A true NARRATIVE Of the Proceedings at the Sessions-house IN THE OLD-BAYLY At a Sessions there held On the 1st. and 2d. of June 1677. Being a true Relation of the Trial and Condemnation of the grand Highwayman that Robbed the 2 Ministers near Vxbridg. With the Trial of the Midwife for pretending to be delivered of a stone dead Child, With the Trial of the two Searchers that were her Confederates. And all other considerable Transactions there, with the number of those Condemned to die, burnt in the hand, to be Transported and Whipped. With Allowance. Ro. L'Estrange. LONDON: Printed for D. M. 1677. A Narrative of the Proceedings at the Sessions in the Old-Baily, June the 1st. 1677. THe first Trial was of a young fellow that on the 25. of May last came early in the morning to drink with one of his Acquaintance, and afterwards the same forenoon came again all alone by himself, called for a Pot of drink and must needs have a Cup to drink out of, they brought him a silver Beaker valued at 35 Shillings, he pretended to wait for his friend, lingered away sometime, but at last spying an opportunity when the Maid of the house was gone into the Stables, stole the plate and left his reckoning to pay, he made several slight ridiculous Excuses, as that he was drunk, that his friend came and took it away, etc. but confessed he himself offered the plate to sale, and thereupon was found Guilty. The next was a pickpocket who on the 2. of May seeing a young maiden dancing with the Milkwoman made shift to steal a box and 21 shillings 6. pence in money out of her Pocket, and according to method, forthwith delivered it to a boy his Confederate, who immediately ran away and is not yet taken. But our young practitioner was not so much Mr. of Art as to perform the Exploit clearly, for he was both perceived by the Girl, diving in her pocket and seen by another deliver away the prize, so that he was found Guilty. A young Girl of St. Giles Cripplegate parish was Indicted for stealing at several times 3 ounces of their silver Plate, she very sorrowfully confessed the Fact, and declared that 2 apple women that received it of her prompted and encouraged her to it saying, 'tis a good Girl get some more, The Jury found that value under 10 pence so that she's only like to be whipped, But her wicked deducers deserve a severer Punishment. In Middlesex was Arraigned a Highwayman formerly as he pretended belonging to the Guard, but now prisoner to the fleet, but being not in Execution upon bail had favour or I know not how, got his Liberty, which he made this ill use of, viz. having got a confederate not yet taken being both well mounted about 3 miles on this side Uxbridge between 9 and 10 a clock in the Evening they happened upon 2 Ministers, of whom one had a man with a sword by his side they had Vizor-masks on their faces, and riding by cried good-night sirs but forthwith turned back and one setting a pistol to the foremost ministers breast Damn ye deliver your money was the word, The parsons being both unarmed and by their office Ambassadors of peace. Answered very complyingly assuring them they had but very little money but the servingman being a sturdy fellow forthwith drew his sword, which the highway men perceiving rode up to him, and a fierce conflict began between them for almost a quarter of an hour the fellow driving them before them attempted to shoot him, but their pistols did not go off; at last they rid away about a Furlong fitted up their Pistols, and so came down again; one of them skirmishes the Man, whilst the other ransacks the Master and his fellow Traveller. From one they took six shillings, or thereabouts; from the other, only some silver halfted Knives, a silver Box, etc. for in the mean time they had both conveyed away what Money considerable they had about them: Then both attaqu'd the Servingman, and no entreaties wou●● serve but they would kill him; he had 〈◊〉 one Groat about him, which he showed, telling them if they could get it they should have it. At last being wearied, and there being two of them which put him hard to it: his Master ve●y generously, rather than so stout a Fellow should lose his life, to hazard his own, and thereupon alighting on a sudden, catches one of the Thiefs and pulls him almost from his Horse, holding him so, that he was forced to cry out, and quickly fell down, where the Servant gave him two or three wounds. His fellow Rogue seeing this, basely (for there is a kind of Gallantry even amongst some Villains) leaves him, and provides for his own safety, who cannot yet be heard of; but the other being disarmed, was carried by his Conquerors before a Justice of Peace, and thence committed to Newgate. At Bar he denied any intention of Robbery, carried up himself very impudently, casts reflections on his Accusers, that his friend was drunk, and 'twas only an accidental quarrel; But the Evidence was two plain and apparent. So that he was deservedly found Guilty. A victualler in St. Giles in the fields was Arraigned for killing a Woman by beating her when she came to pay restitution of her goods, which