AN EXAMINATION Of the chief Points of ANTINOMIANISM, Collected out of some lectures lately Preached in the Church of Antholines Parish, LONDON: And now drawn together into a Body, and published for the Benefit of all that love the holy Truth of God, By Thomas Bedford B. D. unto which is annexed, An Examination of a Pamphlet lately published, entitled The Compassionate Samaritan, Handling the Power of the Magistrate in the compulsion of Conscience: By the same Author. 2 TIM. 1. 9 The Law is for the lawless— 2 PET. 2. 1. There shall be false Teachers, who privily shall bring in damnable Heresies— And many shall follow their lascivious ways, by reason of whom the way of Truth shall be evil spoken of— LONDON: Printed by John Field for Philemon Stephens, and are to be sold at his Shop at the sign of the gilded lion in Paul's churchyard. 1647. To the Worshipful and much honoured, Mr. John Turner of ham in the County of SURREY, Esq A Sincere Lover of the Truth, and an earnest Contender for the Faith which was once delivered to the SAINTS. T. B. In testimony of Love and Thankfulness, Dedicates the life of this his weak and unworthy labour; Together with the Apprecation of much Health and Happiness. ERRATA. PAge 13. line 21. for And read Answ. p. 16. l. 6. for eternal. r. external. p. 31. l. 5. for Yea though it be r. And if it be p. 31. l. 19 for as thereof r. as there, of p. 40. l. 10. for or is the meaning r. or rather is not the meaning, p. 41. l. 32. for casually r. causally. p. 42. l. 23. for is that it r. it is, that. p. 60. l. 13. for so may our r. So may not our. p. 60. l. 15. for having set r. having set down. O●●ober ●●, 1646. I Have to my full satisfaction perused this excellent Dissertation and Discussion of the chief Antinomian tenants, and find it to be so solid and judicious, pious, profitable and seasonable in our distracted Times, and finally so adorned and sweetened with modesty, gaullass sobriely and Christian charity that I allow it and approve it well worthy the Printing and Publishing; not doubting but that it will be very effectual to stablish all in the Truth who have already embraced it, and to convince (if not persuade) all those who in simplicity and through mere error of their judgement are contrary minded. JOHN DOWNAM●. THE TABLE. THe Introduction, Page 1. Chap. 1. Touching the Law of Moses, Whether altogether abolished, so that it is of no use to the Believer now in the time of the Gospel: Also whether it do not bind Believers to the Duties of Holiness as well now as it did in the time of the Old Testament, 9 Chap. 2. Touching the Motives of the Law, Whether these also be abolished; So that to propose the expectation of reward, as an invitation to good Works, and to deter men from sin by the fear of punishment, be altogether inconsistent with the Doctrine of Grace, 18. Chap. 3. A brief Answer to the Arguments of N. D. by him brought to prove justification before Faith, i. e. before the act of Believing, 25. Chap. 4. That justification is not transacted all at once, nor any pre-remission of sin before it be committed, 33. Chap. 5. The way of seeking resolution touching our Adoption and justification by signs and marks, viz. The fruits of Sanctification, whether it be altogether unsatisfactory, 41. Chap. 6. Touching sin in the Conscience of the Believer; The Doctrine of the Antinomians in this Point examined and found insufficient to satisfy the Conscience: The right way of satisfying the Conscience, and of taking away the scruple of sin, set down, 58. The Arguments of the Compassionate Samaritan, touching the Power of the Magistrate in the compulsion of Conscience, Examined, 73. The Introduction. Isaiah 53. 11. By his knowledge shall my Righteous Servant justify many; for he shall bear their iniquities. A Farther Explication of what was said v. 10. The pleasure of the Lord shall prosper in his hand; in the hand of Christ shall the pleasure of the Lord: Understand this touching the Bruising of the serpent's head, mentioned Gen. 3. 15. consequently that Salvation of mankind: This pleasure of the Lord doth prosper in the hand of Christ; which is seen in this, That by his knowledge he shall justify many. This is that fruit of the Travel of his Soul, in seeing whereof He, i. e. Christ (not God the Father, as some very fondly and foolishly do apply the Text) Christ, I say, shall be satisfied, i. e. shall account himself well satisfied for all his labour and pains bestowed. The Passion of Christ, and the Benefit thereof; these two are the subject matter of this Chapter: The Benefit thereof is partly to others, and partly to himself: To himself, that is set down ver. 12. To others in some verses foregoing; The Description whereof taketh its rise from the middle of the 9 Verse, Because he had done no violence, &c. That word Because is a trouble to Interpreters, how to depend the latter clause of that Verse upon the former. Vatablus saw, and cuts the knot rather than unties it. I conceive we shall not wrong the Text, I am sure not the Truth, if we join the former part of the verse to the 8. and begin a new period in the word Because, thus; v. 9 Because he had done no violence, neither was any deceit in his mouth; yet it pleased the Lord to bruise him [He hath put him to grief] 10. When thou shalt make his soul an offering for sin; Or, When his soul shall make an offering for sin, he shall see his Seed, &c. q. d. Inasmuch as notwithstanding he was altogether innocent, yet he did patiently submit himself to bear whatsoever the Lord would lay upon him for the Expiation of man's sin; that therefore upon his Death he should receive full satisfaction both in respect of himself and those persons whose cause he had undertaken. Thus I, but let the learned judge. In the words of ver. 11. we have a Proposition, and its Confirmation: In the Proposition, besides the Agent who is by God here termed, a Servant, a Righteous Servant, we have three things not to be so lightly passed over: 1. Act, in the word, Shall justify: 2. Object, Many: 3. The Medium, By his knowledge. Of which somewhat more largely, and yet only in reference to what just hints the words may give to the Examination of some positions of the Antinomians; a Sect, and a sort of men lately start up, whom Satan doth make use of to be his Proctors of profaneness, and the abettors of Atheism and licentious Libertinism. But to the Text. By his knowledge— The Medium stands first in the Text, and if you will, let us first begin with it. By his knowledge— And what is that? To make way for Answer, I lay down this, That the pronoun His must be passive, like that in Psal. 90. 11. Thy fear, i. e. The fear of thee, to note the object not the subject, as there of Fear, so here of Knowledge; Scientia sui, By the knowledge of him, as Pagnin, Vatablus and Tremelius. Farther we cannot go, till first we inquire what it is to justify. To justify, in the Text of Scripture, doth sometime signify, To endeavour the justification of a sinner, by acquainting him with the way and mean thereof, as Dan. 12. 3. Sometime To effect it, by acquitting the party accused from the Crime and Accusation, which in this work of Justification is still presupposed: Whether of these two (other I let pass, as not so applicable to this Text) whether of them, I say, is most proper to the Text, will appear by the Confirmation when we come unto it. Onwards we make use of it, to inquire farther into the Medium, what is meant by His knowledge; For answerable to these two, the word, His knowledge, may import; 1. Medium Revelationis, That Doctrine by which Christ doth reveal the way of Justification. 2. Medium Operationis, That Grace by which Christ doth fit man for the benefit of Justification. As Medium Revelationis, so the Conclusion is, The Gospel is that word of Truth that rightly informeth us in the way and manner of Justification: The Gospel, i. e. that part of holy Writ which teacheth us the knowledge of Christ, of his Person, of his Office, the Covenant of Grace, and the condition required: The Gospel opposed to the Law, q. d. Not by the Law, but by the Gospel and the Doctrine of Grace, shall Christ propound and acquaint mankind with the way of gaining their Justification: Not by the Law; Vnderst an this not in general, as comprehending the writings of the Old Testament; but in special, as importing the Law of Moses; and this considered as the condition of that Covenant made with Israel; Not the Law of Moses, but the Gospel of Christ is the mean of Revelation; acquainting man with the way of obtaining his Justification. What then? Is this Law of Moses all of it altogether abolished? Is it of no use and service to the Church of God, to Believers now in the Constitution of the Church of Christ? Some there be that would have it so, whose main endeavour is to cast the Doctrine of it out of the Church, and the care thereof out of the Conscience of the Christian; neither the Precepts thereof allowed to bind men, nor the Motives thereof to draw men to the Duties of Holiness: See their Arguments examined, Chap. 1. and 2. As medium Operationis; and than the Conclusion will be, That Faith in Christ is the way and mean of Justification; Faith, I say, and not Works: Faith not unfitly termed the Knowledge of Christ, because this alone is that which doth rightly know Christ, the fullness of his Merits and Graces: None but the Believer doth acknowledge Christ, nay none but he doth rightly, fully and perfectly know him. Faith is both the Daughter and the Mother of this Knowledge, the knowledge of Christ: The Daughter, for Faith cannot lodge in an ignorant Soul; The Mother, for it leadeth on to perfection of knowledge. This Faith is the mean; by it shall Christ work in the heart of the Believer, and dispose it for Justification. Not by the works of man's Righteousness, but by Faith in Christ is man justified: How so? Because it is Medium Recipiens, as the hand or mouth of the Soul, to receive that Spiritual Food and physic that doth feed and cure the Soul: It receiveth Christ and the communion of his Merits and Graces for the good of the Believer. The Righteousness of Christ is not unfitly compared to Food and physic, to a Garment and plaster, which do no good but in the way of Application, if not applied, no good by them: These are received by the hand or by the mouth, and this is the work of Faith; and by Faith we are said to be justified, as by the hand the Body is fed and clothed, viz. Instrumentally. Upon this ground we conceive it, That in order of nature, justification cannot be considered as going before the habit, yea the act of Faith; but rather, that Faith hath the leading hand, and the precedency of Consideration: St. Peter termeth Salvation the end of our Faith, 1 Pet. 1. 9 By this end meaneth he, only the consequent benefit which followeth upon it, or rather the end intended and aimed at in believing: Doth not Saint Paul prescribe it to the jailor as a mean to bring about the end? Believe and thou shalt be saved, Acts 16. 31. Doth he not show the ground and reason of it, Gal. 2. 16. We knowing that a man is not justified but by Faith in Christ— even we have believed, q. d. we have applied ourselves to the use of the means that we might obtain the end: If Faith be as a mean to the end, than is it not to be considered as following, but as foregoing the benefit of our Justification. Plausible Arguments are alleged to overthrow this Truth, but their weight and worth is more in show then in substance; See them examined, Chap. 3. In the Act expressing the benefit obtained by Faith, we may not pass by the Tense of the Verb, but by occasion of it (as Doctor Crisp upon the like occasion, see his Sermons on Isa. 53. 6.) inquire into the Time, when it is that this Act is done: The Tense of the Verb is future, He shall justify— Future it was then, when the Prophet spoke this; Whether future still, is a Question; Or if not, when it was to be transacted, whether all at once dispatched: The farther explication whereof, see in Chap. 4. The Object remaineth; This is in the word Many: Not all, but only a number: There be who teach that All shall be saved; a point well pleasing to flesh and blood: If a man might live as he list, abuse his Eye and Ear, his Hand and Tongue, yea his Hand and his Heart, his Body and Soul to the service of Sin and Satan, and yet hope for Salvation by Christ: But this may not be, it is not All, but Many; All shall not be justified by Christ, nor saved by him. Not through any defect of the means; the Merit of Christ is sufficient to save all: The Gospel doth call and invite all; and no doubt but whosoever believeth shall be saved: But it cometh to pass through the ill-disposition and negligence of man left to himself, who regardeth not to perform the condition required. By the Ordinance of God, in whose hand (as say our Divines) Christ hath left the disposing of his Merit, it is appointed, That the Merit of Christ shall not be dispensed to mankind, but under a condition; and without the performance of that condition it is not bestowed upon any: Now mankind left to themselves are negligent and careless to look to that condition, and so through their own ill-deserts are excluded from the benefit of Christ's Death and Passion. So then, it is not All, but only Many. Q. If not all, How then shall any one know whether his part and portion be in that Many, or not? Ans. Surely (say we) by the work of Grace in the heart, by the Spirit of Sanctification, which doth always go along with the Spirit of Adoption, and the work of Justification. This hath passed for a Truth, without any opposition, till of late; The Antinomians cannot away with inherent Qualifications, No certainty can be gathered from the, say these men: Against whom, see the Ancient Truth maintained, and the New way convinced of insufficiency, Chap. 5. For he shall bear their iniquities. This is the Confirmation of the Proposition, He shall justify, because He shall bea— By bearing iniquities we understand, Suffering the punishment due to their sin, as a Sacrifice to make an Atonement; to satisfy the Justice of God, and so to take away the sin of man. Hence than we see that Justification is transacted by Christ, and he is said to justify many; Not by the way of Instruction, as say the Socinians, viz. Propounding the Doctrine of the Gospel, and the Covenant of Grace, in which is contained the way and manner of Justification: In this sense the Apostles (to say nothing of Moses and the Prophets) might be said to justify many; inasmuch as they had an eminent service in publishing the Gospel to the world; but doubtless Christ had no partners in the Justification of these many: So then, not by the Instruction is it, but by the way of Acquittance and Absolution. This is plain; but that is farther to be inquired, How cometh sin to trouble and vex the conscience, if it be taken away? Hath Christ born, yea born away (for so we understand the word bear; he doth not only ferre, but auferre, so bear them as to bear them away) Hath Christ born them away, and are they brought back again? Here again we must Conflict with these Antinomians; Old Truths do not please them, they have a New way for this also; the unsufficiency whereof, together with the right way of satisfying the Conscience, and taking away the scruple of sin, see fully explicated, Chap. 6. According to this Method have I finished my Meditations upon this Text of Scripture, chosen of purpose to examine the Truth or falsehood of some Points of Antinomianism: An Enterprise, to which, I confess, I had bound myself by Vow and Promise made to God in the day of some distress which had befallen me: To the performance of which Vow, I was engaged, by obtaining at the hand of God the gracious grant of my desire, which with all thankfulness I do acknowledge, and by mine experience can witness, That an holy and religious Vow is a ready mean to obtain of God the gracious grant of our just desires. Holy and Religious I account that which is framed according to the Rules of Religion: One special Rule of Religion is, That each Christian in his place and calling do set himself, with the best of his abilities, to that work which the present times may show to be most necessary for the advancement of God's glory. I in my place of the ministry, what could I do rather, or more tending to this end, then to set myself to oppose the present Errors which darken the Truth of God, and defile the Purity of our holy Profession. This Error of Antinomianism I cheese to deal in, because I conceived it one of the most dangerous Doctrines that are broached in these days. Satan doth never more harm, than when he is transformed into an Angel of Light: Nor is any Error more dangerous, then that by which Christian Liberty is used as an occasion to the Flesh, by which the care and conscience of the Law, the Rule of Holiness, is weakened and worn away; by which the Soul and Conscience is steeled and stiffened against the sense and remorse of sin and sinfulness. In this I have done what I could; If not with strength enough to convince, or cleverness enough to persuade, yet with a sincere heart, and a desire to do good, God is my witness: And I bless God, both for his Assistance enabling me to do what I have done, and also for those blessed opportunities which his Providence hath afforded me to do mine endeavour in the course of my ministry, to set forth the Truth of God, and to seek the glory of his Name. AN EXAMINATION Of the chief Points of ANTINOMIANISM. CHAP. I. Touching the Law of Moses, Whether altogether abolished, so that it is of no use to the Believer now in the time of the Gospel: Also whether it do not bind Believers to the Duties of Holiness as well now as it did in the time of the Old Testament. THere is a Generation of men risen up again in this last Age of the Church, who would gladly banish the Preaching of the Law, and all legal Duties out of the Church of Christ: The Law (say they) is abolished; the Conscience of the Christian is not bound to the Law, they are false Teachers who call men to the practice of the Law, and the Duties therein contained. This Doctrine of theirs is a word that will eat as doth a Canker, till it hath fretted out all care of Holiness and good Works, if not prevented. Let it not then be thought impertinent (this being the time of their infection) if by examining their Grounds, and discovering the weakness and unsoundness of them, I seek what lieth in me to prevent the further spreading of this evil. The Antixomian (this name is given him for that he opposeth the Preaching and pressing of the Law) he I say buildeth upon these and the like Texts, Rom. 6. 14. & 7. 4. & 10. 4. Gal. 3. 10. & 5. 1. whence they argue to this effect; If Believers be not under the Law, nay if dead to the Law by the body of Christ, and so delivered from the Law, whereupon Christ is termed the end of the Law; Then to call them back again to the Law and the dominion thereof, is to draw them from Christ and from that Liberty which Christ hath purchased for them; whereas the Apostle doth charge the Galatians to stand fast in the Liberty wherewith Christ hath made them free, and not to suffer themselves to be again entangled in the yoke of Bondage: Thus they; as I find by that Book of Ro: Town, entitled, The Assertion of Grace, or A' Defence of the Doctrine of free Justification. For clearing of this, our Divines distinguish; The Law of Moses delivered to the Church of Israel was partly Moral, partly Ceremonial: Moral, so called, because it was the Rule of good manners toward God and toward man; And it is to be considered either in respect of the Substance or the Circumstance: In respect of the Substance, it is the comprehension of those Duties of Holiness which God had either imprinted in the heart, or revealed to the ear of Adam and his Posterity in that Age of the Church which lived before the writing of the Law. And so it is the Doctrine of Good and Evil; of Good, and so the Rule of an holy life; of Evil, and so the revealer of Sin and Transgression: This was the substance of that which we call the Moral Law. The Circumstance of it was, That it was made the condition of a Covenant for Life and Salvation, and so required of all them that were under the Covenant, and expected life and salvation by it; of them I say it required complete and perfect obedience, otherwise no hope to obtain their expectation: Nay more, it exacted this obedience under a Curse; so that in case of disobedience, not only shall they fail of Life, but come under the condemnation of Death; and this was that that proved the ruin of man. In the constitution of the Church of Israel, the Ceremonial Law was added: This set down that Form of Worship and Service of God, in the right observation whereof they might find both Expiation of their Offences, and Acceptation of their Obedience. This consisted in many Rites and Ceremonies, Sacrifices and Ordinances, all limited to the observation of Times when, of Places where, and of Persons by whom these were to be performed [ex. gr. No Sacrifice might be offered but upon one Altar; Nor by any person but by one of the Family of Aaron; No Circumcision but upon the Eighth day; Nor Passover eaten but on the Fourteenth of the first or second month, and this nowhere but at Jerusalem; Three times a year must every Male appear before the Lord, and every Woman at her Purification make a journey thither] so that this became a yoke of Bondage to the Church of Israel, especially in the latter Age thereof, when they of that Nation were scattered among the Heathen, and lived in places far remote from the Temple of Jerusalem: This then is the yoke of Moses Law; No hope to escape the Curse of the Moral Law, but by those expiations prescribed in the Ceremonial Law: No hope of acceptance in what they endeavoured in the way of Obedience, except they attend upon, and seek it in those services appointed: No nor those services accepted, but in a most exact observation of all the circumstances which the Law set down. From this yoke it is which Christ by his death hath freed the Christian: And in this liberty it is that St. Paul would have have them stand fast, that they be not entangled again in that former yoke of Bondage. So than the Ceremonies of Moses Law are quite taken away by Christ, the Sacrifice of whose Death is become the only expiation for all Transgressions, and the only way and mean of Acceptation in the performance of all duties whatsoever; Yea, the Moral part of Moses Law is taken away, in respect of the circumstance thereof, it is no more the condition of the Covenant for Life and Death: Not of life, and so Justification may be had without it: Not of death, and so no fear of Condemnation by it; provided always, that by Faith men lay hold upon Christ, keep close to him, and walk according to those Rules of Holiness that he hath prescribed; for in so doing we obtain what the Law promised, Life and Salvation: By him we escape what the Law threatened, Death and Condemnation: So then, though the Law be taken away in respect of this Circumstantial use thereof, as a condition; yet not in respect of that Substantial consideration, viz. as the Doctrine and Direction of Good and Evil: Nay in this respect it is reassumed and re-established by Christ. In the former consideration of it, it is that the Apostle saith, Romans 10. 