all those that confess freely without compulsion, that jesus is the Messiah, 1 John 5.1. & 1 Joh. 4.2 1 Cor. 12.13 the Lord, and that he came in flesh, are to be esteemed the children of God and true christians, seeing such are born of God; and no man can say, that Jesus is the Lord but by the holy Ghost, therefore not to be persecuted. And as Abel killed not Cain, but was killed himself; and as Isaac and jacob did not persecute Ishmael and Esau, but was persecuted of Ishmael and Esau (who, Gal. 4.29. and Cain were figures of all persecuters) so the believing do not persecute the unbelieving, nor the true Church the falls, but the believing and true Church are (as they have been) most often persecuted themselves, of whom Abel, Isaac, and Jacob were figures, whose children are all believers and freemen, that stand fast in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made them free, Gal. 5.1. and will not be tangled with the yoke of bondage, no not with circumcision, much less with the discipline and doctrine of the Church of Rome, whose Bishops are able Ministers of the fire and sword, both to Prince and people, as many Histories do lamentably witness, to their utter infamy and overthrow: also, if the believing should persecute the unbelieving to death, who should remain alive? then none but the believing should live in the world, and the unbelieving should die in their unbelief, and so perish for ever: the Lord will not that the believing should live to the destruction of the unbelieving, but unto their conversion, edification, and salvation: And by persecuting of Prince and people to death, because they will not hear and believe, is no gaining of souls unto God, but unto the devil. And whereas ignorant and wicked Bishops may think to win souls by kill Prince and people for Religion, they are deceived greatly, for thereby they lose many souls, viz. their own and the unbelieving, their own they lose, because they wilfully break the Lord's Commandment, that saith, Thou shalt not kill, Luk. 18.20. meaning such as are not corporal malefactors; and the others which die in their unbeleef, they confess themselves are eternally lost, except they (as some of their ministers) hold a redemption after this life. And the Bishops should know that error and heresy cannot be killed by the fire and sword, but by the word and spirit of God, that is the only weapons of Christ's Bishops and Ministers, and such only Christ's ministers do use, whose lives and conversations are so harmless, holy and gentle, that thereby, and by their deaths and sufferings they win many souls unto God; whereby they are known from all false Bishops and ministers, who like wolves and bears, (not like sheep and lambs) make prey and devour both Prince and people that are not of their kind, if they be able to master them. Besides, may it please your Majesty and Parliament to understand, that the believing man that hath an unbelieving wife, 1 Cor. 7.16 and the believing woman that hath an unbelieving husband, cannot live together, as the Scripture teaches, for the salvation of the unbelieving, if they be persecuted to death; indeed some thereby are forced to confess with the mouth that which they believe not in heart, and so are made true dissemblers, in stead of true christians, whereby many men and women are deceived with dissembling husbands and wives, as well as the King and State are deceived with dissembling servants and subjects; but the word of God (if permission of conscience might be granted) would procure upright, pure, and unfeigned husbands and wives, servants and subjects, so that thereby neither Prince nor people should be deceived; for all good shepherds will divide and separate, & not force, slay, and persecute, for if men and women be found Heretics, they shall be separated from the Church, but if they be unbelievers, they shall not be joined unto it, until they be converted by the word of God, much less forced: which conversion for aught we know, may be at their death, if not afore, seeing the Lord calleth some at the eleventh hour, so well as at the first, Mat. 20. 6, 7 and not at the King and Bishop's pleasures. Kings and Magistrates are to rule temporal affairs by the swords of their temporal kingdoms: and Bishops and Ministers are to rule spiritual affairs by the word and spirit of God; the sword of Christ's spiritual kingdom, and not to intermeddle one with another's authority, office, and function: and it is a great shame for the Bishops and Ministers not to be able to rule in their Church, without the assistance of the King and Magistrate, yea, it is a great sign they are none of Christ's Bishops and Ministers, if they were, they would not be afraid nor ashamed of their faith, nor yet would they persuade Princes and people to persecute and force one another to believe them, but would use only the assistance of God's word and spirit; and therewith suffer their faith and doctrine to be examined, proved, and disputed both by word and writing. Tit. And he is a true Bishop who is unreprovable, and that is able to stop the mouths of his adversaries, by God's word and Spirit only, & whose faith and discipline agree with the Prophets, Christ and his Apostles, and maketh no contradiction; but all those Bishops that force Princes and peoples to receive their faith and discipline by persecution, do (with judas) go against Christ in his members with swords, staves, and halberds, who seeing God's word will not help them, betake themselves with all haste and hazard unto the authority of the King and Magistrate. I read that a Bishop of Rome would have constrained a Turkish Emperor to the Christian faith, unto whom the Emperor answered, I believe that Christ was an excellent Prophet, but he did never (so far as I understand) command that men should with the power of weapons be constrained to believe his law; and verily, I also do force no man to believe Mahomet's law. Also I read that jews, Christians, and Turks are tolerated in Constantinople, and yet are peaceable, though so contrary the one to the other. If this he so, how much more ought Christians not to force one another to Religion? and how much more ought Christians to tolerate Christians, when as the Turks do tolerate them? shall we be less merciful than the Turks? or shall we learn the Turks to persecute Christians? It is not only unmerciful, but unnatural and abominable, yea, monstrous for one Christian to vex and destroy another for difference and questions of Religion, and though tares have overgrown the wheat, yet Christ will have them let alone till harvest; Mat. 13.29.30, 38. lest while you go about to pluck up the tares, you pluck up also the wheat with them, as your predecessors have done, who thought they had gathered up the tares and burned them; but you see now that they have burned the wheat in stead of tares. Wherefore in all humility and Christian modesty I do affirm, that through the unlawful weed-hook of persecution (which your predecessors have used, and by your Majesty and Parliament is still continued) there is such a quantity of wheat plucked up, and such a multitude of tares left behind, that the wheat which remain cannot yet appear in any right visible congregation. Acts 3.17. And now beloved Sovereign and Parliament, I know that through ignorance you do persecute, as did also your predecessors, Amend your lives therefore and turn, that your sins may be put away when the time of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord; who before hath showed by the month of his holy servant John, Rev. 12.14. that the woman (meaning the Church) should fly into the wilderness for a time, times, and half a time, from the presence and persecution of the serpent. And that the winepress should be trodden without the City, until blood came out of the winepress, unto the horse bridles, Rev. 14.20. by the space of a thousand and six hundred furlongs: and thus he hath fulfilled it. Now therefore I humbly beseech you, suffer not your Bishops and Ministers any longer to persuade, to force your subjects or any others, to their faith and Church by persecution, neither suffer them therewith to defend their faith and Church against their adversaries: if they have not any thing from God's word against us, let them yield and submit themselves; if they think they have any thing against us, let them betake themselves only to God's word, both in word and writing, 2 Tim. 3.16 For the whole Scripture is given by inspiration of God to that purpose, and is profitable to teach, to reprove, to correct, and to instruct in righteousness, that the man of God may be absolute, being made perfect unto all good works: with which scripture (and not with fire and sword) your Majesty's Bishops and Ministers ought to be armed and weaponed: Mat. 10.14, 15. Mat. 16.11. and whosoever shall not hear the words of such Bishops and Ministers; then such Bishops & Ministers are commanded by Christ (not to imprison, burn, banish, & hang them) but to shake the dust of their feet against them, for a witness when they depart from them; Act. 13.51. affirming that at the day of judgement it shall be easier for Sodom and Gomorrah, then for such persons: and this commandment of Christ, did his Bishops and Ministers obey as you may read. By which, and by that which follow, your gracious Ma.tie, and Princely and honourable Parliament may perceive the will and mind of our Lord and Saviour Christ, unto whose mercy I commend you, and to the word and wisdom of his grace, which is able to build further, and to give you an inheritance among all them which are sanctified, Amen. Your faithful and loving subject Leonard Busher: not Furbusher. There is one Furbusher a preacher in this Land. Certain Reasons against Persecution. FIrst, because Christ hath not commanded any King, Bishop, or Minister to persecute the people, for difference and judgement in matter of Religion. Secondly, because Christ hath commanded his Bishops and Ministers to persuade Prince and people to hear and believe the Gospel, by his word and spirit, and (as Ambassadors for him) to beseech both Prince and people to be reconciled unto God, 2 Cor. 6.20 and not (as Tyrants) to force and constrain them by persecution. At ●y thousand Ambassadors & Martyrs of Christ hath Bishops caused to be slain since Christ ascended. Mark 13.9. Persecution destroys Christians but not errors. Thirdly, because through persecution it will come to pass that the Ambassadors of the only spiritual Lord and King jesus, may he persecuted and imprisoned, burned, hanged, or banished for delivering the message of their gracious Lord, sincerely and often, both to Prince and people; which to do, is a more heinous fact then to persecute the Ambassadors of the greatest King and Prince in the world: for in stead of heretics, they shall (as they have already) burn, banish, and hang the Ambassadors of the Lord Jesus Christ; who doth choose out whom he pleaseth, to bear his name before Kings and Rulers, for a testimonial to them. Fourthly, because than we cannot say, we have the liberty of the Gospel in our Land, seeing where that is, there is no persecution for any difference in Religion, nor forcing of the conscience to believe the Gospel, except by the word and spirit of God only, the which do wound and kill the errors of men, and not their persons. 2 Cor. 10.4 1 Tim. 1.13, 15. Luke 9.53.55. Persecutors rebuked of Christ. Fifthly, because Christ came into the world to save sinners, and not to destroy them, though they be blasphemers, seeing the Lord may convert them as he did Saul (after called Paul) and though they have difference in Religion, or will not hear nor believe in Christ, that they may be converted, yet ought you not to persecute them, seeing Christ rebuketh such, & his Father sent him not into the world, to condemn the world, but to save it: be ye followers therefore of Christ, and not of Antichrist, in gathering people to the faith. 