THE FEMALE DOCTRESS OR, Mother Midnight's Cure FOR Barrenness in Women, BEING A True Relation of a Woman that pretended to Cure Women of Barrenness; Especially in the Mint in Southwark. Licenced according to Order. Tune, In Cold Nights when ● Froz●… [1] ALL you Ladies that are Barren, If Old-age bened crept too far on; In a Month or two it may be, You may if willing conceive with Baby Take but the Measures which I shall here given you, I have Rare Medicines will ne'er deceive you, For I have studdyed Copulation. Above this Sixty Years in this Nation. [2] Young brisk Wives who ne'er have Lain-in Who of Wedlock are Complaining, And at Christening tell your Neighbour, How sparing your Spouse is of his Labour: Let it proceed from what Causes soever, Suffer me but to use my Endeavour; Take a Dose of my Elixir, And I am certain, 'tw; ll do the Trick Sir. [3] You in your Neighbour's Houses, Swear the Fault to be your Spouses, If too weak we●ll make him stronger, If he's too short we'll make him longer: Let him oh serve the Directions I'll given him, Of all Impediments I'll relieve him, To a Shilling I'll hold Twenty, Next merry Bout he does content ye. [4] If your Husband's O●d and Crazy, Or if Young, and grown too lazy, I'll renew their Strength or Beauty, And make them able to do their Duty Of their forbearance I quickly would ease you They every Ni●ht should take pain● to please you: My Receipt should I but 〈◊〉 it, You would be satisfied I c●●●ld d● it [5] Ladies who in Town are Wed●●● And in 〈…〉 are B●dded Ill soon teach you i● 〈◊〉 To do the Business with Dis●●●… You at the End of Three 〈…〉 With what will please you best, 〈…〉 Take but my Elix●r fairly, You shall do T●●●…k a Track most rarely [6] Barren Wive● let me beseech you, If you want or covet Issue, Make to me your Application, I'll assist you in Procreation, I●m to be Head of, at Sign of the Stallion, Closely embracing 〈…〉 Mag-Mallion, Jest that these Directions fail you. In the Mint they'd better tell you. Printed by J. Wilkins, in White-Frier.