〈◊〉 GREAT DUTY OF Christians, TO Go forth without the Camp. TO JESUS: Set forth in several SERMONS On Hebr. XIII. 13. By S. T. M. of A. of Trinity- College in Cambridge. LONDON, Printed for Tho. Parkhurst, at the Three Bibles and Crown in Cheapside. MDCLXXXII. To the Right Honourable WILLIAM Lord RUSSEL, Grace, Mercy, and Peace be multiplied, from God our Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ. My Lord, IT is one of the wonderful Riddles, and deep Mysteries of Providence, That the Church, that hath the least of Sin, should yet endure the most of Sufferings; That the Metal that is best refined, should be most often cast into the Furnace; and, That they that are most white in their Souls with the Beauty of Holiness, should be so blacked in their Outward Man and State by the scorching Sun of Persecution. How hard is it for those that live by Sense, to believe, That they shall wear glittering Crowns, and sit on glorious Thrones for ever, that now are crushed as Worms under the Feet of Sinners, and are bruised as Grapes in the Wine-press of the World's Rage and Fury? But as the Firstborn of God's New Family veiled his Majesty, emptied himself, and hid his Glory, Phil. 2.6. His visage was marred more than any man, and his form than the sons of men, Isa. 52.14. so his younger Brethren are arrayed in dark Parables of Shame, Reproach, and Sufferings. The blessed Life of Saints is now hidden, and a base and course Covering is spread over all their intrinsic Glory; they are (as it were) disguised and incognitol in the World, 1 John 3.1. Pignorius observes, Quicquid Taetrum, Saevum, Horribile in Christianos olim excogitatum, & exercitum est, illud omne (ut ego Censeo) a servis ad illos transivit, De Servis, p. 9 That is, Whatsoever Grievous, Horrible, and Cruel Torments were of old practised against the Christians in the Primitive Times, were just the same that cruel Masters used to inflict on their bought Slaves. O what a dark Veil was cast over the Adopted Sons of God, when they were treated just as imperious and tyrannical Masters used to handle their poor and vile Slaves! Those that the World hath not been worthy of, have been driven Into Wildernesses, as if they were not worthy to converse with, and live among Men: The precious Sons of Zion, comparable to fine Gold, have been reputed as the vile potsherds of the earth, Lam. 4.2. and the heirs of Glory been accounted but as Sheep for the Slaughter, Psal. 44.22. Peter Martyr, in Rom. 8.36. thus glosses the Words; That they are not preserved as some Sheep, for their Wool and Lambs; but are like other Sheep, fed and fatted, that their Bodies may be for Meat. Scultetus thus understands the Words, in Psal. 44.22. That the Wicked of the World do make no more to kill the Saints of God, than a Butcher doth to kill Sheep. The Bodies of the Saints have been laid as the mire of the Streets, and their Blood poured out as Water on the Ground, and Wicked Men have been permitted to do to some of them even as they would. Read Isa. 51. last. Psal. 79.3. Matth. 17.12. My Lord, This being the State of the Church of God (for the most part) in the World, how necessary is it that every Christian should be armed with Faith and Patience, that the Truths of God should be deeply rooted in our Souls, that they may serve as an Helmet to guard our Heads in a great Fight of Afflictions, and as an Anchor to establish our Hearts in a grievous Storm of Persecutions? These following Considerations may somewhat conduce to this great End. 1. Christian's should consider, That Jesus Christ was not of this World, neither is his Kingdom of this World, John 18.36. and he represents and commends his Disciples to his Father as conformed to him in this, John 17.14, 16. They are not of the World, even as I am not of the World. Christ did but Tabernacle (John 1.14. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉) in our frail Flesh, and passed through the World as a Pilgrim and Stranger: And all the Gospel-Worship of Christians is set out by keeping the Feast of Tabernacles, Zech. 14.16. And what doth this Expression import? Surely this, among other things, may be hinted to us by this Text, That as we are most gratefully to acknowledge this great Mercy of the Son of God's Tabernacling in our Flesh; so, that it ought to have this Effect upon us, to make us to sojourn in the World as Pilgrims and Strangers, in expectation of a glorious Life, and Inheritance in Heaven. We should account, that this Natural Life is not our Life, but that our Life is hid with God in Christ, Col. 3.3. That this Earth is not our Country, and that Worldly Enjoyments are not our Portion and Treasure. Christ hath crucified our Old Man, and abolished the Natural Life by his Death, Rom. 6.6. Christ hath put an end to the old State● Week, and World; and by Rising again the First Day of the Week, he hath begun a new Week and World. The Eternal Day doth dawn, Immortality is brought to light, Everlasting Life is begun and exemplified in the Resurrection of Jesus Christ: And he is ascended to Heaven, to choose the Inheritance of, and prepare a place for all the Family and Household of Faith, Psal. 47.3. To this Jesus we are called to go forth; on this Magnetic and Glorious Object are we to fix our Eyes and Hearts. If the Wise Men acknowledged him as King when he lay in a contemptible Cradle, and the Thief addressed to him as such when he hung on an ignominious Cross, shall not we much more confess and adore him now, crowned with Honour and Glory, and sitting on the Right hand of the Majesty on High? Shall we dote on a World that is a sink of Sin, and a Scene of Vanity? Shall be we fond of the vile and base Life of the First, dislike and disparage the glorious Life of the Second Adam? Shall we be charmed by, or chained to poor beggarly Objects below, and despise the glorious Portion and rich Inheritance of Christ above? Shall a short Life, clogged with Sin, clouded with Sorrows, ●●●●●●tered with continual Temptations and Warfare, be preferred before a Life of Immortality, ennobled with glorious Holiness, perfect Peace, and triumphant Joy. 2. Christian's should consider what this World is, and the Men of it are; That they are called out from the World, itself is devoted to the Fire, this Earth must be burnt up, 2 Pet. 3.10. And shall we feed on that which must be reduced to Ashes? Shall we lay up our Treasure and Portion where the Flames will devour and consume all? And what are the unregenerate Men of this World, but Spiritual Carcases, dead in Sins and Trespasses? Strabo, in his Geography, lib. 17. tells us of a City in Egypt, call 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉, The City of Dead Men, because of the multitude of Dead Bodies that were Embalmed there: And he speaks of the City of Caunus, lib. 13. That the Inhabitants were so pale, that Stratonicus said of them, 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉, That Dead Men walked about. And is it not so here? Men that are dead in Sin, walk about, and perform only the Acts of the Natural Life. The World is said to lie in Wickedness, 1 John 5.19. as dead Lazarus is said to lie in the Grave, John 11.41. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉. The Verb is used in the first place, and the Participle of the same Verb in the other. This corrupt World is set out by the Dead Sea, Ezek. 47.10. in which no Fish did live: Engedi and Eneglaim, there mentioned, were Places that did lie, one at the beginning, the other at the end of the Dead Sea, where Sodom and Gomorra stood of old; and on the Banks of it Spiritual Fishermen are said to stand to draw Men out of this Dead Sea, into Communion with Christ the Prince of Life. The Cities of the blind Gentiles are said to be desolate, Isa. 54.3. because there were none in them that did live the Life of God: And the Psalmist speaks of Wicked Men as dead Carcases, when he saith, The Pit is digged for them, Psal. 94.13. And shall we not come forth from such a World to Jesus Christ? As God said of besieged Jerusalem of old, Jer. 38.2. That he that stayed in the City should die by the Famine or Pestilence; but he that did go forth and yield to the King of Babylon, should live: So those that stay in this City of the World, must be condemned and perish, 1 Cor. 11.32. but those that go forth, and submit to Jesus Christ, shall be saved, and live for ever, Heb. 5.9. 3. We should consider what Jesus Christ endured for us, Heb. 12.3. How great a Person was he? What provoking Contradictions did he suffer, and that from base Worms, and for vile Sinners? He sanctified himself for our sakes, to be a Priest and Sacrifice, John 17.19. He was wholly for us; he was born, died; risen again, ascended to Heaven, intercedes there, and will come again, for the good of his People, Isa. 9.6. Rom. 4. last. Heb. 6. last. Heb. 7.25. John 14.2, 3. This precious Foundation was laid low in the Earth, for us to build on; this Noble Grain of Corn was sowed in the Dust, that we might spring up from him to Everlasting Life: This excellent Bunch of Grapes was cast into the Wine-press of the Wrath of God, that we might drink new Wine with him in the Kingdom of his Father: This generous Stock was wounded and cut, that we as Grafts might be joined to him, and live in him for ever. Do we believe? Or can we think on these things, and yet stick at any Service, or recoil from any Sufferings for the sake of Jesus Christ? 4. Let us consider how Honourable the Sufferings of Saints for Christ are, Gal. 6.17. I bear about in my body the marks of the Lord Jesus; the print of the Stripes and Wounds he had suffered for Christ's sake. Saints may much more glory in these, than Soldiers do in the Scars of their Wounds. Was it not more Honourable for some of the clean Creatures preserved in the Ark, afterwards to be offered in Sacrifice to God by Noah, than for the unclean Creatures to survive them, or, for other Creatures to perish in the Deluge? Gen. 8.20. Sufferings for Christ are part of our conformity to him in bearing the Cross, and Testimonies of our Adoption, that being chosen out of the World, and called into the Kingdom of Christ, therefore Earthly Men hate and abhor us, John 15.19. The Sufferings of Saints are short, their Evil things are measured by days, Psal. 94.12, 13. but their Good and Happiness is commensurate to Eternity, 2 Cor. 4.17. They drink of a Cup of Afflictions, but it is a Cup like Christ's in this, that it passes away by our drinking of it, Matth. 26.4. Wicked Men shall drink of the Cup of Wrath, and yet it shall always abide at their Lips; but Saints shall drink of Christ's Cup of Sufferings, and the Cup shall pass away, their Tears shall be dried up, their Warfare shall be finished; sorrow and sighing shall fly away; Weep shall endure but for a Night, Joy shall come in the Morning, Psal. 30.5. After the smoking Furnace of Bondage and Sufferings, shall come the burning Lamp of Deliverance and Liberty, Gen. 15.16. 6. God sees and will reward the Sufferings of his Saints, Rom. 8.18. 2 Cor. 4.17. Though God doth set forth some of his People as men appointed to death, 1 Cor. 4.9. yet he hath not appointed them to Wrath, but to obtain Salvation by Jesus Christ, 1 Thess. 5.9. The Plowers indeed make long Furrows on them, but God sows them with the Promise of Everlasting Life; while Men think to destroy their Gold of Grace, God is refining them from their Dross of Corruption; while Enemies would blow away the good Wheat that is in them, God is winnowing them from their Chaff. As Xerxes stood on the Shore, and beheld the Sea-fight of his Men with the Grecians, and when any of his Captains fought valiantly, he had his Scribes by him, to write down his Name, and the Name of his City and Ship, that he might reward him: (See Herod. Hist. 1.8.) So Christ is on the calm Shore of a blessed Eternity, he beholds all the Courage and Conflicts of his Servants, he registers all in his Book, and takes it on account, in order to an eternal Reward. 7. Consider the Benefit that hath accrued to the Church, and the Advantage that hath redounded to the Kingdom of Christ, by suffering Saints. When Saints have suffered Death for Christ, their Carcases have enriched and fatted the Ridges of Zion's Field, their Blood hath watered the Furrows of Immanuel's Land, and made it more fruitful: When these Grains of Corn have fallen to the Earth, and died, many more have sprung up in their room. Peter Martyr, in Rom. 8.36. excellently observes, That the Gospel hath been propagated in the World by Miracles and Torments; by Works done above the Power of Nature, and by cruel Sufferings, patiently and joyfully endured, beyond the strain or strength of Flesh and Blood. These were wonderful Attestations to, and Confirmations of the Truth of the Christian Religion. 8. Let us consider, That Christ's Interest shall at last be prevalent, victorious, and triumphant. Crafty Worldlings desire to be of the strongest side; The Decree of Heaven, Psal. 2.7. and the Zeal of the Lord of Hosts, is for the Establishing of the Kingdom of Christ, Isa. 9.7. The Nations indeed have their time, and are angry with Christ and his People; but the time of his Wrath will also come, Rev. 11.18. when he will tread them under his Feet, punish and destroy them for ever, Psal. 110.1. Psal. 21.8, 9 Luke 19.27. God the Father hath promised to make all Christ's Foes to be his Foot-stooll: Though Jacob be but a Worm, yet shall he thresh the Mountains, Isa. 41.14, 15. And though Zion be as a Tabernacle, weak and contemptible in the Eye of the World, yet its Stakes shall not be removed, nor its Cords broken. Christ must reign, till he hath subdued all his Enemies: And though to serve Christ's Kingdom, seems to be as the Potter's Vessel, and his Enemies seem to have the Rod of Iron to dash it to pieces; yet Faith hath another View and Prospect of Things, it beholds all the adverse Powers of the World but as a frail Potter's Vessel, and Christ as having the Rod of Iron, and an Almighty Arm to use it, for the dashing of them to pieces. This Treatise, My Lord, that I humbly present to Your Honour, is not unseasonable. If we look abroad into the World, we may perceive, that God hath made many Shilohs among the Protestant Churches, Jer. 7.12. and he sends us to those Shilohs, to behold their Ruins and Desolations. We yet stand on the Shore, and behold the Shipwrecks of others; but if he that Parks in the wild Ocean, and treads its mountainous Waves into a smooth Plain, doth not prevent, we may quickly feel and taste the same Fruits of Antichristian Rage & Fury. My Lord, I have Dedicated this small Piece to Your Honour, as a Token of my Respects, and as a Testimony of my Gratitude to You, for Your Favour and Kindness expressed towards me, who am one of the meanest of the Servants of Christ. As the Sacrifices of the Law did not discharge the Debt of Sinners, but were 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉, Col. 2.14. a Handwriting, or Bond, by which they confessed themselves obnoxious to God their Great Creditor; so I presume not to pay my Debt by offering Your Honour this small Treatise, but to recognise my Obligations, and to confess my Engagements to Your Lordship. That the Wing of Providence may overshadow Your outward, and that the Well of Life may refresh Your inward Man; That You may be established in the sound Belief and exemplary Practice of Gospel-truths', and so feel the Power and taste the sweetness of them, for Your Eternal Comfort and Happiness, it is the earnest Desire, and it shall be the servant Prayer of, Febr. 7. 