1 Cor. 10, 32. Col. 4.5. Sixthly, because than you shall not walk wisely towards them that are without, as the Scripture teacheth, but shall offend also the jews, and all other strangers who account it tyranny, to have their consciences forced to religion by persecution. Seventhly, because if persecution be not laid down, and liberty of conscience set up, then cannot the Jews, nor any strangers, nor others contrary minded be ever converted in our Land; for so long as they know aforehand, that they shall be forced to believe against their consciences, they will never seek to inhabit there: by which means you keep them from the Apostolic faith, if the apostolic faith be only taught where persecution is. Eighthly, because if freedom of conscience be not set up, and persecution laid down, than all the King's subjects, and all strangers inhabiting the Land (that shall believe the Apostolic faith) must departed the land to some free country, or else abide the danger of burning, banishing, Persecution does make many strangers. hanging and imprisoning: the first will be a great impoverishing and weakening of our land, besides a loss of the faith fullest subjects and friends. The second will provoke the Lord to wrath, by spilling the blood of his faithful servants, ambassadors, and witnesses, and also open the mouths of all strangers, to speak yet more lamentably of the cruel and bloody persecution of our Land. Ninthly, because if persecution continue, than the King and State shall have (against their wills) many dissemblers in authority and office, both in Court, City, and Country: yea, no man of any degree shall know whether they are all faithful and true Christians that are about him, and with whom he hath to do: seeing most men will conform themselves for fear of persecution, although in their hearts they hate and detest the Religion whereto they are forced by law, the which is very dangerous and hurtful both to King and State in time of temptation from beyond the seas, and in rebellion at home; for they that are not faithful to God in their Religion, will never be faithful to the King and State in their allegiance; specially being tried by a great reward, or by a mighty rebel: but will (to increase their honours & revenues) conform themselves; and some to save their honours, land, goods and lives, will yield and submit, though against their wills, even as they have done in case of Religion; for through forcing men to Church by persecution, the true hearted subjects are forced out of the Land, and out of the world, some banished, others burned, hanged and imprisoned to death. Tenthly, because then, Persecution causes many religions in the Church. if there be many religions in the land (as it is well known there are) it will come to pass (through the continuance of persecution) that many religions will be continued in the Church, seeing all are forced to Church, who bring their Religions with them as well as their bodies, whereby all their devotion is against their consciences, and all the Church is a confused Babel, Rev. 18.2.4 full of every unclean and hateful bird, even a bold of foul Spirits, as the Scripture speaketh; out of which the people of God are commanded to flee, lest (as of their sins) they be also partakers of their plague. And the Bishops (the authors of persecution) are very ignorant to think that when they have gotten people to their Church by persecution, that then they have gotten them to their faith and Religion, Better were it to have many religions in the land, then in the Church. the which is nothing so, for most people (though contrary minded) to save life and goods, will dissemble their Religion; as for example the Jews in Spain and Portugal, and the Papists, Reformists and others in England; but when they come hither or to some other free City or Counrry (where praised be God is liberty of the Gospel) than they show that before they dissembled, to avoid the cruel persecution of our Land. Moreover, the Bishops bewray great ignorance, when they persuade the King and Parliament, to force Prince and people to Church by persecution: for if that be the means to come to the Church of Christ; then Christ hath taught us to flee the means of salvation, seeing he hath taught us to flee persecution: Mat. 10.23. Christ teacheth to flee persecution, ergo it cannot possible be good Mat 7. 13. Note. see 2 Tim. 3.3, 4. the which the Bishops and their Ministers persuade to be a great means to bring men to the Church: Indeed I confess it is the only means to bring Prince and people to the false church; and therefore Christ teacheth us to flee that means least through persecution (which is a great temptation) we be constrained to go the broad way (which is the false Church) that leadeth to destruction, and many go in thereat: and no marvel, for there men may be any thing, except good Christians: for (besides Demos the worldling, and Hymeneus the blasphemer, and many other sorts of indifferent Christians, excommunicants, covetous, and profane persons) there are notable Rebels and Traitors; yea most cruel and desperate Traitors and Rebels, as Digby, Catesby, Piercy, etc. whose unread and unheard treachery will never be forgotten; which persons, if they had not been forced to Church against their consciences, had never enterprised such horrible and hateful treason. And the Bishops should understand that it is preaching and not persecuting that getteth people to the Church of Christ; for the Scripture saith, Rom. 10.17. Faith is by hearing, and bearing by the word of God, and not by the sword of Princes and Magistrates, as they persuade and practise. And therefore the Bishops of our land are truly called Antichrists: for by their beastly and bloody persecution, as well as by their blasphemous titles, erroneous doctrines, and popish government, may they justly be termed Antichrists. Mat. 24. 2 Thes. 2. & 1 Tim. 4. 2 Pet. 2. Eleventhly, because Christ foretold, That many false Christ's, and false Prophets should arise, and deceive many; yea, if it were possible, the very elect: and the Apostle Paul did prophesy a departure from the faith: And Peter said, There should be false teachers now among the people: And John said, the Kings should give their power and authority unto the beast, Rev. 57.13, 17 until the words of God be fulfilled; therefore if persecution be not laid down, and liberty of the Gospel set up, you may persecute the true Christians in stead of the false, as your predecessors have done; for they are now (like as they were then) the smallest number: and the false Christians are now (like as they were then) the greatest number: and persecution is a notable mark of the false Church and her Bishops and ministers: Gal. 2.3, 4. & 5.11. & 6.12. and therefore Christ would have us flee from it, who overcame the devil and his Ministers by the word of God, and by a good, meek and gentle life, whose steps his Bishops and Ministers ought to follow. Twelfthly, because persecution of such as do preach and teach Christ is a great hindrance to the liberty of the Gospel: Note. False Bishops reach Turks and Pagans to persecute Christians. For thereby are the jews, Turks, and Pagans occasioned and encouraged to persecute likewise all such as preach and teach Christ in their Dominions. For if christian Kings and Magistrates will not suffer Christians to preach, and preach the Gospel of Christ freely and peaceably in their Dominions, how should you expect it of the infidels, unto whom Bishops and christian Kings and Magistrates ought to give a good example, and not an evil, as to burn, banish, hang and Imprison peaceable and godly christians, that are no traitors, nor thiefs, nor fighters, nor manslayers, nor yet swearers, nor drunkards, nor whoremasters, nor such like. And the King and Parliament may please to permit all sorts of Christians, yea, Jews, Turks, and Pagans, so long as they are peaceable, and no malefactors, as is : which if they be found to be under two or three witnesses, let them be punished according to God's word: also if any be found to be willing liars, false accusers, false allegers and quoters of the Scriptures, or other men's writings (as some men willingly do) let them be punished according to right and justice, it is due desert & no persecution, but let God's word have his full and free passage among them all, even to the end of their lives, in all bountifulness, longsufferance and patience, knowing that it is ordained of God's rich mercy, to lead the infidels, and such as err unto repentance and amendment, Rom. 2.4. 2 Tit. 2.25. out of the snare of the devil, of whom they are taken and deceived. Thirteenthly, because persecution for Religion is to force the conscience, and to force and constrain men and women's consciences to a Religion against their wills, is to tyrannise over the soul as well as over the body, and herein the Bishops commit a greater sin, then if they force the bodies of women and maids against their wills: yea, 2 Cor. 11.2 herein they are more cruel and greater tyrants than the Turks, False Bishops worse than Turks and Pagans. who though they force the bodies of strangers to slavery and bondage, yet they let the conscience go free, yea to Christians that are so contrary to them in Religions but these Idol-bishops will force the consciences of Christians, their own natural Countrymen, Note. False Bishops spiritual fornication. 2 Thess. 2.4 1 Cor 6.19, 20. and 2 Cor. 6.16, 17. with Rev. 18.4. & 2 Pet. 2.1. 1 Pet. 1.19 even unto spiritual bondage and slavery; and herein they commit fornication both with Prince and people, and have made all, both small and great, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads, so that no man may buy or sell, save he that will go to Church, and submit to the Bishop's ordinances, and name and mark of their beastly and bloody persecution, through which as God, they sit in, and reign over the consciences both of Prince and people, which is the spiritual seat and temple of God bought at a dear price, even with the precious blood of their only spiritual Lord Jesus Messiah, the true Shepherd and bishop of their souls. And the Bishops in forcing men and women's consciences, do therein play the Antichrist so well as the Popes: and indeed there is never a Bishop in the land but is a Pope, for Pope in latin is Papa, and Papa signifieth Father in English, all the Bishops in our land are called reverend Fathers; therefore all the Bishops in our land are called reverend Popes, so many Lord Bishops, so many reverend Fathers, so many reverend Popes: If Idolaters ought to be slain, then ought all those that submit and yield spiritual obedience and reverence unto these Bishops to be slain, who then should remain in land alive? Rev. 17.13. and these are all so many Antichrists, so many Idols, and so many false Gods of England: how many are thy Gods whom thou dost serve? For whose spiritual adoration, the knee of every man and woman must bow, or else they shall be persecuted: unto whom the King ought not any longer to give his authority and power, lest he fulfil the Scripture, which saith, that Kings should give their power and authority unto the beast. Fourteen, because the burning, banishing, hanging, and imprisoning of men and women, by Protestants, for difference of Religion, do justify the burning, banishing and imprisoning of men and women, by the Papists, for difference of religion, even as the Papists do justify the Turks and Pagans in such like cruelty and tyranny; wherein now is the Protestants more merciful than the Papists, or the Papists then the Turks? Therefore as the Papists (when they complain of the Turks and Pagans, for their bloody persecution) do therein condemn themselves, because they are found to do the same, yea worse, for it is greater tyranny for one Christian to force & kill another, then for Turks and Pagans to kill a christian, for that is no such great wonder, seeing it is a paganish part, who have no better knowledge, but Christians should have better knowledge and more mercy then to play the pagans against christians: Note. So also the Protestants, when they complain of the Papists for their bloody and beastly persecution, do therein condemn themselves, seeing they do the same, for which they blame others, and so are rebuked of the Scripture, which saith, Therefore thou are inexcusable O thou man, Rom 2.1.3. whosoever thou art that blamest another, for in that thou judgest another, thou condemnest thyself, for thou that judgest dost the same things: and thinkest thou this O thou man (that judgest them which do such things, and thou dost the same) that thou shalt escape the judgement of God? Fifteenthly, because his Majesty and Parliament would not willingly themselves be forced against their consciences, by