4. That Christ is the end of the Law, i. e. he hath done that for man which the Law would but could not: The Law would bring man to life and salvation; This is the primary end and intention of it, but the Law could not in respect of man's weakness, Rom. 8. 3. This Christ hath done, and so is become the end of the Law, for Righteousness and Justification to every one that believeth. In the same circumstantial consideration of the Law it is that the Apostle saith, Rom. 6. 14. Ye are not under the Law; and Rom. 7. 4. We are dead to the Law, and so delivered from it, viz. as it was the condition of the Covenant: And that this is the meaning of it, is plain by this, That it is set down as a reason to prove that sin shall not have dominion over us, viz. to bind us to condemnation in case of defectiveness and failings; Because, saith he, ye are not under the Law but under Grace; not under that condition of full and perfect Obedience, in which if any defects were found, sin did presently domineer and threaten death: But under a condition, in which not only sincerity of obedience is accepted, though it be imperfect, but also help and assistance in doing the Duties is afforded: So that with much cheerfulness may we strive against the reign of Sin, and that over-masterful sway which heretofore it had in us and over us. Yet this doth not prove but that still we are under the Doctrine and Direction of the Law for Duties of Holiness; Yea, those duties which by the grace of Christ's Spirit we are enabled to perform (for this must be acknowledged, That though the Law requireth many Duties of Holiness and Sanctification, yet is it only the Spirit of Christ which enableth us to perform them) these I say are justly termed the Works of the Law, because done in relation to the Law, though not in the capacity of a condition, as in the Covenant of Works, yet in the capacity of a Rule and Square of Direction, and a Duty of Holiness. Object. They Reply, That St. Paul saith, Gal. 3. 10. They that are of the Works of the Law are under the Curse; So that either the Law is abrogated even in respect of the Works thereof, or else neither is the Curse abrogated; if Christians be tied to the Works, they are not freed from the Curse. True, if they will be of the Works of the Law, they shall be under the Curse: But what is it to be of the Works of the Law? Is it to take directions from the Law for our ways and walkings? Is it to yield obedience to the Law? No: It is to seek Justification and Salvation by the merit of Works done in obedience to the Law: This is plain to him that readeth the former Verses, to be of Faith is to seek Salvation by the Gospel, i. e. by believing in Christ; and so, To be of the Works of the Law is to seek salvation by them: Now then, such who will seek salvation by the Works of the Law, are under the Curse, saith St. Paul; Good reason, because they cannot satisfy the perfection of the Law; And he that will challenge any thing in the way of justice, must be content to suffer the penalty if he come short of the perfection which the Rule requireth. Object. Nay, but say they, The Law is not made for a Righteous man: 1 Tim. 1. 9 consequently belongs not to the Believer who is justified by Faith in Christ; And, the Believer indeed is justified, but not a righteous man, not in that sense of the word in which St. Paul doth use it in that Text: The Righteous man is there opposed to the lawless and disobedient, and so must be understood of one that seeketh to conform himself and all his actions to the Rule of the Law; for such a man the Law is not made: The Law, what is that? The Rule of the Law? No, but the threatening of the Law, the Curse and Condemnation: This is not made for the Righteous, and so ought not to be applied against him, but against the lawless and disobedient, against them that will walk without Law, and boldly bear themselves in the disobedience of the Law; Against these is the Law made, and against them are the threatenings and curses of the Law to be applied: This is the right use of the Law, The which (saith St. Paul) is good if a man use it lawfully, i. e. if he do not abuse it by misapplication. Now then, though St. Paul saith, The Law is not made for a Righteous man; yet saith he not, It is not made for a justified person; Nor doth he say, The Law is of no use for a Righteous man: It is not a judge to curse and condemn him; but is it not a Teacher to instruct him, a Counsellor to direct him? Is it not a Guide to conduct him, a Goad to quicken him and put him on if he slacken his pace in the path of Holiness? Doubtless it is: Was it not useful, yea needful for Adam in Paradise though a righteous man? So then, I hold it a manifest truth, That though the Believer by his Justification and Adoption be freed from the Curse of the Law, yet not from the Counsel and Command of that Law. Object. It is replied, That to justify and Condemn are as proper to the Law as to Counsel or Command: If the Law may not command sub paenâ, nor condemn proculpâ, then doth it cease to be a Law, nor hath it any binding power at all. I answer, That to justify and condemn are indeed as proper to the Law as to counsel and command, while the Law standeth as a condition of life and salvation; but in that sense we confess it abrogated, yet is not the binding power of it ceased; still are we bound to walk in obedience to it, because it is enjoined as the Commandment of him who hath redeemed us from the Curse thereof: Nay, I add this further, That we are bound to walk by the direction of the Law, not only ex debito gratitudinis, in the way of thankfulness, but also ex obligation peccati, to decline the guilt of sin; Sinful it is in the justified person to neglect the counsel and command of the Law. I would gladly ask these men, Whether the justified person be exempt from sinning, yea or not? I find it charged upon them, That no action of a Believer after his justification is sin; and I perceive that they do shift and shuffle in the business: The Question is not, Whether the sin of the justified person shall be charged upon him to endanger his salvation, but Whether the act be sin in him or not; Whether his justification do bring with it such a charter of privilege and prerogative as doth exempt him from committing sin; I confess the Text of St. John saith, He that is born of God sinneth not, 1 Joh. 3. 9 And yet they know that the same Apostle saith, If we say that we have no sin we deceive ourselves, 1 Joh. 1. 8. And St. James saith, In many things we offend all, Iam. 3. 2. If all, than the justified also; which is yet more plain by that of our saviour, who prescribing a Form of Prayer for the Adopted Sons of God, such who with confidence may call God Father, teacheth them to pray for the pardon of sin, and preservation from sin: Doth he teach them to dissemble? to pray for the pardon of a sin, and yet there is no sin committed; to pray for the preservation of their souls from Satan's tentation, and yet there is no danger of being drawn into sin? May we not rather hereupon conclude in the words of St. John, If we say that we have not sinned, we make him (Christ in that Form of Prayer) a liar, and his word is not in us: So that upon necessity that other Text which seemeth to cross the current of the Scripture, and saith of the Regenerate, That he sinneth not, must be understood as some do understand that of Balaam, He hath not beheld iniquity in Jacob, Numb. 23. 21. not of any at all, but of some particular sin. The Text of Balaam (say some) hath particular relation to the sin of Idolatry, from which Israel at that time was free, though not long after entangled by the counsel of Balaam; And the Text of St. John hath an eye to presumptuous sin, or rather to the sin of total and final apostasy, the sin unto death, from which the Regenerate is preserved by that seed of God which remaineth in him; from this sin, I grant, he is preserved, and in this respect he sinneth not: Not so in respect of other sins; witness not only the Adultery of David, which displeased the Lord, or the act of Peter denying his Lord and Master, in which his Faith was next door to failing, and called for the Prayer of Christ to preserve him: These you will say were before the Passion of Christ; but witness that faltering of Peter, and dissimulation of Barnabas, for which St. Paul did openly reprehend them, Gal. 2. 11. Well then, if it be granted, That the justified person may sin, yea and doth sin, there must then be a Law of Holiness, which shall bind him to carefulness in such and such particulars, for where there is no Law there is no Transgression; nor can any man be concluded a sinner in case of negligence, where there is no bond of duty. Neither may we rest in this which they will not stick to grant, The Law of the Spirit: The Law written in the heart. This is not enough, there must be also another Law written in Tables, and to be read by the eye, to be heard by the ear: Else how shall it be known to the rest of the Congregation, whether this man doth not swerve from the Law written in the heart, yea or not: Nay, how shall the believer himself be sure that he doth not swerve from the right way wherein he ought to walk? Even in paradise God appointed an Eternal precept of obedience for trial, beside that Law and Light of Nature which was written in Adam's heart. Much more needful is it now. The Spirit, I grant, is the Justified man's Guide and Teacher: That unction which they have received▪ doth teach them all things; But he teacheth them by the Word, by the Word, the written Word of Prophecy, by the Scripture of the Old Testament and New, by the Law and Testimony; And by it they know that they are not misguided, because if any of them that peep and matter, that pretend Visions and Revelations, speak not according to this Word, it is because there is no Light in them. These men, though they do not plainly speak out their meaning, yet would have us to understand them, that the Spirit did by Enthusiasms and Revelations move them and guide them so infallibly, that they need not the Scripture, nor the instruction of the Ministry: which, what is it else but to revive and call up again that abomination of the Familists, long since condemned to Hell, the place of its just desert: Just, I say, for take away the written Word of God, and then every fancy of a dreaming Elder and doting Sister, shall be the Rule of men's godly conversations. Object. A Law may be acknowledged, and a written Law; and yet not the Law of Moses, not the Moral Law: What then? why the Law of Christ, not the old, but the new Commandment, the precepts taught by Christ and his Apostles. Well, but the question is, Whether that the subject matter of this new Commandment and of the old, be not in both the same? viz. Teaching us to deny ungodliness and worldly lusts, to live righteously, godly and soberly in this present world: If so, Then why should it not be indifferent to allege the precepts of Moses and the Prophets to prove and press a duty of holiness, as the precept of Christ and his Apostles, ex. gr. If we be agreed that it is the duty of a justified person, to honour his Father and Mother, what need we jangle about words, and quarrel about quotations, whether we press it out of Exod. 20. or from Eph. 6. since both Texts do preach and press the same duty? Is it not the same God who spoke to the Fathers by the Prophets, and to their Children by Christ and his Apostles? Nay more, do we not see it, that those Precepts of holiness which by our blessed Saviour and his Apostles are taught in the New Testament, are taken out of Moses and the Prophets, yea and pressed upon the Conscience by this reason, Because it is the Law and the Prophets; What can be more plain than that Text of our saviour, Mat. 7. 12. Whatsoever ye would that men should do unto you, do ye so unto them, for this is the Law and the Prophets; So Saint Peter, Be ye holy in all manner of conversation, for it is written, Be ye holy, for I am holy, 1 Pet. 1. 16. mark that, Because it is written: By it you see that the Apostle presseth a duty by a Text of Scripture fetched from the Law: So Saint Paul, Eph. 6. 1, 2. presseth the duty of obedience upon Children, and proveth it to be right, by citing the 5. Commandment of the Moral Law. What will these men say to that Text of Saint James, Jam. 2. 8. If ye fulfil the Royal Law ye shall do well: But if ye have respect of persons ye commit sin, and are convinced of the Law as Transgressors: What, convinced as Transgressors, and yet not bound to obedience? Is there any Transgression where no obligation to obedience? And is the Moral Law notwithstanding all this abolished? Hath it none Office in the time of the Gospel? Are we false Teachers, who in imitation of Christ and his Apostles, do call men to the practice of these holy duties, which we find contained in the Law? No, we teach the truth of God, and in the right way of God; Except it be that Christ and his Apostles were ignorant of the way, or except these men have received a new Gospel and another dispensation of the grace of God hitherto unknown and unrevealed. CHAP. II. Touching the Motives of the Law, whether these also be abolished: So that to propose the expectation of reward, as an invitation to good works, and to deter men from sin by the fear of punishment, be altogether inconsistent with the Doctrine of Grace. NOt only the precepts of the Law are bequarrelled by those men, but also the Arguments of persuasion. In doing good-works and living a godly and holy life, we must not at all look to any Reward from God: But must do good works merely in reference to God's Glory and the good of others. Otherwise our service will be merely mercenary. Grant indeed that we must do good works for these ends: Grant also, That in the obtaining of these ends there is a full Satisfaction to a Godly and a Gracious Heart. And yet, why may we not encourage ourselves to cheerfulness in our Obedience, by having an eye to the recompense of Reward which God hath gromised; Doth not the Scripture propound a Reward for our encouragement; And why doth the Scripture propound it, but that we should believe it, and by believing be put forward to work cheerfully; Is it not set down as an act of Moses Faith, and a point of his praise, That he had an eye to the recompense of Reward, Heb. 11. 25. Doth not the same Apostle show this, That our blessed Saviour, by the Joy that was set before Him, did stir up himself to go on cheerfully to the end of his undertakings, Heb. 12. 2. Nay, is not this in part acknowledged by Dr. Crisp, he having set down this for a Doctrine, That the laying of sin upon Christ is the Lord's own Act: giveth this reason for it, Because none else could give to Christ a proportionable reward; And Christ had an eye to some good consideration, and for the proof of this he citeth Heb. 12. 2. And God (saith he) to put him on propoundeth rewards unto him, &c. Now than if thus it was with Christ, why may it not be lawful for the Christian to help his weakness, by having an eye to the recompense of reward? Will they say, that this sevice is mercenary? So they do indeed, but without any just reason; mercenary service is commonly measured by carthly profits and preferments; when a man so looketh at them, that where there is no hope of such a reward, he doth let fall the duty to which he is called. Self-seeking is then unlawful and sinful, when Self is the ultimate end of our desire. But he that in seeking the good of his body and soul serveth Christ, i. e. so desireth his own good that he may serve Christ, is acceptable to God and approved of man. This being so, Why are we blamed for pressing men to holiness, and encouraging them in it by putting them in mind of that reward which is provided? These men fly out upon such exhortations: This is not to preach freegrace, this is to bring in Popery, and to teach men to hang their Salvation upon their merits, to expect their reward for their Works sake. No such matter, it is not Popery to preach the expectation of a reward upon the conscionable performance of duties enjoined: If it be, surely Christ and his Apostles taught so before us; If we have not them for our precedents let us be condemned. For why? doth not our Saviour mention that greatness of reward as a Motive to patience in persecution, Mat. 5. 12. To love our Enemies, Mat. 5. 46. To fast and pray in secret, Mat. 6. 6. 18. Doth our Saviour herein teach Popery, or doth he cross the Doctrine of Free grace and Justification without Merits? Doth not Saint Paul tread in the same steps? urging patience in afflictions, 2 Cor. 4. 17. Perseverance in goodness and godliness, 1 Cor. 15. 58. G●l. 6. 9, 10. Bountifulness to the poor Saints, 2 Cor. 9 6. 2 Tim. 6. 19 Confidence in God, Heb. 10. 35. All these by an Argument drawn from the expectation of that benefit which should accrue unto them. Doth not Saint Peter make use of the same Motive to press the same duties? See these Texts, 1 Pet. 5. 4. and 2 Pet. 1. 11. and 3. 11. They Reply, That Divines do grant the reward is to be eyed as an encouragement; But it is promised to the worker, not to the work: We do not stumble at this, nor stick upon it, nay we subscribe hereunto; but they add, It is due for his faith's sake before he performed any thing: I demand, whether this do not seem to be against all reason: Due it is to the worker, but yet in relation to his work; Due unto him for his faith's sake, but not before he perform any thing: No, he must work, and then by Faith lay hold upon the Promise: His Faith ●●●●reth him of the reward, by assuring him that the Promise belongs to him, and that is two ways: 1. As one in Christ. 2. As one working and walking as becometh a Christian: He must be in the Vine, and he must bear Fruit; If either of these be wanting he may fail: If an Heathen did the same work it would not avail him; The Promise is made to the worker, not to the work: If any Christian do neglect this work, he cannot expect this reward. The Promise is to the worker, yet in relation ●o his work. Deny this, and you deny the diversity of mansions and different degrees of Glory whereof out Divines do speak, out of these Texts, Dan. 12. 2. Joh. 14. 2. 1 Cor. 15. 41. I cannot tell, but I think I am not far wide in my conjecture: These men do make so much of their Faith, as if that alone might do all both in justification and Sanctification: And as by Faith they must lay hold upon Christ's Righteousness for justification, so to save themselves a labour of working out their salvation by duties of holiness, they will by Faith also lay claim to the Holiness of Christ for their sanctification: And so the sanctification of a Christian, shall be nothing else but the Imputation of Christ's Holiness to him, not any quality at all infused into him, or inherent in him. And if so, what shall be the meaning of these Texts, Be ye holy in all manner of conversation: Be ye perfect, as your Heavenly Father is perfect: Grow in grace: Work out your salvation: add to your Faith virtue, to virtue knowledge, &c. Note that Text, I beseech you, Saint Peter doth not lay all the load upon Faith; Nor so urge it, as if it alone might do all: No, but he would have all virtues and fruits of the Spirit joined with it. These men do quarrel us for pressing good works, as if with the Papists we did teach men to seek life and Salvation by their works: But I fear their drift is to banish out of the Church all care of Holy duties, all care of Repentance and new Obedience. Did they press these at all, we should the less scruple at the motives; though there is no reason, why we should cast a way such motives, as the Scripture hath appointed for that purpose; why should we think ourselves wiser herein than God, or better acquainted with our own strength than he? as if we could walk without that stuff which he hath provided for us. But we can not find them reaching any necessity of these duties at all. And for their Disciples, we find some of them casting away all care of duties, yea and disputing against them: No conscience made of Sanctifying the Lord's day in public: No care of family duties in private: plain neglect, yea opposition of days and times of Easting and Humiliation: No necessity of Repentance and sorrow son Sin. And certainly where there is so little respect had to the Duties of Piety, it may well be doubted there is not overmuch care of Justice and Honesty. Now for that other motive of the Law, viz. threatening of danger in case of negligence and disobedience: They say, Since all do grant, that the curse of the Law is abrogated, why should Christians be terrified with it; Is not this to call them back to the yoke of Bondage? Surely no, Except they will say that Christ and his Apostles did so: we walk in their steps, so that either they must acquit us or condemn them. See for this that of our Saviour, Mat. 5. 25. 29. & Mat. 6. 15. and 7. 1. Doth it not appear by these Texts, that our Saviour hath renewed the penalty of the Law to make men cautelous and conscientious in their duties: Do not the Apostles tread in the same steps? Other Arguments, I grant, are more frequent, yet otherwhiles we find them propounding the danger of Sin: See these Texts, Rom. 6. 23. & 8. 13. & 13. 2. 2 Cor. 3, 17. & 6, 9 & 9 16. & 11. 29. 2 Cor. 5. 11. Gal. 5. 21. & 6. 8. Eph. 5. 6. Col. 3. 8. 1 Thess. 4. 6. James 5. 1. 