1681. My Lord, Your most Humble and Obliged Servant, SAMVEL TOMLYNS. Heb. 13.13. Let us go forth therefore unto him without the Camp, bearing his Reproach. IN the Twelfth Verse the excellent Author of this Epistle speaks of the Sufferings of Christ, as prefigured and typified by the solemn Sacrifice for sin, that was Offered by the Jewish Highpriest on the day of Atonement: That Sacrifice was not offered on the Altar, as other Sacrifices were, but was burnt without the Camp, only the blood of the Sacrifice was brought into the most Holy Place, to make Reconciliation for iniquity; and for this end was sprinkled on, Leu. 16.14. and before the Mercy Seat; and the Fat of the Sin-Offerings only was burnt on the Altar, Leu. 16.25. but the Flesh and Skins both of the Bullock and of the Goat that were offered for sin, were to be carried without the Camp, and there to be burnt, Leu. 16.27. vid. Leu. 4.12, 21. These solemn Anniversary Sacrifices, offered on the great day of Atonement (being the tenth day of the seventh Month) did not only shadow out the Nature of Christ's Sacrifice, viz. that he was to be a Sacrifice for sin, Isa. 53.10. 2 Cor. 5. last, but did also point at the very place of his Sufferings; that he should be carried without the Gates of the earthly Jerusalem, and there be put to death. When the Israelites were Travellers in the Wilderness, the Sacrifice was burnt without the Camp; but when they arrived at, and were settled in Canaan, than the Sacrifice was burnt without the Gates of the City of Jerusalem: And Jesus Christ, to fulfil this Type, suffered without the Gate. The Divine Penman of this Epistle proceeds, in the words of the Text, to improve the Doctrine that he had delivered concerning Christ's suffering without the Gate, and on it doth ground an excellent Exhortation, and press a weighty Duty, to wit, To go forth to Jesus without the Camp, bearing of his reproach. The Sufferings of Christ were not only expiatory, but also exemplary; they did not only serve to appease God, but also to instruct and animate men to tread in his steps, to imitate his pattern, to bean his Cross: As Christ was an Abject, so his people must expect to be Outcasts; the world that was so unkind to him, will not be friendly towards them; as he was treated as unworthy to live among men, so they must reckon to be cast out as unmeet to be accounted and reputed either as Parts of the Commonwealth, or Members of the Church; they must look to drink of Christ's Cup, and to be baptised with his Baptism; Rom. 8.36. 1 Cor. 4.9. and so account themselves as Sheep for slaughter, as men devoted to death, as condemned Malefactors going without the Gate to Execution. In the words we may observe these several Parts: 1. A Duty urged and enforced on the Hebrews, in which the Author of this Epistle doth comprise and comprehend himself; Let us go forth to Jesus. 2. The place to which they were to go; viz. without the Camp. 3. We have the difficulty of this Duty, and what it will cost us to comply with it, we must share in the reproach and ignominy of Jesus Christ. To be separated from the world, to be exclaimed against, to be hooted and pointed at by men, to be spoiled, imprisoned, condemned, and executed as vile Heretics, as infamous Malefactors, carries in it a great deal of shame in the Eye of sense: When the people of God do suffer hard things, they that are either actors in their Tragedies, or spectators of their Miseries, are very prone and ready to conclude that they have committed some great evil of sin, and so deserved this evil of punishment. I suffer (saith Paul, 2 Tim. 2.9.) as an evildoer, even unto Bonds. And Christ foretells to his Disciples, that the men of the world should cast out their names as evil, Luke 6.22. and elsewhere, Matt. 5.10, 11. he intimates, that Adversaries should revile them, and speak all manner of evil falsely against them, for his name's sake. Nothing is more ordinary and common, than that the world should calumniate, brand, and black those that will not wear its Livery, and shape themselves after its Manners and Example. And in these words [bearing of his reproach] we may discern and espy a motive and argument, secretly couched, to encourage and animate them to go forth to Jesus, and to bear reproach; for it is his reproach, we are no worse used and treated than our Lord was; we are but conformed to him in ignominy and revile: Was the Prince of life, the King of glory, thus clouded and eclipsed, thus blacked and stigmatised by the world? and shall we be tender of our Names? shall we dote on our Credit, or be fond of our Reputation? shall we shrink and recoil from sufferings and reproaches, when the Son of God submitted and yielded to them; when the great Captain of our Salvation passed through them to his Glory? O shall not this exceedingly hearten us to bear the Cross, to endure reproaches, when we imitate and follow Christ in all this, when he will account our sufferings and reproaches to be his, and will charge and punish wicked men, as having hated, reviled, and persecuted him in all they have done to us? The Doctrine that I shall insist on from the words, is this, That it is the Duty of Christians to go forth to Jesus without the Camp. Three things are here to be explained. 1. What is meant by the Camp. 2. What it is to go forth without the Camp. 3. How Christians are said to go forth to Jesus without the Camp. 1. What is here meant by the Camp? Answ. By the Camp I understand Cities, Towns, and the Society of the men of the world that live in them. There is in the word Camp an allusion to the Camp of Israel in the Wilderness: And the phrase intimates the temporary, short, and mutable condition of men in this world: Though men have strong Houses, stately and beautiful Cities, yet all these are to be reputed but as weak Tents, as a Camp pitched down for a Night or two, and then suddenly removed. It's true, the men of this world would stay here, and six their abode below on this earth; and when the Scripture paints out their inward desires and carnal affections, it describes them as dwellers on earth, Luke 21.35. when as Saints are set forth but as sojourners, 1 Pet. 1.17. and confess themselves Pilgrims and Strangers, Heb. 11.13. yet when the truth of their state is represented to us, than they are set forth but as Travellers through the world, and their Houses are but as Tents, their Towns and Cities are but as a Camp, that they lodge in, in their passage towards Eternity. The world passeth away and the lusts thereof, 1 Joh. 2.17. The fashion of the world passeth away, 1 Cor. 7.31. Look to the Heavens above, to the Earth beneath, the Heavens shall vanish away like smoke, the Earth shall wax old as a Garment, the inhabitants of it shall die in like manner: There is nothing visible but what is mutable, flitting and fading; we have no solid basis, no sure foundation to rest on, till we come to God's salvation that shall be for ever, and to his righteousness that shall not be abolished, Isa. 51.6. As Saints are said to have their Camp, Rev. 20.9. so we read of the Tents of Wickedness, Psal. 84.10. None have any sure continuing and abiding state in this world, all are travelling from hence, and journeying towards another world: but yet this is intimated in the phrase, that wicked men seem in the eye of sense to be in a far better state here, than the people of God; they are as Soldiers at rest in their Camp, well lodged and accommodated in their Tents, under covert and shelter, in safeguard and security, not obnoxious to dangers and Enemies, as God's people seem to be, that are turned and shut out of this Camp, that are exposed to the rage of a fierce and pursuing Enemy, that are driven to and fro, hurried up and down in the world, and may easily be gleaned, soon picked up and destroyed, as Soldiers that straggle from an Army, or are shut out of the Camp. The Apostle excellently describes his own and others state that were gone out of the World's Camp, 1 Cor. 4.11. Even unto this present hour we both hunger and thirst, and are naked, and are buffeted, and have no certain dwelling place. Wicked men are often as Soldiers well defended by the walls of their Camp, when God's Saints are exposed to storms of sufferings, to the inroads and invasions of Enemies. 2. What is it to go without this Camp? I Answer, Several things are meant by this expression: 1. The Hebrews are exhorted to forsake the Temple, the Ceremonial Worship, and the Mosaical Pedagogy: Not to cleave to, or build upon those Sacrifices or Ceremonial Worship that was carried on within the walls of the earthly Jerusalem, and that the Priests were daily conversant about in the Temple; but by Faith to go forth to the Sacrifice of Christ, by Faith to cleave to, feed upon that as all-sufficient for the purging of their guilt, the filling and satisfying of their souls. The very offering and burning some Sacrifices for sin, on the solemn day of Atonement (no part of which did redound to the Levitical Priests, and that they had no right to eat of) did point at the great and true Sacrifice of the Messiah; the benefit of which should not accrue or be imparted to those that did still stick to the Sacrifices of the Law, and adhere to the Mosaical Ceremonies, and seek their reconciliation and salvation by repeating of them, and continuing in the practice of them. If men stick to, and trust on any thing but Christ and his Sacrifice, for righteousness and justification before God, they hereby cut themselves off from Christ, and have no right to the benefit of his Sacrifice: He will not share the glory of our Justification with brutish Sacrifices, or men's own Works. O foolish Galatians (saith Paul, Gal. 3.1.) who hath bewitched you, that you should not obey the Truth! that is, that you should not, according to the Gospel, trust on, and cleave to Christ and his righteousness only for your justification and acceptance before God? Hath not Christ been evidently set forth as crucified before your eyes? Hath not the greatness of the Sorrows and Sufferings of the Son of God, have not the ends and design of his Death been in a lively manner painted out before your Eyes? And can you think after all this, that Christ will admit Mosaical Ceremonies, or Man's Works, to be Partners with him in the Great Work of Justification? Is there any need of Mixtures or Additions of our own to be joined to the Sacrifice of Christ, as a supplement to supply any defect that is in the Death of Christ, as to the attaining of this great end of our Justification? No, we must renounce all Ceremonies, Sacrifices, Works of our own, and go out to Jesus, and adhere only to his Sacrifice, for the purifying of our Consciences, and removing of our Gild. 2. When the Apostle saith we should go out from the Camp, he means we should Renounce and be ready to Relinquish the Favour, the Friendship, the Society of the Men of this World; and when we cannot possess and enjoy them, and yet be Faithful to Jesus Christ, to go forth from Towns and Cities, and bereave ourselves of our Houses, Estates, and outward Worldly Comforts, when we cannot retain them without dishonouring Christ, wounding Conscience, staining our Garments, and hurting our Souls. Our Love to Christ must be the Reigning, Sovereign, and Supreme Love in our Souls, and must give Rules and Laws how long we shall retain, and when we shall dismiss and cast away outward things. When they tempt us from Christ, to stay with, and cleave to them, we must grow jealous of them; and our jealousy must be cruel as the Grave, Cant. 8.6. Then we must hate and forsake whatever is sweet and dear to the Natural Man, and is like to prove a fatal snare to our souls, a bribe from Satan to buy off our love from Christ, and to tempt us from our Loyalty to this glorious King, and from our Chastity to our heavenly Husband; in this case we must turn the world out of our hearts, cast it out of our hands, throw all things below behind our backs, and follow Christ. Thus Moses may be said go without the Camp, when he renounced and relinquished the Honours of Pharaoh's Court, all the Pleasures and Treasures of Egypt, joining himself to his Brethren that were the Servants, Worshippers, and People of God. He might have kept himself in Pharaoh's Court and Palace, and been unconcerned at the burdens and bondage of the Israelites; he might have lived as in a strong and safe Camp: But he refused to be called the Son of Pharaoh 's Daughter, and chose rather to suffer afflictions with the People of God, than to enjoy the pleasures of sin that were but for a season; esteeming the Reproach of Christ greater Riches than the Treasures of Egypt, Heb. 11.24, 25, 26. So those eminent Saints and Worthies that we read of Heb. 11.37, 38. did go forth without the Camp, when they left Cities and Towns, forsook their Houses, and wandered up and down in Deserts and Wildernesses, were clothed but with Sheepskins and Goats, and had no other Chambers or Beds to lodge in but Caves and Dens of the earth; they had hard Fare, vile Raiment, and bad Lodging, while others had delicious Feasts, costly and gorgeous Garments, warm Chambers, and soft Beds. Object. But how may it be said that Christians go forth without the Camp, or that it is their own voluntary and free act, when indeed the world casts and drives them out? as Isa. 66.5. Your Brethren hated you, and cast you out for my Names sake. John 9.34. it is said, the Pharisees and Jews cast out the man that spoke honourably of, and gave glory to Christ. So Luke 6.22. They shall separate you from their Company, and cast out your Names as evil: In these words Christ seems to allude to the Custom of the Jews, that when they excommunicated a man, did blot out his Name from their Public Registers and Records, as a man that was spiritually dead, and no longer to be reputed as a Member of their Church or Synagogue. So that it seems the world obtrudes and imposes sufferings on the People of God; how then are they exhorted, or said to go out of the Camp? Answ. These things may well consist together, and do not justle or contradict each other; as 2 Chron. 26. ●0. the Priests are said to thrust Vzziah out of the Temple, and yet he himself is said to haste to be gone, as he was willing to withdraw in the sense of God's hand stretched out against him; so the World casts out, and yet Saints go out without the Camp. The Men of this Earth are bend and rage against the Saints of the Most High; yet if they would recede from the Truth, and decline from the pure Worship of Jesus Christ; if they would send an Embassy to the World, pray for conditions of Peace, Luke 14.32. be brought to their Lure, and stoop to their Wills, they might be reconciled to their Enemies, and gain their Favour, Heb. 11.35. They were tortured, and accepted not of deliverance: after they had some taste of Torments, some sense and feeling of Anguish and Pain, their Enemies ceased a little time from their cruelty, gave them some respite and interval of Ease, and then fell to colloguing with them, and alluring of them, and making them fair. Promises of Life and Preferment, if they would desert God's Truth and Worship, and comply with their Will; but these Spiritual Champions disdain such Offers and Terms; They accepted not of deliverance, that they might obtain a better Resurrection. So Christ's sincere Disciples do in Christ's Language take up their Cross, Matth. 16.24. as they choose rather to suffer than to sin; to go without the Camp and please God, than to stay in it and displease him: there needs no other Cords but their own fervent Love to Christ, and their fixed purposes to be faithful to him, to bind these voluntary Sacrifices to the Altar of sufferings, Psal. 118.27. 