the persecution of the Bishop of Rome and his Princes: so I beseech them (according to the law Christ hath enjoined Christians) not by persecution to force other men's consciences against their wills by the irritation of the Bishops of our land. Luk. 6 31. Or provocation. Sixteenthly, because persecution do cause men and women to make shipwreck of faith and good consciences, by forcing a Religion upon them, even against their minds and consciences, and also do send them quick to the devil in their errors, if that be heresy for which they are hanged and burned; which to do, is a most unchristian, unnatural, King Edward was an enemy to persecution Act. & Mon. pag. 1484. The Christian answer of King Edward. Rev. 16.14. cruel and tyrannous deed; and I am sure you would not be content to be so dealt withal yourselves: but indeed the Popish and Idol-bishops are the authors hereof against the people, as well as of other persecution against the Princes. For antichristian Bishops do draw Kings and Princes hereto against their mind, as may appear by Edward the sixth, that godly King of famous memory, who being urged by his bloody Bishops to subscribe to the burning of a woman called Joan Butcher, he answered, will you have me to send her quick to the devil in her error? But when his bloodthirsty Bishops would have no nay, he said again to Bishop Cranmer, I lay all the charge thereof on you before God; and Cranmer said, he had never so much to do in all his life as to procure it: whereby I do perceive that godly Kings are drawn to Battle against the Saints, by antichristian Bishops and false Prophets, who otherwise would rule and reign more agreeable to the mind of Christ. Also, hereby may all men perceive that the Council and Bishops could not satisfy the King's conscience by their persuasion, if they could have showed him the word of God for burning that Christian, it would have prevailed with that godly King, and he might then of faith have consented, but his answer showeth that he was not of their mind, for all that they had said, and therefore now, if it please you to require of your Bishops, warrant from the word of God for the persecuting of Christians, or for forcing Prince and people to Church, you shall find not one Bishop, yea not all of them together, though assisted with their Ministers, will be able to show warrant from God's word, whereby to persuade your consciences thereunto: Rom. 14.23 and whatsoever is not of faith is sin, and whatsoever is not from God's word, cannot be of faith. Seventeenthly, because persecution of Christians by Christians do not only justify Papists, and teach the Jews and Pagans to persecute Christians; but also do teach the Papists and others (that know not the mind of Christ, and once get the upperhand) to persecute those that persecuted them; By Digby, Catesby, etc. Mat. 11.29 Luk. 14 27. yea, it is a means (as we have had lamentable experience) to set (such as are forced to Church against their consciences) at deadly hatred against the King and State, and urgeth all them to treason and rebellion, that have not truly learned Christ, who himself was persecuted to death, whose harmless cross all true Christians must take up, and whose gentle and humble steps they must follow and walk in, or else they cannot be his disciples, nor sheep of his pasture. And neither can the Papists be persuaded that persecution is a sin, so long as they and other Christians are also persecuted by the protestants: seeing the Papists do build their persecution on the same ground with the protestants: but both sorts of Bishops do err grossly, as shall be showed (God willing) when they make their defence, except herewith their consciences be convinced to yield, as I wish they may for the salvation of their own souls, the peace both of Prince and people, and the safety of the King and State. In the mean while it is to be observed, that those Bishops, and Ministers which persuade the King and Parliament, to burn, banish, hang and imprison, for difference of Religion, are bloodsuckers and manslayers, and such (it cannot be denied) caused Kings & Magistrates, to be their executioners and tormentors, in burning the Martyrs in former times, even in the days of King Henry the eight, and Qu. Marry, as the books of Acts and Monuments will witness if they be not burned; and I ask the Bishops and their Ministers, Act 4.19. if the martyrs should have obeyed the King and Queen, rather than have suffered death. And now I must humbly, and with all reverence do beseech his Majesty and Parliament, advisedly to consider among themselves, whether the Prince or Princess (differing with the Church now in matter of conscience and religion, The Bps. as the High priests, force men to obey man rather then God. Note well. established by law in our land (as the right noble Princess Elizabeth did in Qu. Mary's days) do not incur the danger and cruelty of the law now, as that worthy Princess did then, seeing that popish and cruel law standeth still in force in most points of Religion? and who dare trust the Bishops and their adherents in such a case, the matter lying in their hands? Let it be supposed that the Prince's heart should be moved by the Lord to embrace the Apostolic faith and discipline, shall he be forced to believe as the Bishops do, against his conscience, shall he be constrained to submit to their government and discipline against his conscience? shall he live in vexation and persecution, and in danger of his life by the Bishops and law established, as the Princess Elizabeth did? yea, it must be thus with our right noble Prince, except there be partiality, yea it will be thus with his princely person, except those popish and cruel laws be repealed and extinguished. Wherefore I meekly entreat, seeing death is most certain, Better today, then tarry till tomorrow. though most uncertain when, that those antichristian and popish laws may be disannulled and made void in time, lest we all lament and bewail it, when it will be too late. And I pray your Majesty and Honours to consider, Rev. 17.16 Gen. 17.6. Rom. 4 17. that Kings and Princes hearts are in the hands of the Lord (as the rivers of waters) to turn as he will: & the Scripture saith, the ten horns (by which I understand ten Kings) shall hate the whore and make her desolate and naked. Likewise the Scripture saith to Abraham (the father of believing Princes as well as believing people) Also I will make thee exceeding fruitful, and will make nations of thee: yea, Kings shall proceed of thee: which Scripture do also overthrow the judgement of those men that hold a Christian may not be a King nor Magistrate: Ishmael, and Edom excepted, Gen. 17.8. with Gen. 15.13.18. & 16.10. & 17.18.20. & 26.3. & 21.13. Gen. 14. 14. Let such consider that the Lord here speaketh of Abraham's spiritual seed, and not of his natural seed; because if it be understood of his natural seed, then cannot Abraham be the father of many nations, seeing all Abraham's natural seed are called Jews, and are but one nation of the jews; so that the covenant of God could not be performed that said, I will make nations of thee, yea Kings shall proceed of thee: therefore it must be understood of his spiritual seed, of which may be Kings and Princes that are not naturally descended of him, as well as people that are naturally descended of him; therefore believing Kings may safely walk in the steps of their father Abraham, and with their swords defend their subjects against their adversaries, and redeem their brethren out of the jaws of all devouring beasts and bloody persecutors, Rom. 13.4. for they bear not the sword for nought. And now also I desire those subjects (of what degree soever, that would destroy their Kings and Governors for difference in religion) to consider, that therein they justify their Kings and Governors, which destroy their subjects for difference of Religion: for as it is sin for Kings and Governors to destroy their subjects for difference of Religion, at the persuasion of their Bishops; so is it sin (but in a higher degree) for subjects to destroy their Kings and Governors for difference of religion at the persuasion of their Bishops and Ministers. Therefore persecution for difference in religion is a monstrous & cruel beast, that destroyeth both Prince and people, hindereth the Gospel of Christ, and scattereth his disciples that witness and profess his name. But permission of conscience in difference of Religion, saveth both Prince and people, for it is a meek and gentle lamb, which not only furthereth and advanceth the gospel, but also fostereth and cherisheth those that profess it, as may be seen by the permission of the Princess Elizabeth, and others that were permitted and fostered in Dutchland at that time. Permission of conscience a furtherance to the gospel and a safety both to prince and people. Also permission of conscience is a great and sure band and benefit to the King and State, as may likewise be seen in the same Princess Elizabeth, who if she had not been permitted, but had suffered death, as the bloody Bishops earnestly desired; then had not the kingdom been so surely, nor yet so purely kept and preserved for his Majesty and his royal Issue, as now it is, the Lord be praised therefore. Further I beseech his right excellent Majesty and Parliament to observe that persecution was the occasion that the apostolic Church was at first scattered and driven into the wilderness, that is, desert places of the world; whither she fled to save herself from the rage and tyranny of Antichrist, Rev. 12.6.14 & 13.17. 2 Cor. 11. 1●. and his Apostles and Ministers, the first authors of persecution under the gospel: Therefore his Majesty and Parliament may please to consider, that so long as persecution continue, so long will the apostolic Church continue scattered and persecuted into the secret places of this world: and no marvel, for her faith and discipline is as offensive, as odious, and as unwelcome unto Antichrist and his Bishops and Ministers now, as it was then, as their burning, banishing, hanging, and imprisoning do witness even unto this day. And it is to be noted, that as the Apostolic faith and discipline (in the Apostles days, 2 Thess, 2.6, 7. when through them true signs and wonders were wrought by the extraordinary gift and power of the holy Ghost) did let and hinder the mystery of iniquity wrought by Antichrist his Apostles and Ministers by whom the lying signs and wonders were done, through the extraordinary spirit of Satan. 2 Thess. 2.9 1 Tim. 4.1, 2, 3. 2 Tim. 3.1, 4, 5. & 2 Pet. 2.1, 3. 1 Joh. 4.41. 2 John 7. Jud. 4 11.16, 18. Note well. 1 Joh. 4 3. So now the catholic or antichristian faith and discipline (having gotten the upperhand by her lying signs & wonders, and by persecution) do by the same, let and hinder the mystery of godliness, wrought by Christ, his Apostles and Ministers, by whom the true signs and wonders were done without persecution. And it is well worthy to be observed, both of King, Prince, and people, that the Bishops, Ministers of Antichrist cannot abide, nor endure the faith and discipline of the apostolic Church, because it will be the overthrow of their blasphemous and spiritual Lordships, and of their Antichristian and bloody kingdom. And therefore are they so fiery hot and zealous for the Catholic, or antichristian faith and discipline; for by their faith they show plainly, that they are succeeded and descended from antichrist, Who confessed not that the Messiah came in flesh: and by their discipline or government they plainly show they are Antichrists Bishops and Ministers who persecute with fire and sword all degrees, both King, Prince and people, that will not confess their faith, & obey their discipline. And it is very plain and easy both for King, Prince, and people (if they will not take up Religion on credit, and content them with the religion they were born and brought up in (as do the Papists) to discern who they be that teach the apostolic faith and discipline, & who they be that teach the Antichrists faith and discipline, for the holy Apostle showeth it to all men that will give heed thereto; for he saith, Dear beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits, whether they are of God, for many false Prophets are gone out into the world, which confess not that Jesus Messiah came in flesh. Hereby shall you know the spirit of God, The Syriack saith, Came in flesh. every spirit that confesseth that jesus Messiah came in flesh is of God; and every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Messiah came in flesh, is not of God: but this is the spirit of Antichrist, whom ye have heard how that he should come, and now already is he in the world. The same is the Antichrist that denyeth the Father and the Son; whosoever denyeth the Son, the same hath not the Father: 1 joh. 2. ●…, 2●. john 1 Cor. 15.47 john 6. 