he had seized being her Landlord, and at the same time cast her Husband into Goal for Rent. It was proved, That he did fling her down and beat her, but she lived above a quarter of a year after, viz. from the 28 of December to the 5. of May, That on Candlemas-day she was delivered of a Child, which lived 9 or 10 days. There was some discourse that she was afterward delivered of several parts of a dead Child, but that did not sufficiently appear, nor any positive proof that she died of this beating, but rather circumstances to the contrary. Upon all which, after many Witnesses heard on his behalf, the Prisoner was acquitted. After this was the Trial of a Midwife of the Parish of St. Giles Cripplegate, who was Indicted by herself, and immediately after two very aged poor women being Searchers towards Wapping Indicted jointly for murdering a certain male Child by choking the same with their hands, etc. Some account has already been given in Print of this business, but very false and imperfect, upon full Evidence it appeared only to be thus. This Midwife whether to satisfy her husband (as she now alleadges) who was very Impatient to have a child, or whether it were to preserve her credit in her employ which she thought somewhat prejudiced by the imputation of barrenness, I cannot say, but so it was she resolved to pretend to have a Child, in order hereunto by wearing a small Pillow, etc. she had persuaded many of her neighbours that she was great, and about a week before her pretended Labour enquired very earnestly of a poor Woman if she could not help her to a young Child as soon almost as born, either alive or dead, For says she there is a Lady whose husband will not live with her because she never had a Child, and he is now in the Country and if I could get a Child, I should do a good office in rendering love between them, and get something myself, but this Woman as she now swore, refused not knowing how to assist her; whereupon it seems she applied herself to the two Searchers of Whitechappel, who having gratified her extravagant desires, on the 18. of April our Midwife pretends to fall in labour, but would not let any of the women touch her; and having dismissed all save one in the Chamber, when she was got to bed, pretending great pains, her friend offering to put her hands into the Bed for better satisfying herself of her condition, she cried out Murder! Murder! which raising a further suspicion in the woman, she did at last take out of the Bed a cold naked dead Child, which had, as appeared, been wrapped up in a Cloth, and seemed to have been a day or two old; whereupon she told the Prisoner this could be none of her child, who wickedly replied with a horrid Curse and Imprecation on herself, if it were not her own child, born of her own body: However Neighbours being called, several sober Matrons now deposed, that having searched her, they were confident she had no child at all, and that this was some other persons child, etc. The Prisoner being demand where she had the child, declared of the two Searchers, which they being called to the Bar acknowledged, and that they brought it to her the same day, and had 20 s. being promised 9 l. more: That they had it on Saltpetre Bank. The Mother appeared in Court, and her Midwife, who testified it to be still born, and that they coming to search it, and seeing her a very poor woman, told her they would save her the charge of a Burial, etc. But the Mother denied she had any money for it: Upon full examination of all which no suspicion of murder appearing, but only a strange extravagant humour, both the Midwife and two Searchers were by the Jury brought in Not Guilty of the several Indictments whereof they stood charged. A Gentleman Indicted as accessary to the kill of a Man in St. Margaret's Westminster, on the 23 of August, in the 26 year of the Reign of our sovereign Lord King Charles the second, on the whole matter it appearing that there was no prepensed Malice; there could be nothing but accessary to Manslaughter be charged upon him. A person of white Chapel was arraigned for Murdering another. Man with an half-pike, The case appeared to be thus A quarrel arising between the prisoner and his Wife, and he pursuing her to beat her; A certain Tub-man going by, concerned himself so far as to expostulate with the husband enquiring why he so much abused his wife▪ whereupon the now prisoner in a rage taking in his hand an half pike run at the said Tub-man, and by an unlucky pass killed him upon the place, several other petty Circumstances there were which we here think not necessary to mention, on consideration of all Circumstances he was found Guilty only of Manslaughter. A woman for Clipping, after long examination was not found Guilty. A young Man Arraigned for betraying the trust reposed in him by his Master and defrauding him of certain pieces of plate, contrary to the form of the Statute, was found Guilty according to the Act, the sum charged was about 18 pound. There are two Men and a Woman Condemned to Die, Eight burned in the Hand, and Seven to be Whipped. FINIS.