❧ By the Protector. A PROCLAMATION Prohibiting Delinquents to bear Office, or to have any Voice or Vote in Election of any public Officer. WHereas by Act of Parliament made, and published the eighth day of October, in the year of our Lord one thousand six hundred fifty and two; It is (amongst other things) Enacted and Ordained, That no person or persons whatsoever that had his Estate sequestered, or his person imprisoned for Delinquency, or did Subscribe, or Abet the Treasonable Engagement in the year one thousand six hundred forty and seven, or had been aiding, or assisting to the late King, or any other Enemies of the Parliament, should be capable to elect, or be elected, to any Office, or Place of Trust, or Power within this Commonwealth; or to hold, or execute any Office or Place of Trust, or Power within the same; His Highness the Lord Protector in His great Care and Wisdom, considering the premises, and foreseeing the Dangers this Commonwealth must necessarily be exposed unto, if such Malignant and disaffected persons should be in Offices of Trust and Power in the Commonwealth; And calling to mind the late horrid Treason and Rebellion, contrived and carried on by the inveterate and restless malice of that Party to involve these Nations in blood and confusion; who have avowedly, and with open face professed their end was, and still is (though in the utter ruin and desolation of these Nations) to set up that Power and Interest which Almighty God hath so eminently appeared against; His Highness therefore, in order to the Peace and Welfare of these Nations, committed to His Charge, and to prevent the dangerous consequence of permitting such persons to hold, or exercise any place or Office of Trust or Power in this Commonwealth, hath, by and with the advice and consent of His Council, thought fit to Publish and Declare, and doth hereby signify His Will and Pleasure to be, That especial Care be taken, That the Magistrates, Officers, and Ministers of justice elected and chosen within the several Places of this Commonwealth, shall be such as are of pious and good conversation, and well qualified with Discretion, Fitness and Ability to discharge the Trust committed to them. And that no person or persons of what quality or condition soever, whose Estates have at any time heretofore been duly sequestered, or their persons imprisoned for their Delinquency, or who did subscribe, or abet the said Treasonable Engagement, or have been in any wise aiding, assisting, or abetting the late King, or his Family, or Allies, or any other the Enemies of this State and Commonwealth, shall be elected, or give his or their voice or vote, in the election of any Person or Persons to any Office or Offices, Place or Places of Trust, Power or Government, within this Commonwealth; or shall hold, exercise, or execute by him, or themselves, or his or their Deputies or Assigns, any such Office or Offices, Place or Places within the same, until his highness' Command be further known, on pain of his highness' Displeasure, and such penalties, and punishments as may and shall be severely inflicted on them as disturbers of the public Peace, and Contemners of His highness' just Commands herein: And for the better and more effectual execution of the premises, His Highness doth hereby straightly charge and command all Sheriffs, Mayors, bailiffs, Constables, Head-boroughs, and other Officers and Ministers both Civil and Military in their several Places, to take especial care, That this His highness' Pleasure, and express Commandment, be from time to time in every thing duly performed, as they and every of them will answer the neglect of their duties herein, whereof His Highness will expect a strict and due account from them. Given at White-Hall the one and twentieth day of September, in the year of Our Lord God, One thousand six hundred fifty and five. London, Printed by Henry Hills and John Field, Printers to His Highness, MDCLV.