38.4●, 62 & 7.26, 27. john 16.2. 3.27, 21. the Apostle meaneth such as deny Jesus to be Messiah, the Lord that came down from heaven, as Christ and they have taught, such have not the Father, but do deny him also as they have taught him; and therefore Christ saith, The times shall come, that whosoever killeth you, will think that he doth God good service, but these things they will do unto you, because they have not known the father nor me, the father loveth such as believe that I came out from God, thus saith Christ; but Antichrist and his Ministers believe not this doctrine, neither do they thus teach Christ Jesus the Messiah. And you may please to understand that of this Antichrist (or rather as the Syriack) of this false Christ came the Church of Rome: whose Bishops and Ministers teach not this doctrine, and as the mother, so the daughter also, teacheth not this doctrine: but will likewise persecute both Prince and people, that shall confess that jesus Messiah came in flesh as John teacheth; 1 joh. 4 2. john 6.62. and 3.13. john 17 5. 1 Cor. 15.47, 49 1 joh. 4, 3. 2 Cor. 11 12, 15. Rev. 12.6.14. or that the Son of man ascended up, where he was before, or that he was glorified with his father before the world was, as himself saith. Or that he was the second man the Lord from heaven; or that he had, and hath a heavenly body, as Paul teacheth: for these and such like doctrines do the Church of Rome and her daughters persecute with fire and sword, being endued with the spirit of Antichrist: By which Antichrist his Apostles and Ministers, the Apostolic Church was scattered and driven into the wilderness, that is, desert and secret places of this world, even by their bloody persecution, the which still they continue and raise against the members and witnesses thereof, who were, and are the martyrs which in all ages have and do suffer death, imprisonment and banishment since the first persecution; and we never, read, nor ever shall read that the Apostolic Church, or such as have derived their faith, and discipline of her, did ever persecute. Therefore I humbly desire his Majesty and Parliament, with all godly carefulness to consider that it is not possible that the Church of Rome (called Catholic) or those that are descended of her, and have received their Ministry and Ordination from her, ever was, or could be the apostolic Church (called primitive Church) or she that is descended from her: seeing the Scripture saith the Apostolic Church (called in Scripture the woman) hath a place prepared of God in the wilderness a thousand two hundred and sixty days from the presence of such as did persecute her. Rev. 12 6.13.14. How then, I beseech you consider, may it be possible that the church of Rome (called in Scripture a mystery, great Babylon, the mother of whoredoms and abominations of the earth, the woman that sitteth upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, the woman arrayed in purple & scarlet, and guilded with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a cup of gold in her hand; full of abominations and silibinesse of her fornication, the woman that is drunken with the blood of saints, & with the blood of the martyrs or witnesses of jesus by her beastly persecution) was, or could be ever the Apostolic Church, or are those that are descended from her seeing the Scripture saith, Rev. 12 6.13.14 she hath a place in the wilderness prepared of God, where she should be said a thousand two hundred and sixty days, from the presence of her persecutors. If so be, you will have the Church of Rome, and those that are descended from her, to be the true Apostolic church: Note. than it will follow that the church (called the woman, and did fly into the wilderness from her persecutors) was, and is the false Antichristian Church; and also it will follow that those (which we account to be the martyrs and witnesses of Jesus) were not of the true Apostolic Church, 2 Thes. 2.3 6.8. 1 Tim. 4.1.2. ●… Rev. 12.6. 11, 14. and 17.2, 6, 17. 2 Tim. 3.1.9. & 4.3, 4. 2 Pet. 2.1.3 1 joh. 2.18, 19 and 4.1. 2 john 7. jude 4 11, 16. Like mother, like Daughter. 1 Tim. ●. ●. Rev. 2.24. but were obstinate persons and heretics, even as their adversaries (in Rome, Spain, England, and elsewhere) did persecute, adjudge, and execute them for. But if you will have the prophecy of the Apostles to be true, and will believe their holy writings, and also will have the martyrs (that have been burned, banished, hanged, imprisoned) to be of the true Apostolic Church, than it will follow and that justly, according & agreeable to the Scriptures, that the Church of Rome, and those that did and do persecute, are descended from the false antichristian Church, called a mystery, great Babylon, the mother of whordoms and abominations of the earth, etc. which was and is drunken with the blood of saints and martyrs of jesus: seeing they have her antichristian faith and lordly discipline, and for the defence and maintenance thereof, will also burn, banish, hang and imprison; so hot and fiery zealous that thereby they show plainly, that they walk so just and even in the steps and paths of the mystical woman great Babylon, their bloody parent and mother: so even I say, as if they studied her lying and hypocritical doctrine, her deep and devilish divinity, her blasphemous princely and dangerous dignity; and her beastly, bloody and deadly discipline. Through the continuance whereof, not only the Apostolic church is continued still in the wilderness and desert of this world, but also the jews and others, both in great Britain and all over the world, are kept bacl from the knowledge of God's holy Word, the only order and ordinance Christ hath appointed for the gathering of his Church together out of all places of the world. 1 Joh. 4.1. And so long as persecution continue, you cannot try the spirits of the many false Prophets that are gone out into the world, as the holy Apostle doth lovingly advise and admonish you. But like the Papists, Fire and sword no equal weapons to the spirit and Word. must be eyed only to the spirits of your lordly Bishops and their Ministers, who will have all, both King, Prince, & people to receive their spirits, and therefore will not have any others to preach and print within the land, lest their lying doctrine and lordly discipline be discovered and disclaimed. And in stead of disputing and writing by the word and spirit of Christ (against their adversaries) they will cruelly persecute and fight against them by fire and sword, and spirit of Antichrist, from whom they are descended and succeeded, both lineally, and of great antiquity. Mystically. Wherefore I humbly beseech the King and Parliament, that you will betimes listen unto the holy spirit in the mouth of the prophet, which saith, Psal. 2.10. Be wise now therefore ye Kings, be learned (or instructed) ye Judges of the earth, serve the Lord in fear, and rejoice in trembling, kiss the Son of God lest he be angry, and ye perish in the way of persecution, when his wrath shall suddenly burn; Let not therefore the Kings of the earth band themselves with the Bishops and Ministers of Antichrist, Psal. 2. ● 3. 1 joh. 2.20. Rev. 17.14. nor Princes assemble themselves together against the Lord, and against his amointed, that is, against Christ and his Church; seeing both he and she break your bands, and east your cords from them. Rev. 12.11. Yea, her seed overcommeth you, by the blood of the lamb, and by the word of their testimony, for they love not their lives unto death. Beware then in time lest you offend any more of these little ones that believe in Christ; seeing Christ saith, it were better to have a millstone hanged about the neck, Matth. 18.6.10. and drowned in the depth of the Sea, than so to do. He meaneth that it were better for you to lose your lives, than any way to consent to the offence of such little ones that believe in Christ. See than I pray that they be not despised, burned, banished, hanged and imprisoned. For their Angels always behold the face of Christ's Father in heaven; and remember he saith, Matth. 10.38, 39 Matth. 11.35.36 the tree is known by his fruit; but persecuting of Christians, is an evil fruit. And that a good man out of the good treasure of his heart, bringeth forth good things: but persecuting of christians is not good thing: and that for every idle word men shall speak, they shall give accounts at the last day of judgements. How much more for every wicked and cruel deed of persecution, as burning, banishing, hanging and imprisoning of those that confess with the mouth, Rom. 10.9. and believe with the heart the Lord jesus, and that God raised him from the dead; whose laws and ordinances they are careful to keep and obey? Christ saith that such shall be saved; and yet you fear not to burn, banish, hang, and imprison such. But if you believe that God will avenge his elect, Luk 18.9. beware of persecuting his servants that call on his name, specially such as witness his truth against the abominations of Antichrist. Suffer not your Bishops to destroy those men and women that strive to serve God according to his will in his word. Be not your Bishop's executioners in burning, banishing, hanging, and imprisoning of harmless and peaceable Christians, but let them enjoy freedom of the gospel, and liberty of conscience; that so the apostolic Church (which is scattered and driven into the wilderness and desert of this world) may be again gathered together, both of Jews and Gentiles, into visible and established congregations. 2 Thes. ●. 8. And that the Catholic and universal Church of Antichrist may be consumed and abolished by his word and spirit, as the holy Apostle hath foretold, even the uttermost of his arrival, which is the Imperial and triple Crown, I pray the Lord to give such grace, the Sea of Rome may ebb apate. through the triple sea of Rome. And again I humbly entreat the King and Parliament to vouchsafe to hear me with patience yet a little further: If freedom of the Gospel, and permission of conscience might be granted, then would not Papists nor any others dissemble their religion, to the dishonour of God, the destruction of their souls, and to the great danger both of King and State, seeing they are forced to Church against their consciences: & may not Popish Priests and Jesuits (unawares to the Bishops) become the Bishop's Ministers, seeing the change of their Religion, and religious habit differ so little; and so by degrees infect the people with more Popish doctrine, as occasion shall be? Nota. From Pope's submission there is great suspicion. And such men will readily embrace the Bishop's Orders, and so they shall readily have the Bishop's favours: by which means they may more easily and speedily have access unto the Court, and presence of the King and Prince, which indeed is very dangerous, howsoever not regarded. Therefore I do (according to my duty) humbly advise his Majesty not to beautify his Court and presence with any popish stones, not with one, though it be of Alabaster. But permission of conscience and freedom, and liberty of the Gospel, will no way be dangerous to the King or State, if such like rules as these be observed. 1. That no people tainted with treason do bear any office. 2. That all sorts of people tainted with treason, do (at all times from home) wear a black hat with two white signs, the one before, 1 Kin. 2.36 41, 42. Rom. 13 1. to 5. the other behind in open sight. 3. That no people tainted with treason, approach within ten miles of the Court without licence. 4. That no people tainted with treason, do inhabit the City of London, nor yet within ten miles thereof. 5. That none tainted with treason, do make any assembly or congregation. 