A Prognostication everlasting of right good effect, fruitfully augmented by the Author, containing plain, brief, pleasant, chosen rules to judge the weather by the Sun, Moon, Stars, Comets, Rainbow, Thunder, Clouds, with other extraordinary tokens, not omitting the Aspects of Planets, with a brief judgement forever, of Plenty, Lack, Sickness, Dearth, Wars, etc. opening also many natural causes worthy to be known. To these and other now at the last, are joined divers general pleasant Tables, with many compendious Rules, easy to be had in memory, manifold ways profitable to all men of understanding. Published by Leonard Digges Gentleman Lately corrected and augmented by Thomas Digges his son. ♈ ♉ ♋ ♍ ♏ ♑ ♓ ♒ ♐ ♎ ♌ ♊ depiction of zodiac man Imprinted at London by Felix Kyngstone. 1605. To the Honourable Sir Edward Fines, Earl of Lincoln, Baron of Clinton and Say, Knight of the noble order of the Garter, Lord high Admiral of England, Ireland, and Wales, and the Dominions and Isles thereof, of the town of Calais, and marches of the same, Normandy, Gascoigne and Guian, and Captain general of the Queen's majesties Seas and Navy royal. RIght Honourable, having of long time sundry ways found your Lordship's great favour, not only toward my father in his life time, but also toward his, most bountifully continued since his death: I have carefully thought which way I might some way yield a testimony of a grateful mind. And perusing of late a Book of my fathers to your Lordship dedicated, by negligence, or ignorance of Correctors many ways depraved: I determined both to amend the faults, and with some additions to amplify the same, briefly also to touch and discover certain errors touching matters of Navigation, transferred into our language. And although I have in a peculiar volume for that purpose prepared to entreat at large, delivering new Rules and Methods, hitherto in no language published, nor to my knowledge of any foreign Nation practised, not only in demonstration void of all error, but also in practice feazible: Yet in the mean, lest further boldness by ignorance should increase, to derive us more erroes from other nations, whereof our Seamen have learned too many already: I thought good at the end of this book to note some of the most used and esteemed, and among that faction held for Oracles, whereby indeed they have been and are (in all navigations) so misled, that were they not by sight of the coast, and soundings better directed, then by any troth in their Art, many more vessels should daily perish. This present token therefore of dutiful goodwill, I shall humbly desire your Lordship in good part to accept, meaning hereafter (God sparing life) to honour your Lordship, and profit my country with matters more rare. And in the mean while I humbly take my leave. At your Lordship commandment Thomas Digges. To the Reader. TO avoid) gentle Reader) the yearly care, travails, and pains of other, with the confusions, repugnances, and manifold errors, partly by negligence, and oft through ignorance committed: I have again briefly set forth a Prognostication general, for ever to take effect: adjoining thereto divers profitable collections, and many pleasant conclusions, easy of all willing ingenious to be perceived. Here note (Reader) whereas the elevate Pole and Meridian should be considered, in this work it is performed for London, because I wish this Meridian, situation or climb the exact truth of things. If any yearly practices in like matters agree not with my calculations, be assured they are false, or at the least for other Elevations or Meridian's supputated, and therefore little serving thy purpose. And that the late rude inventions, and gross devices of some this year, and two years passed published might be of them perceived, then filled, and to serve to some profit: I have purposed even now to put forth a book named Panauges, well serving their turn, and so generally & most exactly all Europe, pleasant and profitable to the learned, and no small delight to all manner of men. Another book is also already come to thy hands, entitled Tectonicon, a treasure unto the Masons, Carpenters, Land-meaters, correcting their old errors, wrongfully reckoned of them as infallible grounds, teaching faithfully, sufficiently, and very briefly, the true mensuration of all manner land, timber, stone, board, glass, etc. And at the end containing an Instrument Geometrical appointed to their use. Take in good worth these labours (loving Reader) and look shortly for the pleasant fruits Mathematical, even such as have been promised by my friends, and partly by me. Neither shall my desire to profit, here stay: but intendeth further to proceed, if these seem accepted. As the good will of Printers not had, kept the foresaid from you: so I trust the willing mind and excellency of Thomas Gemini shall bring them shortly unto you. Certes my hope is, while life remaineth, not to be unfruitful to this common wealth, with study and practise. Against the reprovers of Astronomy, and Sciences Mathematical. I Am diversly occasioned (loving Reader) somewhat to write in the commendation of the Mathematicals: which need not, but only to open the foolish rashness, Vituperant qui simpliciter eas ignorant. and rash foolishness of such, which of late have in writing dispraised these goodly arts. It is an old said saw, and true: Scientia non habet inimicum nisi ignorantem. But to avoid tediousness, and chiefly for the more satisfying, I refer all of that sort, which have tasted any learning (the rest not regarded) to the first part of famous Guido Bonatus de utilitate Astronamiae in communi: where he writeth contra illos, qui dicunt quòd scientia Stellarum non potest sciri ab aliquo: contra illos, qui dixerunt. quòd scientia Stellarum non est utilis, sed potius damnosa etc. contra illos, qui contra dicunt judicijs Astronomiae, & qui reprehendunt eam, nescientes dignitatem eius, cò quòd non est lucrativa. Also for brevity I appoint all nice Divines, or (as Melancthon termeth them) Epicurei Theologi, to his high commendations touching Astronomy, uttered in his epistles to Simon Grineus, to Schonerus, & to the peroration of Cardanus 5. books, where he showeth how far wide they allege the Scriptures against the Astronomer, which make wholly with the Astronomer. Melancthon writeth and affirmeth: Arrogantiam esse cum summa stultitia coniunctam, venari choragium aliquod gloria ex insectatione artium, quae sunt gravi autoritate doctorum prudentium receptae: he calleth it manifestum insaniae genus, declaring quòd magis opus habent Medicis, quam Geometris, advising the learned not to give care unto their folly. Sinamus (ait) unàcum Epicuro ineptire. Which counsel ●o I follow. Now therefore, ye enemies of all good doctrine, either give an overthrow and that with your pen, or let famous Guido, or learned Melancthon satisfy. If neither: certes I will shortly (God sparing life) take some pain in publishing the wonderful unknown pleasant profits of these dispraised high knowledges, and by that means to enforce silence. Now in few, for thy encouragement in these, thus I say and truly, the ingenious learned, and well experienced circumspect student Mathematical, receiveth daily in his witty practices more pleasant joy of mind, than all thy goods (how rich soever thou be) can at any time purchase. Id tantùm quod pulchrum est, quod purum est, quod divinum est, nihil mortale sapiens dulci ardore amplectitur. Vt multa paucis: crede mihi, extingui dulce erit Mathematicarum artium labour. Now to end: that learned Guido, that excellent Guido Bonatus, showeth what Astrology or Astronomy is, and ought not (saith he) by any mean to be reprehended, in that the most wise, yea, the holy fathers have practised that science. He proveth it one of the chief sciences Mathematical, Stulti negligunt & contemnunt: qui contradicit ambitiosus est: qui maledicit, fatuus. by the authority of the best learned, and by Aristotle in his Posteriorum. How cometh it to pass (loving Reader) seeing it is a noble Science, Et Scientia est notitia vera conclusionum, quibus propter demonstrationem firmiter assentimur, that it is counted vain and of so small strength: the secret truths and most pleasant profits therein not desired, yea utterly despised, & of some busy biting bodies rejected as very lies? Let no man doubt ignorance, the great enemy of all pure learning hath wrought this. Nam incertam vocat hanc artem vulgus, propter errores, non arti, sed hominum indoctissimorum inscitiae, & temeritati imputandos, qui citra delectum omnia effutiunt. Thus I leave indigestly farther to trouble: favour me as I tender the furtherance of good learn, profitable to a common wealth. Fare most heartily well, unfeigned good Christian Reader. The Contents of this Book. FRom the next side to the fifth leaf are contained the form of a Quadrant, Square, Circle, Quantities, with a figure truly placing the said Quantities in the heaven. From the fifth to the thirteenth, ye have the judgement of weathers by the Sun, Moon, Stars, Comets, Rainbow, Thunder, Clouds, with extraordinary tokens and aspects of Planets, etc. The 13.14.15. and 16. leaf, show the causes of such alteration according to Aristotle. First of the Rainbow, then Rain, Frost, Dew, Snow, hail, Windes, Earthquakes, Thunders, Lightnings, Comets, Sun and Moon eclipsed, Quantities of the Planets, and their placing ocularly demonstrated. The 17. the aspects of the Moon and her signification in the 12. celestial Signs. The 18.19.20. what Sign the Moon is in and shall be for ever, the meet time to let blood, to purge, to bathe, to fell timber to sow, to plant, to graff, cut, geld, etc. The 20. and 21. have Tables for the Sunday letter, for the Golden number or Prime, for the Epact and movable feasts, many ways conducing. The 22.23. and 24. the age of the Moon, the change and quarters for ever are declared, the Ebb and Flow, the break of the day, the Sun rising, the length of the day and night, the Twilight for all the year. Th● 25.26. and 27. show exact pleasant ways for the day and night hour, with composition of meet instruments. From the 29. to the 34. leaf, ye have the peculiar Calendar, very commodious for the day and night hour. The 35.36. and 37. declare infortunate days of the whole year with a Calendar general, and Tables as general for the chief fairs of England. The 38.39. and 40. contain pleasant Tables for the height of the Sun at all hours, for right and squire shadow conducing also to the composition of many instruments, etc. The 40. and 41. leaf, collections easy to be had in memory. This Quadrant is appointed here to get exactly the length of Staff and Squire shadow, how unlevell soever the ground be, as I have sufficiently instructed in the eight and thirtieth leaf. If ye list not to make a Quadrant, ye may use this very well: adding a plummet and line, with sights or otherwise. This instrument must be made in a plain fine metal plate, a foot, or more square. Then it is pleasant for the hour of the day and night, either to be fixed about your house, or movable if ye list, by a needle to be placed where▪ and when ye will. The 26. leaf showeth the making. The good Mariner may long for the use of this Instrument: it serveth marvelously his turn. Or thus, without the Square this Circle will serve well your purpose, being exactly made and truly placed. The Diameter, or breadth of this Circle, must be a foot● or more, so is it most commodious to serve his use declared. I have placed ready to be conceived even here at the eye, the true quantities or magnitudes of the seven Planets, the one to the other, & every one to the Earth: which may satisfy them that scorned my last publishing, where I declared the Globe of the Sun, to contain the Globe of the Moon 7000. times. I would they were able to conceive demonstration made: then the truth more evidently appearing, would pull scorning away. I thought it meet also to put here this figure, showing the placing, compassing, and distance of each of the foresaid Planets in the heaven: which distances, at my last publishing were thought impossible. This figure wittily weighed, may confirm a possibility to agree unto the true quantities immediately before put forth, therefore not omitted here to be placed. scheme of Ptolemaic universe How to judge of weather by the Sun rising or going down. THe Sun in the Horizon or rising, clear and bright, De obseruandis meteoris. showeth a pleasant day: but thinly overcast with a cloud, betokeneth foul weather. Also at the going down, the body diversly coloured or red, and about dispersed with like clouds, the beams red, and of length, pronounce great winds, the next day from that part. Blackness in the Sun or Moon, betokeneth water: Red, signifieth wind. The Element red in the evening, the next day fair: but in the 〈◊〉 red, wind and rain. Also the Sun beams spotted green, pale, or black, gathered to a cloud, signifieth rain. Further, the Sun at the setting plainly seen without any cloud, declareth a fair night to ensue. Here note, Ptolemy willeth us diligently to observe the circle, or circles about the sun. If it be clear, and the circle of no continuance, behold fair weather: If many of them, wind. Winds more vehement are signified, if that the circles be somewhat red, here and there broken: but these obscured, thick, and black, look for cold, wind, and snow. What is spoken of the sun, touching the circles, the same is meant of the Moon. Note here that greater winds chance in the day, Note. than in the night. How weather is declared by the colour of the Moon, and by the nature of the sign wherein she is. IF the Moon in the third of her change, yea, three days before the full, or in the midst of the quarter be found of pure light, nothing compassing her, the end direct up, she promiseth fair weather: but bend to red colour, provoketh wind. Luna rubena ventar. pallor pluit. A●●a●lerenat. The Moon pale or somewhat inclined to black, obscure or thick, threateneth rain. Also by the nature of the sign, weather may be judged, thus according to Steflerinus, Monte regius, Leupoldus, and famous Guido Bonatus, with others well travailed in the mutations of air. COnsider the nature of the sign where the Moon is at the change, ♈ ♌ ♐ Hot. ♉ ♍ ♑ Eearthie. ♊ ♎ ♒ Airy. ♋ ♏ ♓ Watery. quarter, and full. It she be in hot and dry signs, as Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, in winter a good token of fair weather: In Summer a great signification of immoderate heat. If in earthy, cold and dry signs, as Taurus, Uirgo, and Capricornus, in winter judge cold, frost, and snow to ensue: but in Summer temperate weather. In airy and windy signs, as Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius, much wind. If in watery, cold and moist signs, as Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces, in winter wet weather: In summer a pleasant tempertaure. ALso, the Sun in aquary: the Moon at the change there, or in sagittary, or at the full in Leo, betokeneth rain. The Sun in Pisces or Aries: the Moon in Uirgo, Libra, or sagittary, signifieth rain, especially in watery dwellings. The Moon in Aquarius or Pisces, look for change of weather, then chiefly she troubleth the air. The Moon also at the change, or rather at the full, in Aries, Libra, Scorpio or Pisces, tempestuous weather followeth. The Sun in aquary, in Aries, Libra, or Scorpio, but chiefly in Leone: the moon then at the ●ull, and that after rain or mis●ings, look for lightning thunder, etc. To conclude, the Moon in Cancer, Leo, Capricornus, or Aquarius, aided with any aspect, but chiefly with opposition or Quadrat of Venus, rain followeth. The judgement of weather by stars. BEhold the stars whose magnitude you know b●st. If they appear of much light, Cum maiora 〈◊〉 en●m H●●ore 〈◊〉 crastescitaer. in bigness great, more blazing than they are commonly, it betokeneth great wind or moisture in that part where they show: in winter, cold and frost. When Stars seem to run in the Element, it showeth wind. Affirm also alteration of weather, if they ●ee few in number, cloudy, and of little light. Further, when dim Stars appear with long ●●●rie tails, judge winds and great drought, the more in number, the greater effect. When Stars in the night (as it is said) shoot or seem to fall, it argueth wind in that part. If in divers places, inordinate winds, if in all places, then pronounce wind, thunder, lightnings, yea weather most tempestuous. The significations of Comets. COmets signify corruption of the air. De Cometarum prodigijs, lege Cardanum lib. 5. Fol. 83. & Antonium Mizaldum de Cometo graphia. They are signs of Earthquakes, of wars, changing of kingdoms, great dearth of Corn, yea a common death of man and beast. Pontanus sic scribens: Ventorum quoque certa dabunt tibi signa Cometae: Illi etiam belli motus, fráque arma minantur, Magnorum & clades populorum, & funera regum, aquarum significant penuriam. How by the Clouds, change of weather is perceived. IF thick clouds resembling flocks, or rather great heaps of wool, 〈◊〉 gathered in many places, they show rain. Also when gross, 〈◊〉, dark clouds, right over the North part, or somewhat declining to the West are close with the Earth, immediately followeth rain. If they appear like ●illes, some deal from the earth, a good token of weather overpassed. Black clouds signify rain. White clouds appearing in winter, at the Horizon, two or three days together, prognosticate col● and snow. Of the Rainbow and his effect touching alteration of air. IF in the morning the Rrainbow appear, it signifieth moisture, Arcus nisi sole adverso non fiunt. unless great drought of air work the contrary. If in the evening it show itself, fair weather ensueth, so that abundant moist air take not away the effect. Or thus. THe Rainbow appearing, if it be fair, Non apparel nisi cum vapores ra●ifican●ur vel insp●●●antur. it betokeneth foul weather: if foul, look for fair weather. The greener, the more rain: redder, wind. Of thunders what they signify. Thunder's in the morning, signify wind: about noon, rain: In the evening great tempest. Some write (their ground I see not) that Sundays thunder, should bring the death of learned men, Signum futurorum bellorum. judges and others. Monday's thunder, the death of women. Tuesday's thunder, plenty of grain. Wednesdays thunder, the death of harlots, & other bloodshed. Thursdays thunder, plenty of sheep and corn. Friday's thunder, the slaughter of a great man, and other horrible murders. saturdays thunder, a general pestilent plague & great death. How weather is known after the change of every Moon by the prime day. Common tokens of weather meet for all manner of wits. SUnday Prime, dry weather, Monday Prime, moist weather. Tuesday Prime, cold and windy. Wednesday Prime, wonderful. Thursday Prime, fair and clear. Friday Prime, mixed weather. Saturday Prime, moist weather. Now ensue extraordinary tokens for the knowledge of weather. SOme have observed evil weather to follow, when as watery fowls leave the sea, desiring land: the fowls of the land flying high: the crying of fowls about waters making a great noise with their wings: also the seas swelling with unaccustomed waves: If beasts eat greedily: If they lick their hooves: If they suddenly move here and there making a noise, breathing up to the air with open nostrils: rain followeth. And the busy heaving of Moules: the appearing or coming out of worms: Hens resorting to the perch or roost covered with