3. How, and in what sense, may Christians be said to go forth to Jesus without the Camp? Answ. When we own Christ's Truth, avow his Ways, adhere to his sure and spiritual Worship, join ourselves to him by a firm and lively Faith, and cleave to him with full purpose of Heart, forsaking all things for him, than we go to Jesus; hereby we declare whose we are, to whom we belong, and whom we will follow even to the Death: We go forth to Jesus, when we are ready to be bound, and to die for his sake; when we are conformed to him in Sufferings, and submit to be used and treated by the World as Jesus Christ was: He was no Citizen, Darling, or Favourite of this World, as soon as Born he experimented what the courtesy, he tasted what the kindness of the World was to him; there was no room for him in the Inn; he was thrust out into the Stable; and laid in a Manger: Afterwards the World's enmity did more ripen, and rise to a greater height, he was filled with Sorrows, loaded with Sufferings, crowned with Throns', bathed in his own Blood: These were the Fruits that Heavenly Husbandman received from his own ungrateful Vineyard: and when we consent to have Fellowship with Christ in his Tribulations, than we go forth to him, when we are contented to bear reproaches and disgraceful Sufferings from the World, for his sake to be cut off from the Esteem, Favour, and Society of the World; to be excluded from their Company, Dainties, and Delights; to be removed from Men as Lepers, and condemned Malefactors, (for such were disgracefully turned out of the Camp of Israel of old, Numb. 12.10.14. Leu. 24. v. 23.) as Christ was carried without the Gate, being condemned to Death, as if he had been a Blasphemer against God, and a Traitor against Caesar. Object. But here it may be questioned, how Christians can be said to go forth to Jesus without the Camp? Doth he still stand without the Camp, is he yet Suffering without the Gate; or hanging on the Infamous Cross, on the Fatal Tree? Answ. It is true, that the Personal Sufferings of Christ are at an end: God hath taken him from Prison and Judgement: He hath raised him from the Grave, and exalted him at his Right Hand, Tears are wiped from his Eyes, and a Massy Glittering Crown is set on his Head. He is entered into his Royal City and Palace, placed in his Throne, and Feasted with all the delights of the Heavenly Paradise; but yet Christ suffers and is Persecuted in his Members, Acts 9.4. Saul, Saul, why Persecutest thou me? His Gospel, his Interest, his People are discountenanced and frowned upon by the World; they are not entertained, but are rejected of the Men of this Earth, and in this respect Christ may still be said to stand without the Gate, and to be put without the Camp; his Truth, his Worship, his People are disgraced, and disdained by the World, Luke 19.14. His Citizens hated him, after he was gone into a far Country, even into Heaven; and sent a Message after him, to express they held the same fixed resolution; that he should not Reign over them: Mark this Expression, they sent a Message after him; they did not only declare their contempt and enmity to his Face when he was yet present as to his Humane Nature in the World; but they continue their disloyalty, they persist in their Rebellion against him: They do not repent of their former rejection of him, and Cruelty practised on him; they are no better Natured towards him now he is in his Exaltation, than they were in his state of Humiliation; they are as sierce against, and injurious to his People, as they were to him in his own Person; so many Saints as they slay, so many Martyrs as they cut off, so many Messengers they send to Heaven, to relate to Jesus Christ their obstinate Malice and Rebellion against him. As Stephen soon after Christ, so many thousands of Saints that have suffered since, have been sent on this Message to Heaven; to declare that the World will not have Jesus Christ to Reign over them: And in this respect we may be said still in our Sufferings to go forth to Jesus without the Gate. This I take to be the Sense, principal scope and intendment of this Divine Writer in this Verse, and therefore I shall suit my subsequent Discourse to this, as the main design of the words, and shall proceed to give Reasons why Christians must go forth to Jesus, enduring contempt and Reproachful Sufferings for his sake. 1. Reason. Christian's must go forth without the Camp to Jesus; because they are not of this World: Christ twice in that Excellent Prayer in the 17th of John mentions and insists upon this, John 17. v. 14.16. they are not of the World, as I am not of the World; and the same words are repeated in the 16th Verse; his People much needing the Care, Protection, and Comforts of the Father on this account: Believers are said to be Redeemed from the Earth, from among Men, and out of every Kindred, Tongue, People, and Nation, Rev. 14.3, 4. Rev. 5.9. Christ gave himself for their sins, to deliver them from this present Evil World, Gal. 1.4. And he hath chosen them out of the World, John 15.19. that they may not continue, be condemned, and perish for ever with the World; and shall not Saints by an Overt-act own and avow this Truth, that they are not of the World; and be ready and willing to go without the Camp; and by this declare they are not of the same Piece, are not of the same Spirit with the World; that though they have lived and conversed among the Men of the World, yet they are not of their Body and Fraternity, but being Redeemed from their vain Conversation, and translated into the Kingdom of God's Dear Son, they are Related to him as Members to a Head, as Subjects to a King? When Saints leave their Habitations, Estates, and all converse with the Men of the World for Christ's sake, they manifest they are not of the World, and that their Hearts, Hopes and Treasure is not here below. 2. Reas. All the Happiness of Christians is laid up in Christ: He is their life, Col. 3.4. The Lord their Righteousness, Jer. 23.6. He is their Peace, Eph. 2.14. He is their hope, 1 Tim. 1.1. He dwells in them as the hope of Glory, Col. 1.27. Yea he is said to be all, Col 3.11. Christ is all, and Christians are said to be complete in him, Col. 2.10. they have all that is necessary, excellent and truly desirable in him, and therefore well may they be required to forget their People, and their Father's House, to leave and forsake all for him, Psalm 45.10. O! shall we not go forth to him that is our Life, Righteousness, Peace, and hope of Glory? 3. Reas. Christ for our sakes was led without the Gate of the Earthly Jerusalem: Jesus that he might Sanctisie the People, Suffered without the Gate: If he had not carried our sins, and exposed himself to endure our Curse, he could not have fallen into the Hands of his Enemies, and been Nailed to the Cross; it was our Iniquities, and his own love that made him so weak; otherwise all the Power of the World could not have imposed Sufferings on the Son of God, or have bound this Lamb of God to the Horns of the Altar. But he put in his own Name into our Bond; he became our Surety, and thereby cast a Veil on his own Holiness and Righteousness, and was not dealt withal by God as he was in himself Holy, 2 Cor. 5. last. Is. 53.6. harmless, undefiled, but as made sin for us; our guilt being transferred, our Iniquities being laid on him: Thus he that knew no sin in himself, became a Man of Sorrows and acquainted with Grief, Is. 53.3. he was as a Worm for the World to tread on, Ps. 22.6. a mark for Men to shoot at; Gen. 7.11, 12. the true Ark of Salvation, not only assaulted with Waves below, but beat on with Storms from above; the Windows of Heaven were opened as well as the Fountains of the great Deep below were broken up: For it pleased the Lord to bruise him, he did put him to grief, Is. 53.10. he had not only a Baptism in a Sea of Sufferings without, but he drank in a Cup of unexpressible Sorrows. The Waters came into his Soul, Ps. 69.1, 2. He complained in his Agony in the Garden, that his Soul was sorrowful, to the Death, Mat. 26.38. his Soul was troubled, John 12.27. And his Holiness was thus Veiled by our sins, that our sins might be Veiled by his Obedience, and covered by his Righteousness; he was the slain Goat, as he was delivered for our sins; and he was the escape Goat, as he carried them quite away, and was raised again for our Justification, Rom. 4. last. The Sacrifices that were slain and burnt on the Day of Atonement, Figured Christ's, as I have already intimated: These Sacrifices were so charged and loaded with the sins of the People of Israel, in a Type, that he that carried them forth and burnt them without the Camp, was to wash his , and bathe his Flesh in Water, and then be admitted into the Camp; so he that led forth the escape Goat on whom the Iniquities of Israel were laid, was to wash his and bathe his Flesh in Water before he could be received into the Camp; they seemed so to be defiled by touching Sacrifices on whom the sins of Men were laid; and so Christ was Condemned, and cast out of the Gates of Jerusalem, as if he were a very unclean, loathsome, and abominable Person; having yet no sin of his own, but being burdened with the sins of his People. O! what reproach was this, for Jesus to be separated and thrust out from among the Citizens of Jerusalem, and then as a Sacrifice to be burned in the Fire of the Vengeance and Wrath of God without the Camp; as those Sacrifices for sin were burnt in Material Fire without the Gate, on the Day of Atonement! And this is further to be observed, that the Blood of these Beasts, so charged with sin, was yet brought into the most Holy Place in the Temple, to sprinkle the Mercy Seat, and to make Atonement by it in a Type; even so though Christ died as an Infamous Person in the Eye of the World, and as one charged with the sins of his People, in the account of God, yet his Blood as most precious, is brought into the true Heavenly Sanctuary, cries in the Ears of God, and is pleaded before his Glorious Throne, for the blotting out our sins, and the making our Peace with God. Thus our Transgressions (which are our true and real shame) and Reproaches are covered, and wiped away before the Lord: O! did Jesus Christ die to take away those sins that would have been our Eternal Infamy and Reproach, and shall not we willingly go forth to Jesus without the Camp, bearing the just and undeserved Reproaches from the World? 4. Reas. The World still banishes Christ, thrusts and keeps him out from among them: This is their Language against God and his Son Christ, Come let us break their Bonds in sunder, and cast their Cords from us, Psalm 2.1, 2, 3. 'Cause the Holy One of Israel to cease from before us, Is. 30.11. We will not have this Man to Reign over us, Luke 19.14. his word hath no place in them, John 5.38.42. and the love of God and Christ dwells not in their Souls; and may I not here apply the words of the Prophet Jeremiah, They have, saith he, rejected the Law of the Lord, and what Wisdom is in them? Jer. 8.9. so I may say, the World rejects the Lord of this Law, and what Wisdom or Excellency is there in them? O! shall we value the Favour, Esteem the Friendship or Communion of such a World as rejects Jesus Christ? Fox Martyr. It is related of Bishop Ridley, that it repent him that he had Eaten and Drank, that he had accepted any Meat or Entertainment in the House of a Princess that refused to hear the Gospel Preached, when it was by him offered to her; and shall we Magnify the kindness of a World that is unkind to Jesus Christ, will not yield to his Authority, entertain his Kingdom, submit to his Laws, or accept of his Salvation? O! should we not call that Place, and those Persons Ichabod, 1 Sam. 4. two last Verses, that thrust away Christ, will not suffer him to dwell and reign among them? Where is Glory, if Christ be excluded and kept out? what is Trade, Honour, Riches, if Christ be absent? O! how desolate, how solitary, how uncomfortable should that place and people be to us, here we may not protess Christ, may not Worship him, and enjoy Communion with him in his Ordinances? 2 Chron. 11.14.16. as the Levites and Israelites came away to Jerusalem. If the World rage against us, would separate us from Christ, and obstruct our Converse with him, how freely and readily should we go out from such a World. When the Israelites by their Idolatry had highly provoked God, and done much to drive him away, and to berave themselves of his Gracious Presence among them, Moses took the Tabernacle and Pitched it without the Camp, far off from the Camp, and those that sought the Lord went out of the Camp, unto the Tabernacle to Worship God, Exo. 33.7. So truly the World sets up so many Idols of jealousy in their Hearts, and so put the stumbling Block of their Iniquity before their Faces, that Christ cannot delight in them, or dwell among them; his Tabernacle is (as I may so speak) Pitched without this Camp, and shall we not go forth to the Tabernacle of Christ, and enjoy Communion with him; though by this we lose a place in the World's Camp? O! will you not follow Christ, and resort to him? will you prise their Favour, or court their Friendship, that slight and reject Jesus Christ? As, Amos 7.10. the Idolatrous Priest accuseth Amos the Prophet of the Lord to the King of Israel, and saith, the Land was not able to bear his words. And Ezek. 3.7. the House of Israel will not hearken unto thee, for (saith God) they will not hearken to me. Jer. 12.8. Mine Heritage is unto me as a Lion in the Forest, it crieth out against me, therefore he hated and forsook it. And shall we linger and stay in such a Camp where God and Christ are not listened too, where the Word will not, cannot be born; where Sinners indeed cry out against God, when they pretend only to declaim against and revile Men? O Righteous Father (saith Christ) the World doth not know thee, John 17.25. As for Christ he was in the World, and the World was made by him, and yet it knew him not, John 1.10. and the Spirit of Truth the World cannot receive, because it knoweth him not, John 14.17. And should we be much concerned or dejected, if such a World doth not know us, 1 John 3.1. but reproaches, and casts us out? 5. Reas. We cannot be Faithful to Christ, or enjoy Communion with him for ever; if we do not go out to him without the Camp, if we do not venture and Sacrifice all for Christ; if we be ashamed of him before Men, he will be ashamed of us before his Father and his Holy Angels; if we deny him, Mat. 10.32, 33. he will deny us; but if we confess him he will confess us before his Father in the Great Day of Judgement: We cannot serve two Masters, Mat. 6.24. especially when those are contrary to each other, and each of them demands our whole Heart and Service; we cannot please God, Christ, and the World too. Know you not that the Friendship of this World is enmity with God? whosoever therefore will be a Friend of the World, is the Enemy of God, Jam. 4.4. You cannot keep in with the World, but you must break with God; you cannot gratify and oblige the World to you, except you will fashion yourselves according to its Pattern and Example; you must drink in its Corruptions, slain yourselves with its Filth, and run with them to the same excess of Riot, else they will exclaim against you, and speak Evil of you, 1. Pet. 4.4. If you have not ductile Consciences, flexible and compliant Spirits and Tempers, if you cannot change, say and unsay, the World will not care for you; it will be hard (if not impossible) to keep in with the World: and that Soul is in a most dangerous case, that is fixed and resolved in this, that he will be the Friend of the World, that he will not venture the Frowns of Men, or hazard his stake in the World, that will not suffer Shipwreck of his Interests and Concerns on Earth. If a Man be thus Principled and affected, he is the Enemy of God and Christ; he doth prefer something else before and above them; he will swallow and practice that which is very grievous and displeasing to God, rather than be undone by Men; and hereby he proclaims his Enmity against God; therefore this should be rooted and riveted in our Hearts, that we must suffer with Christ, if we would Reign with him; we must be Faithful to the Death, if we would receive the Crown of Life, Rev. 2.10. And Paul saith, 2 Tim. 2.11, 12. This is a Faithful saying, that if we be Dead with Christ, we shall live with him; if we Suffer with him, we shall Reign with him; if we deny him, he will deny us. It is observable, how the Apostle ushers in this Assertion, what a Character of Truth he puts on this Sentence: If we Suffer with him, we shall Reign with him; this, saith he, is a Faithful saying: Why should he preface thus these two Verses, but because he saw there was need of it? Flesh and Blood can hardly swallow and digest this Doctrine of Suffering: How do men stretch their Wits to distinguish themselves from under an Obligation to Sufferings? How do they dread and recoil from the Cross? surely they may reign without sufferings; Christ will not be so hard to them, as to deny and reject them, if they shrink and comply in dangerous Times: But let not Men beguile and deceive themselves; the Apostle is peremptory in this, he doth not, he cannot mince the Matter; this is a Faithful saying, if we suffer we shall reign with Christ; if you refuse Christ's Cross, you refuse his Crown. 