6. That no person or persons (in whatsoever difference, by reasoning or disputing) do draw any weapon, nor give any blow, stroke, or push, in pain and penalty, as his Majesty and Parliament think meet. 7. That (for the more peace and quietness, and for the satisfying of the weak and simple, among so many persons differing in Religion, it be lawful for every person or persons, yea Jews and Papists, to write, dispute, confer and reason, print and publish any matter touching. Religion, either for or against whomsoever, always provided they allege no Fathers for proof of any point of religion, 2 Tim. 2.24, 25 james 3.17 but only the holy Scriptures, neither yet to reproach or slander one another, nor any other person or persons, but with all love, gentleness, and peaceableness, inform one another to the glory of God honour of the King and State, and to their own good and credit; Note. A true sign of false Bishops and Ministers by which means, both few errors, and few books will be written and printed, seeing all false Ministers, and most people, have little or nothing else (besides the Fathers) to build their religion and doctrine upon: or if it be once established by law, that none shall confirm their religion and doctrine by the Fathers, and by prisons burning and banishing, etc. but by the holy Scriptures, than error will not be written nor disputed, except by obstinate persons, & feared consciences, seeing the word of God will be no shelter for any error. Yea, I know by experience among the people called Brownists, that a Man shall not draw them to write, though they be desired; for one of their preachers called Mast. Rob. hath had a writing of mine in his hands, above six months, Now above 12 months. and as yet I can get no answer, it seems he knoweth not how better to hid his errors, then by silence, and this will be the case of all false Bishops and Ministers, john 3.20. john 3.10. who had rather be mute and dumb, then to be drawn into the light with their errors. Therefore permission of conscience, and liberty of the gospel in our land of great Britain, will mightily further the advancement of the Apostolic faith: and chief their books, whereout sufficient matter will be drawn for the convincing of every particular Religion which is against the Religion established by Christ and his Apostles, who by all means lawful, sought the conversion and salvation both of Jews and Gentiles. 1 Cor. 9.20.22. Act. 16.3. And they are unconstant and faith less men, or at least very ignorant, that think error will overcome and prevail against the truth. For the abolishing of such thoughts, I desire such men to consider the mighty victory and prevailing of the truth, in the time of Christ & his Apostles, which (notwithstanding resisted and disputed against: by the most part of the Priests and learned men, both of Jews and Gentiles) yet overcame and prevailed against all the errors of the high Priests, and great learnedmen, both of the Jews and Gentiles, and the Apostle faith, we cannot do any thing against the truth, 2 Cor. 13.8 but for the truth: and seeing it is the same truth which all good men would embrace, why should we not hope the same victory by it? Did not King Darius & all the people both jew and gentiles cry out and say, that truth is great and strongest? 1 Esd. 4.38.41. Why then should those that have the truth, and those that would have the truth, be afraid of error? seeing truth discovereth dark and dangerous ways of error, though abroad in open books, even as light discovereth dark and dangerous places, though abroad in open high ways: And as the more dark and dangerous the ways be, the more necessary & needful will light be found of all that travel: So the more dark and dangerous the errors be, the more needful and profitable will truth be found, of all that would travel to heaven. But some may object and say, let all this be granted, yet it is no wisdom we think, to bring dangerous errors into the light, that so many men may stumble at them. Which being not brought to light, would not be so much as known to some. I answer, no more, than a Rock that lieth hid under water, Answer. which (for want of bringing into the light) many men may make Shipwreck there on, and so stumble or fall nevertheless, though it be not so much as known to them before. Therefore as a Rock in the Seas (though not so much as known to some) yet (for want of being made known) many men stumble and fall thereon, and so perish both men and goods: So an error (though not so much as known to some) yet for want of being made known, many men may stumble and fall thereon, and so perish both bodies and souls, the which is more lamentable. And as Rocks in the Seas, the more they manifest themselves; So errors in the world the more they manifest themselves, the more furtherance in the way to heaven. And you shall understand that errors being brought to the light of the word of God, will vanish as darkness before the light of a torch: even as the chaff before the wind cannot stand, so error before truth cannot abide: therefore it is no hindrance, but a great furtherance to have all erroneous Rocks in the haven to heaven, made known and published. And a great and sure argument it is, Another true sign of false ministers. that those Bishops and Ministers have not the truth, that publicly dare not dispute or write against error, as may be seen in the Bishops & ministers in Queen Mary's days, which could not abide to have books written & Printed, of that which they called error and heresy, but caused, that if any such were written, both them and the Authors to be burned, if they could come by them. Therefore if permission of conscience and liberty of the Gospel be not granted, and burning laws repealed, than the Bishops & ministers now may persuade and cause to be burned, both the Books the & Authors, that have the truth instead of heresy and heretics, even as their predecessors have done already, The Word of God the only defender of the faith of Christ. and so shed more innocent blood, and also provoke the Lord to further wrath against the King and State. It is not the gallows, nor the prisons, nor burning, nor banishing, that can defend the Apostolic faith: indeed the King and State may defend Religion's peace by their sword & civil power, but not the faith, otherwise, then by the word and spirit of God. The dutch Princes and Peers say, that force sword, & gallows, in matter of religion, is a good means to spill blood, and make an uproar in the land, but not to bring any man from one faith to another. The Pagans will not persecute one another for religion, though (as I read) there be above three thousand sorts among them. And you know both King Henry & Queen Mary, thought themselves defenders of the faith, and though they burned heretics and heresy, when they burned Men and their books, Idol Bishops and false Ministers, authors of persecution Rev. 16.14. but now you see and must acknowledge, that they were peesecutors of the faith, instead of defenders thereof, and also that they (through the instigation of their bloody Bishops) burned the word of God, and those that professed and wrought it, instead of heresy and heretics. And thus it will be now if the Bishops and their Ministers may have their wills: and therein they (as their predecessors) fulfil the word of God, in gathering Kings of the earth to the battle of the great day of God Almighty. For they persuade Kings to force their subjects, Rom. 10.14.17. to receive the faith, and to be of the Church, whereas the word of God teacheth otherwise, saying, Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God, and not by the King's sword. And Christ saith: Teach of nations, and not force all nations: and this teaching is to be understood by the word and writing of the Prophets and Apostles of our Lord and Saviour Christ, which is the Word of God For they that will be of the true Faith and Church, must be called thereunto, out of the World by the Word of God, in every nation, and not forced and constrained in every nation, as the Bishop of Rome, and all other false Bishops and Ministers have and do persuade Kings, Emperors and Magistrates. And his Majesty and Parliament may please to understand, that so to do, Mat. 16. 16. 1 Thes. 5.19. is to quench the Spirit of God, in Christ's Bishops and Ministers, and also to frustrate the precept of Christ which saith: Preach the Gospel to every creature. Besides it maketh their one office & function void, they ought to preach and instruct with all meekness them that are contrary minded, proving if God at any time will give them repentance, 2 Tim. 2.24, 25. that they may know the truth: for the ministers of the Lord must not strive, but be apt to teach, gentle towards all men, suffering evil men patiently, telling Kings and Princes, that the weapons of Christ Bishops and Ministers are not carnal (as the weapons of all false & Antichristian Bishops and Ministers are) but Spiritual, and mighty through God, to cast down holds, casting down every high thing, 2 Cor. 10.3.5. that is exalted against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought, to the obedience of Christ. Also, if all within the land be forced to be of the church as the Bishops and their ministers would still have it, than there would be no world in the land, but all the land would be the Church, which is absurd & contrary to the scriptures, and great ignorance do the Bishops, Rev. 11. ●. Act. 2.41 47. Note. Act. 2.47. & their ministers show, when they think the whole nation of people is the church of Christ, for than it cannot be said, out of great Britain, the Lord added to the Church from day to day, such as should be saved: seeing within the land there would be none without to be added: Also within that land, A true Church will not persecute. Mat. 12.25. Rev. 18.2.8. 1 Cor. 8.11.12. Luc. 10.3. Gen. 32.28. Rom. 13.4. there would be no persecution, seeing the church of Christ doth not persecute at all, much less itself, but the Ministers and members of that Church do persecute one another; and therefore it cannot be the spiritual Kingdom & Church of Christ, but of Antichrist, seeing it is divided against itself, and persecuteth one another and will with her mother, great Babylon be consumed and condemned, seeing (as she) they burn, banish, hang, and imprison one another, which is no Christian, but Antichristian, monstrous, cruel, woolvish & tyrannous part and practise, for Christ sent his Ministers as lambs among wolves and not as wolves among Lambs. Again, I humbly and with all reverence do beseech his right excellent Majesty, to give me leave, to put him in mind, of those things that do concern the glory of God, the assurance of his own salvation, the establishment of his throne, & the benefit both of the Church of Christ, and the common wealth of all his Dominions. And though as Josias, he find (by reading in the book of the New Testament) a great alteration of the Apostolic faith, & change of the laws & ordinances of Christ, within his Dominions; Yet not to be dismayed, as Henry Legrand, but be encouraged as Josiah to labour & endeavour the redress thereof, according to the mind of Christ, in his New Testament. And I doubt not, but as jacob the Patriarch prevailed with God & men: so shall jacob the King prevails both with God & men, especially being his chief steward by his new testament. Through the zealous reading whereof will be found, that Antichrist the King of the Catholic faith & discipline (called the mystery of iniquity.) doth sit in the Temple of God, even as the Scripture hath foretold. 2 Tim. 2. 1 Tim 4. Rev. 7 15. 2 The. 2.8. Rev. 17.16.17. But it is to be noted that the Scripture hath also foretold, of the consummation & abolition, of this antichrist the man of sin, and his mystery of iniquity, with the utmost of his arrival, or highest top of dignity, he is come unto: and this shall be done by the spirit of the Lord in the much of his servants. For when the words of God be fulfilled, then shall the servants of the Lord prevail (by his word & spirit) with ten Kings that shall hate, Coaled the Temple of God. 2 Thes. Rev. 17. 