dust, declare rain. The ample working of the Spinner in the air: the Ant busied with her eggs: the Bees in fair weather not far wandering: the continual prating of the Crow, chiefly twice or thrice quick calling, show tempest. When the Crow or Raven gapeth against the Sun in summer, heat followeth. If they busy themselves in proyn●ng or washing, and that in winter, look for rain. The unaccustomed noise of poultry, the noise of swine, of peacocks, declare the same. The swallow flying and beating the water, the chirping of the Sparrow in the morning signify rain. Rain suddenly dried up. Woody coverings straighter then of custom. Bells heard further than commonly, the wallowing of dogs, the alteration of the Cock crowing, all declare rainy weather. I leave these, wanting the good ground of the rest. If the learned be desireful of the aforesaid, let them read grave Virgil, Primo Georgicorum. At Bor. etc. There be a multitude of other not extraordinary, but of the best known causes: many for brevity here omitted, the most part not mentioned, because they pass the capacity of the common sort, upon all the which the Astronomer doth well and learnedly conclude. I doubt not, there be also sometime unknown matters, mitigating the aforesaid, or provoking tempest unlooked for, which neither experience, ne learning hath established. How unkind (these considered) yea how far from worthy thanks giving are they, which in general headdely do blame, checking bitterly the ginger, with these judiciary matters (the least part among a number of his most certain doings) when things fortune contrary to expectation? Understand gentle Reader, the consent of a multitude famously learned in their buckler, even in these matters judiciary: who have weighed a long time prudently, the great strength, the vehement force and marvelous natures of all erratical, and celestial constellations, with their Angles, Radiations, Aspects, Affections, Stations, Progressions, Defections, Dispositions, Applications, Preventions, Refrenations, Contrarieties, Abscissions, Conjunctions, Quadratures, and Oppositions, etc. Therefore extreme folly, yea more than madness doth he utter, which imbraydeth or backbiteth these knowledges, not remembering the great and manifold benefits had through them, and that with most certainty in all other doings. What Meteoroscoper, yea who learned in matters Astronomical, noteth not the great effects, at the rising of the star called the little Dog? Truly the consent of the best learned do agree of his force: yea Pliny, in his history of nature affirmeth the Seas then most fierce, wines to slow in cellars, standing waters to move, dogs inclined to madness, then most wood. Further, these constellations, Orionis, Arcturi, Coronae Captae, Sucularum effectus. ☌ □ & ☍ ♄ come ☉ & ☽. ☌ ♃ □ & ☍ come ♀ aut cum ☉, etc. Orion, Arcturus, Corona, rising, provoke tempestuous weather. The Kid & Goat, winds. Hyadeses, or Succulie, rain. What Meteorologer consenteth not to the great alteration and mutation of air, at the Conjunction, Opposition or Quadrat aspect of Saturn, with either two lights? Who is ignorant yea meanly truailed in Astronomy, that jupiter with Mercury or with the Sun, enforceth rage of winds? What is he that perceiveth not the fearful thunders, lightnings and rains at the meeting of Mars and Venus, or jupiter and Mars? etc. Leave for shame to oppugn these judicials strongly authorized. He that any other part carpeth, may seem more than mad. All truth, all experience, a multitude of infallible grounded rules are against him. Certum est omnibusque notum. quòd ●oeli motus, signorum ortus & occasus▪ planetarum aspectus & coniunctiones luminarium Eclipses, etc. certissimam 〈…〉 habent causam. Quis iam sanaementis negabit eorum effectus saepe innotescere, utpote bella, fames, grandines, aeris perturbationes, elementorum commotiones, terrae mot●s, & similia? Positis causis natu●alibus, & non impeditis, sequitur effectus. The learned that listeth ingeniously to prognosticate of weather, will not only discreetly weigh all before written, but consider also with them the aspects of the Planets following, and their combustion in the 12. Signs, with the conjunction of fixed stars, mansions of the Moon, Ascendent, Climes, etc. Also the times or quarters of the year must be noted diligently, (as ensueth) and judgement accordingly pronounced. Of the year divided into four quarters. THe Spring time is hot and moist and continueth so long as the Sun is in Aries, 〈…〉 power over the breast. ♋ ♌ ♍. Taurus, and Gemini, which is from the tenth of March unto the 12. of june. The Summer is hot and dry, counted from the beginning of Cancer, to the end of Uirgo, 〈…〉 Power over all 〈◊〉. that is from the 12. of june to the fourteenth of September. Harvest is cold and dry, counted from the beginning of Libra to the end of sagittary, counted from the 14. day of September to the thirteenth of December. Winter is cold and moist, continued from the beginning of Capricornus, to the end of Pisces, that is, from the twelfth of December, to the tenth of March. Here follow the aspects of the Planets, for the better judgement of weather. BEfore I declare of Planets and the signification of aspects. it behoveth briefly to open what I call Planets, and what aspects, and how they are charactered and figured. Understand there be seven movable Stars pleasant to the sight called Planets: the highest Saturn ♄: then jupiter ♃: Mars ♂: Sun ☉: Venus ♀: Mercury ☿: and the Moon ☽, next to the Earth. Now when I desire to express Saturn, I write this figure ♄. for jupiter this ♃. for Mars this ♂. Thus of the other as their characters declare. All Radiations or Aspects are expressed as follow. A Conjunction is thus figured ☌. and it is when another Planet is joined with the Sun or Moon, or others among themselves, within one degree or less. The Sextile Aspect or Radiation, is thus expressed ⚹, and it is within 60. degrees the one from the other. The Quadrate aspect thus □, 90. degrees distanant. The Trine thus △, separated 120. degrees. The Opposition thus ☍, 180. degrees the one is distant from the other. Lo here they follow in order: the characters of the Planets and Signs also. Conjunction ☌, Sextile ⚹, Quadrate □, Trine △, Opposition ☍. Saturn ♄, jupiter ♃, Mars ♂, Sun ☉, Venus ♀, Mercury ☿, Moon ☽. Aries ♈, Taurus ♉, Gemini ♊, Cancer ♋, Leo ♌, Virgo ♍, Libra ♎, Scorpius ♏, Sagittarius ♐, Capricornus ♑, Aquarius ♒, Pisces ♓. Yet for more plainness behold this figure. The signification of the aspects of Planets among themselves: for the judgement of weather. THe conjunction or meeting of Saturn with jupiter, in fiery signs, enforceth great drought. In watery signs, floods, continual rain, general overflowings, etc. In airy signs, plenty of Winds. The Quadrature, Sextile, ♄ □ ⚹ & ☍ come ♃. or Opposition of Saturn with jupiter, in moist Signs, causeth troubled air, by Hail, win, Raine, Thunder, etc. before and after. The Conjunction, Quadrature, ♄ ☌ □ & ☍ come ♂. or Opposition of Saturn with Mars, in watery Signs, declare in Summer rain, often showers with hail, thunder and lightning. The Conjunction, Quadrature, ♄ ☌ □ & ☍ come ☉. or Opposition of Saturn with the Sun, chiefly in cold Signs, show dark weather, hail, rain, thunder and cold days. The Conjunction, Quadrature, ♄ ☌ □ & ☍ come ♀. or Opposition of Saturn with Venus, in Winter, engender cold and rain, principally in moist Signs: in Summer, mitigation of heat. The Conjunction, Quadrature, ♄ ☌ □ & ☍ come ☿. or Opposition of Saturn with Mercury, in watery signs, bring rain: in hot or dry Signs, drought: in Summer, thunder, lightnings and tempest. The conjunction, Quadrature, ♃ ☌ □ & ☍ come ♂. or Opposition of jupiter with Mars, in moist Signs, declare thunders, lightnings and rain: in winter snow, or cloudy thick weather. The Conjunction, Quadrature, ♃ ☌ □ & ☍ come ☉, or Opposition of jupiter with the Sun, great and most vehement winds. The Conjunction, Quadrature, ♃ ☌ □ & ☍ come ♀. or Opposition of jupiter with Venus, in moist Signs, cold and mis●ings: in the other Signs fair weather. The Conjunction, Quadrature, ♃ ☌ □ & ☍ come ☿. or Opposition of jupiter with Mercury, great winds. The Conjunction, Quadrature, ♂ ☌ □ & ☍ come ☉. or Opposition of Mars with the Sun, in fiery Signs, drought: in watery, thunder and rain. The Conjunction, Quadrature, or Opposition of Mars with Venus, in moist Signs, rain, and tempest. ♂ ☌ □ & ☍ come ♀. The Conjunction, Quadrature, or Opposition of Mars with Mercury, in hot Signs, great heat: in dry Signs, drought: ♂ ☌ □ & ☍ come ☿. in watery, rain sometimes, thunders, lightnings, with sudden fierce winds▪ ♀ ☌ □ & ☍ come ☿. The Conjunction, Quadrature, or Opposition of Venus with Mercury, causeth rain: in Summer they provoke tempest, the more if they agree in watery Signs. Note what is said of the Conjunction, Quadrature or Opposition, the same is also meant of the Sextile and Trive, but they are of less signification, so the learned noteth. A declaration of weather by aspects of the Moon with the Planets. ☽ ☌ □ & ☍ come ♄. THe Conjunction, Quadrature, or Opposition of the Moon with Saturn in moist Signs, bringeth a cloudy day, cold air, according to the nature of the Sign: If she go from Saturn to the Sun, by conjunction or otherwise, harder weather ensueth. ☽ ☌ □ & ☍ come ♃. The Conjunction, Quadrature, or Opposition of the Moon with jupiter in Aries or Scorpio, showeth fair weather, white dispersed clouds. ☽ ☌ □ & ☍ come ♂. The Conjunction, Quadrature, or Opposition of the Moon with Mars in watery Signs, rain. In hot Signs, divers coloured clouds are made all the Element over. In Summer often thunder. ☽ ☌ □ & ☍ come ☉. The Conjunction, Quadrature, or Opposition of the Moon with the Sun in moist Signs, rainy weather. The more if the Moon go from the Sun to Saturn. ☽ ☌ □ & ☍ come ♀. The Conjunction, Quadrature, or Opposition of the Moon with Venus, chiefly in moist Signs, ra●ne followeth. The Moon going from Venus, and Mars, more variety of weather. ☽ ☌ □ & ☍ come ☿. The Conjunction, Quadrature, or Opposition of the Moon with Mercury in moist Signs, showeth rain an wind, the more when the Moon passeth from Mercury to jupiter, then great winds follow. How the weather is judged by the Oriental and Occidental station of Planets, with their Combustion in the 12. Signs Celestial. First of the Plenets in Aries. SATURN in Aries combust, that is to say, ♄ in ♈ under the beams of the Sun, maketh a cloudy dark troubled air. Oriental, I mean in the morning appearing before the Sun, fair weather. Occidental, that is to say, showing himself after the Sun going down, betokeneth great winds. jupiter in Aries combust, a token of rain: being Occidental, it bringeth clouds, and dews: Oriental, fair pleasant weather. ♃ in ♈ Mars in Aries combust and Occidental, good weather: ♂ in ♈ contrary Oriental. Venus in Aries combust Occidental, moistness, great winds: ♀ in ♈ Oriental, thunders and rains. Mercury in Aries combust, tempest: Occidental and Oriental, ☿ in ♈ fair windy weather. Of Planets in Taurus. SATURN in Taurus combust and stationary, ♄ in ♉ bringeth thick clouds, thunders and troublesome weather. jupiter in Taurus combust, indifferent weather: Occidental, ♃ in ♉ pleasant showers. Mars in Taurus combust, a quiet air: but Oriental, windy. ♂ in ♉ Venus in Taurus combust, thunders, etc. Occidental, fair. ♀ in ♉ Of the Planets in Gemini. ♄ in ♊ SATURN in Gemini combust and Occidental, drought. ♃ in ♊ jupiter in Gemini combust, a good signification. ♂ in ♊ Mars in Gemini combust and Occidental, heat. ♀ in ♊ Venus in Gemini combust and Occidental, wind. ☿ in ♊ Mercury in Gemini combust, wind. Of the Planets in Cancer. ♄ in ♋ SATURN in Cancer combust, dark weather, great winds and troublesome weathers: Occidental, caulmer. ♃ in ♋ jupiter in Cancer combust, bringeth calm and pleasant weather. ♂ in ♋ Mars in Cancer combust, great heat. ♀ in ♋ Venus in Cancer combust, a quiet calm time. ☿ in ♋ Mercury in Cancer combust, tempestuous weather, chiefly on the Sea: Occidental, caulmer. Of the Planets in Leone. ♄ in ♌ SATURN in Leone combust, maketh winds and misling. ♃ in ♌ jupiter in Leone combust, pleasant winds. ♂ in ♌ Mars in Leone combust, Occidental, drought. ♀ in ♌ Venus in Leone combust, drought. ☿ in ♌ Mercury in Leone combust, winds. Of the Planets in Virgo. SATURN in Virgin combust, is a significatour of infirmities. ♄ in ♍ jupiter in Virgin combust, manifesteth abundance of things. ♃ in ♍ Mars in Virgin combust, like unto Saturn. ♂ in ♍ Venus in Virgin combust, drought: Oriental, contrary. ♀ in ♍ Mercury in Virgin combust, drought, raging seas: ☿ in ♍ Occidental drought. Of the Planets in Libra. SATURN in Libra combust, showeth infirmity of sight: ♄ in ♎ Oriental, cold winds. jupiter in Libra combust, indifferent weather. ♃ in ♎ Mars in Libra combust, bringeth moisture. ♂ in ♎ Venus in Libra combust, moist air. ♀ in ♎ Mercury in Libra combust, winds. ☿ in ♎ Of the Planets in Scorpione. SATURN in Scorpio combust, air: Occidental, frost: ♄ in ♏ Orientalll, cold North winds. jupiter in Scorpio combust, rain: Occidental, bitter weather. ♃ in ♏ Mars in Scorpio combust, dclareth moisture: Oriental, winds. ♂ in ♏ Venus in Scorpio combust, rain, both Occidental, and Oriental. ♀ in ♏ Mercury in Scorpio combust, raging weather, chiefly Oriental. ☿ in ♏ Of the Planets in Sagittarius. ♄ in ♐ SATURN in Sagittarius combust, cold rainy air: Oriental, cold and frost. ♃ in ♐ jupiter in Sagittarius combust, much rain: Oriental worse weather. ♂ in ♐ Mars in Sagittarius combust, drought. ♀ in ♐ Venus in Sagittarius combust, rain: Occidental wind & cold. ☿ in ♐ Mercury in Sagittarius combust, rain: Occidental, clear air. Of the Planets in Capricornus. ♄ in ♑ SATURN in Capricornus combust, signifieth dark weather, with South winds: Occidental, cold: Oriental, north winds. ♃ in ♑ jupiter in Capricornus combust, moist air: Occidental, increasing the same. ♂ in ♑ Mars in Capricornus combust, cloudy: Occidental, some heat. ♀ in ♑ Venus in Capricornus combust, cold air: Oriental, rain. ☿ in ♑ Mercury in Capricornus combust, rain both Oriental and Occidental. Of the Planets in Aquarius. ♄ in ♒ SATURN in Aquarius combust, cold air: Occidental, dangerous seas: Oriental, rain. ♃ in ♒ jupiter in Aquarius combust, Occidental, rain. ♂ in ♒ Mars in Aquarius combust, drought: Occidental, & Oriental, plenty of winds. ♀ in ♒ Venus in Aquarius cumbust, cloudy: Occidental, hot: Oriental, rain. ☿ in ♒ Mercury in Aquarius combust, snow: Occidental, more cold: Oriental, rain. Of the Planets in Pisces. SATURN in Pisces combust, bringeth clouds: Occidental, ♄ in ♓ rain. jupiter in Pisces combust Oriental, calm waters. ♃ in ♓ Mars in Pisces combust Occidental, drought: Orintall, ♂ in ♓ lightning and thunders. Venus in Pisces combust, cold: Occidental, disposed to snow. ♀ in ♓ Mercury in Pisces combust, moist air. ☿ in ♓ Thus much of the judgement of weather. SEeing that I have now sufficiently declared how, by what rules and tokens weather is judged: I think it convenient to adjoin here a brief collection, how Plenty, Scarcity, Sickness, Death, Alterations, Troubles, Wars, etc. are for ever perceived. A rule to prognosticate the aforesaid by the falling of newyear's day. IT is affirmed of some, Sunday. when newyear's day falleth on the Sunday then a pleasant Winter doth ensue: a natural Summer: fruit sufficient: Harvest indifferent, yet some wind and rain: many marriages: plenty of wine and honey: death of young men, and cattle: robberies in most places: news of Prelates, of Kings: and cruel wars in the end. ON Monday, a Winter same what uncomfortable: Monday. Summer temperate: no plenty of fruit: many fancies and fables opened: agnes shall reign: Kings and many others shall die: Marriages shall be in most places: and a common fall of Gentlemen. ON Tuesday, a stormy Winter: a wet Summer: Tuesday. a divers Harvest: corn and fruit indifferent, yet herbs in gardens shall not flourish: great sickness of men, women, and young children. Beasts shall hunger starve, and die of the botch: many Ships, Galleys and Hulks shall be lost: And the bloody Flixes shall kill many men: All things dear, save corn. Wednesday. ON Wednesday, Lo a warm winter: In the end Snow and frost: a cloudy Summer, plenty of fruit, of Corn, Hay, Wine and Honey: great pain to women with child, and death to infants: good for sheep: news of Kings: great wars, battle and slaughter toward the midst. Thursday. ON Thursday, Winter and Summer windy: A rainy Harvest: Therefore we shall have overflowings. Much fruit: plenty of honey: yet flesh shall be dear: cattle in general shall die: great trouble, wars, etc. with a licentious life of the feminine sex. Friday. ON Friday, Winter stormy: Summer scant pleasant: Harvest indifferent: little store of fruit, of wine and honey: corn dear: many blear eyes: youth shall die: Earthquakes are perceived in many places: plenty of thunders, lightnings, and tempests: with a sudden death of cattle. Saturdy. ON Saturday, a mean Winter: Summer very hot: a late Harvest: good cheap garden herbs: much burning: plenty of Hemp, Flax, and honey. Old folk shall die in most places: Fevers and Tercians shall grieve many people: great muttering of wars: murders shall be suddenly committed in many places for light matters. NOw that I have opened divers ways, both for the learned and unlearned, how weather to come at all times may be well judged and known, etc. I thought it meet, for further knowledge therein, not to omit here the natural causes of such and so many alterations of air. Lo, therefore orderly they follow. Natural causes, conducing to all the aforesaid: and first of the Rainbow. THe Rainbow is the shining and rebounding of beams of light, that turn to the contrary vapour again in the cloud. It declareth sometime rain, and many times fair weather: when the one, and how the other, is before opened. Of Rain. Rain is a cold vapour, an earthly humour, or fumosities, out of waters or earth drawn up by the virtue of the Sun, to the neither part of the middle space of the air, there through cold thicked, then dissolved: Thus engendered falleth on the earth. Here I leave to speak of miraculous rains, as Milk, Blood, Quare lapides pluant, lege Plin. lib. 2. cap. 44. Flesh, Iron, Wool, etc. For more satisfying in these, read Plinius in the second book, 58. chapter. Of Frost and Dew. A Cold moist vapour, Ros aestate, prum● hyeme ●it. a little way drawn up in the day thorough faint heat of the Sun, descendeth in the night, dissolved on the earth, there congelated or resolved into water, the one called Frost, the other Dew. The last is a sign of fair weather in the Spring or Harvest. Of Snow. IT is a moist vapour, Nix, humour modicè concretus, drawn up to the middle region of the air, then thicked, and frozen into the body of a cloud: So congelated descendeth. Of Hail. A Cloud resolved into water, in the fall congelated, maketh Hail. The higher it cometh from above, Grando plwia in descensu congelata. and the longer it tarrieth in the air, the rounder hail. Of Winds. Ventorum ergo mate●ia, calida & sicca exhalatio. Wind is a multitude of dry exhalations, drawn up from the earth: and above the earth enforced here and there. Of Earthquakes in the most quiet time. Quemadmodum in nube toni●ruum, sic in terra tremor. Plenty of winds, entered into holes, cones, or caves of the earth, which absent from above the earth causeth quietness: the violent bursting out of them (the earth closed again) is the Earthquake: Signum est futurorum bellorum. Tokens of Earthquakes to come. Signa terraemotus. A Fiery cloud, appearing in the element like a little pillar, is a token of Earthquakes to come. The obscurity or darkness of the Sun, without clouds, and strangely coloured, bloody or otherwise, is a token of Earthquakes. Also when Well water and others are troubled, or salt, or infected by savour, etc. A great quietness of air by land and sea, and chiefly the long absence of winds. Also strange noises heard, as clamours of men, rushing of harness, mournings, lamentations, etc. All these have been observed to signify Earthquakes at hand. Of thunders and lightnings. Fulgetrum prius cerni, quam tonitrum audiri, cum si●ul f●ant certum est, Plin. lib. 3. cap. 56. contra. Austo. THunder is the quenching of fire in a cloud. Or thunder is an exhalation hot and dry, mixed with moisture, carried up to the middle region, there thicked and wrapped into a cloud: of this hot matter coupled with moistness closed in the cloud, groweth a strife, the heat beating, and breaking out the sides of the cloud with a thundering noise: the fire then dispersed is the lightning. Thus for the learned: Tonitruum soni●us est, qui ed●●r quando nubem rumpit halitus. Fulmen fl●mma, vel repentinus est ignis, qui ex collisio●● nubium, aut ruptura nascitur. Aristotle affirmeth the lightning after thunder, but the fire doth first appear, in that the sight is before the hearing. If this satisfy not, read the second of his Met●oron. Here followeth a note of lightnings. There be three kinds of Lightnings, dry, moist, and clear. Dry do not burn but cleave, part or divide. Moist, Note. burn not, but alter colour. The clear are of marvelous natures: Full barrels by it are emptied. It melteth money in the purse, it breaketh the sword, the purse and scabbard not perished, yea, wax in them unmolten. Of the Comets or flames in the night. A Comet is a flame working in a dry, hot slimy exhalation, Ventorum causa. drawn up to the highest part of the air. His matter or substance after it is burnt, and dispersed, provoketh winds. The natural cause of the Sun cclipsed. NOthing else is the Eclipse of the Sun, but the direct putting the body of the Moon between the Sun and the earth, or between our fight and the Sun, which chance only at the change. A Corollary. BY this, Miracle. gather the darkness at Christ's death not to stand by natural ecliptical cause: but by supernatural, or miracle. For it was at the full Moon, Scriptures witness: which enforced Dionysius Arcopagita at the time of his passion, to speak thus▪ Aut Deus naturae patitur, aut mundi machina dissoluitur. The cause of the Moon eclipsed. THe Sun being in the contrary point to the full Moon, universalis est Eclipse Lu●ç. Non semper in novilunio, sed in capite & cauda. enforceth the shadow of the earth then directly put between the Suns and the Moon, toward the Moon, hiding more or less of the Moon, as she differeth from the ecliptical. Some observe pestilent plagues, sudden battle, great dearth, to ensue th●se Eclipses: which all I desire God to a●ert from his chosen. Many other things by these Eclipses are gathered, as Longitudes of Countries, the Quantity of the Sun, containing the bigness of the Earth 162. times: the compass of the earth 21600. miles: whose thickness, according to Archimedes rule is 6872. miles, and eight elevenths of a mile. The quantity of the Moon is the 43. part of the earth. Omnium planetarum ad terram magnitudo. The Sun containeth the Globe of the Moon 7000. times. Saturnus comprehendeth the bigness of the earth 91. times. jupiter, 65. times. Mars, once, and ten sixteenths. Venus, the 37. part. Mercurius, one. 32000. part of the earth. Note here, that Alfraganus affirmeth the least fixed Star perfectly seen, is big as the whole earth. HAec non erunt admirationi, si globi capacitatem ex longitudine diametri quaesieris. Continet enim solis dimetiens terrae dimetientem quinquies & semissem. Dimetiens ☉ ad terrae dimetientem undecim ad duo. Estque proportio diametri Solis ad terrae dimetientem, quae est numeri undecim ad duo, quintupla sesquialtera. Cubus solis mill tercentum unam & triginta parts tales continet, cuiusmodi terrae cubus octonas complectitur. Cubus enim numeri undecim, est mill tercentum unum & triginta. Cubus verò binarij, qui est terrae, Cubus ☉ 13.13. Terrae, 8. octo. Subducto quoties id fieri potest, minore cubo qui est terrae, à maiore qui est solis, cognoscitur cubi ad cubum proportio, & quanto Sol maior terra sit. invenimus ergo octo centies, sexagies sexies, in mill tercentum uno & triginta. Dimetiens terrae ad diam. ☽ 17. ad 5 Cubus terrae 14913. Cubus ☽ 125. Terrae Diametros Lunae dimetiens complectitur ter, & duas eius diametri portiones quintas: estque ea proportio dimetientis terrae ad Lunae diametrum, quae est septendecim ad quinque tripla superbi partiens quintas. Cubus numeri septendecim est quater mill nonagenta terdecim. Cubus numeri quinque est centum viginti quinque. Maiore cubo per minorem distributo, reperimus numerum certum viginti quinque, tricies nouies in quater mill nonagentis terdecim: quod paululum à superioribus obseruationibus differt. The quantities or rather true proportion of all the Planets unto the earth, ocularly demonstrated by figure following. Mercury is but a point in respect of these quantities. BY these five Globes are represented the true magnitudes of the seven planets. One Globe or like magnitude appointed for Saturn and jupiter: Even so for the Moon and Venus: the rest have several Globes (as ye may see) according to their quantities. The nature, course, colour, and placing of these seven Planets, according to Ptolemy. ♄ SAturne is the highest and slowest in proper motion, cold, dry, and pale, like unto Lead colour, requiring thirty years to end his course. Di. 9 ad. 2. ♃ IVpiter is next under Saturn, temperate, fair and bright: his course is performed in 12 years. Di. 32. ad. 7. ♂ Mar is hot and dry of fiery colour, in two years endeth his course. Di. 7. ad 6. ☉ THe Sun is placed in the middle of all the Planets: most clear and bright, the well of pure light: every year finishing his course. Di 11. ad 2. ♀ Venus' is next to the Sun, cold, moist, and clear: yea more bright than jupiter, her course is like unto the Suns: never above 48. degrees from the Sun: called the morning star when she goeth before the Sun, coming after the Sun she is named the evening star. Di. 3. ad 10. ☿ MErcurie is next under Venus, somewhat shining but not very bright: never above 29. degrees from the Sun, his course is like to Venus, or the suns motion. ☽ THe Moon is lowest of all the seven, running over the whole Zodiac in 27. days, and eight hours, and somewhat more. Di. 5. ad. 7. For more plainness of that which is opened, now shall follow a figure, by the which ye may perceive how the Obbe of the one Planet compasseth the other. Also, how these Planets are placed in the heaven: yea, which Planets is highest from the earth, and which nearest unto us. Consider well this figure, so needeth no farther declaration. Ye may here behold first th' Elemental part subject unto alteration, consisting of the four Elements, first Earth and Water, whereon we are: then Air and fire. The other aetherial part, (which the Philosophers call quinte essence) containeth the ten Orbs: the bigger compasseth the next lesser, as the figure before showeth. It beginneth at the Moon, than Mercury, Venus, etc. in height more and more. As the figure declareth Saturn to be the highest Planet: so is the Moon lowest. The distance or miles that the Moon is from the Earth and every Planet from other. Haec incredibilia videntur tantum iis qui Mathematicis demonstrationibus non assueverunt, etc. AS some have published, it is from the Earth to the Moon, 1570. miles. From the Moon to Mercury, is 12812. miles. From Mercury to Venus, as many miles. From Venus to the Sun, is 23437. miles and a half. From the Sun to Mars, is 157●5. miles. From Mars to jupiter, is 18721. miles. From jupiter to Saturn, as many miles. From Saturn to the firmament, 120485. miles. The whole sum from the Earth to the Firmament, is 358463 miles and a half. Here Demonstration might be made of the distance of these Orbs, but that passeth the capacity of the common sort. The natural operations of these Planets by conjunction, opposition etc. ensueth: but more largely of me opened in a pleasant book shortly to be published. First here will I end the natural causes of many Suns and Moons: then of the Planets by conjunction. The natural causes of many Suns or Moons. Milichius noteth the king of Pole to have seen 6. Suns at once. THese come to pass, when a thicker cloud is gathered toward the side of ●he Sun or Moon, in the which the broken beams of the Sun do leave the fashion and very form of that Sun. Thus as followeth, saith Plinius in his second book of the history of Nature, and 31. chapter. No more Suns are perceived in our time then three: and they are never seen, either above or beneath the Sun, but on the sides: never in the night, but only at the Sun rising or going down. What is to be chosen or avoided under every aspect of the Moon, with her signification in the 12. signs touching the same. THe Conjunction, Quadrature, ♄ ☌ □ & ☍ come ☽ or Opposition of Saturn with the Moon, causeth an evil unlucky day for all matters. Leave therefore to have to do any manner way: nothing shall prosper or come well to pass then attempted. ♄ ⚹ △ come ☽ Yet the Sextile or Trine of Saturn with the Moon, declareth a convenient time to till, delve, or dig, to sow, to lay foundations, to erect or repair houses, yea, a meet time to obtain suits of fatherly farmers. The Moon in Capricornus or Aquarius, ☽ in ♑ vel ♒ bringeth this latter effect of the Sextile and Trine. The Conjunction, Sextile, Trine, ♃ ☌ ⚹ △ □ vel ☍ cum ☽ Quadrature or Opposition of jupiter with the Moon, showeth a fortunate day, chiefly to obtain suits of Kings, noble Princes, Prelates, of Lawyers and Religious persons: and a meet time to study, to journey, to take an honest matter in hand. The Moon in Taurus, in Leo, ☽ in ♉ ♌ vel ♐ or Sagittarius, showeth the same. The Conjunction, Sextile, Trine, ♂ ☌ ⚹ △ □ vel ☍ cum ☽ Quadrature or Opposition of Mars with the Moon, warneth thee not to match thyself that day with warriors: notwithstanding very good and most meet to finish all manner fiery works: nought to journey: yet most convenient for valiant Captains to work their feat: to lead, encourage or stomach their soldiers: most unmeet to treat peace, to take servants, or to seek friendship. The Conjunction, ☉ ☌ □ vel ☍ cum ☽ Quadrature or Opposition of the Sun with the Moon, declareth a very unhappy day for all matters: therefore attempt nothing, ne any manner suit, neither plant, build, ne journey. Yet the Sextile and Trine are very fortunate, specially to obtain suit of Kings, Princes, and other Nobles. The Moon in Aries, enforceth the effect of this latter part. ☽ in ♈ ♀ ☌ ⚹ △ □ vel ☍ cum ☽ The Conjunction, Sextile, Trine, Quadrature, or Opposition of Venus with the Moon, causeth a day most apt to obtain all suits of women, good i● woe, to attempt marriage, and to follow all manner of pleasures, and pleasant pastimes: not unmeet to hire servants, to let blood, etc. The Moon in Libra or Pisces provoketh the like. ☿ ☌ ⚹ △ □ vel ☍ cum ☽ The Conjunction, Sextile, Trine, Quadrature or Opposition of Mercury with the Moon, promiseth a fortunate happy day to buy and sell: very good to enter children in liberal Arts: an apt time for the Uersifier: good to use Merchandise, to journey, to send embassage, to give accounts, and such like. ☽ in ♊ ♋ vel ♍. The Moon in Gemini, Cancer, or Virgo, inclineth even to the same aforesaid. ☽ ☊ The Moon with the Dragon's head, showeth a lucky day for all matters: with the tail, contrary. Now ensueth a table showing what Sign the Moon is in, and shall be for ever: declaring also the meetest time to let blood, to purge and to bathe. THe Table hath at the head seven titles. The first months: the second days: then the Prime: the twelve Signs: the times to let blood, to purge, and to bathe. Here is to be noted, that those days are good for these purposes, which be signed with this letter G. and those evil days, that are no●ed with B. ¶ This Table declareth for ever, in what Sign the Moon is or shall be at any day in the year. It serveth also very well to let Blood, to Purge, and bath. Months. Days. Prime. The 12. Signs. To let Blood To Purge. To bath. A table for letting of blood, etc. Febr. Novem. 1 3 Aries. G B G March. 2 Aries. G B G 3 14 Taurus. B B B Decembre. 4 6 Taurus. B B B 5 Gemini. B G April. 6 17 Gemini. B G 7 9 Cancer. G G May. 8 1 Cancer. G G 9 Cancer. G G 10 12 Leo. B B G 11 4 Leo. B B G june. 12 Virgo. B B B 13 15 Virgo. B B B july. 14 7 Libra. 15 Libra. 16 18 Scorpius. G G 17 10 Scorpius. G G August. 18 2 Scorpius. G G 19 Sagittarius G G 20 13 Sagittarius. G G 21 5 Capricornus B B B Septembre. 22 Capricornus B B B 23 16 Aquarius. G janua. Octo. 24 8 Aquarius. G 25 Pisces G G 26 19 Pisces. G G 27 11 Pisces. G G Seek out under the titles of the Months, the name of the month, whose day you must look out right against the month, unger the title of days, and there begin to tell downwards, 1.2.3. etc. to the end, if it so require, and then from the beginning, if need be, until ye have reckoned the number of the day that you seek. Look what number it falleth upon in this table under the title of days, that number keep in mind. Then seek under the title of the Prime, the Golden number for the year, right against that, leftward under the title of days: begin to tell downwards, 1.2.3. etc. until you have reckoned the number which you did keep in mind. Against that, towards your right hand under the the title of Signs, is the sign wherein the Moon shall be that day. Even then under the other titles, ye shall find in right order for letting Blood, for puring and bathing, according as they be noted with G. which is good, and B. signifying bad. Example. The sixth day of March in the year of our Lord 1555. I desire to know what celestical sign the Moon doth then occupy. I find first the name of the month, that is March: and the day as followeth, in the next order of this table. I begin here to tell right against my month, at the figure of 2. saying, 1.2.3. etc. so I have at the end and count of six days this figure 7. which I keep in mind. Now I must seek out the Golden number for the year aforesaid, under the title of the Prime here, that is 7. against the which on the left side is 6. There ye must begin again to count 1.2.3. etc. until you come to your number 7. So on your right hand in the row or order, you shall see Uirgo, the celestical Sign that the Moon is in: and after that these three leettrs B. which declare bad, or evil to let Blood, to Purge, or bath, agreeable to the titles in the head G. there had signified good. Forasmuch as letting of Blood, Purging, and Bathing, Inundations, Floods, Timber sailing, Sowing, Planting, Graffing, Cutting, etc. depend chiefly on the Sign wherein the Moon is, which I have even before plainly opened: I thought it meet to have them now orderly touched as followeth. Profitable Rules A conducible note for letting blood. LEt blood at no time without great cause, for it bringeth weakness and many infirmities. If ye do, Malum minui, vel purgationibus uti, tempore caloris, propter defectum humoris. see it be after good digestion, and fasting, in a fair temperate day. Beware before of all manner exercises, bathe, watchings, and carnal copulation, etc. After use fine meats, of light digestion, abstaining from all the aforesaid, until the fourth day. These Signs are most dangerous for blood-letting, Ill to let blood in ♉ ♊ ♌ ♍ ♑ the Moon being in them: Taurus Gemini, Leo, Uirgo, and Capricornus, with the last half of Libra, and Scorpius. The rest are all good, so the Moon bear no dominion in that member which ye cut: as followeth. Behold this figure. bloodletting man The Dominion of the Moon in man's body. Aries. The Head, and Face. Taurus. The Neck. Gemini. The Arms, Hands, Shoulders. Cancer. The Breast, Stomach, Ribs. Leo. The Heart, Back. Virgo. The Bowels, Belly. Libra. The reins▪ Navel, Buttocks. Scorpius. The Secret members. Sagittarius. The Thighs. Capricornus The Knees. Aquarius. The Shins, Legs. Pisces. The Feet. FRom the change to the first quarter, a meet time to let young men blood. From the first quarter to the full, good for middle age. From the full to the last quarter, apt for aged folk. From the last quarter to the change, best for old men. Signs meet for the Complexions. Aries. For the Phlegmatic: the Head, and Thighs excepted. Sagittarius. For the Phlegmatic: the Head, and Thighs excepted. Haec diligentissimè observare oportet solertem. Medicum, nisi maiora peri●ula cogant. Libra. For Melancholic: Buttocks, and Legs excepted. Aquarius. For Melancholic: Buttocks, and Legs excepted. Cancer. For Choleric: Breast, Members, and Feet excepted. Scorpius. For Choleric: Breast, Members, and Feet excepted. Pisces. For Choleric: Breast, Members, and Feet excepted. For the Sanguine, all be apt that tofore are named good. In the Spring time, let blood at the right side. In Harvest time, at the left side. The learned Physician will consider, beside all that is said, the Conjunctions, Oppositions, and Quadrat aspects of the Planets: with many other things Astronomical, most necessary, both in blood-letting, purging, bathing, etc. For to take purgations, and to bathe. THe meetest time to take purgations, etc. is neither in hot, nor cold days: that is, from the tenth of March, to the twelfth of june. Further by rules Astronomical, Good to purge ♋ in ♓ it must be performed when the Moon is in cold, moist, and watery signs, as Cancer, Scorpius, and Pisces: comforted by aspects and radiations of Planets, fortifying the virtue of the body expulsive. The Moon in Aries, Taurus, and Capricornus, nought. Bad to purge. ♈ ♉ ♑ One cause of vomiting the purgation is, if the Moon have aspect to any Planet retrograde. The Moon in these Signs following, very good to bathe: Good to bathe ♈ ♌ ♐ ♋ in ♓. Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, Cancer, Scorpius, and Pisces. These ensuing are evil to bathe, Taurus, Uirgo, Capricornus. Bad to bathe ♉ ♍ ♑ Of Inundations or floods: of timber selling, sowing, planting, graffing, hair clipping, shaving, and gelding. THe flood is biggest at the full: because then dispersing her virtue, The fall of Timber. she filleth all places with moisture. By common experience joined with learning I know, at the full, the Moon loadeth all bodies with humours: and so are emptied, growing to the change. Of this some gather the fall of timber at the change, more to the purpose then other times, wanting the superfluous moisture, the cause of putrefaction, Omnis putredo ab aqueo humido. ortum habet. Schoner willeth from the 15. day unto the 22. day of the Moon trees to be felled, and that after Midsummer to january. So timber is strong, sound, and void of worms. To sow: Taurus, Cancer, Uirgo, Libra, and Capricornus, Good to sow. ♉ ♋ ♍ ♎ ♑ are best in the increase of the Moon. To plant or graff, is best when the Moon hath her being in any sixed Sign, either in Taurus, or Aquarius in the increase. To plant or graff. ♉ ♒ To cut hair ♉ ♑ ♎ Hair cut groweth well, the Moon increasing, being in Taurus, Virgo, or Libra. Cutting, Shaving, Clipping, in the wa●e causeth baldness: what is then cut, groweth little. Caluitium prohibet oleum Tartari. The best time of Cutting is in Cancer, Scorpio, or Pisces, in the wane. These two round Tables that now ensue, conduce to the rest following A Table for the Sundays letter and Leap year. The year 1554. G. was Dominical. The next year 1555. F shallbe. Then E, unto S. Mathies day, and D. under him unto the end of the year. So orderly, rightward in this Circle for ever. Where two letters are, that is the Leap year. Or thus for the Leap year. Divide the year of our Lord by 4. if nothing be left, it is the Leap year, The remain noteth the .1. the .2.02.3. years, after the Leap year. When ye have gone round about the years, of these two Tables, begin again. A Table for the Golden number, or Prime: and also for the Epact. Seek out the year of the Lord, under it, is the prime. Then the Epact. Which changeth every year at the first day of March, the Dominical letter and Prime, the first of january. The prime. The sundays letter. The first Lent sunday. Faster day. Rogation. whitsuntide. Betwixt whitsond. & midso. 