6. Reas. We should go forth to Jesus without the Camp; for it is but little that we leave or lose by ownning and cleaving to Jesus Christ: The Holy Ghost disgraces, debases, and lays low all the Grandeur and Glory of the World; by calling it a Camp: O! what a short and mutable thing is a Camp! How easily is it removed, how soon is it gone? Our Life is but a Vapour that appeareth a little while, and then vanisheth away, Jam. 4.14. Our Days on Earth are but as a Shadow that flieth away and there is no abiding, Job 14.2. 1 Chron. 29.15. Man is like the Flower and the Grass of the Field; a Wind comes over it, and quickly withers this Flower, and blows out this Lamp of Life, Ps. 103.15, 16. The Sentence is already past, Dust thou art, and to Dust thou must return, Gen. 3.19. The Body is dead by reason of sin, Rom. 8.10. If God doth but lose our Cords, our Tent will presently drop down to the ground; if he say return, we must presently lie down in the Dust, Psalm 90.3. If he give out the Sentence, Jer. 15.1. Let them go forth, there will be no continuing in the Camp, no staying in the World; if you cleave and cling to the World never so fast, if God saith, let them go forth, you must be removed from hence: Those who embrace and hug their Earthly Comforts and Enjoyments most, must be stripped and deprived of them whether they will or no: The wicked is driven away in his wickedness, Prov. 14.32. As the whirl wind passeth, so the wicked is no more, Prov. 10.25. He shall be driven from light into darkness, and chased out of the world, Job 18.18. His substance shall not continue, neither shall he prolong the perfection thereof upon the earth, Job 15.29. God shall likewise destroy thee for ever; he shall take thee away, and pluck thee out of thy Dwelling-place, and root thee out of the Land of the living, Ps. 52.5. In this Verse we may observe an Elegant Climax: It is said, God shall pluck a Wicked man out of his Dwelling-place; but yet may he not continue and flourish elsewhere? No, God shall root him out of the Land of the living: But if he be rooted out of the Land of the living, may he not find Favour and Mercy in another world? No, to this it is answered, God shall destroy thee for ever: God sets the men of this Earth in slippery places, he casts them down into destruction, Ps. 73.18. Those that will not go without the Camp to Jesus, that hold fast their Riches and Honours, how soon may they be bereft of them? Micah 1.15. I will (saith God) bring an Heir unto thee, O Inhabitant of Mareshah: And what Heir is meant? By an Heir here the Lord intends Robbers, and Spoilers, which he would let lose to break in upon them: such Heirs as they never thought of or intended. When men, by their care and industry, have been like Birds laying up, and filling their Nests with Riches, as Eggs, a Robber may come and take all away, as Is. 10.14. the King of Assyria glorieth, My Hand hath found as a Nest the Riches of the people; and as one gathereth Eggs that are left, have I gathered all the Earth: It will be our Wisdom and Interest, to make a Virtue of Necessity: We must forsake these things whether we will or no; and is it not better to relinquish them for Christ, which will turn to our account, and unspeakable advantage? And is it any great matter to leave a mutable Camp, a weak Tent? if we look upon things with a Spiritual Eye, and judge right judgement, we shall have very low thoughts of all Natural Excellencies and worldly Glory: Observe how the Scripture represents these things, as passing and perishing, Their Beauty shall consume in the Grave from their Dwelling, Ps. 49.14. Doth not their Excellency that is in them go away? Job 4.21. All Flesh is Grass; and all the goodliness thereof is as the Flower of the Field, Is. 40.6. When they die they shall carry nothing away, their Pomp and their Glory shall not descend after them, Ps. 49.17. And should we stick at going out of such a Camp, where Beauty consumes, Excellency goes away, all the Goodliness of the Flesh fadeth, and all the Glory of it vanisheth away? 7. Reas. We ought to go forth to Jesus; for then there will be a happy issue of all our Sufferings, a good return of our Venture, a full Compensation of all our Losses: Jesus was led without the Gate, was put to a servile, ignominious, and painful Death; but did God leave him in the Hand, and under the Power of Enemies? Did he sink under the burden of his Sorrows? Was he swallowed up in a Sea of Sufferings? Hath he not abolished Death? Hath he not overcome the World, led Captivity Captive, and Triumphed over the Malice of Earth, and the Rage of Hell? Is he not returned to his Father, arrayed with the Spoils of his Enemies, and the Trophies of his Victory? Is he not entered gloriously into his Royal City above? Hath not God's Salvation set him up on high? Ps. 69.29. And may we not with comfort look up to Jesus Christ, Exalted at the Right Hand of God, as Joshua and the Israelites, fight in the Valley, might with hope look up to the lifted Hands, and elevated Rod of Moses in the Mount? Exod. 17.8, 9, 10, 11, 12. As God did not desert the Head Christ, so he will not forsake his Members: May we not see the Event of all our troubles in the issue of Christ's Sufferings? May we not from his Victory, gather matter of hope as to our success? Those that go forth to Jesus, will he not lead them unto Glory? Heb. 2.10. Hath he not prayed that they may be with him, John 17.24. and promised that he will come again and receive them to himself, that where he is, they may be also? John 14.23. Suffering Saints shall not always stand without the Gate; or be hurried up and down in this Wilderness; Jesus Christ will lead them to a blessed City of Habitations, Ps. 107.7. He will carry his Flock into delitions Pastures in the Paradise of God; he will lodge his Brothers in his Father's House; he will conduct his Spouse into that Royal Bride-Chamber that is furnished, and gloriously adorned above: Saints shall come out of their great Tribulations, and be before the Throne for ever, Rev. 7.14, 15. Crying, Pain and Sorrow, and all Afflictions will pass away: Death shall be swallowed up into Victory: All Tears shall be wiped from their Eyes, and their reproach and rebuke shall be taken away, and cease from all the Earth, Is. 25.8. The next words to the Text do mention an abiding City that Believers do look for, Heb. 13.14. Jesus was reproachfully led without the Gate of the earthly Jerusalem; that he might with Honour and Glory lead his Saints within the Gates of the heavenly Jerusalem: O! will you not prise this goodly and glorious City, whose Walls are Salvation, and whose Gates are Praise? Is. 60.19. Will you prefer a being in an uncertain and momentary Camp, before a place in an Eternal City? Do you dread the loss of your Camp? And will you not much more fear exclusion out of this Blessed City? John 12.42. They feared to confess Christ, lest they should be put out of the Synagogue: But should we not much more dread to deny Christ, lest we should be shut out of the City of God? Would you have a place of Rest, of Honour, of Eternal Pleasures, after your Days of Vanity and Sorrow? O! then go out to Jesus, and this Captain of Salvation will convey you safe to this desirable and glorious City; where your Heads shall be Crowned with Honour, and your Hearts be filled with Triumphant joy for ever. The Use of the Doctrine. Use 1. This may reprove those that are unwilling to own and confess Christ, to go forth to him, or to appear for him: How many Formal Christians think they may tarry in the Camp, they may retain the friendship of the world, they may preserve their Honour, Profits, and Civil-Interests, and yet keep in with Jesus Christ too? As Nazianzen speaks of some that judged they might, as in a Dance, go in the middle, leading Christ in one, and the World in the other hand. And God complains of the Idolatrous Jews, that they enlarged their Bed, Isa. 57.8. as if they would make room for a lawful Husband and an Adulterer too: Are not too many thus affected, that as double-minded men waver, fluctuate, and stagger between God and the World, Christ and their own Carnal Interests? These account it harsh Doctrine, to be told they must go without the Camp to Jesus; that they must lose their Friends, cast off and detest their nearest Relations, and turn their backs on all that is sweet and dear to them in the World. O how do they find fault with, and cry out against these things as very unmeet and unreasonable to be imposed on them: What, shall they be ruined and undone in the World for an Opinion or Practice of Religion? This is very hard and bitter to flesh and blood; they would have Christ to come within the Camp to them, they would not go without the Camp to him: They would have the Son of God to indulge them, and dispense with them so far as may save their stake, and comply with their carnal interest: They would reconcile God and the World; and so serve two Masters, reap two Crops, and enjoy two Portions; have the beams of the World's favour, and the Light of God's Countenance too: But how grievous and unpleasant is it to hear that they must strip themselves of all seen things, for love to an invisible Lord, and in expectation of a future and Spiritual Happiness? How doth the Flesh murmur and repine at the leaving and loss of all its present Possessions and Enjoyments? When men have laboured and toiled in the World to get an Estate, what shall they cast all away in a moment, and not enjoy the Fruits of their labours? Yet thus Christ's Disciples did, they had toiled all Night, at last by Christ's direction, casting of their Nets, they had enclosed a great number of Fishes; yet they were not so pleased and delighted with this large and rich draught, but that when they came to the Shoar, they forsook all to follow Christ, Luke 5.6, 7.11. How contrary are those then to this Doctrine and Duty, that would indent and compound with Christ, that he should bring them a smother and easier way to Heaven, than those have gone, who through many Tribulations have entered into the Kingdom of God, and who will vary their Course as the Winds do shift and change, and follow Christ but as the Youngman did, who left his Garment and fled away naked, when Christ's Enemies endeavoured to take hold of him by it? Mark 13.51, 52. So when the world takes hold of them by the Garment of their Profession, they leave it and fly away shamefully naked, as to their Souls. Use 2. This Doctrine should put us on the Trial and Examination of ourselves; are we willing and ready to go forth to Jesus without the Camp, bearing of his Reproach? In order to the discovering of the frame of your Hearts, and the truth of your Spiritual State, let me propound a few serious Questions to you. Quest. 1. Have you set down and counted the cost, what it will stand you in to be Christians indeed? Are you furnished with Spiritual Money in your Hearts, to go through with this Building, and to bring it to perfection? Luke 14.28, 29. Have you well considered and weighed all the hazards, losses, and sufferings that do attend the Profession of Christianity; that the Fine may rise very high; the Furnace may be heated very hot? Phil. 3.8. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉, For whom I have been Fine at all; or, as our Translation, I have suffered the loss of all things. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 is taken by the Grecian Lawyers, vid. Zauch. in Locum. for a Mulct and Fine. It is always a Crime in the Eye of the wicked World, to separate from their corrupt ways, and cleave to Christ's Truth and pure Worship: When the world are restrained; when the Hands of Wicked men are bound; then the Fine runs lower; the men of this Earth only reproach and revile the People of God, for this reputed Crime of forsaking Satan's Camp and Tents, and following Christ the Captain of Salvation. But there are Times when Satan is loosed; when the Dams are broken down, and the restraints are taken off from his Instruments; then a Flood of Temporal Evils pours in upon the People of God: Now the Fine is increased, they are threatened with spoiling of Goods, loss of Liberty and Life, if they will not deny Christ, and comply with the inventions and corruptions of men: There are Seasons when Sailing towards Heaven seems very dangerous in the Eye of Flesh and Blood: As Paul, Acts 27.9, 10. (When Sailing began to be dangerous, towards Winter) saith, Sirs, I perceive this Voyage will be with hurt and much damage of the Lading of the Ship, and of our Lives. Even so men may perceive and discern such Times, when the Voyage to Heaven is like to be with much Damage of all the Wealth and Riches that they have laded themselves with; yea their very Lives may be lost: Have you thought of such cloudy times, of dark hours of temptation, of the gloomy Valley of the Shadow of Death, that God may try you whether you will cast all overboard, to keep the purity and peace of your Consciences; suffer shipwreck of your Estates and Honours, rather than suffer shipwreck of Faith and your Integrity? You may lay the Foundation of your Spiritual building in a peaceable time, in Halcyon days; but great storms and fights of Affliction may arise and surprise you before you have finished your Building: As the Foundation of the Temple of Jerusalem was laid in Peace, without opposition or contradiction from the World; but before they could finish it, their Enemies bestirred themselves, procured an Authority and Order from the King of Persia against them, and speedily put it in Execution, causing the Jews to cease by force from prosecuting of this Building: Compute the 3. of Ezra the 8, 9, 10, 11. with 4. of Ezra 21.23. Thus it may be with you. Consider therefore whether your Hearts are fired, and your purposess fixed for Christ; Can you say with Paul, You are ready to be Bound and to die for the Name of the Lord Jesus? Acts 21.13. Are you not rather resolved against standing any brunt, bearing any hardship, suffering any loss for that Profession? as Henry the 4th of France is said to have spoken; that he would venture no further into the Sea of Religion, but that he might still see the Shoar, and retreat at his pleasure to it. Have you not such secret resolutions as these; that you will not interest yourselves too deeply, and engage too far in any matter of Religion; but that you may make a fair and safe retreat if you see need? Or have you reckoned up all the troubles and losses that you may be exposed to for Christ, and are come to this resolution, with Paul, Acts 20.24. None of these things move me, neither do I account my life dear to me, that I may finish my Course with joy? Do you judge of all Losses and Afflictions, as Paul; that said, I count the Sufferings of the present time, not to be worthy to be compared with the Glory that shall be revealed in us, Rom. 8.18. Are you resolved to go forth to a Despised, Hated, and Persecuted Jesus; and with Peter, to count yourselves safer with Christ on the Waves, than in the World's Ship without him? Matt. 14.26, 28, 29. Quest. 