Vive le ROY: Or LONDON's Joy. A New Song on the Instalment of the present Lord Mayor of LONDON. To the Tune of St. GEORGE for ENGLAND. YOu London Lads rejoice, and cast away your Care, Since with one Heart and Voice Sir John is chosen Mayor; The Famous Sir John Moor, Lord Mayor of London Town, To your eternal Praise, shall stand a Subject of Renown, Amongst your Famous Worthies who have been most esteemed; For Sir John Sir John your Honour hath redeemed. Sir John He's for the Kings Right, which Rebels would destroy. Vive, Vive, Vive le Roy. When with a Hidebound Mayor the Town was in distraction, Sir John leapt in the Chair, and cured the Hall of Faction: He to the People showed their Duty and Allegiance; How to the Sacred King and Laws they pay their due Obedience. Sir George unto the People a Loyal Speech did give; But Sir John Sir John your Honour did retrieve. Sir John is for Allegiance, which Rebels would destroy. Vive, Vive, Vive le Roy. When thou wast lost, Oh London, in Faction and Sedition; By Whigs and Zealots undone, while they were in Commission: When Treason, like old Nol's Brigade, did gallop through the Town, And Loyalty, a tired Jade, had cast her Rider down; The Famous Sir George Jeffreys your Charter did maintain; ●ut Sir John Sir John restored thy Fame again. Sir John is for the Monarchy, which Rebels would destroy. Vive, Vive, Vive le Roy. When th' Mayor, with Sheriffs mounted, sad Jealousies contrived, And all the Town run after, as if the Devil drived, Then Famous Sir John Moor thy Loyalty restored, ●nd Noble Sir George Jeffreys, who did thy Acts record; 〈◊〉 George of all thy Heroes deserves the foremost place; ●●t Sir John Sir John hath got the Sword and Mace. Sir John he is for Justice, which Rebels would destroy. Vive, Vive, Vive le Roy. Sir Pa— would have the Court submit unto the City; Whitehall stoop to the Change, and is not that a pity? Sh. Be— (save Allegiance) thinks nothing a Transgression: Sir Tom rails at the Lawful Prince, Sir Bob at the Succession: While still the brave Sir George does their Fury interpose; But Sir John Sir John maintains the Royal Cause. Sir John He's for his Highness, whom Rebels would destroy. Vive, Vive, Vive le Roy. Sir Pa— for a Parliament, Sh. Be— a Petition Instead of an Address, crammed brimful of Sedition. Sir Tom he is for Liberty, against Prerogative: Sir Bob is for the Subjects Right, but will no Justice give: And brave Sir George does all their Famous Deeds record; But Sir John Sir John your Loyalty restored. Sir John He's for the Interest which Rebels would destroy. Vive, Vive, Vive le Roy. Sir Pa— he calls for Justice, and then the Wretch will shame us. Sh. Be— he packs a Jury well versed in Ignoramus: Sir Tom would hang the Tory, and let the Whig go free: Sir Bob would have a Commonwealth, and cry down Monarchy. While still the brave Sir George does all their Deeds record; But Sir John Sir John your Loyalty restored. Sir John He is for Justice, which Rebels would destroy. Vive, Vive, Vive le Roy. And may such Loyal Mayors as honest Sheriffs find: Such Sheriffs find a Jury will to the King be kind; And may the King live long, to rule such People here; And may he such a Lord Mayor find, and Sheriffs every year; That Traitors may receive the Justice of the Laws, While Sir John Sir John maintains the Royal Cause. Sir John is for the King still, whom Rebels would destroy. Vive, Vive, Vive le Roy. LONDON, Printed for ALLEN BANKS.