2 Peter 2. & 3. And what shall we say; Do the Apostles in these Texts call men back again to the yoke of Bondage? Two Reasons are alleged against the use of those Comminations: 1. Christians need them not. 2. They need not fear them. That they need them not, they endeavour to prove by this reason; Because (say they) Believers are of an ingenuous disposition, and led by a free Spirit: The Spirit of Christ doth sweetly incline the Heart to love God and Man; yea by Faith bringing love is man enlarged and prepared to the Duties of the Law: Nor need he be tied and bound to it as a Bear to the stake. I answer, That what is here said is right, if rightly understood: Only remember, that this is a state of perfection to which the Holy heart aspireth indeed, yet hardly attaineth. And therefore there is still need of the Law and the Motives thereof to excite and stir up our over-slothful & sluggish minds: The Spirit of Christ, I grant, doth execute the office of the Law, whether considered as the Rule, or the Principle of well doing; the Spirit is both Principle and Rule: but by reason of that rebellion which is in the flesh, there is use of the Law and of the terror thereof: the Spirit doth make use of them to shake off that sluggishness that is in us. As he doth teach, so doth he incline the Heart: Teach he doth, not only by inward Motions and Suggestions, but also by external Precepts and Instructions: so doth he incline and discipline the heart by external motives, no less than inward motions: external motives I say, viz. the Promises and threatenings of the Law. Object. Is not this to call for an outward Authority to incline the Heart to that which it hath none affection nor inclination? Sol. Nothing less: It is indeed to call for an outward authority or Argument to quicken the Soul unto that unto which though by Grace it hath an inward affection, yet by reason of the powerful relics of Corruption, that inward affection is not strong enough to prevail without some outward helps; we know that a Crutch doth no harm to the weak and feeble, nor do we account of Christians moved by fear to be as a Bear tied to a stake: We know that they have in them an ingenuous and free Spirit by which they are led, but we know that there is in them also the Body of Sin still dwelling; the Lusts whereof are violent and must be kept under by the Law: We fear to let the Christian loose too soon, least like Heirs that come to their Estate before they be wise, they squander it away & spoil all: we know that they have the Spirit of Faith which worketh by love: But we know also that the same Spirit worketh by Fear; Love and Fear are as the weights and plummets of the Soul: Love is indeed the sweetest and most potent, but it is not for beginners and Babes in Christ; These like schoolboys must otherwhiles be frighted into their Duty: were there no flesh in believers, fear might be laid aside, while there is Flesh in them, there is use of fear: If not, why is it part of the promise in the New Covenant, Ier. 32. 40. I will put my Fear into their Hearts. They grant, That the Law doth not lose his Dominion till the Grace of God do challenge us to itself, that it may reveal Righteousness in us: very good (say I) but add this, That the Law doth not lose his Dominion wholly, till the Grace of God hath revealed Righteousness in us, i. e. till it hath set up the reign of Grace and subdued corruption, which is the daily endeavour of the Spirit, but much retarded by the flesh, nor will it be perfected till this life be changed. It is not denied, but while the Spirit of Love is active fear may stand aside: But we know, that when the Heart is taken up with the pleasures of Sin, as too often it is, the Spirit of God must use the whip of the Law to fetch it off again: otherwise it is hardly reclaimed. Nor do we deny, but that according to their Doctrine and Definition of a true Believer, there is no liberty set up nor given to the Flesh: But we say, it is a Doctrine and definition not fitted to the state of a Christian in this life: To walk by Love, is the Duty of a Christian, not the Definition: This motive and mean which they prescribe, viz. The Love of Christ, is potent and prevalent to lead men on in Holiness, if it meet with an Heart rightly fitted and qualified: But it is not for the common temper of Christians, as Saint Paul said of the Law, It was too weak, Rom. 8. 3. Not in itself, but in respect of man's impotency: So say we of this love, the only motive by which these men would have Christians dealt withal; It is strong in itself, but not strong enough to over bear the power and prevalency of Corruption still remaining: Needs must we call in the help of this fear, the fear of danger that may come by Sin to keep men, even the best of Christians from daring to meddle with it. Well, But to what end should these threatenings be used, since Christians need not fear them: How so? Because, by virtue of their justification they are delivered from the curse of the Law: To this I might answer, That their Justification doth not free them from the Rod. What was said of the Seed of David, is true also of the Seed of Christ the Son of David; If they break my Statutes and keep not my Commandments, then will I visit their Transgression with the Rod, and their Iniquity with stripes, Psal. 89. 31. They may, and do smart for their sins, as appeareth by the grievous complaints of divers holy men of God, Psal. 77. and 88 15. Now then, if they be liable to smart and suffer for their sin, may they not be threatened and put in fear thereof, that fear may make them watchful and careful? Not for sin (say these men) doth the Believer smart and suffer, but from sin, i. e. In the way of prevention, not in the way of punishment: A fond and a foolish position, contrary to the Text of Scripture, which directly saith, For this cause many among you are weak and sick, and some are fallen a sleep, 1 Cor. 11. 30. contrary to reason: Why doth one Christian smart rather than another? Hath he in him more seeds of sin then another? contrary to experience: What Father doth correct his child for a fault not yet committed? And whose conscience doth not tell him, that his sin hath procured these things to himself? Even Job is at it, I have sinned, what shall I do unto thee, Job. 7. 20. I might add, That if their justification doth exempt them from being cast into Hell, yet doth it not exempt them from having an Hell cast into them, even the very flames and fl●shes of that fire and brimstone, for a time cast into their souls, to drink up their spirits, and dry up the moisture of their vital parts, as the experience of divers holy Saints of God doth testify. But this I urge finally, That notwithstanding their justification, they are not exempted from the fear of Hell itself. Justification doth only free them from this fear, while they walk worthy of it; But suppose them sinning against the Law of holiness, suppose them stepping aside from Christ, and wandering into the way of sin, they cannot be free from the fear of death: The Apostle saith, If ye live after the flesh ye shall die, nor doth he make any exception of the justified person. So that if you can suppose a justified person sinning (as no doubt but he may, otherwise in vain had S. Paul to them of whom he had said, 1. Cor. 6. 11. Ye are justified, recommended this exhortation, verse 18. Flee Fornication) if you can suppose him sinning, I will conclude him thereby in danger of death, and till he repent and return to Christ, that he may gain the pardon of this sin also, he cannot be out of the fear of death. Nay more, if you can suppose him sinning, and dying in his sin without repentance for that sin, I will conclude him in the state of death and condemnation, or else Saint Paul was deceived; He saith, If ye live after the flesh, ye shall die, Rom. 8. 13. and again, He that soweth to the flesh, shall of the flesh reap corruption, Gal. 6. 8. If you will exempt him from all possibility of sinning, and from all possibility of living after the flesh; Then I grant, he need not fear death and Hell: But if such only be true Believers, I suppose you must go out of the World to seek for your true Believers. Consequently, since it cannot justly and truly be said, either that Believers need not the threats of the Law, or that they need not fear them, it is fit that they should hear them, and have them pressed upon the conscience: The threats, I say, and therefore much more the precepts and duties of the Moral Law. This we teach, and thus we practise, For by Faith we do not make void the Law, nay we do establish it, saith the Apostle, Rom. 3. 31. Our Faith in Christ doth give us an interest in the Promise of life and salvation: But our Conformity to Christ in holiness, and the daily growth and increase thereof, is that which doth by degrees fit and fashion us for it. Well therefore saith the Apostle, 2 Cor. 7. 1. Having therefore these promises, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God. CHAP. III. A brief Answer to the Arguments of H. D. by him brought to prove Justification before Faith, i. e. before the act of Believing. Arg. 1. infant's are justified, yet do they not believe, Rom. 10. 17. therefore, some are justified before they believe. Answ. This Instance of Infants is not to the point in hand, as not in the case of apostasy, and falling from Grace, maintained by the Arminians: * See Suffrag. Theolog. Magn. Brit. in Artic. 5. So neither in this point of justification before Faith, maintained by the Antinomians; For why, That justification which is in question, consisteth in the Remission of actual Transgressions: Not so that which Infants receive in their Infancy; They are as yet guilty of no more, but Original Sin: And it is enough for them that the guilt of that is removed: of Actual Sin they shall then receive the Remission, when they stand in need of it, and are fitted for it. Objection. But whatsoever Infants do receive, they receive it without Faith. Sol. Hic aqua haeret. And Divines do not all agree in expediting themselves: Some do not stick to affirm, That Infants have Faith; I grant it is an hard matter to prove the Negative, viz. That Infants have not Faith. That Text of Rom. 10. 17. Faith cometh by Hearing, is not fully to the purpose; If Hearing be restrained to the Ear, than all that are born deaf are excluded; if extended to any way of acquainting man with the will of God, even by the workings of the Spirit, who shall exclude Infants? As hard a matter it is to prove that Infants have Faith, especially if Faith be defined by knowledge, persuasion or confidence. It is said of John Baptist, that he was filled with the holy Ghost: This showeth that Infants are capable of the Spirit, but it doth not thereupon follow that they do believe; Because, though in its actings the Spirit depend not upon the faculties of the soul, and their fitness, yet doth it not usually prevent them: Nor be the actings of Grace ordinarily found, but where Age hath added some perfection to the Abilities of Nature. All that can be said in this point is this, That Infants do receive together with their justification, the principle of Faith, viz. The Spirit of Faith, as he is called, 2 Cor. 4. 13. This is that which some do call The Seed of Faith, or Seminal Faith (nor can the term be refused, since it is grounded on the phrase of Scripture, 1 Pet. 1. 23. and John 3. 9) And so it may be said, that Infants have Faith (as they have Reason) in Actu primo, though not in Actu secundo, in the seed, though not in the flower; And this is enough to make them capable of that justification which they receive in their infancy; consequently, though they have it without, and before actual Faith: yet not before Seminal Faith, not before the seed, the root, the Spirit of Faith. 2. Arg. He that is in Christ is justified, and so justified before he do believe; Because none can believe before he be in Christ: Faith is the fruit of the Spirit, Gal. 5. 22. Answ. Grant indeed, None can believe before he be in Faith, in gall 5. 22. is Fidelity, as in Tit. 2. 10. a moral Virtue. Christ, though that Text do not prove it, yet he may believe so soon as he is in Christ; and full as soon for time as he is justified, and for order before he be justified: for understanding whereof, know, That in the first moment of our union with Christ, the Soul hath a Communion of all that floweth from Christ both for Grace and Glory: But how? In the virtue and power of a Root and Seed: from this Union floweth both Grace to enable the soul to do good actions, and also Glory to crown and reward each good act that is wrought, but each in his own order: Ex. gr. The plant engrafted into the stock, receiveth from it both sap and fruit: Or thus, from the virtue of life in the soul, doth proceed a power both of Feeding, and of Growing, not both of them in the same manner; for Feeding cometh as an Act, Growing as an Effect, yea an Effect of this Act: so is it here, To Believe, and To be Justified, come from our Union with Christ (as indeed, all that we have, and all that we hope for is from him, and without him we can do nothing.) And in that Union are they folded up as in the root and seed; But still to be considered in their natural order, in which one is the cause of the other, and therefore to be considered in order of Nature before the other: what say we that Glorification no less than justification doth flow from that Union: will you then say, that he that is in Christ is glorified, yea glorified before he do believe? Surely no: As none is glorified before he be justified: so neither is he justified before he be called, Rom. 8. 30. In which call, if Faith be not included, it will not be effectual. Thus every thing trust be considered in its own order: All these, Grace and Glory, Faith and the Fruits thereof, are rolled up as in a Root, and bestowed upon us in our first Union, but the explicit production and application of each to the Christian soul is in a just order. 3. and 4. Arg. All the Elect of God are justified before God, for why, They cannot be charged with any thing, Rom. 8. 33. Their Sins are taken away, Isa. 53. 6. Ioh. 1. 29. 1. Pet. 2. 24. And this before they believe: For some of them do not yet believe. Answer. All the Elect of God, even they that yet have no being in the World; yet when they are looked upon as justified persons, are considered of God as believers, no less then justified: before the World they are foreseen as believing, before foreseen as justified; Because, in the World, till they believe, they are not justified: still that that in the execution of the decree hath the precedency, is considered in the decree as foregoing, Sin before Condemnation, Faith before justification. The elect have their sins taken away before they do believe, But how? Not otherwise save in the purpose of God, and the purchase of Christ: Else what use, nay what sense in those Exhortations, Act. 2. 38. Repent and be baptised for the Remission of sins, Act. 3. 19 Repent and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, Act. 22. 16. Arise, be baptised, and wash away thy sins; is it not evident that the sins of these were not as then blotted out and washed away, that they might use these means to compass this end? The Texts alleged for Proof of the Argument, speak not home to the point intended: That of Isa. 53. 6. only showeth that designation of Christ to be the sacrifice of Expiation: Not is there more in the 6. verse than was expressed in the 5. verse, He was wounded for our Transgressions; this only excepted, That v. 6. showeth, That Christ should make peace for us by the way of a sacrifice, even the sacrifice of himself, upon whom God would lay the iniquities of us all; as Aaron laid the iniquities of the Children of Israel upon the Goat, Lev. 16. 21. Say the same of Joh. 1. 29. It showeth whom God had appointed to that work. And the Text of 1 Pet. 2. 24. showeth, That he hath executed his Office: but none of these Texts do say any thing concerning the benefit thereof, redounding to any one in particular, whether without, or before or after Faith: Truth it is, That this was said and done long before many of the Elect did believe; So also, before many of them had any need of Faith and justification, even before they had a being. Nay in that Text, Rom. 8. 33. brought to prove the Elect justified, because Nothing can be laid to their charge: It is evident, that the Apostle speaks of the Elect, now made actual Believers; For that phrase of laying any thing to the charge of God's Elect, doth presuppose them living and standing before the Tribunal, consequently actual Believers: For against the Elect, till actually believing, doth Satan lay no accusation: And we doubt not to affirm, That the Elect of God believing in Christ, and laying hold on him by Faith, are so justified before God, that in vain shall Satan seek to charge any thing upon them: But till then, notwithstanding the Purpose of God, and the Purchase of Christ, yet are they not actually discharged of their sins, nor actually justified in the sight of God. 5. Arg. We were made sinners in Adam, before we had done any evil, and so we are made righteous in Christ, before we have done any good. This is the Assertion of the Apostle, Rom. 5. 18, 19 Ans. The Text of the Apostle doth only set down this, That as Adam is the Author of condemnation to all that be condemned, so Christ is the Author of justification to all that are justified. But as to the time when this is done, in the one or the other, the Text speaketh nothing. Grant indeed, That in respect of the Merit of Christ, it may be said, that we are justified in the sight of God, before any good be done by us; but now in respect of actual Application to particular persons, as no man is condemned till he have an actual being, and be found a sinner in himself, so neither is any man justified before he have an actual being, yea an actual being in Christ, and in him made righteous: Condemnation presupposeth sin in the party condemned, and justification presupposeth Grace and Faith in the party justified. 6. Arg. In Christ crucified (before we believed) was full satisfaction made, Heb. 10. 11— 14. And God was contented to rest in that satisfaction, Mat. 3. ult. Isa. 53. 11. Therefore there will follow perfect Remission of sins. Ans. No doubt of it, perfect Remission will follow, because satisfaction is made and accepted: But when? Not till the sinner need it: not till he be fitted for it: not till he have a being in Christ; not till he come to Christ, that he may receive. In very deed, the satisfaction was neither intended nor accepted, but upon that condition, That whoso will have it, must come to Christ for it. Hence they in Ioh. 5. 40. are blamed in that they would not come to Christ, that they might have life. That Text of Isa. 53. 11. is mis-applied to the Father, being indeed spoken of Christ himself. 7. Arg. Either we are justified in the sight of God before we believe, or else even the Elect of God are for some time hated of him; For he hateth all the workers of iniquity, but certainly the Elect of God are at no time hated of God: If so, Then God should hate to day and love to morrow, with much changeableness of Affection: Nay more, God's love to us shall depend upon our love to God. Ans. Set this down for a truth; 1. That God hateth all the workers of iniquity whatsoever, Psal. 5. 5. 2. That the Elect of God are loved of him from all eternity, Ier. 31. 3. 3. That there is no variableness, nor shadow of change in God, Iam. 1. 17. 4. That we love him, because he loved us first. Now, if there seem any contrariety in these laid together, we are forced to some distinctions, by which a commodious interpretation may be set down: So then consider of these Explications: 1. The love and hatred of God to the Creature may be considered, either in the purpose of God, or in the execution of that purpose, & this execution is in the effects of love and hatred. The purpose of God is this, to appoint the Creature to be the object upon which in time he will exercise the effects of love or hatred; in this purpose of God, the Elect are always Loved, never Hated: nor doth God vary and change in this his purpose: nor doth this purpose of his depend upon the foresight of any good in man. 2. In the execution of this purpose, the suspension of the Effects and Fruits of Love hath the name of Hatred: And God may be said to hate them (as the Husband that Wife) from whom he with draweth the Effects of Love. Now in this doth God walk oftentimes according to the present disposition of the Creature: wheresoever God findeth sin, he hateth it, (sin is properly the Object of God's Hatred, sin I say, not the Creature) and if this sin be in a person appointed to love though he will not change his purpose, yet will he suspend all effects and fruit of love, yea, and put forth the effects of hatred, until the party do part with his sin. Contrarily, wheresoever he findeth any good, he loveth it, yea, though it be in a person not appointed to love; though this his purpose change not, yet will he suspend all the effects of hatred, yea, and with much tenderness of affection put forth the effects of love to this party, till he doth wilfully let fall his care of goodness, and take up a Resolution of evil, yea, and that incorrigibly. 3. The love of God to the Creature in respect of the effects thereof, is not unfitly distinguished into the love of Benevolency, and the love of Complacency, the former consisting in well wishing or pitying the Creature, is absolute and free: The other drawing with it delight in, or friendship with the Creature is respective, and hath an eye to the good behaviour of the Creature: see both these expressed in that Parable of the wretched Infant, Ezek. 16. 6. an emblem and fit resemblance, as thereof the Church of Israel, so generally of the Elect of God. For first God doth cast an eye of pity upon them in their wretched condition▪ and saith unto them Live; His word is operative, and did them good, as is intimated verse 7. then afterward when his grace hath wrought in them, and fashioned them into a comely beauty, he doth again pass by them and behold them, and lo it is the time of love, whereupon he doth enter into a League and Covenant of friendship; so that now the soul of every one of them may say, as the Spouse in the Canticles, I am my welbeloveds, and my well-beloved is mine: God's delight is in them, and theirs in God: These things well understood, will easily show the Inconsequence of the Argument, for the Elect may be loved in the purpose of God, and yet not actually justified, nor God enter into a Covenant of love, till by the work of his grace they be fitted for the time of love. Again, whiles they are workers of iniquity and unconverted to God, their sins may be hated, and the effects of love suspended, notwithstanding the eternal purpose of God. No variableness in God, because it is his purpose, not to entertain them into the effects and fruits of his love and delight▪ till they be converted and fitted for it, by the actings of the spirit of grate moving and working in them. To close up the point, let us to prevent erroneous misconceits which spring from the Confounding of things that d●ffer, let us, I say, take notice of this distinction; A man may be said to be justified either Intentionally, or Virtually, or Actually, either in God, or in Christ, or in Himself. 1. Intentionally, in God, i. e. in God's purpose and decree, this is from all eternity: But this decree and intention doth not put any thing into a state of actual being but in the fullness of time; nor doth it exclude, nay it doth include and presuppose Faith in the person justified; for though election be of the persons, yet justification & Glorification are of the persons so and so qualified. 