16 February. March. April. may. wek. days 5 d 8 22 26 10 6 3 e 9 23 27 11 6 2 A table for movable feasts. 13 f 10 24 28 12 6 1 2 g 11 25 29 13 6 0 A 12 26 30 14 5 6 10 b 13 27 May. 1. 15 5 5 c 14 28 2 16 5 4 13 d 15 29 3 17 5 3 7 e 16 30 4 18 5 ● f 17 31 5 19 5 1 15 g 18 April. 1 6 20 5 0 4 A 19 2 7 21 4 6 b 20 3 8 22 4 5 12 c 21 4 9 23 4 4 1 d 22 5 10 2● 4 3 e 23 6 11 25 4 2 9 f 24 7 12 26 4 1 g 25 8 13 27 4 0 17 A 26 9 14 28 3 6 6 b 27 10 15 29 3 5 c 28 11 16 30 3 4 14 d March. 1. 12 17 31 3 3 3 e 2 13 18 june. 1. 3 2 f 3 14 19 2 3 1 11 g 4 15 20 3 5 0 A 5 16 21 4 2 6 19 b 6 17 22 5 2 5 8 c 7 18 23 6 2 4 a 8 19 24 7 2 3 ● 9 20 25 8 2 2 f 10 21 26 9 2 1 g 11 22 27 10 2 0 A 12 23 28 11 1 6 b 1● 24 29 12 ● 5 c 14 25 30 ●3 ● ● The use of this Table appointed for the movable Feasts. THis Table containeth, in the first title the Prime: in the second, the Dominical letter: in the third, Lent: in the fourth, Easter day: in the fifth, Rogation day: in the sixth, Whitsunday: in the seventh, how many weeks and days are between Whitsunday and Midsummer. Which all appear by their titles. Ye shall consider by the little round Table before put forth, what number the Prime is that year, whereof ye require to know all these aforesaid: and seek that number under the first title of this Table ensuing. Then seek under the second the Dominical letter, next after the Prime for that year: which title ensueth the Prime. Directly against the same Dominical letter, towards your right hand, in the same line, ye shall find under the titles, what month and day, every one of these aforesaid shall happen. Example. I would know this year of our Lord 1555. These movable Feasts: the first Lent Sunday, Easter day, Rogation days, Whitsunday, and how many weeks betwixt Whitsunday and Midsummer day. First I find the Prime this year 17. which 17. I look out under the title of Prime in the Table before. Then I seek in the next order, and after the Prime, for the Dominical letter that year. Now in right order, according to the title, I find the third of March to be the first Lent Sunday: the 14. of April Easter day: the 12. of May Rogation: the 2. of june Whitsunday: and 3. weeks and 1. day betwixt Whitsunday and Midsummer day. Thus for ever. How to know the age of the Moon than the change, and quarter for ever. By the Prime the change is known, but uncertainly: therefore here omitted. FIrst learn the Epact (as I have instructed) for that year ye seek to know the age of the Moon, then reckon how many days are passed of the month, which day ye desire to know the age. Put that number to the Epact. Then begin at March, and reckon for every month from him orderly one, until your said day, including both the month of March, and also the month of your said day. Add all these days unto your former number, putting away as many thirty days as ye find. The rest is the age of the Moon. The age found, the change is known. If ye add seven days to the change, ye have the first quarter: then seven days, and somewhat more, showeth the full: and so to it adding seven and more, bringeth the last quarter thus, by seven unto the new Moon. Example. In anno Bisextili unum add The tenth day of january, the year then being 1555. I desire the age of the Moon, I find the Epact until March ensuing to be twenty six, that added unto ten, maketh thirty six, than eleven for the months from March to january, including both months, bringing forty seven: now thirty pulled away, leaveth seventeen the age of the Moon. Now ensue the perfect Tables, declaring the true hour and minute of ebbing and flowing in most coasts of England. Example. The first day of januarie, I desire all the aforesaid: that is, the break of the day: the very minute of the Sun rising, the length of the day, and also of the night: the Sun going down, and the twilight. I find on the right hand of januarie these numbers running down, 1.10.20. which declare the first day, the 10. day, and twentieth of that month. Now to my purpose. I require the break of the day, etc. The first of januarie in the Table, under the title, on the right hand of this figure 1, I see 5. hours, and 54. minutes, that is six of the clock wanting 6. minutes. The rising of the Sun in that order, is just at eight, as this figure 8. there declareth under that title in the row. The length of the day, eight hours: the length of the night 16. hours: the Sun setting is at four: the twilight at 6. and 6. minutes. Even thus for the tenth day, and also for the twentieth of that month, in the rows according to their titles in the head of my Tables. How to work by proportion, when the day is not found. I Would know all the aforesaid: the first day of januarie, I take for example the break of the day. Remember the first day of januarie, I did find the break to be at five of the clock and 54. minutes: and the tenth day I may find the break of the day to be at 5. and 44. minutes, that is 10. minutes less. I see now 10. days do give me 10. minutes less: I see therefore (by proportion) the fifth day must give 5. minutes less than 5. hours 54. minutes: which is 5. hours, 49 minutes my request. Thus for all the other titles. The hour of the night by the Moon, is otherwise found than before, and that diversly. THe hour of her rising known, as is opened, How by the Moon the night hour is found. and a mark then made where she shadoweth, in any true fixed or movable Sun dial, the hours and minutes from that mark all the night after are to be added to her rising. If more than 12. surmount, only that above 12. showeth the true hour and minute. If at the rising she may not be seen, then by the Sun rising, in that very Sign (with the help of this Almanac) you may perceive what hour she would note at her rising. Therefore from that mark, count. another way. Of ebbing and flowing. WHen the moon is at the full, look what hour her shadow showeth in any Dial, that is the hour of the night. After she is past the full 28. hours, ye must add one hour: But afore the full, pull one from that ye find in the Dial. If twice 28. two hours, etc. so have ye the hour of the right. How the hour of the day, by Right shadow, that is, by any thing directly standing up, is known: and by Squire shadow also. FIrst it behoveth you to have a Staff, or any other thing divided in 12. equal parts. When ye list to have the hour, set up directly your divided Staff on a plain level ground, or board, etc. Note the just length of the shadow, what parts it containeth. With those enter your month in the peculiar Calendar following: beholding diligently under the name of the month, the small enclosed Tables: considering well, which of those small Tables are nearest unto your day: and that judge by the sign, or day there noted. That table serveth your purpose: where you must look out the parts of the shadow afore ●ound, or near unto it: under or over the which the hour is set, before or after noon. Note the two pricks there, signify half a part more than is noted: one prick, half a part less. Here it is also to be noted, that every table hath within, two rows of figures: the upper is for the Staff, the other for the Squire shadow. And whatsoever is before said of the one, that same is meant here of the other, saving of the Composition. The Squire must be divided from the inward angle to the end of one side, in 12. equal parts: even so from that angle the other side into 24. like parts, as this figure showeth. These to the witty suffice. The composition of an Instrument for the hour of the night which is also a perfect Dial for the day, and excellent for the Mariner. THe taking of an Altitude supposed, I could exactly in few (and that without an Instrument) satisfy. For want of the knowledge, The use of these Tables. WHen you will know the full Sea, seek out the name of the place, where you desire the full water, in the head of the Tables: or learn the points of the Compass there noted: or if you list, know of some mariner, what Moon maketh a full sea there: a south-west or South Moon. etc. Then the age of the Moon found under the place or point of the compass, showeth in right order the hour and minute of the full water. The ebb than is manifest. Example. I desire to know the full water at London bridge, the year of our Lord 1555. the sixth day of February. I find by rules before put forth, the 6 day of February the year aforesaid, the Moon to be 14. days old. I see also under the title where London is S.W. which letters signify that a south-west Moon maketh a full Sea there: and that is at 2. of the clock, and 12. minutes past. This is well perceived in the first Table before put forth, if you run down to the 14. day of the age of the Moon, under London title. A note of the hour of the day and night. THe ingenious may gather near about the hour of the day and night, by the Moon: consideration had of the points in those Tables of tides before noted. For the hour is orderly put under the point of the compass. Every part or point containing 11. degrees and ¼: this compass is well figured near about the Centre in the instrument following for the night hour, because ye may by it have a delectable large use of these tide tables. How by the first of the tide tables, ye may readily know when the Moon cometh into the South, when she riseth and setteth: with her continuance on the earth. Seek the age of the Moon (as is opened) then resort to the first tide table, looking out that age there: So under the South point in right order the hour appeareth, when she cometh unto the South. Then hath she spent half that ark that the Sun would have had in that Sign▪ which pulled away, showeth the rising: that half ark also added to her coming unto the South, declareth her going down. The ark then that the Sun would have had in the sign, is her continuance on the earth. A Table at all times plainly and briefly declaring the break of the day: the hour and minute of the Sun rising: the just length of the day: the length of the night also: the very minute of the Sun setting: and the twilight. Months Days. Break of the day. Sun rising. Length of the day Length of the night Sun setting. Twylyghte. Days. Months. of the day. H. M. H. M. H. M. H. M. H. M. H. M. ber. 10 6 ● 8 11 7 37 16 23 3 40 6 0 10 Dec. 20 5 58 8 10 7 40 16 20 3 5● 6 2 1 janu. 1 5 54 8 0 8 0 16 0 4 0 6 6 20 Nove. ● 10 5 44 7 49 8 21 15 39 4 11 6 1● 10 7 20 5 35 7 34 8 52 15 8 4 26 6 25 1 5 Febr. 1 5 15 7 13 9 34. 14. 26 4 47 6 45 20 Octo. 5 10 5 0 6 56 10 8 13 52 5 4 7 0 10 8 20 4. 50 6 36 10 47 13 13 5 24 7 10 1 5 Mar. 1 4 20 6 19 11 22 12 38 5 41 7 40 20 Sept. ●3 10 4 0 6 1 11 58 12 2 5 59 8 0 10 16 20 3 40 5 41 12 37 11 23 6 19 8 20 1 13 Apr. 1 3 8 5 18 13 23 10 37 6 42 8 52 20 Aug. 12 10 2 40 5 1 13 57 10 3 6 59 9 20 10 15 20 2 10 4 43 14 33 9 27 7 17 9 50 1 11 May. 1 1 30 4 25 15 9 8 51 7 35 10 3 20 13 10 0 30 4 12 15 35 8 25 7 48 11 30 10 jul. 13 20 Continual day. 4 0 15 59 8 1 8 0 Day co●tinuall. 1 7 Iu. 1 3 51 16 17 7 43 8 9 20 〈◊〉 ● ●0 3 48 16 23 7 37 8 12 10 Minutes to be added, to the L●g●● H. M. H. M. H. M. H. M. H. M. H. M. The use of this table. COnsider the month and day, that ye require any of the to foresaid: and seek in this Table that same under the title: proceed in right order, so ye have your purpose. If the very day be not found, take the nearest of your table. ¶ Or by proportion the truth is given: which all by Ensample following shall plainly be declared. Q●in Southampton. Portsm●th Redban Aberden Grauesende. Dundee. S And. Age of the Moon London Tinmot Hertlepole. Berwyke. Erith. lieth. Dumbar. Falmot South. S b w. S S w. S w b S S w. S w b w w S w w b S. H. M. H. M. H. M. H. M. ☽ H. M. H. M. H. M. H. M. 12 48 1 33 2 18 3 3 1 3 48 4 33 5 18 6 3 The first table for the Titles. 1 ●● 2 2● 3 6 3 51 2 4 36 5 21 6 6 6 51 2 24 3 9 3 54 4 39 3 5 24 6 9 6 54 7 39 3 12 3 57 4 42 5 27 4 6 12 6 57 7 42 8 27 4 0 4 45 5 30 6 15 5 7 0 7 46 8 30 9 15 4 48 5 33 6 18 7 3 6 7 48 8 33 9 18 10 3 5 36 6 21 7 6 7 51 7 8 36 9 21 10 6 10 51 6 24 7 9 7 54 8 39 8 9 24 10 9 10 54 11 39 7 12 7 57 8 42 9 27 9 10 12 10 57 11 42 12 27 8 0 8 45 9 30 10 15 10 11 0 11 45 12 30 1 15 8 48 9 3● 10 13 11 3 11 11 48 12 33 1 18 2 3 9 36 10 21 11 6 11 51 12 12 36 1 21 2 6 2 51 10 24 11 9 11 54 12 39 13 1 24 2 9 2 54 3 39 11 12 11 57 12 42 1 27 14 2 12 2 57 3 42 4 27 12 0 12 45 1 30 2 15 15 3 0 3 45 4 30 5 15 12 48 1 33 2 ●8 3 3 16 3 48 4 33 5 18 6 3 1 36 2 21 3 6 3 51 17 4 36 5 21 6 6 6 51 2 24 3 9 3 54 4 39 18 5 24 6 9 6 54 7 39 3 12 3 57 4 42 5 27 19 6 12 6 57 7 42 8 27 4 0 4 45 5 30 6 15 20 7 0 7 45 8 30 9 15 4 48 5 33 6 18 7 3 21 7 48 8 33 9 13 10 3 5 36 6 21 7 6 7 51 22 8 36 9 21 10 6 10 51 6 24 7 9 7 54 8 39 23 9 24 10 9 10 54 11 39 7 1● 7 57 8 42 9 27 24 10 12 10 57 11 42 12 27 8 0 8 45 9 30 10 15 25 11 0 11 45 12 30 1 15 8 48 9 33 10 18 ●1 3 26 11 48 12 33 1 18 2 3 9 36 10 21 11 6 11 51 27 12 36 1 21 2 6 2 51 10 24 11 9 11 54 12 39 28 1 24 2 9 2 54 3 39 11 12 11 57 12 42 1 27 29 2 12 2 57 3 42 4 27 12 0 12 45 1 30 2 15 30 3 0 3 45 4 30 5 15 North. N b E N n E N e b N ☽ N E N e b E E n E E b N. Foy Lin. Humber. weimot. Dertm. Plimot. Bristo. Milfo. Bridgwater. Portl. Peter. port. Age of the Moon. Orkn. Pole. Orwel. Diep. Lux. Lenoys. Boloig. Dover. Harwick Yarmot. Calais. East. E b S. E s E S e b E S E S e b S S s E S b E 〈…〉 H. M. H. M. H. M. H. M. ☽ H. M. H. M. H. M. H. M. 6 4● 7 33 8 18 9 3 1 9 48 10 33 11 18 12 3 7 36 8 21 9 6 9 51 2 10 36 11 21 12 6 12 51 8 24 9 9 9 54 10 39 3 11 24 12 9 12 54 1 39 9 12 9 57 10 42 11 27 4 12 12 12 57 1 42 2 27 10 0 10 45 11 30 12 15 5 1 0 1 45 2 30 3 15 10 48 11 3● 12 18 1 3 6 1 48 2 33 3 18 4 3 11 36 12 21 1 6 1 51 7 2 36 3 21 4 6 4 51 12 24 1 9 1 54 2 39 8 3 24 4 9 4 54 5 39 1 12 1 57 2 42 3 27 9 4 12 4 57 5 42 6 27 2 0 2 45 3 30 4 15 10 5 0 5 45 6 30 7 15 2 48 3 33 4 18 5 3 11 5 48 6 33 7 18 8 3 3 36 4 21 5 6 5 51 12 6 36 7 21 8 6 8 51 4 24 5 9 5 54 6 39 13 7 24 8 9 8 54 9 39 5 12 5 57 6 42 7 27 14 8 12 8 57 9 42 10 27 6 0 6 45 7 30 8 15 15 9 0 9 45 10 30 11 15 6 48 7 33 8 18 9 3 16 9 48 10 33 11 18 12 3 7 36 8 21 9 6 9 51 17 10 36 11 21 12 6 12 51 8 24 9 9 9 54 10 3● 18 11 24 12 9 12 54 1 39 9 12 9 57 10 42 11 2● 19 12 12 12 57 1 42 2 27 10 0 10 45 11 30 12 15 20 1 0 1 45 2 30 3 15 10 48 11 33 12 1● 1 3 21 1 4● 2 33 3 18 4 3 11 36 12 21 1 6 1 51 22 2 ●6 3 21 4 6 4 5● 12 24 1 9 1 54 2 39 23 3 24 4 9 4 54 5 39 1 12 1 57 2 42 3 27 24 4 ●2 4 57 5 42 6 2● 2 0 2 45 3 30 4 15 25 5 0 5 45 6 30 7 15 2 4● 3 33 4 18 5 3 26 5 48 6 33 7 1● 8 3 3 36 4 21 5 6 5 51 27 6 36 7 21 8 6 8 51 4 24 5 9 5 54 6 39 28 7 24 8 9 8 54 9 39 5 12 5 57 6 42 7 27 29 8 12 8 57 9 42 10 27 6 0 6 45 7 30 8 15 30 9 0 9 45 10 30 11 15 West. w b n w n w n w b w ☽ n w n w b n n n w n b w make upon a plain board, or rather fine plate, a Circle: the bigger the better: part it into 360 portions, thus. The Circle made divide it in 6 not moving the compass: then every of them in 6. and each of those last in 10. so have you 360. parts. Then charactor it, beginning at the North thus 10.20 30. etc. (as in the figure) going toward the East, and ending at the North with 360. Now lay a ruler on a Centre, even with some divisions, drawing thorough to the extremes of the Circle a line. Then cross that with another. These two must divide your circle in 4. equal parts: which lines show the very East, West, North and South, when by a Meridian or square dial, with a needle rectified, they are placed. Now to the end, set a small strait wire, a foot or more long with a Uane in the top, plum upright in the Centre: and there fasten it. Thus this Instrument is finished, to be fixed about your house, equidistant or level with the Horizon: having a needle if ye list, in it, truly to plague it, when and where you will. That it may be also a Dial for the day, you must pull strait lines from the extremity of your circle outward, to every fifteenth part decking them with Characters conveniently as ye see the figure, your rule keeping the Centre. Thus when the Sun shineth▪ the shadow of the wire showeth the true hour: the Uane, the winds, etc. being truly plagued, well placed, and reared as followeth, The points of the compass are drawn within the circle, and about the Centre every point containing 11. degrees and a half. The instrument as you see is enclosed round about with a Square, for the Mariner's aid. Truly few words cannot express the excellency of this Square for their use: No otherwise to be opened, then learned Gemma hath invented and plainly declared: here omitted of me, not fully occasioned now to write that way. I have appointed a meeter place for this and like matter. In the mean time I am ready in word and deed, to further the desireful in this or any other. Behold this instrument for Navigation most commodious, the use of which is here only put forth according to my invention. The right rearing and placing of the Dial tofore mentioned. LIft up handsomely your Instrument or Dial toward the North in some meet place, the side of a squire lying on it, until the plummet and line, In winter the contrary superficies or Plain, showeth the day hour from ♎ to ♈ centred in the extreme upper part of the other side of your Squire like long, cut all that Squire side which lieth on your Instrument, the fifth part only except: Then move your Instrument, hither and thither, this or that way, until the shadow of the wire fall upon the hour of the day, keeping diligently your height before. Your Dial thus fixed, declareth all the year long, the exact hour and parts thereof. No Dial in truth excelleth this. Have in remembrance, that this Instrument must lie level, nothing at all reared, for the hour of the night by star. To get the exact hour by two Stars of the first light, with an Instrument or Circle, tofore divided, first of me invented, calculated and practised. THe Instrument equidistantly set and plagued, Fit filo aut digito, absque regula exactissimè. as is declared in composition, ye ought to lay the edge of a ruler unto the wire, the other neither end touching the Instrument, moving here and there still touching the wire, until either Star doth offer itself with that edge, and that by the judgement of the eye. Then put down discreetly your ruler (ever touching the wire) the hinder end not moved, observing how many parts are cut from the North, to the edge of the Ruler. Enter with them the peculiar Calendar following: seeking out your month, placed in the midst of every Table: then the day of that month must be there found. Note that every table hath on the sides, the days thus ordered Know, the order or row of figures which is right against, or nearest your day, serveth the turn. The number or parts before cut by the ruler, and now found in the row of your table, showeth the precise hour. If it be too little, that hour over the head or under is not yet come: if contrary, it is past. How these two bright stars, being of the first light, are found: the one called Aldebaran or Oculus Tauri, the other Alramech. By what means these Stars are known. THe best way is thus: The month and day known with the true hour of the night, enter your Table considering that month and day, observe what parts belongeth there to that star and hour. Then resort to your Instrument, laying the edge of your ruler, as many parts from the North Eastward, circumspectly lifting up the edge close by the wire, so the fair star shineth even with that edge. Or thus grossly. Another way to find them. OCulus Tauri is ever a meet rod and a half to the eye under the seven stars, and somewhat North of them in the rising: Alramech is contrary to him plagued, accompanied with three little dim stars, a rod from him by the judgement of the sight: in the form of a Triangle, thus. Behold this figure: the great Star doth represent Alramech: the other three in the Triangle, which is placed always with him, but commonly there doth appear but one Star of the Triangle. NOW ENSVETH THE needful, necessary, peculiar Calendar tofore mentioned: with Instruments belonging thereto. The composition and appliance of the said Tables, with the pleasant use of them, are before sufficiently opened: therefore further declaration here, might seem superfluous. A necessary Instrument to find exactly the hour of the day and night divers ways, with the help of this peculiar Calendar. For the night. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 From evening to midnight. 1 108 113 143 165 190 213 59 79 5 112 129 150 172 197 220 63 47 10 113 136 158 183 206 227 68 78 15 123 144 166 192 214 233 71 81 20 130 151 173 199 220 239 75 86 Oculus Tauri. 25 137 158 183 207 228 244 79 90 30 144 165 191 213 233 249 82 91 january hath xxxj. days. From midnight unto day. 81 93 105 121 143 168 196 1 86 96 110 127 151 177 205 5 89 101 116 135 160 139 214 10 Alramech. 93 105 122 143 169 198 213 15 98 111 128 152 179 207 230 20 10 116 135 159 190 216 286 25 190 121 144 168 193 222 242 30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 12 11 10 9 8 7 H For the day. 10 Staff 26 39 49 83 550 0 shad. 0 Squire 4 4 3 2 0 0 shad. Alramech▪ H 0 1 2 3 4 5 12 11 10 9 8 7 H gr. ♒ 20 Staff 32 34 42 65 209 0 shad. 10 Squire 4 4 3 2 1 0 shad. H 0 1 2 3 4 5 12 11 10 9 8 7 H 30 Staff 27 29 35 119 0 shad. 0 Squire 5 5 4 3 1 shad. H 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 For the night. 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 From evening to midnight. 1 169 194 216 62 73 83 95 ●culus Tauri. 5 174 199 222 64 25 86 98 10 184 207 228 68 79 70 102 15 191 214 234 71 82 94 106 20 198 220 233 75 86 93 111 25 205 226 243 78 88 110 116 Alramech. 30 February hath xxviij. days. From midnight unto day. 108 124 146 172 201 225 1 111 129 153 180 207 231 5 117 136 126 190 216 227 10 122 144 169 158 223 213 15 128 152 278 206 230 248 20 134 159 188 214 236 252 25 30 1 2 3 4 5 6 For the day. 12 11 10 9 8 7 H 8 Staff 23 25 30 42 80 6 6 shad. 0 Squire 6 6 5 3 2 0 shad. H 0 1 2 3 4 5 12 11 10 9 8 7 H 18 Staff 20 21 25 54 61 226 shad. 10 gr. ♓ Squire 7 7 6 4 2 1 shad. H 0 1 2 3 4 5 H 12 11 10 9 8 7 28 Staff 17 18 22 29 45 112 shad. 20 Squire 8 8 6 5 3 1 shad. H 0 1 2 3 4 5 For the Night. 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 50 70 81 93 15 120 From evening to midnight. 5 62 74 84 95 108 125 10 65 76 87 99 113 131 15 69 80 91 103 118 138 20 72 83 94 107 123 146 25 75 86 98 112 129 153 30 80 90 102 117 136 161 Alramech. March hath xxxj. days. From midnight unto day. 142 168 196 222 241 1 47 173 201 227 245 5 155 183 210 232 250 10 63 192 218 238 255 15 71 200 225 243 259 20 180 208 232 249 262 25 191 26 237 254 267 30 Alramech. 1 2 3 4 5 6 12 11 10 9 8 7 H gr. ♈ For the dry. 11 Staff 15 16 19 24 37 74 shad. 0 Squire 9 9 8 6 4 2 shad. H 0 1 2 3 4 5 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 H 21 Staff 13 14 16 21 30 54 221 shad. 10 Squire 11 10 9 7 5 2 1 shad. H 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 H 31 Staff 11 12 14 18 26 43 112 shad. 20 Squire 12 12 10 8 5 3 1 shad. H 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 For the night. 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 From evening to midnight. 1 92 104 118 138 164 Alramech. 5 94 107 123 145 171 10 98 111 129 153 180 15 101 117 125 160 189 20 106 122 144 168 198 25 111 128 152 178 207 30 117 135 159 189 215 April hath thirty. days. From midnight unto day. 103 218 230 255 1 199 225 244 258 5 207 231 248 262 10 215 236 253 266 15 223 243 257 270 20 230 248 262 274 25 Alramech. 236 252 266 278 30 1 2 3 4 5 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 H For the day. 10 Staff 0 11 13 16 23 36 76 shad. 0 Squire 14 13 11 9 6 4 2 shad. H 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 H gr. ♉ 21 Staff 9 9 11 15 21 31 58 267 shad. 10 Squire 16 15 12 9 7 4 2 1 shad. H 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 H 31 Staff 8 8 10 14 19 28 49 139 shad. 20 Squire 18 17 14 10 7 5 3 1 shad. H 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 For the Night. 8 9 10 11 12 1 117 136 160 190 216 From evening to midnight. 5 120 142 168 196 222 10 128 152 178 206 230 15 134 159 188 214 235 20 143 168 169 222 211 25 151 177 206 230 248 30 160 189 215 235 253 May hath xxxj. days. From midnight unto day. 237 253 267 278 1 Alramech. 241 256 269 280 5 247 261 273 285 10 252 266 278 288 15 257 270 281 292 20 26● 274 285 296 25 266 278 288 300 30 1 2 3 4 5 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 H gr. ♊ For the day. 12 Staff 7 8 10 13 17 26 43 100 shad. 1 Squire 20 18 15 11 8 5 3 1 shad. H 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 H 22 Staff 7 7 9 12 17 24 39 82 2580 shad. 10 Squire 21 19 15 12 8 6 4 2 shad. H 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 H 32 Staff 6 7 9 12 16 23 37 74 565 shad. 20 Squire 22 20 16 12 9 6 4 2 shad. H 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 For the Night. 8 9 10 11 12 1 161 191 261 237 254 From evening to midnight. Alramech. 5 169 197 223 242 257 10 180 207 231 249 262 15 191 216 237 254 267 20 199 224 243 259 271 25 207 231 249 262 275 30 216 237 254 267 279 june hath thirty. days. From midnight unto day. 269 279 290 301 1 270 282 292 303 5 Alramech. 274 285 297 308 10 279 290 301 15 28 293 304 20 286 297 308 25 290 301 382 30 1 2 3 4 5 For the day. 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 H gr. ♊ 1 Staff 6 7 9 12 16 23 37 47 565 shad. 20 Squire 22 20 16 12 9 6 4 2 0 shad. H 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 H 12 Staff 6 7 6 12 16 23 36 72 453 shad. 0 gr. ♋ Squire 22 20 16 12 9 6 4 2 0 shad. H 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 H 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 23 Staff 6 7 9 14 16 23 37 74 565 shad. 10 Squire 22 20 16 12 9 6 4 2 shad. H 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 For the night. 8 9 10 11 12 From evening to midnight. 1 219 239 255 263 280 5 225 244 2●9 272 283 10 233 250 264 275 286 15 238 254 267 279 290 Alramech. 20 243 258 271 283 293 25 249 262 275 226 297 30 254 267 279 290 300 july hath xxxj. days. From midnight unto day. 290 302 83 1 Alramech. 293 304 86 5 267 79 90 10 301 82 93 15 304 86 98 20 308 89 101 25 Oculus Tauri. 82 93 106 30 1 2 3 4 5 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 H gr. ♌ For the day. 3 Staff 7 7 9 12 16 24 39 82 2580 shad 0 Squire 21 19 15 12 8 6 4 2 shad H 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 H 14 Staff 7 8 10 13 17 26 43 100 shad. 0 Squire 20 18 15 11 8 5 3 1 shad. H 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 H 24 Staff 8 8 10 14 19 28 49 139 shad. 10 Squire 18 17 10 7 5 3 1 shad. H 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 For the night. 8 9 10 11 12 From evening to midnight▪ 1 255 267 279 291 302 Alramech. 5 259 272 284 294 304 10 263 275 286 297 79 Oculus Tauri. 15 267 279 290 300 81 20 270 282 292 303 86 25 274 285 296 303 88 30 278 288 299 81 92 August hath xxxj. days. From midnight unto day. 82 94 107 122 141 1 86 98 111 126 146 5 89 102 116 132 154 10 93 105 119 138 160 15 Oculus Tauri. 96 110 125 144 167 20 100 114 130 152 174 25 104 118 136 158 183 30 1 2 3 4 5 For the day. 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 H gr. ♌ 3 Staff 9 9 11 15 21 31 58 207 shad. 20 Squire 16 15 12 9 7 4 2 0 shad. H 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 H 14 Staff 10 11 13 16 23 36 72 shad. 0 gr. ♍ Squire 14 13 11 9 6 4 2 shad. H 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 H 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 24 Staff 11 12 14 18 20 43 111 shad. 10 Squire 12 12 10 8 5 3 1 shad. H 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 For the night. 7 8 9 10 11 12 From evening to midnight. 1 267 279 290 301 82 93 5 270 281 292 303 85 96 Alramech. 10 273 285 296 307 88 100 15 271 287 293 80 91 104 20 208 291 302 83 94 103 25 284 295 305 87 99 105 Oculus Tauri. 30 287 297 80 91 103 117 September hath thirty. days. From midnight unto day. 106 120 139 161 186 1 109 124 194 166 192 5 113 129 150 173 199 10 117 135 155 180 204 15 123 142 164 189 212 20 Oculus Tauri. 128 149 171 195 219 25 134 155 180 204 215 30 1 2 3 4 5 6 12 11 10 9 8 H For the day. 3 Staff 13 14 16 21 30 54 221 shad. 20 gr. ♍ Squire 11 10 9 7 5 3 0 shad. H 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 12 11 10 9 8 7 H gr. ♎ 14 Staff 15 16 19 24 37 73 shad. 0 Squire 9 9 8 6 4 2 shad. H 0 1 2 3 4 5 12 11 10 9 8 7 H 4 Staff 17 18 22 29 45 112 shad. 10 Squire 8 8 6 5 3 1 shad. H 0 1 2 3 4 5 For the night. 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 From evening to midnight. 1 27● 2●● 29● 80 92 104 117 Alramech. 5 279 290 30● 82 94 107 122 10 284 ●9● ●●5 ●● 98 111 127 Oculus Tauri. 15 286 68 79 90 10● 116 133 20 290 71 82 93 106 121 140 25 294 75 86 98 111 126 146 30 297 79 90 102 116 132 154 October hath xxxj. days. From midnight unto day. 135 157 181 205 226 243 1 141 262 288 210 231 247 5 147 270 195 218 237 252 10 Oculus Tauri. 154 178 202 225 242 256 15 162 186 210 230 246 260 20 169 194 217 235 251 264 25 177 202 224 241 255 268 30 1 2 3 4 5 6 12 11 10 9 8 7 H For the day. 4 Staff 20 21 25 34 61 206 shad. 20 gr. ● Squire 7 7 6 4 2 0 shad. H 0 1 2 3 4 5 12 11 10 9 8 7 H gr. ♍ 14 Staff 23 25 30 42 79 6896 shad. 0 Squire 6 6 5 3 2 0 shad. H 0 1 2 3 4 5 12 11 10 9 8 H 24 Staff 27 29 35 19 shad. 10 Squire 5 5 4 3 1 shad. H 0 1 2 3 4 For the night. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 From evening to midnight. 1 287 298 80 92 104 117 135 156 5 290 302 82 94 107 122 147 163 10 294 305 87 98 111 127 147 117 Alramech. 15 29● 80 91 103 117 135 156 180 20 303 83 95 108 123 142 165 189 25 307 88 10● 113 129 105 173 198 Oculus Tauri. 30 81 92 104 119 136 158 183 206 November hath thirty. days. From midnight unto day. 1ST ●●● ●● ●● ●7 ●●0 281 292 1 188 211 231 2●● ●61 273 285 296 5 196 218 237 252 265 ●7● 2●8 10 204 225 243 257 269 281 ●9● 15 213 232 248 261 274 285 297 20 Oculus Tauri. 220 238 ●5● 266 278 290 12● 25 227 244 258 270 282 293 135 30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 12 11 10 9 H For the day. 2 Staff 32 34 42 65 209 shad. 20 gr. ♍ Squire 4 4 3 2 1 shad. H 0 1 2 3 4 12 11 10 9 8 H gr. ♐ 13 Staff 36 39 49 83 550 shad. 0 Squire 4 4 3 2 0 shad. H 0 1 2 3 4 12 11 10 9 H 22 〈◊〉 40 ●5 57 104 shad. 10 Squire 3 3 2 1 shad. ● 0 1 2 3 For the night. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 From evening to midnight. 1 81 92 115 119 136 158 183 107 5 84 90 109 124 144 166 192 214 Oculus Tauri. 10 89 11 115 132 153 173 201 222 15 93 10 120 139 161 186 209 230 20 98 111 127 147 169 191 217 236 25 152 116 133 154 177 202 224 242 30 107 122 141 163 188 211 231 248 December hath xxxj. days. From midnight unto day. 228 244 258 271 283 293 135 1 234 259 263 275 286 122 144 5 240 255 267 279 291 129 163 10 Oculus Tauri. 246 260 272 284 265 138 153 15 251 264 276 287 124 147 134 20 256 263 280 291 132 155 184 25 Alramech. 261 273 285 296 140 165 194 30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 12 11 10 9 H For the day. 2 Staff 43 47 92 122 shad. 20 gr. ● Squire 3 3 2 1 shad. 12 Staff 45 49 65 131 shad. 0 gr. ♑ Squire 3 3 2 1 shad. 22 Staff 43 47 62 122 shad. 10 Squire 3 3 2 1 shad. 31 Staff 40 45 47 104 shad. 20 Squire 3 3 2 1 shad. H 0 1 2 3 The general Calendar. Thus endeth the Peculiar Calendar, very commodious for the day and night hour. I here adjoined the Instrument without the Square, which sumay ffi●e for the whole use of the toforesaid Calendar, with the help of the Squire and Staff. I May not here omit a Calendar general divided into two parts, whereof the first containeth six months, from january to june: The second, other six months, from july to December. In this Calendar are set forth the Festival days, the entering of the Sun in the Signs celestial, the evil days noted with one prick. For a further declaration of those evil days: read this following. The year hath xxxiii. evil days general for ever. IAnuary hath eight such days: the first, the second, the fourth, the fifth, the tenth, the f●fteenth, the seventeenth, the nineteenth. Drink white wine in this month. February hath three days▪ the viii. the x. the xvii. These not so evil, the xxvi. the xxvii. the xxviii. Eat no pottage of Okes, or Mallows: they are venomous. March three days: the xv. the xvi. the nineteen. this not so evil, xxviii day. This month all sweet meats are good. April two days: the xvi. the xxi. These not so evil, the seven. the viii. the x. the xx. Use hot meats, of light digestion. May three days: the seven. xv. the xx. These not so evil, the three the vi. Rise early, and use breakfast. june two: the iiii. the seven. These not so evil, the x. the xv. the xxii. Sage and lettuce are good to eat. Cold water fasting hurteth not. july two days: the xv. the xx. Abstain from carnality. August two days: the nineteen. the xx. These not so evil, the i. the xxix. the thirty. It hurteth not to abstain from pottage, and all hot meats, and drinks of spicery. September two days: the vi. the seven. These not so evil, the three the iiii. the xxi. the xxii. Eat good fruit. Octtober one day: the vi. These not so evil, the three the xvi. the xxiiii. Good wine is wholesome this month. November two days: the xv. the nineteen. These not so evil, the v the vi. the xxviii. the xxix. bleed not. December three days: the vi. the seven. the ix. These days not so evil, the xv. the xvii. the xxii. bleed not over much. Warm not thy legs at the fire. Now ensueth the general Calendar. ¶ The first part of the general Calendar: from januarie to june. januarie. February. March. Days April. May. Iu●e. : A Circunci. d d 1 g b ●hi. jac. e : b e Purifi. e 2 A c f c f f 3 b .d g : d g g 4 c e : A : e A A 5 d f b f Epiph. b b 6 e . g c g c c 7 . f : A ● A : d d 8 . g b c b ● ☉ in ♓ e 9 A c f : c : f f 10 . b d . g d ☉ in ♒ g g ☉ in ♈ 11 c ☉ in ♉ e A Barna. e A A Spring. 12 d f ☉ in ♊ b ☉ in ♋ f Hilar. b b 13 e g c Summer. g c Valen. c 14 f A d A d : d 15 g : b . e b e : e 16 : A c f : c : f f 17 b d g d g g 18 c e A e A : A 19 d f b f b b 20 . e : g c g c c ●1 : f A d A d d 22 g b . e b e e 23 A Georg. c f c f A●th. f 2● b d g joan bap.. d Con. Pau. g g Anu●. 2● c Marc. e A e A A 26 d f b f . b b 27 e g c g c c 2● f A d ·A d 29 g b e Pe. Pa. b e 30 A c f c f 31 d ¶ The second part of the general Calendar: from julie to December. july. August. Septemb. Days October. Novem. Decem. g c Pet. Vin. f 1 A d Om. sand. f A d g 2 b e Om. an●. g b e . A 3 c f A c f . b 4 d g b d g c 5 e . A c e Dog beg. A : d 6 : f . b : d Nico●. f b : e 7 g c : e g c f Na. Ma. 8 A d f Con. ma. A d g 9 b e : g b e A 10 c f A c f b 11 d g b d g c 12 e A c ☉ in ♑ e A d 13 f b ☉ in ♐ dwyntes. f ☉ in ● b ☉ in ♍ e ☉ in ♎ 14 g ☉ in ♏ c e : g c f harvest. 15 A : d . f A d g 16 b. e g b e Dog end A 17 c . f . A c f b 18 d Luc. g b d : g c 19 e : A c : e : A d 20 f b d f b . e Mathe. 21 g c e Tho. ap. g Ma. mag. c f 22 A d f A d g 23 b e g b e Bartho. A 24 c f A c jac. Apo. f b 25 d g b Na. do. d g c 26 e A c Steph. e A d 27 f b d Io. evan. f b e 28 g St. jud. c e Innoce. g c decol. Io. f Micha. 29 A .d f Tho. A .d g 30 b e Andre. g b e 31 c A Lo the brief use of this general Calendar. ENter the Column where your month is no●ed in the head, ye shall there find running down the column the Festival days of that month, the entry of the Sun in the celestial signs, the evil days pricked, etc. I would have placed in this Calendar the Fairs and Terms also: but that cannot remain continually true. For those that ensue movable Feasts are movable, and therefore may have no certain place. For the Terms also, note these precepts following. The Fairs shall be declared by two Tables immediately ensuing this Calendar General. How to know the Terms. KNow that Easter Term always beginneth the 18. day after Easter, reckoning Easter day for one: and endeth the Monday next after the Ascension day. Trinity Term beginneth the Friday next after Corpus Christi day, and endeth the Wednesday fortnight after. Michaelmas Term beginneth the 9 or 10. day of October: and endeth the 28. or 29. of November. Hilary Term beginneth the 23. or 24. day of januarie: and endeth the 12. or 13. day of February. FINIS. General Fairs. A Table containing the month, day, and place of the principal Fairs of England, to be augmented at pleasure, in order following. january. THe sixth day of january, the fair is at Bristol, and also at Salisbury. The first of Lent at Exce●er. February. The second day at bath, at Maidstone. The 14 at Feversame. On Ashwensday at Lichfield, at Roystone, at Tamworth. The first Monday in Lent, at Ciciter, at Abington. The 24. at Henly upon Thames, at Teukesburie. March. The 4. Sunday in Lent, at Stamforth, at Sudburie. The fi●t Sunday, at Grantam. The Monday before our Lady day, at Salisbury. Palm ●euen, at Wisbitch. The 13. at Wic. The 25. at Northampton, at great Chare, at Waulden. April. The 5. day at Wallingford. The 7. at Derby. The 9 at Bickelsworth, at Billingsworth. At Easan● the Monday after. The Sunday after Easter, at Louth. The 23. at Charing, at Ipswich, at Antill, at Hinigam, at Gilford. The 25. at Derby. The 26. at Tenterden. May. The 1. day, at Stow the old, at Reading, at Maidstone, at Leicester, at Chensford. The 8. day at Beverley. Ascension day, at Brimingham, at S. Edes, at Bishops Statford. Whitsunday, at Kingston upon Thames. Trinity Sunday, at Rowch. At Cranebroke the 19 day. The 27. day at Lenham. june. On Corpus Christi day▪ at Coventrie, S. Edes, at Bishop T●anford, at Rosse. The 9 at Maidstone. The 11. at Okingam. The 23. at Shrowsbury, at S. Alban's. The 24. at Cambridge, at Gloucester, at Lincoln, at Windsor▪ at Colchester. The 29. at W●llerhampton, at Peterborrow. The 17. at F●lkstone. The 24. at Harisam. The 8. at Hetcorne. A Table containing the month, day, and place of the principal Fairs of England: to be augmented at pleasure, in order following. The 11. day, Horse fair at Partney, at Nabor, at Felix. july. The 12 day at Lid. The 15. at Pinchbacke. The 17. at Winchcome. The 20. at Uxbridge, at