A Cluster of coxcombs; OR, A Cinquepace of five sorts of Knaves and fools: Namely, The Donatists, Publicans, Disciplinarians, Anabaptiss, and Brownists; Their Originals, Opinions, Confutations, and (in a word) their Heads Roundly jolted together. Also showing how in the reigns of sundry Kings, and in the late Q. Elizabeth's reign the Anabaptists have been burnt as heretics, and otherways punished. And that the Sect of the Brownists is so new, that many are alive who knew the beginning of it. With other Sects displayed. By John Taylor. July 13. Printed for Richard Webb, 1642. Donatists. THe Author of this heresy was one Donatus born in Numidia a Province of Africa, their opinion was that they and none but they were the only pure Christian Congregation and that they (especially) were the true Church, such as embraced their Discipline and come to them, they baptised again of what age or sect soever, they affirmed that the Church consisted all of good people, and that no bad Christian was a member of it, this heresy was in An. 353. look Bishop Cooper's dictionary. Publican. In the 9 year of the Reign of K. H. 2. Anno 1163, there came into this Kingdom one Gerrard, a German, with 30 more with him, and they called themselves Publicans, they denied Matrimony and both the Sacraments. Gerrard himself had some Learning, the rest were ignorant persons whom he missed; they were examined and found guilty, and obstinate heretics, for which they were marked in the foreheads with a hot Iron, their leader was marked in the chin and forehead; after that they were all sharply whiped, which punishments they seemed to receive joyfully. Lastly, by command of the King and State, they were turned out of prison, and all people were forbidden either to harbour or relieve them, so that with the extremity of the cold winter, and want of food and harbour they all died, miserably starved with cold, and famished with hunger, Stow page 151. Disciplinarians. There came 100 and 20 persons from Holland, Zealand, and those parts, through Flanders to London, where it was their daily exercise to pray and whip themselves twice a day in Paul's, and ●n the streets, their body being naked from the waste upwards, the whip being 3 whipcords with knots, so that the blood ran down their shoulders, arms and sides, and as they marched in this bloody procession, every one of them had a red cross in his hat and 4 of their companions went singing before them, this sect was in the Reign of King E. 3. Anno 1349. Stow Chronicle. Anabaptists of these latter times. On the 29. of April, in the 32. year of the reign of Henry the 8. Anno 1541. one Mandevill and one Collins (both Anabaptiss) were examined at Saint Margaret, Church at the Hill in Southwark, and there they were condemned and judged to be burned as heretics; which was executed on them accordingly, in the High way betwixt Southwark and Newington. In the 17. year of Queen Elizabeth's reign, Anno 1574. there was one man and 10. women judged to be burned for being Anabaptists, but after much suit made one woman recanted and all the rest were banished. And in the same year, the 12. of June 5. Englishmen of the sweet Sect called, The Family of Love, did penance at Pauls-cross, and there confessed and detested their wicked and damnable Heresies. And on the 22 of July following two, Dutchmen Anabaptiss were burnt in Smithfield. Also the same year (in May●5.) 27. Anabaptiss were taken and imprisoned, and 4. of them bare faggots for penance at Pauls-cross, and recanted. Stow, pag. 679, 680. And in these our days the said anabaptistical sect is exceeding rise, for they do swarm here and there without fear of either God or man, Law or Order. In the 33. year of Queen Elizabeth's reign, Anno 1591. one Edmund Copinger Gent. and Henry Arthington Gent. these two on the 16. of July in the morning in the year aforesaid went to one John Walker's house at broken-wharf, London, where they found a Yeoman of Northamptonshire in the parish of Oundle, named William Hacket, to whom the said Copinger and Arthington said, that they were come to anoint him King, but Hacket replied again that they needed not so to do, for he was already anointed in Heaven by the Holy Ghost; the said Hacket caused Copinger and Arthington to believe that he was Jesus Christ, and to proclaim him so in London, and at last for these horrible blasphemies and some wicked Treasons against the Queen, Hacket was hanged and quartered in Cheapside, 1595. his two prophets, one of them starved himself to death wilfully, in Bridewell, the other lay a long time languishing and repenting in the Counter in Woodstreet: he that list to read more of this at large, shall find it truly related in Mr. Stow's Chronicle, page 761, 762. Also one Francis Ket was burnt at Norwich, in the 31. year of Queen Elizabeth, 1589. he was a Master of Art, and justly died for holding most wicked opinions of our Saviour Jesus Christ. In the 16. year of the rsigne of King James, Anno 1618. one John Traske denied and despised our Church Government, refused our Christian Sabbath, and affirmed that brawn, pork, Bacon pig, and all swine's flesh was abominable, for which errors the said Traske was on the 19 of June in the year aforesaid, mounted to the pillory at Westminster, and from thence whipped to the Pleet, where (repenting and recanting) he was beneficed, and became an honest, diligent, and painful Preacher, Stow 1029. pag. Brownists. This Sect sprung from one named Brown, who is of that Antiquity, that many (yet alive) did know him when he was a schoolmaster to the Free school in Saint Olaf's in Southwark: This man (Browne) in his brown study, did plod to preach, and did practise and exercise in Woods, thickets, fields and under hedges, to a great many of poor people, whom he seduced to be as wise as himself: he said that the Church of England was not a Church (perhaps his meaning was it was not a true Church) but when he was preferred to the Benefice of a parsonage in Northamptonshire, the parish being called A Church, than the Church of England was a Church with him, and his parish Church of A Church, was a conformable and a true Canonicell Church, and he lived till within these 7 years there, and died a conformable church man, but he hath left a most pernicious and seditious train of his sect behind him, of all trades, ages, sexes, and conditions, and when