2. Virtually, in Christ may a man be said to be justified; And this is from the Day of Christ's passion, and in the virtue of his satisfaction; yet this intendeth no more but this, that satisfaction is made, and Remission purchased by the blood of Christ: Neither doth this exclude the consideration of Faith, nay it doth call for it, that so there may be an actual Application of the price and purchase. We know that▪ in a purchase, beside the payment of the price, there must be Livery and Seisin given, before a man be in actual possession of what is purchased: so here, there must be application of the righteousness of Christ, as well as the Effusion of his Blood, and this is received by Faith. 3. Actually, in himself is man said to be justified, when he hath the possession of it: But this Actual justification hath its degrees of progression. The beginning thereof is laid in our first Union and Incorporation into Christ: The Consummation of it is not till the Judge at the latter day hath solemnly pronounced the sentence of final absolution, & so set us in full possession of entire remission. Between both these there is a progressive work of justification, by the constant actings of the Spirit applying the Blood of Christ, by the hand of Faith, to the quiet and comfort of the soul. The first you may term Initial justification, the latter perfective, and this between I would call progressive, it is the fruit of the first, and the preludial assurance of the latter: This is wrought and sealed in the second Sacrament, as the former is in the first Sacrament: and both these branches of Sacramental justification are to us the preassurance of that complimental and perfective justification; The sentence whereof putteth an end to all fears, changing our faith and hope into fruition and full possession; even the first of these acts is not transacted without the seed and spirit of Faith, much less the successive agitations, and progress of the work. Thus every way Faith is considered as equal with, yea as foregoing the work of justification. CHAP. IV. That justification is not transacted all at once, nor any pre-remission of sin before it be committed. BY his knowledge shall my Righteous Servant justify many, saith God by the Prophet Isaiah, cap. 53. 11. Shall justify, is a verb of the future tense, the work then at that time was not done: the Question is, when was it to be done? In the day of his passion, say some, than did he bear the sins of many, and take away the sin of the world, so that from that time and forward to the end of the world, there is no more imputation of sin to any of the elect. It hath been commonly said, even by some of our best Divines, that justification is transacted in our first Union and Incorporation into Christ, at which time it is conceived, that the pardon of all sin is sealed, consequently that it is to us an act already passed: Nor can we say, He shall, but he hath justified: But I fear that the misunderstanding of this point (not untrue in itself, if not mistaken and misapprehended) hath laid the ground upon which the Antinomian buildeth that unhappy structure which turneth the Grace of God into wantonness. Who knoweth not that justification in its proper acceptation of the word according to the Scripture phrase, is the act of a judge, pronouncing a judicial sentence? and according to this, I suppose we shall not err from the truth, if we say, that the main work of Justification is even to us as yet future, and that the time when Christ shall justify those many in the Text of Isaiah, is when he shall condemn the Residue, viz. at his s●●ond coming, when he shall separate the sheep from the Goats, then shall he justify them, and at once absolve them from all accusations and charges laid in against them; then shall they receive a final quietus and discharge; then shall God wipe all tears from their eyes, than shall there be no more sorrow nor crying, no more curse nor fear thereof, according to the words of the Angel, Rev. 21. 4. & 22. 3. There is, I grant, a praejudicium in foro conscientiae, a preludial Justification in the Court of Conscience, which is a pregustation and foretaste of that final Absolution. In the Court of Conscience doth Christ set up his Tribunal, there doth he take notice of the Accusations that are put in by Satan against the sinner upon particular occasions, and by the power and operation of the spirit working in the Conscience, doth he upon the humble confession of the penitent soul, pronounce the sentence of absolution by the ministry of the Word, and seal it by the blessed Sacrament; and what is now done daily upon emergent occasions, shall be ratified at the latter day, according to that gracious promise of Christ made to Peter, when he gave him the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven, Mat. 16. 19 Whatsoever thou shalt lose on Earth shall be loosed in Heaven; And the same in effect repeated to the Apostles, Joh. 20. 23. Thus in present by the ministry of Reconciliation, there is a work of justification in the Court of Conscience; But the final consummation is reserved to that day, when Christ the judge proceeding judicially shall pronounce the sentence of absolution. The main work of justification therefore is as yet future: for to say, that justification quatenus it comprehendeth remission of sin, is one individual act, or that the blood of Christ doth at once wash us from all, even future sins, in the Antinomian sense, I dare not yield: It is the blood of Christ, and that alone, which doth cleanse us from all sin; so is it the word and spirit of Christ, that leadeth us into all truth, yet not all at once. Truth it is, that in our first union with Christ, there is conferred the ground and pledge of future remission for all sins to the end of our lives; the Ground of it is our Adoption sealed to us in our Baptism, the which is not afterward cut off, no not by the greatest sins which the believer doth commit: still he is the child of God, though in respect of his sin he may be the child of Wrath, and liable to punishment, still he hath an interest in Christ, and upon his repentance he shall have benefit and communion with him in his Merits and Graces. The Pledge and pawn of future Remission, i. e. of the Remission and Forgiveness of all future sins, is that actual Remission of what sin for the present the soul stood guilty of, at that time when he was United to Christ: All sins past and present, were actually pardoned, viz. Actual sins in Converts, Original in their Infants, the guilt of these is remitted, and their justification in reference to these sealed in Baptism. This favour received, is a Pledge of assurance to them, that in future also by applying themselves to Christ, they may and shall receive the forgiveness of their daily sins. He that by the application of a salve hath his wound cured, hath he not therein a Pledge of assurance, that in the use of the same means, upon the like occasion he may receive the same benefit? But to say, That in our first Union with Christ we receive an actual Remission of future sins, is in mine Opinion as incongruous as to say, The Cure is done and past before the wound be made. I grant, That it hath been received, and passed for currant in the schools of our Divines, That all sins are remitted to the Believer at once; all, viz. past, present, and to come: so hath it been received, That justifying Faith is a particular persuasion of God's mercy to me: But as Amesius hath well observed in Medulla Theol. lib. 1. cap. 27. That this was set down only to oppose that general assent to the Articles of our Creed, in which Papists do place the essence of justifying faith [And therefore though he granteth that Fides justificans parit hanc specialem fiduciam, &c. yet he defineth it to be Qua recumbimus in Christum ad Remissionem] so I suppose that our Divines did set down this position of justification transacted at once, to cut off the Popish ground for the Sacrament of Penance; not foreseeing what we by experience find, how unhappy a ground is herein laid for looseness and Libertinism. Hereupon Amesius (ibidem) coming to set down his Opinion of the matter, doth mince it, Remittuntur peccata justificatorum non praeterita solum sed etiam aliquo modo futura. Note that aliquo modo: Now to explain himself he addeth, Hoc tamen est discriminis, quod peccata praeterita per formalem applicationem Remissionis nobis in Christo paratae; futura autem virtualiter tantum▪ Praeterita in sese: Futura in subjecto vel persona peccante— The which is in effect to say, Non remittuntur nisi in pignore, The actual Remission of sins past, is the Pledge and Pawn of what shall be upon the use and exercise of Faith. But to conceive sin remitted as it were by an antedated pardon, is not only against sense and reason, but also against the grounds of Religion. Sense and reason saith, there is no need of Remission before there be a guilt, nor is there guilt before the sin be committed: no need of a plaster, before there be a wound, prepared aforehand it may be, and laid ready, but application of it must needs come in after the malady. Then for the ground of Religion, 1. In the fifth Petition we are taught to pray for the pardon of sin. Now prayer is an act of Faith and hope, and both these are de futuris, of things expected, and not in present possession. Faith looketh upon the Promise, hope upon the performance, neither of them upon the possession. No man prayeth for what he hath in hand, or for what is completely done and past already. I know what is usually said, viz. That not the pardon itself, but the assurance, the feeling and comfort of it is that which is desired in the Petition. Nor do I deny, but that in respect of sins past and formerly pardoned, this is so: We play for greater assurance of that pardon, because our Faith is like a narrow-mouthed Bottle, which though cast into the sea, yet is not filled but by degrees. Or rather we pray for the continuance of assurance we have received, not as if God were off and on with us, or would revoke what he had given: But because this daily Petition is a mean appointed of God to work that continuance; and no sooner do we cease to pray, and take off our eye from God in Christ, but we cease to believe and receive that continuance. Thus I say, it is in respect of sins past; but now for the sins that daily are committed, it is the direct pardon of them which we desire of God in that Petition. Nor can the words receive any other sense, except we should wrest them, and so wrong the Wisdom of our Saviour, as if he could not make choice of such words & phrases as might plainly and understandingly express his meaning. And if these words, Forgive us— do signify, Make us to know that thou hast long since forgiven us, then why shall not the next words, As we forgive— receive the same interpretation? Nay why not so also in the other Petitions, Lead us not into Tentation, Give us our daily Bread, i. e. in the Antinomian sense, Make us to know that thou hast not lead us— that thou hast given us our daily Bread. Will not this be found a senseless gloss, nay an utter perverting of our saviour's intention? And why then should it hold only in the fifth Petition, and in none of the other? 2. Add this, That one end of our daily address to the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper, is to obtain the Remission of our sins by the application of Christ's blood. The words of our Saviour touching the Wine are these, This Cup is the New Testament in my Blood, which is shed for you, and for many for the Remission of sins: That in it, as we have often need by reason of our daily Transgressions, so we may often look upon that brazen serpent for the cure of our often bitings. Thus what we ask of God in prayer, the same in the Sacrament doth God bestow upon us, viz. The daily pardon of our daily sins. Were it not in this respect needful to provide for our wants, was the pardon of all actual sins at once sealed in this Sacrament, as is the pardon of our Original guilt sealed in Baptism, what necessity to receive this Sacrament any oftener than we do the other, sc. once for all? 3. And above all, it is a ground of Religion, that nothing is to be received and believed, but what is Revealed to us for a truth by the Word of God. Now there is no ground in the Word of God for any particular person to believe that his sins are remitted already, before he do repent and believe in Christ. The Word of God sets down what counsel hath been given to men, that they might obtain Remission, Act. 2. 38. and 3. 19 But nowhere doth the Scripture say to this or that man, Thy sins be forgiven: And for any man to persuade himself of Remission before it be, yea before he hath a word for it, is presumption and not saith. The Antinomian Doctors say, That the Spirit of God doth reveal it in the heart of a man, and the Voice of the Spirit is the Testimony of truth. In very deed, we may not refuse the Testimony of the Spirit, nor question the truth of it: But in as much as we know, that Satan doth sometimes transform himself into an Angel of Light, and that there be many false Spirits, in which respect the Apostles bids us to try the Spirits; nor doth Satan seduce only by the Doctrines of men, but also by false suggestions, whispering to the sinner comfort upon false grounds: How shall we discern the Testimony of the Spirit from the suggestion of Satan? They Answer, Hereby it is discerned, Because it speaketh things consonant to the Scripture. Let this be manifested, and the question is at an end. But where doth the Scripture countenance that Voice of the Spirit speaking to the sinner and saying, Thou art justified in the sight of God, and thy sin pardoned, and that long ago in the day of Christ's Passion: How I say, is this proved to be according to the Scriptures? They say, The Scripture holdeth forth the Free Grace of God in Christ; viz. That Christ is given a Saviour for sinners, for Enemies, for the Rebellious: That God doth justify the Wicked and the ungodly, even when and while they are such: That he calleth for no works of man's Righteousness, nor any previous dispositions to qualify men that may come to Christ: So that neither Impiety nor Enmity can cast in any bar to hinder him that will lay hold upon Christ. This we do not much question, but withal we add, That the Scripture doth also call upon sinners to Repent and turn to the Lord, that so they may be pardoned, and their sins bloated out: and in as much as we know that one Text of Scripture is no less truth than another, nor may we so cleave to the one, as to neglect the other (for they are not contradictory if rightly understood) we conclude that Christ is held forth a Saviour to sinners, but so, that they repent and forsake their sins, not else: no sin, not the greatness of any sin, no, nor the multitude of great Transgressions can bar the humble Penitent. Saint John saith, If we confess our sins, God is faithful and just to forgive us, 1 Iob. 1. 7. Note that [If] q. d. If not, then there is no ground to hope for it. Again we say, That God doth justify the ungodly, as Christ doth save sinners in sensu diviso, i. e. Not while they are ungodly, not while they are sinners, but when they have forsaken their wicked ways, & have turned to the Lord by true and sound repentance. That text of Rom. 4. 5. speaking of him that worketh not, but believeth in him that justifieth the ungodly, must not be understood simply, of such a one that doth nothing at all; but respectively of such a one as doth not rest upon his works, nor rely upon his Righteousness, but renouncing his own works, doth cast himself upon the Free Grace of God; nor doth it use that word ungodly in the common sense, s●. for one that hath no goodness in him at all, but in a limited sense, viz for one that wanteth such a perfection of goodness, as on which he may build the hopes of his justification: And the reason of this explication is, because the proposition is drawn from the instance of Abraham, a man certainly not altogether void of works and Righteousness, though not so complete and perfect in them, as that he durst rest upon them, but renouncing his works, he did cast himself upon the Free grace of God, and so was justified by his Faith. Consequently, that voice of Revelation in man, which teacheth him to comfort himself in the assurance of his justification, without any respect to the work of Repentance wrought in him, this is not the voice of God's spirit, but the delusion of Satan. There is no word of God on which to ground such an assurance, and therefore it may not be received nor believed for truth; it being a ground of our Religion, That nothing is to be received, but what is revealed by the word of God. I might add this also, Nothing is to be received as a truth which is cross and contrary to the Text of Scripture: Now, that sins should be actually pre-remitted beforehand, and the person actually justified, before that by Faith he be United to Christ, how doth it not cross that Text of Saint Paul, Rom. 3. 25. where speaking of the Remission of sin by the blood of Christ, he mentioneth not sin indefinitely, but Sins that are past? [for the Remission of sins that are past] I, know that some do by this phrase, Sins that are past, understand the Transgressions of them who lived in the time before Christ, the Transgressions against the first Covenant, Heb. 9 15. But whether this be not an overgreat straightening of the Text, I leave it to the judgement of the Learned. That of Heb. 11. 6. Without Faith it is impossible to please God, alleged by some to prove, No justification before Faith, is by H. D. turned off as not to the purpose: Why so? To please God (saith he) is to do things pleasing to God, which cannot be done without Faith; But he cannot so easily turn of those Texts, Joh. 3. 18. and Eph. 2. In the former saith our blessed Saviour, He that believeth not, is condemned already; How so? Is the sentence of condemnation judicially past upon him, or is the meaning of it, that he is in the state of condemnation; or in the words of John Baptist, Verse 26. The wrath of God abideth upon him, viz. till by Faith he lay hold upon Christ, By nature we are the children of wrath, saith Saint Paul, we as well as others, Jews and Gentiles, one common estate of all, till by Grace, by a quickening grace, there be put a difference, and this Grace is effectual through Faith, Verse 8. Consequently, no actual Remission of sin, before the work of Grace, which is yet more apparent from Verse 12. where speaking of those that then were quickened and justified; he saith, That before that work of Grace calling them, and quickening to a communion with Christ, they were without Christ, without hope; It is an overbase and unworthy conceit of the Scripture, which is implied in the Answer that he maketh; viz. This were something, if we were so in God's account, as well as in our own esteem: Unworthy of the Scripture, is this conceit, for whose Word is the Text of Scripture? From whose dictating is it penned? Doth Saint Paul in those words set down the judgement of men, touching the state of Nature, or rather the mind of God? If so, Howsoever in the purpose of God they were appointed to the effects and fruits of Love, yet for the present they were not fitted for it, till quickened by Grace: Consequently, not justified from their sins before their calling, much less acquitted of their debts, before they had run out into any sinful arrearages: No Pre-remission of sin, before it be committed. CHAP. V. The way of seeking vesolution touching our Adoption and Justification by signs and marks, viz. The fruits of Sanctification, whether it be altogether unsatisfactory. THere be who teach, That no fruit of Sanctification, if it See Dr. Crisps Sermons upon Isa. 53. speak as the Lord giveth it to speak can speak peace to the soul: And that inherent Qualifications are but doubtful Evidences for Heaven: consequently, that the way of seeking resolution by them, is altogether unsatisfactory: This conclusion, I grant, must needs follow upon those premises, but how are they proved? The reason alleged is builded upon Gal. 3. 10. The Law is not of Faith, but the voice of the Law is this, Cursed is every one that continueth not in all things that are written in the Book of the Law to do them— Are there not failings in all? Can that that is full of failings speak peace? How then can it secure a man that he hath Interest in Christ? But now by this text alleged to prove their position, and by the Argument framed upon it, it is evident that either they do not rightly understand what it is that we teach, or will not rightly propound it: For did we indeed hold forth these Qualifications to be immediate evidences in the way of a legal Righteousness, then did they speak to the point: Not so now, when as we do only account them mediate▪ Evidences, and that in a way of Evangelical Righteousness. We do not say, That he that is Holy and Righteous is adopted for his Holiness, or justified for his Righteousness, or saved for his good works and duties performed: No, But this we say, He that is Holy and Righteous is discerned to be Adopted, Rom. 8. 14. They who are led by the spirit of God are the sons of God; And whoso is adopted, is justified and shall be saved: Sanctification is an Evidence of Adoption and Justification, not ex Antecedente but ex Consequente: Not that either of these doth casually depend upon that, but because there is an inseparable Connexion of all these in the person Adopted: Saint Paul's Argument runneth thus, Ye shall live, because ye are children; and known to be children, because led by the spirit. For the further clearing of this truth, and discovering of Errors that darken the light and lustre of it, I shall propound and prosecute these two propositions: 1. That this is the way which the Saints of God have gone, in seeking for and setting forth the evidence of their Salvation. 2. That the new way of Evidencing, only by the spirit and Faith, cannot lay the Ground of a settled Peace, except the work of the sanctifying spirit be also sought to give in Testimony. The first Proposition. This is the way which the Saints of God have gone in seeking for and setting forth the evidence of their Salvation. I manifest this by three Texts, which I make choice of to examine what Doctor Crisp hath objected against the instance of these three Graces, universal Obedience, Sincerity of Heart, and the Love of the Brethren, which he refuseth as insufficient evidence of justification. 1. Text. Psal. 119. 6. Saith David, Then shall I not be ashamed when I have respect to all thy Commandments: where note, 1. His expectation; Not be ashamed or confounded, viz. when I am questioned either by God or Man. 2. The ground of this; When I have respect to all thy Commandments: Do we not see, That David doth comfortably assure himself that his Universal Obedience should give him boldness and confidence? Whereupon is that it in ver. 5. His earnest desire was, Oh, that my ways were so directed that I might keep thy Commandments. Now then, was it so with David (I might add Job also, whence that Confidence of his expressed, Job. 13. 