Catesby. The 22. at Marleborow, at Winchester, at Colchester, at Tetburie. The 25. at Bristol, at Dover, at Chilham, at Ipswich, at Northampton, at Derby, at S. james by London, at Reading, at Louth, at Malmsburie. The 1. day at Feversame, at Dunstable, at S. Edes, August. at Budforth, at Marram Church, at Wisbich. The 9 at Rumney. The 10. at Bedforth, at Fernam, at Strodes, at Blackamoor, S. Lau, at Waltom. The 24. at London, at Teukesburie, at Sudburie, at Norwich, at Northallerton, at Dover, at Rye. The 28. at ashford. The 8. day at Cambridge, at Sturbridge, September. at London in Southwark, at Smide, at Reculuer, at Partney three Lady days. The 14. at Waltain Abbey, At Wotton under hedge, at Spalding. The 21. at Croyden, at Holden in holderness, at S. Edmondsburie, at S. jews, at Haldy Lanam, at Wiltemall, at Sittingborrow, at Dover, at Estry. The 29. day at Canterbury. The 6. day, at S. Scythes besides Norwich. October. The 13. at graves end, at Windsor, at Marchfield. The 18. at Ely, at Stanton, at Charing. The 23. at Harford, at Ciciter, at Newmarket. The 2. day at Kingston, at Blechingly. November. The 6. at Newport Pond, at Stanley. The 11. at Dover. The 13. at S. Edmonsbury. The 20. at Hyth. The 23. at Sandwich. The 30. at Rochester, at Maidenhead. The 29. at Canterbury. The 5. at Pluckly The 6. at Spalding. December. The 7. at Sandhurst. BEcause I understand many are desirous how to get exactly the just length of Staff and Squire shadow before treated of, upon unlevell grounds, or otherways wheresoever it be, yea, without either Squire or Staff: I have calculated a Table following thoroughly satisfying them, so that they get the height of the Sun any way: or as I shall now instruct. Behold this Instrument called a Quadrant the just fourth part of a Circle, even such a Circle as I taught you before to make for the night Dial: containing the fourth part of his divisions, that is 90. degrees, only two sights and a plum line added, to be placed at the beginning of this book, as ye may there, and here see. I have here also put the Scale to the Quadrant, which serveth well for shadows, and as well for heights. The use of this Scale is declared in my book called Tectonicon. quadrant How by this Instrument to get the height of the Sun at all times. LIft up handsomely your Quadrant, the Sunbeams piercing the sights. The Plummet and Line then at liberty falling, noteth there the degrees of height at the present, with the which ye shall enter this table immediately following, to get then, and in like manner at all other times, the just shadow of the Staff or Squire. A Table general of Shadows, right and contrary, for every grave of the suns height: The thing causing Shadow, supposed 12 parts. Height of the Sun. Staff. Shadow. height of the Sun. Staff. Shadow. height of the sun. Staff. shadow G g P M G G P M G g P M 0 90 Shakstone W. 30 60 20 47 60 30 6 56 1 89 687 34 31 59 19 58 61 29 6 3● 2 88 343 43 32 58 19 12 62 28 6 23 3 87 228 59 33 57 18 29 63 27 6 7 4 86 171 37 34 56 17 47 64 26 5 51 5 35 137 10 35 55 17 8 65 25 5 6 6 84 114 10 36 54 16 30 66 24 5 21 7 8● 97 49 37 53 15 52 67 23 5 6 8 82 85 28 38 52 15 21 68 22 4 51 9 81 75 46 39 51 14 49 69 21 4 36 10 80 68 3 40 50 14 18 70 20 4 22 11 79 61 44 41 49 13 48 71 19 4 8 12 78 56 27 42 48 ●3 20 72 18 3 54 13 77 51 59 43 47 12 52 73 17 3 40 14 76 48 8 44 46 12 26 74 16 3 26 15 75 44 47 45 45 12 0 75 15 3 13 16 74 41 51 46 44 11 35 76 14 3 0 17 73 59 15 47 43 11 11 77 13 2 46 18 72 36 54 48 42 10 48 78 12 2 32 19 71 34 51 49 41 10 26 79 11 2 20 20 70 32 58 50 40 10 4 80 10 2 7 21 69 31 16 51 39 9 43 81 9 1 54 22 68 29 42 52 38 9 22 82 8 1 41 23 67 28 16 53 37 9 3 83 7 1 28 24 66 26 57 54 36 8 43 84 6 1 16 25 65 25 44 55 35 8 24 85 5 1 3 26 64 24 37 56 34 8 6 86 4 0 50 27 63 23 33 57 33 7 48 87 3 0 38 28 62 22 34 58 32 7 30 88 2 0 25 29 61 21 40 59 31 7 13 89 1 0 12 30 60 20 47 ●0 30 6 56 90 0 0 0 Height of the Sun Squire Shadow. Heyht of the Sun. squire. Shadow. Height of the Sun Squire. Shadow The use of this Table, and first for staff shadow. Example. I Suppose the height of the Sun, taken by the Quadrant, 34. degrees: Now I require the exact length of Staff and Squire shadow. For right shadow, first seek out the degrees in the left part of the Table, and under this title the height of the Sun: if they be not in that left row downwards, resort to the next row and like title, until ye find the degrees: then in right order toward the right hand, in the next Column under the title of Staff shadow, are 17. parts, and 47. minutes, your desire. For Squire shadow, titled contrary Shadow. Seek your degrees in the right part upward, at this title Height of the Sun, in the bottom of this Table: then shall ye find on the right hand of 34. degrees, in the next column, eight parts and six minutes: that is the very length of Squire shadow when the Sun is 34. degrees in height. OCcasioned I cannot here omit another Table faithfully supputated for the suns altitude, by the which with quick speed the hour is known. This Table conduceth manifold ways, yea, to the composition of divers and many Instruments: as Quadrants, Navicles, Cylindres, Rings, etc. Behold now it doth ensue, and also the brief use of it. A Table of the suns altitude, for every hour: the Pole mounted .51. degrees 30. Minutes, exactly calculated. When the Sun entereth the 22 grave of ♋, he toucheth our 〈…〉 4. in the morning. Entering the 22 of ♑ he riseth at 8 in the first 〈…〉 at 5. in the first of ♍, at .7. Note in all my tables▪ one p i 〈…〉 following the Minutes, dimi●●sh●th: two, augmenteth 〈…〉 some small quantity. Hours before n. 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 Hours after n. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Si. G S G G M g M g M g M g M g M g M g M g M 30 ♋ 0 62 0 59 43: 53 45 45 42: 36 42: 27 23: 18 11 9 28: 1 31. 25 5 61 54: 20 10 61 37▪ 59 21. 53 26: 45 24. 36 25 27 6 17 54. 9 9 13 : 15 15 61 9: 10 20 60 30: 58 17. 52 23. 44 32 35 35 26 16. 17 3 8 1●. 0 16 5 25 61 41: ♊ 0 ♌ 0 5● ●2: 56 3●. 50 55: 43 6. 34 ●3. 24 56: 15 41: 6 50. 0 0 25 5 557 34. 20 10 13 17: 54 15 48 48: 41 10. 32 22. 23 6. 13 50 4 5●: 0 0 15 15 4 52: 10 20 53 21: 51 26: 46 12: 38 46: 30 6. 20 52. 11 34. 2 34. 0 5 25 51 43: ♉ 0 ♍ 9 0 0 ●● 11. 43 11. 35 53 27 2●. 18 1. 8 59: 0 0 2● 5 48 12: 2● 10 46 20· 44 37. 39 51 32 53: 24 32. 15 27. 6. 8: 0 0 15 1 44 25: 10 20 ●2 23: 40 51: 36 18 2● 34: 2● 24: 12 25: 3 6. 0 5 2● ●0 2●: ♈ 0 ♎ 0 3● 3●: 3● 58 32 3●. 26 7: 18 ●. ● 16. 0 0 25 5 36 30 20 10 34 32. 3● 4 28 55: 22 3●: 14 51: 6 7 0 0 15 5 32 35. 10 2● 30 4●. 29 16. 25 18 19 14: ●1 33 3 2: 0 5 25 28 ●● ● ● ● 0 27 0 25 40 21 51: 15 50: 8 3●. 6 0. 25 5 25 1●. 20 10 23 39 22 22▪ 18 42: 13 1: 5 45: 0 0 15 15 2● 8. 10 20 20 43. 19 29 15 55. 10 23▪ 3 17 0 5 25 19 26: 0 ♒ 0 ♐ ● 18 18. 17 6 13 38: 3 3. 1 15. 25 5 17. 19 ●0 1● 15 3●. 14 48: 11 55. 6 3●: 0 0 15 15 15 51. 10 20 15 23. 14 13: 10 52: 5 3●. 0 5 25 15 6 Brief Collections. The brief use of this Table. SUppose the height of the Sun taken by the Quadrant, eight degrees and 13. minutes, the Sun being in the beginning of aquary, or sagittary, I seek, and find in this table and in the row which directly answereth ♒ and ♐ eight degrees and 13. minutes: that is agreeable to 9 or 3. of the clock in the head of this Table. Therefore I pronounce, that when the Sun was 8. degrees and 13. minutes in height, entering ♒ or ♐, it was precise nine of the clock in the morning or three at after noon. Thus at all times ye may know the just hour. Ye may also conclude the height of the Sun at all times, the place of the Sun known, and the hour. Note, when the precise numbers either of height, or degree of the Sun are not found in the Table, then make proportion according to the difference, etc. Practice, better than many words, openeth this. Now to end this matter: this following to him that hath tasted these knowledges, I write. Dato loco Solis & eius altitudine, horam ipsam calculare. DVc sinum inventae solaris altitudinis, in sinum arcus semidiurni, & productum divide per sinum altitudinis meridianae eiusdem Solis, & provenientis inde partium numeri sumito arcum, quem tandem in horas vertas. Collectus horarum numerus quaesitam indicabit horam: ab ortu quidem Solis, si altitudo fuerit antemeridiana, vel ab occasu, si eadem Solis altitudo acciderit post meridiem. NOw having some occasion, I could here adjoin a brief Supputation Cynical, touching most workings Astronomical, but how far that passeth the capacity of the common sort of men, they that be travailed know. For this cause I leave to give any precepts this way: desiring provocation meet to have to do in the like: then God suffering, my pen shall not stay to open ready chosen general ways, for pleasant Astronomical operation. HEre shall now follow briefly collected certain rules, performed before by Tables: but now done by quick supputation, to be had in memory: by that, avoiding carriage or burden of books. A way to get the Golden number or Prime without a table. Add unto the year of our Lord 1. then divide that sum by 19 the remain is the Prime or Golden number. The Epact is thus ever found. Multiply the Prime by 11. divide by 30. the remain is your desire. These two numbers begin at March, their use is chiefly to find out the change, quarters and full Moon, as ensueth. A rule for the Change, Full, and Quarters of the Moon. PUt unto the Epact all the months from March, including the month of March: pull then that sum from 30. the remain showeth the day of the change. Here note the full Moon is the 15. day after the change. Also if the remain be less than 15. subtract that less from 15. the rest is the full Moon. If the remain pass 30. subtract it from 45. then the full doth also appear. To conclude, if from the full Moon ye pull 15. days, ye have the change going before. The change had, the quarters are known, by adding or pulling away seven days. For the age of the Moon, work thus for ever. Add to the days of your month the Epact, and also as many days more as are months from March to your month, including both months. Now subtract thirty, if ye may, the age than remaineth. Now shall be declared what Signs and degrees the Moon differeth from the Sun, by the which is gathered at all times, the Sign and Grade wherein she is. Multiply the age of the Moon by 4. divide by 10. the quotient showeth the Signs that the Moon differeth from the Sun. The remain augmented by 3. bringeth degrees to be added. Ye must put these Signs and degrees to the place of the Sun. The product, I mean the increase or end of all these Signs and degrees in order counted from the Sun, declare the place of the Moon in the Zodiac. The place of the Sun in the Zodiac is thus found. FIrst know that the 11. day of january, the Sun is entered into ♒. The 10. day of February ♓. The 11. of March ♈. The 11. of April ♉. The 12. of May ♊. The 12. of june ♋. The 14. of july ♌. The 14 of August ♍. The .14. of September ♎. The 14. of October ♏. The 13. of November ♐. The 12. of December ♑. This known, the place of the Sun is well found, adding for every day past any entry, 1. degree. Example. I Require the place of the Sun the 21. day of August. I find that the Sun is entered in ♍ the 14. day of the month. I must for every day past any entry add 1. degree. There are seven days past that entry, than I conclude the Sun ready to have place in the 8. degree of ♍ the 21. of August. To know how long the Moon shineth. FOr her shining in the increase, multiply the age of the Moon by 4. In the wane augment the rest of the age which she lacketh of 30. by 4. and divide by 5. The Quotient showeth the hours: the remains if there be any, multiplied by 12. bringeth minutes to be added. How the movable feasts are found readily. Seek the change of the Moon in February, for that year ye require these movable Feasts. Note what day it falleth on, the next Tuesday is Shrove-tuesday. But if the change be on Tueseday, the next Tuesday ensuing is it. The next Sunday is the first Sunday of Lent. Six Sundays after is Easter day. Add 35. days, or 5. weeks to Easter day, ye have Rogation Sunday. To that add 4. days, so ye have Ascension day. Then have ye 10 days to Whitsunday. Seven days after is Trinity Sunday. And four days after is Corpus Christi day. Without Tables, at all times to know the Tides. Learn as is declared the age of the Moon: also remember the hour of the Full or Change, for your place or point which doth never vary: these known, work thus. Example. WHen the Moon is ten days old, I desire to know at what of the clock it is full sea at London bridge. Multiply ten by forty eight, so have ye four hundred eighty: divide that by sixty, ye have eight hours. To that add three, which is the hour of the full or change appointed for that place. All then cometh unto eleven of the clock high water at London bridge. If any thing remain they are minutes of an hour. If the hours amount above twelve, cast the twelves away, the rest is your request. FINIS. TO THE READER. Having of late (gentle Reader) corrected and reform sundry faults, that by negligence in printing have crept into my Father's General Prognostication: Among other things I have found a description or Modill of the world, and situation of Spheres Celestial & elementary according to the doctrine of Ptolemy, whereunto all Universities (led thereunto chiefly by the authority of (Aristotle) sithence have consented. But in this our age, one rare wit (seeing the continual errors that from time to time more and more have been discovered, besides the infinite absurdities in their Theoricks, which they have been forced to admit that would not confess any mobility in the ball of the earth) hath by long study, painful practice, and rare invention delivered a new Theoric or Modill of the world, showing that the earth resteth not in the Centre of the whole world, but not only in the Centre of this our mortal world or Globe of Elements, which environed and enclosed in the moons Orb, and together with the whole Globe of mortality is carried yearly round about the Sun, which like a king in the midst of all reigneth and giveth laws of motion to the rest, sphaerically dispersing his glorious beams of light through all this sacred Celestial Temple. And the Earth itself to be one of the Planets, having his peculiar and strange courses turning every 24 hours round upon his own Centre: whereby the Sun and great Globe of fixed stars seem to sway about and turn, albeit indeed they remain fixed. So many ways is the sense of mortal men abused. But reason & deep discourse of wit having opened these things to Copernicus, and the same being with demonstrations Mathematical, most apparently by him to the world delivered: I thought it convenient together with the old Theoric also to publish this, to the end such noble English minds (as delight to reach above the base sort of men) might not be altogether defrauded of so noble a part of Philosophy. And to the end it might manifestly appear, that Copernicus meant not (as some have fond excused him) to deliver these grounds of the earth's mobility, only as Mathematical principles feigned, and not as Philosophical truly averred: I have also from him delivered both the Philosophical reasons by Aristotle and others, produced to maintain the Earth's stability, & also their solutions and insufficiency, wherein I cannot a little commend the modesty of the grave Philosopher Aristotle, who seeing (no doubt) the sufficiency of his own reasons in seeking to confute the earth's motion, useth th●se words: De his explicatum est, ea, qua potuimus facultate: howbeit his disciples have not with like sobriety maintained the same. Thus much for my own part in this case I will only say. There is no doubt, but of a true ground, truer effects may be produced, then of principles that are false: and of true principles, falsehood or absurdities cannot be inferred. If therefore the Earth be situate immovable in the Centre of the world, why find we not Theoricks upon that ground to produce effects as true and certain as those of Copernicus? Why cast we not away those Circles Aequamtes and motions irregular? seeing our own Philosopher Aristotle himself the light of our Universities hath taught us: Simplicis corporis simplicem oportet esse motum. But if contrary, it be found impossible (the Earth's stability being granted) but that we must necessarily fall into these absurdities, and cannot by any mean avoid them: why shall we so much do●e in the appearance of our senses, which many ways may be abused, and not suffer ourselves to be directed by the rule of Reason, which the great God hath given us as a lamp to lighten the darkness of our understanding, and the perfect guide to lead us to the golden branch of Verity amid the Forest of errors. Behold a noble Question to be of the Philosophers & Mathematicians of our Universities, argued not with childish inventions, but with grave reasons Philosophical, and irreproveable Demonstrations Mathematical. And let us not in matters of reason be led away with authority and opinions of men, but with the Stellified Poet let us say: Non quid Aristoteles vel quivis dicat eorum: Dicta nihil moror, à vero cum fortè recedunt. Magni saepè viri mendacia magna loquuntur. Nec quisquam est adeo sagax, quin saepius erret. Ratio dux fida Sophorum. THe Globe of Elements enclosed in the Orb of the Moon, I call the Globe of Mortality, because it is the peculiar Empire of death. For above the Moon they fear not his force: but as the Christian Poet saith, Omne quod est supra lunam, aeternumque bonumque. Esse scias: nec triste aliquid Coelestia tangit. Quicquid vero infra lunae convexa creavit Omniparens, natura malum est, mortisque severas Perpetitur leges & edaci absumitur aevo. Again. Omne malum est infra lunam, nox atra, procellae Terribiles, frigus, caler, importuna senectus, Pauperies malesuada, labour, dolour, improbitas, Mors. Supra autem lunam, lucis sunt omnia plena, Nec non laetitiae & pacis, non tempus & error, Et MORS, & senium est illic, & inutile quicquam. Foelix o nimium Foelix, cui sedibus illis. Tam pulchris & tam incundis tamque beatis Vivere concessum est, supremi munere Regis. And again. Singula nonnulli credunt quoque sydera posse Dici Orbs, Terramque appellant sydus opacum, Cui minimus Di●um praesit, etc. In the midst of this Globe of Mortality hangeth this dark star or ball of the earth and water, balanced and sustained in the midst of the thin air only with what propriety which the wonderful workman hath given at the Creation to the Centre of this Globe, with his magnetical force vehemently to draw and hale unto itself all such other Elemental things as retain the like nature. This ball every 24. hours by natural uniform, and wonderful sly & smooth motion rolleth round, making with his Period our natural day, whereby it seems to us that the huge infinite immovable Globe should sway and turn about. The Moon Orb that environeth and containeth this dark star, and the other mortal, changeable, corruptible Elements and Elementary things, is also turned round every 20. days .31. Minutes, 50. seconds, 8. thirds, 9 fourth's, and 20. fifths: and this Period may most aptly be called the month. The rest of the Planets motions appear by the Picture, and shall more largely be hereafter spoken of. Herein good Reader, I have waded farther than the vulgar sort, Demonstratiuè & Practicè, and God sparing life I mean, though not as judge to decide, yet at the Mathematical bar in