2. Have you sold all for Christ? Matt. 13.44, 45. He that found the hidden Treasures, for joy went and sold all that he had, that he might buy the Field, and assure the Treasure to himself: Christ is a Rich Treasure, a Pearl of inestimable Price: O! have you found this Treasure, this Pearl? Do you discern, espy, and know the Worth and Riches of Jesus Christ? Are you so affected with him, as to sell all for him? And what is it to sell all for Christ? Surely it is to part with the esteem, to relinquish the inordinate love of this world, or any thing in it. When the Market is fallen, the Price of these things beaten down, as it were to nothing; buy those Spiritual Goods that are imported by Christ the heavenly Merchant from another World: O! have your Souls such a sight of Christ and his Excellent Commodities, that you are weaned from your Estates and Lives, that you little value any thing here below; yea count all things but Dung that you may gain Christ? Phil. 3.8. If you have indeed thus sold all things; it will not be very difficult to yield possession; to quit the use and enjoyment of that which your Hearts are dead to: That which is truly put and turned out of your Hearts, will certainly be cast out of your Hands in the day of Trial and Adversity. Quest. 3. Are you indeed Married to Jesus Christ? 2 Cor. 11.2. I have espoused you to one Husband, even to Christ, Rom. 7.4. that you may be Married to him that is raised from the dead: Hath he spoken and gained your Hearts? Hath he alured and drawn your Souls to himself? In Jer. 2.2. God speaks of the love of Israel's Espousals; That she went up after him, and followed him in a Wilderness, in a Land that was not sown; where they might fear want, and feel Penury, without a miraculous and extraordinary Provision: If you are truly espoused to Christ, you will follow him in a Wilderness. I have read an History concerning the Mogul, a Great Prince in the East Indies, that grew jealous of his Son, lest he should aspire to his Kingdom, and dethrone him in his absence from his Imperial City: And therefore caused a Tower to be built, without any Gate or Door, yet well stored with all necessary Provisions, in it to shut up his Son, during the time of his absence: When this was understood, the Wife of this Young Prince desired to be shut up with her Husband in this Tower; such was the great love that she did bear to him. Thus if you love Christ as a Husband, you will go out to him; you will not be separated and parted from him; but will say as Ittai to David, 2 Sam. 15.21. As the Lord liveth, where my Lord the King is, there will thy Servant be, whether in Life or in Death: As Rachel and Leah were ready to leave and forsake their Father's House, and to follow Jacob their Husband into his Country and Father's House, Gen. 31.13, 14, 15, 16. Even so wilt thou determine to go forth to, and follow Christ to his Heavenly Country, if he be thy Husband, and the dearly beloved of thy Soul. Quest. 4. Have you cast the Anchor of your hope within the Veil? Heb. 6.19, 20. Is your Treasure and hope laid up in Heaven? Matt. 6.20. Col. 1.5. That way which our Anchor is cast, our Souls will move: This is wonderful; that a Christian at the beginning of this Voyage, casts his Anchor into the Haven; and his whole Voyage is but Sailing to the end of his Cable, and to the Possession of that firm Land which his Anchor doth take hold of: Nothing will or can establish you in the Storms that you you may meet with; but the hope of everlasting life to be enjoyed in the invisible World: This present world is as a rough Sea; Wicked Men hate, and rage against the People of God: As some Seas are still rough, and the Waves rise and roll continually, Vid. Scalig. Exercit. 58. because of subterraneous Winds that rise into the Bowels of those Seas. So the Men of this world are as a Sea that hath a Wind within itself, viz. Their Malice and Enmity against the People of God; and therefore though no wind of injury or provocation blow on them from without, yet they cannot cease Maligning and Persecuting the people of God with their Hands or with their Tongues. And we shall never venture out on this rough and rolling Sea, if we have not cast the Anchor of our hope within the Veil; and by it taken hold of Jesus, as our forerunner into Glory: Sinful self-love will lay an Embargo on us, and keep us within the Port and Camp of the world's friendship, if we do not foresee and fasten on something in another World, which will countervail all the Damage, and recompense all the Losses that we sustain here: If our All lay here below, we shall never go out from our Treasure, our Portion, and our Feast: Men will never consent to be totally destroyed; if they have not a new Interest in, and Title to another world, they will cleave to this present World: Have you therefore provided Bread, that the world knows not of; Bags they cannot risle or take away; an Inheritance they cannot reach or rob you of? Heb. 10.34. They took joyfully the spoiling of their Goods, knowing within themselves, that in Heaven they had a more enduring substance. The third Use is for Exhortation. Use. 3. Is it the Duty of Christians to go forth without the Camp to Jesus? Then I would press you to a compliance with, and the Practice of this Duty: O! go forth to Jesus; own, confess, and adhere unto him. This Exhortation I would urge and enforce with several Motives. And then, Secondly, lay down several Directions how you may be enabled thus to go forth to Jesus. First, I shall lay down Motives to this Duty. 1. Motive. Consider who Jesus is, how great and Glorious a Person he is: He is Styled Jesus the Son of God, Heb. 4.14. Having a great high Priest that is passed into the Heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast our Profession. Shall we draw back from, or be ashamed of the Son of God? Shall the vain shows and passing Pageantry of this World, outshine in our Eyes, and darken the Glory of the Son of God? He is the self-existent, and self-sufficient Eternal Jehovah; his Name is I am, Exod. 3.14. And this I am, should annihilate all the things of this World in our esteem and account. Prov. 23.5. Wilt thou set thy Eyes on that which is not? Shall that which is not allure and draw our Hearts from I am? As the Sun obscures and hides the Stars, so this Son of Righteousness, which is the brightness of his Father's Glory, and the express Image of his Person, Heb. 1.3. should vail and darken all Creature-Beauty and Excellency: Shall such vile Worms as the Sons of men be dreaded or loved more than the Almighty and blessed Son of God? Will you withdraw from him, and cast him off, to ingratiate yourselves with poor and beggarly Creatures? This is as if a man should turn his back on the full Exchequer of a Rich and mighty King, and betake himself to an Alms-House, God the Father possessed this Son of his (that is called Wisdom) from everlasting, Prov. 8.22. He Possessed him as a Rich Treasure, and a Spring of Eternal Delights: And this seems by far a more Glorious Title; That he is the Possessor of such a Son; than that he is the Possessor of Heaven and Earth, Gen. 14.22. And doth the Father Glory in such a Possession; and shall not we to cleave to, and hold fast this blessed Son of God? Is he not able to do more for us, and will he not be better to us than the whole World? However Men revile and abhor him, he is glorious in the Eyes of God, Is. 49.5.7. And shall he not be precious in our Eyes? To you that believe he is precious, 1 Pet. 2.7. 2. Motive. You cannot be sincere Christians if you go not out to Jesu● Christ, and prefer him not before the whole World: The very truth of saving grace lies in this, to wit, in our esteeming and regarding Christ more than all things else: We must remember him and his Love, so as to forget all things else in comparison of him, Cant. 1.4. We will remember thy love more than Wine, we will be glad and rejoice in thee. And how is Christ to be remembered? We do not rightly remember him, if we do not forget our People and Father's House for him, Ps. 45.10. And so seek all our comfort, contentment, and satisfaction in him: We must so esteem Christ, as utterly to despise whatever comes in competition with him, Cant. 8.7. If a Man would give all the substance of his House for Love, it would be utterly despised. O! how should we disdain whatever is offered to buy our love off from Christ; or would substitute itself as a beloved in his room and stead: all things should be accounted but Dung for Christ, Phil. 3.8. And so must we love Jesus Christ, as to hate other things in comparison of our transcendent love to Christ, Luke 14.25, 26. So Christ teaches us, that if any Man will come after him, he must hate Father and Mother, Wife and Children, House and Lands, yea and his own life too; or else he cannot be his Disciple: As Jacob is said to hate Leah, and to love Rachel, Gen. 29.30, 31. because Leah had but a little pittance in comparison of Rachel's greater Portion of love: So we must love Relations and Life so little in respect of Christ, that we may truly be said to hate them, and love him; and in an hour of temptation, we must as readily part with them, as with hated things: He that loveth Father or Mother, Son or Daughter, more than Christ, is not worthy of him: We must so cleave to the Lord, Acts 11.23. as to forsake and cast away all other things for him, Luke 14.33. Whosoever he be, he that forsaketh not all that he hath, cannot be my Disciple. Self-denial is the true savour of Christianity; and without this, a Nominal Christian is as Salt that hath lost its savour, and is good for nothing, Luke 14.34, 35. He that taketh not up his Cross and followeth Christ, is not worthy of him, Matt. 10.38. If ever you will approve yourselves true Christians, you must be ready to leave the Camp and go out to Jesus. 3. Mot. Consider what will earthly Comforts avail or advantage thee without Christ: If thou forsake him, and cleave to them, they will prove a Curse unto thee. O! how hurtful and pernicious is that to our Souls, that entices and draws us from the Son of God, (1 Tim. 6.9.) and as a Weight doth plunge us and sink us down into perdition and destruction: The lusts of men after these things, 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉, do immerse and drown Souls in Destruction: These earthly things are as a Weight that do press down a Racer, and hinder him from running his Course, Heb. 12.1. It is the cares about, or the inordinate enjoyment of these things that overcharge the hearts of men, Luke 21.34. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉, lest your hearts be as a Ship too hard or deep Loaden, that therefore is in danger to founder and sink down in the Sea; and cannot well make way in its Course. Are not those things mischievous to us, that hinder us in our Race, and that obstruct us in our Voyage towards the Haven of a Blessed Eternity? It is said, the prosperity of Fools shall destroy them, Prov. 1.32. They are Simple that turn away from Christ to any Creature; and though they seem to flourish for a time in the World, yet their Plenty feeds and fuels their lusts, and so helps forward their ruin and destruction. Thus their Table proves a Snare to them, Ps. 69.22. and by all their Prosperity they are but Fatted for the Slaughter, and more fitted for Destruction. Can the enjoyment of any of these things countervail the loss of Jesus Christ; or be a suitable Portion to us in the room of Jesus Christ? How easily can God embitter all these things to us; and make us sick and weary of them? Judas could take no pleasure in the Pieces of Silver for which he sold Christ, Mat. 27.34. Francis Spira could not endure to look on his Children for the love of which he had denied the Truth of Christ; vid. Hist. of Spira. he could not abide to eat any thing, so weary was he of life; all he took was forced as it were upon him: A wounded Spirit who can bear! The Favour of Princes will not bind up broken Hearts, or set broken Bones, or heal wounded Spirits. An Apostate may suffer more in one Night's Horrors, for denying Jesus Christ; than a sincere Christian endures in many days Torments, for owning and confessing him: Account therefore, nothing can be either safe or sweet to you, which is the Hire of an Harlot, or the Wages of Iniquity; I mean that you enjoy as the reward of your Treachery to Christ. 4. Mot. If you go forth without the Camp, if you are cast out as Spiritual Lepers in the World's Eye; or are led out as Malefactors to Execution, you are but treated as your Head Lord and Master was; and are you better than he? Marvel not, (saith Christ) If the World hate you, for it hated me before it hated you, John 15.18. It called the Master of the House Belzebub; and will it begin to Honour, or cease from reviling his Servants? Matt. 10.24, 25. You are not above Christ, or are to expect better usage than he had. The world was a Wilderness to him; and shall it be a Paradise to us? He received here his Evil things, and shall we expect our Good things on this Earth? Is it fit that Members should lead a pleasant and delicious life under a Head Crowned with Thorns? Did the World cast out Christ, and will it take us in? if it exercised so little Hospitality towards the Son of God; will it open its Doors to us? 5. Mot. If by going forth to Jesus, you expose yourselves to Temporal Evils, yet he will be a shelter to you from greater and worse Evils, Is. 32.2. a covert from the Wind, a refuge and hiding-place from the Tempest of the Wrath of God: Though you may be the world's Butts to be shot at, yet you shall not be Gods Mark; Christ will be your Shield to guard you from the Eternal Arrows of Divine Vengeance: He is a Rainbow round about the Throne, that Storms shall not fall from Heaven to overwhelm you, Rev. 4.3. He is a Priest on his Throne, a Mediator at the Right Hand of God, to maintain your Peace with Heaven; and to deliver you from the Wrath that is to come. You shall not be Food to the Worm that never dies; nor fuel to the Flames that shall never go out. The Blood of this Paschal Lamb is sprinkled on Believers, to keep destroying Justice out: Though the world draw upon you; yet the Sword of God is for ever sheathed towards you: Though men cast you out, Christ will seek you out and take you in: God your great Creditor will not arrest and imprison you, and Conscience shall not accuse and condemn you; for you are sprinkled from an Evil Conscience by the Blood of Christ; though winds do blow high without, yet there shall not be a Storm and dreadful Earthquake, or rather Heart-quake, within. in. It is worse to be cast as unsavoury Salt out of the House of God, Luke 14. last. than for our constancy and faithfulness to Christ, to be thrust out of the Camp of men; and this greater Evil Christ frees from: For the Sons of God shall abide in his House for ever, John 8.35. 6. Mot. When you are called to go forth of the Camp to Jesus, what are you required to leave, but what you are already dead to, if you are true Christians? Col. 3.3. For you are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God. In Christ Believers are already dead to the Natural life that flows from the first Adam. This life Christ hath laid down, extinguished and abolished for ever in himself: He is risen again to a more Excellent, Higher, and Nobler Life; and this Believers should repute, reckon, and esteem as their Life. The Apostle intimates, that we ought not to regard the Natural life as our life, but to account that is our life which is hid with Christ in God; and that we are risen with Christ, Col. 3.1. and so have the beginnings and first Fruits of this new and glorious life. Now what are all the Riches, Honours, and Pleasures of the World, to a dying, or to a dead Man? Why should we be so solicitous or anxiously careful about a life, or the concerns of that life that is abolished by Christ, and that we are dead to in Jesus our Head? All the Delights and Comforts of this world, are but the Appendices or Appurtenances of this life that is abolished by Christ, and Saints are not to enjoy their Happiness in the old life of the first, but in the new life of the second Adam. 7. Mot. By going out to Jesus Christ without the Camp, we defend the Gospel, strengthen the Faith, and inflame the Hearts of others with love to, and zeal for Christ; and have the comfort of our own tried and approved Graces. First, We defend and confirm the Gospel. Phil. 1.7. the Apostle speaks of his Bonds, as his defence and confirmation of the Gospel: O! What an Honour is this to be Christ's Champions, and by our Sufferings to defend and confirm the Truth of the Gospel? This is a rational Argument, and Evidence offered to the Spectators of Saints Sufferings, that surely this is truth; and these men are fully satisfied and assured that it is so, else they would not thus spend their Blood, and lay down their lives for it. Secondly, This strengthens the Faith of others, and incourages them to take up the Cross; and daunts the Hearts of Adversaries. Hereby the Faith of the Saints is fortified, Phil. 2.17. Paul speaks of his being offered upon the Sacrifice and Service of the Phillipians Faith, 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉, That is, If my Blood be poured out as a Drink-Offering to shadow the Sacrifice of your Faith. He alludes to the Drink-Offerings of Wine, that were of Old added to Sacrifices, according to the Law of Moses, Levit. 