1.1●.18 joh. 16.2 and make the whore desolate, which sitteth in the hearts and consciences of peoples, multitudes & nations, and this whore is the woman called the great City which reigneth over the Kings of the earth, meaning the church of Rome, by her false faith and discipline, which is so fa●… settled in the hearts & consciences of the Kings of the earth, that they think they do God good service, in killing & burning his servants that do speak against her faith and discipline, and that will not buy any of her war●s, that is, Rev. 17.13 14. her Antichristian doctrines and ordinances. But as she hath had her exaltation and arrival to the height and dignity of the sea Empire of Rome, by the love of kings, who have given their power and authority unto her, and who have fought for her against the Saints & servants of jesus: So she shall have her consummation & abolition (from that height and dignity) by the hatred of Kings, who again shall take their power and authority from her, and therewith defend the peace and persons of the Saints and servants of jesus: and not for religions peace, will use their power and authority against the bloody persecution of Antichrist and all his bloody Bishops and Ministers, and so become nursing fathers unto the Church of Christ. And as it hath pleased God, to give his Majesty peace round about, as he did unto King Cyrus, in whose days the material Temple began to be repaired (which was a figure of the spiritual temple:) So I pray it may please him also (in the peaceable days of King James) to begin to repair the spiritual Temple) the Apostolic church scattered and driven abroad into the wilderness of this world, Esa. 2.4. Ezra 4.7. Ha. 24.10 whose calling and gathering together, must be by the preaching of the word of God, both to Jews and Gentiles, and not by the sword of the Kings of the earth, as Antichrist's and his Ministers have now along time persuaded & prevailed, whereby not only the Jews and infidels, but also papists and other false Christians, are hindered and deprived from the knowledge of the Apostolic faith. And it is to be noted that David might not build God's Temple, because he had spilt much blood, which showeth, no blood ought to be spilt for the building of the spiritual temple. 1. Chro. 28.3. Ergo peace in religion is a good means to make a unity of religion among so many Christian sects. Exod. 25.2. and 35.5. Act 2.40.41. Mat. 28 And it is well worthy consideration, that as in the time of the old Testament, the lord would not have his offerings by constraint, but of every man whose heart gave it freely: so now in time of the gospel he will not have the people constrained, but as many as receive the word gladly, they are to be added to the church by baptism: Mat. 16.16. Mat. 10.11 14. and therefore Christ commanded his disciples to teach all nations, and baptise them, that is, to preach the word of salvation to every creature of all sorts of nations, that are worthy and willing to receive it: and such as shall willing & gladly receive it, he hath commanded to be baptised in the water, that is, dipped for dead in the water; and therefore the Apostle saith, Else what shall they do, who are baptised for dead, 1 Cor. 15.19 Rom. 6.4. Col. 2.12. Luke 8.37. if the dead be not raised, why are they baptised for dead? And therefore he saith, we are buried then with him by baptism, etc. and it is to be well observed, that when Christ would have preached the word of salvation to the Gadarens, he did not compel them when they refused, but finding them unwilling to receive him and his word, Luk. 9.54.55. he turned from them without hurting them: also when James and John saw that some of the Samaritans refused Christ, they would have commanded fire from heaven to consume them, as Elias did, but Christ rebuked them and said, Ye Know not of what spirit are, for the Son of man is not come to destroy men's lives, but to save them. By all which it may please his Majesty and Parliament, to take knowledge that Christ will have none consumed with fire and sword, for not hearing and not receiving his Word. And that (howsoever it hath been the mind of Antichrist to destroy men's lives for Religion, and therein have not spared neither Prince no people) yet it is not the mind of Christ that Princes should destroy their subjects, nor yet that Subjects should destroy their Princes for difference in Religion. And therefore why should Bishops persuade Princes and people, and why should King, Prince and people be persuaded by their Bishops and Ministers to be contrary minded to Christ? verily it is a notorious and plain token of a false faith and discipline, that is defended by fire and sword, the power and authority of Princes: And they cannot be Christ's Bishops and preachers, Christ's Bps. will not be Lords ever the consciences. that persuade Princes and peoples to such antichristian tyranny and cruelty. And it is very evident that those Bishops and Ministers which give over men and women to the Magistrate to be persuaded by persecution, do show clearly that their doctrine is not good, and that they want the word and spirit of God, and therefore flee to the Magistrates sword for the forcing of them to their faith and discipline: and as the wine is not good which we are forced to drink; so those doctrines are not good which we are forced to believe. But it may be by this time all those Bishops (who unfeignedly fear God, and truly love the King) will haste and make speed to come unto his Majesty for pardon, acknowledging the truth of this book, confessing their ignorance and arrogance, in the knowledge of God's word, and in compelling the people to hear the word preached; and for imprisoning, burning, banishing and hanging for Religion, contrary to the mind of Christ, and also for stopping the mouths of men, and burning their books, that preach and write contrary to their minds and wills; yea, it may be they will also confess and say, Oh most gracious King, we beseech your Majesty to show us mercy, and to forgive us our spiritual pride and ambition, in that we have thus long usurped the blasphemous titles of spiritual Lords and Lords graces, the which titles, we now to the glory of God, and honour of the King, The Bishop ●…oe know in their consciences that this is true. job. 32.22. Phillip 2.9.11 do with unfeigned hearts confess to be due, and belong only to Christ himself: and that the name and title of spiritual Lord cannot belong to any earthly creature, no not to the King or Emperor, because it is an heavenly name and title, how much less can it belong, or be due unto us, your Majesty's unworthy subjects and scholars? And for so much as we now understand (the Lord be praised therefore) that the holy and heavenly name and divine title of spiritual Lord is as much, yea as high and great as the name and title of a spiritual God & also that it is a name above every name, which God the Father hath given unto Christ only to the end, that every knee should how unto that only and heavenly name, and that every tongue should confess that jesus is the Messiah, the Lord, unto the glory of God the Father, that in all things Christ might have the pre-eminence; for be alone is the head of the Church, Col. 1.18. which is his body: the which cannot be, so long as we, or any other Bishops do hold and retain that divine, high, and superexcellent name and title of spiritual Lord; because than it cannot be said that God hath so highly exalted him, as to give him a name above every name, seeing our names and titles are also spiritual, and are called spiritual Lords so well as the son of God, jesus the messiah: the remembrance hereof, most gracious sovereign, do make us to tremble before God and the King. The Bps. in titles equal to the son of God. And therefore we must earnestly desire your sacred Majesty and the whole Parliament to discharge and release us of these fearful names and titles that do only belong to the son of God, jesus, the only spiritual Lord that God hath given unto his Church. Note. God's blessings i● expected, unless these idols be rejected, who are exalted above all earthly Gods. Moreover, we do (according to the truth) acknowledge, that if we should any longer retain these divine and high names of spiritual Lords and Lords graces, we should therein be entitled, not only with a name equal to our Lord jesus, the only begotten son of God, but also we should be entitled with a name and title above your right excellent Majesty, yea above all Emperors, Kings, and Princes of the earth, the which alone we do acknowledge to be a sufficient cause to put us down, and to deprive us of these usurped names and blasphemous titles. Also we do confess that our pomp and state wherein we now live, is more like the Bishops of the Catholic church of Antichrist, than any way like the Bishops of the Apostolic Church of Christ, unto whom we acknowledge we ought to be made like, and also to be qualified with the like gifts and graces of the Spirit, or else in no case we can be meet Bishops for the Church of Christ, as the Apostle plainly teacheth both to Timothy and Titus, etc. 1 Tim. 3. tithe. 6.9. And we must further acknowledge and confess, that our houses, households, and revenues, are more fit and meet for Princes, Dukes, and Earls, then for the Bishops of Christ. Wherefore (being moved and stirred up hereto by the fear of God) we earnestly beseech your Majesty and Parliament also to disburden us of this great pomp and state, and of our great and princelike houses, households and revenues, that so we may be made equal and conformable to the ministers of Christ, and then we shall have both hope and comfort of the world to come, although but little in this, except your Majesty and Parliament do grant free liberty of conscience, the which we now do also with the poor distressed christians most humbly entreat and desire; and that for these four reasons: First, because thereby the gospel of Christ will be set free and at liberty, whereby all people both jews and Gentiles will be gathered to the apostolic faith, church and discipline. Secondly, because many of your Majesty's subjects, both men and women (who now are forced to dissemble their Religion, for fear of our persecution) will be released and set free from their spiritual bondage and slavery, wherein we now do hold them against their consciences, and so they will become more faithful Christians to God, and more loyal subjects to your Majesty then ever they were before, to the salvation of their souls, and the safety of the Crown and State. Thirdly, because the poor distressed Christians (how banished and dispersed out of their Fatherland, over the face of the earth) will be redeemed from great misery and bondage, wherein now (not doubt) they live and abide, because they will not be in bondage to any other spiritual Lord or bead, than the Lord jesus Messiah alone; whose faith and discipline they desire only to learn and obey. Fourthly, because thereby great benefit and commodity will redound both to your Majesty and to all your subjects within your Highness' dominions by the great commerce, in trade and traffic both of jews and all people, which now for want of liberty of conscience, are forced and driven elsewhere: and also from the revenues and live which we and our Clergy do possess, and from the Courts and offices we hold and keep greats profit and commodity will redound, both to your Highness, and to all your kingdoms; we say, more profit and commodity than we or any man is able to express. And therefore we also desire all his Majesty's subjects hath great and small in all love and fear of God, not to be offended, or any way moved or grieved, Too great is the odds to use the sword against God's Word. when they shall see such a●d formation of us, as that famous King Henry the eight did make of our lordly brethren the Abbots and their Clergy. For indeed such a reformation ought to come among us and our Clergy, seeing we are no way agreeable to the new Testament, of the only spiritual Lord jesus Messiah, but are limbs and fellow members of that Antichristian and Romish church, which in the scriptures is Prophesied to be abolished and destroyed Now therefore we pray you all let not King David say, the sons of Zerviah are too strong for him, for that will be unprofitable for you all. And for conclusion, we entreat his Majesty and Parliament to enact, that as our adversaries come against us only with the word of God, so we go against them only with the word of God, and nor as we have done by civil authority, for so ourselves may be forced to dissemble: Thus it may be the Lord will persuade and work in the hearts of some of the Bishops who will willingly resign