A DECLARATION OF THE Lords, and Gentry, And others of the Provinces of Lemster, and Munster, in the Realm of Ireland, of their intentions towards the English and Scottish Protestants, inhabiting in that kingdom, with a most pernitious Oath which they would have them take, if to live amongst them, tending in effect to make all Papists: With an Order of the late Lords Justices of Ireland, Sir John Burlase, and Sir Henry Tichbourne, and counsel of Ireland, inhibiting the taking the solemn League and Covenant, for Reformation and defence of Religion, the honour and happiness of the King, and the peace and safety of the three kingdoms of England, Scotland, & Ireland. With a Proclamation by them set forth, according to the aforesaid ORDER: With the Copy of a Letter written by the direction of the Lords spiritual and temporal, in the Parliament of that kingdom Assembled, to several Commanders and Officers of his majesty's Army, and others in the kingdom of Ireland, requiring obedience to the said Proclamation, with the substance of an Oath agreed upon lately at Dublin in Ireland, against the taking of the solemn League & Covenant. Published according to Order. Printed by R.W. for Christopher Meredith. 1644. A Declaration of the Lords, Gentry, and others of the Province of Lemster, and Munster of their intentions towards the English, and Scottish Protestants inhabiting in this Kingdom. WHereas we are informed, that it is generally conceived and believed, by the English and Scottish Protestants, Inhabitants of this Kingdom, that we the Lords, Gentry, and others of the said Kingdom, have taken arms, and raised forces for the extirpating, and banishing them out of this Kingdom, thereby to acquire to ourselves their goods and estates, we therefore desire to be rightly understood, for we hereby delare that we never consented nor intended, nor never will intend nor condescend to any such act, but do utterly disclaim therein, but that each man known to be a moderate conformable Protestant, may as well as the Roman Catholic respectively, and enjoy their freedom of their own Religion, and peaceably, and quietly enjoy their own estates, so far forth as they or any of them shall join with us in this act following: Ay A. B. do in the presence of Almighty God, and all the Angels and Saints in heaven, and by the contents of this Bible, promise, vow, swear, and protest to bear faith and true allegiance to our sovereign Lord King Charles, and the heirs and successors of his body begotten, and will defend him and them as far as I may with my life, power and estate, against all persons that shall attempt any thing against his or their persons, honours, estates, or dignities, and that I will in exposing myself, power and estate, join with the Irish Army, or any other, to recover his royal prerogatives forcibly wrested from him by the Puritans in the houses of Parliament in England, and to maintain the same against all others that shall directly, or indirectly endeavour to suppress, or do any act contrary to real government, as also to maintain episcopal jurisdictions, and the lawfulness thereof, in the Church power, privileges of Prelates, the lawful rights and privileges of the Subjects, and I will do no act or thing directly, or indirectly to prejudice the public exercise of the Roman Catholic Religion in any of his majesty's dominions, and that I will join with, and be assisting to the members in the Common weal, for redress to be had of the grievances and pressures thereof in such manner and form as shall be thought fit by a lawful parliament, and to my power, and as far as I may, I will oppose and bring to condign punishment even to the loss of life and Liberty, and estate all such as shall either by force or practise, counsels, Plots, Conspiracies, or otherwise do, or attempt any thing to the contrary of any Article, Clause, or thing in this present Oath, Vow, and Protestation contained, and neither for hope of reward or fear of punishment, nor any respect whatsoever, shall relinquish this Oath and Protestation: So help you God. This Declaration, and Oath was entered in the counsel book Kilking, and this is a true Copy thereof, witness my hand this ninth of May, 1644. Jerome Greenc. Cler. counsel Kilking. By the Lords justices and counsel. John Burlase, Henry Tichburne. Whereas we have lately seen a Printed Paper entitled a solemn League and Covenant for Reformation, and defence of Religion, the honour, and happiness of the King, and the Peace and safety of the three kingdoms of England, Scotland, and Ireland, which seems to have been Printed at London on the 9 of October, 1643. And forasmuch, as in the said League and Covenant there are divers things contained not only tending to a seditious combination against his majesty but also contrary to the principal Laws of this Kingdom, no oath ought to be tendered to, or taken by any person or persons whatsoever