all trades fail they can make a shift to be all preachers Amongst all these heretics and heresies, sects and sectaries, and schismatickes, I have not meddled or mentioned the Puritan. the reason is, that I do not know any that either deserves or dares to take the name or title of Puritan upon them. It is an epithet of reproach, which rash or malicious men do cast upon many persons who do strive to live in God's fear, & desire to die in his favour, and it is likewise a name which covers a great deal of craft and villainy under the veil and vizard of hypocritical sincerity, and my opniion is, that if there be any that are to be so called, they must be such Roman Catholics that do presume to be saved by their own good works, which pure, most impure, Doctrine is one of the grounds and Tenent of the popish Religion, and of no Church else in the world, so that my conclusion is that none deserves the name of a Puritan, but such as dare presume by their purity to save themselves and others: Thus have I briefly showed that the Church of Christ hath in all ages been opposed and oppressed by heretics and schismatics, I could name many more opinions of men, who were all great and glorious lights in the Church, and most illustrious instruments for the advancement of Christian Relig●on; and yet they have in some points differed one from the other, as Wickliff, Luther, Beza, Calvin, Bucer, Melancton, Oeclampadius; yet for all other great diversities, they have always agreed in the main fundamental points of Christian Doctrine, so that the outsides of Ceremonies of Religion did not shake the peace of the Church. But in these times the Church and Church-Government is not only shaken, but shattered in pieces, almost for nothing else but outward indifferent Ceremonies, such as in themselves seemed offenceless handmaids for their order and decency, to wait and attend the Church as Ornaments, and not for superstitious Adoration These shadows have not only been with violence pu●'d down, but the substance which is God's Ordinance hath been sacrilegiously intruded and usurped upon by an imdudent rabble of ignorant mechanics, who have dared to prefume to preach, not being called or sent, nor knowing how, or when, either to speak or hold their peace. I have read that the Grand Senior, or great Turk at Constantinople, did demand due of an English ambassador, this question, Quoth he, if I would be a Christian, there are so many sorts and sects of them, which Christian should I be, to whom the Ambass●dour replied, that it was the only safe way to be a Protestant; but a French Nobleman standing by, being a Roman Catholic, and he demanded of the Englishman that if he would be a Protestant, that he would tell him which Protestant he should be, by this may be perceived, that the Turk takes notice of the divisions of Christian Religion, and the Papists do take advantages at our d●sunion and contentions; yet the Protestant Religion in itself is in a most sweet harmonious Uniformity, but the crew of Corah, Dathan, and Abiram, have done, daily do, and will do, their uttermost malice and mischief to rend all in pieces, whilst he is accounted the best member in a commonwealth, that can either libel most scandalously, revile most despitefully, or tear and spoil most courageously, and villainously. And it is to be wondered at the many unlicenced licentious Pamphlets that have been scattered about the kingdom within these 23. months, wherein neither Religion, Church, King, peers, Priest, or people have escaped Railing, Libelling, and transcendent traducing, so that it may be supposed, that the paper that hath been wasted by those pestiferous pamphleteeres, would go near (if it were laid sheet by sheet) to cover the whole kingdom; and this is certain, that they have drawn many thousands of poor idle people from all parts of England to London, where without serving any apprenticeship, they take a freedom to sell books, so that the booksellers are increased ten fold in number within these two years: And what stuff do they sell (for sooth) things New lie come forth and things either of no worth, or else Speeches fathered upon men that never knew of them, or news out of Scotland or Ireland, made over night in an alehouse, and printed in the morning Cum privilegio, 1642. then are the streets embroidered with lies, lice, and beggars, to the great abuse of true Writers, the scandal of this Honourable city of London, and the universal injury to the whole kingdom, for that such numberless numbers of lies and Fables are scattered and dispersed (not only here in our owu cowtrey, but in all parts else they are transported over the Christian World. To conclude this book of errors and Heresies, seeing there have been, are, and will be such to the end of the world, and that amongst all these ways there is but one Right way. It is a grief to any Christian heart to consider how many thousands are out of the way, that do dare to presume to call themselves Christians; some are so far blinded, that they hold all manners, decency, Order, comely Gesture, or Ceremony, as standing at the Bel●efe, kneeling at the Lord's Prayer, or at the receiving of the Sacrament, Bowing at the Name of Jesus, or Reverence in be●ng uncovered at the entering into the house of God, all these are accounted Superstition, Idolatry, and Popery: but to come to the Church boldly or rudely as into a tavern, an alehouse or stable; I am sure there is no Popery in that, and for Christianity a man may find as much amongst the barbarous cannibals. So that some men are jeered out of true and sincere Religion, for fear of being called Puritans, and too many have laid by all Order, Manners, and decency in the Church, because they will not be accounted Papists. Besides all these ways of heresy (which are all out of God's way) let us consider the infinite numbers of Atheists, Heathens, Pagans, Jews, Turks, Infidels, and devilish Idolators, that are upon the Face of the Earth; If these things be but ponders in a man's heart that fears God, it will strike terror and amazement into him, to consider how little service the Almighty hath from ingrateful mankind, for that he by his power, Providence and mercy, made all, conserves all, and Redeemed all true believers, yet for all these Alls, that good God hath not the tithe of half, either in mere thankfulness or acknowledgement. FINIS.