THE WITTY JESTS AND Mad Pranks OF JOHN FRITH Commonly called, The Merry-Conceited-MASON, Brother and Fellow-Traveller WITH Captain james Hind The Famous High-way-Man. LONDON, Printed for Tho. Passenger, at the Three Bibles upon the middle of London-Bridge. 1673. And first of his Birth and Boys Tricks. LIeutenant John Frith, which is the subject of our following Discourse, was born at Deep Dalle in Derbyshire, of honest parentage, his Father being a free Ma●on, and brought him up to his Latin, and to write all hands usual, intending to send him to the University, he was an excellent Mason; having such good par●s he grew proud, and lighting into bad company, being kept short of money, and took wild courses; he than studies how to compass money to spend, and chose vile company rather than the University or his trade; being for his Mirth, Birth and Trade, called The Merry conceited Mason. How he feasted his Fellows at another time▪ HE and his Fellows being in an Inn, having been very merry, and their coin growing very short, and being very hungry, they knew not how to get a dinner, but John that was quickwitted, soon contrived how to get one. In that Inn was a Wedding kept, with variety of good cheer, so soon as dinner was set on the table, one of his Complices went out into the yard, se●● two Mastiff dogs together by the ●are, hollo●●, calls his fellows to see the sport, which stirred not, then run all the people out both the family and stranger's, in runs his friend, l●cks the door in merriment, keeps all out till they had dins; then opened the door, permitting them to take the rest; and to make themselves more spor, in the dead of the night they took a ca●, shoes her with Walnut-shells ●●●'d with pitch, ties a Bell about her neck, and turns her into the Bridegroom's Chamber, which made such harmony that affrighted both the Bride and Bridegroom. How he furnished himself with moneys at a Tavern. JOhn being at a Fair, and in a gallant Guard, espied some Graziers and other Countrymen telling fifty pounds upon a table in a Tavern where they were drinking, the one party would not receive it except more were added to it, the other would not take it back again, saying, it was his bargain; whilst they were thus contending, in steps Frith, str●kes the moneys suddenly, being most of it gold, into his hat, runs out at the door, draws his sword, betakes him to his heels cries An Arrest, An Arrest, runs to his horse, mounts and out-r; ides them all, thus bought he fifty pounds at a Fair. An Excellent Prank performed by Frith amongst four Bears. There was a Bearward that kept four lusty Bears, with whom he traveled the Country, and coming where Frith at that time lay with his Complices to catch a Purchase. It being Fair-time, the Bears were tied in a great barn on the outside of the town, close to an house that sold Ale; they to make themselves sport ●●ls two marrowbones with honey, casts them between two and two, sets them all to sighting, and then whipped them, having first placed themselves upon a beam; but in conclusion the bears broke loose, and made at their new game, the Whip●●ers take their heels, and escaped very narrowly with their lives, the Bears broke into the Alehouse, pulled down the drink, pulled out the caps; eat up all the raw meat, broke down an Oven, pulled out the bread: all this while the Bear wards were drunk, and knew nothing; but missing the bears in the Morning, found them as drunk as they themselves were overnight, and was forced to pay for the loss the house sustained. How he served one Anthony Topley which led a Bear about the Country. ONe Anthony Topley that lived once a Bisley, having a small parcel of Land let him by his Father, sold the same, and bought with that moneys a great Year, and a Bear-dog, and hired a man to travel with him; one time, lodging by a Market-town in the night▪ his bear broke into the Ale-Cellar, and drank as long as he could find the way up into a Chamber or loft finds a bed, lies down upon it, and falls asleep; it happened that a man and two women lay in that bed; they waked, feeling so heavy a weight upon their feet, and having such strong puffings, put forth their hands to feel what it was, and by the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and roughness, their actions being 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 concluded it to be the devil, and so 〈◊〉 all 〈…〉 cross the house; and 〈◊〉 being 〈◊〉, cried out in a most horrible manner The devil, the devil, the devil, help Neighbours, good Neighbours help; John that was suspected to let the bear loose▪ brings in the Watch, where they found 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 drunk, and the three in the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 