15. and 27. 16. Is it not from his integrity, see Chap. 23. 10.— 13. and Chap. 31.) was it so with them, and may it not be so with us? Had sanctification a greater influence upon their Spiritual estate than it hath upon ours? Doubtless the Conscionable care of Universal Obedience is an Evidence and comfortable Ground of our assurance. Object. But how can this be an Evidence which Paul rejecteth as dross and dung, Phil. 3. He was blameless as touching the Righteousness of the Law, yet rejecteth it and will not rest upon it. Sol. True indeed, He was in his own opinion, and in others also; But this was only a Pharisaical blamelesness, such as that that is mentioned, Luke 16. 15. and 18. 11. When St. Paul came to himself he found it otherwise, Rom. 7. 7. And therefore no wonder if he do reject it. But admit that his Righteousness was Universal according to the measure of his knowledge, and that what he wanted in it was through ignorance and misunderstanding of the Law; yet since he speaketh of it in opposition to justification by Christ, and doth cast it away as a thing of no value and confidence when he seeketh a Righteousness for justification: will it follow, That because it is no Antecedent cause of justification, that therefore it is no Consequent evidence of our Adoption? Or, because it will not profit a man without Christ, that therefore with Christ and in Christ it will afford no comfort. Even he that doth here cast it off in 2 Tim. 4. 7. doth gather it up as a ground of Comfort. Reason good, for though this Moral Righteousness without Christ avail a man nothing, yet this being built upon Christ, and wrought by virtue of a principle of Holiness, viz. the spirit of Christ is an undoubted evidence of the Inhabitation of the spirit, even the spirit of Adoption; and therefore it is beside the point which the Dr. allegeth: Can that (saith he) be an evidence of our being in Christ, which St. Paul casteth away as dross? For though it may be worth nothing in the work of justification, yet it may be of much worth to evidence the work thereof: Though without Christ it may not profit a man, yet in him it may afford much comfort. 2. Object. But there is no such thing as this universal obedience to be found in any; No ship in which not some leak, No pot of ointment, in which not some dead fly. Sol. I do not reply, How then was this universal blamelesness found in Paul, nay in Paul a persecutor: But I grant, That such a plenary perfection wherein there is not any thing wanting of what the Law requireth, such there is not to be found in any; nor is it expected: No, this universality is rather Negative than Positive: Not any one precept is there which the Holy heart doth not willingly embrace as the rule to walk by: Not any one duty which he doth not desire and endeavour: Not any sin that he doth indulge or excuse in himself. This is that that is meant by universal obedience: A desire that nothing be wanting; An endeavour after perfection. Or in the words of David; It is not so much an actual keeping of all the Statutes, but an having respect to all the Commandments: To respect them as a rule both for Direction and Examination. Is there any thing to be done? the Holy Heart will not venture upon it till he hath sought to the word of God for direction what may, and what may not be done for matter and manner, when, and how far, together with all other circumstances: Hath he done any thing? he will examine it by the rule, whether it will hold square with it or not; And in this work, he will not look upon one or two, but upon every Commandment as his rule to walk by: if any Commandment forbid, he will by no means touch with it; Or if he hath, he will in no wise excuse or condemn himself. This is that universal Obedience which we make to be a sign and mark of Adoption and just●fication: Not so much the perfect work and practise of the Hand, as the steadfast will and purpose of the Heart. This is expected, Act. 11. 23. This is accepted, Psal. 66. 18. and 139. 23. Ob. Such purposes of the Heart are found in many wicked men in the time of Sickness, and fear of death: Then may you find them far from excusing any sin, or neglecting any precept, yea such is their purpose and resolution so to continue. Sol. Admit this to be so, though it is sooner said then proved, that thus it is in any, where some work of the sanctifying spirit is not found: But I say, admit it, yet doth not this objection take off the Argument: For we judge not of a man by one act, either of good or evil; But by the habit and constant frame of the heart: It is grace alone, and the spirit of Adoption that new-mouldeth the heart, and casteth it into an Holy temper of universal obebience. Grace is it that maketh the Heart constant in holiness; wicked men may have good moods and present purposes, but these are like Land-stoods soon gone again. So then, we understand the comfort of this universality to flow from the constant purpose of the Heart; This is the fruit and effect of Sanctifying Grace. Ob. But who can say from an Heart unfeigned that he hath such a constant purpose: For why, Are there not untoward risings of the Heart, and repining thoughts against many Truths of God? Are we not often weary of that service to which God doth call us? Do we rejoice in Afflictions as the tokens of God's Love, and count it all joy to fall into divers Tentations? Sol. This is but to beat the air, nor doth it prove the want of constancy in the former purpose of the heart. Grant indeed that these risings and repinings are in us, but are they settled in the h●●rt, are they habituated? Do they rest therein without a check? Are they excused or pleaded for? If not, The bent of the heart is still constant, notwithstanding those indispositions. This constancy is not measured by this, That there is no interruption of the Act, or intermixture of contrary dispositions: but by this, That there is no intercission of the Habit, nor any Toleration of these contrary dispositions. It is our happiness that we have to do with an indulgent Father, who looketh not at men in their fears and frighted passions, especially when they are ready to take down themselves for their ill-moods. In a Legal strictness no man can plead his constancy, but in a Gospel uprightness. As there is not any Duty which the Holy heart doth not embrace, so not any Time (if he be himself and free from Satan's Tentations) when he doth not constantly hold that purpose, and strive against all interruptions. 2. Text. 2 Cor. 1. 12. This (saith Saint Paul) is our rejoicing— That in Sincerity and godly Simplicity— Hence we collect, That sincerity and single-heartedness in our Obedience is a ground of comfort, an Argument of our Adoption. Reason, Because it is such a disposition of the heart, by which whatsoever is done by us, we do it as to Christ, and for the Lord's sake. Thus hath Saint Paul described it, Eph. 6. 5. Opposing is to eye-service, men-pleasing and self-seeking. And who can doubt but that sincerity of Obedience must needs be a ground of comfort and confidence? Can it be found in any that have not received the Spirit of sanctification? Or doth it flow fro 〈…〉 y Fountain, but an heart principled with the Spirit of Christ? Where this is wanting, there may be some outward Conformity of men's actions, in respect of the outward work: But the Motive and main cause of their performances, it is some by-end and base respect, as in Jehu and the Pharisees, which appeareth in this, That when that end is gained, or that respect ceaseth, than also their work is at an end, though the Glory of God, and the good of Christ's Church be never so much concerned: None but the child of God doth make the Glory of his Father, the end and aim of all his actions. All others begin and end in Self. Object. This sincerity is not found in the ordinary practices of Christians, either in the exercises of Religion, or in the works of mercy and justice: For why, saith the Doctor, Is there not much Self mixed in their performances? in praying and fasting?— Is not the end of these Duties, to be delivered from Danger? Sol. It is, I grant, one end, but not the ultimate end. In these exercises we seek our own good, bread, pardon, preservation, deliverance, and that not unlawfully: For Christ hath taught us to put them into our prayers, but still with this caution, For thine is the Glory, i. e. To desire them only as subservient to the glory of God: should we desire these for ourselves, i. e. to spend them upon our lusts, to live to ourselves in matter of profit, pleasure and preferment, this were self-seeking: But thus to desire them, that in the use of them we may be the more instrumental to glorify God in our several places, this is not Self-seeking. Say the same of Men-pleasing, though a man do encourage himself in goodness by the praise of men, by listening to the acceptableness of his well doing, yet so long as the praise of men is not (as it was in the Pharisees) the prime and principal inducement of doing what is done, this is not Men-pleasing, both of these are defined, not by the subservient, but by the ultimate end of our endeavours; if that be right, there is sincerity in the Obedience, and this sincerity is a ground of confidence, the work of the spirit, an Argument of our Adoption. Object. Not so saith the Antinomian Doctor, For we read in Rom. 10. 1. 3. That the Jews had a zeal-and this was exercised in Obedience to the will of God, yet these were En 〈…〉 to Christ: And how can that be an evidence of Adoption, that is found in an Enemy? Sol. Is not this a gross mistake? The point is touching sincerity, and his proof is by an instance of zeal: Is there no difference? Is not sincerity the singleness of the heart, and zeal the earnestness of the spirit? Besides, this their zeal was not according to knowledge: If this kind of zeal profit not, shall not that which is according to knowledge, and guided by the rules of Holy discretion, shall not that afford comfort? That which he addeth, viz. That their zeal was not in a corrupt way of their own devising, is directly contrary to the Apostle: For he saith of them, That in seeking to establish their own Righteousness, they have not submitted to the Righteousness of God: It was (therefore) a way of their own devising, which is proved Verse 4. Christ is the end of the Law for Righteousness, to every one that believeth: So that to seek the establishment of the Law (though the Law of God) for another end than God hath appointed, yea in opposition to that end, is not an Argument of sincerity, but an act of a turbulent passion. Papists contend much for the efficacy of the Sacraments: But while they place in them an efficacy altogether independent upon Faith, do they not seek to establish their own fancies, and not the truth of God? T●●s did these Jews, they pretended for God, but in a way of their own devising: Not much unlike to many among us, who pretend for the sceptre of Christ, but only in a way of their own. Were the zeal of all th●se sincere as it should be, there would be in them a readiness to embrace and submit to what shall appear to be the mind of God, and say Vnicat Veritas, or as St. Paul in 2 Cor. 13. 8. We can do nothing against the truth. 3. Text. 1 Joh. 3. 14. We know that we have passed from death to life, because we love the Brethren: Hence we collect, That the state of our Adoption, and standing right in the sight and favour of God, is a thing that may be known; that this love of our Brethren is a note and evidence thereof: For why? Love is of God, cap. 4. 7. an effect of the Spirit, Gal. 5. 22. For while the Spirit of Adoption doth shed abroad the love of God in our hearts, and make us sensible of it; it doth cause in us a love to him that loved us first, and for his sake who hath begotten us a love to them also that are as we are, begotten of God. This is so plain, that it may seem strange that any should either deny it or doubt of it. Yet saith the Doctor, Object. The scope of the Apostle is to comfort them against the hatred of the World, and he showeth what esteem they had one of another, q. d. though the World do not esteem us, yet our judgement one of another is, that we are the people of God, grounding ourselves upon this, that we do love one another; so that this is rather a mark how another may know me, than how I may know myself. Sol. Is not this strange, That the Apostle should set this down as a ground of comfort to bear up the heart against the hatred of the World, viz. The good esteem that Christians have of us; Will this secure the soul against sadness and sorrow? will not Satan suggest, What if they be deceived? They know not the heart, they judge by the outward appearance, by the expressions of love to the Brethren, and therein they may be deceived. And that the Text must be understood of that immanent and reflexive act of knowledge, which passeth a Censure upon ourselves; it is evident by that that followeth: For the Apostle having set this down as a rule of discerning their spiritual estate, and proved Ve●●e it 15. and pressed it by the example of Christ, whose love was manifested by laying down his life for us, Verse 16. whom we are to imitate in a real demonstration of our inward affection to the Brethren: He urgeth again this Motive, That hereby we know that we are of the truth, and shall assure our hearts before him: And I would gladly ask, whether here also the Apostle doth intend to teach us, that by this act of love, we way assure ourselves touching others, and rest secure that we are not decceived: And what so great matter is this, if in the mean space we may not evidently judge the state of our own souls? And what meaneth he to add this, Verse 21. If our heart condemn us not, we have boldness toward God. Certainly, the Apostles intention is to set down an evidence of Self-discerning. Object. But suppose it so: yet so intricate is this way of Examination, that a Christian shall find himself much puzzled in it. Why so? Because, hard it is to know both what it is to love, and who is a Brother: And till these be known, how can we try ourselves by the Sign? Sol. Grant it to be hard, yet if not impossible, we know that difficulty doth not take off, but stirreth up diligence. What it is to love, we may learn from 1 Cor. 13. 5. and 1 Job. 3. 16, 17. And who is a brother, from Gal. 6. 10. Quest. But who can truly say, I love the Brethren; if those be acts, effects and properties of love? Who can approve himself to have loved in all those particulars. Ans. Even he that hath received the Spirit of God; for Love is one of the fruits of the Spirit. And though peradventure he hath not attained to that perfection of love which another hath, & himself desires; yet is he not therefore excluded from the truth thereof. Quest. But who can know that this or that man is a Brother? Doth not this Brotherhood consist in being united unto Christ? Doth any man know this but God alone? Ans. Is not this in effect to tell the Apostle he speaks absurdly, and sets down a mark of knowing, which cannot be known? For when the Apostle saith, We know— Because we love— Doth he not pre-suppose, that it may be known, We love the Brethren, both in respect of the Act and Object; i. e. both what it is to love, and who are the brethren? But admit that I cannot infallibly discern who is, and who is not a Brother; yet may I discern the ground of my love to him, viz. because I conceive him to be a Brother; I love him under that notion. Object. So do Papists and Sectaries, these love their own, and under the notion of Brethren. Sol. It may be so, but what then? Is this therefore no sign or mark of our spiritual condition which St. John hath set down? But indeed neither Papists nor Sectaries do love under this notion in St. John's meaning, if their love be confined to Papists and Sectaries. He loveth a man under the right notion of a Brother, who doth love him eo nomine, because there is Aliquid Christi in him, because he is of the household of Faith, a believer in Christ: But if in case of a brother's necessity, yet there be no fruit of love to be seen, except also there be in him Aliquid nostri, viz. That he be of our Sect and Opinion: If all Christianity be confined within the narrow compass of this or that Opinion, surely this is not to love the Brethren. Let all Sectaries look to it, and the Antinomians by name, who pretend to be the only Brethren, because they only sit down by the free grace of God, and rest themselves upon the promises of the Gospel, though they see themselves full of sin: Let them, I say, look to it, for if their Charity will not extend itself to relieve the necessities, and bear with the infirmities of those other whom they accuse to run after Moses and the Law for their peace and satisfaction of Spirit: in as much as they cannot but know, that if we do err it is through misunderstanding of the Scripture, according to which we desire to frame all our faith and practices; certainly they cannot approve themselves to love the Brethren, you will say, this may easily be retorted: Nor will I deny the justness thereof, should I suffer the difference of Opinion so far to draw off mine affection from any that professeth Christ, as in the case of his necessity to neglect him, to reckon him no better than a Turk, I should doubt whether the Spirit of Christ dwelled in me or not. Is he a man that would not succour a man, though a Heathen or Turk, against a lion or a Bear? And is he a Christian that will not succour a Christian, though perhaps a Papist or a Sectary against a Turk? Is not the Text of St Paul plain, Do good to all, but especially to the household of Faith: And why to them especially? But because they embrace the Gospel, and so profess themselves the subjects and servants of Christ: Truth it is, that among them there is some difference also by a different measure of the Spirit: And as each is before other in it, so the especially falls upon him. We say that God himself is the first and chief Beloved: other things are loved for God's sake; viz. All the Creatures, but especially Man, because there is in him more of God then in the rest: All men, but especially Christians; Because they profess subjection to Christ: All Christians, but especially them in whom the work of the Spirit is most eminent; This it is to love the Brethren. But now if beyond all this, there must be Aliquid nostri in them, some special Relation to us, or else no love extended to them; This is not to love the Brethren: Of such St. John addeth, He that loveth not his Brother abideth in Death. The second Proposition. That the new way of evidencing our Adoption and justification only by the Spirit and Faith, cannot lay the Ground of a firm settled Peace, except the work of the Sanctifying Spirit also do come in to give Testimony. For the manifestation of which I shall show: 1. What is delivered touching each: 2. Wherein I conceive it to fail of the Truth. See Dr. Crisps. Sermons upon Isa 53. First, Touching the Spirit: It is termed, The Revealing evidence which speaks to a man's own Spirit, saying, Be of good cheer, thy sins are forgiven. Christ administered this Comfort only in general; But the Spirit cometh home to every man in particular: Whence he is called, The Comforter, because he so speaks to the Soul, that the Judge is also satisfied: And when men do fear, My sin is not pardoned, The Spirit speaks to the Soul, and saith, They are pardoned: Till this be revealed, all the World shall never satisfy the Soul, all signs and marks are mere riddles. The Spirit of Adoption teacheth as to cry Abba Father: The Spirit itself, i. e. the immediate voice of the Spirit without any instrument, what God hath determined of this or that man is not set down in the scripture: But it is revealed by the Spirit: Hence the Spirit is the seal and the earnest. To this effect the Antinomian Doctor; And hereupon he expostulateth: Why do men scorn and cry out of them that teach and profess this, as of Enthusiasts, men that have Revelations? Is not, saith he, the Spirit of God, the Spirit of Revelation? Is he not given to reveal these things? And to confess the truth, In all this I see not what can be denied, or much doubted of, though all his proofs are not convincing: that one Text of Rom. 8. 16. doth speak home to the point, That the Spirit of God is the Revealing evidence; The voice of the Spirit is the chief, though not the only Testimony of our Adoption: But all the failing is when he cometh to answer that Question, How shall I know that this is the voice of the Spirit? A needful Question: Because Satan may and doth transform himself into an Angel of light, and deceive the soul: This is, saith he, the usual way of men, if the Word did bear witness to this particular voice of the Spirit in me, than I could be satisfied: But if the Word do not bear witness▪ to this voice of the Spirit, I dare not trust it. The usual way; Nay is it not the only way? In the Old Testament thus it was, all Revelations were to be examined by the written word, Deut. 13. 1. Isa. 8. 20. And is it not so also in the New-Testament? See that Text of our saviour, Ioh. 16. 13. He that is the Spirit shall lead you into all Truth: How so? For saith Christ, He shall not speak of himself, but what he shall hear, that shall he speak: And what is that which the Spirit heareth? Is it not that which is already contained in the scriptures? So then, no Revelation of any Doctrine, no nor the Application of it which is not consonant to the Scripture, is to be thought to proceed from the spirit: but whatsoever is pretended to be revealed by the Spirit, doth so far forth call for Faith as is agreeable to the Scriptures. Well, not to quarrel needlessly, nor to be too strict in terms, he doth allow it for a truth, The Spirit of the Lord never speaks to the heart of a Believer, but he always speaks according to the Word of grace revealed: But than he addeth two limitations which spoil all: 1. That by the Word we must not understand the Law, but the Gospel: And this, I conceive, is put to choke them who seek for signs and marks of Inherent Qualifications. 