this case to plead, in such sort, as it shall manifestly appear to the world, whether it be possible upon the Earth's stability to deliver any true or probable Theoric, and then refer the pronouncing of sentence to the grave Senate of indifferent discreet Mathematical Readers. Farewell, and respect my travails as thou shalt see them tend to the advancement of truth, and discovering the monstrous loathsome shape of error. ❧ A perfect description of the Celestial Orbs, according to the most ancient doctrine of the Pythagoreans, etc. A PERFECT DESCRIPTION OF THE CELESTIAL ORBS, according to the most ancient doctrine of the Pythagoreans: lately revived by Copernicus, and by Geom●triall Demonstrations approved. ALthough in this most excellent and difficile part of Philosophy in all times have been sundry opinions touching the situation and moving of the bodies celestial, yet in certain principles, all Philosophers of any account of all ages have agreed & consented. First that the Orb of the fixed stars is of all other the most high, the farthest distant, & comprehendeth the other Spheres of wandering stars. And of these straying bodies called Planets, the old Philosophers thought it a good ground in reason, that the nighest to the Centre should swiftliest moon, because the circle was least and thereby the sooner overpassed, and the further distant, the more slowly. Therefore as the Moon being swiftest in course, is found also by measure nighest, so have all agreed that the Orb of ♄ being in moving the slowest of all the Planets, is also the highest: ♃ the next, and then ♂: but of ☌ and ☿ there hath been great controversy, because they stray not every way from the Sun, as the rest do. And therefore some have placed them above the Sun, as Plato in his Timaeo: others beneath, as Ptolemy, and the greater part of them that followed him. Alpetragius maketh ☌ above the Sun, and ☿ beneath, and sundry reasons have been of all sides alleged in defence of their opinions. They that follow Plato (supposing that all stars should have obscure and dark bodies shining with borrowed light like the Moon) have alleged that if those Planets were lower than the Sun, then should they sometime obscure some part of the body of the Sun, and also shine, not with a light circular, but segmentarie, and that variable as the Moon: which when they see by experience at one time to happen, they conclude with Plato. On the contrary part, such as will maintain them beneath, frame a likelihood by reason of the large space between the Orbs of the ☉ and ☽. For the greatest distance of the ☽ is but 64. semidiameters of the earth: and to the nighest of the Sun are 1160. so that there remaineth between the ☽ and the ☉ 1905. semidiameters of the earth. And therefore that so huge a space should not remain empty, there they situate the Orbs of ☿ and Venus. And by the distance of their Absides, whereby they search the thickness of their Orbs, they find that they of all the rest best answer that situation, so as the lowest of ☿ Orb may reach down almost to the highest of the Moons, and the top of ☿ to the inferior part of ☌ Sphere, which with his Absis should reach almost unto the Sun. For between the Absides of ☿ by their Theoricks, they supputate 177. semidiameters of the earth, and then the crassitude of Venus' Orb, being 910 semidiameters both very nigh supply and fill the residue. They therefore will not confess that these Planets have any obscurity in their bodies like the ☽, but that either with their own proper light, or else being thoroughly pierced with solare beams, they shine and show circular. And having a straying course of latitude, they seldom pass between the Sun and us: or if they should, their bodies being so small could scarcely hide the hundred part of the Sun, and so small a spot in so noble a light could hardly be discerned. And yet Auerrois in his Paraphrasis on Ptolemy affirmeth, that he saw a little spot in the Sun at such time as by Calculation he had forecast a corporal Conjunction. But how weak this their reason is, it may soon appear if we consider how from the earth to the lowest of the moons Orb there is 38. semidiameters of the earth, or by the truer computation according to Copernicus' 52. And yet in all that so huge a space we know nothing but the air or fiery Orb, if any such be. Again, the diameter of the circle whereby Venus should be carried nigh 45. grades distant from the Sun, must needs be six times greater at the least, than the distance of that circles lowest part from the earth: than if that whole circle comprehended within the Orb of Venus should be turned about the earth, as needs it must, if we will not attribute to the earth any motion, we may easily consider what rule in the Heavens so vast and huge an epicyle, containing a space so many times greater than the earth, Air, and Orbs of the Moon and ☿ also, will make: especially being turned round about the earth. Again, the reason of Ptolemy▪ that the ☉ must needs be placed in the midst of those Planets that wander from him at liberty, and those that are as it were combined to him, is proved senseless by the motion of the Moon, whom we see no less to stray from the Sun, than any of those other three superior Planets. But if they will needs have these two Planets Orbs within an Orb of the Sun, what reason can they give why they should not depart from the Sun at large, as the other Planets do, considering the increase of swiftness in their motion must accompany the inferior situation, or else the whole order of Theoricks should be disturbed? It is therefore evident, that either there must be some other Centre, whereunto the order of these Orbs should be referred, or else no reason in their order, nor cause apparent, why we should rather to ♄ than to. ♃ or any of the rest attribute the higher or remoter Orb. And therefore seemeth it worthy of consideration that Martianus Capella wrote in his Encyclopedia, and certain other Latins held, affirming that ☌ and ☿ do run about the Sun in their spheres peculiar, and therefore could not stray further from the ☉ than the capacity of their Orbs would give them leave, because they encompass not the earth as the others do, but have their Absides after another manner conversed. What other thing would they hereby signify, but that the Orbs of these Planets should environ the Sun as their Centre. So may the Sphere of ☿ being not of half the amplitude of Venus' Orb, be well situate within the same. And if in like sort we situate the Orbs of ♄, ♃ and ♂, referring them as it were to the same Centre so, as their capacity be such as they contain and circulate also the earth, happily we shall not err, as by evident Demonstrations in the residue of Copernicus' Revolutions is demonstrate. For it is apparent that these Planets nigh the Sun, are always lest, and further distant, and opposite, and much greater in sight, and nigher to us: whereby it cannot be, but the Centre of them is rather to the ☉, than to the earth to be referred: as in the Orbs of ☌ and ☿ also. But if all these to the Sun as to a Centre in this manner be referred, them must there needs between the convexe Orb of ☌ and the concave of ♂ an huge space be left, wherein the earth and Elementary frame, enclosed with the lunary Orb, of duty must be situate. For, from the earth the Moon may not be far removed, being without controversy of all other nighest in place and nature to it: especially considering between the same Orbs of ☌ and ♂ there is room sufficient. therefore need we not to be ashamed to confess, this whole globe of Elements enclosed with the moons sphere, together with the earth as the Centre of the same, to be by this great Orb, together with the other Planets about the Sun turned, making by his revolution our year. And whatsoever seem to us to proceed by the moving of the Sun, the same to proceed indeed by the revolution of the earth, the Sun still remaining fixed and immovable in the midst. And the distance of the earth from the Sun to be such, as being compared with the other Planets, maketh evident alterations, and diversity of aspects: but if it be referred to the Orb of stars fixed, then hath it no proportion sensible, but as a point or a Centre to a circumference, which I hold far more reasonable to be granted, than to fall into such an infinite multitude of absurd imaginations, as they were fain to admit that will needs wilfully maintain the earth's stability is the Centre of the world. But rather herein to direct ourselves by that wisdom, we see in all Gods natural works, where we may behold one thing rather endued with many virtues and effects, than any superfluous or unnecessary part admitted. And all these things, although they seem hard, strange, and incredible, yet to any reasonable man that hath his understanding ripened with Mathematical demonstration, Copernicus in his Revolutions according to his promise, hath made them more evident and clear than the Sun beams. These grounds therefore admitted, which no man reasonably can repugn, that the greater Orb requireth the longer time to run his period: the orderly and most beautiful frame of the heavens doth ensue. The first and highest of all is the immovable sphere of fixed stars, containing itself and all the rest, and therefore fixed: as the place universal of rest, whereunto the motions and positions of all inferior spheres are to be compared. For albeit sundry Astrologians finding alterations in the declination and longitude of stars, have thought that the same also should have his motion peculiar: yet Copernicus by the motions of the earth salveth all, and utterly cutteth off the ninth and tenth spheres, which contrary to all sense the maintainers of the earth's stability have been compelled to imagine. The first of the movable Orbs is that of ♄, which being of all other next unto the infinite Orb immovable, garnished with lights innumerable, is also in his course most slow, and once only in thirty years passeth his period. The second is ♃, who in twelve years performeth his circuit. Mars in two years runneth his circular race. Then followeth the great Orb, wherein the Globe of mortality enclosed in the moons Orb as an epicyle, and holding the earth as a Centre by his own weight resting alway permanent in the midst of the air, is carried round once in a year. In the fifth place is Venus, making her revolution in 9 months. In the sixth is ☿, who passeth his circuit in 80. days. In the midst of all is the Sun. For in so stately a Temple as this, who would desire to set his lamp in any other better or more convenient place than this, from whence uniformly it might distribute light to all: for not unfitly it is of some called the Lamp or light of the world, of others the mind, of others the Ruler of the world. Ad cuius numeros & dii moveantur, & Orbs Accipiant leges, praescriptáque foedera servant. Trisinegistus calleth him the visible God. Thus doth the Sun like a King sitting in his throne, govern his Courts of inferior powers: neither is the Earth defrauded of the service of the Moon: but Aristotle saith, of all other the Moon with the Earth hath nighest alliance, so here they are matched accordingly. In this form or frame may we behold such a wonderful Symmetry of motions and situations, as in no other can be proponed. The times whereby we the inhabitants of the Earth are directed, are constituted by the revolutions of the Earth: the circulation of her Centre causeth the year, the conversion of her circumference maketh the natural day, and the revolution of the ☽ produceth the month. By the only view of this Theoric, the cause and reason is apparent, why in ♃ the progressions and Retrogradations are greater than in ♄, and less than in ♂, why also in Venus they are more than in ☿: and why such changes from direct to retrograde Stationarie, etc. happeneth, notwithstanding more rifely in ♄ than in ♃, and yet more rarely in ♂: why in Venus not so commonly as in ☿. Also why ♃ and ♂ are nigher the earth in their Acronical, than in their Cosmical or heliacal rising: especially ♂, who rising at the Sun set, showeth in his ruddy fiery colour equal in quantity with ♃, and chose setting little after the Sun▪ is scarcely to be discerned from a star of the second light. All which alterations apparently follow upon the Earth's motion. And that none of these do happen in the fixed stars, it plainly argueth this huge distance and immeasurable altitude, in respect whereof this great Orb, wherein the Earth is carried, is but a point, and utterly without sensible proportion, being compared to that Heaven. For as it is in perspective demonstrate: every quantity hath a certain proportionable distance whereunto it may be discerned, and beyond the same it may not be seen. This distance therefore of the immovable Heaven is so exceeding great, that the whole O●bis magnus vanisheth away, if it be conferred to that Heaven. Herein can we never sufficiently admire this wonderful and incomprehensible huge frame of Gods work proponed to our senses, seeing first this ball of the Earth wherein we move, to the common sort seemeth great, and that in respect of the moons Orb is very small, but compared with Orbis magnus wherein it is carried, it scarcely retaineth any sensible proportion: so marvelously is that Orb of annual motion greater than this little dark Star wherein we live. But that Orbis magnus, being (as is be●ore declared) but as a point in respect of the immensity of the immovable Heaven, we may easily consider what little portion of Gods frame our Elementare corruptible world is, but never sufficiently be able to admire the immensity of the rest: especially of that fixed Orb garnished with lights innumerable, and reaching up in Spherical Altitude without end. Of which lights Celestial it is to be thought, that we only behold such as are in the inferior parts of the same Orb: & as they are higher, so seem they of less and lesser quantity, even till our sight, being not able f●rther to reach or conceive the greatest part of the rest, by reason of their wonderful distance invisible unto us. And this may well be thought of us to be the glorious Court of the great God, whose unsearchable works invisible we may partly by these his visible, conjecture: to whose infinite power and Majesty, such an infinite place surmounting all other both in quantity and quality only is convenient. But because the world hath so long a time been carried with an opinion of the Earth's stability, as the contrary cannot but be now very imperswasible, I have thought good out of Copernicus also, to give a taste of Reasons Philosophical alleged for the Earth's stability, and their solutions: that such as are not able with Geometrical eyes to behold the secret perfection of Copernicus' Theoric, may yet by these familiar and natural reasons be induced to search farther, and not rashly to condemn for fantastical, so ancient doctrine revived, and by Copernicus so demonstratively approved. What reasons moved Aristotle, and others that followed him, to think the earth to rest immovable as a Centre to the whole world. THe most effectual reasons that they produce to prove the Earth's stability in the middle or lowest part of the world, is that of Gravity and Levity. For of all other the Element of the earth (say they) is most heavy, and all ponderous things are carried unto it, striving (as it were) to sway even down to the inmost part thereof. For the earth being round, into the which all weighty things on every side fall, making right angles on the superficies, pass to the Centre, seeing every right line that falleth perpendicularly upon the Horizon in that place where it toucheth the earth, must needs pass by the Centre. And those things that are carried toward that Medium, it is likely that there also they would rest. So much therefore the rather shall the earth rest in the middle, and (receiving all things into itself that fall) by his own weight shall be most immovable. Again, they seek to prove it by reason of motion and his nature: for of one and the same simple body, the motion must also be simple, saith Aristotle. Of simple motions there are two kinds, Right and Circular: Right are either up or down: so that every simple motion is either downward toward the Centre, or upward from the Centre, or Circular about the Centre. Now unto the earth and water in respect of their weight, the motion downward is convenient to seek the Centre: to Air and Fire in regard of their lightness, upward and from the Centre. So is it meet to these Elements to attribute the right or strait motion, and to the heavens only it is proper circularly about this mean or Centre to be turned round. Thus much Aristotle. If therefore (saith Ptolemy of Alexandria) the Earth should turn but only by that daily motion, things quite contrary to these should happen. For his motion should be most swift & violent, that in four and twenty hours should let pass the whole circuit of the Earth: and those things which by sudden turning are stirred, are altogether ●onméet to collect, but rather to disperse things united, unless they should by some firm fasting be kept together. And long ere this, the Earth being dissolved in pieces, should have been scattered through the heavens, which were a mockery to think of: & much more, beasts, and all other weights that are loose could not remain unshaken. And also things falling should not light on the places perpendicular under them, neither should they fall directly thereto, the same being violently in the mean while carried away. Clouds also and other things hanging in the Air should always seem to us to be carried toward the West. The solution of these Reasons, with their insufficiency. THese are the causes, and such other, wherewith they approve the Earth to rest in the middle of the world, and that out of all question. But he that will maintain the Earth's mobility, may say that this motion is not violent but natural. And these things which are naturally moved have effects contrary to such as are violently carried. For such motions wherein force and violence is used, must needs be dissolved, and cannot be of long continuance: but those which by nature are caused, remain still in their perfit estate, and are conserved and kept in their most excellent constitution. Without cause therefore did Ptolemy fear lest the Earth, and all earthly things should be torn in pecces by this Revolution of the Earth, caused by the working of Nature, whose operations are far different from those of Art, or as such human intelligence may reach unto. But why should he not much more think and misdoubt the same of the world, whose motion must of necessity be so much more swift and vehement than this of the Earth, as the Heaven is greater than the Earth? Is therefore the Heaven made so huge in quantity that it might with unspeakable vehemency of motion be severed from the Centre, least happily resting it should fall, as some Philosophers have affirmed? Surely, if this reason should take place, the magnitude of the heaven should infinitely extend. For the more this motion should violently be carried higher, the greater should the swiftness be, by reason of increasing of the circumference, which must of necessity in 24. hours be passed over, and in like manner by increase of the motion, the Magnitude must also necessarily be augmented: thus should the swiftness increase Magnitude, and the Magnitude the swiftness infinitely. But according to that ground of