rehearsed▪ all three was sent to Bridewel ●o beat hemp. How he found the aforesaid Topley with his Bear. FRith, as is before rehearsed, being taxed for letting the bear lose, sought revenge on Topley, and so dissembled the m●●●er, that he procured assistance to 〈◊〉, and travelling from Stableforth to Nottingham in hot weather, between Bramcote and Hemlock-hills, his bear being lazy, went into a Pond, and was hard to be gotten forth again: John with his three Gentlemen, riding 〈◊〉 after, 〈◊〉 the Bear laid down at the end of he fallow lands, where the husbandmen were ploughing, persuades him to have him drawn by horses, immediately appear a kennel of hounds hunting the Hare on Bramcote-hills with open cry: Anthony fearing his bear would be torn in pieces by the hounds, gave a shilling to the Ploughmen, they clapped on their Plough-chains on the bears collar, lashes their horses, John and his men hollow, the bear roars and foams, the horse● hearing so hideous a noise, smelling such a terrible stink, run a full mile towards Lenton, then stopped at a gate that goes into Lenton fields, just opposite to Woollerton-Hall, which is said to have as many windows in it as there are days in the year; but coming up to the bear they found him as dead as all herring, his head plucked clear from his shoulders, but John rid straight away to Nottingham; upon this the free-school-boys made these verses following, Anthony Topley that unlucky heir, Sold his land and bought a bear; He went to Nottingham to tan his skin, To make a bag to beg bread in. A merry Jest how he hunted the squirrel. ON a time he with several Gentlemen went to hunt the squirrel, a rare sport in our Country, and having a simple fellow in their company, he promised the fellow the first Squirrel they caught, but did not, notwithstanding the fellow claimed promise; the next Squirrel they took fell down at the feet of the dogs in a Cock gload seeming dead; John knowing their natures, took the Squirrel by the nape of the neck, gives her into the hand of Martin, for so was the fellow named; the Squirrel finding ease and liberty swallows the lower part of his have, that her teeth met; but Martin striving to th●ke her off she stuck the faster, till the smart forced him to cry out with vehemency, I'll none of her, I'll none of her, I'll none of her; after much mirth and laughter they look the Squirrel off. Martin at that time deeply swore, He ne'er would hunt the Squirrel more. How he came to London, and cheated an Upholster of a great sum. After this he came to London, and lodged in the house of an Upholster in the suburbs, pretending great dealings in the Country for divers commodities, and so demeaned himself, as none mistrusted him paying justly for every thing; not a boy sent of an errand, but he gave him a good reward; no linen washed but he pa●d nobly, never was seen to be disguised in drink, his Landlady being a lusty lively young woman, beautiful and fair, to colour his design the better, he made much of his Landlord; if he went to the Alehouse or the Tavern he paid his Reckoning for him; he never went without his pockets well lined with Gold and silver; but time emptied his pockets▪ and now he must replenish, or of necessity perish: Where came a packet of Letters to his hand from West-Chester▪ signifying that there was an hundred and fifty pounds lay ready, if he would come and receive the s●me, and withal to bring down forty pounds worth of Goods more, and receive all his moneys together: then showed he these Letters to his Landlord, to confirm his belief, borrows forty pounds of him to buy these Goods, persuades him to hire two horses to carry them both down, and travelling to West-Chester, took up their Inn: John inquires if such a Gentleman was not yet come, naming a person of quality, Answer was returned he had not been there yet, than he stormed, saying, he promised to meet me here about the time; then hespake be a large Supper, saying, that he expected some friends to sup with him, calls for wine in abundance for the Londoner; this done, he goes to the Stable, hires a Boy to conduct him to the forenamed Gentleman's house, takes both the horses with the Portmanteaus a mile out of the town, dismisses the boy, and returns no more to the Upholster, leaving him to buy another horse, and look for his money. How he left one horse and gained another. IT fortuned in a skirmish between four thiefs, and six true men, one of Friths Complices had his horse shot under him; he sets his wits at work to get another, and heard that a Parson whom he hated was to ride eight miles to preach a Funeral Sermon; caused his pretended servant to travel on foot to a convenient place by the wayside: the Parson rid upon a lusty grey Mare, and John upon a black horse