2. That you must not make the credit of this voice of the Spirit to depend upon the Word, i. e. to receive credit from it; And why not? Because, saith he, if you say that the Word is of greater credit, than the Spirit wanteth something in itself of credit; as if a man were trusted for a sureties sake: But this (saith he) must not be allowed, God never intended that any thing should be of such credit as to give credit to the Spirit. The issue of all returns to this, That the Testimony of the Spirit is {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman}, self-sufficient, as the principles of Arts and Sciences which are indemonstrable, and must be received as altogether unquestionable, and the meaning thereof is this: If any urge, how shall I be satisfied that this voice thus speaking, is the voice of God's Spirit, his Answer is, It is so, because it is so: Or thus, I know it, because the Spirit saith it. So unwilling are these men, that the Revelations and Illuminations on which they build their comforts should be searched into too far. Object. Nay (you will say) his meaning is I know it, because the Spirit speaketh according to the Word. Sol. If so, Then he must recant what he said, That it doth not depend upon the Word. And well he may, For howsoever the Truth of what the Spirit speaketh, doth not depend upon the Word, yet the credit of it doth. The Scripture is already known, and received as the Word of God: And what cometh after it, must borrow credit from it: St. Peter speaking of the voice which they heard in the Mount, saith yet, We have a more sure Word of Prophecy, 2 Pet. 1. 19 How more sure? But because it was already received as the undoubted Word of God: And so to them, and in their Apprehension, it was a more sure Word. But to draw nearer to the point, Doth this voice of the Spirit saying to an ungodly man, Thy sins are forgiven, doth it speak according to the Scripture? True indeed, the Scripture saith, God justifieth the ungodly; God hath reconciled the World unto himself: But is it therefore allowed for any one to say, I am an ungodly man, I am one of the World, therefore I am justified, I am reconciled? Is there then any Universal Reconciliation and Justification taught in the Text of Scripture? I mean, any such Reconciliation that is absolute and irrespective; That Reconciliation is so far wrought by Christ indefinitely for the World of mankind, that whosoever will come in and lay hold upon Christ by Faith, shall not perish, this is revealed: None other do I know or acknowledge. Is it not rather taught us in the Scripture, That before there can be any conclusion of comfort to the soul, by the particular Application of the Gospel Promises (any I mean more than this conditional, If I will come in also, I may as well as others) there must come in the work of the sanctifying spirit, purifying the soul and conscience, and working in it those inherent Qualifications to which the Promise is made, and upon which dependeth the conclusion of that practical syllogism which bringeth comfort: The Text of Scripture saith, They that Repent and Believe— They that are lead by the Spirit of God are the Sons of God: Then that renewed and sanctified conscience saith, I do Repent and Believe— I am led by the Spirit therefore: And so this conclusion thus deduced, if the immediate Testimony of the Spirit, manifested by an Heavenly impression and irradiation upon the soul, if it come in with his attestation to confirm it, we may not doubt of the truth thereof, because now indeed it speaketh according to the Word, and doth confirm that particular conclusion which was comprehended in the general Text of Scripture: For where the Text of Scripture hath not a Quicunque for the Proposition, there the Testimony of the Spirit that concludes, for hic & ille doth not speak according to the Word. Object. You will say to me, there is a Quicunque in that of Isa. 55. 1. and Rev. 22. 17. Whosoever will: and our Saviour, Joh. 6. 37. Him that cometh to me, I will in no wise cast out? Sol. I grant it, No doubt but the Gospel doth hold out Christ to all, none exempted, Jew nor Gentile; But how? As a physician to cure them, not as an Husband, to receive them into union with him: Or if you will, as a Husband to take them into the Bed of love: But not till he hath purged them, and fitted them for his Bed; is it not for this, that the Scripture doth call upon sinners to wash and cleanse their hands and hearts, Isa. 1. 15. Jam. 4. 8. To separate from the Wicked, 2 Cor. 6. 17. with infinite other Texts of Scripture, all of them calling upon us to labour for the work of the Spirit upon the soul, that so we may find the fruits of union and communion with Christ, and by that work of the Spirit, felt in the heart, we way be assured that the word of the Spirit speaking comfort to the soul, and assuring the conscience of pardon, is the word of truth, and worthy of belief. For as when God set down the Text of Scripture, and revealed the same to the Church of God; he confirmed it by his works from Heaven, by Miracles which did convince the world that it must needs be the Word of God, which was accompanied with such mighty and miraculous operations; so when God will by the Spirit speak to the soul the Application of a Text for comfort, he doth make way for the credit of it by the work of the Spirit, the work of grace upon the soul: If not, believe it not, the spirit of truth is a spirit of holiness; There is no truth in that word which speaks comfort to that heart, in which is not wrought the work of Holiness. Consequently, Thy sins are forgiven, in the heart of a Drunkard, Swearer, Whoremonger, is not the voice of the Spirit. The work and the word of the Spirit go together. Nay, so evident is this, that the Doctor having sought to establish this Revelation of the Spirit as a principle that may not be disputed, and that cannot be demonstrated, doth yet in the close come in with this, Yet something more, for the Spirit doth give men to credit what he speaketh. His meaning I conceive to be, That by this work of the Spirit, by which man's heart is framed to receive the Testimony of the Spirit, and to believe it, by it doth it appear that it is the Spirit of God which witnesseth their Adoption; so then, it is the voice of the Spirit that saith, Thy sins are forgiven, and it is evidenced to be the voice of the Spirit, because he frameth the heart to believe it. It cannot be denied, but that it is the Spirit that giveth Faith to believe it; nor is it doubted, but that if this persuasion do come from the Spirit, it doth afford comfort; but still the question is, Whether this be the work of the Spirit or not: of the other, viz. The work of sanctification there is no doubt, which if it do not accompany that work of persuasion, I much doubt whether it be not an over bold presumption. 2. Touching Faith. This is delivered by the same Author: 1. That the Scripture doth authorise Faith to give full evidence concerning Interest in Christ. 2. That this evidence of Faith is not Revealing, but a Receiving evidence; viz. As it taketh possession of what the Spirit Revealeth, and doth rest upon it. This Faith, saith he, brings with it unquestionable evidence, full assurance, and what needs a man look farther: The spirit within thee saith, Thy sin is forgiven, Faith receiveth it, and sits down satisfied, here is thine evidence (saith he) and thou hast thy portion: For why, the Text of Saint John saith, He that believeth hath the witness in himself, q. d. He hath as much as can be desired, when he hath believing in himself: And he that believeth not, hath made God a liar, q. d. If when God hath spoken, man will not sit down with God's bare Word, but seek for signs and marks drawn from his own works; this man hath made God a liar. The sum of all returns to this, That this act of Faith receiving the Testimony of the spirit (that is, when the soul doth rest in it without any farther doubting) that this, I say, is the evidence of our Adoption and Justification: so then, ask him how do you know that sin is pardoned? His Answer is, because I believe it and rest satisfied in this persuasion. And is not this, I pray you, a very satisfying evidence? It is so, because I believe it is so; In this way what profane person is there in the world who may not conclude for himself, if he will but force upon himself this persuasion. Object. Nay, but it is not meant but of a persuasion which the Spirit hath wrought in the Heart: If God (saith he) hath given thee to believe it, this is thy evidence. Sol. Yea, but how shall I know whether God hath given me this persuasion, or that Satan hath suggested it into my Heart. Doth the Spirit of God take a man out of the dunghill of filthiness, and instantly without any work of washing and cleansing, speak to him that word of comfort, pronounce him pardoned, and work in him the full preswasion of it; or if he do speedily, and as it were suddenly work him to this full persuasion, Doth he not at the same instant work a change upon his will and affections, by which that light that is set up in the understanding may be discerned to proceed from the Spirit of God? Surely thus we have learned Christ, and thus we teach: The Spirit of God doth work upon the whole soul, and all the faculties at once, and equally; Understanding and Will, Conscience and Affections: Nor is there mroe light of saving knowledge in the one, than there is heat of holiness in the other: That Faith which doth not purify the heart and cleanse the conscience, is not a saving Faith: such a persuasion of pardon is but a presumption; that of S. James remaineth an everlasting Truth, Faith without works is dead. Object. That Faith (saith he) is not dead where the whole essence of Faith is. Sol. True, but wherein consisteth that essence of Faith? This is nothing but the echo of the Heart (saith he) to this voice of the Spirit: Grant Faith to be the echo of the Heart to the voice of the Spirit (though this indeed be but one act of Faith) yet by the voice of the Spirit we understand not that suggestion of Remittuntur, but the whole Text of Scripture, comprehending Precepts, Promises, threatenings, in all which there is indeed an echo of the Heart by Faith, Psal. 27. 8. But in this the Antinomian is farther off then the Papist: The essence of justifying Faith doth neither consist in this echo to the Text of Scripture, nor in that echo to that word of Revelation, but in an act that cometh in between them, ex gr. The Text of Scripture saith, He that believeth shall be saved: Is man justified by believing this for a truth, or rather by doing that duty which the word Believeth doth intimate, viz. The act of confidence and affiance in Christ. Again, the Spirit saith, Thy sins are forgiven; Is man justified because the believeth this word? Surely, no: He must have it, before the word that saith so be a word of Truth. So than the first echo goeth before, the other doth follow after: The right act of justifying Faith, whence it is so named is that intermediate act of confidence and affiance. Understand me to speak of these acts of Faith as first, second, third, in the order of Nature, not in the distance of time: In the order of Nature justification doth not go before Faith, but follow upon it: Nor is man justisted, because he doth persuade himself that so it is. To wade no farther in this Argument: By this I suppose it is evident, That the new way of evidencing by the word of the Spirit, and the subscription of Faith, cannot lay the Ground of perfect peace, except there come in also the evidence of inherent Qualifications. The voice of Pardon, is not the voice of the spirit, except when it speaks to a Heart prepared and fitted for it: Then only is it true, when it falls upon a Penitent soul, a Repenting sinner; otherwise it is the suggestion of Satan. Again, the subscription of Faith is then a ground of comfort, when it is accompanied with such inherent Qualifications as do certainly proclaim the work of the sanctifying spirit in the Heart, otherwise it is but Presumption and rash Boldness. The ground of all this is in the nature of this Testimony of the spirit: It is not denied, But that the testimony of the Spirit is the chief and principal assurance of our Adoption: that without it the soul is not finally rid of fears: that when it cometh, it taketh away all fears and doubts— But this is that which we are to more, that this is rather an Attestation than a Testimony; a secondary, not the first deponent: is not this rightly concluded from that of Rom. 8. 16. The Spirit witnesseth with our Spirit— where we have two witnesses joining together their Testimonies to assert this truth, That we are the Sons of God: Two I say, viz. Our spirit, and the spirit of God, the witness of our spirit, i. e. of our conscience is the first; The spirit of God is the second: His work is not {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman}, but {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman}, to witness together with our Spirit: i. e. To confirm and ratify what that hath asserted. So that indeed the evidencing of this Testimony of the spirit is from the Testimony of our own conscience: If this do not first speak and conclude, that other of the spirit speaks not at all: Now the Testimony of the conscience is the conclusion of that practical Syllogism; and the certainty of this conclusion depends upon the verity of the Assumption, which mentioneth the work of grace in the Heart. So then, let it be the care of the Christian to make good the verity of the Assumption, that he may truly say, I do repent▪ I am led by the spirit: I do believe and rest upon Christ, &c. This shall not only afford him comfort by the conclusion, but also assure him that he is not misled by the suggestion of Satan, but guided by the spirit, to rest upon that Testimony of his Adoption and Justification. CHAP. VI. Touching sin in the Conscience of the Believer; The Doctrine of the Antinomians in this Point examined and found insufficient to satisfy the Conscience: The right way of satisfying the Conscience, and of taking away the scruple of sin, set down. THe Prophet Isaiah, cap. 53. 11. having set down this, That Christ shall justify many, addeth this as a reason, For he shall bear their iniquities: A phrase borrowed from the Levitical Priesthood, in which the sacrificed Beast did bear the iniquity of the party that brought it, his confession was, that he had deserved death by his sin; yet now casting himself upon the mercy of God, he desired that the guilt of his sin might be transferred and laid upon that sacrifice, and by the Blood of it he might find Atonement: So then, the meaning of that saying of the Prophet is, That Christ shall as a sacrifice of expiation take upon him punishment due to the sin of many: Thus by bearing the punishment doth he take away the sin of his people. This doth not please some, the Antinomian Doctors by name; The word iniquities is found in the 6. Verse of the Chapter; And upon that Text, one of them, Dr. Crisp, doth contend much for this, That not only the punishment of sin, but the iniquity itself was laid upon Christ: Not the guilt only, but the fault itself; His reason is, Because otherwise it had been injustice in God to bruise hi●. I should not much stick either at the Doctrine or the Reason, but that I find, that the end of this for which they contend is not found; viz. To show the reason, why it is said in Jer. 50. 20. That the iniquity of Jacob (the Elect of God) is sought for, but cannot be found; viz. Because God hath conveyed their iniquities away from the sinner, and laid them upon the Back of Christ; the which he seeketh to illustrate by him that to help a thief and deliver him from the danger of the Hue and Cry, conveyeth away out of the thieves house the stolen goods, so that they are not found upon him; It is not we see for nothing, that these men depart from the received expressions of other Divines. Junius reads that sixth Verse thus, Facit ut incurrat pena— The punishment of us all met upon him, answerable to Verse 5. The chastisement of our peace was laid upon him. The Genevenses note is, The punishment of our iniquity, and not the fault itself: And Deodate saith, Not the transgression nor the fault, but the Bond by which we were liable to God's justice, and the punishment of it, Christ being our surety. Amesius saith, That the Imputation of our sin could agree to Christ in none other sense, than this, that he should undergo the punishment due to our sins: See his Medulla Theol. Par. 1. cap. 6. But to let this pass: Upon this truth and text, That God hath laid upon Christ the iniquity of us all, and that accordingly Christ hath born our iniquities; A question is moved, How then cometh it to pass, that sin doth still trouble and terrify the Conscience of many? To this Question the Antinomians do Answer, That many do trouble themselves needlessly; that there is indeed no sin in the Conscience of the Believer, but that men do put it in, and so vex themselves without cause. One of their Doctors out of that Text of Isa. 53. 6. [The See Dr. Crisps Sermons upon Isa. 53. 6. Lord hath laid on him the iniquities of us all] hath delivered these Doctrines: 1. That it is iniquity itself, and not barely the punishment that is laid upon Christ. 2. This iniquity of ours is really transacted and laid upon him, truly, and not only by so thinking. 3. The laying of iniquity upon Christ, is the Lord's own act, it is his prerogative alone to do it. 4. This act is not now to be done, but it is done already. 5. This grace of laying iniquity upon Christ, is appliable by forgiveness of sin to persons before the least measure of Sanctification. Points of Doctrine in which we cannot readily suspect any iniquity, at least they might pass with a favourable interpretation: But by the conclusions thence deduced, we cannot but see that there is a snake in the grass: Hence he inferreth, 1. That the reason why believers walk in bitterness of Spirit, is because they imagine sin in the Conscience; whereas indeed believers have no sin at all, wasting their Conscience, or lying as a burden upon them. 2. That our own performances, faith and repentance, have no hand at all in laying sin upon Christ: Nor is there any other end of our Faith, save only to manifest what is done long ago by God and Christ. 3. That we may save all our care and fear, for the work is done to our hand: yea to think that we must take pains to get pardon, is a deceitful Imagination. 4. That our Righteousness may hinder our closing with Christ, so may our sinfulness, &c. Not much unlike is the dealing of another of the same H● Dens Sermon entitled, The Man of Sin discovered. Society: Who having set these two truths; 1. That Christ hath taken away sin out of the sight of God by a sacrifice, the effect whereof is Atonement and Peace. 2. That he hath taken sin also out of the Conscience, that so we might have the answer of a good Conscience, and this is the effect of our Faith, Act. 15. 9 Hence he draweth this conclusion, That it is in effect the Doctrine of Antichrist, the Man of sin (whose design is to set up again what Christ hath destroyed) To persuade any that sin is not taken away out of God's sight, or out of the Conscience, till the work of Baptism, and of Repentance: To say, That Baptism taketh away sin out of the Conscience; Or, that Repentance washeth away sin: That no forgiveness of sin with God before Repentance: Nay he closeth up the discourse with this speech, Doth any declare Repentance to be a mean to obtain Remission; It is a footstep of Antichrist. These inserences being so dissonant from the truth, give us cause to suspect the grounds on which they are builded, and upon Examination we find, that the Explication of the Points delivered is not sound. Touching the first man, Who from that text [God hath laid on him] grounded those Points aforementioned, viz. That God hath laid upon Christ all the sins of the Elect, and that therefore men do needlessly trouble themselves by putting them again into the Conscience; And that they should rest upon this assured ground, that all their sins are so done away, that there is no need of Repentance and Humiliation for them: This man, I say, either did not throughly look into the text, to find out the true meaning of that phrase, or else did willingly neglect it as not fit for his purpose: For I desire it may be seriously considered, whether that phrase [The Lord hath laid upon him] doth intend any more than what St. Paul hath expressed in that verb {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} Rom. 3. 25. God hath set him forth, or preordained him to be a propitiation, in which respect it is that he is called The Lamb of God, that taketh away the sins of the World, i. e. The Lamb, the sacrifice of Expiation which God hath appointed for that end: And so the words of the Prophet do give us this as the intention of God, that though we every one of us have gone astray, and so incurred the just wrath and displeasure of God, yet doth not God lay the punishment of our transgression upon our own persons, but hath appointed him (the Lord Christ) to bear the punishment and satisfy the justice of God, so that we do make the fault, and he doth bear the blame. But now, as touching the mean and manner, how the fruit of this sacrifice shall redound to us, whether absolutely without any intervenient act of man, or conditionally in and upon man's recourse to Christ; this is not determined in that text, but to be fought elsewhere. Consequently, to that which he urgeth, That it is God's own act to lay iniquity upon Christ, and that it is done long since: We may Reply, This is little to the point, the Pre-ordination of Christ in this office is God's own act, man hath no hand in it; No, nor in the purchase of pardon, that is Christ's own act: Both these are done long since, yet this hinders not, but that in the Application of it to man, which cannot be till man have a being, it hinders not I say, but that man may have his Act, as indeed he hath: The which is evident by that Analogy which holdeth betwixt the Type and the Truth; the sins of the people were not laid upon the Sacrifice but by the hand of Man. God indeed appointed the Sacrifices for Expiation, and in that sense may be said, to lay the iniquity of the sinner upon the sacrifice; but beside this, the man that brought the sacrifice was to lay his hand upon it: And yet more evident is this in that Doctrinal Ceremony of the Scape-goat in Lev. 16. 