their Antichristian titles and Popish pomp and state, with their princelike houses and live into the hands of the King, without any compulsion or constraint. But if they do not, yet if it please God to open the King's heart to see their Antichristian and Idol estate, & the danger and damage they cause both to the King, Prince, & people, they will be compelled thereto even as their lordly brethren the Abbots in King Henry's days were. The Bps. greater Idols than the Abbots, images, or golden calf. And howsoever it be not regarded, or perhaps not discerned, yet in the sight of God and his people they are greater Idols than their lordly brethren the Abbots: yea, greater Idols than the images of wood and stone (which that famous and godly King Edward did pull down and destroy) for they did not imprison, nor burn, nor hang, nor yet cause to be banished any of the King's subjects, thus would not worship them as these Idol-bishops do: and out of doubt, these Bishops are greater Idols than the golden Calf Airon made and offered unto, for the Calf did not persecute nor vex such as did not acknowledge it for their Lord, as the Bishops do: neither did the Calf reign and rule by force over the consciences of the people, as these Idol-bishops do. Besides, the Calf was set up in stead of Moses, who brought the people out of Egypt, Ex. 32.1, 7. What greater idolatry then to obey other spiritual Lords than the Lord jesus? and shown them the will of God; but these Bishops are set up in stead of Christ, who have brought us out of the bondage of hell, and who showeth us his Father's will in his new Testament, the which these Idol-bishops will not suffer us to obey, but in stead thereof will force us to fall down, worship and obey their father Antichrists will and old testament, which stinks in the nostrils of all reformed strangers that hear thereof, as well as in ours that have taken our flight from it. Therefore these spiritual lords and Idol-bishops, aught to be pulled down and suppressed, 2 Kings 23 17.20 like the Abbots their lordly brethren, though not sacrificed unto the Lord in Smithfield, as the godly King Josias sacrificed the Idol-priests of the high places on the Altars thereof. And I do verily believe, that if free liberty of conscience be granted, that the spiritual kingdom of these Idol-bishops, will in time fall to the ground of itself, 1 Sam. 5.3. as the Idol Dagon fell before the Ark: for through the knowledge of God's word will all godly people withdraw themselves in all peaceable and godly wife, from the spiritual obedience of these spiritual Lords and Idol-bishops, and quietly betake themselves unto the obedience of the only spiritual Lord jesus Messiah. But howsoever it be, I shall be contented therewith, and so I wish a●l others, for we all ought to be content if we obtain liberty of conscience; and therefore to give God praise continually, that hath wrought so blessed a work in the hearts of the King and Parliament, for whom, as the Scripture teacheth, we ought to make supplications, 1 Tit. 2.1.2 prayers, and intercessions, that they may come to the knowledge of the truth, and that we may lead a peaceable and quiet life in all godliness and honesty. And unto whom we ought to give (by the law of God) all earthly honour, Ro. 13.1.7. fear and reverence, and willingly to pay tribute and custom, tax and toll, so much, and so often as it shall please his Majesty and Parliament to appoint and gather by any officer or officers whatsoever. For whom also, and for the whole commonwealth of all his kingdoms, we ought to be diligent and ready to hazard and lay down not only our goods, but also our lives at all times and occasions. For Christ hath only set us free from all ecclesiastical laws and ordinances, which himself hath not commanded in his last will and testament: yea, from the ecclesiastical laws and commandments of the old Testament, Col. 2.14. Heb. 8.23. how much more hath he set us free from the ecclesiastical laws and ordinances of Antichrist? but he hath not set us free from the moral and judicial law of God, for that the King is bound to execute, and we are bound to obey: and for want of the execution thereof, Deut 17.18 20 there are in our land many whores and whorekeepers, and many children murdered, besides the death and undoing of many persons about whores. Wherefore I humbly desire that the moral and judicial law of God may be practised and executed, of all degrees, both high and low, without respect of persons, according to the mind of Christ: for the Lord will have that every man shall love him above all, and his neighbour as himself, and Christ saith, Luk. 6.31. As ye would that men should do to you, so do yet to them likewise. Therefore as the King would not have his subjects to take away his life because he is contrary to them in religion: so let not the King take away his subjects lives, because they are contrary to the king in religion: & as you would not that men should force you to a religion against your consciences, so do not you force men to a religion against their consciences: and as it is the duty of subjects to seek the conversion of their king & State by the word of God, and not his and their destruction by fire and sword; So it is the duty of the King and State, to seek the conversion of their Subjects by the word of God, and not their destruction by fire and sword as the Pope and his Prelates do teach: Note whose vassals therein both Emperors and Kings (as well as people) have been a long time: both to the destruction of themselves & their subjects. For who knoweth not that Prelates and priests have persuaded Subjects, to destroy their Kings and Princes, as well as Kings & Princes to destroy their subjects? 1 Cor. 3.17 & 6.19.20 but I pray them both to take notice that the Scripture saith he that destroyeth the Temple of God, him will God destroy. Let not therefore Kings, Princes, nor Subjects be any longer persuaded to destroy one another through the subtlety of Bishops and their ministers, who (most of them) only seek the security of their own pomp and glory, and the establishment of their spiritual thrones therein; for so long as they may confirm that, they pass not who perish, whether King, Prince or people. Again therefore I humbly pray his Majesty and Parliament, to repeal and make void all popish laws and canons, and to see the moral & judicial law of God, Frederick & john Palsgraves', said that under pretext of the holy-ghosts office of correction little else was sought then to reign over the consciences of the Magistrates & subjects like as in the accursed popedom is come to pass etc. both firmly enacted, and carefully practised after the mind of Christ: and them shall Christ's spiritual throne be established in the hearts and consciences both of King, Prince, and People, so as the Church Christ's spiritual Kingdom shall increase in the knowledge of faith, and obedience thereof, with all love, peace and charity, one towards another. And the common wealth of his Majesty's Kingdoms will flourish and prosper, and also his throne be constantly established both to him and his Heirs throughout all his Dominions, in a sure land of peace and love, th'one with and towards another, to the glory of God and the comfort of his Majesty and of all his Subjects, and also to a famous and excellent glorious pattern of government, to all Kingdoms, Nations, and Countries round about, as in the days of Solomon King of Israel. For if the holy laws of God's word be practised and executed after Christ's will, then shall neither King, Prince nor people be destroyed for difference in Religion, than Treason and Rebellion, as well as burning, banishing, hanging, or imprisoning, for difference in religion will cease and be laid down, then shall not men, women, and youth be hanged for theft then shall not the poor same, sick, and weak ones, be stocked and whipped, neither shall the poor, stranger, fatherless, and windows be driven to beg from place to place, neither shall the lame, sick, and weak persons suffer such misery & be forsaken of their kindred, as now they be, then shall not murder, whoredom, and adultery be bought out for money: then shall not the great defraud and wrong the small, neither the rich oppress the poor by usury and little wages: then shall not men bring up and inherit others children instead of their own, neither shall an honest man be forced to live with a whore instead of an honest wife, nor yet an honest woman be forced to live with a whorekeeper in stead of an honest husband. Then shall not servants be forced from marriage by bonds, nor yet be bound to servitude, longer than six years, neither shall they be brought up contrary to covenant, nor posted from one quarter or one year to another for their freedom and in the end be forced to buy it of their Masters, or else to go without it too. Then shall neither Prince nor people be disinherited, for not being of the Church: Note well. neither shall they be held lawless persons, though excommunicated: neither shall any man dare kill them as now they may, and be quit by law: neither shall any man fear to have his mouth stopped for preaching the truth: then shall no man need to flee out of his native Country and Fatherland, for persecution sake: then shall all men live in peace under his own vine, Act. 15.28.29. & 21.25 lauding and praising God, honouring and obeying the King. Then also will no blood be eaten among Christians, whereby the Jews should have just cause to stumble or be offended, neither should any relics of the ceremonial law, (as Tithes and offerings &c.) be any longer in use, whereby the Jews should be hardened in their unbelief, Jew's kept back from the faith by persecution. and kept from the faith of the Messiah. Then shall the Jews inhabit & dwell under his Majesty's Dominion, to the great profit of his Realms, and to their furtherance in the faith: the which we are bound to seek in all love and peace, so well as others, to our utmost endeavour, for Christ hath commanded to teach all nations etc. and they are the first. Lastly, then shall not so many Men and Women be deceived by false Ministers, neither by their Sermons, nor yet by their books, which are full freighted with false doctrines, and confirmed and countenanced, not only by the King's authority and power, but also by wresting and false interpreting of the Scriptures, and by alleging of popish Fathers, which through the great ignorance of the people do greatly prevail: btt than shall be abolished through the word and spirit of god (his two witnesses) in the mouth of his servants, Rev. 11.3. and 19.10. who by word and writing shall breed such knowledge, that none of wisdom's children shall be deceived. Another reason, why so many good people are now deceived, is, because we that have most truth are most persecuted; and therefore most poor, whereby we are unable to write and print as we would against the adversaries of the truth: it is hard to get our daily food with the labours of our weak bodies and feeble hands, how then should we have to defray other charges, and to write and print? I have through the help of god out of his word, made a scourge of small cords, 2 Pet. 2.2. wherewith Antichrist and his Ministers might be driven one of the Temple of God. Also a declaration of certain false translations in the new Testament; but I want wherewith to print and publish it, therefore it must rest till the Lord seeth good to supply it. It is the king's honour to search out a thing Prov. 25. Exod 3.6. In mean while, I humbly entreat his Majesty and Parliament to give me leave to prove the Bishops with one question, by which you may perceive the ignorance of your Bishops: 'tis this, how they will be able to prove a resurrection from these words, I am the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob. Only from these words will they prove the resurrection, if they be the Bishops of Christ; for he proved the resurrection from hence. Luk. 20.27. The question is hard I grant, but if their Lordships be not able to interpret it according to the meaning of Christ (as I am sure they are not) than it will be another cause very sufficient, for their deprivation from their Lordly and idol offices, and princely live. But because most men do wrest and misinterpret the Scriptures, some of wickedness, and some of ignorance, for the