as black as jet, and himself all in black from head to foot, with a coalblack Periwig: his horse can full speed with all his vigour and strength to cover the Mare, and did so be-clout the Parson with his iron 〈◊〉 was, that he almost killed him, and so falling from the beast, the Footman pretending pity, came and took the Mare away to k●ep her from danger; but the Parson loves not a stone-horse to this very day. Set a Knave to catch a Knave. IT happened that in a Countrey-town where John lay in the time of the wars, being then a Lieutenant, that he noted the passages between a young couple, and it was thus, an ancient rich Gentleman had married a very fair and beautiful young woman, which before had many Suitors, one of the which, though he was a married man, did often frequent her company; and walking into the Orchard to solace themselves, free from all company, under a fair pear-tree, whose fruit was much coveted; it happened that a Schoolboy went up in a Moon-wine night, to fill two Satchels with pears. After him came Frith, pretending for to steal pears, the boy fearing that he would beat him, supposing him to belong to the Orchard, begged pardon, it was granted, and Silence commanded: immediately came this young Gallant and his young Gentlewoman just under the pear-tree, where the man threw by his weaver-hat, pulls out his purse of moneys, knife and keys, pulls off his coat, spreads it upon the ground to keep his Lady's clothes clean, lays her upon it, and to Venus' sport they go with joy and great delight, 〈◊〉 made John's 〈◊〉 water; and having no longer power to forbear, with violence threw down a Satchel of pears upon them, than another, saying, then take the bags, the pears and all, then in all haste leapt down out of the tree; but this couple supposing the devil to be there, ran with all speed away, leaving the hat, coat, knife▪ keys and moneys behind, next Sabbath John went to the Parish Church in that hat and coat, but the loser durst never own it. Of a merry Jest at a Wakes. IT happened that these four Gallants went to a Country- Wakes to be merry, where there was much dancing, and Music; in the midst of this jollity he spied a young man sitting in a corner, with his hand upon or in a young woman's placket, one of his Complices called to him, demanding what sign to meet at next, he replied with a loud voice, looking them full in their faces, saying, At the sign of the hand in Placket: At this the Youth removes his hand, Hold, hold, (●a●s John) Friend, if you remove the sign, we shall not know the house; this caused much laughter through the whole multitude of Guests. How he made Captain Hind merry when Melancholy. IT fell out suddenly af●er that he came to live with Captain James Hind his Master, who fell into a great Melancholy, whereupon certain of the Society carried both Master and Man into a Tavern, where was variety of Music, Wine and good Cheer in abundance, not could not all this avail to make Hind once for to smile: but his man professed, as he was a true man, an honest man, and a Gentleman, if he could not make his Master laugh, and forsake his humour of Melancholy, his Master should se●k a new man, and he for his own part would seek a new Master within two days: the Musicians went to dinner, John privately carried all their Fiddle-cases into a back-room, and unloo●'d a 〈◊〉 into every one of them: then he called for a lesson, that he nor none never heard, but they could not answer his expectation: then he ●aused them to be dismissed, and putting up 〈◊〉 Instruments they depart: but ●●fore they went to the Sta●●●●●●, he called them again, ●aying, Ihave it, I have it, Come, play it quickly, whilst it is in my mind, Play me, The Case is Altered, or, All-turd; then they brought forth their Instruments, which was so foully bewrayed, that it caused Captain Hind to laugh so heartily, and all the whole Company, that they w●r● forced to hold him in his Chair: so John had five pounds given him for his pains, for the quick curing of his Master. How he Cheated an Innkeeper of forty pounds. THe Merry conceited Mason traveled in the habit, and went by the name of a rich Countrey-Grazier, well known in London, and at such time as he know he was not in London, came into an Inn. calls for Beer, drinks with the Innkeeper: in comes one of his Complices in the habits of a Drover, stands bare to him, and is very observant; Why, How now, Ned, says he, what good News hast thou brought? how far are my cattle off? what time will they be here to night? Sir, said Ned, two of the biggest oxen, the brinded and the black one are both fallen lame, and it is well if they get to London time enough for the next Market; than demanded he, if such a Friend of his were come to town, naming a rich Grazier. Ned