23.13, 18. The Sacrifice and Service of the Saints Faith, would be much advantaged by Paul's Martyrdom; how would his Blood water those heavenly Truths that he had sown among them, and make them take deeper root, and fructify more abundantly. And Paul's Bonds encouraged and emboldened others without fear to publish the Gospel, while they beheld his resolution and constancy, Phil. 1.12, 13, 14. The sparks that have flown from the Flames of Suffering and Martyred Saints, have taken hold of the hearts of Spectators, and have fired them with love to Christ, and Zeal for his Glory. Justin Martyr professes, that he was much influenced and wrought upon, by the courage and joy of suffering and dying Christians. And hereby often the Hearts of Enemies are quailed and discouraged from proceeding in their Cruelty. Austin tells, that when Julian the Apostate commanded the Christians at Antioch to remove the Body of Babylas, they fell a singing the 114th Psalm; at which the Emperor being enraged, he commanded Salustius his Captain to apprehend some of them: Who accordingly took several Christians; and among them one Theodorus, a Young man, whom he caused to be Tormented for several Hours, yet he still continued singing the 114th Psalm: At which Salustius was so dismayed, that he caused the Tormentors to cease; and went to the Emperor, and desired him that no more might be Tormented, for all the Christian Suffering did but tend to their Glory: By whom the Emperor was persuaded to torture no more of the Christians at Antioch, whom he had seized upon. And hereby Christians have the comfort of their tried and approved Graces: The Apostle salutes Apelles as one approved in Christ, Rom. 16.10. O! what a mark of Honour is it for a man in signal services and eminent sufferings to be approved as sincere in Christ? A tried Faith is a precious Faith, 1 Pet. 1.7. O! how comfortable is it for a Christian to say, This Faith hath been in the Furnace, this Love hath passed through a Fiery Trial, and hath not sailed or abated? Christ hath been evidenced to be dearer to me than all the world? 8. Mot. If we go forth to Jesus, we shall be no losers by it: A visit from Christ will make a Prison better than a Palace; He will not leave you comfortless, he will come to you, John 14.18. When you are thrust out of the world's Camp, and seem as naked men in the open field, yet then the Power of Christ shall rest upon you, and as a Tent overshadow you, as the word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉, used by the Apostle, doth import, 2 Cor. 12.9. If your sufferings do abound, your consolations by Christ shall abound much more, 2 Cor. 1.4. When all men forsake you, the Lord will stand with you and for you, 2 Tim. 4.17. Whatever you leave and forsake for Christ and the Gospel's sake, shall be recompensed to you an hundred fold, Matth. 19.28, 29. and that now in this time, as it is expressed, Mark 10.30. and that with Persecutions, as is further intimated; though the world rage, and persecute the people of God, yet these Persecutions shall not frustrate, or obstruct, the performance of the Promise. But how shall the Promise be fulfilled? I answer, In a double sense it is made good. 1. Those that forsake their Relations according to the Flesh, shall have the Favour and Friendship of a new Kindred according to the Spirit; and there is nothing like to Love in the Spirit, Col. 1.8. Love on a Spiritual account is the Purest and Noblest Flame, an Eternal Fire, that shall never be extinguished. You that leave Parents, Brethren, Sisters, Kinsmen, that are related to you in the first Adam, you shall have a new Stock of Kindred, related to you in the second Adam. Elder Christians shall express the kindness of Fathers and Mothers, and younger Saints shall manifest the love of Brethren and Sisters; and so you shall have a hundred Spiritual Kinsmen for one Natural Kinsman that you lose. Christ designs to join and link Men of several Nations in the nearest, best, and strongest Bonds; and to gather some of all Nations into one Family and household of Faith, Gal. 6.10. Ephes. 2.19. and thereby to kindle the most admirable and excellent Love among the Members of this New Family: And those that forsake House and Lands, shall have the Hearts, Houses, and Purses of their Spiritual Kindred opened to them, to receive their Persons, and supply their Necessities: and this will the more incline and sway them to extend such Kindness, because they account they exercise Hospitality to Christ, they take him in, feed and him in his Members. 2. Suffering Saints receive a hundred-fold now in the present time, as they experience the smallest Portion and Pittance of outward things that they enjoy, to be a hundred-fold better than the greater Plenty and Abundance of the Wicked, Psal. 37.16. A little that a righteous man hath, is better than the riches of many wicked. And why is it better? Surely this is that which enhances and advances the value and worth of what the Righteous have, that it flows from the Love of God as a Father; that it is cast in as an Addition to the Kingdom of God and his Righteousness, Matth. 6.33. that Godliness hath not only the promises of this Life, but of that which is to come, 1 Tim. 4.8. that as God's Firstborn, Heb. 12.23. they have the double Portion, Provision on their way, and the Eternal Inheritance at the Journeys end: God breeds, feeds, and maintains them in their Minority, and hath laid up great Portions for them in Heaven; there a Crown is laid up, 2 Tim. 4.8. an Inheritance is reserved, 1 Pet. 1.4. a Rest remains for them, Heb. 4.9. While their Bodies feed on God's Creatures, their Souls may delight in, and feast on their Father's Love; accounting, that he gives bread to them that fear him, he will ever be mindful of his Covenant, Psal. 111.5. that he spreads their Table, fills their Cup, Psal. 23.5. anoints their heads and hearts with Oil of Joy; as Ointment was poured on great and noble Guests, when they were entertained at a Feast, Cant. 1.12. Mat. 26.7. They take all as coming immediately from God, Gen. 48.15. The God that fed me all my life long. He looks beyond Joseph, Egypt, and all Creatures; he ascends to God: as the Priests had the Lord for their Portion, he provided and gave maintenance to them; the Altar was as it were their Field, from whence they had Bread and Flesh, Mal. 1.22. therefore what was brought to, and laid on it, is called the Fruits of it, as if it grew there for the Priests, that had their Portion of the Sacrifices, and are therefore said to live upon holy things, and partake with the Altar, 1 Cor. 9.13. Even so God is the Portion of his People, even in Temporal as well as Spiritual respects, Psal. 16.5. The Lord is the portion of my inheritance, and of my cup. Their very outward Enjoyments are as Shewbread, or Face-bread, as it is in the Original, Exod. 25.30. They receive them as those Loaves of Shewbread from the Face of God; they see his Face and Love in them, and therefore may call them Peniel, Gen. 32.30. They take their daily Provision as a Dish sent from their Father's Table; as Joseph is said to send Messes from before him to his Brethren, Gen. 43. last. Their Food is seasoned with the sense of their Father's Love, and with the hope of his Kingdom and Glory; and so their Sawee is better than their Meat. Besides, after this Hundred-fold in the present time, they are to inherit Everlasting Life. Christ saith, He that loseth his life shall find it; but he that finds it, shall lose it, Mat. 10.39. David said, Died Abner as a fool? 2 Sam. 3.33. So I may say, Do Saints die as Fools? Do they lavish out their Blood, and rashly squander away their Lives? Surely no; they well understand themselves, and know what they do; if they lose their Lives for Christ, they shall find a better Life for their very Bodies. They lay down the vile common Plebeian Life of the first Adam; but they shall at the Resurrection receive and take up the Honourable, Royal, and Glorious Life of the second Adam, Phil. 3.21. He shall fashion our vile Bodies like his glorious Body. If we be faithful to the death, we shall receive from Christ the Crown of Life, Rev. 2.10. Mark that Expression, [The Crown of Life.] This very Life is a Crown; it is a Royal Life. Rom. 5.17. it is said, That they that receive an abundance of grace, and of the gift of righteousness, shall reign in life, So that Saints lose a base and common Life, and are recompensed with a Kingly Life. All Vails shall be taken off, all Clouds shall be scattered, all Reproaches shall be wiped away from the Saints; the righteous shall shine out in the kingdom of their father, Matth. 13.43. * 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉, as the Sun, that disperses all Clouds. But those that resolve to save their lives shall lose them. This is certain, that by a fond and sinful sparing of their Lives here, they shall cut themselves off from all the Glory and Blessedness that Saints shall enjoy in their Souls and Bodies: Hereafter they shall only Be, to be Miserable; and be continued, to endure the Blows of an Almighty Arm, to drink the Wine of the Wrath of an Eternal God; and this is but a Husk and Carcase of Being, Isa. 66. last, to be preserved to be Fuel of Everlasting Flames: This State of the Wicked therefore is not called Life, but the second Death; yea, sometimes in this Life Apostates meet with remarkable and infamous punishment, and quickly lose that Life that sinfully they preserved. He in Queen Mary's days, that said, See Foxes Acts & Monuments. he could not burn for the Gospel, (of which in King Edward's Days he had been a forward Professor) was himself, and all his House and Family, burnt in the Night, by a Fire that risen suddenly: And the Priest that denied the Truth in France to save his Life, and was discharged out of Prison, as he was going home met with two Men that had a quarrel with him for merly, who fell upon him, and killed him. See Clarke 's History of the French Martyrs. Secondly, I shall now lay down some Directions how you may attain such a frame of Spirit as will incline you readily and freely to go forth without the Camp to Jesus. Direction 1. Endeavour to get a clear sight of the Shortness of Life, and the Vanity of all the Things of this World. Surely every man walks in a vain show, Psal. 39.6. What is this vain show? I answer, It is the Natural Life, and the earnest and restless Endeavours of Men about it, and for it. This Life is but a vain show of Life, as a Shadow that hath the shape of Man's Body, but yet is but a vain show of a Body, or a Picture that hath the resemblance of a Man, of his Head, Face, Body, Hands, and Feet; but come to handle it, there is nothing but Canvas and Colours; there is only a vain show of a Man, and of his Members, but no Flesh, Bones, or Life. So this present Life is but a Shadow, a vain show of that true and real Life that flows from Jesus Christ, and is to be enjoyed for ever with him. And all the Labours and Toil of Men, to provide for and maintain this Life, is but a vain show of Business: Men seem to do something, but indeed do nothing to purpose, as long as they neglect their Souls: It is a busy Idleness, a laborious doing of nothing; just like Children that make Pies, build Houses, dress Babies, and talk over every piece of their Work, as if it were some very serious weighty thing; and all is but a piece of childish Folly and Vanity. When God awakes to judge the World, how will he himself despise, and render most ridiculous and contemptible to others, this Image of worldly men? Psal. 73.20. How will he deride their Folly, that forget their Souls, cast God and his Word behind their backs, banish the Thoughts of Eternity out of their Minds, and satisfy themselves with such a vile Life, and such a vain Image of Happiness? And the Psalmist, in this 39 Psalms, ver. 6. saith, That a worldly Man heaps up Riches, and knows not who shall gather them. He seems to allude to the Custom of some Countries, where the Corn is heaped up, and set Artificially in the Field, so as to preserve it from Wether, till all their Harvest is cut, and then they gather it all into the Barn: and in this Expression he shows the shortness and uncertainty of Life; when one Man hath ploughed, sowed, reaped, heaped up in the Field, and is near the enjoyment of the Fruit of his Labours, his Soul is suddenly required, his Life vanisheth, and another gathers into the Barn, and enjoys what he had toiled for. The Holy Ghost calls it but the fashion of this world, 1 Cor. 7.31. The fashion of this world passeth away. Some conceive it is an Allusion to a Comedy, in which one acts the part of a Buyer, another of a Lover that woos and marries, and another of a Mourner; but all this is a vain show, it is but a personating Men and their Actions; there is nothing of this that is True and Real, but all is Fiction and Imagery. The Affections of the Actors do not answer to their Actions: So saith the Apostle, 1 Cor. 7.29, 30. They that have Wives, should be as if they had none; those that buy, as if they possessed not; those that weep, as if they wept not; and they that rejoice, as if they rejoiced not. And why should Christians be so much unconcerned about the Things of this Life? The Apostle renders the Reason in ver. 31. For the fashion of this world passeth away. All is but a Comedy, a vain show; and therefore persons should not earnestly let out their Thoughts, or lay out their Affections on the things of this World. Man is said to fly away as a shadow, Job 14.2. and Riches are said to fly away as an eagle towards heaven, Prov. 23.5. And both Expressions do set forth the Vanity of Life and Worldly Enjoyments. Direction 2. Endeavour to see and seriously to believe the misery of all those that have their portion in this life, Psal. 17.14. David desired to be delivered from those that were men of this world, and had their All here; he dreads to have his Lot among such, he would not eat of their dainties, Psal. 141.4. Their Bellies were indeed full of the choicest, rarest, and best Dainties of the Creature (which the Psalmist calls God's hid treasure, because those things are not common, ordinary, or every where to be found) but here is no mention of any Food or Furniture for their Souls. The King's Daughter is all glorious within, Psal. 45.13. and David speaks of the joy that God put into his heart by the light of his countenance, Psal. 4, 6, 7. It is spoken of as a grievous sin to mind earthly things, Phil. 3.19. and it is threatened as a sore punishment for Men to have their names written in the earth, Jer. 17.13. They that are written in the Earth, how soon may their Names be blotted out, and their Happiness destroyed? But it is a matter of highest comfort and joy to have our Names written in Heaven, Luke 10.20. Rejoice in this, that your Names are written in Heaven. The Wind, or the Foot of the next Traveller, may blot out a Name written in Dust; but who can or shall ascend and blot out a Name written in Heaven? How are Men debased that set their Hearts on things below? How disgraceful is it, to be called only Men of this World, Men of this Earth, Children of this World, stooping and bowed down wholly to these present and perishing things? Psal. 17.14. Psal. 10.18. Luke 16.8. And how woeful is their State that receive their Reward, their Consolation, their Good things here? Matth. 