utterance of their doctrines, and so deceive both Prince and people: I will show how you shall perceive it, lest thereby you still be deceived Every Scripture therefore misinterpreted do make a contradiction: As for example M. johnson (one of the Preachers called Brownists) to prove Rome a true church allegeth 2 Thes. 2.4. where the Apostle showeth, That the man of sin, and son of perdition sitteth in the Temple of God; which words, Temple of God, he interpreteth to be the church of God, whereby he doth greatly err; for then such interpretation will contradict this scripture which saith, 1 Tim. 3.15 The Church of God is the pillar and ground of truth. But if the man of sin sitteth there, Rev. 28.2. Rev. 18 4. than it is a hold of foul spirits, a cage of every unclean and hateful bird, as the Scripture speaketh: yea, the pillar and ground of falsehood, and not of truth: Neither would the Lord call his people out of her (as he doth) if it were the true Church. Rev. 12.13, 14. Also, if the temple of God in that place be interpreted the church of God, this foul absurdity and contradiction will follow, viz. that the Church (called the woman) to whom were given two wings of a great Eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness from her persecutors, for a time, times, and half a time, was not persecuted neither yet did sly into the wilderness so long a time. Neither yet was the Church (called both woman and whore, Re. 17.1, 5. also great Babylon, the mother of whoredoms and abominations of the earth) drunken with the blood of the saints, and of the martyrs of jesus, as the Scripture testifieth. Again, if that be the church of God, where the man of sin sitteth, than the winepress was not trodden without, but within the Church; and so it also crosseth this Scripture, which saith, Rev. 14.20. the winepress was trodden without the City, so that blood came out unto the horse bridles, by the space of a thousand and six hundred furlongs, Ergo a false interpretation. Moreover, we are not to understand the word Temple at all times to mean the Church; for when Christ said, destroy this Temple, and in three days I will raise it up again, did not mean the church, nor yet the material Temple wherein he was, but meant his body, yet the Jews understood the word Temple otherwise, even as Mr. johnson, &c do here understand the word Temple otherwise, than the bodies of peoples, multitudes, nations, Rev. 17.5. and tongues, which they ought not to do. Likewise Paul, when he said, If any man destroy the Temple of God, him will God destroy; did not mean the Church, but the members of the Church. So when he said, the man of sin sitteth in the Temple of God, he did not mean so much as the members of the church, much less the church. Therefore it must be understood, that all those in whom the man of sin sitteth, are called the Temple of God, only in respect that the Lord hath bought them, for the Lord hath bought all men, 2 Pet. 2.1. 1 Joh. 2.2. 1 Cor. 6.19 20. & 7.23. Leu. 18.6. even the false teachers that deny him. Therefore no man is his own in that respect, but the Lords. Also the Bishops themselves (to prove brothers and sisters children may marry) allege Leu. 18. But that Scripture do not prove such marriages, but the full contrary for it saith, none shall come near to any of his kindred, to uncover shame. But brother and sister's children are kinsfolks: Leu. 18.17. therefore they may not come near to uncover shame, for that were wickedness. This they must confess, or else prove that brother and sister's children are not kinsfolks, which they cannot: seeing then, brother and sister's children cannot call cousin, and so all cozenship is blotted out by their doctrine, for uncles and Aunts call their brothers and sister's child, nephew & niece. Thus many Bishops and preachers do deceive Kings, Princes and peoples by wresting and misinterpreting the Scripture. Col. 2. 8.1● Therefore I earnestly desire your Majesty and Parliament to beware, lest there be any man that spoil you, through Philosophy and vain deceit, through the Traditions of men, according to the rudiments of the World, and not after Christ. 1 Tim. 6. ● 20, 21. ● And to avoid profane and vain babble and Antithesis, or opposition, falsely called learning; which while some profess, they have erred concerning the faith. And now O King, Prince and Parliament, open your eyes, and listen your ears unto compassion and mercy: 2 Cor. 5.10 Mat. 5.45. Ver. 21, 22. Lu. 18.7, 8. 2 Thes. 14.8 Jam. 1.5, 6. Mat. 12.36. fear God and be like unto him, for he causeth his sun to shine both on just and unjust. Think at last you must give an account of your works: many at the day of judgemnt will be ever burned for killing and burning innocent Christians: but no man shall be damned for saving their lives; lean than I humbly beseech you, on the right side of mercy, rather than yield unto such as persuade to persecute innocent christians: for they cannot help you, when you must give account thereof unto Christ, who adviseth you otherwise, although they be such as err, how much more such as do but seem to err, and for difference in religion ought you to save their lives and I do in all humility affirm, Ma●. 13.29.30, 39 Acts 17.31. that those which advise you to pluck up and burn the tares, (which Christ commands to be let alone till the end) do advise you to pluck up and burn the commandment of Christ, unto whom assuredly (except amendment you shall give account at the day appointed. Therefore believe not such as counsel you to shed blood for judgement in religion: for if themselves should suffer the pain, they would verily give you other counsel, be not then their executioners any longer, for all that will live godly in Christ, 2 Tim. 3.12 shall suffer persecution, though you do your best to hinder it. And I pray to remember, that to preach the gospel (after the mind of Christ) is to bring glad tidings unto the people; but to burn, banish, hang and imprison for religion, is not to bring glad (but woeful) tidings unto the people; Luk. 2.10. Rom. 1.16. let it not therefore be any longer preached in your Majesty's dominions, I meekly entreat, Though Paul plans, and Apollo's water, 1 Cor. 3.6. yet it as God that giveth the increase. But your Bishops and Ministers will have an increase whether God will or not, or else they will burn, banish, hang, and imprison. Kings and Magistrates are Gods Ministers and not the Bishops; therefore I humbly beseech you to withstand the bloody minds of your Bishops, that there be no more innocent Christians persecuted to death for Religion. A crying sin I read that in the Netherlands above a hundred thousand persons have been put to death for religion, but now praised be God we have no such woeful tidings preached among us, the Lord work as much in our land I beseech him, that so you may no longer burn and banish the servants of Christ; for he saith, they that do these things have not known the Father nor me: Joh. 16.3. yet I confess you have the zeal of God, for you think you do God good service in burning Christians that differ from your Religion. But I also confess your zeal is not according to knowledge for your Bishops and Ministers being endued with University and high school learning, Ro. 10.2, 3. divinity and doctrine, but being ignorant of the lowly learning, heavenly divinity and doctrine of Christ, have and do still go about to establish their own and have not yet submitted themselves to the lowly learning, divinity and doctrine of Christ: and therefore like their predecessors, will persuade you to burn, banish, etc. such Christians as they hold to be in error about doctrines and questions of faith and Religion, right as if they had the power to rule, govern and dispose the hearts and spirits of Kings, Princes and people, even as they list, and also to make them good and righteous when they will, and to cause them to understand and believe the gospel, even by a day and hour appointed, which to do, belongeth to God alone: and therefore Christ saith, john 6.44. no man can come to me except the Father draw him, and Christ will have his Ministers to preach to such as are worthy & willing, and not as your Ministers, who come to them whom they hold unworthy, and find unwilling, and say, Mat. 10.11, 24. Will ye not come to church and hear, and will ye not believe our doctrine? but we will make you, or else we will burn you for heretics. Thus will they taunt meek and holy Christians who are torn like sheep among the wolves; but Christ's ministers will with meekness instruct such as are contrary minded, tolerating the evil men patiently, proving if God at any time will give them repentance, 2 Tit. 2.25. joh. 13.35. that they may know the truth: whereby they show plainly that they are Christ's disciples, and have that true faith which worketh by love, even as the Apostle saith, the which I pray you to consider, that so you may both know and obey the will of Christ. Now (saith he) abideth faith, hope and love, 1 Cor. 13. but the chiefest of these is love; for where love is there is no disdain, it seeketh not her own things, it is not provoked to anger, it suffereth all things, it hopeth all things, it endureth all things. Yea, the love of Christ so loveth, that it will not vex nor persecute any that call on his name: therefore I humbly pray you to remember them that are in bonds, as though ye were bound with them; and them that are in affliction, as if ye were also afflicted in the body; and to show them mercy, Heb. 13.3. for mercy rejoiceth against judgement, but judgement merciless shall be to them that show no mercy. If ye be friendly to your brethren only, what singular thing do you? jam. 2.13. do not the sinners the same? be not like unto them, Luk. 6.32, 37. but unto your heavenly father whose wisdom, love and mercy, I beseech him to grant you, that so you may come to the knowledge of the truth and be saved: and that we your Majesty's faithful subjects, 1 Tim. 2. may lead a peaceable and quiet life (even in our own nation) in all godliness and honesty: Amen. Now, them that are persecuted, 2 Pet. 4 12. I exhort with the words of the Apostle Peter, Dear beloved think it nor strange concerning the fiery trial that is among you to prove you, as though some strange thing were come unto you; but rejoice, in as much as ye are partakers of Christ's sufferings, that when his glory shall appear, ye may be glad and rejoice. If ye be railed upon for the name of Christ, blessed are ye, for the spirit of glory and of God resteth upon you, ● Pet. 2.2. which on their parts is evil spoken of, but on your part is glorified; but let no man suffer as an evil does or as a murderer, or as a busy body in others matters; but if one suffer as a Christian, Acts 24.14 let him not be ashamed, but let him glorify God in that behalf. For all the martyrs of the Apostolic Church have suffered as evil doers, and as heretics. For the time is that judgement must must begin at the house of God: if it first begin at us (saith the Apostle) what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God: and if the righteous scarcely be saved, where shall the ungodly and sinner appear? wherefore let them that suffer according to the will of God, commit their souls unto him in welldoing, as unto a faithful Creator. Antichrist and his persecution shall be made low. ● Thes. 2.4. Read Esay 2.2, 4, 11, 16. He shall judge among the nations, and rebuke many people, they shall break their sword into mattocks, and their spears into scythes: nations shall not lift up a sword against nation, neither shall they learn to fight any more; the high looks of man shall be humbled, and the loftiness of man shall be abased, and the Lord only shall be exalted in that day: for the day of the Lord of hosts is upon all the proud and haughty, and upon all that is exalted, and it shall be made low. Little David overcame great Goliath, yet not brought up in war: unlearned Peter confuted the learned Priests, yet by calling a Fisherman. Attend and help, Gal. 6.6. 1 Cor. 9.7. and you shall see the wonderful works of God; For the foolishness of God is wiser than men, and the weakness of God is stronger than men: And God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise, and things that are despised hath God chosen, to bring to nought things that are, 1 Cor. 1.25, 28. Leonard Busher. FINIS.