said no, for some of his were fallen sick also, and he stayed to come along with the cattle; then he ●●ampt, protesting he must pay one hundred pounds the next day before Sunset upon bond, and as yet he had but fourscore; the Innkeeper by their discourse thought be could not have less than four hundred pounds worth of cattle coming out of the country lent him forty pounds; he promised payment next day, but never came. How he caught a silver Bird of great value JOHN being in London in a gallant garb passing along, espied a silver Flagon standing on a Court-Cupboard, a young Gentlewoman being at door, he pretended his bird flew in, she gave him admittance, be thanked her, but the silver flagon was never heard of. How he Cheated a Grazier's Wife of an Hundred pounds. THe merry conceited Mason being quite out of moneys, in a gallant Garb, travelled the Country to find out adventures to gain a considerable sum of money in a short time, lodging in an Inn where the greatest booty was likely to be had, drinking his pot, heard the discourse betwixt a Grazier and a farmer, the Grazier had bought cattle of the Farmer that came to 100 l. but had not money, but told the Farmer when he came from home be left word with his wife, that if he bought a bargain, he would send a Messenger for a hundred pounds by such a token, with such a receipt with his own hand to it, that it is impossible any should deceive her; John seeing what hand he writ, and having the tenor of the Receipt, gets into a back-room, takes horse, having time by the forelock, comes to the woman, and tells her, that he came from her husband, her husband was well, and lodged in such an Inn, he had bought a great bargain of cattle, and hoped to gain twenty pounds by it, tells her all the tokens: She demands why her husband sent such a one as he was for the moneys 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 himself by a great Gentleman's 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 dwelled there, said, it was because 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 more conscience 〈◊〉 him ●uen 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 other, and that he had deal with him 〈◊〉 hundreds of pounds; 〈…〉 you this, said he; 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 said the good wife, and so 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 him an hundred pounds, 〈…〉, and left 〈…〉, but never came to 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 any more. How he and his two Complices rob a Gentleman and his Man of three hundred pounds, and repaid it again at that time. He and two of his Complices met a Gentleman and his man upon a Plain, that had three hundred pounds in two Port●●●●●●, that they received for Kent, set upon them both, but the servingman stood at a distance, beholding his Master fight valiantly, crying, Ah, well fought, Master; Ah, bravely fought, Master; 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 came to help him; the Gentle 〈…〉 him for it: so I will, said one; riding up towards him took away his Portmanteau, then beats him with the flat side of his sword, the man cried, You Rogue, do you take away my money, and then beat me; What, you think to serve me as you did my Master, but I'll see you hanged first; then draws his sword, fought 〈◊〉, the rest standing amazed the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 wounded the Chief, so that he 〈◊〉, than thrust his sword into the Flank of the horse: then said the Gentleman, being my Man will fight we'll try our Fortunes for our moneys: Mason sets upon the Gentleman, the other upon his man, the skirmish was maintained with courage on both sides, that it was doubtful, but his man cuts one of the Thiefs over the pate, he tumbles, and was uncapable to fight: turn both sets upon the Masers, 〈◊〉 compelled him to return the monies: the Mason requested friendship, and so they agreed not to discover them, carries the worst wounded man behind the Gentleman's Man to an Inn, where they set up their horses and their woman 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 together, and in the 〈◊〉 broke fast together, swore secrecy in each other with promise not to discover them, and the Gentleman never to be robbed, ride what road he will, using only a byword. How they robed a man of two hundred pounds, and paid it again at six months. Three of these Blades, meeting with a Londoner with two hundred pounds which he went to pay upon bond for stuff he had received at London, they carried him to a By-house, where they refreshed themselves; the Sun growing low, the Londoner called for a Reckoning, but the Mason told him he must pay all the money he had, if it were five hundred pounds be seeing no remedy, said, I hope you are