THE SAINTS belief I believe in one Almighty God, a Gen. 1.1. Prov. 16.4. Creator and maker of all things, b 1 John 5: 7. distinguished in three, Father, son, and Holy Ghost: c Ioh. 10.30: Ioh. 5.7. but not diuded, d Gen. 12. Ioh. 1.1, 2, 3. all working together in the Creation, e Ro. 3.24. Ephe. 1.7. Redemption, f Psal. 97.10. Phil. 4.7. preservation, g Tit. and salvation of Man. The Son our Lord Jesus Christ, h Col. 2.9 Mat 1.23. GOD i 1 Tim. 2.5. Act. 2.23. He. 7.24. and Man; k 1 Ioh. 49. Ioh. 3.17. begotten and sent by the Father; l isaiah 7 14. Luk. 2.7. conceived and born of the Virgin Mary, a Ioh. 11, 48. John suffered under the Roman power, Pilate being judge; n Mat. 27.35 crucified, o Ioh. 19.23. dead, p Luk. 23.43.46. and his soul immediately received by God his Father, q John 19.41, 42. and his body buried; r 1 Cor. 15.4. rose again the third day according to the Scriptures; s Act. 1.9, 10.11. Juh. 20.17. and ascended into heaven; t Heb. 1.3. sits at the right hand of God; u Act. 3.21. whom the heavens must contain for a time; w 1 Joh. 20.12. Joh 1.29. in whom all our sins are forgiven; x 1 Thef. 4.16.17. and from thence he shall come to judge the living and the dead; y Mat. 25.32 before whom every one shall appear, z Mat. 12.36. to give an account a Gen 6.5.1 Cor. 3.20. of every evil thought, b Mat. 12.36. idle word, c Exo. 20.7. Mat. Iam. 1.26. vain oath, and d Rev. 22.12. Mat. 25.41.45, 46. wicked action. And I believe in the Holy Ghost, e Ioh. 14.26. Ioh. 15.26. Ioh. 16.13. sent by the Father and the son to teach and lead f Col. 3.12.1 Pet. 1.2. Rom. 9, 11, 9 Mat. 18.1, 18, 19, 20. his Elect in all truth g Reve. 1, 11. Gal. 1. 2. instituting by his Apostles particular Churches here on earth, and no other; h 1 Co. Psal. every ordinance of God belonging to every one of them; i 49.7, 8, 9.12 Cor. 12, 13. all of equal authority, no one being greater or lesser than other, either in power or privileges; k Ioh. 15.10.14. Ioh 5.39. who must serve him as he hath commanded in his holy Scriptures; l Rev. 22.18. Dett 5.32. Mat. 28.20. both in Ordinances, m Col. 2.5.1 Cor. 14.40. 1 Cor. 15.2. Levi. 10.1, 2.1 Chro. 13.9.11. i Chro. 15.13. Num. 15.16. and Order, n 2 Tim. 1.13, 14. Mat. 9.22. in their own Faith; o Mar. 16.16. He. 116.01 Tim. 1.19.1 Ioh. 3.20. with a pure conscience; p He. 10.25. Mat. 18.17, 18, 19, 20. all believers being bound in duty to have and hold communion in some one of them: q Acts 6.2, 3.5. Act. 14.23. Acts E: c. 33.2. Num. 8.0 and that every Church hath power elect and ordain their own Officers, r Cor. 2.7.8 g Ioh. 10. receive in believers, s Mat. 18.17, 18, 19, 20, i. Cor. 5.12, 13. Acts 11.2, 3, 4. and Excommunicate any one of them that lives in transgression, without the help or assistance of any; t Rom. 2.11. Deut. 1.17. Iam. 2.9. Acts 11.3, 3, 4 no one member being more free than another u Ro. 13.2, 3, 4, 5. Exo. 20.12. Ephef. 6.5. S . And I believe I am bound in conscience to God to honour and obey my Father, Mother, King, Master, and every Officer under him, whether they be Christians, irreligious, Idolaters or Heathens. The commandment requires obedience to every one of them of what Religion soever they be equal, and alike. w Cor. 15. Mat. 25.24. And I believe the bodies of the just shall rise to life everlasting, x isaiah 30.33. Mat. 25.41.46. and the wicked to everlasting perdition, &c. Pro 22.6. Teach a Child in the trade of his way, and when he is old he shall not depart from it. 1 Thes. 5.21. Try all things keep that which is good. Acts 17.11. These were also more noble men, than they which were of Thessalonica, which received the Word with all readiness, and searched the Scriptures dauly, whether these things were so. 1 Sam. 15.22. To obey is better than sacrifice, and to harken then the sat of rams. By me JOHN TURNER, Prisoner of our Lord Jesus Christ (committed by the Bishops) near 14 years, for affirming Christ Jesus hath left in his written Word sufficient direction to order h●s Church and Children in h●s worship: So that nothing may be done, over nor above nor besides what is commanded therein by a Precept and Example or a true gathered consequence; which I dare not but affirm, though I die for the same. And now delivered, (as abusively Imprisoned all this time) by the most Honourable Lords in Parliament, 1641. 1 Cor. 15.57 Thanks be unto God which hath given us victory, through our Lord Jesus Christ.