6.2. Luke 6.24. Luke 16.25. But when Death comes, their Candle is quite put out; they have no happy Reward after Death! they shall never see the Light, Prov. 24.20. Psal. 49.19. They shall inherit nothing but Beggary and Poverty, Torments and Misery, in another World. This World is the Bastard's Portion, but Heaven is the children's Inheritance. As Satan with the Fruit of a Tree deprived our first Parents of the earthly, so Satan with the Trifles of this World cheats earthly Men, and bereaves them of the Heavenly Paradise. As the Israelites in Egypt laboured only for present Meat and Drink, they had no Wages from the Egyptians; so Worldly Men toil only for present Provisions and Enjoyments, they shall have no reward, Prov. 24.20. As Ishmael was turned out of Abraham's House with a few Loaves of Bread and Bottle of Water, and was not to be Heir with Isaac, Gen. 21.10, 14. even so the Men of this World shall be thrust and excluded out of God's House, and be put off only with present and temporal things; but shall not be Heirs with the Saints in Light. And shall we stay with such in the Camp? Is it not better to suffer from them, than to be condemned and perish for ever with them? 1 Cor. 11.32. Though the wicked spring as the grass, and all the workers of iniquity do flourish here, yet they shall be destroyed for ever, Psal. 92.7. Direction 3. We must overcome and be Crucified to the World, Gal. 6.14. The World is Crucified to me, and I am Crucified to it, (saith Paul). If the world be as a dead Carcase to us, and we are as dead Carcases to it; it will be no hard thing to separate and part two such dead Carcases, they cannot cling to, and embrace each other: If the world be Crucified to us, that is be laid low in our esteem and judgements; then we shall be Crucified to it, that is our affections will die to it: He that is Born of God overcometh the World, 1 John 5.4, 5. If men be not born of God, have not a higher Nature, and better life than others, there will be neither Spiritual Soldiers, or Weapons to fight against, and overcome the World: The new Nature inclines men towards, and raises them up to higher Riches, Honours, and Pleasures, than those that are the Objects of Sense. Worldly lusts come to be starved, by the Souls sight of, and longing after heavenly enjoyments: And the more these are prized, and pursued, the more a Christian is weaned from all things below: And keeps a Spiritual Fast, something like Christ's Fast in the Wilderness, who for Forty days did not only abstain from eating, but did not hunger after Food, Matt. 4.2. For it was at the end of Forty days that he was an hungry. So this is that Excellent Fast that we should aspire to; not to esteem, hunger, or lust after the things of this World: Grace teaches to deny worldly lusts, Tit. 2.12, 13. As Pilgrims and Strangers we are to abstain from Fleshly lusts, 1 Pet. 2.11. If the world live in our Hearts, if our Affections cleave to it, it will be a mere force, an Act of Violence to tear us from what we embrace and delight in as our Happiness: Thus it was with the Israelites; they came out of Egypt, as to bodily separation from it, but they brought Egypt out in their Hearts; they had Pleasant and Delightful thoughts of Egypt; with Complacency they call to mind the fleshpots of Egypt, and the fullness of Bread they had there, Exod. 16.3. And in the 11. of Numb. the 5. Verse. We remember the Fish which we did eat in Egypt freely; the Cucumbers, the Melons, the Leeks, the Onions, and the Garlic: There they accounted they had their Varieties, Fish and Flesh; several sorts of Salads and Fruits; but now they reckoned they were at short Commons, and confined to one Dish, ver. 6. There is nothing but this Manna before our Eyes: And their Soul was dried away with it. And Numb. 16.13. Some of them chid with Moses, and challenge him for bringing them up out of Egypt, which they call, a Land flowing with Milk and Honey: O! how excellent, pleasant a Land is Egypt in their Eye! The Epithets God gave to Canaan, they transfer and apply to Egypt, as if the Country they were called from, did better deserve this Name than the Land that they were called to: And they seemed so far to be transported with the love of Egypt, and to repent of their leaving of it, that they stirred up one another to make a Captain, and to return thither again: And Stephen asserts, that they returned to Egypt again in their Hearts, Acts 7.39. Thus too many pretend a separation from the World, yet the World is still in their Hearts: And while it is thus, they will never go forth without the Camp to Jesus. But Christians should strive to imitate Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob: The Scripture saith, that if they had been mindful of the Country from whence they came out; they might have had opportunity to have returned, Heb. 11.15. Hereby the Divine Penman sufficiently intimates, that they were not mindful of Vr of the Chaldees, the Country from whence Abraham came. They did not confess themselves Pilgrims and Strangers, because drawn from Vr; but because they were yet on Earth, and not arrived in Heaven: They were quite weaned from, and dead to Vr, and all other Countries on Earth. Thus the world should be rooted and banished out of our Minds and Hearts. Christ hath chosen his people out of the World, John 15.19. and therefore they should not remember or be enticed by it, but leave this Camp, and go forth to Jesus. 4. Direct. Labour to get a clear sight and deep sense of the love of Christ to perishing Sinners; and particularly to your own Souls. How wonderful is it that He that made all things should be made Flesh, 1 John 1.2.14. that the Creator should become a Creature: That the Fountain and Ocean of Being should take a Humane Nature; and so become a drop of Being. A Diamond or Ruby is debased when set in Iron or Lead; what a wonderful condescension is it then, that the Divine Nature should be joined with a Humane Nature in the Person of the Son? How did he that was in the Form of God, and thought it no Robbery to be equal with God; empty and humble himself, by becoming man. They are very Excellent and Emphatical Words that the Apostle uses, Phil. 2.6, 7, 8. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉, he emptied himself of all Majesty, State, and Divine Glory in the Eye of Man, which the Apostle admirably expresses thus, He was found in Fashion like a Man: That is, he looked but like an ordinary and common Man, as if there were nothing extraordinary or supernatural in him, as if he were no more than a Man. Thus he vailed his Eternity, Omnipotency, Immensity, and infinite Wisdom; by becoming an Infant of Days, a Weak Child, confined to a Manger or a Cradle, and not able for the present to speak and express the inward Sentiments of his Soul: The Ancient of Days, yea he that was Ancienter than Days; whose go forth were from Everlasting, came forth of Bethlem but yesterday! Mic. 5.2. All Temporal Benefits are compared by Parisiensis to sparks of Fire: But when Jesus Christ came into the World, this he saith was a Mountain of Fire cast into the Earth: How should the Hearts of the Sons of Men be inflamed by this wonderful and astonishing kindness of God, in sending his Son? And Christ did not stop here, but he stooped yet lower, when he was he found in fashion of an ordinary common Man; he humbled himself to death; and that not an ordinary or common one, but to the death of the Cross: A death that Servants, Thiefs, and the worst of Malefactors were adjudged to: A painful, lingering, and most shameful death it was; and this he did undergo that Sinners might not Perish Everlastingly: He that was the Judge, and might have destroyed Offenders; O! that he should stand and suffer as an Offender! He that might have Executed Vengeance on us, did endure it for us: He (to whose Justice we might have been offered up as whole burnt-Offerings in Everlasting Flames) became a Sacrifice himself. Needed the Father or the Son to have valued the loss and ruin of a world of Sinners? What are all Nations to God, but as the drop of a Bucket, and as the small Dust that cleaves to the Balance, Is. 40.15. And who values the loss of a drop of Water, or of a mote of Dust? And as unconcerned might God have been at the loss of the whole World; but the Bowels of the Son of God yearned towards a perishing World; and rather than the Sheep should go to the Slaughter, the Shepherd offers himself to be their Ransom and Exchange. And how resolved was Jesus Christ to perfect this work, Is. 50.6, 7. He gave his Back to the Smiters, his Cheeks to those that plucked off the Hair: He hide not his Face from Shame and Spitting; he set his Face as a Flint. This expression may be illustrated and commented on by the words of Luke, Luke 9.51. In Isaiah we have the Prophecy, in Luke the History of Christ. He steadfastly set his Face to go up to Jerusalem, (saith Luke.) He set his Face as a Flint, (saith Isaiah.) Christ was resolved to go through the Storm; he knew what a dreadful Tempest did abide him at Jerusalem; yet he would not recoil, draw back, or turn his Face from it. He was as steadfast, as resolved, as if his Face had been a Flint, and without sense or feeling of Pain and anguish, of Blows and Wounds: Again it is said, he poured out his Soul to the death, Is. 53.12. How much love is employed and imported in this Expression, That Christ had as low and vile thoughts of his Life, and was as freely and willingly ready to part with it, as if he had but poured out so much Water on the ground. O! how bounteous and large Hearted was Christ, that he did not spare his very Blood! Love made him yet wisely and holily prodigal of his Life, he poured out his Soul to the death. Christ's Adversaries upbraided him thus, Matth. 27.42. He saved others, but himself he cannot save. These very Words of Christ's Enemies signify and set out to us the wonderful Love and excellent Self-denial of Jesus Christ. He wrought Miracles to heal the Diseases of some, and he raised up others from the Dead; some he kept from presently falling into the Hands, others he rescued from the Jaws and Power of Death: And they thought, surely he that was so kind to others, would much more be prompted and induced by Self-love to save himself, if he could; and because he did not deliver himself, they conclude he could not. How do they exult and triumph, as if his Power were dried up and gone, his mighty Arm withered or broken; as if his Relief and Helpe were confined to others, but he could extend no Salvation to himself: And why did not Christ then save himself? Surely it was in wonderful pity and kindness to Sinners, that he would not save himself, till he had suffered and satisfied for them; and so could not only save himself, but also save them too. O, how was Christ wholly swallowed up in Love to his Father and perishing Sinners, when he prayed thus, Father, glorify thy own Name! John 12.27, 28. As if he should say, Father, whatever become of me, whatever I suffer and endure, glorify thy own Name, glorify thy Justice in punishing Sin, and so make way to glorify thy Mercy. in pardoning Sinners. Meditate of these great Truths of the Gospel; use them as a Spiritual Burning-glass, till thy Heart be inflamed towards Jesus Christ. Direction 5. We must have an high Esteem and Value for Jesus Christ; and our Hearts must burn with Love towards him. 1. We must have an high Esteem of Jesus Christ, Cant. 5.10. My beloved is white and ruddy, the chiefest of ten thousands. White, as to the Purity of his Life; and Ruddy, in his Bloody Passion and Death, Psal. 45.2. Thou art fairer than the children of men, Grace is poured out into thy lips. Thy Name (saith the Church, Cant. 1.3.) is as an Ointment poured out: All his garments smell of Myrrh, Aloes, and Cassia, Psalm 45.8. We must account Christ better than our People, and our Father's House: That it is our Interest to please him, though we disgust and displease the whole World; and that it will be our advantage to cleave to him, though all men should frown on us, be embittered towards us, and enraged against us: His Love is better than Wine; and his Kindness better than Life, Cant. 1.4. Ps. 63.3. Let all the world be put into the Balance to weigh against Christ, it will be found to be lighter than Vanity; what is all we have to be esteemed in regard of Christ? We must sell all to buy the Pearl of Price, but we must not sell this Pearl to buy Peace, Liberty, or a quiet enjoyment of our Estates in the World: If we come out from Wicked Men, God and Christ will receive us, 2 Cor. 6. 2 last Verses. We should little regard the World's rejecting of us, if Christ will receive us. Should a Man be grieved if he be turned out of the Cottage of a Beggar, and received into the Palace of a King? As the King of Sodom said to Abraham, give me the Persons, and take thou the Goods to thyself: So we should say to Carnal men, take you the Goods of this world to yourselves, but leave me the Person of Christ; and I shall account my Lines are fallen to me in Pleasant Places, and I have a goodly Heritage. 2ly. Our Hearts must Burn with love towards Jesus Christ, Cant. 8.6, 7. Many Waters cannot quench love, neither can the Floods drown it: O such a divine Flame of love should be kindled in our Hearts, that if the World lets in upon, and turns over us Rivers of afflictions, Floods of sufferings, yet all may not be able to quench it: If we thus love Jesus Christ, we shall follow him. As Ruth said to Naomi, Entreat me not to leave thee, or to return from following after thee: For whither thou goest, I will go; and where thou lodgest I will lodge: thy People shall be my People, and thy God shall be my God: Ruth 1.16. So those that love Christ will say to the World, Allure me not to leave Jesus Christ, or to return from following of him, where he is, there will I be: his God shall be my God, his People shall be my People. As Peter was so in love with Christ, that he cast himself into the Sea, that he might swim and come to Christ standing on the Shoar, John 21.7. So Christians that highly prize, and dearly love him, will be willing not only to come to Christ by a Natural death (as other Disciples came to Christ by their Boat or little Ship, John 21.8.) but to be cast into a Sea of sufferings, and so come to Christ by a violent Death. As Ignatius, an ancient Father, in his Epistle to the Romans, expresses himself thus. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉. etc.— 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉. Let the Fire, the Cross, the Wild Beasts, and other Instruments of Cruelty come on me, only that I may obtain and enjoy Christ. He cared not what he suffered or endured, so that he might come to Christ: Love is said to be stronger than Death; and Jealousy is cruel as the Grave, Cant. 8.6. As Death kills the strongest, and the Grave swallows up all the bodies put into it, and turns them into Dust, so true servant love to Christ will subdue all opposition, Conquer all resistance, and is Cruel to what would tempt or draw it from Christ: So did Paul love Christ, that he desired to be dissolved, to be taken to pieces, so that his Soul might be with Christ, Phil. 1.23. 6. Direct. We must eye and frequently think upon the Examples of suffering Saints, who through Faith and Patience have inherited the promised Kingdom and inheritance. Heb. 11.36, 37, 38. there is a short account of the various sufferings of several of the Lords Worthies, what losses they sustained, what tortures they endured; that they might obtain a better Resurrection, Heb. 11.35. yet the World to come, was not so much Unvailed and Revealed then, as it is now; well may the duty of self-denial, and bearing the Cross, be more explicitly required, and more often pressed in the Gospel, Matth. 