Gentlemen, you will save my life: Yea, said Frith, but see that you do not discover us, so they set him on his horse, conducted him to the road, and so dismissed him. How at six months' end they were discovered ABout six months after, the Tradesman walking the streets espied three horses, at a Tavern-door: wellknowing them, to belong to the Robbers, he takes out a writ, employs two Marshals-men to arrest them: besides a Justice's Warrant with a Constable and Aid if need required: then he first attaques their horses, a Watch over them, plants his Marshal's men in one Room, the Constable and Aid in another, order them to call for what Wine they like best, and he would pay for all, then goes he in his own person unto these Gentlemen, presents them with a gallon of the best Sack, drinks a merry C●y to them all, gives them many thanks for their last kindness, they stiffly deny that ever they saw him before, saying, Come let us be gone, and let us know what is to pay; Gentlemen said the Tradesman, I can tell you; how can you tell, said they; Very well, saith he, for you must pay me two hundred pounds that I lent you in such a place, they utterly denied it; but he showed them he had seized their horses: and there 〈◊〉 Marshals-men to Arrest you, or if you please, there 〈◊〉 the Constable with a warrant and a guard to carry you before the next Justice: As you was Civil to me so will I be to you, either pay the moneys, or choose which of the other pleaseth you best, but they finding no other remedy, paid him all his moneys and charges, and gave him a large Colat●or, gained promise not to discover them, and he never to be robbed, and so part to very good friends. How they robbed a Rich man in the North, and came to London, and Acquitted themselves of the Fact. THere was a Man who dwelled in the North of England, who never married, nor could 〈◊〉 woman, no not his own Sister; he was exceeding rich, having Chests full of moneys, and kept but a small 〈◊〉; To his house five of these resorts, and being troubled in their minds that so much treasure should be hid from the world, contrived how it might be disposed of for the good of many, to do this, one gains Acquaintance with the Servingman, and oft repairs to the house in his Master's absence: the Master some time after being abroad, he carried his man to the win●, and made him drunk, leads him home, lays him upon the bed, immediately comes the other Five, takes these Instruments, opens the lock●, fills all their Portmanteaus, locks up the outer door, having first bound the drunken man upon his head, than came with all speed for London, where it was agre●●, that one should put the rest in prison, 〈◊〉 but a little before the De●sions, the merry conceited Mason apprehends them, accuses them of suspicion of Felony before the Justice, that they had robbed him and a North-Countrey gentleman of several sums of money, but there was no Bill found, and they were quit by Proclamation. A Merry Jest of a Trunk worth 600 l. These merry conceited fellows lying in an 〈◊〉, understood by the Chamberlains worth there was such a trunk of moneys and plate: they determined the same into their Portmanteaus, or convey it out, no notice was taken: but when these Blades were in their beds, the Innkeeper having been deceived before, brought in another trunk just like the real trunk, and conveyed the real trunk into a safer place, giving notice to the Chamberlain not to mind if, they seeing an opportunity, conveyed away the trunk to an house that was privy to their Actions, supposing it by the weight so be the 〈◊〉, but opening the same, found it stuffed with bags of straw, brickbats, and such stuff, and for garnish they found a large pair of Rame-horns, together with a Rope and butter, at which they were all amazed, knowing it portended their being hanged. How they committed a notable Robbery, and the Merry conceited Mason was taken, imprisoned, and how he escaped. These Gallants having bad but bad success in the last Enterprise, resolved upon a more sure Purchase; They all went to a Gentleman's house, alights, tells the Porter they had earnest business, and must speak with his Master immediately, they had admittance, leaving one to look to their horses, having their Pistols cocked and hand upon sword, promising to burt no creature, commanding the Gentleman upstairs, half of them attending him, and took away 500 l. How he was taken and Escaped. A short time after, being committed to prison for a great crime, and so like to suffer, the assizes being near, where some of his Complices came to see him, invited him to drink, the Cellar being without the prison, his friends takes their leave, he 〈◊〉 two horses bridled and saddled, gets upon one of them, and so went over into Ireland. FINIS.