nature: whatsoever is infinite can never be passed over. The Heaven therefore of necessity must stand and rest fixed. But say they, without the heaven there is no body, no place, no emptiness, no not any thing at all whether heaven should or could farther extend. But this surely is very strange, that nothing should have such efficient power to restrain some thing, the same having a very essence and being. Yet if we would thus confess that the Heaven were indeed infinite upward, and only finite downward in respect of his spherical concavity: much more perhaps might that saying be verified, that without the heaven is nothing, seeing every thing in respect of the infiniteness thereof had place sufficient within the same. But then must it of necessity remain immovable. For the chiefest reason the hath moved some to think the Heaven limited, was Motion, which they thought without controversy to be indeed in it. But whether the world have his bounds, or be indeed infinite and without bounds, let us leave that to be discussed of Philosophers: sure we are that the Earth is not infinite, but hath a circumference limited. Seeing therefore all Philosophers consent the limited bodies may have motion, and infinite cannot have any: why do we yet stagger to confess motion in the Earth, being most agreeable to his form and nature, whose bounds also and circumference we know, rather than to imagine that the whole world should sway end turn, whose end we know not, no possibly can of any mortal man be known? And therefore the true motion indeed to be in the Earth, and the appearance only in the Heaven: and that these appearances are not otherwise then if the Virgilian Aeneas should say: Provehimur portu, terraeque urbésque reced●nt. FOr a ship carried in a smooth Sea with such tranquillity doth pass away, that all things on the shores and the seas, to the sailors seem to move, and themselves only quietly to rest with all such things as are aboard with them▪ so surely may it be in the Earth, whose motion being natural and not forcible, of all other is most uniform and unpeeceiveable, whereby to us that sail therein, the whole world may seem to roll about. But what shall we then say of Clouds and other things hanging or resting in the air, or tending upward, but that not only the Earth & sea making one Globe, but also no small part of the air is likewise circularly carried, & in like sort all such things as are derived from them, or have any manner of alliance with them: either for that the lower Region of the air being mixed with earthly and watery vapours, ●ollow the same nature of the Earth: either that it be gained and gotten from the Earth by reason of Vicinity or Contignitie. Which if any man marvel at, let him consider how the old Philosophers did yield the same reason for the Revolution of the highest Region of the air, wherein we may sometime behold Comets carried circularly no otherwise then the bodies Celestial seem to be, and yet hath that Region of the air less convenience with the Orbs Celestial than this low part with the Earth. But we affirm that part of the air in respect of this great distance to be destitute of this motion terrestrial, & that this part of the air that is next to the Earth doth appear most still and quiet, by reason of his uniform natural accompanying of the Earth, and likewise things that hang therein, unless by winds or other violent accident they be tossed to and fro. For the wind in the air is nothing else but as waves in the Sea. And of things ascending and descending in respect of the world we must confess them to have a mixed motion of right and circular, albeit it seem to us right & strait, not otherwise then if in a ship under sail a man should softly let a plummet down from the top along by the mast even to the deck: this plummet passing always by the strait mast, seemeth also to fall in a right line, but being by discourse of reason weighed, his motion is found mixed of right and circular. For such things as naturally fall downward, being of earthly nature, there is no doubt but as parts they retain the nature of the whole. No otherwise is it to these things that by fiery force are carried upward. For the earthly fire is chiefly nourished with earthly matter: and flame is defined to be nought else but burning fume or smoke, and that the property of fire is to extend the subject whereinto it entereth, the which it doth with so great violence, as by no means or engines it can be constrained, but that with breach of ●ants it will perform his nature. This motion extensive is from the Centre to the circumference: so that if any earthly part be fired, it is carried violently upward. Therefore whereas they say, that of simple bodies the motion is altogether simple, of the circular it is chiefly verified so long as the simple body remaineth in his natural place, and perfit unity of composition: for in the same place there can be no other motion but circular, which remaining wholly in itself, is most like to rest an immobility. But right or strait motion only happen to those things that stray and warder, or by any means are thrust out of their natural place. But nothing can be more repugnant to the form and ordinance of the world, than that things naturally should be out of their natural place. This kind of motion therefore that is by right line, is only accident to those things that are not in their right state or prefection natural, while parts are disjoined from their whole body, and covet to return to the unity there of again. Neither do these things which are carried upward or downward besides this circular moving make any simple uniform, or equal motion, for which their levity or ponderosity of their body, they cannot be tempered, but always as they fall (beginning slowly) they increase their motion, & the further the more swiftly, whereas chose this our earthly fire (for other we cannot see) we may behold as it is carried upward to vanish and decay, as it were confessing the cause of violence to proceed only from his matter terrestrial. The circular motion alway continueth uniform and equal, by reason of his cause which is indeficient and alway continuing. But the other hasteneth to the end and to attain that place where they leave longer to be heavy or light, and having attained that place, their motion ceaseth. Seeing therefore this circular motion is proper to the whole, as strait is only unto parts, we may say that circular doth rest with strait, as animal cum aegro. And whereas Aristotle hath distributed simplicem motum into these three kinds, A medio ad medium, and circa medium, it must be only in reason, and imagination, as we likewise sever in consideration Geometrical, a point, a line, and a superficies, whereas in deed neither can stand without other, ne any of them without a body. Hereto we may adjoin, that the condition of immobility is more noble and divine than that of change, alteration, or instability: and therefore more agreeable to Heaven than to this Earth, where all things are subject to continual mutability. And seeing by evident proof of Geometrical mensuration, we find that the Planets are sometimes nigher to us, and sometimes more remote, and that therefore even the maintainers of the Earth's stability, are enforced to confess, that the earth is not their Orbs Centre, this motion circa Medium, must in more general sort be taken, and that it may be understand that every Orb hath his peculiar Medium and Centre, in regard whereof this simple and uniform motion is to be considered. Seeing therefore that these Orbs have several Centres, it may be doubted whether the Centre of this earthly gravity, be also the Centre of the world. For gravity is nothing else but a certain proclivity or natural coveting of parts to be coupled with the whole: which by divine providence of the Creator of all, is given and impressed into the parts, that they should restore themselves into their unity and integrity, concurring in Spherical form. Which kind of propriety or affection, it is likely also that the Moon and other glorious bodies want not, to knit and combine their parts together: and to maintain them in their round shape, which bodies notwithstanding are by sundry motions, sundry ways conveyed. Thus as it is apparent by these natural reasons, that the mobility of the Earth is more probable and likely than the stability: so if it be Mathematically considered, and Geometrical mensurations every part of every Theoric examined: the discreet student shall find, that Copernicus, not without great reason did propone this ground of the Earth's mobility. A short discourse touching the variation of the Compass. Marvelous (no doubt) is that natural propriety of the Magnes, whereby the needle touched immediately turneth to some one certain point of the Heavens, and after sundry motions hither and thither, findeth rest only in one place and point. And albeit this point in several Orisons be different, yet in any one Horizon it remains alway permanent, and therefore it plainly appeareth that the same proceedeth of some constant permanent cause natural, and not of any mutable uncertain cause accidental. But what this cause should be▪ no man hitherto hath truly discovered. To omit apparent absurd opinions, the most probable of those that have been given and generally best allowed, is the point Attractive, which should be of such virtue as to draw the needle touched alway toward the same point: but whether this point should be in the heavens or earth, is another controversy. Such as will have it in the earth, affirm it to be a huge mountain or rock of Magnes stone, distant from the Pole certain grades, which drawing the needle to itself, always causeth it to make an angle of variation from the Pole of the world, save only under the Meridian that passeth by the same Attractive point. But the error of this opinion will soon be found of them that shall upon this supposition, and two different angles of variation, search out the place of that point Attractive (the same being in that Intersection of the two Circles of position by the variations determined) and then confer that with some third angle of variation: whereby it shall plainly appear that in the earth no such one Attractive point can be imagined, as shall by circle of opposition produce such variations as in Navigation have been discovered. And to place this point Attractive in any of the heavens, it would appear more absurd. For whether the Heavens move, and the Earth rest immovable, or the Earth move, and the great Orb of stars be permanent, as of necessity the one or the other must be true (considering a motion is apparent) it must necessarily follow, that his alteration should be in continual alteration every hour and moment of the day: but by experience we find the contrary, and therefore may necessarily be inferred, no such Attractive point in that Heaven. So that having found by these trials this imagination of a point Attractive, and such instruments as have been upon that ground devised, but mere vanities, I have somewhat further sought. And among sundry imaginations that I have Mathematically handled, I think it is not amiss to propone one to be considered, weighed and examined by exquisite trial of Geometrical demonstration, and Arithmetical calculation: for it is no question for gross Mariners to meddle with, no more than the finding of the Longitude. And therefore I cannot a little wonder at the blind boldness of Sebastian Cabotto, and some others, that being ignorant both in Geometrical demonstration, and Arithmetical Symicall calculations, have nevertheless ta'en upon them in these most difficile questions to promise resolution, being no more able or likely to perform it, than an Ox to fly between two mountain tops. Those sciences being the only win●s to elevate our gross senses to matter so high and mystical, let such content themselves with the praise of painful hard, far traveled mariners, and for their new discoveries let them learn Apollo's lesson: Ne suitor utra crepidam. Of these two Problems thus much I promise for the invention of the Longitude, I will (God sparing life) deliver means as exact, certain▪ and feazible, at all times of the year in what place soever, is by Eclipses. And for the other if I deliver not the like, at the least s● far I will wade therein, that such blind boldness knowing somewhat more their own imperfection, shall in such mysteries vs● more modesty. An Hypothesis or supposed cause of the variation of the Compass, to be Mathematically weighed. AS the Axis of the Earth, notwithstanding all other motions remaineth as it were immovable, and yet in respect of the spherical form of the Earth in every several Horizon maketh a several line Meridional, by reason of the section made in the superficies of the Orisons by Meridian's, having all that Axis as their common diameter, so may it also come to pass of the line of the needle and his variation, the needle being alway permanent in one plain superficies, according to the several section of the plain wherein it resteth, and the Horizon there may be continually made, in every plain new variations. More plainly to open this imagination, thus I say: that as in a pair of balance of equal weight there is a certain motion to and fro before they find their true place of rest (the same being only in the level of the Horizon) which cometh to pass as Copernicus affirmeth, by the attractive Centre of the Earth, who drawing unto him either weight with like force, finding the subjects like also, compelleth them to rest in the superficies like distant from that Attractive Centre: so in the needle being a body endued with two several properties, the one of Gravity & Levity, which being equally poyzed, forceth him to abide in the Horizon: the other being Magnetical and received by the touch, which causeth him to rest alway in that one Meridian, to the Magnes appropriate, it thereby cometh to pass, that after sundry balancing this way and that way, it only settleth in the common section of this peculiar Meridian and the Horizon. So that even as in dials the line of the style only acordeth and concurreth with the Meridian line, in such as are void of declination, but in all such plains as are declinatorie, the line of the style varieth from the Meridian line, and the same angle of variation also altereth as well in respect of inclination as declination: so I suppose this variation of the compass to be nothing else but the angle comprehended between the Meridian line, and the common section of the magnetical Meridian and the Horizon in the horizontal plain, and this Angle to be always exactly equal to the Angle contained of the Meridian line, and line of the style: The Longitude of the place proponed accounted from the Magnetical Meridian, b●ing equal to the declination of the dials plain superficies, making computation from South to East Cyrcularly, and the Latitude of the place equal to the complement of the inclination of the same superficies Ho●ologiall. Of the verity of this supposition I could easily determine, if there were any trust to the observation of Mariners: but having found by experience their gross usage and homely instruments, where half a point commonly breaketh no square: and also their repugnant tales that have travailed the very self same Uoyages, I cannot yet resolve. Upon due examination of this Hypothesis there may happily fall out a strange Paradox, not thought of hitherto, that these vulgar marine charts desynate with Parallel Meridian's, and right lined Rumbie, being of themselves apparently false and erroneous: yet used without rectification of the compass, may bring forth true effects, and so two errors concurring produce a verity. Errors in the Art of Navigation commonly practised. FIrst, all their charts are described with strait Meridian lines running equidistant or Parallel, which error is most manifest to any that have tasted but the first principles of cosmography, considering they are all great circles, and concur in the Poles. SEcondly, they suppose that running upon any of their points of their Compass, they should pass in the Circumference of a great circle, and therefore in the plain chart describe those winds with strait lines: but therein are they greatly abused, for the Ship stenning the North and the South, only maketh her course in a great Circle: East or West she describeth a Paralle, and being stirred on any other mean point, (the Compass being tru●ly rectified) she delin●ateth in her course a curve or helical line, neither strait nor Circular, but mixed of both: and therefore to set forth these winds in the charts with strait lines is most erroneous, THirdly, their rule to know Latitude by the Pole star, adding or substracting from his Altitude according to the situation of the grades, is all false, and that worst i●, cannot be amended: but be it never so well rectified to one climate, yet is it false in all other. FOurthly, their ta●ing of the Sun with their Balis●ile (as they term it) is most false: and whereas some finding the error thereof, have gone about to remedy the same by cutting off a part at the end, thinking thereby it might approach to the Centre of the eye, they increase thereby the error▪ and make it more false. For visus non fit à puncto, as they suppose. And this error is much like the other of the Pole star and situation of the guards: for be it never so well corrected by section to any one Altitude, then shall it be false for all other, as to any skilful in Perspective it is easily demonstrate. This error I h●ue already reform, Demonstrati●è, & Practicè in my book lately published, entitled Alae seu Scalae Mathematicae. Also the rules they have to know how many leagues they shall run upon every point to raise one degree in Latitude, are also mere false. For they search that ark Itinerall as though it were the Hypothenusa to a right angled triangle, whose sides are circles of contrary nature, the one a Parallel, the other a great circle, and therefore without all sense seek they by proportion of right lines to deliver their quantity. But besides these errors, they have one great imperfection yet in their art, and hitherto by no man suppli●●, and that is the want of exact Rules to know the Longitude or Arckes I●inerall, East and West, without the which they can neither truly give the place or situation of any coast, harbour, Roade or Town, ne yet in sailing, discern how the place they sail unto beareth from them, or how far it is distant, whereby they are enforced long before they come at any Coast, all night to strike sail, no other ways then if they were upon it, thereby losing the benefit of prosperous winds, in such sort sometime, that whereas keeping a true course they might have been quietly at Road, they are by contrary and adverse tempests carried far off, and so not without great charge to the owner, pain to the company, and peril to the vessel, are enforced to waste their time, which groweth of their ignorance, that they neither have true Rules to direct themselves the nighest course, ne yet treading their beaten paths can assuredly decide of their certain place. For reformation of these errors and imperfections, new charts, new Instruments, and new Rules must be prescribed. Wherein I have prepared in a peculiar volume for that purpose to entreat, wishing in in the mean time that such as are not able to reform these faults, will abstain to teach our Countrymen more errors. FINIS.