16.23, 24. when the motives and encouragements to it are more clearly and abundantly revealed. We see Death foiled and abolished; a new Life obtained, and Heaven possessed by Christ as a forerunner. Yet Saints of old supported their Hearts with the hope of a glorious Resurrection, and this carried them through the greatest losses, and the most exquisite torments: and their Example is improved in Hebr. 12.1. Being compassed with such a cloud of Witnesses, let us run the Race that is set before us. There may perhaps be an allusion to the Cloud that went before, and guided the Israelites in the Wilderness, and directed them in the way to the Earthly Canaan: So we have a great Cloud of Spiritual Witnesses, that have testified God's Truth, and their own Love and Loyalty to him, with their Blood; and shall not their Examples both guide and animate us to the same Faith and Patience as they practised? Their sufferings teach us, that the way to the Heavenly Canaan lies through the Briars and Thorns of afflictions, and that through many Tribulations, we must expect to enter into the Kingdom of God. We may learn from them, that it is possible for poor frail Men to overcome all the Rage and Cruelty of the World, that the greatest Torments may be patiently endured, and that Christ can Ride Triumphant on such poor Worms as we are; and by the weakest conquer all the strength and power of the World. The same Spirit that animated and enabled them, is yet alive, to us with like Magnanimity and Resolution; the Captain of Salvation is the same; the Spiritual Weapons that we are to fight with, are the same; the promises of Spiritual supplies and supports are the same; why then should Christians now despond or despair of like success and victory? How many of the Primitive Saints did trend in their steps, despising Torments, and trampling on Death itself? Justin Martyr * In dial. cum Tryph. Jude●. applies that of Micah. 4.4. to the Christians of his time; he thus Addresses to the Enemies of the Church, saying, You behead us, burn us, and in several other ways kill us; but yet you cannot make us afraid, or destroy us: When the Devil raged in the Roman Heathen Emperor, Rev. 12.1.2, 3, 4. A great Red Dragon standing before the Church, that was as a Woman in Travel, to devour her Manchild, to destroy any Christians as soon as they were Spiritually brought forth to Christ; yet this did not hinder Men from Embracing and Professing Christianity, v. 11. but they overcame all the threaten and cruelty of the World by the Blood of the Lamb, and the word of their Testimony, and they leved not their lives unto the death. Cyprian said of old, Nos Christiani Spiritu magis viventes sumus, quam Corpore: We Christians do live rather in our Spirits than in our Bodies. They did estimate and value the life of their Better, and despise the life of their Base part. Arnobius contr. Gentes, tells the Heathen, You benefit and not hurt us by killing of us; our Souls are in our Bodies as in a dark Prison, and by Martyring of us, you do but pull down the Walls of our Prison, and let in the pure and comfortable light upon us. What a great Speech is that of Ignatius, in Epist. ad Rom: 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉. Now being bound in Christ, I learn to desire no worldly or vain thing. He intimates, he was weaned from, and dead to all things in this World. And doth not the same Spirit dwell and act in all the Saints of God? How then should we trust upon the same Spirit, for the same quickening, Courage, and Strength? Direction 7. We must look beyond this World, and above our ill Treatment and Usage here. Faith sees him that is invisible, Heb. 11.27. and causes the Soul to look at the things that are not seen, 2 Cor. 4. last. Though Christ be withdrawn from the Eye of Sense, and Heaven be behind the Veil, far removed from the Apprehensions of the Natural Man; yet Faith can pierce the Heavens, behold the Church's King there in his Glory, and see that goodly Heavenly Canaan that is afar off, Isa. 33.17. If your Eye doth not go out of the World, your Hearts will not go beyond it; and if your Eye and Hearts do not pass out of this World, you will never be willing to go without the Camp to Jesus. It is Faith that must survey that glorious City that is above, and make report of it to the Soul: It is the Belief of what is testified of it in the Scripture, that must animate the Soul to overcome all the Dangers and Difficulties that are in the way to it. You must listen to what the Word declares concerning this excellent City. Glorious things are spoken of this Heavenly Zion, the City of our God. Christ mentions it as an excellent Privilege, to have the Name of the City of his God to be written on any Man, and for him to be reputed a Citizen of the New Jerusalem, Rev. 3.12. I will write upon him that overcomes the Name of the City of my God. There is no Temple, or need of the Light of the Sun or of the Moon in this City; God is All here to his People, to their Souls without Ordinances, and to their Bodies without Creatures, Rev. 21.22, 23. This is a most rich and self-sufficient City; it needs not Provisions to be brought in from without, the Tree of Life grows in it, Rev. 22.1, 2. and a River of pure Living Water issues from the Throne of God and of the Lamb. The Fruit of this Tree of Life, and this River of Living Water, will make a delicious and eternal Feast to all the Inhabitants of this Blessed City. Look for this abiding City, that hath Foundations, Heb. 11.10. Heb. 13.14. from whence all Sorrow, Pain, Misery, and Death are banished for ever, and where fullness of joy doth dwell, and rivers of spiritual pleasures do flow for evermore. All Gods Children shall be gathered into their Father's House; all his Subjects shall be taken into, and shall dwell in the King's Palace: And God's Palace is not like the Great Turk's Seraglio * Turkish Seragl at the end of Tavernier 's Travels. , which one ingeniously calls a Paradise for one, but a Prison to all others that reside in it. But this Royal Mansion of the King of Glory is not only a Paradise to Christ, but to all his Members; they enjoy the Riches, partake of the Honours, and taste the Pleasures of it: Let Faith pass within the Walls, and walk in the Streets of this heavenly Jerusalem. O! strive by a Spiritual Eye to see the true King Solomon wearing his Glittering and Glorious Crown: though men hide their Faces from him (as a Leper) trod on him as a Worm, despised and abbhored him, Is. 49.7. yet he was glorious in the Eyes of the Lord, God the Father received him into Heaven, and welcomed him thither with these Honourable Words, Sat thou on my Right Hand till I make all thy Foes to be thy Footstool, Ps. 110.1. And as Christ was treated after his Sufferings, so will he entertain his People after their Sorrows and Afflictions: How welcome will they be to him, when they come out of the Field, and arrive from off a Stormy and Raging Sea? how will he cheer and comfort them? How kindly will he speak to them? What marks of Honour will he put upon them? How will he praise their Faith, commend their Love, approve and applaud their Constancy and Loyalty to him? 1 Pet. 1.7. How honourably doth Christ speak of Antipas, Rev. 2.13. He Styles him Antipas his Faithful Martyr. So Christ will Paint out the Services and Sufferings of his People before his Father; he will acknowledge and confess their Names thus, These are they that have followed me in a Wilderness; that have walked after me in the Valley of the Shadow of Death; that have abode with me in dark hours of Temptation; that have passed through Fiery Trials, and have endured great Fights of Affliction: have taken joyfully the Spoiling of their Goods; that have rejoiced they were accounted worthy to suffer for my Namessake; that have not loved their Lives to the Death. How will such a Confession of their Names by Christ, put Eternal Honour on the Saints? O! look beyond this gloomy Valley of the Shadow of Death, to an Inheritance in Light, Col. 1.12. Look beyond this short Night of Sorrows and Sufferings, to the bright and glorious Morning of the Resurrection, Ps. 49.14. Though Saints now bow down, and are laid as the Mire of the Streets, Is. 51. last. Yet the upright shall have Dominion in the Morning, they shall tread down the Wicked, they shall be as Ashes under the soles of their Feet, Ps. 45.14. Mal. 2.3. Abigal went forth to David in his Afflicted State, 1 Sam. 25.4, 14, 40, 42. Married and followed him in a Wilderness; and afterwards did partake of his Honour and Prosperity. We read, that after saul's Death, he led her out of this Wilderness-state, into the Royal City of Hebron, 2 Sam. 2.2. Even so, if you now go out to Christ while his People are in a Wilderness, Afflicted and Persecuted in the world, Jesus Christ will make you partakers of his Honour, Felicity, and Glory: The time will come when this Spiritual King David will lead his Afflicted Spouse to his Royal City above; will place her at his Right Hand, and delight in her as his Hephzibah for ever. 8. Direct. We must be filled with the Spirit Eph. 5.18. As there is such a strong and swift Current that always runs in at the Straits Mouth, into the Mediterranean Sea, that a Ship cannot come out at the Straits Mouth, if it hath not a good stiff Gale of Wind: So truly, there is such a strong Torrent of Self-love, and Carnal Affections that runs into the Camp of this World, that a Soul can never come out to Jesus through the straits of Afflictions and Sufferings, and cross this violent Stream of sinful self-love, and worldly lusts, if the Sails of our Souls be not mightily filled with the Gales of the Spirit. The Hebrews, after they were enlightened, endured a great fight of Afflictions, Heb. 10.32. And who is it that doth enlighten, but the Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation? Eph. 1.17.18. Our sight is cleared and recovered by the Spirits Eyesalve, Rev. 3.18. so that we can see more, and further than the rest of the World: Hence Saints are called Children of Light, Luke 16.8. because they look into, and take hold of another world: As Stephen's Eye was extraordinarily fortified and improved, that he could see up into Heaven, and behold Jesus at the Right Hand of God, Acts 7.55, 56. So the Spirit doth so renew and enlighten the Eyes of Saints Minds, that they can see Invisible, Heavenly and Eternal things: And it is this sight that establishes the Heart against the threaten and terrors of the World: That which is born of the Spirit, is Spirit, John 3.6. that is, Such are Spiritual Creatures, and are also called Heavenly, 1 Cor. 15.48. If you are Spirit, you will not lust after and be captivated by Carnal things: If you are heavenly Creatures, you will not stoop and bow down to this Earth for your Happiness: It is by the Spirit that we must mortify the Deeds of the Body, and Members upon Earth, Rom. 8.13. Col. 3.5. These lusts that are fixed on, fed and filled by Objects on Earth, are tempting and drawing down Souls to a Centre and Portion here below; and it is by the Power of the Spirit only, that we can repress and subdue them: The Apostle bids Timothy to partake of the Afflictions of the Gospel, according to the Power of God, 2. Tim. 1.8. If we are to bear them ourselves, and were left to the frailty of Nature, how soon should we be foiled and overcome? But Saints, by the Spirit and its power, are enabled to deny themselves, to conquer the Flesh, and tread the world under their Feet. Christ hath promised not to leave his People comfortless, John 14.16, 18. but that he would send them the Comforter: What the Spirit shows, John 16.13.8. Rom. 16.17. Eph. 1.13. testifies, seals to the Souls of Believers, is sufficient to buoy up the Hearts of Christians against all Temporal Evils: If the Spirit could make supply instead of Christ's Bodily Presence with his people; if it could cheer them in the absence, and withdrawing of Christ's Humane Nature; can it not much more comfort us in the absence or loss of outward Enjoyments? As a Tree that hath a River at its Root, can retain its Verdure and Flourishing Sat, though there be a great Drought, and no Showers come upon it, Jer. 17.8. Ps. 5.2. So if we have the Comforter within, if we are watered by the Rivers of its Consolations, may we not be satisfied from ourselves, Prov. 14.14. though we have no Showers of worldly comforts or enjoyments? If men would stir, and labour, and thereby excite their Natural Heat, they would not absolutely need Fire in the coldest Wether to warm them. So if Christians did more stir up Faith, and walk in the Comfort of the Holy Ghost, Acts 9.31. they would little need or regard the world's consolations: If you be led by the Spirit of Christ, it will in some measure work in you, as in him; it will raise in you such apprehensions, and kindle in you such Affections as were found in Jesus. He that is joined to the Lord is one Spirit, 1 Cor. 6.17. That is, He is of the same Spirit, of the same Temper, of the same Disposition and Inclinations with Jesus Christ: As if the same Soul did animate many Bodies; these several Persons would be of the same Will, and have the same Affections: So the Spirit of Christ dwelling in his People, the same will be in them as was found in Jesus, Rom. 8.9. Phil. 2.5. O! how freely did Jesus Christ yield himself to sufferings and death? Ps. 40.7, 8. Lo, I come, I delight to do thy will, O God; yea thy Law is within my Heart. And what was the Will of God, that Jesus Christ did delight to do? We are told what this Will was, in Heb. 10.10. viz. that Jesus Christ should offer his Body once for all! How difficult and hard was this Service? yet such a Law of Love to the Father and perishing sinners was written in the Heart of Christ, that he was straitened till this Bloody Baptism was fulfilled, Luke 12.50. Though his Cup of Sufferings was so deep, so large, tempered with so many bitter Ingredients, yet he resigned himself, and said, Father, if this Cup may not pass except I drink of it, thy Will be done. Matt. 26.42. When Peter tempted him to favour, spare, and indulge himself, he sharply rebuked him, and said, Get thou behind me Satan, thou art an offence to me, Matt. 16.22, 23. How did Christ deny himself, and subject his Will to the Will of God? And when Christ was raised from the Dead, how did he despise and disdain to be tempted to stay here below by the best things of this World? Would the Riches, Honours, Pleasures, of this world then have alured the Eye, captivated or chained the Heart of Christ here below? Can such things stay or stop, detain or six him here below? Was he not exceedingly raised in his Mind and Affections, above the best things of this world? This was his Request and Prayer to the Father, Now glorify me with thy own self, with the glory that I had with thee before the Foundations of the World, John 17.5. His Mind did soar upwards; his Heart did aspire to a heavenly Kingdom and Glory. Now if this Spirit of the Lord Jesus do dwell in our Hearts, will it not fix our hearts, and fortify our resolutions to go through Fire and Water, Floods and Storms, for the Honour of God, and for the Glory of Christ? Shall we be of timorous, base, dastardly Spirits, if the blessed Spirit of Jesus do dwell in us? And shall we not slight also and contemn, turn our Eyes from, and our Backs upon all the Beauty and Excellency of this world, if the Spirit hath given us a sight of the Glory of God in the Face of Christ? Shall we not cry out to God, as the Psalmist, Ps. 73.25, 26. Whom have I in Heaven but thee? and there is none on Earth that I desire besides thee. How will such a Soul rate away and rebuke tempting Objects, and say, Get you gone, I have fatness and sweetness; I have fullness and satisfaction in my Lord Jesus; my Eyes are closed against your Beauty, my Ears are stopped against your Charms: Christ I have chosen, and I see no cause to repent of my choice; to him therefore will I cleave and stick for ever? And that you may obtain this blessed Spirit, and all Spiritual good things, as flowing from him; Bow your Knees to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ: And if Parents that are evil, do yet know how to give good gifts to their Children, much more shall our heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask him, Luke 11.13. FINIS.