22. Till the Priest by Confession of the iniquities and transgressions of the people had laid them on him, the Scape-Goat did not bear them away. So that Man also hath his act in laying iniquity upon Christ, no less than God, not in the preparation of the price, but in the way of Application. Add this, that the words [us all] which he applieth to sinners (contending against the necessity of inherent Qualifications in any, to dispose them and make them fit to receive the benefit of redemption purchased) these words, I say, are not Universal, but only in relation to the Church of God: So that till a man be of the Church, and in the Number of Believers, he may not include himself in the list of them to whom it doth belong. For why? If it belong to sinners as sinners, then to all sinners: And so he will lay the Ground for an Universal Redemption, which I believe he doth not intend: If this Redemption belong not to all as sinners, and yet the terms of the promise run in the Universal; then some act of Man sanctified by the spirit of God must come in between, by which he may be included before he conclude for himself. Truth it is, That no sin may keep off the penitent soul from closing with Christ. And if in saying, that this grace is appliable by forgiveness of sin to persons before the least measure of sanctification; if he intend no more but this, that such is the virtue and value of Christ's Sacrifice, that no sin how great soever can hinder the hope of Pardon in case he come in and apply himself to Christ, I know no man that will not subscribe. No sin may may keep off the Penitent; but till man be Penitent, no man may close with Christ nor conclude to himself the Remission of sin: The reason hereof is, because men's names are not set down in the Book of God: They must know, that the conclusion of Comfort is by the way of a practical Syllogism; in which always the Assumption is the Testimony of the Conscience, touching that work of Grace in the heart to which the promise is made: ex. gr. He that believeth in the name of the Son of God shall not perish: If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins— Here is the Promise made to the Penitent believer; now saith the Conscience, I do believe, I do confess my sins, this is the Testimony of the sanctified Conscience, speaking the work of the spirit upon the heart of man: Hence the conclusion of Comfort is, This promise is mine, My Portion is in it, and hence both peace and joy in the Holy Ghost. But now look upon the Antinomian ground of Comfort, and let even reason judge whether it can produce any true consolation: God hath laid the Iniquity of Sinners upon Christ; God justified the ungodly: But I am a sinner, I am ungodly, therefore the Benefit is mine. Is it not evident, that except all sinners promisevously receive this benefit, there is no certainty of Comfort in the conclusion? If it may appear, as who doubteth but that it may appear, that there be many ungodly that never had nor shall have benefit by Christ; Is not the conclusion uncertain? True saith the Author aforesaid, Names of particular persons are not written in the word: But what hinders that thou Mayst not have part in Christ: the Pardon is to all thieves, may not each particular take his part? This general tender of free Grace is as sufficient for satisfaction of man's Spirit as if his name were written. Well, But this Pardon is to all thieves, is it not, if they will come in? And surely it is intended, that they come in as Penitents, not as perverse rebellious Persons, and till they come in thus, can they claim the benefit of the King's pardon? And therefore whereas he addeth, Hath the Lord given thee an heart to come in, that thou fain wouldest have Christ if thou durst, it is enough; He should deny himself if he should cast thee off. This is a precious truth if rightly understood; But in his Intention it halteth: For besides this, that when God giveth an heart to come in to Christ, he giveth an holy heart, an humble and penitent heart, an heart no less ready to take Christ for a Lord then for a Saviour: Nay indeed, more desirous of this then of that: Not that he might merit favour by his service; but out of the abundance of Love to Christ, he is much desirous that Christ should now be glorified by him (as formerly he hath been dishonoured) before himself be glorified by Christ. Besides this, I say, the conclusion of comfort grounded upon the general tender of freegrace, is not by the Assumption, I am a sinner, I am a thief: But by this, I do come in: Hereupon it followeth, that he may not cast me off; And, this coming in, what is it, but to believe in the name of Christ, Joh. 1. 12. And what is that, but to rest upon him for salvation. So then, the general tender of freegrace made to sinners is conditional, as touching the benefit of Pardon, viz. If they come in and cast themselves upon the mercy of God in Christ, there is hope of Pardon. And indeed it may appear that this is that which the Doctor did intend, howsoever in the prosecution of the point his words did seem to drive farther; for thus he concludeth in one of his Sermons: So then, notwithstanding any sinfulness which thou findest in thyself, thou Mayst boldly come to Christ and commit thyself unto him as an All-sufficient Saviour. Touching the second Author, who hath more covertly and more cautelously delivered himself, he sets it down as a Doctrine of Antichrist, to say, That sin is not taken away out of the Conscience till the work of Baptism and of Repentance. Particularly touching Baptism this he censureth as a Doctrine of the Man of Sin, That Baptism doth take away sin out of the Conscience, and out of the sight of God: And well he may, if it be maintained in that sense which he opposeth, viz. As an Ordinance which hath in it a virtue and efficacy of taking away sins not derived from, and subservient to the blood of Christ: In this sense, if any do maintain any efficacy in that Sacrament, let him be Anathema. But if it be no derogation to the spirit, that the ministry of the word is said to have an effectual working power in the conversion of men, and causing them by Repentance to return to God: In as much as the efficacy of the ministry is subservient to the spirit, as the Instrument by which the spirit worketh, Why is it derogatory to the Blood of Christ, that the Sacrament hath an effectual power in this act of taking away sin out of the conscience; In as much as it is intended hereby to ascribe no efficacy at all to it, save only as an Ordinance of application, yea, and this also subservient to the spirit. The blood of Christ is that that taketh away sin out of the Conscience: But than doth it perform this spiritual cure when it is applied; And the Sacrament is a mean of application: A mean, I say, by which the spirit applieth the blood of Christ unto the Conscience: In which respect, by a communication of Phrases, it is said, To wash away Sin, Act. 22. 16. And God is said to save us by the washing of Regeneration, Titus 3. 5. And Christ is said to cleanse his Church by the washing of water, Ephesians 5. 26. Not as if any virtue were in the Water, which Saint Peter denyeth, 1 Pet. 3. 21. But because the Blood of Christ which hath that virtue in it is applied in and by the Administration of that Sacrament. And therefore for him to say, That if Baptism taketh away sin out of the Conscience, than hath not Christ finished the taking away sin by his one and alone offering; This, I say, is not to the purpose, in as much as beside the paying of the price, there must also be an Application of it, otherwise the work is not done; A wound in the flesh is not cured by the preparation of an effectual plaster, but by the Application of it to the wound. Nor can there be any perfection to the creature, without the Application of this price, of this plaster. This he was not ignorant of, and thereupon seeketh to make his advantage; for thus he argueth, Is there (saith he) any perfection to the Creature, without Application? Surely no, and yet Heb. 10. 14. By one offering he hath perfected for ever them that are sanctified; What he would hence conclude, I see not. Will he from the word [Hath perfected] conclude the Application already past, viz. From the very hour of Christ's Passion? How can that be? Is there any here said to be perfected by that one sacrifice, but they that are sanctified? Are any sanctified but by the Communion of Christ's spirit? Doth not this Communion presuppose an Union? Is not that Union with Christ, sealed to us in our Baptism? Sanctified persons than are perfected by that one sacrifice; Yet how perfected? All at once? Not so, But the groundwork of their perfect consummation is laid in that one sacrifice; And so laid, that in due time by the virtue and power thereof, without any other offering they shall be perfected. The true meaning therefore of them that say (if any do say it in those terms) that sin is not taken away out of the Conscience, till by the Sacrament of Baptism it be taken away: Their meaning, I say, is no more but this, That till the Elect of God be really and actually united to Christ, they are not actually made partakers of that Remission which was purchased for them by that sacrifice. In which respect they do call upon Converts and Believers, as did Ananias upon Paul, Arise and be baptised, and wash away thy sins. A text plainly proving, that Baptism hath some kind of work and efficacy in washing away sin; He Objecteth, That these words were spoken to a Believer; Consequently, If Paul was already a Believer, and yet his sins not washed away until he were baptised: Then it will follow, that sin is not always pardoned to a Believer. But this Objection doth nothing hinder the Conclusion set down: Because, Though Paul as a Believer had right to the benefits of Christ, by virtue of the Promise made to Believers; yet could he not have fruition of them till he had taken possession of Christ by being incorporated into him; Faith is the hand of man to receive, but the Sacrament is the hand of the spirit to convey unto us Christ and all his benefits: Might not he have learned this out of that text, He that believeth and is baptised shall be saved, had he well marked it? If there be nothing added by Baptism to complete the state of a Christian, why is it enjoined? I demand, Whether a Believer, suppose him to live and die in the wilful neglect of that Sacrament, can be saved? Nay more, suppose him to have been an Alien, a stranger, or as Paul, a Persecuter of the Church of God; but now a Convert as Paul was, nay a professor and zealous Preacher of Christ; and so to have washed away his sins in the sense that this man giveth of Ananias words (The sense of those words of Ananias which H. D. giveth is this, Break off thy sins— It is a washing in conversation, sc. To manifest to the world that thou art another man: And he noteth, That one washed in respect of God's imputation, and washed in Conscience in respect of manifestation and apprehension of the grace of God in Jesus Christ, may yet be exhorted to wash in respect of Conversation: By which it seemeth that there was no farther use of Baptism to Paul at this time, save only to manifest to the world that he was a Convert, which I suppose is so senseless a position, that it needeth no Refutation:) I say then, suppose a man thus to have washed away his sins, Can all this profit him to salvation, if he wilfully reject the Sacrament of Baptism? Can he by his profession and Preaching obtain a part in Christ, and a pardon of this wilfulness? Surely, except the Church of God in all ages hath hitherto wanted light and sight to see the true meaning of the words; that text of our Saviour, Ioh. 3. 5. reprehending Nicodemus for his backwardness in this Duty, is very clear and evident for the proof of the Negative, viz. That such a man so wilfully rejecting the Sacrament, cannot plead his Faith, nor have entrance into the Kingdom of Heaven. This man is not more out in the point of Baptism, than he is in the next point, touching Repentance. This doth he account a Doctrine of the Man of Sin, to say, That Repentance doth wash away sin; that Repentance is a mean to obtain Remission; that there is no forgiveness with God before Repentancce. Touching that first Expression, We do not say, that Repentance doth wash away sin in any other sense but this, That there is no forgiveness of sin to the impenitent. It is necessary as a passive Qualification. It hath no efficacy in procuring pardon or perfecting forgiveness, more than this, that it fitteth the person to receive it: And this is no Doctrine of the Man of Sin, it was the Doctrine of Moses and the Prophets. True (saith he) it was so in the Old Testament, Contrition and Confession went before Remission; But in the New Testament, Remission doth go before Contrition. This is soon said, But how is it proved? What text of Scripture, what Argument from any text of Scripture? The worldly Tabernacle of Moses, was it not a figure and pattern of Heavenly things? May we not see, as the mercy of God shadowed forth in those sacrifices of Expiation, so the Duty of the sinner expressed in those Legal Purifications? To this he Answereth, That Contrition went before Remission in our High Priest: He was bruised, broken, slain before any Remission; This no man doubteth: But we demand, Whether, as then, Contrition was required of the People, before by their sacrifice they could have Remission: So now also, it be not required that Contrition be found in us before we obtain Remission by the sacrifice of Christ; At no hand will he endure to hear of this: Christ (saith he) confesseth our sins, offereth for our sins, maketh peace through his Blood, and calleth upon us to believe this Peace and Atonement made. This we deny not, But still insist upon this, Whether Contrition be not required of Believers in the New Testament, as well as of them in the Old Testament, to make them capable of Remission; If not, What is there in the New Testament to answer to that figure? I find it interserted in a parenthesis, That priest, sacrifices and people, were all of them figures of Christ: What the meaning of it should be, I cannot guess, except it be this, That Christ must be all, and do all: Upon him must lie no less the work of Repentance for sin, then of satisfaction. Thus shall the burden be increased to him, that so it may be cased to the sinner; had the Scripture revealed it so to be, we had received it; now we may not. Well it is that Christ hath done for us, what we could not, viz. He hath made satisfaction; It is not much if he require of us what we may well do, viz. To be truly contrite and penitent for our sins. But (saith he) Faith which is the knowledge of Remission must needs go before Contrition, else would it be sin: For whatsoever is not of Faith is sin, Rom. 14. 23. I might justly reply and say, Like point, like proof. Neither is justifying Faith the knowledge of Remission; Nor doth that text of St. Paul speak of justifying Faith. But this I say, That if Faith be the knowledge of Remission, viz. fully past, and already in possession, it doth rather take away Contrition then call for it: There is no place for sorrow in Heaven; the spirits of just men made perfect, who are in full possession of Remission, do not now any more weep and shed tears for the sins that they have committed. He addeth, We do not therefore believe Remission, because we repent; But therefore repent, because we believe Remission. I Answer, We do both; we believe Remission, because we do repent, not as if there were any merit in our repentance to deserve it, but because there is truth in God to perform his Promises: And we repent, because we believe Remission. Here note, That to believe Remission may be considered either in the Promise or in the Performance: The Promise of Remission is made for the Penitent, and Repentance required as a mean to fit men for it. Is not this evident by the Preaching of Christ and his Apostles, Mar. 1. 15. Act. 2. 38. and 3. 19 The performance of this promised Remission doth presuppose Penitency in the sinner; yea and doth put him more upon it. So that, as of Faith there is one act that doth go before Remission, and another act that doth follow after: So also of Repentance, there is something of it doth go before Faith, and something also doth follow after. Indeed saith this Author, Judas Repentance may go before Faith, i. e. before the knowledge of Remission: But Godly Repentance doth follow after. I might reply, That is improperly said to go before this Faith, when as this Faith doth never follow after. Doubtless if Faith be the knowledge of Remission, it doth never follow upon Judas Repentance. But this I rather reply, That it was not a Judas Repentance that went before Remission in the Old Testament; nor is it a Judas Repentance which the Apostle doth call for, to this end, that their sin might be blotted out, Act. 3. 19 Nor can it with reason be denied, but that he who saith, Repent and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out— doth leave them to conclude, that unless they do repent their sins shall not be blotted out: And again, that if they do repent, their sin shall be blotted out; Consequently, there is a Repentance which is required as a mean to obtain Remission, and that by the warrant of Scripture-Text. And therefore it is no Doctrine of Antichrist, not footstep of the Man of Sin to declare Repentance as a mean of Remission. But now to return to the Question propounded, viz. Whence is it, that sin doth trouble and terrify the Conscience? I should rather give this answer; The reason is, Because sin is not yet taken away out of the Conscience by the Application of the blood of Christ. To say that there is no sin at all in the Conscience, when we feel the sting and terror thereof, is it not in effect to say. No mote in the eye, no thorn in the flesh, when we feel the pain and pricking of it? How doth it vex if it be not there? Doubtless while it vexeth it is not quite taken forth; nor is the rankling of it quite healed: The Indisposition of the Body may add to the distemper of the mind, till it be removed and cured by physic: But when the body is in good order, and yet the Conscience in spiritual distress; doth it not appear that sin lieth at the Door, and must be removed out of the Conscience by the Application of the Blood of Christ? Application of the plaster is no less necessary than the preparation of it. The Brazen-serpent set up cured none that would not look up to it: Nor doth Christ cure any that will not believe him. And how do we believe in him, if we do not apply ourselves to him for remedy? This application of the blood of Christ is wrought by the Minstery of the Word and Sacraments; hence it is called The ministry of Reconciliation; In which and by which God dispenseth his favours and comforts to them of his household: And by those Ordinances doth he bring home the blood of Christ to the Soul and Conscience of the worthy receiver. And as in the Old Testament the guilt of sin was not removed out of the Conscience, till the sacrifice appointed for this or that sin was offered (which is not improbably alleged as a reason why the sin of David lay so heavy upon him, even because he made no haste to confess his sin and to bring his sacrifice, without which no Remission) so in the New Testament, sin is not removed out of the Conscience, till by the ministry of Reconciliation the blood of Christ be applied to the Conscience for the cure thereof: God hath appointed the ministry for this end, and he will have his Ordinances honoured, and workings of his spirit in them acknowledged. It is not for this cause that many who seek for Comfort with much importunity of prayer and supplication, yet are held off for a long time; Even because they do not address themselves to God in his Ordinances? And here is that necessity and usefulness of Baptism to take away sin out of the Conscience, which so much displeased the Antinomian Doctor, nor of Baptism only but of the Lord's Supper also; yea of the whole ministry of the Gospel: Not as if the Word and Sacraments, or the ministry that dispenseth them, had any power and efficacy in themselves: But as hath been said, because these are the Instruments of the spirit in applying the blood of Christ, which alone is the remedy of our spiritual malady. Note: This Ministerial Application is only to the worthy Receiver; And none such doth the Text of Scripture acknowledge, but him who being truly humbled and grieved for his sin, for this and that sin in particular, doth judge himself: And then by Faith looking up to Christ on the Cross (as did Israel look up to the brazen serpent) and resting upon the passion of Christ, as the only satisfaction of God's justice, desireth to be purged in his Blood: And in testimony of his Faith in the blood of Christ doth draw near to the Ordinance of Application, that therein he may be made partaker of the blood of Christ, to purge his Conscience, and quiet his mind: And here is the necessity of Repentance, without which no Remission (the second point of Antichristianism in the Antinomians account) Not as if Repentance hath any efficacy of a meritorious, yea or of an efficient cause; but because Faith neither aught, nor indeed can close with Christ, and draw virtue from him for the purging of the Conscience, but when itself is lodged in a penitent soul: The Reason is, Because, so must the promise of pardon by Christ be received by man as it is tendered to him: And this is not to the sinner as a sinner, but to the sinner as humble and penitent, as before was showed. So than the Answer of the Question returns to this, Sin doth yet terrify the Conscience, notwithstanding that Christ on the Cross hath satisfied for it, and so obtained reconciliation for the sinner: Because otherwhiles men are not careful to seek for the Application of Christ's blood to themselves, in the Ordinances appointed. What wonder if Israel die of the serpent bitings, if they will not look up to the Brazen serpent: so here, if men neglect the means of remedy, what wonder is it if they lie and languish. Object. But even they that have often sought to God in these Ordinances; yea and with much care have prepared themselves for the worthy receiving of the sacrament, yet do not find that peace of Conscience which is expected. Sol. It may be so, But do they withal rest upon it as an Ordinance of the spirit to apply the blood of Christ, and so to seal unto the soul the Assurance of peace and pardon? Do they I say rest in it; or do they expect to receive their Assurance by some irradiation and immediate revelation of the spirit? This is the error of some; Others are careless in their walking afterward: They forget that Caveat of the Psalmist, The Lord will speak peace to his people: But let them not return again to folly, Psa. 85. 8. What wonder if the readmission of sin into the soul, renew the sting and terror of Conscience. Satan re-entering brings seven other spirits worse than himself: Hence commonly the terror afterward is greater than before: Impossible it is that the soul should find sweetness insin, desire it, delight in it: And the Conscience not fear and tremble at the thought of hell, and the wrath of God. Corol. To close up all: Is the Conscience terrified? See the way to find remedy, and how thou Mayst provide for comfort. Not in the Antinomian way, viz. by a violent persuasion of this, That thy sin was long since laid upon Christ in the day of his Passion; But by seeking for the Application of his blood in the Word and Sacraments. Prepare thee for the worthy receiving of them, by renewing thy Repentance: By Faith look upon Christ in the Sacrament, hear him speaking in the word, as the assured remedy of all spiritual diseases and distresses: carefully watch against future Tentations; take heed of relapsing into sin: Remember that as Christ hath joined these two Petitions, Forgive us our Trespasses, and Lead us not into Tentation; so hath he bound up the comfort of the former, in the cautelous observation of the latter: Whoso doth not watch against Tentation, loseth all comfort of Remission. THE ARGUMENTS OF The Compassionate Samaritan, Touching the Power of the Magistrate in the compulsion of Conscience, Examined. THe intent and scope of the Book is to show, That the Magistrate ought not to punish any for the profession of his Conscience (by Conscience he meaneth the man's present judgement and opinion) though it be contrary to what is determined by Authority. His Arguments be these: 1. Because punishment is not due to what is necessitated. 