in this Kingdom, but before a Judge or other person thereunto Lawfully authorized by his Majesty, as for that the said League and Covenant is now endeavoured to be set on foot in this Kingdom without his majesty's privity, contrary to the Liberty and freedom of the Subject, to be by any such League or Covenant preengaged, and so that the setting on foot at this time in this Kingdom the said League or Covenant without his majesty's allowance, may not only beget much distractions, and unquietness amongst his majesty's good Subjects, but also may prove very penal to all those who shall presume to tender or take the same; we therefore for prevention of such mischiefs; do in his majesty's name strictly charge and command all his majesty's good Subjects, of what degree or quality soever within this Kingdom, upon their allegiance to his Majesty, that they presume not to enter in, or take the said League, Covenant, or Oath; and we do hereby likewise inhibit and forbid, all his majesty's Subjects in this Kingdom, to impose, administer, or tender the said Oath, League, or Covenant; and if notwithstanding this our Proclamation any person shall presume to impose, tender, or take the said League or Covenant, we shall proceed against him or them with all severity according to the known laws of the Land. Given at his majesty's Castle at Dublin the 18. day of December, 1643. Rich. Bolton, Chancel: Lo. Dublin, Ormonde, Roscomond, Edw. Brabason, Anthony Medenses, Charles Lambert, Geo. Shurley, Gerart Lowther, Tho. Rotherham, Fer. Willougby, Thomas Lucas, James Ware, George Wentworth. God save the King. The Copy of a Letter written by direction of the Lords spiritual and temporal, and Commons in Parliament Assembled, to several Commanders and Officers of his majesty's Army, and others in the Kingdom of Ireland. AFter our very hearty commendations, the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament in this his majesty's Kingdom of Ireland have commanded to signify unto you, that they have lately seen a Printed, Paper entitled a solemn League and Covenant for Reformation, and defence of Religion, the honour and happiness of the King, and the Peace and safety of the three Kingdoms of England, Scotland, and Ireland, which seems to have been Printed at London, on the 9 of October, 1643. that they also have seen a printed Proclamation dated the 18. of Decemb. 1643. and set out by the Right honourable the late Lords Justices, & council, expressing divers great and weighty reasons against the said League and Covenant, and therefore commanding all his majesty's good subjects, of what degree or quality soever within this Kingdom, upon their allegiance to his Majesty, that they presume not to enter into, or take the said League, Covenant, or Oath, and inhibiting and forbidding all his majesty's subjects in this Kingdom to impose, administer, or tender the said League, Oath or Covenant, that upon serious debate, and consideration taken by the Lords, and Commons of the said League and Covenant, and Proclamation, they find the said Proclamation to have been set out with great wisdom and reason, and do highly commend the deep judgement of the said Lords Justices and Counsels therein; and as both Houses doth fully concur therein, in all the parts thereof, so they have expressly commanded us to signify the same unto you, and in their name to let you know, that it is their express pleasure, that you & all the Commanders, Officers, and soldiers of his majesty's Army, and all other his majesty's Subjects in this Kingdom whom it may concern, do render all due obedience and observation to the said Proclamation in all the parts thereof, and this being to no other end we remain. Your very loving friends, Ric. Bolton council: Maur. Eustace Speaker of the house of Commons. Dublin Castle 28. day of April, 1644. The Substance of the Oath agreed upon and subscribed, as is reported by the Lord Archbishop of Dublin, the Lord Bishop of Meath, the Lord Bishop of Limricke, Deane Jones, and all the Beneficed Ministers in Dublin, to be a religious Oath, and agreed upon by all the judges not to be against law, except Justice Mayort, who is reported to have declared it to be against Law, and contrary to the Liberty, and freedom of the Subject, on or about Thursday the 6. of June 1644, at which time all the Judges in the Kingdom, except the Lord Chancellor, was the Lord chief Justice of the King's Bench, and Master justice Rives in the Common please, Master justice Mayort, and in the Exchequer Baron Hilton. You shall swear to maintain the King's majesty's Armies, Castles, Forts, and Garrisons, against all opposition and insurrection, foreign or domestic, to the utmost of your power, and that you will not enter into, or take the League or Covenant, or Oath Printed at London the 9 of October, 1643. nor any other League, Oath or Covenant to that effect: So God you help. FINIS.