decorative border and row of three shields. Die Lunae, 3. Ianuar. 1641. IT is this day Ordered upon the Question, by the Commons House of Parliament; That if any Persons whatsoever, shall come to the lodgings of any Member of this House, and there do offer to seal the Trunks, doors or Papers of any Members of this House, or to seize upon their Persons; That then such Members shall require the aid of the Constable to keep such Persons in safe custody, till this House do give further Order. And this House doth further declare, That if any Person whatsoever shall offer to arrest or detain the Person of any Member of this House, without first acquainting this House therewith, and receiving further Order from this House: That it is lawful for such Member, or any Person, to assist him, and to stand upon his, and their guard of defence, and to make resistance, according to the Protestation taken to defend the privileges of Parliament. H. Elsing Cl. Par. D. Com. Printed for Tho. Bates in the old Bailey. 1641.