2. Because no man can presume of infallibility. 3. Because the Magistrate ought not to compel any man to sin. The first Argument. where there is a necessity, there ought to be no punishment, Because punishment is the just recompense of voluntary Actions, not of necessitated. But every man is necessitated to be of that opinion which he holdeth: Nor can he choose but be of that judgement whatsoever it is; Because his reason doth necessarily enforce him to it, while it concludeth the Position to be true or false. Ans. Grant indeed, Where there is a necessity there ought to be no punishment, if there be no concurrence of the will: Or if that necessitation proceed not from a faulty cause: ex. gr. The spider is by instinct of nature necessitated to make poison, as the Bee to make honey: The sinew that shrank in Jacob's thigh, or the joint that is dislocated, necessitateth a man to halt, he cannot choose; Yet here is no punishment due, because here is no concurrence of the will, nor is this necessitation from a faulty cause. But now when drunkenness doth necessitate some to lust, and others to wrath; Or rather, when corruption doth necessitate wicked men and Angels to sin (such is their present condition, they can do nothing but sin) Yet is not this necessitation an excuse to save from punishment, because this is not from natural instinct, but from voluntary consent, it is from a faulty cause: so that it is not always true, that where there is a necessity, there ought to be no punishment. Consequently, we must inquire, Whence this necessity, viz. That he cannot choose but be of that opinion, whence, I say, it cometh; Whether from a faulty or a faultless cause: He saith, His reason concludeth it to be so and so; And hereby he is necessitated to be of this opinion; He cannot believe otherwise then his reason guideth him: Nor indeed, is it fit he should, during the time that reason so concludeth: But then, inquire farther, whence is it that his reason doth so conclude? Is it from the clearness of the Argument? Or from the cloudiness of his understanding? In some things there is such clearness in the Argument, and such evidence in the light thereof, that the judgement cannot but rest in it: ex. gr. The Articles of the Christian Faith, and the Duties of the Moral Law; The truth of the one, the equity of the other is so clear, that reason cannot but see the evidence, and conclude accordingly. But in respect of some other things, though no less true, and good in themselves, there may be such cloudiness and darkness in the understanding, that it cannot apprehend the evidence and force of that Argument and Reason which is alleged, and so for the present it is hindered in yielding assent to them; But then, the next enquiry is, what may be the ground or spring of this darkness and obscurity? Whether weakness and ignorance, or wilfulness and prejudice. If ignorance, good reason that as yet the party be excused from punishment, till farther information? Not so, if it proceed from passion and prejudice. And would you know, whether it proceed from the one or from the other; Consider these Rules: 1. If it proceed from weakness, and not from wilfulness, you shall find in the man a readiness, yea a diligence to inquire and search for farther information, glad he is to be instructed: Not so the other, he is negligent and careless to inquire, he liketh his present opinion, and so pleadeth Conscience, when indeed it is affection, and affectation that doth wholly guide him: He would not be convinced of an Error, lest he should lose what he hopeth to receive in holding this way. 2. If from ignorance and weakness, it is attended with meekness and humility: Not so the other, he is swelling, supercilious, self-seeking and self-conceited, ready to contemn others; at no hand ready to yield, no not even to know truths, if he perceive that they cross the conceit which he hath taken up. Whereas the weak Christian is ready to acknowledge the gifts and graces of others that are contrary minded; nor will he deny any truth, though he cannot as yet acknowledge this in question to be a truth, and ●o subscribe unto it. Nor will he (as doth the other too frequently) censure those that are contrary minded. 3. Weakness and Ignorance, causeth in him sadness and sorrow of Heart, in the consideration of his own dulness: Grieved he is that he cannot see, what other holy Saints and servants of God do see: Hence also, hearty prayer that God would reveal this truth also to him, that so he may comply with that duty of Obedience which he oweth to Authority. Not so the other, He neither grieveth nor prayeth, but pleaseth himself, and pleadeth against Authority, yea, and censureth their proceedings, as if all the world were bound to learn of him, and subscribe to what he hath concluded. And is it fit that such a man should by the pretence and plea of Conscience, thus palliate his affected ways, and yet escape the just lash of Authority? The second Argument. NO sort of men can presume of an unerring spirit; for evident it is that all of them, Fathers, counsels, Parliaments have been grossly mistaken; nor are the presnet times exempt from error: Why then should one sort compel the other, in as much as hereby hazard is run, that he who is in the error may be the constrainer of him who is in the truth. Ans. Grant the truth of what is laid for the ground; viz. That none are free from error, according to that of Rom. 3. Nor can any one presume of an unerring spirit; And yet I deny the inference, viz. That therefore one sort may not compel the other: For why? Though no man may presume of such a spirit, yet they that are of God may comfortably expect the conduct of the spirit, Psal. 25. 14. Joh. 16. 13. Again, though none may expect to be guided by inspiration, yet by the manuduction of that Rule which the Spirit of God hath fitted and perfected for the Church of God; by this I say may the man of God expect to be throughly furnished, 2 Tim. 3. ult. Now then might the Prophets and Apostles who were guided by an infallible spirit, might they be allowed to compel them that were contrary minded (which is evident both by the precedent of Saint Paul, 1 Tim. 1. ult. and also by the man's Argument: For if they that want it may not, because they want it; then they that have this infallible spirit, may compel because they have it) might they be allowed; And may not the Pastors of the Church, who have a Rule which is no less infallible? Is not the Text of Scripture as infallible a Rule of Direction to the Church of God in present, as the Inspiration and Revelation was to the Prophets and Apostles? If not, why is that exchanged for this? Is the spirit less careful of the Church now, then in times past? Less careful I mean to lead it into all truth. I may grant indeed, that the Inspiration and Revelation did carry with it a more active impression of light upon the understanding of the Prophets and Apostles, to evidence the truth of what they received: But the Question is not so much, whether that way had not greater evidence, but whether this way hath not as great assurance. Things concluded by reason, and received by Faith, have in them no less assurance, than things perceived by sense, though not so great evidence. So then, In those things whereof the Pastors of the Church are infallibly assured by the text of Scripture that they are not deceived, they may (even by virtue of the author's Argument) use compulsion to restrain the violence of them that oppose the truth of God. Object. But of all ways, compulsion is the most unlikely to beget unity of mind, and uniformity of practice. Sol. Compulsion is not used to this end, but only ex consequenti, as the suppression of different judgements and practices may conduce to unity and uniformity: It is a vain thing to think that by fines and imprisonments the Magistrate doth seek to persuade men to piety and honesty: No, his primary and proper end is to suppress the contrary? As the weeding of the Garden doth not make the seeds to grow, yet in removing impediments, and making room, it doth accidently prosper their growth: So is it here. Object. But Club-law causeth prejudice against what is so propugned. Sol. It may be so in some, and for a time; Yet God who is wiser than man, by his own practice hath given us to see, that when the way is hedged in with thorns, and when the Back doth smart under the Rod, the ear is opened to discipline and instruction. So that though the Rod do not directly convince or persuade; yet it hath its efficacy in the way and work of preparation. The third Argument. TO compel me to do contrary to my Conscience, is to compel me to sin; Because whatsoever is not of Faith, is sin. Of Faith, i. e. Whereof I am not certainly persuaded that it is lawful. But the Magistrate ought not to tompel any one to sin; therefore, Not to do contrary to his Conscience, nor to worship God in a way, of the justness whereof he is not persuaded, nay is persuaded that it is unlawful. Ans. True indeed, The Magistrate ought not to compel any one to sin, understanding the Proposition of Malum in se, of that which is simply evil in itself. Not so, if we speak of Malum ex accidenti, of that which is accidentally evil: Evil to me, because of a misguided Conscience, ex. gr. Nabuchadnezzar did ill, by threatenings to compel the People to worship the Golden Image: So that second Beast, mentioned Rev. 13. did ill, in causing them to be killed, who would not worship the Image of the first Beast, Verse 15. Not so the Magistrate in compelling a Papist or a Separatist to come to Church; Because, though this may be evil to him, in respect of his unperswadedness, yet is it not evil in itself: Again, It is not fit that the Magistrate do forbid what is good in itself, or lay a restraint upon what God hath commanded: It was Darius' fault to restrain prayer, Dan. 6. 7. And the Scribes and Rulers sinned in forbidding the Apostles to preach in the Name of Jesus, Act. 4. 19 But lawful enough it is for the Magistrate to forbid the doing of something which is only good by consequence: So likewise, to lay restraint upon what is only lawful, because not prohibited, ex. gr. if a man will say, This is a truth, and therefore I will speak it and publish it; Or if he say, This is just and fit to be done, and therefore I will do it; The Magistrate may put in a bar of restraint, and punish him that shall transgress: For neither is every truth to be published at all times and in all places; nor is every man allowed to do every thing that is lawful and good: And as for things that are not prohibited by God, but left at large, who knoweth not but that the use of them is to be regulated and ordered by the advice and direction of Authority: The Commandments whereof, though they bind not the Conscience of and by themselves; yet whoso doth make no Conscience of them sinneth against God, whose precept it is, to be subject to the power, not only for wrath, but even for Conscience and for the Lord's sake, Rom. 13. 5. 1 Pet. 2. 13. Now as touching the power of the Magistrate in matters of Religion, we must look into the Old Testament, and thence fetch direction, since no particular precepts, as touching his duty are given in the New. In the fourth Commandment, he is enjoined to look to the stranger within his Gates, no less than to them of his family: The stranger might not be permitted to pollute the Sabbath, nor to profane any of God's Ordinances. Was it not upon this warrant, that Nehemiah cast forth the householdstuff of Tobiah out of the Chambers, and threatened those of Tyrus who made Markets upon the Sabbath? Asa compelled the People to seek the Lord God; And Josiah caused them to enter into the Oath and Covenant: From which Texts it is evident, that the power of the Magistrate in matters of Religion is both Coactive, and Coercive: Coactive in respect of them within, Coercive in respect of them without the Church: Strangers are not indeed compelled to sanctify the Sabbath, but restrained from profaning it. Those that are in Covenant with God, are not only restrained but also compelled to join with the Assembly in the worship of God: If nor, they are punished: Nor is the punishment of these an act of persecution, but a prudent preservation of the power and purity of Religion and God's worship: Now except we should think that God hath less regard to the preservation of the Purity of his worship and service now in the time of the New Testament than he had in the Old, we cannot with reason deny, but what was lawfully done by the Kings of Israel, is not unlawful for the Civil Magistrate in the time of the New Testament. Wherefore the Magistrate hath a power from God to see to the observation of the Moral Law, and a sword to punish offenders against it: Not only against the second Table, but also against the first: He is Custos & vindex utriusque tabulae. Object. Not so, This was allowed in the Old Testament: yet is it not therefore to be practised in the New: There, i. e. in the Old Testament there was a precept so to do: Here, in the New Testament there is rather a prohibition, not to do so: Let the Tares grow till the Harvest, Mat. 13. Sol. Truth it is that this Text of our Saviour hath much prevailed with many of the Ancient and Modern Divines to draw them to the use of much (perad venture overmuch) clemency towards heretics: but if we do remember that God who is immutable in his essence, is also unchangeable in his will, nor doth he so express his mind in any one text of Scripture, that it should draw with it the contradiction of another, if rightly understood: And if we hold that rule of Interpretation for good, which Divines deliver, viz. That where there is a seeming repugnancy in the Texts, there it is fit that plain precepts should guide our practice rather than dark and obscure parables: We shall easily conclude, that the meaning of our Saviour is not to forbid the use either of the spiritual or civil sword; Both which are the Ordinances of God, instituted of God for the coercion and Restraint of them that do evil: And yet if this word must stand, Let them alone till the Harvest, there will be no use of either the Civil sword for the punishment of Malefactors, nor of the Spiritual Censures for the ejection and excission of scandalous offenders. For why? These Tares in the Parable are expounded to be the children of the wicked, i. e. of that wicked one the Devil: And why this Text should be so expounded as to favour heretics rather than Hypocrites, I mean such whose practice is not answerable, nay contrary to their Profession, I desire to learn from these men, who it seemeth presume to know more of God's mind than he hath revealed in the word. The precept of Saint Paul, 1 Cor. 5. 13. is plain, and his practice according, 1 Tim. 1. 20. Nor could Saint Jerome otherwise reconcile these two, but by this Interpretation of that parable, That inasmuch as there is not much difference and dissimilitude betwixt the wheat and the tares while both are in the herb, the intention of our Saviour is to premonish us not to be overhasty in pronouncing sentence, where there is any ambiguity and difficulty, but rather reserve it, and refer all to the judgement of God: And he giveth this reason of so doing; Because it may come to pass, that he who to day is depraved in his judgement, may repent and amend to morrow, yea and return to the truth, in which we may rather commend his gentleness, then subscribe to his judgement, in the sense of the parable; the scope whereof doubtless is not to teach lenity and mildness in proceeding against heretics (the word is not, Let them alone yet a little, or be not so hasty. But, until the harvest, and that is at the end of world; Till then let them grow saith the parable: and yet Saint Paul saith, An heretic after the first and second admonition reject) but the intention of the parable doubtless is to show, that there is no expectation of universal purity in the Church of God during this life: There will be tares always till in the end of the world there be made a total separation. This is the intent, and farther than so it is not doctrinal. I confess, they speak reason, who granting the tares to be ●eant of heretics, and this eradication to be done by the stroke of death, do yet deny, that the parable doth prohibit this eradication any farther, than when there is also danger of plucking up the wheat, grounding this upon those words, lest peradventure ye pluck the Wheat; Intimating, that as the Magistrate may justly punish Malefactors by death, where there is no danger of Sedition, so may the Pastor, where there is no fear nor danger of a Schism, proceed against Heretical persons: This I confess is rational, yet I see no reason to depart from the former. But this farther observe, that he who forbade the plucking them up, did not forbid to hinder the sowing of them. Good therefore is the council of Saint Jerome, Quam●brem non dormiat qui Eelesia prapositus est, ne per illius negligentiam in i●itus ●●me supersenti●●t zizania i. e. Hereticorum dogmata. Let not the Church-Governor sleep, lest the envious man take that opportunity to sow tares: And that of Chemnitius is not to be contemned, Quando zizania volunt triticum crescendo superare, etc, When there is danger and fear lest the Tares do overgrow and so come to choke the Wheat, since God hath set up two distinct Governments, viz. Ecclesiastical and Political, and hath forbidden the Church-Governor to meddle with the sword, no doubt but in this case the Pastor may with a good Conscience desire the help of the Civil Magistrate, and desire him to take care lest the field of Wheat sustain any harm by the Tares. Memorable is that Recantation of Saint Austin; Sometimes he had been of that Opinion, N●minem ad Christi unitatem esse ●●gendum, verbo esse agendum, disputatione pugnandum, ratione vincendum; Ne fictos Catholicos: haberemus, quos apertos haereticos n●veramus: But afterwards he changed his Opinion, confessing that he found it by experience what benefit came to many by the wholesome severity of the imperial Edicts: Even whole Cities recovered from the poisonons' Doctrine of Donatism, while by the Laws they were compelled to return to the Society and fellowship of the Church: So then, Compulsion is not unlawful in this case; not only Ecclesiastical by the Censures of the Church, but also Civil, by the Sword of the Magistrate: Only the doubt is, whether the sword of the Magistrate may punish heresy with death: But if the Magistrate try to reclaim them from their Errors, by those ways which are acknowledged lawful to be used, viz. Restraining the ringleaders; by prohibiting the Pulpit and the Press, by dispersing their Conventicles, by imprisonment of the unruly and obstinate, So also, by compelling the residue to attend upon the Society of the Faithful, and public ministry of the Word [These are acknowledged lawful, even by those who deny it lawful to put any to death, Non prohibet Christus conciliabula haereticorum dissipare, ora obstruere, libertatem loquendi concidere, verum interficere & trucidare vetat: So Chrysostom, as I find him cited by Chemitius.] Now if these be carefully followed, and made use of, either there will be no need to proceed any farther in the way of punishing heretics; or if there be, it will be so plain and palpable, that none will make any scruple, except he would have the Magistrate stand for a cipher, and suffer both Church and Common Wealth to sink under the unruly disorders of unquiet spirits. So then, It is evident, that he who forbade to pluck up the Tares, did not forbid to hinder the sowing of them: And indeed if we mark it, the Question in this point of compulsion and liberty of Conscience, is not touching what is to be done with them that are of another mind, But what is to be done with them that publish their erroneous Opinions, and seek to druw disciples after them: Nor touching them that receive not for truth, whatsoever is decreed by the verdict of Authority, but touching them that oppose and contradict it as erroneous. It were, I confess, overmuch to bind me to believe whatsoever the Synod concludeth: But it is not unfitting for Authority to restrain my hand and tongue from open opposition and apparent contradiction. I close up my thoughts of this Point, with these few Rules, which I conceive fit to be thought upon, for the prevention of Schism, and the preservation of peace and unity. 1. In things decreed by Authority, and enjoined by Superiors, the Question that Subjects are to debate, is not, An hoc sit optimum, but, An hoc sit illi citum: Not, whether it might no be better; But, whether this be so bad, as not to be endured Reason; Because if it be not unlawful in itself, it is for the present to be received, and a fitter apportunity to be waited for, when in humility we may tender to Authority a farther light of information. 2. The plea of Conscience is not an excuse for our not complying with the Command of Authority, save only in the case of that weakness before mentioned; viz. When having used all good means of farther information, yet the understanding is not able to overmaster the scruple of Conscience. 3. Not they who differ in Opinion, from what is decreed by Authority, but they that publish their Opinions are justly punished. For why? Though the thoughts of the heart fall not under the command of the magistrate, yet the publication of them doth; Because, hereby the Peace of the Church, and the Purity of Religion may come into danger; And the care of these is committed to him, and only in this care of his doth he serve God as a Magistrate, and go beyond the ordinary service of the Christian, According to that observation of St. Austin, Epl. 50. ad Bonifacium, Aliter servit Rex quia Homo▪ aliter etiam quia Rex. Quia Homo est, Deo servit vivendo fideliter; Quia Rex est, servit Leges justa praecipientes, & contraria prohibentes conveniente rigore sanciendo. In hoc serviunt Domino Reges in quantum sunt Reges, cum ea faciunt ad serviendum illi, quae non possunt facere nisi Reges. Imprimatur Novem. 28. 1646. JOHN Downame. FINIS.